TrainingManual2013 PDF
TrainingManual2013 PDF
TrainingManual2013 PDF
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Lecture Delivered During Model Training Course on Gender Perspective in Integrated Farming System w.e.f 17-
24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Lecture Delivered During Model Training Course on Gender Perspective in Integrated Farming System w.e.f 17-
24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Lecture Delivered During Model Training Course on Gender Perspective in Integrated Farming System w.e.f 17-
24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
1 Gender Perspective in Agriculture: Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming 1
Dr. B.P.Bhatt
2 Gender Issues in Agriculture 12
Dr. K.M.Singh
3 Optimizing Water Productivity through IFS Models in Water Logged 20
Dr. D.K.Kaushal
4 Women Empowerment through Crop Based Farming Systems 25
Dr. S.S.Singh
5 Integrated Farming System Models for Food and Nutritional Security 33
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar
6 Women Empowerment through Integrated Fish Farming System 47
Dr. Kamal Sarma
7 Role Of Women in Animal Husbandry Practices 52
Dr. A.Dey
8 Role of Women in Integrated Farming Systems: Some Experiences from 56
Eastern Region
Dr. Shivani
9 Backyard Poultry: A Viable Option for Income Generation 62
Dr. R.K.Rai
10 Apiculture for Livelihood Support to Women Folk 70
Dr. Ram Kewal
11 Recycling of Within Farm Renewable Resources: An Entrepreneurial 82
Opportunity for Women Folk
Dr. S.K.Singh
12 Mushroom Production: An Alternate Income Generating Activity 90
Dr. J.P.Sharma
13 Livelihood Support through Vegetable Production System to Women Folk 100
Dr. A.K.Singh
14 Post-Harvest Technologies and Value Addition: Profitable Venture for 123
Dr. A.K.Thakur
15 Role Of Women Folk in Nursery Management 128
Dr. Bikash Das
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
16 Intensive Cropping System for Economic Efficiency in Irrigated 138
Dr. R.D.Singh
17 Irrigation Techniques for Efficient Water Management in Farming 150
Dr. Ajay Kumar
18 Solar Energy Application in Integrated Faming System 153
Dr. A.Rahman
19 Women Friendly Agricultural Engineering Technologies for Reducing 158
Er. P.K.Sundaram
20 Adoption of Modern Soil and Water Conservation Techniques for 167
Enhancing Productivity
Surajit Mondal
21 Information and Communication Technologies for Women Empowerment 175
Dr. M.S.Meena
22 Women Empowerment through Gender Specific Government Schemes 184
Dr. Abhay Kumar
23 Integrated Insect Pest Management for Enhancing Farm Productivity: A 191
Gender Perspective
Dr. Md. Idris
24 Modern Conservation Techniques for Empowering Women: Problems 195
and Prospects
Dr. A.R.Khan
25 Integrated Livestock Management for Sustainable Production System 206
Dr. J.J.Gupta
26 Integrated Faming System for Livelihood Security of Women in Water 210
Logged Areas
Dr. A Abdul Haris
27 Role of Agro-Advisory in Crop Production System 215
Dr. Joydeep Mukherjee
28 Women Participation in Integrated Farming System 222
Dr. Ujjwal Kumar
29 Gender Based Fisheries and Aquaculture Practices 228
Dr. B.K.Choudhary
30 Integrated Disease Management under Livestock Farming Systems 234
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Gender Perspective in Agriculture: Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming
Dr B P Bhatt
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar
Over the years, there is a gradual realization of the key role of women in the field of agricultural
development Aside from raising children, women are expected to prepare all meals, maintain the
homestead, and assist in crop and animal production system besides taking care of children. Rural
women form the most important productive work force in the economy of majority of the developing
nations including India. Agriculture--the single largest production endeavour in India, contributing about
18% of GDP, is increasingly becoming a female activity. Agriculture sector employs 4/5th of all
economically active women in the country. On an average 48% of India’s self-employed farmers are
women. There are 75 million women engaged in dairying as against 15 million men. Likewise 20 million
women folk are associated with animal husbandry as compared to 1.5 million male population. Beyond
the conventional market-oriented narrower definition of ‘productive workers’, almost all women in rural
India today can be considered as ‘farmers’ in some sense, working as agricultural labour, unpaid workers
in the family farm enterprise, or combination of the two. Moreover, several farm activities traditionally
carried out by men are also being undertaken by women as men are pulled away into higher paying
employment. Thus, rural India is witnessing a process which could be described as “Feminization of
Closing “gender gap” in agriculture–or increasing women’s contribution to food production and
enterprise by providing equal access to resources and opportunities–could reduce the number of hungry
people in the world by 12-17%, or by 100 to 150 million people (FAO, 2011). The world community
today sincerely recognized the role of women in agriculture and the constraints that they face in earning
a decent and sustainable livelihood. There is growing evidence suggesting that women’s
underdevelopment has adverse bearing on growth and development of agriculture. Therefore, time has
come for us to make concerted efforts to address gender issues and provide support for social,
technological and economic empowerment of women. One of the important steps in this direction is
integration of gender perspective in agricultural research, extension and policies so as to make women
an important partner in sustainable agricultural development.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
2. Crops Division: The schemes namely ‘Technology Mission on Cotton and On Farm Water
Management for increasing Crop Production in Eastern India’ are neither gender specific nor
have any specific allocations for women, however, to enable women to take full benefits of the
scheme, the States/Implementing Agencies are being encouraged to give preference to women
farmers who head the household/have land holdings in components like distribution of
agriculture inputs, trainings and demonstrations.
3. Plant Protection Division: Under the scheme ‘strengthening and Modernization of Pest
Management Approach in India’, there are no separate provision/budget allocated for women.
However, under the sub-component ‘Integrated Pest Management’, the Farmers’ Field Schools
are organized in collaboration and support of the State Government on different crops in which
women farmers actively participate in the training activities/programmes.
4. Horticulture Division: Women as a work force contribute to the coconut cultivation and industry
especially in the making of coir which is widely used. Keeping this in view, under the scheme
‘Expansion of Area under Coconut’ being implemented by Coconut Development Board,
conscious efforts are made to extend the benefits of the scheme to women farmers. During
2004-05, in Kerala state, out of a total of 945, numbers of beneficiaries, 228 were women
(24.9%). In the year 2005-06, 22.3% of women folk were benefitted out of a total of 1036
stakeholders. Under the schemes of National Horticulture Board namely ‘Development of
Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post-Harvest Management’ and Technology,
Development and Transfer for Promotion of Horticulture’, 174 and 107 women have been
benefited during 2004-05 and 2005-06, respectively.
5. Seeds Division: Specific financial targets have been fixed for women farmers under the Central
Sector Scheme titles ‘Development and Strengthening of Infrastructure facilities for Production
and Distribution of Quality seeds under its following components:
• Seed Village Scheme
• Human Resource Development
• National Seeds Research and Training Centre (Varanasi)
• Use of Bio Technology in Agriculture and Public Awareness Campaign
The implementing agencies have been advised to allocate specific amount for women farmers.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
6. Machinery & Technology Division: A number of agricultural implements and hand tools suitable
for farm women have been developed by Research and Development Organizations under ICAR.
These gender friendly tools are being promoted through Macro Management Scheme. The
feedback from the state governments indicates that 20,380 women farmers have been
benefited under this scheme during the year 2004-05. Under the Central Sector Scheme
‘Promotion and Strengthening of Agricultural Mechanization through Training, Testing and
Demonstration’, the skill development aspect among women farmers has been adequately
taken care of by earmarking 10% of the funds and fixing up of separate physical targets for
women. Under the ‘Training and Testing component’, Farm Machinery, Training and Testing
Institutes have organized short duration training and testing programmes–both institutional and
on-site for farmers in the areas of selection, operation, maintenance and management of
agricultural implements. A total of 309 women have been trained against the target of 400
during 2004-05 and 217 against a target of 500 during 2005-06. Though, there are no specific
targets for women farmers under ‘Demonstrations’, however, the women farmers have been
actively made to participate in the demonstrations organized during 2004-05. During 2005-06,
961 demonstrations have been organized in the farmers’ fields including the fields of women
farmers. The State Governments have been requested to earmark 10% of the funds for women
and furnish their reports separately on gender disaggregated basis. Under a new component
‘outsourcing of training’, the State Governments have been requested to earmark 10% of the
funds for training of women farmers during the 10th Plan period.
7. Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Division: As per the guidelines of ‘National Project on
Organic Farming (NPOF)’, there is no gender specific activities/allocation. However, 25% seats
for training of farmers on organic farming have been reserved for women farmers.
8. Technology Mission on Oilseeds & Pulses (TMOP) Division: There is no separate provision for
gender based budgeting. However, under the NOVOD Board’s schemes on ‘Integrated
Development of Tree Borne Oilseeds’, the implementing agencies have been advised to ensure
maximum participation of women in the programme.
9. Natural Resource Management (NRM) Division: Under the ‘Watershed Development Project in
Shifting Cultivation Areas (WDPSCA)’, there is no specific component exclusively allocated for
women farmers, however, under the scheme, 17.5% of the total allocation is earmarked for
rehabilitation component which enable the beneficiaries to take up agriculture and allied
activities such as Production of short duration crops like banana, papaya, etc.; animal
Husbandry/Piggery/Poultry/Duckery/Purchase of milch cows; Pisiculture; Sericulture–Plantation
of Mulberry, Supply of silk worm; and household activities–Basket/rope/Mats making, Tailoring,
embroidery, carpentry, black smithy, small house hold food processing units, cottage industries
and many other activities suitable to the locality with the approval of the DWDC. These activities
are mainly carried out by women.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
10. Rainfed Farming System Division: Under the ‘National Watershed Development Project for
Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA)’ which has been subsumed with Macro Management scheme for
funds, there is an active participation of women in different activities. In a Watershed
Development Team (WDT), one out of four members is a woman; Each Watershed Committee
has two women members to facilitate active participation of women in the programme. The
women oriented users groups (UGs) are formed at each watershed. Also, for income generating
activities, exclusive women SHGs as well as general SHGs with adequate participation of women
are formed.
(i) Support to States for Extension Reports: A centrally sponsored scheme “Support to States
for Extension Reforms” based on Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Model,
which was successfully pilot tested under the National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP)
has been launched during 2005. The Scheme aims at providing decentralized and demand driven
extension services through active involvement of Farmers/ Women Farmers/Subject Matter
Specialists/NGOs/Krishi Vigyan Kendras etc. The gender concerns are being mainstreamed by
mandating that 30% of resources on programmes and activities are allocated for Women
Farmers and Women Extension Functionaries.
(ii) National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP): There has been a focused participation of
women under the Innovations in Technology Dissemination (ITD) component of National
Agriculture Technology Project (NATP). A total of 1.27 lakh of women farmers have been
benefited in seven states, implementing the programme through demonstrations; exposure
visits; farm women training, FAC meetings and other such activities.
(iii) National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) and Gender Concern: The NAIP was
launched on July 26, 2006 to facilitate accelerated and sustainable transformation of Indian
agriculture in support of poverty alleviation and income generation by collaborative
development and application of agricultural innovation by the public research organizations in
partnership with the farmer’s groups, the private sector, the civil society organizations and
other stakeholders. Gender issue has been adequately addressed under the NAIP component-1
and 3.
Component 1: This component aims at bringing in the organizational changes in the NARS so
that it becomes a dynamic innovation system capable of responding to the present as well as
the future needs of Indian agriculture research and development. The role of the ICAR as the
leader of the NARS (Funds allocated: approximately US$ 46 million) is to act as a catalyzing
agent to bring the changes in the agricultural universities being the main partners where all
other stakeholders are involved. Under this component, one of the objectives is policy analysis
including that for gender concerns, visioning and market intelligence analysis for supporting the
policy makers on one hand and the farmer on the other.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
• Gender Work Participation Disparity Index (GWPDI) was developed to characterize the gender
work participation scenario at regional and all India basis. The value of GWPDI varies between 0
and 1 (greater the index value more will be the disparity). The GWPDI value for India was found
to be 0.397 in 1991 and 0.338 in 2001 indicating that the disparity in work participation between
men and women has narrowed down over the years.
• Gender Work Participation Index (GWPI) has been developed to characterize the gender work
participation scenario in a state or a country. The GWPI value which was 0.234 in 1991 increased
to 0.272 in the year 2001 indicating improvement in work participation scenario. Mizoram
(0.559), Sikkim (0.454) and D&NH (0.492) are the states with high gender work participation
status based on figures in 2001 census. Some of the states–Odisha, West Bengal, Bihar, Punjab,
Haryana are having low level of gender work participation. There seems to be an inverse
relationship between GWPDI and GWPI.
• A gender sensitive Rural ICT website model was created and implemented for women SHGs in
Aipur village in Nalgonda district of AP in collaboration with two NGOs.
During previous years of trials, some of the major interventions resulting into high impact in the
respective areas were identified and documented in ICAR-NAIP publication ‘Selected livelihood
options for disadvantaged regions of India’. Some important interventions for livelihood
improvement of men/women are as:
Main Obstacles in Women Growth in Agriculture Sector (Source: Lal and Khurana, 2011). The main
obstacle are depicted below are as;
• Very few land holdings, animals, and machineries are under the control of womenfolk.
• Women absence from decision making process, either inside or outside the home.
• Women perform all un-mechanized agricultural tasks and perform multiple tasks, which add
more burden to them.
• Women workers in agriculture suffer from high illiteracy rate and school drop-outs.
• Women earn less wages, especially in joint, informal and private sector.
• Women do not know their legal rights.
• Miss applying of some laws and regulations in favour of women such as heritage legislation.
(iv) UNDP National Food Security Programme: The agreement for UNDP-GOI Food Security programme
was signed in 1998. The sub-programmes included maize based cropping system; promotion of hybrid
rice; sustainable dry-land agriculture, natural resource management along with supplementary
programme for cyclone affected districts and management support for food security. Under the women
specific programmes implemented in the States of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, 2206
Farm Women Groups (FWGs) have been directly benefited and 49,976 Women Farmers have been
directly trained.
(v) Extension Support to Central Institutes/DOE: Out of 11 components of scheme, ‘Support to Central
Institutions / DOE’ the budget for gender purposes is allocated only under one component viz. ‘National
Gender Resource Center in Agriculture (NGRCA)’ wherein the expenditure is made on women specific
activities mainly–undertaking macro/micro level studies; action research on critical thrust areas related
to Women in Agriculture; developing Gender Sensitization Modules for programme implementers;
arranging exposure visits of extension functionaries to women specific/pro women programmes and
developing a separate portal for this Centre. The NGRCA is also housing a Gender Budgeting Cell of the
DAC. The Cell has sensitized the subject matter Divisions of DAC to have Divisional Gender Coordinators
identified in each division. In remaining components of the scheme, consistent efforts are being made to
promote both– organization of specific training programmes for women in agriculture and also
improving their participation in all the training programmes.
(vi) Mass Media Support to Agriculture Extension: The Central Sector Scheme “Mass Media Support to
Agriculture Extension” envisages utilization of existing infrastructure of Doordarshan and All India Radio
to produce and transmit latest information and knowledge to the farming community viz.
farmers/women farmers. Special programmes are being produced and telecast under the Doordarshan–
Narrow Casting programmes to transfer information and technology in areas in which women farmers
are pre-dominantly engaged such as vermicompost, nursery–raising, seed treatment, floriculture,
kitchen garden, gender friendly tools etc. Also under the Doordarshan–National/Regional Agricultural
Programmes, the areas of women interest such as organic farming, vermi compost, nursery–raising,
seed treatment, floriculture, kitchen gardening as well as their success stories are included. The existing
infrastructure of FM Transmitters of All India Radio is being used to broadcast half an hour Kisan Vani
Programme daily, six days a week from Monday to Saturday, from 96 rural areas FM Stations. These FM
Stations are also producing special programmes to transfer information and technology in areas of
women’s involvement.
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(vii) Establishment of Agri-Clinics and Agri–Business Centres (ACABC): The scheme is open to all eligible
Agriculture Graduates including women. As an outcome of the special efforts, 845 women have been
trained as against the total of 14300 (5.90%). Also, 157 trained women candidates have taken up
enterprises against 4800 (3.27%) ventures set up across the country.
12. International Cooperation Division: FAO Regional Office for Asia and Pacific also honoured a model
female farmer (who had done an exemplary work in the field of ‘Heritage/Conservation Agriculture’)
on the occasion of World Food Day 2005.
13. Agricultural Marketing Division: Under the scheme ‘National Institute of Agricultural Marketing’, the
provision have been made to organize training programmes for women in the field of modern
marketing system, export of horticulture produce from north-east, orientation of SHGs for women
during 2005-06 and 2006-07. While, it is not possible to make women specific allocations in view of the
scheme being demand driven, however, as and when the project proposals from women
entrepreneurs are received, they are processed on priority basis.
14. Agriculture Census Division: The ‘Centrally sponsored Scheme for Agriculture Census’ is not a
development oriented programme and involves only statistical operations. As such, it has not been
possible to fix any target/allocation for women in the scheme. However, the Division has collected,
collated and documented the data on ‘operational land holdings and land use pattern’ on gender
disaggregated basis in its Agricultural Census conducted during 1995-96.
15. Macro Management Division: The Centrally sponsored Scheme: Supplementation/ Complementation
of States efforts through work plans (Macro Management) is a step towards achieving decentralization
in pursuance of restoring primacy of states in agricultural development planning. Since, the scheme is
being implemented through the work plan being prepared by the states themselves; there is no
separate allocation of funds from DAC. However, some states themselves have provided funds for the
benefits of women.
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The Need for Different Strategies
The involvement of women in crop production varies according to the type of crop grown, the
cropping systems and the socio-economic status of the family. There is also a need to make distinctions
between the involvement of women as agricultural labourers and involvement of women in agricultural
operations on their own farm. In relatively prosperous areas where land holdings are large and most of
the agricultural operations are mechanized, women play only a marginal role. The women from poor
families work as agricultural labourers, irrespective of the community to which they belong. Keeping
milch animals, small ruminants and backyard poultry is an important source of income for poor farm
families and agricultural labourers.
The problems of tribal women are different from other rural women and they need a totally
different approach. For instance, the majority of workers involved in collection of non-timber forest
produce (NTFP) are women, particularly tribal women. However, approximately 70% of the NTFP
collections take place in the six states of the central belt; Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh,
Bihar, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh and many tribal women face several constrains operating in the NTFP
economy. This is because they spend a considerable amount of time in fetching water and therefore do
not have the time to add value to minor forest produce (which would help to increase their income), the
women who bring produce to the market are also exploited because they lack knowledge on proper
weights and prices for the timber and there is a language barrier (traders are often from the plains with
whom tribal women find difficult to communicate and bargain for prices). Programmes for tribal women
therefore need a different approach to help overcome some of these constraints.
There should not be any centrally generated blueprints for tackling women in agriculture issues.
It is important to recognize the various categories of women farmers that exist and their needs in the
agriculture sphere and from there to develop appropriate strategies to assist them e.g. whilst in some
parts of India require trained women to reach women farmers, others may require trained women as
motivators only, and other areas may require the male agricultural officers to be trained on women’s
issues to disseminate technology to women.
• Crop production and diversification: Adoption of varieties with improved and acceptable traits
for both home and market, eco-friendly management practices such as integrated pest
management practices, cropping/farming systems, conservation technologies etc.
• Horticulture and floriculture: Improved, dwarf, high yielding varieties/hybrids, nursery
technologies, protected cultivation, meadow orcharding, inter-cropping and management
practices, INM & IPM, use of biotechnology, micro-irrigation etc.
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• Livestock production and management: Feed management using locally available materials,
health management, farming systems, small ruminants and poultry, use of improved socially
acceptable breeds/varieties etc.
• Aquaculture: Low cost technologies including poly culture, integrated fish farming, nursery
rearing, management of backyards and community ponds through women groups, etc.
• Tools and equipment: Evaluate, refine and develop women friendly tools and equipment for
drudgery reduction in agricultural operations.
• Post-harvest management and value addition: Low cost, eco-friendly storage practices,
packaging and processing etc.
• Home management: Human development, energy saving practices, time and resource
management, recycling of household wastes, inner environment etc.
• Food and nutrition: Assessment of nutrition gap, development of module for nutritional
education, develop and standardize the models of nutrition gardens etc.
The processes of liberalization, globalization & climatic changes might have pushed the farming
community into a situation of increased the risk and uncertainty emanating from structural changes,
dwindling crop prospect, technological changes, market volatility, institutional constraints etc. But at the
same time, new and expanding opportunities also galore that need to be tapped through more and
more use of scientific knowledge and technology.
• Organizing women Groups: Male extension workers can be trained to work more closely with
women in settings that are culturally acceptable, such as women groups. Such groups can also
improve access to infrastructure.
• Technologies to reduce energy and time spent, particularly the household and farm production
activities. Extending the technological innovations such as weeders, paddy threshers,
winnowers, sprayers, harvesting tools, parboiling units, maize shellers, dal making machines
etc., will reduce the burden of women.
• Increasing the biomass production to meet fuel needs, plantation of fast growing fodder in
common lands and developing mechanisms for sharing the fodder helps women in saving lot of
time and devote this time for income generating activities.
• Innovative credit programmes using non-traditional forms of collateral and local institutions
(women groups) can ensure that women are able to obtain access to credit.
• Identifying the right training and extension needs of women is one of the most important steps
in initiating any developmental programme. Gender analysis of activities, resources, constraints,
implications and benefits should be understood using Participatory Approach. This information
should be taken into consideration for the need assessment. The staff members/extension
functionaries’ ability to do this has to be built up.
• Giving women farmers more access to meetings, trainings, exposure visits and demonstrations,
organizing training programmes based on the needs of the women. Institutional and village
based trainings to be organized as per the convenience of the women farmers.
• Where severe fragmentation exists, collective farming should be encouraged by women.
• Farmer-to-farmer training or participatory training need to be encouraged.
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• Active women can be selected, trained and they should be provided with inputs and credit to
practice the improved technology. Their fields can be used as demonstration plots for training
other women.
• Recruiting more women extension workers from the rural areas and train them.
• Female para-extension agriculturists-relatively uneducated women with short crash courses on
agriculture can be posted in their own villages.
• Appointing female supervisors and subject matter specialists.
• Making better use of male extension agents; change the stereo-typed attitude of male agents
with regular gender sensitization courses; increasing awareness of gender roles; developing
skills in use of language and communication to suit women
• Using women as contact workers.
• Proper health care support for girls and women.
• Most of the micro enterprises undertaken by the women are based on the skills and raw
material available rather than considering the market needs and market dynamics. In depth
marketing study would help identify effective marketing strategy for products. Cooperative
marketing of products and assigning brand names for the products would also be helpful in
finding sustainable markets.
• While developing farm women programmes, the cost of the hiring consultants to conduct
market analysis and market development should be kept in mind.
There are many constraints and challenges to address the gender issues, and create
opportunities for women in agriculture in the face of rapidly changing agricultural scenario. It is well
evident that educated, informed and empowered women can contribute to sustainable and inclusive
development. Therefore, a two-way approach; focusing on women’s need & capability, and focusing on
exigencies and opportunities in agriculture will be paramount. ICAR, SAUs and other institutions are
committed to create an environment of greater gender sensitivity and a culture of gender parity within
National Agricultural Research System and outside. It will work towards strengthening gender
perspective in agricultural research so as make output of research more relevant and appropriate, and
there is enhanced scope for appreciation and application of findings. Concerted efforts are needed to
create the gender sensitized and capable professionals who would be instrumental in guiding gender
based action. Science and Technology based innovations and institutions would be developed to reduce
the vulnerability of women against shocks. A viable strategy could be harnessing the untapped potential
of women and promoting gender mainstreaming in agriculture. Some positives favouring strategy are:
emerging technological and market opportunities, increasing literacy among women, more favourable
policy environment, increasing attention to women with incentives, good number of schemes in
agriculture with gender focus and increasing investment in agriculture etc. These schemes could
certainly help to women folk and their role in agriculture.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Annual Report (2012). National Agricultural Innovation Project. ICAR, KAB-II, Pusa Campus, New Delhi
FAO (2011). The State of Food and Agriculture: Women in Agriculture–Closing the gender gap for development.
Rome: FAO.
Lal, R. and Khurana, A. (2011). Gender issues: the role of women in agriculture sector. International Journal of
Business Economics & Management, 1(1): 29-39 (
MANAGE, (2007) Post Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management (PGDAEM). Introduction to
Agricultural Extension Management, Unit-10: Gender mainstreaming and Gender Sensitization 243-286, National
Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, Hyderabad–500 030, Andhra Pradesh, India
Vision 2030 (2011). Directorate of Research on Women in Agriculture (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Gender Issues in Agriculture
Dr. K. M. Singh
Head, Division of Socio-Economic and Extension
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
[email protected]
Agriculture occupies a key position in the Indian economy providing a source of livelihood for a
majority of the population. Successes in agricultural front with high production levels, especially in food
grains have indeed been achieved. But more energy in the form of mineral fertilizers, chemical
pesticides and farm machinery are required every year to produce the same quantity of farm products.
The yield plateau of crops in Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh and other states strongly indicate
that there is a disturbance in our natural resources management and the present practices are not
conducive to sustainable agriculture. The major cause of concern, particularly in the core Green
Revolution belt, has been the decrease in genetic diversity of major HYV crops, which has increased the
potential danger for sudden widespread loss of crops from unknown/uncontrollable diseases. Depletion
of natural resource base due to deforestation, over grazing, desertification, excessive agricultural
intensification, over fishing and agriculture on marginal lands leads to decline in agricultural production
potential leading to decrease in the sustaining/ carrying capacity of agriculture. Natural resources (soil,
water, nutrients) have boundaries and improved management is needed to reverse the degradation of
this resource base and develop agricultural production systems that sustain our ecosystem.
Effect of Over Exploitation of Natural Resources on Women
The interrelationship between human factors and natural resources management is complex
and has remained at the centre of the development debate. It is acknowledged now that economic
growth goes side by side with deteriorating conditions of work and living for sizable section of the poor,
especially women. This is so because the growth process itself imposes new forms of deprivations,
dislocations, exclusion and alienation from the productive resource base. In effect poverty, malnutrition,
population, ecology and sustenance of our agricultural systems can no longer be dealt with or even
thought of as separate issues. They are interlinked in practice and must be linked in policy formulation,
for development to be meaningful, especially if it has to have a positive impact on women. Historically,
women have been the managers of natural resources as they are dependent on them for their livelihood
and their family’s needs. The consequences of over exploitation of these resources have rendered them
The effect of environmental degradation and its consequences can be examined from the
disturbance of linkages of women with respect to land, water and work. Over grazing of pastoral lands,
degradation of land by water, wind erosion, salinity, alkalinity have all resulted in increasing working
hours of women as she has to traverse long hours to locate productive areas. Women are linked with
forests for their supplies of fuel, fodder and minor forest produce. Non-commercial sources of energy-
firewood, crop wastes and cow dung-provides nearly 90% of rural household energy requirements.
The rural women collect over 28% of all energy consumed in India in the form of firewood. Most
of the 140 million tonnes of firewood burnt annually come from forests. Deforestation and depletion of
forest resources and loss of access to and control of forest resources have increased poverty,
unemployment and drudgery of rural and tribal women. Soil erosion, water logging, siltation, shifting
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cultivation, construction of dams and reservoirs, mining and industrial activities and large scale tree
felling for commercial purposes have taken a toll on agricultural and forest areas. Thus rural women are
forced to work more, walk greater distances for long hours to collect fuel wood, fodder and other
household biomass.
Discharge of effluents from industries and households have resulted in pollution of surface
water and over exploitation of ground water, have led to fall in the water table. Natural reservoirs of
rainfall have been diminished due to deforestation. Water is thus becoming a scarce commodity. The
effect of depleting water resources is more severe on rural women. Women in Rajasthan and Kutch
region of Gujarat travel several hours to fetch water to meet their family’s needs. Even in high rainfall,
hilly regions of Uttar Pradesh and North East deforestation had led to water shortages in summer
forcing women to walk several miles in search of water.
Poverty and unemployment in rural areas have resulted in large-scale migration to urban areas.
Women are being forced to take up more drudgerous jobs as a source of livelihood as most of the
migrants are absorbed into the construction sector. Women form the largest work force in agricultural
sector. Male out migration from rural areas in some instances is strong enough to suggest a process of
“feminization of agriculture” or perhaps more accurately, of self-provisioning food farming.
Households headed by women now form on an average between 20 to 25 per cent of all rural
households in developing countries. The rural woman’s drudgery has thus been doubled with women
performing the man’s role as well. Thus women, the sustainers of family’s health and prosperity, have
slowly become the primary victim of deepening environmental crisis as they are the main users and
providers of household biomass.
Woman’s Contribution to Sustainability of Natural Resources
Sustainable agriculture is sustainable exploitation of renewable natural resources including
annual and perennial cropping, agro-forestry and livestock as well as the conservation measures needed
for long-term maintenance of resources. Thus, sustainable agriculture involves sustenance of our
agricultural systems. This should be the major emphasis for all technological innovations involving land
and water use so that there is no adverse effect on the biological productivity of the resource base in
the long run.
Even in the larger scenario of rapid exploitation of natural resources woman has inadvertently
been contributing to the sustenance by her traditionally assigned role. Domestication of crops is widely
believed to have begun by women. Seeds are the source of food and are valued for their quality to
maintain genetic continuity. From time immemorial, it has been a woman’s domain to sort seed at home
by observation and through experience. In doing so, the methods of seed storage were always practised
by women. The search for medicinal seeds and plant material for her family, fruit seeds for kitchen
gardens and ornamentals to quench her aesthetic needs have all contributed, indirectly, for
preservation of seeds and the biodiversity that we are endowed with.
These activities make women trustees and users of crops, land races, forest genetic diversity,
medicinal plants and also a source of information on use of local cultivars and various modes of
conservation. Maintaining land fertility and sustaining it by adding domestic refuse and cattle dung to
land when needed, use of trap crops as barriers, bench terracing and recycling water from water storage
ponds to her kitchen gardens are all recognised activities by women practiced out of necessity. Realizing
the importance of stabilizing the coastline planting shelter belts with coconut, areca nut, or grasses for
stabilising coastline agriculture has been practiced. The farms are also dependent on the multiple uses
of these trees. These are perennial and yield late and women have been involved in growing short
duration intercrops to meet their family’s nutritional needs.
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Caring for livestock comes naturally to women. The most drudgerous jobs in livestock
production like cleaning of the cattle sheds, feeding the cattle, collection of fodder etc. always fall on
the woman. Care for young animals and backyard livestock is also largely done by women. In caring for
sick young animals women have evolved several ethno veterinary practices. Many such practices, based
on indigenous technical know-how vested with crop husbandry (especially in complex, diverse, risk-
prone areas), animal husbandry, fisheries and home management have been traditionally practiced by
women. These practices are usually eco-friendly, sustainable, economically viable and are examples of
best utilisation of local resources and waste/bi-product recycling and management. The long association
of women with environment can be utilised in the process of solving major environmental problems, by
using their traditionally acquired skills and integrating it with scientifically studied and developed
Technology Development & Women
The devaluation and marginalisation of indigenous knowledge and skills have disproportionately
affected women as they have generally been excluded from the institutions through which modern
scientific knowledge is created and transmitted (Agarwal, 1992). There is increasing evidence from
agricultural project and program evaluations that insufficient attention to gender issues tends to
increase or reinforce gender inequities in ways which hold productivity and welfare below the potential.
Women have thus far been neglected by and large as human resource in most of the development
programmes and strategies.
Despite recent agricultural innovations there is no respite for rural women. While agricultural
innovations leads to the reallocation of family labour and the assignment to men of complete control
over output and income, without associated changes in the allocation of obligations, welfare and
nutritional status of the family may actually decline (IFPRI, 1983). One of the barriers is agricultural
extension through which so many innovations and services are channelled. In addition to the pressures
which encourage field-level extension staff to work with larger farmers rather than small holders the
fact that most extension staff are male has meant that, for any farm size or income category, extension
agents have tended to work with male farmers rather than female farmers (Swanson et al, 1985).
A technology development process which is so structured that technical innovations in food
cropping simply do not reach a major portion of the farming community makes very little sense. When
new varieties were being developed, little thought was paid to the bi-products and their utilisation in
rural existence. These products not only have a role within the domestic economy, they are the input to
often complex divisions of labour and enterprise providing income and employment to very many of the
rural poor. Collection of household biomass is largely the job of women.
Women also use the bi-products in a variety of ways, both for domestic use as well as income
generation. Straw from traditional varieties of rice was used as fodder and for thatching. But, straw from
short height, high yielding varieties, developed to prevent lodging, cannot be used for thatching and
yield less fodder. Possibly the importance of the contribution of multiple use of biomass to rural
economies has been obscured by the concentration on the more favoured, irrigated areas where the
high profits from HYVs complement existing, or induce the development of new infrastructures,
commercial and industrial networks and livelihood opportunities. Technologies developed in areas like
post-harvest operations have never really studied the inter-relationship that exists between production
and post-harvest activities at the domestic level. Post-harvest technology was so far being designed
from a distance.
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Studying domestic processing, storage and cooking technologies can lead to development of
appropriate technologies that are genderized as well. Mechanization of agriculture has not been gender
sensitive. It has led to large scale dislocation and unemployment among rural women. Harvesters,
transplanters and combines usage in field crops is one example. Failure to perceive women-over half the
world’s population and important to technology development as producers, workers and consumers-as
clients of, or as forming an important constituency for agricultural research is one of the major blocks
towards overall development (Jiggins, 1986).
Technologies for Empowering Rural Women
Recognizing the fact that women can and must play an important role in the sustenance of our
agricultural systems they have to be involved in the process of evolution of new technologies which are
eco-sustainable. Their needs and physical limitations have to be taken into account during technology
innovations and development. Training, to disseminate these technologies, must be made a regular
feature. The training should be vocational (skill oriented), organised for short duration within her social
boundary during the lean months of her involvement in agricultural activities. Suitable Audio-Visual aids
can be used to take the message across. Teaching aids like samples, models and visuals that are
appealing and interesting must be used to improve the comprehension of the illiterate women and their
capacity to retain the message disseminated.
Location specific traditional media like folk songs, folk theatre and folklore can be utilised to
communicate technical information in an effective way. Ergonomically designed machinery, especially
tools and implements, which are genderized can assure rural women employment and add value to her
time. Implements like dibblers, hoes, weeders, seed and fertiliser drills, seed treating drums, pedal
operated pumps and threshers and serrated sickles have been developed, but are yet to be popularised.
Improvements in implements like clod breakers, tillers and transplanters have to be made for easy
handling by women. Location specific, remunerative cropping systems that have capacity to enrich the
soil, can tap nutrients from different soil layers and which includes legumes and tubers can be
developed and suggested for practice. This has the added advantage of breaking pest cycles if properly
planned, e.g. paddy-black gram and paddy-groundnut-green gram cropping system. Inter cropping like
sorghum-red grams which have been traditionally practiced have been scientifically proven too, to be
suitable to dryland areas. Finger millet and horse gram intercropping is also found to hold lot of promise
especially in the marginal lands and risk-prone environments.
Women also need to be provided knowledge and skills in multi-storied cropping which can
create favourable micro climate for crops and can tap solar energy efficiently. Eg: betel leaf+moringa,
coconut+pepper+banana+pine apple. Integrated farming systems with inclusion of diversified farming
components: Crop (food grains/plantation/ horticultural crops/cash crops/fodder), Livestock
(Dairy/sheep/goat/piggery/poultry), Allied (sericulture/apiculture/mushroom cultivation) can be
suitably packaged and taught to rural women. The scarce resources can be optimally utilised without
over exploitation of any one resource and it also helps in risk aversion. Pest scout concept for use of IPM
technology, for differentiating and diagnosing pest/disease/nutrient deficiency symptoms, and taking up
preventive and curative measures including predators, parasites, microbes or botanicals (Neem and
Karanj), biofertilizers like microbial manures (Azatobactor, Azospirillum, Rhizobium, Azolla), green
manures (Sesbania, Crotalaria, green gram, Pongamia), organic manure (FYM, vermicompost) are eco-
friendly and sustainable technologies which offer immense scope for employment of women.
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Cultural practices such as contour cultivation to prevent soil erosion, summer ploughing, stale
seed bed preparation, clean cultivation for weed control, micro watershed development for rain water
harvesting, cyclic flooding and drying in rice for water conservation, seed selection and treatments by
using germination tests, salt water and hot water, nutrients application on seed, use of
pesticides/botanicals for prevention of seed borne diseases and enhancement of early vigour have to be
taught to women. Hybrid technology, a seed producing activity, involves skilful, finite operations which
women have been found to have a natural knack for. The industry recognises this and 70% employees in
hybrid seed production are women. However, the wage pattern should be based on skill rather sex
which is at present very disproportionate and to the disadvantage of women.
Tissue culture technology offers new scope for conservation and rapid multiplication of cells.
This is a highly skillful activity that can be taught to women and thus form an avenue of employment.
Women’s role as preservers of forest wealth can be further accentuated by technical knowledge on
nursery maintenance - nursery grafts of horticulture and perennial crops-,agro-forestry, silvi-pastures
etc. which can also generate additional income. These practices can be integrated in the farming system
itself so that it can also meet the household biomass needs too. Ethno-botanical techniques are part of
habits of tribal groups. Information search on ethics and ethos of these women and on modes adopted
to choose plants for conservation is needed, to develop a national database.
Protecting bio-diversity and genetic conservation and women’s role in this process has to be
strengthened and policies made to modulate these operations. Livestock participatory extension
services with an objective to empower women with scientific livestock production technologies like
“clean” milking concept, new fodder grasses (amenable for multi-cuts and identified for marginal lands)
are ways for sustaining production systems. Recycling of wastes and their use as animal or poultry feeds
will help the animal husbandry component. Composite fish-culture can also be taken up as part of the
integrated farming systems wherever feasible. But all these sustainable avenues cannot be harnessed till
policy makers, decision managers and women involve themselves in decision making process.
Technological empowerment must be reinforced by social empowerment. This calls for gender
sensitising field extension personnel at all levels and equipping them with new technological advances,
knowledge of ecologically sound farming practices and management skills. Para-agricos, on the lines of
para-vets, from rural areas, especially women school dropouts, can be trained in scientifically
developed, sustainable technologies, provided with tool kits and inducted at grassroots level as barefoot
extension specialists.
Professional-Rural Women Linkages
The number of women professionals in the field of agriculture, veterinary science and allied
areas are increasing. This human resource can be effectively utilised to cater to the needs of the rural
women. To be effective professionals they have to be involved in the process of decision making and
thus aim for key positions of planning and policy making in with the formal organisations. They can help
genderize research and development in their disciplines. The Professional-Rural Women linkages can be
strengthened through formulation of gender sensitive, location specific, inter-disciplinary research with
compulsory involvement of rural women in planning, technology re-assessment and evaluation process
through PRA and PTD methods. More number of women have to be inducted into the formal extension
system and provided with facilities like secure accommodation and transport, incentives for off campus
activities and due recognition.
The professionals and para-agricos have to be given periodic refresher training courses in
sustainable technologies to be able to effectively train their rural counterparts. The development and
training programmes in IVLP, LLP and KVK should involve more number of women beneficiaries and
professional women can play a decisive role in this. Professional women should also handle extension
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projects targeting rural women. Professional women should document successful and revalidated
indigenous technologies developed by rural men and women and help them gain due recognition.
Farm Women’s Day should be organised by research institutes with active involvement of all
development departments, NGOs and women entrepreneurs for better awareness, exposure and
creation of interest in farm women about new technologies. Vocational counselling and guidance
service should be provided to rural women by professional women in research and development
sectors. Data banks may be set up to disseminate information on technologies available for production,
processing, bi-product utilisation etc. along with information on training facilities. Networking of women
professionals among themselves and with NGO’s and other grass root level social organisations working
with rural women should be set into motion and strengthened. Sustenance of our resources and
systems of agriculture are intrinsically linked with women and their roles. If we have to preserve our
mother earth, the mother of the family also has to be able to carry on her jest for sustenance in a more
scientific way.
Some Intervention Points for Gender Sensitivity in Agricultural Sector
1. Development of improved farm and home technologies integrating the livelihood opportunities
of women in research: Varieties, cropping sequences, farm management, post-harvest
operations, low cost improved implements and tools suited to the needs of farm women
standardised interms of energy, cost and time efficiency and comfort in use based on
ergonomics of women, incorporating the indigenous knowledge available, (seed treatment
drums, seeders, transplanters, inter-cultivators/weeders, pedal operated threshers, miniatured
grain mills, dal mills, cleaners, graders, maize shellers, ground decorticators), non-pesticidal pest
management, smokeless chullah, Solar driers and other non-conventional energy devices etc.
2. Providing counselling and vocational training for knowledge and skill development in areas
where women participation is high such as Dairy, sericulture, bee keeping, mushroom
cultivation, poultry, rabbit rearing, livestock management, bio-diversity maintenance, waste
land development, pond management (common properties management), nursery
management, integrating farming systems, rural crafts, entrepreneurial development and
frontier areas such as bio-technology, hybrid seed production, Computer aided water
management, renewable energy technologies etc. Women groups can be organized for
production purposes involving various enterprises and providing specialised short-term and long
term training for entrepreneurial development in areas like raw material procurement,
processing, storage, quality control and marketing of finished products etc. Farm women can
also be trained in safe handling and safety precautions for equipment and pesticides as well as
educating on occupational health hazards and first aid training, including research and support
components in training, providing package of technology, services and public policy which
function in a mutually reinforcing manner. Therefore, appropriate technology kits to be
designed and distributed.
3. Screening the existing technologies and developing inventory by documenting women specific
technologies which are relatively simplified, economical in terms of time and resources, efficient
and capable of drudgery reduction and increasing women employment which will also serve the
purpose of setting research priorities suitable for women.
4. On-the-spot guidance and service for the women co-operatives (dairying etc.). Recognising and
supporting successful NGOs through technical services. Information shops to be set up in areas
where women programmes are implemented for continuous upgrading of knowledge and
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5. Advocating in the policy making bodies for:
a. Tree pattas for farm women with a right to use tree products
b. Legislation that offers social security, health insurance and accident cover maternity benefits,
crèche & primary health facilities, subsidies extension to farm women at normal times and at
times of natural calamities.
c. Comprehensive legislation covering wastelands, degraded forests in and around villages to be
distributed to landless labour families in the name of women only.
d. Constituting separate cells in R&D institutes, SAUs for promoting work on women in
agriculture and for gender equity evaluation, monitoring and evaluation.
e. NCW and its multi-disciplinary task force of professional women to advise Government on
documentation preparation for a sub-chapter on ‘Women in Agriculture’ spelling the Govt.’s
proposals related to public policies regarding production and post- harvest technologies,
training and re-training, techno-infrastructure including support services, trade, land
ownership, wages and credit.
f. Subjecting all research proposals to gender audit before approval.
g. Policy interventions to build in access for resources and enterprises, such as milch animals,
sheep and poultry; short-term operational ownership for women due to leasing land; and joint
ownership for existing land resources.
6. Launching of mass literacy Campaign with the help of State and District level legal aid boards for
farm women regarding their rights and awareness creation in the aspects of environmental
degradation and consequences. Getting trained or have awareness on existing constitutional
provisions for women in providing equality, opportunity and protection to women in agriculture
in order to develop realistic plans for farm women development.
7. Energising extension system through sensitising extension personnel in gender related issues,
and through development of technical women cadre in extension on priority basis to serve
technological needs of women farmers. Multi-disciplinary team approach for all extension
activities with one women member in the team to study impact of technologies on women and
on sustainability of natural resources is essential. Further, working along with agricultural labour
inspectors for enforcing labour wages for farm women and counselling the farm women labour
to get due wages and for awareness creation, working through mahila mandals and panchayats
for organised extension work. Using progressive farm women as potential resource persons to
facilitate extension work, and to interact with research and extension functionaries and
following peripatetic training following the family approach at the time, duration and location is
preferred by the farm women.
8. Documentation of the indigenous knowledge of farm women both at home and farm and
validating, refining and blending with modern technologies for impact. Documenting the
occupational health hazards, occurrence of accidents for women in various agro-climatic zones
and the reasons for the same. Maintaining feedback from farmwomen on working of various
tools /implements /equipment is thus essential.
9. Developing databases for the above publications, professional women available in agriculture
field with their specialized areas of work for networking and awareness creation among the
organisations dealing with agriculture and women. Creation of databases or Agricultural Census
with separate section for women to include qualification in terms of different categories of
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women in agriculture, different categories of agricultural operations to facilitate desired policy
shift by the Government.
Database on activities and multiple roles of farm women in farming systems and farm women
needs and software at R&D institutes to include latest technologies, indigenous technologies
and success stories /experiences etc.
10. Promoting environmentally friendly concepts on sustainable agriculture such as natural/ organic
farming which are traditionally practiced by farm women.
11. Promoting publications on gender issues for sensitising at national and international levels and
for interactions, and publications for communicating the women specific technologies in local
12. Organising Mahila gosthis, farm women days, melas, exhibitions for sharing information and
getting direct feedback and communicating modern technologies and concepts through various
traditional media specific to a region which are appealing to farm women by working with the
traditional artists for the treatment of the knowledge base.
13. Following participatory approach in appraisal, technology development and transfer.
Emphasising on action research and demonstration oriented technology transfer programmes.
14. In Agricultural Education, by formulating a gender-sensitive curriculum with special emphasis on
sustainable agriculture through compulsory ‘Rural Work Experience Programme’ for the
agricultural graduates to identify gender-specific technologies, present level of adoption, their
impact to provide feedback to the R&D system.
Jiggins, J. (1986). Gender-Related Impacts and the Work of the International Agricultural Research
Swanson, B., Roling, N. and Jiggins, J. (1985). Extension Strategies for Technology Utilization, chapter 6 i
n B. E.Swanson, ed., Agricultural Extension: A reference Manual, FAO, Rome.
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Optimizing Water Productivity through IFS Model in Water Logged Areas
Dr. D.K.Kaushal
Head, Division of Livestock and Fishery Management
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
Water is crucial for agriculture-aquaculture and thereby for economic development of the
country. Multiple uses of water provide challenging opportunities for increasing water productivity at
various scales ranging from farm to basin scales, both under irrigation and rain fed conditions. Seasonal
water logging due to improper management of canal water and accumulation of runoff is another issue,
which is hampering the productivity of land in canal commands. Utilization of such stagnated water for
suitable products that enhances its productivity is another issue that needs special attention. Effective
utilization and management of drainage congestion of small water bodies in post rainy season, better
production techniques at outer periphery of the system (crop + fish + agro - forestry + livelihood support
activities) suiting to hydro morphic condition with multiple use of water may be alternative options. All
these require location specific recommendation developed with participation of various stakeholders /
institutions for large-scale uptake. Aquaculture would form a substantial part of adoptable technologies
on farmer’s field in multiple water use management scenarios. This will lead to multiple use of abundant
water by integrating crops, livestock, fisheries & horticulture for enhancing water productivity to
improve food security, health and environment and ultimately the improved livelihood of the resource
poor farmer whose well being depend upon this fragile but potentially productive eco-system.
Canals and ground water are the two major sources of water for irrigation, besides small area
being irrigated with tank-stored water. Huge investment is required for creating infrastructure for
surface water sources, while operating cost is relatively less. For ground water irrigation, both the initial
and operating costs are higher and has to be borne by individual farmers, though with little subsidy in
purchasing and operation of electrical pumps. Further, over-exploitation and widespread pollution of
these water resources in making them vulnerable to uncertainties that may affect production in a bigger
way. Therefore it is imperative to develop strategies, which are sustainable and more productive. In
general, two pathways for increasing the productivity of water are being in practice and are as under.
• Deplete more available water supply for beneficial purposes by reducing non-beneficial
depletion and converting it to beneficial depletion (i.e. by reducing the waste or through real
water savings).
• Produce more output per unit of water depleted.
It is increasingly recognized that promoting multiple water use entails significant, but largely
untapped opportunities to enhance water productivity. However, conventional irrigation systems, water
harvesting schemes and water supply systems tend to ignore or lack multiple uses of water and have
rarely considered this aspect in planning and design. Multiple water use systems distribute water from
several sources such as canals, streams, rivulets and springs in hills, pumped ground water, water
harvested from watersheds or roofs, and may also include unused or underutilized water bodies and
water congested areas and use of poor quality waters in peri-urban areas. Even though their qualities
may be different, there is sufficient similarity to treat them in the first instance, as contributing to the
same ‘pool’.
In India and elsewhere in developing or under developed countries, a lot of interest has been
generated and work on multiple water use has been undertaken at experimental farms, watersheds and
farmers field. Evidences of multiple uses could be found in irrigated, rain fed, water logged, coastal and
hilly areas/ watersheds. Some opportunities of multiple uses of water under canal and tube well based
irrigation systems, harvested rainwater, water logged areas and coastal areas have been discussed in the
following section:
Mostly farmers own 5.0 hp pumps to irrigate their field with a discharge of less than 5 1/s.
Applying this discharge with any of the gravity irrigation method (border, check or furrow) results in
more loss of water in conveyance and reduced irrigation application efficiency. For better performance,
a discharge of 15-25 1/s is necessary depending upon the irrigation method and soil condition.
Integration of secondary reservoir or small tank in the tube well based irrigation system has been
demonstrated at ICAR- RCER, Patna as an effective mechanism to better regulate water and also
enhance water productivity by raising fish in the reservoir and vegetables on the bunds to generate
additional income and improve livelihood. If a secondary reservoir is incorporated in the system such
that the irrigation water is routed through it and stored up to a desired capacity and then released in
desired stream size, it improves the overall efficiency of the irrigation system. Such reservoir also
provides an opportunity for multiple uses of the available irrigation water before it is finally delivered
into the field. Fish production in such a reservoir is quite a remunerative proposition without incurring
any extra cost on water (except seepage and evaporation losses). Figure-1 illustrates conceptual model
of secondary reservoir to enhance the productivity of each use (irrigation & fish production) by optimal
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water contains small amount of dissolved oxygen, while canal water needs to used with precautions and
screening mechanism to avoid incidences of entering wild fishes in the system which may harm fish
culture. In a four-year study, a fish yield of 11.0 t/ha/yr was obtained when weekly water exchange was
followed for full season while less fishes were harvested (7.9 t/ha/yr) when water exchanges were
disrupted during summer of 2001-02 (Bhatnagar et al., 2004). This yield was high as compared to normal
fish yield of 2.0 t/ha obtained in ordinary fish pond. Net income from fish in dugout pond with
horticulture on dykes was Rs.132590 per hectare per year. Fruit crops contributed 56 percent to the net
income followed by fish (27%) and vegetables (17 %). Nevertheless, net income gained from fish alone
in dugout secondary reservoir was Rs.93550 per hectare per year. Use of canal networks for cage fish
culture was investigated by WTC, TNAU, Coimbatore (Srivastava and Satpathy 2004) which indicated a
net return of Rs 10000/- from rearing of fish fry to fingerlings in a canal of 1 KM length (100 cages).
At farmer’s field in Naubatpur block in Patna, a secondary reservoir with provision for water
exchange and aeration system was evaluated in a participatory mode and found that water exchanges
improved the fish growth and farmer harvested more than 3.0 t/ha of fish. The berseem irrigated with
routed water produced 20-30% higher yield with better quality as compared to irrigation with directly
fed water from pump.
Two types of fish trench – cum – raised beds are under investigation at Patna. First simulates the
river flow conditions, in which trenches are made in meandering style, and water may be allowed to
enter from one side with enough provision for protecting culture fishes. The second simulates pond type
conditions in which continuous trenches are excavated with island type of raised bed, which may
provide enough security to any high value production on the beds, and fishes have access to continuous
movement around the island. Banana with vegetables has been grown on the raised beds and
composite fish culture in fish trenches. A water source is necessary with this intervention to cater the
needs of irrigation to plants on beds and maintain water level during dry periods or off-canal period if
fed by canal seepage. A cost of Rs 2000-2500 is estimated for diesel to lift ground water during off
periods for an area of 1000 m2 with fish trenches on 45% area. The fish harvested in May 2005, gave fish
yields of 72.7 kg (1.66 t/ha) and 80.9 kg (1.74 t/ha), respectively for meandering type and pond type
trenches. Similarly, in 2005-06, the fish yield in from meandering type and pond type trenches were 1.97
t/ha and 1.92 t/ha respectively. Plantation on the raised bed and bund yielded about 980 kg of
vegetables from the 444 m2 areas in seven months. Results indicate a net profit of Rs 80,000 per ha can
be obtained which depends largely on type of crops and management practices adopted.
