2014 10 A Few Good Men Playbill PDF
2014 10 A Few Good Men Playbill PDF
2014 10 A Few Good Men Playbill PDF
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Aaron Sorkin’s Great White Whale TR
IN - T H E- R
aron Sorkin was a struggling young actor and aspiring writer living in New York
in the 1980s when a telephone conversation with his sister Deborah gave him an
idea for the play that would serve as a springboard for his career as an award-
winning author of stage plays, movie screenplays, and television scripts. His sister, a
lawyer with the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps, informed her brother she was
headed to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba to defend a group of Marines who had
almost killed a fellow Marine in a hazing incident that had been ordered by a superior
officer. It seemed to Sorkin to be an intriguing idea for a play.
At that time, he was tending bar at Broadway’s Palace Theatre. He told an interviewer
in 2010 that eight times a week, during the first act of La Cage Aux Folles, he would
write dialogue for a play on cocktail napkins and then go home and enter them into
a computer, He spent the next year and a half writing and rewriting A Few Good Men,
eatre in 360
going through 24 drafts before the show opened on Broadway.
Sorkin had already had two plays produced at off-Broadway theaters before he began
working on A Few Good Men, but they had attracted little notice. When the new play was
finished, Sorkin’s agent submitted it to producer David Brown, who was duly impressed
by the writing and the story itself. Brown recognized the potential appeal of the play and
wanted to produce it, but as a movie instead of a play. An agreement was reached after a
round of negotiations; Brown bought the movie rights he wanted and agreed to produce
A Few Good Men first as a Broadway play. It opened to praise from most New York critics
at Music Box Theatre on November 15, 1989 and ran for 497 performances, a very good
showing for a non-musical production.
With the stage version up and running, Sorkin and Brown turned their attention to the
movie. Brown lined up Rob Reiner as the director and an A-list cast that included Tom
Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland, and Cuba Gooding
Jr. The movie opened in 1992 and was a fan favorite, winning MTV and People’s Choice
awards as best picture of the year. After the success of the movie, Sorkin wrote two
updated scripts for A Few Good Men. The first, written for a national touring company,
incorporated some of the elements that he added for the movie screenplay. It is the
version you will see in this Colonial Players production. He also did a subsequent rewrite
for a production in London.
Twenty-five years after it opened on Broadway, his first successful play seems to have a
special meaning for Sorkin. “A Few Good Men has been my white whale for 25 years,”
he said in one recent interview. “Just a few years ago, I did a new draft for a West End
production. I'm older and more experienced now, and I could write it better.” Even after
multiple drafts and two updated versions of his original script plus a movie, he indicated
in a 2011 interview with Esquire Magazine that he still isn’t satisfied with it. “Oh, I'd love
to get A Few Good Men back. I feel like there isn't a scene where, if I could have it back
for half an hour, I couldn't give you a better scene,” he said.
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PATRONS When I was a young teen, my mother had a a play requiring 18 young to middle-age male
Anonymous Frances Dryer Joyce C. Miller season subscription to the Mechanic Theater actors in good physical shape. Well, we got
Art Things, Inc. Bob & Doris Gavazzi Susan Millman in Baltimore. She would attend with a group of them, and they’re here for you tonight (plus a
Jennifer Abner Jeff & Carol Goldring William & Priscilla Mitchell, Jr. professional colleagues from the A.A. Board of couple of talented ladies, too).
