YBOCS Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale For OCD
YBOCS Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale For OCD
YBOCS Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale For OCD
0 = None
1 = Less than 1 hr/day or occasional performance of compulsive behaviors
2 = From 1 to 3 hrs/day, or frequent performance of compulsive behaviors
3 = More than 3 and up to 8 hrs/day, or very frequent performance of compulsive
4 = More than 8 hrs/day, or near constant performance of compulsive behaviors
(too numerous to count)
Investigators interested in using this rating scale should contact Lawrence Scahill, M.S.N., Ph.D., at the
Yale Child Study Center, P.O. Box 207900, New Haven, CT 06520 or Wayne Goodman, M.D., at the
National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD.
Scahill, L., Riddle, M.A., McSwiggin-Hardin, M., Ort, S.I., King, R.A., Goodman, W.K., Cicchetti, D. &
Leckman, J.F. (1997). Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale: reliability and validity. J Am Acad
Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 36(6):844-852.
This scale is designed to rate the severity of obsessive and compulsive symptoms in children and
adolescents, ages 6 to 17 years. It can be administered by a clinican or trained interviewer in a semi-structured
fashion. In general, the ratings depend on the child's and parent's report; however, the final rating is based on
the clinical judgement of the interviewer. Rate the characteristics of each item over the prior week up until, and
including, the time of the interview. Scores should reflect the average of each item for the entire week, unless
otherwise specified.
Information should be obtained by interviewing the parent(s) (or guardian) and the child together.
Sometimes, however, it may also be useful to interview the child or parent alone. Interviewing strategy may
vary depending on the age and developmental level of the child or adolescent. All information should be
combined to estimate the score for each item. Whenever the CY-BOCS is administered more than once to the
same child, as in a medication trial, consistent reporting can be ensured by having the same informant(s) present
at each rating session.
Before proceeding with the questions, define "obsessions" and "compulsions" for the child and primary
caretaker as follows (sometimes, particularly with younger children, the interviewer may prefer using the terms
"worries" and "habits"):
"OBSESSIONS: are thoughts, ideas, or pictures that keep coming into your mind even though you do not want
them to. They may be unpleasant, silly or embarrassing."
"AN EXAMPLE OF AN OBSESSION IS: the repeated thought that germs or dirt are harming you or other
people, or that something unpleasant might happen to you or someone in your family or someone special to
you. These are thoughts that keep coming back, over and over again."
"COMPULSIONS: are things that you feel you have to do although you may know that they do not make sense.
Sometimes you may try to stop from doing them but this might not be possible. You might feel worried or
angry or frustrated until you have finished what you have to do."
"AN EXAMPLE OF A COMPULSION IS: the need to wash your hands over and over again even though they
are not really dirty, or the need to count up to a certain number while you do certain things."
"Do you have any questions about what these words called obsessions and compulsions mean?"
Once the interviewer has decided whether or not a particular symptom will be included as an obsession
or compulsion on the checklist, every effort should be made to maintain consistency in subsequent rating(s). In
a treatment study with multiple ratings over time, it may be useful to review the initial Target Symptom
Checklist (see below) at the beginning of subsequent ratings (prior severity scores should not be reviewed).
Symptom Checklist: After reviewing with the child and parent(s) the definitions of obsessions and
compulsions, the interview should proceed with a detailed inquiry about the child's symptoms using the
Compulsions Checklist and Obsessions Checklist as guides. It may not be necessary to ask about each and
every item on the checklist, but each symptom area should be covered to ensure that symptoms are not missed.
For most children and adolescents, it is usually easier to begin with compulsions (pages 9 and 10).
Target Symptom List: After the Compulsions Checklist is complete, list the four most severe
compulsions on the Target Symptom List on page 10. Repeat this process, listing the most severe obsessions,
on the Target Symptom List on page 5.
Severity Rating: After completing the Checklist and Target Symptom List for compulsions,
inquire about the severity items: Time Spent, Distress, Resistance, Interference, and Degree of Control
(questions 6 through 10 on pages 11 through 13). There are examples of probe questions for each item. Ratings
for these items should reflect interviewer's best estimate from all available information from the past week, with
special emphasis on the Target Symptoms. Repeat the above procedure for obsessions (Pages 4 through 8).
Finally, inquire about and rate questions 11 through 19 on pages 14 and 18. Scores can be recorded on the
scoring sheet on page 19. All ratings should be in whole integers.
All 19 items are rated, but only items 1-10 are used to determine the total score. The total CY-BOCS
score is the sum of items 1-10; the obsession and compulsion subtotals are the sums of items 1-5 and 6-10,
respectively. At this time, items 1A and 6A are not being used in the scoring.
