West 2000
West 2000
West 2000
Chris N. Battershill
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand
peaks and a series of 1D TOCSY experiments. Con- correlation from H-15 to the carbonyl carbon C-1 estab-
nectivity between C-11 and C-12, and between C-14 and lished 1 as a 16-membered macrolide, leaving a single
C-15, was evident from COSY cross-peaks, but spectral ether linkage to be accounted for. Addition of H2O/D2O,
overlap of the C-12 and C-14 proton resonances made it 1:1 (50 µL), to a sample of 1 dissolved in CDCl3 (600 µL)
difficult to establish connectivity at C-13. Selective ir- caused observable splitting or broadening of the 13C
radiation of H-11 in a series of 1D TOCSY experiments resonances of C-8, C-9, and C-11, indicating hydroxyl
sequentially revealed proton resonances assigned to the attachment at these centers.9 A COSY correlation was
C-12 methylene, C-13 methine, and C-15 methine as the observed at -10 °C from the oxygenated methine proton
mixing time was increased from 20 to 80 ms. Similarly, at C-2 to a proton resonance at δ 6.75 that lacked a
selective irradiation of H-15 sequentially revealed the correlation to carbon in the HSQC experiment, establish-
H-14 methylene pair, H-13, the upfield C-12 methylene ing the R-hydroxyester functionality at C-1 and C-2.
resonance (δH 1.40), and H-11, clearly establishing the Oxygens at C-5, C-9, and C-24 remained as possible sites
linear sequence of this subunit. for an ether linkage. Chemical reasoning suggested a link
The remaining proton couplings evident in the COSY between C-5 and C-9 to form a stable six-membered cyclic
spectrum of 1 were assigned to a branched seven-carbon hemiketal ring. An analysis of 1H-1H coupling constants
subunit. A linear arrangement of an oxymethylene, C-24 and NOE enhancements observed for protons attached
(δH 3.64, 3.36; δC 66.9), methine, C-18 (δH 2.61, δC 43.3), to carbons C-5 through C-8 provided strong evidence for
methylene C-19 (δH 1.44, 1.17; δC 24.6) and a primary a six-membered ring in a chair conformation. An HMBC
methyl group, C-20 (δH 0.85, δC 12.2), was evident from correlation from H-5 to C-9 through the ether linkage
vicinal couplings. The H-18 methine resonance also was not observed in three separate experiments opti-
showed coupling to an olefinic proton resonance at C-17 mized for nJCH coupling constants of 4, 6, and 9 Hz. The
(δH 5.05, δC 131.1) of the trisubstituted C-C double bond. lack of HMBC correlations across a pyran(ose) ring has
Allylic coupling between this olefinic proton and the C-23 been reported and rationalized as caused by an unfavor-
methyl proton resonance evident in the COSY spectrum able dihedral angle.9
and a ROESY correlation established a cis relationship Chemical shift differences of methylene protons and
across the double bond of these two substituents. the presence of both large and small 1H-1H coupling
Long-range proton-carbon correlations from the oxy- constants at centers throughout the molecule which did
methyl protons to oxygenated methines at C-3, C-7, and not change with temperature provided evidence of a
C-13 observed in an HMBC experiment revealed the single predominant conformer.10 This suggested that a
attachment points of the three oxymethyl groups (OCH3- spectroscopic assignment of relative stereochemistry
3, δH 3.31; OCH3-7, δH 3.38; OCH3-13, δH 3.48). Further would be possible from a combination of NOE and vicinal
HMBC correlations provided supportive evidence for the coupling.11 NOE correlations were detected with ROESY
four subunits, and revealed their connectivity, along with and selective 1D GOESY12 experiments. Approximate
the remaining carbonyl, ketal, or hemiketal carbon, two 1H-1H coupling constants were determined for all but
tertiary methyl groups, and a quaternary carbon, in a five of the nonexchangeable proton resonances from an
contiguous carbon chain (C-1 to C-20). Correlations were analysis of 1H and HOMO2DJ experiments at 500 and
observed from the oxymethine protons at C-2 and C-3 to 300 MHz, and 1D TOCSY, 1D GOESY, and homonuclear
the carbonyl carbon C-1 (δC 174.0), establishing the decoupling at 300 MHz.