Barbara E. Aisley Anita Gutschick Pam & Ted Mussenden Education, and she really got to see some great
Meredith Allison Alice Riley Hall Nokomis
Susan Armstrong Elizabeth Hepler Hank Preiser stuff over the years (a performance by the late AFGM is a show about honor. It’s a show about
Hubert Bishop Deborah & Ken Hoffman Kim Rosekrans Jason Robards, for example). The National Tour duty. It’s a show where none of the characters
Dick & Jill Breen Elia & John Howser Faye & Bernie Rosenberg of A Few Good Men was set to come through is morally right all the time. Conversely,
Pat & Bill Cameron Louise P. Johnson Joanne Trepp during the ‘91-’92 season, and, for whatever none is always morally wrong. Even Kendrick
Carol Carman Eugenia Conlin Judge Sharie Lacey Valerio
Alice Chambers Shirley Kennard Joan & Bill Weingartner
reason, it held little appeal to the circle of and Jessep, if you think about it, have some
Louise J. Chrissos Evelyn Killeen Carvel & Margaret Wolfe 40-something female educators comprising redeeming qualities (no, seriously, think about
Dianne Crews Sally A. Laing John & Judith Youngblood my mom’s theater group. I was a high school it!). You, as an audience member, will know the
Al & Pat Crosby Shirley G. Lieberman Leila Youngren freshman recently cast in the PHENOMENAL facts of the case before the characters do. That
Richard Davis Jane Lunney production of South River High School’s Guys doesn’t matter, because it’s the characters who
Allen & Edith Dolgoff Leon McKenzie
and Dolls (all kidding aside, I still remember make this show worthwhile. While Aaron Sorkin
my lines from that one), and my mom chose didn’t serve in the military or practice law, he
Colonial Players gratefully acknowledges the generous bequest from Roland Riley, a me as a substitute to see the Sorkin courtroom has given us a script that honestly shows the
longtime patron whose gift helps assure the future economic viability of our theater. drama. I was mesmerized by the dialogue and humanity of those who wear the uniform. People
the characters. To someone such as me with don’t lose their identity because they wear olive
aspirations of military service, this was the most drab, and they are subject to many of the same
magical theater experience I had ever had. I foibles as their civilian counterparts. In short,
ABOUT OUR NEXT PLAY still vividly remember the show, from Jessep’s our military members have nobly answered the
Like the famous keynote speaker at a visits from four ghosts who instill in his hardened patronizing of Galloway to Kendrick’s zealous nation’s call, but they are just as complex as the
conference or convention, our next show needs heart the Christmas message of hope and love. Southern tone. A few months later, the movie rest of us. This is something to be celebrated.
no introduction. Our ever-popular version of A It was apparent that first year that this would came out, and “you can’t handle the truth!” Indeed, “supporting the troops” means a hell
Christmas Carol, written specifically for Colonial not be a one-time event, and the show became an iconic cinematic line. Deservedly so. of a lot more when they are recognized as
Players, will return to our stage in November became CP’s annual Christmas-time gift to the After seeing that play, I vowed that I would, at people instead of bumper sticker slogans. I’m
and December for 20 performances that are community. In 1991, after 10 years, the Board some point in my life, be part of a production of a graduate of Virginia Military Institute and
guaranteed to warm even the grinchiest of hearts. of Directors decided it was time to take a break, it. Check that one off the bucket list. a former Air Force officer. This play is being
and the show was not put on the schedule. The produced in Annapolis, which is the birthplace
The show has been a huge success since the response surprised even the biggest fans of the I had submitted AFGM while a member of the of thousands of naval careers. This has been a
premiere performance in 1981. It was written show. Newspapers published letters demanding Play Selection Committee a few years ago, but labor of love. We have done our best to “get it
as the result of a conversation at CP’s annual its return, the box office was flooded with the huge male cast was a turnoff, and it was right” for those who have worn the uniform. I
summer banquet that year between Dean calls of protest, and The Capital opined on its scrubbed. Last year, I tried again, and thanks hope you all will enjoy the production.
Johnson, then CP president, and Richard Wade editorial page that the holiday season wouldn’t to the success of 1776, I was somehow able to
and Dick Gessner, writer and composer of be the same in Annapolis without the Wade- convince our Artistic Team to take a chance on – JEFF SPRAGUE
several children’s musicals. Dean challenged the Gessner version of A Christmas Carol.
two men to write a version of Charles Dickens’
Christmas classic and promised if they did, The show returned to the schedule the next
Colonial Players would produce it. year, and this year’s production will be No. 24.
It is directed by Carol Youmans with musical IS THERE A REAL LT. DAN KAFFEE?
Wade and Gessner took the challenge. Over the direction by Roger Compton, who portrayed
next four months, the author and composer Bob Cratchit in the first production in 1981. This
wrote, rewrote, and fine-tuned the book and year, for the first time, A Christmas Carol was Some men think they were the model for the hot shot lawyer in A Few Good Men. All
lyrics, continuing to work on the show even offered as an option for season subscriptions. were involved in a real military trial, along with Sorkin’s sister, that gave him the idea for
after it was cast and rehearsals were underway. Tickets also will be sold at the theater between his hit play and movie. Asked about their claims, Sorkin said through a publicist: “The
A Christmas Carol was an immediate critical 9 a.m. and noon on Nov. 15. Any remaining character of Dan Kaffee in A Few Good Men is entirely fictional and was not inspired by
and box office hit. The book, lyrics, and music tickets after that can then be purchased online any particular individual.”
