3216 JSA Roof Plumbing

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Name: ABC Contracting (Add your Details here)
123 Mortar Street
Standard Course ACT 2600
Ph: (02) 1234 5678

Principal Contractor (PC) XYZ Contracting Services (Add builders details

8910 Management Road
Projectville ACT 2666
Ph. (02) 1234 5432 Hi
Potters Hut
Work Location
15 Brick Street
Site Address:
Pottery ACT 2600

Works Manager: Fred Bloggs

Contact Phone: Mb: 0400 111 111

Person Responsible for Name: Joe Blogs - Leading Hand
ensuring compliance with JSA


Person(s) Responsible for Name: Fred Blogs - Supervisor

reviewing the JSA
Date JSA Provided to PC: 5 January 2018
Last JSA Review Date: 12 January 2018
Have workers been consulted about the JSA and signed the last page of Yes
this JSA?

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |1

Hard hat Respirator or Dust mask Harness Erect Access Scaffolding X Fall Arrest systems UV protection clothing X
Safety Boots X Hand Protection - Gloves Fire Extinguishers Erect Warning Signs X Protective Clothing Sun Glasses X
Eye Protection X Full Face Shield Barricades Welding screen Sun Screen 30+ X
Ear Protection High Visibility Vest Ventilation Welding Face Shield Broad Brim Hat X

How bad is the hazard likely to be? How to complete this Job Safety Analysis
If a hazard is rated Level 1 [Extreme], Level 2 [High] or Level 3 [Moderate]
Do not start work until the revised risk rating is either 4, 5 or 6 1) Adjust all details on the front page
2) Consult with the workers who are going to use this JSA and make the necessary
VERY adjustments
UNLIKELY UNLIKELY 3) “Risk Assessment Hazard Identification” - Inspect the site, identify the hazards that
Could Could may be present and add to this JSA
COULD IT Could Could happen
happen, but happen, but 4) Job Steps- List the job steps in sequence of tasks required to carry out the work
CAUSE? happen sometimes.
only rarely. probably
anytime. 5) Hazard Identification- List the potential hazards associated with each Job Step
never will
6) Initial Risk- Using the “Risk Table”, rate the identified risks.
7) Control Measures Implemented- List the controls you will implement to reduce the
Death or permanent
1 1 2 3 risks to the lowest possible level
disability. 8) Revised Risk- Using the “Risk Table”, rate the level of risk once the controls have
Long-term illness or been implemented. If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start work until
1 2 3 4 better control measures are implemented and the revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
serious injury.
9) Person Responsible- List the name or position of the person or persons responsible
Medical attention or for ensuring the controls are implemented
2 3 4 5 10) Ensure this Job Safety Analysis is reviewed and revised if relevant control
several days off work.
measures are revised.
First Aid Needed 3 4 5 6

1, 2 & 3 Indicates unacceptable hazard/risk that must be eliminated

4, 5 & 6 Indicates acceptable hazard/risk

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |2

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
1 Plan the job prior to  Inadequate training, consultation 3  Review the principal contractors Site Safety Plan 5 Supervisor
arriving on site. & planning  Provide adequate & competent supervision
 Provide equipment to ensure job is completed
 Lack of competence 3  Ensure all workers are adequately trained and 5 Supervisor
competent to undertake the work All Workers
 Untrained personnel  All workers to have current General Induction
commencing work Card
2 Entry to Site  First day on site, entry to unsafe 3  Report to site office. All workers to undertake site 5 Supervisor
areas. induction All Workers
 Accessing site via other means 3  Entry to site to be via gate directed by site 5 Supervisor
than the main gate can lead to management. All Workers
exposure to site hazards  Review site access, parking and delivery area
3 Site Inspection  If site management are unaware 3  Review the site emergency evacuation plan and 5 Supervisor
Identify site conditions of work being carried out then advise site management of work activity for the All Workers
workers will be unaccounted for day.
in the event of emergency
 Failure to follow traffic 2  Ensure Traffic management procedures 5 Supervisor
management plans can lead to developed by site management are followed All Workers
injury, damage to vehicle or
 Ignoring safety signs can lead to 1  Become familiar with the site safety signs and 5 Supervisor
exposure to hazards and follow all instructions (e.g. wearing of appropriate All Workers
noncompliance with site safety PPE)

