Why CBT Is Incomplete Report

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The key takeaways are that CBT, while effective, is incomplete in its treatment of trauma as it focuses only on cognition and behavior and neglects other aspects like sensation, images, and affect. Alternative somatics-based approaches aim to treat the whole person.

CBT has been the standard for psychotherapy for decades, focusing on cognition and behavior. However, it neglects other impacts of trauma like on identity, sense of time/space, tolerance for relationships, coherence of experience, and emotional regulation.

The author argues CBT is incomplete as it only emphasizes cognition and behavior out of the five elements of experience - sensation, images, behavior, affect, and meaning. It misses important parts of a whole phenomenological experience.



Towards a coherence of experience

in the treatment of trauma

Albert Wong, Ph.D.

Copyright © 2018 by Albert Wong, Ph.D.

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be
used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. This essay expresses the opinion
and thoughts of this author. It is not a subsitute for psychotherapy or behavioral health

For information contact :

Albert Wong, Ph.D.
1 H St, #203
San Rafael, CA 94901

Book and Cover design by Somatopia Press

First Edition: August 2018

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY has been a de facto standard of

care within psychotherapy for the last several decades. Certainly, it has
transmuted, shifted and changed over the years – particularly with the
mindfulness revolution of the past decade – but the underlying ethos of
CBT which places cognition and behavior in positions of elevated primacy
in the psychotherapeutic healing process has remained relatively intact – at
least within the halls of academe.
There have, however, been recent advances in neuroscience which
challenge the completeness of a purely cognitive behavioral model –
particularly when dealing with the impact of trauma. What we are learning
now is that trauma is not just something that impacts our cognition and
behaviors alone.
Trauma impacts much more than just our thoughts and actions.
Trauma is far-reaching and systemic – it cuts us to our bones. It can
dissolve our sense of identity, diminish our capacity to locate ourselves
accurately in time and space, inhibit our tolerance for interpersonal

relatedness, disrupt the coherence of our experience, impair our capacity

for emotional regulation, and so much more.
Trauma impacts much more than just our prefrontal cortex or our
behavioral activation system. It impacts our whole being – and it must be
treated from a whole being perspective. Importantly, any legitimate trauma
treatment must consider all of our being – the entirety of our body-mind --
not just our thoughts and behaviors, alone.

Remembering the body

There are many brave leaders in the field of somatics who have made
important contributions to articulating how to incoroporate bodily wisdom
into the treatment of trauma. One of the most useful models for
understanding how to understand trauma comes from Peter Levine's
conceptualization of the constituents of phenomenological experience that
he has memorialized through the catchy acronym, SIBAM.
In his somatic model, Levine posits five different elements that are
important and vital to a complete phenomenological experience: sensation,
images, behavior, affect, and meaning (SIBAM). These five elements are
sometimes graphically represented as a pentagon. In ideal circumstances,
all of these elements of consciousness freely flow and connect with one
another. This is illustrated in diagrammatically in the interconnectedness
of each vertex with one another as seen in Figure 1.

Trauma is far-
reaching and
systemic – it
cuts us to our

Figure 1. The Elements of Consciousness in Coherent Experience

All of the vertices of this pentagon in Figure 1 are important in

creating a complete, whole phenomenological experience. That is to say,
under this model, a percept of experience – the fundamental building block
of our subjective world – is comprised of each of these elements. When
we have an experience, what is happening is we are blending together (at
least) five constituent elements – the image of what is going on, the feeling
and sensations that accompanies that experience, our behavioral impulses
that are attached to that experience, and the meaning to which we ascribe
the event.
All of the vertices (or channels) are vitally important participants in
creating a coherent experience. The absence – or the overarching


dominance – of any of these channels in our phenomenological experience

is indicative of an inability to coherently organize experience.
Additionally, the over- or under-coupling of any of the vertices can create
psychological pathology.
For example, someone who experiences intrusive psychotic
hallucinations or visual flashbacks may be understood as somebody who is
being flooded with overly dominant images that are disconnected from
underlying meaning. (Their image and affect channels may be overly
dominant and their meaning vertex is underdeveloped.)