captured the essence of Dickens’ story of the at thecolonialplayers.org.
redemption of a miserly misanthrope through
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This is my first foray into invaluable to me in managing the show, and I Thank you for your support. Your generous gifts help us to continue to provide educational and training
directing a mainstage just can’t possibly ever thank her enough for programs, encouragement and entertainment to all who are interested in dramatic arts.
production. Previously, I agreeing to lend her logistical Superwoman
directed Terrence McNally’s talents to us for a few months. Also, similar LIFE MEMBERS
short war drama, Botticelli, for thanks must go to Theresa Riffle, my assistant Cdr. William R. Curtis Daniel G. Higgs Dr. & Mrs. James W. Ross
Colonial Players’ 2010 One-Act director, who is always able to see what I Fred & Paula Fishback Judi Hilton-Hyde Col. USMC (Ret.)
Festival. While I’m entering the brave new world miss, and whose patient and skillful guidance Richard Gessner & Chris Beaton Frank McLane Hyde & Mrs. Richard W. Smith
of full-length play directing with this show, I’ve consistently gives the performers assurance Robert Giddings Irene E. Norton Allan Starkey
Bill & Peggy Griswold Ronald Powell Mrs. Benjamin B. Wills, Jr.
previously acted in many plays and musicals that progress is being made. To Mr. Sorkin,
over the last eight years (at CP and elsewhere). thank you for such wonderful words. To my cast
Favorite performances include John Adams in of thousands and dedicated designers and crew PRODUCERS
1776, Dr. Bruce Flaherty in Blue/Orange, Edna (Terry, Shirley, Lois, Ernie, et al.), thank you for Bill & Susan Allen Meg Hosmer Bob Sherer
Turnblad in Hairspray, and the Ratcatcher (et taking the journey with me. To my beautiful Col. USA (Ret.) Fred John Kokron Beth Terranova
& Donna Arquilla Eleanor Perfetto & John McLeod Karen Whaley & Jim Magner
al.) in Kindertransport (2007 WATCH Award wife, Kathleen, thank you so much for letting me Wes Bedsworth & Kaelynn Miller Nancy Morgan John & Judi Wobensmith
recipient). I would be remiss if I did not send explore this part of the theatrical experience. Timothy Brown David & Patricia Mutschler Carol Youmans
my thanks to the intrepid producer of A Few To the audience, thank you for coming! Sit back James W. Cheevers Richard & Mary Rea
Good Men, Beth Terranova. From helping to de- and prepare to be entertained. And lastly, as Jeannie Beall Christie Norm & Judy Shackelton
conflict the myriad of conflicts associated with this is a show for you, to those who have worn
such a large cast to coordinating our wonderful the uniform of the United States, from a fellow DIRECTORS
and specific costumes, she has been absolutely veteran…, just, thank you. Don & Lucy Arthur Alice F. Kurs Sandra Sundeen
vital to getting this production off the ground. Dr. & Mrs. James H. Babcock ADM Chuck & Sally Larson D. Romaine Towers
Further, her experience as a director has been – JEFF SPRAGUE Janet & Nick Berry Lynne & Steve Malley Dr. Stephan & Tamara Tymkiw
Pat & Jim Church Lois & Noel Milan Mary Kitty Walker
Edward E. Cohee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Mortimer Dick & Catherine Whaley
Ellen & Wes Gardner Michael & Sage Mumma Virginia & Chris White
ABOUT THE PLAYWRIGHT Dr. Stephen & Christine Killian Sharry & Donald Reed
AARON SORKIN grew up in a suburb of New and even before the play opened on Broadway,
York City and developed a love of theater at it was optioned for a movie. Sorkin moved to DESIGNERS
an early age when his mother took him to see California to write the screenplay for the movie Anonymous Lynn G. Landon Jim & Charlotte Robinson
Broadway shows. He was very active in theater version, and went on to achieve great success as Richard & Amy Atha-Nicholls Linda & Roger Lark Marcia G. Sandground
