Financial Performance Mba
Financial Performance Mba
Financial Performance Mba
Finance is the nerve centre and lifeline of an economic activity and is therefore
essential in every sphere of business life. It plays an extremely crucial role in the
continuity and growth of business. Success of business depends on how well finance
is invested in assets and operations and how timely and cheaply the finances are
arranged, from outside or from within the business. Financial management has been
viewed as an integral part of overall management. No business can establish,
promotes and run without adequate financial resources. Financial Management aims
at reducing the cost of funds procured, keeping the risk under control and achieving
effective deployment of such funds whenever required as well as avoiding idle
finance .Needles to emphasise, the future of a business depend a great deal on the
quality of its financial management.
Ratio Analysis and Comparative Statements are the tools of financial analysis used in
the project for analysing the financial performance of Minar Ispat company ltd.
Calicut With the help of this study, the financial strength and weakness of the Minar
Ispat Company Ltd. Calicut can be analysed. Also the result of the study can be used
to improve the performance or to depict the future prospects of the organization.
Finance plays an important role in the business. Financial analysis is the process of
identifying the strength and weakness of the company with the help of accounting
information produced by Profit &Loss account and Balance Sheet. The study was
conducted to analyse the financial performance of the Minar Ispar Tmt. The study was
done based on financial statements of last 5 years provided by the organization
To analyse the long term and short term solvency of the company.
To study and compare the trend in the financial position of the company for the past 5
To put forward for the improvement of the existing system of financial performance.
The study cover a period of 5years(2015 to 2019). The study involves analysing and
interpreting the financial statement of Minar Ispar Tmt with the help of Accounting
Ratios and Comparative Statements. Ratios are calculated with available information
and only relevant ratios are calculated, analysed and interpreted.
Duration of the study was limited and hence in-depth study could not be done.
The tools used are only indicators and not solution to any problems
Non-monetary factors such as credit worthiness, efficiency of management etc...
Influence the financial statement, but these factors are not considered while
preparing financial statement.
The ration analysis suffers from a number of drawbacks, which is one of the
important tool used.
Financial matters considered confidential by the company were not revealed.
The data is only confined to the financial years 2015-2019
Salim T and T Martikurian (1994) in their paper “A Review of the theoretical and
empirical basis of the four central areas of financial ratio analysis”. The research areas
renewed are the functional form of the financial ratios distributional characteristics of
the financial ratios classification, and the estimate of the internal rate of return from
the financial statements. It is observed that it is typical of financial ratio analysis
research that there are several unexpectedly distinct lines with research traditions of
their own. A common feature of all the area of financial ratio analysis research seems
to be while significant regularities can be observed they are not necessarily stable
different ratios, industries and time period.
Susan Trim bath (2001) in her paper provides a structured financial statement analysis
that inform about the sustainability of earnings and the PE ratio. The PE ratio
measures the amount that investor pay for a dollar of current earnings. If the earnings
can’t be sustained in the future. If earnings are temporary high investor should pay
less per dollar of earnings then the earnings are temporarily depressed.
While income statement identifies some transitory items the investor is still left with
uncertainty as to whether the remaining earnings are sustainable. This paper estimates
a model that supplies profitability of the sustainability of the earnings. The model
aggregate information in the financial statement into a composite score that serve as a
“Red flag” about the sustainability of the earnings.
John, Lang and Netter (1992) found that in 1980s, the market for corporate control
had an enormous impact on management decision making and the restructuring of
firms in response to changing economic conditions.
They found that 37% of a sample of large firms with poor performance had a change
in corporate control in the 1980s. But in the foreseeable future, the market for
corporate control will be a major force in disciplining management.
Bowman and Harbir Singh (1993) on Corporate Restructuring, they have concluded
that Financial restructuring when accompanied with investment in key strategic
activities can be effective for the firm.
In another study carried out by Bethel and Liebeskind (1993) they concluded that
block holder ownership is associated significantly with corporate restructuring,
suggesting that many managers restructured their corporations during the 1980s only
when pressured to do so by large shareholders.
