Cloud Native Trail Map: Help Along The Way

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• Commonly done with Docker containers
• Any size application and dependencies (even PDP-11
code running on an emulator) can be containerized
• Over time, you should aspire towards splitting suitable
applications and writing future functionality as microservices

The Cloud Native Landscape
has a large number of options. This Cloud
Native Trail Map is a recommended process 2. CI/CD
for leveraging open source, cloud native
technologies. At each step, you can choose • Setup Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery
a vendor-supported offering or do it yourself, (CI/CD) so that changes to your source code
and everything after step #3 is optional automatically result in a new container being
built, tested, and deployed to staging and
based on your circumstances.
3. ORCHESTRATION & eventually, perhaps, to production
APPLICATION DEFINITION • Setup automated rollouts, roll backs and testing

HELP ALONG THE WAY • Kubernetes is the market-leading orchestration solution

• You should select a Certified Kubernetes Distribution, 4. OBSERVABILITY & ANALYSIS
Hosted Platform, or Installer:
A. Training and Certification • Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade • Pick solutions for monitoring, logging and tracing
Consider training offerings from CNCF even the most complex Kubernetes application • Consider CNCF projects Prometheus for monitoring,
and then take the exam to become a Fluentd for logging and Jaeger for Tracing
Certified Kubernetes Administrator or a • For tracing, look for an OpenTracing-compatible
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer implementation like Jaeger

B. Consulting Help CNCF Graduated CNCF Incubating

If you want assistance with Kubernetes

and the surrounding ecosystem, consider 5. SERVICE PROXY, DISCOVERY, & MESH CNCF Graduated CNCF Incubating
leveraging a Kubernetes Certified
• CoreDNS is a fast and flexible tool that
Service Provider
is useful for service discovery • Envoy and Linkerd each enable service
mesh architectures
• They offer health checking, routing,
C. Join CNCF's End User and load balancing CNCF Incubating CNCF Incubating

For companies that don’t offer cloud 6. NETWORKING & POLICY
native services externally To enable more flexible networking, use a CNI- compliant network project like Calico, Flannel, or
Weave Net. Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a general-
CNCF Graduated CNCF Graduated CNCF Incubating purpose policy engine with uses ranging from
authorization and admission control to data filtering.
Cloud native technologies empower 7. DISTRIBUTED DATABASE & STORAGE
organizations to build and run scalable When you need more resiliency and scalability than
applications in modern, dynamic you can get from a single database, Vitess is a good
environments such as public, private, option for running MySQL at scale through sharding.
and hybrid clouds. Containers, service Rook is a storage orchestrator that integrates a CNCF Incubating CNCF Incubating
meshes, microservices, immutable diverse set of storage solutions into Kubernetes.
infrastructure, and declarative APIs Serving as the "brain" of Kubernetes, etcd provides a
exemplify this approach. reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines.
When you need higher performance than JSON-REST, consider
These techniques enable loosely using gRPC or NATS. gRPC is a universal RPC framework. NATS is
coupled systems that are resilient, a multi-modal messaging system that includes request/reply,
manageable, and observable. Com- pub/sub and load balanced queues.
bined with robust automation, they
allow engineers to make high-impact
changes frequently and predictably CNCF Incubating CNCF Incubating CNCF Incubating
with minimal toil.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation

seeks to drive adoption of this para-
digm by fostering and sustaining an

ecosystem of open source, vendor- Harbor is a registry that stores, signs, and scans content.
neutral projects. We democratize You can use alternative container runtimes. The most common,
state-of-the-art patterns to make these all of which are OCI-compliant, are containerd, rkt and CRI-O. 10. SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION
innovations accessible for everyone. If you need to do secure software distribution,
evaluate Notary, an implementation of The
Update Framework. CNCF Incubating CNCF Graduated CNCF Incubating

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