PS 1
PS 1
PS 1
Scheme of Scheme of
Course Instruction Contact Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/wk Credits
Code P/
1. MC100HS Three Week Induction Program -
2. MT101BS 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
3. PH101BS Engineering Physics 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
4. CE151ES Engineering Graphics - - 6 6 50 50 3
5. ME151ES Workshop Practice - - 6 6 25 50 3
Engineering Physics
6. PH151ES - - 3 3 25 50 1.5
Total 06 02 15 23 160 290 15.5
Scheme of Scheme of
Course Instruction Contact Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/wk Credits
Code P/
Basic Electrical
1. EE151ES - - 2 2 25 50 1
Engineering Lab
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Scheme of Scheme of
Course Instruction Contact Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/wk Credits
Code P/
1. MT201BS 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
2. CH102BS Engineering Chemistry 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
3. EG101HS English 2 - - 2 30 70 2
Programming and
4. CS201ES 3 - - 3 30 70 3
Problem Solving
Basic Electrical
5. EE101ES 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
Engineering Chemistry
6. CH152BS - - 3 3 25 50 1.5
7. EG151HS English Laboratory - - 2 2 25 50 1
Programming and
8. CS251ES Problem Solving - - 3 3 25 50 1.5
Total 14 03 08 25 225 500 21
Mechanical Engineering
Scheme of Scheme of
Course Instruction Contact Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/wk Credits
Code P/
Basic Electrical
1. EE101ES 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
Scheme of Conta Scheme of
Course Instruction ct Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/w Credits
Code P/
1. ES101CE Engineering Mechanics 3 - - 3 30 70 3
2. PC301EE Electrical Circuit – I 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
3. PC302EE Electrical Machines – I 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
4. PC303EE Power Systems - I 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
5. PC304EE Electromagnetic Fields 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
6. PC305EE Analog Electronics 3 - - 3 30 70 3
Computer Aided
7. ES352EE Electrical Drawing - - 3 3 25 50 1.5
Analog Electronics
8. PC351EE - - 2 2 25 50 1
Total 18 04 05 27 230 520 24.5
Civil Engineering
Scheme of Scheme of
Course Instruction Contact Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/wk Credits
Code P/
Basic Electrical
1. EE101ES 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Scheme of Conta Scheme of
Course Instruction ct Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/w Credits
Code P/
1. MC101HS Environmental Science 3 - - 3 30 70 -
2. PC401EE Electrical Circuits - II 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
3. PC402EE Electrical Machines II 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
4. PC403EE Power System – II 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
5. PC404EE Power Electronics 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
Digital Electronics and
6. PC405EE 3 - - 3 30 70 3
Logic Design
Electrical Circuits
7. PC451EE - - 2 2 25 50 1
Electrical Machines
8. PC452EE - - 2 2 25 50 1
Laboratory – I
Digital Electronics and
9. PC453EE - - 2 2 25 50 1
Logic Design Laboratory
Total 18 04 06 28 255 570 22
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Scheme of Conta Scheme of
Course Instruction ct Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/w Credits
Code P/
1. ES101CE Engineering Mechanics 3 - - 3 30 70 3
2. PC301EE Electrical Circuit – I 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
3. PC302EE Electrical Machines – I 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
4. PC303EE Power Systems - I 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
5. PC304EE Electromagnetic Fields 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
6. PC305EE Analog Electronics 3 - - 3 30 70 3
Computer Aided
7. ES352EE Electrical Drawing - - 3 3 25 50 1.5
Analog Electronics
8. PC351EE - - 2 2 25 50 1
Total 18 04 05 27 230 520 24.5
Civil Engineering
Scheme of Scheme of
Course Instruction Contact Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/wk Credits
Code P/
Basic Electrical
1. EE101ES 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the resolution of forces, equilibrium of force systems
2. Learn the analysis of forces in the structures
3. Understand the concept of centroid, moment of inertia and dynamics
Course Outcomes:
1. Determine the resultant and moment of a force system
2. Apply the equations of equilibrium for a generalized force system
3. Analyze the forces in trusses and frames
4. Determine the centroid and moment of inertia for 1D & 2D bodies
5. Apply the concepts of dynamics in solving the engineering problems
Module 1: Introduction to Engineering Mechanics covering, Force Systems Basic
concepts, Particle equilibrium in 2-D & 3-D; Rigid Body equilibrium; System of Forces,
Coplanar Concurrent Forces, Components in Space – Resultant- Moment of Forces and
its Application;
Couples and Resultant of Force System, Equilibrium of System of Forces, Free body
diagrams, Equations of Equilibrium of Coplanar Systems and Spatial Systems; Static
Module 2: Basic Structural Analysis covering, Equilibrium in three dimensions; Method
of Sections; Method of Joints; How to determine if a member is in tension or
compression; Simple Trusses; Zero force members; Beams & types of beams; Frames
& Machines.
