Steam Surface Condenser Question & Answers
Steam Surface Condenser Question & Answers
Steam Surface Condenser Question & Answers
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divided or non-divided. In a divided condenser, the tube bundle and waterboxes are divided into sections. One or more sections of the
tube bundle may be in operation while others are not. This allows maintenance of sections of the tubeside while the condenser is
operating. In a non-divided tubeside, all the tubes are in operation at all times.
Shell side
The shell side of a steam surface condenser can be classified by its geometry. Examples of types are:
• Cylindrical
• Rectangular
An appliance designed for removing the back pressure upon a Steam Turbine
The Steam
Engineer's... How is this accomplished?
Cooling the exhaust steam and converting it to water.
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Why is reducing the back pressure so important on a steam turbine?
Steam Plant
Operation 9th...
What is a vacuum?
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Space devoid of matter, a space in which the pressure is zero absolute.
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What auxiliary must be connected to a condenser to make it work?
It should be understood, that the air ejector does not create the vacuum but it only maintains it.
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