COW Thoughts Week of 05-06
COW Thoughts Week of 05-06
COW Thoughts Week of 05-06
Week of 5/6/2019
Week of 5/6/2019
distractors, personal and work related. The primary difference between a field
Pre-job brief and a “technical” aka knowledge worker pre-job brief is that for the
technical activity hazard control and mitigation is less critical and more emphasis
placed on understanding deliverables, critical aspects of the activity where
application of HPI tools such as peer checks or independent verification are
appropriate. Agreement on roles based on qualifications and experience,
responsibilities amongst team members are important to discuss. Finally, because
technical activities can span days, weeks or months it is important to re-brief at
key times. Re-perform the pre-job brief after a lengthy break in the project,
changing conditions such as deliverables or requirements, or
addition/replacement of team members or a significant absence by a team
member. When the task changes phases such as a transition from the conceptual
to the detailed design phase the scope is different and roles/responsibilities may
change. Conduct a new pre-job brief in these situations. Tomorrow we will
conclude the PJB discussion with good practices relevant to both types of Pre-job
Week of 5/6/2019
aspect of the brief. The team member assigned a particular topic area, say
hazards and their control engages his/her team members by asking questions and
spreading the wealth so everyone feels compelled to come to the brief prepared
and knowledgeable. Finally, a great addition to an excellent pre-job brief is a
discussion of a lesson learned or relevant OPEX. This does a couple of things.
First, it helps educate the team on how a good plan can go bad with real
examples. This helps the team think in terms of planning for success but
anticipating failures and thinking about the worst thing that could go wrong and
how to prevent or mitigate it(the S-A-F-E-R HPI tool is useful for this discussion).
Week of 5/6/2019
You can read more about team and individual error prevention tools in DOE-
HDBK-1028-2009 vol. 2 at the following link courtesy of W&FMP