Multiple uses of water are found to be beneficial to enhance overall productivity of water resources.
It provides variety of food materials e.g. fish, fruits, vegetables, eggs, etc. apart from cereals and other
crops. It also helps in ensuring the nutritional security to the rural population as they are deprived of
such things under prevailing rice-wheat cropping system. As the products are complementary in nature,
one product benefits other and this synergy is used in the concept of multiple uses which has the
potential of improving the livelihood of poor farmers who own small patch of lands. Experiments
indicated a net benefit of Rs 28,000-1, 32,000 from the waterlogged lands, which was otherwise poorly
utilized with some wild fish harvesting. Increase in net income was highest (374.13 percent) in Fish in
dugout pond with horticulture on dykes. It was 6.18 percent in Rice-wheat system with fish refuse in the
center, 189.47 percent in fish in sunken trenches with horticulture on raised beds, and 234.53 percent in
fish in dugout secondary reservoir. However, still there are some constraints that need to be removed
through intensive research efforts and social mobilization, e.g. social impediments (religious feelings),
poaching and theft, local conflicts and water rights, pereniality of water, capital investment and
resources in developing the system, provision of aeration & mixing specially for resource poor and
socially disadvantageous users.
Bhatnagar, P.R., Sikka, A.K., Prasad, L.K., Sharma, B.R., and Singh, S.R. 2004. Water quality dynamics in
secondary reservoir for intensive fish production. Presented in SIL Congress 2004 at Lahti, Finland,
Abstract: 176
Singh, A.K. and S.H. Ahmad (2003) present status and future plans of fisheries development in residual
Bihar. Fishing Chimes, 23(1): 99-106.
Srivastava, R.C. and Satpathy, K.K. 2004. Getting more from the water and watersheds: Multiple uses of
resources. Paper presented at ICAR-OWMI-ICRISAT workshop on Watershed Management, 3-4th
November, 2004, New Delhi.
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Women Empowerment through crop based farming system
Dr. S. S. Singh
Head, Crop Research
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
Women play a crucial role in achieving food and nutritional security through agricultural
production. Worldwide, women play a major role in agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and
livestock) and rural development. However the nature and extent of their involvement is different in
various agro-production systems. The mode of female participation in agricultural production varies
with the landowning status of farm households. Their roles range from managers to landless labourers.
In over all farm production, women’s average contribution is estimated at 55 per cent to 66 per cent of
the total labour with percentages, much higher in certain regions. In the Indian Himalayas a pair of
bullocks works 1064 hours, a man 1212 hours and a woman 3485 hours in a year on a once hectare
farm, a figure that illustrates women’s significant contribution to agricultural production. (FAO, 1991).
Although an old data this points to the nature of work women carried out in the past.
Source. FAOSTAT.
Note: The female share of the agricultural labour force is calculated as the total number of women
economically active in agriculture divided by the total population economically active in agriculture.
Regional averages are weighted by population.
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Sources and notes: Only the survey for India is nationally representative
The globally average is dominated by Asia and within Asia sub-regional averages ranged from above 35
per cent in South Asia to 50 per cent in East and South East Asia. The Asian average is dominated by
China. In China the female share of agriculture labour has increased over the past three decades
whereas in Malasiya. The globally average is dominated by Asia and within Asia sub-regional averages
ranged from above 35 per cent in South Asia to 50 per cent in East and South East Asia. The Asian
average is dominated by China. In China the female share of agriculture labour has increased over the
past three decades whereas in Malaysia there has been a declining trend. The proportion of women
labour for selected crop indicated 70 per cent in upland rice in Indonesia to 45 per cent in Vietnam, 20
per cent in Philippines and 10 per cent in Bangladesh. In Rubber plantation cinnamon and tomatoes
women’s contribution of labour was high. Most of the food produced with labour contributions of both
men and women in a collaborative process.
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State wise comparison reflected a different picture in Himachal Pradesh; nearly 17.70 per cent
rural women were completely responsible for different activities, which is much higher than the national
average of 6.67 per cent. The reason behind this is mainly because the male members remain outside
their home for a long period of the year serving outside their hometown. Inter zonal variation was
visible with regard to role and responsibility profile in all the states.
Agriculture, the single largest production endeavour in India is increasingly becoming a female
activity. About 90 per cent farmwomen are uneducated and method used by them indiscriminately
resulting in health hazards and drudgery. Women perspective is a theoretical and methodological
approach. Gender mainstreaming is incorporating gender perspective into policies, plan, programmes
and projects to ensure that these impact on women and men in an equitable way. For empowering
women in crop production/crop based farming system following points are very important;
Access to resources
Control over resources
Knowledge of Post-harvest process
Institutional support
Policy support including research, extension and development
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Recognizing the gender based differences in roles and responsibilities and contribution of different
socio-economic groups
Appropriate technologies and policies for sustainable use of resources
Crop based farming system consist two components: Crop production and Horticulture. Empowerment
of women will be discussed under following two headings.
A. Crop production
In crop production role of women is very high and women carry out different operations including field
preparation, transplanting, and weeding, harvesting and post-harvest handling etc. In this section
women empowerment is needed in the area of new technologies such as; drudgery reducing tools and
equipments and increased productivity for household food and nutrition security and income
Drudgery of farm women in various field operations could be reduced by providing improved
farm tools and equipment. The improved tools and equipment are primarily developed keeping men
workers in consideration while farm women in the country are also involved in most of the operations.
Hence, already developed equipment may not be suitable to farm women as such because ergonomical
characteristics are different than men workers (Singh et al, 2006 b). The result is that women workers
have to carryout the operation with their hands, and there is a lot of drudgery involved in it in addition
to occupational health problems. The posture adopted during the operation are also not proper and
lead to occupational health problems, if not given due attention. This may also result unemployment of
women workers, more over it also appears that improved technology is being kept away from them.
The importance of developing farming technologies relevant to farm women has only recently been
recognized as an extensive participation of farm women in the field of agriculture, food security,
horticulture, processing, nutrition, sericulture, fisheries, and other allied sectors has been gradually
realized in coming years. The suitability of equipment to farm women can be judged in better way using
ergonomical studies as ergonomics cover all aspects that deal with anthropometry, assessment of
workload, working environment and safety features/mechanism to optimise human-machine
environment system. This helps in increasing their working efficiency with reduced drudgery by fitting to
the capabilities and limit of human operators/workers.
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2. Training
3. Extension Services
It is important to ensure greater access for farm women to various inputs (including farm tools and
equipment) needed by them to carry out their work more efficiently and with minimal drudgery. Farm
women have little access to non-formal education and trainings. It is a fact that the agricultural
extension services are mainly composed of male agents and as such they tend to channelize knowledge
and training on improved technology to male farmers/workers only. There is also lack of infrastructural
facilities for women in relation to technical training, accommodation and transport provisions. It is
imperative that Central/State government departments, R&D institutions and NGOs promote improved
technology to enhance labour productivity of women workers and to reduce their drudgery. They should
also recruit the women extension staff in their extension wing for effective transfer of women specific
technologies to farm women. The CIAE is providing necessary training on various tools and equipment to
women facilitators from different states. These facilitators can act as resource persons for their own
state to propagate the technologies.
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1. Design the tools/equipment keeping in view the anthropometric data of women workers,
2. Organize demonstrations and trainings to rural women on various modern tools/equipment in
proper and safe operation. This will help in reducing their drudgery and increasing productivity.
3. Encourage manufacturers/entrepreneurs to fabricate improved tools and equipment
4. Make these tools and equipment available in rural areas for purchase by users
5. Assist farm women, after being duly trained to get loans from banks/ other
6. organizations to procure various tools/equipment
7. Building up of linkages with central/ state depts., NGOs, banks, and other stakeholders to
promote these improved tools and equipment.
B. Horticulture
Horticulture play a unique role in country’s economy by improving the income of the rural
people, ensuring livelihood security, Cultivation of horticultural crops is labour intensive and generates
employment opportunities for the rural community.
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quality planting materials of horticultural and ornamental plants for entrepreneurship and employment
5. Processing and Value addition of various crops, fruits and vegetables
Post harvest management, processing, storage and utilization of vegetables and vegetable
products are generally the domain of women at home scale. Cultivation of horticultural crops plays a
vital role in prosperity and it’s directly linked with health of people. These crops are not only used for
domestic consumption but also processed into various products like pickles, preserves, beverages, jam ,
jelly squash, etc., which offers employment opportunities to the rural women. The focus on the value
addition in the horticulture sector is vital for comprehensive development of the rural economy.
7. Mushroom cultivation
Now days mushroom is getting much popular in our country, have a good scope for export.
About a decade ago, the government promoted the mushroom cultivation for protein mal nutrition,
generating employment and supplementing the income of the women and earning foreign exchange. As
production of mushrooms requires a small area and waste materials and it can be used from different
crop residues, so it is very cheap to produce highly nutritive alternatives of the meat. It does not require
a highly skilled supervisory staff and can be managed by rural women easily. So, rural women can be
supported by educating and training them in mushroom production technology. The Madhya Pradesh
Agro-industries Corporation popularized mushroom cultivation in the tribal areas of Chhattisgarh by
supplying spawned compost to the prospective growers. Cultivation of paddy straw mushroom is
popular in Bhubaneswar. Entrepreneurs and growers from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra
Pradesh and Maharashtra have recently taken up large scale mushroom cultivation. Various women
shelf help groups in north east region are growing paddy straw mushroom in backyard.
The horticultural activities such food processing, preservation, packaging, marketing and retail
sales of fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices medicinal plant produce, etc offers enough opportunities in
development of agri- business for strengthening and financial empowerment of rural mass. Besides
fresh consumption, horticultural crops provide raw material for many ancillary industries. Processed
horticultural products have also good export potential in our country. Vegetables and fruit processing
and preservation play a great role to provide employment and industrial base for export of dehydrated
and preserved products. Mostly dehydrated vegetable are being exported. The other products that are
being exported or consumed with in our country are juice, ketchup, pickles and canned vegetables and
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fruits. Tapioca is used for manufacture of industrial products like sago, stars noodles and quick food
C. Women friendly farm enterprises
Many farm tools and equipments are of low cost and women friendly. These improved
implements will reduce the drudgery of farm women in different farm operations. Small and medium
farmers can make use of these technologies for production and preservation of various crops and
horticultural produce. It will enhance the productivity of farm women and also helpful in increasing
cereals/millet/fruits and vegetables availability as a measure of food security and additional
income/employment generation for the farm women. The success of the rural development schemes
depends upon proper formulation of the communication policy. Side by side, there should be sensitizing
programmes to change the attitude of farm women as a favourable attitude towards improved
agricultural technologies suited to various farming systems by reduced drudgery. There should also be
capacity building programmes to empower farm women through group approach for improving their
skill, efficiency and family economy.
Srinath, K., Role of women in resilient agriculture. DRWA Compendium on Gender mainstreaming for
resilient agriculture.pp1-15.
DRWA Compendium of Model training course on Drudgery reducing options for farm women to increase
their work efficiency& productivity. Pp1-164
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Many new agricultural technologies, even when considered as technically sound, are of limited
value if they are not adopted by the farming community. New agricultural technologies developed and
transferred by the conventional research and extension efforts have not been adopted uniformly by the
farmers operating under widely varying agro- climatic and socioeconomic environments. When
adequate attention is not paid to the basic understanding of the agro-climatic and socioeconomic milieu
in which the farmers operate, the technologies evolved at research stations and subsequently
transferred are found to be found inappropriate to the needs and circumstances of the practicing
farmers. The potential beneficiaries, particularly those small farmers with limited resources and
operating in less favorable natural environment, often do not adopt new technologies due to various
reasons (Raman and Balaguru, 1992). Some of the major reasons for poor adoption of new technologies
i) Lack of awareness about the new technology
ii) Ineffective extension services (publishing, media, illiteracy, ignorance)
iii) Unsuitability of the technology due to local conditions
iv) Lack of resources to invest on the required inputs
v) Non- availability of inputs in time
vi) Negligible farmers participation while designing the technologies
vii) High cost and skill oriented technologies.
Farmers generally seek those technologies which increase their income while keeping risks
within reasonable bounds under their own circumstances and management practices. In order to
develop and transfer more appropriate technologies to meet the specific client demand, emphasis on
farmer participatory, systemic research and extension efforts are now gaining momentum in India and
neighboring countries. Many programmes have been initiated in recent years, with an orientation and
focus on farming systems. Attempts have been initiated in recent years, with an orientation and focus
on farming systems. Attempts have been made in these programmes to integrate the desirable features
of farming system research (FSR) strategy into the mainstream agricultural research so that the
technologies developed are relevant, client- oriented and location–specific. However, the actual
experience of implementing the FSR strategy in the Indian context has been very limited.
The term Farming system, in its broadest sense, is any research that views the farm in holistic
manner and considers interactions (between the components and of components with the
environment) in the system (CGIAR, 1978). This type of research is most appropriately carried out by
interdisciplinary teams of scientists who in association with extensionists, continually interact with the
farmers in the identification of problems and in devising ways to solve them. It aims at generating and
transferring technologies to increase the resource productivity for an identified group of farmers.
Farming System research is an approach to agricultural research and development that view the whole
farm as a system and focus on 1) the interdependencies between the components under the control of
members of the household and 2) how these components interact with each other in respect of
physical, biological and socioeconomic factors not under the household’s control (Shaner et al, 1982).
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Indian economy is predominantly rural and agriculture oriented where the marginal and small
farmers constitute 76.2 % of farming community. Due to failure of monsoon, the farmers are forced to
judicious mix up of agricultural enterprises like dairy, poultry, pigeon, fishery, sericulture, apiculture etc.,
suited to their agro-climatic and socio- economic condition. The farming system, as an concept, takes
into account the components of soil, water, crops, livestock, labour, capital, energy and other resources,
with the farm family at the center managing agricultural and related activities. The farm family functions
within the limitations of its capacity and resources, the socio-cultural setting, and interaction of these
components with physical, biological and economic factors.
The core activities of FSR can be conceptualized in different ways, the approach is open to multiple
interpretations. Many authors define characteristics of Farming system in a different way but despite of
the variations in their knowledge and perception about the FSR, the approach has certain core
characteristics which are:
2. It is holistic: The whole farm is viewed as a system encompassing interacting subsystems; and no
potential enterprise is considered in isolation.
4. It defines specific client groups: Emphasis is made on the identification of specific and relatively
homogeneous groups of farmers, with similar problems and circumstances for whom the
technology is to be developed, as the specific client group. On tile basis of common environmental
parameters, production patterns and management practices, relatively homogeneous
recommendation domains need to be identified.
5. It is farmer participatory: It revolves round the principle that successful agricultural research and
development efforts should start and end with the farmers (Rhoades and Booth, 1982). Farmer
participation is ensured at different stages of technology generation and transfer processes such as
problem diagnosis, design and implementation of on- farm trials, and providing feedback through
monitoring and evaluation.
6. It gives weightage to ITK system: The Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK). which is time-tested at
the farmer's 'level for sustainability through a dynamic process of integrating new innovations into
the system as they arise, has to be properly understood by the scientists and utilized in their
research activities.
7. It is concerned with 'bottom-up' research strategy: It begins with an understanding of the existing
farming systems and the identification of key production constraints.
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8. It is interdisciplinary: It lays greater emphasis on interdisciplinary co-operation among the scientists
from different areas of specialization to solve the agricultural problems that are of concern to
9. It emphasizes extensive on farm activities: It involves problem analysis through diagnostic surveys,
on-farm, testing of the developed technologies, and providing feedback through evaluation to
influence the research agenda of the research stations. It provides a structural framework for the
farmers to express their preferences and apply their evaluation criteria for selecting technologies
suiting to their circumstances.
10. It is gender sensitive: while explicitly acknowledging the gender-differentiated roles of farms family
in agriculture, emphasizes the critical review of farming systems in terms of activities, analysis,
access and control over the resources and benefits, and their implications in developing relevant
research agenda.
11. It is iterative: Instead of trying to know everything, about a system at a time, it requires step-by-step
analysis of only key functional relationships.
12. It is dynamic: It involves recurrent analysis of the farming systems, permitting continuous learning
and adaptations.
13. It recognizes interdependencies among multiple clients: The generation, dissemination and
adoption of relevant technologies to improve the productivity and sustainability of agriculture
require productive and interactive linkages among the policy planners, scientists, developmental
agencies and farmers. The approach attaches more importance for this critical factor.
14. It focuses on actual adoption: It is to be judged by the extent to which it influences the production
of socially desirable technologies that diffuse quickly amongst specified groups of farmer clients.
Agricultural performance of eastern states is far below its potential, as is evident from the
decline in per capita output over the past decade. The growth of agriculture has also been highly
volatile, with annual output swings between minus 20% and plus 30%, which has had significant
implications for poverty alleviation and income security of the poor. In spite of rich natural
resources, as high as 42.60 percent population lives below poverty line (BPL). Bihar’s crop
productivity is constrained by the general lack of infrastructure, land holding patterns, and other
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environmental factors. State’s gross sown irrigated area of around 50% is relatively low as compared
to 95% in Punjab, 67% in Uttar Pradesh, and 60% for India as a whole. The average ground water
exploitation is 39%, indicating a large unexploited potential. Annual flooding has exacerbated land
degradation and created a host o off related economic and social problems. About 9.41 lac/ha
lac/ of land
is suffering from water logging / water stagnation / drainage congestion including areas under tal,
chaur and mauns (oxbow lake) and canal induced water logged areas in canal commands. These
areas offer great potential and challenge for their productive utilization through multiple use and
farming system including cereal crops, fisheries, and horticulture like banana, vegetables, makhana
and other aquatic crops.
Land holdings in Bihar consist predominately of small & marginal farm holdings with a high
degree of fragmentation. About 85 per cent of the farmers are small and marginal but sharing only
50 per cent of the land. The average size of the holding is 0.83 ha, with that of small and marginal
farmers range from 0.32 to 0.5 ha. These tiny holdings are fragmented & scattered and land tenure
system does not enable private investments for permanent improvement of land and infrastructure.
With the average size of land holdings shrinking as a result
result of increasing fragmentation, many
marginal farms are becoming economically non-viable
non viable and oriented towards subsistence. This has
slowed the diversification into commercial crops from low value-added
value added cereals that continue to
dominate cropping.
Keeping above
bove points in view, ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna has developed
two integrated farming systems modules for small and marginal farmers of Eastern region for
lowland and midland irrigated ecosystems. The details of the module are given as:
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3) All around the field bunds cucurbits or seasonal vegetables having lesser water requirement
may be raised by making wire fences.
7. Spices: In the sheds or where light intensity is less like orchards, spaces between the huts etc.
turmeric, ginger or guinea grass can be taken.
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Table1: Establishment, income and expenditure statement of two acre IFS module
Table2: Economic analysis of different components and system under two acre IFS module
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+Vegetable +
Rice-Wheat+Vegetable 330 148 42 80 160 760
Fig.2 Nutrient recycling within the system (Two acre IFS model):
5.0 t dung
Irr n. As
water feed
0.3t Crop: 1.4q
Cereals (100.1t) Duckery
2.8t +Veg. (8.85t)
As feed
As feed
15.1 tFYM
27.8 t dung
Out of above mentioned income, we get about 27.8 t Cow dung and Vermi compost 1.2 t which
is equivalent to 482 kg Urea, 400 kg of SSP and 396 kg of MOP. In other words we can curtail the cost of
cultivation up to Rs. 8,000- 9,000/year by recycling these organic wastes into the system (Sanjeev et al,
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B) One acre IFS module (midland situation) :
Crop + Goat + Poultry
Allied: Mushroom/Goat manure/ Vermi composting
Fig3. Land allocation to different enterprises under one acre IFS module
Kharif: Rice
Rabi: Wheat/Maize/ Lentil/Mustard
3. All around the field bunds cucurbits or seasonal vegetables having lesser water
requirement may be raised by making wire fences (About 4 % of total area)
4. Livestock (Goat): 2.5 % area A size of 20 female got + 1 buck is optimum for one
acre land in respect of manure requirement for the fields and fodder requirement for the
livestock. A thatched hut of 20’ X 30’ with sufficient fenced paddock space (to move the goats
freely as goats have to kept on stall feeding) yis sufficient for above no. of animals. The goat
shed should be airy and sunny A storage hut for storing of animal feed should be also made near
the animal shed. Black Bengal breed of goat is suitable for this region.
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6) Mushroom
Year round mushroom production can be done in an area of 25 X 20’ by making a thatched hut
for optimum return. In this shed about 200 mushroom bags can be kept at a time by making
bamboo shelves. Selection of the mushroom strains should be done on the basis of climate and
humidity in the atmosphere as
March – September: straw/paddy/milky mushroom
October- February: Oyster/ Button mushroom
8) Spices: In the sheds or where light intensity is less like orchards, spaces between the huts etc.
turmeric, ginger or guinea grass can be taken.
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Table-5: Establishment and expenditure statement of one acre IFS
As feed
(2.1q) Waste
Crop: ( 2 q)
Poultry (11.5q) Cereals Mushroom
+Veg. (15.311) 3.2q
Droppings (3.0q)
As feed
5.4q 25q
2 q V.C.
45.4 q drop.
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In addition to above mentioned income about 5.6 t of goat manure and 0.6 t of Vermi compost
is also prepared within the system which were recycled within the system. The above mentioned organic
manures are equivalent to 100 kg Urea, 170 kg SSP and 40 kg MOP in addition which costs about Rs.
4000/-. The straw available from the crops was recycled into the system in form of mushroom, feed to
animals and vermin composting. A total increase in man power employment was also reported from the
system (Sanjeev et al, 2012).
For Urban and peri- urban areas, where the land is available and facility for truck gardening is
available, vegetable based farming system will be the best option for better economic returns from the
system. Keeping in view ICAR- RCER, Patna has also developed one one acre vegetable based farming
system model in which cereals were also integrated with seasonal vegetables, fodder crop, goatry and
vermin composting. Crop enterprises have been established on 80 per cent, having cereal and pulses in
26 per cent and seasonal vegetables in 54 per cent area where as 20 per cent area was allocated for
other enterprises such as fodder crop (12.5 per cent), goatry (5 per cent) and vermin composting pits
(2.5 per cent)
Rice as kharif crop and green gram as pulse crop has been taken as cereal and pulse crop. After
harvesting of rice crop farmers generally grow wheat during rabi season (Rice-wheat-green gram
cropping system) but in this study it has been found that growing potato as rabi crop is more beneficial
than that of wheat. Wheat matures in the month of April and after that if green gram is sown, it gives
poor yield whereas potato is harvested earlier than wheat and it gives full scope for growth and
development of green gram. Consequently the yield of green gram in rice-potato-green gram system is
higher than rice-wheat-green gram cropping system. Based on ladies finger yield equivalence the yield
of rice-potato-green gram (13.21t/acre) was found nearly doubled than rice-wheat-green gram
Bitter gourd-tomato- bottle gourd and ladies finger-potato-onion are the two vegetable based
cropping systems which were grown in the area allocated for vegetables (2160 m2). Bitter gourd & ladies
finger as kharif crop, tomato & potato as rabi crop and bottle gourd & onion were grown as summer
crop in the vegetable block.
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Livestock component consisted of eleven goats (10 does + 1 buck). Black Bengal breed was
reared in 5% area of the field for meat purpose. A fodder block of 12.5% was kept for growing green
fodder throughout the year. Maize and cowpea were grown during kharif and summer season where as
berseem and oat was grown during rabi season. Napier grass was grown as perennial grass for goat unit.
Vermi composting pits were prepared in 2.5% area for making vermin compost from farm
wastes. Approximately one- third quantity of the goat droppings were added with vegetable wastes to
prepare vermin compost. Two-third quantity of goat droppings was converted into goat manure. In this
system approximately 1.5 tons of goat manure and 1.9 tons of vermin compost was produced which
were used within the system. Recycling of goat droppings as goat manure and vegetable wastes as
vermin compost minimizes the dependency upon chemical fertilizer to some extent, making the system
more sustainable in terms of soil health and increasing resource use efficiency of the system. The net
income from this one acre model was estimated to be Rs. 87,060/-. In this model all components are
interdependent on one another and by product of one component act as input for other component
(Fig.) thus reduces the cost of cultivation and fetches more income than growing crops only.
There are a number of farmers in Bihar and in eastern India who possesses a very less amount of
land i.e. less than one acre. The economic condition of such farmers is very pity and they have no other
resources except to earn their livelihood through wages. In order to improve the livelihood of such
resource poor farmers, a 0.5 acre IFS model has been developed at Vaishali, vill. Chakramdas, Farmers'
name: Mr. Lali Sahni under NAIP Component-3 project.
For development of IFS model of 0.5 acre for resource poor farmers, under crops like
rice/wheat/ vegetable were allocated in an area of 1400 m2 while a pond of 400 m2 was dugged out in
the land left as waterlogged for rearing of fishes (mix carp culture). 10 ducks were also reared on the
pond’s dike which was fed on the family left out. Two buffaloes were also taken (100 m2) for better
recycling of nutrients within the system and the buffaloes were kept on grazing as sufficient grazing
lands are available in the village. Mineral mixtures and other feed supplements were also provided.
Vermi-composts & FYM were prepared with the waste materials available within the system. On the
pond dike of 1 m width, seasonal vegetable and fruit crops were also raised either supplement the
nutrition to the farm families or to sell in the market. On an analysis of this developed module it was
found that there is an increase in income by four folds over traditional cropping in the same area of
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2000 m2. Now the farmer is planning for mushroom cultivation so that income of the system may be
enhanced further. Before the intervention, the farmer having 0.5 acre of la land
nd was doing farming with
wheat cropping system and was hardly getting sufficient money to sustain his family. Livelihood
statuses of the farmer were below standard and his family members from child to adults all were
engaged as laborers to sustain. W
ith introduction of IFS module in this cluster with the help of NAIP,
now the farmer is able to sustain his family with his own resources/income and getting a sum of Rs.55,
578 with the developed module.
Note: In addition, to the above income 9.3 t of FYM and 1.0 q of vermi-compost
vermi compost were also produced,
which were recycled in the crops, while buffaloes were kept on grazing as in the village, sufficient
grazing land are available
ailable & supplemented with balanced ratio/ mineral mixtures & vitamins as per
On complete analysis of these developed models it can be interpreted that these models have
enhanced the income of farm families by 3 3-4 times in general
al and had also increased the resource use
efficiency by means of nutrient recycling within the system. The system had also increased the
opportunity of labour employment (man-days)
(man days) in appreciable quantity and therefore, it can be
emphasized that Integrated d farming system is very much suitable for Bihar and eastern states. Economy
of Bihar is predominantly rural and agriculture oriented where the marginal and small farmers
constitute 76.2 % of farming community. Due to failure of monsoon, the farmers are forced fo to judicious
mix up of agricultural enterprises like dairy, poultry, pigeon, fishery, sericulture, apiculture etc., suited
to their agro-climatic and socio-- economic condition and largely dependent on the farm size. For such
prevailing situations, There
re is need to integrate agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and other allied
enterprises like apiculture, sericulture, mushroom cultivation etc. with livestock which holds promise
for this region in a scientific way for improvement in the livelihood of ma marginal,
rginal, small and medium
household farm families. The resource use efficiency at present level is poor due to lack of adoption of
appropriate farming system models. Good quality of fertile land, rich water endowments, biodiversity
and manpower can be used in an integrated manner in a farming system mode by recycling of wastes
to secure high resource use efficiency and improved livelihood.
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Table-6 Economics of the developed model (0.5 acre)
Previous Income Income from different Components Yield G.I C.C N.I
(Crops+Fish+Duck+Livestock) (REY)
Rice-Wheat (0.2 Crops
ha) Rice-Wheat-Moong (0.07ha) 9.8 q 9800 4200 5600
*G.I=11400 Rice-Potato+Maize (0.07 ha) 12.0 q 12000 5100 6900
C.C=3872 Total (LR – 58 md) 21.8 q 21800 9300 12500
N.I=7528 Veg. & Fruits (Pond’s bund) Lady finger
Labour (LR – 8 md) equivalent
employed = yield 2200 1144 1056
Family labor (58 (L.F. E.Y.)
man days) 2.2 quintal
Fish pond (0.04 ha)
Rohu+Common Carp + Silver 140 kg 9800 2064 7736
(300 fingerlings)
(LR – 15 md)
Duckery (9+1) on ponds dike
9 female duck & 1 male duck. 2250 egg. 9000 4300 4700
(LR – 23 md)
Livestock (2+2) Milk Yield
Area=0.01 ha 2160 lit. 52,840 22,254 29,58
2 Buffalos & 1 calf 6
(LR – 74 md)
Total -- 95,640 39,062 55,57
CGIAR. 1978. Farming systems research at International Agricultural research Centres. TAC
Secretariate, Rome, Italy.
Raman, K.V. and Balaguru, T., 1992. Farming Systems Research in India: Strategies for
implementation. Proceedings of the National Workshop, November 25-28, 1991, NAARM,
Hyderabad, India.
Shaner, W.W., Phillip, P.E. and Schmehl W.R. 1982. Farming system research and development:
guidelines for developing countries. West view Press, Boulder, and Colarado, USA.
Sanjeev Kumar, S.S. Singh, A. Dey and Shivani. 2011. Integrated farming systems for Eastern
India. Indian Journal of Agronomy 56(4):297-304.
Sanjeev Kumar, N. Subhash, Shivani, S.S. Singh and A. Dey. 2012. Evaluation of different
components under Integrated farming system (IFS) for small and marginal farmers under semi-
humid climatic environment. Experimental Agriculture 48 (3): 399-413..
Sanjeev Kumar, S.S.Singh, M.K. Meena, Shivani, and A. Dey. 2012. Resource recycling and their
management under integrated farming system for lowlands of eastern India. Accepted and will
be published in Indian Journal of Agricultural sciences 82(6): June 2012.
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Women Empowerment through Integrated Fish Farming System
Dr.Kamal Sarma
Principal Scientist
In the present days, women is becoming the backbone of the agricultural workforce and play a
vital role in agricultural management and production activities in addition to their responsibilities at the
homestead level (Sidhu, 2011). They are now directly involved in the production and management
processes in agro- horticulture, livestock and fisheries, forestry and post harvest activities. The growing
awareness of the importance of women as economic providers and their pivotal role in sustaining the
family has urged to include women in development programmes or to facilitate their participation in
ongoing programmes. It has been observed that income earned by women is more likely to be spent on
food and other basic needs than income earned by men (Panda et al., 2012). Consequently, it is
recognized that an increase in women’s income is more likely to improve family status than increased
household income per se (Dehadrai and Yadava 2004).
As per the estimate that in 2008, almost 45 million people worldwide directly engaged (full time
or part time) in primary sector and an additional estimated 135 million people employed in the
secondary sector, including post-harvest activities ( FAO 2012a). Out of which 5.4 million women worked
in the primary sector (12%). In China and India, women represented 21% and 24%, respectively, of all
fishers and fish farmers. In Asia and West Africa, in general women make up at least 50% of the
workforce in inland fisheries sector, while women market around 60% of seafood. Moreover, case
studies suggest that women may comprise up to 30% of all those employed in fisheries, including
primary and secondary activities (FAO, 2012b). FAO’s National Aquaculture Sector Overview1 provides
insights into the roles and contributions of women in the aquaculture sector in countries around the
globe. In Cuba, female workers constitute 27 % of the aquaculture workforce. In Estonia, the gender
ratio of the aquaculture workforce is 1:1. In Jamaica, about 8–11 % of fish farmers are women who own
and operate fish farms; and in processing plants, women dominate the workforce. In Malaysia, women
account for about 10 % of the total aquaculture workforce, and they are mostly involved in freshwater
aquaculture and hatchery operations for marine fish, shrimp and freshwater fish. In Panama, 80 % of
the workforce in processing plants is women, but in the production sector, only 7 % of workers are
women. In Sri Lanka, women constitute 5 % of the workforce in shrimp aquaculture and 30% of those
engaged in the production and breeding of ornamental fish. (FAO 2012b).
Fisheries sector has witnessed a steady growth from a meagre annual fish production of 0.53
million tons in 1950-1951 to 8294 million tons during 2010-2011. This transformation from a purely
traditional activity (in both aquaculture and fisheries) to a full-scale commercial enterprises opened
considerable scope and potential for employment generation and contribution to the food and nutrition
security and foreign exchange earnings of the country. Like in agriculture and animal sectors, fisheries
sector also contributes significantly to the livelihoods for millions of people around the world.
As a general global trend it is estimated that, overall, women accounted for at least 15 % of all
people directly engaged in the fisheries primary sector in 2010. The proportion of women is considered
to be higher (at-least 19%) in inland water fishing, and far more important, as high as 90 %, in secondary
activities, such as processing (FAO 2012a).
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Aquaculture plays a multi-disciplinary role and aims at providing food security, generating
employment, economic gains and optimum utilization of resources and finally upliftment of the socio-
economic status for those who are directly or indirectly connected with exploitation, production and
processing of fish (Ninawe and Diwan 2005). Aquaculture production was 55.7 million tons in 2009 out
of the total global production of 144.6 million tons (38.5%). Major aquaculture production comes from
the Asian subcontinents. In these countries, women play a crucial role in production process. Nandeesha
(1994) found that in Cambodia the ponds where women carried out at least half of the tasks associated
with aquaculture had higher yields than did other ponds. In some parts of Thailand and China, because
of male migration to cities, women bear the sole responsibility for farm production, including
aquaculture (Kusakabe 2003). It was found that, women who are involved in intensive aquaculture have
more resources in terms of land, cash, and knowledge than women who are involved in subsistence
aquaculture—but they have less decision-making power. Even when they have more resources, their
choices to use them are restricted by ‘ideology’—the socially defined roles and responsibilities placed
upon women. Conforming to these ideologies is necessary to avoid conflict in the household, which
most women cannot afford to create (Kusakabe 2003). Some of the factors that weaken women’s
capabilities in decision-making are: lower literacy rate; increase pressure of house hold activities like
cooking, time burdens, restricted mobility, limited autonomy and decision making process, lower
participation in formal organizations; less leadership roles in formal organizations.
Integrated fish farming is a diversified and coordinated method of faming system, where one or
more separate farming systems (agriculture and/ or animal husbandry) are integrated along with fish
farming for efficient utilisation of farm space for multiple productions as well as for recycling of waste or
by-product generated. In this system organic by products generated from one system becomes the input
of other system. This type of farming system is becoming very popular among rural people in many parts
of India. The integration of aquaculture with livestock and crop farming offers great efficiency in
resource utilization, reduces risk by diversifying crop, and provides additional food and income. As it is
mostly followed by the marginal and small land holding people and less labour intensive, women are
actively getting acquainted and taking part in this production system. Jahara (1998) mentions that
integrated aquaculture activities are ‘often perceived as an extension of the women’s household
chores’, which makes it easier for women to combine the two activities.
Integrated farming system involving livestock-fish, poultry-fish, duck- fish and rice-fish farming have been
well developed and practiced in many South East Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia
etc. It is practiced in many states of India.
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Fish culture in integrated fish farming:
In fish based integrated farming the main component is the fish culture. All the other components
are added to the fish culture system mostly as a source of organic input for fish farming like cow dung,
poultry dung, duck dropping, green leaves out of horticultural components etc. Though general
management practice of fish culture is almost similar in all systems but based on the associated
components, nutrient requirements, waste generated in subsidiary components suitable modification
will be required in the fish culture practice. Fish culture practice can be broadly divided in to three sub
A general fish culture practice followed in integrated fish farming is mentioned below: Pond
selection: Pond size generally should be 0.4 – 1 ha of 2-3 m depth of rectangular shape. Clearing the fish
pond: Fish pond should be cleared from all aquatic vegetation. More of quatic plants reduces light
penetration and create problem in oxygen deficiency.
Clearance of unwanted weed fishes: All unwanted fishes like weed fishes and carnivorous fishes
should be removed from the pond as they compete for food, shelter as well as for dissolved oxygen which
is the limiting factor in a fish pond. This can be done by repeated netting or by drying the pond bottom.
Fishes can also be killed by application of bleaching powder 300- 500 kg/ha or any organic pesticide like
mahua cake (2500kg/ha) or derris rootpowder.
Liming: Liming should be applied as per the pH of the water. For example moderately acidic soil pH (5.0
6.5) requires around 1000 kg/ ha of lime. As such 400kg/ha can be applied in the pond (¼ initial dose then
split the rest to 11 instalments and apply every months).
Fertilization: Additional fertilizer is not required in integrated farming system. Fertilization using organic
waste is done after 7 days of liming, In case of pig - fish farming; dung has to be added in the pond
continuously. The pig dung, urine and spill out feeds from pig sites are collected every day in a pit and
distributed into the ponds. In case of duck- fish farming duck dropping and left over food are directly
given to fish pond. In poultry –fish, the deep litter are packed in gunny bags and apply in the pond as and
when required. Fertilization should be continues after fish stocking also.
Stocking fingerling fishes: In a well managed pond stocking density should be maintained 6000 - 8000
number/ha (40% surface feeder, 30% bottom feeder, 20% column feeder, 10% grass carp). Always avoid
excess stocking. Excess stocking will not only decrease the growth rate of fish but also creating stress to
the fishes and become susceptible to diseases. The stocking size of fishes should be 10-15 cm in length.
Yearling is always better in comparison with fresh one as they are hardy.
Feeding grass carp: For feeding grass carp aquatic weed or soft terrestrial plants like banana etc. are
applied on the pond surface in a bamboo rack. In general no feeding is required in this integration;
however, in some cases like low primary productivity, low organic input etc farmer can start
supplementary feeding. Periodical netting is done in order to assess health status of the fishes. Netting
should be done at least once in a month and length and weight increase and disease symptom has to be
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recorded. Final harvesting is done at the end of 10-12 months. Except harvesting and netting, all other
activities can be done very effectively done by the women.
The growing awareness of the importance of women as economic providers and their pivotal
role in sustaining the family has urged to include women in development programmes or to facilitate
their participation in ongoing programmes (Panda et al., 2012).The international community is now
paying more and more attention to women and their role in maintaining the health in fisheries.
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Aquaculture can be seen as a micro enterprise activity principally in the hands of women (Kusakabe,
2003). Women’s work is generally perceived to be ‘light and simple’, and thus aquaculture activities,
except harvesting, are supposed to be suited to women (Minh et al. 1997). It was also well documented
that women managed aquaculture ponds has higher yields which indicates that in future, women will
play a crucial role in aquaculture production system. Simultaneously their involvement in fish farming
activities which is still very low, will also going to increase significantly. However, there are several issues
hindering the contribution and participation of the women folk in integrated farming system and
fisheries as a whole are low literacy rate among the women, poor mobility, less participation in the
decision making process etc. It is high time that more and more women participation should be
encouraged in the integrated farming system for their social and economic empowerment. Formation of
women self help group for development of self-esteem, need based training programme on different
aspects of aquaculture and associated farming system etc. should be encouraged which will help and
encourage more and more participation of women.
Das, D. N., 2002. Fish farming in rice environments of North Eastern India. Aquaculture Asia: 7(2): 43.
Dehadrai P.V and Yadava Y.S., 2004. Fisheries development. In: state of Indian farmer: a millennium study. Vol13.
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi. Academic Foundation, Dariyaganj. New Delhi 110 002,
178 p
Dehadrai, P. V., 1992. Opportunities for women in rice-fish culture’, in C. C. R. De la Cruz, B. A. Lightfoot et al. (eds.)
Rice-fish Research and Development in Asia 24, Manila: ICLARM.
FAO,2012a.The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2012. Part I, World review of fisheries and aquaculture.3-
FAO, 2012b.The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 2012.Part II, Selected issues in fisheries and aquaculture,
Jahara, Y., 1998. Women in small-scale fisheries in Malaysia’, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Women in Asian
Fisheries, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 11–14 November.
Kumar, K. and Ayyapan, S. 1998. Current practises in integrated aquaculture. Integrated aquaculture in Eastern
India, Working Paper 5. Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (Indian Council of Agricultural Research),
Bhubaneswar. 25p.
Kusakabe K., 2003.Women's involvement in small-scale aquaculture in Northeast Thailand, Development in
Practice, 13:4, 333-345.
Nandeesha, M. C., 1994. Aquaculture in Cambodia. Info fish International 2:42–48.
Ninawe, A.S and Diwan, A.D., 2005. Women in fisheries sector and entrepreneurship development: steps for
improvement. In: Ninawe AS, Diwan AD (Eds) Women empowerment in fisheries, Narendra Publishing House,
Delhi 110006, pp 1–16.
Panda N., Mahapatra A.S., Samal. R., 2012. Impact evaluation of SGSY on socio-economic, development of women
in aquaculture in Eastern Hills of Orissa. Aqua cult Int. 20:233–247.
Sidhu, K., 2011. Agro-climatic Zone-wise Analysis of Women in Farming in Punjab Hum Ecol. 33(1): 47-52.
Minh L. T., Huong D. T. T., and Tuan N. A., 1997. Involvement of women in fish nursing activities in Cantho City,
Vietnam, in M. C. Nandeesha and H. Hanglomong (Eds.). Women in Fisheries in Indo-China Countries, Phnom Penh:
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Role of women in animal husbandry practices
Dr. A. Dey
Livestock and Fisheries Management Division
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
A number of challenges face the livestock sector on which about 70% poor smallholder
households in eastern India is dependent. These challenges demand innovative and sustainable
approaches involving women as a player for ensuring food, resource, and livelihood security for the
family. In fact, women oriented societies in ancient India gave more importance on animal husbandry as
sources of milk, meat, egg, wool, hides & skin and of course the “living money”. At present, though
livestock sector contributes about 27% of agricultural GDP of the country, its role and importance has
been ignored as the importance of women in the society. A number of gender issues are central to
discussions of agricultural livelihoods and to fight against hunger and poverty (FAO, 2002). These include
access to and control of assets and gendered divisions of labor (IFAD 2004). The roles, right,
responsibilities and decision making power of women in the societies varies across region and
socioeconomic conditions of the family. The aim of this article is to identify area where capacity building
of women in animal husbandry is required in Bihar.
Role of women
Women perform a variety of roles, of which many are of greater economic significance (Bhopale
and Palki, 1998). The role and contribution of women in dairying other than usual household
responsibilities had been interpreted in social than economical pretext. Contribution of farm women in
agriculture is likely to be around 50 to 60 per cent while rural woman contributes a share of more than
75 per cent in animal husbandry operations (Upadhyay and Desai, 2011). On an average a women
contributes about 4-6 hours for animal husbandry operations in rural Bihar.
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called seasonally food insecure. Individuals who normally have enough to eat but become food insecure
in the face of disasters triggered by economic, climatic, and civil shocks (war and conflict) are transitorily
food insecure. The “at all times” element of the food security definition makes risk and associated
vulnerability an important element of the food security concept. It has been observed that ssixty
percent of the calories and proteins consumed by humans today come from just three plant species:
maize, rice, and wheat. Seventy-five percent of our food supply comes from just 12 plants and five
animal species (Lambrou and Laub 2004), but yet dietary diversity is extremely important. Diets
dominated by cereals lack an adequate array of micronutrients such as iron, vitamin A, B vitamins
(niacin, thiamine), vitamin C, zinc, iodine, and folate. Deficiencies in micronutrients are costly in
economic terms and in terms of people’s well-being. Deficiencies in vitamin A, iron, and zinc all rank
within the top 10 leading causes of death through disease in developing countries (WHO 2002). Vitamin
A and Iodine deficiency are very common among children and iron and folic acid deficiency among
women. Women are typically responsible for food preparation and thus are crucial to the dietary
diversity of their households. Women are generally responsible for selecting food purchased to
complement staple foods and to balance the household’s diet. The prime sources for micronutrients are
fruits, vegetables, and animal source foods, including fish. Animal source foods are particularly good;
they are high density in terms of micronutrients, and those micronutrients are also more bio available to
the human body. Agriculture is thus a key to dietary diversity, particularly in areas that have less access
to markets given the perishable nature of fruits, vegetables, and animal source foods.
Women’s typical role within a livestock production system is different from region to region, and
the distribution of ownership of livestock between men and women is strongly related to social, cultural
and economic factors. Generally, it depends on the type of animals they raise. In many societies, for
example, cattle and larger animals are owned by men, while smaller animals – such as goats, sheep, pigs
and backyard poultry kept near the house – are more a woman's domain. When the rearing of small
animals becomes a more important source of family income, ownership, management and control are
often turned over to the man. Women are crucial in the translation of the products of a vibrant
agriculture sector into food and nutritional security for their households. They are often the farmers
who cultivate food crops and produce commercial crops alongside the men in their households as a
source of income. When women have an income, substantial evidence indicates that the income is more
likely to be spent on food and children’s needs. Women are generally responsible for food selection and
preparation and for the care and feeding of children.
1. Dairy sector
a. Feeding of milch animal
b. Processing of crop residues
c. System of grazing in forest areas and procedure of lopping of trees for fodder
d. Care of pregnant animal
e. Care of calf
f. Primary health care
g. Vaccination schedule
h. Deworming schedule
i. Care of animal during heat stress
j. Clean milk production
k. Processing and value addition of milk
l. Breeding of dairy animals
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m. Record keeping
n. Zoonotic diseases and their precautions
o. Livestock management in emergency like flood, drought, cyclones etc
p. Culling and restocking programmes
q. Conservation of fodder
2. Goat husbandry
3. Backyard poultry keeping
4. Pig husbandry in tribal areas
5. Others: Vermicomposting, compositing, waste utilization for fuel
Despite their considerable involvement and contribution, women’s role in livestock production has
often been underestimated, if not ignored. Gender-blindness is the result partly of a paternalistic bias,
and partly due to the attitudes of the women themselves, who may be conditioned by their culture and
society to underestimate the value of their own work. As a result, it is difficult to obtain information on
the role of women in livestock production. In addition, women’s work is rarely reflected in national
statistics. However, following issues may be considered for empowerment in animal husbandry sector:
2. Household welfare. The management, processing and marketing of livestock products generate
more income than most of the activities women tend to be involved in, and bring benefits for
the whole family (for instance by increasing food security at the household level: small
ruminants provide food products such as milk, butter, cheese and meat, all of which are a
source of protein, minerals and vitamins)
3. Income generation. Animals provide raw material such as wool, skins, and bones used by
women to make clothes, or as fuel for home consumption and for sale. Processing of these
materials can be an important source of additional employment and income for poor rural
4. Access to credit and resources. Livestock ownership increases the likelihood of gaining access to
credit and assets. Milking, processing and marketing of milk products, does not necessarily
mean that women can control decisions regarding livestock or own it.
5. Access to information and organization, specifically to (i) livestock extension and veterinary
information and services; artificial insemination services; participation in developing livestock
programmes and policies (e.g. vaccination, culling and restocking programmes); (ii) emerging
livestock-related technologies (e.g. fodder, breeding, disease prevention, livelihood decision-
making tools); and (iii) training and involvement as community animal health workers and para-
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6. Access to markets and distribution of risks and gains along different steps of livestock value
chains varies according to the gender of (i) producers (e.g. rights to income generated from
livestock); (ii) processors (access to processing technologies and information); (iii) market agents
(access to transportation, safe market spaces and overnight accommodation, risk of sexual
harassment and abuse); and (iv) economies of scale (bringing women together to improve their
market position).
7. Risk and vulnerability. Women and men have different experiences and capacities to face: (i)
livestock sector trends (e.g. policy biases and changes, “supermarketization”, the lengthening of
livestock value chains, vertical integration); (ii) regional shocks affecting livestock
climate/ecosystem change, drought, flooding, animal disease, demographic changes, political
upheaval, conflict); (iii) household shocks (illness or death of family member; “distress sales” of
livestock to pay for medical treatment, property or asset grabbing).
8. Self-esteem. Owning, controlling and benefiting from livestock production increases women’s
self-esteem and strengthens their role as producers and income generators within the
household and in the community.
Bhople, R.R. and A. Palki. 1998. Socio-economic dimensions of farm women labour, Rural India, September-
October, pp. 192-196.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2002. “Rural Women: Crucial Partners in the Fight against Hunger and
Poverty: Side Event Report.” FAO, Rome.
Ghotge, Nitya, and Sagari. Ramdas. 2002. “Women and Livestock: Creating Space and opportunities.” LEISA
Magazine 18 (4) (December): 16–17. Also available at
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). 2004. “Livestock Services and the Poor: A Global Initiative.
Collecting, Coordinating, and Sharing Experiences.” IFAD, Rome. Evaluations are available at
Miller, Beth. 2001. “Rights to Livestock.” In 2020 Focus No. 06, Brief 04, August, International Food Policy Research
Institute, Washington, DC.
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Role of Women in Integrated Farming Systems:
Some experiences from Eastern region
Dr. Shivani
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar, India
[email protected]
The Indian Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, with its package of improved seeds, farm
technology, better irrigation, and chemical fertilizers, was highly successful in meeting its primary
objective of increasing crop yields and augmenting food supply. However, the Green Revolution as a
development approach has not necessarily translated into benefits for the lower socioeconomic strata,
particularly the rural poor and farm women, in terms of greater food security or greater economic
opportunity and well-being (Bharadwaj et al., 1999). It has increased the need for cash incomes in rural
households to cover the costs of technological inputs which has forced women to work as agricultural
laborers and increased the need for unpaid female labor for farming tasks.
In the era of burgeoning population and shrinking natural resources integrated farming system
may be the panacea. Integrated Farming system approach envisages the integration of agroforestry,
horticulture, dairy, sheep and goat rearing, fishery, poultry, pigeon, biogas, mushroom, sericulture and
by-product utilization of crops with the main goal of increasing the income and standard of living of
small and marginal farmers. Integrated systems are about bringing crops and livestock into an
interactive relationship with the expectation that together, as opposed to alone, they will generate
positive effects on outcomes of interest, such as profitability overall productivity, and conservation of
non-renewable resources. It is, however, much more than this. The “system” includes the environment,
soil characteristics, landscape positions, genetics, and ecology of plant and animals. It involves
management practices, goals and lifestyles of humans, social constraints, economic opportunities,
marketing strategies and externalities including energy supplies and costs and impacts of farm policies.
Systems also reflect available natural resources and the impact on their use, wildlife issues, target and
non-target plant and animal species, micro-organisms, and indeed all of the definable and indefinable
factors that ultimately interact to result in an outcome that is never constant. The aims of integrated
farming system is to increase productivity, profitability, sustainability, balanced food, clean
environment, recycling of available resources and income round the year. Besides we can also think for
adoption of new technology, solving energy crises: fuel and fodder crises, avoiding deforestation,
increasing employment generation by taking more than one component, input-output efficiency and
enhancing opportunity for agriculture oriented industries as well as uplifting living standard of the
farmers (Gill et al, 2010).
The loss of biodiversity in agriculture is the key threat to food security and sustainability. The
diversity in food, feed, fish, and animal stocks has narrowed down alarmingly. In rural India, it is women
who conserve biodiversity on farm as well as ex situ through various rituals. The role of women as
custodians of agriculture and livestock still cannot be ruled out. For farm women, biodiversity manifests
in both farm plants and their wild relatives. Their extensive knowledge of wild plants, leaves, berries,
nuts, seeds, spices, and condiments required for food preparation and preservation is exhaustive
(Ramprasad, 1999). Rituals and ceremonies in various parts of the country show this close relationship.
Be it the lohri (harvest festival) of Punjab, Makar Sankranti of Bihar or navadhanya puja (worship of nine
cereals) in southern India, both emphasize the role of women in biodiversity preservation.
