FFNI Shortform PDF
FFNI Shortform PDF
FFNI Shortform PDF
This questionnaire contains 60 items. Each item is scored on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 = the
statement is false or that you strongly disagree; 2 = the statement is mostly false or you
disagree; 3 = the statement is about equally true or false, you cannot decide, or you are neutral
on the statement; 4 = the statement is mostly true or you agree; and 5 = the statement is
definitely true or you strongly agree. Please read each item carefully and provide your answer
that best corresponds to your agreement or disagreement. There are no right or wrong answers.
Describe yourself honestly and state your opinions as accurately as possible.
1. I am extremely ambitious.
2. Others say I brag too much, but everything I say is true.
3. Leadership comes easy for me.
4. When someone does something nice for me, I wonder what they want from me.
5. I deserve to receive special treatment.
6. I get lots of enjoyment from entertaining others.
7. It’s fine to take advantage of persons to get ahead.
8. I often fantasize about someday being famous.
9. When people judge me, I just don’t care.
10. I don’t worry about others’ needs.
11. I’m pretty good at manipulating people.
12. I often feel as if I need compliments from others in order to be sure of myself.
13. I hate being criticized so much that I can’t control my temper when it happens.
14. When I realize I have failed at something, I feel humiliated.
15. I will try almost anything to get my “thrills”.
16. I have a tremendous drive to succeed.
17. I only associate with people of my caliber.
18. I am comfortable taking on positions of authority.
19. I trust that other people will be honest with me.
20. I don’t think the rules apply to me as much as they apply to others.
21. I like being noticed by others.
22. I will use persons as tools to advance myself.
Disagree Disagree Neither agree Agree Agree
strongly a little nor disagree a little strongly
1 2 3 4 5
Vulnerable Narcissism = sum of Reactive Anger, Shame, Need for Admiration, and Distrust.
FFNI Neuroticism = sum of Shame, Indifference (Reversed), and Need for Admiration
Glover, N., Miller, J. D., Lynam, D. R., Crego, C., & Widiger, T. A. (2012). The five-factor
narcissism inventory: A five factor measure of narcissistic personality traits. Journal of
Personality Assessment, 94, 500-512.
Lynam, D. R., Sherman, E., Few, L. R., & Miller, J. D. (2014). Development of a Short Form of
the Five Factor Narcissism Inventory. Manuscript in preparation.
Miller, J. D., Few, L. R., Wilson, L., Gentile, B., Widiger, T. A., MacKillop, J., Campbell,
W. K. (2013). The Five-Factor Narcissism Inventory (FFNI): A test of the convergent,
discriminant, and incremental validity of FFNI scores in clinical and community
samples. Psychological Assessment, 25, 748-758.
Miller, J. D., Gentile, B., & Campbell, W. K. (2013). A test of the construct validity of the
Five-Factor Narcissism Inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95, 377-387.
Miller, J. D., McCain, J. L., Few, L. R., Crego, C., Lynam, D. R., Widiger, T. A., & Campbell,
W. K. (2014). Thinking structurally: A test of the factor structure of the Five-Factor
Narcissism Inventory. Manuscript under review.
Miller, J. D., *McCain, J., Lynam, D. R., *Few, L. R., *Gentile, B., MacKillop, J., & Campbell,
W. K. (in press). A comparison of the criterion validity of popular measures of narcissism
and narcissistic personality disorder via the use of expert ratings. Psychological Assessment.