PQ 12 R01 Fuel Hydrant Rev

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Bahrain Airport Company

Fuel Farm & Fuel Hydrant at Bahrain

International Airport
Doc No: 352911 / PQ12 Rev 01

November 2015

Prequalification Requirements for Fuel Hydrant Works

Facility Owner: Project Consultant:

Mott MacDonald Ltd

Bahrain Airport Company Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Unit
PO Box 24924 PO Box 11302 Dubai
Muharaqq, Kingdom of Bahrain United Arab Emirates
Tel +971 (0)4 3434444 Tel +971 (0)4 206 9111
Fax +971 (0)4 3433393 Fax +971 (0)4 232 8050
Web: www.bahrainairport.com Web www.mottmac.com
Bahrain Airport Company 352911/PQ12 Rev 00
Prequalification Requirements August 2015

Prequalification Requirements for Fuel Hydrant Works

Issue and Revision Record

Rev Date Originator Checker Approver Description

Issue for Client

00 15/08/2015 ARA DN ARA

01 11/11/2015

This document is issued for the party which commissioned it We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this
and for specific purposes connected with the above-captioned document being relied upon by any other party, or being used
project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission
used for any other purpose. which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by
other parties.

This document contains confidential information and

proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other
parties without consent from us and from the party which
commissioned it.

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Prequalification Requirements August 2015



Section Description Page No.


1. Introduction 1

2. Scope of Work 1

3. Pre-qualification Requirements 1

4. Instruction to Tenders 3


A.1 Company Structure and Organization 6

A.2 Organization Details (include narratives and details as Attachment 1) 7

A.3 Financial Summary of Contractor 8

A.4 Resources 9

A.5 Project Experience of Contractor 10


B.1 Contractor Safety and Health Prequalification Questionnaire 12


C.1 Declaration 17

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1. Introduction

Bahrain Airport Company and National Oil and Gas Authority, hereinafter "Client", wishes to construct new
Jet A1 Fuel Depot and an integrated fuel hydrant system and Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Fuel
Station within the boundary fence line of Bahrain International Airport.

The development shall include but not be limited to:

1. Tie-in to an existing Jet A1 fuel supply pipeline;

2. The construction of a new Jet A1 storage and distribution facility;
3. The development of a new Airside Operations Facility (AOF);
4. The construction of a new Jet A1 hydrant pipeline to feed the existing and new hydrant refueling
5. Extension and Upgrade of the hydrant refueling system to serve the increasing demands of the
Airport and new aircraft parking stands;
6. Ground Support Equipment (GSE) airside fuel station

Bahrain Airport Company S.P.C (BAC) has appointed Mott MacDonald (MM) to provide design and
supervision consultancy services for Fuel Farm Complex and Fuel Hydrant at Bahrain International Airport
(BIA). Based on the area of development, the project is broadly divided into the following parts:
a) Fuel Depot
b) Fuel Hydrant
c) GSE Fuel Station

This document provides the basis for pre-qualification of the Contractor for the Works related to the FUEL
HYDRANT SYSTEM. Pre-qualification of Contractors will be based on the criteria described in this
document and the submitted documents. Bahrain Airport Company (BAC)’s decision will be final after which
no queries will be entertained. Strict compliance with these requirements is emphasized.

Contractor’s Profile format included in Appendix A should be used for preparing the submission.

2. Scope of Work

The general scope of work will consist of Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls, Piping
and Pipeline works, including residual engineering as applicable, procurement, expediting, supply to site,
installation, construction, testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning for the following proposed
 Modification, decommissioning, demolition of portion of the existing underground fuel hydrant
system as required
 New fuel hydrant pipeline (approx. 1500m long) including complete hydrant pits (approx. 50 nos.)
with necessary hydrant pit valves and low point drains and high point vents as necessary

3. Pre-qualification Requirements

It is intended that contractors having previous experience in similar multi-disciplinary projects of civilian
airport jet fuel handling systems with strong financial background and local resources will be selected to
participate in the Tender.

