The Causal Effect of The School Day Schedule On Adolescents' Academic Achievement Teny Maghakian Shapiro Kevin M. Williams
The Causal Effect of The School Day Schedule On Adolescents' Academic Achievement Teny Maghakian Shapiro Kevin M. Williams
The Causal Effect of The School Day Schedule On Adolescents' Academic Achievement Teny Maghakian Shapiro Kevin M. Williams
Academic Achievement
How a student’s classes are scheduled throughout the day is often determined by necessity or
chance, but can have a meaningful impact on academic performance. Acknowledging students’
internal clocks and making small changes to scheduling patterns could be a relatively low-cost
method for administrators to improve performance. The goal of this paper is to expand our under-
standing of how students learn best by determining the role of time, and it’s interaction with other
components of the school day, on academic outcomes. We explore the importance of time of day,
student fatigue, and teacher schedules– three aspects of the school day that have never been stud-
ied. Our data is five cohorts of college freshman at the United States Air Force Academy who face
randomized scheduling and largely take a common set of classes and exams. We find that, all else
equal, students perform best later in the day, but gains are often offset by fatigue and free periods
are most effective when used to break up the day. Rearranging schedules could improve student
performance by as much as .15 standard deviations. These results imply that better aligning school
and work schedules to ones own biological rhythms can lead to large improvements in productivity.
Santa Clara University; [email protected]
University of California, Davis; [email protected]
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy
or position of the USAF, DoD, or the U.S. Government. This article was completed with data that is managed in
collaboration with Lt. Col. Scott Carrell and Jim West.
1. Introduction
For the past 50 years economists have been applying the theory of production functions to edu-
cation to explain the idea that an individual’s educational outcomes are a product of multiple inputs,
including their teachers, classmates, families, and financial resources, among others. While recent
research has focused on the marginal impacts of these well-known inputs, no one has questioned
whether the time that learning occurs affects achievement. For example, do students learn more in
afternoon math classes than morning ones? Research from biologists and sleep experts posits that
time of day has a strong influence on cognitive function. There are certain times of day that hu-
mans are more alert and able to learn than others and these times differ depending on the person’s
age and innate preferences. Economists and educators have applied these notions and explored the
roles of school start times on academic and emotional outcomes and have found that when start
times are delayed, and thus better aligned with biological time preferences, student outcomes are
greatly improved (Carrell et al., 2011; Boergers et al., 2014; Wahlstrom et al., 2014). The goal
of this paper is to expand our understanding of the education production function by determining
the role of time, and it’s interaction with other components of the school day, on academic out-
comes. We explore the importance of time of day, student fatigue, and teacher schedules– three
aspects of the school day that have never been studied. By understanding the importance of these
factors, school administrators may have the opportunity to improve student outcomes with a very
low cost intervention– reorganizing the time in which courses are offered. Similarly, students with
some control over their own schedule could take matters into their own hands and follow a few
rules-of-thumb to put themselves in the best position to succeed.
The omission of time from studies of the education production function is likely a result of
data limitations rather than oversight. This is a difficult question to study empirically for a number
of reasons. First, students self-select their classes, schedules, and teachers. For example, students
may choose to take classes with their friends, with instructors that they find particularly helpful, or
at a time of day they prefer. This makes it difficult to distinguish the effect of scheduling from peer
and teacher effects. Second, grades are not a consistent measure of student academic achievement
due to heterogeneity of assignments and exams, as well as the subjectivity of assigning grades
across instructors. While scores on standardized exams, such at the SAT or annual state tests,
are often used as a measure of academic outcomes, they do not necessarily reflect learning that
happened in a specific class, thus can’t be used in this setting. Determining the role of time and
fatigue in student learning has important implications for education policy. Many of the inputs
into the education production function, such as teacher quality and class-size, are quite costly to
improve. Rescheduling classes to better align with students’ optimal learning times is a relatively
low cost intervention.
We utilize data from the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), where a number of insti-
tutional characteristics allow us to be the first to study this question. Most importantly, students are
randomly assigned to their class schedules. Despite our use of university-level data, the daily struc-
ture of the USAFA schedule makes our findings applicable to the high school student population as
well. We recognize that USAFA students are not the average teenager; they were high-achievers in
high school and chose to attend a military service academy. Although we do not know for certain
if school schedules affect high-achievers or military-types differently than the average teenager,
we have no reason to believe that the students in our sample would be more adversely affected by
differences in course schedules.
Our results are consistent with scientific evidence on adolescents’ internal clocks. We provide
the first identified estimates of performance over the course of the day separate from academic
fatigue. All else equal, the afternoon is the best time of day for student learning, but gains from
time of day are mostly offset by fatigue. Depending on their schedule, a student taking a course
in the afternoon can expect a grade anywhere from 0.2 standard deviations above to 0.13 standard
deviations below a similar student taking the same class at around 7:30 in the morning. Even
two students taking the same course at the same time may have differences in expected grade as
large as 0.1 standard deviations simply due to their prior schedules. Subgroup analysis reveals that
fatigue is more extreme for students in the bottom tercile of predicted aptitude. Making welfare
improvements based on findings will depend in part on a school’s particular scheduling quirks, but
we conclude with a discussion of general suggestions including the optimal time for P.E., spacing
of breaks and reducing failure rates.