 Uneven ground can cause slip 3  Check for slip and fall hazards and use 6 Supervisor
and fall injuries when moving designated areas to access work area. All Workers
tools and equipment to work
 Underground or overhead power 1  Identify the location of underground or overhead 4 Supervisor
can cause electrocution power lines on site All Workers

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |3

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
 Underground or overhead gas 1  Identify the location of underground or overhead 4 Supervisor
lines can cause serious burns in gas lines on site All Workers
 Personal Injury 2  Identify where the first aid kit is located. 5 Supervisor
 Identify who the first aider is on site. All Workers
 Identify the location of the toilets and amenities on
 Each worker is required to wear the required PPE
at all times.
 MSDS for any onsite materials are to be
registered on site
 Exposure to weather conditions 2  Wear a hat 5 Supervisor
 UV Radiation when working in  Use 30+ sunblock All Workers
the sun
 Fire 3  Identify where the fire extinguisher is located 5 Supervisor
All Workers
 Manual handling issues 2  Use correct Manual Handling techniques. 5 Supervisor
 Utilise mechanical lifting devices where possible All Workers
to minimise the need for manual work.
 Only lift within your capabilities. Use at least two
people to lift heavy or awkward loads when
mechanical means are not available. If load is to
heavy do not move until mechanical means are
available to assist

 Possible work at height 2  If working at heights - Ensure EWP (Elevating 5 Supervisor

Work Platforms) are properly used or scaffold is All Workers
properly erected for work and certified, Ensure fall
protection measures are in place. Only licensed
personnel are to use EWP’s
 Slips, trips & falls 3  Signs, barricades or secure fencing are to be 5 Supervisor
used to identify the work area. All Workers
 Site conditions must be clear, tidy and secure.
Sufficient lighting to be in place

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |4

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
 Risks associated with mobile 2  Plan route and work area, keep area clean & tidy, 5 Supervisor
plant monitor light levels. All Workers
 Secure when transporting.
 Use spotter when reversing and positioning
vehicles, observe site speed limit on site.
Power Supply  Risks associated with using 1  Ensure that power supply is protected by an RCD 5 Supervisor
portable electrical equipment, device (earth leakage/safety switch) All Workers
flexible extension leads and  All portable electrical equipment, flexible
portable power tools extension leads and portable power tools must be
visually inspected for wear and tear before use.
 Ensure portable electrical equipment, flexible
extension leads, portable power tools and RCD
devices are regularly tested and carry current
inspection tagged.
 Testing must be undertaken by a licensed
electrician or a trained competent person.
 Use lead stands where required to keep leads

4 Site Establishment  Site specific hazard such as 3  Plan out the job with the site supervisor before 5 Supervisor
traffic, excavations, overhead commencing and ensure that suitable All Workers
work, pedestrians access/hazard control is available for the duration
of the works

5 Delivery of Materials  Injury from vehicle 3  Plan space and location requirements before 6 Supervisor
 Injury unloading materials materials arrive. All Workers
 Injury stacking materials  Ensure delivery time has been pre-arranged.
 Materials blocking exits or  Driver to wear PPE
footpaths  Driver to ensure clear view is available or a
 Moving materials over long spotter is in place while moving, reversing or
distances unloading the vehicle
 Stacked materials falling  Keep materials inside site boundaries. People
must not be forced off footpaths or on to
 Have materials delivered as close as possible to
work areas.

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |5

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
 Ensure materials are stacked safely and
appropriately braced
 Use barricades and traffic control as required

6 Unload materials or  Lifting – back injury 3  Ensure that vehicle is parked on flat even surface 5 Supervisor
equipment from  Load falling on personnel  Use proper lifting technique All Workers
vehicle  Fall From vehicle  Ensure all employees have undergone manual
 Manual handling injuries handling training
 Use mechanical assistance (crane/hiab)
 No personnel to stand under suspended load
 Only trained operator to use lifting equipment
 Do not exceed SWL of lifting equipment
 Use suitable lifting chains/slings that are in good
condition and are related to lift the weight
 Ensure slings are secure
 Only licenced operator to use forklift
 Be mindful of overhead hazards
7 New installation or  Falling from at heights 1  Check weather conditions 5 Supervisor
repair.  Falling objects  Do not access wet roof or in high wind conditions All Workers
 Check roof for morning dew
 Check the structural soundness of the roof
 Ensure existing roof sheeting isn’t fragile before
walking over it
 Check that existing roof sheeting is not asbestos
Identify any if existing safety mesh
 Ensure no one is working in the area below
8 Fascia and Gutters  Work area conditions, debris, 2  Inspect work area site and clear the area of any 5 Supervisor
inspect and prepare injury from slips, trips and falls. trip hazards. All Workers
work area  Install access to work area
 Rain, wind or unsuitable site 2  Address with the Builder’s site supervisor before 5 Supervisor
conditions that could cause an commencing work. All Workers
injury.  Weather conditions to be monitored at all times
 Do not access wet roof or in high wind conditions
 Power lines/electrocution. 1  No work to be undertaken if power lines are within 5 Supervisor
4 metres of the work area, scaffolding, working All Workers
platforms or materials.