Edith S. Hotchkiss (1995) examined the post bankruptcy operating performance of the
firms that filed protection under Chapter XI from 1979 to1988. The study examined
the return on assets and operating margin as the measures of operating performance
and stated that there is an improvement in the operating performance during the post
bankruptcy period.
Hatfield, Liebeskind, and Opler (1996) conducted a study on the effects of Corporate
Restructuring on aggregate industry specialization across abroad sample of US
industries. As per their study, no evidence that change in the ownership of industry
assets affects change in aggregate industry specialization.
Djankov and CollnXu (2000) made comparative study of the growth and financing
patterns of East Asian Corporations in the years before the crisis with those in other
countries. The conclusion was drawn that the East Asian financial crisis showed that
risks arising from the corporate sector typically occurred because of institutional
weaknesses including weak property rights, poor bankruptcy and accounting
procedures, lack of transparency and weak incentives.
Rahel Falk (2005) studied the sickness in the Indian manufacturing industry and
tested the theoretical model which has addressed the political economy of industrial
sickness in India. According to the study, politicians benefit from and accordingly pay
for sickness. He has concluded that sickness law certainly provides several ways for
the stakeholders to find advantages in sickness so that they can get rid of their
financial responsibility.
Pradeep Khandwala (1988) in his research confirmed that the major cause of sickness
is inefficient management. External causes such as labor and competitions are
essentially secondary factors although they are primary in particular instances.
Rosemary and Omkarnath (2006) documented the trends and patterns of industrial
sickness during pre and post reform period. It critically evaluated the performance of
BIFR with changed policy framework. The study found out that there has been a
significant rise in the sickness of non SSI units after recession in 1997.
Ratios simply refer to one number expressed in terms of another number. It shows
numerical relationship between two figures.
1. Current ratio
2. Liquid ratio
3. Super quick ratio
4. Proprietary ratio
5. Fixed asset ratio
6. Fixed asset turnover ratio
7. Debtors turnover ratio
8. Creditors turnover ratio
De Paul Institute of science and technology,Angamaly 9
A study on financial performance with special reference to Minar Ispat Pvt Ltd
9. Working capital turnover ratio
10. Gross profit ratio
11. Operating ratio
12. Net profit ratio
13. Return on investment
The formula for calculation of current ratio is as follows: current asset /current
The higher the ratio the greater is the firm’s ability to meet short term debt. And a
very high current ratio indicates that too much of money is blocked in current asset,
too much cash is ideal and too much money is blocked in stocks, in short a very high
ratio implies that funds are not properly used in business. And a very low ratio shows
that funds are not properly used in business.
2. Liquid Ratio: it is the ratio of liquid assets to current liability. It establishes the
relationship between the quick assets and current liability.
This ratio is used to measure the instant debt paying capacity of the firm. It is also
called as Acid test ratio.The objective of liquid ratio is to measure the ability of the
firm to meet its short term liability as and when due without depending upon the sales
of the stock.
The formula used for finding liquid ratio is as follows: liquid assets/ current
3. Super quick ratio: this ratio establishes the relationship between super quick
assets and current liability.
Super quick asset or absolute liquid assets includes cash in hand, cash at bank,
marketable securities and short term investments.
The formula for calculating the Proprietary ratio is = Shareholders Fund /Total
The objective of proprietary ratio is to know how much fund have been provided by
share holders towards the total asset. A higher ratio indicates safety to the creditors
and a low ratio shows the greater risk to the creditors. A high ratio shows a sound
financial position.
5. Fixed asset ratio: it establishes a relationship between fixed assets and long term
The formula used for calculating fixed asset ratio is = fixed asset (after
depreciation)/long term funds.
The objective of calculating this ratio is to ascertain the proportion of long term funds
invested in fixed assets.A higher ratio indicates that the financial position is not
sound. And a lower ratio shows a better financial position.
6. Fixed asset turnover ratio: this ratio establishes the relation between net sales
and fixed asset.