2. Background
While determining the role of school day schedule is new to economics, there has been some re-
lated research done in other disciplines. To fully understand how the organization of the school day
can influence academic achievement, it is important to have a basic understanding of the biology of
sleep and wakefulness. The biological rhythm that governs our sleep-wake cycle is called the cir-
cadian rhythm, a hard-wired “clock” in the brain that controls the production of the sleep-inducing
hormone melatonin. During adolescence, there are major changes in one’s circadian rhythm. More
adult-like sleep patterns develop, there are increases in daytime sleepiness, and there is a shift in
the circadian rhythm toward a more own-like tendency for later bed and wake-up times Cardi-
nali (2008); Crowley et al. (2007); Carskadon et al. (1993); Wolfson and Carskadon (1998). The
adolescent body does not begin producing melatonin until around 11 p.m. and continues in peak
production until about 7 a.m., then stops at about 8 a.m. In contrast, adult melatonin levels peak
at 4 a.m. School schedules affect adolescent sleep patterns by imposing earlier wake-up times that
are asynchronous with the circadian rhythm. That is, the way that most high schools are currently
scheduled requires students to wake up earlier than their ideal wake time and take many of their
classes at times that their brains are not completely alert.
There are two main sleep factors that affect mental performance. The first is the duration; that
is, the number of hours of sleep. Starting classes early in the morning causes students to be sleep
deprived. Several studies find an inverse relationship between sleep and academic performance at
both the secondary and post-secondary level (Curcio et al., 2006; Wolfson and Carskadon, 1998;
Trocket et al., 2000). Correlational studies comparing sleep-wake patterns and academic outcomes
for early versus late starting schools find that students attending later starting schools self-report
more hours slept, less daytime fatigue, and less depressive feelings (Owens et al., 2010; Boergers
et al., 2014). The second sleep factor is the time of day. Regardless of the duration of sleep, there
are times of the day when a person is more and less alert, which is related to their circadian timing
(Blake, 1967). For adolescents, alertness begins in the late morning, drops off mid-afternoon, and
peaks again in the early evening. Goldstein et al. (2007b) find that teens perform six points higher
on IQ tests if tested during their preferred time of day. The way that classes are currently scheduled
may be forcing students to learn at a time that is asynchronous with their preferred time of day. If
learning of certain subjects is less adversely affected by being done when tired or out of sync with
one’s circadian rhythm than other subjects, then there exists an opportunity to rearrange the class
schedule to improve overall achievement without changing the time that classes begin.
A number of studies have explored the role of school start times on academic achievement.
Using student-level data from Clemson University, Dills and Hernandez-Julian (2008) find that
even when controlling for student and course characteristics, students perform better in classes
that meet later in the day. Wahlstrom (2002) examined the effect of the start time change at Min-
neapolis Public School district from 7:15 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. She finds that the policy change had
a positive effect on attendance and an insignificant improvement on grades. Hinrichs (2011) takes
advantage of the same policy change, instead comparing the outcomes of students to those in St.
Paul (Minneapolis’ twin city) where start times were not changed. His results suggest no effect
of school start time on academic achievement. Edwards (2012) studied the effect of start times on
middle school students and found that a one hour delay in start times leads to a three percentile
point gain in both math and reading test scores for the average student. Finally, Carrell et al. (2011)
study the role of school start times at USAFA by utilizing two policy changes in the daily schedule
during a three year period. They find that starting the school day 50 minutes later increases overall
academic achievement by about one-tenth of a standard deviation and that performance throughout
the day is affected by early start times.
Two studies have assessed the differential impact of morning classes on achievement across
course subjects. Cortes et al. (2012) utilize the essentially random variation between students in
the ordering of classes over the day at Chicago Public High Schools and find that having a class
first period significantly reduces grades in that course, and that having math in first period reduces
test scores in all subjects and reduces grades in future math classes as well. In a similar vein, Pope
(2014) uses data from Los Angeles County schools to determine how secondary-school students
perform in morning versus afternoon courses. He finds that learning monotonically decreases
throughout the school day and that having a morning instead of afternoon math or English class
increases a student’s GPA by 0.072 and 0.032 points, respectively.
Another related literature has focused on productivity in the workplace. The most relevant of
this research is the work on changes in productivity and safety between day and night shifts (Smith
et al., 1994). Folkard and Tucker (2003) find that productivity and safety declines during the night
shift and is relatively constant for day shifts and that the likelihood of sustaining an injury is 23
percent higher at night. Additionally, many studies have found that sleep deprivation in medical
residents decreases their performance (Veasey et al., 2002). Philibert (2005) finds as much as
one standard deviation decrease in performance due to high levels of sleep deprivation. However,
no research has been done on how productivity varies within a given shift. Given economists’
interest in understanding how to improve worker productivity, the findings from this study have
applications outside of the school setting.
We build on these literatures by looking at the causal relationship between student achieve-
ment and the scheduling of classes throughout the day. Because of USAFA’s very structured and
regimented academic environment, we can estimate these effects free from the selection bias and
issues with non-standardized grading that plague most studies. While many studies have suggested
changes to make to school schedules based on knowledge about adolescents’ circadian rhythm and
time preferences, no study has been able to assess how these scheduling differences actually affect
students in practice.
3. Data
Data for this study come from the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). USAFA is
a fully accredited post-secondary institution with annual enrollment of approximately 4,500 stu-
dents, offering 32 majors within the humanities, social sciences, basic sciences, and engineering.
Students are required to graduate within four years and typically serve a minimum five year com-
mitment as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force following graduation. Despite
its military setting, USAFA is comparable to other selective colleges and universities in the United
States. Like other selective post-secondary schools, USAFA faculty hold graduate degrees from
high quality programs in their fields. Approximately 40 percent of classroom instructors have
terminal degrees, similar to large universities where graduate students teach introductory courses.
However, class size at USAFA is rarely larger than 25 students, and students are encouraged to
interact with faculty members in and out of the classroom. Therefore, the learning environment
at USAFA is similar to that of small liberal arts colleges. Students at USFAFA are high achiev-
ers, with average math and verbal SAT scores at the 88th and 85th percentiles of the nationwide
SAT distribution, respectively. Only 14 percent of applicants where admitted to USAFA in 2007.
Students are drawn from each Congressional district in the US by a highly competitive admission
process than ensures geographic diversity.
