SPE 27179 Developments in Environmental Protection Related To Produced Water Treatments and Disposal (Produced Water Re-Injection)
SPE 27179 Developments in Environmental Protection Related To Produced Water Treatments and Disposal (Produced Water Re-Injection)
SPE 27179 Developments in Environmental Protection Related To Produced Water Treatments and Disposal (Produced Water Re-Injection)
SPE 27179
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Second International Conference on Health, Safety & Environment in Oil & Gas Exploration & Production held in Jakarta, Indonesia,
25-27 January 1994.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
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engineers, production chemists, geologists and process s)'stems installed. The limited experience implies
engineers. that there are still some uncertainties associated
with produced water injection (fig 2) which need
The key factor in the design of the produced water re- to be addressed by co-ordinated research
injection system will be the injection water quality programmes. Particularly important is the
specification, particularly in comparison to the specifying of injection water quality which will be
specification for surface disposal. Considering the a key factor influencing overall system design.
continuing debate, after two decades of experience, on Produced water injection system design needs to
water quality for seawater injection, research into water be optimised for a particular field to maximise
(Iuality specification for produced water re-injection the net pl'esent value (NPV) of the development
should be targeted as a key area of research if produced (fig 3). If the water quality specification is not
water re-injection is to be confidently and successfully stringent enough injection problems may occur.
applied given tbe constraints of particularly offshOl'e If the injection water quality specification is not
production. Each field will require its own studies to stringent enough, money will be wasted on
determine the water quality for produced water re- unnecessary capital and operating expenditure.
injection and the appropriate water treatment system
design, due to the variations in resel'voir geology and the
characteristics of produced fluids. REDUCING THE COSTS OF ENVIRONMENT
The study of produced water reinjection is topical at a Operators are re-exammmg their research
time when worldwide a number of legislative and I)rogrammes to ensure their is direct correlation
regulatory initiatives are being considered to protect the with field needs, and that they can make
environment which could significantly effect the economics significant cost saving benefits. Reducing the
of oil and gas exploration and production (Godec & cost of compliance with increasingly stringent
Biglarbigi, 1991). environmental regulations is one of these.
Produced water is an environmental cost centre
The positive forces for produced water injection may be many ol)erators are concerned about. Re-
summarised as; injection is potentiall)' an appealing alternative,
depending on the injection water quality
* Increasing volumes of produced watel' I'equil'ements (Littlejohn, 1992).
* More stringent environmental and
discharge regulations Produced water disposal is one of the significant
* Requirements to reduce capital and environmental issues receiving significant
operating expenditure attention within the oil and gas industry.
* A water source for pressure maintenance Heightened interest within the public and
and EOR regulatory agencies towards environmental issues
has been an impetus for the industry to
The volumes of produced water for a pal'ticular field can scrutinise its wastes and how they are managed.
increase at an accelerating rate (fig I) highlighting the Companies must be concel'ned about complying
need to plan for produced watel' treatment in the ea...y with applicable waste disposal regulations,
stages of reservoir development to avoid it becoming a mmlmlsmg the impact - of wastes on the
bottleneck to profitable production. Water handling environment, and reducing the potential liability
optimisation is now a major consideration for operators. associated with imprope"'y disposed waste. All of
this must be done within certain economic
There is relatively limited operational experience of, in bounda.-ies.
particular, offshore produced water injection. This is
reflected in the scarcity of published matel'ial on operatOi' Eliminating 01' mll1lmlsmg waste generation is
experience, although more and more data is now being becoming mOl'e critical, both envil"Onmentally and
published as more trials are undertaken and mOl'e economically, as a means of reducing waste
related liabilities and costs. The re-injection of produced Activity 18 Finalisation Of Overall
water changes it from a waste product to a resource. System Design
EPA chose not to stipulate injection. However the EPA marine environment is determined by the
will be collecting this data in the future in order to review following interrelated factors: spreading,
the situation with respect to surface discharges. evaporation, dispersion, emulsification,
dissolution. sedimentation and various
There is a draft EPA guideline for compulsory produced degmdation processes such as photochemical
water injection at coastal locations to meet the zero oxidation and microbiological degradation. The
discharge requirement in those locations. Some of The I'ate of bacterial action depends on the
USA states on the Gulf of Mexico plan to covel' new composition of the oil, the tempemture, nutl"ients
oilfield developments in the OCS under a new pel'mit, the and sul'face m·ea. As the oil is present as small
water quality provisions in which may restrict produced droplets this gl'eatly enhances the rate of
water discharges leading to the need for I'e-injection. degradation.