Without fixed assets a firm can’t make sales and profit. It measures the efficiency
with which a firm is utilising its fixed assets in generating sales. The ratio is
calculated in determining to what extent the investment in fixed asset has been
achieving its objectives of generating sales.
The formula used for measuring fixed asset turnover ratio is = Net sales / Net fixed
7. Debtors turnover ratio: it explains the relationship between net credit sales and
average debtors including bills receivables. This ratio shows how quickly debtors
are converted into cash.
The formula used for finding debtors turnover ratio is = net credit sales / average
The objective of the study is to find how quickly debtors are converted into cash it
also helps to evaluate the credit collected or the credit policy of a firm. In short
debtors turnover ratio helps to measure the efficiency in the managing the debtors of
the firm.
A higher turnover shows the efficiency in collecting from debtors that is debtors are
collected more promptly and on the other hand, a lower turnover indicates
inefficiency of management in collecting debtors.
8. Creditor’s turnover ratio: this ratio shows the relationship between net credit
purchase and average creditors including bills payable. This ratio shows indicates
the number of times the creditors are paid.
The formula for calculating creditors turnover ratio is = net credit purchases /
average creditors.
The objective of this ratio is to determine the period for which credit purchase
remains outstanding.
If the firm enjoys higher turnover it means that earlier payment to creditors and the
firm is not taking the full advantage of credit allowed by creditors. And if the turnover
is lower it means payments to creditors are delayed, thus the creditor’s turnover ratio
is useful for both the firm and creditors.
9. Working capital turnover ratio: In this ratio the relation between sales and
working capital is explained. This ratio shows how many times the working
capital is turned over to produce sales.
The objective of this ratio is to determine how efficiently the working capital is
utilised in business. The ratio indicates whether the working capital is effectively
utilised in making sales. Generally higher the ratio the better is the utilisation of
working capital but a very high ratio shows over trading, and a low ratio indicates
under trading that is working capital is not effectively utilised in generating sales.
10. Gross Profit Ratio: This is the ratio of Gross Profit to sales expressed as a
percentage. It is also called as gross margin.
The formula used for calculating gross profit ratio = (gross profit/net sales) *100.
The main objective of computing this ratio is to determine the efficiency in training or
production activity and also for determining selling price.A higher gross profit ratio
shows an efficient production or purchase management and on the other hand a lower
ratio shows a danger signal.
11. Operating Ratio: This Ratio expresses the relationship between operating cost
and sales. It indicates the overall efficiency in operating the business.
The formula for calculating Operating ratio = (cost of goods sold +operating
expenses/ net sales)*100.
The main objective of computing this ratio is to find the operating efficiency of the
business, this ratio indicates the general profitability of the enterprise and also helps to
control the operating cost of the business. Lower the ratio more is the efficiency and
the higher is the operating profit. On the other hand a higher ratio indicates that the
margin for meeting non operating expenses, creating reserves and paying dividend is
12. Net Profit Ratio: This Ratio shows the relation of net profit earned by business
and its net sales. It measures overall profitability.
The formula used for calculating net profit ratio = (net profit /net sales)*100.
The formula used for calculating return on investment = (profit before interest and
tax/capital employed)*100
FIG NO :2.1
Minar Alloys & Forgings Pvt Ltd was awarded the best performance award for
the organized sector industries, for the year 2007-2008 by the central excise &
customs, Palakkad, division, Palakkad on the occasion of central excise day
celebration at Palakkad by Mr. V.K Umesh, Assistant commissioner, central
excise, Palakkad division, and Palakkad
Minar Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Was awarded the state Level safety Award 2008 of
Department of factories and Boilers, Government. Government of Kerala on
the occasion of safety day celebration at Trivandrum by Mr. Gurudasan,
Honble: Minister for labour affair.
―To be amongst the India most admired steel companies in our products, in the
manner in which we service our client, in our ethics and in our culture of societal.‖
Compliance with all relevant statutory requirement
Organization setup to carry out the policies
Intention and commitment to health and safety
Arrangement to make the policy effective.
Minar Ispat Pvt. Ltd believes that it affects and affected by the stakeholders that live
in the vicinity of the plants. Hence, it believes that il has a major stake in the
development of the area and the people that resides in and also to provide
employment opportunities.