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |6

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
 Falling objects. 2  Materials to be stored below brick guards, toe 5 Supervisor
guards if installed. All Workers
 Materials to be secured where risk of falling on to
 Set up warning working above signs..
9 Set up trestles and  Manual handling injury. 2  Do not carry excessive loads, 5 Supervisor
planks.  Training in manual handling. All Workers
 Ensure planks are properly secured.
10 Set up approved  Site conditions, injury from trip, 2  Inspect site and clear area. 5 Supervisor
scaffold system. slip or fall.  Do not carry excessive loads. All Workers
 Manual handling injury.  Ensure scaffolding is properly installed by a
qualified person.
 Ensure planks are properly secured.
11 Carrying material.  Trip slip or fall 2  Inspect work area site and clear the area of any 6 Supervisor
 Manual handling injury. trip hazards. All Workers
 Do not carry excessive loads.
12 Cutting Materials.  Cuts and lacerations. 2  Wear cut resistant gloves. 6 Supervisor
 Manual handling injury.  Cut material in a suitable area. All Workers
 Use tools according to manufacturer’s directions.
 Fall from ladders 2  Use industry approved ladder. 6 Supervisor
 Ensure the ground is level and even when setting All Workers
up the ladders
 Training in the correct use of ladders.

13 Installing fascia and  Falls from height. 1  Access scaffold in the correct manner. 5 Supervisor
gutters  Training in working at heights All Workers
 Extra care taken when working in wet conditions
 Ensure joists are placed on the flat until secured.
 Ensure bearers and joist have enough overlap
 Position body correctly (training) when lifting and
moving materials Perform a check to ensure
platform is fully decked.
 Site the handover certificate showing the
scaffolding as complete and compliant.
 Do not tamper with or remove any components
from system.

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |7

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
14 Using silicone sealant  Silicone Sealant 2  Ensure adequate ventilation. 6 Supervisor
and touch up paint.  Paint  Wear appropriate PPE. All Workers
 Follow MSDS.
15 Use of hand tools,  Electrocution, cuts and 1  All electrical equipment to be protected by RCD. 5 Supervisor
power tools, battery lacerations.  All equipment to be of industrial standard. All Workers
operated power tools.  Use of tools causing injury to  All leads to be located away from access ways,
eyes. high traffic areas and other areas where they are
subject to damage.
 All leads and equipment to be tested at three
monthly intervals and records kept.
 All leads and equipment to be inspected daily
prior to use.
 All power boards to be of industrial standard.
 All equipment to be used according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Wear appropriate PPE
16 Remove trestles,  Injury from trip, slip, or fall. 2  Inspect site and clear area. 5 Supervisor
planks and hanging  Manual handling injury.  Do not carry excessive loads. All Workers
scaffold.  Training in manual handling.
17 Roof Wire inspect and  Work area conditions, debris, 2  Inspect work area site and clear the area of any 5 Supervisor
prepare work area injury from slips, trips and falls. trip hazards. All Workers
 Clear access to work area.
 Check the structural soundness of the roof.
 Rain, wind or unsuitable site 2  Address the weather conditions with the Builder 5 Supervisor
conditions that could cause an prior to commencing work. All Workers
 Power lines 1  No work to be undertaken if power lines are within 5 Supervisor
 Electrocution. 4 metres of the work area, scaffolding, working All Workers
platforms or materials.
18 Set up approved fall  Site conditions, injury from trip, 2  Inspect site and clear area. 5 Supervisor
edge protection or slip or fall.  Do not carry excessive loads. All Workers
scaffold system.  Manual handling injury.  Training in manual handling.
 Ensure fall edge protection or scaffolding is
properly installed by a qualified person.
 Ensure planks are properly secured.

