Hematology and Plasma Chemistry Reference Intervals For Cultured Tilapia (Oreochromis Hybrid)
Hematology and Plasma Chemistry Reference Intervals For Cultured Tilapia (Oreochromis Hybrid)
Hematology and Plasma Chemistry Reference Intervals For Cultured Tilapia (Oreochromis Hybrid)
Abstract: Tilapia are a commonly aquacultured fish yet little is known about their normal physiology and
response to disease. In this study we determined the results of complete hematologic (n = 40) and plasma bio-
chemical profiles (n = 63) in production tilapia (Oreochromis hybrids). The fish were raised in recirculating
systems with a high stocking density (120 g/L), and were in the middle of a 15-month production cycle. Blood
was analyzed using standard techniques, and reference intervals were determined using nonparametric meth-
ods. Non-production tilapia (n = 15) from low-density tanks (4 g/L) also were sampled; the clinical chemistry
results were compared to reference intervals from the fish raised in high-density tanks. Differences were noted
in plasma protein, calcium and phosphorus concentrations, such that reference intervals for high-den-sity
production tilapia were not applicable to fish raised under different environmental and management con-
ditions. (Vet Clin Pathol 2000;29:7-12)
From the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Address correspondence to Dr. Hrubec ([email protected]).
Table 1. Mean water quality values for high-density (120 Table 2. Plasma chemistry reference intervals for hybrid
g/L) and low-density (4.3 g/L) tilapia production systems. tilapia (n = 63) raised in high-density production systems.
Table 3. Plasma chemistry results for hybrid tilapia (n = 15) Table 4. Hematology reference intervals for hybrid tilapia
raised in low-density systems compared to reference intervals (n = 40) raised in high-density production systems.
from tilapia raised in high-density systems (see Table 2).
*Minimum-maximum values
ALP = alkaline phosphatase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase and thrombocytes. The RBC were nucleated, oblong cells
measuring 7.0 12.9 µm in size. Nuclei stained purple and
cytoplasm stained reddish-gray. Immature RBC, or
same diet (1% of body weight per day), greater fresh water polychromatophilic RBC, had a blue-grey tinge to the usual
exchange rate (35% per day) and, consequently, more eosinophilic cytoplasm; these cells were included in RBC
optimal water quality (Table 1). Fish were sam-pled and the counts.
blood was processed as described for fish raised in high-
density tanks. Cell morphology
Figure 1. Small lymphocyte (SL), large lymphocyte (LL), Figure 4. Eosinophil (E) with an eccentric nucleus and moderate num-
and a thrombocyte (T). Thrombocytes can be distinguished ber of eosinophilic granules. A small lymphocyte (SL) is also present.
from lym-phocytes by the highly condensed nucleus and Photograph taken with a didymium filter. Wright-Giemsa. Bar = 10 µm.
grey cytoplasm. Wright-Giemsa. Bar = 10 µm.
Figure 3. Neutrophil (N) with an irregular cytoplasmic Figure 6. Thrombocyte-like-cell (TLC), thrombocyte (T) and a small
border. A small lymphocyte (SL) and a thrombocyte (T) lymphocyte (SL). The TLC can be distinguished by a more open
are also present. The insert depicts a neutrophil with a nucleus and more abundant grey cytoplasm than is seen in either
bean shaped nucleus. Wright-Giemsa. Bar = 10 µm. the thrombocyte or lymphocyte. Wright-Giemsa. Bar = 10 µm.
probably an effect of water quality or stocking density, ulations of fish within a single species, since culture
since the two groups of tilapia were from the same stock conditions and environmental variables can markedly affect
source and were fed the same diets. Water hardness was blood values.12,13,16,17 As demonstrated in our com-parison
much higher in production fish tanks compared to the low- of blood values from tilapia in high and low-density
density tanks, and may have influenced blood calcium systems, reference intervals developed in high-density
levels.Total protein, albumin, and globulin con-centrations production tilapia are not applicable to fish raised under
in fish from high-density, recirculating sys-tems may be different environmental and management conditions.
influenced by the characteristic high organic load and
bacterial count, which could have induced a generalized As the aquaculture industry expands, tools to mon-itor
immune response. the health status of fish using standardized non-lethal and
Calculation of reference intervals as ± 2 SD from the inexpensive methods will be needed. Evaluation of
mean is valid only when blood values follow a nor-mal hematologic and blood chemistry ana-lytes will enhance the
distribution. It is incorrect to assume that biological culture of fish by facilitating early detection of infectious
parameters are distributed normally, therefore non- disease and identification of sub-lethal conditions affecting
parametric methods are more accurate for determining production performance. This, in turn, will contribute to
reference intervals.14 Techniques to properly determine more specific, timely and effective disease treatments in the
reference intervals have been established by the NCCLS, 7 future. ◊
and suggestions for their use and interpreta-tion have been
discussed.15 Unfortunately, reference values are not used on Acknowledgements
a routine basis in fish medicine, and the number of studies The authors thank Butch Kukanich for technical assistance, and
the staff and students of the Virginia Tech Aquaculture Center,
in which reference intervals have been determined for fish
particularly Brian Brazil, for the culture and mainte-nance of the
species is limited. The majority of blood values determined tilapia used in this study. This project was fund-ed in part by the
for fishes have been reported as mean ± SD. As for Office of Research and Graduate Studies at the Virginia-Maryland
mammals, refer-ence intervals should be determined for Regional College of Veterinary Medicine.
different pop-
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