at his high school in Scarsdale and then attended a writer for film and television, He is best known Bill Brewer & Collot Guerard Helen Fisher Leitch Judy & Jack Schuyler
Syracuse University, where he graduated with a as the creator of The West Wing, an enormously Mal & June Fordham Dan & Nancy Long Anne Sloan
Frank & Verna Galloway Thea B. Pinskey Joan & Rolph Townshend
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre. After college, popular political drama set in the White House. Doris Gomoljak South Arundel William & Gazella Weigand
Sorkin worked odd jobs such as limousine driver Sorkin was one of three original producers and Frederick & Anne Hallett Veterinary Hospital Dr. Jim Wise
and deliverer of singing telegrams to pay the wrote or co-wrote almost all of the 88 episodes Michael J. Keller William & Maryada Ritchie Mary Beth & Ted Yablonski
bills while he tried to establish himself as an shown from September 22, 1999 until he left
actor. But he says it did not take long to realize the show four years later. Sorkin’s many awards
he was more of a writer than an actor. He had include an Oscar for best adapted screenplay for SPONSORS
two shows produced at off-Broadway theaters The Social Network and four Emmy Awards for Jim & Judy Barrowman Dianne & Duncan Hood David & Diane Rey
before he hit the big time in 1989 with A Few Outstanding Drama Series for The West Wing. Chuck & Mary-Jo Bedsworth Bill & Helena Hunter Carolyn Rhoads
Dr. Michael & Ellen Berger Robert Hyers Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Richardson
Good Men. It was his ticket to fame and success, Pat & Karen Brown Rebecca Jones John & Constance Robinson
Jean Colandrea & Jeff Hoeck Bernard & Hannah Kaufman Michele & Earl Schaffer
Judy Crews-Hanks David & Katherine Larrabee Ed & Sue Senasack
John & Adele Degnan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Liddick Joyce & Charles Shue
Robert & Janet Downey Barbara Marder Irwin Silber
A ARON SORKIN TRADEMARKS Donald & Julia Erickson Para & Miller Families Dennis & Maureen Sullivan
Carol & Joe Friend Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Oudens Carol & Allan Sures
Mike & JoAnn Gidos Sandy & Phil Ourisson Pat & Stephen Troy
• He sometimes appears as an extra in a bar scene. Natalie Green & Tim Heiks Edgar Paglee Judy Vandever
Willie & Laura Gumula Jack & Vesta Harman Phiel Carolyn Wells
• Characters engage in rapid-fire dialogue. Valerie Gutterson Dan & Joan Placido Elizabeth Wilson
• His scripts often reflect his liberal political views. Tylar & Carol Ann Hecht Edward & Marcia Price Francis & Maureen Wright
• Characters are often intelligent and cocky but troubled. Lisa & Richard Hillman Sandy & Ken Reinhard John & Karen Wright
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THE STAFF (continued) THE CAST
BETH TERRANOVA Beth stage managed last season’s Superior BRANDON BENTLEY relocating to Annapolis. In recent years, he has
(Producer/Costume Coordinator) Donuts and directed and designed the set for (Lt. Sam Weinberg) performed as a human prop in local film and
As a 14-year Army veteran 1776. Her other set designs were seen on the Brandon is performing in his television productions, including The Wire,
and eight-year Navy civilian, Players’ stage in She Loves Me! and Hauptman, first full-length play with A Veep, and Body of Lies, in order to cover his
Beth was honored by Jeff's both of which she also directed, and The Spitfire Few Good Men. He made his union dues. Bill thanks his wife and children,
request to produce A Few Good Grill. On stage, Beth was most recently seen at Colonial Players debut with the The Boat School, and Colonial Players for this
Men and accepted without hesitation. For CP as Aunt March in Little Women and as Ellen 2014 One-Act Festival, appearing in both Sure serendipitous opportunity.