unusual R,β-dioxyester moiety. Connection between C-4 The resonance of one of the methylene protons attached
and C-5 was revealed by correlations from the upfield to C-6 appeared as a quartet of 12 Hz attributed to one
H-6 methylene resonance (δH 1.53) to C-5 and C-4, and geminal and two large vicinal couplings. H-5, H-6a, and
the downfield H-4 resonance (δH 2.13) to C-5 and C-6. H-7 could be assigned as axial on the basis of these H-6a
Selective excitation of H-7 (δH 3.81) in a series of 1D vicinal couplings of greater than 10 Hz, placing H-5 and
TOCSY experiments with increasing mixing times se- H-7 on the β side of the six-membered ring. NOEs
quentially revealed both C-6 methylene protons, H-5, and observed between H-5 and H-7 confirmed their 1-3
the downfield C-4 methylene proton (δH 2.13). diaxial arrangement. The oxygenated methine proton (H-
An HMBC correlation from the olefinic methyl protons 8) was assigned as equatorial on the basis of its small
of C-23 to the oxygenated methine C-15 established a link coupling to H-7 (3 Hz) and the observation of a W
between C-15 and the substituted olefinic carbon (C-16). coupling to the equatorial methylene proton at C-6 (δH
Weak COSY and 1D TOCSY correlations between H-17 1.78) in a COSY experiment optimized for long-range
and H-15 confirmed the allylic relationship of these two coupling.
protons. Both aliphatic tertiary methyl groups (C-21, δH An analysis of coupling constants and NOE enhance-
1.08, δC 15.8; C-22 δH 1.12, δC 20.8) showed proton ments revealed that C-3 and C-4 form an extended zigzag
correlations to the remaining quaternary carbon (C-10, chain with carbons C-5 to C-7 of the six-membered ring
δC 43.6) and to each other’s carbon resonance, which (Figure 1). A large vicinal coupling (11.5 Hz) between H-5
revealed the presence a gem-dimethyl moiety. Both gem- and H-4b established an antiperiplanar arrangement of
dimethyl proton resonances also correlated in the HMBC these two protons consistent with the observation of an
experiment to the C-9 ketal or hemiketal and the oxy- NOE enhancement observed between H-6a and H-4b. A
methine carbon at C-11 (δC 73.9), establishing the C-9 smaller coupling (4.5 Hz) and the presence of an NOE
to C-10 and C-10 to C-11 linkages. The final carbon-
carbon connectivity between C-8 and C-9 was supported
(9) Bauer, I.; Maranda, L.; Young, K. A.; Shimizu, Y. J. Org. Chem.
by an HMBC correlation observed between the H-8 and 1995, 60, 1084-1086.
C-9 resonances. (10) Kessler, H. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1982, 21, 512-523.
With all carbon connectivities accounted for, the re- (11) Eberstadt, M.; Gemmecker, G.; Mierke, D. F.; Kessler, H.
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1995, 34, 1671-1695.
maining two degrees of unsaturation of the molecular (12) Stonehouse, J.; Adell, P.; Keeler, J.; Shaka, A. J. J. Am. Chem.
formula required a bioxycyclic structure. An HMBC Soc. 1994, 116, 6037-6038.
Peloruside A from Marine Sponge Mycale sp. J. Org. Chem., Vol. 65, No. 2, 2000 447
Figure 2. Relative stereochemistry of C-8 to C-15 of peloruside A (1). Important NOEs are illustrated with dashed arrows and
vicinal couplings with solid arrows. Coupling constants are given in hertz.
Experimental Section
NMR Experiments. 1H and 13C NMR spectra were mea-
sured with 300 and 500 MHz spectrometers. All chemical shifts
(δ) are referenced to the solvent peak (CDCl3: 1H, δ 7.25 ppm;
13C, δ 77.0 ppm).14 Short- and long-range 1H-13C correlations