Women are critical to the well-being of farm households. Aside from raising children, women
are expected to prepare all meals, maintain the homestead, and assist in crop and animal production,
all the while tending to the general health of their families. Perhaps, ironically, it is because women
who have so many responsibilities that they have been over-looked by agriculturalists and policy
makers–it has been more convenient to label men as farmers and women as child raisers and
cooks. Rural women form the most important productive work force in the economy of majority of the
developing nations including India. Agriculture, the single largest production endeavor in India,
contributing about 18% of GDP, is increasingly becoming a Female Activity. Agriculture sector employs
4/5th of all economically active women in the country. 48% of India’s self-employed farmers are
women. Operations that involve less physical labor and more drudgery, such as weeding, are left to
women, and women undertake these tasks in addition to their primary function as housekeepers and
home makers. In the plantation sector women are the crucial laborers. There are 75 million women
engaged in dairying as against 15 million men and 20 million in animal husbandry as compared to 1.5
million men. Beyond the conventional market-oriented narrower definition of ‘productive workers’,
almost all women in rural India today can be considered as ‘farmers’ in some sense, working as
agricultural labor, unpaid workers in the family farm enterprise, or combination of the two. In general,
women in tribal households enjoy more decision-making power than women in many other Indian
households because of their greater contribution to household income. Moreover, several farm
activities traditionally carried out by men are also being undertaken by women as men are pulled away
into higher paying employment. Thus, Rural India is witnessing a process which could be described as
Feminization of Agriculture.
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include a wide range of horticultural crops. Rice is widely grown in Southern, Eastern and Northeastern
states. Wheat is mainly grown in Punjab and Haryana. Jowar and Bajra are important food grains in dry
land areas. Assam and West Bengal are famous for tea, whereas Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are
coffee and coconut producing states. In the highly diversified Indian context, no simple gender division
of labor exists with regard to crop production. In certain areas in India women play a key role as seed
selectors and in seedling production. Their knowledge on seeds and seed storage contribute to the
viability of the agricultural diversity and production. As weeders, women contribute to crop
management. Male shoulder the responsibility of agricultural activities such as ploughing, sowing,
transport and sale of agricultural products. The female on the other hand, the activities carried out by
women are transplanting, preparing and applying green manure and farm yard manure, manual
weeding, transplantation, harvesting, threshing, winnowing dehusking and storage. There are some of
the activities which are carried out by man and women jointly. Gender differences exist in both work
carried out by rural women as well as in wages they are paid. Rural women are engaged mostly in
household activities in Uttar Pradesh but considerable amount of time is also spent in dairying and
agricultural activities. Dairying activities included fodder chaffing, washing cattle and dung cake
preparation while the agricultural activities undertaken were fodder transportation from fields to
homes, harvesting and irrigation (Kumar & Fulzele, 1998).
In Meghalaya women mainly carried out transplanting, weeding and harvesting while men did
the ploughing and threshing. Similarly in West Bengal rural women more actively indulged in household
activities than in poultry keeping and other activities related to agriculture. The conservative family
structures and low education levels of women were the reasons attributed to this disparity. In Kerala
majority of farm women “solely” participated in sowing/planting and harvesting of vegetables, half of
them supervised plant protection operations, half of them jointly decided the type of weed control to be
adopted, manure/fertilizer to be applied and irrigation management. In Chhatisgarh majority of female
farm laborers participated in weeding, harvesting, winnowing and transplantation in rain fed areas. In
the irrigated area, grass cutting is the major job for women laborers. In contrast, the tribal women
(santhals, mundas and oraons) of West Bengal participated more in subsistence activities such as trading
firewood and other forest produce and less in other activities such as agriculture, animal husbandry,
agricultural labor, liquor trading, hunting, fishing, capture/collection of various animals and plants which
was carried out by men. However, women were completely responsible for rearing of animals.
So far as rice cultivation is concerned studies show that women participate in all major
operations for example; sowing/transplanting (86%), Weeding (84%), storage of grains (78%), land
preparation (72%), cleaning seeds for sowing (70%), gap filling (68%), manure and fertilizer application
(68%), harvesting (64%), threshing and winnowing (62%), watching birds (41.6%), and rate and rodent
control practices (58%). Nataraju and Lovely (1993) concluded that the majority of women participate in
pre-harvestings like, reaping the crop (98%), bunding and transporting (94%), operation trampling (80%),
transporting and spreading of seeds (60%) whereas, in post harvest activities 84% women are involved
in threshing and 92% in winnowing. In cultivation, except ploughing, leveling and irrigating the field, all
the other works such as sowing, weeding, transplanting, harvesting, stocking of straw, husking, drying
and storing are female dominated tasks. The tasks such as preparation of field, irrigating crops and
construction/repair of field channels are mainly male dominated tasks. In inter cultivation activities
farmwomen play a major role in weeding, application of fertilizers, thinning and gap filling, irrigation and
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In integrated farming system, livestock plays a multi-faceted role in providing draught power for
the farm, manure for crops, energy for cooking and food for household consumption as well as the
market. In animal husbandry women have a multiple role. With regional difference, women take care of
animal production. In eastern states their activities vary widely ranging from care of animals, grazing,
fodder collection, cleaning of animal sheds to processing milk and livestock products. In livestock
management, indoor jobs like milking, feeding, cleaning, etc. are done by women in 90% of families
while management of male animals and fodder production are effected by men. Women accounted for
93% of total employment in dairy production. Depending upon the economic status, women perform
the tasks of collecting fodder, collecting and processing dung. Dung composting and carrying to the
fields is undertaken by women. Women also prepare cooking fuel by mixing dung with twigs and crop
residues. In livestock management, majority of farm women solely took responsibility of maintaining
cattle sheds, feeding poultry birds and hatching of eggs/chicks. But when it came to the care of sick
animals, type of milk product to be prepared, hatching of eggs, marketing of eggs and milk, the decisions
were taken jointly by farm women and men. Though women play a significant role in livestock
management and production, women's control over livestock and its products is negligible. The vast
majority of the dairy cooperative membership is assumed by men, leaving only 14% to women.
6. Rice-transplanting Women
7. Irrigation Jointly
8. Top –dressing Men
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In rural areas fuel wood contributes 84% of the total household energy consumption.
Unfortunately, forests are deteriorating massively due to encroachment of agricultural production,
mining, construction of dams, industrial and railway demand. The country has been losing 1.5 million
hectares of forest cover annually. In India about 16% of the total geographical area is covered by
woodland and forests. Gender roles in using forest resources vary widely depending upon the region as
well as socioeconomic class and tribal affiliation. Rural Indian women's interface with the forests is
varying - gathering, wage employment, production in farm forestry and management of afforested areas
in the community plantation. In India, women are the major gatherers and users of a much more diverse
range of forest products than men. Depending upon the sociocultural variations among different
communities, primarily Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) is collected by women and timber by men. In
several parts of India, large proportions of the population depend on NTFP as their main source of
livelihood. Apart from fodder and fuel, women collect food, medicinal plants, building materials,
material for household items and farm implements. Sal and Tendu leaves are primarily collected by
women. As women are the ones who have traditionally been collecting forest products, they possess the
knowledge of properties and potential uses of these products.
About 5 million people in the coastal areas carry out fishing and allied activities for their
livelihood. Fish drying/curing, marketing and hand braiding and net-mending are the main areas of
women's involvement in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. Women are also involved in shrimp
processing in these states. Among the mangroves of Bhitarkanika on the Orissa coast, both women and
men fish in the fresh water estuarine areas. Men cast nets while women and children catch fish with
hands. But fishing by boat in the flood tides is exclusively performed by men. In contrast, women's
participation in small-scale fisheries is very limited in West Bengal. Even ancillary industry, which in the
other Indian east coast states is a women's domain, is dominated by men, as a relatively low number of
days in a year is spent on actual fishing. In the fishing villages, fish drying/curing is performed by both
women and men who do not belong to the fishing community. In coastal aquaculture, women are
involved in prawn and seed collection to a very limited extent.
Women in rural India generate income in various ways. Women are highly involved in processing of
the NTFP, particularly in small-scale enterprises. This includes basket, broom, rope making, tasar silk
cocoon rearing, lac cultivation, oil extraction, and bamboo works, etc. Women constitute 51% of the
total employed in forest-based small-scale enterprises. However, this does not mean that men do not
have any role in these activities. Among the scheduled-caste weavers in Orissa, men collect grass for
basket making while women cure it and make the basket. In the Jeypore Tract (Orissa), men and women
are equally involved in collection, processing and marketing of forest products such as grass, bamboo
and resin. The challenge to the sustainability of a production system lies in integrating technology,
work, and resources (financial and social) effectively with gender so that both women and men can play
an active role in improving the productivity, profitability, stability, and sustainability of major farming
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Bhardwaj Ch., Satyavathi CT, Brahmanand PS and Verma MK. 1999. Agricultural Sustainability in the 21st
century. Employment News 24 (33):1-2
Gill, MS, Singh JP and Gangwar KS. 2010. Integrated farming system and agriculture sustainability. Indian
Journal of Agronomy 54 (2): 128-39
Kumar R, Fulzele R. M. 1998. Factors affecting the time utilization of farmwomen in household,
agriculture and dairying activities. 1. Dairying, Foods Home Sci., 17 (1): 55-59.
Natraju, M.S. and Lovely, R.S., 1993, Extent of participation of rural women in crop and animal
production activities. An Analysis. Indian J. Adult Edu., 54 (3): 52-57.
Venkateswaran, S. 1992. Living on the Edge: Women, Environment and Development, Friedrich Ebert
Stiftung, New Delhi.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Rural Backyard Poultry: A viable option for income generation
Dr. Ramakrishna Roy
Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Science)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region)
Bypass Road, Sohanipatti, Buxar-802101, Bihar
India has billion mouths to feed. One-fourth of the population does not have access to the basic
essential commodities- food, clothes and shelter. About 60 % of rural population is unemployed/
seasonally employed. Most of the rural poor are small and marginal farmers and landless labour.
Backyard poultry produce eggs and meat at an insignificant cost barely 20-30 % compared to modern
intensive system. About 70% of the cost involved in intensive system is on feed. Since backyard poultry
scavenge on vegetable garden and kitchen wastes hence cost incurred on feeding is less. Elaborate
housing structure is also not required for them. Backyard poultry is recognized as stepping stone for the
poorest households enabling them to take the first step towards breaking out of the vicious circle of
poverty and deprivation. The eggs/ meat produced can be consumed by the household, thereby
providing a cheap and available source of quality animal protein. While eighty percent of the birds in
China comprise rural poultry producing 100-120 eggs annually only thirty percent of the eggs in India are
produced by rural poultry. Hence, there is ample scope for increase in rural backyard poultry.
The desi birds are broody in nature and produce 70-80 eggs a year. They can defend themselves
from predators due to alertness, light body weight, longer shank length and aggressiveness. Natural
selection has made them better disease resistance; thrive well under adverse circumstances of poor
housing, management and feeding. The meat has higher content of arginine and lysine and certain
minerals such as iron. The eggs are rich in threonine and valine. The desi eggs and meat have superior
organoleptic attributes. More physical activity results in reduced abdominal fat and improved breast
muscle. Chicken has its origin in India; there are a large number of Indian breeds reared in the villages as
desi. Some of them are recognized breeds such as Aseel, Kadaknath, frizzle, naked neck, Haringhata
black, Nicobari, and Kashmir fevorellla. The American class famous for dual purpose have the blood of
Aseel. The Aseel, famous for fighting ability is available in various plumages, peela (golden red), Yarkin
(black and red), Nurie (white), Kagar (black), Chitta (black and white silver), Teekar (brown) and Reza
(light red)
They have been used for development of varieties suitable for rural backyard poultry/ varied
agro-climatic condition. The production parameters of these native breeds are described below:
Table 1: Prominent native breeds of India and their production
Breed Body Age at Annual egg Egg wt. Fertility Hatch Speciality
weight sexual production( at 40wks ability
(20 wks) maturity nos.) age, g. (%), FES*
Aseel 1220 196 92 50 66 63 Fighting quality
Frizzle 1005 185 110 53 61 71 Heat dissipation
Kadaknath 920 180 105 53 55 52 Melanin pigment,
Fe content
Naked Neck 1005 201 99 54 60 71 Tropical climate
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The native breeds found in various regions of the country are:
Hence the researchers felt the need to develop birds that have all the benefits of desi birds like
scavenging habit, multi-coloured plumage, and long shanks but have higher egg and meat production
than the desi. However with increased egg production the broodiness character present in desi birds
has been lost. For realizing optimum egg and meat production there are certain practices the farmers’
need to follow:
1. Vaccination for protection from New castle disease and Infectious Bursal disease.
2. Moisture level in feed should not exceed 12% so as to avoid mould growth. Feed should be protected
from infestation by rodents, vermin and insects which are a source of salmonella.
3. Proper cleaning of feeders and waterers.
4. Simple wire meshed housing to protect from predators.
Crores of Indian rural households are engaged in backyard poultry production. It is common
with communities like muslims, tribals, and other economically depressed or marginalised communities
it is a traditional woman centric activity of rural families undertaken as a household chore. It is not a
highly producing and very remunerative activity but a significant contributor to livelihoods of especially
the poor. While commercial poultry made rapid progress in urban or semi-urban areas the rural sector
has lagged behind. It is pertinent to note that while most of the poultry eggs and meat are produced in
the rural areas they are quickly dispatched to the urban/semi-urban areas for consumption. The pockets
of poultry areas exist in the country and the production and consumption is not uniform throughout.
The eggs/ broilers are re-routed from the urban to rural areas and they are available at higher rates in
the rural areas. The production, productivity and area under pulses have not increased. Hence the price
of pulses has gone up depriving the rural people of cheaper plant protein source. Milk prices have also
gone up. In this context, rural backyard poultry can provide cheap quality animal protein to the rural
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The private sector engaged in rural backyard poultry is Kegg farms. They introduced kuroiler in
the year 1993and sold more than a million chicks in the first year itself. By 2005-2006, the number
reached 14 million. Kegg farm was awarded the ‘Business India Innovation Award’ under social
entrepreneurship category.
Kegg farm has developed a model to reach the nook and corner of the country.
Breeding farm/ hatchery→chicks→Dealers (Feed, chicks, medicines) →Mother (Brooding units rear
chicks up to3-4 weeks growers) →Pheriwalas (cycle vendors)→ rural farmers.
The author has seen unemployed rural youth of Bihar procuring kuroilers chicks from the nearby
districts/state and rearing them to marketing age. They then wholesale it to the retailers who dress it
and sell it in the market. There are some other poultry producers who rear chicks up to 2 weeks of age.
They make a profit of Rs.5/- per bird and sell it to pheriwalas. The pheriwalas are cycle vendors who
keep live chicks in bamboo baskets covered with mosquito net. These pheriwalas sell the produce
among rural folk at a small marginal profit.
The services provided by the kegg farms include farmers’ training, technical assistance,
organizing seminars and workshops, circulating literature in local language.
In 2009, the Government of India launched a centrally sponsored scheme for “Poultry
development”. Birds with higher productivity are to be distributed among BPL families and mother units
for rearing chickens up to 4 weeks are set up.
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Among the government sector Vanaraja has been widely popular among the rural hinterlands.
Vanaraja has been developed by the Project Directorate on Poultry (PDP) using Cornish population as
male line and random bred meat control as female line. The bird has multi-coloured plumage and
adaptability to adverse climatic condition. It is widely popular as rural backyard poultry among the
various states. The author has seen these birds being immensely popular among the people of Kashmir
valley for its body weight, bright colour plumage, egg laying capacity, disease resistance, and chick
survival. It was their prized possession they showed to their guests and offered in dinner during Id or
Bakrid. Vanaraja survived the harsh winter of Kashmir. However, its voracious appetite, eating whatever
is there in the kitchen garden, bullying the native Kashmir fevorella, long and hard bone (poor
organoleptic attribute) and non-broodiness has not gone well with the Kashmiris. Since the birds are
non-broody the eggs have to be hatched under native fevorella hen or in the government hatchery. In
Bihar, Vanaraja chicks have been distributed among the rural population by the animal husbandry
department. Hatcheries have been set up and eggs of Vanaraja are being hatched for supply to the
farmers. However, more effort is still needed.
Performance parameters
S.N Parameters Productivity
1. Body weight (kgs) at 6 weeks 0.8
at 26 weeks 2.0-2.2
2. Average egg weight (g) 55-63
3. Yearly egg production 140-150
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Birds for rural backyard poultry released by the Central Avian Research Institute
CARI Devendra: Dual purpose medium sized bird developed from coloured synthetic broiler as male line
and Rhode Island Red as female line. It has attractive bright plumage colour.
Performance parameters
CARI BRO Dhanraja: Commercial cross of coloured synthetic male and female lines. It has bright
plumage with single comb.
Performance parameters
Birds developed for tropical climate: Various genes responsible for characters such as naked neck
(absence of feathers in the neck region) and frizzle plumage have been introduced for tropical climates.
CARI BRO Mrityunjay: Developed through introgression of naked neck gene into coloured and white
synthetic broiler lines. The stock has adaptability to high ambient temperature and ideal for tropical
Performance parameters
CARI BRO Tropicana: Naked neck and frizzle genes were introgressed to broiler stocks from desi. These
stocks were crossed to develop this bird.
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Performance parameters
Some Indian breeds have been used to develop birds adapted to Indian condition Aseel a native breed is
endowed with fighting ability and Kadaknath with organoleptic attributes.
CARI Nirbheek: A cross of Aseel with CARI Red. They escape from predators due to activeness and
fighting character.
Performance parameters
CARI Shyama: A cross of Kadaknath with CARI Red. Black plumage and the viscera is also black coloured
due to deposition of melanin pigment. Melanin causes increased protein deposition and decreased fat
and muscle fiber length.
Hitcari: A cross of native naked neck with CARI Red. The neck region is devoid of feathers. Birds can
tolerate high temperatures in extreme summer.
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S.N Parameters Productivity
1. Body weight (kgs) at 8 weeks 0.5
at 12 weeks 1.0
2. Annual egg production (nos.) 100-120
Upcari: Indian native chicken with frizzle plumage has been utilized for development of Upcari birds.
These multi-coloured birds are better adapted to tropical climate because of frizzle plumage.
Performance parameters
Recently efforts have been made for improvement of native ducks and other alternative species
of poultry for diversification and adoption among farmers. The author has observed that for proper
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
adoption among farmers in the initial stage they should not be provided day-old chicks. Farmers do not
provide proper brooding, medication, vaccination in the initial phase and the result is heavy mortality.
Infrastructure creation at farmers’ level will also entail heavy expenses. Hence such extension
programmes providing day-old chicks to farmers are deemed to fail. Even before distributing 4 weeks
old chicks reared under proper vaccination and brooding they have to be observed for other disease as
well such as coccidiosis and it is prudent to provide medication before distribution among farmers.
Before distribution, farmers have to be made aware that whenever they notice any observable
symptoms of disease among their flock they should immediately report it to the veterinarian. They
should also provide some supplementary feeding of broken rice, crushed maize etc to realize their full
growth potential. The veterinarian should at proper intervals visit to see the symptoms of the disease
and if needed perform post-mortem examination for proper diagnosis. Newcastle disease and Infectious
Bursal Disease have been commonly observed among the flock in rural poultry almost anywhere in the
country and Infectious coryza have been observed in the Kashmir valley.
Another problem with the rural poultry is predators. Fear of wild animals such as foxes and
domestic animals such as cats consuming backyard poultry dither farmers. Hence some cheap housing
with wire mesh and bamboo or wood work has to be provided to the birds for safety from predators.
The farmers who have previous experience and cheap housing can be given backyard poultry for
successful adoption. Many of the people from the scientific community hold the view that introduction
of developed stock and their successful adoption among farmers will lure them from rearing desis and
the native population such as Kashmir Fevorella may be endangered. Besides the non-broodiness of
these birds, dominance for feed and their mating with the indigenous stock will produce yet another
cross. Hatcheries in sufficient numbers are lacking and 24hrs assured electricity for hatcheries is a must.
However, author is of the view that desis enjoy advantage on organoleptic attributes over any of these
stock; Kadaknath in particular has no parallel. Their heavy consumption may rather endanger them.
Which of the view is right that is for the future to decide.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Apiculture for Livelihood Support to Women Folk
Dr. Ramkewal
Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection),
KVK (ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region) Buxar (Bihar) 802101
email: [email protected]
Beekeeping is an important activity for many rural people - both men and women. Increasingly
both governments and NGOs are working to encourage women's participation in rural development and
beekeeping has been identified in many places as a means of additional income generation that is
suitable for women. Few cultures have any taboos threatening the involvement of women in
beekeeping. Apiculture is a very profitable occupation and suitable for small and marginal farmers and
even for landless. India has achieved some progress in this industry using its own technologies and
developmental Planning. A more than 5000 tone of honey is produced annually in our country.
Apiculture is an absorbing hobby to some, and to others it is an industry for producing honey and wax.
In ancient times, honeybees have been kept in a crude manner in India. Apiculture today is based upon
improved methods using the principles of movable frame hive, honey extractor and the smoker.
Apiculture is an ideal hobby because it involves outdoor works and does not require much time. It is
both interesting and instructive. Moreover, the return in the form of money and mental satisfaction are
highly gratifying. Apiculture is an asset as honeybees help in increasing crop yield through pollination
and gather nectar to produce honey and wax. It is a well considered view that the income derived by
increased crop yield due to beekeeping is quite substantial. Beekeeping is a rewarding livelihood activity
for many farming communities globally (Adjare 1990; Hussein 2000). Unlike other agricultural practices,
beekeeping can be undertaken with marginal infrastructure, little capital and easy-to-learn skills (Singh
2000). Worldwide, significant livelihood improvements have resulted from small-scale beekeeping
initiatives (Singh 2000).
Beekeeping can be started cheaply and built up as resources allow, there is little need for land
ownership and, with some technical know-how, and hives can be located close to home. The demands
of time are not great and these can be fitted in with family responsibilities. These are all positive
attributes that should encourage women. Nonetheless, beekeeping is frequently perceived to be a male
activity and women's participation in beekeeping projects is often lower than might be expected.
Therefore, the promotion of beekeeping as an income-generating activity for women folk should be the
promoted in especially in rural areas where mostly women’s are involved in agricultural activities.
The country like India, it very low participation of women in beekeeping. The reasons uncovered
were: women were afraid of bees; they could not climb trees; beekeeping was considered a 'man's
occupation'. Moreover, traditional ways of living restricted women to carrying out domestic activities
close to the homestead which hindered participation in beekeeping. Author of this chapter suggests
these reasons mirror those given for limited access of women into beekeeping in other parts of the
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However, women commonly use the fruits of beekeeping to make value added products such as
candles or beer. The production of secondary or value added products made from honey, beeswax or
other hive products offers a unique space for women's traditional skills. Where work and childcare
commitments constrain women to remain within the vicinity of their homes, enabling women to
produce value added beekeeping products can be an ideal opportunity for income generation. Male
beekeepers are often not interested in this area so it is not challenging to the cultural status quo.
Women's role in enterprise and household decision making, their access to assets and their control over
the self earnings have improved significantly among client than non-client group. The livelihood
diversification activities are of increasing importance for women empowerment (Bryceson, 1996 and
2000; Bryceson and Jamal, 1997) through additional income earning and improvements in family
welfare (Ellis, 1999) supplemented by self help micro credit (Hulme and Mosley, 1996; Johnson and
Rogaly, 1997).
Women in Apiculture
The question which usually presents itself, however, is whether Apiculture is suitable for women
as a means of earning a livelihood and repeatedly has the writer been asked for advice on this subject.
Professional beekeeping on a scale sufficiently large to supply an adequate income requires long hours
of work in the hot sun, heavy lifting and unremitting physical endurance. On a small scale these
obstacles may be overcome, but in a commercial apiary, the work must be done promptly, for delay
means loss. While some women have found pleasure and profit in the commercial beekeeping, it
emphatically cannot be recommended for the majority of women, and this should be made clear to
avoid disappointment for those who may be attracted to it. Of course, this applies only to those women
who have no man in the company to do the heavy work. Many a professional beekeeper has received
assistance of incalculable value from the women of the family. It should be made clear that the
obstacles to the commercial success of women beekeepers are physical ones only. Many women can
and do handle bees with marked success. In those parts of the business which require delicacy of touch
and minute attention, such as queen-rearing, women often surpass men in proficiency as amateur
beekeepers they are at home. For the management of honey bees in the rural area it is so important to
cater the need of farm women in agriculture. Even though the number of farm women is less in
Even though apiculture is concerned with only the industrial aspect of the honeybee, it is essential to
know its biological aspect too to be able to understand the former. So this topic can be described under
three subheads: The Honeybees, Beekeeping and Bee Products.
A) The Honeybees
Usefulness of honeybees has been known to man from the prehistoric times. The bees have been
mentioned in the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Quran and other holy books. Honeybees
belong to that group of insects which are called by their generic name, Apis. There are only four species
of Apis in the world, all of which build wax combs gather and store a surplus of pollen and nectar. Two
species Apis florea, the smallest of the four, and Apis dorsata the largest, build a single comb in an
exposed area, usually under a large branch of a tree. They do not nest in cavities and found in tropics
only and have the least economic value. The other two species namely Apis indica and Apis mellifera
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
nest in protective place and found in both temperate and tropical areas kept in modern movable frame
Apis dorsata: Also called rock bees and giant bees, these are the largest of all the bees and found all
over India and make the largest hives- 6 feet long and 3 feet deep that hang from high rocks and tall
trees. The colonies shift from place to place to avoid extremes of climate or search of honey. They are
very industrious, produce about 36 kg honey per colony per year but unfortunately are also the most
ferocious not spring their victim even inside the water. Their poison can kill the man.
Apis cerana indica: It is the common Indian bee found both in the forests as well as in plains throughout
our country. It is smaller than the rock bee but larger than little bee. Unlike the Apis dorsata and Apis
florea, the Indian bee builds many parallel combs in the cavities and hollows of tree, caves and such
other hidden sites; the combs being parallel to the direction of entrance in the plains and right angles to
the entrance in cold regions. It is mild and capable of domesticated and is commonly reared in south
India. The annual yield of honey is 2 to 5 kg per colony. A queen can lay 350-1000 eggs per day. Races of
this species found in hill region are darker and larger and plain races smaller and yellow are recognized.
Apis florea: It is known as the little bee since it is the smallest of the four species of Apis. It is seen only
in the plains. It also builds single but small combs on bushy plants and corners of roofs. It yields very
little honey, about 0.5 to 1 kg per year from a colony, and so, it is not domesticated and reared.
Apis mellifera: or the European bee has originated in Italy and been introduced into all the countries of
the world where they have formed the well recognized races viz. Apis m. ligustica, (Italy), Apis m Indica
(India), Apis m sinensis (China) etc. The behavior and look of Apis mellifera are so similar to those of Apis
cerana indica that one can be easily mistaken for the other but has a prolific queen, swarm less and has
good honey gathering qualities, yielding about 45-180 kg per year and can guard its nests against
enemies except wasps. As such beekeeping has proved to be a productive commercial proposition in the
USA. It has adopted itself well to modern methods of movable frame hives and, therefore, is the darling
of beekeeping industry the world over.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
day, a perfect egg-laying machine. The workers are smaller than the sexual and have underdeveloped
reproductive organs due to the influence of the pheromones produced by the queen. A worker bee has
a life of 6 weeks of which 3 are spent on indoor chores performing all the household duties like feeding
and attending the queen, feeding the drones (if they are still needed) and the brood, secreting royal jelly
and beeswax, constructing combs, cleaning, ventilating, cooling and guarding the hive, evaporating
nectar and storing honey. During the next 3 weeks, it takes to an outdoor life foraging to collect nectar,
pollen, propolis (bee gum) and water and ripening honey in its honey stomach (proventriculus). A
worker bee dose not has an individual existence; it lives for the good of the entire colony. It dies in
harness during flight to flowers. The proverbial busy- bee is able to gather just a dessert spoon full of
honey in its lifetime. To collect 1/2 kg honey, the workers have to make 40-80 thousand trips from their
hive to the flowers and considering each one –way trip to be of 11/2-3 miles, they cover a distance
equivalent to going round the equator 5 times to collect this much of honey. A bee colony is called week
or strong according to the number of workers it has. An average colony of A. indica has 15,000 workers
and a strong one 80 thousands. The feature distinguishing the 3 castes are summarized in the Table
The nest or comb of a honeybee has 3 types of hexagonal cells: worker cells (smallest, 1/5” in A.
indica), drone cells (larger than those of the worker, ¼”) and queen cells (the largest). The queen
walks over the combs deciphering the cell-sizes with its antennae and depositing one egg in the
bottom of each cell. The eggs may be fertilized to produce females or unfertilized to produce males
and they are accordingly deposited in the cells of the required size. The eggs are perpendicular to
the bottom when laid, get inclined on the second day and turn horizontal on the third day when
they are about to hatch while hatching time for all eggs in the same (3days ), period of development
of larva and pupa differ amongst the castes. They are given in the Table below.
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(b) Feeding of larvae
The transformation of 3 castes depends on the amount of ‘royal jelly’ or ‘brood-food’ produced by the
pharyngeal salivary glands of the workers. The chemical composition of royal jelly is lipoproteins, neutral
glycerides free fatty acids, sugar, amino acids and all the B vitamins. For the first 21/2 days all larvae are
given plenty of this food (obligatory feeding) after which those destined (chosen) to become workers
and drones (identified by the size of their cells) are given rationed (controlled) food for 6-7 days and
those destined to become queens continue to receive abundance of brood-food for 41/2 -5 days
(facultative feeding). On the 8th, 9th and 10th day of emergence, the cells of the queen, worker and
drones are respectively sealed i.e. capped with wax. The cap of the drone cell in convex with a central
hole, those of the workers, queen, honey and pollen cells are flat.
5. The comb
The comb provides accommodation for rising of the young bees and the storage of food. The combs are
built with beeswax which is secreted by 4 pairs of wax glands located on 3-6 abdominal sterna. The wax,
secreted in a liquid from, collects in the intersegmental regions, hardens in to thin flakes that are picked
up by the legs and passed on to the spatulate mandibles for being kneaded and stuck to the top of
nesting cavity and extended downwards bit by bit. Several bees hang like a string to do this job. First to
be constructed is the midrib on both surface surfaces of which are also made hexagonal, cells for the
broods and food. After the first or central comb is completed, adjacent combs are made 13/8 inch apart
in the case of A. mellifera and much larger in the hill varieties of A. indica but a little less in the plain
varieties. As the combs increase in number, they are attached to the sides of the cavity as well as to the
top but seldom to the extreme bottom. As already mentioned, the nests of A. dorsata and A. florea are
made of single vertical comb; those of A. mellifera and A. indica comprise a series of parallel (horizontal)
combs. There is a definite sequence in the locations of the cells for different function. Usually the cells
meant for honey storage are located uppermost near the point of attachment of the comb below which
are pollen cells spread in 2” wide band, further down are worker brood cells which is followed by the
drone and queen cells. New queen cells are built only when the old queen being in ineffective to rule is
to be replaced by a supersedure queen or if the queen accidentally dies and an emergency queen has to
be produced or when the colony has the urge to reproduce by swarming. As mentioned earlier, the
worker cells are the smallest, drone cells larger than the worker cells and queen cells, the largest.
Worker and drone cells are directed sideway, queen cells vertically with open ends downwards. The
cells of the size of worker and drone cells used for storing honey and pollen. Cells are caped or sealed
after the purpose for which they are meant is over. Cells containing unripe honey or developing brood
are uncapped; those with fully ripe honey and fully fed grubs and capped and pollen cells are generally
not capped. Only drone cells, as noted above, have a dome shaped or convex caps with a central hole,
other have flat caps.
Swarming: Swarming is a method of reproduction in which a part of the colony migrates to a new site to
make a new colony. Its preparations start when a colony has built up a considerable
strength and there is a need to make another colony.
Supersedure: A failing queen who is unable to lay as many eggs as the colony require, or who begins to
run out of spermatozoa and so lays a high proportion of male eggs will need to be
superseded (replaced) by supersedure queen.
Emergency queen: In the event of death of the queen and therefore, a complete absence of the queen
substance, the workers are stimulated to get set for producing an emergency queen.
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Absconding and swarming: Complete desertion of a hive is known as absconding. This may occur due to
lack of water, exhaustion of food store (either due to short supply of nectar or robbery of
honey), overheating due to poor insulation and ventilation of the place where nest is made,
constant pest attack and even by excessive interference by the beekeeper in which case the
keeper is regarded as an enemy.
B) Modern method of beekeeping: Currently there are four types of frame hives in use the world
over: Smith, British commercial, Langstroth and Modified Dadant types. A movable frame hive,
Langstroth or M.D. is composed of the following Parts: Stand, Floor Board, Brood box, hive
frame, Queen Excluder, Supers and covers which are briefly described as follows:
1. Stand: It is a four legged structure, 6-9 inches high with dimension to support the floor board.
2. Floor Board: It is a tray with its entire four side raised by side runners and a piece 5”x7/8” is
removed from the middle of the front side runner to allow entry to the bees.
3. Brood box: It is a rectangular box without top and bottom. The number of brood boxes could be
increased to 2 when the colony becomes strong.
4. Hive frames: These are wooden frames and it’s under surface is grooved to receive the edge of
the comb foundation. To be precise and perfect, comb foundations are made by machines.
5. Queen excluder: To obtain pure honey free from extraneous matter, it is necessary to separate
the brood chamber from the supers where honey stored with the help of zinc or wire frame with
2.3- 3.5 mm perforations to enable the workers to pass through but not the queen.
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Fig. 1. Exploded Assembly Bee hive and its Components (From IS 1515: 1998)
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6. Super: It is like brood boxes and is placed over the queen excluder.
7. Cover: There are two covers: an Inner is flat broad with oval holes allow the bees to go out but
not re-enter. The outer cover acts as a roof for the hive.
Inside dimensions (in inches) of the components of a Langstroth frame hive-
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Length Width Height Thickness
Queen 20 161/4 - 7
1 Lower half
spacing type:
Top bar 19 1 - /8 Its under
surface is
grooves to
receive come
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The bee hive should be made from suitable timbers that do not emit strong smell. Suitable
timber like teak and toon painted white only on the outside.
Diseases of honeybees: i) Nosema disease. It is caused by a protozoan, Nosema apis which attacks
lining of the stomach causing dysentery. The contaminations spreads through faeces of
infected bees and eaten up by workers mostly in winter season. Sterilization of brood boxes
and frame hives with glacial acetic acid fumes (soaked in cotton) or with 40% formalin fumes
only after the queen and the bees have been transferred to new foundation.
ii) Amoebic Disease. It is caused by protozoa, Malpighamoeba mellificae which infest the malpighian
tubules. It can be treated in the same way as Nosema.
iii) Acarine disease. It is caused by a parasitic mite, Acarapis woodi which enter through the tracheae
and feeds upon the body fluids. It can be controlled by exposing the affected colony to a
mixture of safrol oil (1 pt) nitrobenzene (2 pt) and petrol (2 pts).
iv) Brood disease: The brood o honey bee is attacked by various bacteria, fungi and viruses which take a
heavy toll. The symptoms of a brood disease are discoloured larvae, dark, punctured and
sunken capping and discontinuously scattered brood in odd positions inside the cells.
1. Moths: They can be divided into robbers and breeders. The robber is Death’s head hawk moth,
Acherontia styx which enters the hives at night and drink up the honey. The breeders are the
greater waxmoth, Galleria mellonella lay their eggs in the combs and the larvae burrow through
the wax, feeding particularly on pollen and weaving tunnels of silk and destroy the comb. The
use of paradichlorobenzene in stored combs gives protection against this moth and also against
hive beetle.
2. Wasp: They catch bees from blossoms or even from inside their hives, sometimes finishing off
the entire colony. To protect destroy their papery nests by burning them or spraying insecticide.
3. Ants: Several ants visit bee colonies and take away honey, brood, pollen, dead bodies and other
debris. In the apiaries, the hive should be placed on stands whose legs should be wrapped with
tapes soaked in corrosive sublimate, a good ant repellent.
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4. Others enemies: Lizards, toads and frogs, birds, and mammals are insectivorous and protection
against them could be had by keeping the hives on stands and being watchful.
C) Bee Product
Honey: Honey is made from nectar, a sugary fluid, secreted by the nectar glands (nectaries) presents on
the bases of flowers of trees, shrub and herbs. Honey when fully ripened consists of the following
2. Dextrose 35.0
3. Sucrose 1.9
4. Dextrins 1.5
5. Minerals 2.0
6. Water 17.0
Bee wax: It is an important by product of the Apiculture industry produced from old combs, capping
collected after honey extraction, and combs affected by wax moth. It is an yellowish solid, insoluble in
water used in the manufacture of many cosmetic items like, beauty lotions and creams, lipsticks,
ointment, polishes of boots, floor and furniture, ink varnishes and electrical insulating apparatus etc.
Propolis: It is a resinous substance used by bees for sealing cracks and unwanted spaces.
Scope: Beekeeping can be a profitable occupation in area with good floral pasturage. Possibility for the
development beekeeping in Bihar and India is tremendous due to its diverse environment and
inexhaustible floral resources obtained from natural vegetation and cultivated crop. According to recent
statistics, about 50 million hectares of land is under the cultivation of oilseeds, pulses, orchards and
other crops useful to bees and benefitted by bee pollination. In addition, there is about 60 million
hectares of forest area with beekeeping potential. This vast area of agriculture and forest may easily
sustain at least one crore bee colonies.
Beekeeping can profitably be pursued by men, women and children, by farmers, orchardists,
and by those who are landless or unemployed. Beehives can be kept to the backyard or on house tops. A
subsistence farmer can get higher income from beekeeping than from other avocations. Those who
have the time and interest can manage a number of beehives and make beekeeping a profitable
enterprise by selling the surplus honey and wax. Several people in a village or group of villages may join,
together and start a cooperative, generating work and income, since the manufacture of the basic
beekeeping equipments such as hives, frames, smokers, extractors and containers, as well as the
processing of honey and wax can be done locally.
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India has about eight lakh bee colonies, considering the modern beekeeping which arrived in
India only three decades ago with the advent of the Khadi and village industries commission (KVIC),
today the number of bee colonies and beekeepers cooperatives are 8, 10, 807 and 169 respectively. It
has made a spectacular achievement. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Himachal Pradesh,
Kashmir, Punjab, Meghalaya, Andman and Nicobar Island are the important states in which beekeeping
cooperatives are active.
Problem associated with bee keeping are
I) Non availability of honey boxes to the beekeepers.
II) Lack of honey marketing facilities and
III) In adequate training in the management of Apiary.
A viable proposition in this regard is to strengthen the beekeeping cooperatives and establish the bee
industry as a whole and national beekeeping farms on forest land.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Recycling of within farm renewable resources: An entrepreneurial
opportunity for woman folk
Dr. S.K. Singh
Principal Scientist (Agronomy)
ICAR – RCER, Patna
Women in India number nearly 500 million constituting 49% of total population of which 70 %
lives in villages. In rural India, agriculture and allied industrial sectors employ as much as 89.5% of the
total female labor. Women constitute 51% of the total employed in forest-based small-scale enterprises.
Farm-women carry out 75-80% farm work with 50-66% of them contributing to agricultural labor. In
case of livestock more than 90% of the work is done by women (Sridhara et al., 2009). Nevertheless, it is
estimated that presently women entrepreneurs comprise about 10 percent of the total entrepreneurs in
India. However, this percentage is growing every year. First prime minister of India Jawahar Lal Nehru
has remarked "when a woman moves forward, the family moves, the village moves and the nation
moves." When a man is educated, he alone is benefited, but when a woman is educated her family and
society are benefited. In fact, women co-operatives are known to be run more efficiently than those run
by men. Women entrepreneurs can play powerful role in confidence building and creating awareness in
other women to promote self-reliance. With majority of woman in rural India, it is important to develop
entrepreneurship skills in rural environment. Entrepreneurship development among rural women helps
to enhance their personal capabilities and increase decision making status in the family and society as a
whole. They are engaged in starting individual or collective income generation programme with the help
of self-help group. This will not only generate income for them but also improve the decision-making
capabilities that led to overall empowerment. Several surveys conducted in different parts of the world
regarding women entrepreneurship management show that women have provided to be good
entrepreneurs for the following reasons:-
• Economic independence.
• Establishing own credit idea.
• Social Identity.
• Achievement of excellence.
• Confidence.
• Status in society.
• Greater freedom and mobility.
When an enterprise is established and controlled by a woman, it not only boosts economic
growth, but also has many desirable outcomes. Growth of entrepreneurship and setting up new
industries has been the prime focus of governmental bodies, NGO’, social scientist, researchers,
international agencies in today’s expanding economy and woman can play a vital role in this revolution.
Use of recyclable resources and developing this into a business will play a big role in generating jobs and
revenue for rural women. This seems to regain performance because of their environmental
Keeping in view the conservative population estimate of 1.4 billion by 2025 and minimum
caloric requirement of food, the country will need to produce at least 300 m t of food grain. For this
purpose, it will be necessary to use 30 to 35 m t of NPK from various sources. In addition, according to
National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS, 1997), the experts on horticulture, vegetable,
plantation crops, sugarcane, cotton, oilseeds and potato have projected that by 2025, the demand for
fertilizers for these high value crops, which also have high export potential and claim fertilizer use on
priority basis, will rise to 3.0, 2.0, 3.2, 0.9, 3.1, 1.5 and 1.0 m t respectively. This adds to the total
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nutrient needs by another 14 to 15 m t NPK, in addition to the other secondary and micronutrients.
Thus, the country will be required to arrange for the supply of about 40 to 45 m t of nutrients by 2025. It
has been estimated that the total available nutrient value of organic resources in India is 12.796 m t
(Bhattachacharya, 2007). Harnessing the nutrient energy of within farm renewable resources include
crop residues, farm wastes. They are valuable sources of plant nutrients and humus. In tropical and sub-
tropical soils found in India, there is a general deficiency of organic carbon and plant nutrients due to
rapid loss of these components by biodegradation. To make up for these losses, extensive utilization of
organic residues in agriculture is essential. In addition they also protect the soil from erosion. The
manurial value and quality of these wastes could be improved by composting and enriching these
organic sources along with inexpensive materials such as rock phosphate. In India, there is great
potential for utilization of crop residues / straw of some of the major cereals and pulses. Approximate
availability of straw is to the tune of 141.2 m t, which contributes about 0.7, 0.84 and 2.1 m t of N, P2O5
and K2O respectively, after deducting 50% quantity utilized as animal feed. (Sharma, 2009). Farm
manures should be returned to the fields. As a rule, organic matter fit for soil application should not be
burned. In India, the estimated production of dung and urine from bovine population works out to 1002
and 658 m t respectively. They contribute about 5.71 m t of N, P, & K. Cow dung is an important input
for biogas plants having dual advantage of providing both fuel (gas) and fertilizer (slurry) (Sharma, 2009).
Agro – forestry systems can lead to more nearer to the nutrient cycling than agriculture.
The following renewable resources in farm can be utilized by women to develop business set-up in small
and eventually in big scale easily in rural environment.
Vermi compost
Vermi compost, also called as worm castings, worm humus or worm manure, is the end-product
of the breakdown of organic matter by an earthworm. These castings have been shown to contain
reduced levels of contaminants and a higher saturation of nutrients than do organic materials before
vermi composting. Practice of vermi compost production and selling/or for own use will increase the
family income substantially. To start with on average single farm-women may have 2 tanks of 3x2x10 ft
size from which they will get Rs. 10,000/annum. Generally, Vermi compost yield is around 350 - 450 kg
from 1.5 tons fresh herbs/pits in 100 days
Particulars Cost of Vermi compost Production
Units Quantity Value (Rs)
Variable Costs
I. Material Costs Rs. 1500
1. Agricultural Wastes and Cow Dung Tons 1.5 1000
2. Earthworms Kgs. 2 550
II. Labor Costs Rs. 3 400
1. Pit Filling Work Days 1 100
2. Worm Separation Work Days 0.5 50
3. Watering Work Days 0.5 50
4. Collection of wastes Work Days 0.3 50
5. Sieving Work Days 0.75 50
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III. Interest on working capital Rs. 100
IV. Total Variable costs (I+II+III) Rs. 2000
Fixed Costs Rs.
1. Land Rent Rs. 200
2. Working Shed Rs. 300
3. Tools and Machinery Rs. 300
V. Total Fixed Costs Rs. 800
VI. Total production costs (IV+ V) Rs. 2800
A. Production Cost 2800
B. Marketing Cost 300
i. Plastic Bags 100
ii. Packing 50
iii. Transportation Cost 100
iv. Loading & unloading 50
C. Price Realized per ton 8000
D. Net Profit/ Ton (C-A-B) 4900
Almost all the women in villages prefer to sell cow dung cakes, but it is high time to train them
make available alternate sources of firewood so as to prevent use of cow dung directly for burning.
Subabul tree can be used as an alternate in place of cow dung cakes as fire wood in household usage.
Being a fast growing tree, Subabul, should be advocated for plantation on their North-West sides of field
boundaries (to avoid shading on their farm). FYM also contains plant material (often straw), which is
used as bedding for animals absorbing the feces and urine. Agricultural manure in liquid form, known as
slurry, is produced by more intensive livestock rearing systems where concrete is used, instead of straw
bedding. Manure from different animals has different qualities and requires different application rates.
For example horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, all have different properties. For
instance, sheep manure is high in nitrogen and potash, while pig manure is relatively low in both. Horses
mainly eat grass and a few weeds so horse manure can contain grass and weed seeds, as horses do not
digest seeds the way that cattle do. Chicken litter, coming from a bird, is very concentrated in nitrogen
and protein and is prized for both properties.
Processing of farm yard manure is also not up to mark by the rural people. Women being more
receptive than men should also be trained on scientific method of preparing farm yard manure. This will
help in propagating the right usage of FYM.
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Farm Compost
Compost is the decomposed remnants of organic materials – usually of plant origin, but often including
some animal dung or bedding.
Green Manure
Green manuring crop such as dhaincha, glyricidia, cowpeas should get place in crop rotation. These
green manuring crops enriches the fertility of soil
Azolla Culture
Azolla is a water fern that can be grown both at farmstead and homestead by resource poor
farmers for meeting organic cattle feed supplement in addition to use azolla as dual culture in rice
farming and bio-manure for crops, vegetables and plants for environmental conservation and
Azolla is very rich in proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12, Beta
Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, ferrous,
copper, magnesium etc. Azolla, on a dry weight basis, is constituted of 25-35% protein content, 10-15%
mineral content and 7-10%, a combination of amino acids, bio-active substances and biopolymers.
Carbohydrate and oil content in Azolla is very low.
Thus the bio composition of Azolla, makes it one of the most economic and efficient feed
substitutes for livestock. Moreover, Azolla can be easily digested by livestock, owing to its high protein
and low lignin content.
Azolla is useful as a "soybean plant in rice field", because it can assimilate atmospheric nitrogen
gas owing to the nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria (blue green alga) living in the cavities located at the
lower side of upper (dorsal) lobes of leaf. Azolla can, therefore, grow on the water deficient in nitrogen
compounds, and is high in nitrogen and protein. It fixes nitrogen as high as 3-5 kg N per ha per day
under the optimum condition. In the tropics, annual nitrogen gain amounts to 500-1000 kg per ha, when
grown throughout the year. It doubles its biomass within 2-3 days. The maximum biomass contains 30-
80 ton fresh weight, 1.5-4.0 ton dry weight, and 50-150 kg N per ha. Generally, Azolla multiplies
Azolla covering water surface reduce light penetration to soil surface, resulting in the depression
the germination of weeds. Thus, growth of azolla reduces occurrence aquatic weeds in flooded rice
fields. Azolla has been used as feed for pig, duck, and fish. A. microphylla is the best, and palatability by
fish is better than other species. On dry weight basis, azolla can be mixed up to 10% of the purchased
animal feed.
To cultivate azolla, an artificial water body is made, preferably under the shade of a tree, with
the help of a silpauline sheet. A pit of the size of 2M X 2M X 0.2M is dug as a first step. This pit is covered
with plastic gunnies to prevent the roots of the nearby trees piercing the silpauline sheet, which is
spread over the plastic gunnies. About 10 – 15 kgs of sieved fertile soil is uniformly spread over the
silpauline sheet. Slurry made of 2-kg cow dung and 30 gms of Super Phosphate in 10 litres water, is
poured onto the sheet. More water is poured to make the water level reach about 10 cm. About 500
gms to 1kg of fresh and pure culture of Azolla is inoculated in the pit. Azolla will rapidly grow and fill the
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pit. Within 10-15 days about 500 gms – 600 gms of Azolla can be harvested daily. Thereafter, a mixture
of 20 gms of Super Phosphate and about 1 kg of cow dung should be added once in 5 days. This is done
to keep the Azolla in rapid multiplication phase and to maintain the daily yield of 500 gm. /pit.
Micronutrient mix containing magnesium, iron, copper, sulphur etc., can also be added at weekly
intervals to enhance the mineral content of Azolla. In this method the cost of production of Azolla is less
than 65 ps. /kg.
No. Particular Amount (Rs.)
Cost of 120 Gauge Silpauline 2.8mX1.8m (Production in
1 1sq.m /day is 300gm) Cost of 4 units Silpauline is Rs. 80 X 400
2 Labor Charges for Bed Preparation 100
3 Cow Dung 1 X 4 - 4 Kg, Rs. @ X 73 146
4 Superphosphate @4 X 4 = 200g X 73 = 1400gms 7.5
5 Magnesium Sulphate 1 Kg 4
6 Micro-nutrients 73 X 5 = 365gms 15
7 Cost of inoculation material 200 X 8 = 1600gms 5
Total Production 350 days in 4 units 1050
(4Kg/Day for 350 days for 1 yr) kgs/Annum
Unit Cost of Production (Rs/Kg) (Rs 677/1050) 0.65/Kg
NADEP Compost
The NADEP Compost is unique compost that can be prepared in certain time frame and with less
human effort. The process of making the compost involves layering of several combustible materials in a
mud-sealed structure with bricks and water. Approximately, the method converts 1 kg of animal dung
into 40 kg of rich compost which can then be applied directly to the field. The NADEP Compost making
process was first invented by a farmer named N.D. Pandharipande (also popularly known as
“Nadepkaka”) in the state of Maharashtra. Due to its simplicity and ease of applicability in fields, the
method became popular among the farmers in Western India and now bears his name. Rural women
can easily use this method to generate good quality of compost for their farm usage.
Biogas Plant
Biogas is a methane rich flammable gas that results from the decomposition of organic waste
material. It is produced by the anaerobic digestion or fermentation of biodegradable materials such as
biomass, manure, plant material, and crops. In Biogas plant digester is an important part. It is an airtight
circular pit made of concrete with a pipe connection. The manure is directed to the pit, usually directly
from the cattle shed. The pit is then filled with a required quantity of wastewater. The gas pipe is
connected to the kitchen fireplace through control valves. Owing to simplicity in implementation and
use of cheap raw materials in villages, it is one of the most environmentally sound energy sources for
rural needs.
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There are two models -- floating and fixed type–which are being propagated in India. Of these
Deenbandhu model was popular with people and there are various variations of this model such as
biogas model re-enforced with Bamboo. An important innovation for the construction of bio gas plants,
using bamboo reinforced cement mortar (BMRC) of 2 cubic meter (2 m ) capacity had already been
experimented and field tested jointly by WAFD (Women’s Action For Development) and INSEDA
(Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association). The use of bamboo baskets
had brought down the price of this biogas plant “Grameen Bandhu” (meaning friend of the rural people)
so that it was at least 15% cheaper as compared to the existing most popular fixed dome plant, the
“Deenbandhu model”, while also ensuring the participation of women in the weaving of bamboo
structures for constructing this model. Women can use bio-gas not only for cooking and lighting but can
have regular income by utilizing biogas slurry. This slurry is good manure for their kitchen gardens and
farms. Bio-gas is also reducing the drudgery of collecting fuel apart from providing a clean kitchen.
Positive impact on deforestation; relieves a portion of the labor force from having to collect wood and
transport coal; helps conserve local energy resources. Income-generator and apt example of self-
reliance and self-sufficiency Inexpensive solution to problem of rural fuel shortage; improvements in the
living and health standards of rural and village communities; provides employment opportunities in
spin-off small-scale industries
The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a floating "obligate" (requiring a wet habitat) plant
belonging to the family Pontederiaceae. This alien species grows in all types of freshwater ecosystems.
Water hyacinth varies in size from a few inches to over three feet tall with showy lavender flowers. Its
leaves are rounded and leathery, attached to spongy and sometimes inflated stalks. The plant has dark
feathery roots. It is very efficient in utilizing aquatic nutrients and solar energy for profuse biomass
production. Depending on the time of the year and location, the plants double in number and biomass
every 6 to 15 days. Between 400 and 1700 tones fresh weight are produced per hectare per year. Given
that the dry weight is about5-7% of fresh weight, one hectare yields between 20 and 120 tons of dry
water hyacinth per year, containing nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) as well as other
plant nutrients. It makes sound economic sense to utilize this species as an organic input to soils. Water
hyacinth waste provides mulch that assists in both water retention and weed suppression...Till recently
water hyacinth was considered to be alterable environmental hazard is now considered a golden weed.
