6-Month Study Planner 2019 CPA Exam

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Roger CPA Review

6 Month Study Plan - Focused Review

Finish all 4 CPA Exam Sections in two testing windows!

How to “plan” with the 6 month planner:

• We suggest you begin studying at the start of a month with a blackout period (March, June, September, December).
• Because each month of the year varies in length, make sure to begin your study process on a day that will accommodate all desired test dates.
• Schedule your exams in advance in order to ensure you’ll be able to test on desired days.
• If you miss a day, make it up! Veering too far off of the schedule could keep you from reaching your exam goal.

How to study with the 6 month planner:

• The course includes approximately 125 hours of lecture, with associated text and practice questions broken down by chapter.
• Expect to set aside approximately 3-4 hours of time for each study session.
• Keep in mind, everyone studies at their own pace and you may need more or less time to go through each section.
• Use the checkboxes to show completion and keep track of your progress (best viewed at 100% Zoom).

Roger CPA Review suggests this study methodology:

• Plan: Use this planner and stay on track. Make up any missed days.
• Learn: Watch the topic lectures, watch the class question lectures, and read the book.
• Practice: Use SmartQuizzes in our SmartPath Predictive Technology to hone in on topics you need to learn or practice.
Be sure to hit the target SmartPath score and number of questions in each section. By doing so, you will stay on the path set by successful
Roger students who have passed the exam.
• Review: Return to any areas where you fell short of the SmartPath target score and target number of questions. Take a full-length practice
exam in the CPA Exam Simulator.
• Do a final prep before Exam Day; make sure you’ve reached all SmartPath targets and review any areas you have noted or bookmarked.

Get Ready for a Challenge!

This program is especially designed for CPA Candidates that are willing to submit their lives to the CPA Exam
for the next six months. This is a very achievable goal if you put the required time into your studies!

6-Month Study Planner
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Course Introduction Conceptual Framework (part Financial Statements & Financial Statements &
✘ 0.01 2) Revenue Recognition (part 1) Revenue Recognition (part 2)
FAR Introduction FAR 1.07-1.10 videos, text FAR 2.01-2.04 videos, text FAR 2.05-2.10 videos, text
FAR 0.02 -Class Questions: 1.09 -Class Questions: 2.02 -Class Questions: 2.10
Conceptual Framework -SmartQuizzes for Section 1 -SmartQuizzes for Section 2
(part 1)
FAR 1.01-1.06 videos, text
Week 1

-Class Questions: 1.02

-Class Questions: 1.06

Begin thethe plan atplan
6 month the2beginning of atomonth
weeks prior with
a month a Blackout
with period.
a Blackout period.
Foreign Operations Inventory (part 1) Inventory (part 2)
FAR 6.01-6.07 video, text FAR 7.01-7.06 videos, text FAR 7.07-7.12 video, text
-Class Questions: 6.06 -Class Questions: 7.03 -Class Questions: 7.08
-SmartQuizzes in Section 6 -Class Questions: 7.05 -Class Questions: 7.10
-Class Questions: 7.11
-Class Questions: 7.12
-SmartQuizzes in Section 7
Week 2
Month 1
6-Month Study Planner
Month 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Intangibles Receivables Bonds & PV Tables (part 1)
FAR 9.01-9.06 videos, text FAR 10.01-10.06 videos, text FAR 11.01-11.07 videos, text
-Class Questions: 9.04 -Class Questions: 10.04 -Class Questions: 11.05
-Class Questions: 9.06 -Class Questions: 10.06 -Class Questions: 11.07
-SmartQuizzes in Section 9
-SmartQuizzes in Section 10
Week 3

Liabilities Pensions & Postemployment Stockholders' Equity

FAR 13.01-13.08 videos, text Benefits FAR 15.01-15.09 videos, text
-Class Questions: 13.05 FAR 14.01-14.08 videos, text -Class Questions: 15.06
-Class Questions: 13.07 -Class Questions: 14.05 -Class Questions: 15.07
-Class Questions: 13.08 -Class Questions: 14.06 -Class Questions: 15.09
-SmartQuizzes in Section 13 -Class Questions: 14.08 -SmartQuizzes in Section 15
-SmartQuizzes in Section 14
Week 4
6-Month Study Planner
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Reporting the Results of Accounting Changes & Error Accounting for Income Taxes
Operations Corrections FAR 19.01-19.10 videos, text
FAR 17.01-17.08 videos, text FAR 18.01-18.07 videos, text -Class Qs: 19.05, 19.07, 19.08,
-Class Questions: 17.04, 17.06, -Class Questions: 18.04, 18.05, 19.10
17.08 18.07 -SmartQuizzes in Section 19
-SmartQuizzes in Section 17 -SmartQuizzes in Section 18
Week 5