Items 17 (global severity) and 18 (global improvement) are adapted from the Clinical Global Impression
Scale (Guy, W., 1976) to provide measures of overall functional impairment associated with the presence of
obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
Name Date
Check all items that apply (Item marked "*" may or not be OCD phenomena.)
Aggressive Obsessions
Fear might harm self
Fear might harm others
Fear harm will come to self
Fear harm will come to others (may be because something child did or did not do)
Violent or horrific images
Fear of blurting out obscenities or insults
Fear of doing something else embarrassing *
Fear will act on unwanted impulses (e.g. to stab a family member)
Fear will steal things
Fear will be responsible for something else terrible happening (e.g. fire, burglary,
Other (Describe)
Sexual Obsessions
[Are you having any sexual thoughts? If yes, are they routine or are they repetitive
thoughts that you would rather not have or find disturbing? If yes, are they:]
Forbidden or perverse sexual thoughts, images, impulses
Content involves homosexuality *
Sexual behavior towards others (Aggressive)
Other (Describe)
Hoarding/Saving Obsessions
Fear of losing things
Other (Describe)
Current Past Somatic Obsessions
Excessive concern with illness or disease *
Excessive concern with body part or aspect of appearance (e.g., dysmorphophobia) *
Other (Describe)
Miscellaneous Obsessions
The need to know or remember
Fear of saying certin things
Fear of not saying just the right thing
Intrusive (non-violent) images
Intrusive sounds, words, music, or numbers
Other (Describe)
Obsessions (Describe, listing by order of severity, with #1 being the most severe, #2 the second most
severe, etc.):
THE THOUGHTS YOU CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT." (Review for the informant(s) the Target
Symptoms and refer to them while asking questions 1-5).
0 - NONE
1 - MILD long symptom free intervals, more than 8 consecutive hrs/day symptom-free
1 - MILD slight interference with social or school activities, overall performance not impaired
2 - MODERATE definite interference with social or school performance, but still manageable
4 - EXTREME incapacitating
3. Distress Associated with Obsesssive Thoughts
• How much do these thoughts bother or upset you?
(Only rate anxiety/frustration that seems triggered by obsessions, not generalized anxiety or anxiety
associated with other symptoms.)
0 - NONE
3 - SEVERE yields to all obsessions without attempting to control them, but does so with some
1 - MUCH CONTROL usually able to stop or divert obsessions with some effort and concentration.
3 - LITTLE CONTROL rarely successful in stopping obsessions, can only divert attention with difficulty
Name Date
Check all items that apply (Item marked "*" may or not be OCD phenomena.)
Checking Compulsions
Checking locks, toys, school books/items, etc.
Checking associated with getting washed, dressed, or undressed.
Checking that did not/will not harm others
Checking that did not/will not harm self
Checking that nothing terrible did/will happen
Checking that did not make mistake
Checking tied to somatic obsessions
Other (Describe)
Repeating Rituals
Rereading, erasing, or rewriting
Need to repeat routine activities (e.g. in/out doors, up/down from chair)
Other (Describe)
Counting Compulsions
Objects, certain numbers, words, etc.
Need for symmetry/evening up (e.g., lining items up a certain way or arranging personal items in
specific patterns)
Other (Describe)
Hoarding/Saving Compulsion
[distinguish from hobbies and concern with objects of monetary or sentimental value]
Difficulty throwing things away, saving bits of paper, string, etc.
Other (Describe)
Current Past Rituals Involving Other Persons
The need to involve another person (usually a parent) in ritual (e.g., asking a parent to repeatedly
answer the same question, making mother perform certain meal time-rituals involving specific
Other (Describe)
Miscellaneous Compulsions
Mental rituals (other than checking/counting)
Need to tell, ask, or confess
Measures (not checking) to prevent harm to self ; harm to others ; terrible consequences
Ritualized eating behaviors *
Excessive list making *
Need to touch, tap, rub *
Need to do things (e.g., touch or arrange) until it feels just right) *
Rituals involving blinking or staring *
Trichotillomanis (hair-pulling) *
Other self-damaging or self-mutilating behaviors *
Other (Describe)
Compulsions (Describe, listing by order of severity, with #1 being the most severe, #2 second most severe,
ABOUT THE HABITS YOU CAN'T STOP." (Review for the informant(s) the Target Symptoms and refer to
them while asking questions 6-10).
0 - NONE
7. Interference due to Compulsive Behaviors
• How much do these habits get in the way of school or doing things with friends?
• Is there anything you don't do because of them?
(If currently not in school, determine how much performance would be affected if patient were in school.)
0 - NONE
1 - MILD slight, interference with social or school activities, but overall performance not impaired
2 – MODERATE definite interference with social or school performance, but still manageable
4 - EXTREME incapacitating
0 - NONE
9. Resistance Against Compulsions
• How much do you try to fight the habits?
