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Example of Word Document
Example of Word Document
Statement of Purpose
Course Grade
Int. Microeconomics A
Int. Macroeconomics B
Public Finance B
Business Calculus A
Contemporary Economics A
led by professors who are not only experts in their field, but who
At this time in the life of our country and globally, the study of
2018 Fall
Adams 4
2018 Fall
Adams 2
and its course management technology. Initiatives are pursued
that enhance the academic and extra-curricular opportunities for
College of Business students, providing them greater opportunities
to grow professionally and personally.
2018 Fall
Adams 3
Statement of Purpose
Course Grade
Int. Microeconomics A
Int. Macroeconomics B
Public Finance B
Business Calculus A
Contemporary Economics A
led by professors who are not only experts in their field, but who
At this time in the life of our country and globally, the study of
2018 Fall
Adams 6
2018 Fall
Adams 7
academic competition. Our curriculum in the department
faculty members are dedicated of economics and finance is
to building on this record of designed to develop these vital
success. skills. If you are interested in
furthering your education
The College of Business is through graduate study in
committed to continuous business administration,
improvement of its economics, finance, or law,
curriculum, academic you will find that our
programs, faculty and staff curriculum will give you a
support, and its course solid foundation.
management technology.
Initiatives are pursued that You can earn a Bachelor's
enhance the academic and degree with a major in either
extra-curricular opportunities economics or finance. Many
for College of Business students choose to pursue a
students, providing them major in both areas.
greater opportunities to grow Requirements for the
professionally and personally. Bachelor's degree are listed
under the Majors tab on this
I hope you will accept the page.
challenge of becoming a
student and graduate of the
College of Business. You will
be limited only by your
imagination and your
willingness to work hard and
to engage in the opportunities
we offer. The College of
Business can get you where
you want to be, whether you
are a first time freshman, a
transfer student, or a working
professional exploring
graduate degree options.
Course Grade
Int. Microeconomics A
Int. Macroeconomics B
Public Finance B
Business Calculus A
Contemporary Economics A
led by professors who are not only experts in their field, but who
At this time in the life of our country and globally, the study of
2018 Fall
Adams 4
2018 Fall
Adams 5
academic competition. Our The impact of economics and
faculty members are dedicated finance in your world is
to building on this record of profound and far-reaching.
success. From corporate mergers and
restructuring to investing for
The College of Business is retirement and even balancing
committed to continuous your checkbook, a strong
improvement of its foundation in economics and
curriculum, academic finance is beneficial. All areas
programs, faculty and staff of business depend on one's
support, and its course ability to think critically, to
management technology. analyze thoroughly, and to
Initiatives are pursued that communicate effectively. The
enhance the academic and curriculum in the department
extra-curricular opportunities of economics and finance is
for College of Business designed to develop these vital
students, providing them skills. If you are interested in
greater opportunities to grow furthering your education
professionally and personally. through graduate study in
business administration,
I hope you will accept the economics, finance, or law,
challenge of becoming a you will find that our
student and graduate of the curriculum will give you a
College of Business. You will solid foundation.
be limited only by your
imagination and your You can earn a Bachelor's
willingness to work hard and degree with a major in either
to engage in the opportunities economics or finance. Many
we offer. The College of students choose to pursue a
Business can get you where major in both areas.
you want to be, whether you Requirements for the
are a first time freshman, a Bachelor's degree are listed
transfer student, or a working under the Majors tab on this
professional exploring page.
graduate degree options.
2018 Fall