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Chalazion is a cyst in the eyelid due to a blocked oil gland.They are typically in the middle of
the eyelid, red, and non painful.[ They tend to come on gradually over a few weeks.

A chalazion may occur following a stye or from hardened oils blocking the gland. The
blocked gland is usually the meibomian gland but can also be the gland of Zeis. A stye and
cellulitis may appear similar. A stye, however, is usually more sudden in onset, painful, and
occurs at the edge of the eyelid. Cellulitis is also typically painful.

Treatment is initiated with warm compresses. If this is not effective injecting steroids into the
lesion may be tried. If large, incision and drainage may be recommended. While relatively
common the frequency of the condition is unknown. The term is from the Greek "khalazion"
meaning "small hailstone"

Signs and symptoms

Eyelid affected by a chalazion

 Painless swelling on the eyelid

 Eyelid tenderness typically none to mild
 Increased tearing
 Heaviness of the eyelid
 Redness of conjunctiva


A large chalazion can cause astigmatism due to pressure on the cornea.

As laser eye surgery involves shaping the cornea by burning parts of it away, weakening its
structure, post-operation patients can be left predisposed to deformation of the cornea from
small chalazia.

Complications including hypopigmentation may occur with corticosteroid injection.

Recurring chalazia in the same area may sometimes be a symptom of sebaceous cell
carcinoma, albeit rarely.

Sometimes, as a last resort, surgery is performed. The eyelid is injected with a local
anesthetic, a clamp is put on the eyelid, then the eyelid is turned over, an incision is made on
the inside of the eyelid, and the chalazion is drained and scraped out with a curette. A scar on
the upper lid can cause discomfort as some patients feel the scar as they blink. Of course, as
surgeries are intrusive and damage healthy tissue (e.g., leaving behind scar tissue or possibly
even causing blepharitis), given other options, less intrusive treatment is always preferable.
Similarly, chalazia may recur once the eye is predisposed and surgical intervention each time
is not possible. So surgery should be considered only as a last resort, performed on as few as
5% of all chalazia patients.

Blocked meibomian glands may also be treatable with hot towels, which soften the oils in the

A chalazion or meibomian cyst can sometimes be mistaken for a stye.

Differential diagnosis

 Sebaceous gland adenoma

 Sebaceous gland carcinoma

 Sarcoid granuloma
 Foreign body granuloma

A large chalazion ca. 20 minutes upon excision. This bipartite chalazion was removed via two
separate incisions. Further along the lower eyelid, signs of chronic inflammation (Blepharitis)
are visible.

Topical antibiotic eye drops or ointment (e.g., chloramphenicol or fusidic acid) are sometimes
used for the initial acute infection, but are otherwise of little value in treating a chalazion.
Chalazia will often disappear without further treatment within a few months, and virtually all
will reabsorb within two years.[7] Healing can be facilitated by applying a warm compress to
the affected eye for approximately 15 minutes 4 times per day. This promotes drainage and
healing by softening the hardened oil that is occluding the duct.

If they continue to enlarge or fail to settle within a few months, smaller lesions may be
injected with a corticosteroid, or larger ones may be surgically removed using local
anesthesia. This is usually done from underneath the eyelid to avoid a scar on the skin. If the
chalazion is located directly under the eyelid's outer tissue, however, an excision from above
may be more advisable so as not to inflict any unnecessary damage on the lid itself. Eyelid
epidermis usually mends well, without leaving any visible scar. Depending on the chalazion's
texture, the excision procedure varies: while fluid matter can easily be removed under
minimal invasion, by merely puncturing the chalazion and exerting pressure upon the
surrounding tissue, hardened matter usually necessitates a larger incision, through which it
can be scraped out. Any residual matter should be metabolized in the course of the subsequent
healing process, generally aided by regular appliance of dry heat. The excision of larger
chalazia may result in visible hematoma around the lid, which will wear off within three or
four days, whereas the swelling may persist for longer. Chalazion excision is an ambulant
treatment and normally does not take longer than fifteen minutes. Nevertheless, owing to the
risks of infection and severe damage to the eyelid, such procedures should only be performed
by a medical professional.

Chalazia may recur, and they will usually be biopsied to rule out the possibility of a tumour.


Classic lipogranulomatous response seen in a well-developed chalazion

Chalazion surgery is a simple procedure that is generally performed as a day operation, and
the person does not need to remain in the hospital for further medical care.

Chalazion removal surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. Commonly,

general anesthesia is administered in children to make sure they stay still and no injury to the
eye occurs. Local anesthesia is used in adults and it is applied with a small injection into the
eyelid. The discomfort of the injection is minimized with the help of an anesthetic cream,
which is applied locally.

The chalazion may be removed in two ways, depending on the size of cyst. Relatively small
chalazia are removed through a small cut at the back of the eyelid. The surgeon lifts the eyelid
to access the back of its surface and makes an incision of approximately 3mm just on top of
the chalazion. The lump is then removed, and pressure is applied for a few minutes to stop
any oozing of blood that may occur because of the operation. Surgery of small chalazia does
not require stitches, as the cut is at the back of the eyelid and therefore the cut cannot be seen,
and the cosmetic result is excellent.

Larger chalazia are removed through an incision in front of the eyelid. Larger chalazia usually
push on the skin of the eyelid, and this is the main reason why doctors prefer removing them
this way. The incision is not usually larger than 3mm and it is made on top of the chalazion.
The lump is removed and then pressure is applied on the incision to prevent oozing. This type
of surgery is closed with very fine stitches. They are hardly visible and are usually removed
within a week after the surgery has been performed. Although chalazia are rarely dangerous,
it is common to send the chalazion or part of it to a laboratory to screen for cancer.

When surgery for a chalazion is considered, patients who take aspirin or any other blood-
thinning medications are advised to stop taking them one week prior to the procedure as they
may lead to uncontrollable bleeding. There are several tests taken prior to surgery to make
sure the patient is in good condition for the operation.

In rare cases, patients are kept overnight in the hospital after chalazion surgery. This includes
cases in which complications occurred and the patient needs to be closely monitored. In most
cases however, patients are able to go home after the operation has ended.

The recovery process is easy and quite fast. Most patients experience some very minor
discomfort in the eye, which can be easily controlled by taking painkilling medication.
Patients are, however, recommended to avoid getting water in the eye for up to 10 days after
surgery. They may wash, bathe, or shower, but they must be careful to keep the area dry and
clean. Makeup may be worn after at least one month post-operatively. Patients are
recommended to not wear contact lenses in the affected eye for at least eight weeks to prevent
infections and potential complications.

Commonly, patients receive eye drops to prevent infection and swelling in the eye and pain
medication to help them cope with the pain and discomfort in the eyelid and eye. One can use
paracetamol (acetominophen) rather than aspirin to control the pain. Also, after surgery, a pad
and protective plastic shield are used to apply pressure on the eye in order to prevent leakage
of blood after the operation; this may be removed 6 to 8 hours after the procedure.

People who undergo chalazion surgery are normally asked to visit their eye surgeon for post-
op follow-up three to four weeks after surgery has been performed. They may start driving the
day after surgery and they may return to work in one or two days.

Chalazion surgery is a safe procedure and complications occur very seldomly. Serious
complications that require another operation are also very rare. Among potential
complications, there is infection, bleeding, or the recurrence of the chalazion.

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