(Only rate effort made to resist, not success or failure in actually controlling the compulsions. How much
the patient resists the compulsions may or may not correlate with his ability to control them. Note that this
item does not directly measure the severity of the compulsions; rather it rates a manifestation of health, i.e.,
the effort the patient makes to counteract the compulsions. Thus, the more the patient tries to resist, the less
impaired is this aspect of their functioning. If the compulsions are minimal, the patient may not feel the
need to resist them. In such cases, a rating of "0" should be given.)
0 - NONE Makes an effort to always resist, or symptoms so minimal doesn't need to actively
3 - SEVERE Yields to almost all compulsions without attempting to control them, but does so
with some reluctance.
1 - MUCH CONTROL experiences pressure to perform the behavior, but usually able to exercise
voluntary control over it
2 - MODERATE CONTROL moderate control, strong pressure to perform behavior, can control it only
with difficulty
3 - LITTLE CONTROL little control, very strong drive to perform behavior, must be carried to
completion, can only delay with difficulty
Instructions to Clinicians using the obsession and Compulsion Log
DASS Name: Date:
Please read each statement and circle a number 0, 1, 2 or 3 that indicates how much the statement
applied to you over the past week. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time
on any statement.
Apply template to both sides of sheet and sum scores for each scale.
For short (21-item) version, multiply sum by 2.
Objectives. To provide UK normative data for the Depression Anxiety and Stress
Scale (DASS) and test its convergent, discriminant and construct validity.
Design. Cross-sectional, correlational and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
Methods. The DASS was administered to a non-clinical sample, broadly representa-
tive of the general adult UK population (N = 1,771) in terms of demographic variables.
Competing models of the latent structure of the DASS were derived from theoretical
and empirical sources and evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis. Correlational
analysis was used to determine the influence of demographic variables on DASS scores.
The convergent and discriminant validity of the measure was examined through
correlating the measure with two other measures of depression and anxiety (the
HADS and the sAD), and a measure of positive and negative affectivity (the PANAS).
Results. The best fitting model (CFI = .93) of the latent structure of the DASS
consisted of three correlated factors corresponding to the depression, anxiety and
stress scales with correlated error permitted between items comprising the DASS
subscales. Demographic variables had only very modest influences on DASS scores.
The reliability of the DASS was excellent, and the measure possessed adequate
convergent and discriminant validity
Conclusions. The DASS is a reliable and valid measure of the constructs it was
intended to assess. The utility of this measure for UK clinicians is enhanced by the
provision of large sample normative data.
The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) is a 42-item self-report measure of anxiety,
depression and stress developed by Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) which is
increasingly used in diverse settings. Its popularity is partly attributable to the fact
*Requests for reprints should be addressed to John R. Crawford, Department of Psychology, King’s College, University of
Aberdeen AB24 3HN, UK (e-mail: [email protected]).
112 John Crawford and Julie D. Henry
that, unlike many other self-report scales, the DASS is in the public domain (i.e. the
measure can be used without incurring any charge). The DASS was originally intended
to consist of only two subscales—one measuring anxiety, the other depression—each
composed of items that were purportedly unique to either construct. Ambiguous items
(i.e. items non-specifically related to depression and anxiety) were not included in the
measure but were regarded as controls. This strategy was adopted because the authors’
original intention was to develop measures that would maximally discriminate between
depression and anxiety. However, during scale development it was revealed that the
control items tended to form a third group, of items characterized by chronic non-
specific arousal. More items were added to this group and the third scale, the stress
scale, emerged. Lovibond and Lovibond maintain that, although this scale is related to
the constructs of depression and anxiety, it nevertheless represents a coherent measure
in its own right.
Whilst Lovibond and Lovibond’s (1995) attempt to develop a measure that maximally
discriminates between the constructs of depression and anxiety is not unique (Beck,
Epstein, Brown, & Steer, 1988; Costello & Comrey, 1967), the strategy adopted for scale
construction is. Conventionally, items are derived from pre-existing anxiety and
depression scales, with factor analyses of clinical data used to identify those which
measure different constructs. By contrast, Lovibond and Lovibond employed
predominantly non-clinical samples for scale development on the basis that depression
and anxiety represent dimensional, not categorical, constructs. Moreover, core
symptoms of anxiety and depression which were unique to one but not both of the
disorders were identified from the outset, and not on an a posteriori basis. Thus,
unconventionally, the initial items selected were retained, with new items compatible
with the emerging factor definitions successively added.