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |8

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
19 Carrying material.  Trip slip or fall 2  Inspect work area site and clear the area of any 6 Supervisor
 Manual handling injury. trip hazards. All Workers
 Do not carry excessive loads.
 Training in manual handling.
20 Create Exclusion Zone  Other trades accessing work 1  Create an exclusion zone around current work 6 Supervisor
area area where there is a chance of people entering. All Workers
 Falling objects or materials  Place signage, use hazard tape & bollards with
` signage when required ( e.g. “Working Above
 Materials to be secured where risk of falling on to
 Use a spotter as required when working above.
 Consult other trades and let them know where
you are working.
21 Installation of roof wire  Manual Handling 1  When items exceed lifting ability, team lifting will 6 Supervisor
from EWP  Placing wire over the roof be implemented. All Workers
structure.  Training in manual handling.
 Wire to be pulled over the roof with a rope by two
men in a EWP on one side of the roof and one
man on a EWP on other side of the roof, wire
then to be tied to bottom purlin every second
square – wire to be lapped at least 2 full squares.
Installation must be as per manufactures
specifications and comply with Australian
Standards or better.
 Falls from heights 1  Training in working at heights 5 Supervisor
 Falls from EWP  All workers to have the correct footwear for All Workers
walking on the roof (e.g. volleys, not heavy work
 Qualified operators only. Personnel must be
harnessed at all times while in EWP.
 Must have spotter at all times when using EWP.
 Tools to be attached to EWP basket where

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e |9

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
22 Insulation & Roof  Work area conditions, debris, 2  Inspect work area site and clear the area of any 5 Supervisor
Sheets inspect and injury from slips, trips and falls. trip hazards. All Workers
prepare work area  Clear access to work area
 Rain, wind or unsuitable site 2  Address the weather conditions with the Builder 5 Supervisor
conditions that could cause an prior to commencing work. All Workers
injury.  Weather conditions to be monitored at all times
 Do not access wet roof or in high wind conditions
 Check roof for morning dew
 Power lines/electrocution. 1  No work to be undertaken if power lines are within 5 Supervisor
4 metres of the work area, scaffolding, working All Workers
platforms or materials.
 Falls while accessing the roof. 1  Ensure suitable access to roof is in place, set up 5 Supervisor
access scaffold All Workers
 Use industry approved ladder.
 If using EWP ensure double lanyard is used with
1 lanyard attached at all time.
 EWP to be safe distance behind guard rail prior to
23 Set up approved fall  Site conditions, injury from trip, 2  Inspect site and clear area. 5 Supervisor
edge protection or slip or fall.  Do not carry excessive loads. All Workers
scaffold system.  Manual handling injury.  Ensure fall edge protection or scaffolding is
properly installed by a qualified person.
 Ensure planks are properly secured.
24 Carrying material.  Trip slip or fall 2  Inspect work area site and clear the area of any 6 Supervisor
 Manual handling injury. trip hazards. All Workers
 Do not carry excessive loads.
 Training in manual handling.
25 Create Exclusion Zone  Other trades accessing work 1  Create an exclusion zone around current work 5 Supervisor
area area where there is a chance of people entering. All Workers
 Falling objects or materials  Place signage, use hazard tape & bollards with
` signage when required
 Use a spotter as required when working above.
 Materials to be secured where risk of falling on to
 Use “Working Above Signs”.
 Consult other trades and let them know where

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e | 10

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
you are working.

26 Install Insulation &  Strains, sprains back and 1  Training in general lifting & carrying. 5 Supervisor
Roof Sheets shoulder injuries when lifting  Manual handling training provided in the correct All Workers
materials way to lift and place materials
 Ensure team lifting
 Position and balance body properly when moving
or lifting sheets
27 Stacking and securing  Crane Lift materials to roof 1  Ensure the placement of the roof sheets does not 5 Supervisor
of materials  Structural collapse exceed the SWL of the roof. All Workers
 Training in manual handling.
 Use mechanical assistance (crane)
 No personnel to stand under suspended load
 Only trained operator to use lifting equipment
 Do not exceed SWL of lifting equipment
 Use suitable lifting chains/slings that are in good
condition and are related to lift the weight
 Roof collapse through incorrect 1  Leading hand to supervise the placement of 5 Supervisor
placement of loads materials over supported roof structure All Workers

