Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
By Ahmad Namini, 1 Associate Member, ASCE,
Pedro Albrecht,2 Member, ASCE, and Harold Bosch3
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Since the famous Tacoma Narrows Bridge failure of 1940, the bridge
engineering community has been faced with the design consideration of
aerodynamic flutter. Flutter is the dynamic instability that develops from
the mutual interaction of elastic, inertial, damping, and self-excited aero-
dynamic forces, whereby at some critical wind velocity the bridge oscillates
in a divergent, destructive manner. Flutter design consists of analyzing a
proposed bridge deck configuration for determination of the lowest wind
velocity that initiates instability. The wind velocity at flutter should be higher
than meteorological possible wind velocities at the bridge site.
At present, flutter analysis combines both experimental and analytical
procedures. The pioneering free-oscillation method (Scanlan and Tomko
1971) represented self-excited lift^L,,, and drag, Dp, forces as well as the
aerodynamic moment, Ma, by so-called flutter derivatives. Flutter deriva-
tives relate forces, per unit span, to the vertical bending or heave, h, lateral
or sway, p, and torsional, a, deformations and associated velocities as
'Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civ. and Arch. Engrg., Univ. of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, M D 20742.
Res. Struct. Engr., F H W A Turner-Fairbank Highway Res. Ctr., 6300 George-
town Pike, McLean, V A 22101.
Note. Discussion open until November 1, 1992. To extend the closing date one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The
manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on June
16, 1990. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 118, No.
6, June, 1992. © A S C E , ISSN 0733-9445/92/0006-1509/$1.00 + $.15 per page. Paper
No. 26629.
with q, and q, being space frame deformation and velocity nodal vectors,
respectively. With L being the member length, the nonzero terms of the
aerodynamic stiffness matrix of order 12 are
4,(2,4) = 4,(8,10) = -BLK2H% (5a)
4,(3,4) = 4,(9,10) = BLK^n (56)
4,(4,4) = 4,(10,10) = B2LK2A$ (5c)
and the nonzero terms of the aerodynamic damping matrix of order 12 are
4 d (2,2) = 4,(8,8) = BLKHJ ; . . . (6a)
4,(2,4) = 4,(8,10) = -B^LKHi (6b)
4,(3,3) = 4,(9,9) = BLKPt (6c)
4,(3,4) = 4,(9,10) = B^LKFt (6d)
4,(4,2) = 4,(10,8) = -B LKA? (6e)
Ad^A) = ^(10,10) = B*LKAi - (6/)
Since aerodynamic forces are nonconservative, the stiffness and damping
components of (4) need not be symmetrical as is the case. Also, the member
aerodynamic matrix A,-, continually changes over a range of wind velocities
and response frequencies. In this implementation of the pK-F method,
member aerodynamic matrices, A,-, are determined at up to eight unique
reduced velocities, [U/(NB)]h 1, 2, 3, . . . , 8. The eight values of [U/(NB)]
should represent reduced velocities for which flutter derivatives are known
from experimental investigations.
pleteness, assume that member damping, D,, matrices exist. Thus, by map-
ping all matrices onto the global axes, the assembled equilibrium equations
are given as
Mq + Dq + Kq = ^ pC/2 U , q + ^ A d qj (7)
The modal analysis approach for dynamic motion states that the response
at all degrees of freedom is separated into spatial (natural modes) and time-
dependent (generalized coordinates) components as
q=n (8)
where <& = an rc-row by m-column matrix of natural mode shapes (r'th
column corresponding to r'th natural mode); £ = an m-row vector of gen-
eralized coordinates (ith entry corresponding to ith generalized coordinate);
and n and m = the total number of degrees of freedom and total number
of modes permitted to participate in the response, respectively. Note that
natural modes may be any desired modes thought to be susceptible to flutter,
either coupled or uncoupled elastically.
