Ddu Syllabus Mathematics

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Syllabus- Mathematics

B.A./B.Sc. Part I (effective from session 2009-2010)

The examination shall consist of FOUR theory papers as follows:

Paper I : Algebra and Trigonometry 50 marks

Paper II : Calculus 50 marks

Paper III : Differential Equations 50 marks

Paper IV : Analytical Geometry 50 marks

Paper I : Algebra and Trigonometry

Properties of Integers
Division algorithm. Euclidean algorithm. Fundamental theorem of arithmemetic .
Congurences and residue classes. Fermat’s and Wilson’s theorem.
(1 question)
Algebraic Equations
Relations between the roots and coefficients of general polynomial equation in one
variable. Transformation of equations. Descarte’s rule of signs. Solution of cubic
equations ( Cardon’s method ). Solution of biquadratic equations.
Definition of a group with examples and simple properties. Subgroups. Cyclic groups.
Coset decomposition. Lagrange’s theorem and its consequences. Fermat’s and Euler’s
theorems. Homomorphism and Isomorphism. Normal subgroups. Quotient groups. The
fundamental theorem of homomorphism. Permutation groups. Even and odd
permutations. The alternating group An. Cayley’s theorem.
(3 questions)
Applications of De Moivre’s theorem. Expansion of trigononetrical functions.
Exponential, circular, logarithmic, inverse circular, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic
functions of a complex variable. Gregory’s series. Summation of trigonometrical series.
(3 questions)
Paper II : Calculus
Section A
Differential Culculus
Successive differentiation. Leibnitz theorem. Maclaurin and Taylor series expansions.
Tangents and normals. Asymptotes. Curvature.Tests for concavity and convexity. Points
of inflexion. Multiple points. Tracing of curves in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Partial
and total differentiation. Change of variables. Euler’s theorem on homogeneous
functions. Envelopes and evolutes.
(4 questions)
Section B
Integral Calculus
Integration of irrational algebraic functions and transcendental functions. Reduction
formulae. Definite integrals. Quadrature. Rectification. Volumes and surfaces of solids of
revolution. Beta and Gamma functions. Double and triple integrals. Differentiation under
the sign of integration. Dirichlet’s integral. Change of order of integration in double
(4 questions)
Paper III : Differential Equations

Section A
Ordinary Differential Equations
Degree and order of a differential equation. Differential equations of first order and first
degree. Differential equations in which the variables are separable. Homogeneous
equations. Linear equations and equations reducible to the linear form. Exact differential
equations. First order higher degree equations solvable for x,y,p. Clairaut’s form and
singular solutions. Geometrical meaning of a differential equation. Orthogonal
trajectories. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Homogeneous linear
differential equations and equations reducible to the homogeneous linear form.
(4 questions)
Section B
Linear differential equations of second order. Transformation of the equation by
changing the dependent variable / the independent variable. Method of variation of
Simultaneous and total differential equations.
(2 questions)
Laplace Transform
Linearity of the Laplace transform. Existence theorem for Laplace transforms.
Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals. Shifting theorems. Differentiation and
integration of transforms. Convolution theorem. Solution of integral equations and
systems of differential equations using the Laplace transform.
(2 questions)

Paper IV : Analytical Geometry

Section A
Confocal conics.Double contact of conics. Conics treated by polar coordinates.
Coordinates of a point in space. Direction cosines of a line . Plane. Straight line.
Sphere. Cone. Cylinder.
(4 questions)
Section B
Central conicoids. Paraboloids. Plane sections of conicoids Generating lines.
Confocal conicoids.
(4 questions)
B.A/B.sc.Part II(effective from session 2010- 2011)

The examination shall consist of FOUR theory papers as

follows :

Paper I : Abstract Algebra 50 marks

Paper II : Real Analysis 50 marks

Paper III : Advanced Calculus and 50 marks

Numerical Analysis

Paper IV : Statics and Dynamics 50 marks

Paper I : Abstract Algebra

Rings and Fields
Introduction to rings, integral domains and fields. Characteristic of a ring. Ring
homomorphism. Ideals and quotient rings. Field of quotients of an integral
domain. Euclidean rings. Polynomial rings. Polynomials over the rational field.
Eisenstein’s criteria. Unique factorization domain. (3 questions)
Vector spaces
Definition and examples of vector spaces. Subspaces.Sum and direct sum of
subspaces.Linear span.Linear dependence, independence and their basic
properties. Basis. Dimension. Existence of complementary subspace of a
subspace of a finite dimensional vector space. Dimensions of sums of
subspaces. Quotient space and its dimension. (2 questions)

