Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform - Datasheet

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Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform is the only 3-D scaling storage platform

designed for all data types. It is the only storage architecture that flexibly
adapts for performance and capacity, and virtualizes multivendor storage.
With the unique management capabilities of Hitachi Command Suite
software, it transforms the data center.

Transform Virtualization Economics Reliable Trusted Innovate Informa-

tion Global Change Intelligent Technology Services Value Insight Op-
portunity Social Infrastructure Integrate Analyze Discover Competitive

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform

Transform the Data Center 3-D scaling delivers a storage environment ■■ Automatically matches business value
that is reliable, dynamic and open. It is of data to the cost of storage.
Into the Information highly reliable, with leading capabilities ■■ Extends to multivendor storage assets.
Center. Make IT More Agile. for data protection and high availability. It ■■ Consolidates management with end-
is dynamic, automating data placement
to-end virtualization to prevent virtual
Hitachi Data Systems delivers on our and resource addition. It is also open,
server sprawl across virtualized storage
vision that IT is virtualized, automated, supporting a wide variety of operating sys-
and server environments.
cloud-ready and sustainable to help orga- tems, data types, and storage and server
■■ Achieves up to 48% better power
nizations to transform their data centers. environments.
efficiency for more sustainable data
At the heart of our vision, we offer a virtu-
Business Benefits centers compared to the previous
alized platform for all data with the ability
to manage multivendor environments.
Superior Data Center Efficiency, ■■ Stores up to 40% more capacity per
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform is the only Manageability and Cost Savings square foot to increase data center
3-D scaling storage platform designed ■■ Creates a more agile storage density.
for all data types. It is the only storage infrastructure. ■■ Lowers operational risk and data loss
architecture that flexibly scales for perfor- ■■ Increases the productivity of IT staff. exposure by optimizing growth of virtual
mance, capacity and the virtualization of
■■ Reduces storage costs. storage with data resilience solutions.
multivendor storage to optimize return on
■■ Increases return on storage assets. ■■ Offers comprehensive services that opti-
storage assets. The mobility it gives to data
reduces the business impact of adapting ■■ Supports scalable management for mize your new Virtual Storage Platform
to change. A highly efficient design allows growing and complex storage environ- for rapid transition to a new environment.
unsurpassed performance and capac- ments using fewer resources. ■■ Supports unique universal replication for
ity, and the lowest power and cooling ■■ Enables the move to a new storage open systems and mainframe environ-
requirements. platform with up to 80% less effort and ments across multiple data centers.
cost compared to the industry average. ■■ Provides high availability to satisfy
Hitachi Dynamic Tiering makes block, file
■■ Increases performance and lowers resilience and availability needs of
and content data mobile across virtual stor-
operating cost with automated data demanding enterprise applications.
age tiers. Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform,
when combined with Hitachi Command placement.
Suite management software, transforms
the data center and makes IT more agile.


3-D scaling allows for optimal infrastructure
Architecture Hierarchical star network
growth in all dimensions.
Aggregate Bandwidth 192GB/sec
■■ Scale up to meet increasing demands Host Interfaces (maximum) 192 Fibre Channel: 8Gb/sec, 192 FICON: 8Gb/sec
by dynamically adding processors, con- 88 Fibre Channel over Ethernet: 10Gb/sec
nectivity and capacity in a single unit. This Internal Raw Capacity 3,759TB (3TB 3.5” NL-SAS), 1,770TB (900GB 2.5” SAS)
gives you optimal performance for open 338TB (1.6TB FMD)
systems and mainframe environments. Internal and External Capacity 255PB (maximum)
■■ Scale out to meet demands by dynami- Flash Storage Options 200GB 2.5” SAS, 400GB 2.5” SAS 1.6TB FMD
cally combining multiple units into a single Hard Disk Drive Options 146GB 2.5” SAS, 300GB 2.5” SAS
logical system with shared resources. 600GB 2.5” SAS, 900GB 2.5” SAS, 3TB 3.5” SAS
Support increased needs in virtualized Minimum to Maximum Hard Drives 0–2,048 2.5" and/or 0–1,280 3.5" including spares
server environments and ensure safe Maximum Number Flash Drives 256
multitenancy and quality of service
Maximum Number of Flash Modules 192
through partitioning of cache and ports. (FMD)
■■ Scale deep to extend the advanced Back-End Disk Interface 6Gb/sec SAS
functions of Hitachi Virtual Storage RAID Configurations RAID-1, RAID-5, RAID-6
Platform to multivendor storage through
Cache Options 32GB to 1TB
virtualization. Offload less-critical data to
Maximum LUNs 65,280
external tiers; optimize availability of Tier
1 resources. Volume Size 4MB to 60TB
Virtual Storage Machines 32 (maximum)
3-D management is enabled by Hitachi
High Reliability Redundant power supplies, fans, batteries
Command Suite efficiencies, which lower
costs and properly manage all data types. High Availability N+1 architecture, controller clustering
Note: All capacities are based on 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes; 1TB = 1000GB
■■ Manage up capabilities unify man-
agement and scale to the largest
infrastructure deployments. and automates data placement for higher lower power consumption per terabyte
■■ Manage out features deliver a single performance and lower cost. It also shares compared to the previous generation.
management framework with the breadth a single image global cache across all virtual Plus, Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning enables
to manage storage, servers and the IT storage directors for maximum performance, greater capacity utilization.
infrastructure. the lowest power consumption per capac-
Data resilience is supported with in-system
■■ Manage deep with Hitachi Virtual ity stored, and faster and simpler storage
data replication and protection across multi-
Storage Platform integration for the high- ple data centers using unique journal-based
est operational efficiency and up to 50% Dynamic tiering automates data placement replication. It includes integrated protection
time savings for storage management. for higher performance and lower cost. It frameworks that are hypervisor agnostic. It
places the right data in the right place at the also offers application-aware replication man-
Data mobility functions give you the fastest
right time with no performance degradation. agement, enhanced encryption and advanced
way to move to new storage with host-
security management to protect data.
transparent migration. Lower operational Server virtualization integration with leading
risks with advanced data replication topolo- virtual server platforms delivers end-to-end Mainframe enhancements enable virtual
gies. Increase performance and lower cost visibility from individual virtual machine to storage tiering to improve data management
with automated data placement. storage logical unit and protects large-scale efficiency and advanced replication to reduce
multivendor environments. risk through superior data protection.
Unmatched efficiency gives you the high-
est capacity available in the least space, Sustainable design allows up to 40%
better capacity per square foot and 48%

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© Hitachi Data Systems Corporation 2013. All rights reserved. HITACHI is a trademark of Hitachi, Ltd.
Notice: This document is for informational purposes only, and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning any equipment or service offered or to be offered by
Hitachi Data Systems Corporation.
DS-160-D DG February 2013

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