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The following weightings will be used in evaluating the pre-qualification submission. It is expected that
contractors scoring more than 70% overall will be eligible to participate in the tendering process at a later

Sl. No. Description Weightage

1 Compliance / Completeness of the Requirements 5

2 Company Structure and Organization 10

3 Procedures, Plans and Certifications 10

4 Financial summary of the Contractor 10

5 Resources 25

6 Project Experience of the Contractor 25

7 HSE Questionnaire 15

Total 100

1. Appendix A: Contractor's Profile Format

a. All sections must be fully completed. Supplementary pages may be added as required and all
pages shall be numbered, initialled and stamped by the Contractor’s authorized representative.

b. For any of the questions, if the Contractor intends to have a Joint Venture or consortium with
other specialist subcontractors, then the responses for all questions shall be applicable for the
individual JV companies and subcontractors. Supporting documents as required by the
respective queries shall also be provided. In such cases, the Contractor shall specify the role
of each company in their response through an overall proposed project organization chart.

c. Project financial data must be given in USD.

d. In Section A3, details of human resources must include organisation chart, location and
availability of personnel and CVs of key staff. Details of equipment resources must include list
and type of equipment suitable for this project, its location and availability.

e. In Section A4, all details of projects including Client / Consultant names, location, value, year
and duration, name of contact persons, date of commencement, date of Defects Liability
Certificate issued, any outstanding open contracts including arbitration / legal issues must be

f. Copies of Certificate of Registration in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Chamber of Commerce

registration. If the Contractor is planning to have a joint venture with a local organization, the
Contractor shall submit copies of the same documents of the proposed local company with
whom they intend to form the JV.

2. Appendix B: Contractor’s HSE Policies

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a. Contractor's Safety and Health Prequalification Questionnaire must be filled strictly in

accordance with Appendix B.

4. Instruction to Tenders

4.1 Key Dates and Contact Information

Key dates are as follows:

Prequalification Document issue date: 16 November 2015
Queries Deadline: 29 November 2015
Submission deadline: 09 December (Wednesday)
Submittals Opening by BTB: 10 December (Thursday)

Proposals must be received at the following address by the date and time mentioned above:
Tender Submission Office, Seventh Floor, Tender Board of Bahrain, Almoayyed Tower, Seef
P.O.Box 18686
Kingdom of Bahrain
Fax: +973-1758-7855

4.2 Clarification of Prequalification Document

a. If a Tenderer has any doubt as to the meaning or intent of any sections of this Document or
requires additional information, such Tenderer may, in writing, submit a request for clarification
to BAC. Such requests shall be submitted to BAC and must be received by BAC no later than
fifteen (15) days prior to the Proposal Submission Date.

b. Requests for clarification shall be sent to:

Attention: Eyad Ismaeel

Development Project Manager
E mail [email protected]
e. Fax No. +973 17920437

With copy to the following individual:

Ms. Fatema Awadh

T: +973-17353380
E-mail: [email protected]

 BAC will endeavor to respond to requests for clarification within seven (7) days, with the
exception of relevant holiday periods and certain clarification requests where a longer
response time may be necessary. BAC’s reply to such requests for clarification shall be
available to all Tenderers without indicating its source at least seven (7) days prior to the
Proposal Submission Date. Save for written responses from BAC pursuant to this
paragraph 1, Tenderers may not rely on any other information, explanation, or

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interpretations (whether written or oral) made by BAC or any of its employees, agents or

 At any time prior to the Proposal Submission Date, BAC may amend or modify this
Document in any respect through the issuance of one or more written addenda which, if
issued, shall be issued to each Tenderer. Each Tenderer shall acknowledge receipt of
each such addendum by e-mail sent to the contact listed above, specifically citing the title
and date of issuance of the relevant Addendum.

 Any clarifications issued by BAC under section (a) shall be an Addendum, and shall form
part of this Document.

4.3 Submission of Proposal

 The documents must be submitted in strict accordance with the requirements of this
Prequalification application and shall complete all the appendices and provide all
information required. Additional or supplementary information, data, descriptions and
explanations for clarification of the Proposal are desirable and shall be considered in their
applicable context. In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any part of this
Document, revisions will be provided by BAC.

 This Document is governed by the Law Regulating Government Tenders & Purchases and
Implementing Regulations & Tender Board’s Decisions.

 Each Tenderer shall submit one (1) original hard copy in a sealed envelope or box, two (2)
electronic soft copies (pdf format) and one additional copy of Tender Submitting Form

 The Submitted Documents shall also include a Memorandum of Association and Articles of
Association and a Commercial Registration Certificate.

 All Proposals must be received by the Tender Board at the addresses specified by 1:30pm,
Bahrain time, on the Proposal Submission Date. BAC may, at its sole discretion, extend
this date by issuing an Addendum.

 Only physical delivery shall be acceptable. Neither telefax nor e-mail submittals will be

 All Documents received after the Submission Date will be rejected. Any received after the
Submission Date will be retained by BAC. The associated guarantees will be returned to
the Tenderer. No liability can be accepted for late delivery.