Linear transformations and their representations as matrices. The algebra of

linear transformations.The rank – nullity theorem. Change of basis .Dual space.
Bidual space and natural isomorphism.
Application of matrices to a system of linear( both homogeneous and non-
homogeneous) equations. Theorems on consistency of a system of linear
equations. The characteristic equation of a matrix. Eigen values and eigen
vectors. Cayley- Hamilton theorem and its use in finding inverse of a matrix.
Diagonalisation of square matrices with distinct eigen values.
(3 questions)
Paper II : Real Analysis
Section A
Dedekind’s definition of real numbers. Addition, subtraction and
multiplication of real numbers. Section of sets of real numbers. Lower and upper
bounds. Supremum and infimum of the subsets of R. Completeness of R.
(2 questions)
Definition of a sequence.Theorems on limits of sequences. Bounded
and monotonic sequences. Convergence of a sequence. Cauchy’s convergence
criteria. Completeness of R. Bolzano Weierstrass criteria. Limit superior and limit
Convergence of a series. Series of non- negative terms. The number “ e “
as an irrational number. Comparison test. Cauchy’s nth root test. Ratio test.
Raabe’s test. Logarithmic, De Morgan and Bertrand’s tests. Alternating series.
Leibnitz test. Absolute and conditional convergences.
(2 questions)
Section B
Continuous functions and their properties. Classification of
discontinuities. Sequential continuity and limits. Uniform convergence.
Differentiability. Chain rule of differentiability.
Rolle’s theorem. Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s mean value theorems. Darboux
theorem. Indeterminate forms.
(2 questions)
Riemann integral. Integrability of continuous and monotonic functions.
The fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus.Mean Value theorems of Integral
calculus. Riemann- Stiltjes integration.
Improper integrals and their convergence Comparison tests.

(2 questions)

Paper III : Advanced Calculus and Numerical Analysis

Section A
Advanced Calculus
Limit and continuity of functions of two variables .Taylor’s theorem
for functions of two variables. Jacobians. Maxima, minima and saddle points of
functions of two variables. Lagrange’s multiplier method.
(2 questions)

Vector Calculus
Vector differentiation. Gradient , divergence and curl. Vector
integrations. Theorems of Gauss, Green & Stokes and problems based on these
(2 questions)
Section B
Numerical Analysis
Delta (Λ),E, inverted delta (Λ) and D operators. The fundamental
theorem of finite differences. Method of separation of symbols. Gregory- Newton
forward and backward interpolation formulae for equal intervals. Newton’s
divided difference and Lagrange’s interpolation formulae for unequal intervals.
Central difference formulae due to Gauss ( forward and backward ), Stirling,
Bessel and Laplace- Everett.
(2 questions)

Solution of equations : Bisection, Iteration, Regula- Falsi and

Newton- Raphson methods.
Numerical integration. General quadrature formula. Trapezoidal,
Simpson’s one-third, Simpson’s three- eighth and Weddle’s rules. Gauss-
Legendre quadrature.
Solution of ordinary differential equations of first order by Taylor,
Picard, Euler, Euler modified, Milne and Runga- Kutta methods.
(2 questions)

Paper IV : Statics and Dynamics

Section A
Analytical conditions of equilibrium of coplanar forces. Virtual work.
Catenary. Stable and unstable equilibrium.
(4 questions)
Section B
Velocities and accelerations along radial and transverse directions, and
along tangential and normal directions. Simple harmonic motion. Elastic strings.
Motion in resisting medium. Motion on smooth and rough plane curves.

(4 questions)
B.A./B.Sc. Part III ( effective from session 2011-2012)

There shall be FOUR compulsory papers, ONE optional

paper and a Viva – Voce and Project work based on all the
papers read in B.A./B.Sc.Part III .