Module 3: Centroid and Centre of Gravity covering, Centroid of simple figures from first
principle, centroid of composite sections; Centre of Gravity and its implications; Area
moment of inertia- Definition, Moment of inertia of plane sections from first principles,
Theorems of moment of inertia, Moment of inertia of standard sections and composite
sections; Mass moment inertia of circular plate, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hook.
Module 4: Virtual Work and Energy Method- Virtual displacements, principle of virtual
work for particle and ideal system of rigid bodies, degrees of freedom. Active force
diagram, systems with friction, mechanical efficiency. Conservative forces and potential
energy (elastic and gravitational), energy equation for equilibrium. Applications of
energy method for equilibrium. Stability of equilibrium.
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Module 5: Mechanical Vibrations covering, Basic terminology, free and forced
vibrations, resonance and its effects; Degree of freedom; Derivation for frequency and
amplitude of free vibrations without damping and single degree of freedom system,
simple problems, types of pendulum, use of simple, compound and torsion pendulums
Suggested Reading:
1. F.L. Singer, Engineering Mechanics, Collins, Singapore, 1975.
2. S.P. Timoshenko and D.H. Young, Engineering Mechanics, McGraw-Hill International
Edition, 1983.
3. S. Rajeshakharam and G. Sankarasubrahmanyam, Mechanics, Vikas Publications,
4. S.B. Junarkar and H.J. Shah, Applied Mechanics, 2001.
5. J.H. Shames, Engineering Mechanics, Prentice Hall, 1987.
6. B. Bhattacharyya, Engineering Mechanics, Oxford Higher Education, 2015.
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. understand network analysis, techniques using mesh and node analysis.
2. evaluate steady state and transient behavior of single port network for DC and AC excitations.
3. analyze electric circuits using network theorems.
4. understand the concept of coupled circuits and poly-phase circuits.
Network Elements & Laws: Active elements, Independent and dependent sources.
Passive elements — R, L and C, Energy stored in inductance and capacitance,
Kirchhoff’s laws, Source transformations, Star-delta transformations, Node voltage
method, Mesh current method including super node and super mesh analysis.
Single-Phase Circuits: RMS and average values of periodic sinusoidal and non-
sinusoidal waveforms, Phasor representation, Steady-state response of series, parallel
and series-parallel circuits. Impedance, Admittance, Current locus diagrams of RL and
RC series and parallel circuits with variation of various parameters. Resonance: Series
and parallel circuits, Band-width and Q-factor.
Network theorems: Superposition theorem, Thevinin’s theorem, Norton’s theorems,
Maximum power transfer theorem, Tellegen’s theorem, Compensation theorem,
Milliman’s theorem and Reciprocity theorem. (AC & DC)
Poly-phase Circuits: Analysis of balanced and unbalanced 3-phase circuits, Star and
delta connections, Measurement of three-phase power for balanced and unbalanced
Coupled circuits: Concept of self and mutual inductance, Dot convention, Coefficient
of coupling, Analysis of circuits with mutual inductance.
Transient analysis: Transient response of RLC circuits, Formulation of integral
differential equations, Initial conditions, Response of RL, RC and RLC networks
subjected to internal energy, Response to impulse, step, ramp, exponential and
sinusoidal excitations
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Suggested Reading:
1. Van Valkenburg M.E., Network Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, 3 Edition, 2000.
2. William Hayt H, Kimmerly Jack E, Steven Durbin M, Engineering Circuit Analysis, McGraw
Hill, 6th Edition, 2002.
3. Jagan N.C, Lakshrninarayana C., Network Analysis, B.S. Publications, 3 Edition, 2014.
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
1. To learn and understand electromechanical energy conversion devices.
2. To be able to understand in detail about DC machines. Construction, principle, performance
characteristics and testing.
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. understand construction, operating principle and characteristics of different types of DC motors
and generators
2. test and calculate performance parameters of DC motors and generators
3. select appropriate DC machines for a specific application
Electromechanical energy conversion: Principle of energy conversion, Flow of
energy in electromechanical devices, Coupling-field reaction, Singly excited magnetic
system – Electric energy input, Magnetic field energy stored, Mechanical work done –
with slow, instantaneous and transient movement of armature, Calculation of
mechanical force, Doubly excited magnetic systems, electromagnetic and reluctance
DC Machines: Simple loop generator, Essential parts of DC machine, Details of Lap
winding & Wave winding, EMF equation, Armature reaction — Remedies, Ampere
turns, Commutation — reactance voltage, Methods of improving commutation — High
resistance brushes, shifting of brushes, Interpoles, Compensating winding.