The Minar perspective on corporate citizenship is based on the principle. "if you give
a man a fish you give him a meal: if you leach him fish, you give him a livelihood"
this axiom extends to include providing employment opportunities to the
disadvantaged section. As a pan of its community initiative, Minar engages in
numerous philanthropic activities that are built around the motto.
Minar Ispat Pvt. Ltd shall consistently and diligently manufacture products exceeding
the expectation of the customer to remain a leader in the market by excellence in total
quality performance. The foundry is committed quality policy and objectives. To
achieve this, the foundry has formulated a quality system and assurance program to
bring about the improvement in all areas of operation building. The quality assured by
BIS and ISO 9001-2000 that had made great confidence in the mind of the customer
that it is quality product.
The computer controlled rapid quenching system with metallurgical rational and the
ferrite pearlite micro structure at the core and hard, tempered marten site at the
surface given
the bar excellent docility, bend ability and high strength.
The development of steel industry in India is mainly due to the substantial increase in
the demand for steel products of India in the global market. The top companies in this
industry mainly operate in four different forms like manufacturers of semi finished
steel, producers of finished steel products, manufacturers of stainless steel and
producers of pig irons. The list of top companies in the steel sector in India is given
The Minar lspat Pvt. Ltd produces the mild steel ingots TMT bars sizing form 8mmto
the 32mm main raw material included in production purpose
A research design is a map developed to guide the research. It is the part of the
planning stage of research. In a project study research design have great importance.
A research design is a master plan specifying the methods and procedures for
collecting and analyzing the needed information. This project study will be
successful, only with a sound research design. Hence the research design for the
purpose is descriptive in nature; the major purpose of descriptive research is to
analyze the state affairs as it exists at present. Descriptive research includes survey
and in-depth analysis of variables.
The descriptive research design is used when the purpose of study is to learn who,
what, when, where and how of a topic. Descriptive research is conducted with the
following intention:
Unless the questions are formulated with sufficient precision to ensure relevance of
the data collected to objectives, the study would be waste. The concepts, theories
associated with the problem need to be clearly explained.
A descriptive design must contain details on the methods to be used for data
collection. Various survey methods like observation, interview and questionnaire
must be critically
evaluated and their fitness in collecting that data may be established. Here, financial
datas are collected from company website, internet
2. Preparation of instruments:
The design will also include a section on the instrument to be used and questions
which are to be made a part of the instrument e.g. if respondents are to be contacted
through a mail then a questionnaire needs to be designed and if data is to collected
through interview then interview schedule will be prepared. The questions should be
simple, unbiased and specific.
3. Sampling design:
The method of sampling should be such that it gives full representation to the
population so that findings of research which hold true for a sample are responsible
indicator of the population characteristics. The researcher has included only eight
companies in the Indian Rubber Industry.
4. Data collection and analysis technique:
The design should state the controls that a researcher would be using to supervise his
field workers while they are collecting the data. This would ensure that the data
collected id error free and task coding, editing and tabulation would become simple.
The research questions posed above express a need for learning more about the
dominant concepts of enterprise modeling as a research domain. Hence, a qualitative
research approach based on observations, document studies and interviews taken from
De Paul Institute of science and technology,Angamaly 24
A study on financial performance with special reference to Minar Ispat Pvt Ltd
real world modeling projects is argued for in order to meet the research objectives.
Four alternative research approaches are given below:
Logical theoretical research
Quantitative, experimental research
Qualitative, observational research
Participatory action research
The first step in the process is to identify a problem or develop a research question.
The research problem may be something the agency identifies as a problem, some
knowledge or information that is needed by the agency, or the desire to identify a
Recreation trend nationally. The current study was an attempt to evaluate the financial
health of the firms using the existing prediction model in the Indian context
2. Literature Review:
Now that the problem has been identified, the researcher must learn more about the
topic under investigation. To do this, the researcher must review the literature related
to the research problem. This step provides foundational knowledge about the
problem area.