Preliminary evidence has been presented, which suggests that the DASS does possess
adequate convergent and discriminant validity (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995). A large
student sample (N = 717) was administered the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck,
Ward, Mendelsohn, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI; Beck et
al., 1988) and the DASS. The BAI and DASS anxiety scale were highly correlated
(r = .81), as were the BDI and DASS depression scale (r = .74). However, between-
construct correlations were substantially lower (r = .54 for DASS depression and BAI;
r = .58 for DASS anxiety and BDI). Moreover, Antony, Bieling, Cox, Enns, and Swinson
(1998) found a similar pattern of correlations in a clinical sample.
To assess the DASS’s psychometric properties, Lovibond and Lovibond (1995)
administered the measure to a large non-clinical sample (N = 2,914). It was found that
reliability, assessed using Cronbach’s alpha, was acceptable for the depression, anxiety
and stress scales (.91, .84 and .90, respectively). These values are similar to those
obtained from clinical populations (Antony et al., 1998; Brown, Chorpita, Korotitsch, &
Barlow, 1997).
At present, interpretation of the DASS is based primarily on the use of cut-off scores.
Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) presented severity ratings from ‘normal’ to ‘extremely
severe’ on the basis of percentile scores, with 0–78 classified as ‘normal’, 78–87 as
‘mild’, 87–95 as ‘moderate’, 95–98 as ‘severe’, and 98–100 as ‘extremely severe’.
However, these original norms were based predominantly on students. This means that
the generalizability of their results to the normal population is uncertain. Moreover,
although 1,307 of the participants in this study were non-students, no information was
presented regarding whether they were broadly representative of the general
DASS in a non-clinical sample 113
population; all that was stated was that they were ‘white and blue collar workers’
(Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995, p. 9).
Relatedly, the influence of demographic characteristics on DASS scores has gone
largely uninvestigated. In development of the DASS, this analysis was restricted to
gender and age. Although the test authors did not state explicitly whether age and/or
gender yielded a significant effect, ‘. . . there was a trend towards higher scores in the
youngest and oldest age brackets’ (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995, p. 28). However,
Andrew, Baker, Kneebone, and Knight (2000) found that in a sample of elderly
community volunteers (N = 53), scores on all three DASS subscales were almost half
those reported by Lovibond and Lovibond. It is possible that this discrepancy is
attributable to idiosyncrasies in one or both of these samples or the influence of
potential mediating factors such as years of education or occupation. Yet no study to
date has assessed the influence of either of these latter variables. The relationships
between demographic variables and DASS scores in the general population are of
interest in their own right, but investigation of these relationships would also serve the
very practical purpose of identifying whether normative data should be stratified.
If the use of the DASS in research and clinical practice is to be optimal, then it is also
necessary to delineate the underlying structure of the instrument. This is particularly
important given that Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) found through empirical analyses
that, in both clinical and non-clinical samples, symptoms conventionally regarded as
core to the syndrome of depression (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) were
actually extremely weak markers of this construct. Specifically, items pertaining to
changes in appetite, sleep disturbance, guilt, tiredness, concentration loss, indecision,
agitation, loss of libido, diurnal variation in mood, restlessness, irritability and crying
were excluded from the measure.
Moreover, the legitimacy of the stress scale as an independent measure must be
assessed. In an influential series of papers, Clark and Watson (Clark & Watson, 1991a,
1991b; Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988) have argued that anxiety and depression have
an important shared component which they call ‘negative affectivity’ (NA). NA is a
dispositional dimension, with high NA reflecting the experience of subjective distress
and unpleasurable engagement, manifested in a variety of emotional states such as guilt,
anger and nervousness, and low NA represented by an absence of these feelings
(Watson & Clark, 1984). Studies have supported the existence of a dominant NA
dimension (Watson & Clark, 1984; Watson & Tellegen, 1985) and provide evidence that
it is highly related to the symptoms of both anxiety and depression (Brown et al., 1997;
Watson, Clark, Weber et al., 1995; Watson, Weber et al., 1995). Thus, there are strong
theoretical grounds for suggesting that the stress scale is simply a measure of NA,
particularly given that this scale actually originated from items believed to relate to both
To date, four studies have directly tested the construct validity of the DASS (Antony
et al., 1998; Brown et al., 1997; Clara, Cox, & Enns, 2001; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995).
Lovibond and Lovibond (1995) conducted a principal-components analysis in a student
sample (N = 717) which revealed that the first three factors accounted for a high
proportion of the variance. Furthermore, all items loaded on their designated factor
except for anxiety item 30 (‘I feared that I would be ‘‘thrown’’ by some trivial but
unfamiliar task’) which loaded on the stress factor. In the same sample, a confirmatory
factor analysis (CFA) was then used to quantitatively compare the fit of a single-factor
model, a two-factor model (in which depression was one factor, and anxiety and stress
were collapsed into another) and a three-factor model corresponding to the three DASS
114 John Crawford and Julie D. Henry
scales. The three-factor model was found to represent the optimal fit, and a significantly
better fit than the two-factor model.