 Sheets blowing around 1  Ensure sheets are put on solid roof structure and 5 Supervisor
strapped down with hoop iron when not using All Workers
 Falling from Heights 1  Training in working at heights 5 Supervisor
 All workers to have the correct footwear for All Workers
walking on the roof (e.g. volleys, not heavy work
 Use a fall arrest system or scaffolding
 Check the harness for damage, fraying, cuts and
burns prior to use such
 All personnel on roof must be attached to harness
at all times while on roof.
 Always remain behind guardrails & be attached to
 Always walk on solid structure – e.g. purlins or

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e | 11

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
roof sheet, never the wire netting.
 Ensure wire installation is signed off by the
installer prior to insulation and roof sheet

28 Stacking and securing  Materials blowing off the roof 1  Ensure materials are put on solid roof structure or 5 Supervisor
of materials at the end gluts and strapped down with hoop iron when not All Workers
of the day. using them or at the end of the working day to
prevent sheets blowing or sliding off.
29 Using silicone sealant  Silicone Sealant 2  Ensure adequate ventilation. 6 Supervisor
and touch up paint.  Paint  Wear appropriate PPE. All Workers
 Follow MSDS.
30 Use of hand tools,  Electrocution/ cuts and 1  All electrical equipment to be protected by RCD. 5 Supervisor
power tools, battery lacerations.  All equipment to be of industrial standard. All Workers
operated power tools.  Use of tools causing injury to  All leads to be located away from access ways,
eyes. high traffic areas and other areas where they are
subject to damage.
 All leads and equipment to be tested at three
monthly intervals and records kept.
 All leads and equipment to be inspected daily.
 All power boards to be of industrial standard.
 All equipment to be used according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Wear eye protection.
31 Cut, Join and Install  Using ladder. 2  Use industry approved ladder. 6 Supervisor
Downpipes  Falling from heights  Three points of contact to be maintained at all All Workers
 Training in working at heights
 Ensure scaffolding is properly installed by a
qualified person.
 Ensure planks are properly secured.
32 Using silicone sealant,  Silicone Sealant 2  Ensure adequate ventilation. 6 Supervisor
pipe joining glue and  Pipe joining Glue  Wear appropriate PPE. All Workers
touch up paint.  Paint  Follow MSDS.

© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e | 12

Job Steps Hazard Identification Controls Measures Implemented
Initial Revised Person
Break the job down into Identify any potential hazards associated Decide what control measures to use to eliminate or
Step steps. with each step – and any related risks. Risk minimise the risks. Detail the control measures in this Risk Responsible
No List the steps in Detail the hazards and risks in this Rating column, and enter the revised risk rating in the next column. Rating
sequence of activities in column, and enter the risk rating in the [1 – 6] Note: If the revised risk rating is still 1, 2 or 3 do not start [1- 6]
this column. next column. work until better control measures are implemented and the
revised risk rating is 4, 5 or 6.
33 Use of hand tools,  Electrocution/ cuts and 1  All electrical equipment to be protected by RCD. 5 Supervisor
power tools, battery lacerations.  All equipment to be of industrial standard. All Workers
operated power tools.  Use of tools causing injury to  All leads to be located away from access ways,
eyes. high traffic areas and other areas where they are
subject to damage.
 All leads and equipment to be tested at three
monthly intervals and records kept.
 All leads and equipment to be inspected daily.
 All power boards to be of industrial standard.
 All equipment to be used according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Wear eye protection.

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Declaration by Workers:
1. I have been consulted with and have assisted in the development of this Job Safety Analysis.
2. I have been given the opportunity to comment on the content of this Job Safety Analysis.
3. I have read and understand how I am to carry out the job steps listed, and will abide by the control measures outlined in this Job Safety Analysis.
4. I have been supplied with the personal protective equipment identified in this JSA and I have been given training in the safe use of this equipment.
5. I have read and understand the requirements set out in the mateial safety data sheets for the hazardous substances identified in this Job Safety Analysis.
6. I will ensure that this Job Safety Analysis is reviewed and revised if relevant control measures are revised.


© Builderassist All Rights Reserved www.builderassist.com.au JSA No: 3216 P a g e | 14

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