Eq. (8) is substituted into (7), and premultiplied by the transpose of the
natural modes matrix to obtain, as a result of the orthogonality between
modes m-equations of flutter response,
M* ( ! ) p2 + ,D* ( | ) p + K*
where F = the flutter determinant, which is a function of complex variable
p. Therefore, for a given wind velocity, U, and reduced frequency, K, the
value, noting real and imaginary parts, of p that makes the flutter deter-
minant equal zero gives the actual oscillatory response. The logarithmic
decrement can then be computed as
5 = ^ (16)
and the response frequency as
are as follows:
p,,2 = 1.01 p , ^ (21)
15. Repeat steps 4-14 for all wind velocities in the predefined range.
The values of C/,ow, Uhigh, and Uinc, must be selected with care. With regard
to the lowest wind velocity, C/,ow, for the algorithm to be stable, starting
values of p in step 3 should be determined from a nearly undamped (8 ~
The design engineers evaluated 15 deck sections and several railing types
for aerodynamic stability. Many were paired sections, meaning that sections
of same configuration had either an asphalt or a concrete roadway. The
sections consisted of single-box, double-box, and open-truss configurations.
The railings were of the open-slotted perpendicular, tapered closed-slotted,
and tapered with a welded fascia plate types.
Models of the 15 proposed deck sections were built to a 1/60 scale and
then tested in the wind tunnel at various angles of incidence (Bosch 1977).
The models were 1.52 m long, corresponding to a 91.5-m length of the
bridge deck, and 0.43 and 0.51 m wide. After all models had been tested
in the wind tunnel over a wide range of wind velocities, the final section,
shown in Fig. 4, was chosen. It exhibited efficient static and dynamic be-
havior, while maintaining flutter stability below the design wind speed of
241 km/hr. The good flutter performance resulted mainly from the smooth
wind flow over the tapered railing and welded fascia plate, and a high
torsional natural frequency.
To illustrate the pK-F method's effectiveness, a flutter analysis was per-
formed on the Luling bridge with the final design cross section. The first
data needed for flutter analysis are natural modes thought to be susceptible
to flutter. The first bending, first sway, and first torsional modes are assumed
in the response analysis. The subspace iteration method with Lanczos start-
ing iteration vectors was used to extract bridge natural modes (Namini 1990).
Only pure modes are used in analysis, in order to illustrate aerodynamic
coupling effects only. Table 1 depicts the natural frequencies with Figs. 5,
C i"' /u'"U"ij&-cnjrpU'v \ \ \
28.0 m
Pt = - | CD (24)
n=~f* : (25)
K daw
P t - -K"2da
— (26)
where CD = the static drag coefficient; and aw = the wind angle of inci-
dence. Calculations determined that flutter derivatives, P% and P* were
negligible, and, therefore, were neglected. Figs. 8, 9, 10, and 11 illustrate
the H*, Pt, A*, and A* flutter derivatives at various wind angles of
incidence, respectively.
With the given flutter derivatives and modal information, the pK-F method
described earlier produced the flutter profile, which is tabulated in Table
2. For each analysis, the torsional mode was the critical flutter condition
and is intuitively seen by the positive nature of the A * flutter derivative,
hence, negative damping contribution. Also, the response had no coupling
x 0.0 1 "••'•iSigs^J;
% -2.0-^
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Reduced Velocity
Anqle of Incidence (deq)
O — O-4.CT0
0.1 @ — ©-1.75
£ A
0.0 • D+4.00
• — P+6.00
-0.1 :
* -ft
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Reduced Velocity
FIG. 9. Luling Bridge Flutter Derivative P? versus Reduced Velocity
Anqle of Incidence (deq)
O — 0-4.00
m—• —1.75
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3 0.25- A A+0.00
A A+2.00
3! • n+4.00
S> 0 . 1 5 - • — B+6.00
5> 0.05
a> -•-
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Reduced Velocity
Anqle of Incidence (deq)
O-— 0 - 4 . 0 0
0.4- • - -1.75
A- -A+0.00
A- - A + 2.00
< 0.3- •- -D+4.00
0.1 n—, $
0.0 =|;
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Reduced Velocity
without any regard to the bending or sway mode types. The instant of flutter
formation, which occurs when the logarithmic decrement becomes zero, is
at a wind velocity of 136 km/hr.
