Retail Intelligent Automation: An Overview
Retail Intelligent Automation: An Overview
Retail Intelligent Automation: An Overview
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Retail industry is one of the most dynamic, meet the changing customers’ expectations which enable
evolving and vibrant industry. Retailers today are them to provide differentiated customer experience
focusing on low cost, great convenience, enhanced Retailers today have realized the gaining importance of
customer experience. Changing demographic profile, online stores and hence are focusing more on offering a
changing tastes, preferences of consumers, changes in “unique and differentiated in-store experience.
consumer shopping behavior are some of the key factors
due to which the retail shopping experience is Retailers need to rethink and strategize their business
constantly evolving. One of the biggest challenges for processes to ensure they remain competitive in today’s
retail industry is adapting to the world of online and technologically competitive market place.
technological advances in the field of marketing and
sales. Today retailers are facing tough competition from II. LITERATUER REVIEW
e-commerce giants like Amazon. Despite of such
competition, in-store retailing will survive, however it A. Customer Experience:
needs to change and differentiate from that of their Customer Experience is the outcome of customer and
competitors with the integration of retail business company interactions over the duration of their relationship.
processes, artificial intelligence and automation to meet Customer experience means all that the individuals
the changing customers’ expectations which enable experience during all points of contact matches the customer
them to provide differentiated customer experience. expectations. (Thompson, Ed and Kolsky, Estaban 2004-12-
With the help of artificial intelligence and automation 27) Gartner asserts the importance of managing the
differentiated consumer shopping experiences can be customer’s experience.
given which will match up with the changing
expectations of modern customer and also help the Customer experience can also be said as customer’s
retailers to increase their sales and loyal customers. perception of their experience with the company. A
With a proper blend of business and IT alignment company delivering Quality customer experience will have
retailers can achieve a pervasive automation at all levels more number of loyal customers.
and business processes which will enable them to stay
strong in the competition by providing enhanced The overall experience reflects how the customer feels
customer service. about the product, services provided and also about
company. Understanding the customer experience is the
Keywords:- Customer Experience, Artificial Intelligence, integral part of customer relationship management. Creating
Automation. differentiated customer experiences has become one of the
most competitive force in the retail industry.
B. Retail Automation and Artificial Intelligence:
Retail is one of the largest industries in the world and With the e-commerce revolution many changes in
technology is transforming the retail industry in a way to consumer shopping behavior got initiated and such changes
enhance business competency of the retailers. There has are evolving also due to usage of modern technology in the
been a big change in the shopping behavior of today’s field of retail. Use of Mobile apps, social media as a
customer who does not view shopping as an “activity” but medium of marketing communication by businesses is also
more as a complete experience inclusive of joy, supporting such changes leading to changes in customer
entertainment and pleasure from purchases . Retailers today demand patterns. Under such situation competition is
are focusing on low cost, great convenience, enhanced getting more and more intense compelling retailers to
customer experience. Changing demographic profile, match with the changing market trends set by changing
changing tastes, preferences of consumers, changes in consumer preferences, shopping behavior.
consumer shopping behavior are some of the key factors
due to which the retail shopping experience is constantly Retail Automation is the use of technology to
evolving. One of the biggest challenges for retail industry is automate retail locations. It’s a process whereby the
adapting to the world of online and technological advances retailers are equipped with operational tools infused with
in the field of marketing and sales. Today retailers are latest technologies used to make their business processes
facing tough competition from e-commerce giants like and systems more responsive, personalized, and convenient
Amazon. Despite of such competition, in-store retailing from customer’s point of view to create delightful and
will survive, however it needs to change and differentiate differentiated customer experiences.
from that of their competitors with the integration of retail
business processes, artificial intelligence and automation to