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Contractor’s Profile

Name of Contractor: ________________________________________________

This Form for Contractor’s Profile shall contain the following sections:

A.1 Company Structure and Organization

A.2 Financial Summary of Contractor

A.3 Resources

A.4 Project Experience of Contractor


In responding to the questions and requests for information listed below, please attach narrative
information as necessary, and organize the data in accordance with the attachment numbers shown
below. Please answer the yes / no questions directly on the form. At all stages, if the Contractor
intends to form a JV with another local company or for subcontracts with specialist subcontractors
as required by the scope of works, then relevant information of the JV partners and/or specialist
subcontractors in line with the respective questions shall be provided.

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A.1 Company Structure and Organization

1) Company Profile
Address for Communication BUILDING NO. 630, ROAD NO 102, BLOCK 117, AL HIDD, MANAMA, BAHRAIN
Authorized Signatory’s Name MR. SAMI A NASS,
Email Address [email protected]; [email protected]
Telephone No +973 1746 5477
Fax No. +973 1746 5485
Website www.nasscorporation.com; www.eppm.com.tn
Country / Countries of
Registration Bahrain and Tunisia
Name & Address of Sponsor Nass Industrial Services which is a Bahrain Based Company has formed a Project based JV with
in the Kingdom of Bahrain Engineering Procurement & Project Management S.A which is a Tunisia based company

Address for Communication- Building no 630; Road No 102, Al Hidd, Manama, Bahrain

2) Description of the Company’s Principal Activities: Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Project Management, Commissioning & Start Up

3) Number of years of experience as a Contractor for the Scope of Work:

a. In Home Country (____________

For EPPM in Tunisia)

b. In Middle East / GCC More than 50 Years


c. In the Kingdom of Bahrain More than 50 Years

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A.2 Organization Details (include narratives and details as Attachment 1)

1. Do you have in-house Design and Engineering team? Yes ____

Yes No ____

(If yes, please provide details)

2. Do you have an in-house Procurement and Expediting Team Yes _____

Yes No _____

3. Does your company have definite written procurement procedures? Yes ____
Yes No ____

If yes, please attach procurement procedure manual along with

(Procurement team details)

4. Does your organization have ISO certification/s? Yes ____

Yes No ____

(If yes, please provide details)

5. Does your organization have an established Quality system Yes ____

Yes No ____

(If yes, please provide details)

6. Total number of employees directly under the company sponsorship:

S. No. Location Project Project Engineers HSE QA/QC Admin

Civil Mech Elect Inst

1 Bahrain


3 Home

4 Others

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A.3 Financial Summary of Contractor (As per the Annual report of Nass Corporation BSC)

1) Specify your turnover in USD for last 5 years in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

2014 : __________________
USD 220 Mn (Nass); 2013 : __________________
USD 21.2 Mn (Nass); 2012: __________________
USD 31.7 Mn (Nass);

USD 23.5 Mn (Nass);

2011 : ___________________ 2010 : ___________________
USD 28.5 Mn (Nass);

2) Specify your overall turnovers in USD for last 5 years (to include details of operations in other

2014 : __________________ 2013 : __________________ 2012: __________________

2011 : ___________________ 2010 : ___________________

3) Attach relevant audited financial reports and accounts for the last five years (include as Attachment 2).
It shall contain the following, but not limited to

i. P&L account

ii. Calculation of Net worth

iii. Certificate from bankers for credit-worthiness

4) Please provide details of Bankers from whom reference can be obtained

(include as Attachment 3).

HSBC Bank Middle East Ltd

PO Box 57,
Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel No 17569999

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A.4 Resources

1) Details of Company Personnel (include as Attachment 4).

a. List of Technical, Administrative and Labor Personnel employed by the Company.

b. List of Present Executive Director / General Manager and key personnel and their respective
experience with the Company or in similar jobs.

c. Attach Histogram for total resources available in the last two years.

d. Attach relevant pages showing organizational structure including position of directors and key
discipline personnel.

2) Details of Equipment (include as Attachment 5).

a. List out all your in house machinery and equipment.

Nass Industrial Services Machinery and Equipment List

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A.5 Project Experience of Contractor

1) Projects Completed (include Completion Certificate, Work Order copy, copies of interim
progress reports of projects as Attachment 6).

a. Summary of Works globally completed by the contractor in the last 10 years as per the attached

Project Client Name, Value of Start Finish Design Role as Brief Scope of
Name & Contact Info Contract Date Date Consultant Contractor Work
Location (USD)
(Main or

b. Summary of similar Works (related to airport JetA1 Fuel Pipelines, Jet Fuel Hydrants) completed
in the Middle East & Kingdom of Bahrain in the last 5 years.

Project Client Name, Value of Start Finish Design Role as Brief Scope of
Name & Contact Info Contract Date Date Consultant Contractor Work
Location (USD)
(Main or

2) All Projects in progress (include as Attachment 7).

a. List all projects currently being undertaken by the Company, with relevant details attached.