Terms and concepts are words or phrases used in the purpose statement of the study
or the description of the study. These items need to be specifically defined as they
apply to the study. Terms or concepts often have different definitions depending on
who is reading thestudy. The terms which are used in the Springate model is working
capital, total asset, EBIT, EBT, Sales, Current Liability.
The plan for the study is referred to as the instrumentation plan. The instrumentation
plan serves as the road map for the entire study, specifying who will participate in the
study; how, when, and where data will be collected; and the content of the program.
7. Collect Data:
Once the instrumentation plan is completed, the actual study begins with the
collection of data. The collection of data is a critical step in providing the information
needed to answer the research question.
De Paul Institute of science and technology,Angamaly 27
A study on financial performance with special reference to Minar Ispat Pvt Ltd
1. Primary Data:
Primary data are those which are collected fresh and for the first time information and
thus happen to be original in character. The primary data is collected through the
observation, communication with respondent, personal interview
2. Secondary Data:
Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and
already have been passed through various statistical processes. This is collected from
the annual report and other official records of the company. Such as,
Company Records,
Annual Records,
1. Comparative Statements
Comparative statements deal with the comparison of different items of the Profit and
Loss Account and Balance Sheets of two or more periods. Separate comparative
4. Ratio Analysis
Ratio analysis is an attempt of developing meaningful relationship between individual
items (or group of items) in the balance sheet or profit and loss account. Ratio
analysis is not only useful to internal parties of business concern but also useful to
external parties. Ratio analysis highlights the liquidity, solvency, profitability and
capital gearing
Vertical analysis
Suppose a company's sales are $1.2 million and administrative salaries are $96,000.
The percentage would be $96,000 divided by $1,200,000 times 100, or 8 percent. This
figure could be compared to the projected budget amount or last year's percentage to
gauge if this is good or bad.
Horizontal analysis
The comparison of financial data between two periods is horizontal analysis. Revenue
and expense accounts are examined to determine the changes from one period to the
other. These changes are usually expressed as a percentage.
For example, let's assume that a company's sales in one period were $768,000 and
increased to $940,000 in the next period. The amount of the sales increase is
$172,000. The percentage increase would be $172,000 divided by $768,000 times
100, or 22.4 percent.
Ratio analysis
The most common method of financial analysis involves the calculation of ratios
from the income statement and balance sheet. Financial ratios are used to analyze a
company's liquidity, profitability, financial leverage and asset turnover.
Ratios are calculated for a series of reporting periods to identify positive or negative
trends over time. A company's ratios can be also be compared to the benchmark ratios
reported by other firms in the same industry. The comparison of a company's ratios to
industry statistics gives an indication of whether the business is underperforming or
overperforming relative to its competitors.
Ratios are the traditional tools used to analyze financial statements. Ratio analysis
examines four aspects of a company's financial condition and performance: profits,
liquidity, financial leverage and efficiency.
The most common measure of profitability is the net profit margin. This is the amount
left over after paying all expenses, including overhead, interest and taxes.
The gross profit margin measures the production efficiency of a company's products
or services. It is calculated by subtracting the direct cost of production from total
sales. Direct costs are labor, materials, operating supplies and equipment costs.
Managers track the gross profit percentage to determine the effects of sales price
increases or gains in labor productivity and reductions in direct material costs.
Profits are essential, but it takes liquidity and cash to pay the bills.
Current ratio
One measure of liquidity is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. Simply
divide total current assets by total current liabilities. A comfortable liquidity ratio is
Working capital
Financial Leverage
Debt-to-equity ratio
Generally, the cost of equity capital is higher than interest charges on debt. But
higher levels of debt put the business at more risk during economic downturns. The
debt-to-equity ratio is calculated by dividing a company's total debt, both long- and
short-term, by the total equity capital.
Management always strives to achieve better returns on its assets. Turnover ratios are
a way to measure efficient use of assets.
This ratio is calculated by dividing total sales by the balances in accounts receivable.
