Columns and Struts: Strength of Materials
Columns and Struts: Strength of Materials
Columns and Struts: Strength of Materials
Failure of a column:
The failure of a column takes place due to anyone of the following stresses set up in the
b) Buckling stresses.
If the compressive load on the short column is gradually increased, a stage will reach when
the column will be on the point of failure by crushing. The stress induced in the column
corresponding to this load is known as crushing stress and the load is called crushing load.
Let, Pc = Crushing load, σc= Crushing stress, and A = Area of cross-section σc=Pc/A
Failure of a Long Column: A long column of uniform cross-sectional area A and of length l,
subjected to an axial compressive load P, is shown in Fig. A column is known as long column,
if the length of the column in comparison to its lateral dimensions, is very large Such columns
do not fail by crushing alone, but also by bending (also known buckling) as shown in figure.
The buckling load at which the column just buckles, is known as buckling or crippling load. The
buckling load is less than the crushing Ioad for a long column. Actually the value of buckling
load for long columns is low whereas for short columns the value of buckling load is relatively
The column will fail when maximum stress (i.e., σo + σb) is more than the crushing stress σc.
But in case of long columns, the direct compressive stresses are negligible as compared to
buckling stresses. Hence very long columns are subjected to buckling stresses only.
Assumptions made in the Euler’s Column theory: The following assumptions are made in
the Euler's column theory:
1. The column is initially perfectly straight and the load is applied axially.
3. The column material is perfectly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic and obeys Hooke's
4. The length of the column is very large as compared to its lateral dimensions.
In case of long columns, the stress due to direct load is very small in comparison with the
stress due to buckling. Hence the failure of long columns takes place entirely due to buckling
(or bending).
The following four types of end conditions of the columns are important:
Note: For a hinged end, the deflection is zero. For a fixed end the deflection and slope are
zero. For a free end the deflection is not zero.
The effective length of a given column with given end conditions is the length of an equivalent
column of the same material and cross-section with hinged ends and having the value of the
crippling load equal to that of the given column. Effective length is also called equivalent
E = Young’s modulus
PE = Crippling load for the column/ Euler’s failure load/ buckling load / critical load
Then the crippling load for any type of end condition is given by
The crippling load (PE) in terms of actual length and effective length and also the relation
between effective length and actual length are given in Table below.
There are two values of moment of inertia i.e., Ixx and Iyy. The value of I (moment of inertia)
in the above expressions should be taken as the least value of the two moments of inertia as
the column will tend to bend in the direction of least moment of inertia.
The moment of inertia (I) can be expressed in terms of radius of gyration (k) as,
I= A x k2
Where A = cross sectional area of the column
Or, k=√
As I = Imin, least value of moment of inertia, then least radius of gyration is
kmin = √ min
Now crippling load PE in terms of effective length is given by
2 EI 2 E A k2
PE = =
Le 2 Le 2
2 E A 2 E A
= Le 2
= L 2
( ke )
The ratio of the effective length of the column to the least radius of gyration of the column
is known as slenderness ratio.
If the slenderness ratio i.e. (l/k) is small the crippling stress (or the stress at failure) will be
high. But for the column material the crippling-stress cannot be greater than the crushing
stress. Hence when the slenderness ratio is less than a certain limit Euler's formula gives a
value of crippling stress greater than the crushing stress. In the limiting case we can find the
value of l/k, for which the crippling stress is equal to crushing stress.
For example, for a mild steel column with both ends hinged.
Equating the crippling stress to the crushing stress corresponding to the minimum value of
slenderness ratio, we get
Hence if the slenderness ratio is less than 80 for mild steel column with both ends hinged,
the Euler’s formula will not hold good.
P-1 A hollow mild steel tube 6 m long 4 cm internal diameter and 6 mm thick is used as a
strut with both ends hinged. Find the crippling load and safe load taking factor of safety as
3. Take E = 2 x 105 N / mm2.
Rankine’s Formula:
We have learnt that Euler's formula gives correct results only for very long columns. But what
happens when the column is a short or the column is not very long. On the basis of results of
experiments performed by Rankine, he established an empirical formula which is applicable
to all columns whether they are short or long. The empirical formula given by Rankine is
known as Rankine’s formula, which is given as-
1 1 1
= + (Eqn. 1)
PR=Crippling load by Rankine’s formula
PC= Crushing Load = c x A
c = Crushing stress
A = Area of cross-section
PE=Crippling load by Euler’s formula
For a given column material the crushing stress σc is a constant. Hence the crushing load Pc
(which is equal to σc x A) will also be constant for a given cross-sectional area of the column.
In equation (i), Pc is constant and hence value of PR depends upon the value of PE. But for a
given column material and given cross-sectional area, the value of PE depends upon the
effective length of the column.
(i) If the column is a short, which means the value of Le is small, then the value of PE
will be large. Hence the value of 1/PE will be small enough and is negligible as
compared to the value of 1/PC. Neglecting the value of 1/PE in equation (i), we get,
1 1
→ or PR → Pc
(ii) If the column is long, which means the value of Le is large. Then the value of PE will
be small and the value of 1/PE will be large enough compared with 1/PC. Hence the
value of 1/PC may be neglected in equation (i).
1 1
= or PR → PE
(iii) Hence the crippling load by Rankine's formula for long columns is approximately
equal to crippling load given by Euler's formula.
1 1 1
Hence the Rakine’s formula = + gives satisfactory results for all lengths of
columns, ranging from short to long columns.
1 1 1 PE + Pc
Now the Rakine’s formula is = + ==
c . A
= . L 2
1+ c2 e 2
E. k
c . A
= L 2
1+a( e )
Where a = and is known as Rankine’s constant.
2 E
Rankine’s formula is empirical formula, the value of ‘a’ is taken from the results of the
experiments and is not calculated from the values of c and E.
The values of c and a for different columns material are given below in table.
Euler’s equation is used to obtain failure load Rakine’s equation is used to obtain failure load.
A hollow cylindrical cast iron column is 4 m long with both ends fixed. Determine the minimum
diameter of the column if it has to carry a safe load of 250 KN with a factor of safety of 5. Take
the internal diameter as 0.8 times the external diameter. Take σC = 550 N /mm2 and a =
1/1600 in Rankine's formula.