A Very Good Afternoon To - , Teachers and Students

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A very good afternoon to ___________________________________, teachers

and students.

I am honoured to be here this afternoon at this meaningful and

important event that is the launching of The Highly Immersive

Programme or HIP. The Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) is a

programme introduced under the MBMMBI policy that will improve

the English proficiency of students through increased exposure

in schools. The approach is to empower schools, by the schools and for

the schools.

Teachers and Students,

There are a number of programmes run by the Education Ministry

to upgrade the level of English achievement and the level of proficiency

among users. Many schools in Malaysia are currently taking part in this

Highly Immersive Programme (HIP). This programme is meant to

encourage the use of English as a medium of communication beyond

the classroom. Another initiative is the Dual Language Programme that

we have in our school for first 4 classes of Form 1 and Form 2, through

which Mathematics and Science are taught in English.

Teachers and Students,

I also wish to congratulate the English Panel on your initiative to

organise the English Day programme and to announce assembly in

English on Third week of every month for the school. By not limiting

the programme to the subject itself, you are setting the right example. I

wish you all the best in successfully implementing this programme.

On that note, I am pleased to declare the ‘Highly Immersive

Programme (HIP)’ officially launched.

Thank You.



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