Chapter 5

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Chapter V




Literature plays an important role in the English curricula of different non- English

speaking countries. However, there are some problems encountered by language teachers

within the area of teaching English through literature. First, few pedagogically designed

appropriate materials can be found and used by language teachers in a language classroom.

Second, there is a lack of preparation in the area of literature teaching in TEFL programs.

Third, there is the absence of clear- cut objectives defining the role of literature in EFL. The

teacher has an important role in teaching English through literature. First, he should

determine the aim of language teaching in relation to the needs and expectations of the

students. Second, he should select the appropriate language teaching method, teaching

techniques, and classroom activities. Then, the teacher should select the literary texts relevant

and motivating for students taking into consideration the students language proficiency,

interests, age, sex, etc. At elementary levels, for example, students should be given simple or

specially written stories. At advanced levels, however, students are given literature in its

original form so that they can develop their literary competence in the target language.

Observing how characters in a play or a short story use figures of speech, such as simile,

metaphor, etc,so as to express their communicative intention, students learn how to write

English more clearly, creatively, and powerfully.

As Obediat (1997, p. 32) states, literature helps students acquire a native- like competence

in English, express their ideas in good English, learn the features of modern English, learn

how the English linguistic system is used for communication, see how idiomatic expressions

are used, speak clearly, precisely, and concisely, and become more proficient in English, as

well as become creative, critical, and analytical learners.Custodio and Sutton (1998, pag. 20)
explain that literature can open horizons of possibility, allowing students to question,

interpret, connect, and explore. In sum, literature provides students with an incomparably

rich source of authentic material. If students can gain access to this material by developing

literary competence, then they can effectively internalize the language at a high level (Elliot

1990, p. 198). Especially, for students with verbal /linguistic intelligence, the language

teacher's using literature in a foreign language class serves for creating a highly motivating,

amusing and lively lesson. Literature is not only a tool for developing the written and oral

skills of the students in the target language but also is a window opening into the culture of

the target language, building up a cultural competence in students.


Teaching English through literature seems to be a great challenge for language teachers,

even more when taking into account the fact that in most of the cases teacher's preparation is

not as good as expected. Also, and not less important, the lack of resources, appropriate

materials, and some other aspects that makes the process of teaching English through

literature a kind of difficult.

So, as some recommendations for overcoming different difficulties when teaching

language through literature and improving the way in which it has been carried out through

time, it is important look for the appropriate and well-designed materials, if don't, will be

important to use authentic materials when teaching a language. Moreover, it is going to be

so relevant to select the appropriate methods techniques and activities for carrying out

affectively this process. Besides, it is relevant to reinforce the fact about using the appropriate

materials, it has to be considered the criteria that will help teachers to selecting materials, for

instance sex, interests, age and so on, those aspects will affect positively (if well used), or

Negatively (if wrongly used). It is important to add that the level of proficiency plays a

determining role when selecting materials.

In addition, teachers have to be "open" to make changes when necessary as well as when

implementing different strategies pre, while and after reading a piece of literature. Finally,

after realizing the benefits of using literature for teaching a language, it is going to be

important to understand which will be the benefits for students, for instance students who are

taught through literature will be more creative, critical and why not, more analytical learners.
In addition, they will wide their horizons, allowing to question, interpret, connect and


To the EFL Teacher

It is necessary to explain students about the importance and benefits of read in the English

learning process to improve the English language acquisition.

Assign interested books to read for Students to catch students’ attention to be easier the

process of learning for reading.

To motivate students to read in English using different techniques to increase the interest

and motivation for read English books.

To the institution

To foment the Literature in the institution.

To invest in interested books for teens to learn English.


John McRae (1994) The use of literature in the ELT

Retrieved from

Duff, A & Maley, A (2007) Literature (Resource Books for Teachers), Oxford University


Maley, A (2001) ‘Literature in the language classroom' in The Cambridge Guide to Teaching

ESOL, Cambridge University Press.

McRae, J (1994) Literature with a small 'l', Macmillan Education.

Pulverness, A ( 2003) ‘Literature' in English Teaching Professional, October, Issue 29,

Modern English Publishing

Collie, J. and S. Slater. 1990.Literature in the Language Classroom: A Resource Book of

Ideas and Activities. Cambridge: CUP.


