Effect of Compatibiliser On The Properties of Polypropylene/ Glass Fibre/nanoclay Composites
Effect of Compatibiliser On The Properties of Polypropylene/ Glass Fibre/nanoclay Composites
Effect of Compatibiliser On The Properties of Polypropylene/ Glass Fibre/nanoclay Composites
Effect of compatibiliser on the properties of polypropylene/
glass fibre/nanoclay composites O
Normasmira Abd Rahman1*, Aziz Hassan1 and Javad Heidarian1
Polymer and Composite Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry,
*[email protected]; [email protected]
Glass fibre (GF), nanoclay (NC) and hybrid composites compatibilised with maleic anhydride polypropylene (MAPP) O
were prepared by extrusion and injection moulding. The fourier transform infra-red spectra revealed the characteristic
absorption peaks of MAPP in the compatibilised GF and NC composites. A decrement in the peak intensity of X-ray O
diffraction patterns of NC composite was obtained as the MAPP content increased indicating a partial exfoliation
of NC. The thermogravimetric analysis showed that the incorporation of MAPP into hybrid composites reduced the O
thermal stability of the material. The dynamic mechanical analysis showed an increase in the storage modulus in the
hybrid composites with lower content of MAPP due to the enhancement in the interfacial adhesion between the GF,
NC and PP matrix.
Keywords: compatibiliser, dynamic mechanical properties, hybrid materials, thermal behavior. O
1. Introduction O
Polypropylene (PP), one of the most exploited the optimum mechanical properties. However, the extent O
thermoplastic resins in the composites, alloy and blends to which fillers can vary the properties of the resultant
industries[1], possesses outstanding properties like low composite parts is depends on the nature of adhesion between
the filler and the matrix.
density, good abrasion resistance and excellent electrical
properties[2]. However, to cope with some limitations of PP,
for example, low stiffness and low strength, and to expand
Although a number of reports have been published on
the use of maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (MAPP)
their applications in different sectors, inorganic fillers, such
as glass fibre (GF), carbon nanotubes and clays, are often
as compatibiliser for PP composites, there is very little
information available regarding the effect of compatibiliser O
added when processing the polymer composites, which in the hybrid composite systems[15]. For this reason, in
normally combine the advantages of their constituent phases[3]. this paper, the function/role of MAPP as coupling agent
Of these composites, glass fibre reinforced PP composite is in PP/GF/NC hybrid composites prepared through a melt
quite attractive because of their ease of fabrication, superior processing method is investigated. Chemical analyses
mechanical properties, high specific modulus and strength and microstructure characteristics were used to evaluate
and low manufacturing cost[4]. the composites.
Meanwhile, a relatively new development in polymer-clay
nanocomposites (PCN) has attracted great interest as they 2. Experimental
exhibit remarkable improvement in the material properties.
Researchers first demonstrated that the properties of nylon-6, 2.1 Materials
containing a homogenous dispersion of 2-7 wt% of nanoclay Chopped E-glass fibre (GF) with the density of 2,550 kg m-3,
(NC) showed excellent mechanical, thermal and barrier average diameter of 14 µm, and length of 6 mm was used
properties when compared with non-reinforced nylon[5,6]. as a principal reinforcement. It was obtained from KCC
A number of other researchers also began an investigations Corporation, Korea. The nanoclay (NC, type PGV), was a
with various types of polymer nanocomposites[7-9]. natural, untreated montmorillonite clay, with a particle size of
Recently, it has been observed that by hybridising about 16 µm and a density of 776 kg m–3 and manufactured
nanoparticles into the matrix of fibre-reinforced composites, by Nanocor, USA. Commercially available polypropylene
synergistic effects may be achieved[10-12]. Mohan and Kanny[13] (PP, Propelinas H022), with a density of 910 kg m-3 and melt
in their work, combined PP/NC composite with chopped flow index of 11 g/10 min (at 230 °C, 2.16 kg load), was
GF. A small amount (5 wt%) of nanoscale dispersed layered supplied by Petronas, Malaysia and used as the matrix. Maleic
silicate was shown to enhance the degree of crystallinity as anhydride grafted polypropylene (MAPP, Polybond 3200)
well as the tensile properties. Using nano reinforcements in with density of 910 kg m-3 was supplied by Chemtura
a GF reinforced PP matrix, Cui et al.[14] observed that the Corporation, USA (formerly Crompton Corporation) and
addition of 2 wt% nano-ZnO in 40 wt% GF composite gave used as the compatibiliser.
