Expedition HardeningGuide v1.0
Expedition HardeningGuide v1.0
Expedition HardeningGuide v1.0
Hardening Guide
Version 1.0
Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
© 2018 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Palo Alto Networks is a registered trademark of Palo Alto Networks. You can find a list of our trademarks
at https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/company/trademarks.html. All other marks mentioned herein may be trademarks of their
respective companies.
Revision Date: May 28, 2018
What is Expedition?......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Change default Passwords............................................................................................................................................... 4
Keep OS Updated ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Re-generate SSH Keys...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Re-generate SSL certificate .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Revision History............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Expedition is the fourth evolution of the Palo Alto Networks Migration Tool. The main purpose of this tool was help
reducing the time and efforts to migrate a configuration from one of the supported vendors to Palo Alto Networks.
By using the Migration Tool everyone can convert a configuration from Checkpoint or Cisco or any other vendor to a
PanOS and give you more time to improve the results. Migration Tool 3 added some functionalities to allow our
customers to enforce security policies based on App-ID and User-ID as well.
With Expedition we have gone one step further, not only because we want to continue helping to facilitate the
transition of a security policy from others vendors to PanOS but we want to ensure the outcome it’s the best as
possible, there is why we added a Machine Learning module who can help you to generate new security policies
based on real log traffic and the introduction of the Best Practices Assessment Tool to check the configuration
complies with the Best Practices recommended by our security experts.
With all these huge improvements we expect the next time you use Expedition the journey to the excellence will be
Expedition is delivered as a whole VM where a preinstalled OS is in place. Palo Alto Networks is not the responsible of
any OS security related there is why you have full root privileges to keep it up to date. This guide will help you in case
you don’t know how to maintain your server up to date and guide you in what best practices you should look at before
starting using it in production environments.
passwd expedition
Use at least 10 characters and mix with some numeric and especial characters to make it hard to brute force it.
From the GUI change it from the SETTINGS -> USERS at least to the admin user.
Keep OS Updated
Expedition runs on Ubuntu 16.04 OS XENIAL edition.
The system has been preconfigured to run periodically an upgrade of the installed packages but you can force it by
typing from the CLI these commands:
If any package needs an update the system will ask you and then you can upgrade them by typing “Y”
sudo rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
sudo systemctl restart sshd
After you disconnect from the server and try to connect again you will receive an error because now the key you trusted
before for the Expedition IP address won’t match with the new certificate so we have to remove the entry from our ssh
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the ECDSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /Users/xxxxx/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending ECDSA key in /Users/xxxxx/.ssh/known_hosts:135 ßEDIT THIS FILE LINE 135 on this EXAMPLE
ECDSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.
To Remove the Key edit from your User’s folder the file under .ssh/known_hosts and remove the entry from that file and
try it again.
Apache SSL is already configured on Expedition and it comes by default with a private and public certificates to its
recommended to create them once your instance is up and running
From the CLI and after run the first command you will be prompted for some information for the new certificate like
Country, company, etc, fill under your requirements.
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key -out
sudo systemctl restart apache2
After restart Apache you can restart your browser session to see the new certificate
You can use a Let’s Encrypt valid certs as well, this is one User guide you can find on Internet