It is a measure of the effectiveness of a company's collection procedures and terms of
sale. Higher turnover ratios mean merchandise is sold and cash is quickly collected,
making it available to finance more sales. Lower turnover ratios could suggest the
Inventory turnover
The inventory turnover ratio measures the number of times inventory is sold and
replaced during a year. Higher ratios are better, because it means less money is
invested in inventory. Lower turnover ratios could mean products are obsolete and
must be sold at lower prices or written off entirely.
Table No.4.1 Comparative Balancesheet for the year 2015 & 2016
Rs Rs decrease
In the above comparative balance sheet for the year 2015 and 2016 the
preference share capital shows a 32.26% decrease.
The source of fund, long term borrowing is decreased by 25.80%
Trade Payables is increased by 53.21%
The fixed asset of the firm decreased by 12.65%.
The non-current investment is increased by 96.59%.
The trade receivable is increased by 18.30%.
The cas hand bank balance is decreased by 51.14%.
Rs Rs Or decrease ge
In the comparative balance sheet of 2016 and 2017, the equity share capital
and preference share capital remaining the same.
There is 14.93% decrease in the long term borrowing.
The deferred tax liability is decreased by 32.99%
Long term provisions and short term provisions are increased by 13.97% and
There is 101.73% increase in non current investment.
Long term loans and advances shows an increase of 188.15%.
Rs Rs Decrease e
The comparative balance sheet of 2017 and 2018 shows a 9.52% decrease in
preference share capital.
The long term borrowings is decreased by 32.00% while the short term
borrowings is increased by 5.59%
The deferred tax liability are decreased by 17.54%.
Long term provisions are decreased by 1.17% but short term provisions are
decreased by 55.33%.
The fixed asset shows a decrease is 6.12%.
Non- current investment of the firm increased by 74.81%.
There is a 53.29% decrease in cash and bank balances.
and Advances
The comparative balance sheet of the year 2018 and 2019 shows an 8.86%
increase in reserves and surplus.
The trade payable and trade receivable shows an increase of 14.63%
and22.37% respectively.
The fixed asset of the firm decreased by 8.85%.
Non-current investment is increased by 11.04%.
The long term loans and advances and short term loans and advances are
decreased by 34.42% and 23.57% respectively.
Table No: 4.5 Comparative Income Statement for the year 2015 and 2016
inventories of
work-in process
From the above comparative profit and loss account shoes an increase of
6.33% in the total income of the company.
The cost of material consumed has been increased by 10.30%. In case of
expenses, the interest expense decreased by 5.04% and maintenance expenses
is increased by 74.06%.
The comparative income statement of 2015 and 2016 shows an increase in
profit by RS.28942846 which is 94.25% increase from the last year.
inventories of
work-in process
From the above statement it is clear that the net sales of the firm is decreased
by 6.42%.
The benefit for employees are increased by 34.28%.
The selling expenses and maintenance charge is decreased by 12.85% and
40.45% respectively.
Interest expense is increased by 6.85%.
The profit after tax is decreased by 75.31%
inventories of
work-in process
before tax
The comparative income statement for the year 2017 and 2018 shows a 23.46%
increase in profit after tax.
There is 73.18% decrease in other income.
Employee Benefit are decreased by 10.59%.
The maintenance expense is increased by 49.04%.
Tax expense is decreased by 161.76%.
before tax
The comparative Income Statement for the year 2018 and 2019 shows an
increase in income 120.03%.
Employee benefit are increased by 9.97%.
The depreciation expenses is decreased by 60.40%.
Selling expense is decreased by 37.98%.
Insurance and other expense is increased by 20.93% and 40.75%.
(Rs) (Rs)
FIG NO:4.1
Current Ratio
1.5 Current Ratio
2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018-
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
From the above analysis it is clear that firm had high current ratio of 1.71 in the year 2015.
But it has been decreased year by year till 2018. Then in year 2019 it increased to 1.60.
Therefore we can say that current ratio of the firm shows both upward and downward trend.
