Factsheet AlfaAdvisor Total Return Q4 2017

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AlfaAdvisors' Total Return

Real-Money Reference Portfolio on wikifolio.com

At the forefront of low-volatility portfolios on wikifolio.com FACTSHEET Q4 2017

Investment Objective Key Facts

Long-term capital appreciation with an emphasis on capital preservation Inception: 19.01.16
and stable absolute returns regardless of prevailing market conditions Status: Investable
Funds Category: Multi Assets
Fund Investment Strategy Funds Style: Absolute Return
Top-Down allocation process to determine asset classes and sector selection Benchmark None
combined with a bottom-up fundamental evaluation of individual Certificate fee: 0,95%
opportunities. The process takes into account a combination of economic and Performance fee: 5% (High Water Mark)
technical indicators, investor sentiment, liquidity and valuation measures.
Several tactical strategies are complemented to strategic allocation. Wikifolio Awards

Possible Advantage for Investors ➢ Good Money Manager

- Extra diversification for traditional equity/bond portfolio ➢ Continous growth
- Stable returns irrespective of economic and/ or market conditions ➢ Actively diversified
- May help improving portfolio performance & efficiency ➢ Regular activity
➢ Trades entire universe
Performance Summary ➢ Frequently Bought
Absolute Return in % AlfaAdvisors Euro Stoxx EU Sovereign ➢ Loyal Investors
As of 09.01.2018 Total Return 50 ETF TR Debt ETF
1 Month 1,6 1,29 -1,5 Wikifolio Ranking
3 Month 6,44 0,47 0,4
6 Month 6,94 4,65 1,5 1st Max. Drawdown < 3%
1 Year 22,97 12,54 0,7 among 1007 Wikifolios

Since Inception (15/01/16) 39,93 26,2 2,46 1st Max. Drawdown < 5%
Year-to-Date 0,76 3,86 0,29 among 2350 Wikifolios

TOP 5 among all 20.000 Wikifolios

Risk Metrics
AlfaAdvisors Euro Stoxx EU Sovereign Portfolio Manager
As of 29.12.2017 Total Return 50 ETF TR Debt ETF Jonas H. Fadel
Sharpe Ratio
2,5 0,81 0,37 ➢ Responsible for Stategy,
Research & Portfolio Allocation

1 -0,06 -0,03
(Portfolio to Asset) M.Sc Finance & Investment
Annualized Volatility
Volatility of Positive Returns
➢ 8 years of experience

Volatility of Negative Returns 2,49% 13,47% 2,73% For more information:

% Positive Month 71% 67% 63% Mail: [email protected]
Max. Day-Profit 5,45% 4,03% 0,69% www.facebook.com/AlfaAdvisors
Max. Day-Loss 0,89% 8,73% 1,04% https://twitter.com/AlfaAdvisor 1

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