A number of unique institutional characteristics at the United States Air Force Academy (US-
AFA) allow us to be the first to study this question. First, the school day at USAFA is very struc-
tured, which is atypical of most universities, but similar to a high school setting. Figure 2 shows
the class schedules for our sample period. There are four 53 minute class periods each morning
and three each afternoon after an 85 minute lunch break.1 All students are required to attend a
mandatory breakfast 25 minutes before first period. Second, students are randomly assigned to
The class schedule changed twice during this time period. In our robustness analyses, we show that this does not
affect our overall findings.
all of their courses and instructors. Prior to the start of freshman year, students take placement
exams in mathematics, chemistry, and select foreign languages. Scores on these exams are used
to place students into the appropriate starting courses (e.g., remedial math, Calculus I, Calculus
II, etc.). Conditional on course placement, athlete status, and gender, the USAFA registrar ran-
domly assigns students to required course sections. Thus, students have no ability to choose the
class period or their professors in the required core courses. Third, attendance in all classes is
mandatory. Fourth, USAFA’s grading structure for core courses allows for a consistent measure of
student achievement; faculty members teaching the same course in each semester use an identical
syllabus, give the same exams during a common testing period, and assign course grades jointly
with other instructors, allowing for standardized grades within a course-semester. Finally, USAFA
runs on an M/T schedule. On M days, students have one set of classes and on T days they have a
different set of classes. The M/T schedule runs every other day. Thus, the same student has two
different class schedules within the same semester.2 These institutional characteristics provide us
with random variation in class schedules both across and within students which, along with exten-
sive background data on students, allow us to examine how class timing and order affects student
achievement without worrying about confounding factors or self- selection issues. Athletes are
dropped from primary analysis due to their course schedules depending on their practices.
Our dataset consists of 4,816 first-year students from the entering classes of 2004 to 2008. For
each student we have pre-treatment demographic data and measures of their academic, athletic,
and leadership aptitude. Academic aptitude is measured through SAT verbal and math scores and
an academic composite computed by the USAFA admissions office, which is a weighted average
of an individual’s high school GPA, class rank, an the quality of the high school they attended.
Language courses are an exception and meet every schedule day at the same period. Students are coded as in class
for both M and T day of their language course, but only the grade and preceeding courses from the M day are included
in analysis.
The measure of pre-treatment athletic aptitude is a score on fitness test require by all applicants
prior to entrance. The measure of pre-treatment leadership aptitude is a leadership composite
also computed by the USAFA admissions office, which is a weighted average of high school and
community activities. Other individual-level controls include indicators for whether a student is
Black, Hispanic, Asian, female, a recruited athlete, whether they attended a military preparatory
school, and the number of class credits students have on that schedule day.
We measure academic performance using students’ final percentage score earned in a course.
To account for differences in course difficulty or grading across years, we normalize all scores to a
mean of zero and a variance of one within a course-semester. We refer to this measure as the stu-
dent’s normalized grade. We also consider whether a student aced or failed a class as an outcome.
Students at USAFA are required to take a core set of approximately 30 courses in mathematics,
basic sciences, social sciences, humanities, and engineering. In this study, we focus primarily
on the mandatory introductory courses in mathematics chemistry, engineering, computer sciences,
English, and history. We refer to these as the required freshman courses. Because grades in the hu-
manities courses (English and history) are mostly determined by papers and assignments done out-
side the classroom, whereas grades in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) courses
are based on performance on common exams, we examine the effects of STEM and non-STEM
course timing separately to see if the effects differ across course type.
Tables 1 through 3 show summary statistics for our sample. Our data are at the student-course
level. Column (1) of 1 shows the summary statistics at this level. Column (2) shows summary
statistics at the student-level. Nineteen percent of the students are female, approximately four,
eight, and nine percent are black, hispanic, and asian, respectively. The mean SAT math score
was 669. Column (3) shows statistics for the freshman core courses that we focus our analysis on,
while Column (4) shows the STEM core classes specifically. Students enrolled in STEM classes
are very similar to those in all requires courses. This makes us confident that there is no selection
into STEM courses by higher achieving students. The final columns show the characteristics of the
students by their tercile of academic composite scores. The high tercile are the highest achievers.
Table 2 shows summary statistics by class period. There are some differences across class
periods. First, the number of observations for each class period differ, with the most for fifth
period (4,600) and the fewest for seventh period (1,738). Student characteristics also vary, as do
grades. The goal of this analysis is to determine how much of the variation in grades across the
class periods is due to time of day and course schedules, abstracting from differences in student,
instructor, and course characteristics. Table 3 shows the number of each core course taught in each
class period across our sample years. Chemistry and physical education are both two-period long
classes, and thus only offered first, third, and fifth periods.
To verify that assignment to different class periods is random with respect to student ability,
we regress student background characteristics on periods of the day dummies and course-semester
fixed effects to capture within-course deviations in characteristics. Figure 4 shows the results for
the distribution of females, minorities, academic composite, SAT math and verbal and Peer aca-
demic composite. Confidence intervals are at the 90%. All individual characteristics are clearly
uncorrelated with the period of the day. Peer academic composite is the one variable showing
differences, being lower in the morning and higher in the afternoon. This is due to the inclusion
of athletes whose courses are disproportionately in the morning. Athletes are included when cal-
culating other students’ peer variables, but excluded from the final sample. The randomness of
student assignment across different class periods allows us to utilize this variation to determine
the causal impact of course scheduling on achievement. Carrell et al. (2010) further show that
student assignment to required courses at USAFA is random with respect to peer characteristics
and professor experience, academic rank, and terminal degree status. They also find no correlation
between student characteristics and professor gender. Nonetheless, we also careful to control for
classroom-level peer characteristics to address differences in peers across classes and control for
professor characteristics by including instructor-semester and course-by-day fixed effects.