Colonial Players, Beth has previously produced in Two Rooms. Beth is a four-time nominee for Thing and Tough Cookies. While Brandon is
Moonlight and Magnolias, Chapter Two, three Washington Area Theater Community Honors new to performing before live audiences, he's BILL DECK
One-Act Festivals, and the workshop production (WATCH) awards: for costumes (Cinderella no stranger in front of cameras. He co-starred (Capt. Isaac Whitaker)
of Ben Franklin: An Ingenious Life. Most recently, Waltz, Going to St. Ives), for featured actress in (as well as wrote and directed) the 2012 Bill has performed in three
she designed costumes for the Players’ highly (Two Rooms), and for director (Hauptmann). horror short The Crossing (featuring Josette productions with Colonial Players
acclaimed productions of These Shining Lives She won the award as Outstanding Director Dubois and Christina McAlpine of Colonial and was last seen onstage here
and Coyote on a Fence. Her costume designs for Hauptmann, which also won the award for Players) and hosted the YouTube movie review as the light-hearted Detective
have also been seen on the CP stage in Going to Outstanding Play. Beth produces the News and series Someone Has To Review It! It's an honor Weber in Earth and Sky in 2010. Since 2002, he
St. Ives, Cinderella Waltz, Lettice and Lovage, The Cues newsletter for Colonial Players and serves for his first full-length live performance to be has appeared with Dignity Players in Permanent
Diviners, The Lion in Winter, The Philadelphia CP as a costume consultant/wardrobe curator, based on an Aaron Sorkin play. He gives a big Collection and performed with the Tred Avon
Story, She Loves Me!, Hauptmann, and Moon Bylaws Committee member, and WATCH judge. round of thanks to his girlfriend, Josie Dubois, Players in productions of The Rainmaker and
Over Buffalo. Among other backstage credits, for giving him the confidence to go on stage, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Bill believes
and to his parents, who led the way for all of his that acting is great therapy, and he looks forward
aspirations in the arts! to performing with a wonderful cast. He would
like to acknowledge Jennifer, his family, and
MILITARY JUSTICE DAVE CARTER Dann for their support. Thanks to Jeff Sprague
In 1779, Benedict Arnold, who would later become America’s most infamous traitor, was (Cdr. Walter Stone) and Colonial Players for the opportunity and
court-martialed for using troops for personal gain and was convicted on two minor counts. Dave is excited to be involved in privilege to be one of “A Few.”
It was one of the earliest uses in this country of courts-martial, a military justice system his second season with Colonial
that predates civilian courts, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence. The Players after directing a play KYLE ESHOM
Continental Congress adopted a system based on Britian’s military code when it passed the in the July One-Act Festival. (Cpl. Hammaker/Marine
Articles of War in 1775, but the roots of the system can be traced back to ancient Rome. He appeared last season in Communicating Ensemble)
Doors and These Shining Lives, which was Kyle is thrilled to be performing
Courts-martial are the military equivalent of civilian courts and are governed by the Uniform 1st runner-up for best play for the 2014 Ruby for the first time at Colonial
Code of Military Justice adopted by Congress in 1950. Defendants in both systems share Griffith Award. A Few Good Men is a show he Players. A recent transplant
many of the same rights, including the right against self-incrimination and guaranteed access has always wanted to be a part of, and now that from Colorado, Kyle began his exploration of the
to counsel. Still, there are significant differences. Panels of officers whose function is similar wish is finally coming true. Dave trained with Annapolis theater scene by performing as Billy
to civilian juries are chosen by the commanding officer who convenes a court-martial, and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art Lawlor in Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre's
convictions can’t be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court except for death sentences. The and wants to thank his family and friends for production of 42nd Street this summer. Kyle is
late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Warren Burger, said American courts-martial are being so supportive of his creative efforts. a Spanish teacher at Severna Park High School
governed by "the most enlightened military code in history." and gives a special thank you to the students and
BILL COFFIN staff for welcoming him with open arms for the
Courts-martial are usually convened for misdemeanors and felonies that would be criminal (Capt. Matthew Markinson) second year in a row. And to his new husband,
violations under civilian laws, but they can be used for acts specific to the armed forces such Christian: "Thanks for picking me, and thanks for
as desertion and insubordination. Some two million people were court-martialed during Bill is returning to the stage
after a 10-year hiatus spent your endless support of all my crazy ideas!"
