Project Proposal "The Effectiveness of Using Instagram To Teach Writing at MAN Salatiga in The Academic Year of 2019/2020"
Project Proposal "The Effectiveness of Using Instagram To Teach Writing at MAN Salatiga in The Academic Year of 2019/2020"
Project Proposal "The Effectiveness of Using Instagram To Teach Writing at MAN Salatiga in The Academic Year of 2019/2020"
with sounds, letters, manual signs, or tactile symbols (e.g., Braille) which can.
Without language, people will be easy getting confused with another. So that,
about other people and society. It is the reason why many people need to
study English.
English has four skills. They are reading, listening, speaking and writing.
Writing is one of the important skills that should be taught and mastered by
students. It is the activity of people to perform their oral language into the
mastering writing skill. Writing is a process of thinking in its own right that
requires a lot of effort to reorganize idea and thoughts. In writing process,
Richards and Renandya (2002:303) explain that the most difficult skill
organizing concepts, but also the difficulties are in translating these concepts
into a readable text. Teaching writing for students who learn English is one of
the important things that have to be done well because it will influence the
students’ writing ability. Furthermore, it will be true that teaching writing will
One of the media which can be applied in this digital era is social media.
part of students’ daily life activity. They can interact and share their stories to
others directly.
asked some questions to the teacher. The first question is about the problems
low. She found many grammatical errors on students’ writing task. Besides,
they are lack of vocabulary, get difficulties to spell some words and organize
teaching writing. She answered that she used index card match in teaching
writing. She explained that Index card match is a game to discover the pair of
a card or to discover the card match. She also used lecturing to teach writing.
Yet, there are still many students cannot pass the passing grade.
The third question is about social media that is used in learning English.
The teacher ever used social media as teaching media that was Edmodo.
When she applied this media, the students got trouble in the internet
connection. Thus, the students were more focused on how to get good internet
(KKM) of English Subject for tenth grade students of MAN Salatiga. The
Subject is 72. There are still 55 percent of students that can not pass the
passing grade. Thus, she has to find another media in order to make the
ability by doing interview with some students of MAN Salatiga. They said
that they had low motivation in learning writing and got difficulties on
constructing their ideas into a good text. Besides, they also said that they felt
students’ writing ability is still low. It makes the students lazy to follow the
lesson. They get difficulties to construct their ideas into a text and spell some
teaching English to improve students writing ability and make the students
1. How is the profile of the students’ writing score before and after
2. How far is the effectiveness of using Instagram to teach writing for the
C. Objectives of The Study
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the aims of the study
1. To know the profile of the students’ writing score before and after
2. To find out the effectiveness of using Instagram to teach writing for the
1. Theoretical benefit
b. The result of the research can be used as the reference for those
2. Practical benefit
a. For teacher
improve the students’ writing skill, and the result can improve the
b. For students
The benefits of this research for students are that they are able to
c. For researcher
The benefit of this research for MAN Salatiga is that the English
teachers can improve their skill in teaching writing and students can
Based on the interview with the English teacher, the students have
structure and the language features of a text, and they are lack of vocabulary.
The success indicator of this research is taken from the students’ Basic
passing grade. The passing grade of English lesson in MAN Salatiga is 72.
The teacher and the researcher expect that there are at least 90% of the
1. Writing
organizing our ideas and even expresses our feeling, then putting them on
2. Descriptive Text
kind of text that is made to provide information to the readers about visual
3. Instagram
that allows users to turn their mobile snapshots into interesting images
4. Lecturing
principles to students and the class usually being responsible to take notes
G. Theoretical Framework
1. Writing
a. Definition of Writing
selecting and organizing ideas into coherent and logical whole. The
component not only for academic practice but also later in their
thoughts. Besides, mental acts are inventing ideas, thinking about the way
how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraph.
process and product. It means that the writer have to imagines, organizes,
In line with Nunan, Brown (2001: 348) also states that writing is
coherently, use discourse markers and rhetorical conversations coherently
into a written text, how to revise text for clearer meaning and how to edit
text for correct grammar and produce a final products. Writing is a way to
put thinking or ideas into text. Furthermore, writing is words which the
writers free themselves from what they currently think, feel, and perceive.
b. Process of Writing
1) Planning
what they are going to say. Writers have to think about three main
issues. Those are the purpose, the audience (the reader), and
content structure.
since this this will influence not only the kind of text they are
going to produce, but also the language and the information they
writing (how it is laid out, how the paragraphs are structured, etc.),
It means that how the writer sequence the facts, ideas, or
contains thinking, talking, reading, and writing that the writer does
about his topic before he writes a first draft. Pre writing can be
2) Drafting
use the idea that is generated in the planning as a guide. This stage
first try. The first draft is the first try. Perhaps, the order of
4) Final version
Once the writer has revised and edited the draft and made
final version.
forest fires.
e) to persuade: to argue that a certain action should be taken. For
d. Organization of Writing
a) Paragraph
b) Composition
beginning, second part is middle, and the last part is end. The
main idea.