4. Analysis
We begin by looking at mean normalized grades across class periods for all students in our
sample in the top panel of Figure 3. These numbers are also summarized in Table 2. The second
panel shows the average grade for STEM and non-STEM courses separately. Third panel shows
average grades by the three terciles of academic aptitude. A few patterns emerge. First, grades in
first period are among the lowest in the day. Second, there appears to be a dip in grades during
4th and 7th periods and a peak during 2nd and 6th periods. Finally, average performance in STEM
courses are generally higher than in non-STEM classes, but they follow a very similar pattern
across class periods. These patterns hold across ability groups. Within these patterns are some
interesting puzzles. Mean performance in second period is quite strong even though it is at a time
asynchronous with adolescents’ optimal learning times. Alternatively, fourth period is at a time
that is synchronous with adolescents’ optimal learning times for learning; however, mean grades
in those period are quite low. While looking at means gives us some insight into patterns that
may exist, especially at USAFA where courses and professors are randomly assigned, they also
reflect differences in courses offered during different class periods and differences in professor
quality. Using regression framework, we are able to disentangle the effect of different components
of the daily class schedule on student achievement from all other attributes of the student and their
schedule. To do so, we estimate the following equation:
Gradeicjtsp = α + ψp + βAttribute + δ1 Xict + δ2 + φcts + γjt + ρi + icjtsp (1)
ncjtsp − 1
where Gradeicjtsp is the normalized grade for student i in course c with instructor j on schedule day
s in period p in year t. ψp are period-of-day dummies with 1st period omitted. Attribute is a vector
of the schedule characteristics, which we discuss in detail in the following sections. The vector Xist
includes the following student characteristics: SAT math and SAT verbal test scores, academic and
leadership composites, fitness score, race, gender, and whether
X s/he attended a military preparatory
school. To control for classroom peer effects, we include ncjtsp −1
(henceforth called P eers),
the average pre-treatment characteristics of all students in the section except for individual i. φcst
are course by year by schedule day fixed effects, which control for unobserved mean differences
in academic achievement or grading standards across courses, years, and schedule days. Professor
by year fixed effects, γjt , control for fixed differences in instructor quality within a given year.
We also show specifications that also include individual student fixed effects, ρi , to exploit the
within-student variation in schedules across the M/T schedule days. Standard errors are clustered
by student.
We first estimate Equation 1 focusing on ψp and setting Attribute = 0 to measure the “time-
of-day effect.” The estimates (shown in Columns (1) and (2) of Table 4 and the first panel of Figure
5) tell us how students perform in that class period relative to first period. Student performance is
statistically significantly higher in every class period than it is in 1st period. Students taking a class
during 7th period, for example, perform about one-tenth of a standard deviations better than in a 1st
period class, controlling for all attributes of the student, class, instructor, and peers. While we can’t
reject that periods 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 are statistically different from each other, student performance is
statistically different in period 6. Including individual fixed effects in Column (2) both increases
the magnitude of the point estimates and improves their precision.
Estimates from the time of day analysis show that students perform better in later period
classes; however, these coefficients are capturing three things. First is the effect of having to learn
at that specific time of day. The second is any accumulating effects of student fatigue from having
been in other classes previous to that one. The third is the professor’s fatigue or experience up to
that point. For instance, in later periods professors may be fatigued from having taught a number
of classes prior to that or they may be improving their teaching methods since they have taught
that same class earlier in the day. The institutional setting at USAFA allows us to disentangle these
three effects, because neither students nor professors are assigned to classes during all periods on
each schedule day. We move next to exploring the student fatigue effect.
To assess the effect of student fatigue, we exploit the random variation both in the number
of classes a student has had before a given class without a break (consecutive classes) as well
as the number of total classes a student has had before a given class period (cumulative classes)
at USAFA. The number of consecutive and cumulative classes can vary both across students and
within students because of the M/T schedule days. For example, Student A may have classes during
2nd , 4th , and 6th periods on one schedule day, while Student B has classes during 1st , 2nd , 5th , and
6th periods. By 6th period, Student A has had two cumulative classes, but zero consecutive classes
(since he had 5th period off), while Student B has had three cumulative classes and one consecutive
class. If, in fact, academic achievement is affected by having had to focus and learn earlier in the
day, Student A and B’s performance in 6th period will be affected by the time the class is held
and the number of classes they have had that day, both consecutive and cumulative.3 Because
of the way that classes are organized, students may also face a different “course-load” on each
schedule day. Some students have their classes spaced equally across both days while others have
a majority of their classes on one day. Since overall course-load can also fatigue students and affect
their achievement in each of their classes, we also use the number of course credits the students
are taking on a given schedule-day as one of our fatigue measures.
We determine the magnitude of the “student fatigue effect” and the relative importance of
cumulative and consecutive classes and course-load by including the Attributes vector in Equation
1. Since there are a number of ways to measure student fatigue, we explore different definitions
We count lunch as a break, so 5th period classes are always given a consecutive value of zero. We have explored
alternate definitions of the variable where we do not consider lunch a break and results are quantitatively similar.
of fatigue in each of our specifications. In Column (3) of Table 4 we control for the number of
credit hours a student is taking on that schedule day (Credits/Day) and the number of consecutive
and cumulative classes they have had up to that specific class. All three fatigue variables are
negative, supporting the theory that student performance in classes later in the day is hampered
by fatigue. In Column (4) we also add the number of cumulative classes squared and the number
of consecutive classes squared to determine whether there are non-linear effects of fatigue. The
squared terms are positive, but not statistically different from zero. Since we find no accumulating
effects of having more than one consecutive class, we replace the consecutive variables with a
dummy variable, “back-to-back,” indicating whether that specific class is immediately following
another class, to our specification in Column (5). This is our preferred specification.4 While all
three of our fatigue measures (credits per day, cumulative classes, and back-to-back) are negative,
only the back-to-back estimate is statistically significant. Having a class immediately following
another one decreases performance in the second class by nearly six-hundredths of a standard
deviation. Individual fixed-effects are included in Column (6) and again lead to more precisely
measured and generally larger effects, indicating that the within-student differences between their
classes and different schedule-days are significant.