Compulsory Paper

Paper I : Metric Spaces 50 marks

Paper II : Complex Analysis and Calculus

of Variations 50 marks
Paper III : Tensors and Differential Geometry 50 marks

Paper IV : Machanics 50 marks

Optional Paper ( any one of the following ) 50 marks

Paper V (a) : Spherical Trigonometry & Spherical


Paper V (b) : Discrete Mathematics

Paper V (c) : Hydrostatics

Paper V (d) : Special theory of Relativity

Paper V (e) : Theory of Numbers

Paper V (f) : Probability theory

Paper V (g) : Linear Programming and Games Theory

Viva-voce and Project Work 50 marks

There shall be a Viva-voce and a Project work based on the all

papers of B.A./B.Sc.Part III (Mathematics). Under the project, the
candidate shall present a dissertation. The dissertation will consist of
at least two theorems/ articles with proof or two problems with
solution, relevant definitions with examples and / or counter
examples, wherever necessary, from each paper of Mathematics
studied in B.A. / B.Sc. III.
The dissertation will be of 20 marks and the viva-voce will be of 30
marks. For viva-voce and evaluation of project work there shall be a
Co-coordinator, an external examiner and an internal examiner. The
dissertation will be forwarded by the Head of department at the
University centre and by the Principal of the college at the college
Paper I : Metric Spaces
Section A
Definition of distance and metric spaces. Examples of Euclidean metric
space, sequence spaces and function spaces. Open spheres. Open sets and
their properties. Interior of a set and its properties. Closed set and its properties.
Closure of a set and its properties. Boundary of a set. Dense set.
(2 questions)
Base and axioms of countability. Separable space. Subspace. Product
(1 question)
Sequences and subsequences and their convergence in a metric space.
Cauchy sequence. Complete metric space and its examples. Cantor’s theorem.
Baire’s category theorem.
(1 question)

Section B
Definition and properties of a compact set. Compact sets in R. Finite
intersection property. Bolzano-Weierstrass property and its equivalence.
Sequential compactness and total boundedness.
(2 questions)
Definition of continuous mapping in a metric space. Limit of a function in a
metric space. Relationship between continuity and limit. Continuity in terms of
open sets and closed sets. Continuity of constant and identity mappings.
Continuity and compactness. Connectedness in a metric space. Interval as a
connected subspace.
(2 questions)

Paper II : Complex Analysis and Calculus of Variations

Section A
Complex Analysis
Analytic function. Cauchy-Riemann equations. Harmonic functions.
Complex integration. Cauchy’s theorem. Cauchy’s integral formula. Derivatives.
Taylor’s series. Laurent’s series. Liouville’s theorem. Morera’s theorem. Zeros
and singularities. Poles and residues . Cauchy’s residue theorem. Contour
integration. Rouche’s theorem. Hurwitz theorem. Jensen’s theorem.
(4 questions)
Section B

Expansion of simple functions in Fourier series. Fourier transform and its

simple properties. (2 questions)
Calculus of variations
Functionals. Variation of a functional . Euler’s equation. Case of several
variables. Natural boundary conditions. Variational derivative. Invariance of
Eular’s equation under transformation of coordinates.fixed end point problem for
n unknown functions. Variational problem with subsidiary conditions.
Isoperimetric problem. Finite subsidiary conditions. (2 questions)

Paper III : Tensors and Differential Geometry

Section A
Transformation of coordinates. Contravariant and covariant vectors.
Scalar invariants. Scalar product of two vectors. Tensors of any order. Symmetric
and skew -symmetric tensors. Addition and multiplication of tensors. Contraction,
composition and quotient law. Reciprocal symmetric tensors of second order.

Fundamental tensors, Associated covariant and contravariant vactors.

Inclination of two vectors and orthogonal vectors.

The Christoffel symbols. Law of transformation of Christoffel symbols.

Covariant derivatives of covariant and contravariant vectors. Covariant
differentiation of tensors.
Curvature tensor, Ricci tensor, Curvature tensor identities.
(3 questions)
Section B
Differential Geometry
Curves in space
Regular curves. Tangent, Principal normal and binormal. Curvature
and torsion. Serret- Frenet’s formulae, Contact between curves and surfaces,
Osculating plane. Normal plane. Rectifying plane.Osculating sphere. Helices,
Involutes and evolutes. (2 questions)
Theory of surfaces
Parametric patches on surfaces. Curves on a surface. First
fundamental from and arc length. Orthogonal trajectories. Second fundamental
from . Gauss’s formulae, Weingarten’s formulae Curvature, of a curve on a
surface, Normal curvature, Meunier’s theorem. Principal curvature. Gaussian
curvature. Mean curvature. Lines of curvature. Euler’s theorem, Conjugate
directions. Asymptotic lines. Null lines, Beltrami and Enneper’s theorem.Gauss
characteristic equations, Mainardi Codazzi equation. Geodesic Geodesic
coordinates, Geodesic curvature.
(3 questions)
Paper IV : Mechanics
Section A

