IFRS in Ethiopia
IFRS in Ethiopia
IFRS in Ethiopia
Shareholders Customers
Investment analysts Regulators
Creditors Government agencies
Suppliers Rating agencies
Employees Public at large
Changes in economic resources
Variability of performance (trends)
Presented in the income statement
Understandability Relevance
Reliability ► Materiality
► Faithful representation Comparability
► Substance over form
► Neutrality Constraints:
► Prudence ► Timeliness
► Completeness ► Balance between benefit
and cost
► Historical cost
► Current cost
► Realisable (settlement) value
► Present value
General rule:
If the previous financial statements contained an explicit and
unreserved Statement of Compliance with IFRS, then the
entity can never be considered a first-time adopter.
The opening IFRS balance sheet must comply with each IFRS effective
at the reporting date for the first IFRS financial statements.