DC Generators; Classification & types of DC generators, Open circuit, Internal &
External characteristics — Critical resistance & critical speed, Voltage regulation,
Conditions for self excitation, Causes of failure of voltage buildup, Parallel operation
Series, Shunt and Compound generators, Applications.
DC Motors: Classification & Types of DC motors, Back emf, Speed regulation,
Armature torque, Armature reaction, Operating characteristics, Performance curves,
Basic speed control methods Shunt and Series motors, Three & four-point starters,
Calculation of step resistances, Applications.
Testing, Losses and Efficiency: Power losses — Copper losses and Rotational
losses, Power flow, Efficiency, Testing - Brake Test and Swinburne’s test, Hopkinson’s
test, Field’s test, Retardation test, Heat run test.
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Suggested Reading:
1. D.P. Kothari, I.J. Nagrath , Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010
2. Bhimbra P.S., Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publications, 2000
3. Gupta J.B., Theory and Performance of Electrical Machines, S.K.Kataria & Sons, Delhi,
4. AE Clayton and NN Hancock, The Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines,
3rd edition, 1959.
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
1. The students will acquire knowledge in conventional renewable generating power stations and
economics of generation
2. The students will acquire knowledge regarding the design concepts of transmission lines and
Economics of Power Generation: Load Curve, Load Demand and Diversified factors,
Base Load and Peak load operation, Types of costs and depreciation fund calculations,
Methods of power factor improvement, Economics of power factor improvement, Tariffs,
Distribution: 2 wire and 3 wire distributors, Ring mains, AC distribution calculations.
Steam Power Stations: Choice of site, Layout & various parts of station, Boilers,
Turbines, Super Heaters, Economizers, Air pre-heaters etc. and their Pulverized fuel,
Coal handling.
Hydro-Electric Power plants: Estimation Hydrograph, Flow duration curve, Mass
curve, Storage and pondage, Types electric plants and layouts, Prime movers for hydro-
electric plants.
Nuclear Power Plants: Fissile materials, Working principle of nuclear plants and
reactor control, Shielding, Types of reactors.
Non-Conventional Energy Sources – Basic principles of Wind, solar and gas turbines.
Over-Head Lines: Supports sag and tension calculations, Effect of wind and ice,
Erection conditions, Insulators: Types of insulators, Potential distribution over a string of
suspension insulators, Methods of equalizing the potential, Testing of insulators.
Insulated Cables: Conductors for cables, Insulating materials, Mechanical protection,
Low voltage cables, Grading of cables, Three phase high voltage cables and Super
voltage cables, Capacitance of three-core cables.
Inductance and Capacitance of Transmission Lines: Inductance and capacitance of
overhead line conductors, Single phase and three phase with symmetrical composite
conductors, GMR and GMD Spacing, Transposition, Bundled conductors, Effect of earth
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Suggested Reading:
1. Wadhwa C.L., Electrical Power Systems, New Age International (P) Ltd., 4th Edition,
2. Wadhwa C.L., Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy, New Age
International (P) Ltd., 4th Edition, 2006.
3. Singh S.N., Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Prentice Hall of
India, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.
4. V.K.Mehta, Principles of Power Systems, S. Chand and Co., 2007.
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
1. To be able to understand the concepts of electrostatic fields, magneto static fields,
electromagnetic waves and Maxwell’s equation.
2. To understand the concepts of electromagnetic wave propagation in different media.
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Formulate problems within electrostatics, magnetostatics and stationary current distributions in
linear, isotropic media.
2. Derive expressions for the energy for electrostatic and magnetostatic fields, and derive Poynting’s
3. Calculate the boundary conditions for electric and magnetic fields between different media.
4. Calculate the reflection and refraction coefficients of electromagnetic waves for different
Review of Vector Analysis: Coulomb’s Law, Electric field intensity, Electric field due to
different charge distributions. Electric field due to line charge, Sheet charge, Volume
charge distribution, Electric flux density, Gauss’s law, Divergence theorem. Potential,
Potential gradient, Potential field of different charge distributions, Applications of above
Energy in electrostatic field, Poisson’s and Laplace equations, Uniqueness theorem,
Solution of Laplace’s equation, Conductors, Dielectric capacitance, Conductor
properties and Boundary conditions, Calculation of capacitance, Boundary conditions
for conductors and perfect dielectric materials.
Steady magnetic field, Biot-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, Stoke’s theorem, Magnetic
scalar vector potential Faraday’s law, Magnetic boundary conditions, Self and Mutual
inductances, Force on moving charge, Force on differential elements, Magnetic circuits,
Analogy with electrical circuits, Applications of above laws.