If we see the utilization aspect of the water hyacinth from over the world, it can be very helpful
in meeting some of the most urgent needs such as in food production; as leaf protein concentrate; as a
substrate for mushroom cultivation; by purifying water; through the production of silage; through
vermin culture; in regenerating degraded soils; as mulch; as compost; as fertilizer; in energy production;
as biogas; as briquettes; in providing employment and income. Therefore, Water hyacinth supports not
only in the socio-economic aspects of the local people but also in reducing the environmental problems.
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Solar Energy- Solar Thermal and Solar Photovoltaic
Solar Energy is the oldest source of energy to be used on earth. Even today, this is used to dry
tons of material – mostly in rural areas. India is a tropical country and has many sunny days. According
to estimates, 35 MW of power could be generated from 1 sq km. With such potential, solar energy is
going to be the future. Many researches are already in progress to make solar energy become one of the
front runners that can be set up using cheap technology and low capital. Rural women can easily get
engaged in tapping this energy form in small sized agricultural purposes like irrigation and household
Cooking, lighting, water heating and open air drying applications are common now-a-days, using
solar energy. There are other applications like solar vehicles, desalination, agriculture, etc. which are
coming up. It will take time to catch up because of the high cost involved in it.
Bio fuel
Women can generate income through growing seedlings for bio-fuel plants in waste land. India
has more than 50 million hectares of wasteland, which could be utilized for cultivating plants. Jatropha is
the common plant used for producing bio-fuels. Jatropha can grow on arid land and rain fed uplands
with low water consumption.
Rice Husk
Rice husk power systems, generates electricity through rice husk in 250 villages in Bihar,
maintains that biomass is a well-proven technology globally. In the next three to five years, it will realize
10-15% of its potential.
Similarly women may be trained for production, utilization and marketing of vermi wash (a
liquid foliar spray), Panchagavya, bio pesticides and herbal pest repellents using locally available plant
materials/ from farm wastes. Production and distribution of efficient biological inputs such as bio-
fertilizer with indigenous inoculums are produced with a network of trained small and marginal farmers
for improved farm productivity and income generation. Introduction and testing of post harvest
technologies for value addition of organic products with aim to enhance livelihood options for poor rural
tribal women through introduction of post harvest energy saving technologies in processing of local fruit
is an important approach. Alternative vocation for income generation, small-scale (household level)
scientific rearing of small animals such as goat, poultry and pig, sustainable utilization of natural
resources and value addition, mechanized processing of bamboo furniture and product applications,
diversified cropping systems, agro- technology for improving the land use, fisheries, cultivation of
horticultural produce by using organic/bio-fertilizers, value addition in banana fibers, etc. are very
lucrative enterprises.
The women of Nagla Banjara (Rajasthan) now weave the bamboo baskets and other woven
bamboo structures and earn a small amount of Rs.1000/-per woman. Spinning and weaving of cotton,
silk and woolen textiles, Kauna Grass mat manufacturing, bee keeping etc. also account for income
generation to the women in India.
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Sharma, A.K. 2009. Bio – fertilizers for sustainable Agriculture. Published by Agro bios (India), Agro
House, Jodhpur. Pp 407.
Sridhara, S., Nagachaitanya, B., Chakravarthy, A.K., Shetty, T.K.P. 2009. Women in Agriculture &
Rural Development. Published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. Pp. 358.
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Mushroom Production: An alternate income generating activity
Dr. J.P. Sharma
Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology)
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region,
Research Centre, Ranchi -834010(Jharkhand)
[email protected]
Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of macro fungi. Human body needs protein, carbohydrates,
fats and vitamins. A fresh mushroom has moisture content 70 - 95% and 10 - 13% in dried mushrooms.
The protein content in cultivated species ranges from 3 to 5.9 % of fresh weight. The protein content of
edible mushrooms is about twice that of onion (1.4%) and cabbage (1.4%), and four times and 12 times
those of oranges (1.0 %) and apples (0.3%), respectively. Whereas the protein content of common
meats is as follows: pork, 9-16%; beef, 12-20 %; chicken, 18-20 %; fish, 18 -20 %; and milk, 2.9- 3.3 %.On
a dry weight basis, mushrooms normally contain 19 -35 % protein, as compared to 7.3 % in rice, 12.7 %
in wheat, 38.1 % in soybean and 9.4 % in corn. Mushroom protein contains all the nine essential amino
acids required by man. In addition to their good proteins, mushrooms are a relatively good source of fat,
phosphorus, iron, and vitamins including thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic Acid, ergosterine and niacin. They
are low in calories, carbohydrates and calcium. The total lipid content varying between 0.6 and 3.1 % of
the dry weight is found in the commonly cultivated mushrooms. At least 72 % of the total fatty acids are
found to be unsaturated in all the four tested mushrooms (Huang et al. 1985). It should be noted that
unsaturated fatty acids are essential and significant in our diet and to our health. In addition to
nutritional value, mushrooms have some unique color, taste, aroma, and texture characteristics, which
attract their consumption by humans.
Fungal biotechnology has become an integral part of the human welfare (Manoharachary et al.
2005). Hawks worth (1997, Chang ,2006) reported that out of 270,000 plant species about 70,000
fungal species have been described and suggested that around 14,000-15,000 species considered as
macro fungi producing fruiting bodies and the total number of fungal species have been reported to
be 1.5 million. Among them 14000 fungal species 50% i.e. 7000 species possess varying degree of
edibility. Now more than 3000 species were reported under 31 genera which have edible characteristics.
Around 5–10% of fungi can be cultured artificially. Only 200 of them are cultured, 100 economically
cultivated, approximately 60 commercially grown and about 10 have reached an industrial scale (Chang
and Miles, 2004).Furthermore, about 1,800 are medicinal ones. The poisonous mushrooms is relatively
small (approximately 10%), of these some 30 species are considered to be lethal (Miles and Chang,
1997).Whereas over 2000 species of edible fungi known to man out of a total of 10,000 species of macro
fungi reported to be growing in the world (Dhar and Singh, 1999).Archaeological evidences reveal that
edible species are associated with people living 13000 years ago in Chile (Rojas and Mansur, 1995) but
in China where the eating of wild fungi was first reliably noted several hundred years before birth the of
Christ (FAO, 2004).Hobbs (1995) stated that many cultures have been identified that certain mushrooms
could have profound health-promoting benefit.
In India, 914 species have been reported .One third of fungal diversity of the globe exists in
India. The people used to go the forests to collect wild species based on their personal knowledge of
edible and poisonous mushrooms they used to collect the edible ones and sale in local market and also
eat them. Jain (2005) reported that mushroom cultivation in India was started by Dr S.S.Jain (First
Mycologist) in early 1950 who have grown Agaricus and other species successfully on rotting apple tree
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twigs and branches, cow dung and wheat straw etc., popularized among the farmers of Himachal
Pradesh. Now 100 countries are growing mushroom previously, the edible mushrooms were grown in
rance and Japan. Several reports on wild edible mushrooms have been collected and consumed by
people since thousands of years.
The mushroom industry can be divided into three main categories: edible mushrooms,
medicinal mushroom products, and wild mushrooms.mushrooms. Anonymous (2003) reported that producer.
Production of mushrooms worldwide has been steadily increasing; mainly due to contributions from
developing countries (Fig.1, Table 1) such as China (46%), India (3%), and USA (10%).India produces
about 600 million
lion tones of agricultural byproducts, which can profitably be utilized for the cultivation of
mushrooms. Currently, 0.04% of these residues are used for producing around 1.2 lakh tons of
mushrooms of which 85% are button mushroom. India contributes about 3% of the total world button
mushroom production. Even if we use 1% of the residues for mushroom production, we can produce 3.0
million tons of mushrooms, which will be almost equal to current global button mushroom production
(current world productions perr FAO Stat. is 3.4 million tons).The mushroom production is increasing
based evidence to support centuries of observations regarding the nutritional and medicinal benefits of
mushrooms. However, harvests of highly prized edible mycorrhiza mushrooms are continuously con
decreasing. Technological developments in the mushroom industry in general have witnessed increasing
production capacities, innovations in cultivation technologies, improvements to final mushroom goods,
and utilization of mushrooms' natural quali
ties for environmental benefits. The challenge is to recognize
opportunities such as increasing consumption capabilities with the increase in world population and to
take advantage of this by promoting the consumption of mushrooms.
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Table2: State wise mushroom production (tons) in India (Wakchaure, 2010)
SN. States Button Oyster Milky Others Total
1 Andhra Pradesh 2992 15 15 0 3022
2 Arunachal Pradesh 20 5 0 1 26
3 Assam 20 100 5 0 125
4 Bihar 400 80 0 0 480
5 Chhattisgarh 0 50 0 0 50
6 Goa 500 20 0 0 520
7 Gujarat 0 5 0 0 5
8 Haryana 7175 0 3 0 7178
9 Himachal Pradesh 5864 110 17 2 5993
10 Jammu &Kashmir 565 15 0 0 580
11 Jharkhand 200 20 0 0 220
12 Karnataka 0 15 10 0 25
13 Kerala 0 500 300 0 800
14 Maharashtra 2725 200 50 0 2975
15 Madhya Pradesh 10 5 0 0 15
16 Manipur 0 10 0 50 60
17 Meghalaya 25 2 0 0 27
18 Mizoram 0 50 0 0 50
19 Nagaland 0 75 0 250 325
20 Orissa 36 810 0 5000 5846
21 Punjab 58000 2000 0 0 60000
22 Rajasthan 100 10 0 10 120
23 Sikkim 1 2 0 0 3
24 Tamil Nadu 4000 2000 500 0 6500
25 Tripura 0 100 0 0 100
26 Uttaranchal 8000 0 0 0 8000
27 Uttar Pradesh 7000 0 0 0 7000
28 West Bengal 50 50 0 0 100
Union Territories
1 A&N Island 0 100 0 0 100
2 Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0
3 Datar &Nagar Haveli 0 0 0 0 0
4 Daman&Diu 0 0 0 0 0
5 Delhi 3000 50 20 0 3070
6 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0
7 Pondicherry 0 0 0 0 0
Total 100683 6399 920 5313 113315
The button (Agaricus bisporus), oyster (Pleurotus spp.), milky (Calocybe indica) and paddy straw
mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) are commonly cultivated throughout India. Mushroom cultivation is
done on agricultural wastes in less area which is an attractive proposition for income generation which
is leading to solution to malnutrition, pollution abatement and diversification of agriculture. Mushroom
cultivation produces about 32 tons of dry protein per year in per acre of land while by fish farming only
3 quintals of proteins can be produced.
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The agriculture wastes which are burnt and cause environmental pollution, if can be used for
mushroom cultivation will not only check pollution but will also play an important role in carbon
sequestration and proper utilization of waste products. Among them oyster mushroom production is
more profitable than other mushroom. There is ample scope to earn more from mushroom cultivation
using some innovation like attractive packaging for longer shelf-life, processing units for canned items,
value addition and new products such as mushroom nuggets (burries), biscuits, papads, pickles, soup
powder, etc.
Food security
Mushrooms are of excellent food value as they provide a full protein food containing all the
twenty one amino acids besides containing useful amount of fats, vitamins and minerals. Mushroom
protein being easily digestible (70-90%) is considered superior to vegetable proteins. Two essential
amino acids lysine and tryptophan are enormously present in mushrooms which are not found in
cereals. Being low in caloric value (300 – 390 Kcal/100 g dry wt), low fat and high protein, they are
considered as ‘delight of diabetic patients’. Folic acid and Vitamin B-12 which are normally absent in
vegetarian foods are present in mushrooms (3 g fresh mushroom can supply 1 micro g vitamin B12,
recommended for daily uptake).
Sustenance from wild edible mushrooms: The variety which had been exported in dried form i.e. Moral
or Black mushrooms (Morchella spp.) are commonly known as ‘Guchhi’ is collected as wild growth from
coniferous forests of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh. Morels (gucchhi)
growing only in wild, are the most valued wild mushroom in Western Europe particularly France,
Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The international trade in dried morels is estimated to 225 tons
annually. The suppliers are India, China, Turkey, Pakistan, North America and Eastern Europe. Pakistan
alone exports nearly 65 tons annually. It is claimed that 2,89,000 persons are engaged annually in
Pakistan in morel mushroom hunting on part time basis including 33% women, 27% men and 40%
children from March to July months. The price for one kilogram dried morels is US $ 50 for the collector,
$ 166 for wholesaler, $ 216 for exporter $ 330 for the importer. The global trade for yellow chanterelle
mushroom (Cantherellus spp.) is much more lucrative than for morels, 200000 metric tons are bought
and sold annually worldwide ranging from 1.25 to 1.4 billion US dollars every year. Germany is largest
importer, followed by France and other Western Europe. In Himachal Pradesh and Jammu &
Kashmir Morchella spp. are collected systematically during the growing seasons (spring and sometimes
after rainy season) and sold to established markets both fresh and as dried mushrooms. In Madhya
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and north eastern states wild mushrooms are sold in the local markets and
provide sustenance to the tribal people and forest dwellers during the lean period (rainy season) when
other non-wood forest products are not available in the forests. In the north-east of India some
commonly wild mushrooms used in food are Auricularia auricula, Schizophyllum commune,
Lentinus spp., etc. Thirty six wild edible species have been reported from Jharkhand (Sharma et al. 2011,
2012). There is scope to tap the potential in and outside of the forests for providing sustained livelihood
and profit to the people through systematic collection and processing of wild mushrooms, which is till
today limited to the collection of morels only.
Mushroom growing is a profitable business in low cost and less time in which oyster is one of
them which more beneficial to other mushroom. Here we discussed the details of cultivation technique
and economics which are as follows:
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Steps of Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom
(i) Preparation or procurement of spawn
(ii) Substrate preparation
(iii) Spawning of substrate
(iv) Crop management
(i) Spawn Preparation: A pure culture of Pleurotus sp. is needed for inoculation on sterilized substrate.
It takes 10-15 days for mycelial growth on cereal grains. It can be procured from a reputed spawn
laboratory or university.
(iii) Spawning: Before spawning all the utensils and hand should be properly cleaned with dettol or spirit
and proper sanitation should be followed. The pasteurized straw is spawned and filled into clear or
perforated 30x45cm poly propylene bag (PPbag) in four layers of spawn and each layer should be
pressed and incubated at 23 o to 25 o C (substrate temperature) for 20 days. Mushrooms then begin
to form around the edges of bag perforations and they are harvested from the substrate
approximately 7 to 10 days or after spawning depending on strain, amount of supplement used, and
temperature of spawn run.
Spawning and spawn rate. The spawning is done in freshly prepared (20-30 days old) grain spawn is
best for spawning. Old spawn (3-6 months) stored at room temperature (at 20 to 300 C) forms a very
thick mat like structure due to mycelium aggregation and sometimes young pinheads and fruit
bodies start developing in the spawn bottle itself. The spawning should be done in a pre-fumigated
room (48hrs.with 2% formaldehyde). The spawn used (up to 5 percent of the wet weight of the
substrate) has resulted in increased yields. Increasing spawn rates from 1.25 percent substrate wet
weight to 5 percent may result in yield increases of nearly 50 percent.
(a) Incubation: Spawned bags, trays or boxes are arranged in a dark cropping room on raised platforms
or shelves for mycelium colonization of the substrate. Although mycelium can grow from 10 to 330 C,
but the optimum temperature for spawn running lies between 22 to 260 C.
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(b) Fruiting: When the mycelium has fully colonized the substrate, the fungus is ready for fruiting.
Contaminated bags with moulds may be discarded while bags with patchy mycelial growth may be left
for few more days to complete mycelial growth. While various species require different temperature
regimes all require high humidity (70-85%) during fruiting. Frequent spraying of water is required in the
cropping room depending upon the atmospheric humidity at least 3 times a day. Fruit body produced
under humid conditions (85-90%) is bigger with less dry matter while those developed at 65-70%
relative humidity are small with high dry matter. CO2 concentration during cropping should be less than
600 ppm or 0.6%. Sufficient ventilation has to be provided during fruiting.
(c) Plant Protection Measures: The crop is suspected to attacks from flies (sciarid, cecid) spring tails and
mites. Timely spraying with insect specific insecticides is needed or a yellow light trap may be used in
cultivation room dully supported by a transparent PP bag on which greased with oily material to
protect from laying of eggs in the substrates .The crop is prone to fungal diseases. Several competitor
moulds e.g. black mould (Aspergillus sp)., Green mould Penicilliun sp.) Or inky mushroom weed
mushroom (Coprinus spp.) has been found to occur in the substrate used for cultivation. Spraying with
bavistin (carbendazim) 0.1% is a recommended control measure. The crop is also subject to diseases
like yellow blotch, brown spot and bacterial rot, control measures which are needed include (a) Proper
management of temperature and humidity (80%) during growing period and (b) Regular application of
chlorinated water containing 100 – 150 ppm of freely available chlorine at an interval of 3 – 5 days.
(D) Harvesting and Yield: The fruit bodies should be harvested before spore release, by twisting so that
the stubs are not left on the beds (straw). It is advisable to pick all the mushrooms at one time from a
cube and the next flush will appear at one time. 500 kg to 1ton and more of fresh mushrooms per ton of
dry wheat or straw can be obtained in case of crop produced in 45-60 days.
Postharvest Handling and Marketing
Marketing of oyster mushrooms typically are packaged and sold at retail in 200 grams. Often oyster
mushrooms are used to highlight the common cultivated mushroom that may be sold whole. The right
shape for picking can be judged by the shape and size of the fruit body.
Spawn Production: Spawn production is also a good profitable business which can be evident from their
economics described below. Spawn is prepared from mycelium on a base of steam-sterilized cereal
grain. This cereal grain/mycelium mixture is called spawn and is used to seed mushroom substrate. The
commercial spawn is produced in polyethylene bags. The steps involved in spawn preparation are
described here.
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a Income from sale of 1 lakh spawn bags @ Rs. 50/kg 50,00,000.00
Net profit per year Rs. (50, 00,000 -18, 74,370) 31, 25,630.00
Economics of oyster mushroom cultivation by chemical sterilization technique in Poly house 3.5 to 4 TPA
Thus oyster mushroom production as well as spawn production is a profitable business for livelihood
because it required less expenses and more profit.
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Anonymous (2003). China becomes world's biggest edible mushroom producer. August 21, 2003.
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Livelihood Support through Vegetable Production System to Women Folk
Dr. A.K. Singh
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region,
Research Centre, Plandu, Ranchi 834010, Jharkhand
Any part of crop consumed as fresh or after cooking is called as "vegetable". Still definition is
incomplete. There cannot be any single definition covering all characteristics. In case of fruits only
flower or fruit is consumed While in vegetable all parts from roots to fruits are consumed (roots / leaves
/ stem / flower / fruit / seed / buds). Fruits are consumed fresh without cooking eg. Banana, apple,
guava while vegetables are consumed fresh as salad and also after cooking few are eaten both way fresh
and after cooking eg. tomato, onion, cucumber etc.
Importance of Vegetables
1) Nutrition: Vegetables are rich and comparatively cheaper source of vitamins. Consumption of these
items provides taste, palatability, increases appetite and provides fiber for digestion and to prevent
constipation. Their consumption in plenty fair amount of protein. They also play key role in neutralizing
the acids produced during digestion of pretentious and fatty foods and also provide valuable roughages
which help in movement of food in intestine. Some of the vegetables are good sources of carbohydrates
(leguminous vegetables, sweet potato, potato, onion, garlic and methi) proteins (peas, beans, leafy
vegetables and garlic), vitamin A (carrot, tomato, drumstick, leafy vegetables), Vitamin B (peas, garlic
and tomato), Vitamin C (green chillies, drumstick leaves, Cole crops, leafy vegetables and leaves of
radish) minerals (leafy vegetables, drumstick pods). As per dietician, daily requirement of vegetables is
75 - 125 g of green leafy vegetables, 85 g of other vegetables and 85 g of roots and tubers with other
3) Importance to a grower: Nature has provided us-with all kinds of vegetable crops that can be grown
in different seasons of the year in region. Different kinds of vegetables provide leaf, stem, flower, fruit
or seed for consumption. Considering vividness in the requirement of soil and season, farmers can grow
vegetable crops throughout the year for earning regular and steady income to meet the daily
expenditure. There are vegetables of very short duration that can be grown as rain fed and intercrops in
either agronomical crops or vegetable crops. There are vegetables which improve soil and also provide
fodder to cattles. Thus, farmer has wide choice to select suitable crop to adjust in his cropping pattern in
given situation provided the climate and soil conditions of the region are conducive to grow different
4) Employment: Since cultivation of vegetable crops involves intensive cultural operations starting from
sowing to marketing, it provides more and regular employment opportunities in rural areas.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
5) Industrial importance: The perishable nature of vegetables demand comprehensive planning for
movement, storage, processing and distribution of vegetable products. The growth of vegetable industry
as a commercial proposition largely depends on the allied enterprises like storage, processing marketing
and maintenance and service enterprises to encourage vegetable growing.
Vegetable Gardening
b. Market Gardening
It is that branch of vegetable growing whose object is to produce vegetables for the local market. It is
one of the most intensive types of vegetable gardening where the most skillful methods for growing of
vegetables for commercial purpose are employed. It is developing day by day to meet the vegetable
requirement of growing population. Due to transport facilities, consumers can get vegetables from
distant places during off-season.
d. Vegetable Forcing:
It is the method of growing of vegetables out of their normal season. Vegetable produced give premium
price to the farmers.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Method of cultivation of different vegetable crops
Sandy loam soil with a well drained clay sub-soil is best suited. Light soils are good for early variety. It
grows at pH 6.0 to 7.0 satisfactorily. The soil should be well prepared & leveled by ploughing the land 4 -
5 times.
Improved Varieties:
Swarna Lalima, Swarna Naveen, Swarna Sampada, Swarna Vijaya, Arka Abha
It should be so arranged that the soil remains continuously moderately moist. Avoid excessive irrigation
as it induces the plants drop the blossoms off. There is no need of irrigation during rainy season if, there
is a proper distribution of rainfall. When the rainy season is over, the crop may be irrigated twice or
thrice in a month. The crop planted during the winter season will need irrigation once in about 20 day.
While the crop is transplanted during spring season, it will need irrigation more frequently. During the
winter season, whenever there is a danger of frost, the crop must be irrigated so that the temperature
may not go down too low and damage the plants. Tomatoes, that have been growing when moisture is
low, may split severely after a rain. The crop should be irrigated carefully during the fruit ripening
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Tomato fruits are picked up from the plants by grasping them by the hand and dislodging them from the
vine by twisting keeping the thumb pressed against the vine.
According to the use of fruits, they are harvested in following stages:
1) Green Stage:
About a fortnight before turning (development of a trace of redness at the styler end of the fruit), the
fruits develop normal color of the vine. Though they are still green yet they may be fully developed.
These fruits are picked and sent to distant markets.
2) Pink Stage:
At this stage red or pink color on the fruits varies from a trace at the blossom end to a considerable
extent covering the surface. Though at this stage most of the fruits are red, yet they are not fully ripe.
They are picked for local markets.
3) Ripe Stage:
At this stage the surface of most of the fruits is red and the softening of the fruits begins. They may be
picked for home or table use.
4) Full Ripe Stage:
At this stage the fruits have approached maximum color development and may feel soft to the touch.
Now the starch is changed into sugar. They are ordinarily used within 24 hours of picking and are
consumed or used for canning and pickling.
It varies 250 to 400 quintals per hectare according to season and variety planted. Duration of crop
ranges from 160 to 180 days.
Insect Pest:
1. Fruit Borer:
Damages leaves shoot & fruits. Fruits become unfit for consumption.
Spray carbaryl 50 WP @ 0.3% or Carbaryl Dust 10% @ 35kg/ha. Infested shoot & fruit removed &
2. Jassids:
They suck the sap from tender part & leaves.
Spray Endosulfan 35EC @ 0.5%orPhospomidon 85 @ 0.2%.
3. Mealy Bug:
A scale insect that covers up the whole plant and suck the sap from the plant
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Removal of infected shoots and spraying the plant with Malathion (Cythion 50 EC, Malathion-50 EC) @
2ml per litre of water is the best method of controlling this pest.
1) Early blight:
Dark brown to black spots are form on leaves & stem with concentric rings on them. Plant growth is
affected, fruit size & yield is also affected. Control measures: Spray copper Oxy-chloride 50 WP @ 0.30%
or Zineb 75 WP 0.2%.
2) Damping Off:
Affected seedling rots at collar region in nursery bed due to stagnation of water in nursery.
Control measures: Treat seed with 1% Mercuric fungicide @ 2.5—3.0 gm/kg. of seed before sowing.
3) Fruit rot:
Brownish -spot appear on fruit at the point of contact between fruit and soil. Fruit decay rapidly and
become unfit for consumption.
Control Measures:
i. Support the plant properly, plant on ridges in irrigated soil.
ii. Don't plant on poorly drained soil,
iii. Spray Bordeaux mixture.
4) Virus diseases:
Tomato mosaic is the most common virus disease. It causes light and dark green mottling hi the foliage
followed by slight curling and some malformation of the leaflets. The plants become somewhat stunted
in the beginning. and later on-fruit setting is also reduced.
Control measures:
i. Uprooting and burning the disease affected plants as soon as they are noticed is the best method to
check the spread of this disease.
ii. The insect vector should be controlled by spraying the crop with Dimetnoate (Rogor 30 EC) or Oxy
dernition methyl (Metasystox-25EC) @ I ml or phosfamidon (Dernicron-1 OOEC) @ 0.5 ml per liter of
Though it can be grown on different types of soils, yet it is grown with considerable success in fine and
rich loam soils that are deep and well-drained. As the crop remains in the field for a number of months
therefore, the soils should be well prepared by being ploughed 4-5 times before transplanting the
seedlings. When the field is well prepared and leveled, the beds of suitable size are made in the field
before transplanting.
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Improved Varieties:
Swarna Shyamli, Swarna Pratibha, Swarna Ajay, Swarna Abhilamb, Swarna Shakti, Swarna Shobha,
Swarna Neelima
Irrigate the field after every third or fourth day during the summer season and after 12 to 15 days during
the winter season. Timely irrigation is very important for high yields of brinjal. Brinjal fields should be
regularly irrigated to keep the soil moist during frosty days.
Intercultural Operations:
Inter-tillage or hoeing with some hand drawn implement .should be done in the crop to check the
weeds. These operations should be fairly deep and close when plants are very small, but they should be
made shallow as plants develop. Fruit set can be increased with plant growth regulators. These
chemicals are either used for seed treatment or sprayed over the plants. Para-chlorophenoxyacetic
acids, 2, 4, dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid and napthaleneacetic acid, have been found effective for this.
These treatments give about 50 per cent earlier and higher fruit set.
Fruits are harvested when they are immature. They should be severed from the plant by cutting with
small shears or a knife. Fruits are allowed to attain a good size and color till they do not lose their bright,
glossy appearance and become dull.
Depending upon the cultivar, the yield of brinjal ranges between 250 to 400 quintals / ha.
Control Measures:
i) The insect affected plant parts should be clipped along with insect and destroyed.
ii) The affected crops should be sprayed with phosphamidon (Dimecron-100 EC) @.0.5 ml or
Diochlorovos (Sumthion-50 Ec, folilhion-50 ECc) @1 ml per litre of water at fortnightly interval.
2) Brinjal Stem Borer:
A pale white caterpillar bore into the stem and kills the plant.
Control measures: Same as for brinjal fruit and shoot borer.
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3) Leaf Eating Beetle:
The beetle and grub feed on the leaves and other tender parts leading to a considerable reduction in
the .yield of the egg plant.
Control Measures:
i. Hand picking of egg and larvae is the best method for controlling this pest
ii. This insect can effectively be controlled by spraying crop with Endosulphan
(Thioden -35 EC) or Phentrothion (Sumithion-50 EC) @ 2 ml or Fenthion
(Lebacid-IOOO EC) or Thiomiton (Ekatin-25 EC )@ I ml per litre of water.
4. Other pests
The egg plants are also affected by mite, Jassids, Aphids and Mealy bug. They suck the sap from the
leaves and in severe cases the whole plantation looks yellowish and leaves drop down prematurely.
These insects except mites can effectively be controlled by spraying the crops with Methyl parathion
(Metacid 50 EC) or Oxidemiton methyl (Metassystox 25 EV) @ 1 ml or Malathion-50 EC @ 2ml per liter
of water at fortnightly. The mites can be controlled by spraying the crop with Dicofol (KeIthane-18.5EC)
@ 2 ml or Morocite-40 EV @ 1 rnl per liter of water.
Diseases of Brinjal:
1) Damping off:
It is a serious disease of brinjal seedlings and mainly occurs in nursery bed. The disease infected
seedlings rot at ground level and then the plants fall over ground. The seedlings die in patches.
Control Measures:
The seed bed should be treated with Formalin before sowing of seeds. The seeds should be treated with
hot water (30 minutes at 520 C) or Cerasan or Agrosan G.N. before sowing of seed. The seedlings in the
nursery should be sprayed with any fungicides at a regular interval.
2) Phomopsis Blight and Fruit Rot:
It is a serious disease of brinjal. The fungus attacks all parts of the plants above ground. Dark brown
lesions appear on the stem and round to oval spots are formed on the leaves. Diseased fruits show short
and watery lesions which later on become black and mummified.
Control Measures:
i. Use of disease free seeds, seeds treatment with some fungicide and long crop rotation are the most
common remedial measures of this disease.
ii. The disease can effectively be controlled by weekly spraying of nursery and field with Zineb (Dithane-
Z-78) or Mancozeb (Dithane M-45) @ 2.5 gm per liter of water.
3) Little Leaf of Brinjal:
The affected plant produces numerous tinny yellow leaves and does not bear fruits. The disease is
transmitted by leaf hopper.
Control Measures:
The disease affected plants should be destroyed. The insect vector should be controlled by spraying the
crop with Dimethoate or Monocrotophos (Monocil) @ 1 ml per litre of water to check the spread of this
disease. Disease resistant variety such as Pusa purple Cluster should be cultivated.
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The chili is a plant of tropical and sub -tropical region. It grows well in warm and humid climate with a
temperature of 200C to 250C. Low moisture in soil during blossom development and fruit formation
causes the bud, deblossom and fruit drops. Excessive rainfall is detrimental to the crops, because it
brings about defoliation and rotting of the plant. As a rained crop, it is grown in areas receiving an
annual precipitation of 25-30 inches.
Chilli can be grown in all type of soft but the sandy - loam, clay loam and loam soils are best suited for it.
The soil must be well drained and well aerated.
The land is prepared by giving 2-3 ploughings and clod crushing after each ploughing. Compost or FYM
@ 150-200 quintals should be spread and mixed well in the soil at least 15-20 days before sowing.
Chilli is grown both as rain fed and irrigated crop. First irrigation is given after the transplanting and
subsequent irrigations are given 5-7 days interval depending on weather and conditions of soil during
summer and rainy season and after every 10 to 15 days in winter. The maintenance of uniform soil
moisture is essential to prevent blossom and fruit drops.
Intercultural Operations:
2-3 shallow hoeing should be given to the soil to kill the weeds and provide soil mulch during early
stages of growth. Application of weedicides for controlling the weeds is found effective. Application of
Lasso @ 1.5 litre per hectare with one hand weeding or Tok-E 25@ 2 litres per hectare with one hand
weeding are effective in controlling the weeds.
1. Chillies which are used for vegetable purposes are generally harvested while they are still green but
full grown.
2. Chillies are harvested at red stage for caning purpose. Chillies used for drying are harvested at full
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The yield varies according to the system of cultivation. The yield of dry chillies of rain fed crop is 200 -
400 kg and that of irrigated crop is 600 - 1000 kg per acre.
1) Damping Off:
It is a serious disease of chilli seedlings and mainly occurs in nursery bed. The disease infected seedlings
rot at ground level and then the plants fall over ground. The seedlings die in patches.
Control Measures:
1. The seed bed should be treated with Formalin before sowing of seeds.
2. The seeds should be treated with hot water (30 minutes at 520 C) or Cerasan or Agrosan G.N. before
sowing of seed.
3. The seedlings in the nursery should be sprayed with any fungicides at a regular interval.
2) Bacterial Leaf Spot:
Small dark, greasy spots are formed on leaf, petiole and tender parts, of the plant. Water soaked spots
appear on green fruits. In severe cases the leaf may drop off which cause considerable loss to the crop.
Control Measures:
Spraying Agrimycin - 100 k at 200 ppm plus copper oxychloride 0.3 per cent controls the disease
3) Anthracnose:
Dark sunken spots are formed of fruits and pink or dark colored dots appear in the centre of the sunken
spots. Due to this spots, the fruits rot and fall. The fungus may cause "Die back" of the twigs also. Die
back disease attacks mainly the upper portion of the plants spreading gradually from the top to
downward; as a result the branches dry up.
Control Measures:
The control measures are treatment of seed with Cerasan before sowing, removing and burning of
attacked plants or branches and spraying the disease affected crops with Mancozeb (Dithane M-45) @
2.5 gm per litre of water.
4) Leaf Curl:
The disease affected leaves becomes small in size accompanied by downward curling. The leaves may
fall off in case of severe attack. The disease usually spreads through insect vectors such as thrips and
aphids etc.
Control Measures:
Control of insect vectors by spraying the crop with Dimethoate (Rogor -30 EC) or Monocrotophos
(Monocil) @ 1 ml per litre of water indirectly helps to check the spread of this disease.
Pumpkin is grown on all types of soil. But loam, sandy loam and clay loam soils are considered best for
its cultivation. The soil should be thoroughly prepared. It does best at a pH of 6.0 or 6.5.
Sowing of Seed:
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Two crops are raised commonly in the plains during January – March and June – July. Seeds are sown in
well prepared pits at a spacing 3 X 3 m. about 4-6 kg of seeds are required for 1 ha.
Intercultural Operation:
One or two weeding may be done during early stage of growth. No irrigation is given to rainy season
crop. The summer season crops should be irrigated after third or fourth day.
Swarna Amrit, Arka Suryamukhi, Arka chanada
Seed Rate:
The seed rate is 3 to 6 kg/ ha.
Intercultural Operation:
Two to three hoeing is given to keep down the weeds during the early stage of growth. The rainy season
crop is usually stalked, often trained on a bower made of bamboos and sticks.
The summer crop requires frequent irrigation at an interval of 4 to 5 days. The winter crop is irrigated as
and when needed.
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The fruits should be harvested when they are still green. Delay in harvesting causes the fruit to become
unit for marketing.
The average yield is 90 to 120 quintal / ha.
There is some varieties of bottle gourd, viz summer prolific Round, summer prolific long, Pusa Navven,
Arka Bahar, Pusa Manjari, Pusa Meghdoot etc.
Sowing of Seeds:
The seed is sown from January to March for summer season crop, June-July for rainy season crop in the
plains and March to June in the hills. The seed rate is 4 to 5 kg/ha. The seed is sown by dibbling method
at a spacing of 120x90 cm. Generally three to four seeds are sown in a pit at 2.5 to 3.0 cm depth. The
seeds are soaked in water over night before sowing for better germination.
30 to 50 tons of well decomposed FYM should be added at the time of soil preparation. 25 kg N, 25 kg
P/ha should be given at the time of sowing seeds and remaining 25 kg N should be given 30 days after
Intercultural Operation:
Two to three hoeing are done to suppress the weeds during the early stage of growth. The rainy season
crop is usually staked, often trained on a bower made of bamboos and sticks.
Harvesting is done when the fruits are still young and tender at every alternate day. Picking should be
done carefully so that the vine may not be damaged. The fruits should not be allowed to mature on the
vines. The harvested fruits may be stored for 3 to 4 days in-cool condition. The yield is 60 to 100
There are some varieties of bitter gourd viz. Pusa Domousmi, Coimbatore, Long, Arka Harit, Long green
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Ridge gourd can be grown in all kinds of soil. Loam, clay loam and silt soils are best suited for its
cultivation. The land is prepared by ploughing for three to four times, followed by planking.
Sowing of Seed:
The seed rate is 4 to 5 kg/ha. The seed is sown by dibbling method at a spacing of 1.5 to 2.0 X 1.0 to 1.5
m. Two to three sees are sown in each pit. Layout is ring and basin.
30 to 50 tons of well decomposed FYM should be added at the time of soil preparation. 25 kg N, 25 kg
P/ha should be given at the time of sowing seeds and remaining 25 kg N should be given 30 days after
Intercultural operation:
Shallow cultivation should be done during the early stage of growth. The plants should be provided with
suitable support made of bamboo sticks.
The summer crop should be irrigated just after sowing and subsequent irrigation is given at four to five
days interval. No irrigation is given in rainy season crop.
The fruit become ready for harvest from 55 – 60 days of sowing. The full grown tender fruit should be
harvested at weekly interval by cutting them with a knife. The yield is about 75 to 100 quintal/ ha.
Pusa Nasdar, Swarna Manjari
Sowing of seed
The cucumber is cultivated both as a summer and rainy season crop and the seed is sown according to
type of crop. For summer crop, sowing should be done in January to February and for rainy season crop
sowing should be done in June-July. The seed of cucumber is sown in April in the hills. The seed rate is
2.5 to 4 kg/ha. The seed is sown by dibbling method at a distance of 1.5 to 2.5 meters (row to row) x 60
to 90 cm. (Plant to plant). Two to three seeds are sown in each pit.
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30 to 50 tons of well decomposed FYM should be added at the time of soil preparation. 25 kg N, 25 kg
P/ha should be given at the time of sowing seeds and remaining 25 kg N should be given 30 days after
Intercultural Operations:
Shallow cultivation should be done during the early stages of growth to control the weeds. Herbicides
(such as Glycophosate, Paraquat) may be used to control weeds.
The summer crop cultivated as an irrigated crop requires enough soil moisture during its growth and
development. So irrigation should be given as and when needed. No irrigation is given in rainy season
The tender fruits should be harvested at an interval of two to four days. Timely picking is more
important in regard to quality. Yield: The average yield is about 60 to 15 quintals/ha,
Swarna Poorna, Swarna Sheetal, Japanes Long green, Pusa Sanyog,
Control Measures:
i) Hand pickling and dusting keratinized ash is the most common method of controlling this pest.
ii) Spraying the crop with Malathion 50 EC or Dichlorovus (Nuvan, Vapona etc) @ 2 ml per liter of water
can control this pest.
Fruit Fly:
The maggots of this pest enter into the fruit and feed on the pulp, as a result of which the fruit starts
Control Measures:
i) Collection and destruction of all infested fruits in the field will help in minimizing the damage to the
ii) Dusting the crop with Malathion or Dipterex Powder in the affected filed will help in controlling adult
Iii) Use of bait traps prepared from protein hydrolyzate @ 450 gm, Malathion or Dipterex water
dispersible powder (25 %) @ 450 gm and water @ 1 gallon is most effective of controlling of this pest.
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Powdery Mildew: Tiny white superficial spots appear on leaves and stem and they become powdery on
enlarging. Due to attack of this disease, premature defoliation occurs and plants remain stunted in
growth. The fruit too do not set or remain smaller in size. This disease can be controlled by dusting
sulphur (sulfex) or spraying Karathane or Moresta @ 2 ml per liter of water.
Downy Mildew:
Purplish spots appear on lower surface and yellow spots on upper surface of leaves; fruit do not mature
or do not contain right flavor. Application of fungicidal spray such as Dithane Z-78, Dithane M- 45, Blitox
etc once a week helps to control this.
Watermelon muskmelon and cucumber is mainly affected by this disease. Light brown spots are formed
on leaves which turn to dark brown and then to red, and the leaves present a scored appearance.
Circular to oval sunken lesions develops on the disease infected fruits a d the fruit rot later on. Crop
rotation with non – cucurbit crops, use of disease free seeds, seed treatment and spraying of ducting of
fungicides are the recommended control measures of this disease.
Mottled leaf with roughened surface occurs. The green color completely lacking in fruit. In severe cases
the plants are yellow and dwarfed and bear little or no fruit. Aphids transmit this disease. Growing
resistant variety and spraying the crop with Dimithoate (Rogor-30 EC) or Methyl parathion (Metacid – 50
EC) or Oxidomition methyl (Metsyton – 25 EC) 2 1 ml per liter of water for controlling the insect vector
are the recommended control measures
Garden Pea is a cool season crop and performs best at 100C to 180C. The flower and young pods are
badly affected by frost. The germination of seeds takes place at 3.3 0 C soil temperature. As the
temperature increases during the growing season the yield declines sharply. The optimum mean
monthly temperature for pea is 12.8 0 C to 18 0 C.
In India, garden pea is generally sown in rabi season from the beginning of October to mid of November
in the plains and from middle of March to end of May in the hills. Sowing of seed during the first week of
November is proper time to get higher yield. The optimum seed rate is 25 to 30 kg/ha. The pea is
generally sown by broad casting. But it may also be sown by dibbling or behind the plough. The seeds
are soaked in water overnight before sowing for better germination. Seeds treated with Rhizobium
culture give higher yield. Flat bed layout is used. Spacing is 45 X 20 cm.
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30 to 50 tons of FYM should be applied at the time of soil preparation. 25 kg N, 50 kg P and 50 kg k/ha
should be applied should be applied at the sowing. Remaining 25 kg nitrogen should be applied one
month after sowing.
Intercultural Operation:
it is very difficult to control the weeds of pea field by mechanical methods as the crops are sown in rows
in closed spacing. Use of herbicides has been proved very such effective. Atrazine, propazine and
simazine at 0.54 kg per acre gave good broad leaf weed control and late control of wild oats damage the
Water requirement of garden pea is generally high which depends largely on Agronomic condition of the
locality. The crop may be irrigated at 10 days interval. Where rainfall is low, irrigation is necessary at
flowering and grain development stage.
Peas are harvested for table use when the pods are filled and the young tender peas changing in color
from dark to light green. Peas may be picked in 45 to 60 days, 75 days and 100 days according to early or
mid season or late cultivars, respectively. 3 to 4 pickling are done within the interval of 2 to 10 days.
Fresh unshielded peas may be kept two at 0 0C and 90- 95 percent relative humidity.
The yield of per hectare varies according to the variety viz. early Variety: 25 to 40 Quintals, mid season
and late: 50 to 60 Quintals.
Early Variety: Early Badgar, Arkel.
Mid season Variety: Swarna Mukti, Swarna Amar, Bournevilla, Jawahar.
Sowing of Seed:
The seed is sown in June – July and January- February in the plains and from March to the beginning of
May in the hills. The seed rate is 40 to 50 kg/ha. The seed may be sown by dibbling, drilling and broad
casting at a depth of 2.0 to 3.0 cm; the seeds should be inoculated with rhizobial culture before sowing.
The flat bed layout is used. Spacing of 45 X 20 cm is recommended.
Intercultural Operation:
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Shallow cultivation is given to keep the crop free from weeds. Herbicides such as dinitomaterial 2 – 3 kg
per acre and sodium salt of pentachlorophenol @ 6 kg per acre as per- emergence treatment have been
effective in controlling the weeds.
The soil must have sufficient moisture. Irrigation should be given just prior to blooming, during flowering
and pod development stage.
The green pods become ready for harvesting after 45 to 75 days of sowing according to the variety and
they should be picked as and when they are ready. A Yield level of 40 – 50 quintal green pods/ ha can be
Bush bean variety: Swarna Priya, Arka Komal, Contender, Pusa Parbati
Pole bean variety: Swarna Lata, Kentuky Wonder
Cowpea is a warm season crop and cannot stand cold weather. Warm and moist climate is favorable for
this crop. It cannot tolerate heavy rainfall. Cowpea can be grown in all types of soil. But sandy and
sandy loam soils are best suited for it. The soil should be rich in organic matter. The land is prepared by
giving four to five ploughing.
Sowing of Seed:
The time of sowing varies according to type of crop. i) Kharif crop: May – June, Ii) Rabi crop: October-
November, iii) Spring crop: February – March. The seed rate is 15 to 20 kg/ha. The seed is sown by
dibbling method. A spacing of 40 X 30cm or 65 X 45 cm is recommended.
30 to 50 tons of FYM or compost should be applied at the time of sowing preparation. 25 kg N, 50 kg P,
should be applied at the time of sowing and remaining 25 kg nitrogen applied one month after sowing.
Intercultural Operation:
No weeding is needed for this crop. It covers the land very soon and kills the weeds by smoothing. In
early stage of growth, one weeding has been found beneficial to this crop.
No irrigation is given in rainy season crop. But if grown earlier, the crop is irrigated whenever it is
required. About three to four irrigation may be given before rainfall.
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The crop becomes ready for harvesting in 90 to 105 days for short duration crop and 135 to 150 days for
long duration crop. Frequently tender pods should be harvested before they become fibrous. Cowpea
yield about 50 to 80 quintal green pods/ ha.
Swarna Harita, Swarna Sweta, Swarna Suruchi, Pusa phalguni, Pusa Dofasli, Pusa komal.
It is most destructive pest of legumes vegetable. These are very small insect and infest the leaves, stem
and pods and suck the cell sap. In case of severe infestation, the infested parts dry up and there may not
be any pod formation. This insect can be controlled by spraying the crop with Dimethoate (Rogor 30 EC)
or Oxidomition Methyl (Metasystox – 25 EC) or methyl Parathion (Metacid 50 EC) @ 1 ml or
Phosphamidon (Demicron – 100 EC) @ 0.5 ml per liter of water when the infestation is noticed.
Seedling Blight:
Pre- emergence and post emergence damping off of seedling occur and the fibrous root being infested.
The seeds should be treated with Cerasan or Arasan or Speragon @ 2.5 gm per kg of seed before
Powdery Mildew:
Small, white, circular powdery spots appear on the upper surface of leaves which gradually cover the
entire leaves, stems, petiole and the pods. They increase gradually resulting in the death of the leaves
and fruits. Dusting the crop with sulfur @ 11.25 kg per acre or spraying Wet table sulfur @ 2 kg %,
starting just on the appearance of the disease have been found effective in controlling this disease.
Downey Mildew:
Symptoms are downy growth on lower surface of leaves which is white first, but later changes to violet
and appears black is advance stage. Brown lesions are formed on pods in case of severe infector. This
disease can effectively be controlled by spraying the crop copper Oxychloride (Blitox, Phytolan tc) @ 5
gm per liter of water.
Symptoms are premature yellowing and whitening of leaves and finally the diving of the entire plant.
Plant may continue to wilt in patches in quick succession till the maturity period. The diseases affected
plants can easily be pulled out. The diseases cause considerable damage when the crop is sown early
and in light soil. Early sowing should be avoided in badly infested areas. The seed should be treated with
cerasn @ 2.5 gm or captan @ 2.3 gm per kg of seed.
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It can be grown on a wide range of soil provided they are rich in nutrients and have adequate soil
moisture, possess a good drainage and also contain plenty of organic matter. Sandy loam soil are
preferred for early crops, while loam and clay loams for late crops. Cauliflower grows best on a neutral
to slightly acid soils i.e. at pH 6.0 to 7.0. If the soil is below pH 5.5 liming at the rate of 5 to 10 quintal per
ha should be done for successful raising of cauliflower. Higher pH than 7.0 decrease the availability of
boron. The soil must be thoroughly prepared to make it loose and friable, and retentive of moisture.
Basic organic manures should be applied during the field preparation. It requires better prepared soil
than cabbage. 1 to 2 corrosive ploughing by a soil turning plough followed by 3 to 4 ploughing with desi
plough are enough for it.
Cultivars or Varieties:
In cauliflower various varieties are grown. They are season bound. Therefore, almost care should be
taken while sowing the seeds. There are early mid season and late varieties, according to maturity in
particular season.
Varieties suitable to be grown in rainy season (June – July) are Pusa Katki, Early Kunwari. The curds are
available in September- October. Aghani matures in November, Possi in December and maghi in
January. Early cultivars produce short plant. The leaves are bluish green and produces small to medium
and loose curd. Pusa Deepali is also early and curds mature in November. Curds are white. Pusa
Synthetic is another variety suitable for planting in September and curds are available in December –
The late cultivator is snow ball which can be planted in October – November and curds are available in
February- March. The curds are white, compact and therefore yield is more. They also fetch more prose
in the market for all these varieties optimum temperature ranges for curd initiation and development
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It may be given to the crop every 5 – 6 days to the early planting and 10- 15 days for late crop.
At the time of head formation, there should be enough moisture in the field, so irrigate at this time and
when cauliflower is raised late in the season, it should be watered closely.
Intercultural Operation:
Shallow frequent cultivation should be given in the cauliflower field by khurpi or hoe to kill young weeds
and provide soil mulch. Avoid deep cultivation, for it may destroy the plant roots located top 3 to 6
mater in the soil. Weeding should be started as soon as plants are set in the field. Four to five weeks
after transplanting, the plants should be slightly earthen up in the field.
Cauliflower should be harvested when the head has developed the proper size and is at right stage of
maturity. The head should be compact but it should not be broken into segments. The plant is cut off
well below the head so that the stub has left the head from damaging during transporting to the market.
The plants are cut as and when curds are well developed. As curds do not develop uniformly, so only
those which are full developed are removed but not over matured ones after inspecting the whole filed
each second or third day. Harvesting the filed during morning or evening so that the produce may be
kept cool for the market.
In case of early cauliflower crop 200 to 250 quintal / ha yield is obtained. While in case of later crop it is
250 to 300 quintal / ha.
Disorders in Cauliflower
Various disorders are observed in Cole crops. These are physiological disorders. Some disorders are also
caused by climate and injury to growing bud.
The buttoning means production of small button like curds. This is due to sudden check in the vegetative
growth. The reasons attributed are over aged seedlings, poor nitrogen supply, planting early varieties in
late season and change in temperature.
Premature initiation of floral bud is characterized by richens. Such curds are poor in quality for
marketing. Richness result due to unfavorable temperature for a given variety.
This is caused due to deficiency of boron in soil. In serious cases stem becomes hollow with water
soaked tissues. In advanced stage pinkish or brown area develop on surface of the curd. This can be
controlled by applying sodium borax 20 kg/ ha or spraying of boron 0.25 to 0.50 % solution.
This is caused due to molybdenum deficiency. Young plants turns white particularly along the leaf
margins and also become cupped and whiter and dies. Apply molybdenum @ 1 kg/ ha to control the
malady. Leaf blades do not develop properly, only midrib develops.
Blind cauliflower plants are those without terminal buds. The leaves which develop are large, thick
leather and dark green. Blindness is supposed to be due temperature or injury due to cultural operation,
insect and pest disease.
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m. Cabbage (Brasslike oleracea var. Capitata)
It can be grown almost in all types of soil ranging from sand to heavy soils. But small quick growing
cabbage varieties do well in sandy soils, while large and late maturing varieties in heavy soils. Soils
intended for cabbage growing, should have good drainage. The best PH range for cabbage is between
pH 5.5 to 6.5. Lime may be added in acid soil to make it neutral or alkaline for growing good crop of
cabbage. Land is prepared by ploughing it 3 to 4 times. The first ploughing should be done by soil turning
plough, and the bulky organic manures should be spread in the field. Then the land should be ploughed
and leveling the land, beds of suitable size and irrigation channels are made.
Irrigation at the time of transplanting is essential. Steady supply of moisture is necessary for good
growth and development. Interval between two irrigations depends upon climate, soil and plant
growth. In winter season irrigation at an interval of 8-10 days is sufficient.
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Control Measures:
i) If infestation is light and number of attacked plant is small, hand picking of caterpillar is the best
method of controlling the larvae.
ii) Spraying of sevin @ 5 gm per liter of water is also effective to control this insect.
2. Mustard Aphids:
A greenish white small insect that attack cabbage and other cole groups when there is a cloudy weather.
They suck the sap from the plants. The affected leaves get curled and plants wither and die’s.
Control Measures:
Spray Phosphamidon 85 @ P 0.02 % or Dimathoate 30 EC @ 0.5 %
3. Club Rot:
The rots of affected plat enlarge to from clubs secondary invasion by soft root bacteria follows forming
material toxic to plant. The foliage of affected plants with on sunny days and recovers towards evening.
