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Topic : Effect of impurities on the boiling point of a pure liquid

Aim To study the effect of impurities on the boiling point of distilled

C1 P1
Hypothesis The present of salt increases the boiling point of distilled water
C1 P2
(a) Constant Volume/Amount/Quantity of distilled water
(b) Manipulated The Presence of salt C1 P3
(c) Responding Boiling point of distilled water
Note: All variables must be correct
Material/Apparatus Distilled water, salt, 100 cm beaker, wire gauze, tripod stand,
Bunsen burner, thermometer
C1 P4


Beaker Distilled


1. Distilled water is poured into a beaker until it is half full.

2. The water is heated until it boils. The temperature when
the water boils (boiling temperature) is recorded
3. Two spatulas of salt are added into the distilled water and
the mixture is heated again.
4. The temperature of the boiling mixture of water and salt
is recorded. C1 P5
Results C3 P1
Boiling point of distilled
The Presence of salt
water (oC)
C3 P2 Absent 100
Present 102 C3 P3
Discussion Without impurities the boiling point of distilled water is 100 oC but
with the presence of impurities, the boiling point of water is
increased. The boiling point of distilled water is increased with
the presence of impurities. C4 P1

Hypothesis is accepted C4 P2
Conclusion The presence of impurities increases the boiling point of distilled
C4 P3

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