Maxwell’s equations in Integral form, Line and surface integrals, Application to static
fields, Boundary conditions, Maxwell’s equations in differential forms, Continuity
equation, Potential function for static fields, Field equations in vector forms, energy
storage in electric and magnetic fields.
EM waves in homogeneous medium solutions for free space conditions, Uniform plane
wave propagation, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations, Sinusoidally time varying uniform
plane waves in free space, Uniform plane waves in dielectrics and conductors, Poynting
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Suggested Reading:
1. Matthew Sadiku N.O., Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford University Press, 4th
Edition, 2006.
2. William. Hayt H, Buck John A., Engineering Electromagnetics, Tata McGraw Hill, 7th
Edition, 2003.
3. Nannapaneni Narayana Rao, Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, PHI, New
Delhi, 5th Edition, 2002.
With effect from the Academic year 2018-2019; UCE (A), OU
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the diode characteristics.
2. To study the input and out characteristics of different Transistor configurations.
3. To understand the design concepts MOSFET and amplifier.
4. To understand the design concepts of OP-Amp.
5. To understand the Applications of OP-Amp.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Understand the characteristics of transistors.
2. Design and analyze various rectifier and amplifier circuits.
3. Design sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal oscillators.
4. Understand the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based circuits.
Suggested Reading:
1. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, New York, Oxford University Press,
2. J. V. Wait, L. P. Huelsman and G. A. Korn, “Introduction to Operational Amplifier theory and
applications”, McGraw Hill U. S., 1992.
3. J. Millman and A. Grabel, “Microelectronics”, McGraw Hill Education, 1988.
4. D.Roy Chowdary and Shail B Jain, “Linear Integrated Circuits”, 3rd Edition, New Age
5. International (P) Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Objectives :
1. To understand the terminology of electric circuit and electrical components.
2. To be able to familiarize with electrical machines, apparatus and appliances.
3. To acquire knowledge on various Electrical Engg. software’s.
At the end of the course students will be able to
1. Identify and draw different components of electrical systems
2. Draw different control and wiring diagrams
3. Draw winding diagrams of electrical machines.
Drawing of the following using Electrical CADD / Corel Draw / MS Word / PPT/Visio
1. Lines, Arcs, Curves, Shapes, Filling of objects, Object editing & Transformation.
2. Electrical, Electronic & Electro – mechanical symbols.
3. House – wiring diagrams and layout.
4. Simple power and control circuit diagrams.
5. Electrical machine winding diagrams. (A.C & D.C)
6. Transmission tower, Over head lines – ACSR conductors, Single circuit, Double
circuit, Bundle conductor.
7. Constructional features of D.C motors, AC motors and Transformers.
8. D.C and A.C motor starter diagrams.
9. Lamps used in illumination
10. Single line diagram of Power System
Suggested Readings:
1. KB. Raina, S.K. Bhattacharya, Electrical Design, Estimating and Costing, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
2. Nagrath, Kothari, Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2000.
3. A.K. Sawhney, A Course in Electrical Machines Design, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1996.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the diode characteristics.
2. To study the input and out characteristics of different Transistor configurations.
3. To understand the design concepts of amplifier.
4. To understand the design concepts of Combinational and Sequential circuits.
5. To understand the design concepts of OP-Amp.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be
1. Able to design diode circuits.
2. Able to understand the applications of zener diode.
3. Able to understand the operation of HWR & FWR circuits with & without filters.
4. Able to analyze the characteristics of BJTs and FETs.
5. Able to analyze the performance of operation amplifier.
List of Experiments:
1. Characteristics of Semiconductor Diodes(Si, Ge and Zener).
2. Characteristics of BJT (CB,CE).
3. CRO and its Applications.
4. Rectifiers: Half Wave Rectifier, Full Wave Rectifier with and without filters
5. Characteristics of FET.
6. Transistors as an Amplifier.
7. Inverting, Non-Inverting Amplifier using Op amp.
8. RC phase shift Oscillator
9. Wien Bridge Oscillator
10. Integration and Differentiation using Op-amp.
Suggested Readings:
1. David Bell A., Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICS, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.
2. Maheshwari and Anand, Laboratory Experiments and PSPICE Simulations in Analog
Electronics, 1st edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
(Common to BME, CE, CSE, EEE, ECE and ME)
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the fundamentals of DC and AC electrical circuits.
2. To understand the working principles of DC motor, DC generator, Transformers and single phase
induction motors.
3. To understand working principles of protection devices used in electrical circuits.
Course Outcomes:
The students will able to
1. Analyze the performance of simple electrical circuits exciting with Dc and AC excitations.
2. Apply different theorems to solve complicated electrical circuits to obtain the current, voltage and power.
3. Understand the main components, Characteristics, applications of different DC and AC electrical
machines used in industry.