Before the onset of flutter, the assumed mechanical damping of 0.07%,
which was computed experimentally for the rigid model and thus adopted
here, provided enough damping to offset aerodynamic effects. From 136
km/hr and greater, the aerodynamic moment produced more negative damp-
ing than the structure's own mechanical damping. The response frequency,
as shown in Fig. 14, displays a reduction in the torsional flutter response
frequency, which is mathematically explained by the positive values of flutter
CD 200
,- 100-
- 4 - 2 0 2 4 6
Angle of Incidence (deg)
derivative A*. The bending and sway modes are stable, since they both
possess negative values of logarithmic decrement, thus convergent oscilla-
tory behavior. The same general preflutter and postflutter tendencies oc-
curred for the other angles of incidence.
With Ld being the deck length, Scanlan (1987) and Scanlan and Jones
(1990) provide a flutter stability criterion for j'th mode as
4 M co,.
H*{K)Ghi + Pt{K)GPi + At(K)Ga (27)
pB4Ld co,
l + ^AHK)Ga
Mode Type
• - Bending
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— Torsion
2 0.012-
I v
->-\ X- • .
gi - 0 . 0 1 2 -
o 50 100 150 200 250 300
Wind Velocity (km/hr)
FIG. 13. Logarithmic Decrement versus Wind Velocity (Damping-Driven Flutter)
Mode Type
• - Bending
— Torsion
1.50 — • Sway
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Wind Velocity (km/hr)
#/ = U (29)
The variables Gu, Gp,,and Gai = the modal integrals in the heave, sway,
and torsional directions, respectively; while /, and £,- = generalized inertia
and damping ratio, respectively. For the lowest wind velocity that validates
the equality of (27), flutter has been initiated with the corresponding flutter
frequency being computed from (28). Table 2 details the flutter velocity,
Mode Type
• - Bending
*- 0.200- — Torsion
o f
•r -0.100- ^s
q ** ^
-0.300- , * , 1
Mode Type
• - -Bending
1.500 •—Torsion
0 200 400 600 800
Wind Velocity (km/hr)
zoidal box were detailed. In this study, those flutter derivatives, listed in
Table 3, are used to analyze the Luling cable-stayed bridge again. For
assumed mechanical damping of 1% for the fundamental bending and tor-
sion natural modes, the response logarithmic decrement and frequency ver-
sus wind velocity is plotted in Figs. 15 and 16, respectively. Flutter occurs
at 740 km/hr, noted by zero logarithmic decrement. The flutter type is of
the stiffness-driven form since the response frequencies coalesce. The post-
flutter response is not readily available because the pK-F method cannot
distinguish between modes in its solution algorithm if all response frequen-
cies are the same, as is the case here.
Though the stiffness-driven flutter example is fictitious, Scanlan's root-
finding approach was used in a hand computation with a computed flutter
velocity of 783 km/hr being found. This compares well with the pK-F meth-
od's computed velocity.
The pK-F method has been coded into a software system named LEAF
(Library of Engineering Software for Aerodynamic Flutter), currently in
production use by the staff of the Federal Highway Administration's G.S.
Vincent Memorial Aerodynamic Laboratory. The LEAF system executes
on a microcomputer with a maximum of 12 unique natural modes permitted
to participate in the flutter response equations. Also, a maximum of eight
unique representations of flutter derivatives is permitted. The LEAF system,
running on an IBM PS/2 Model 70, typically executes the pK-F method for
a given mode and wind velocity in less than five s, with the Luling cable-
stayed bridge's run times not exceeding three min.
The writers wish to express their gratitude to all personnel at the Federal
Highway Administration's Turner-Fairbank Research Center for their as-
, sistance and expert criticism. Also, the first writer would like to recognize
the National Highway Institute for the Research Fellowship Grant, which
provided the support funds to complete this research.