Statement of Cash Flows Fin Statement Analysis Governmental Accounting

FAR 25.01-25.09 videos, text FAR 26.01-26.02 video, text (part 1)
-Class Questions: 25.02 Inflation Accounting FAR 29.01-29.07 videos, text
-Class Questions: 25.05 FAR 27.01-27.02 video, text -Class Questions: 29.07
-Class Questions: 25.07 Partnerships
-Class Questions: 25.09 FAR 28.01-28.03 video, text
-SmartQuizzes in Section 25 -SmartQuizzes in Sections 26, 27,
Week 6

Month 2
6-Month Study Planner
Month 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Nonprofit Accounting Business Combinations & Business Combinations &
FAR 30.01-30.08 video, text Consolidations (part 1) Consolidations (part 2)
-Class Questions: 30.07, 30.08 FAR 31.01-31.07 videos, text FAR 31.08-31.12 videos, text
-SmartQuizzes in Section 30 -Class Questions: 31.05 -Class Questions: 31.09
-Class Questions: 31.10
-Class Questions: 31.12
-SmartQuizzes in Section 31
Week 7

Take the FAR Exam!

One exam down, three
more to go!

Take some time to just re

Week 8
6-Month Study Planner
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Coures Introduction Individual Taxation (part 2) Individual Taxation (part 3)
REG 0.01 REG 1.07-1.14 videos, text REG 1.15-1.19 videos, text
REG Introduction -Class Questions: 1.09 -Class Questions: 1.16
REG 0.02 -Class Questions: 1.11 -Class Questions: 1.17
Individual Taxation -Class Questions: 1.14 -Class Questions: 1.18
(part 1) -SmartQuizzes in Section 1
REG 1.01-1.06 videos, text
Week 9

-Class Questions: 1.03

S Corporations Partnership Taxation Partnership Taxation

REG 3.01-3.06 videos, text (part 1) (part 2)
-Class Questions: 3.05, 3.06 REG 4.01-4.09 videos, text -SmartQuizzes in Section 4
-SmartQuizzes in Section 3 -Class Questions: 4.04, 4.07,
4.08, 4.09
-SmartQuizzes in Section 4
Week 10
Month 3
6-Month Study Planner
Month 3

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Property & Special Property Property & Special Property Tax Exempt Organizations
Tax Transactions (part 1) Tax Transactions (part 2) REG 8.01–8.02 videos, text
REG 7.01-7.08 videos, text -SmartQuizzes in Section 7 Penalties & Other Tax Issues
-Class Questions: 7.04 REG 9.01-9.04 videos, text
-Class Questions: 7.05 -SmartQuizzes in Sections 8, 9
-Class Questions: 7.07
-Class Questions: 7.08
Week 11

-SmartQuizzes in Section 7

Federal Securities Federal Securities Contracts

Regulations (part 1) Regulations (part 2) REG 13.01-13.07 videos, text
REG 12.01-12.07 videos, text REG 12.08 videos, text -Class Questions: 13.03, 13.06,
-Class Questions: 12.05 -Class Questions: 12.08 13.07
-Class Questions: 12.07 -SmartQuizzes in Section 12 -SmartQuizzes in Section 13
Week 12
6-Month Study Planner
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Business Structures (part 2) Reg of Business Agency
REG 15.08-15.10 videos, text Employment, Environment & REG 18.01-18.02 videos, text
-Class Questions: 15.10 Antitrust -Class Questions: 18.02
-SmartQuizzes in Section 15 REG 16.01-16.02 videos, text -SmartQuizzes in Section 18
Property Law & IP Rights Secured Transactions
REG 17.01-17.05 videos, text REG 19.01-19.04 videos, text
-SmartQuizzes in Sections 16, 17 -Class Questions: 19.04
Week 13

-SmartQuizzes in Section 19

Debtor & Creditor Document Review CPA Exam Simulator

Relationships (Suretyship) Simulations (DRS) Appendix Take a practice REG Exam in your
REG 21.01-21.02 video, text REG 23.01 Interactive Practice Questions
-Class Questions: 21.02
-SmartQuizzes in Section 21

REG Final Review

Week 14

REG 22.01
Month 4
6-Month Study Planner
Month 4

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Week 15

Time for a mini vacation!