4. Understand the importance of protective devices and their rating used in electrical circuits.
DC Circuits (8 hours)
Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C), voltage and current sources, Kirchhoff current and
voltage laws, analysis of simple circuits with dc excitation, Superposition, Thevenin’s and
Norton’s Theorem.
AC Circuits (8 hours)
Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and rms values, phasor representation, real
power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor. Analysis of single-phase ac circuits
consisting of R, L, C, and RL, RC, RLC combinations (series only). Three phase balanced
circuits, voltage and current relations in star and delta connections.
Transformers and 3-ph Induction Motors (8 hours)
Transformers: Electromagnetic induction, Faradays laws, Statically induced emf, Lenz law, BH
characteristics, ideal and practical transformer, losses and efficiency, Auto-transformer and
three phase transformer connections.
Three Phase Induction motor: Generation of rotating magnetic fields, Construction and working
of a three-phase induction motor, squirrel cage IM, slip-ring IM, Applications.
Single-phase induction motor & DC Machines (6 hours)
Single-phase induction motor: Construction and principle of operation, Capacitor start &
capacitor run motor, applications.
DC Generators: Dynamically induced emf, Fleming’s Right hand and Left hand rules,
Construction and principle of operation of DC generator, EMF equation, Types of DC
Generators, OCC characteristics, applications.
DC Motors: principle of operation of DC Motor, Types of DC motors, applications.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Electrical Installations (6 hours)
Components of LT Switchgear: Switch Fuse Unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB, Types of Wires
and Cables, Earthing. Types of Batteries, Important Characteristics for Batteries. Elementary
Calculations for energy consumption, power factor improvement and battery backup.
Suggested Readings:
1. J.B.Gupta, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics” S.K.Kataria & Sons
Publications, 2002.
2. J.B.Gupta, “Utilization of Electric Power and Electric Traction” S.K.Kataria & Sons Publications,
3. Abhijit Chakrabarti, Sudipta Nath, Chandan Kumar Chanda, “ Basic Electrical Engineering” Tata
McGraw Hill, Publications, 2009.
4. Hughes, "Electrical Technology", VII Edition, International Student -on, Addison Welsey
Longman Inc., 1995.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Scheme of Conta Scheme of
Course Instruction ct Examination
S.No Course Title Hrs/w Credits
Code P/
1. MC101HS Environmental Science 3 - - 3 30 70 -
2. PC401EE Electrical Circuits - II 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
3. PC402EE Electrical Machines II 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
4. PC403EE Power System – II 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
5. PC404EE Power Electronics 3 1 - 4 30 70 4
Digital Electronics and
6. PC405EE 3 - - 3 30 70 3
Logic Design
Electrical Circuits
7. PC451EE - - 2 2 25 50 1
Electrical Machines
8. PC452EE - - 2 2 25 50 1
Laboratory – I
Digital Electronics and
9. PC453EE - - 2 2 25 50 1
Logic Design Laboratory
Total 18 04 06 28 255 570 22
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Course Objectives:
1. To know about natural resources and their benefits to the public
2. To study the concept of ecosystems and biodiversity
3. To understand the types of pollutions, social issues and disaster management
Course Outcomes:
1. Will have an awareness of effects of hazardous environment.
2. Will have an idea about optimum utilization of natural resources.
3. Will be a catalyst in moving towards Green technologies
4. Will have information about rules and regulations of pollution control
Environmental studies: Definition, scope and importance, need for public awareness. Natural
resources: Water resources; use and over utilization of surface and ground water, Floods,
drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems. Effects of modern Agriculture,
Fertilizer pesticide problems, water logging and salinity.
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, structure and function of an ecosystem, producers,
consumers and decomposers, energy flow in ecosystem, food chains, ecological pyramids,
aquatic ecosystem (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries) Energy resources:
Growing energy needs renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Land Resources, land
as a resource, land degradation, soil erosion and desertification.
Biodiversity: Genetic species and ecosystem diversity, bio-geographical classification of India.
Value of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, endangered and endemic species of India,
conservation of biodiversity.
Environmental Pollution: Cause, effects and control measures of air pollution, water pollution,
soil pollution, noise pollution , thermal pollution and solid waste management. Environmental
protection act: Air, water, forest and wild life Acts, enforcement of Environmental legislation.
Social issues and the Environment: Water conservation, watershed management and
environmental ethics. Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion.