Once fatigue is accounted for in the regressions, the period estimates increase dramatically,
suggesting that the original time of day estimates were biased downward by student fatigue. Per-
formance generally increases throughout the school day with a dip during fifth and seventh periods.
This is in line with sleep research which finds that adolescent alertness improves throughout the
morning, but dips at 1:30 and 3:30 in the afternoon (Carskadon et al., 1993). The sixth period esti-
mate of 0.235 from Column (5) can be interpreted as follows: if a student was taking their first class
of their day during sixth period, they would perform nearly a quarter of a standard deviation better
We have tested the non-linearity of the fatigue effect in alternate specifications by including separate dummies for
each possible value of consecutive and cumulative classes. Estimates supported that having a back-to-back class hurt
student performance but there was no support for the effect increasing linearly.
than if they were taking the same class during first period. This time-of-day effect is quite striking.
However, we must interpret this alongside the fatigue estimates to understand how students would
perform in a more typical academic setting. Assuming a reasonable schedule where sixth period
is a student’s second class in a row and sixth of the day, our model in Column (5) actually predicts
that a student performs 0.0215 standard deviations worse than they would in first period. This
explains why Pope (2014) finds that students perform worse in their afternoon classes. Table 12
shows the expected grade in each class period relative to first based on the number of cumulative
classes and whether the class is immediately following another one.
The last aspect of school schedules we explore is the “instructor schedule effect.” As with
students at USAFA, there is random variation both in the number of consecutive and cumulative
classes a professor has taught before a given class.5 Because of this, we have measures for the
number of total cumulative and consecutive classes for the instructors as well. It is unclear, a
priori, exactly how instructor schedules should affect student achievement. Teaching is not as
cognitively-taxing as learning, but certainly leads to more physical fatigue. While instructors may
grow tired as they teach more classes (reflected in a negative effect on student grades), they may
also become better at teaching that specific content (reflected in a positive effect on student grades).
To assess the instructor schedule effect on its own, we use the number of consecutive and
cumulative classes an instructor has taught as the Attribute vector in Equation 1 as well as cu-
mulative classes taught squared. Table 5 show the estimates from this analysis. We progressively
add student fatigue controls and class period fixed effects in Columns (2) and (3), respectively.
In Column (4) we instead use indicator variables for the number of cumulative and consecutive
classes an instructor has taught. Column (5) includes cumulative taught, the square of cumulative
Another interesting aspect of instructors schedules is that some teach multiple courses in the same semester while
others teach only one. While we would like to explore this further, instructors at USAFA tend to teach multiple sections
of the same course each semester, leaving very little variation for us to exploit.
taught, and an indicator variable for whether the instructor has taught back-to-back classes. This
is our preferred specification. Column (6) also includes individual fixed effects. We find no effect
of instructor schedule on student performance, indicating that fluctuations in student performance
across the school day is not driven by instructor fatigue or experience.
The previous analyses established the schedule characteristics that affect student achievement.
In this section we combine our preferred specifications of student fatigue and teacher schedules
into the same Attribute vector from Equation 1. Columns (1) and (2) of Table 6 shows the point
estimates for the time-of-day and fatigue effects when also controlling for instructor schedule.6
The time-of-day effect stays qualitatively the same as before including the instructor variables
with students performing better later in the day, although a few of the point estimates are no
longer statistically significant. Having back-to-back classes continues to have a negative effect on
students’ grades, as does the number of credits the student is taking on that schedule day.
We next assess whether there exists any heterogeneity of these effects across subgroups of our
student population. Doing so can help us understand how to optimize class schedules so that the
classes and/or students that benefit the most from being during “prime” times are the ones given
those times. Generally speaking, stratifying our analyses by subgroups means losing statistical
power since we are utilizing less of the data. Columns (3) - (5) of 6 show estimates for students
based on their predicted academic tercile upon entering USAFA. It is important to note that since
USAFA is a highly selective institution, even the bottom tercile students are among the top 15
percent of students nationally. We see no statistically significant effects for the top tercile students.
Middle tercile students are only negatively impacted by having back-to-back classes. The bottom
tercile students, on the other hand, are quite affected by these attributes. The time-of-day effect
for this group is striking. The bottom tercile students perform a quarter of a standard deviation
While included, teacher schedule variables remain insigificant in further specifications and so are not reported
better in a fourth period class than during first period with the effects of the afternoon classes
being even larger. The last two columns of the table shows estimates for STEM and non-STEM
classes, respectively. It’s important to note that there are more observations of STEM classes, since
a larger share of USAFA’s core classes are STEM. Nonetheless, the time-of-day effects appear to
matter more for STEM classes and the point estimates are very similar to that from our preferred
specification in Column (1).
To better understand the margins at which student achievement is affected, we assess how daily
schedules affect students’ likelihood of acing or failing a class. Table 7 shows estimates when
repeating the same analysis with the outcome variable being an indicator equal to one if a student
earned an A or A- in the course. Table 8 shows the analogous analysis with the outcome variable
being an indicator equal to one if a student earned a D or F in the course. We see that both the
time-of-day and fatigue effects affect students at both extremes of the grade distribution. Students
in a 3rd period class are 4.2 percentage points more likely to earn an A or A- and 4.9 percentage
points less likely to earn a D or F compared their counterparts who take the same class during 1st
period, all else equal. Columns (3) - (5) show the estimates when stratifying by academic ability.
The top tercile students are affected on the A margin – their likelihood of earning an A improves
as the day progresses (except 7th period) and that fatigue from having classes throughout the day
decreases their likelihood of earning an A. On the failing margin, we find statistically significant
time-of-day effects for the middle and bottom tercile students, but only in the morning classes. For
example, a bottom tercile student is about ten percentage points less likely to fail their 3rd period
class than their 1st period class.