World War II. One in particular stands out -- the trial of Pvt. Eddie Slovik, who abandoned
his unit while in France. He was executed by a firing squad after a trial in 1944, making him raising a family. He has an
MFA in Dramatic Arts from ISAAC J. EVERETT
the only service member to be executed for desertion since the Civil War. (Cpl. Dunn/Marine Ensemble)
New School University in NYC, where he was a
working finalist at the Actors Studio from 2000 This is Isaac's first show in two
Sources: Time magazine, Wikipedia, Military.com
to 2003. Bill worked in the industry as a voice years. He appeared in a number
actor, stage performer, and film actor before of shows in high school and
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THE CAST (continued) THE STAFF
community theater, and the two-year respite ERIN HILL TERRY AVERILL ERNIE MORTON
was taken due to enlistment in the U.S. Navy. (Lt. Cdr. Joanne Galloway) (Set Designer) (Stage Manager)
He dearly missed theater during this time and is Erin is pleased to be back on the Terry is active in many Ernie is reprising his role from
quite happy to be back. Colonial Players stage, having areas at Colonial Players, the summer One-Act Festival.
last appeared here as Mrs. including acting, directing, But his favorite role is father to
FRED FLETCHER-JACKSON Daldry in In the Next Room, or and designing lights and sets. Lyana (Senior Amn. McConnell)
(Pfc. Louden Downey) the Vibrator Play. A native New Yorker, Erin has He was set designer last season for Bat Boy and Sam (Pfc William Santiago) and as husband
Fred is making his debut with enjoyed performing in various community and and had previously designed sets at CP for to Gwen (not appearing in this show).
Colonial Players doing probably professional productions for the last 15 years. Kindertransport and Earth and Sky. He also
his favorite play ever. Other She made her debut with the Players in 2009's worked with Edd Miller on set design for I SHIRLEY PANEK
credits include Andrew Rally in I The Lion in Winter as Alais, and has since found Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, which (Lighting Designer)
Hate Hamlet (Pasadena Theatre Company), an an extended family amongst her various co- he directed. Other directing credits at Colonial After appearing as Louise in
extra in The Taming of the Shrew (Chesapeake stars and crew members. Favorite roles include Players include Romantic Comedy, Sunlight, Colonial Players’ 66th season
Shakespeare Company as an acting intern), Sally in Cabaret (Musical Theatre Factory), Roz and Kindertransport. Terry won a Washington opener, Rocket Man, Shirley
and most recently Sir Robin in Monty Python's in Moon Over Buffalo (Elmwood Playhouse), Area Theatre Community Honors award for his stepped offstage into the
Spamalot (Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre). and Babs in Mrs. California (Colonial Players). lighting of CP’s Earth and Sky. He has acted in lighting booth and the role of lighting designer
He has many performance credits at Children's Erin is thrilled to be a part of this production a number of productions at Bowie Community again for A Few Good Men. Other lighting
Theatre of Annapolis and UMBC, where he after a year’s hiatus. Thanks to Jeff for the Theatre and directed their productions of designs include Dead Man's Cell Phone,Trying,
is a senior with a major in theater and a opportunity to play a role as challenging and Language of Angels and Love, Sex, and the IRS. Moonlight and Magnolias, and Chapter Two
minor in writing and recently directed their rewarding as Jo, Paul and Pat for always giving He is an architect and was president of Colonial (2012 WATCH nominee) at The Colonial Players
Musical Theatre Club's production of Grease. her encouragement, and her husband and Players for four years. and Art at Dignity Players. Shirley would like to
Fred refuses to grow up, as evidenced by family for their endless support. During the day, thank Jeff Sprague for the opportunity to work
his obsession with ‘90s Nickelodeon shows, Erin is a reading specialist for Anne Arundel LOIS BANSCHER on this complex plot and for his unwavering
professional wrestling, and chocolate milk. “A County schools. By far her most rewarding role (Properties Designer) commitment and vision for the show. Thanks
special thank you to my wonderful family and ever is as "Mommy" to her beautiful, hysterical, Lois enjoyed being part of the also to the cast and production staff and crew
all friends past and present, especially the three and charismatic eight-month-old daughter team for A Few Good Men, for their patience during tech week. “Love to
J's. They mean a lot to me.'" Teagan. Convinced that Teagan has inherited especially working with Jeff Drew, Emma, and Jeff Mocho (break legs, babe!)
her dramatic streak, Erin is now preparing for Sprague, whose theater dream -- the lights that shine in my life every day.”