Oil company personnel may now find themselves faced It is important to note that dispersed
with personal liabilities taking the form of fines 01' hydmcal"l)ons are not the only constituent of
imprisonment. In the USA, at least, individuals may now pmduced watel" which raises environmental
be subject to criminal convictions. There has begun a concern. Dthel" constituents include dissolved oil,
shift from civil to criminal prosecutions concerning the tI"eatment chemicals, heavy metals, radionuclides
breach of environmental regulations. In the USA plant and high total dissolved solids.
managers, foremen and field hands are serving prison
sentences at an increasing rate for wilfully disregarding The recent study by Stephenson (1992) concluded
environmental laws (Griffin et.at., 1993), that in geneml, pmduced watel" is not harmful in
the offshore emit'onment when it is discharged
I)ersonnel training and QA procedm'es will obviously play within current dischat'ge limits and when more
a large part in the minimising of pollution from both than adequate dilution occm"s, The potential fOi'
onshore and offshore installations. Recently BS 7750 has envimnmental damage incI"eases fOI' discharges
been prepared in the UK to specify requirements for the nem"ShOl"e and coastal locations where dilution
development, implementation and maintenance of and watel" cit'culation are I"estl"icted.
environmental management systems aimed at ensuring
compliance with stated envimnmental policy and Excessive amounts of any of the substances
objectives. This standard complements the dl"aft quoted as being in produced water can be
European Community Eco-Audit Regulation (Version 3). harmful to the envimnment. It is the degree of
It also complements BS 5750 as they take pat"allel dilution and dispersal, and the callacity of the
approaches to achieving and demonstmting compliance envit'onment to use, absorb 01' I"endel' hat"mless
with specified I'equirements. Environmental audits and the constituents in the watel" which will control
associated services now play a major role in oilfield the degl"ee of envimnmental pollution caused by
operations. the sul'face disposal of produced water.
At present the regulations and methods for produced a packer. Coning control is performed by
water treatment for surface disposal do not normally adjusting water production rate to oil production
include the removal of treatment chemicals, soluble rate in order to prevent the water cone from
hydrocarbons, heavy metals or radionuclides, which are breaking through the oil into the oil perforations.
potentially the most toxic components of the produced At equilibrium a stable water cone is held -down
water. below the .oil producing perforations (Wojtanowicz
et.al, 1991). There are several potential
WATER PRODUCTION CONTROL advantages of this method,
important factors effecting produced water injection It is important to realise that produced water has
system design. orders of magnitude higher concentrations of
total suspended matter than North Sea seawater.
Produced water is a much more complex fluid than Also, unless cooled, the I)roduced water will also
seawater. The levels of total suspended matter are much be significantly warmer that the North Sea
more variable than North Sea seawater which is in fact seawater, reducing the reservoir cooling and the
one of the cleanest water sources for water injection (fig extent of the thermo-elastic fracture.
5). As a consequence it would be very unwise to
extrapolate the results of injecting North Sea seawater to Thermo-elastic fractures are also less likely to
injecting produced water. occur in unconsolidated sands.
Studies need to be initiated on a variety of scales from For cold seawater injection, traditionally lower
that of the pore network to that of the reservoir as a injectivity declines have been recorded for
whole (fig 6). injection wells than were predicted by cOl'eflood
tests or pore size distribution measures such as
A water quality specification for produced water injection the effective hydraulic radius. The existence of
should include specifications on; thermo-elastic fractures has been proven to be
* oil droplet size distribution one of the reasons for this uiscrepancy. Recent
* total oil in water concentration papel's have discussed the existence of fractures
* suspended solids size distribution developed in water injection wells due to the
* total suspended matter cooling of the reservoir rock by the injection
'" cI,emical treatments water. As discussed by Clifford et.ai." 1990, the
... dissolved gases injection of cool surface water into a warm
.. bacteria reservoir leads to cooling and contraction of the
... scale and corrosion control rock around the wellbore. As the cooled rock
pulls inward towards the· upon the upon the
It is only when these parameters can be specified with warm region around it, a tensile component of
confidence, for a particular oil field, that the most cost stress (thermoelastic) builds up within it. This
effective produced water injection system design can be allows fl'actures to propagate at bottom - hole
formulated. An incorrectly specified injection watel' pressUl'es significantly lower than the
quality could be wasteful in one of two respects. If the conventionally estimated fracture gradients. The
specification is too stringent money will be wasted on fracture opens against the direction of least
un-necessary process equipment. If it is too lax, stress, which means it will occupy a vertical
operating costs will rise due to injectivity problems,the plane.
need to retrofit additional process, reservoir pressure
declines and production rates will decline. A water In the case of water injection into unconsolidated
quality specification of just total oil-in-water will reservoirs, if the depth of permeability damage,
certainly be insufficient yet this is often the only pel'meability heterogeneity and radial flow are
parameter recorded for onshore produced water injection taken into account when using coreflood and pore
and during the few offshore produced water injection netwo..k data, estimates of injectivity index can be
trials that have been conducted. made which closely co....espond to those measured
in the field (fig 7). This will be similar to the
It will be important not to repeat the mistake of seawater case of the injection of hot produced water in the
injection of initially setting an ambiguous water quality abscence of fl'actu..es (natu..al, the..mo-elastic or
specification which then became an industry standard by intentially induced). It should be noted that the
default. This involved just quoting a percent removal method of dete..mining a filtration specification
specification which takes no account of the absolute based on the effective hydraulic radius takes no
concentrations, and maximum size, of particles in the. account of the depth of permeability damage, and
injection water. assumes that the damage will occur along the
enti..e length from the injection well to the
production well.