Harmer (2001:22) states that an effective paragraph has two
a) Cohesion
b) Coherence
The reader should be able to follow the story and should
f. Writing Assesment
thought that testing and assessing is the same term, but they are not.
assessment that teacher can use. Text can be the assessment but
writing task. Analytical scoring has five major elements that will help to
true sentences are among piece of
improvement of topic.
inadequate sequencing.
Ideas confused or disconnected, lack
capitalization, paragraphing
4 Good to average
punctuation, capitalization,
3 Fair to poor
capitalization, paragraphing , poor
2 Very poor
to evaluate.
The following are the criteria for scoring writing which are used in this
2. Descriptive Text
appeals to the senses, so it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes,
imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind. Husein and
place, or thing. In addition, they say that the social function of writing
text is the text which is describe particular thing, animal, person, place, or
In genre based writing, Husein and Pulungan (2017: 1) explain that the
generic structure of descriptive text consists of two parts, they are:
1) Identification
Identification is a statement which consists of one topic. In
identification, the introduction about who or what will be described is
Do you know what Tawangmangu is like? It is one of the most
interesting places in Karanganyar Regency. This cool place is located
about 20 kilometers east of Solo. On the weekend, many people visit
2) Description
It consists of detail description about someone or something that is
defined in identification. The specific characteristic about who or what
described is written in description.
Karanganyar has many different places of interest. They are
Tawangmangu with its wonderful waterfall and nice park, Cetho, and
Sukuh Temple. Tea Garden has also become the interesting place to
visit for relaxation. Of all, Tawangmangu still becomes the most
favorite place to visit.
The place is located in the slop of Lawu Mount so that it has cool
weather all the time. It is very wet during rainy season it has very
much rain. Tawangmangu waterfall is very famous. The water falls
continuously every day. To reach this place, visitors can walk or ride
horses. Both are always interesting. The entrance tickets are relatively
c. Grammatical Features of Descriptive Text
2) Using adjectives
3) Using nouns
4) Using pronouns
3. Instagram
a. Definition of Instagram
Instagram is one kind of mobile application and social media
which offer some features that permits users to share photos and videos
and permits the users to build up the interaction with others. Instagram
was found by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010. People
caption under it. Many interesting features are provides by Instagram, such
allows them to see the content posted on these profiles and give responses
in the form of comments or likes. Like is a tag user can place on images to
indicate that they view them favorably. When a user follows another uses,
all postings from these users will be shown on the user’s news feed.
direct message.
b. Features of Instagram
camera roll. Moreover, users can add caption. It can give information
2) Social network
following them. On the top of the profile, users will see the nickname,
profile picture, how many photos or videos has been uploaded, how
many followers and following the account has. Users can see others
videos and pictures in their news feed when they follow someone.
their peers and can communicate with them as well as with the
2) The teacher build knowledge of the topic
what to write.
share materials about it. Teachers also can post everything that can
descriptive text
Teacher can know the way students develop ideas based on the
6) The teacher asked students to draft the text, edit and post it on
Students have to practice their writing skill. They are asked
4. Lecturing
a. Definition of Lecturing
Brown (1987) says that the term lecture was derived from the
way of teaching that requires being the only sources in learning process.
The students have to pay attention and take notes from what the teacher
are saying.
According to Faroq, Abbasi, and Qadir (2013: 146), there are five
be summarized as follow:
brought out.
e. Word that is spoken has greater weight than mute appeal by books.
f. The language that is used by lecture may be made suitable to all of the
Teaching by using lecture has some advantages in learning process.
The teacher can use the lecture as a way to teach students in classroom.
b. In order to make the lecture impressive, the teacher may care more for
manner and style but very little for matter and content.
c. If the lecture is very fast, the students cannot take notes easily and will
note have any written record or the salient points made out.
serve no purpose.