Disaster management: Types of disasters, impact of disasters on environment, infrastructure,
and development. Basic principles of disaster mitigation, disaster management and
methodology, disaster management cycle, and disaster management in India.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Suggested Text/Reference Books:
1. De A.K., “Environmental Chemistry”, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
2. Odum E.P., “Fundamentals of Ecology”, W.B. Sunders Co., USA.
3. Rao M.N and Datta A.K., “Waste Water Treatment”, Oxford and IBK Publications.
4. Benny Joseph, “Environmental studies”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.
5. Sharma V.K., “Disaster Management”, National Centre for Disaster management, IIPE,
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Instructions : 4 hours per week
Duration of SEE : 3 Hours
SEE : 70 Marks
CIE : 30 Marks
Credits : 4
Objectives :
1. To acquire knowledge in circuits and to understand the Fourier series and Laplace transformation.
2. To be able to understand the techniques of electric network synthesis.
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Examine the behavior of linear circuits using Fourier transform, Laplace transforms and transfer function
of single port network.
2. Obtain two port network parameters and applications of graph theory to electric circuits.
3. Synthesize a network in terms of RL, RC and RLC parameters.
Fourier Series and Integral: Fourier series representation of periodic functions, Symmetry
conditions, Exponential Fourier series, Discrete spectrum, Fourier integral and its properties,
Continuous spectrum, Application to simple networks
Laplace Transform Method of Analysis of Networks: Definition of Laplace pair, Evaluation
of Laplace transform of common time function, Laplace properties and theorems, Convolution
theorem, Waveforms synthesis, Partial fraction method of inverse transforms, Application to
networks, Transfer functions.
Two port network parameters: Open circuit impedance, Short circuit admittance,
Transmission, Hybrid parameters & inter-relationships, Series, parallel and cascade
connection of two port networks, System function, Impedance and admittance functions
Topological Description of Networks: Graph, tree, chord, cut-set, incident matrix, circuit
matrix and cut-set matrix, Formulation of node equations, loop equations, cut-set equations for
RLC networks.
Synthesis of LC, RC, RL functions, Properties of LC, RC and RL networks, Minimum
functions, Synthesis of RLC networks, Brune’s method, Properties of networks in terms of
poles and zeros.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Suggested Reading:
1. Van Valkenburg M.E, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition, 2000.
2. William Hayt H, Kimmerly Jack E. and Steven Durbin M, Engineering Circuit Analysis, McGraw
Hill, 6th Edition, 2002
3. Jagan N.C, Lakshrninarayana C., Network Analysis, B.S. Publications, 3rd Edition, 2014.
4. Chakravarthy A., Circuit Theory, Dhanpat Rai & Co., First Edition, 1999
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1) Acquire the knowledge of construction, principle of operation and testing of single phase transformers.
2) Impart the knowledge about three phase transformers, three phase to two phase transformation and their
parallel operation.
3) Acquire the knowledge about the constructional details, equivalent circuit parameters and performance
characteristics of three phase induction motors.
4) Acquire the knowledge about starting and speed control methods of three phase induction motors.
5) Impart the knowledge of constructional details, principle of operation and types of single phase induction
Single Phase Transformers : Constructional features of single phase transformers, principle
of two winding transformer, ideal transformer - transformer on no load and on load - phasor
diagrams- equivalent circuits, losses , Testing - Polarity test, OC and SC tests, Sumpner's test,
Regulation and efficiency, All day efficiency, separation of losses - Excitation phenomena in
transformers, Auto transformer - Comparison with two winding transformer and applications.
Three - Phase Transformers: Connections - Choice of transformer connections – Third
harmonic voltages - Phase conversion - 3-phase to 2-phase transformation, Scott connection -
constructional features of poly phase transformers - Tertiary winding, Parallel operation of
transformers, phase shifting transformer, Tap changer.
Three - Phase Induction Motor: Constructional features - Rotating magnetic field theory,
Principle of operation of Squirrel cage and Slip ring motors, Phasor diagram, Equivalent Circuit
– expression for torque - starting torque - Max torque. Slip-torque characteristics, Equivalent
circuit parameters from no-load and blocked rotor test, Circle diagram, Determination of
performance characteristics of induction motor, Applications.
Starting & Speed Control Methods: Starting methods of 3-phase induction motor –Auto
transformer, Star-delta Starter. Double cage machine, Speed control methods – Resistance
control, Voltage Control, Pole changing, Cascading, Induction Generator - Principle of
operation, Applications.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Single Phase Motors: Double field revolving theory. Equivalent circuit of single phase
induction Motor- Principle of operation, speed torque characteristics of a split phase and
capacitor motors. Compensated and uncompensated series motor, Repulsion motor and
universal motor - Applications.
