Gastroprotective Effect of Selected Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals in Ethanol Induced Ulcer Model in Rats
Gastroprotective Effect of Selected Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals in Ethanol Induced Ulcer Model in Rats
Gastroprotective Effect of Selected Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals in Ethanol Induced Ulcer Model in Rats
Aim:The investigation was aimed to explore the critical role of few selected antioxidants, vitamins and minerals on gastroprotection by
using ethanol induced ulcer model in rats. Further they help to find out its safety in GI disorders when compared with other reference
standard drug, and to recommend a safe therapy in managing gastric disorders based on preclinical studies. Materials and Methods: Male
Wistar rats weighing between 200-250 g. were divided into 9 groups of 6 animals each (n=6). The groups were treated respectively as follows
Group I normal control, and Group II disease control, received normal saline, Group III was treated with standard drug omeprazole, Group
IV to IX received test substances respectively, antioxidants (Vitamin E, Cystine) vitamins (Thiamin, Niacinamide) minerals (Iron, Zinc)
administered for 7 days. Various parameters like, the volume and pH of gastric juice, total acidity, ulcer index, percentage protection,
biochemical parameters like mucin content, pepsin activity and antioxidant enzymes like, super oxide dismutase, catalase, reduced glutathione,
myeloperoxidase, and malondialdehyde were estimated. Histopathology of stomach epithelium was observed. Results: Significant reduction
(p<0.05) in ulcer index, total acidity, and increase in pH were observed in ulcer induced rats pretreated with test substances. Mucin content
in all rats pretreated with test substances was increased, and pepsin activity was decreased significantly (p<0.05) when compared with
disease control treated rats. Test substances treated rats showed significant restoration i.e., increased the level of super oxide dismutase,
catalase, reduced glutathione and significantly reduced (p<0.05) the lipid peroxidation and decreased the levels of MPO and MDA.
Histopathological observations on gastric mucosa also confirmed the gastroprotective activity of test substances. Conclusions: It is
concluded that, the all test groups Vitamin E, L- Cystine, Thiamin, Niacinamide, Iron, Zinc acts as an antiulcer drugs which may be attributed
to its antisecretory, cytoprotective and antioxidant activities.
Gastric and PUD are common problems that afflict the population. In endogenous glutathione (GSH) and sulfhydryl groups (NPSH), but
India, many people suffer from gastric disorders ranging from gastritis excessive generation of ROS enhance lipid peroxidation and depletes
to ulcerations. Chronic alcohol consumption, smoking, stress, usage these antioxidants enzymes[5-7]. Ethanol is known as a cause of gastric
of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and H. pylori infection[1,2] damage by altering protective factors, including decreasing mucus
have been shown as the causes of gastric ulcer characterized by production and blood circulation within the mucosa[8]. In addition,
inflammation and mucosal bleeding in long-term untreated patients. the gastric damage caused by ethanol may be due to the generation
Excess acid secretion and reduced biosynthesis of prostaglandin E2 of reactive species, decreased cell proliferation, and an exacerbated
are important in gastric ulcer formation[3]. It has been suggested that inflammatory response[9-11]. The damaging effects of ethanol have
reactive oxygen species (ROS), primarily super-oxide anions, hydroxyl been exploited in developing the ethanol model of peptic ulcers. The
radicals, and lipid peroxides, are the harmful species known to cause model is independent of gastric acid secretion and resembles acute
the gastric ulcer development[4]. To scavenge ROS, gastric cell have peptic ulcers in humans. As a model, ethanol induced ulcer model is
several enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants including catalase useful for studying the efficacy of potential drugs or testing agents
(CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), that have cytoprotective and/or antioxidant activities[12].
1 Normal control 0.2 ml/ rat 4.51 ±0.08 3.25±0.10 89.10 ±1.29 0 NA
2 Disease control 0.2 ml/ rat 3.12±0.1 1* 3.11±0.18 124 .41±3.81* 1 NA
3 Omeprazole treated 20 mg/kg 6.34±0.03 # 3.28±0.13 58.99±0.95 # 0.3±0.06 # 70 ±6.83
4 Vit. E treated 45 mg/kg 4.25±0.10 3.21±0.09 96.18±3.55 # 0.83±0.06 16.66 ±6.08
5 Cystein treated 1.05 mg/kg 4.33±0.09 3.28±0.13 100.85 ±4.38 0.80±0.09 19.44 ±9.04
6 Niacinamide treated 1.4 mg/kg 4.35±0.07 3.18±0.09 98.91±3.40 # 0.69±0.12 30.55±12.48
7 Vit. B1 treated 54 mg/kg 5.07±0.20 # 3.11±0.06 81.97±5.55 # 0.55±0.09 # 44.44 ±9.29
8 Zinc treated 1 mg/kg 4.28±0.12 3.2±0.13 99.63±3.99 # 0.83±0.04 16.66 ±4.30
9 Iron treated 1 mg/kg 5.06±0.07 # 3.43±0.14 82.95±1.63 # 0.38±0.18 # 61.11±18.08
Data was expressed as mean ± S.E.M. (n= 6) by one way ANOVA followed by Tuckey’s test.