ETHAN GOLDBERG her next role as disciplinarian. of directing this classic drama has finally
(Cpl. Jeffrey Howard) come true. And, wow! What a cast! Lois THERESA RIFFLE
Ethan is very excited to return JAMIE AUSTIN JACOBS became involved with Colonial Players in 2009 (Assistant Director/Sound
to CP, where he appeared as (Lance Cpl. Harold Dawson) shadowing props guru JoAnn Gidos, her mentor, Designer)
Jan Warrick in The Unexpected Jamie Austin is ecstatic to be while working on The Curious Savage. Other After serving as sound designer
Guest. He has also been seen making his Colonial Players credits include I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now for Coyote on a Fence earlier
in such roles as Sir Bors in ASGT's Spamalot, debut alongside an amazing Change; Sunlight; Spitfire Grill; Little Women; this year, Theresa is excited
Geoffrey in 2nd Star Production’s Something's cast. He recently graduated from Lettice and Lovage; Taking Steps; Mrs. California to be working on A Few Good Men with this
Afoot, Old Man Strong in AACC's Urinetown, Frostburg State University with a B.A. in Theater and 1776 (WATCH nominations for both); fabulous production staff and cast. As an actor,
and Lt. Brannigan for the Moonlight Troupers’ with a focus on acting. There, he performed in Going to St. Ives; The Diviners; Coyote on a she was last seen on the CP stage as Annie in
production of Guys and Dolls. Colonial Players numerous productions. In his senior year, he Fence; and, most recently, Bat Boy. Lois lends a two performances of In the Next Room, or
is one of Ethan's favorite theaters, and he would appeared as Starcat in Psycho Beach Party, Tom helping hand with other projects including “Talk the Vibrator Play. You also may have seen her
like to thank Beth, Jeff, and the board for inviting Sawyer in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Back” sessions this past season, coordinating as Anna Hauptmann in Hauptmann, Evelyn
him back to do what he loves. Ethan dedicates John Quincy Adams/Soloist in Bloody, Bloody appreciation packets given to patrons in June, in Kindertransport, or Phoebe in Romantic
this performance to his older brother Sam. Andrew Jackson. Alongside his father, Jamie coordinating lobby pictorial displays, and any Comedy. Theresa currently serves as secretary
"Hope to be half the man you are. Love ya, bro." Austin is a youth football coach for the Pasadena other “unsung hero” tasks when help is needed. on the CP Board of Directors. She would like
Can you handle the truth? Panthers. He plans to move to California one day Lois thanks Colonial Players team members for to thank Jeff for letting her be a part of this
to become an agent. Until then, you might see their support. As for A Few Good Men, she says: fantastic production, and, as always, sends a big
him hanging around the Annapolis/Baltimore “What’s not to like about working with such fine thank you to Jem and Josh for their boundless
area doing more productions! “gentle men?” love and support.
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THE CAST (continued) THE CAST (continued)
Jeff Sprague. Erik has two daughters, Olivia Maryland in January 2013 for the love of my STEVIE MANGUM SAM MORTON
(10) and Sophia (6), and lives in Springfield, VA, life, my fiance, Kristi, and have never looked (Lt. Everson/Cpl. Brewster/ (Pfc. William Santiago)
with his fiancée, Stacy Burleigh. Erik and Stacy back. The support of my family and friends has Marine Ensemble) Sam is happy to further his
are very excited about getting married on an taken me places I could have only dreamed and A college senior pursuing involvement with Colonial
Alaskan cruise ship in August of 2015! further allows my dreams to become a reality.” his B.A. in Theatre at UMBC, Players in his first major
Stevie is excited to be part community theater role after
ANDREW SEABROOK BEN WOLFF of this production. You may have seen him parts in The Curious Savage and the 2012 and
(Sgt. Thom/Marine Ensemble) (Lt. Jonathan Kendrick) on this stage last winter as Rooster in Annie. 2014 One-Act Festivals. Most of the time he
Andrew is excited to make his Ben is appearing in his first role Other favorite roles elsewhere include Motel is performing year-round in Broadneck High
debut with Colonial Players. at Colonial Players and his first in Fiddler On The Roof, Prez in The Pajama School productions and on the Broadneck
This is his first role since playing play in over a decade. He now Game, Nick Piazza in Fame, and Charlie Cowell Improv Team, which he co-directs. He would
Shanaar in Sean O'Casey's Cock- realizes this was way too long a in The Music Man. Additionally, Stevie fulfills a like to thank his family for their support and his
a-Doodle-Dandy with the Priory Players at St. hiatus, acknowledges his mistake, and is atoning very rewarding role through Tiffany Shannon friends for making it easy to love theater.