In completing this paper, the researcher takes review from other previews
researches which investigate the related topic. First research was conducted
Instagram Caption is effective to teach writing for the tenth grade students of
were chosen as the sample by using cluster random sampling technique. To
collect the data, the researcher used writing test in pre-test and post-test. The
captions was 85.88 and for the students’ control group using picture was 76.
that students who are taught by using Instagram captions have better writing
of students who are taught writing descriptive text using photograph as media
photograph. The subjects of the research were the 8th students of SMP Negeri
1 Ungaran. There were two groups involved in this research those are
experimental group and control group. The experimental group was taught by
using photographs in Instagram, and the control group was taught without
groups, the result shows that the mean of experimental group was 74.80 and
the control group were 72.63. It means that the score of experimental group
was higher than the score of control group. The t-test result showed that t-
value was 2.056 and t-table was 2.002, which means that t-value is higher
conventional teaching. It can be concluded that using photographs in
Instagram was effective and recommended for the English teacher as one of
research is about the effect of the use of Instagram on EFL students’ writing
control group. The subject of the research was two classes of Argumentative
Malang. There were two instruments of data collected in this study: a writing
test and questionnaire. The writing test was administered in the pre-test and
post-test. In those tests, the students were asked to make an opinion essay. To
measure the pre-test and post-test data, the researcher applied paired sample t-
test. The result was there was a significant difference between both of tests’
scores. On average, the post-test score was 15 points higher than the pre-test
scores (17.83, 12.84). In conclusion, the students who were taught by using
Instagram had better ability in writing an opinion essay. The participants were
teaching writing, and learning process. The result shows that the students had
from non-English Language department in Islamic University of Indonesia
who were selected through purposive sampling. This research was examined
and documentation as the data supporter in collecting the data. The result of
the research shows that non English Department students can use Instagram
doing some actions on their Instagram account. Those actions are: searching
and following the educational accounts and also do activities such as reading,
high school in Yogyakarta as the research sample. The empirical data were
collected through pre and post-test. The data were analyzed quantitatively
applying t-test computation and descriptive analysis. The result showed that
though by Instagram and those who aren’t. Thus, the use of Instagram is
The sixth research was conducted by Handayani (2017). This study aims
writing. This study was descriptive research which was carried out at English
Department UMMY Solok. The population of the research was first grade
Instagram, in which only group members can interact with each other. To get
the data of the research, the researcher used questionnaire and interviewed.
strongly agree (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagree (D), and strongly
Disagree (SD). It was used to investigate students’ attitudes toward the use of
selected. The finding of the research showed that students had a very positive
teacher centered writing to teach recount text to students with high and low
students were divided into experimental and control group. The experimental
was taught by using Instagram, whereas the control group was taught by
using teacher centered writing. Results indicated that the final average score
of experimental group was 73. Meanwhile, the control group got a lower
average score with 67.15. After calculating the significance of the test, the
result of the t-value was 2.210 and t-table was 2.002. It can be concluded that
teaching recount text using Instagram resulted a better achievement. Besides, the t-
value of the post test was higher than the critical value which meant that the
understanding for students with high and low motivation which improved the
this research is to obtain the empirical evidence of the effect of peer feedback
through Instagram on students’ writing recount text at the 10th grade students
of SMA Triguna Utama Tangerang Selatan. The methods of this study are
quantitative method and quasi experimental design. Two classes are taken as
the sample of the study with 30 students in each class. Those classes are
designed as experimental class and control class. The sampling technique used
procedures; pretest, treatments, and post-test. The data analyzed is gained through
writing test. The data analyzed in this research by using statistic of t-test Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The result of this research proves the difference
between students’ score in learning recount text by giving peer feedback through
social media and those do not. According to statistical calculation, the df = 58,
sig.(2-tailed) or (p) value = 0,001, and α = 0.05, which is p-value < α. It can be
concluded that peer feedback through social media is effective in teaching recount
text because it showed moderate effect on students’ writing recount text at the tenth
The ninth research was conducted by Riana (2018). The objectives of this
research are to find the code mixing by Instagram user which using Code
used qualitative method. To collect the data, the researcher used interview
and documentation. The result of this research, the researcher finds the kinds
of code mixing; they are words, phrases, hybrids, idioms, clause, and word
reduplication. The researcher also found the reasons of using code mixing in
language, and follow the friends. Moreover the researcher analyze the social
factors of using code mixing in Instagram are: make a good relation with a
friend, also can give information or other with interesting language, will have
similarity with friends, to make friends interesting with the caption, and to
make easier besides the user and the followers. It means that the use of code
mixing is often used in our life both in everyday conversation or social media.