Hence the firm has to take sufficient measures to increase it in the upcoming year
Inference: from the current ratio for the past five years it is clear that is current ratio is below
(Rs) (Rs)
Quick Ratio
Quick Ratio
2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018-
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
From the above analysis it is clear that quick ratio shows a decreasing trend from 2015 to
2018. In 2018 it has reached at the lowest (0.51) while comparing with other years. But in the
year 2019 it increased to 0.60. Hence it can be analysed that short term financial position of
company is improving.
From the above analysis it is clear that quick ratio shows a decreasing trend from 2015 to
2018. In 2018 it has reached at the lowest (0.10) while comparing with other years. But in the
year 2019 it increased to 0.11. Hence it can be analysed that short term financial position of
company is improving.
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
(Rs) (Rs)
2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018-
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
From the above chart it is clear that the debt -equity ratio shows a decreasing trend. The debt-
equity ratio was 0.51 in the year 2014-2015 and it has decreased to the lowest 0.19 in the year
2018-2019.This indicate that majority of funds are acquired from shareholders fund.
Inference:: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
Proprietary Ratio
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
From the above chart it is clear that the proprietary ratio of WIP was very low in the year
2014-2015.But it has been increased in the consequent years. Now in 2019 the firm is having
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
Inventory Turnover Ratio
From the above analysis it is clear that inventory turnover ratio of WIP was much higher in
the year 2011 and 2012.In the year 2013 it has been decreased from 2.58 to 2.40, in the year
2014 it has been increased slightly and again it has decreased in 2015. The standard ratio is
Inference: this ratio is not satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
Creditors Turnover Ratio
From the above analysis it is clear that the creditors turnover ratio of Minar tmtshows a
fluctuating trend. In the year 2017 the ratio was very less 4.89.but it has increased to6.89 in
the year 2018.This indicate that creditors are paid quickly which increases the credit
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
From the above analysis it is clear that debtors turnover ratio shows a fluctuating trend. In the
year 2015 to 2016 it shows an increasing trend as 7.21 and 7.23. Then it declines. This
Inference: this ratio is not satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
Total Asset Turnover
0.6 Ratio
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
From the above analysis it is clear that the ratio shows an average increasing trend. In the year
2014-2015 the ratio was 1.04 and it increased to1.21 in the recent year.Hence it can be
inferred that the company is effectively utilizing its asset in generation of sales.
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
Fixed Asset Turnover
3 Ratio
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
Fromthe above analysis it shows that fixed asset ratio shows increasing trend. In the year
2014-2015 the ratio was only 3.18 which has increased to 6.02 in 2018-2019.This indicate
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
(Rs) Ratio
Working CapitalTurnover
2 Ratio
From the above analysis it is clear that the ratio shows an increasing trend from 2015 to
2018. But in 2019 it is decreased to 3.97 from 5. Hence it is analysed that working capital is
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
Gross Profit Ratio
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
From the above analysis it is clear that the gross profit ratio shows a fluctuating trend. The
gross profit ratio is the highest in the year 2016-12.61. But in the next two years it decreased
to 8.37% and 6.63% respectively. In the year 2019 it increased to7.41 due to increase in gross
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018-
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
From the above analysis it is clear that. In the year 2015 to 2016 the net profit ratio shows an
increasing trend. But in the next two years it shows a decreasing trend. Now in the year 2019
it again shows an increasing trend o increase due to increase in net profit which shows
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
From the above analysis it is clear that the operating ratio of WIP has shown an increasing
trend from the year 2015 to2018. But in the year 2019 it is decreased to 58.71.Hence it can be
analyzed that lower operating ratio better it is, as it will leave higher margin of profit.
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
From the above analysis it is clear that the operating profit ratio of WIP shows a decreasing
trend from the year 2015 to 2018. But in the year 2019 it is increased to 41.72 as a result of
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
(Rs) (Rs)
2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
From the above analysis it is clear that earnings per ratio shows a fluctuating trend. In the
Year 2016 there were a huge decrease in the ratio from 7.19 to 1.88,after that in next two
years it has increased to 4.04 which indicate that the capacity of the company to declare
dividend increases.