bending mode in adsorbed water. Meanwhile, the band at 1092 calculated to be 1.00 nm (Table 2). For the uncompatibilised
cm-1 is attributed to Si − O stretching (in-plane) vibration for system, the XRD patterns exhibited a significant increase
layered NC. The bands at 902 cm-1, 864 cm-1 and 826 cm-1 in interlayer d-spacing (1.25 nm after compounding).
are attributed to Al2OH, AlFeOH and AlMgOH bending This indicates that with higher processing screw speed, the
vibrations, respectively[19]. The characteristic absorption PP is able to intercalate into the NC interlayer, even with
bands of carbonyl groups of MA can be seen at 1722 cm-1 poor compatibility between PP and NC[12].
for compatibilised PP/GF15 composite and at 1762 cm-1 and Furthermore, for compatibilised systems, XRD peaks
1693 cm-1 for compatibilised PP/NC6 composite. Again, as are continually shifted to lower angles, indicating an
mentioned before, a broad band in the region of 700 cm-1 increase in interlayer d-spacing by the diffusion of PP
to 1100 cm-1 observed for PP/NC6 composites are related chains. The interlayer d-spacing increased from 1.29 nm
to the characteristic absorption of NC. for 2 wt% MAPP to 1.34 nm for 5 wt% MAPP. Further
addition of 8 wt% of MAPP resulted in insignificant changes
3.2 X-ray diffraction properties in this value. Nevertheless, it should be noted that even
Several researchers[20,21] have shown that X-ray diffraction though a similar interlayer d-spacing value is obtained at
method can be used to observe the distribution and dispersion higher MAPP content (8 wt%), there is a decrement in the
of NC particles in a polymer and to characterise the degree peak intensity. The peak intensity for PP/NC6 composite
of dispersion. In order to measure the interlayer distance with 5 wt% MAPP recorded at 370 counts s-1, reduced to
using the diffraction peak and its position in an XRD pattern, 357 counts s-1 for 8 wt% MAPP. Lertwimolnun and Vergnes[21]
the Bragg’s equation is typically employed[7]. Details of suggested that the decrease in intensity and the broadening
this equation have been explained by Rahman et al.[11]. of peaks indicate that the stacks of layered silicates become
Results from the XRD analyses of composite specimens more disordered, while maintaining a periodic distance.
are shown in Figure 2 and the data extracted from these In addition, the decrease in intensity could be the result of
patterns are tabulated in Table 2. a partial exfoliation of layered silicates. A higher nucleation
Figure 2 shows the series of XRD spectra of PP/NC6 effect with the present of MAPP in the system is suggested
composites, in which the concentration of MAPP varied to be due to the higher interaction between filler and matrix.
from 0 to 8 wt%. The NC concentration in the composite is The phenomenon can be seen in the morphological analysis
constant (6 phr) and the interlayer d-spacing of clay powder is (Figure 3). The addition of MAPP provided better dispersion
of the NC within the matrix thus reducing the particle
thickness hence increasing the aspect ratio.
Figure 3. TEM images of PP/6 phr nanoclay with (a) 0; (b) 2; (c) 5 and (d) 8 wt% of MAPP contents.
Figure 4. TGA and DTG thermograms of PP/6 phr of nanoclay composites with 0 to 8 wt% of MAPP.