Control Measures:
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The seedlings at transplanting time should be treated with mercuric chloride @ 125 c.c (about 113.4
4. Damping Off:
It is a common problem in the nursery bed of vegetable crops. The affected plants fall down and die due
to shrinking of cortical tissue of hypocotyls.
Control Measures:
Drenching the nursery bed with formaldehyde or brassicol about 3 -4 weeks prior to sowing, seed
treatment with mercurial fungicide @ 2 gm per kg of seed, avoiding thick sowing and spraying the
seedlings with Dithane M – 45 or Dithane Z- 78 @ 2.5 gm per liter
Onion can be grown on various soils. But sandy loam, silly loam and deep friable soils are best suited for
onion crop. The land is prepared by giving 5-6 ploughings. The optimum pH range is between 5.8 and
The root system of onion is restricted to top 8 cm and roots penetrate seldom deeper than 15 cm.
Water requirement of the crop at the Initial growth period is less. Irrigation should be stopped 15-20
days before attaining maturity for improving the keeping quality of bulbs. Frequent irrigation delays
maturity. In kharif season, depending upon the rains and time of planting 6-10 irrigations are enough. In
rabi, 10-15 irrigations are given at bulb formation, irrigation is necessary and moisture stress at this
stage results in low yield.
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Harvesting, Curing, Yield and Storage:
Harvesting of onion bulbs should be done at right stage of maturity. It is important in deciding storage
life of onion as bulbs. The onion bulbs, reach maturity when the plants cease to produce new leaves and
roots. In onion, neck fall is the indication of maturity. In general, when about 50 percent neck fall is seen
crop is harvested. Onion for storage should be fully developed. Thick-neck bulbs which result due to
premature harvesting do not store well. Late harvesting leads to increased respiration, subsequent
susceptibility to diseases and excessive sprouting during prolonged storage and left in field sunburn is
also noticed. Bulbs are harvested by hand pulling if soil is light; they are also harvested by hand
implements. In rabi season, yield of onion is around 25-30 tons per hectare, while in kharif season it is
comparatively low. Y
1) Onion Thrips:
. It is a small sucking insect that feed on leaves and lacerate tissue.
Control Measures:
This pest can be controlled by spraying the crop with Dimethoate (Rogor-30 EC) or Methyl Parathion
(Metacid - 50 EC) or Oxydemiton methyl (Metasytox - 25 EC) @ I ml per liter of water.
1) Blight:
Small white sunken lesions with purple centre appear on leaves and they enlarge rapidly, girdling the
leaves and flower stem which fall over and the bulb decay follows in the storage.
Control Measures:
This disease can be controlled by spraying the crop with one per cent Bordeaux mixture or Mancozeb
(Dithane M-45) @. 2.5 gm per liter of water or Copper Oxychloride (Blitox-5Q) @ 5.0 mg per liter of
2) Onion Smut:
Dark, slightly thickened area appears on cotyledon of young seedlings with numerous raised blisters
near base of scales of older plants, which on rupturing expose black and powdery mass of spores.
Control Measures:
The disease can be controlled by seed treatment with Thiram @ 45 gm for 0.45 kg of seed (Larson and
Walker, 1953) .and spraying formaldehyde solution in the furrow.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Post Harvest Technology & Value addition: Profitable venture for Women
Dr. Abhay Kumar Thakur
ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Research Centre Ranchi
Plandu, Ranchi-834 010 (Jharkhand)
It is well accepted that women work force is the backbone of Indian agriculture including
horticulture and other related sectors. Looking on the food production sequence, it is a combination of
several activities as: primary crop production, food crop production, crop and livestock production, food
processing, preparation & preservation, marketing etc. Each and every activity has a different picture of
the contribution of women. Women participation is more in horticultural sector than the food grain
production; however most of the post harvest activities either related to food grains, horticulture,
livestock and fishery is dealt by women labors. The research efforts at the ICAR institutes have been
tried to relieve her of the drudgery involved in these agricultural activities by providing time and labor
saving tools and techniques. Vocational trainings are also being conducted at several institutes, farm
science centers and NGOs, to impart skills to undertake different avocations. In extension activities the
women is now the centre point and activities are being planned keeping her in view. Under the project
Standardization of women specific field practices in rice in Orissa revealed women of family contributed
highest hours per season (61.7) in harvesting and post harvesting operations of rice and participated
lowest in land preparation.
Post harvest activities are much related to the women’s day to day activities which they
performed at their homes either in kitchen or in homestead. Keeping the food material either in fresh
form or in processed form for family consumption resembles to an extent of commercial post harvest
activities. Women can do both primary and secondary processing of cereal, pulse, spice, oilseed, fruit,
vegetable, flowers, meat and poultry, dairy etc. to supplement family income. Post harvest operations
are comparatively less labor intensive than the food production operations.
Food processing industry either of cottage level or at commercial level is an enterprise that
processes the product of plant or animal origin into the form of consumption. Following table reveals
that our country is not able to process the food due to inadequate infrastructure and lack of trained
manpower in the field of food processing and preservation, as a result a huge quantity of raw food
materials is going waste. Therefore, post harvest management of food should be an integral part of
production and marketing.
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The primary post harvest operation includes: Cleaning or washing, sorting or grading, packaging
& storage, marketing. Similarly secondary post harvest operations are manufacturing processed
products, packaging in convenient serving sizes and proper marketing. Level of processing through
which nature and degree of transformation differ may be described as:
Level I - Cleaning, Grading, Storage
Level II - Ginning, Milling, Peeling, Cutting
Level III - Cooking, Pasteurization, Canning, Mixing
Level IV - Chemical alteration, Dehydration, Extraction
There are several operations are performed in a particular food industries where women are more
comfortably work. Following is the list of food processing industries/operations where involvement of
women seems to be more justified:
• Minimal processing: Minimally processed Fruits and Vegetables where women involvement is
more important. Minimally processed fruits and vegetables is nothing but prepared and
packaged in the form of ready to consumption or cook. Minimal processing of fruits and
vegetables means peeling, cutting, washing, surface drying and packaging of these products, in
order to extend the shelf life and maintain the freshness and nutritional quality of the products.
The shelf life of packaged fruits and vegetables is prolonged by hygienic processing, low storage
temperature and suitable permeability of the packaging material. The demand of minimally
processed fruits and vegetables are increasing day by day as more and more people spent most
of the time outside their homes for sake of doing job and better earnings. Minimally processed
and frozen food products are now becomes necessary in the life of urban masses. There are
several reasons for the increasing demand of minimally processed products such as; Consumer
convenience and saving precooking time; Fresh-like quality containing only natural ingredients;
Longer shelf life in case of frozen; Peeled, sliced, grated or shredded; Fresh apple slices, fresh
pineapples, mango slices, cauliflower florets, dressed meat, chicken, green peas, green
chickpeas, etc.,
• Fruit and vegetable processing industry: Processing (canning, drying, freezing, and preparation
of juices, jams, and jellies) increases the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Processing steps
include preparation of the raw material (cleaning, trimming, and peeling followed by cooking,
canning, or freezing. Fruits and vegetable processing plant operation is often seasonal, however
other agricultural produce can be processed to make the plant economically viable.
• Dried food products including osmotically dried fruits: Drying removes the moisture from the
food so bacteria, yeast and mold cannot grow and spoil the food. Drying also slows down the
action of enzymes (naturally occurring substances which cause foods to ripen), but does not
inactivate them. Because drying removes moisture, the food becomes smaller and lighter in
weight. When the food is ready for use, the water is added back, and the food returns to its
original shape after reconstitution. Foods can be dried in the sun, in an oven or in a food
dehydrator by using the right combination of heated air temperatures, low humidity and air
flow. In drying, hot air temperatures cause the moisture to evaporate from the food items. Low
humidity allows moisture to move quickly from the food to the air. Air flow speeds up drying by
moving the surrounding moist air away from the food.
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• Pickles, sauce and soups industries: This is one of the major food processing activities where
almost all operation is being done by women worker. Preparing raw materials by peeling,
cleaning, cutting and drying, mixing etc. which is required to develop pickles, sauces and soups
are done by the women. Therefore working women should have the basic knowledge of
technology behind the food preservation through pickling etc.
• Papad and Badi industry: Papad and Badi are prepared from cereals and pulses. Now days it
emerged as a largest cottage industries in the field of food processing involving most of the
women worker.
• Soybean processing for milk, tofu etc: Soybean processing by women even at household level
has good scope for income generation for women. Soybean with its high productivity and
protein content can make a fourfold impact on malnutrition as compared to pulses. It is the
most appropriate options for India as it can be made available at an affordable price to the
poorer section of the population. Processed soybean has several health benefits.
• Specialized packaging of food materials for longer shelf life: Polymeric film bags are the
predominant material for consumer packaging of fruits and vegetables. Besides cost effective
materials, automated packaging machines further reduce packing costs. One of the newest
trends in produce-packaging is the shrink wrapping of individual produce item with polymeric
film. Individual shrink wrapping has been studied to package peaches, citrus, tomato,
pomegranate, papaya, guava, apple and a variety of tropical and temperate fruits and
vegetables. Shrink wrapping with an engineered plastic wrap can reduce shrinkage, protect the
produce from incidence of fungal disease, reduce mechanical damage and provide a good
surface for stick-on labels. The use of shrink wrap with polymeric film has a major advantage in
reducing moisture losses from the fruit. It also protects the fruit from some damage by abrasion
during transport.
• Ready to eat (RTE), Ready to serve (RTS) & Ready to cook (RTC) Foods
• Functional foods and Neutraceuticals industry: In the pursuit of advanced food processing to
obtain high value produce in view to prevent a particular disease or disorder apart from its
natural nutrition, the terminologies like functional foods and nutraceuticals derived and has
come into focus of recent research on food science and engineering worldwide. Nutraceuticals is
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
a broad term used to describe any product derived from food sources that provides extra health
benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods. Products typically claim to
prevent chronic diseases, improve health, delay the aging process, and increase life expectancy.
Following table gives a glance of availability of horticultural produce for processing in the eastern
It may be concluded that processing of the food products must be in the line of availability of
the raw material in the region. Processors must choose their products very carefully. It is not enough to
assume that processing can be a successful business simply because there is plenty of cheap food
produce is available. There must be a good demand for the processed food and this must be clearly
identified before a business is set up. The best types of products for small-scale production are those
that have a high ‘added-value’ as well as have a good demand. A high added value means that cheap
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
raw materials can be processed into relatively expensive products. It also means that this can be done at
a small scale of processing using equipment that is affordable. Skill development training in the field of
food processing is highly essential for the women for overall development of this sector. Appropriate
assessment of technological needs is a pre-requisite for developing relevant technologies for women.
This should be done at local, regional and global level involving community’s concern. Substantial
emphasis has been now placed on the handling of fresh fruits and vegetables. Canning has become
practically obsolete and methods such as aseptic packaging, cryogenic freezing, deep freezing,
accelerated freeze drying, controlled and modified atmosphere storage, shrink wrapping etc. have been
increasingly used in extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. These technologies must be
adopted if our country is to keep pace with the rest of the World.
Training of rural women folk for skill development on papad, tomato sauce, mushroom pickles
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Role of Women Folk in Nursery Management
The demand for high quality planting material is steadily increasing due to interest in fruit tree
cultivation, social forestry, agro-forestry and plantation crops. The need of setting up plant nurseries to
meet the demands of the people has been felt by small and marginal farmers as well as by gardeners
and farm house owners. In order to meet this demand, there is ample scope for introduction of small
nurseries which will serve to augment the incomes of needy sections of rural society. Setting up of a
fruit nursery is a long term venture and needs lot of planning and expertise. Thus one should give
utmost attention and care when nursery is to be established particularly with respect to site selection,
progeny trees, irrigation arrangements, management of skilled manpower and materials.
Site selection
The locality where fruit growing is being practiced already provides ideal site for setting up of
nursery. However, with the operationalization of a number of centrally sponsored or state govt.
developmental schemes for promotion of horticulture in different states, setting up of fruit plant
nurseries in newly emerging horticultural regions can also be profitable venture. Nearness to cities,
railway station or metalled roads are some of the other favorable factors for establishment of fruit
nurseries. Nursery stock and young plants need frequent irrigation to make them grow well. Therefore
provision of satisfactory irrigation arrangements is essential for success of fruit nursery.
A mother plant block having true-to-type progeny trees is the first requirement for
establishment of any nursery. The saplings to be used for mother plants should be procured only from
reliable sources like nurseries of ICAR institutes, State Agriculture Universities or State govt. farms. The
nursery should only produce saplings of those varieties which have commercial values in the market. For
the establishment of mother plants and successful nurseries, both soil and sub-soil should be suitable. A
fertile loamy soil is good for fruit nursery. In case of nurseries with newly established mother plant
blocks, the requirement of scion material during the initial 6-8 years can be fulfilled from properly
identified plus trees growing in the region. Therefore, venturing into nursery business by orchardists
having sufficient number of grown up mother plants is a highly profitable venture from the first year
For establishment of mother plant block, the saplings should be planted at a spacing of 5m x 5m
in case of plants like mango, litchi and aonla whereas saplings of guava and lime should be planted at a
spacing of 2.5m x 2.5m. For a nursery with a production capacity of 1 lakh plants per year (mango –
40000 nos, litchi – 20000 nos, guava – 20000 nos, lime – 20000 nos) an area of 1.0 ha need to be
delineated for mother plant block having 100 mango plants, 100 litchi plants, 400 each of guava and
lime plants. In case of orchardists already having grown up plants to be used as mother plants for their
newly established nurseries, it is important to bring back the canopy of the plants to a workable size by
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
pruning. Otherwise, it will require lot of human labor for collection of scion-sticks or making of air-layers
in the bigger sized plants. Pruning of plants will also help in production of large number of healthy
shoots which can be used for production of healthy planting material
Infrastructure development
A total area of 1.0 ha (excluding the area under mother plant block) is essential for carrying out different
operations for production of 1 lakh quality planting material of different fruits. The allotment of the
total land under different functional units of the nursery should be as follows;
Young saplings produced in the nurseries are highly prone to adverse weather conditions like low
temperature, high temperature and drought. For successful nursery establishment, it is essential to
create infrastructure to counteract the adversities of weather. Setting up of shade-net houses (low cost
or high-cost) is the first step in this regard. Low cost shade-net houses can be prepared by using locally
available materials like bamboo or wooden poles and green colored shade-net (50%). These low cost
shade nets can be used effectively for a period of three to 4 years. A shade net house of size 30 m
lengths x 36 m width x 3 m height can accommodate 36,000 numbers of saplings. While making shade
net houses it is important to put the shade net at least 1 ft. above the ground to allow increased
ventilation inside the structure.
A potting shed of size 15 m x 20m size is essential for carrying out different operations like bag
filling, grafting etc. A low cost structure can be made by using locally available materials. Vermin
compost unit is an essential part of any nursery for preparing good soil media for filling the bags. The
vermin compost unit can be prepared by using locally available material.
For assured supply of irrigation water provision has to be made for bore well fitted with submersible
pump and sprinkler irrigation systems.
Mango: Mango is commercially propagated by top grafting the scions on rootstocks. For raising the
rootstock, stones are collected and sown in the bed soon after removing from fruit. Before sowing, the
stones should be immersed in water and only those stones are sown which sink in water as these are
considered to be viable. Stones are sown on beds which are prepared on the soil well mixed with
farmyard manure. 8-10 tons of FYM per ha is recommended for sowing the mango stones. The beds on
which stones are sown should be made 60 cm apart and stones are sown in lines 10 cm apart at a depth
of 5 cm. The stones after sowing are covered by mixture of sand and FYM. Mulching of beds with paddy
straw or local grasses helps in increased germination. The beds are irrigated regularly to keep the soil
moist and avoiding too much wet conditions. The germination of stones takes place after 3 weeks and
seedlings of 10-15 days old (having copper colored leaves) are transferred to polythene bags (black
colored, UV-stabilized alkathane bags of size 15 cm x 20 cm) filled with soil mixture. The soil mixture for
bag filling in mango is prepared by mixing soil, FYM and oil cake in the ratio of 600g: 375g: 25g. After
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transplanting the seedlings in the polythene bags, they are arranged secondary nursery till October.
During November the seedlings are shifted to the sunken beds (10 m length, 2m width and 15 cm depth)
prepared in the area which was used for seed bed. The plants should be regularly irrigated in the
secondary nursery through the sprinklers to keep the soil moist and avoiding moisture stagnation.
Regular plant protection practices should be adopted for damage caused by diseases like anthracnose,
leaf eating insects and termite. Although the seedlings can be used for grafting after attaining an age of
two months, due to low success rate of grafting during the winter months, the grafting operations are
carried out starting from the month of March.
Grafting operation in mango can be successfully carried out during March and June to
September. The scions to be used for grafting should be taken from healthy shoots of last matured flush
in mother plants. Before actual grafting, the scions should be prepared carefully. The shoots are
defoliated 7-10 days before they are detached from the mother tree for grafting. While defoliating, the
stalk of leaves are left intact. The drop of these stalks and swelling of the terminal buds in week’s period
is good judgment of preparation of scion wood. After top grafting of the scion on the rootstock, the
newly grafted saplings are capped with 2 cm wide polythene tubes having closed top end. The capping
of the grafts help in maintaining higher humidity and helps in sprouting of the buds in the scion. The
caps should be immediately removed after sprouting of the buds. The caps can be reused after their
removal from one graft. The grafted plants should be shifted inside the shade net houses immediately
after grafting.
Inside the net house, optimum care should be taken for proper growth of the saplings. The
plants should be irrigated regularly and regular plant protection measures like spraying of fungicide and
insecticides should be carried out. Drenching the soil with 0.012 ml humic acid (100 ml of 2% solution of
6% humic acid) per sapling has been found to be beneficial in improving the plant vigor. Similarly two
times foliar application of micronutrient solutions (1ml per ltr) has also been found to be beneficial. The
saplings will be ready for sale, one after grafting.
Litchi: Litchi is commercially propagated by air-layering. Air layering can successfully be done just after
fruit harvest in the month of May-June when plants are in active phase of growth. In the mother trees
maintained exclusively for propagation purposes, the layering should be done during the spring with
optimum water and nutrient management. Usually Sphagnum moss is used as rooting media. The best
season for air layering with high success of plants is monsoon season.
For preparation of air layers, healthy terminal branch receiving good sun shine with a thickness
of about 1.2-1.5 cm is selected. Better the branch used for layering, better the root system obtained.
Preference should be given to branches that are erect and in satisfactory physiological conditions. The
newly flowered/fruited shoot which has exhausted its food material generally produces poor roots, thus
should not be selected for air layering. A cut is made in the terminal branch and 2.5 cm ring is prepared
by removal of bark about 45-60 cm below the apical growth. Further the cambium layer is rubbed off
and woody portion is exposed properly. For early and proper rooting pasting of 1000 ppm IBA may be
done immediately. Applying 5000 ppm IBA in lanolin paste at the upper end of the ring also improves
the root formation in air layers. A layer of moist sphagnum mass is placed and wrapped with a piece (20
x 25 cm) of 400 gauge polythene sheet and tied properly on both end to ensure supply of proper
moisture and facilitates development of roots.
At ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Research Centre, Ranchi, in the place of
sphagnum mass, a decomposed mixture containing pond silt 40 kg, FYM 40 kg, well rottened jute bag or
leaf mould 10 kg, castor/karanj/neem cake 2 kg, urea 200 g, 200g SSP/ bone meal and 100g
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Chloropyriphus dust have been found most ideal media for root initiation, development and better
survival of the plants. The above mixture is heaped after proper mixing and covered with black/white UV
stabilized polythene for 45 to 60 days under open sun. The soil lump is prepared by adding sufficient
quantity of water at the time air layering and a ball of approximately 200g is prepared for each air
layers. The ball of rooting media is placed over the ringed portion covering about 2 cm from the upper
end of the ring. After about 50-60 days the adequate root system is developed from the upper end of
the ring which is visible through the polythene film.
The air layers should only be removed when the color of 6 to 8 roots can be seen through the
polythene to be changing from white to creamy brown, but not during the period of active growth.
Special care must be taken to avoid damaging the young root system when transplanting which
moreover must not be done in dry weather. The detached layers are planted in partial shade preferably
under the litchi tree. At the time of planting excess vegetative growth may be removed to maintain
balance between the top and newly developed root system. The young plants must be kept in individual
bags (15x15x25 cm) filled with FYM: Soil: Sand in 1:1:1 proportion. The layers must be kept in the
nursery in shade or semi-shade condition and watered abundantly for a period of about 6 months so
that a good root system is developed. Two or three vegetative flushes must appear before the plants
hardened off in the open air prior to final planting. Planting of detached air layers in the root trainer of
350 ml cup size facilitate the better root development in the litchi air layers. The air layering process
takes about 12 to 14 months period from layering operation to transplanting in the field. To improve the
survival rate of the litchi saplings, the media to be filled in polythene bags should be prepared by
composting FYM, paddy husk mixed with DAP, Lime, Trichoderma. After decomposing for 1 year
Phosphorus Solublizing Bacteria should be added to the compost at a rate of 100g per 20 kg compost.
Dipping air layers in 0.2% solution of 6% Humic acid before putting in root trainers also increases the
Guava and Citrus (Acid lime/Kaghzi Kalan): Guava and Acid lime/Kaghzi Kalan are generally propagated
by air layering following the same procedure as explained in case of litchi. Top grafting is also a
promising method of propagation of guava.
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Cost of establishment of nursery for production of saplings of mango, litchi, guava and acid lime (Plant
production capacity- 1 lakh numbers per year)
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protection chemicals, sale of plants protection chemicals, sale of plants
August Continue grafting, Spraying of plant Spraying of plant protection Continue layering, Spraying of Continue layering, Spraying of plant
protection chemicals, nutrient chemicals, nutrient management, plant protection chemicals, protection chemicals, nutrient
management, Sale of plants Sale of plants nutrient management, Sale of management, Sale of plants
Septemb Grafting continued, drenching of Plant protection Plant protection Plant protection
er humic acid, plant protection, removal
of sprouts below stock
October Plant protection and drenching of Plant protection and drenching of Plant protection and drenching Plant protection and drenching of
humic acid humic acid of humic acid humic acid
Novemb Irrigation and weeding Irrigation and weeding Irrigation and weeding Irrigation and weeding
Decemb Irrigation and weeding Irrigation and weeding Irrigation and weeding Irrigation and weeding
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Area under protected structure
Primary Nursery
Seed bed
Litchi Lime
16. Precautions- Regular watering for long transportation, in the absence of polyethylene
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bag, the earth ball should not develop cracks, ball of earth should be properly covered with grasses
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6. Diameter of rootstock - 1.25 – 2.50 cm
7. Age of scion shoots - 4 - 5 months old
8. Diameter of scion - 1.25 – 2.50 cm
9. Size of patch - 1 X 1.5 cm
11. Budding height- 15-20 cm above the soil/ground
12. Stem girth- 3.5-4.5 cm
13. Bud union - Smooth
14. Plant height - 40-60 cm
15. Root type/ Architecture Well developed root system without coiling
16. Foliage Healthy and green foliage having 3 to 4 branches
17. Disease/Pest incidence - No attack of leaf eating beetle, No die back symptom, No nutrient
18. Precautions - When grafts are set out in the nursery, always handle them by holding the
Root stock. Do not bump the scion, because this may disturb the callus tissue, causing the graft to die
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Intensive Cropping System for Economic Efficiency in Irrigated Ecosystem
Dr. R. D. Singh, Head
Research Coordination and Management Section
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
Crop and crop sequences in an ecosystem, apart from soil and climatic parameters, depends
primarily on the availability of the water resource. In an irrigation command, water availability remains
high in upper reaches of the canal and becomes limiting at the tail end. Water less than the optimum
requirement of crops is termed as limited water supply. The limited water can be grouped as (a)
Irrigated areas receiving less water than the requirement of the crops. (b) Rainfed drylands (c) Rainfed
wetlands. In case of first category, this problem is mainly encountered in tail ends of irrigation command
areas. In rainfed dryland areas, there is often negative balance between the annual rainfall and
evapotranspiration rate. The total area affected by inadequate rainfall is about 100 million hectares, out
of which 51.12 mha spread ever 74 districts were identified as drought area. Rainfed wetland farming
generally refers to condition where rains are adequate and relatively well distributed during the crop
season. These rainfed wet land areas also face moisture deficit in later parts of winter season. In India,
40 million hectare is flood prone out of which about 8 million-hectare areas is affected every year. This
acted as constraint, while adopting a sequence in a particular region. An efficient utilization of available
irrigation water is, therefore, essential in an assured crop production programme. Mismanagement of
water (like improper scheduling, over application, lack of proper drainage, etc.) often leads to reduction
in crop yields, waterlogging, salt imbalance, etc. In some cases vast agricultural lands have been
rendered unproductive due to these problems. Water is a very important resource in crop production
but huge quantity, i.e. 97.5% of the global water is not usable. Of the remaining 2.5% two thirds is held
in the form of ice, in north and south poles and only one third is available for agriculture, domestic use,
industries, power etc. it is therefore, very important to make efficient use of this one-third water as a
major portion of water is diverted in agriculture sector.
The constraints of limited water supply are different in canal irrigation system than the rain fed
dry lands. In irrigation commands poor conveyance, application and distribution efficiencies coupled
with untimely and limited supply of water are the major problems whereas in rain fed area, water is the
limiting factor and improved crop production should be aimed at optimizing its use. High temperature
associated with high wind speed and advective energy enhances the water demand of the atmosphere.
Therefore, water being a natural resource that too under limited condition must be well managed to
increase water use efficiency without any deterioration in the quality of the environment. To sustain
productivity in paucity of water coupled with low and erratic rainfall is a big challenge for research
workers, planners and executors. To meet this challenge the following measures are suggested.
♦ Basin wise planning ♦ Water shed management
♦ Improved soil and moisture conservation ♦ Off season tillage
♦ Mulching ♦ Inter terrace land treatment
♦ Recycling of harvested water ♦ Use of chemical for higher water use efficiency
♦ Suitable irrigation method & efficiency ♦ Improved crop management technology
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The agricultural production in India had a quantum jump from about 50.82 million tons in 1950-
51 to 233.78 million tons in 2010-11. During the period the cropping intensity increased from 111 to 140
%. The per capita availability of food grains also improved substantially. The rapid increase in production
also brought about a change in the composition of food basket. As a consequence, better alternative
crops and new systems emerge out for adoption by the farmers at macro level. The change in cropping
pattern is clearly reflected in per capita availability of food grains. The details of land use pattern, major
crops grown in irrigated and un irrigated agro-ecosystem, gross cropped area under various crops, area
under major crops, targets and achievements of production of major crops during recent past,
suggested alternate crops in place of rice and wheat in major growing states and suggested crop
strategy based on conserved soil moisture storage in the profile have been depicted in different tables.
Table 1.The gross cropped area under various crops in India (Million hectare)
The major crops grown in irrigated and un irrigated agro-ecosystem of India comprising of
cereals, millets, pulses, oilseeds, fibre crops, forage and sugar crops are presented in Table 1. Most of
the crops are grown in kharif, rabi and summer seasons. The water requirement of the crops varies from
crop to crop and season to season. There are twenty-one distinct agro-climatic zones in our country
having distinct ecological responses to macro climate as expressed in the vegetation and reflected in
soils, fauna and aquatic systems (FAO, 1983).
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Regular availability of water at a low tension, low weed problem and possibilities of feeding
nutrients through water result in better growth and yield of crops. However, the physiological
requirements of individual crops and also critical stages of crop should be kept in mind, to work out the
best-suited irrigation schedule to get higher yield. All cultivated crops have their critical stages
depending upon their relative importance.
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Table 3. Physiological stages of crops with respect to irrigations.
Frequency of irrigation
How often to irrigate depends upon several factors. A number of management factors have
been discussed in previous sections of this chapter. The importance of optimum moisture content for
crops at a given stage of growth also has been discussed. The available water supply has been shown to
be important, making it necessary to irrigate at times to store surplus water in the soil. Also, the need to
leach out excess salts and the need to cool the soil may govern the frequency of irrigation.
From the practical point of view, there are three major aspects of irrigation management, viz., (i)
when to irrigate? (ii) How much water to be applied at each irrigation? and (iii) how best to irrigate?,
which need careful considerations in an efficient irrigation water management programme. We are
concerned with the problem of when to irrigate? and how much to irrigate? The amount of water to be
applied at each irrigation will depend on the root zone depth, the soil type, the salt content in the soil
and the water deficit before irrigation. This quantity can be measured. Hence, the scheduling of
irrigation is the most recurring aspect in irrigation management of crops (Table 5).
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Table 4. Critical stages of different crops.
Sl. Crop Critical stages
1. Rice Flowering, panicle initiation
2. Wheat CRI, Flowering, grain filling
3. Maize Tasselling, silking
4. Barley Tillering, heading
5. Lentil Pre flowering, pod formation
6. Gram Flower initiation, pod formation
7. Peas Flower initiation, pod formation
8. Greengram/ Flowering
blackgram/ cowpea
9. Pigeon pea Flower initiation
10. Rapeseed-mustard Flower initiation, pod formation
11. Linseed Flower initiation, seed setting
12. Sesame Flowering, seed setting
13. Sunflower Flower bud initiation, seed setting
14. Safflower Flower initiation
15. Potato Stolonization, tuber formation
16. Tobacco Vegetative phase
17. Groundnut Peg formation, pod filling
18. Soybean Flower initiation, pod formation
19. Sugarcane Shoot elongation, tillering
20 Berseem Flowering
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cotton based cropping pattern, (ii) sugarcane based cropping pattern (iii) plantation crops based
cropping pattern and (iv) vegetable based cropping patterns. With the increase in population,
improvements in irrigation facility and technology of crop management for efficient use of water by
different crops and crop sequences. In rainfed condition, in areas where the rainfall receipt is 1000 mm
or more, two crops can easily be grown and in high rainfall areas with a bit of proper management and
choice of crops even three crops can be grown (in areas where rainfall is 1500 mm or more spread over
a longer period) in succession.
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Cropping Patterns based on irrigation water availability
Development of appropriate cropping patterns which can suit the irrigation supplied available at
the farm is crucial for achieving higher production and profits. It is essential for crop planning in making
more efficient use of water. Such planning is important because: (i) crops differ markedly in timings and
amounts of their irrigation needs, (ii) they exhibit a wide range of photosynthetic efficiency for similar
water requirements, and (iii) they exhibit differential sensitivity to water stress imposed at various
growth stages. Short-season species grown during rainy season generally need less irrigation than the
long-duration and summer-season species. Reduction of growing season by even a few weeks during
summer can bring about a saving of 1 or 2 irrigations. Similarly, plant species show genetic variations in
photosynthetic efficiency and structure of canopy. Crops with deeper and more profuse root systems
utilize greater amount of profile-stored water and can stand drought better than the shallow- rooted
crops. In some crops, better tolerance of water deficits arises from higher physiological adaptation
through adjustment in osmotic-potential. The major rain depended crops grown in different seasons in
existing cropping systems and state-wise shifts in the cropping pattern for profitability and efficiency are
presented in Table 6 and 7.
Table- 6.Major efficient food crop based double cropping system for different rain dependent regions
of India (Based on water availability periods).
Water availability Rainy season crop Post rainy season crop
period (days)
110-150 Cowpea/blackgram Safflower/chickpea
Soybean Mustard/safflower
Greengram Mustard
Pearlmillet Chickpea/barley
150-175 Green gram Sorghum
175-200 Cowpea Sorghum
Green gram Safflower
Blackgram Barley/mustard
Pearlmillet Chickpea
Maize Wheat/ wheat + chickpea /mustard
Rice Chickpea/wheat
Sesame Chickpea
200-250 Sorghum/groundnut/maize Safflower
>250 Soybean Wheat
Soybean/maize Safflower/chickpea
Rice/maize/fingermillet/ groundnut Wheat/chickpea/linseed/lentil/
horsegram /barley
Soybean Fingermillet
Pearlmillet Wheat
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Table 7. Suggested crop strategy based on conserved soil moisture storage in the profile
Table 8. Suggested alternate crops in place of rice and wheat in major growing states.
Sl. State Main Kharif alternate crop Main Rabi alternate crop
No. crop crop
1. Punjab Rice Maize, Moong/Urad Wheat Mustard, Chick Pea,
Lentil, Field Peas
2. Haryana Rice Maize, Moong/Urad Wheat Mustard, Chick Pea,
3. Uttar Pradesh Rice Arhar (short duration) Wheat Mustard, Chick Pea, Field
Moong/Urad Peas, Lentil
4. Bihar Rice Not suggested as most of Wheat Maize, Mustard, Lentil
Rice area is waterlogged
5. Chhattisgarh Rice Soybean Wheat Chick Pea, Lentil, Chick
6. Madhya Pradesh Rice Soybean, Arhar, Wheat Mustard, Linseed
Moong/Urad, Seasame
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fertilization. The benefit: cost ratio was higher under rice-lentil-green gram than rice-wheat-green gram
irrespective of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization. Maximum benefit: cost ratio was obtained from rice-
lentil-green gram with optimum irrigation and fertilization while minimum benefit: cost ratio was
recorded from rice-wheat-system with optimum level of irrigation and fertilization. This may be due to
variation in cost of cultivation as it showed lower the cost of cultivation, higher the benefit: cost ratio.
Table 9. Economics of rice based cropping system under optimum and sub-optimum level of
irrigation and nitrogen fertilization (mean data of 3 years).
Cropping system Cost of Gross return Net return Benefit: cost Production
cultivation (Rs/ha) (Rs/ha) ratio efficiency
(Rs/ha) (Rs/ha/day)
Rice-wheat –green gram
Optimum 29936 57031 27095 0.91 76.75
Sub-optimum 26465 50965 24500 0.93 69.40
Rice-lentil-green gram
Optimum 22671 52310 29639 1.31 86.15
Sub-optimum 19650 47933 28283 1.44 82.21
Second study conducted on diversified cropping systems, results revealed that maximum net
profit was recorded in rice-tomato-bottle gourd (Rs.1, 59,904 ha-1) followed by rice-coriander-lady’s
finger (Rs. 98,683 ha-1) and rice-mustard-tomato (Rs. 88,976 ha-1) respectively. Similar trend was
observed in case of benefit cost ratio (Rs. 2.89, 2.59 and 2.54). The maximum profitability (Rs. 484.6 ha-
day -1) and relative economic efficiency (490.2 %) was recorded in rice-tomato-bottle gourd followed by
rice-mustard-tomato (Rs. 288.5 ha-1 day-1 and 328.4 %), rice-coriander-ladies finger (Rs. 281.2 ha-1 day-1
and 264.2%), while lowest in rice-pea-green chillies (Rs. 72.2 ha-1 day-1 and (- 9.38 %), respectively. One
US $ is equivalent to Indian Rs. 45.00 only. This may due to higher productivity and sale price of mustard
and tomato as compared to coriander and ladies finger. It is interesting to note that vegetable
dominated cropping systems were more remunerative than cereal and pulse dominated cropping
Third study conducted on irrigation and nutrient requirement of best diversified cropping
systems, results revealed that maximum net profit was recorded in rice-tomato-bottle gourd (Rs. 2,
54,265 ha-1) followed by rice – cabbage – cowpea (Rs, 1, 39,949 ha-1) and rice-potato-onion (Rs. 1, 33,
634 ha-1) respectively. Similar trend was observed in benefit cost ratio (3.56, 2.96 and 2.35),
respectively. Among levels of irrigation, maximum net profit was recorded at optimum level of irrigation
(Rs. 1, 35,687 ha-1) as compared to sub-optimum level (Rs.1, 24,405 ha-1). Among levels of nutrient,
maximum net profit was recorded at recommended level (Rs. 1, 34,319 ha-1) followed by 50% of
recommended level (Rs. 1, 27,141 ha-1), respectively.
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Table 11. Yield equivalence in terms of rice, net-return, cost of production and benefit cost ratio in
different cropping systems (2008-11).
To improve system productivity of irrigated upland 15 crop sequences were evaluated with
emphasis on crop diversification for three consecutive years (2004-07) at Pusa. The highest net return
was observed (Rs. 1,30,508 ha-1), under cropping sequence when satawar, a medicinal and aromatic
plant was intercropped with maize and followed by Rs. 80898 ha-1 under tobacco-summer maize –
dhaincha (GM). The cost benefit ratio was highest when medicinal and aromatic plant was involve in
cropping sequences i.e. 8.46 for Satawar + Maize and 5.58 for winter maize intercropping with
muskdana (Table 12).
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Table 12. Rice equivalent yield (REY-t/ha) of different cropping system (2004-05 to 2007-08)
Price of rice grain-Rice 6000/ton taken for converting yield of different crops to the rice yield equivalent.
Twelve cropping systems were evaluated with pre rabi pigeon pea based cropping system to
improve system productivity under flood and flood prone situations, at Pusa, Samstipur. Pigeon pea
yield equivalence computed for all the cropping sequences. Results revealed that highest net return of
Rs. 85,805 ha-1 was obtained in wheat – elephant yam + black gram system followed by tobacco –
summer maize – dhaincha (GM) (Rs.71,737 ha-1). The highest cost benefit ratio of 1.38 was recorded
under mustard – green gram – black gram system followed by Rs. 1.25 under wheat – summer maize -
dhaincha and 1.24 under wheat - elephant yam respectively.
Aljibury, F.K. (1974). Water use in drip irrigation pp. 341-350. In Proceedings of the Second International Drip
Irrigation Congress.
FAO,(1989). Guidelines: Land evaluation for rain fed agriculture, soil bull. No.52. FAO, Rome, 237 p.
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Irrigation Techniques for Efficient Water Management in Farming Systems
Dr. Ajay Kumar
Sr. Scientist ICAR RCER Patna
Irrigation is one of the most important inputs for improving productivity of agricultural and
allied sectors. Since independence, India is able to irrigate only 45% of our agriculture land. Rest of the
55% of cropped land in India is rain fed where delayed, deficient or erratic rains cause severe reduction
in crop production. Recent concerns about, on the one hand, rising food prices and food security and, on
the other hand, increasing water scarcity, climate change, and the high proportion of water used in
agriculture are drawing attention to the urgent need to improve water management in both irrigated
and rain fed agriculture. Therefore efficient technique of agricultural water management is need of the
hour for improving productivity of farming system in general and by keeping gender perspective in
particular. Women in the hills of Nepal were very positive about new irrigation facilities, since these
considerably reduced the time they needed for fetching water for domestic use (Backer, 1992). In India,
the unforeseen impact of canal irrigation on the growth of fodder was particularly beneficial for women,
since it enabled them to increase their milk and ghee production through which they could earn some
individually controlled income (Stanbury, 1981). But as far as irrigating the field through canal is
concerned, it is difficult for women in comparison to men as sometimes the turn of irrigation fall in
night. Therefore, women may be comfortable in more advanced technique of irrigation which requires
less drudgery. Agricultural water management: This is the art and science of managing water resource in
such a way that each drop of water is utilized to improve the productivity of agricultural and its allied
systems. Irrigation technique/method is the most important component of efficient water management
in farming system.
Irrigation methods: There are different methods of irrigation like flood irrigation, check basin
irrigation, border irrigation, furrow irrigation, micro sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation etc. But low
efficiency is the main problem in adopting different irrigation methods. Generally, higher efficiency
methods cost more and require more expertise. Experiments have shown that micro irrigation methods
increase irrigation water use efficiency from 40 to 90% over check basin irrigation or furrow irrigation.
Flood Irrigation: In this system of irrigation water is allowed in a field without having any field bund in
plot. Generally, 5 to 10 cm of water is applied in this method in one irrigation. But in this irrigation
method more losses of water takes place in the field due to deep percolation, runoff, evaporation and
over irrigation.
Border irrigation: In this method the plot is divided into different segment usually long, uniformly
graded strips of land, separated by earth bunds. In Contrast to basin irrigation these bunds are not to
contain the water for ponding but to guide it as it flows down the field. Border slopes should be
uniform, with a minimum slope of 0.05% to provide adequate drainage and a maximum slope of 2% to
limit problems of soil erosion. Deep homogenous loam or clay soils with medium infiltration rates are
preferred. Heavy, clay soils can be difficult to irrigate with border irrigation because of the time needed
to infiltrate sufficient water into the soil. Basin irrigation is preferable in such circumstances. The
dimensions and shape of borders are influenced in much the same way as basins and furrows by the soil
type, stream size, slope, irrigation depth and other factors such as farming practices and field or farm
size. Close growing crops are preferred such as wheat, barley etc.
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Check basin irrigation: This is another important method of surface irrigation. In this irrigation system,
water is applied to a completely level or dead-level area enclosed by dikes or borders. This requires
perfectly level field which becomes a limitation in many cases at field level. This method of irrigation is
used successfully for both field and row crops. The check basin irrigation may be classified as
rectangular, contour and ring type. Thus, the basins need not be rectangular or straight sided, and the
border dikes may or may not be permanent. The floor of the basin may be kept flat, ridged or shaped
into beds, depending on crop and cultural practices. These different names are based on its
characteristics and shape. Furrow irrigation: This system is used in vegetables. It has advantage that
water is not applied on the whole field rather water is applied in furrows. This saves water at the same
time; plant is not in direct contact with water as some plant like that of vegetables are very sensitive to
ponded water. Furrows are sloping channels formed in the soil. Infiltration occurs laterally and vertically
through the wetted perimeter of the furrow. The plant gets water in its root zone; however, plant is not
in direct touch with water. Irrigation furrows may be classified into two general types based on their
They are:
(a) Straight furrows
(b) Contour furrows
Micro irrigation methods are precision irrigation methods of irrigation with very high irrigation water
efficiency. In many parts of the country there is decline of irrigation water and conventional methods
are having low water use efficiency. To surmount the problem, micro irrigation methods has recently
been introduced in Indian agriculture. These methods save a substantial amount of water and helps
increasing crop productivity particularly valuable cash crops like vegetables. The research results have
confirmed a substantial saving of water ranging between 40 to 80% and there are reports of two times
yield increase for different crops by using micro irrigation. The other important thing is that this
irrigation technique can be easily handled by women due to involvement of less drudgery involved.
Sprinkler irrigation: Water is delivered through a pressurized pipe network to sprinklers nozzles or jets
which spray the water into the air. To fall to the soil in an artificial ‘rain’. The basic components of any
sprinkler systems are: a water source, a pump to pressurize the water, a pipe network to distribute the
water throughout the field, sprinklers to spray the water over the ground and valves to control the flow
of water. The sprinklers when properly spaced give a relatively uniform application of water over the
irrigated area. Sprinkler systems are usually there are some exceptions) designed to apply water at a
lower rate than the infiltration capacity of soil.
Drip irrigation: This is also known as trickle irrigation or micro irrigation is an irrigation method which
minimizes the use of water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either
onto the soil surface or directly onto the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and
emitters. It is becoming popular for row crop irrigation. This system is used in place of water scarcity as
it minimizes conventional losses such as deep percolation, evaporation and run-off or recycled water is
used for irrigation. Small diameter plastic pipes fitted with emitters or drippers at selected spacing to
deliver the required quantity of water are used. Drip irrigation may also use devices called micro-spray
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
heads, which spray water in a small area, instead of dripping emitters. These are generally used on tree
and vine crops with wider root zones.
Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) uses permanently or temporarily buried dripper line or drip tape located
at or Drip irrigation is the slow, frequent application of water to the soil though emitters placed along a
water delivery line. The term drip irrigation is general, and includes several more specific methods. Drip
irrigation applies the water through small emitters to the soil surface, usually at or near the plant to be
irrigated. Subsurface irrigation is the application of water below the soil surface. Emitter discharge rates
for drip and subsurface irrigation are generally less than 12 litres per hour. Bubbler irrigation is the
application of a small stream of water to the soil surface. The applicator discharge rate (up to 250 litres
per hour) exceeds the soil's infiltration rate, sb the water ponds on the soil surface. A small basin is used
to control the distribution of water. Micro-spray irrigation applies water to the soil surface by a small
spray or mist. Discharge rates are usually less than 120 litres per hour.
LEWA (Low Energy Water Application) Irrigation: In check basin and furrow irrigations a lot of water is
wasted and uniformity of water applied in the fields are as low as 40%. To combat these short comings,
drip and sprinkler irrigation system were invented. But in these two methods of irrigation a high
operating pressure and large investments limits the use in an area where lower per capita farm holding
and poor farmers of eastern India. To solve the above problems LEWA was invented by ICAR RCER,
Patna. The LEWA system requires low operation pressure of 0.4 to 0.8 Kg/cm2. It has larger discharge
rate and therefore can be used in water loving and close growing crops like rice and wheat. Although
surface uniformity coefficient is less than sprinkler system but subsurface uniformity coefficient is
LEWA device is manufactured in the PIS lab of WALMI Farm, ICAR RCER Patna. Holes in the LEWA device
are drilled through electric drill machine. Then the testing of the LEWA device is done in the indoor lab.
And finally LEWA irrigation system is installed in the field for different crops and vegetables. The LEWA
irrigation system costs for 1000 m2 of land is approximately Rs. 15000 which is used in the bigger field
on a shifting basis.
(a) (b)
Demonstration of LEWA irrigation system in (a) leafy vegetable in Vaishali District (b) rice field of Buxar
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Solar Energy Application in Integrated Farming System
Dr. Atiqur Rahman
Principal Scientist
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
Farmers of India generally practice subsistence farming where they need to produce a
continuous, reliable and balanced supply of foods, as well as cash for basic needs and recurrent farm
expenditure. Integrated farming system (IFS) represents integration (a judicious mix) of various
agricultural enterprises such as cropping systems, horticulture, animal husbandry, fishery, agro-forestry,
apiary etc., a judicious mix of agricultural enterprises for optimal utilization of farm resources besides
water. Integrated farming, a judicious mix of cropping systems suited to given agro-climatic conditions
and socio-economic status of the farmers, shall be able to generate additional employment and income
for the small and marginal farmers under both rain-fed and irrigated environment. In both, the rain-fed
or the irrigated environment, water is an indispensible ingredient for all the components of IFS. In
Integrated farming system groundwater is the main source of water. In India ground water mainly
exploited through shallow or deep wells. The dependence on ground water can be realised by the facts
that the number of shallow wells doubled roughly at every 3.7 years between 1951 and 1991, the total
crossing 18.5 million wells nationwide (Moench Marcus, 2003). Out of this, 9.62 million are dug wells,
8.35 million are shallow tube wells, and 5.30 million are deep tube wells. Out of these, 81 per cent of
dug wells are owned by individual farmers, 16.8 per cent by groups of farmers, and very few by others.
In shallow tube wells, 94.6 per cent are owned by individuals, 4 per cent by groups of farmers, and very
few by others. In deep tube wells too, 61.8 per cent are owned by individuals, 27.6 per cent by groups of
farmers, and about 10 per cent by the government/cooperatives/ panchayats (Ministry of Water
Resources, 2002). Thus, the ownership of tube wells and dug wells for irrigation has largely been with
individual farmers. Water from these wells is being drawn for irrigation or drinking purposes either by
the electric motor or by the diesel and kerosene operated pump sets.
In perspective of rural areas, India is a power deficit country, with associated power quality
problems. Despite several policy initiatives taken by the Government, the national grid rural electricity
supply has been lagging in terms of services as well as penetration. Only 31% of the rural households
have the access to electricity, which further suffers from frequent power cuts and high fluctuations in
voltage and frequency. State wise annual actual power supply position (2010-11) shows that there were
severe power shortage in the states like the Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar during
peak demand situation, particularly in rural areas. These states are largely been the part of Eastern
Region and well equipped with natural resources besides groundwater and climatic conditions. In this
region the concepts of IFS can be implemented as remedial measures of poverty and sufferings of rural
mass by improving farm productivity. But, the lack of assured irrigation supply due to acute shortage of
electricity in peak period and ever increasing diesel and kerosene prices, and environmental pollution,
farmers are unable to run their pump(s) for require hours to fulfil water requirement. Therefore, the
concepts of IFS cannot be implemented for its potential benefits if assured water supply is absent.
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Under these situations solar energy operated ground water pumping system could be
inappropriate decentralised systems for irrigation particularly in the regions endowed with abundant
solar radiations throughout the year. Though, this technology requires high initial investment cost but in
view of its payback time (four to five years) and being an environmental friendly technology, promotion
and installation of solar powered pumps on community or individual basis under government sponsored
schemes could be a prudent approach. To increase water use efficiency, farmers may use available
pressurised irrigation systems viz. drip or micro sprinklers with solar pumps to increase overall system
efficiency. India is located in the equatorial belt and hence receives abundant sunshine. Here, the
average solar insulation varies between 4-7 kWhm-2day-1 (Fig.1). India endowed with 250 and 300 days
of clear sunny days or 2200–3000 sunshine hours per year, depending upon location, gives the location
for year round reliable source of energy (Sharma et. al., 2012; Jaswal, 2009). Though, the solar radiation
map shows that although the highest annual global radiation is received in Rajasthan and northern
Gujarat, but other regions including the Eastern Region receive fairly large amounts of radiation (6.0-4.5
kWhm-2day-1) as compared to many parts of the world including Japan, Europe and the US where
development and deployment of solar technologies is maximum.
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Solar Photovoltaic ground water pumping system
Solar photovoltaic technologies are having great scope in ground water pumping for irrigation
and domestic uses. The advantages of solar photovoltaic technologies over conventional technologies
are lying in the fact that they are reliable, convenient, durable and environmental friendly. Its
maintenance is low and therefore sustainable even in isolated and remote areas. Compatible in almost
in all environments, responds instantaneously to the solar radiation. They are modular in nature and
therefore, of desired capacity can be designed by simple integration method. Expected life expectancy
of solar modules is more than 20 years. On account of life cycle (>20 years) photovoltaic is economically
viable and therefore favourable solution for much small/medium power applications, particularly in
ground water pumping. Solar photovoltaic technology is an appropriate and cost effective over longer
period of operation.
Under solar powered pumping there shall be control and reliability of water availability. This will
encourage the farmers to go for successful IFS models. The use of solar photovoltaic technology will
make the farmers independent of grid power and respite from ever increasing price of the diesel and
kerosene. To increase water use efficiency farmers may use available pressurized irrigation system viz.
drip or micro sprinklers. Drip irrigation saves a considerable amount of water compared to other
irrigation techniques. Unlike other irrigating processes, drip irrigation is amenable to a continuous
supply of water, so the pump can run incessantly through the entire growing season. Since, the crop
water requirement and the output of the pump are functions of the global radiation; the two systems go
hand-in-hand up to a certain point. Since different crops have different water requirements, and since
those water requirements fluctuate in the course of the growth cycle, the proper choice of crop
successions and combinations is of decisive importance to the degree of utilisation of solar pumping
systems. Uninterrupted crop rotation patterns or continuous cropping systems with high value added
crops (e.g., cash crops such as fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices) are especially suited to irrigation by a
solar photovoltaic system. Under various schemes central as well as states government are providing
subsidies in promotion and propagation off solar energy, therefore farmers can avail this subsidies in
installation of solar powered ground water pumping system.
Mainly, there are two types of solar pumps (dcsubmersible pumps and dc surface pumps) being
used for ground water pumping. If water source is a deep well then a submersible pump is required.
Submersible dc pumps can be used for water pumping that is up to 200 meter deep. Unlike submersible
dc pumps, surface pumps are already at ground level or just above the water surface. Surface dc pumps
have the limitation that it can pump water only from few meters of depth. Ac submersible pumps can
also be operated by solar photovoltaic system using a variable-frequency drive (VFD) which acts as ac/dc
converter and also controls the speed or frequency of the pump (Campbell and Sylvester, 1987).Ac
submersible pumps are less efficient than dc submersible pumps because some part of energy is used in
the VFD and maximum power point tracker. However, ac submersible pumps are cheaper and robust
than the dc submersible pumps. Apart from this repair and maintenance of ac pumps are easy compared
to dc pumps and can also be repaired locally. Again, AC submersible pumps are available of any
horsepower (hp) capacity and easily accessible in the market. While, the DC submersible pumps in the
market are available only of capacities, 0.5 to 2 horsepower. The number of watts, and therefore the
number of solar modules needed for a pump depends upon the capacity of the pump, and what for,
user is going to use it. For example, when using solar modules with submersible pump the number of
modules is required depends greatly upon the depth of the well. Deeper the well, the more power is
needed, and therefore, the more solar modules are needed.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
In solar photovoltaic water pumping system main components are the solar panels/ array;
power conditioning unit, and tracking mechanism.In ground water pumping generally two different
system configurations are employed. In first configuration solar photovoltaic generated electricity drives
a motor pump to lift ground water from well, which pumps water into an overhead tank. The tank
serves as an energy store and supplies the pressure needed for the pressurised irrigation system like
drip or mini sprinklers. The stored water can bridge the periods of low insulation and supplies the
pressure needed for the irrigation system. In the second configuration, water is directly injected into the
irrigation system and no storage system is employed. Experiences show that, the second configuration
reduces the initial capital outlay by as much as 30-40%. Uninterrupted crop rotation patterns or
continuous cropping systems in IFS with high value added crops (e.g., cash crops such as fruit,
vegetables, herbs and spices) are especially suited to irrigation. Another configuration (Fig.3) was
thought of in which the solar photovoltaic motor pump to lift ground water from well and pumped it
into a ground tank. This tank serves as water reservoir, can be used for aquaculture, fish farming or duck
farming in IFS. An additional surface pump may also be used to delivery water to irrigate crop either by
surface method or by using pressurized irrigation technologies. The benefit of this configuration is that
the water from the reservoir can be delivered to distant fields with higher discharge and pressure head.