Next we take a deeper look into the heterogenous effects of course characteristics across the
school day. That is, we assess whether there are non-linearities in educational inputs across the
school day. To do so, we estimate the following equation, where we interact the class period
indicator variables with other course characteristics:
Gradeicjtsp = α + ψp + βh ψp ∗ (Char) + δ1 Xict + δ2 P eers + φcts + γjt + ρi + icjtsp (2)
The estimates of βh explain the differential effect of that class characteristic across each of the
seven class periods. The first class characteristic we assess is peer effects. In this case, the variable
Char is the mean academic composite of one’s classmates. We next assess the effect of class size
across periods. Finally, we look at the effect of course load across the day. Estimates are plotted
along with their 90% confidence intervals in Figure 6. Each variable tends to exhibit the expected
sign with peer ability aiding performance and class size and course load harming. However, while
a few of the estimates are statistically significant at the ten percent level, we find no strong patterns
and cannot conclude that classroom characteristics have varying impact across the day.
Our main specification considers variation within a course, across different times of the day,
varying fatigue and teacher loads allowing us to identify the impact of the time of day on learning.
A second approach is to consider only within-section differences in performance. Here, rather than
compare two students taking the same class at different times of the day, we only compare students
within the same section, but with varying contexts earlier in the day. This is achieved by including
section specific fixed effects, rather than course specific ones. For a given section of a class,
students have been randomly assigned to the section at hand, but also their preceding schedules. In
essence, a student’s schedule immediately beforehand can be thought of as a “treatment” on their
mindset and focus. By comparing students in the same section, we are holding teacher quality and
time of day constant.
We refer to the student’s schedule preceding a class as their LeadU p situation and estimate:
βLeadU picjtsp ∗ ψp allows for the effect of a student’s prior classes to vary over the day. The
section fixed effects, φctspj replace φcts . We have multiple sets of LeadU p variables, each set is
estimated in a separate regression.7
The first set categorizes what was on a student’s schedule in the period immediately prior. It has
four possibilities: Free Period, P.E., STEM Class, Non-STEM Class. Results can be seen in Figure
7. While neither involve an academic course, we distinguish between free periods and physical
education to capture differences that physical activity may have on performance later in the day.
Each bar in the figure represents a single coefficient β from Equation 3 sorted by period of the day
and color-coded by LeadU p scenario with having had a non-STEM course prior as the reference
group. The second graph includes individual student fixed effects8 . Results show just why the
coefficient on the back-to-back variable from earlier was consistently negative. Looking at 3rd
period, take two students in the same section, one who had a free period during 2nd period and one
who had a non-stem course. The student with the free period has an expected normalized grade of
.15 standard deviations higher. P.E. is similarly beneficial to have had in the morning, but it doesn’t
seem as though the physicality of P.E. causes it to have differential effects from a free period. A
free-period beforehand is a strong predictor of success in 2nd , 3rd , 4th and 6th periods. 7t h period is
an interesting exception. Here, both P.E. and a free period beforehand lead to an expected decrease
in performance. This is discussed in tandem with the second set of results below.
The second set of LeadU p variables looks at the prior two periods. It has five possibilities:
Two Free Periods, P.E., Free then Class, Class then Free and Two Classes with results in 8. Having
two classes prior is the omitted category. In 3rd and 4th period courses, having two free periods
or P.E. beforehand leads to expected gains of around .13sd, even compared to those who only
As before, only core freshman courses are considered. Depending on the specification, 1st and 2nd period obser-
vations may be dropped due to lack of variation in students schedules prior to these courses
P.E. is a two-period class, but only meets starting in periods 1,3 and 5 so there are no estimates for a P.E. LeadU p
effect in periods 2 or 4.
had one free period. Impacts are smaller when looking at 5th period due to all students having
lunch immediately beforehand. The Class-Free combination is consistently better than Free-Class
(excepting 5th period) which reinforces the performance hit that comes with having back-to-back
In both sets of graphs, Period 7 is an interesting exception. The free period students from the
first set of LeadU p estimations can be seen as a combination of the two free period and class then
free group of the second set. Students who have had either two free periods or a P.E. immediately
prior perform around .15 standard deviations worse than students who had at least one class in
periods 5 or 6. One explanation is that these students are mentally “checked out”. Lunch, combined
with two periods of either P.E. or no class means that students in the P.E. or two-free periods
category have had a nearly 3.5 hour break from a classroom. Potentially, after being in academic
mode for some portion of the morning, it is difficult for them to take such an extended break and
then re-focus for a single afternoon class. Students who have two or more classes in the afternoon
(thus likely having had breaks in the morning) are able to perk-up for their classes after lunch.
The inclusion of student fixed effects absorbs variation across students and reduces the mag-
nitude of virtually coefficient in both sets of LeadU p estimates. Having period 2 free remains a
significant benefit to period 3 classes. While statistical significance is reduced, patterns are similar,
with the effect of P.E. and free periods again flipping for the end of the day.
Figure 9 shows to more, distinct sets of LeadU p possibilities. The top graph compares students
in the same sections based on the total cumulative classes up to that point. The bottom graph com-
pares them based on the number of consecutive classes. Here, the possible values of LeadU picjtsp
change depending on the period.9 . For cumulative classes, the omitted group is those having their
first class of the day. Patters before lunch are as expected, with students having their first class
For example, looking at cumulative classes, for 2nd period LeadU p ∈ (0, 1) since having a 1st period class was
the only chance to accumulate. For 4th period LeadU p ∈ (0, 1, 2, 3). For the consecutive graph, 5th period is empty
since lunch is considered a break for everyone.
outperforming their peers. By the afternoon, those who have not had any classes yet (only 3% of
students) seem to perform worse, but estimates are insignificant. The lack of significance suggests
that by the afternoon, students’ immediate history (one or two periods prior) matters more than the
collection of fatigue over the whole day.
