Forged Valves - Operation & Maintenance Manual
Forged Valves - Operation & Maintenance Manual
Forged Valves - Operation & Maintenance Manual
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
1.1. Introduction
This manual has been prepared to serve as a guide to insure continuous satisfactory service and assist in restoring of a valve
to proper working condition.
It covers 'NEWCO' Forged Class 150 through 2500, bolted/welded bonnet, outside screw and yoke, flanged /threaded /socket
welded, carbon steel, stainless steel and alloy steel valves. The installation, storage, operation, disassembly / reassembly
inspection and repair, service problems, maintenance and preventive maintenance covering these valves are also included in
this manual.
Prior to performing any work on these valves, it would be useful to have a general understanding of their construction.
Chapter 4 shows the valve's basic construction.
The following general safety notices supplement the specific warnings and cautions appearing elsewhere in this manual.
They are recommended precautions that must be understood and applied during operation and maintenance of the equipment
covered herein.
a. To avoid injury, never attempt disassembly while there are pressures either upstream or
downstream. Even when replacing packing rings caution is necessary to avoid possible
b. Do not attempt to disassemble a valve while there is pressure in the line. Make sure both
upstream and downstream pressures are removed before disassembly. Disassemble with
caution in the event that all pressures have not been relieved.
c. Prior to replacing packing rings, remove all pressure from the valve. The packing can also be
replaced while there is pressure BUT the valve must be tightly backseated. This will not
insure complete safety and it is not recommended. If the backseat faces have been damaged
by foreign material the backseat may leak into the packing chamber.
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
2.1. Storage.
a. Keep the valves wrapped and protected as shipped from the manufacturer.
b. Do not remove the protective end covering until the valve is ready for installation. This will reduce the possibility of
foreign material damaging internal valve components.
c. Valves stored outdoors should be positioned such that water does not accumulate in the valve body.
2.2. Preparation.
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
2.3. Installation
Valves containing PTFE packing and/or gasket must be disassembled for installation as the welding temperature can
adversely affect the PTFE components. Match mark each component during disassembly for proper reassembly.
The responsibility for welding of the valves into piping systems is that of those performing the welding. Refer to ASME
B31.1, B31.3, etc. Written welding procedures covering all attributes of the process and materials to be welded shall be in
accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and any additional requirements from the
applicable piping code including any possible necessary localized PWHT depending on material specifications.
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
The inspection is used as a means to identify a problem before it can cause a shutdown of the system. A periodic inspection
should include the following:
a. Examine the valve stem for cleanliness and lubrication. The stem threads should be coated with a clean grease lubricant.
b. Some valves have a grease fitting in the bonnet or yoke. If it is dry, lubricate with a hand grease gun.
c. Open and close the valve. The actions should be smooth without any binding of the stem through full travel.
d. If valve is in service and under pressure:
i) Examine the body to bonnet connection for leakage through the gasket. If leakage is found, tighten the
bonnet nuts evenly in a star pattern until the leakage stops. Do not exceed the maximum torque values in
Table A. If the leakage persists, see section 3.2. (NOTE: this does not apply to welded bonnets)
ii) Check the stem packing for any leakage during the opening and closing action. If a leak is found, tighten the
gland nuts alternately with no more than a quarter turn on each nut until the leak stops. If the leakage
persists, see section 3.2.
iii) Inspect the exterior of the valves for cleanliness. Remove any dirt, grime or oil from the valve body and
3.1.3. Maintenance.
Other than periodic inspection, no routine maintenance is required. Routine replacement of parts, such as gasket and packing
is not usually performed until these parts fail. Once in service, it may become apparent that these and other parts require
repair or replacement due to usage and service conditions. A maintenance schedule should be developed taking these
conditions into consideration to replace parts which have a tendency to wear within a given time frame. These can then be
replaced during a routine overhaul prior to any failure.
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
3.2. Trouble-shooting
The following chart will cover the various problems that are common to most valves. It will provide information that will aid
in isolating and correcting these problems.
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Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
To prevent injury ensure that all pressure is removed from the valve both upstream and downstream before
a. Check original tightness of valve operation. Remove gland nuts. Lift the gland up the stem clear of the packing chamber.
b. Remove the existing or defective packing rings with a sharp tool or packing remover. Do not scratch or score the
machined surfaces of the stem or packing chamber.
c. Examine the machined surface of the stem in the packing chamber. Remove any scratches, scoring or burrs with emery
cloth or hand filing. Clean the stem with a solvent soaked cloth.
d. Count original number of rings and measure x-section thickness. If original packing cannot be counted or measured,
follow the steps below:
1.) Measure the stem diameter (OD), stuffing box diameter (ID) and stuffing box depth (d).
2.) Packing x-section (R) = (ID - OD)/2
3.) #rings = (1.25 x d)/R
e. Install new packing. Cut each ring at a 45-degree angle and stagger the joints at 120 degrees, every fourth joint will be in
the same position as the first. Install rings individually using a split ring spacer, compressing each ring by hand
tightening = 1/4 turns on each gland nut.
f. When packing chamber becomes filled with packing, reassemble gland and gland flange. Alternate tightening gland
flange nuts 1/4 turn at a time until eye bolts begin to get tight. (If gland travels more than the height of one packing ring
into the packing chamber, insert one more ring and repeat step F until chamber is filled.
g. Compare valve operation to original tightness. If valve operation is considerably tighter than original operating tightness,
back off 1/4 turn on each gland nut and recheck tightness.
h. Several hours after a repacked valve has been returned to service, inspect the area to ensure full compression, tight
bolting and no leakage. Should leakage occur, tighten gland nuts at 1/4-turn increments until leakage stops.