Chamot and O’Malley, 1994

A.U. Chamot, J.M. O’MalleyThe CALLA handbook: Implementing the cognitive

academic language learning approach. Reading

Addison-Wesley, MA (1994)

Christie, 1992 F. ChristieLiteracy in Australia

Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 12 (1992), pp. 142-155

View Record in Scopus

Crandall, 1987

Crandall, J. (Ed.). (1987) ESL through content area instruction: Mathematics, science, social

studies. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

Davison and Williams, 2001

Davison, C., Williams, A. (2001). Integrating language and content: Unresolved issues. In B.

Mohan, C. Leung, & C. Davison (Eds.), English as a second language in the mainstream (pp.

51-70). New York: Longman/Pearson.

de Guerrero, 2005

de Guerrero, M.C. (2005). Inner Speech-L2: Words in a second language, USA: Springer.

Denham and Figueras, 2009

Denham, L., & Figueras, N. (2009). Introduction to Original APAC Monograph. In BritLit:

Using literature in EFL classrooms, e-book published by the British Council or contributors,

p. 9.

Universidad Latina de Costa Rica

Campus Guápiles

Thesis to obtain the Licentiate Degree in English Teaching

Proponent: Manfred Joseph Leon Gonzalez

This questionnaire is part of an investigation to obtain the Licentiate Degree in English

Teaching at Universidad Latina de Costa Rica. The purpose of this instrument is to collect

data about the impact classroom management has in the teaching learning process at Liceo

Experimental Bilingüe de Siquirres in Seventh grade group. Direccion Regional Siquirres,

Circuito 04 in 2018.

Your answers will be treated as completely confidential and will only be used as part of a

statistical analysis.

Directions: Please mark with an X in the parenthesis to the answer of your choice. There is

an amount of 23 questions.

Questionnaire for students

1. Does your Teacher implement literature in class?

2. Do you consider important Literature implementation in class?

3. Do you like literature in class as a tool for learning process?

4. Do you consider literature useful to learn a foreign language?

5. Does your Teacher should include more literature in class?

1. Does your Teacher take you in consideration to select what literature you are going to


2. Do you like the literature chosen by the Teacher?

3. Is the literature interesting ?

4. Do you like what you read in classes?

5. Is the literature chosen by the Teacher useful to learn a EFL?

1. Does your Teacher take you in consideration to select what literature you are going to


2. Do you like the literature chosen by the Teacher?

3. Is the literature interesting ?

4. Do you like what you read in classes?

5. Is the literature chosen by the Teacher useful to learn a EFL?

1. Does your Teacher assign you literature homeworks?

2. Does your Teacher introduces the classes with literature?

3. Are your Teacher’s strategies dynamic related to literature ?

4. Do you like short stories?

1. Do you assign literature homeworks to your students?

2. Do you introduce the classes using literature?

3. Are your strategies dynamic to teach English through literature?

4. Do you like to use short stories in English classes?

Variable No 1 Variable No 2 Variable No 3 Variable No 4

Implementation Literary texts Strategies for the Improve

use of literature communication

of Literature.

Universidad Latina de Costa Rica

Campus Guápiles

Thesis to obtain the Licentiate Degree in English Teaching

Proponent: Manfred Joseph Leon Gonzalez

This questionnaire is part of an investigation to obtain the Licentiate Degree in English

Teaching at Universidad Latina de Costa Rica. The purpose of this instrument is to collect

data about the impact classroom management has in the teaching learning process at Liceo

Experimental Bilingüe de Siquirres in Seventh grade group. Dirección Regional Siquirres,

Circuito 04, in 2018.

Your answers will be treated as completely confidential and will only be used as part of a

statistical analysis.

Directions: Please mark with an X in the parenthesis to the answer of your choice. There is

an amount of 16 questions

1. Do you implement literature in class?

2. Do you consider important Literature implementation in class?

3. Do you like literature in class as a tool for learning process ?

4. Do you consider literature useful to learn a foreign language?

1. Do you take student’s opinion in consideration to select literature?

2. Do you like the literature that you use in classroom?

3. Is the literature chosen by you interesting for students?

4. Is the literature useful to teach an EFL?

1. Do you assign literature homeworks to your students?

2. Do you introduce the classes using literature?

3. Are your strategies dynamic to teach English through literature?

4. Do you like to use short stories in English classes?

1. Does your students read fluently in English?

2. Does your students improve their English through reading literature?

3. Does your students communicate in English during the classes ?

4. Is literature useful to improve communication skills in students?

Variable No 1 Variable No 2 Variable No 3 Variable No 4

Implementation Literary texts Strategies for the Improve

use of literature communication

of Literature.

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