* indicates significant difference in data as compared to normal control group (p<0.05)
# indicates significant difference in data as compared to disease control group (p<0.05)
control rats. Vitamin E, Vitamin B1 and Iron treated rat’s shows less mucosal ulceration has been reported30.In the present study, the
total acidity than Cystine, Niacinamide and Zinc treated rats increased pepsin activity with decrease in mucin secretion in the
respectively (Table 1). disease treated rats indicated altered hydrophobicity and reduced
protective ability of the mucosal membrane against hemorrhagic
Ulcer index of disease control (ethanol treated) rats is 1 which is erosions, thus resulting in tissue damage. Besides antioxidant action
lower in standard drug (Omeprazole) treated rats 0.3±0.06 which were that protects the mucus layer and arrest ulcer progression, drugs
nearly significant in Iron treated rats 0.38±0.18 vitamin treated groups that increase the synthesis and secretion of gastric mucus showed
shows significant ulcer index than mineral & antioxidant treated gastric ulcer healing.
groups (Table 1).
Accordingly, it was found that mucin content in all rats pretreated
70 % Protection was observed in standard drug (omeprazole) treated with test groups were increased and pepsin activity were decreased
rats, which were nearly significant in Iron treated rats 61.11, Vitamin significantly (p<0.05) when compared with disease control treated
B1 shows 44.44 % protection which is higher than Vitamin E, Cystine, rats. This suggests that gastroprotective effect and role of enhancing
Niacinamide and Zinc treated rats respectively (Table 1). Therefore, mucosal resistance to acid and inhibition of pepsin activity may be
in case of acid secretory parameters test substances reproducible sufficient to heal the ulcers. In case of Biochemical parameters (Mucin
results where Cystine, Vitamin B1 and Iron treated rats showed and pepsin levels) test substances Vitamin E, Niacinamide and Iron
significant results than Vitamin E, Niacinamide and Zinc treated rats treated rat’s shows significant results than Cystine, Vitamin B1 and
respectively (Table 1). Zinc treated rats respectively (Table 2).
Table: 2 Effect of test substance on biochemical parameters in
The importance of mucus secretion as a response to gastric mucosal ethanol induced ulcer in rats.
trauma has long been recognized. Mucosal barriers are the most
Gr oup Treatment Mucin (µg alcin blue/g Pepsin (μmoles
significant factors for gastric protection. Mucus also protects the No of glandular tissue Tyrosine / ml)
mucosa and sub-mucosa from inflammatory reaction, and higher the
1 Normal control 638.58±10.07 11.07 ±1.04
mucin content lower is the free acidity. In the stomach, the integrity 2 Disease control 417.30±12.65* 23 .65±0.9 4*
of the mucus layer is continuously being challenged by the corrosive 3 Omeprazole treated 553.27±8.42 # 7.42±0.10#
action of acid and pepsin, and often by bile salts present in the 4 Vit. E treated 492.40±18.56 # 20.85 ±0.87
5 Cystein treated 470.68±6.10 # 20.65 ±2.11
refluxed duodenal contents[18]. 6 Niacinamide treated 473.56±11.32 # 19.31 ±1.61
7 Vit. B1 treated 465.23±15.86 # 20.96 ±2.61
8 Zinc treated 488.28±22.78 # 18.55±0.56#
Recent evidence has shown that pepsin may have a role in the etiology 9 Iron treated 507.32±13.81 # 15.35±1.27#
of gastric ulceration and cancer[29]. This suggests that inhibitors of
acid secretion may prevent ulceration not only by the removal of Data was expressed as mean ± S.E.M. (n= 6) by one way ANOVA followed
acid, but also by inactivation of pepsin following the subsequent by Tuckey’s test.