With this configuration more crop area can be covered, as more water can be pump out under this
configuration and delivered to the field, as pumping water into overhead tank substantially increases
the suction head which reduces the discharge.
A solar water pumping unit has been established at experimental farm of ICAR Research
Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, and (Fig.1). In this configuration a crystalline silicon solar array of
3000Wpis used to operate a three phase 3Hp submersible pump using a VFD. The pump is put at 20m
below the ground. The water level of the site fluctuates between 5 to 15m; therefore, pump was put on
increased depth to test the efficiency of ground water pumping from a larger depth. The solar array was
fixed on manual tracking structures to capture maximum power. On a clear sunny day, on an average 1,
10,000 litters of ground water can be pumped out round the year. A storage tank of dimension
32’x16’x7.5’ and equivalent capacity of 110000litters was constructed to store. An additional of 2 HP dc
centrifugal pump with solar array of size1400W was also installed to deliver water from storage tank to
the nearby fields for crop irrigation either by surface methods of irrigation or using pressured irrigation
system of irrigation as discharge was found to be12, 000-15,000 l ph with delivery head of 1.2-1.5 kg cm-
in a 2.5 inch conduit on a clear sunny day round the year.
In India, majority of states receive insulation > 5.5 kWhm-2day-1. This provides favourable
prospects for the use of solar energy agriculture. The integration of solar powered water pumping
system with IFS will provide assured water for crop irrigation and allied purposes. This will increase the
role of women as more components could be included in IFS model where the women have to play
important roles. Since the solar water pumping system is a stand-alone system, environmentally benign
and easy to maintain, therefore even a woman can look after the system’s maintenance and operation.
As the cost of photovoltaic will become competitive, there will be increasing use in remote areas.
Campbell and J. Sylvester .1987...Solid-State AC Motor Controls. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. pp. 79–189. ISBN0-
Herdt and Wickham.1978. Exploring the Gap between Potential and Actual Rice Yields: The Philippine case’, in
Economic Consequences of the New Rice Technology, International Rice Research Institute, LosBanos,
Jaswal AK.2009. Sunshine duration climatology and trends in association with other climatic factors over India for
1970-2006.Mausam. 60:437-54.
Kopp, G. and. J. Lean. 2011. "A new, lower value of total solar irradiance: Evidence and climate significance".
Geophys. Res. Lett.: L01706. Bibcode 2011GeoRL. 3801706K. doi:10.1029/210GL045777.
Martin A. Green, Keith Emery, Yoshihiro Hishikawa and Wilhelm Warta, Solar cell efficiency table (version 34),
Prog. In Photovoltaic: Res. Appl. 2009; 17:320–326.
Ministry of Water Resources. 2002. Third Census of Minor Irrigation Schemes, 2000–01, Ministry of Water
Resources, Government of India, New Delhi, pp. 4, 13–15.
Moench, Marcus. 2003. ‘Groundwater and Food Security in India’, in Kamta Prasad (ed.), Water Resources and
Sustainable Development: Challenges of 21st Century, Shipra Publications, Delhi, pp. 148–67)
Ramachandra TV, BV Shruthi. 2007. Spatial mapping of renewable energy potential. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews. 11:1460-80.
Ramachandra TV, Jain R, G. Krishnadas.2011. Hotspots of solar potential in India. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews. 15:3178-86.
Sharma NK, Tiwari PK, YR Sood.2012. Solar energy in India: Strategies, policies, perspectives and future potential.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 16:933-41.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Women Friendly Agricultural Engineering Technologies for Reducing Drudgery
Er. P. K. Sundaram
ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
Women are the backbone of agricultural workforce and are a vital part of Indian economy. Over
the years, there is a gradual realization of the key role of women in agricultural development and their
contribution in the field of agriculture, food security, horticulture, dairy, nutrition and other allied
sectors. Women comprise the majority of agricultural laborers; women have been putting in labor not
only in terms of physical output but also in terms of quality and efficiency. However, they are not active
in decision making. While it is often argued that agricultural technologies are gender-neutral, it is
important to note that they are not resource-neutral, implying socioeconomic considerations in
technology generation and transfer. To be viable, technology has to be ecologically sound and socially
acceptable (Satyavathiet al, 2010). Most of tools/equipments are designed keeping in view of the male
workforce. However, the anthropometric data, muscular strength are different for man and women.
Hence the tools/equipments designed for men are not fully suitable for women. Keeping all these
parameter in mind some equipments are specifically been designed for women like two wheel hoe,
fertilizer spreader etc. But still a lot of work and research is required in this field.
Women have played and continue to play a vital role in every sphere of agricultural activity.
Operations that involve less physical labour and more drudgery, such as weeding, are left to women and
women under-take these tasks in addition to their primary function as housekeepers and home makers.
Women work harder and for longer hours than men. Most importantly, they also work on more tasks
than men. Therefore, for an economically viable and ecologically sustainable agriculture, the
involvement of women in the process of modernization of farming practices is a must.
In developed countries, agriculture is managed by a small number of men because it is
mechanized; except Japan, where mechanized operations are handled by women. In India, about 74 per
cent of the entire female workforce is engaged in agricultural operations, but the nature and extent of
women’s involvement in agricultural operations varies greatly from region to region. Further, male farm
workers are relatively free during off-season; however, farm women work during these periods too
(Satyavathiet al, 2010).
Women are still struggling for activity-specific tools and equipments. Whenever agriculture gets
mechanized, women are the first ones to be marginalised. However improved tools and equipment
serve same purpose for both genders.
•Reduce drudgery
•Increase inputs utilization efficiency
•Ensure timeliness in field operations and reduce turnaround time for next crop
•Increase productivity of man- machine system
•Conserve energy
•Improve quality of work and also quality of produce
•Enhance the quality of life of agricultural workers
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Ergonomics is the scientific study of the relationship between a person & his/her working
environment, which includes working environment, ambient conditions, tools & materials, methods of
work & organization. The performance of a tool/ equipment not only depends on the constructional
features but also on the workers operating it.
Important ergonomical data suitable for design of equipment and work methods are:
a. Anthropometric data: It includes data on various body dimensions of workers. Seventy nine
body dimensions useful for farm equipment design have been identified and data collected for
4500 women workers. The mean height and weight of Indian female agricultural workers are
151.5 cm and 46.3 kg as against 163.3 cm and 54.7 kg for male workers. The equipment needs
to be designed keeping in view the limiting dimensions of women workers in consideration. It
will help to make the equipment women friendly and safe for operation.
b. Muscular strength data: It is generally considered that a woman has about 2/3 strength as that
of a man. The mean values of push strength with both hands in standing posture were 224 N
and 143 N for male and female workers respectively.
c. Maximum aerobic capacity: The maximum aerobic capacity, also called as maximum oxygen
consumption rate sets the limit for maximum physical work capacity of a person. For women,
this value is generally 75% of that of men. As per the data available for Indian workers, this value
for women workers is about 1.5 litres/min.
d. Physiological cost of operation: Physiological cost of any operation is expressed in terms of
heart rate and oxygen consumption rate. For an 8 hour work period for women workers a work
load requiring oxygen at a rate of 0.6 l/min is considered as the maximum limit for acceptable
work load. The heart rate for such a work load will be about 110 to 120 beats/min.
e. Posture: A good working posture requires minimum static muscular effort. If a work can be
done in a standing posture instead of bending or squatting posture, it should be preferred for
long duration jobs. Also for long duration work, a sitting posture may be better than the
standing posture.
f. Load carrying capacity: Load to be carried by a woman worker should not exceed 15.0 kg (about
40% of body weight). The mode of load carrying should be such that the static loading of hands
and arms is avoided. For hilly terrains, the limit will be lower depending on slope and the
terrain. Women have different ergonomical characteristics and therefore, due attention needs
to be given to their capabilities and limitations while designing various equipment (Chandra and
Gite, 2012).
A number of small tools and equipments have been designed by ICAR institutes, Universities
and other agencies/industries. Some of them which can be easily used by women are depicted
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Sr Tools/ Remarks Photograps
No. equipments
a. Dibbler It is single row manually operated equipment
for dibbling bold or medium seeds in row or
gap filling into well prepared soil. It is suitable
for drilling wheat, field pea, and maize in
small plot.
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c. V blade hand V blade hoe is used for weeding of the
hoe vegetable crop planted in the rows and
earthing operation. It is a long handled
weeding tool for operation in between crop
rows. Consists of v blade, arms, ferrule and
wooden handle. The pulling actions cause
penetration of the blade into the soil and cut
or uproot the weeds. Because of v shape , the
blade creates small furrow between crop
rows and also earthing of the plants
d. Three tined It is for weeding, interculture and breaking of
hand hoe the soil crust in vegetable gardens, flower
(grubber) crops and nurseries It is a simple and light
weight, manually operated equipment for
weeding and interculture in upland row crops
in black soil. It consists of long handle, ferrule,
three tynes and sweep type blades. The
operator uses pull force to break the soil crust
and uproot the weeds.
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g. Cono weeder The cono weeder is used to remove weeds
etween the rows of paddy crop efficiently. It
is easy to operate, and does not sink in the
puddle. The weeder consists of two rotors,
float, frame and handle. The rotors are cone
frustum in shape, smooth and serrated strips
are welded on the surface along its length.
The rotors are mounted in tandem in
opposite orientation. The float controls
working depth and doesn’t allow rotor
assembly to sink in the puddle. It is operated
by pushing action.
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k. Hanging type It is a simple hanging grain cleaner. Around
Grain Cleaner 225 kg of grain can be cleaned per hour as
against the conventional cleaning of 25 kg per
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q. Dao It is a curved tip type manual cutting tool
used for different agricultural operations and
domestic purposes. It
is made from mild steel flat or old leaf spring
steel by forging operation. For cutting, the
cutting edges are struck against the material
to be cut by impact.
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operation. It consists of crop row divider star
wheel cutter bar (76.2 mm); conveyor belt
and wire spring etc. This reaper has two
forward and one reverse speed.
a. Training: This is more relevant when the technology involves tools and equipments where
training in operation, repair and maintenance is a must. If urban women can operate machines,
there is no reason why rural women should not be encouraged to operate agricultural
equipment. It only requires infrastructure and facilities for training them in rural surroundings
within their reach. This may be accomplished either by training them in their own environments
or by bringing them to the training centres located in their close proximity. Imparting skills to
women workers for proper use of the improved agricultural tools/equipment is very important.
b. Extension Services: The major constraints in taking the technologies to farm women include
Illiteracy among farm women, social customs and taboos, shortage of women extension
workers, insufficient funds for extension programmes for women, lack of infrastructural
facilities for women extension programmes and lack of coordinated and concentrated efforts.
c. Availability of Improved Tools in Rural Areas: The state agricultural departments and State
Agro Industrial Development Corporation(s) may have to take lead role because the agricultural
machinery is under the control of state governments. The supply of improved tools and
equipment need to be ensured at block level so that assured availability is ensured to the farm
women as per their requirement.
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Satyavathi, C.T., Bharadwaj, C. and Brahmanandl, P.S. (2010) Role of Farm Women in Agriculture- Lessons Learned.
Gender Technology and Development. 14(3) 441-449.
Chandra, P. and Gite, L.P. (2012) Technologies for Women in Agriculture-Experience and Achievements of CIAE.
Proceedings: First Global Conference onWomen in Agriculture.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Adoption of Modern Soil and Water Conservation Techniques
For Enhancing Productivity
Surajit Mondal
Scientist, Division of Land & Water Management
Soil is the most fundamental and basic resource. Although erroneously dubbed as “dirt” or
perceived as something of insignificant value, humans cannot survive without soil because it is the basis
of all terrestrial life. It underpins food security and environmental quality, both essential to human
existence. Essentiality of soil to human well-being is often not realized until the production of food
drops or is jeopardized when the soil is severely eroded or degraded to the level that it loses its inherent
resilience. Productive lands are finite and represent only <11% of earth’s land area but supply food to
more than six billion people increasing at the rate of 1.3% per year (Eswaran et al., 2001). Thus,
widespread degradation of the finite soil resources can severely jeopardize global food security and also
threaten quality of the environment. Conserving soil has many agronomic, environmental and economic
benefits. . Erosion control is a necessity in almost every country of the world under virtually every type
of land use and has the potential to sequester carbon as well as restoring degraded soils and improving
water quality. Water conservation is very essential for increasing water use efficiency in agriculture
which leads to sustainable agriculture and food security. The productivity of irrigated land is
approximately three times greater than that of rain fed land. Beyond that global fact, there are many
more reasons for highlighting the role of water control in agriculture. Investing in irrigation development
provides insurance against erratic rainfall and stabilizes agricultural output, boosting crop productivity
and allowing farmers to diversify. This translates into increased and less volatile farm incomes.
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Soil Conservation:
A. Agronomical measures:
Agronomical measures or practices are growing vegetation on mild sloppy land to cover them
and to control the erosion from there. Agronomical measures include contouring, strip cropping and
tillage practices to control the soil erosion. The use of these measures is entirely dependent upon the
soil types, land slope and rainfall characteristic. It plays second line of defense after mechanical or
engineering measures. It is more economical, long lasting and effective.
1. Contour cultivation:
It refers to all the tillage practices, mechanical treatments like planting, tillage and intercultural,
performed nearly on the contour of the area applied across the land slope. In low rainfall regions the
primary purpose of contour cultivation is to conserve the rain water into soil as much as possible. In
humid regions its basic purpose is to reduce the soil erosion or soil loss by retarding the overland flow.
In this system, the furrows between the ridges made on the contours hold the runoff water and stored
them into the soil. Thus they reduce the runoff and soil erosion
2. Strip Cropping:
It is also a kind of agronomical practice, in which ordinary crops are planted or grown in form of
relatively narrow strips across the land slope. These strips are so arranged, that the strips crops should
always be separated by strips of close-growing and erosion resistance crops. Strip cropping check the
surface runoff and forces them to infiltrate in to the soil, which facilitates to the concentration of rain
water. It is more effective than contouring (about twice effective as contouring) but it does not effect on
soil erosion.
Strip cropping controls erosion by
• Reducing the runoff flowing through the close growing sod strips.
• Increasing the infiltration rate of soil under cover condition.
Types of strip cropping:
a) Contour strip cropping.
b) Field strip cropping.
c) Buffer strip cropping.
d) Wind strip cropping.
3. Tillage practices:
It is defined as mechanical manipulation of soil to provide a favorable environment for good
germination of seed and crop growth, to control the weeds, to maintain infiltration capacity and soil
aeration. Tillage practice protects and maintains a strong soil structure to fight against erosion.
Types of tillage practices
a. Mulch tillage: application of many plant residues or other material to cover top soil surface.
Mulching material: Cut grasses, straw material, wood chips. Saw dusts, paper and sand stones, glass
wools, metal foils and stone plastic.
Types of Mulch: Natural, synthetic, petroleum, conventional, Inorganic, organic.
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b. Vertical Mulching: Insertion of stuffed plant residue vertically into subsoiler marks to keep the slot
c. Minimum Tillage: Preparation of seedbed with minimum disturbance of soil.
d. Conventional tillage: Ploughing, secondary cultivation with harrowing and planting.
e. Listing: Used for controlling soil erosion.
i. Hard ground listing.
ii. Loose ground listing.
4. Soil management practices:
Various soil and land management practices are –
a) Those practice which helps to maintain the water infiltration rate at high level to reduce runoff
to a negligible amount.
b) Practices which helps in safe disposal of runoff from field.
The cultural practices which are helpful for creation of high infiltration rate are essential based on
farming techniques, tillage or minimum tillage and use of cover crops. Whereas the safe disposal of
runoff from the field is carried out by physical manipulation of soil surface including land shaping,
leveling, construction of ridges, bunds and water ways.
5. Supporting Practices:
It involves application of fertilizers to soil either to make more fertile or to recover the fertility
loss during different physical action. Application of fertilizer plays sometimes a significant role to
develop abundance vegetative growth e.g. grass waterways and terrace outlet are generally established
on low fertile sub soil.
6. Vetiver Grass Planting:
It is most effective vegetative material for soil and water conservation, land rehabilitation and
embankment stabilization. Vegetative hedge formed with thick growth of vetiver grass, forms a
protective barrier across slope which slows down sheet erosion and deposit the slit behind hedges.
B. Engineering Practices:
It is used to control the soil erosion in highly sloped areas
1. Terracing:
“A terrace is an embankment or ridge of earth constructed across a slope to control runoff and minimize
soil erosion”. A terrace reduces sheet and rill erosion and prevents formation of gullies by reducing the
length of the hill side slope. Terraces are usually built in a series parallel to one another, with each
terrace collecting excess water from the area above. Terraces can be designed to channel excess water
into grass waterways or direct it underground to drainage tile and a stable outlet.
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Bench terracing consists of transforming relatively steep land into a series of nearly level strips or
steps running across the slope. Bench terracing is adopted only on slopes steeper than 15% and
where soil conditions are favorable. The use of bench traces retards erosion losses and makes
cropping operations on these slopes possible and safe.
Bench terrace may be of four types depending on the slope of the terrace.
1. Table top bench terrace: Table top bench terrace are suitable for areas receiving medium rainfall
which is evenly distributed and which have highly permeable and deep soils. In paddy fields it may
be used for slopes as mild as 1% and used where irrigation facilities are available.
2. Sloping inwards bench terrace: In heavy rainfall areas, bench terraces of sloping inwards type are
more effective. It prevents ponding of water and useful for crops susceptible to water logging.
3. Sloping outwards bench terrace: Bench terraces sloping outwards are effective only in low rainfall
areas with a permeable soil of medium depth. At lower ends graded channels are provided for safe
disposal of runoff.
4. Puertorican Type: In this type of terrace, the soil is excavated little during every ploughing and
gradually developing bench by pushing the soil downhill against a mechanical of vegetative barrier.
Mechanical or vegetative barrier is established across the land at suitable interval and the terrace is
developed gradually over the years, by pushing soil downhill and subsequent natural leveling.
Broad based terraces are sometimes referred to as magnum terraces after the inventor, Priestly
Magnum, who introduced B.B. terrace by widening narrow ridge. A broad base terrace has a ridge of 25
to 50 cm high and 5 to 9 m wide with gently sloping sides and a channel along the upper side
constructed to control erosion by diverting runoff at a non-erosive velocity.
It may be level or have a grade towards one or both ends. Based on grade; it is divided or classified as:
i. Graded Terrace: A graded terrace has a constant or variable grade along its length and used to
convey excess runoff at safe velocity into a vegetated waterway or channel.
ii. Level Terrace: A level terrace follows the contour line in control to a graded terrace and
recommended in areas having permeable soil.
2. Bunds
Bunds are the most common soil conservation measures adopted by people in most of the
cultivated lands. Bunds are ridges or embankments or long and narrow projections constricted on the
surface on the land at selected places and in selected directions. The bunds may be of different sizes and
heights and constructed for various purposes. The earthen dam is also a bund; but is constructed to stop
and store large amount of water coming down through a river: for example Hirakud darn. Bunds have a
top width and a bottom width. Sometimes the top may be made round instead of flat. The top width will
always be less or at the most equal to one-third width of the bottom width. For the same height and
width (top and bottom) the bund can be of any length in any direction.
Bunds are usually made on lands less than 8 % slope. Between two bunds is the space of land either
terraced or left unterraced and used for cultivation.
Types of bunds:
Depending on the purpose the bunds are classified as contour bunds, graded bunds, side bunds, lateral
bunds, marginal bunds and shoulder bunds.
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a) Contour bonds
When bunds are constructed across the slope in a contour line they are called contour bunds. They are
constructed to reduce the length of the slope by dividing slope into different sections and to impound
the running water at different sections to increase percolation. They are normally constructed on lands
with 1-6 per cent slope. But bunds may be constructed up to eight per cent slope.
b) Graded bunds
When the contour bunds are made with slight deviation from the contour line towards one direction to
drain out the surplus water that may occur during the rain, they are called graded bunds. For a casual
observer the graded bunds look like contour bunds. Graded bunds are made on land with slope between
2-8 percent.
c) Side bunds
Side bunds are the bunds that are constructed at the extreme ends of the contour bunds along the line
of slope. But in the case of graded bunds the side bund is constructed as part of the drainage channel on
the side towards which the water is drained. But side bunds are constructed on both sides of the
contour and graded bunds.
d) Lateral bunds
Bunds constructed along the slope between two side bunds in order to prevent concentration of water
along one side and to break the length of the contour bund into convenient bits are called lateral bunds.
Usually the lateral bunds are constructed when the contour or graded bunds are more than 300 m long.
Like the side bunds the lateral bunds also should be accompanied by drainage channel to drain out the
excess of rain water.
Water Conservation
1. Broad Bed and Furrow System:
The Broad Bed and Furrow system has been mainly developed at the International Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in India (Krantz 1981, Pathak et al. 1985). The recommended
ICRISAT system consists of broad beds about 100 cm wide separated by sunken furrows about 50 cm
wide. The preferred slope along the furrow is between 0.4 and 0.8 percent on vertisols. Two, three, or
four rows of crop can be grown on the broad bed, and the bed width and crop geometry can be varied
to suit the cultivation and planting equipment.
The BBF system is particularly suitable for the vertisols. The technique works best on deep black
soils in areas with dependable rainfall averaging 750 mm or more. It has not been as productive in areas
of less dependable rainfall, or on alfisols or shallower black soils - although in the latter cases more
productivity is achieved than with traditional farming methods.
This method is also known as furrow blocking, furrow damming, furrow diking, and basin listing. The
principle is to increase surface storage by first making ridges and furrows, then damming the furrows
with small mounds, or ties. Graded ridges alone will usually lead to an increase of surface run-off
compared with flat planting, while tied ridges will decrease the run-off and increase the storage. In
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different seasons either of these two effects may be prefer able and so the design question is when to
go for drainage and when for storage. An interesting possibility is to use tied ridging in connection with
sprinkler irrigation to allow higher application rates at low pressure. Tied ridging is usually associated
with mechanized farming. Either ridging alone or tied ridging has occasionally been practiced using hand
labour, but the high labour requirement usually makes this unpopular with subsistence farmers. Anyway
hand-made ridges are usually less efficient. They are more likely to depart from a true contour and to
have variations in the height of the ridge, both of which will increase the risk of overtopping.
Conservation bench terrace is also known as Zingg terrace, and flat channel terrace. This is another
type of rainfall multiplier, using part of the land surface as a catchment to provide additional run-off
onto level terraces on which crops are grown. The method is particularly appropriate for large- scale
mechanized farming.
The features required for CBTs are:
• Gentle slopes of 0.5 - 1.5 percent are most suitable as a steeper slope requires more earth
• A deep soil is required, both to provide sufficient soil moisture storage, and also to lessen the
effect of cutting during the construction of the terraces.
• Smooth slopes are an advantage where large mechanized farming can be made more
convenient by constructing all the terraces parallel and of equal width.
• Precise leveling off the bench terrace is important to ensure uniform buildup of soil moisture.
• If there is a risk that run-off from the catchment area will be greater than can be absorbed and
stored on the terrace, there must be outlets at the ends of the terrace, which can discharge into
grass waterways or other safe disposals.
• The ratio of catchment to terrace may be from 0:1 (in which case the whole land surface is
converted to level bench terraces) but typical values are 1:1 or 2:1. In general, the lower the
mean annual rainfall the larger will be the required catchment area to provide sufficient
moisture for the crop.
These are variations on the theme of surface manipulation which require less soil movement than
conservation bench terracing, and are more likely to be used by small farmers, or in lower rainfall areas.
The cropping is usually intermittent on strips or in rows, with the catchment area left fallow. The
principle is the same as Conservation bench terraces i.e. to collect run-off from the catchment to
improve soil moisture on the cropped area.
On heavier soils, contour bunds may be less effective because of the lower infiltration. Studies on
vertisols in India showed that yields were lower near the bunds, both upslope and down, as a result of
water logging (ICRISAT 1976). If the contour furrows are not laid out precisely on the contour, or are
built with some irregularities, there may be a danger of uneven depths of ponding behind the bank.
A disadvantage of contour bunds at intervals down the slope is that the crop tends to be uneven,
reflecting the soil moisture profile, and only a small part of the field is cropped. But the point is that it
enables some crop to be grown where otherwise the rainfall would be inadequate for any cropping.
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Management of Wind Erosion
The reduction in wind erosion rates in the USA since the “Dust Bowl” shows that refined
understanding of soil and wind dynamics, prudent soil management, and use of conservation practices
could reverse the severity of wind erosion. In the rest of the world, wind erosion rates have, however,
increased or remained the same, which warrants increased research on site-specific conservation
practices. Adoption of appropriate farming practices can offset wind erosion. Intensive tillage, summer
fallow, and residue burning are practices that increase wind erosion. Vegetative barriers, strip cropping,
continuous cropping, crop rotations, no-till, minimum tillage, management of crop residues, cover crops,
green manures, animal manure, and forages are recommended practices. Practices that stabilize soil
aggregates and roughen the soil surface also control wind erosion. Wind erosion prevails in large and
flat fields with smooth, bare, loose, dry and non-aggregated soils.
Some of the strategies to control wind erosion include:
1. Maintain a vegetative cover (e.g., cover crops, residues)
2. Reduce cultivation during fallow
3. Establish windbreaks (trees and shrubs)
4. Reduce intensive grazing
5. Minimize or eliminate tillage
6. Reduce tillage speed and do not bury residues
7. Implement strip cropping and mulch tillage
8. Apply soil stabilizers or conditioners &
9. Roughen the soil surface and reduce field length.
Women's contribution to secondary crops, such as legumes and vegetables, is even greater. Most of
these crops are grown in home gardens, tended almost exclusively by women. These gardens are often
remarkably productive and critically important to nutritional and economic well-being. A study in
eastern Nigeria, for example, found that home gardens occupying only 2 percent of a household's
farmland accounted for half the farm's total production. Similarly, home gardens in Indonesia are
estimated to provide more than 20 percent of household income and 40 percent of domestic food
Women are heavily engaged in the livestock sector. In particular women often have a prominent
role in managing poultry and dairy animals. In some countries small-scale pig production is also
dominated by women. The role of women in meeting the rising demand for livestock products may
diminish as the sector becomes more commercialized because women often find it more difficult to
start their own business and tend to lose control over profitable activities.
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Available data shows that about 12 percent of fishers and fish farmers in the primary sector are
women. In two major producing countries, China and India, women represented a share of 21 percent
and 24 percent, respectively, of all fishers and fish farmers. Women play a particularly significant part in
all regions in the processing and marketing stages (FAO).
Soil and water conservation is an essential component for sustainable agriculture and it will play
a significant role in future food security. The adoption of different conservation measures in India is very
little and limited mostly to hilly region. But for maintaining productivity, soil water conservation is very
essential in every piece of land. Monsoon in India is very uncertain and its distribution is erratic. Water
conservation by different means and its use in agriculture can reduce the negative effect of erratic
monsoon. In many developing countries, agriculture is underperforming, and one of the key reasons is
that women do not have equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to be more
Eswaran H, Lal R, Reich P.F. (2001). Land degradation: an overview. In: Bridges EM, Hannam ID, Oldeman
LR et al. (Eds) Responses to land degradation. Proc. 2nd. International Conference on land degradation
and desertification, Khon Kaen, Thailand. Oxford, New Delhi.
Krantz B.A. (1981). Water conservation, management, and utilization in semi-arid lands. In: Advances in
Food Producing Systems for Arid and Semi-arid Lands, Part A, pp 339-378. University of California, Davis.
Pathak.P., Miranda S.M. and El-Swaify S.A. (1985). Improved rain fed farming for semi-arid tropics -
implications f or soil and water conservation. In: Soil Erosion and Conservation, pp 338-354. E1-Swaify,
Moldenhauer and Lo (Eds). S. Cons. Soc. Am.
ICRISAT (1976). Farming Systems Annual Reports 1975-1984. ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India.
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Information and Communication Technologies for women empowerment
Dr. M.S. Meena
Senior Scientist, Agricultural Extension
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar
[email protected]
Information and communication have always mattered in agriculture. Information and
communication technologies (ICTs) play an important role in world’s societies. ICT is an umbrella term
that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones,
computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various
services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning. It is
the study of the technology used to handle information and aid communication. ICTs allow users to
participate in a rapidly changing world and have the potential to help disadvantaged groups, increase
their participation in the civic, social, political, and economic processes critical to achieving change.
However, women–particularly women in developing countries–don’t benefit from these new
technologies, a reflection of the existing unequal power relations in societies as a whole. ICTs can be
used to either exacerbate or transform unequal power relations. ICTs cannot create gender equality, or
end poverty, but they can be tools for social action and positive social change.
Five main trends have been the key drivers of the use of ICT in agriculture, particularly for poor
These drivers are expected to continue shaping the prospects for using ICT effectively in developing
country agriculture.
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ICT for Women in Indian Perspective
For centuries, women in India have been socially and economically handicapped. They have
been deprived of equal participation in the socioeconomic activities of the nation. A large group of
working women of India is in the rural and unorganized sectors. Socially, majorities of Indian women are
still tradition bound and are in a disadvantageous position. The Constitution of India recognizes equality
of the sexes and in fact provides for certain provisions under the Chapter on Fundamental Rights more
favourable to women but in actual practice they are observed more in breach than in compliance. In our
society the freedom of women to seek employment outside the family is a major issue. This freedom is
denied in many cultures and this attitude in itself is a serious violation of women’s liberty and gender
equality. The absence of this freedom militates against the economic empowerment of women, with
many other deleterious consequences.
Since globalization is opening up the Indian economy suddenly at a very high speed, during past
decades, advances in information technology have facilitated a global communications network that
transcends national boundaries and has an impact on public policy, private attitudes and behaviour,
especially of children and young adults. Everywhere the potential exists for the media to make a far
greater contribution to the advancement of women. More women are involved in careers in the
communications sector, but few have attained positions at the decision-making level or serve on
governing boards and bodies that influence media policy.
One of the ignored ICT issues in India is the “gender sensitization” that must be adopted while
formulating and implementing the ICT policies in India. It is commonly understood that men and women
understand and use computers and Internet differently. Thus, the policy decisions must make sufficient
provision for adopting itself with this aspect (Vijayanand and Ananda, 2003). The lack of gender
sensitivity in the media is evidenced by the failure to eliminate the gender based stereotyping that can
be found in public and private local, national and international media organizations. The continued
projection of negative and degrading images of women in media communications electronic, print,
visual and audio must be changed. Print and electronic media in most countries do not provide a
balanced picture of women’s diverse lives and contributions to society in a changing world.
We must understand that the training, use and adoption of ICT must be “gender neutral”. For a
gender-neutral technology we have to first place the women on an equal platform. They cannot be put
on an equal platform till they have equal capacity and opportunity to use ICT. They cannot also
effectively use ICT till their “feedbacks and concerns” are incorporated in the National Policies including
the Egovernance plans. The position is worst when it comes to women, that also rural woman. In our
society, whether they belong to the majority or the minority group, what is apparent is that there exists
a great disparity in the matter of economic resourcefulness between a man and a woman (Nath, 2001).
Our society is male dominated both economically and socially and women are assigned, invariably, a
dependant role, irrespective of the class of society to which she belongs. Thus, the national consensus
should concentrate on betterment of women by suitably empowering them. The plight of the women,
however, cannot be improved till they are duly represented in the “power structure” of the nation. In a
democratic country the voice of women can be heard only to the extent they are sharing the power
structure in the supreme governance of the country. Thus, ICT can play a major role in women
empowerment if they are provided employment opportunities at the village level after providing them
suitable training. We have to open more village kiosks so that greater women participation can be there.
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Women Empowerment: Success Case
“Networking Rural Women and Knowledge”, a UNESCO project in Nabanna, India, explores
innovative uses of databases, intranet portals and web based partnerships in the local language for the
benefit of poor women. The purpose of the project is building women’s local information networks by
providing simple facilities and training at five ICT centers in Baduria, Rudrapur, Taragunia, Arbelia and
Punda. Through this project a core group of 60 information agents aged 20-40 years have gained access
to and control of information and communication technology through using ICTs. Through the Nabanna
Network women share local indigenous information as well as information obtained at the information
group meetings or newsletter, e.g. women in Baduria have exchanged information on income
generating activities, specific education projects, microfinance and health. Therefore, young educated
women have obtained access to and control of ICTs where less educated and older women have
obtained access to information through the human network. Women in Baduria have enhanced their
agency through ICTs. UNESCO (2004) reports the following changes in women’s agency after gaining
access to information and communication through Nabanna: Women gained more respect in their local
communities as a result of ICT skills acquired at the centres–learning to use a computer and accruing
and distributing the information to local people. This resulted in greater respect both at family and
community level. Younger women felt they were able to approach the job market with greater
confidence than before. ICT skills help them to find jobs and increase their income. Women became
more creative after learning a programme like Paintbrush in Window XP. Women have achieved an
increase in income as well as enhancement of solidarity among women in the community. While
learning to use computers together at the ICT centres women often discuss their problems, creating a
sense of unity and developing leadership qualities. ICT increases women’s agency in the household,
community and the market. In the household, information obtained through ICT enables them to
negotiate and bargain with their family members. Thus women have enhanced their sisterhood and
experienced collective empowerment through the Nabanna network. This sisterhood in the community
empowers women as a group and allows them a greater voice in the community, hence increasing their
influence on local government for implementing projects to promote maternal health, girls’ education
and sanitation. However, although the Nabanna project has tried to include marginalized women in the
information network, illiterate and indigenous women still have difficulty accessing ICTs.
Women Empowerment
Knowledge Networking
Empowerment of women in the context of knowledge societies entails building up the abilities
and skills of women to gain insight into the issues affecting them and also building up their capacity to
voice their concerns. It entails developing the capacities of women to overcome social and institutional
barriers and strengthening their participation in the economic and political processes so as to produce
an overall improvement in their quality of life. Knowledge networking catalyses the process of women’s
empowerment by opening up avenues for women to freely articulate and share their experiences,
concerns and knowledge, creating the possibility of their further enrichment. By the use of ICT women
can broaden the scope of their activities and address issues previously beyond their capacity. There is a
growing body of evidence on the use of ICT to empower women all over the world.
The use of ICT helps to bridge the gap between people’s opportunities for self employment in
the informal economy and the high growth sectors of the world economy. In an informal sector, workers
can gain easy access to the Internet through telecenters and obtain information about markets or
administrative procedures, and to publicize their services to a wider clientele (Nath, 2000). Since India
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has been using ICT for development for more than two decades, there are many good practices for the
use of ICTs for women’s empowerment. India Shop, an Ecommerce website (2005) in Tamil Nadu, has
been designed to sell products made by rural women’s cooperatives and NGOs. The Dhan Foundation
(2004) and Swayam Krishi Sangam (2004) are using ICTs, such as handheld devices and smart cards, to
improve microfinance projects to empower poor women. The Self Employed Women’s Association
(SEWA) has started using telecommunications as a tool for capacity building among the rural population.
It has several ICT projects for women, including community learning centers, a school of Science and
Technology for self employed women, and the Theli phone project, which provides mobile phones to
women in the informal sector. The term ‘informal sector’ is used mainly with reference to developing
countries. The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines it as an unorganized sector in which
economic activities take place outside the framework of public and private sector establishments. Such
activities are characterized by small scale of operations, ease of entry, reliance on family labour and
local resources, labour intensive technology, low capital endowments a high degree of competition,
unregulated market, unskilled work force and acquisition of skills outside the formal education system.
In India this sector cuts across well-defined crafts or industry conglomerates like cottage and household
industries, khadi and village industries, handlooms, handicrafts, coir, sericulture, etc set up all over the
country in rural, semiurban and urban environments. Self help groups of rural women in Andhra Pradesh
have been so successful in marketing their products at home and abroad that the major multinational
corporations (MNCs) want to use their selling skills. It can be concluded that the women of Tamilnadu is
empowered through the help of information and communication technology. It has changed their
position from the past. Tamilnadu as a technologically advanced state in India is also doing a lot of
projects for the women in general and village and illiterate women in particular. It has also taken several
steps and implemented various plans and policies along with government of India to eradicate poverty
and bring the women into the Information Technology (IT) related industry. NGOs working in the field,
multinational agencies and other private agencies have also extended their help to promote IT among
the women. The development of IT has enabled the women section to participate in the daily affairs of
the state, which range from the household work to local governance.
In Uganda, with support from the Women of Uganda Network, rural women use a variety of
ICTs, for example, they combine a listening club for rural radio with mobile telephony. This has led to
better contacts with the outside world and greater opportunities to enhance their agricultural
production. In Mali, rural women of the Sikasso region combine video and photos to make digital
content, which has greatly improved the marketing of their products. In the rural fishing villages of
Benin, women fish processors from the NGO, AquaDeD, are using video, television and mobile phones to
learn new conservation techniques and to sell their produce to Togo and Nigeria.
In Ghana, the Kalang Centre found both the time and the space socially suitable to enable more
of the shea butter producers, mainly girls and women, to benefit from ICT training. Rural women,
novices in the field of ICTs, are now becoming fully aware of the power of these tools to dramatically
change socioeconomic relations, open new opportunities and expand their circle of knowledge and
opportunities. It will take a combination of advised policy choices, well oriented, private sector
investment decisions and convincing media campaigns before the majority of rural women can have
access to ICTs.
Access to Information
Access is the central issue necessary for women’s empowerment. Women have traditionally
been excluded from the external information sphere, both deliberately and because of factors working
to their disadvantage such as lack of freedom of movement or low levels of education. ICT opens up a
direct window for women to the outside world. Information flows to them without any distortion or
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censoring. This leads to broadening of perspectives, greater understanding of their current situation and
the causes of poverty and the initiation of interactive processes for information exchange. Access to ICTs
is crucial if they are to be a means for women’s economic empowerment. We need to work towards
universal access. It is important not only to establish physical facilities, such as communication networks
or computers, but to ensure that these facilities are utilized by their users to the greatest possible
extent. Women’s access to and use of ICT is constrained not only by technological infrastructure, but
also by socially constructed gender roles and relations. According to a United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report on “Gender Issues in the Information Society”, the
capability of women to effectively use information obtained through ICT is clearly dependent on many
social factors, including literacy and education, geographic location, mobility and social class. ICT can
deliver potentially useful information, such as market prices for women in small and microenterprises.
For example, use of cellular telephones illustrates how technology can be used to benefit women’s lives,
by saving traveling time between the market and suppliers, by allowing women to call for product prices
and by facilitating the constant juggling of paid and unpaid family activities. However, use of ICT will be
limited in impact wherever women have limited or no access to roads or transport, credit and other
development inputs.
ICTs require that users have some skills and one should not assume that providing the facilities
means that everyone in the community will immediately embrace the technology. Two important
aspects need to be mentioned. First, is that the technologies should be adapted to suit women rather
than that women should be asked to adapt to technology. And secondly, ICT training is of utmost
importance if women are to use the technology of their choice. Gaining the required skills further
empowers women to use ICT in order to increase their employment choices and contribute to
community development. Therefore, the provision of ICT facilities should be complemented with
additional services and training. In developing countries like India, more than 90% of women work in the
informal sector and also in rural areas. These women engage in economic activities such as handicrafts
and sewing or rolling cigarettes, weaving of baskets and fabrics, working in cities as vendors–working
without any contracts or benefits. These are the women who need and deserve poverty alleviation
programmes more than any other. IT will expose these women to telecommunication services, media
and broadcast services that will create markets for their products and services. The challenge will be to
reach these women and provide them with ICT tools that they feel can make a difference in their income
generation potential. For example, the well known Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in India
has done extensive work to assist women in the informal sector and has established an ICT programme
aiming to increase efficiency of rural micro enterprise activities.
Employment Generation
ICT has played an important role in changing the concept of work and workplace. New areas of
employment such as teleworking, i.e. working from a distance, are becoming feasible with new
technology (Mitter, 2000). The question needs to be asked whether women are getting more
opportunities. Undoubtedly, internationally outsourced jobs such as medical transcription and software
services have opened up tremendous work opportunities for women in developing countries like India,
China and the Philippines. With an expected 500 per cent increase in India’s ICT services and back office
work, involving jobs for four million people and accounting for seven percent of GDP by 2008, women’s
employment in this sector is expected to grow. ICT offers women flexibility in time and space and can be
of particular value to women who face social isolation in developing countries. As a result of the
technologies, a high proportion of jobs outsourced by big firms are going to women. They can,
therefore, work from outside the office–often from their own homes and at any time, thereby raising
their incomes to become more financially independent and empowered. There is considerable debate
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about which women benefit from the new form of work and about the implications of the type of work,
women do in this sector. Studies of call centers in Delhi and in the New Okhla Industrial Authority
(NOIDA) demonstrate lack of opportunities for development and promotion and a high degree of
burnout among women. Very few women are employed at the professional level of business process
outsourcing (BPO). Flexitiming is at a great cost to women themselves, given the fact that the division of
work at the household level remains the same. Due to the high premium placed on productivity, people
invest all their energies, time and emotional needs in their jobs, so that there is little to fall back on
when the workplace fails them.
Entrepreneurship Development
Gothoskar (2000), in an interview with women teleworkers in Mumbai, got responses ranging
from welcoming the freedom to fulfill family commitments to dislike of the lack of access to public and
social spaces and reinforcement of the role at home. Telecenters can solve these problems by
combining homework with social spaces and organization. One way to do this is to move to
Entrepreneurship on the internet. The Internet can offer great assistance to Entrepreneurship by
women. It offers databases, put together by women’s groups, from which women can find relevant
links, connections, resources and information and develop partnerships, not just for their services, but
also for financing, mentoring and business coaching. It can even mitigate the effect of lack of access to
capital. One of the most powerful applications of ICT in the domain of knowledge networking is
electronic commerce (E-commerce). E-commerce refers not just to selling of products and services
online but to the promotion of a new class of ICTsavvy women entrepreneurs in both rural and urban
areas. Ecommerce initiatives can link producers and traders directly to markets at national, regional and
even global levels, allowing them to restructure their economic activities and bypass middlemen and the
male dominated and exploitative market structure. Significantly a number of non-profit organizations
have diversified their services to provide support to this class of entrepreneurial women. PEOP Link is
one such organization, which has been helping women communities traditionally involved with
handicrafts to put their products online in the world market. In Gujarat, women producers use the Dairy
Information System Kiosk (DISK), which manages a database of all milk cattle and provides information
about veterinary services and other practical information about the dairy sector.
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It is important to view ICT as a tool to meet women’s development needs and accordingly all
forms of ICT should be considered to determine which are more appropriate in a particular setting and
for a particular programme. For example, women in the informal sector may decide that cellular phones
are all that they need to improve their business, but may become more interested in the use of internet
for business purposes once their businesses grow and they feel more comfortable with using technology
(Banerjee and Mitter, 1998).
Ways forward
Beginning of ICT has changed the global scenario and many unexplored areas are now open for
encashment. It is for us to utilize the benefits to the maximum possible extent. The best part about ICT is
that it is capable of various adjustments as per the requirements of the segment using the same. The
same can also be adjusted as per the needs and requirement of women. Hence it can be operated from
every home irrespective of its location. This means that even the traditional and orthodox families can
allow the women to participate and use ICT from their respective homes.
India there is an abundance of “women entrepreneurs” who are capable of making their mark at
the global level. However, the awareness and facilities are missing drastically. The national policies and
strategies have not yet considered this unexplored potential pool of intellectual inputs. With simple
training and awareness programmes we can make a big difference. Further, we can also encourage the
establishment of “Small and Medium Enterprises” (SMEs), Small Scale Industries (SSIs), etc. The need of
the hour is to show a positive will to achieve that much needed purpose. Access and costs being some of
the greatest barriers for ICT use, it is of the utmost importance to engage women and gender advocates
in the policymaking process and dialogue. It is important to engender ICT policy to ensure that women,
particularly rural and poor women, benefit from ICT.
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Hence the question of where and how they can gain access to ICT becomes important. This is an
area where intermediary organizations can help. They can ensure that email accounts, bulletin boards,
search engines, mailing lists, and other useful functions serve as communication, networking and
collaboration channels among women’s groups, and between women and the external sphere. In order
to facilitate access for women from other classes and sectors, these intermediary organizations need to
be strategically located in local institutions to which women have open and equal accesses, such as
health centers, women’s NGOs, women’s employment centres, libraries, women’s studies departments
and institutes, community centres etc.
The potential of ICT for women in developing countries is highly dependent upon their levels of
technical skill and education and is the principal requirement for accessing knowledge from the global
pool. Government and NGOs need to impart technical education on the use of ICT as a part of both
formal and informal education system and to initiate distance learning and vocational courses. It needs
to be realized that ICT by itself cannot answer all the problems facing women’s development, but it does
bring new information resources and can open new communication channels for marginalized
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Banerjee, N. and S. Mitter (1998). “Women Making a Meaningful Choice: Technology and the New Economic
Order”, Economic and Political Weekly, Dec 19, 33, 51, 3247–3256.
Census Report (2001). Government of India.
Facebook Users in the World (2011). Internet World Statistics.
Food Price Watch (2011). World Bank.
Gothoskar, S. (2000) “Teleworking and Gender”, Economic and Political Weekly, 35 (26): 2293–2298.
Global Mobile Connections to Surpass 6 Billion by Year-end (2011). Wireless Intelligence. Accessed September 15,
How to Feed the World 2050 (2009). UNFAO.
International Telecommunications Union’s World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database. International
Telecommunications Union. 2010.
Mitter, S. (2000). “Teleworking and Teletrade in India”, Economic and Political Weekly, 35 (26): 22412252.
Mehra, A. (2010). “Small Technologies Fuel Big Results in the Developing World”. The Huffington
Nath, Vikas (2000). ICT enabled knowledge societies for human development, Information Technology in
Developing countries, 10.
Nath, Vikas (2001). “Empowerment and Governance through Information and Communication Technologies:
Women’s Perspective”, Knownet Initiative.
Singh, K.M. and Meena, M.S. (2012). ICTs for Agricultural Development under Changing Climate, Narender
Publishing House, Delhi p-344.
TeleGeography (2011).
Vijayanand K and Ananda Sagar (2003). Information and Communication Technology: An Indian perspective.
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Women Empowerment through Gender Specific Government Schemes
Dr Abhay Kumar
Principal Scientist,
Gender differs from biological sex in important ways. Our biological sex is a given; we are born
either male or female. But the way in which we become masculine or feminine is a combination of these
basic biological building blocks and the interpretation of our biology by our culture. Every society has
different "scripts" for its members to follow as they lean to act out their feminine or masculine role,
much as every society has its own language. From the time that we are tiny babies until we reach old
age we learn about and practise the particular ways of being male and female that our society
prescribes for us. Gender is a set of roles which like costumes or masks in the theatre communicate to
other people that we are feminine or masculine. This set of particular behaviours, which embraces our
appearance, dress, attitudes, personalities, and work both within and outside the household, sexuality,
family commitments and so on--together make up our "gender roles".
We begin to learn our gender roles as soon as we are born. In one laboratory study of gender,
mothers were invited to play with other people's babies who were dressed either as girls or boys. Not
only did the perceived gender of the baby evoke different responses from the women, but the same
behaviour of a baby was treated differently, depending on how it was dressed. When the baby was
dressed as a boy, the women responded to the baby's initiatives with physical action and play. But when
the same baby appeared as a girl and did the same things, the women soothed and comforted it. In
other words, at only six months the children were already being responded to according to gender
Women Empowerment:
India is amongst the fastest growing countries in the world today, with a GDP growth rate of
more than 8 % during the XI plan period. This high level of growth can, however, be sustained only
when all sections of the society, specially women become equal partners in the development
process. It is well recognised that societies which discriminate by gender tend to experience less
rapid economic growth and poverty reduction than societies which treat men and women more
equally. Gender equality and empowerment would, thus, need to be a core development goal if the
growth planned in the XII plan has to be achieved.
Some deliberate policy steps are critical to achieve gender equality. Gender discrimination
cannot be automatically corrected in the course of development. The institutions of economics, politics
and the law must be considered in terms of how they relate to each other and how they play out
across the different arenas where gender discrimination occurs; and gender assessments have to be
undertaken continuously to reveal gaps and monitor progress towards gender equality. Empowerment
of women is essentially the vehicle of change to achieve gender equality that is meaningful and
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Empowerment of women is a socio-political ideal, encompassing notions of dignity and
equality, envisioned in relation to the wider framework of women's rights. It is a process of gaining
control over self, over resources and over existing societal perceptions and attitudes and would
be achieved only when an improvement in the ‘condition’ of women is accompanied by an
advancement in their ’position’ by enlarging the economic, social and political freedoms and choices
available to them. The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women (2001) views empowerment
as an enabling process that must lead to their economic as well as social transformation.
Government has sought to operationalize this approach through legislative and programmatic
interventions as well as by mainstreaming gender into the development planning process. Numerous
such initiatives were taken during the Eleventh Plan period. These initiatives need to be consolidated
and built on during the Twelfth Five Year Plan to enable women to challenge and change the contexts in
which they live. Focussed efforts through development programmes, both multisectoral as well as
targeted, along with governance reforms would be a pre-requisite. Women, especially the vulnerable
and marginalized, would need to be provided a level playing field to access social, economic and legal
entitlements as a right.
India has pledged itself to gender equality through several Articles of the Constitution. The
Constitution guarantees equality and equal protection in law for men and women (Article 14), prohibits
discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste and sex or place of birth (Article 15) and
discrimination at work place (Article 16). Article 15(3) empowers the State to adopt special measures for
women and children; Article 16 (4) empowers the State to make provisions/reservation in employment
for any backward class citizens who are not adequately represented in the services. It also provides for
special measures to achieve equality. Article 39(a) articulates the duty to provide adequate means of
livelihood equally for men and women. Article 39(d) mandates a policy providing equal pay for equal
work for both men and women. Article 39(e) mandates that the policy of the State should be geared to
protect the health of men, women and child workers. Article 39A directs the State to secure a legal
system promoting justice on the basis of equal opportunity and to provide free legal aid for securing
justice for its citizens. Article 41 ensures right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of
unemployment, old age and sickness, and in other cases of under -served needs. Article 42 provides for
just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief. Article 43 mandates that the state shall secure
to all workers a living wage, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life and full enjoyment of
leisure and social and cultural opportunities. Article 51A (e) casts a duty on the State to renounce
practices that are derogatory to the dignity and status of women. Article 51 (A) (k) casts an obligation on
the parent/guardian to provide opportunities for education to his child/ward between the age of 6-14.
Over the years and particularly in the XI Plan period, numerous initiatives have been undertaken
towards women’s agency and empowerment. Significant progress has been made over the last Plan
period in various development indicators. For example, Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) has come down
to 212 per 100,000 live births in 2009 from 301 in 2003, Infant Mortality Rates have reduced and are
now 47 per 1000 (2011), fertility rates have lowered, there is an increase in school enrolment rates and
the gender parity index at the primary level has improved. Institutional delivery has risen from 39
percent in 2006 to 78 percent in 20091, availability of HIV/AIDS treatment has been enhanced, gender
gaps in wage rates are narrowing and women’s participation in local governance has improved. With
respect to strategic shifts in policy, the XI plan recognized women as a heterogeneous category for
planned intervention, identifying diversity in castes, classes, communities, economic groups, geographic
and development zones. It affirmed that mapping and acknowledging the specific deprivations which
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arise from these multiple situations/ locations, can alone determine the success of planned
interventions. The groups of women include, but are not restricted to the Dalits, tribal’s, minorities,
women with disability, migrant, displaced and trafficked women, women in the unorganized workforce,
single women, especially widows, women subjected to exploitation, abuse and affected by violence,
women infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, women in prisons and women in disturbed areas.