The bottom graph of Figure 9 defines LeadU p as the number of consecutive classes up to that
point. Estimates show that, up until 7th period, students who are not in a back-to-back class are
consistently earning grades approximately .1sd higher than those who are in a back-to-back class.
In 7th period, having a back-to-back class becomes a positive, but insignificant, likely for reasons
discussed above.
5. Robustness Checks
We verify the robustness of our estimates to several changes in model specification with results
shown in Table 10. Columns (1) and (2) exclude foreign language courses from the analysis. Since
students select into their foreign language and classes meet on both schedule days, these are the
least subjective of all the core courses. Columns (3) and (4) shows our model with the inclusion of
recruited athletes, a group whose class assignment may not be as random since they are generally
not assigned afternoon courses. Finally, we verify that the results are note purely driven by one
of the start-time regimes. Column (5) shows the model restricted to academic year 2007, when
first period started at 7:00 a.m. Column (6) is limited to academic years 2005 and 2006, when first
period started at 7:30, and the last column is for academic years 2008 and 2009, with a 7:50 a.m
start time. The point estimates in the 7:00 start time are much larger than the other years; however,
the time of day patterns are similar as are the fatigue effects. Table 11 shows estimates from
our model as we sequentially add controls and fixed effects. The estimates from our robustness
specifications are qualitatively similar to those from our main specification, and provide strong
evidence that our results are not driven by anomalies in the data or from our preferred.
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Findings from this study inform us about the role of time and fatigue in the education pro-
duction function. Two similar students taking the same classes with the same teachers, but with
different schedules could be expected to get grades as different as two-tenths of a standard devia-
tion (approximately a B- to a B+ difference) in certain scenarios. These findings support the notion
that the way in which school schedules are currently organized is hindering student performance
and that an intervention as inexpensive and simple as rescheduling classes can have meaningful im-
pact on students. The course and grading structure at USAFA is ideal for this study. Assignment to
classes and professors is random, attendance in all classes is mandatory, and all students enrolled
in a course in a given semester take the exams during a common testing period and are graded
on a collective curve. Because of these features we can be certain that the effects we find reflect
differences in learning/understanding of class material and not differences in grading standards.10
With each finding, we discuss administrative action that could be taken to better optimize the
school schedule. Schools face multitudes of different constraints when it comes to scheduling, but
many of our suggestions are quite broad and could be achieved using standard scheduling software.
Adolescents learn better in the late morning and afternoon– times that are better aligned with their
circadian rhythms. These results are consistent with Goldstein et al. (2007a) who find that for
adolescents, scores on intelligence tests are significantly lower during the early morning hours.
STEM classes are more adversely affected by being scheduled in the morning than non-STEM
classes. This could be due to the nature of non-STEM coursework (e.g. writing assignments) which
can be done outside of the classroom or the cognitively challenging material in STEM classes.
Subgroup analysis shows that students in the bottom tercile of academic aptitude at USAFA are
more adversely affected by early morning classes and fatigue. This group is most similar to the
This is problematic when using course grades in a traditional school setting where each teacher determines the
grades/curves for their students. If students are graded only relative to their classmates then if learning in first period
is lower for all students, relative grades will still remain the same.
average teen, as the top tercile students are very high achievers. We are unable to establish why
this is the case; however, one hypothesis is that this may be because high-ability students are better
able to overcome what they miss in the classroom by teaching themselves the material. In a best-
case scenario, fewer STEM classes overall would be scheduled in the early morning, but perhaps
a more reasonable policy to enact would be putting STEM classes for the most advanced students
early in the morning.
Our findings regarding physical education further support the idea of shifting STEM classes
away from the morning. We find positive effects of having P.E. in the morning. This is in line
with Lambourne and Tomporowski (2010); Tomporowski et al. (2011)’s review of studies that
have explored the effects of both overall physical fitness and acute exercise. Once again this
suggests shifting away (especially for lower-ability students) from morning STEM classes and
towards morning physical education to wake students up. One of the largest effects we find is the
negative impact of having P.E. just before the last period of the day. We interpret this as a sort
of mental “checking-out” whereby it is hard for students to reengage their minds for a final class
late in the afternoon, especially since 7th period coincides with an increase in daytime sleepiness
for older teens (Carskadon et al., 1980). Depending on the facilities at a school, P.E. classes may
be able to accommodate increased enrollment in morning sections without requiring additional
instructors or classroom space.
Academic fatigue, measured by both total and consecutive classes, adversely affects perfor-
mance. Spacing out free periods can help reduce fatigue. Some students Now, it’s hardly rea-
sonable for us to advocate later start times (or not having a first period class) in addition to then
having multiple spaced-out free periods during the day. High school students are often taking six,
sometimes seven classes. However, one takeaway is that free periods during the last period of the
day are effectively a waste. They don’t help with start time or fatigue. Sports commonly dictate
that students have their last period free because of scheduling conflicts, but our evidence suggests
that giving students their last period free should be avoided whenever possible.
While most of our discussion has been around what administrators or schedulers could do to
better optimize the school schedule, there is also the potential for student optimization. In a setting
where a student has some control over which classes they take, they may be able to do themselves
a favor by forcing themselves to be active in the morning, spacing out their breaks and not taking
too many consecutive classes.
