Comparison Chart

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BioXplorer 100 / P BioXplorer 400 / P BioXplorer 5000P

Parallel Bioreactors 8 or more 4 or more 2 or more
Vessels Glass Glass Glass
Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Working Volumes 20 ml to 150 ml 20 ml to 150 ml 20 ml to 15 L
60 ml to 700 ml
Stirring Speed 250 rpm to 1500 rpm* 250 rpm to 1500 rpm* 50 rpm to 1500 rpm*
Impellers Rushton Rushton Rushton
Marine Marine Marine
Pitched Pitched Pitched
Stirring Drive Magnetic drive Magnetic drive Overhead drive
Overhead drive
Temp. Range -20 oC to 200 oC** -20 oC to 200 oC** -20 oC to 225 oC**
Temp. Control Integrated, individual Integrated, individual Heated jacket
electrical heating in the block, electrical heating in the block, Circulator
software controlled software controlled
Applications Mammalian Mammalian Mammalian
Microbial Microbial Microbial
Gas Fermentation Gas Fermentation Gas Fermentation
pH Control Acid/base liquid feed; Acid/base liquid feed; Acid/base liquid feed
Gas addition Gas addition
Liquid Feeds Optional anti-foam; Optional anti-foam; Optional anti-foam;
substrate feeds substrate feeds substrate feeds
OD Measurement Optional Optional Optional
Gas Mixing Air, H2, N2, O2, CO, CH4 and CO2 Air, H2, N2, O2, CO, CH4 and CO2 Air, H2, N2, O2, CO, CH4 and CO2
Max Pressure Up to 10 bar with stainless Up to 10 bar with stainless Atmospheric - 10 bar
steel vessels steel vessels

*Speeds depend on stirrer drive, media properties and aeration rate.

**Sub-ambient cooling requires optional cooling module.

About HEL
HEL is an international company that specialises in chemical reactors, bioreactors and related data/
logging tools for process R&D in the pharmaceutical, fine chemical, biotechnology and petrochemical
industries. Established in 1987 and with clients worldwide our key strengths are:

Knowledgeable staff - highly qualified and experienced chemical engineers and chemists
Quality - underpinned by ISO9001 certification for over 16 years
Service - choice of service contracts backed by an established culture of unmatched client support
Range of products - both off-the-shelf and custom designs, manual and fully automated controls,
low and high pressure/temperature applications, single and parallel/multi-vessel products

HEL Ltd // UK e: [email protected] t: +44 20 8736 0640

HEL Inc // US e: [email protected] t: +1 609 912 1551
HEL China // Beijing e: [email protected] t: +86 10 8210 1033
HEL Germany // Hamburg e: [email protected] t: +44 20 8736 0640
HEL India // Thane e: [email protected] t: +91 22 4153 3317
HEL Italia // Milan e: [email protected] t: +44 20 8736 0640
HEL Russia // Moscow e: [email protected] t: +44 20 8736 0640


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