Analogous findings have been reported in two independent clinical samples. Brown
et al. (1997) conducted an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with varimax rotation using
data derived from a sample (N = 437) of patients suffering from a range of affective
disorders. A three-factor solution emerged, reproducing Lovibond and Lovibond’s
(1995) hypothesized structure. The only discrepancies were that anxiety item 9 (‘I
found myself in situations which made me so anxious that I was most relieved when
they ended’) and stress item 33 (‘I was in a state of nervous tension’)1 double loaded,
and anxiety item 30 failed to load strongly on any factor. Brown et al. then administered
the instrument to an independent clinical sample (N = 241) and employed CFA to test
the fit of four models. The first three models corresponded exactly to those tested by
Lovibond and Lovibond. In addition, a model revised according to the results of the EFA
conducted with Brown et al.’s first sample was also tested. The results revealed that the
revised model represented the optimal fit, and a significantly better fit than the model
corresponding to Lovibond and Lovibond’s original specifications.
Finally, both Clara et al. (2001) and Antony et al. (1998) identified three factor
solutions in clinical samples (N = 258 and N = 439, using CFA and EFA respectively).
Antony et al. (1998), however, again noted discrepancies; stress items 22 (‘I found it
hard to wind down’) and 33 double loaded on anxiety, and anxiety items 9 and 30
double loaded on stress. Thus, whilst these studies suggest that there is a slight degree
of misspecification, they have consistently supported the validity of a three-factor
structure corresponding to the dimensions of anxiety, depression and stress. To date,
though, no study has tested the construct validity of the DASS in a sample drawn from
the general adult population.
The aims of the present study were:
Complete DASS data were collected from 1,771 members of the general adult
population (females = 965, males = 806). Participants were recruited from a wide
variety of sources including commercial and public service organizations, community
centres and recreational clubs. The mean age of the sample was 40.9 (SD = 15.9) with a
range of 15–91 years. The mean years of education was 13.8 (SD = 3.1).
Brown et al. (1997) refer to item 33 as item 34.
DASS in a non-clinical sample 115
Statistical analysis
Basic statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS Version 8. Confidence limits on
Cronbach’s alpha were derived from Feldt’s (1965) formulae.
CFA (robust maximum likelihood) was performed on the variance-covariance matrix
of the DASS items using EQS for Windows Version 5 (Bentler, 1995). The fit of CFA
models was assessed using the Satorra–Bentler scaled chi square statistic (S-B À2), the
average off-diagonal standardized residual (AODSR), the Comparative Fit Index (CFI),
the Robust Comparative Fit Index (RCFI) and the Root Mean Squared Error of
Approximation (RMSEA). Off-diagonal standardized residuals reflect the extent to which
covariances between observed variables have not been accounted for by the models
under consideration. Values for the CFI and RCFI can range from zero to unity; these
indices express the fit of a model relative to what is termed the ‘null model’ (the null
model posits no relationship between any of the manifest variables). There is general
agreement that a model with a CFI of less than 0.95 should not be viewed as providing a
satisfactory fit to the data (Hu & Bentler, 1999). The RMSEA has been included as this fit
index explicitly penalizes models which are not parsimonious.
A model is considered to be nested within another model if it differs only in imposing
additional constraints on the relationships between variables specified in the initial
model. The difference between chi square for nested models is itself distributed as chi
square with k degrees of freedom where k equals the degrees of freedom for the more
constrained model minus the degrees of freedom for the less constrained model. This
means that it is possible to test directly whether more constrained models have a
significantly poorer fit than less constrained models; this feature of CFA is one of its
major advantages over EFA. In the present case there is a slight complication because
the S-B À2 is used as an index of fit rather than the standard chi-square statistic (the
Satorra–Bentler statistic is recommended when the raw data are skewed). The
difference between S-B À2 for nested models is typically not distributed as chi square.
However, Satorra and Bentler (2001) have recently developed a scaled difference chi-
square test statistic that can be used to compare S-B À2 from nested models. This
statistic is used in the present study.2
these two factors were constrained to be orthogonal and in Model 2b, permitted to
correlate. Model 2b was then retested, but additionally permitted correlated error
between items from the same content categories (Model 2c).
Models 3a–3d tested Lovibond and Lovibond’s (1995) three-factor structure,
specifying the dimensions of anxiety, depression and stress. In Model 3a, the three
factors were constrained to be orthogonal, with Model 3b permitting the factors to
correlate in accordance with Lovibond and Lovibond’s original specifications. Model 3c
represented a test of the model which Brown et al. (1997) derived through an EFA in a
clinical sample, and which represented the optimal fit of four CFA models tested in an
independent clinical sample. The model was parameterized according to Lovibond and
Lovibond’s original specifications, except that some items were permitted to load on
more than one factor. Specifically, stress item 33 also loaded on anxiety, anxiety item 9
on stress, and anxiety item 30 on all three factors. Finally, Model 3c was retested, but
additionally permitted correlated error (Model 3d).