3) Permits to carry out works in Kingdom of Bahrain (include as Attachment 8).

Does your organization have relevant permits to work in the Kingdom of Bahrain? Yes ____
Yes No ____

(If yes, please provide the details)

4) Construction Works (include required details as Attachment 9).

a. Are you registered with the Authorities in the Kingdom of Bahrain for construction works related to
Oil and Gas facilities? Yes ____
Yes No ____

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If “NO” to above, specify whether your company is registered with any of the GCC countries
authorities carrying out Construction activities on Oil & Gas related facilities:

(Please provide details including copies of Current Trade License / Commercial Registrations and
Chamber of Commerce Registration)

b. Are your personnel having valid accreditation with COEPP in accordance with the requirements of
the Authorities? Yes ____
Yes No ____

If ‘YES’, to the above, please provide copies of the respective accreditation cards issued by the

c. Are your personnel having valid accreditation for HSE related functions pertaining to Construction
Activities? Yes ____
Yes No ____

If ‘YES’, to the above, please provide copies of the respective accreditation cards issued by the

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B.1 Contractor Safety and Health Prequalification Questionnaire

1) In responding to the questions and requests for information listed below, please attach
narrative information as necessary, and organize the data in accordance with the attachment
numbers shown below. Please answer the yes / no questions directly on the form. Do not
provide a copy of your safety manual.

Contractor Name and Address: ____________________________________________

Nass Industrial Services

Building No 630, Riad no 102, Block no 117, Al Hidd, Manama, Bahrain


Person Responsible for Health, Safety & Environment:

Mr. L.R Pashawan

Title and Phone No.: +973 17465477; Mobile No +973 39463468


2) Employee Health and related practices (include narrative as Attachment 10)

a. Do you have a written policy for employee HSE practices, procedures? Yes
Yes ____ No ____

b. Do you screen employees for specific work? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

c. Do you have a heat stress program for hot conditions? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

d. List the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that you provide to your employees.

3) Management Commitment / Company Culture (include narrative as Attachment 11)

a. State your company safety goals, values and principles.

Are they reviewed each year? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

How are these communicated to all employees? __________________________________

Through HSE Meeting, Toolbox Meeting and HSE Induction

b. Company safety organization.

1) Provide a chart.

2) Describe roles and responsibilities. Please refer HSE Plan

c. Typical project safety organization.

1) Provide a chart including reporting relationships.

2) Designate full time vs. part time. We decide as per the Requirement of the Project

3) Describe roles and responsibilities; management and employees. Please refer HSE Plan

4) Describe safety authority of field employees. Please refer HSE Plan

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5) Describe how safety committees are used. Safety Committees are used involving Top Management for continual

6) Do you have Certified (or otherwise qualified) Safety Officers and explain how they are
qualified.All the Safety Personnel are well qualified having good educational background and experience in the field of HSE

7) What is ratio of Safety Officers to field workers?

8) How is supervisor / management enforcement of safety regulations monitored and

enforced? Through Management Safety Walkthrough and by Audit

d. Attach a summary of how your safety manual is applied to a project, and advise how often it is
updated. Attached HSE Manual

e. Describe recent achievements in improving safety, health or environmental performance. (Provide

substantiating certificates issued by clients or Authorities where applicable)

f. Is safety performance part of upper management’s project review process? Yes

g. Do you have a safety oversight committee comprised of senior management from your company
and your sub-contractors? Yes

4) Orientation and Training (include narrative as Attachment 12)

a. Describe new employee and new position orientation program (i.e. mentors, site specific
orientation, identification of new employees on job site, etc.). As Per Attached Procedure

b. List the types of training you provide, types of employees trained in each (managers, supervisors,
HSE personnel, craft employees, new hires) and which courses have certifications, testing or
other means to verify employee understanding. Designate if company paid. Appendix 1 is a
reference list. Please refer attached Training Matrix

c. Describe how language and literacy barriers are handled. By Translating, Signage and Posters

d. Provide an example of training records. Please refer attached Training Records

e. Describe your annual refresher training plan. As per attached Training Matrix

5) Subcontractor Screening (include narrative as Attachment 13)

a. Describe how you qualify subcontractors.

b. Do you evaluate the safety record of company and employees? Yes ____
Yes No ____

c. Do you check their safety plans and standards? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

d. Do you inspect their employee health records? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