It can also be seen that the initial thermal decomposition observed that the thermal stability of the composites generally
temperatures are enhanced by the addition of MAPP reduced with increasing MAPP contents. Better compatibility
into the PP/NC6 composites. The T5% increased from between PP and GF, expected by the incorporation of MAPP
309.4 °C for uncompatibilised PP/NC6 composite to into the composites, may not be the criteria for improvement
324.3 °C, 327.2 °C and 322.5 °C for PP/NC6 composites in the thermal stability.
containing 2, 5 and 8 wt% of MAPP, respectively. The same
trend was observed at 10% weight change (Table 3). It is 3.4 Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)
possible that at this initial degradation event, incorporation The dynamic storage modulus (Eʹ) is analogous to the
of MAPP improved the compatibility and homogeneity flexural modulus measured as per ASTM D-790 standard[2,24,25]
between the matrix and the NC, resulting in more thermally and closely related to the load bearing capacity of a material.
stable nanocomposites. By contrast, the T50% and DTP values The storage modulus values at –100 °C and 25 °C are referred
decreased slightly with the incorporation of MAPP into the to as E−′ 100°C and E25′ °C , respectively. Variations of Eʹ as
PP/NC6 system. a function of temperature for composites are graphically
Figure 5 shows the TGA and DTG thermograms of illustrated in Figure 6a-c. A sharp rate of decrease from
PP/GF15 composite as a function of MAPP contents. It is –25 °C to about 25 °C in Eʹ is suggested to be associated
Figure 5. TGA and DTG thermograms of PP/15 wt% glass fibre composites with 0 to 8 wt% of MAPP.
Figure 6. The DMA curves of PP/NC6, PP/GF15 and PP/GF15/NC6 composites with different MAPP contents.
with the relaxation of the amorphous phase. The glassy to 6.90, 6.88 and 6.86 GPa, respectively (Figure 6b).
state of the amorphous phase in the PP goes through its An improvement in E’ could be due to the enhancement
glass transition, followed by a sharp drop in the modulus. in the interfacial adhesion between the GF and the PP by
Figure 6a shows the E’ curves obtained for PP/NC6 the presence of compatibiliser in the composite system[2].
composites with variation in MAPP loadings, from 2 to 8 wt%. Through microscopic studies, it can clearly be seen that in
Apparently, the compatibilised PP/NC6 composites displayed the compatibilised composite, some of the polymer matrix
an improved E’ values throughout the experimental adhered to the GF surface indicating a good fibre–matrix
temperature range, indicating that more reinforcing effect adhesion (Figure 7a). Meanwhile, a clean GF surface is
is being induced by the compatibiliser[26]. This scenario observed for uncompatibilised system (Figure 7b) probably
is considered to be due to the real reinforcement effect due to the weak fibre–matrix interfacial bonding. Figure 6c
of clays[27]. It was also suggested by Modesti et al.[28] and shows the storage modulus (E’) curves obtained for
Lai et al.[29] that obvious increment in storage modulus values PP/GF15/NC6 hybrid composites with variation in MAPP
probably resulted from the better dispersion of the clay in loadings, from 2 to 8 wt%. Generally, the compatibilised
the presence of the compatibiliser. The addition of 2 wt% of composites displayed improved E’ values throughout the
MAPP increased the E−′ 100°C of PP/NC6 composite by experimental temperature range, following the same trend as
about 31% from 4.10 GPa to 5.38 GPa. However, further previously observed for PP/NC6 and PP/GF15 composites.
additions of 5 wt% and 8 wt% of MAPP resulted in a The addition of 2 wt% of MAPP into the hybrid composite
lower magnitude of increment to 5.14 GPa and 5.06 GPa, increased the E−′ 100°C by about 12% from 6.65 GPa
respectively. The E25 ′ °C values show a similar trend as to 7.42 GPa. However, further additions of 5 and 8 wt%
observed for E−′ 100°C . However, the enhancements of the of MAPP resulted in a lower magnitude of increment to
storage modulus values at this higher temperature are less 7.21 GPa and 6.98 GPa, respectively. The E25 ′ °C values
marked compared with at lower temperature. show a similar trend, as observed for E−′ 100°C .
The incorporation of 15 wt% of GF into PP matrix The loss modulus (Eʺ) is most sensitive to the
greatly increased the value of E−′ 100°C from 4.06 GPa to molecular motions[30]. In this study, Ta E " is referred to as
6.36 GPa (Table 4). The additions of 2, 5 and 8 wt% of the temperature at the maximum value of loss modulus in
MAPP into the composite further increased the Eʹ value the α–transition region, while the E′′max and E25′′
°C are the
Table 4. DMA thermomechanical data of PP/NC, PP/GF and PP/GF/NC hybrid composites.
