Sample Paper Hilal14
Sample Paper Hilal14
Sample Paper Hilal14
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1 author:
Hilal Wani
Govt Degree College, Sopore
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hilal Wani on 08 January 2017.
ABSTRACT: The most dangerous place in the world today is the Indian sub-continent
and the line of control in Kashmir. Kashmir conflict is the outcome of a process of neglect,
discrimination, suppression of Kashmir identity, and the pre-eminence of power centric
approach held by the successive regimes of India and Pakistan. This paper is new attempt
to include ideas of different academic scholars towards a lasting solution to the Kashmir
imbroglio. The problem of Kashmir conflict is mostly a constitutional problem. Therefore, this
paper includes particularly the dimension of autonomy debate for the resolution of conflict.
The autonomy of the Kashmiri people was always curtailed either through the massive
violations of human rights or by doing several amendments in the constitution of state. The
so called democratic system of India can only be successful in Kashmir when the rights of the
people will be safeguarded. This is the main dimension towards a keen interest is needed.
India has to understand what are the causes of alienation in Kashmir. Lasting solution to
Kashmir conflict different viewpoints of various scholars has been included in this paper.
KEY WORD: Kashmir conflict, violations of human rights, India and Pakistan, autonomy,
fraud election, and scholars views for resolution.
Dr. Hilal Ahmad Wani is a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies UoI (University of Ilorin)
in Nigeria; and Andi Suwirta, M.Hum. is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Studies Education UPI (Indonesia
University of Education) in Bandung. The authors’ e-mails are: [email protected] and [email protected]
Understanding Kashmir Conflict
Jurnal Kajian Sejarah & Pendidikan Sejarah, 1(2) September 2013
Understanding Kashmir Conflict
States, that the wishes of the rulers of proposal of UN. It was the main aim of
all the princely States that made up the UN let the Kashmiris decide their
India and Pakistan were taken into destiny. These resolutions also laid
account. Kashmir was an oddity, a emphasis upon restoration of peace and
predominantly Muslim State with a order, cease-fires, negotiations, truce
Hindu Raja (ruler) Hari Singh. Hari agreements for immediate cessation of
Singh acceded to India, and Pakistan hostilities, respect of Line of Control,
claimed that was against the wishes in order to create cooperation and
of people. The dispute then turned peace between India and Pakistan,
towards the military, with India sending and solve the Kashmir issue by taking
in its army to repulse what they called into account the aspirations of the
“Pakistani invaders” in the Kashmir Kashmiris. It is noteworthy to mention
valley (Srivastava, 2001:80). that United Nations become failed so
As indicated, both India and Pakistan for as the resolution of Kashmir issue
immediately attempted to fill the power is concerned. Two further wars between
vacuum that resulted after the British India and Pakistan, in 1965 and 1971,
left the border area of Kashmir and resulted in the establishment of the
fought a war in 1947-1948, which present day “Line of Control”. This
resulted in the partitioning of Kashmir separates Indian and Pakistani held
into an Indian-controlled territory and Kashmir, respectively (Bose, 2003:207).
a Pakistani controlled territory after the Until 1989, the fighting between
United Nations negotiated ceasefire. As the two countries was restricted to
part of this cease-fire, the UN (United each side’s respective armed forces.
Nations) also called for a plebiscite to Since that year, however, a separatist
be held to allow Kashmiris the right of movement has been waged counter to
self-determination, that is, to determine the Indian government with support
which nation they would join. from elements both indigenous and
This plebiscite has not been foreign (primarily Pakistani) to Kashmir.
conducted, as India has resisted This movements aim is to wrest
such an action, unwilling to cede the Kashmir from the Indian government
land. Many resolutions were made and is driven by the strong desire for
by the United Nations on Kashmir autonomy by native Kashmiris and the
issue, such as Resolution of Security strong sentiment of the majority of the
Council of April 21, 1948; Resolution Pakistani population, which believes
of the Commission of August 13, that Kashmir was given to Indian under
1948; Resolution of the Commission the unfair terms (Srivastava, 2001:80).