Influence of demographic variables on DASS scores
As the DASS scales had a high positive skew, analysis of their relationships with
demographic variables (i.e. t-tests and correlations) was performed on the logarithm of
their scores. Independent samples t-tests revealed that females obtained significantly
higher scores than males on the anxiety scale (M = 4.0, SD = 6.17 [females]; M = 3.0,
SD = 4.23 [males]; t = –2.29, p < .05), depression scale (M = 6.1, SD = 8.14 [females];
M = 4.9, SD = 6.55 [males]; t = –2.68, p < .01), and total of the three scales (M = 19.9,
SD = 20.82 [females]; M = 16.6, SD = 15.95 [males]; t = –2.20, p <.05). The difference
between males and females on the stress scale did not achieve statistical significance
(M = 9.8, SD = 8.56 [males]; M = 8.7, SD = 7.35 [females]; t = –1.802, p > .05).
* Correlation significant at .05 level (two-tailed); ** correlation significant at .01 level (two-tailed).
The influence of the remaining demographic variables (age, years of education and
occupational code) on the DASS anxiety, depression, stress and total scales was tested
through correlational analyses, the results of which are presented in Table 1. The point-
biserial correlations between gender and the DASS scale scores are also presented in
this table as an index of effect size (males were coded as 0, females as 1, so a positive
118 John Crawford and Julie D. Henry
correlation represents a higher score in females). It can be seen from Table 1 that the
influence of all demographic variables on DASS scores is very modest.
Total sample
(N = 1771)
Anxiety 2 3.56 5.39 0–40 94.4 2.0 3.8 2.0 3.2
Depression 3 5.55 7.48 0–42 81.7 6.2 6.3 2.9 2.9
Stress 8 9.27 8.04 0–42 80.2 8.4 5.9 3.5 2.0
Total 13 18.38 18.82 0–121
Lovibond and Lovibond’s (1995) percentile cut-offs corresponding to each DASS category.
Visual inspection of the distribution of raw scores on the four scales revealed that, as
is to be expected in a sample drawn from the general adult population, they were
positively skewed, particularly the anxiety scale. Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests confirmed
that the distributions deviated highly significantly from a normal distribution (Z ranged
from 5.24 to 10.70, all ps < .001).
Given the positive skew, use of the means and SDs from a normative sample is not
useful when interpreting an individual’s score. Therefore, Table 3 was constructed for
conversion of raw scores on each of the DASS scales to percentiles.
Raw scores
5 0 0 0 1 5
10 0 0 1 2 10
15 0 0 2 3 15
20 0 0 3 5 20
25 1 0 3 6 25
30 1 0 4 7 30
35 1 1 5 8 35
40 2 1 6 10 40
45 2 1 7 12 45
50 3 2 8 13 50
55 3 2 8 15 55
60 4 3 9 17 60
65 5 3 10 19 65
70 6 4 12 22 70
75 7 4 13 24 75
76 8 5 13 24 76
77 8 5 13 25 77
78 8 5 14 26 78
79 9 5 14 27 79
80 9 6 14 28 80
81 9 6 15 28 81
82 10 6 15 29 82
83 10 6 16 30 83
84 11 7 16 31 84
85 11 7 17 32 85
86 12 7 17 34 86
87 13 8 18 35 87
88 14 8 18 36 88
89 14 8 19 39 89
90 15 9 20 40 90
91 16 10 21 42 91
92 17 11 22 46 92
93 18 12 23 48 93
94 20 13 25 54 94
95 22 15 26 60 95
96 24 17 28 64 96
97 27 20 30 72 97
98 31 22 34 79 98
99 36 26 37 91 99
poor. However, for both models, all items loaded highly on the appropriate construct.
Model 3c represented a revised version of Lovibond and Lovibond’s model based on the
empirical findings of Brown et al. (1997) and represented a superior fit. As with Brown
et al.’s study, items 9 and 33 loaded equivalently on the anxiety and stress factors (.36
vs. .36; .41 vs. .40, respectively), and item 30 loaded weakly on all three factors (ranging
from .12 to .35). Again, none of the fit indices was acceptable. Model 3d was identical to
Single factor
1a. Single factor 7,259.3 14,144.5 819 .0560 .726 .542 .096
John Crawford and Julie D. Henry
1b. Single factor with correlated error 3,986.4 7,616.1 779 .0475 .860 .772 .070
Anxiety and depression as . . .