Storage modulus (E’) Loss modulus (E”) Tan delta
Sample Tα E’–100°C E’25°C TaE” E”max E”25°C TG tan δMAX tan δ25°C
(°C) (GPa) (GPa) (°C) (MPa) (MPa) (°C) (x10-2) (x10-2)
PP -16.3 4.06 1.28 -2.3 140.2 74.9 2.9 6.7 5.9
(PP100:C0)/NC6 -16.1 4.10 1.33 -3.5 126.9 66.9 1.7 5.9 5.0
(PP98:C2)/NC6 -12.2 5.38 1.91 1.7 169.0 94.4 6.6 5.9 5.0
(PP95:C5)/NC6 -11.0 5.15 1.80 1.7 165.2 91.7 6.5 6.0 5.1
(PP92:C8)/NC6 -11.2 5.06 1.77 1.7 167.9 92.7 6.7 6.3 5.2
(PP85:C0/G15)/NC6 -17.1 6.65 2.94 -3.3 185.2 125.3 1.1 4.5 4.3
(PP83:C2/G15)/NC6 -10.9 7.42 3.29 1.1 210.0 132.0 5.6 4.7 4.0
(PP80:C5/G15)/NC6 -10.9 7.21 2.91 2.0 225.5 138.3 6.6 5.5 4.7
(PP77:C8/G15)/NC6 -10.6 6.98 3.17 2.3 199.7 129.0 6.3 4.7 4.0
Figure 7. SEM images of tensile fracture surfaces of PP/15 wt% glass fibre composites with (a) 5 and (b) 0 wt% of MAPP contents.
magnitude of loss modulus at Ta E " and at 25 °C, respectively. A remarkable shift in TG to a higher temperature is recorded
The variation of Eʺ as a function of temperature for PP/NC6, with the presence of MAPP. The TG is shifted from 1.7 °C
PP/GF15 and PP/GF15/NC6 composites are graphically for uncompatibilised PP/NC6 composite to 6.6 °C with the
illustrated in Figure 6d-f. Figure 6d shows the Eʺ curves addition of 2 wt% MAPP into the system. Further additions
obtained for PP/NC6 composites with 0 to 8 wt% MAPP of 5 and 8 wt% of MAPP did not change the TG significantly,
loadings. It is evident from this figure that there is a but only stabilised the temperature. The addition of 6 phr NC
significant increase in the Ta E " values from –3.5 °C for in PP matrix resulted in a decrement in the tan δ max value
PP/NC6 to 1.7 °C with the addition of 2 wt% MAPP. relative to PP, which indicates that the materials experienced
No significant changes are observed with further additions a strengthening effect[2,12]. No changes in tan δMAX has been
observed with the presence of low MAPP loading (2 wt%).
of 5 and 8 wt% MAPP. The increment in Ta E " may be
However, the additions of 5 and 8 wt% MAPP increased this
attributed to the presence of MAPP which improved the
value. Although the presence of compatibiliser is expected to
interfacial adhesion between PP and NC, thus resulting increase the interfacial bonding between PP and NC, hence
in a reduction in the mobility of the polymer chains in the reduced the tan δ max , it is suggested by Lee et al.[26] that
amorphous phase of the PP matrix. higher content of MAPP will act as a lubricating modifier
Figure 6e shows the effect of MAPP content on at the glass transition temperature region and results in an
the Eʺ of PP/GF15 composites. The Ta E " values of the increment in this value.
compatibilised composites shifted to higher temperature The presence of GF in the system has lowered the
as compared to the uncompatibilised composite and PP value of tan δMAX relative to PP matrix. Even though the GF
matrix, which is probably due to restricted of the segmental content is suggested to be the major factor in determining
motion in the amorphous PP chains at the fibre–matrix the tan δMAX, the interaction between GF and PP is also
interface[31]. This suggests that the more restricted motion expected to affect the damping properties of composites.