Suggested Reading:
1. P.S.Bimbhra- Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2006
2. D.P. Kothari & I.J. Nagrath, Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010.
3. M.G.Say - The Performance and Design of AC. Machines Pitman Publication, 2002.
4. Irving L. Kosow - Electric Machinery and Transformers. PPH, Pearson Education 2nd Edition,
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Course Objectives:
1. The student able to learn and understand the performance analysis of transmission lines and cables.
2. To be able to comprehend analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults in the power system.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1) Acquire modeling of different short, medium and long transmission lines
2) To learn the use of per unit quantities and calculation of symmetrical faults on OH transmission lines
3) Understand the impact of different types of faults on overhead transmission lines and calculation of fault
currents and their significance.
4) Explain the reasons for voltage variation, importance of maintaining constant voltage in power system
and different voltage control methods.
5) Acquire the knowledge of natural impedance of transmission line and significance in the operation of
power system network.
Transmission Line Theory: Performance of short, medium, long lines - Line calculations -
Tuned lines, Power circle diagram and their applications. Corona - Causes - Disruptive and
Visual critical voltages - Power loss - Minimization of corona effects.
Symmetrical Faults: Use of per unit quantities in power systems, advantages of per unit
system. Symmetrical Three-phase Faults, Transients in RL series circuits - Short circuit
currents - Reactance‘s of synchronous machines - Symmetrical fault calculations, Short circuit
capacity of bus.
Unsymmetrical Faults: Symmetrical components of unsymmetrical phasors - Power in terms
of symmetrical components - Sequence impedance and sequence networks, Sequence
networks of unloaded generators - Sequence impedances of circuit elements - Single line to
ground, line to line and double line to ground faults on unloaded generator - Unsymmetrical
faults of power systems, Open circuit faults.
Voltage Control: Phase modifiers, Induction Regulators -Tap changing Transformers, Series
and Shunt Capacitors, Reactive Power requirement calculations, Static VAR compensators -
Thyristor Controlled reactor, Thyristor switched capacitor.
Travelling Wave Theory : Causes of over voltages - Travelling wave theory - Wave
equation - Open circuited line - The short circuited line - Junction of lines of different natural
impedances - Reflection and Refraction Coefficients - Junction of cable and over head lines -
Junction of three lines of different natural impedances- Bewley Lattice diagram.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Suggested Readings:
1. CL Wadhwa - Electrical Power Systems, New Age International, 4th edition, 2006.
2. Grainger and Stevenson - Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2003.
3. Nagarath and Kothari - Modern Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th edition- 2012.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
1. To be able to understand various power switching devices, characteristics and applications.
2. To learn and understand the various converters like rectifiers, choppers and inverters principle operation,
characteristics and applications.
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to
1) Understand the differences between signal level and power level devices.
2) Analyze controlled rectifier circuits.
3) Analyze the operation of DC-DC choppers.
4) Analyze the operation of voltage source single phase inverters.
5) Analyze the three phase inverters and ac voltage controllers
Power switching devices: Diode, Thyristor, MOSFET, IGBT: static and dynamic
Characteristics; Firing circuit for thyristor; Voltage and current commutation of a thyristor; Gate
drive circuits for MOSFET and IGBT.
Thyristor rectifiers: Single-phase half-wave, full-wave and semi controlled rectifiers with R-
load and highly inductive load; Three-phase half wave, full wave and semi controlled bridge
thyristor rectifier with R-load and highly inductive load; Input current wave shape and power
DC-DC Converters: Elementary chopper with an active switch and diode, concepts of duty
ratio and average voltage, power circuit and operation of buck, boost and buck-boost
converters in continuous conduction mode, duty ratio control of output voltage.
AC-AC Converter: Power circuit and operation of single phase AC Voltage Controller with R &
RL Load. Basic concepts of Cycloconverter and Matrix converter.
Single-phase inverter: Power circuit and operation of single-phase voltage source inverter in
square wave mode, sinusoidal pulse width modulation (Unipolar and bi-polar), relation
between modulation index and output voltage. Calculation of performance parameters of
Three-phase inverter: Power circuit and operation of three-phase voltage source inverter in
1800 and 1200 modes, Bi-polar sinusoidal pulse width modulation, relation between modulation
index and output voltage. Elementary operation of CSI, Comparison of Voltage Source Inverter
and Current source Inverter.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Suggested Reading:
1. M. H. Rashid, “Power electronics: circuits, devices, and applications”, Pearson Education India,
2. N. Mohan and T. M. Undeland, “Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design”, John
Wiley & Sons, 2007.
3. R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, Springer Science &
Business Media, 2007.
