A Survey On Cipher Modes Assignmnet Format

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BS (CS) - 426

Lecturer IBMS-AUP



Table of Contents
1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................3
1.1 What is IoT?....................................................................................................................4

1.2 SMART HOME COMMUNICATIONS .....................................................................4

1.3 Security Challenges .......................................................................................................5

3. Literature Review................................................................................................................5
References ................................................................................................................................8

Figure List
Figure 1: Smart Home System Setup .............................................................................. 3
Figure 3: Smart Home Communication Overview ...................................................... 5

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1. Introduction

Imagine a world where billions of objects can sense, communicate and share
information, all interconnected over public or private Internet Protocol (IP)
networks. These interconnected objects have data regularly collected, analyzed
and used to initiate action, providing a wealth of intelligence for planning,
management and decision making. This is the world of the Internet of Things
The IoT is the world of sensors and actuators which are embedded into physical
objects which are connected through wireless and wired network that all live and
interact with each other. The purpose of IoT is to control and access to these
smart digital devices .The applications of IoT is Smart Homes, which made our
lives smarter and comfortable .The number of IoT devices are increasing day by
day. The smart homes consist of sensors, actuators, appliances and controller.
The data reported by the sensors are analyzed by controller and sends the
message to other sensors or electric appliances to ask them to work accordingly.
Besides smartness and comfort security id the main issue in smart homes as
devices communicate with each other through internet so this communications
should be more secure[1]

Figure 1: Smart Home System Setup

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1.1 What is IoT?

The term Internet of Things (IoT) coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999, allows `people
and things to be connected any-time, anyplace, with anything and anyone,
ideally using any path/network and any service.


All the appliances and devices in the smart homes are not only connected with each other
but they also communicate among each other and with the owner that is the user of the
smart homes. any device that uses the electricity can be used for the smart home by the
command of the owner.[15]. Smart homes have made our lives more easier amd
convenient. We are at homes , outside from the homes we are connected to our home not
only informed from our smart home but also can control our home as well.

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Figure 2: Smart Home Communication Overview

1.3 Security Challenges

The term security subsumes a wide range of different concepts.
The security is divided into four classes 1. Authenticity, validating the identity of
the claimed. 2: confidentiality When devices want to communicate it will secure
the communication channel.3: Integrity, protecting message from alteration.4:
Availability, protecting the availability of the service[1]

3. Literature Review

Authentication approach has three most common categories .1. knowledge based
2. Object based 3. Physiological. Each and every approach has its own advantages
and disadvantages. In the knowledge based approach the user has to remember
the user name and password. The user name and password are the traditional
method of authentication, but it is not sufficient in the mobile network
environment where user require access from different places. [8] has proposed an
algorithm for user authentication ,called Gesture recognition algorithm. This

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algorithm has so many drawbacks like complex calculations were made to

recognize the correct user as well as need to store pre-registered patterns for
accuracy. [9] Proposed a scheme where user is recognized by the color of their
wearable cloths but this approach fails in the environment with uniform cloth

Keeping in mind the above drawbacks of the different static authentication

techniques, static Biometrics features such as iris and Fingerprint are developed
and used for the specific location where users are expected to use/ access
required services [10][11] proposed that these schemes are considered strong
enough against different attacks but they are impractical for when mobile users
need access to the services from different places.

For the authentication the most commonly and satisfactory techniques are
cryptographic techniques. The devices with limited capabilities may or may not
perform the computations. The most important application and domain of IOT is
smart homes. The issues with the smart homes are to secure the communication
among IOT devices. As the communication may contain the private information.
The IOT devices of the smart homes are small in sized and they are designed in
such a way that they will consume the low power which may constrained
computing performance in limited storage capacity, therefore there is a need of
designing a scheme that will satisfy the security requirements.