of January 5, 1949; Resolution of the Currently, Kashmir is composed of
Security Council of March 14, 1950; Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir
Resolution of the Security Council of (45%) and Pakistani-controlled Azad
March 30, 1951; Resolution of the Kashmir (35%), with remaining (20%)
Security Council on 24 January 1957; controlled by China. Often Kashmir
Resolution of the Security Council on 20 conflict is described as “the unfinished
September 1965; etc. In all these above business of partition”. The State of
resolutions of UN, it was emphasized Jammu and Kashmir has been the focus
that Kashmir conflict should be resolved of a dispute among India, Pakistan, and
keeping in view the aspirations and will Kashmiris themselves since 1947.
of the Kashmiris, whether they want to The root cause of the conflict is,
live with India or Pakistan or remain in again, the question of sovereignty and
separate state, all this will be decided by the possibility of self-determination by
the plebiscite means. Kashmiris of whether to remain India,
However, India never accepts this join Pakistan, or form an independent
Jurnal Kajian Sejarah & Pendidikan Sejarah, 1(2) September 2013
Understanding Kashmir Conflict
Jurnal Kajian Sejarah & Pendidikan Sejarah, 1(2) September 2013
Understanding Kashmir Conflict
result, he had to take support from the debate in India is historically linked
INC (Indian National Congress), which to Jammu and Kashmir State. This
further alienated him from the masses. issue has been a perennial theme in
It was in that context that his party, i.e. the constitutional relations between
JKNC (Jammu and Kashmir National the Union and the State. The autonomy
Conference), with the open support of issue resurfaced recently, sparking off
Delhi Darbar, rigged the elections in a national debate, when the Jammu
1987 in Jammu and Kashmir beyond and Kashmir State Assembly passed a
the understandable proportions. resolution urging upon the central as
It is said that when a Muslim well as State Government to restore the
United Front (MUF), which fought autonomy of the state, which the ruling
those elections against the JKNC and National Conference partly claimed to
INC combine, candidate won after have been eroded over the years by the
the counting, the name of the JKNC ruling dispensations at the centre.
candidate was announced as the The Autonomy resolution was, in fact,
winner. After the elections were over, a sequel to the report of a committee
anybody who criticized these illegal constituted by the State Government
practices was beaten, tortured, or when it was returned to power in
arrested. Thus, what happened in and the year 1996. The committee was
after the shameful elections in 1987 constituted in pursuance of National
provided the political base for the Conference Party manifesto and was
emergence of militancy in Kashmir. entrusted with the task of identifying
In actuality, the Jammu and Kashmir the areas in which the autonomy of the
Government, just after the elections State was eroded. The fact remains that
were over, started arresting the election restoration of autonomy in Jammu and
candidates, polling agents, and counting Kashmir has been a perpetual demand
agents of the MUF. reflected through the manifestos of the
So, all those who were involved in National Conference Party since 1977,
those elections from the opposition side when the latter contested the State
went underground. After sometime, Assembly elections for the first time.
most of them went to Pakistani Kashmir, Since 1951 as a logical follow up of
got the arms training and came back the Indira Gandhi – Sheikh Mohammad
to the Indian Kashmir to start the Abdullah Accord in 1975. It may be
struggle against India in Kashmir. mentioned that tracing the history of
Those who fought or were involved tension between the Union of India
in 1987 elections and were made and the State of Jammu and Kashmir,
defeated and terrorized by the State the illustrious leader of Jammu and
Government, included Syed Sllahuddin Kashmir, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah,
(the Commander-in-Chief Hizbul wrote in his autobiography, Aatish-i-
Mujahideen), Aijaz Dar, Mohammad Chinar (flame or fire of plane tree), that
Yasin Malik, Ashfaq Wani, and all other there was no question of challenging the
JKLF (Jammu and Kashmir Liberation State’s decision with the Union of India.
