Forge Press 1-08

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A Lean Mfg Newsletter for Jorgensen Forge Employees

January 2008: Happy New Year

patients and their families! What an amazing

gift you have given others – the gift of life.

Thanks again to everyone and keep looking

here for our next opportunity to share!
Best wishes to our Newest Associates:

Lab IT Profit Sharing

Connie Chong Sok Say
December was not one of our best months but
we still came out with a nice profit sharing
check of $876 for the quarter. We hit a couple
of bumps but I am sure we will recover. Thanks
and congratulations to everyone on a job well
Employee Spotlight

Thank you!
Thank you again to all those who rolled up their
sleeves and gave blood during the Company
blood drive. We ended up with a total of 18
donors. Since the blood is separated into three
components (red cells, plasma and platelets), our This month we would like to introduce Robin
blood drive will help change the lives of over fifty Skidmore who currently works in the Lab as the
Assistant Lab Supervisor. I say currently
because Robin has worked at Jorgensen for a Look What’s Coming
total of 20 years and during his tenure has
worked in several different departments. He
started in the Maintenance Bull Gang, then
repaired maintenance tools in the “old”
maintenance tool crib, followed by a floater
position working between Forge and Heat Treat.
Later he spent 5 years working in Production

A hard working person of many talents both on

the job and off, Robin enjoys gardening and
camping when he is home. He also loves to
spend time at his cabin at Lake Cushman with his
four children, ages 10 to 18. Robin has a great
attitude and we thank him for his many years of The picture shows our new manipulator being
service to Jorgensen Forge. fabricated by Glama. It looks like it is getting close
to completion. Shipping will take awhile but I would
think that it will be here sometime during the first
Humor-us part of 2008. This machine will greatly increase
the productivity of the 2500 ton press while taking
A young executive was leaving the office at 6pm some of the load off of the 5000 ton press.
when he found the CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
standing in front of a shredder with a piece of On the other hand we have a new 40” HEM
paper in hand. "Listen," said the CEO, "this is
saw in bay 3 (see the following picture). This will
important, and my secretary has left. Can you
be a fine addition to the other two HEM saws that
make this thing work?" "Certainly," said the
we purchased last year. Depending on the type of
young executive. He turned the machine on,
material, it has been found that they cut 30-60%
inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.
faster than our old saws.
"Excellent, excellent!" said the CEO as his paper
disappeared inside the machine. "I just need one

It helps to understand what is needed before you

proceed. Standard work and making it visual are
good ways to assure this. We may think work
processes are simple, but having work
instructions on all equipment, even office
equipment, can be time saving, as well as

??????? Navy Nuclear Audit

So far I have had 6 correct answers to the Lean From February 5th through the 7th, Jorgensen
question that I put in the November newsletter. Forge will undergo a Navy Nuclear Audit consisting
The number one answer given was “time” and of six visitors from NAVSEA, Bechtel Plant
then “people”. Good answers but not the one I Machinery, Curtiss-Wright Flow Control, Target
am looking for. A hint: It does have to do with Rock Division, and the Defense Contract
people. There are still more prizes so don’t give Management Agency.
up. Here is the question again….. We talk about The audit will be based on our ISO9001:2000
and deal with all kinds of waste every day; what Quality Management System and will be focusing
is the greatest waste of all? on all of our processes including contracts,
planning, Melt, Forge, Machine and Inspection.
Safety Minute



¾ Be familiar with the Procedures, Work
Instructions or Traveler (SO’s) Instructions
that apply to you.
¾ Know where the following are located:
Safety Cartoon drawn by
¾Quality Manual Erin Comstock
¾System Level Procedures Before raising the crane hook or moving the
¾Quality Control Guides (QCG) crane, always lower the hoist hook and put
¾Work Instructions
the grab hooks through the bull ring of the
¾Traveler (SO’s)
sling. This will ensure that the hooks are not
going to catch on anything when the crane
moves. Otherwise you may end up like the
BE PREPARED guy in the cartoon.

New Equipment in Lab

¾ Guide the auditor to the location they wish to
¾ Expect auditors to ask questions about your
job and the procedures you must follow.

¾ Listen to the auditor’s question completely before
¾ Be specific but to the point.
¾ Do not volunteer information – Wait to be asked.
Unsolicited information may needlessly complicate
the process and add time to complete the audit.
¾ Respond promptly but don’t guess or pretend to
know the answers; If you don’t know, say so, and
tell the auditor you’ll get the answer or refer them Above is our new Tinius Olsen Impact Machine
to your supervisor. for testing a material sample called a charpy.
This machine is mechanically operated so that
test technicians don’t have to man-handle the
arm into the up position as seen in the picture. It
Words of Wisdom also has a digital readout for improved accuracy
“What we have to learn to do we learn by doing.” and higher impact toughness capability. It is a
Aristotle nice addition to our Lab.
Benefit Reminder Benefit Update
401(k) Savings Plan Changes
Last month on December 12th, the Company’s
401(k) Steering Team met to evaluate the
performance of mutual funds in the 401(k)
Retirement and Savings Plan. Review meetings
are scheduled twice a year to ensure funds are
performing in accordance with the investment
policy of the plan. Participants from Jorgensen
were Bob Weaver (Machine shop), Duane Warns
(Forge shop), Joe Ames (Quality), Pam Harper
(HR), Tonya Garret (HR), Cindy Brown (Finance),
and Ron Altier (HR). Unable to attend were John
Cooke (Maintenance) and Doug James
(Finance). The team, assisted by Mark Thomas
and Harvey Bateman, Investment Consultants
from Wells Fargo, made the following changes:

Non-US Equity Fund: Fidelity Adv Diversified

International Fund will be replaced by the
American Funds EuroPacific Fund.

Aetna Vital Savings Dental Small Cap Growth Fund: UBS US Small Cap
Growth fund will be replaced by the Wells Fargo
& Vision Discount Program Advantage Small Cap Growth Fund.

Watch your mail carefully. This week, you will be Effective February 11, 2008, the terminated funds
receiving, if you haven’t already, your new Aetna will be closed to new contributions. After
Vital Savings discount cards. The program, February 13th, money remaining in these funds
available to all employees enrolled in the will automatically transfer to the respective
dental/vision plan, allows you and your family to replacement funds. Performance information for
use the Aetna preferred provider network. By the new funds will be available on the plan
using Aetna dentists and eye-care providers, you website.
will receive automatic discounts of 15% to 25%. Thanks Harvey!
Virtually all dental services are discounted.

You can find participating Aetna preferred

providers by calling the customer service
numbers (dental & vision) on the back of the card
or going to and clicking on the “Doc
Find” link on the menu. Of course your Human
Resources department is always available to help
you find an Aetna provider by calling or visiting

Remember! The Aetna program is a discount

service only. It is not an insurance program. Caught in this photo in his “moon suit” performing
Your insurance is through the Jorgensen Forge TPM on the “Frenchman” mill is Harvey Glick,
Direct Dental/Vision Reimbursement plan. Lean Mfg. Manager. Harvey is the author of our
Dental and vision claim forms are available in the monthly Forge Press articles that keep us
HR office and on the SharePoint intranet website informed about the Company’s lean journey to
(HR page – HR Forms). modernize, upgrade, and remove waste from the
Shop and offices.. Thanks Harvey – Great Job

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