4. L. Umanand, “Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications”, Wiley India, 2009.
5. Dr. P.S. Bhimbra, " Power Electronics", Khanna Publishers, 2009.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Boolean algebras and combinational logic, AND, OR and NOT operations. Laws of Boolean
algebra, Minimization of Boolean expressions, Truth tables and maps. Sum of products and
product of sums, Map method of reduction, Incompletely specified functions, Multiple output
Tabular minimization, Digital logic families and IC’s, Characteristics of Digital IC’s, Introduction
to RTL, DTL, TTL, CMOS, ECL families, Details of TTL logic family, Totem pole, Open
collector outputs, wired AND Operation, Comparison of performance, TTL sub-families,
Multiplexer and dc-multiplexer, Encoder and decoder, Code converters, Implementation of
combinational logic using standard logic gates and multiplexers.
Binary arithmetic and circuits, Half and Full adder, Subtractor and Magnitude comparator,
Number complements, Two’s complement arithmetic, Carry look ahead adder, Decimal
numbers and their codes, BCD and Excess -3 arithmetic
Synchronous Sequential Circuits: basic latch circuits, Debouncing switch, SR, JK, D and T flip-
flops, Truth table and execution table, Ripple and Synchronous counters, Up/down counters,
General BCD counter, Shift registers, ring counters
A/D and D/A Converters: Converter types — Tracking type, Flash type, Successive
approximation type: R-2R ladder, Weighed register type, Switched current source type,
Switched capacitor type
Suggested Reading:
1. Anand Kumar A., Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, Prentice Hall of India, 4th Edition, 2003.
2. Morriss Mano M., Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd Edition, 2002.
3. Zvykohavi, Switching & Finite Automata Theory, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 1991
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Objectives :
1. To Train the Students for acquiring practical knowledge in time response and frequency response of
series / parallel RC, RL and RLC Circuits.
2. To prepare the students for finds out parameters of a given two port network.
3. To make the students for understanding the verification of theorems.
At the end of the course the student will be able to.
1. Evaluate the time response and frequency response character sties of R,L,C Series and parallel
2. Able to validate the network theorems.
3. Able to find various parameters of a two-port network.
4. Able to simulate electrical circuits using spice.
5. Able to synthesize networks from a given transfer function
List of Experiments:
1. Charging and Discharging Characteristics of RC and RL series circuits.
2. Locus diagrams of RC and RL Circuits.
3. Frequencies Response of a Series RLC Circuits.
4. Frequencies Response of a Parallel RLC Circuits.
5. Parameters of two port network.
6. Series, parallel and cascade connection of two port networks.
7. Verification of Theorems.
(a) Thevenin’s theorem
(b) Norton’s theorem
(c) Superposition theorem
(d) Maximum power transfer theorem
8. Two Wattmeter method.
9. Transients in RLC circuits.
10. Network Synthesis.
11. Characteristics of Linear, Non-Linear and Bilinear Elements.
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Course Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1) Estimate the efficiency and voltage regulation of D.C. generator and transformers under various loading
2) Acquire the knowledge of efficiency and speed regulation D.C. Motors under various loading conditions.
3) Able to understand the speed control of DC motor by conducting different experiments
1. Magnetization characteristics of a separately excited D.C. generator.
2. Determination of the load characteristics of shunt and compound generators.
3. Determination of the performance and mechanical characteristics of series, shunt and
compound motors.
4. Separation of iron and friction losses and estimation of parameters in D.C. machine.
5. Speed control of D.C. Shunt motor using shunt field control and armature control
6. Separation of core losses in a single phase transformer.
7. Open circuit and short circuit and load test on a single phase transformer.
8. Sumpner's test on two identical transformers.
9. Three phase Transformer connections.
10. Three phase to two phase transformation and open delta connection.
11. Retardation test.
12. Hopkinson's test.
13. Swinburne's test.
Suggested Reading:
1. P.S.Bimbhra- Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers 2006
2. D.P. Kothari & I.J. Nagrath, Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010.
3. M.G.Say - The Performance and Design of AC. Machines Pitman Publication, 2002.
4. Irving L. Kosow - Electric Machinery and Transformers. PPH, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition,
UCE (A), OU, AICTE Model Curriculum with effect from the Academic year 2018-2019
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Differentiate the number system, convert and compare a number system to another number systems
used in digital logic design.
2. Understand the applications of 555 timer.
3. Analyze and design various filters, Clippers and Clampers using Op-Amps
1. Combinational logic function realization.
2. Realization of 4 bit binary adder / subtracter.
3. Construction of Decimal to Binary encoder, BCD to Binary, Binary to BCD,
BCD 10 Excess- 3.
4. Serial/parallel input shift registers.
5. 4-bit binary up-down counter.
6. 555 timer applications.
7. Op-Amp applications - Integrator, Adder, summer.
8. Active filters - Low pass filter & High pass filter
9. Clippers and Clampers using Op-Amps.
10. Study of 723 linear voltage regulator and fixed voltage regulator.
11. Generation of triangular and square wave using Op-Amp.
12. Schmitt trigger circuit.