However, despite the achievements in the Eleventh Plan Period, a lot remains to be done in
order to break the persisting vicious cycle of multiple deprivations faced by girls and women. Dedicated
as well as cross-sectoral policy measures and schemes are necessary to halt gender discrimination and
enable women to access their rights. The institutions of society, economics, politics and law have to be
analysed in terms of how they relate to each other and how they play out across different arenas where
gender discrimination occurs; and gender assessments have to be undertaken continuously to reveal
gaps and monitor progress towards gender equality. Gender equality and empowerment should thus be
a core development goal in order to achieve the growth planned in the XII plan in a sustainable and
inclusive manner.
The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women, 2001 views empowerment as
an enabling process that must lead to their economic as well as social transformation.
Government has sought to operationalize this approach through legislative and
programmatic interventions as well as by mainstreaming gender into the development
planning process. Numerous such initiatives were taken during the Eleventh Plan period.
These initiatives need to be consolidated and built on during the Twelfth Five Year Plan to enable
women to challenge and change the contexts in which they live.
Schemes for strengthening women’s agency and empowerment have evolved over successive
plan periods. These broadly aimed at fortifying women’s agency and economic empowerment;
providing social support to women in difficult circumstances and encouraging their social
empowerment and schemes for advocacy and capacity building on gender issues. The existing
schemes of the Ministry are proposed to be continued with increased reach and revamp wherever
required. Scheme wise details are given below:-
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Plan, 1, 60,560 beneficiaries were covered under the STEP scheme.
Based on the evaluation conducted in 2007, the scheme has been revised in 2009 to include
training in accordance with market demand, enhancement of beneficiary norms and establishment of
credit linkages with the RMK, NABARD, CAPART and other financial institutions. It is proposed to link the
STEP Scheme with vocational courses under National Skill Development Programme in order to increase
employability of the trained SHG members under STEP. This would be a gradual process and the same
would depend upon availability of vocational courses and facilities in the STEP project areas and the
sectors covered under STEP.
Based on an evaluation of the existing scheme and suggestions received from the
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Empowerment of Women, the scheme has been revised.
Under the revised scheme, apart from the provision of extending financial assistance for the
construction of hostel building on public land, new components of grants-in-aid for maintenance,
furnishing of hostel and cost of rent of the hostels running in rented buildings have also been
envisaged. Financial assistance can be availed by the State Government agencies including Women
Development Corporations, Women Finance Corporation etc., Urban Municipal Bodies, Panchayati Raj
Institutions, and Self Help Groups etc.
The Ministry is administering the IFAD assisted pilot project since December 2009 as a central
sector scheme namely Women’s Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme in Mid Gangetic Plains
‘Priyadarshini’ in 13 Blocks spread over 5 Districts in Uttar Pradesh and 2 Districts in Bihar. The
programme aims at holistic empowerment of vulnerable groups of women and adolescent girls in the
project area through formation of women’s Self Help Groups and promotion of improved livelihood
opportunities. Over 1, 00,000 households are to be covered under the project and 7,200 SHGs would
be formed during the project period ending 2016-17. The project has been rolled out in the field from
April, 2011.
The Ministry launched the Swayamsidha scheme in 650 blocks across the country in
2000-2001 as an integrated scheme for women’s empowerment through the formation of Self Help
Groups (SHGs). The programme was implemented through the State Governments. 69,803 SHGs
were formed against a target of 65000 with 10.02 lakh beneficiaries. 56% SHGs have availed of bank
loans and 85% are involved in income generating activities. The Swayamsidha programme proved to
be very successful in building the capacity of women SHGs and this forms the basis for the evolving
approach in the Twelfth Plan.
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Ujjawala-A comprehensive scheme for prevention of trafficking and rescue, rehabilitation and re-
integration of victims of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation
Swadhar–A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances was launched by the Department of
Women and Child Development in 2001-02. Under the Scheme, temporary accommodation,
maintenance and rehabilitative services are provided to women and girls rendered homeless due to
family discord, crime, violence, mental stress, social ostracism or those who are forced into sex work.
Another scheme with a similar objectives/target group namely Short Stay Home (SSH) is also being
implemented by Central Social Welfare Board.
To assess the performance of both the schemes - Swadhar and Short Stay Home, an evaluation
study was conducted by Centre for Market Research and Social Development, New Delhi in the year
2007. The evaluation report, while commenting positively on the effectiveness and positive impact of
the schemes, observed that the profile of inmates, admission procedure, components of the scheme
(counselling, vocational training, rehabilitation) and follow up procedure are almost similar in both
schemes. The evaluation study recommended merger of both the schemes for better functioning and
reduced administrative burden. The Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee also
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recommended the same. Therefore the two existing schemes i.e. Swadhar and Short Stay Home are
proposed to be merged into a new scheme “Swadhar Greh” with revised financial norms. The
proposed scheme is expected to cover all districts of the country.
Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) was set up in 1953 with the objective of promoting social
welfare activities and implementing welfare programmes for women, children and the differently abled
through voluntary organizations. It is a fully funded autonomous organisation of the Ministry. The fund
requirement for General Grants-in-aid to meet the establishment costs of the CSWB, 33 State Boards
and Field Office Establishments is proposed during the XII Plan period.
CSWB implements various schemes providing assistance to the needy, destitute and disadvantaged
women and children. CSWB’s financial assistance to various voluntary organisations is provided on the
recommendations from the State Boards. Following are the schemes of CSWB.
a) Integrated Scheme for Women’s Empowerment for North East Region (CSWB)
The Integrated Scheme for Women’s Empowerment for North East has been designed to
address the socio- economic needs of the region for empowerment of women and the development of
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view of its continuing relevance, the scheme is proposed to be continued in the XII Plan. The
scheme, which has 787 FCCs at present, is yet to cover all districts. The honorarium of the Counsellors
is also proposed to be reviewed.
Concluding observations:
Gender inequality has been an issue since time immemorial and programs/schemes are initiated
and implemented time to time for women empowerment. Status of women in our society is changing
slowly but on upright mode through these governments sponsored programs and schemes. More
concrete and focused efforts are required in this direction till women are empowered and provided
desired role and status in the society. However, it is important to understand that it is not the program
or the schemes or laws which will do the wonder, but it is the people’s mentality and willingness for
women empowerment. Finally concluding the chapter with famous quote of Roseanne Barr “The thing
women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.”
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Integrated Insect Pest Management for Enhancing farm Productivity:
A Gender Prospective
Dr. Mohd. Idris
Senoior Scientist
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was initially initiated to manage few invertebrate pests in
agricultural environment in fifties. In the present context, the significance of IPM increased manifold not
only to produce more and more food to feed ever growing population but also to save the environment
from indiscriminate use of hazardous chemicals applied in the agricultural crops to save them. IPM is
innovative pest management strategies that can be operated in diversified and complex agricultural
environment by amalgamation of as many elements to enhance the efficiency of the control success. It
is a technology for improving food production, resource management and sustainability. First of all, IPM
was initiated for managing rice pests then other crop like cotton and vegetables. The role of women in
IPM is very limited, though they are considered half of the humanity and a shaping force in society.
Nowadays, "Gender analysis" is recognised by many institutions as an important aspect for design,
implementation and evaluation of development projects. Gender analysis is the way of male and female
roles interact with research or project goals and outcomes. The focus of gender analysis is less on equity
for women and more on the effectiveness and efficiency of development activities. But recently, it has
been noticed that discrimination against women is being eliminated in the society. This consciousness
not only eliminates all forms of discriminations by the farmers themselves in the IPM community but will
prevent farm women from all forms of social, political, economical as well as cultural dehumanisation.
In this communication, author tried to explore and describe the current role of women in IPM. Since the
global problem is to produce safer food, reduction of chemicals in pest management and integration of
biological, eco-friendly and need based pest management strategies for sustainable agriculture and safe
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Components of IPM:
A. Cultural Methods:
Clean cultivation
Deep summer ploughing of solarisation
Crop rotation
Proper spacing
Balanced fertilizers
Need based irrigation
Trap crop
C. Biological Methods:
A. Bioagents:
B. Botanicals:
Gender based discrimination in the farmer's community is invisible phenomenon that cannot be
recognised easily because they have been accepted by farmers men and women and it has already
socialized for long time therefore is believed as natural. However, gender relation between male
farmers and female farmers basically is socially constructed. These relations are basically determined
relations that differentiate male and female farmer's situations and also structuring and influencing the
relation between male and female in agriculture such as division of labour and control over agriculture
resources. Most of the farm women are getting fewer wages than men in the Bihar. This type disparity is
prevalence in many part of the country. Besides gender discrimination, women are also facing social
problems like responsibilities at home that restrict their participation in training programmes. Secondly,
the dominant ethnic groups also restrict women's movement outside their home, their participation in
IPM programmes and other agricultural programmes organised by state departments. To attend such
training programmes, women need to get family support to do so. Whereas, men whether join the
programmes or not is more an individual decision. Unknowingly, many newer technologies including
IPM, favour male farmers and against female farmers as gender in the farmers community. Though,
several IPM training programmes and others are being organised to integrate women farmers have not
resulted effective change. Secondly, the technical programmes have limited contents may not interest
of women participants.
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Need of women participation in IPM:
The indigenous knowledge of pest management is often gendered. It has been observed that the
women labour and labour share increased during last 25 years in agriculture. Some field work like paddy
transplanting, weeding, harvesting etc. are domain of female workers. Women are doing wide range of
field tasks on family farms. Nowadays, women are no longer secondary worker in small scale and
marginal agriculture particular in Bihar state. Now, women are taking active part in pest management
activities and applying management strategies for managing pests in their field crops whereas a decade
ago, they did not doing such activities. Even women are handling pesticides very carefully and having
great exposure levels than men, even where they do not spray. Women are capable to take decision in
purchasing pesticides as per their budget. In present scenario, the organic farming is coming in big way.
In this system of farming women are playing major role in implementing the organic methodology.
Keeping view, women may be targeted for exposure to IPM.
Integration of gender in IPM is basically long-term and process oriented activity. Following points are
essential for integrating gender in development programme:
Integrating gender into development programme cannot induced from out side
Integrating gender into a programme requires process led by both men and women farmers
Integrating gender perspective in programme requires political will and leadership of the
Capacity building is essential for integration
Building of farmers women crisis centre managed by farmers
Gender has a major role to play in IPM because farm women worker's percentage is increasing
day by day. Particularly in Bihar where mostly men go out to earn livelihood and women are looking
after farm business. All activities related to farm like sowing, irrigation, weeding, application fertilizers
and pesticides etc. are carried out by women. Farm women have a high level of knowledge of pesticides
health impacts, perhaps due to their role as health caretakers in the household. But the limited
information on the role of women in IPM is available. The interviewed of farm women revealed some
constraints like social, cultural and house responsibilities restrict the participation in training
programmes whereas for men, it is his individual decision whether join or not. Secondly, ethnic groups
dominated society is also restrict the women's movement outside their home. Therefore, women need
family support to take part in training programmes.
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Another major constraint for women of developing countries like India is educational
attainment because generally all the newer agricultural technologies are knowledge intensive that
favours educated and skilled farm women. It is therefore imperative to attain education to understand
newer technologies like IPM. Whenever, we talk about 'farmer' means 'man' so all the programmes have
been impacted to male farmers then female farmers. Therefore, many agriculture programmes have
been in favour of male farmers as gender and against women farmers as gender in the farmer's
community including with IPM network. There is need a special programme that look after interest of
female farmers.
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Modern Conservation Techniques for Empowering Women: Problems and
Dr. A. R. Khan
Principal Scientist
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
Indian Agriculture has transformed from livelihood to commercial farming. Day-by- day the
farming scenario is fast changing. The task of keeping pace with population growth is strenuous and
challenging. Declining per capita land and water availability, reduced diversion of water for agriculture
to meet the food requirement of ever increasing population coupled with degrading water resources
are a serious challenge towards improving productivity and sustainability. The pressures on natural
resources are immense: soils are less able to sustain crops as a result of continuous and intensive
cropping and reduced organic matter levels. Tillage costs are rising, which accentuates the already
serious labor shortages during peak periods of land preparation and harvest. For these and other
reasons, the sustainability of these systems is in question. Improved tillage and crop establishment
practices, especially for rice, show real potential for sustainably improving the productivity and
profitability of rice-wheat systems. Efforts are being made to enhance production of rice and wheat up
to 8-10 tons per hectare annually through residue management. When burnt during land preparation,
the residues instantly generate as much as 13 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare, contaminating the air,
depriving soils of organic matter, and constraining supplies of fodder for livestock.
Conservation Agriculture (CA) removes the emphasis on tillage and addresses an enhanced
concept of the complete agricultural system; it involves major changes in many aspects of the farm
cropping operation. Conservation agriculture includes Resource conservation technologies (RCTs) but is
better defined as crop management that minimizes soil disturbance, maintains residue mulch on the
soil surface and uses rotations to control various biotic stresses. Appropriate RCTs encompass
innovative crop production systems that combine the objectives such as dramatic reductions in tillage
with an ultimate goal to achieve zero till or controlled till seeding for all crops in a cropping system if
feasible, rational retention of adequate levels of crop residues on the soil surface to arrest run-off and
control erosion; improve water infiltration and reduce evaporation; increase soil organic matter and
other biological activity to enhance land and water productivity on sustainable basis, identification of
suitable crop rotations in cropping system and crop diversification and intensification to boost food
security, incomes and overall livelihood security. RCTs are also defined as any technology that uses
natural resources more efficiently and saves input for food production. Globally, CA has emerged as a
way for sustainable intensive crop production system. About 120 m ha of land is cultivated world-wide
based on the concept of CA. However; the area under CA in Eastern region is very limited.
Eastern region of India has been focused for second Green Revolution so as to meet out the ever
increasing demand of food in the country. However, it is possible only through improving the soil health,
minimizing the impact of biotic stresses, increasing the water productivity, development of suitable
varieties and integrated approach of land use. Conservation agriculture, therefore, is need of the hour,
particularly in Eastern region.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Activities on Modern Conservation Techniques through Resource Conserving Technologies in Eastern
Indo-Gangetic Plains
The resource conservation technologies were assessed, refined, demonstrated, validated and
adopted on a large scale at farmers’ field in participatory mode in Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains (EIGP).
National Agricultural Research System (NARS) is at the forefront of this work and because it is done with
farmers in their fields, adoption is accelerated and up-scaled. Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR), Rice Wheat Consortium, CIMMYT and IRRI encouraged the State Agricultural Universities, State
Governments, NGOs, the private sector and extension agencies to test and adapt these approaches and
feature them in rural development strategies. The state governments were convinced for subsidy on
RCTs machines and service providers were trained.
The resource conserving technologies like zero till direct seeded rice (ZTDSR), direct sowing of
rice in puddled field through drum seeder, use of leaf colour chart (LCC) for N management, brown
manuring of Sesbania in rice, bed planted rice and wheat, double zero tillage in rice – wheat system,
surface seeding, residue management, bed planted maize, bed planted potato, ZT lentil/ gram, crop
diversification, inclusion of summer pulses after rice – wheat for crop intensification and laser aided land
levelling for increasing land and water productivity were, tested, evaluated, authenticated and up-
Zero Till (ZT) drill machine opens a narrow slit in fields and plants 11 rows of crop at 20-cm
distance in one pass. Eleven row zero-Till Drill takes forty five minutes for sowing in one acre area. On
average HP 35-45 tractors are used. Now seed metering is introduced for seeding of different crops. To
control the seed rate and fertilizer, machine is calibrated before sowing.
Direct dry seeding in rice has advantage of faster and easier planting, reduced labor
requirement and drudgery with earlier crop maturity by 10-15 days, better efficient water use and high
tolerance of water deficit, less methane emission and higher income due to less cost of production
(Balasubramanian and Hill, 2002). Various technologies were developed, evaluated and up scaled with
different combinations of component technologies like zero till direct seeded rice (ZTDSR) with uses of
herbicides, direct sowing of rice in puddled field through drum seeder. Performance of ZTDSR in south
and north of Bihar namely, Patna, Vaishali district is presented in Table 1.
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Excess N use (110 – 150 kg/ha) through urea is a common practice in rice – wheat system
against recommended dose of 80 – 100 kg/ha. LCC helped
farmers to measure the leaf color intensity, which is directly
related to leaf chlorophyll content and leaf nitrogen status. The
timings of nitrogen top dressing can be easily determined based
on soil N supply and crop demand. This si simple tool helped
farmers to reduce the excess use of nitrogen fertilizers. The use of
LCC and brown manuring through Sesbania could save the
nitrogen use through chemical fertilizer in rice crop, which
ultimately saved the resource of the farmers and there was increase in yield also. There was saving of
42 kg N/ha due to LCC and 36 kg N/ha due to Sesbania co-culture
culture (Table 2). More saving up to 60 kg was
found in irrigated canal area.
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Table 2. Resource Conservation for N management under RW system of south Bihar in alluvial soils
(mean of 5 years – 2004-2008)
germinated rice sowing in puddled field through dru
drum seeder
Table 3. Performance of drum seeder in canal & tube well command area of Bihar 2007
Weed management
Both grasses and sedges were dominating weeds in ric
e. It was found that there was 50 % less
weed infestation in ZTDSR as compared to Puddled Transplanted Rice (PTR). Probably it was due to
effective weed control by pre-emergence
emergence herbicides and later on continuous submergence of field by
canal water (Table 4).
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Table 4. Effects of DSR on weeds in Patna
Rice practice Dominating weed Weed dry weight Remarks
species at 25 DAS (g/m2)
ZTDSR Cyperus species, 73.6 Effective control of weeds by
Echinochloa species, pre-emergence herbicides
Puddled transplanted Wild rice, Kena Species, 156.3 and later on submergence in
Amrudi (broad leaf) ZTDSR.
Different experiments were conducted by RWC in Bihar for effective control of weeds in ZTDSR.
Use of chemical molecules (herbicides) is primarily used for weed management in direct seeded rice.
Light ploughing is also used for removing the weeds. Surface mulch also reduced the weeds if it is
retained in the field. The list of herbicides recommended for controlling weeds in direct seeded rice is
given in Table 5.
Situation of plants Name of the herbicide Time of application Amount of active Affected weeds
and field gradients per hectare
Before Sowing Glyphosate 4-8 days before sowing 1.0 kg / 500 litres of Perennial weeds like
water Cynodon dactylon & Cyperus
rotundus etc
Paraquat 1-2 days before sowing 500 g/500 litres of Annual weeds
Immediately after Pendimethalin (Stomp) Within 1-2 days of sowing 1.0 kg / 600 – 750 For all germinating weeds
sowing to control in moist field at evening litres of water
germination of time
weeds Pretilachlor with Safner Within 1-2 days after 500 g/600 litres of For all germinating weeds
(Sofit/ Erase – N) sowing (with wet soil water
moisture regimes for few
Weed emergence Almix (Chlorimuron + 20- 30 days after sowing 4.0 g/600 litres of water For broad leaves, sedges &
after 20-25 days of Metsulfuron) for some time for Cyperus
sowing spp.
Azim sulphuron 20- 30 days after sowing 30 g/600 litres of water weeds including Cyperus
spp. except grasses
For Sesbania 2,4 – D easter/ sodium 25 -30 days after sowing 500 – 750 g/ 600 litres Broad leave weeds including
salt of water Sesbania
Control of weed Pendimethalin (Stomp) Moist fields 500 – 600 g/ 600 - All germinating weeds
emergence after 20- 7000 litres of water
25 days of sowing
Economics of ZTDSR
There was a net saving of Rs. 6,800/ha in crop establishment due to zero till direct seeded rice
(ZTDSR) as against the conventional puddled transplanted (PT). A saving of Rs. 320/ha per irrigation was
also observed. Saving of 5-6 irrigations in drought year has saved around Rs. 6,240/ha (Table 6).
Table 6. Economics of DSR and puddled transplanted rice in south Bihar (2004)
S.N. Practice Cost (Rs/ha)
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1. Four irrigations for nursery raising (500m2) 00 800
2. Nursery uprooting 00 600
3. Field preparation (DSR & Puddled transplanted) 1600 3200
4. Irrigation cost in puddling
uddling (40 hrs) 00 1600
5. Puddling 00 1600
6. Transplanting (40 labour) 00 1200
7. Herbicide use 1400 00
8. Weeding @ Rs. 30/labor for half day 1200 2000
Total costs 4,200 11,000
Table 7. Effect of FIRB planting on yield and economics of wheat (average of 10 farmers fields)
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Treatment Yield (q/ha) Yield gain over Total gain through saving in tillage,
conventional irrigation and additional yield (Rs.
(q/ha) /ha)
North South North South North Bihar South Bihar
Bihar Bihar Bihar Bihar
FIRB planting with 38.5 26.4 11.0 8.4 8, 415 6,660
02 row
FIRB planting with 37.1 - 9.6 - 7,470 -
03 row
Conventional 27.5 18.0 - - - -
Source: Singh, S.S et al. (2006)
Weeds dry weight
(kg/ha) 30 DAS
Weeds dry weight
equal row was more than paired row. Maximum weed 150
(kg/ha) 90 DAS
Sowing methods
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As per studies, a significant (20-25%) amount of irrigation water is lost during its application at
the farm due to poor farm designing and unevenness of the fields. Fields that are not level, have uneven
crop stands, increased weed burden and uneven maturing of crops, poor input use efficiency. All these
factors lead to reduced yield and poor grain quality. Under such situations laser land leveling proved
beneficial in reducing cost and improving farm productivity, therefore laser land leveling is often quoted
as precursor technology for resource conserving technologies or gateway of RCTs. The major benefits
from Laser land leveling are;
(i) Reduces weed problems and improves weed control efficiency, (ii) improved efficiency of applied
fertilizer and herbicides, (iii) approximately 35-45 % saving in irrigation water, (iv) reduction in
salinity problems, (v) uniformed of crop maturity, (vi) improved crop establishment, (vii)
approximately 4-5 % increase in cultivable area, (viii) easy farm operation due uniform tilth, (viii)
increase crop yields by 10%.
The limitations of Laser Leveling are: High cost of the equipment/ laser instrument, need for
skilled operator to set/ adjust laser settings and operate the tractor and more efficient for regularly
sized and shaped field
Laser leveling reduces the unevenness of the field to about ±2 cm with a slope of 0 to 0.2 %,
resulting in better water application and distribution efficiency, improved water productivity, increased
fertilizer efficiency and reduced weed pressure. Savings of up to 50 percent in wheat and 68 percent in
rice have been reported (Jat et al., 2006). The use of laser leveler would help farmers to make better
use of furrow irrigated bed planting system based intercropping.
Crop residues can be recycled in soil by different methods, such as (i) in situ incorporation, (ii) in
situ burning, (iii) application as surface mulch, (iv) through compositing and (v) use for biogas
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Effects of Straw Burning & residue management
Burning of rice residues is a major source of air pollution in the region. Burning crop residues destroys
organic matter and results in large nutrient losses. On average, all of the C, 90% of the N, 60% of the S,
and 20–25% of the P and K in the rice straw are lost through burning.
On the other hand addition of crop residue on a long-term basis helps in improving physico-chemical
and biological properties of the soil and can be expected to prove beneficial in improving soil
productivity. It is only the wider C: N ratio of the material added that results in immobilization of
nutrients and in lower crop yields under incorporation treatments
Livelihood Improvement
Evaluation and acceleration of RCTs and alternate livelihoods support systems through new institutional
arrangement was found to improve various livelihoods indicators as described below:
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Problem faced by farmers
There are few problems in adopting RCTS (Table 8). Farmers are discouraged for bed planting because
of higher cost of the machines and availability of Sesbania seed was the problem. In the use of LCC, they
have to visit frequently to the field for taking observation and they are reluctant to adopt this practice.
ZT Wheat Bed planting Surface Direct Leaf colour Green/brown Potato maize
wheat seeded seeded chart (LCC manuring inter crop
wheat rice (ZT) based N (Sesbania co-
management) culture)
Presence of More time More pest More Frequent visits Seed availability Suitable to
moisture taking in land problem weed to field uplands only
preparation infestation
Timely non- High Cost of the Less yield Dependent - - Non-
availability machine on availability of
of machine weather bed planter
- - - Not - - -
suitable to
Service Providers
Different service providers were selected and trained at ICAR-RCER, Patna and were sent to
different organizations through traveling workshop for their exposure of resource conserving
technologies. Their activities have been continuously monitored and few third generation RCT machines
were also provided. For diffusion of project impact and up-scaling of technologies, activities were taken
with the help of service providers, SHG members, unemployed landless rural youths, marginal &
progressive farmers, share croppers and interest groups on different aspects of RCTs and maintaining
machines with component technology helped in up-scaling and diffusions of the technologies in the
project area and in adjoining neighbor hoods. The service providers are the best ambassador for up-
scaling resource conserving technologies in Eastern IGB.
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and farmers are compelled to burn it due to non-availability of turbo seeder for sowing with residue,
mind set of farmers for intensive tillage and small and fragmented land holdings.
Balasubramanian and Hill, J.E. (2002). Direct seeding of rice in Asia: emerging issues and strategic research needs
for the 21 Century. (In) Pandey, S. et al. Direct seeding: Research strategies and opportunities. (Ed.), IRRI,
publication. pp. 15-39
Beri, V., Meelu, O.P. and Khind, C.S. (1989). Tropical Agric. Trinidad. 66: 11-16.
Gupta, Raj K. and Gill, M. A (2003). New opportunities for saving on water; role of resource conservation
technologies. addressing resource conservation issues for Indo Gangetic Plains . Rice –Wheat Consortium (RWC)
IRRI, New Delhi Publication .pp 199-204.
Jat, M. L., Chandana, P., Gupta, Raj, Sharma, S. K. and Gill, M. A. (2006). Laser land leveling: as precursor
technology for resource conservation. RWC. Technical Bulletin Series 7. RWC for Indo – Gangetic Plains., New
Delhi, India. pp 48.
Khan, A. R. and Singh, S.S. (2008). Zero tillage technology for wheat sowing. Rice-Wheat consortium Extension Folder.
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) –India, New Delhi. pp. 1-12.
Singh, S.S. and Khan, A. R. (2008). Production technology for direct seeded rice. Rice-Wheat consortium Extension
Folder. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) –India, New Delhi. pp. 1-13.
Singh, Ravi Gopal, Kumar, R., and Gupta, Raj. K. (2010). Conservation agriculture based Resource Conserving
Techniques in Rice-Wheat systems of Indo-Gangetic Plains. (In) A.R. Khan et al. Resource Conservation
Technologies for food security and rural livelihood (Ed.). RWC for the Indo-Gangetic Plains Publication, New Delhi,
India. Agrotech Publishing Academy. pp. 107-113.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Integrated livestock management for sustainable production system
Dr. J.J. Gupta
Pr. Scientist (Animal Nutrition)
Division of Livestock & Fishery Management
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna – 800 014
Feed and fodder production for livestock feeding is an important aspect for the sustainability of
the system because agriculture and animal husbandry are complementary and not competitive to each
other. The performance of livestock in the eastern region is not to the level of satisfaction due to faulty
feeding practices. The feed resources are by and large the crop residues, fodder, agro by-products and
some indigenous feeds. The farmers feed their livestock with available feed resources, which are not
balanced in terms of protein and energy to meet the nutrient requirement leading to poor performance.
Therefore, it is felt as need of the hour to explore the possibility of improved fodder production for
feeding to livestock in better way. Livestock population, feed scenario, nutrition and some of the
encouraging fodder production system and their feeding practices are discussed below for proper
management and sustainability of the production system.
Livestock Nutrition
Feeding animals as per the requirement and avoiding wastage is the key in exploiting the
production potential of livestock for economic viability and sustainability since feed costs are the major
part of production that accounts for 60-80 percent. Mostly livestock is to fed in situ the various available
crop residues and forages with supplementation of concentrate feed as per production status. The large
dairy animals are required dry matter @ 2.5kg/100kg body weight in which 60-80 percent should be
supplied by green fodder and straw and remaining 20-40 percent should be supplied through
concentrate feed. Hence, effective use of total feed resources by livestock is a definite means of
increasing performance of animal per unit area of land. In many situations dietary protein and minerals
are main limiting factor for most of the livestock and its requirement not meet from available roughages
fed to them (Table 1). An growing calve (6-24 months age) will require to fed with concentrate feed
having digestible crude protein (DCP) 16% and total digestible nutrients (TDN) 70% @ 1.5-2.0 percent of
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body weight to maintain growth rate of 500g/day or above along with green fodder 15-20kg/day. The
DCP & TDN requirement of dairy cow is given in Table 2. Similarly, goat will allow grazing for 6-8 hours
daily or providing fodder @ 1.5-2.5 kg green fodder daily during stall feeding system in cut and carries
method to ensure daily intake of DM and DCP @ 2.5-3.5kg and 120-130g per 100kg body weight,
respectively. Otherwise, little supplementation of concentrate feed (CP 16% & TDN 65%) @ 100-
200g/day/head will require depending upon production status (Ray, 1978).
Table 1: Nutritive values of forage based ration and intake in large ruminants
Particulars Vol. Intake % App. Nutritive value (%) Remarks
of body weight
Green cereal+legume forages 2.5 10-15 55-65 Maintenance + 5-6kg milk
Green cereal forages 2.0 3-6 50-55 Maintenance + 5-2kg milk
Cereal hay 1.5 1-3 40-50 Sub-maintenance
Straw >1.5 0.5-1.0 >40 Sub-maintenance
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Table 3: Round the year fodder and nutrient yield
Fodder protein yield (t/ha) 0.76 0.98 0.87 1.22 0.28 1.48
Total protein yield (t/ha) 1.40 0.98 0.87 1.22 0.28 1.48
Table 4: Feeds and fodder requirement per annum for 10 crossbred cow
Requirement Production
i. Green fodder for 240days @ 35kg/d/h 84 tone i. 1ha area under Sudan & oat in relay 105 tone
ii. Green fodder for lean season (125d)
in form of silage or fresh 56 tone ii. ½ha area under annual legume 35 tone
fodder for rice bean , soybean and/or
or Total = cow pea in rainy season and berseem Total =
Out-side support: 140 tone during winter 140 tone
Dry roughages (straw) @ 6kg/d/h
& 7.5 tone
Concentrate feed @ 6kg/d/h
22 tone
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Future strategies
It is evident from the above discussion that, the eastern agro eco-system is mostly constrained
by non-availability of quality fodder resources to feed the livestock. But, it is also a fact that enormous
potential are available in these eco-system to produce quality fodder, which can be utilized for feeding
the livestock to decrease dependence on external inputs. Pasture based ruminant production in cut and
carry method of feeding can be encouraged for the sustainability of the system and better on farm feed
resource management. Potential legume forage can be produced for incorporation in the ration to
reduce burden of concentrate feed input from outside the source up to some extent.
Annon, 2003. 17 Livestock census of India. Department of animal husbandry, dairying and fishery. Ministry of
agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Annon, 2011-12. Round the year fodder production. In Annual Report 2011-12, ICAR Research Complex for Eastern
Region, Patna. pp. 74-75.
Dey, A., Khan, M.A., Barari, S.K. and Sikka, A.K. 2010. Livestock production scenario of eastern region of India.
Published by ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar (India). Bulletin No. R-28/PAT-17, pp. 84.
Gupta, J.J. and Singh Pramod. 2010. Nutritive value of promising forages of north eastern region of India for goat
feeding. In proceeding of 7th Biennial conference of ANAI held at OUAT, Bhubaneswar.
Gupta, J.J., Singh Pramod and Ngachan, S.V. 2010. Effect of legume fodder supplementation on native grass based
diet in goat. In proceeding of XVIII National symposium of Indian Society of Animal Production & Management
held at AAU, Guwahati, Assam.
Ray, S.N. 1978. Livestock feeding. Published by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, pp. 185.
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Integrated farming system for livelihood security of women in
water logged areas
Dr. A. Abdul Haris
Principal Scientist, ICAR RCER, Patna
Agriculture in India supports several million poor people. India has a predominantly agrarian
economy. 70% of its population is rural; of those households, 60% engage in agriculture as their main
source of income. It has always been India's most important economic sector. Eastern states of India
occupies about 22.5% geographical area and supports to 35% human and 28% livestock population,
respectively. The region has about 2.73 million ha total water area constituting reservoirs, ponds, tanks,
oxbow lakes and brackish water etc. besides rivers and canals. The production levels of agriculture,
livestock and fisheries has remained low due mainly to lack of location specific production technologies,
dissemination of scientific methods of cultivation, natural calamities like floods, water logging, droughts
and social constraints. Although, average annual rainfall in India is slightly higher (~1200 mm) than the
World average (~1000 mm), its distribution is temporally and spatially uneven. Entire rainfall in India
occurs with fewer rainy days within a time span of few days, in fact within about 300 hours. The average
rainfall in eastern region varies from 1091 to 2477 mm with a regional average of 1526 mm, which is
sufficient and substantial for growing variety of crops. However, it has erratic annual and spatial
distribution with considerable year-to-year variation.
Landforms, non- uniform and heavy rainfall during rainy season and congestion in drainage
system cause the problem of water logging. In India the problem of water logging has been assessed
from time to time. Water logging leads to salinity. When the water table rises up or if the plant roots
happen to come within the capillary fringe, water is evaporated through capillarity. Thus, with the
upward flow of water from the water table to the land surface during evaporation, the dissolved salts
present in the water are carried to the surface resulting in deposition of salts in the root zone of crops,
which eventually reduces the osmotic activity of the plants leaving the plants to fade away. Thus water
logging and salinity may be treated as twin problem, which deserve special treatments based on the
local conditions and soil texture, structure and topography. Livelihoods consist of the capabilities, assets
– both material and social resources – and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is
sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, maintain or enhance its
capabilities and assets, and provide net benefits to other livelihoods locally and more widely, both now
and in the future, while not undermining the natural resource base. Livelihoods approach consists of
livelihood assets and activities, vulnerability and coping strategies, policies, institutions and processes,
and livelihood outcomes in relation to the full food supply system (production, processing, storage,
transport and marketing).
Woman plays a vital role in livelihood security as women are the backbone of agricultural
workforce. Women involved in animal husbandry, horticulture and poultry, post-harvesting operations,
agro/social forestry, fishing etc. which are their main source of income and it is noticed that they always
involved in labour and tolerance intensive works like transplantations and weeding operations. She does
the most tedious and back-breaking tasks in agriculture, Women in India are major producers of food in
terms of value, volume and number of hours worked. Nearly 63 percent of all economically active men
are engaged in agriculture as compared to 78 per cent of women. Almost 50 percent of rural female
workers are classified as agricultural labourers and 37% as cultivators. About 70 percent of farm work is
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performed by women. National Research Centre on Women in Agriculture, under project on
development and testing of extension methods for farmwomen in eastern India, studied the extent of
participation of farm women in different farming systems and farm enterprises and the role of change
agents in that context. Contrary to the situation at coastal tract the male extension agents maintained
higher contacts with farmwomen than the lady extension agent. The studies under ‘Identification and
improvement of farming systems suited to farmwomen in Eastern India’ project revealed that there is
intense involvement of farm women in vegetable cultivation. Under the project Standardization of
women specific field practices in rice in Orissa data were collected from women heads of 50 farm
families on participation of women in relation to varying operations in rice cultivation. Women of family
contributed highest hours per season (61.66) in harvesting and post harvesting operations and
participated lowest in land preparation. Same pattern was observed from the paid women and total
women (family + paid labour). Results of a study in Bangladesh showed that members of small farm
households were engaged in all field based activities, while female members actively participated in
home based income generating activities (IGA). Female persons play vital role especially in home based
activities (Sobhan and Khondaker, 2001). Table shows that with enterprises combination of alternate
FS, farmers themselves and their household women were involved in rearing poultry and livestock,
kitchen gardening and sewing cloths for household use and nursery reforestation (Sadika et al.,2012).
Male 2 55 50 30 - 15 85 40
Female 98 45 50 70 100 85 15 60
Food security is a dynamic condition, which results from the interplay of multiple factors
(Erickson 2007). It is a state when all people have access to sufficient and nutritious food to meet their
dietary needs for life. Food and nutrition security is broadly characterized by three pillars: availability,
accessibility, and absorption (nutritional outcomes).Green revolution of the seventies have made us self
sufficient in food grain production today, but per capita availability of food grains is stagnant or slightly
declining. Growth alone may not be able to ensure food security for the poor and vulnerable. Social
safety net programs and employment-generating programs will play an important role in improving
accessibility of food to the poor and vulnerable. Economic access to food by about a fourth of the
population living below the poverty line is problematic, despite impressive economic growth in the
recent years. The level of food absorption is also low. About 44% of children under the age of 5 are
underweight, around half of pregnant women are anaemic, and the majority of women do not have
access to toilet facilities and safe drinking water.
Taj Uddin and Takey (2006) reported that conventional farming could not generate needed
employment opportunities for small farm households. By practicing integrated farming, unemployment
decreased with the increases in farm size and the farmers had very few labour surplus compared to
conventional farmers. An understanding of how integrated farming contributes to increase household
income of the small farmers by improving their livelihood security might encourage policy makers to
improve the socioeconomic condition of small farmers through implementing integrated farming. Again,
farmers would have idea about how integrated farming contributes to improve livelihood security of the
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household members under respective farming system. In order to empower and improve the women
farmers’ productivity, they need to have proper farm training and capacity building programs to
compete various challenges in their rural livelihood. Women land ownership plays a major role in their
credit worthiness, if they have right on the agriculture land they will have access to financial resources
and savings. The farm labor wages should be the same without gender differences and the equal
employment benefits have to be given in all rural schemes like NREG.
Other successful IFS model is cultivation of makhana (Euryale ferox) with fish and water
chestnut. It include cleaning of pond before emergence of makhana seedlings, removal of carnivorous
fishes by application of mahua oil cake @ 2.5 t/ha, transplanting and gap filling of Makhana, making
refuge area of 10 % of total water body area and integration of different carp fingerlings. Water chest
nut is cultivated as a tertiary crop. The technology has a potential for adoption in 1.10 million ha of non-
arable waterlogged areas in the country. Net income from integrated makhana based farming system
ranges from `44, 686.0 to 51,216.0 per ha/yr whereas income from cultivation of makhana alone is
worked out to be Rs.24, 367.0 to Rs. 29,153.0 per ha/yr.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
piggery, etc. are other components that can be added to have complementary benefits and increase
water productivity.
This technique has been devised to stabilize and enhance the productivity of coastal deep
waterlogged areas where water logging is around 1.5 m to 2.0 m deep. This includes deep water rice in
kharif + salt tolerant vegetables like watermelon, ladies finger, spinach, chilly in winter + on dyke
vegetables, fruit + fish inside pond. The technology has been successfully implemented in representative
deep waterlogged areas of Puri district, Orissa.
In the eastern states, out of 31.40 million ha of net sown area, about 10.0 million ha area is
drought prone and 4.0 million ha area is flood prone, where sustainable agriculture is the major issue of
concern. Lowest per capita income, large population of land less population, and about 116 million
population surviving Below Poverty Line (BPL) also limits agricultural development in the eastern region
to a great extent. Integrated farming system models in water logged areas besides location specific
climate resilient agriculture systems should also needs to be propagated in order to achieve food and
nutritional security besides livelihood improvement. Women in India are major producers of food in
terms of value, volume and number of hours worked. An understanding of how integrated farming
contributes to increase household income of the small farmers by improving their livelihood security
might encourage policy makers to improve the socioeconomic condition of small farmers through
implementing integrated farming. In order to empower and improve the women farmers’ productivity,
they need to have proper farm training and capacity building programs to compete various challenges in
their rural livelihood. Promoting gender equality needs to become a key component in the fight against
poverty and hunger. Giving women the same access as men to agricultural inputs, for example, could
increase production on women’s farms by 20 to 30 percent or between 2.5 and 4 percent at national
level. Such production increase could reduce the number of undernourished people in the world by 12
to 17 percent, or 100 to 150 million people. By putting more income in the hands of women, increasing
gender equality in agriculture would also improve health, nutrition and education outcomes for
children. Such social benefits are particularly important as they help build human capital, which will
contribute to long-term economic growth and effective climate change adaptation.
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Ericksen, P.J., Conceptualizing food systems for global environmental change research. Global Environmental
Change (2007), doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2007.09.002
Taj Uddin, M and Takeya, H. 2006. Economic Analysis of Integrated Farming by Agricultural Enterprise in ymen
singh District of Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural Development Studies, Japan, 16(1): L 40-49.
Sadika Sharmin, M. Serajul Islam* and Md. Kamrul Hasan.2012. Socioeconomic Analysis of Alternative Farming
Systems in Improving Livelihood Security of Small Farmers in Selected Areas of Bangladesh. The Agriculturists 10
(1): 51-63.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Role of Agro-Advisory in Crop Production System
Dr. Joydeep Mukherjee
Senior Scientist (Agro meteorology)
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna
Every living thing favours certain inter-related conditions of temperature, moisture and light. There
are also extremes, beyond which, a given organism will not grow and within the range of these there is a
climatic optimum. Amount and rate of growth in plants depend on difference between net and gross
photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which complex compounds (carbohydrates) are formed.
These compounds provide energy for growth and development. When water and nutrients are not limited,
the temperature and light determine the rate and amount of crop growth. On the basis of this, the crop has
been classified as those belonging to the tropical, subtropical, temperate and cool temperate regions of the
world. Plants have different growth phases and each phase require a temperature range within which
growth and development can take place. These are termed as the cardinal temperatures i.e. maximum,
minimum and optimum. Cardinal temperatures for cool season cereals are 5 to 14 °C, 25 to 31 °C and 31 to
37 °C and for warm season cereals are 15 to 18 °C, 31 to 37 °C and 44 to 50 °C. Most of the plants show
response to thermo-period and require alteration of low night temperature and high day temperature for
successful growth and development. The plants require a certain degree of winter chilling before flowering
and seed setting can take place within the growing period.
Temperature: Temperature provides working conditions for nearly all the plant functions and energy for
some processes. Low Temperature and consequent snow and ice do not allow crop production in polar and
tundra lands of the world. Shortness of frost-free season restricts crops in the sub-arctic area to quick-
maturing vegetables and hardy-grains. Moving towards the equator temperature rises and frost-free
season becomes longer and there is a greater diversity of crops. Some examples to show how the low
temperature has restricted the crop produce in world are given below: - The mean summer temperature of
19oC marks the approximate pole ward limit of the commercial production of corn. Sugar beets demanding
moderate temperature are grown mainly where the mean summer temperature remains between 19 &
27oC. The pole ward limit of cotton is marked by the line, representing the mean summer temperature of
25oC and approximate frost-free season of 200 days. Crops, such as Bananas or Cacao, requiring uniformly
high temperature are not grown outside the tropical zone. The warm Limits are generally less clearly
defined, but are quite significant. Coffee requires year-around growing season of the tropics, but yields best,
where the average month temperature is between 16 o and 27 oC. Many kinds of plants require a lowering
of temperature to promote maturing or seed production. For example many deciduous fruit trees need a
long frost-free period for growth but also require a period of dormancy brought in by the frost.
Moisture: Moisture also sets limits to agriculture. Every plant has a dry limit. This fact is indicated in the
driest deserts, where without irrigation vegetation may be entirely absent. Requirement for moisture
however differs greatly. Many grass species will grow under semi-arid conditions, whereas most of the
growth requires humid conditions. There are also wet limits. For example cotton is not grown commercially
in Tropical and sub-tropical areas, which have excessive rainfall during the maturing period.
Wind: Wind is an important weather element and both its direction and velocity are significant. The
influences of wind are both local and regional. It influences the configuration and the distribution of
plants in a region. It influences the plant life, both mechanically and physiologically. It influences on the
higher slopes of the mountains wind effects the plant directly by increasing transpiration and the intake
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
of carbon dioxide and by causing several types of mechanical damages. Less significant effects are
numerous, including the transporting of cold and heat waves, the moving of clouds and fogs and the
changing of water, light and temperature conditions. Under natural conditions, wind increases
transpiration. However, this increase is only up to a certain point, beyond which either it becomes constant
or begins to fall. With the increasing velocity there is a greater increase in the transpiration than in stomatal
transpiration. Wind increases the turbulence in the atmosphere, thus in greater photosynthesis rates.
However, the increase in photosynthesis is again up to a certain wind speed, beyond which its rates become
When the wind is hot, it accelerates the desiccation of the plants by replacing the humid air by
dry air in the intercellular spaces. When the hot and dry winds blow at the time the cells are expanding
and maturing it results in the dwarfing of plants. This is because the cells cannot attain full turgidity in
the absence of optimal hydration and become fixed at subnormal sizes. When the developing shoots
come under the influence of a strong wind pressure from a fixed direction, the normal form and position
of the shoots is permanently deformed. Another severe injury to the plants caused by strong winds is
lodging. This injury is commonest in crop plants, such as maize, wheat and sugarcane. Strong winds
break the twigs and shed the fruits of many plants. Further, two crops and trees with shallow roots are
often uprooted. Many trees, which bear comparatively big fruits, have preference for light winds. Crops
grown on sandy soils in areas where strong winds prevail are damaged because of abrasion. When the
plant cover is not thick, strong winds remove the dry soil so as to expose the root of the plants and kill
them. The eroded material from one place becomes a hazard to the existence of small plants in places
where it is deposited. This is because the deposited material sharply reduces the aeration around the
roots of the plants. Winds which blow from closed seas and lakes do a lot of salt spraying on the wind
ward coastal areas, making it impossible to grow crops which are sensitive to excessive salts.
Light: Light is essential to plant growth; without it, there will be no development of chlorophyll and no
absorption of carbon dioxide. The duration and intensity of light, in addition influence the plant
development, vegetative shapes and the production of leaves and flowers. Wheat provides an excellent
example. It grows under many different combinations of climatic conditions, provided a frost-free period of
90 days exists and humidity is not too high during the maturing period.
Sowing: Optimum temperature is required at the time sowing farm crops. Similarly if the soil is not in the
proper moisture condition the sowing is affected. Light and wind have very little effect on sowing operation.
Germination: Temperature provides the working conditions for all plant functions and necessary energy for
various metabolic processes. The germination of seeds requires specific range of temperature conditions. If
the temperature is within this range, the germination will be maximum. The optimum ranges of
temperature for most of the crop plants is 16-27 oC and below 4 oC seed of very few crops germinate.
Excess or deficiency of moisture leads to defective germination. Germination is quick and maximum when
the moisture is adequate. If it is excessive, anaerobic conditions will be created which are harmful for
germination. If the moisture is less, physiological functions of the plant do not become active and seeds do
not germinate for want of water. Wind and light have not direct effect on germination.
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Growth: The limit of survival of living organisms on the earth is reported between -35o to 75o. However, the
range of growth for most of agricultural plants is 5 to 45oC. At temperature much below or above these
limits, growth decreases rapidly.
Maturity: Below normal temperature and humidity, maturity is delayed and at high temperature
desiccation of plants occurs and thus maturity will be hastened. Excessive rainfall, hailstorms may shatter
the grains and may also affect the quality of the produce. Strong winds at the time of maturity may cause
lodging shattering and shrivelling of the grains. Light has got little effect at the time of maturity.
Harvesting: Temperature has got a great bearing on the type and speed of harvesting by affecting the
efficiency of manual labour as well as machinery. At high temperature and higher humidity, the plants are
cut with a greater difficulty than when they are cut in drier weather. Light has indirect effect on harvesting.
Strong winds hinder harvesting operation and also cause inconvenience in transporting the harvested
Storage: Proper temperature and moisture affects the storage quality. The produce can be stored for a
longer time if the storage has got low temperature and low humidity. High temperature and high
humidity affects the produce and pest population inside the storage facility.
Weather Forecasting
Weather is one of the factors, which has great influence over the success and failure of agricultural
crops. This natural force is beyond the control of man. Every year huge losses occur due to abnormal
weather conditions. Although crop losses due to un favourable weather cannot be avoided completely,
yet these can be minimised to a great extent by making adjustments appropriate to the expected
weather conditions. Farmers need to be made aware about the abnormalities in weather parameters so
that they can utilise the weather forecast more scientifically to reduce the magnitude of losses due to
adverse weather conditions experienced during different growth phases of the crops. So there is a need
to acquire the elementary knowledge of weather forecasting.
Surface observations of temperature, humidity, pressure, wind, visibility, clouds etc. are obtained
by installing properly exposed instruments.
Observations at various levels in the atmosphere are made by Radio/Radar tracking of hydrogen
filled balloons carrying appropriate sensors. Radio sounding (Radiosonde) observations provide
measurements of pressure, temperature, humidity and wind at various levels in the atmosphere.
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Satellite pictures can be received at any Meteorological Satellite Ground Receiving Stations. These
pictures are used to determine the earth's surface temperature, surface humidity, cloud cover,
cloud temperature and cloud height. The cloud pictures received at short intervals provide accurate
information on the development and the movement of the clouds, their types, height, and
temperature as well as wind speed.
1. Synoptic Techniques
2. Statistical Techniques
3. Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP)
1. Synoptic Techniques: In synoptic approach, a forecaster attempts to predict the future changes in
the state of the atmosphere from the initial state using his theoretical knowledge and experience.
The forecaster analyses the current data available at various heights of the atmosphere and tries to
match it with the past similar situations. The success of the forecast depends upon the skill and
experience of the forecaster. Hence the method is subjective and very useful in short-range
2. Statistical Techniques: In statistical approach a forecaster tries to correlate one weather element with
another. By studying the past weather records, useful relationships can be established relating the
occurrence of one weather event with another or a number of other weather elements. This method is
very useful in the Long Range Weather Forecasting. Long Range Forecast of monsoon is made through
statistical techniques.
3. Numerical Weather Prediction: In recent years with the advent of super computers and very
efficient numerical schemes, NWP (Numeric Weather Prediction) has become more promising
method of weather forecasting especially in short and medium range weather forecasting. In this
method, the hydro-dynamical equations that govern the atmospheric motions are solved by
numerical methods using high-speed computers.
Out of these different methods of weather forecasts, statistical method is often misleading. NWP is
popular in mid-latitudes but weather forecasts through numerical methods have not been successful in
the tropical regions due to weak gradients of meteorological parameters. Synoptic meteorology is
popular all over the world because complex atmospheric equations can be understood through synoptic
Applications of weather forecasting:
Weather elements which influence agricultural operations and crop production can be forecast up
to different spans of time, however with increase in time span, the accuracy decreases.
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Weather phenomena Advance time of forecast
Hail < 12 hrs in advance
Tornado -do-
Flash flood -do-
Heavy rainfall 24 hrs in advance
Thunderstorm -do-
Wind velocity 36 hrs in advance
Rainfall amount -do-
Occurrence of rainfall 5 days in advance
Temperature intensity -do-
Temperature departure 3 months in advance
Precipitation departure -do-
*Short range weather forecasting (Accuracy is 70-80 per cent). Its applications are
• Irrigation scheduling
• Timing of field operations
• Protection of plants from frost
• Efficiency of chemicals
• Spray applications
• Labour efficiency (workable hours)
• Insect-disease effects
• Soil workability
• Livestock protection from cold and heat
• Drying rate of soil
Medium range weather forecasting (Accuracy is 60-70 per cent). Its applications are
• To determine depth of the seed to be sown
• To determine whether or not to sow a crop
• To take account of expected rainfall to plan irrigation
• To decide whether or not to harvest
• To ensure maximum efficiency of spray programme
• To prepare in time for protection of crops against frost
• To the management of labour and equipment
• To animal feed requirements
Long range weather forecasting (Accuracy is 60 per cent). Its applications are
• In soil moisture management
• In pasture management
• To determine irrigation frequency
• To decide whether or not to grow marginal crops
• To aid in the management of limited water resource
• To plan timely measures against diseases and pests likely
• To be favoured by the expected weather
Agro-advisory Based on Weather Forecast
The synopsis is discussed with the subject matter specialists in various agricultural disciplines eg.
Agronomy, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Vegetable/ Horticulture, Soil Science and Animal Science etc.