Figure 2. The Elements of Consciousness in a Visual Flashback

On the other hand, someone who feels deep anxiety and then
consequently compulsively driven to behave in a certain way – without
understanding why – may have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. This may

be understood as over-coupling/dominance of their behavior-affect

vertices and an under-coupling/under-development of their meaning

Figure 3. The Elements of Consciousness in Obsessive-Compulsive


Someone who suffers from panic attacks might be understood as

someone who has an over-dominance of sensation and affect channels that
is uncoupled from (perhaps under-coupled from) images, behavior or
meaning. In a panic attack, two of the channels appear to dominate
(sensation and affect) to the exclusion of others as illustrated in Figure 4.
Experience is not felt as coherent – it is fragmented, disregulating, and
What this model suggests – and what contemporary findings in
neuroscience seem to validate -- is something that we have known all
along: trauma creates fragmentation in the coherence of experience.


Sensation becomes separated from images. Affect becomes separated from

meaning. Behavior becomes separate from affect. In the words of Yeats,
the center does not hold. Our inner experience, literally, begins to fall

Figure 4. The Elements of Consciousness in a Panic Attack

When people attempt to recount their trauma memory, they frequently

only remember fragments of their experience – the sound of a door
slamming, the image of a bedpost, chills inside their body that seem to
make no sense. Their world is like a scattered, torn puzzle – with pieces
cast to the wind – pieces that have not yet found their way back into
With this deeper understanding of the nature of trauma, it is easy now
to see how and why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – which dominantly

prioritizes only two of the channels of the pentagon of coherent experience

– cannot be considered complete. By placing primary emphasis only on the
vertices of cognition and behavior, it neglects three very important aspects
of coherent experience: sensation, images, and affect. It misses a very
important part of the whole.
So, there is a quiet revolt afoot. Or perhaps not so quiet. Some of
this is patient driven. People need help, and half-way answers are no
longer sufficient. Some people who are in deep suffering from trauma, are
sometimes no longer willing to suffer fools. Alternate methodologies to
the dominant cognitive-behavioral paradigm are afoot. Emotion-focused
therapy, embodied neuroscientific methodologies, and the slew of body-
oriented psychotherapies are beginning to take hold – if not in the world of
academe – at least in the world of public consciousness. A tidal change in
our zeitgeist is slowly emerging. The importance of the body – and the felt
experience therein, once again, is starting to rise.
Somatic psychology – a psychotherapeutic modality that does, in fact,
incorporate and include the body – in all of its messy, visceral glory –
filled with brimming sensations, preconscious imagery, and storms of
affect – has risen to the fore in recent years as a potent methodology for
working with trauma. It offers an important window into the impact that
trauma has on our body – particularly in those domains that CBT tends to
neglect. Somatic psychology does not pretend that the body does not exist,
that feelings are immaterial, or that unbidden, persistent images have no
meaning. It is a way of treating a whole person – including each aspect,
each channel, every vertex.
It is an exciting time for the field of psychology. Our understanding
of what trauma is and how we can work with it is deeper now than ever
before – much thanks to the field of somatics. With the help of our
newfound understandings, we are well poised to make significant
differences in the lives of many.
And, indeed, our times need us now, more than ever.


About the Author

Dr. Albert Wong is the Director of Somatic Psychology at JFK University

and a leading clinician and educator in the field of somatics. A Marshall Scholar
educated at Princeton and Oxford, Dr. Albert Wong has been honored for his
work in couples therapy by The Northern California Community for Emotion
Focused Therapy. In the 1990s, he served as residential staff at the Esalen Institute
for five years and has been featured on PBS, in Time Magazine, and the book The
American Soul Rush. His work has been published in titles ranging from the
scientific journal Biological Cybernetics to the book anthology Radical Spirit.
One of his film projects, Step One Breathe, was named Best Drama at the
Maryville Film Festival. He recently presented a workshop at the International
Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy entitled
Many Dances, One Rhythm: A Somatic Exploration of Gestalt-Based Movement
To follow his work on Facebook, you can click here. He offers online
courses online in somatic education at his website.


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