Properly designed coreflood tests using randomly distributed.
appropiately designed coreholders can provide valuable =I: It should take into account the full range
data for the design of produced water injection systems of permeability heterogeneities, and
such as the depth and extent of permeability damage should not use average values.
related to water quality. Whilst the overall permeability .. It should take into account, and not
decline for a coreplug may register 50%, permeability guess at, the depth of permeability
decline may be restricted to the first few centimeters of damage,
the coreplug, whilst the downstream section of the plug .. It should interpret the results of linear
experiences relatively little permeability decline. As a coreflood experiments in terms of radial
particle, or oil droplet has to pass through hundreds of flow from an injection well
pore throats even in the first few centimeters of a . Coreflood experiments should be
coreplug, the probability is that if it is not retained then continued until a stable permeability had
it will keep on passing through the coreplug. been reached enabling the actual level of
Permeability decline in the damage zone of a coreplug pel-meability decline to be quantified.
needs to be in excess of 70% for significant injectivity .. It should not extrapolate the results of
declines to be recorded when taking into account radial short term coreflooding tests using
flow. Also it is important to remember that in terms of concepts of filter cake build up on
injection capacity a 1 metre interval with a pel-meability membrane filters when the membrane
of 1 Darcy is equivalent to a 100 metre interval with a filters are not representative of reservoir
permeability of 10 mD. So if the high permeability zones rocks
remain unblocked there will not be significant overall * It should not use simplistic rules of
llermeability declines. This is why it is essential to fully thumb to determine the blockage of pore
consider permeability heterogeneity. throats by suspended solids.
.. It should not express filtration
specifications on a percent removal basis.
MISCONCEPTIONS ON DETERMINING WATER It should not blindly use filtration
QUALITY REQUIREMENTS specifications from previous water
injection projects when the reservoir and
Certainly the specification of water quality for seawater produced water characteristics may be
injection has been plagued by inappropriate techniques considerably different.
and misconceptions which have lead to inadequate =I: It should take into account heterogeneity
definitions. between the reservoir zones in a field
and the consequential different water
The method used to specify the water quality for produced quality requirements, especially if
water injection should include the characteristics listed significant proportions of the recoverable
below; oil is in the low permeability zones.
Of prime importance in water injection is the sweep exhibit poor vertical distributions of injection
eBiciency. A low overall injectivity decline may conceal water. In the late 1970's treatment of the
high injectivity declines in the low permeability zones. produced water resulted in cleaner water for the
The blockage of the least permeable layers in an injection waterflood and a sharp increase in oil production.
well by suspended matter will reduce the rate of injection Ultimate oil recovery from the oil reservoir is
into that layer, and as a consequence the rate of oil exrcted to be 53.6 million barrels [8.5 million
sweeping in the low permeability zones will also be m ] of oil which is 35% of the original oil-in -
reduced. However if the most permeable layers remain place (OOIP). Waterflooding with cleaner water
unblocked the injectivity will, to a great extent be is expected to increase the final production by
sustained. If the low permeability zones contain significant 20.3 million barrels [3.2 million m 3] of oil, in
proportions of the recoverable oil, the economics of the comparison to primary recovery alone.
field development will be impaired as a consequence. (fig.
9) Thus maintaining a certain overall level of injectivity At the beginning of the waterflood in 1954 the
in a non - homogeneous reservoir should not be the only blockage of the perforations and the formations
criteria of specifying filtration requirements. associated with the injecting unfiltered produced
watel' was not observed as the high permeability
With respect to the North Sea, comparisons may be made layers were still taking the majority of the flow.
between the relatively high permeability Etive formation However over time it was finally noticed that the
and the low permeability Rannoch Formation. In some use of dirty injection water had caused a
reservoirs the Rannoch may contain over 30 % of th~ reduction in the vertical coverage in all
oil-in-place such as in the Cormorant field, thus setting waterfloods in the Inglewood field. The
the injection water quality specification for the lower subsequent of cleaner injection water increased
permeability zone, may be more economically prudent the vertical coverage from approximately 15% to
than considering injectivity decline for injection into. all about 70 %. Overall injection rates increased by
the formations combined. 35%.