Front) founders in Indian Kashmir. It However, the tension was confined
follows that when the government of to the quantum of constitutional
India, in collaboration with the State relationship between the Union and
government, did not allow the Kashmir the State. This issue was raised during
youth to emerge as a political force the negotiations to bring back the
through democratic means; they were Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah and
compelled to start a militant struggle National Conference Party into national
(Ranabir, 2005:93-113). mainstream, which culminated in Indira
About the Autonomy. The Autonomy Gandhi – Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah
Jurnal Kajian Sejarah & Pendidikan Sejarah, 1(2) September 2013
Understanding Kashmir Conflict
Jurnal Kajian Sejarah & Pendidikan Sejarah, 1(2) September 2013
Understanding Kashmir Conflict
alternate architecture for conflict choice whether or not they wanted the
resolution process and methodology to Indian oppression to be replaced by a
unleash the processes (Ahmad Wani, future corporate oppression of the local
2011 and 2012). masses”, she said. Arundhati Roy, then,
Any viable process conflict resolution stressed as follows:
in Kashmir needs to take into account
the process mentioned above. Building Your struggle has increased the
consciousness in India about the
of trust is the key in order to secure
oppression you face, but you must decide
benefits of peace and cooperation. If the what type of society you have in mind once
parties in a conflict are unable to learn you are allowed to decide your future.
lessons from the dynamics of conflicts Attacking the Indian government for the
failures and successes, it becomes “oppression of the Kashmiri people” [...].
India has been using Kashmiris recruited
difficult to stabilize political, economic, in the army and paramilitary forces to
and security relations parties who are suppress the voices of dissent in the
in the process of resolving the conflict Northeast and vice versa (cited in http://
and commenting peace in the post
conflict environment. Most important,
arundhati-36.asp, 20/5/2013).
the involvement of different segments of
society in India and Pakistan is essential
Besides Arundhati Roy, rights
for the success of conflict resolution
activist Gautam Naulakha and Delhi-
process in Kashmir while talking to
based trader unionist, Ashim Roy,
media persons in Lahore. Mirwaiz said
also strongly voiced their support for
as follows:
the freedom movement of the people
Now that the resolution of the Kashmir
of Kashmir. The fact stands without
dispute seems to have entered a decisive any doubt that the Kashmir problem
phase, the APHC would like to involve remains unresolved for the last five
political parties of the two countries to decades, which had extreme adverse
be part of the Pakistan-India composite
impact on India, Pakistan, and people
dialogue. APHC will hold talks with
political organizations on both sides of in both sides Kashmir. The political
the political divide to lend their support uncertainty and instability has trapped
to the dispute (cited in http://www. the people into a “political inferno” (cited in Bose, 2003).
arundhati-36.asp, 20/5/2013).
One of its implications reflected
crudely in the rise of militancy in
An author-activist, Arundhati Roy, the Indian Kashmir in 1989. In the
criticizes “oppression”; meanwhile, context of recent developments in the
advocating the right to self- Indian Kashmir, the emphasis on the
determination for the people of Kashmir. traditional positions of India is that
According to her, on Sunday contended Kashmir’s accession to India in 1947
that in 1947, British imperialism is final and irrevocable, stands as
was replaced with Indian colonialism inseparable part of India. And traditional
which “continued to subjugate the position of Pakistan is that Kashmir
people of India”. Speaking at a seminar stands as unresolved/unfinished
titled “Whither Kashmir: Freedom agenda of the partition and has the
or Enslavement?”, Arundhati Roy only option to accede to Pakistan in
asked Kashmiris to ponder on the order to become an integral part of it,
type of society they have in mind for won’t help much in the resolution of
themselves. “Imperial colonialism is fast the problem at present. It is primarily
being replaced by corporate colonialism because of the recent developments in
and Kashmiris would have to make a the Indian Kashmir. In the changed
Jurnal Kajian Sejarah & Pendidikan Sejarah, 1(2) September 2013
Understanding Kashmir Conflict