Forces in three dimensions. Poinsot’s central axis. Wrenches. Null lines

and null planes. Conjugate lines and conjugate forces.
(2 questions)
Particle Dynamics
Central orbits. Apses and apsidal distances. Kepler’s laws of planetary
(1 question)
Motion of a particle in three dimensions.Accelerations in terms of different
coordinate systems. Motion on a smooth surface.
(1 question)
Section B
Rigid Dynamics
Moments and products of inertia. The momental ellipsoid. Equimomental
systems. Principle axes.
(2 questions)
D’ Alembert’s principle. The general equation of motion of a rigid body.
Motion of the centre of inertia and motion relative to the centre of inertia.
Impulsive foreces.
(1 question)
Motion about a fixed axis. The compound pendulum. Centre of
(1 question)

Paper V ( a ) : Spherical Trigonometry & Spherical Astronomy

Section A
Spherical trigonometry

Simple relations between trigonometrical functions of the sides and angles

of a spherical triangle, Solution of triangles. Area of a spherical triangle,
Spherical excess. (4 questions)
Section B
Spherical Astronomy
System of coordinates and their determination, Diurnal and annual motion
of the earth. Twilight. Astronomical Instruments. Kepler’s laws. Time. Equation of
(4 questions)
Paper V ( b ) : Discrete Mathematics
Section A

Sets and Propositions

Cardinality. Mathematical Induction. Principle of inclusion and exclusion.
Computability and Formal Languages
Ordered sets. Languages. Phrase Structure Grammars. Types of
Grammars and Languages.
Permutations. Combinations and Discrete Probability.
Relations and Functions
Binary Relations. Equivalence Relations and Partitions. Partial Order
Relations and Lattices. Chains and Anti chains . Pigeon Hole Principle.
Graphs and Planar Graphs
Basic Terminology. Multigraphs. Weighted Graphs. Paths and Circuits.
Shortest Paths. Eulerian Paths and Circuits. Traveling Salesman Problem.
Planar Graphs. Trees. (4 questions)
Section B
Finite State Machines
Equivalent Machines. Finite State Machines as Language Recognizers.
Analysis of Algorithms
Time Complexity, Complexity of Problems. Discrete Numeric Functions
and Generating Functions.
Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms
Linear Recurrence Relations with constant coefficients. Homogeneous
Solutions. Particular Solution. Total Solution. Solution by the Method of
Generating Functions.
Brief review of Groups and Rings.

Boolean Algebra
Lattices and Algebraic Structures. Duality. Distributive and Complemented
Lattices. Boolean Lattices and Boolean Algebras. Boolean Functions and
Expressions. Propositional Calculus. Design and Implementation of Digital
Networks. Switching Circuits.
(4 questions)
Paper V ( c ) : Hydrostatics
Section A
Centre of pressure. Thrust on plane surfaces. Thrust on the Curved surface. The
Equilibrium of floating body. (4 questions)
Section B
Stability of Equilibrium of floating body. Meta Centre. Position of Equilibrium.
Surface of Buoyancy, Surface of buoyancy in General.
(2 questions)
Gas laws.Mixture of gases. Internal energy. Adiabatic expansion.Work done in
compressing a gas. Isothermal atmosphere. Connective equilibrium
(2 questions)
Paper V ( d ) : Special theory of Relativity
Section A
Review of Newtonian Mechanics
Inertial frames. Speed of Light and Galilean relativity. Michelson-Morley
experiment. Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction hypothesis. Relative character of
space and time. Postulates of special theory of Relativity. Lorentz transformation
equations and its geometrical interpretation. Group properties of Lorentz
Relativistic Kinematics
Composition of parallel velocities. Length contraction. Time dilation.
Transformation equations for components of velocity and acceleration of a
particle and Lorentz contraction factor.
Geometrical representation of space-time
Four dimensional Minkowskian space-time of special relativity. Time-like ,
light-like and space-like intervals. Null cone. Proper time, Word line of a particle.
Four vectors and tensors in Minskowskian space-time. (4 questions)
Section B
Relativistic Mechanics
Variation of mass with velocity. Equivalence of mass and energy.
Transformation equations for mass momentum and energy. Energy-momentum
four vector. Relativistic force and Transformation equations for its components.
Relativistic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian. Relativistic equations of motion of a
particle. Energy momentum tensor of a continuous material distribution.
Maxwell’s equations of vacuo. Transformation equations for the densities
of electric charge and current .Propagation of electric and magnetic field
strengths. Transformation equations for electromagnetic four potential vector.
Transformation equations for electric and magnetic field strengths. Gauge
transformation. Lorentz invariance of Maxwell’s equations. Maxwell’s equations
in tensor form. Lorentz force on a charged particle. Energy momentum tensor of
an electromagnetic field.
(4 questions)
Paper V ( e ) : Theory of Numbers