Figure 3.1.3-1 (a) Valve Stuffing Box Assembly (b) Packing Detail
(3 min.)
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
4.1.1. Operation
By turning the handwheel counter-clockwise, the stem, to which the wedge (or disc) is attached at the base, is drawn up
through the yokesleeve. By turning the handwheel clockwise, the action is reversed and the wedge (or disc) is lowered into
the closed position.
4.1.2. Disassembly a. Thoroughly clean the valve interior, body and bonnet
flange surfaces and all components. Remove all scale,
WARNING oil, grease or other foreign material. Wipe the seating
surface of the wedge (or disc) and valve seat with a
To prevent injury ensure that all pressure is removed solvent soaked cloth.
from the valve both upstream and downstream before b. Install the stem carefully, sliding it through the packing
disassembly. and gland until the threads are engaged with the
yokesleeve. Slowly rotate the stem clockwise until it
NOTE: Welded bonnet valves can be disassembled but is extends beyond the bonnet.
not justifiable due to the amount of time required to do c. Place handwheel in position atop the valve, stem nut for
this. gate valves and stem for globe valves. Secure with
handwheel nut.
a. Close the valve and then open, two full handwheel d. Position a new gasket on the body flange aligned with
turns. Match or mark flange with metal tool or paint to the bolt holes. The gasket should not extend over the
clearly show the original position for reassembly. open body cavity. The gasket may be coated with a
b. Caution should be taken when loosening body-bonnet light oil.
bolting, as pressure may still be present in bonnet. e. For gate valves, install the wedge to the "T" head of the
c. Once assured there is no more pressure in the line, stem connection. For globe valves, install the disc and
remove the bonnet bolting. Lift the bonnet-stem-wedge secure it with the bushing or disc nut to the stem and
(or disc) assembly out of the body, taking care not to tackweld.
scratch the seating surface. For gate valves, as the f. Lift the bonnet-stem-wedge assembly up and over the
assembly is drawn out of the body, match or mark the body. Check the location marks on the body, bonnet
wedge so that it can be replaced in the same position. flange and wedge. Carefully lower the assembly until
d. Remove the bonnet gasket from the valve body flange. the body and bonnet flanges and the location marks
e. For gate valves, remove the wedge from the stem "T" meet. Again, caution must be used to prevent scoring or
head, carefully protecting the seating surface. . For scratching of the seating surfaces. Keeping the bonnet
globe valves, remove the disc from the stem by cutting stationary, open the valve a few turns to ensure the
tackwelds and unthreading the disc nut or bushing. wedge (or disc) is not touching the seat.
f. Unfasten the handwheel nut. Remove the handwheel g. Line up the body and bonnet holes. Make sure the
from the valve. gasket does not extend into any of the bolt holes. Install
g. To remove the valve stem, loosen the gland bolting and the bonnet bolting and tighten in a star pattern to evenly
gland. Disengage the stem from the yokesleeve by load the gasket to the torque values listed in Table A.
rotating it counterclockwise and pulling from below h. Install new packing as per section 3.3.
until the stem is free of the packing chamber. Be i. Align and center the gland in the packing chamber.
careful not to score or scratch the stem machined Evenly tighten the gland nuts until snug, then alternate
surface or the threads. tightening with no more than a quarter turn on each.
j. Open and close the valve using the handwheel. The
4.1.3. Reassembly action should be smooth and regular through full stem
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
Figure 4.1-2 Bolted Bonnet Globe Valve With Welded Bonnet Y-Pattern Globe
17 NUT
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
4.2.1. Operation
The Swing Check valve's operation is automatic and requires no assistance. When the flow exerts sufficient pressure against
the disc to overcome the disc's weight, the disc, which is set on a hinge, lifts allowing the flow to continue through the piping
system. As the pressure decreases, the disc lowers until its own weight forces it to seat. This prevents the possibility of a
reversal in the flow.
4.3.1. Operation
The Lift Check valve's operation is automatic and requires no assistance. When the flow exerts sufficient pressure against the
plug/ball to overcome the plug/ball weight, the plug/ball, lifts allowing the flow to continue through the piping system. As
the pressure decreases, the plug/ball lowers until its own weight forces it to seat. This prevents the possibility of a reversal in
the flow.
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
Newco valves can be identified by a distinct figure number on the identification plate. This plate is located either on the
body/bonnet flange or on the bonnet yoke. The figure number gives all the necessary information for identifying valve type,
material, end connections, pressure rating, etc. Listed below is the basic set-up.
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
Although valves have many parts common to one another, they are not interchangeable, other that with those of identical
material, size and pattern. All the valve's parts can be replaced, but with proper care and maintenance, they will provide
continuous satisfactory service. Should a part require replacement, please provide the following information:
Valve Size
Newco Figure
Two Digit Foundry Code (on body)
Part Description
Drawing No. (If known)
Item No. (If known)
It is recommended that a spare gasket and set of packing for the various valves be kept in stock.
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Newco Valves Newco Forged Valves
Newmans Inc. / Newmans Valve Ltd. Operation and Maintenance Manual
1. Values are for B7 bolting only. For other bolting material, please consult your local Newco representative.
2. Values above are based on 30,000 psi (206.85 Mpa) bolting stress and lubricated with a heavy graphite and oil
mixture. Non-lubricated bolts have and efficiency of 50% of the values stated.
3. Do not exceed by more than 25% of values stated when emergency torquing is required.
4. All bolts shall be torqued in a star pattern as shown below to ensure uniform gasket loading.
1 5
8 3
4 7
6 2
Bolt torquing sequence. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
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