Computer Vision Nanodegree Syllabus: Before You Start
Computer Vision Nanodegree Syllabus: Before You Start
Computer Vision Nanodegree Syllabus: Before You Start
Contact Info
While going through the program, if you have questions about anything, you can reach us at
[email protected].
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Throughout this Nanodegree program, you'll master valuable skills by building the following projects:
● Facial Keypoint Detection
● Automatic Image Captioning
● Landmark Detection and Tracking
In the sections below, you'll find a detailed description of each project along with the course material that
presents the skills required to complete the project.
INTRODUCTION TO ● Learn where computer vision techniques are used in industry.
COMPUTER VISION ● Prepare for the course ahead with a detailed topic overview.
● Start programming your own applications!
CONVOLUTIONAL NN ● Learn about the layers of a deep convolutional neural network:
LAYERS convolutional, maxpooling, and fully-connected layers.
● Build an CNN-based image classifier in PyTorch.
● Learn about layer activation and feature visualization
FEATURES AND OBJECT ● Learn why distinguishing features are important in pattern and
RECOGNITION object recognition tasks.
● Write code to extract information about an object’s color and
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● Use features to identify areas on a face and to recognize the
shape of a car or pedestrian on a road.
RECURRENT NEURAL ● Learn how recurrent neural networks learn from ordered
NETWORKS sequences of data.
● Implement an RNN for sequential text generation.
● Explore how memory can be incorporated into a deep learning
● Understand where RNN’s are used in deep learning applications.
IMAGE CAPTIONING ● Learn how to combine CNNs and RNNs to build a complex
captioning model.
● Implement an LSTM for caption generation.
● Train a model to predict captions and understand a visual scene.
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OBJECT MOTION AND ● Learn how to programmatically track a single point over time.
TRACKING ● Understand motion models that define object movement over
● Learn how to analyze videos as sequences of individual image
OPTICAL FLOW AND ● Implement a method for tracking a set of unique features over
● Learn how to match features from one image frame to another.
● Track a moving car using optical flow.
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