Time-Release Study in Belarus
Time-Release Study in Belarus
Time-Release Study in Belarus
Innovation by Design: Conducting a Border-
Crossing Time-Release Study in Belarus
Private Sector Specialist, joined
IFC in 2008. She works with
several trade and competitive-
Public Disclosure Authorized
five other countries: Russia, Ukraine, Po- that interval might be broken down into
ALIAKSANDR land, Lithuania, and Latvia. The country smaller intervals, according to the con-
Research and Policy Analyst,
serves as an important trade and transit trols undertaken by border agencies,
started working for IFC as a point between Europe and the Eurasia and their duration. Results from the
consultant in 2009. He leads
research activities of the Belarus Economic Union (EEU). To be sufficient- study will serve as a baseline of border
NQI and Business Regulation
ly competitive in attracting companies agency performance, and a follow-up
trading between Europe and the EEU, TRS will occur once the modernization
The authors would like to
acknowledge contributions to Belarus needs to ensure that its cross- of the Minsk-Grodno transit corridor is
this SmartLesson by Violane
border processes are highly efficient. complete. The Investment Climate proj-
Konar-Leacy, Clayton Kerswell,
Gagik Gabrielyan, Heinz ect has already begun using the results
Strubenhoff, and Irina
The World Bank Group has been assisting of the study to advise the government
Niederberger (Trade and
Competitiveness Global Practice). the government of Belarus in improving of Belarus on necessary changes to bor-
its strategic position via its Transit Cor- der-crossing regulations. (See Figure 1.)
Public Disclosure Authorized
of observers at BCPs and conducting a brief survey These adjustments to the standard methodology
with drivers. The study was thus designed to enable worked well for the purpose of this study. They yield-
information-gathering from a three-dimensional per- ed additional data sets that could not have been ob-
spective—weekends versus weekdays, two sides of tained by just using a driver’s checklist. These adapta-
each BCP, and the incorporation of nearby locations tions enabled time- and cost-effective completion of
in Lithuania and Poland as well as Belarus—to pro- the exercise as well as subsequent initiatives involving
vide a comprehensive, grounded, and realistic picture the Belarus Customs Committee. Moreover, the more
of how trucks move across three BCPs (two on the diversified set of data offered the team more avenues
to pursue reforms in trade logistics and border man-
Belarusian-Polish border, and one on the Belarusian
Lithuanian border).