Inference: this ratio is also satisfactory for all the years chosen for study
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Source of
Share 115873400 105873400 105873400 103873400 103873400 100 91.36 91.36 89.64 89.64
Reserve 205866256 252069911 259363977 270129280 294071712 100 122.44 125.98 131.21 142.84
Loan fund
Secured 165271830 122615593 104309486 70929338 73668697 100 74.19 63.11 42.91 44.57
loan 449117408 388426146 461778880 427739490 200688758 100 86.48 102.81 95.24 44.68
Deferd tax 55914000 48510000 32507000 26804000 24263000 100 86.75 58.13 47.93 43.39
Total 992052894 917495050 963832743 899475508 908455805 100 92.48 290.26 90.66 91.57
Noncurrent 11618970 22829970 46055429 80509529 89685529 100 196.48 396.38 692.91 771.88
Traderecev 117453024 138948591 149337154 141509429 173165936 100 118.30 127.14 120.48 147.43
Net block 304234896 265740562 221562437 185850155 169399487 100 87.34 740.07 61.08 55.68
Long term
loans &
18310684 17764576 51188691 19726647 12937367 100 97.01 279.55 107.73 70.65
Inventory 345012896 359273202 361806932 381284311 385605042 100 104.13 104.86 110.51 111.76
Cash &
163075910 79686583 88414084 41298313 44731382 100 48.86 54.21 25.32 27.42
10865852 10651978 16675125 9300257 1005154 100 98.03 53.46 177.32 9.25
21480662 22599588 28792891 29996967 22925908 100 105.20 134.04 139.64 106.72
Short term
loans &
Interpretation: Here the analysis show that there is an increasing trend in reserve and
surplus. There is also an increasing trend in current assets and current liability but it
doesn’t make high variation i liquidity position of the company. Decreasing trend of
unsecured loan means that the secured loan may use for repaying unsecured loan.
Fixed assets shows decreasing trend up to 2015-2016 but it increasing 2016-2017 the
overall trend is increasing
The debt equity ratio is not satisfactory since it is showing a decreasing trend.
Inventory Turnover ratio ranges between 2.30 and 2.60,generally a ratio of 6:7 times
Creditors turnover ratio shows an increasing trend which gives an idea that business
The total asset turnover ratio, fixed asset turnover ratio, working capital turnover ratio
is satisfactory.
The gross profit ratio of MINAR TMT shows a decreasing trend. A low gross profit
margin may reflect higher cost of goods sold due to the firm’s inability
The net profit ratio of MINAR TMT shows an decreasing trend, as such firm will fail
The operating ratio of MINAR TMT shows an increasing trend. Therefore, it is less
favourable because it would have a smaller margin of operating profit for the
payment of dividends.
The operating profit ratio is showing a decreasing trend, which is not satisfactory.
The earnings per share to shareholders are decreasing. The highest earnings per share
is in the year 2015-2016.Earnings per share simply show the profitability of firm on
MINAR TMT follows strict rules and regulations to protect the interest of their
The company’s debt equity ratio is not satisfactory so that company should take
As the company’s inventory turnover ratio is not satisfactory it has to ensure proper
management of inventory.
The company should take proper control over the current liabilities because liabilities
affect the operational efficiency of the firm which affects firm’s profitability.
Company must use available cost reduction techniques in their production from their
subsidiary companies.
Company can use advertisements and other sales promotional activities in order to
The project entitled “An Analysis of financial performance with special reference to Minar
Ispat Tmt” was undertaken with the main objective of studying the financial performance of
the company by analysing the past five years financial statements and to analyse and interpret
By studying the company’s past 5 year financial performance, it can be concluded that
the company is enjoying a satisfactory financial position; hence it can take some more
measures to improve the financial performance. Even though they are having good sales and
export they can use advertisement and sales promotional activities in order to increase it.
But without doubt, the overall financial performance of Minar Ispat Tmt is good.
The efficient management is helping the company in earning a high return which maintains a
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Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs
and Advances
PARTICULAR for the year for the year for the year for the year for the year
operations(Gro 4 3
inventories of
finished goods
& work-in
before tax
after tax