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Figures and Tables
Figure 3: Mean Achievement Across Class Periods
Figure 4: Randomness Checks
Figure 5: Period Dummy Coefficients For Class Periods
Figure 6: Peer, Class size and course load across the day
Figure 7: Effects of Preceding Class
Figure 8: Effects of Preceding Two Classes
Figure 9: Effects of Cumulative vs Consecutive Classes
Table 1: Student Summary Statistics by Subgroup
Sat Verbal 6.460 (0.650) 6.450 (0.656) 6.450 (0.647) 6.478 (0.643) 6.494 (0.710) 6.460 (0.633) 6.397 (0.589)
Sat Math 6.695 (0.633) 6.689 (0.639) 6.676 (0.627) 6.722 (0.624) 6.778 (0.688) 6.660 (0.608) 6.594 (0.569)
Credits/Day 8.602 (2.292) 8.498 (1.129) 8.854 (2.203) 8.782 (2.233) 8.883 (2.147) 8.896 (2.191) 8.786 (2.267)
Consecutive Classes 0.586 (0.880) 0.574 (0.344) 0.631 (0.902) 0.586 (0.870) 0.650 (0.922) 0.633 (0.899) 0.610 (0.884)
Cumulative Classes 1.524 (1.337) 1.499 (0.321) 1.663 (1.338) 1.508 (1.311) 1.684 (1.348) 1.674 (1.340) 1.633 (1.325)
Cumulative Taught 0.735 (0.888) 0.737 (0.406) 0.760 (0.897) 0.668 (0.869) 0.702 (0.859) 0.758 (0.892) 0.817 (0.932)
Consecutive Taught 0.326 (0.584) 0.325 (0.239) 0.368 (0.599) 0.289 (0.546) 0.346 (0.584) 0.359 (0.587) 0.398 (0.623)
Grade 0.0399 (0.993) 0.0292 (0.696) 0.0515 (0.996) 0.0683 (0.994) 0.390 (0.895) 0.0410 (0.971) -0.263 (1.008)
Ace 0.216 (0.412) 0.213 (0.260) 0.228 (0.419) 0.253 (0.435) 0.360 (0.480) 0.209 (0.407) 0.119 (0.324)
Failed 0.0626 (0.242) 0.0644 (0.142) 0.0745 (0.263) 0.0947 (0.293) 0.0277 (0.164) 0.0686 (0.253) 0.125 (0.331)
Observations 29736 4816 24264 13210 7891 8175 8198
Table 2: Student Summary Statistics by Period
Sat Verbal 6.461 (0.645) 6.436 (0.660) 6.448 (0.658) 6.416 (0.659) 6.470 (0.629) 6.459 (0.637) 6.445 (0.636)
Sat Math 6.701 (0.645) 6.672 (0.649) 6.669 (0.641) 6.633 (0.622) 6.698 (0.609) 6.676 (0.611) 6.676 (0.599)
Credits/Day 9.050 (2.176) 9.109 (2.129) 8.853 (2.165) 8.906 (2.171) 8.613 (2.305) 8.684 (2.203) 8.864 (2.185)
Consecutive Classes 0 (0) 0.467 (0.499) 1.352 (0.849) 1.275 (1.361) 0 (0) 0.437 (0.496) 1.199 (0.771)
Cumulative Classes 0 (0) 0.467 (0.499) 1.415 (0.782) 1.890 (1.020) 2.473 (1.056) 2.766 (1.007) 3.223 (0.952)
Cumulative Taught 0 (0) 0.510 (0.500) 0.581 (0.680) 0.799 (0.756) 0.954 (0.951) 1.312 (1.010) 1.605 (1.144)
Consecutive Taught 0 (0) 0.516 (0.500) 0.406 (0.686) 0.670 (0.734) 0 (0) 0.464 (0.499) 1.002 (0.752)
Grade -0.0259 (1.011) 0.0738 (0.981) 0.0586 (1.009) 0.0146 (1.006) 0.0722 (0.987) 0.120 (0.986) 0.0375 (0.974)
Ace 0.216 (0.412) 0.238 (0.426) 0.233 (0.422) 0.221 (0.415) 0.223 (0.417) 0.243 (0.429) 0.219 (0.414)
Failed 0.110 (0.313) 0.0551 (0.228) 0.0855 (0.280) 0.0646 (0.246) 0.0834 (0.277) 0.0503 (0.219) 0.0475 (0.213)
STEM course 0.669 (0.471) 0.500 (0.500) 0.627 (0.484) 0.440 (0.496) 0.588 (0.492) 0.405 (0.491) 0.503 (0.500)
Observations 3645 3105 4529 3269 4600 3378 1738
Table 3: Course Sections By Period
Table 4: Timing and Student Fatigue
Table 5: Effect of Timing on Teachers
Table 6: Preferred Specification
Table 7: Outcome: A in Class
Table 8: Outcome: Failed Class
Table 9: Outcome: Raw Score
Table 10: Robustness: No Languages, Athletes, Start Time
Teach Cumul Squared 0.00585 -0.00326 0.00367 -0.00214 0.0109 0.00256 0.00889
(0.00977) (0.00929) (0.00891) (0.00839) (0.0284) (0.0153) (0.0148)
Teacher Controls Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Indv FEs N Y N Y N N N
N 20655 20655 28825 28825 4503 8963 8979
R2 0.256 0.697 0.257 0.678 0.273 0.253 0.256
Standard errors in parentheses
p < 0.10, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < .01
Table 11: Robustness: Fixed Effects and Peer Effects
Cumulative Classes
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0
2 0.0901
2† 0.0039
3 0.1390 0.1028
3† 0.0463 0.0101
4 0.1410 0.1049 0.0687
4† 0.0484 0.0122 -0.0240
5 0.1020 0.0659 0.0297 -0.0065
5† 0.0094 -0.0268 -0.0630 -0.0992
6 0.2160 0.1798 0.1436 0.1074 0.0712
6† 0.1233 0.0871 0.0509 0.0147 -0.0215
7 0.1430 0.1070 0.0708 0.0346 -0.0016 -0.0378
7† 0.0505 0.0143 -0.0219 -0.0581 -0.0943 -0.1305
Estimates are taken from column 1 of Table 6. Period 1 is set to 0. Gives expected value based on time of day, number
of cumulative classes and whether or not class is a back-to-back one. † represents a class being back-to-back.