Nursing Care Plan: Change in Health Status As Evidence by Excessive Shaking After 1hour, The Patient Will Be Able To
Nursing Care Plan: Change in Health Status As Evidence by Excessive Shaking After 1hour, The Patient Will Be Able To
Nursing Care Plan: Change in Health Status As Evidence by Excessive Shaking After 1hour, The Patient Will Be Able To
SUBJECTIVE: Anxiety (mild) related Preoperational anxiety is SHORT TERM GOAL 1. Assess level of Helps determine the Goal met. The patient
“KInakabahan ako Baka to Change in health a universal reaction fear. Note signs kind of interventions was relax and anxiety
hindi ako Gumaling” as status as evidence experienced by patients reduced as evidenced
of denial, required
stated by the patient by excessive shaking who are admitted to the After 1hour, the by:
depression or Decreased BP to
hospital for surgery. Just patient will be able to:
narrowed normal level
the initial idea of having
surgical procedures can 1. Appear focus of
OBJECTIVE: bring about f anxiety in relaxed. attention. The patient appear
Excessive patients. Preoperational relax and calm
shaking anxiety can be described
as an unpleasant state 2. Encourage Provides opportunity
2. Report anxiety
BP Elevated to of tension or uneasiness patient to to examine realistic
is gone or
140/80 that results from a fears and
reduced to share thoughts
patient's doubts or misconceptions about
before an operation manageable and feelings.
the surgery.
Instruct to do
3. To decrease deep breathing
the BP level to exercise. To help reduced the
normal level. anxiety and to stay