Course Introduction Audit Standards & Audit Standards &

AUD 0.01 Engagement Planning Engagement Planning (part 3)
AUD Introduction (part 2) AUD 1.16-1.17 videos, text
AUD 0.02 AUD 1.09-1.15 videos, text
Audit Standards & -Class Questions: 1.16
Engagement Planning -Class Questions: 1.10
(part 1) -Class Questions: 1.13 -Class Questions: 1.17
Week 16

AUD 1.01-1.08 videos, text

-Class Questions: 1.05 -SmartQuizzes in Section 1
-Class Questions: 1.08
6-Month Study Planner
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Internal Control (part 1) Internal Control (part 2) Internal Control (part 3)
Internal Control (part 1) AUD 3.06–3.12 videos, text AUD 3.13-3.17 videos, text
-Class Questions: 3.10 -Class Questions: 3.16
AUD 3.01-3.05 videos, text -Class Questions: 3.12 -Class Questions: 3.17
-Class Questions: 3.05 -SmartQuizzes in Section 3
Week 17

Audit Evidence (part 2) Audit Evidence (part 3) Audit Evidence (part 4)

AUD 4.07-4.13 videos, text AUD 4.14-4.19 videos, text -SmartQuizzes in Section 4
-Class Questions: 4.13 -Class Questions: 4.15, 4.18, 4.19
-SmartQuizzes in Section 4
Week 18
Month 5
6-Month Study Planner
Month 5

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Audit Reports (part 1) Audit Reports (part 2) Compilations & Reviews
AUD 6.01-6.06 videos, text AUD 6.07-6.09 videos, text (SSARS) (part 1)
-Class Questions: 6.09 AUD 7.01-7.06 videos, text
-SmartQuizzes in Section 6 -Class Questions: 7.03

-Class Questions: 7.06

Week 19

Information Technology Document Review AUD Final Review!

AUD 9.01-9.05 videos, text Simulations (DRS) Appendix
-Class Questions 9.03, 9.05 AUD 11.01-11.02 Review AUD
-SmartQuizzes in Section 9
CPA Exam Simulator OR
AUD Final Review! Take a practice AUD Exam in your
AUD 10.01-10.02 Interactive Practice Questions Take AUD Cram Course
Week 20
6-Month Study Planner
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Week 21

Last big break before you're done

Course Introduction Economic Concepts (part 2) Economic Concepts (part 3)

BEC 0.01 BEC 1.07-1.14 videos, text BEC 1.15-1.18 videos, text
BEC Introduction -Class Questions: 1.08 -Class Questions: 1.16
BEC 0.02 -Class Questions: 1.11 -Class Questions: 1.17
Economic Concepts (part 1) -Class Questions: 1.14 -Class Questions: 1.18
BEC 1.01-1.06 videos, text -SmartQuizzes in Section 1
-Class Questions: 1.04
Week 22
Month 6
6-Month Study Planner
Month 6

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Financial Management & Financial Management & Fin Mgmt & Capital
Capital Budgeting (part 1) Capital Budgeting (part 2) Budgeting (part 3)
BEC 3.01-3.08 videos, text BEC 3.09-3.16 videos, text BEC 3.17-3.26 videos, text
-Class Questions: 3.02 -Class Questions: 3.18, 3.20,
-Class Questions: 3.07 -Class Questions: 3.10 3.22, 3.24, 3.25, 3.26
-Class Questions: 3.12 -SmartQuizzes in Section 3
-Class Questions: 3.14
Week 23

Planning, Control & Analysis Planning, Control & Analysis Information Technology BEC Final Review
(part 1) (part 2) BEC 7.01-7.13 videos, text BEC 8.01
BEC 6.01-6.08 videos, text BEC 6.09-6.12 videos, text -Class Questions: 7.03
-Class Questions: 6.02 -Class Questions: 6.10 -Class Questions: 7.05 Document Review
-Class Questions: 6.04 -Class Questions: 6.11 -Class Questions: 7.07 Simulations (DRS) Appendix
-Class Questions: 6.05 -Class Questions: 6.12 -Class Questions: 7.09 BEC 9.01-9.02
-Class Questions: 6.07 -SmartQuizzes in Section 6 -Class Questions: 7.12
Week 24

-Class Questions: 6.08 -SmartQuizzes in Section 7 CPA Exam Simulator

Take a
practice BEC Exam in your
Interactive Practice Questions
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

Investments in Debt & Morning
Equity Securities The Adjusted Cost Method & the Equity
FAR 3.01-3.07 videos, text FAR 4.01-4.05 videos, text
-Class Questions: 3.03, 3.06 -Class Questions: 4.03, 4.05
-SmartQuizzes for Section 3 -SmartQuizzes in Section 4

Financial Instruments & Derivatives
FAR 5.01-5.05 videos, text
-Class Questions: 5.04
-SmartQuizzes in Section 5

Property Plant & Equipment (Fixed Assets)
(part 1)
FAR 8.01-8.12 videos, text
-Class Questions: 8.05, 8.08, 8.10, 8.12

Property Plant & Equipment (Fixed Assets)
(part 2)
FAR 8.13-8.15 videos, text
-Class Questions: 8.14
-Class Questions: 8.15
-SmartQuizzes in Section 8
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

Bonds & PV Tables (part 2)
FAR 11.08-11.10 videos, text
-Class Questions: 11.09, 11.10
-SmartQuizzes in Section 11