of the polymer molecules due to the increased fibre–matrix The incorporation of 2 to 8 wt% compatibiliser in PP/GF15
adhesion in the presence of MAPP resulted in less distinct composites resulted in a further reduction in this value
and broader transition peaks[2]. The E′′max value decreased (Figure 6h). The tan δMAX for PP/GF15 is recorded at 0.061
generally with MAPP loading. Meanwhile, the values and this value dropped to 0.041 as 8 wt% of MAPP is added.
of E25′′ °C for compatibilised composites showed only a An improvement in the interfacial bonding in the composites
slight decrement as the MAPP content increased when is shown by a decrement in tan δMAX value with the addition
compared with uncompatibilised ones. The same trend was of MAPP[2]. Nayak and Mohanty[31] have also suggested that
observed by Nayak and Mohanty[31]. It can be suggested that a better adhesion between the filler and matrix will result in
transition at higher temperature do not change irrespective a lower damping property. Figure 6i shows the tan δ curves
of the interface modification and hybridisation. Figure 6f obtained for PP/GF15/NC6 composites with variation in
shows the Eʺ curves obtained for PP/G15/NCUT6 hybrid MAPP loadings, from 2-8 wt%. A remarkable shift of TG to a
composites with variation in MAPP loading, from 2 to 8 wt%. higher temperature is recorded with the presence of MAPP.
Generally, the compatibilised hybrid composites displayed The TG is shifted from 1.1 °C in the uncompatibilised hybrid
improved Eʺ values throughout the experimental temperature composite to 5.6 °C with the addition of 2 wt% MAPP into
range. The addition of 2 wt% of MAPP into PP/GF15/NC6 the system. Further additions of 5 and 8 wt% of MAPP only
hybrid composite shifted the Ta E " of hybrid composites stabilised the TG value. This appreciable change implied that
from –3.3 °C to 1.1 °C. No significant changes are observed an improvement in the interfacial adhesion between the GF,
with further additions of 5 and 8 wt% MAPP. The increment NC and PP matrix itself has been achieved. However, the
in Ta E " may be attributed to the presence of MAPP which presence of the MAPP slightly increased the magnitude of
improved the interfacial adhesion between PP and nanoclay. tan δMAX values. This phenomenon could be related to the
This observation is also similar with the trend observed for lubricating effect of the compatibiliser at higher MAPP
PP/NC6 and PP/GF15 composites. The maximum E′′max content. The PP/GF15/NC6 hybrid composites with the
value is obtained with the addition of 5 wt% MAPP. addition of 5 wt% MAPP shows the highest value of tan
The ratio of the loss modulus to the storage modulus is δMAX (0.055) when compared with other MAPP loadings.
measured as the damping factor or mechanical loss (tan δ)[2,12]. The tan δ25°C values also show a similar trend.
Since the damping peak occurred in the region of the glass
transition where the material changed from a rigid to a more
elastic state, it is associated with the movement of small groups 4. Conclusions
and chains of molecules within the polymer structure[30]. In a
composite system, damping is affected by the incorporation The FTIR spectroscopic investigations confirmed that
of fibres. This is due mainly to stress concentration at the the maleic anhydride was present in the compatibilised
fibre ends in association with the additional viscoelastic composites. TGA demonstrated that the thermal stability
energy dissipation in the matrix material. Chen et al.[32] of nanocomposites was enhanced by the addition of MAPP
reported that the tan δ curve of pure PP is generally related to in the system. Dynamic mechanical analysis showed that
three relaxations localised in the neighbourhood of –50 °C, the compatibilised composites possessed higher storage
10 °C and 100 °C. The variations of tan δ as a function of modulus than the uncompatibilised systems. In addition, a
temperature are represented in Figure 6g-i. In this work, remarkable shift of TG to a higher temperature was recorded
TG is referred to as the temperature at the maximum value with the presence of MAPP. However, the incorporation of
of tan δ, while the tan δMAX and tan δ25°C are the magnitude higher content of MAPP in the PP/NC6 and PP/GF15/NC6
of tan δ at TG and at 25 °C, respectively. composites increased the tan δMAX values due to lubricating
Figure 6g shows the effects of the compatibiliser effect by the compatibiliser. On the other hand, the addition
loadings on the tan δ curves for PP/NC6 composites. of MAPP into PP/GF15/NC6 hybrid composites enhanced
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