Anselm's Abbey School. Andrew works as a by getting the shortest haircut he's ever had. Productions as assistant instructor in the
network engineer in Bethesda, and he would Ben discovered acting while attending The Key musical theater workshop program at Children’s PAT REYNOLDS
like to thank his lovely girlfriend, Molly, for School in Annapolis. His previous plays include: Theatre of Annapolis. Stevie would like to thank (Capt. Jack Ross)
encouraging him to audition. A Streetcar Named Desire, The Crucible, The Jeff and the entire cast and crew for another Pat has been an actor for the
Man Who Came to Dinner, Twelfth Night, and great experience and his family for their love last 20 years. A small sampling
DAVID THOMPSON Museum, as well as musical performances in Me and support. of his favorite roles at CP
(Lt. Col. Nathan Jessep) and My Girl, Coconuts, and Into the Woods. He include: Adam in the shape of
David is excited to be returning is extremely thankful to have the opportunity JEFF MOCHO things, Septimus in Arcadia, C. K. Dexter Haven
to The Colonial Players, where to contribute to community theater in his (Capt. Julius A. Randolph/Lt. in The Philadelphia Story, Elyot Chase in Private
he played the title role in Pippin, hometown. "Participating in plays provided me Daniel Kaffee u/s) Lives, Richard The Lion Heart in The Lion in
Utterson in Jekyll & Hyde, Booth with some of my happiest and most satisfying Jeff is happy to return to Colonial Winter, Paul Gauguin in Inventing Van Gogh,
in Assassins, and Einstein in Picasso at the Lapin memories. The opportunity to perform again, Players. He appeared here as David Ames in Earth and Sky, and Bruno Richard
Agile. Credits at other theaters include the title with the support of Annapolis' remarkable Reece in Communicating Doors Hauptmann in Hauptmann. Pat has performed
role in Sweeney Todd, David in the American artistic community, was too tempting to and Michael Starkwedder in The Uninvited with the local improv comedy group, Free Range
premiere of Terence Rattigan’s After The Dance, pass up." Ben works as a policy analyst for Guest, when he met and fell in love with leading Improv, for the past two years. He dedicates this
Panch in The 25th Annual Putnam County the Montgomery County Council and lives in lady Shirley Panek. Thanks to Shirley, Drew, and show to his father, John, a Vietnam veteran
Spelling Bee, and Molokov in Chess. David Wheaton, but will always call Annapolis home. Emma for being your fantastic selves and for and Purple Heart recipient in the United States
would like to send thanks to family and friends He would like to thank his parents and brother welcoming me into the family. Lots of love to Marine Corps. “Thank you to my wonderful
- especially Sarah, Violet, and Garrett - for their for their support, as well as Parker Rouse, Jake Mom and Dad, who are coming all the way from fiancé Amanda for all of your love and support.”
love and support. Binstock, Dave Carter, and Beverly Hill van Joolen Albuquerque to see the show.
for providing the inspiration and motivation to ERIK SCHULTZ
PAUL VALLEAU make this happen. LYANA MORTON (MP/Sergeant-At-Arms)
(Lt. Daniel Kaffee) (Senior Amn. McConnell) This is Erik’s first performance
Paul is wonderfully grateful Lyana is thrilled to be making with Colonial Players and his
to be doing this amazing role, LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! her Colonial Players onstage first play in ten years. Previous
to be with this tremendous AND STAY UP-TO-DATE debut. She was previously seen roles on stage have included the
cast, and to share this story on ON WHAT'S GOING ON AT CP. hiding behind the curtain as set older brother in Neil Simon’s Prisoner of Second
the Colonial Players stage. This is his second designer and stagehand last July for the One-Act Avenue, Jeff Barry in Leader of the Pack, and Van
performance with Colonial Players following his Festival This or That. “Thanks to Jeff, Beth, the Helsing in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. He is a 13-year
appearance in last season’s In the Next Room, or amazing cast and crew, and a special thanks to Air Force veteran currently serving as a major in
the Vibrator Play as Leo. He began performing Mom for getting me obsessed with theater in the Air Force Reserves, and his first assignment
in 2010 in Des Moines, Iowa, where a few of the first place, and to Dad for putting up with it was at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota,
his previous roles included Leo Bloom in The long enough for us to get hooked, too.” where his first crew commander was none other
Producers, Kent in Reasons to Be Pretty, and than our illustrious director (then-lieutenant),
Robert in Don't Dress For Dinner. “I moved to
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66th Season 345th Season Production
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