Increasing Drilling Efficiencies Through Analysis of Real-Time and Historic Drilling Data
Increasing Drilling Efficiencies Through Analysis of Real-Time and Historic Drilling Data
Increasing Drilling Efficiencies Through Analysis of Real-Time and Historic Drilling Data
Estimated spending on drilling and placing emphasis on doing, rather This data selection and quality con-
completions was more than USD 250 than planning or analyzing. Many trol is one of the most difficult stages
billion in 2008. With rig costs esti- people in drilling operations thrive in drilling analysis. Simply increas-
mated to consume 37% (or USD 92.5 on operating by “gut instincts” and ing the amount of data often means
billion) of that spending, every effort succeeding through heroic efforts. nothing more than adding irrelevant
to reduce drilling time has a direct While experience dealing with unex- “noise.” Large amounts of data are
effect on the bottom line. Estimates pected events is crucial for success in available—a situation that likely will
of nonproductive time (NPT) ran from an environment where uncertainty increase as new technologies, such as
15 to 40%, or USD 14 to 37 billion, exists, surely it would make more wired drillpipe, become adopted more
depending on well type and operator. sense to be taking pride in telling sto- widely. However, determining which
The causes were varied and includ- ries about the well where everything data are relevant is not a simple task,
ed technical and nontechnical chal- went according to plan. Furthermore, which often leads to a trial-and-error
lenges. Obviously, any effort made while most companies have health, approach to data selection.
to reduce NPT will affect bottom- safety, and environmental policies Building an effective data set from
line spending. that are “zero-tolerance,” an accep- the wide variety of available data
tance of waste and inefficiency as sources is both time consuming and
Introduction being inevitable in drilling operations frustrating. Data exist in multiple
The oil and gas industry spends mil- continues. It is difficult to imagine formats and from multiple vendors,
lions of dollars each year collecting another industry that would accept such as rig contractors, mud loggers,
vast amounts of drilling data, yet 60% waste when it is widely known measurement while drilling (MWD)/
has not made effective use of these that something as simple as better logging while drilling (LWD), wire-
data to improve drilling performance. planning can improve drilling results. line, and others. Data quality, par-
Drilling analysis is a proven technique Two other key obstacles to integrat- ticularly with manually reported data,
for improving the return on invest- ed drilling analysis are the inability is often an issue. There is a natural
ment of drilling operations, but com- to manage the volumes of data that tendency to want to avoid report-
prehensive drilling analysis has not potentially could be used in drilling ing negative news, and values tend
been a regular part of well planning analysis and the historical limitations to be either a quick glance at a dial
and operations. of traditional well-planning software. or, worse yet, hand-picked to match
So why is it that comprehensive The vision for integrated drilling anal- planned values.
drilling analysis is not a consistent ysis includes the ability to: Often data must be retrieved from
part of drilling best practices? In part, • Visualize and correlate low- and storage facilities, and may exist only
perhaps, because of the culture. One high-density data. on paper or outdated media, such as
author suggested that 95% of drilling • Allow effective sharing of cross- 51/4-in. floppy disks, which may be
activities are operationally focused, discipline expertise. difficult to read using today’s technol-
• Provide continuous real-time up- ogy. Daily operations reports, end-of-
This article, written by Assistant Tech- dates. well reports, and various other vendor
nology Editor Karen Bybee, contains This integrated approach includes reports must be sifted through manu-
highlights of paper SPE 128722, technologies to overcome data-man- ally to generate a digest or synopsis.
“Increasing Drilling Efficiencies Through agement challenges and well-planning This process can take several weeks or
Improved Collaboration and Analysis limitations, and to implement multi- even months and generally is finished
of Real-Time and Historical Drilling disciplinary work flows to help facili- when time runs out, rather than when
Data,” by Catheryn Staveley, SPE, tate planning and analysis across an a satisfactory level of knowledge has
and Paul Thow, SPE, Schlumberger, asset team. been achieved.
originally prepared for the 2010 SPE
Intelligent Energy Conference and Data Problem Limitation of Tools
Exhibition, Utrecht, The Netherlands, The first step is defining and scop- The majority of the drilling software
23–25 March. The paper has not been ing the drilling project, followed by tools available focus on planning a
peer reviewed. data selection and quality control. single well. Existing tools rely on
For a limited time, the full-length paper is available free to SPE members at