Job Satisfaction: Survey
Job Satisfaction: Survey
Job Satisfaction: Survey
WHAT INGREDIENTS of your job are most important to you? Professional autonomy? Collegial working
relationships? Salary and benefits? Flexible scheduling? A supportive hospital culture? We’d like to know
what values mean the most to you as a nurse and whether your employer supports them. To help us gather
information on nurse job satisfaction nationwide, please take a moment to fill out the following survey. We’ll
report on the results in a future issue.
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You can take this survey online at Or photocopy this page and fax your
responses to 215-367-2155 or mail to Nursing2007 Job Satisfaction Survey, 323 Norristown Rd., Suite 200,
Ambler, PA 19002-2758. Deadline for responses is April 30, 2007.
Please respond to the following by circling the number or checking the box that corresponds to your answer.
All questions pertain to your primary work setting. Share this survey with your colleagues and encourage them
to reply too.
1. What is your primary work setting? 10. Nurse-managers/nurse-leaders are visible and accessible to staff.
M hospital M rehabilitative care 1 2 3 4 5
M outpatient services/clinic M subacute care strongly disagree strongly agree
M community/home health care M school of nursing
M nursing home M other (please specify)____________ 11. My nurse-manager supports nursing decisions made by staff nurses,
even if this causes conflict with other disciplines.
2. How many years have you been in nursing?
1 2 3 4 5
M 5 or less M 11-15 strongly disagree strongly agree
M 6-10 M over 15
3. What’s your current position/title? 12. A nurse-executive at my facility participates in decision making with
M staff nurse M advanced practice nurse other chief officers of the facility.
M charge nurse M staff educator/case manager M yes M no M don’t know
M manager/supervisor/administrator M faculty, school of nursing
M other (please specify)__________ 13. We have enough staff to get the work done.
1 2 3 4 5
4. Which of the following describes you? strongly disagree strongly agree
M student M LPN/LVN
M RN M advanced practice nurse 14. We have enough RNs to provide quality patient care.
5. In my workplace, nurse-leaders have control over decisions related to 1 2 3 4 5
strongly disagree strongly agree
nursing practice.
1 2 3 4 5
strongly disagree strongly agree 15. We have adequate support services (transport, dietary, and house-
keeping staff).
6. In my nursing position, I can practice nursing autonomously (for exam- 1 2 3 4 5
strongly disagree strongly agree
ple, I make independent clinical decisions, my manager trusts my decision
16. Staffing levels are adjusted to accommodate variations in patient
1 2 3 4 5
strongly disagree strongly agree volume.
1 2 3 4 5
strongly disagree strongly agree
7. Staff nurses are involved in hospital and nursing committees and are
supported in their committee work efforts.
17. Nurses who give patient care help determine appropriate staffing levels.
1 2 3 4 5
strongly disagree strongly agree M yes M no
29. Nurses get adequate training about policy changes. 40. How many beds does your facility have?
1 2 3 4 5 M under 100 M over 500
strongly disagree strongly agree M 100-300 M not applicable
M 301-500
30. My facility supports continuing education for nurses (for example, with
41. Is your facility a Magnet hospital?
financial aid or by providing time off for continuing-education programs).
M yes M no M don’t know M yes M no
42. Do you belong to a union?
31. My facility provides tuition reimbursement for nurses who want to pur-
M yes M no
sue higher education.
M yes M no M don’t know 43. Are you certified in a specialty?
M no
32. My facility readily initiates practice changes based on the latest
M yes (please specify)_____________________
research, scientific evidence, and practice guidelines issued by specialty
organizations. 44. What is your sex?
1 2 3 4 5 M female M male
strongly disagree strongly agree
45. Where do you work?
33. I have quick access to up-to-date clinical reference tools that help me M United States (please specify state)_______
with decisions at work (for example, drug and other clinical information, M Canada
protocols, algorithms, checklists). M other (please specify)_______
1 2 3 4 5 46. On a separate sheet if necessary, please add any comments or obser-
strongly disagree strongly agree
vations related to your job satisfaction.___________________________
______________________________________________________ ‹›
Sean P. Clarke is associate director of the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research and a senior fellow of the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at the
University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pa. Cheryl L. Mee is editor-in-chief of Nursing2007.