Questions On Clubhouse Sandwich
Questions On Clubhouse Sandwich
Questions On Clubhouse Sandwich
Mariel Hannah
Abeguel Myra
Jovert Jenessa
Felicity Carolyn
Mica Revie
Who am I?
G.1 Revie
G.2 Jovert
G.3 Reynalyn
G.4 Mariel
When we say ‘mise en place’ what is it all about?
What are some important reminders before we start preparing a clubhouse
Why is it important to maintain the sanitation in preparing sandwiches?
Why is it important to maintain the sanitation in preparing sandwiches?
How can you describe a clubhouse sandwich?
Why is it important that the sliced items of clubhouse sandwich must be
proportioned by count and weight?
What is the purpose of putting toothpicks or cocktail sticks on clubhouse
When can we serve clubhouse sandwich?
What are those celebrations?
What are the nutritive values that we can get from the clubhouse sandwich?
What are the tools needed to make a clubhouse sandwich?
What are the ingredients to make a clubhouse sandwich?
How can you relate our topic into real life situation?