2a. independent factors 6,172.2 11,902.2 819 .2063 .773 .619 .087
2b. correlated factors 5,421.9 10,341.7 818 .0459 .805 .673 .081
2c. correlated factors with correlated error 2,965.0 5,607.6 778 .0385 .901 .844 .059
Lovibond & Lovibond’s model with . . .
3a. independent factors 5,661.8 10,945.0 819 .2662 .792 .656 .084
3b. correlated factors 4,298.2 8,148.0 816 .0422 .850 .752 .071
3c. correlated factors, revised 4,059.5 7,656.9 812 .0377 .860 .769 .069
3d. correlated factors, revised, and correlated error 2,347.8 4,403.2 772 .0322 .925 .888 .052
The Satorra–Bentler scaled chi square statistic (S-B À2) was used to evaluate model fit. However, the normal chi square is also required when testing for a
difference between the S-B À2 statistic obtained from nested models; hence we present both statistics in this table.
DASS in a non-clinical sample 121
Table 5. Results of testing for differences between nested CFA models of DASS
Comparison statistics
Model 3c but additionally permitted correlated error. This model was associated with
the optimal fit according to all criteria, with high fit indices and a À2 value that,
although statistically significant,3 was substantially lower than that for the other models
The fit of the correlated factors models is markedly superior to their independent
factors counterparts. As noted, inferential statistics can be applied to compare nested
models. Models 2a and 3a are nested within Models 2b and 3b respectively in that they
differ only by the imposition of the constraint that the factors are independent. The
results from chi square difference tests used to compare these nested models are
presented in Table 5. It can be seen that the correlated factors models had a
significantly better fit (p < .001) than their independent factors counterparts,
demonstrating that the conception of independence between the scales is untenable.
This is underlined by the correlations between the three factors in Models 3b–3d. For
the optimal Model, 3d, the correlations were depression–anxiety (r = .75), stress–
depression (r = .77) and stress–anxiety (r = .74). These correlations are higher than the
respective correlations between the scales: depression–anxiety (r = .70), stress–
depression (r = .72) and stress–anxiety (r = .70)—although these latter correlations
are themselves substantial. This is because the factors in the CFA models are measured
without error, whereas the correlation between the scales is attenuated by
measurement error and the unique variance associated with each item.
Although it may appear initially that the general factor model is very different from
the correlated factors models, it is also nested within these models. Models 2b and 3b
can be rendered equivalent to a single factor simply by constraining the correlation
between factors to unity (i.e. r = 1.0). The chi square difference tests comparing Model
1 with Models 2b and 3b were both highly significant, demonstrating that it is also
untenable to view the DASS as measuring only a single factor of negative affectivity or
general psychological distress.
Allowing for correlated error between the items also resulted in a significant
When dealing with large sample sizes and a large number of items it is unusual to obtain non-significant À2 values for CFA
models of self-report data (Byrne, 1994).
122 John Crawford and Julie D. Henry
improvement in the fit of Models 1b, 2c and 3d compared with their more constrained
counterparts, Models 1a, 2b and 3c, respectively. Moreover, the addition of the double
loadings identified by Brown et al. (1997) led to improvement, with Model 3c a
significantly better fit than Model 3b (p < .001).
26 Downhearted & blue DYS .77
13 Sad & depressed DYS .78
37 Nothing future hopeful HLNS .82
10 Nothing to look forward to HLNS .81
38 Life meaningless DoL .78
21 Life not worthwhile DoL .79
34 Felt worthless S-Dep .80
17 Not worth much as person S-Dep .77
16 Lost interest in everything LoI/I .81
31 Unable to become enthusiastic LoI/I .78
3 Couldn’t experience positive ANH .71
24 Couldn’t get enjoyment ANH .75
5 Couldn’t get going INRT .53
42 Difficult to work up initiative INRT .64
25 Aware of action of heart AutAr .62
19 Perspired noticeably AutAr .60
2 Dryness of mouth AutAr .47
4 Breathing difficulty AutAr .50
23 Difficulty swallowing AutAr .57
7 Shakiness SkME .63
41 Trembling SkME .62
40 Worried about situations/panic SitAnx .62
9 Situations made anxious SitAnx .36 .36
30 Feared would be ‘thrown’ SitAnx .13 .36 .23
28 Felt close to panic SubAA .80
36 Terrified SubAA .70
20 Scared for no good reason SubAA .74
15 Feeling faint SubAA .58
22 Hard to wind down DRel .69
29 Hard to calm down DRel .79
8 Difficult to relax DRel .68
12 Using nervous energy NerAr .67
33 State of nervous tension NerAr .40 .40
11 Upset easily EU/A .79
1 Upset by trivial things EU/A .69
39 Agitated EU/A .78
6 Overreact to situations I/OR .72
27 Irritable I/OR .77
18 Touchy I/OR .76
35 Intolerant kept from getting on IMPT .62
14 Impatient when delayed IMPT .53
32 Difficulty tolerating interruptns IMPT .63
Note. DYS = dysphoria; HLNS = hopelessness; DoL = devaluation of life; S-Dep = self-deprecation;
LoI/I = lack of interest/involvement; ANH = anhedonia; INRT – inertia; AutAr = autonomic arousal;
SkME = skeletal musculature effects; SitAnx = situational anxiety; SubAA = subjective anxious affect;
DRel = difficulty relaxing; NerAr = nervous arousal; EU/A = easily upset/agitated; I/OR = irritable/
over-reactive; IMPT = impatient.