Accounting for Leases
FAR 12.01-12.07 videos, text
-Class Questions: 12.07
-SmartQuizzes in Section 12

Earnings Per Share

FAR 16.01-16.05 videos, text
-Class Questions: 16.04
-SmartQuizzes in Section 16
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

Interim Financial Reporting / Segment
Reporting /Recognizing Revenue
FAR 20.01-22.04 videos, text
-SmartQuizzes in Sections 20, 21, 22

Long-Term Construction Contracts / Going
Concern Issues
FAR 23.01-24.02 videos, text
-SmartQuizzes for Sections 23, 24

Governmental Accounting (part

FAR 29.08-29.15 videos, text
-Class Questions: 29.11, 29.14, 29.15
-SmartQuizzes in Section 29
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

FAR Final Review! FAR Final Review! FAR Final Review!
FAR 32.01
Review FAR Review FAR
Document Review
Simulations (DRS) Appendix OR OR
FAR 33.01-33.02
Take FAR Cram Course Take FAR Cram Course
CPA Exam Simulator
Take a practice FAR Exam in your
Interactive Practice Questions

e time to just relax!

Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

Corporate Tax
REG 2.01–2.14 videos, text
-Class Questions: 2.03
-Class Questions: 2.06
-Class Questions: 2.08
-Class Questions: 2.10
-Class Questions: 2.12
-Class Questions: 2.13
-Class Questions: 2.14
-SmartQuizzes in Section 2

Estates, Trusts & Gift Taxes (part1) Morning

REG 5.01-5.07 videos, text Estates, Trusts & Gift Taxes (part 2)
REG 5.08-5.10
-Class Questions: 5.06 -Class Questions: 5.09, 5.10
-SmartQuizzes in Section 5

REG 6.01-6.03 videos, text
-Class Questions: 6.03
-SmartQuizzes in Section 6
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

Accountant Liability
REG 10.01–10.05 videos, text
Ethics, Professional & Legal
REG 11.01-11.05 videos, text
-SmartQuizzes in Sections 10, 11

Sales Contracts
REG 14.01-14.05 videos, text
-Class Questions: 14.02, 14.05
-SmartQuizzes in Section 14

Business Structures (part 1)
REG 15.01-15.07 videos, text
-Class Questions: 15.03, 15.05, 15.07
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

REG 20.01-20.06 videos, text
-Class Questions: 20.02
-Class Questions: 20.06
-SmartQuizzes in Section 20

REG Final Review! Take the REG exam!

Review REG
Go outside and celebrate
OR afterwards. You've worked hard
and you deserve it!!
Take REG Cram Course

Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

ni vacation!

Prof Responsibilities & Ethics

AUD 2.01-2.08 videos, text
-Class Questions: 2.06
-Class Questions: 2.08
-SmartQuizzes in Section 2
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

Audit Evidence (part 1)
AUD 4.01-4.06 videos, text
-Class Questions: 4.06

Audit Sampling
AUD 5.01-5.06 videos, text
-Class Questions: 5.04, 5.06
-SmartQuizzes in Section 5
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

Morning Other Services & Reports (part 2)
Compilations & Reviews (SSARS) AUD 8.06-8.07 videos, text
(part 2)
AUD 7.07-7.09 videos, text -Class Questions 8.07
-Class Questions: 7.09 -SmartQuizzes in Section 8
-SmartQuizzes in Section 7

Other Services & Reports (part 1)
AUD 8.01-8.05 videos, text
-Class Questions: 8.05

Take the AUD Exam!

Go home and do whatever
your little heart desires!
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

ore you're done!

Corporate Governance, Internal Control &
Enterprise Risk Management (part 1)
BEC 2.01-2.07 videos, text
-Class Questions: 2.03

Corporate Governance, Internal Control &
Enterprise Risk Management (part 2)
BEC 2.07-2.12 videos, text
-Class Questions: 2.09
-Class Questions: 2.11
-Class Questions: 2.12
-SmartQuizzes in Section 2
Blackout Periods: March 11th-31st, June 11th-30th,
September 11th-30th, December 11th-31st
Please keep these dates in mind when building your study schedule, as no testing will be available.

Friday Saturday Sunday

Morning Cost Accounting (part 2)
Decision Making BEC 5.05-5.09 videos, text
BEC 4.01-4.12 videos, text
-Class Questions: 4.05, 4.07, 4.09, 4.11, 4.12 -Class Questions: 5.06, 5.08, 5.09
-SmartQuizzes in Section 4 -SmartQuizzes in Section 5
Cost Accounting
BEC 5.01-5.04 videos, text
-Class Questions: 5.02, 5.04

BEC Final Review! Take the BEC Exam!

Review BEC
Celebrate! You’re done!

Take BEC Cram Course

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