The concept of id based (ID- based) was first introduced by Shamir in 1984. The
concept behind it was that user within the system could use their online identifier
along with system information as their public keys. The practical id based
encryption using bilinear mapping over elliptic curves was presented in
2001[5].A lightweight message authentication scheme for the smart grids based
on Diffie-Hellman key establishment protocol and hashed based authenticated
code is proposed in .[2] . Privacy and authentication is the achieved through
public key cryptography. In public key cryptography a key is exchanged among
the sender and receiver. The concept of signcryption by Zheng[3]is a
cryptographic primitive that offers confidentiality and unforgeability at the same

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time just like sign and encrypt but with less computational cost and complexity.
For signcryption the security notion was formally defined in 2002 by Back et al.
in [4]. The purpose of signcryption is to encrypt and sign the data in a single
operation. The proper signcryption scheme should provide the authentication
and non-repudiation. In conventional encryption scheme recovering the plain
text from Signcrypted must be computationally infeasible without receipts
private key. The ID based cryptography has become the most popular area of the
network security. Several Id based signcryption been proposed for far,e.g.[6,7].in
the last few years many cryptographic schemes have been proposed for the
securing of smart homes. Market is providing many devices with the ability to
communicate securely by utilizing 128 bit hashing cryptographic scheme.
Communication between two devices a pre shared key is distributed among the
devices in advance for encryption and decryption, but if the key is compromised
all the communication is compromised [12]. For the smart homes a light weight
cryptographic scheme been proposed by [13] with less communication and
computational overhead that provides the confidentiality. This scheme is based
on symmetric key cryptography for message encryption. Many schemes been
proposed for public cryptographic mechanism but they all may not satisfy the
security goal. The one who has used the signcryption scheme for securing smart
homes communication is [14]. T in this scheme id based signcryption scheme
been proposed in which four steps are performed 1.system initialization in which
the local server uses the secret key generate the public ky.2.Registration , given
an id of the device local server computes the private key and send it back to the
device.3.signcryption, To send a message m to a receiver with identity ID, the
sender encrypts the message m and then signs it consecutively using the public

Parameters resulting from the system initialization stage including of the sender
and ID of the receiver, and the message m producing a cipher-
text.4,Unsigncryption.when the receiver receive the cipher text from the sending
device it unsigncryt it to obtain the plain text.[14] the [14] provides the
confidentiality, integrity and authentication. Since the local server is responsible

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for the generation of key and initialization but if the local server is being attacked
all the communication will be suffered


[1]. S. Creese, M. Goldsmith, B. Roscoe, and I. Zakiuddin, “Authentication for

pervasive computing,” Secur. pervasive Comput., pp. 116–129, 2004.

[2]. Mostafa M Fouda.IEEE,zubair An Efficient Identity-Based Signcryption Scheme

for MultipleReceivers

[3]. S. Sharmila Deva Selvi1, S. Sree Vivek1,?, Rahul Srinivasan2, C. Pandu Rangan

[4]. Joonsang Baek, Ron Steinfeld, and Yuliang Zheng. Formal proofs for the security
of signcryption. In Public Key Cryptography, pages 80–98, 2002.

[5]. Dan Boneh and Matthew K. Franklin. Identity-based encryption from the weil
pairing. In CRYPTO, pages 213–229, 2001

[6]. X.Boneh and Multipurpose identity based signcryption : a swiss army knife for
identity based cryptography. In crypto 03 volume 2729 of LNCS, pages 383-399

[7]. L.chen and J.Malone Lee. Improved identity Based Signcryption. In PKC 05
volume 3386 of NLCS,pages 362-379.springer ,2005

[8]. J. Liu, L. Zhong, J. Wickramasuriya, and V. Vasudevan, “uWave: Accelerometer-

based personalized gesture recognition and its applications,” Pervasive Mob.
Comput., vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 657–675, 2009.

[9]. K. Niinuma, U. Park, and A. K. Jain, “Soft biometric traits for continuous user
authentication,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 771–780, 2010.

[10]. K. Mock, J. Weaver, and M. Milton, “Poster : Real-time continuous iris

recognition for authentication using an eye tracker,” Proc. 2012 ACM Conf. on
Comput. Comm. & Secur., pp. 1007–1009, 2012.

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[11]. P. W. Tsai, M. K. Khan, J. S. Pan, and B. Y. Liao, “Interactive artificial bee colony
supported passive continuous authentication system,” IEEESyst. J., vol. 8, no. 2,
pp. 395–405, 2014.

[12]. D. M. Dobkin and B. Aboussouan, “Low power wi-fiTM(ieee802.11)for ipsmart

objects,” GainSpan Corporation, 2009.

[13]. S. Al Salami, J. Baek, K. Salah, and E. Damiani, “Lightweight encryption for smart
home,” in Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), 2016 11th International
Conference on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 382–388.

[14]. An Efficient and Secure Scheme for Smart Home Communication using Identity-
Based Signcryption Yosef Ashibani, Qusay H. Mahmoud Department of
Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering University of Ontario Institute of
Technology Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7K4 Canada

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