* indicates significant difference in data as compared to normal control
rise in gastric pH. Therefore, acid secretion may not have to be group (p<0.05)
suppressed to prevent the development of gastric ulcers, since the # indicates significant difference in data as compared to disease control
inhibition of pepsin activity alone may be sufficient to heal the ulcers, group (p<0.05)
and the side effects of suppressing acid secretion can be avoided. Ethanol decreases the CAT, GSH and SOD levels resulting in an
Proteolytic activity of pepsin as the primary aggressor in gastric accumulation of free radicals causing deleterious effects in the
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.11 Issue 3 March 2017 201-209
Shah Darshan Vinod / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2017,11(3),201-209
Table: 3. Effect of test substance on antioxidant enzyme levels in ethanol induced ulcer in rats.
Gr oup Tre atme nt SO D (U/ml) C a t al a s e MDA M ye lo pe r o xidase G S H
No (U/ml) (nM/ml) (U/g tissue) (nM GSH
o x idiz e d/m in/m l)
SOD- superoxide dismutase; CAT- catalase; MDA- malonaldehyde; GSH- reduced glutathione
Data was expressed as mean ± S.E.M. (n= 6) by one way ANOVA followed by Tuckey’s test.
* indicates significant difference in data as compared to normal control group (p<0.05)
# indicates significant difference in data as compared to disease control group (p<0.05)
integrity and function of the membrane. Absolute ethanol promoted Superoxide dismutase (SOD) plays an important role in providing
the depletion of the non-protein sulfhydryl groups and the decrease gastroprotection partially by preventing oxidative damage. CAT is a
of the CAT activity in the gastric mucosa. The release of superoxide highly reactive enzyme that reacts with H2O2 to form water and
anion and hydroperoxy free radicals during metabolism of ethanol as molecular oxygen30. Gastric wall has high concentration of GSH that
oxygen derived free radicals has been found to be involved in the provides protection against oxidative damage induced by necrotizing
mechanism of acute and chronic ulceration in the gastric mucosa[31]. agents, such as ethanol, acetic acid, carcinogens and NSAIDs as
Fig: 2. Histopathology of Stomach of Ethanol induced ulcer.
a) b) c)
d) e) f)
g) h) i)
a) Normal control, b) Disease control, c) Standard drug (Omeprazole) treated, d) Cysteine treated, e) Iron treated , f) Niacinamide treated, g) Vitamin E treated, h) Vitamin
B1 treated, i) Zinc treated.
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.11 Issue 3 March 2017 201-209
Shah Darshan Vinod / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2017,11(3),201-209
well as by ischemia reperfusion. The depletion of GSH in gastric to its antisecretory and antioxidant activities. The ulcer preventing
tissue is associated with the increased risk of gastric injury32. GSH action of the test substances might probably by restoring the gastric
and related enzymes in tissues particularly glutathione peroxidase mucin content, depleting pepsin content and by reducing lipid
have been proposed as potential chemopreventive agents due to peroxidation & oxidative damage. The effect of antioxidants, vitamins
their antioxidant and detoxification properties[33]. and minerals are effective in treating peptic ulcer disease when
compared to standard omeprazole. Cystine, Vitamin B1 and Iron is
MPO activity is closely associated with neutrophil dependent more significant than Vitamin E, Niacinamide and Zinc respectively.
inflammatory response in experimental ulcer. MPO and other tissue Antioxidants, Minerals and Vitamins are widely used as ingredients
damaging substances are released from the cells to gastric lumen in dietary supplements and prevent various diseases. Therefore, it
during ulcerogenesis. MPO mediates LPO and increased MPO helps in reducing toxicities and providing safe therapy, helps in
activity has been reported in diclofenac sodium induced ulcer[34]. In smooth management of disease as well in repairing & rejuvenating
all the ulcer models investigated the MPO activity was found to be the cells.
increased concomitantly with the gastric lesion.Malondialdehyde is
the end product of lipid peroxidation and is a measure of lipid It is a viable project and results can be immediately applied to
peroxidation level. Lipid peroxidation is an important reason for cell therapeutic management because antioxidants, minerals and vitamins
membrane damage. are already used in clinical practice.
Rats treated with disease control group shows decrease in the levels ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
of SOD, CAT and GSH and increase the levels of MPO and MDA The authors gratefully acknowledge the encouragement of
when compared with normal control treated rats. However test Management, Principal and Saff of HSBPVT’s GOI College of
substances treated rats showed significant restoration i.e., increased Pharmacy, Kashti, Pune University, Maharashtra, India.
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