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Various agencies and the specifications are contributing to the weather and crop outlook. Based on the
weather synopsis for next 2-3 days, the recommendations of the concerned specialists are compiled and
final summary of the weather and crop outlook is prepared for dissemination to various agencies.
Partly cloudy weather is likely to prevail over Bihar and there are chances of isolated
thunderstorms during next two days. The daily maximum and minimum temperature are expected to
range between 32-36oC and 24-29oC, respectively. These temperatures are almost normal for these
days. The daily loss of water through evaporation is expected to remain between 4-6 mm for most of
the days of this week. The mean relative humidity is likely to remain around 75 per cent during these
Rain water has accumulated in the fields. Farmers are advised to drain out excess water from
the field crops which are highly sensitive to water stagnation. Kill the weeds on water channels and field
bunds by spraying Gramoxone/ Glyphosate. Keep the weeds under check in the field crops. Prop up the
sugarcane crop. Remove off type plants from paddy crop. Do not flood the paddy fields for longer
period, to avoid damage to the crop plants. Vegetable growers are advised to continue the harvesting
and marketing of leafy vegetables of okra, chilli and brinjal. Transplanting of brinjal may be done. Sow
nursery of cauliflower of November maturity. Start preparation of transplanting of kharif onion bulbs in
the field. Start sowing early varieties of radish. If rainfall occurs, then excess rainwater from orchards
should be drained out. Apply 10g Bavistin + 5 g Vitavax in 10 liters of water as the drip of plants to avoid
root and sapwood in pear, peach, plum and grapes. Grape crop is likely to be affected by anthracnose
resulting in die back of twigs.
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Feedback Analysis of Agro advisories:
To assess the impact of weather agro advisories, there is a dire need to have feedback from the users.
Such feedback analysis can provide valuable information for further improvements in the preparation
and dissemination of weather agro advisories and also provide data on the utility of the agro advisories.
Figure-1. Schematic diagram of Agro advisory
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Women Participation in Integrated Farming System
Dr. Ujjwal Kumar
Senior Scientist, Division of Socio-Economics &
Extension ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna-800 014 (Bihar)
Corresponding author Email: [email protected]
Out of total women workers in India, 32.51 per cent women work as cultivators who works in
the own farm and 39.43 percent work as agricultural laborers (Table1).Women make a substantial
contribution towards rural economy of India. About 70 per cent of the total working population of
women is extensively involved in agricultural activities. Mainly rural women are engaged in agricultural
activities as paid laborers or as cultivator doing labor on their own farm or engage in supervision of
certain activities of agriculture and animal husbandry and also participation in post harvest operations.
In agriculture, women are involved in sowing, transplanting, weeding, irrigation, fertilizer application,
plant protection, harvesting, winnowing, grading, cleaning and storing of farm produce Nature and
extent of their involvement differ with the variations in agro-production systems. Further, their mode of
participation in agricultural activities varies with the ownership of land of farm households. Their role
ranges from managers/decision makers to landless laborers. In the highly diversified Indian context, no
simple gender division of labor exists with regard to crop production. In certain areas in India, women
play key roles as seed selectors and in seedling production. Their knowledge on seeds and seed storage
contribute to viability of agricultural diversity and production. Women prepare and apply green and
farmyard manure. As integrated pest management practices are introduced, it could be expected that
women's work would increase due to more labor-intensive activities. In farming system perspectives,
besides their role in crop production, women are intensively involved in agri-based allied activities like
dairying, animal husbandry, poultry, goatery, mushroom cultivation, vermicomposting, apiary,
floriculture, horticulture, fruit preservation etc. In case of livestock more than 90 per cent of the work
related to animal care is done by women. In Livestock management their role vary widely ranging from
care of animals, grazing, fodder collection, cleaning of animal sheds, processing milk and livestock
products. In livestock sector, indoor jobs like milking, feeding, cleaning etc. are done by women in 90 per
cent of families while management of animals and fodder production are done by men. One can easily
find women with the sickle in hand harvesting green fodder for their own animals or for the sale which
also contributes to family income and savings. Mostly, this operation is done in the non owning farms
which sometimes happen to be cause of conflicts. Though women play a significant role in livestock
management and production, women's control over livestock and its products is negligible.
About 60 per cent of agricultural operations like sowing of seeds, transportation of sapling,
winnowing, storage of grain etc are handled exclusively by women, while in other jobs they share the
work with men. Apart from participation in actual cultivation, women participate in various forms of
processing and marketing of agricultural produce. Study conducted at Villages of Rajasthan and Delhi
revealed that transplanting, drying, cleaning produce and processing were completely done by farm
women. Table 2 depicts that in operations like sowing, intercultural activities, harvesting, winnowing,
drying, cleaning and storage involvement of women is more than 80 per cent.
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Nature of participation of farm women in livestock activities
Women's participation in livestock management was studied in some villages of Karnataka. It
was observed that majority of women were involved in almost all the livestock activities (table3) viz.
feeding animals (96 per cent), fodder collection (96 per cent), maintenance of cattle shed (94 per cent),
cow dung making for fuel (94 per cent) milking (88 per cent), marketing of milk and milk products( 84
per cent) , cleaning and health care of animals (80 per cent).Percentage of farm women under "doing"
were found to be fairly high in the activities like cow dung making (88 per cent), fodder collection (84
per cent), maintenance of cattle shed (80 per cent) and feeding of animals (78 per cent). The Time Use
Survey of 2000 shows that on the average, women spend more time than men on activities related to
animal husbandry in states in which animal husbandry contributes substantially to the agricultural GDP,
as in Gujarat and Haryana. In activities such as collection of fodder, fuel, wild food, water etc., women
spend more time than men do in all the states (Table 4 & 5). Various findings reported that majority of
the farm women actively participate in almost all the housekeeping activities, farm operations and
livestock production activities. Participation of rural women is more in terms of "doing" than that of
supervision in case of agricultural and livestock production activities.
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Gender Based Institutions
As per the National Agriculture Policy 2000, National Gender Resource Centre in Agriculture
(NGRCA) was set up under department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC), Ministry of Agriculture,
during 2004-05 to serve as a focal point for convergence of all gender-related issues in agriculture and
mainstreaming gender concerns in agriculture. Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, adds gender
dimension to agriculture policies and programmes, renders advocacy and advisory services to the States
and UTs to internalize gender specific interventions for bringing farm women into mainstream of
agriculture development. In order to bring gender concerns on to the centre stage in all aspects of public
expenditure and policy, a Gender Budgeting Cell (GBC) has been constituted in Department of
Agriculture & Cooperation, to look into budgetary Commitments of various schemes of DAC and ensure
proportionate flow of public expenditure to women farmers. It has been mandated that a minimum of
30% funds would be utilized for women farmers under all the beneficiary oriented programmes /
The Working group on Agricultural Research and Education constituted by The Planning
Commission for the formulation of Eighth Five Year plan recommended for establishment of a Research
Centre for Women in Agriculture to conduct basic, strategic and applied research on gender issues in
agriculture and allied fields and to test appropriateness of available farm-technologies/ programmes/
policies with women perspective. Accordingly, the ICAR established National Research Centre for
Women in Agriculture (NRCWA) in 1996 at Bhubaneswar which was upgraded to Directorate of
Research on Women in Agriculture (DRWA).
There is no argument about the importance of women for rural economic growth and livelihood
improvement. They play many important roles, as farmers, wage earners and small-scale entrepreneurs,
as well as caretakers of children and home. Rural women equally have the ability to lift their household’s
economy as par to their male counterpart. Integrated farming system provides additional employment
opportunities by engaging more number of manpower, especially family and female labourers to make
production system more remunerative and sustainable. By adoptioning gender based approach in IFS
one can think about the upliftment of rural women who are still deprived and lag behind men in access
to social capital (organization) land, credit, a broad range of technologies, information, advisory services
and training.
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Gender –based approaches in IFS
Identification of
Creation of deliver
Gender based
system (Storage,
component /
market, insurance etc)
enterprises to be
integrated under
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Table 3. Nature of participation of farm women in fodder and livestock activities
Table 5. Average weekly time spent on activities related to Animal husbandry (Hrs/week)
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Table 6. Average daily wage difference between male and female rural casual workers
Nataraju, M.S., Kumar, R.V and Dhananjaya, B. (2009).Women in agriculture: Some issues and
implications. In Sridhara, Shakunthala et al (Ed.) Women in Agriculture and Rural Development (pp 275-
285). New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
Sridhara, Shakunthala et. al (2009) Women in Agriculture and Rural Development. New India Publishing
Agency, New Delhi
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Gender Based Fisheries and Aquaculture Practices
Dr. B.K. Choudhary
Scientist (Fish and Fisheries)
Historians believe that it was women who first domesticated crop plants and thereby initiated the art
and science of farming. Indian rural women have always been an important and prominent partner in
sustainability of agriculture sector. Since ages, women continued to be the important stakeholder in
farming activities in India. Involvement of Indian women in farming enterprise has been on rise in recent
years. Other than crops they are involved in allied sectors like Fisheries, animal husbandry, dairying,
piggery, poultry, sericulture and apiculture. The extent of women contribution is aptly highlighted in a
study conducted in Andhra Pradesh where it has been revealed that work day of women agricultural
labour during season lasts for 15 hours and her male counterpart works for 7 to 8 hours (Mies, 1986,
(Swaminathan, 1985). Fishery is the oldest and most important livelihood option for the inhabitants of
the country since times immemorial. Approximate of about 1 % of the total population depends upon
fishery sector in India as a primary source of livelihood – direct employment to about 6 million
fishermen and to another six million people who are employed in fishery related activities. India is
endowed with 2.02 million sq. km of EEZ (Exclusive economic Zone) along with a coastline of 8129 km
and 0.5 million sq. km continental shelf with a catchable annual fishery potential of 3.93 million tonnes
occupying a very important strategic position in the Indian Ocean. The aquaculture resources in the
country comprise 2.25 million ha. of ponds and tanks, 1.3 million ha. of bheels and derelict waters, 2.09
million ha. of lakes and reservoirs and also 0.12 million kilometres of irrigation canals. Among the Asian
countries India ranks second in the culture and third in capture fish production and one of the top
leading exporters of sea foods (FAO, 2009, Ayyappan and Diwan, 2007). Fisheries and aquaculture are
the sources of livelihood for over 14 million Indian people and also contribute to foreign exchange
earnings considerably, constituting about 1% of the total gross domestic product (GDP) and 5.3% of the
GDP from the agriculture sector of the country (DAHDF, 2011). Aquaculture is always consumer driven
and the extension services need to focus their efforts beyond technology dissemination to adoption of
food safety practices, value addition, environment safety and social responsibility issues, such as Fisher
women empowerment. Aquaculture extension services are expected to facilitate the Fisher women
farming community to access backward and forward inputs and services, educate the farmers on better
farm management practices, food safety guidelines and enforce regulatory guidelines for the planned
aquaculture growth. However, insufficient extension service orientation, inadequate manpower and lack
of budgetary provisions for extension work have hampered the public extension agency in providing the
expected service.
A key message from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ report The State of
Food and Agriculture 2010–11. Women in Agriculture – Closing the Gender Gap for Development (FAO,
2011) was that women’s relative lack of access to education and extension services contributed to the
“gender gap” in agriculture (including aquaculture) productivity. Gender concerns in the fishery business
have a different dimension altogether in terms of physical as well as financial exploitation of the women
even though they play an important role in the fish supply chain at the local level. The centre of power
in terms of decision making, trade, financial access over product and market had been traditionally the
domain of the male counter parts and women have little say in it. Fish drying and selling is the major
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activity in which the women are involved. The financial exploitation of women is severest in the market
place because of the unregulated market. Also the choice in terms of purchases is very limited at the
landing centre where they have say only for the products of low value and category. Men and women
engage in distinct and often complementary activities that are strongly influenced by the social, cultural
and economic contexts in which they live. Male–female relations in the fisheries sector vary greatly and
are based on economic status, power relations and access to resources. More commonly, in coastal
artisanal fishing communities, women manage the smaller boats and canoes that go out fishing. Women
are also involved in gathering shells, sea cucumbers and aquatic plants in the intertidal zone. They also
contribute as entrepreneurs and provide labour before, during and after the catch in both artisanal and
commercial fisheries. In addition, they are often responsible for skilled and time-consuming onshore
tasks, such as net making and mending, processing and marketing catches, and providing auxiliary
services to the boats. However, gender issues in the fisheries and aquaculture sector have seldom been
examined, and the important role women that play has often been overlooked and, thus, not taken into
account in decision-making processes and outcomes, thereby hindering development. When fish
business activities are being up-scaled in response to increasing globalization, local women risk being
forced out of the business and, therefore, not benefiting from development and market opportunities in
the sector in which they were previously extensively involved.
Picture showing Fisher women selling the farm produce in fish market in Purnea District of Bihar
Picture showing Fisher women selling their farm produce in fish market in Katihar district of Bihar.
Gender based fisheries activities:
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In India fish is often a secondary source of food. Under such circumstances, fishing communities are a
marginalized group occupying a lower priority in state policies relating to food. The priority given to
fisheries in state policy is further attenuated when it comes to women. The fisheries sector has seen
significant change over the last couple of decades in the region. Women in coastal states play a
significant role in the small-scale fisheries sector. About 30% of women in rural and coastal areas are
directly or indirectly engaged in small-scale fisheries. The major areas of women's involvement are
aquaculture, shrimp culture, fish processing, net, gear and craft making. Though women in India are not
involved in active fishing from the sea, they participate in certain forms of fishery as a family along with
the men. This is usually seen in the estuarine areas where set bag nets are employed for fishing.
However, a study of the set bag net fishing communities also revealed that though women work as a
family in the set bag net fishery, their work remains largely unrecorded. In any case, set bag net fishery
as an occupation is very low paying and most fishers involved supplement it with other occupations.
Capture fishery in rivers, lakes and reservoirs, paddy fields and marginal lands and swamps are widely
scattered throughout the country and is not organized. Most of the fishers involved in capture fishery
are widely dispersed along rivers and other water bodies. They use mostly their traditional boats and
fishing gears and thus generate only marginal economic benefits. Traditionally, rural women are
involved either in fishing or fishing-related activities. To enhance fish production, a number of inland
water bodies, e.g. lakes, reservoirs and swamps have been stocked with selected species of indigenous
as well as exotic carps in collaboration with local fisher communities. In these inland water bodies,
women are actively involved in mending nets, laying out the fishing gears, harvesting and marketing of
the catch. Women farmers participate in various fields of inland fisheries. In aquaculture, rural women
are deeply involved in manuring fish ponds, feeding fish, harvesting and marketing farm products.
Women in the fish marketing sector: While fish processing is a female-dominated activity in the South
Asian region, marketing of the processed product as well as selling of fresh fish is often seen as
undesirable activities, usually a last resort for a poor family. Retail fish marketing is often best achieved
through individual small-scale enterprise. In India, owing to the lack of an established marketing
infrastructure and the demand for cheap fish, women have created a niche for processing and
marketing fish at very low costs in the supply chain of fishes. The supply chain is defined as “the full
range of activities which are required to bring a product or service from conception, through the
different phases of production (involving a combination of physical transformation and the input of
various producer services), delivery to final consumers and final disposal after use.” The important
supply channels which cater to the various usages are – marketed fresh (70% of fish catch), fish drying
and curing industry (14% of fish catch), frozen fish production (6.5% of fish catch), reduction to fish meal
(8.4% of fish catch), offal reduction (0.8% of fish catch), and miscellaneous purposes (1.6% of fish catch).
The most important supply chain is for the fish marketed fresh owing both to the size of market as well
as the nature of the product i.e. perishability. A study undertaken by the Department for International
Development (DFID) Post-Harvest Fisheries Project along the east coast of India, documents the
heterogeneity among women who are involved in fresh and processed fish marketing (Post-Harvest
Fisheries Project, Department. The three categories identified are:
a.Head loaders: These are women who deal in small quantities of low value species, which are sold in
inland villages. b. Petty fish traders: These are women who deal with medium value species and have
considerably higher investment capacities and are therefore considered credit worthy by non-
institutional credit sources. c. Dry fish traders: These are older women who are primarily involved in fish
salting and drying in a large scale. Fish for processing is procured during "glut" landings of a particular
species and they usually employ family labor (including their own) for processing activities. These
women access weekly markets and are usually wholesalers. However, with the increasing use of ice and
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consequent movement of fish in its fresh form, this group is affected. While women in the post-harvest
fisheries sector in India are more visible in fresh fish trade, it is important to recognize that credit plays a
crucial role in fish marketing activities. To enable the participation of women in this sector, credit should
be made easily available at affordable interest rates to better address the needs of women in fish
The role of transportation: Studies done by the DFID Post-Harvest Fisheries Project in the state of
Tamilnadu along the East coast of India, document the problems faced by women in accessing public
transport. One of the problems that have emerged with centralization of fishing has been the increasing
distances to landing sites, as village landings have decreased. Women involved in fish marketing today
have to travel long distances to buy fish and again to sell it. Considering that most fishing villages are
often poorly linked by roads, access to public transport becomes a question of primary importance.
Women and the organized processing sector: The organized processing sector such as the shrimp
processing units, usually employ women as peeling labourers. In India, these are found along the coasts
of Veraval, Mangalore, Goa, Mumbai, Calcutta and Bhubaneswar. Studies done in India showed that it is
usually migrant young women who are preferred as labourers in these units, which are mostly export-
oriented and exploitative. Fishing, including aquaculture, and their associated downstream activities,
like fish processing, are among the most depressed economic activities. Women from poor fisher
households are involved in fish processing, aquaculture, small-scale artisanal fishing and fish mongering,
but less often in commercial fishing using bigger vessels.
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Gender Mainstreaming:
“Gender mainstreaming is not only a question of social justice but is necessary for ensuring equitable
and sustainable human development. The long-term outcome of gender mainstreaming will be the
achievement of greater and more sustainable human development for all.”(The United Nations
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 1997,). The issue at hand is how to ensure genuine and active
mainstreaming of gender and the many facets of gender considerations in the fisheries and aquaculture
sector. Indeed, until recently, gender analysis in fishing communities focused mainly on the different
occupational roles of men and women, i.e. that men usually do the actual fishing and women are to a
large extent involved in post-harvest and marketing activities. While the role of women in the
management and utilization of natural resources is generally acknowledged, their role does not carry
the same weight as that of men. Given that production goals have tended to be the focus of research
and policy, the predominantly male catching sector has remained the centre of attention. However, with
the shift to a multidimensional and more holistic definition of poverty and the increased focus on
reducing vulnerability, gender has become more central to fisheries policy and development practice.
Fisheries resource management is increasingly being linked to all levels of the so-called “deck to dish”
fish value chain in which both men and women have important roles to play. Gender- disaggregated
data, which are needed for in-depth gender analysis are largely lacking in most of these countries. It is
imperative that such data is collected, and gender research is conducted, so that appropriate
interventions and policies changes are implemented, to ensure that women are not left out of
mainstream development, and are accorded the basic rights, which all humans are entitled.
There is an immense potential in fishery as a trade and livelihood option. The need of the hour is to
develop sync between the two so that they reciprocate each other rather than come in conflict. The
issues and concern of various players of the value chain need to be addressed so that they come in
supportive mode rather than the exploitative mode. Here it is imperative to mention that environment
will play a crucial role for success or failure of any intervention. Economic empowerment should be the
end goal of a road map on gender in fisheries and aquaculture. The suggested approach could facilitate
strong research and extension linkage and build partnerships with service-oriented private people like
the farm opinion leaders, farmers’ groups and fisheries professionals in the field, to streamline the
fisheries and aquaculture in India. In view of the findings, it becomes imperative to scientifically educate
and train women in specialized skill so that they too can improve and sharpen their skills and abilities for
performance of tasks which need some technical knowledge and skill In view of the critical role of
women in the agriculture as producers, concentrated efforts need to be made to ensure that benefits of
training, extension and various programs reach them in proportion to their participation pattern.
Strategies should be designed to enhance the capacity of women and empower them to meet the future
participatory needs in farm operations. Special training programmes for women will enhance their skills
and strengthen faith in them for effective and independent performance of farm operations and help
them to make a shift from physically enduring operations to specialized tasks.
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Ayyappan, S and Diwan, A D (2007) National Fisheries Development Board and Fisheries Policy,In: Indian
Fisheries: A Progressive Outlook. Vijayan, K K and Jayasankar, P and Vijayagopal, P, (eds.) CMFRI, Cochin,
pp. 1-11. ISBN 978-81-901219-4-1 DAHDF, 2011.
Fabiyi, E.F.; B.B. Danladi; K.E. Akande and Y. Mahmood. 2007. Role of Women in agricultural
Development and Their Constraints: A Case Study of Biliri Local Government Area, Gombe State, Nigeria.
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 6(6): 676- 680.
Goyal G, Randhawa V, Kaur R, Kaur V, Pannu K 2003. Women Participation in Agricultural Operations.
Journal of Family Ecology, 5: 167-171.
Jiggins, J.R.; K. Samanta and J.E. Olawoye. 1998. Improving women farmers’ access to extension services:
Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, Rome, pp. 73-82.
MAFF. 1993. Outline of cooperative extension service in Japan. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries, Japan.
Mies, Maria. 1986. Patriarchy and accumulation on a world scale. Women in the international division of
labour. Zed Books, London.
Reddy Gidda 2003. Farming Performance of Farm Women 2003. New Delhi: Concept Publishing
Saito K. and Spurling D, (1992). Developing agricultural extension for women farmers. World Bank
discussion paper No. 156. Washington, USA.
Sangwan V, Munjal S, Punia RK 1990. Participation of women in farm activities. Indian Journal of
Extension Education, 26: 113-114.
Sathiadhas, R., S. Immanuel, A. Laxminarayana, L. Krishnan, D. Noble K.N. Jayan and S. Sadanandan.
2003. Institution Village Linkage Program: coastal agro ecosystem and interventions. ISSN 0972-2351.
75, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Cochin-14.
Special publication no. 75: 1-80.
Shiva, V. 1991. Most farmers in India are women, FAO publication, New Delhi
Swaminathan, M.S. 1985. Importing rural women user perspective to agriculture research and
development. IRRI, Philippines Report.
Swanson, B.E.; B.J. Farner and R. Bahl. 1990. The current status of agricultural extension worldwide. In
the report of the global consultation on agricultural extension. FAO.
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Integrated Disease Management under Livestock Farming System
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Scientist, Veterinary Medicine
Division of Livestock and Fisheries Management
ICAR-RCER, ICAR Parisar, Patna-14
Email: [email protected]
Integration of various interventions required for treatment, control and prevention of diseases
in livestock is referred to as integrated disease management. Various interventions required for animal
disease management varies with type of disease and species involved. However major interventions
required for animal disease management include prophylaxis, metaphylaxis, nutritional interventions,
management interventions, treatment instituted using chemotherapeutics agent, herbal medicine,
physiotherapy, nutraceuticals, etc. Traditional livestock systems based on local resources and animal
breeds are the major source of livelihood for 200 million rural families, and provide food and income for
some 70% of the world's rural poor. Livestock Farming system in Eastern region of India is based on low
input backyard farming and very few high input large commercial livestock farm exists in the region. Low
input backyard farming of livestock is generally undertaken along with agriculture farming system in
integrated mode by majority of farmers baring urban and peri-urban areas where in livestock farming
exists as separate module meant only for commercial milk production. Interestingly, low input backyard
farming system of livestock is dependent on inputs form women gender. Majority of livestock related
works are carried out by women including cleaning, dung disposal, feeding, forage chaffing, grass
cutting, etc. Major sources for zoonotic disease transmission from livestock rearing include dung, urine,
after births, etc. and are often handled by women and thus are most potential gender for disease
acquiring. Animal wealth in India has increased manifold and presently the Animal Husbandry practices
have also been changed to a great extent due to newer interventions and technologies available.
However, liberalization of trade after the advent of the WTO’s SPS agreement, the chances of access of
exotic diseases into the country have increased. Climate change has resulted in emergence and
reemergence of animal diseases. Cross breeding programmes in the country resulted in the
improvement in the quality of livestock however the susceptibility of these livestock to various diseases
including exotic diseases has increased. The eastern region of the country has high density of livestock
as it supports 31.14% of the livestock population of India and occupies only 22.5 % of country
geographical areas. Major animal infectious diseases of this region include Foot and Mouth disease
(FMD), Hemorrhagic septicemia (HS), Brucellosis, Black Quarter (BQ), Anthrax, Rabies, Johne’s disease,
leptospirosis, ringworm, mastitis, etc. In addition to these infectious disease there are many non-
infectious disease including metabolic and nutritional deficiency diseases like milk fever, ketosis,
Downer’s cow syndrome, mineral deficiency diseases, etc. The present chapter elaborates about few of
the important infectious and non-infectious diseases of livestock with respect to its integrated
Hemorrhagic Septicemia (HS): It is a highly fatal acute bacterial septicemia affecting mainly
buffalo (most susceptible), cattle, sheep, goat and pig populations in our country. The causal agent of
the disease is Pasteurella multocida B 2 strain. The disease occurs more commonly in low laying humid
areas and is often seen during the periods of highest humidity and stress induced by adverse climate like
monsoon season. HS is characterized by high fever, increased respiration, marked salivation,
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inflammatory swelling in the head and neck region and protrude on tongue in per acute form, the death
occurs usually within few hours, in acute form, the cases may linger up to 3-4 days. Cases in buffalo are
always fatal. The mortality rate may go up to 100%.
Animals are infected by direct or indirect contact. The source of infective bacteria is thought to
be the nasopharynx of bovine or buffalo carriers. Upto 5% of cattle and water buffaloes may be carriers
in endemic regions.
Black Quarter (BQ): It is an acute infectious myositis of skeletal muscles, but a non-contagious
disease characterized by severe toxemia and high mortality rate in cattle and sheep. The causative agent
is soil borne pathogen Clostridium (feseri) chauvoei. The disease is common in cattle and remains
confined to young calves between the age of 6 months and 2 years. Buffaloes usually encounter the mild
form of disease. The cattle acquire infection from ingestion of organism and the ingested bacteria
remain as dormant spores in tissues until predisposing factors stimulate the development of negative
forms and rapid multiplication and formation of toxins. Initially there is acute lameness and fever.
Characteristic oedematous and crepitating swellings develop in the hip, shoulder chest, back and neck.
Death usually occurs within 12-48 hrs.
Prophylactic measures include vaccination and proper hygiene. Proper hygiene requires the
destruction of carcases by burning, and cleaning and treatment of all wounds. Penicillin and
tetracycline’s if given promptly and inoculated into the site of lesion are of value and should be given in
normal therapeutic dose. Sulphathiozole and antitoxic sera are also effective. A formalin inactivated
aluminium hydroxide gel adjuvant vaccine is recommended. During outbreaks, all unaffected cattle
should be vaccinated and given penicillin at dose of 10,000 IU/ kg BW. Animal having disease and in-
contact and suspected to be infected should be isolated from the apparently assumed uninfected
animals in the herd/farm/locality. Primary vaccination is done at the age of 6 months followed by annual
booster. Wounds should be treated immediately. Combined HS+BQ vaccine are also available
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species of Brucella organism such as B. abortus (cattle and buffalo), B. mellitensis (goat), B. ovis (sheep),
B. suis (pig) and B. canis (dog).
No definite schedule of treatment using various antibiotics alone or combination can cure
brucellosis in domestic animals. The organism remains intracellular, capacity to persist in carrier state
and therefore most of the antibiotics are ineffective. Most effective approach is prevention of disease by
vaccination. Hygienic disposal of uterine discharge, fetus, fetal membrane and infected carcasses are to
be observed strictly. Strain 19 Brucella abortus attenuated live vaccine can be used in female calves or
adult cattle. The recommended dose is 2 ml given by SC route to female calves of 4-8 months age. This
consists of viable culture of B. abortus strain19, which has practically no virulence for guinea pigs and
cattle. Sometimes adult pregnant vaccinated cows with strain 19 may show severe reaction and may
abort. So it is advised not to vaccinate the pregnant animals and male calves. B. abortus killed 45/20
vaccine has been considered useful in tropical countries. The main advantage of this vaccine is that
agglutination test reactors rarely occur following vaccination because this vaccine is of rough strain. The
only disadvantage lies with the fact that repeated vaccinations are to be done at specific intervals which
is costly. It is not recommended for calves under 6 months of age.
Anthrax: It is a fatal infection characterized by septicemia and sudden death with exudation of
tarry blood from the body orifices of the dead animal. This disease is important from zoonotic point of
view as it is communicable from animals to humans and the causative organism Bacillus anthracis, has
been identified as a possible agent for bioterrorism. Spores are formed when the materials containing
the organisms are exposed to the air and these are capable of in fleeting both animals and humans. The
spores may survive in soil for long period ranging from10 years or more, or up to 60 years. The disease
commonly occurs in cattle, sheep and goats, but buffaloes, horses, pigs, camels and elephants may also
suffer. In per acute form of anthrax, affected animals die within 1-2 hours without any premonitory
signs. Momentarily there may be fever, staggering gait, muscle tremors, dyspnoea and collapse.
Discharge of blood from nostrils, mouth, anus and vulva is commonly noticed in carcasses died of
anthrax. In acute form, there is fever; the animal becomes excited and then depressed. Difficulties in
respiration, staggering, convulsions and stupor are observed. Pregnant cows may abort. The
oedematous lesions in the region of throat, sternum perineum and flanks are also observed the duration
of the disease in this form is 24-48 hrs. The confirmation of diagnosis is made by examination of blood
smears and also smears prepared from oedematous fluid. In acute cases, the treatment can be initiated
soon after appearance of clinical symptoms using antibiotics, such as strep to-penicillin, oxytetracycline,
amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin. Anthrax spore vaccine is used before onset of rain or should
there is likelihood of flood. Like HS and B vaccine is given to animals 6 months of age and repeated
annually. The animal died of anthrax should not be opened and carcass should be burnt or buried as
indicated in case of HS.
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this disease. Rodents play pivotal role in disease cycle and spread. Source of infection is infected urine,
though it can directly penetrate skin, route of infection is mostly by ingestion. The disease occurs more
commonly during rainy season and flood. Infected animals excrete numerous Leptospira organisms
particularly in their urine which remain viable in river, ponds, canals and mud for longer period and
contaminate the water. The important symptoms consist of fever, jaundice, abortion haemoglobinuria
and nephritis. Treatment with antibiotics viz dihydrostreptomycin, oxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin, and
enrofloxacin is effective. There is no vaccine available so far for immunization in cattle. The animals
should be prohibited from drinking of contaminated water.
Johne`s Disease (JD): It is chronic contagious enteritis of cattle, sheep, goat, buffaloes and
occasionally of pigs caused by Mycobacterium paratuberculosis avium. The disease is characterized by
chronic diarrhoea and thickening of the intestine in cattle and buffaloes and progressive emaciation and
immune suppression. It spreads by ingestion of feed and water contaminated by the faces of infected
animals. The infection is acquired in early age of life. The animal aged 3 to 6 years mostly suffer from the
disease since the incubation period extends from 12 months to several years. The infected animals
which are apparently healthy often show clinical signs after parturition.
The organisms are more resistant to chemotherapeutic agents in vitro than Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Therefore treatment is not attempted. So again, the role of hygiene and prophylaxis comes
into play. The affected animal should be segregated and their faces properly disposed off.
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD): It is an economically important viral disease of cattle, pigs,
sheep, goats, buffaloes caused by 7 distinct serotypes of Picorna virus. In susceptible population
morbidity reaches up to 100%. It is characterized by rise in temperature and vesicles in the mouth,
muzzle, teats, and feet, resulting in anorexia, retarded growth, sudden drop in milk production in
lactating animals, poor reproductive performance. It also affects endocrine dysfunction resulting in
panting, abnormal hair coat and lack of heat tolerance capacity. The virus also affects the immune
system of the body. The mortality rate is low except in young animals. Normally the occurrence of FMD
is more during March to May. But now, it has no definite epidemiological pattern. It can occur in any
season. The occurrence of this disease has also been observed during the periods of flood.
Disease transmission generally occurs by contact with infected animals, However aerosol
transmission is also very important, depending on climatic condition (moist humid condition with wind).
All excretion and secretion of the affected animal contain virus including milk, semen, even before
clinical signs are visible. Even dogs, birds, farm workers in the farm can be source of transmission.
One the biggest problem in implementing strategies for management of animals post outbreak
is to check the morbidity and bring back the physical health of animal in terms of lesions in mouth, foot
and teats which often due to secondary complication develop into lameness and mastitis. Therefore
following measures are required post outbreak of FMD:
a) Restrict disease morbidity: Though it is very difficult to restrict the disease spread due to its
transmission mode discussed above, following measures should be immediately be
i. Movement restriction: The movement restriction of all susceptible and infected animals, farm
workers, veterinarians, etc should be instituted immediately at farm level, locality, village level, district
level and at different levels depending on the severity of outbreak. Decontamination can be done by
using mild acid or alkali (NaOH, most commonly used) or by fumigation. All entry to the farm should be
made after foot wash and changing cloths.
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ii. Rapid culling: This policy cannot be taken up for dairy cattle herd in our country because of
social issues. The process not only decreases the population of susceptible animals but also prevents
rapid transmission.
iii. Emergency strategic vaccination: Quick response vaccination against FMD is also
recommended with effective vaccine chosen having the strain which has caused the outbreak. It takes
around 3 days after vaccination for the animal to produce antibodies to combat the virus. Because of
this delay, a larger number of animals need to be vaccinated. If vaccination is used it is important that
the consumer must be aware that vaccinate animals products are safe to consume and doesn’t pose a
hazard to human health.
iv. Separation of animals (Isolation): Isolation is another important aspect which has to be
implemented to restrict morbidity. Once disease outbreak has been notices in any herd or area,
immediately all animals in contact or sharing common feed, water and shelter should be isolated for the
remaining animals of the farm or locality. Isolation should be done in corner confined area of the farm,
if separate isolation facility away from farm area is not available, possible having separate entry and exit
point. If separate space is not available, efforts should be made to distance the calf and newborn herd
from the affected herd. Susceptible increases in animals already immuno-compromised or stressed
either due to chronic diseases or due to lactation or gestational stress. Pregnant animals due to
gestational stress are more prone to disease manifestation and often results in abortion or stillbirths.
Calves borne from affected animals should not be mixed in health calves. Dead fetus borne should be
either burnt or burrowed deep into ground away from the farm.
b) Therapeutic approach for health recovery: The objective is to prevent secondary bacterial
complication and bring back health of animal to near normalcy. Major complication which needs to be
addressed post FMD outbreaks are combating problem of anorexia, mouth and teat ulcers, mastitis,
resulting lameness and growth retardation. Lesions in mouth and feet should be addressed as priority
while handling FMD affected cases. Mouth should be first washed with Potassium permagnent (PP)
solution followed by application of borogycerine on the mouth lesions. Foot lesion should be thoroughly
but gently washed with PP solution, followed by povidone iodine solution and then apply antiseptic and
fly repellent ointment. Antimicrobials generally in veterinary practice are not effective against FMD
virus, but antimicrobials are recommended for combating secondary bacterial invaders through the
ulcers and resulting immunocompromised state. It is recommended to give for at least 7 days post
development of lesions. Nutraceuticals such as multivitamins, liver extracts and mineral supplements
are also recommended. These aids in healing as well as helps in revitalizing animal body.
For control, regular vaccination programme must be undertaken. FMD Oil Adjuvant Vaccine is
effective. The dose is 2ml for cattle, buffaloes and calves; 1 ml for sheep and goat. It should be given by
deep IM route. Primary vaccination is done at 4 months of age, followed by booster after 9 months of
primary vaccination and then subsequent revaccination is done annually. But high risk areas as well as
for having solid immunity, it is preferable to repeat the vaccination at 6 monthly intervals. Under field
conditions the mass vaccination is generally undertaken in Jan.-Feb. months to avoid the overlapping
with other vaccination schedules.
Rabies: Rabies is one of the oldest known fatal viral zoonosis. The rabies virus (Rhabdoviridae,
Lyssa virus) affects all warm blooded animals, but it is more prevalent in dogs, cats and in wild
carnivores including jackals, foxes, wolves and mongoose. In fact, these wild animals are said to be
carriers of rabies virus. Rabies in cattle occurs due to dog bite. Rabies is untreatable and prophylactic or
post-exposure vaccination is the only way for protection. After the bite of rabid dogs, the wound should
be thoroughly washed with soap and tepid water for 15-20 minutes. After washing, Tr. Iodine or
Betadine should be applied on the wound. Post-bite Rabies vaccination is available for man and animals.
Almost all vaccines used for animals are inactivated tissue culture vaccines. Current vaccination protocol
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suggests immediate vaccination and strict quarantine for 90 days. Booster is recommended in 3rd and
8th week of isolation period and just prior to release. The cell culture vaccine is also used both for
prophylaxis and post-exposure therapy in cattle. The dose of the vaccine for all types of animals
irrespective of age is one ml given by s/c or i/m route. The recommended post exposure vaccination
regimen for animals in India is similar to the recommendation of WHO for human beings. The first dose
is given at 0 day, followed by 3rd, 7th, 14th, 28th and 90th day post bite.
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acid-base and osmotic balances. Phosphorus is also required by ruminal microorganisms for growth and
cellular metabolism. Adequate Ca and P nutrition depends on three factors: a sufficient supply of each
nutrient, a suitable ratio between them and the presence of vitamin D. These factors are interrelated.
The desirable Ca: P ratio is often between 2:1 and 1:1. For dairy cattle, the Ca:P ratio should be at least
2.4:1 for cows when lactating, but should be less than 1.6:1 for dry cows to minimize Ca intake during
that period.
Rickets is one such nutritionally-related metabolic bone disease characterized by a failure of
mineralization of bone osteoid and cartilage matrix resulting in visibly swollen joints and lameness. It
results in weak, soft bones in young cattle. Retarded bone growth and performance of growing animals.
Abnormal bone growth is a common problem in young growing animals of all domestic species. If left
untreated, long bones become deformed, leading to angular limb defects, and prone to fractures.
Absolute or induced deficiencies of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D or some combination have been
identified as causes of rickets. Absolute minimal daily amounts of all three nutrients are required within
appropriate relative ratios to allow for normal mineral deposition in growing bone.
Osteomalacia is defective mineralization of osteoid on the trabecular and cortical surfaces of
bone resulting in weak brittle bones caused by demineralization of bones in adult animals. Clinical signs
initiated are similar to those of phosphorus deficiency, however specific signs of osteomalacia are
painful condition of bone and joints, stiff gait, moderate lameness, arched back. Hindlegs are most
severely affected and hock may be rotated inwards.
In acute cases, the animals are generally found dead. If the animal is discovered alive, clinical
signs may include excitability, twitching, ear flicking, aggressiveness, abnormal gait, vocalization,
convulsions, and frothing at the mouth. Their body temperature begins to rise and their heart beats
louder and faster. Death generally occurs within 1 h of the onset of symptoms. In sub acute cases,
animals remain standing and signs develop over a period of a few days and include abnormal gait,
excessive blinking, decreased feed intake, weight loss, and decreased milk production. The sub acute
form, if not treated, can also result in death. Lastly, in the chronic form animals may not show signs but
there may be sudden death. Chronic deficiency is characterized by dullness, unthriftiness, indifferent
appetite which may end in one of above two syndromes. In simultaneous tetany and hypocalcaemia
causes paresis and circulatory collapse in adult recently calved cows. Deficiency of Mg in blood affects
the impulse transmission at neuromuscular junction, release of neurotransmitter Acetyl choline (ACh),
muscle membrane threshold, as well as activation of cholinesterase. This signifies the importance of the
assessment of cerebrospinal Mg concentration in the diagnosis of lactation tetany over plasma or serum
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
The prevention of grass tetany depends largely on avoiding conditions that predisposing and
precipitating it. Application of fertilizers containing Mg (dolomite or high Mg limestone, MgO) to pasture
fields may enhance the pasture Mg content. Pasture dusting with MgO as well as provision of salt
containing MgO in ad lib to dairy cattle are some of the effective preventive strategies. Ideal
management practices with routine forage testing for its mineral composition (Mg) and accordingly
supplementation in the diet might be helpful in prevention of lactation tetany in dairy cows. Adequate
amounts of magnesium must be consumed on a daily basis.
Postpartuirent haemoglobinuria
Parturient hemoglobinemia or hemoglobinuria, red water and nutritional hemoglobinuria have
been used synonymously with postparturient hemoglobinuria (PPH). The disease is usually seen in adult
dairy cattle during their third to sixth lactation. Post parturient hemoglobin uria tends to occur during
the winter months, especially when preceded by a dry growing season. The pathogenesis of erythrocyte
destruction leading to anemia and hemoglobin uria in PPH is unknown. In part, this is probably due to
the number and diversity of etiological factors associated with the disease. However, the most likely
predisposing factors are phosphorus deficiency, which increases osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, and
copper deficiency which increases susceptibility of erythrocytes to oxidative injury. The diagnosis of PPH
can be made on the basis of the history, clinical and laboratory findings and after eliminating other
causes of intravascular hemolysis. Transfusion of large quantities of whole blood is required for severely
affected cows. Crystalloid fluids may be beneficial if blood is unavailable and may protect kidney
damage. Treatment with sodium acid phosphate or copper glycinate may prevent hemolysis. Correction
of mineral deficiencies and elimination of plant toxins from the diet may help prevent recurrence.
It is a disturbance related to the appetite and food intake of animal in which animal used to
ingest materials other than normal food. Nutritional deficiency of one or several dietary components
has been incriminated in the development of Pica. Generally dietary deficiency of bulk, in some cases
specific deficiency of dietary fibers or deficiency of specific nutrient like salt, cobalt or phosphorus in the
diet. Pica is a deficiency syndrome in livestock animals while it is normal physiological behavior in rabbits
and foals where it is thought to be method of dietary supplementation or refection of intestinal
bacterial flora. Diseases related to chronic abdominal pain (peritonitis/ gastritis), disturbances of central
nervous system like rabies, nervous acetonemia have also been incriminated in the genesis of pica in
farm animals. Animals affected with pica may chew bones (osteophagia), eat infants (infantophagia),
feces (coprophagia), or soil (geophagia). They also eat woods, bark, carrions, and may show cannibalism.
Salt hunger is characterized by coat-licking, leather chewing, earth eating and drinking of urine. Erratic
behavior of eating abnormal constituents may lead to serious consequences like deaths of young ones in
cannibalism, poisoning (lead, botulism), lodgment of foreign bodies in alimentary tract or obstruction of
esophagus/stomach, reduction in grazing time etc. It is a challenging task to point out the actual cause
of pica in animals. So therapy is generally done on hit and trial basis or balancing of ration by inclusion of
all the nutritional components. Pica can be prevented by inclusion of adequate dietary fiber, provision of
salt-licks in ad lib or regular supplementation of balanced mineral mix to meet the deficiencies and to
prevent geophagia.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Iron deficiency is usually of primary type commonly occurring in newborn animals whose sole
food source milk is poor in iron content. Iron is major component of hemoglobin which is oxygen
carrying protein. Newborn piglets are more prone to iron deficiency anemia (Piglet anemia) due to their
rapid growth rate with high iron requirement, milk with poor iron concentration as sole feed, and no
access to soil a main source of iron. Clinically deficiency of iron in piglets is characterized by reduced
growth rate and feed intake, mild diarrhea, dyspnea, lethargy, pallor of mucosae, edema of head and
forequarters. Increased incidence of stillbirths has been reported in the litter of sow suffering from iron
deficiency anemia. Piglet anemia can be prevented by allowing piglet’s access to pasture or dirt yards as
a source of iron. For indoor impervious housing system iron should be supplemented at the rate of 15
mg/day until weaning either by oral dosing or by injectable preparations. Oral preparations include
ferrous sulfate, iron pyrophosphate, iron-dextran, and iron-galactan while injectables include iron-
dextran, iron fumarate, and glutamate.
Copper deficiency anemia is mostly manifested in primary copper deficiency. Copper is required
for metabolism and reutilization of iron released from breakdown of haemoglobin. The presence of
hemosiderin deposits in tissues of Cu deficient animals supports the above role of Cu. Preventions aims
at supplementation of copper as oral (copper sulphate 1-5 g at weekly interval) or injectable (Cu
methionate, Cu glycinate) preparations.
Cobalt deficiency results in deficiency of vitamin B 12 in animal body. Resulting anemia is
normocytic, normochromic and non-regenerative. However the hemoglobin and erythrocyte levels are
often within normal range. Cobalt deficient diets should be supplemented with Co to meet
recommended dietary concentration of 0.11mg /kg DM of diet for both sheep and cattle.
Goiter is non-neoplastic and non-inflammatory enlargements of the thyroid gland. Major cause
of goiter may be due iodine deficiency and is most common in newborn pigs, lambs, calves and foals in
iodine-deficient areas. Iodine is an essential trace mineral required in synthesis of thyroid hormones.
Deficiency of iron in the animals may be primary or secondary. Secondary deficiency occurs due to
conditioning factors in diet like high calcium, gross bacterial pollution of feedstuffs or water, diets
containing plants of Brassica species like cabbage, brussels sprouts etc. Subclinical iodine deficiency has
been reported as a cause of neonatal mortality. Deficiency of iodine decreased production of thyroxine,
hyperplasia of tissue in thyroid gland. The primary deficiency of thyroxine causes weakness and
hypoplasia of hairs. Economically important outcomes of iodine deficiency includes loss of libido in bull,
failure to express estrus in cow, high incidence of aborted, stillborn or weak calves in cattle, prolonged
gestation in mares, ewes, and sows. Major factor responsible for iodine deficiency in farm animals is the
failure to provide iodine in the diet. Iodine can be supplemented as salt or as a mineral mixture to meet
recommended dietary intake of 0.8-1.0mg/kg DM for lactating and pregnant cows while 0.1-0.3 mg/kg
DM for non-pregnant cows and calves. Addition of 200 mg of potassium iodate per kg of salt fulfils the
iodine requirement.
Several diseases of farm animals are caused by or associated with the deficiency of selenium
and vitamin E alone or in combination. The enzootic nutritional muscular dystrophy (NMD) or white
muscle disease occurs in all farm animal species, but common in young rapidly growing calves, lambs,
kids and foals from dams fed for long periods on diets low in selenium and vitamin E (NRC, 1983).
Disease is characterized clinically by leg weakness, stiffness, flexion of the hock joints, and muscle
tremors. Both cardiac and skeletal muscles have been affected. Acute enzootic NMD has been reported
to cause around 100 % case fatality in affected animals. In pigs, Se deficiency results in liver necrosis,
hepatosis dietetica, resulting in high mortality. Mulberry heart disease in swine has been attributed to
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Se deficiency and is complicated by other factors other than Se deficiency. The disease can be prevented
by supplementing selenium and vitamin E to deficient animals. Se deficiency diseases can be prevented
by administration of Se to the dam during pregnancy in order to build up Se stores in fetus or direct
supplementation to young growing animals. The recommended dietary Se requirement in farm animals
is 0.1 mg/kg DM content of the diet. Se can be supplemented to animals either by dietary inclusion in
feed or water, individual parenteral injections, oral administration or by top-dressing of pastures.
Animal wealth in India has increased manifold and presently the Animal Husbandry practices
have also been changed to a great extent due to newer interventions and technologies available. The
Eastern region of the country has high density of livestock as it supports 31.14% of the livestock
population of India and occupies only 22.5 % of country geographical areas. Livestock Farming system in
Eastern region of India is based on low input backyard farming and very few high input large commercial
livestock farm exists in the region. Major important infectious diseases of livestock in eastern region are
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Foot and mouth disease, Haemorrahgic septicemia, leptospirosis, mastitis, Black quarter, etc and many
are important diseases capable of being transmitted from animal to human (zoonotic) and also cause
huge economic loss to farmers. Proper integrated disease management is very vital to reduce economic
losses due these diseases and also prevent zoonosis. Gender role and disease transmission to animal
handler is dependent on type of work performed by Gender. Males and females of all ages participate in
small-scale backyard animal production predominant in Eastern region of the country. Male livestock
keepers also have far better access to training and technology and awareness about animal health and
related zoonosis. Many activities which are related to handling animal waste and its disposal result in
zoonosis. Female genders are more susceptible due to more participation in work activity resulting in
disease transmission and lack of knowledge, training and public awareness.
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
Sl. Name of officer Designation Complete address
No. trainee (phone/mobile/fax)
1 Dr. (Mrs.) KUMARI SMS (Home Science) KVK Madhopur, West Champaran
SUNITA Phone-8083105516
[email protected]
2 Sh. K.M.KATERYAR District Dairy Sheikhpura (BIHAR)
Development Officer Phone-9835633007
3 Dr. ASMITA Junior Assistant Birla Colony, Phulwari Sharif,
KUMARI Research Patna
Officer, Institute of Phone-9470484175
Animal Health & [email protected]
Production, Patna
4 Sh. RANJEET Fisheries Extension
District Fisheries Office, Block
KUMAR Officer
Campus, Lakhisarai, Phone-
[email protected]
5 Sh. RAJESH PRASAD Fisheries Extension District Fisheries Office, Banka,
Officer Phone-8434088884
6 Smt. JAYA BHARTI Fisheries Extension District Fisheries Office
Supervisor Bettiah,Phone-8271777522
[email protected]
7 Smt. CHANCHILA SMS KVK, Jainagar KVK Jainagar, Koderma Jharkhand
KUMARI Koderma, Jharkhand Phone-9905408345
[email protected]
8 Sh. PRAMOD District Dairy Nalanda, Bihar
KUMAR JHA Development Officer, Phone-9835894837
Nalanda [email protected]
9 Dr. GAYATRI T.V.O. Mahua 24,Saurav Extension Apartment
MUKHERJEE District-Vaishali P.O.-Shastri Nagar, Patna-800023
[email protected]
10 Dr. SAPNA KUMARI Touring Veterinary Class-1 Veterinary Hospital,
Officer Chakgulamuddin Vaishali
Chakgulamuddin, Phone-9430579165
Vaishali [email protected]
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
11 Sh. ASHOK KUMAR District Dairy Near Registry Office, District Dairy
Development Officer, Development, Office, Jamui
Jamui Phone-9430060946
[email protected]
12 Dr. NIKEE KUMARI Assistant Poultry District Animal Husbandry
Officer Saran, Office, Saran, Chappra,
Chappra Phone-8676831088
13 Sh. N.K.MANJHI Assistant Conservator Assistant Conservator of Forest,
of Forest R.C.C.F. Office, Bhagalpur,
[email protected]
14 Sh. LALLAN JHA Assistant Conservator ACF, Valmiki Tiger Project,
of Forest Division-2, Bettiah, Phone-
[email protected]
15 Sh. SANJAY KUMAR District Dairy District Dairy Development Office,
Development Officer Jai Prakash Nagar Siwan
Siwan Phone-9334052195
[email protected]
16 Dr. ANJANA Animal Husbandry A.D. Office (L.C.D.P.), Regional
KUMARI Officer, Masaurhi Level, Masaurhi, Patna,
17 Dr. ANAMIKA Animal Husbandry A.D. Office (I.C.D.P.), Regional
Officer Badh, Patna Level, Badh Patna, Phone:
[email protected]
18 Sh. RAM KUMAR Assistant Conservator Tirhut Forest Division, P.O.Bela,
JHA of Forest Sherpur Gandak Colony,
Phone: 9473199617
[email protected]
19 Sh. R.K.RAM Assistant Conservator R.C.C.F. Muzaffarpur, Phone:
of Forest 9835454164
20 Sh. ANUPMA Fisheries Extension FES Darbhanga
KUMARI Supervisor (FES) Phone: 9473066859
[email protected]
21 Sh. PRADEEP Fisheries Extension New Area, Aurangabad, Nogabigha
KUMAR Officer Road, Manokamna, Mandir ke
Saamne wali gali Mein,
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013
22 Smt. SUPRIYA RANI Fisheries Extension Supriya Rani w/o Vijay Kumar
Officer Civil Line Buxar,
23 Sh. NAGENDRA Assistant Conservator DFO Office, Saran Forest Division
CHAUDHARY of Forest Chappra, Phone-9473199674
24 Sh. VIJAYA NAND VNS Groups and N.C,101, Kankarbagh, Patna-
SINGH Associates 800020
Phone: 08603390999
25 Sh. N A HAIDRY District Dairy Gopalganj, Phone: 9431461004
Development Officer
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24 January 2013 at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Bihar 2013