Water injection well steel tubing lined with high density unsuccessful In the case of Wytch Farm where
polyethylene pipe is now being used by some operators the produced water is passed through sand filters,
to control downhole corrosion. The insertion of the the injection of water with average oil-in-water
aDPE adds about 37 % to the cost of the injection concentrations of less than 15 mg/kg and average
tubing. The tubing can be pulled several times without suspended solids of less than 5 mglkg resulted in
damage to the lining and joint seals. no loss in injectivity.
Roating; production methods; relative capital and Induced gas flotation is often capable of 96 %
operating expenditure, and weight and space restrictions. removal of oil-in-water, reducing inlet
concentrations of greater than 200 mwl to less
An increasingly relevant subject in the design of produced than 20 mwl with the help of approximately 10
water treatment systems is the possibility of the presence ppm chemical. New developments include
of Normally Occurring Radionuclide Material ·(NORM). pressurised flotation units to eliminate emissions
This will obviously effect the design of the system with of volatile organic carbons and new floating
respect to waste disposal, safe operation and skimmer designs to enable their use on floating
decommissioning. production facilities.
During the life of an oiltield the produced water is As plate separators are not particularly effective
unlikely to provide enough water to satisfY all the water at removing droplets smaller than 50 microns it
injection needs. It will have to be supplemented by either seems likely that a minimum of flotation or
seawater or aquifer water for offshore developments. The hydrocyclone packages will be required for most
additional water source may require deaeration.. Severe produced water injection systems, expect pOssibly
scaling problems may also result from the mixing of the for high permeability strata as p'resent in some of
waters. This will also influence the process selection and the North Sea Palaeocene reservoirs. Thus in
process design. The solid/liquid hydrocyclone may be terms of process equipment the produced water
required when signiticant tines and sand production injection system is likely to be at least as
occurs. expensive as system for surface disposal. It also
means that the produced water should also be of
Figure 10 illustrates the relative cost and droplet size sufficient quality for surface discharge should
removal of some of the process options. Basically, the injection have to be periodically halted. This of
tiner the droplet removal the greater the cost. course assumes discharge regulations are not
tightened a factor which will increase the cost-
Hydrocyclones and flotation units have become the effectiveness of PWRI.
workhorses for offshore produced water treatment to meet
existing surface discharge regulations in the North Sea
In the case of hydrocyclones, separation is achieved by The performance of a produced water treatment
accelerated settling (up to 3000 times that of gravitational and injection system may be dependent on a
force) caused by centrifugal action inside the number of chemicals. Chemicals may be required
hydrocyclone. The hydrocyclones can be used for to control bacteria, scaling and corrosion within
solidlliquid separations and liquid/liquid separation. If the system. Chemicals such as polyelectrolytes
the sand is removed prior to deoiling, the wear on the and demulsitiers may be required for the process
liquid/liquid hydrocyclones will be reduced. However the packa~es. An important factor in the design of
specific design of the hydrocyclone and the use of linings the system is the selection of effective and
will minimise erosion. The advantage of removing the oil compatible chemicals. The entire suite of
before the sand is that it reduces the shearing of the oil chemicals used constitute a chemical system
droplets. The solid/liquid and liquid/liquid hydrocyclones which has to be optimised, both in terms of the
will have significantly different geometries. The cone combination of chemicals used and the individual
angle is much less for the Iiquid/liquid hydrocyclone dose rates. Corrosion inhibitors are notorious
enabling more residence time and reducing the shear. for contributing to the formation of fine
Hydrocyclones may operate directly downstream of the emulsions which make separation more difficult.
three phase separator and at pressures of 60 psi upwards.
Alternatively they may be used downstream of a low
pressure separator or surge tank in which case a positive
displacement type pump such as the progressive cavity
pump which can develop the required head without
excessive shear of the dispersed oil droplets.
.lUST TOTAL OIL-IN-WATER REMOVAL In light of current uncertainty it to would appear
pmdent to reduce risk by targeted research
In the case of produced water injection the performance projects, particularly with. respect to injection
of the process packages in terms of their absolute water quality specification, process plant
particle/oil droplet removal will be vital in terms of performance, on -line monitoring, and injectivity
process selection. tests.
At present most data has been selected in terms of Water injection is key to the financial success of
performance in reducing total oil-in-water. More data most offshore developments, especially in high
needs to be collected on the long term operation of the production cost areas such as the North Sea.
process packages in terms of maintaining a consistent Although a water injection system including
water quality with respect to absolute maximum injection wells may account for only 5% of total
particle/droplet sizes. capital expenditure in an offshore field
development it can double the oil recovered.
Relatively short term upsets in that respect could cause Thus when considering the potential losses and
significant injectivity decline. gains with respect to produced water injection it
would appear, at present, pmdent to err on the
Developments in on -line monitoring systems will be side of caution with respect to injection water
useful in this respect. quality and process plant selection.
Water Seminar".
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