Consulta v. CA G.R. No. 145443. March 18, 2005 - GUTIERREZ
Consulta v. CA G.R. No. 145443. March 18, 2005 - GUTIERREZ
Consulta v. CA G.R. No. 145443. March 18, 2005 - GUTIERREZ
G.R. No. 145443. March 18, 2005 – GUTIERREZ 2. Whether the Labor Arbiter had jurisdiction over Consulta’s claim for
unpaid commission - NO
Employer PAMANA Philippines, Inc.
Employee/Union Raquel Consulta RULING:
Labor Issue Non-Payment of wages/commission; Existence of
Employer-Employee Relationship In Viaña v. Al-Lagadan, the Court first laid down the four-fold test to determine
the existence of an employer-employee relationship. The four elements of an
DOCTRINE: Not every form of control that the hiring party reserves to himself employer-employee relationship, which have since been adopted in
over the conduct of the party hired in relation to the services rendered may subsequent jurisprudence, are (1) the power to hire; (2) the payment of
be accorded the effect of establishing an employer-employee relationship wages; (3) the power to dismiss; and (4) the power to control. The power to
between them in the legal or technical sense of the term. A line must be drawn control is the most important of the four elements.
somewhere, if the recognized distinction between an employee and an
individual contractor is not to vanish altogether. Realistically, it would be a rare It should, however, be obvious that not every form of control that the hiring
contract of service that gives untrammelled freedom to the party hired and party reserves to himself over the conduct of the party hired in relation to the
eschews any intervention whatsoever in his performance of the engagement. services rendered may be accorded the effect of establishing an employer-
employee relationship between them in the legal or technical sense of the
FACTS: term. A line must be drawn somewhere, if the recognized distinction between
Pamana Philippines, Inc. ("Pamana") is engaged in health care an employee and an individual contractor is not to vanish altogether.
business. Raquel P. Consulta ("Consulta") was a Managing Associate Realistically, it would be a rare contract of service that gives untrammelled
of Pamana whose principal responsibility is to organize, develop, freedom to the party hired and eschews any intervention whatsoever in his
manage, and maintain a sales division and a full complement of performance of the engagement.
agencies and Health Consultants (HealthCons) and to submit such
number of enrolments and revenue attainments as may be required Logically, the line should be drawn between rules that merely serve as
of your position in accordance with pertinent Company policies and guidelines towards the achievement of the mutually desired result without
guidelines. dictating the means or methods to be employed in attaining it, and those that
Sometime in 1987, Consulta negotiated with the Federation of control or fix the methodology and bind or restrict the party hired to the use of
Filipino Civilian Employees Association ("FFCEA") working at the such means. The first, which aim only to promote the result, create no
United States Subic Naval Base for a Health Care Plan for the FFCEA employer-employee relationship unlike the second, which address both the
members. On 4 March 1988, Pamana and the U.S. Naval Supply result and the means used to achieve it.
Depot signed the FFCEA account.
Consulta, claiming that Pamana did not pay her commission for the
FFCEA account, filed a complaint for unpaid wages or commission In the present case, the power to control is missing. Pamana tasked Consulta
against Pamana, its President Razul Z. Requesto ("Requesto"), and its to organize, develop, manage, and maintain a sales division, submit a number
Executive Vice-President Aleta Tolentino. of enrollments and revenue attainments in accordance with company
policies and guidelines, and to recruit, train and direct her Supervising
RULING OF THE LOWER COURTS: LA ruled in favour of Consulta which the NLRC Associates and Health Consultants.12However, the manner in which Consulta
affirmed upon appeal. CA revered the decision holding that Consulta was a was to pursue these activities was not subject to the control of Pamana.
commission agent, not an employee of Pamana. Consulta failed to show that she had to report for work at definite hours. The
amount of time she devoted to soliciting clients was left entirely to her
discretion. The means and methods of recruiting and training her sales
ISSUE: associates, as well as the development, management and maintenance of
1. Whether Consulta was an employee of PAMANA – NO her sales division, were left to her sound judgment.
Consulta filed her action under Article 217(a)(6) of the Labor Code.