6) Pre-Project / Pre-Task Planning (include narrative as Attachment 14)

a. Describe how you analyze work procedures for safety as part of your early planning.
Through Scope of Work and Client Requirement
b. Which team members are involved in safety planning for a typical project?
Projects Manager, HSE Manager, Construction Manager, QA & QC Manager and Rigging Supervisor
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c. List your typical work permit system and describe typical pre-task planning used on the job site.
Typical work permit includes Confined Space, Working on Height and critical rigging activities.
d. Describe your daily housekeeping policy.
Please refer Housekeeping procedure
e. Do you have a safety lessons learned data base? Yes ____
Yes No ____

f. Is it reviewed for each project? Yes ____

Yes No ____

7) Accident and Incident Investigation, Reporting and Follow-up

(include narrative as Attachment 15)

a. Describe your incident investigation and reporting plan (i.e. who performs investigation, reviews
reports, etc.) Please refer attached documents

b. Describe “near misses” investigation and reporting plan (i.e. who performs investigation, reviews
reports, etc.) Please refer as per attachments

c. Describe your disciplinary action policy (i.e. progressive discipline, warning system, etc.)
Please refer as per attachments
d. Describe how learnings from these investigations are transferred to all employees.
Through Safety Alert message which used to discussed in HSE meeting and Toolbox talks
e. Describe how action items from investigations are tracked.
By Inspection and Audit
8) Communication Systems (include narrative as Attachment 16)

a. Do you have a written hazard communication program? Yes ____

Yes No ____

b. Describe warning system notification of hazard identification [i.e. Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS), material container labeling, postings, barriers, signs, alarms, etc.].

c. Describe how you communicate safety awareness and project safety performance to project

d. Describe your preventive hazard reporting system.

e. Describe the method for suggesting safety improvement ideas.

9) Audits, Inspections and Measurement (include narrative as Attachment 17)

a. Do you include safety in personnel performance reviews? Yes ____

Yes No ____

b. Do you track and review project overall safety performance? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

c. Do you check certification records and keep on site? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

d. Do you check training records and keep on site? Yes ____

Yes No ____

e. Describe your routine site inspection plan, walk through, etc., with responsibilities and frequency.
Daily Inspection and Weekly walk through
f. Describe your site audit plan, with responsibilities and frequency.
Monthly site audit plan with HSE Committee Team Members
g. Describe your corrective action plan.
Audit Report sharing with all concern departments for action within week time

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h. Do all employees have authority and responsibility to correct a hazard on the spot?

Yes ____
Yes No ____

i. If not, describe who has the authority.

10) Safety Equipment and Tools (PPE, fire equipment, detectors etc.)

a. Do you have a written maintenance plan and schedule? Yes ____

Yes No ____

b. Do you keep records of inspections and certifications on site? Yes ____

Yes No ____

c. Who is responsible for issuing and maintaining safety equipment? _________________

Store Keeper

11) Work Tools and Equipment

a. Do you have a written maintenance plan and schedule? Yes ____

Yes No ____

b. Do you keep records of inspections and certifications on site? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

c. Who issues and maintains work tools? Maintenance Department


12) Material Procurement and Handling (include narrative as Attachment 18)

a. Do you have safety standards incorporated into your purchase orders? Yes ____
Yes No ____

b. Do you have a labeling and inspection plan for hazardous materials? Yes ____
Yes No ____

c. Describe your safety review plan for material transportation and storage.

13) Emergency Plans (include narrative as Attachment 19)

a. Do you typically identify site hazards for each project? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

b. Medical plans.

i. Do you provide first aid, CPR on site? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

ii. Do you have a MedEvac plan for each project? Yes

Yes ____ No ____

c. List your typical emergency plans, for example.

i. Evacuation plans, safe shelter.

ii. Emergency communications.

d. Describe training and drills that are performed.

e. Do you have a log-in / log-out procedure for personnel on site? Yes ____
Yes No ____

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14) Safety Meetings

a. List the types of safety meetings you use and typical frequency. List the types of
personnel who attend. Please refer attached safety meeting procedure

b. Is attendance mandatory? If mandatory, describe disciplinary procedure. Yes ____

Yes No ____

c. Yes No ____
Do you keep minutes of meetings and communicate them to site personnel? Yes ____

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C.1 Declaration

We hereby declare that all the information furnished in Appendices “A” and “B” is true and current
and authorize Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) / Mott MacDonald to make all enquiries as deemed
necessary for this pre-assessment. We also accept that pre-assessment does not imply or impose
any obligation on Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) / Mott MacDonald to invite us to tender or to
award any business. It is not binding on Bahrain Airport Company (BAC) / Mott MacDonald to
provide any explanation for doing so.


NAME : Mr. Sami A Nass

TITLE : Deputy Chairman & Managing Director, Nass Corporation BSC



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