124 John Crawford and Julie D. Henry
Figure 1. Graphical representation of a correlated three-factor model of the DASS (Model 3d);
cross-loadings have been omitted in the interests of clarity.
Table 7. Correlations between the DASS, sAD, HADS and PANAS
DASS depression – – – – – – –
In common with all other self-report scales of anxiety and depression, the
discriminant validity of the DASS was less impressive: the between-construct
correlations (i.e. DASS anxiety with HADS depression, etc.) were all highly significant
(see Table 7). However, Williams’ tests revealed that when the DASS scales were paired
with their opposites from the other scales, all these latter (between-construct)
correlations were significantly lower (p < .05 or beyond) than the corresponding
within-construct correlations referred to above.
The correlations between PA and NA with the DASS scales are of particular interest,
especially the correlations between PA and the depression scale, and NA and the stress
scale. The depression scale’s correlation with PA was highly significant and negative in
sign (–.48); thus scoring high on depression was associated with low levels of PA. Using
Meng, Rosenthal, and Rubin’s (1992) method of comparing sets of non-independent
correlations, this correlation was significantly higher than the correlations between PA
and the other two DASS scales (–.29 for anxiety and –.31 for stress; z = 8.36, p < .001).
The correlation between the stress scale and NA (.67) was significantly higher than the
correlation of NA with the other two DASS scales (.60 for both anxiety and depression;
z = 3.64, p < .001).
Influence of demographic variables
One basic aim of the present study was to examine the influence of demographic
variables on DASS scores. Although nine out of the 16 relationships examined proved
significant, the size of the effects was very modest. The percentage of variance
explained ranged from a low of 0.003% (occupational code and total score) to 3.35%
(age and stress). Thus, for practical purposes, the influence of gender, occupation,
education and age on DASS scores can be ignored; the significant effects result from the
high statistical power conferred by a large sample size. This simplifies interpretation of
DASS scores, as these variables do not need to be taken into consideration.
The effects of gender on DASS scores were very modest; the largest effect was on the
depression scale, but even here gender only accounted for 0.41% of the variance in
scores. This result is surprising given that epidemiological studies generally report a
higher incidence of anxiety and depression in females (Horwath & Weissman, 1995;
Meltzer, Gill, Petticrew, & Hinds, 1995). It is not clear why substantial gender effects
did not emerge in the present study, but this finding is consistent with Lovibond and
Lovibond’s (1995) study in which gender effects were also very modest. The
explanation may lie in the combination of two factors. First, epidemiological studies
are concerned with caseness, in other words only with the number of individuals that
meet clinical criteria, rather than measuring milder manifestations of psychological
distress. Second, the DASS intentionally omits many of the symptoms that form part of
traditional psychiatric criteria (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995).
Normative data
Despite the widespread use of the DASS in the English-speaking world, adequate
normative data for the English language version do not appear to have been presented
previously. Instead, interpretation of the DASS has been based primarily on norms
DASS in a non-clinical sample 127
The reliabilities of the DASS scales, as measured by Cronbach’s alpha, were .90 for
anxiety, .95 for depression, .93 for stress and .97 for the total scale. The narrowness of
the confidence limits associated with these coefficients indicates that they can be
regarded as providing very accurate estimates of the internal consistency of the DASS in
the general adult population. There is no absolute criterion for the reliability of an
instrument. However, as a rule of thumb, Anastasi (1990) has suggested that a should
be at least .85 if the intention is to use an instrument to draw inferences concerning an
individual. By this criterion all three DASS subscales and the total scale can be viewed as
possessing adequate reliability.
stability of the DASS. If the stress scale is simply an index of non-specific vulnerability to
distress (i.e. NA), then stress scores at Time 1 should have been a more powerful
predictor of anxiety at Time 2 than was depression, and a more powerful predictor of
depression scores at Time 2 than was anxiety. Neither of these two patterns was
observed, yet stress scores at Time 1 were relatively good predictors of stress scores at
Time 2.
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