The last research was conducted by Rosyida & Seftika (2019). The
display, and conclusion drawing. The result shows that students have positive
perception of the use of Instagram as a learning medium. Instagram creates
with the previous research that written above. However, those are several
matters that distinguish this research from the previous which are as follows:
I. Research Methodology
1. Research Design
According to Ary (2010:201)., general plan for carrying out a study
aim of this design is to study cause and effect relationship. The
happen to the subject of the study after apply the media as the treatment.
compare two classes. The first class will be the experimental group and
another one as control group. Both groups will get pretest and posttest.
Only the experimental group takes the treatment. The experimental class
using Instagram to teach writing. It will be known after finding out the t-
test value between the students’ writing ability scores before and after
2. Population and Sample
Lodico et, al. (2006: 140) explain that a population is the wider
the group that researcher wants to generalize his findings to. The
Lodico et, al. (2006: 143) inform that a smaller group selected
that is used in this research is two classes. In other words, the writer uses
this form to get some participant based on the population randomly. The
class XIBB. The control group is class XIK and the experimental group is
1 ‘IF 1 AP
3 AHA 3 AP
4 AZA 4 AS
5 AU 5 AD
6 AM 6 ASA
8 AKN 8 DZ
10 AAS 10 APH
11 DFNH 11 FNQ
12 EW 12 FRA
13 FS 13 FZ
14 KBS 14 GOPF
15 KNH 15 IRJ
16 LS 16 II
17 MZSA 17 ISU
18 MIR 18 IM
19 MKD 19 KR
20 MTR 20 KQF
21 MFF 21 LDE
22 MK 22 LDS
23 MLUN 23 LM
24 MMRM 24 LR
25 NNH 25 MFN
27 NRM 27 NMF
28 PA 28 NAPM
29 RS 29 OSN
30 RA 30 RMA
31 RDU 31 RAJ
32 RVA 32 RAF
33 SAQ 33 SA
34 SAA 34 SNUK
35 T 35 SAF
36 TLS 36 UQ
37 UR 37 YGB
38 WAQ 38 YR
39 WFA 39
40 WK
from the population. Each member of the population has an equal and
The researcher will take two classes of tenth grade where one class as
3. Variable of The Research
a. Validity
Lodico et, al. (2006: 88) state that validity focuses on ensuring that
1) Content validity
items that is purpose to cover. The research design pre- and post-
2) Criterion-related validity
with a second measure. It reflects the degree to which two scores
(Cohen, et al. 2007: 140) the researcher will give pretest as the
b. Reliability
et, al., 2006: 87) In this research, the researcher uses only one type of
scores from one sample are stable over time from one test
time interval. The researcher gives pretest to the students of XIK and
XIBB at the same time. Then, the researcher also gives posttest to the
No Date and Activities Place
of XIB (07.00)
of XIB (07.00)
Table 1.4 Control Class Schedule
of XIB (10.00)
of XIB (10.00)
evaluate outcomes. In this study, the researcher collects data from pre-
a. Pre-test
to get initial information of the groups before the further research
is conducted.
b. Post-test
c. Documentation
object, such as: school profile, students name lists and the process
during research.
7. Research Instrument
the instrument uses in this research is tests. Ary et al, (2010:201) state
a. Test
Kind of research instruments that is used to measure students
posttest. In those test, the students will get some exercises about
descriptive text.
b. Non-test
instrument. She collects all of the data from the school and
After collecting the data, the researcher analyzes the data as the
result of the test before. In order to analyze the test score of writing, the
researcher uses t-test to find out the difference score of students’ writing
compared in order to know there are significant or not. The writer will use
SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 25 for window to
a. Calculated the mean (M) from each group using the following
M =∑x
M = mean
∑x =total score
N = number of students
∑𝐷 2 ∑𝐷 2
SDD = √ − (𝑁)
N = number of students
MD = mean of difference
√𝑁 − 1
t o = MD
to = t-value of observation
MD = mean of difference
9. Statistical Hypothesis
The calculation between experiment group (X) and control group (Y) are
means that there is no effectiveness of using Instagram to teach
limitation of the study, definition of key terms and outline of the paper.
Chapter II describes the review that related writing, Instagram, and lecturing.
The researcher uses some references that support the study. Chapter III
discussion. The researcher show the result of the research and it includes the
analysis how the use of Instagram in teaching writing. Chapter V, last part of
and appendix.