Section A
Permutation and combination. Fermat’s Little theorem. Wilson’s theorem.
Generating functions.
Chinese remainder theorem. Polynomial congruence, Combinatorial
study of d(n). Formulae for d(n) and (n). Multiplicative Arithmetic functions. The
Mobius inversion formula. (n) Properties of reduced residue system. Primitive
roots modulo p.
(4 questions)
Section B
Elementry properties of (x) . Tchebychev’s theorem. Some unsolved
problems about primes.
Euler’s criterion. The Legend – symbol . The quadratic reciprocity law.
Application of quadratic reciprocity law. Consecutive residues and non-residues.
Consecutive triples of quadratic residues. Sum of two squares. Sum of four

(4 questions)
Paper V (f) : Probability Theory ( not to be offered by those who read
Statistics as a subject )

Section A
Concept of sample space. Events. The algebra of probability axioms.
Independent and dependent event . Exclusive events, Conditional probability,
Baye’s theorem . Stochastic independence.
(2 questions)
Random Variables: The general definition of random variables as a function of
the sample space. Discrete and continuous random variables, The probability
function , Distribution Density function . Joint distribution . Marginal and
conditional distribution.
(2 questions)
Section B
Mathematical expectation . Moments. Conditional expectation. Moment
generating function. Cumulant.
(2 questions)

Function of random variables. Chebycheff’s inequality . Convergence of

probability, Bernoulli’s theorem. The week low of large numbers.
Komogrov’s inequality , Strong low of large numbers.
(2 questions)
Paper V ( f ) : Linear Programming and Game Theory

Section A
Linear Programming : Convex sets and functions. Linear programming
problem(LPP).Two-variable LPP. Procedure of solving two-variable LPP by
graphical method. Some important definitions related to general LPP. Canonical
and standard forms of LPP. Slack and surplus variables. Basic solutions of LPP.
Solution of general LPP. Simplex method. Big-M method. Two phase method,
Exceptional cases, Degeneracy in simplex method. (2 questions)
Duality : Principle of duality in linear programming problem. Fundamental
duality theorem. Symmetric dual problem. Unsymmetric dual problem. The dual
of a mixed system. (1question)
Integer Programming: Integer programming problem (IPP). Pure and mixed
IPP. Methods of solution. Gomory’s cutting plane method. Branch and bound
method. Zero-one integer programming and its applications. (1question)

Section B

Transportation and Assignment Problems: Mathematical formulation

of transportation problem. Balanced and unbalanced transportation problems.
Solution of transportation problem. Transportation table. Initial basic feasible
solution. Methods for finding initial basic feasible solution. Optimality Test.
Modified distribution (MODI) method. Degeneracy in transportation problems.
Maximization transportation problem. Trans-shipment problem.
Mathematical formulation of assignment problem. Difference between
transportation problem. Balanced and unbalanced assignment problems.
Solution of assignment problem. Hungarian method. Maximization assignment
problem. Travelling salesman problem. (2questions)

Game Theory : Characteristics of a game. Basic definitions . Competitive

games, Zero-sum and non-zero-sum games. Two-person zero-sum games.
Minimax-Maximin Criteria. Saddle point. Solution of rectangular games with and
without saddle points. Mixed strategies dominance property. Graphical method
for 2xn and mx2 games without saddle point. Applications and limitations of
game theory. Equivalence of rectangular game and linear programming:
Fundamental theorem of game theory. (2questions)

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