Managerial Economics Demand and Supply

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Due Date: 2nd December 2018

LECTURER: Dr Shelly Baker


STUDENT NAME: Kwesi A. Sakyi

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The word Economics is derived from the two Greek words OEIKOS and NEMOS

which mean house management. From that basic definition of household management in the

microcosm, the definition has expanded to mean the management of the scarce resources of

firms, corporations, entities, and nations. Economics is said to be hinged on the study of

scarcity and choice. Lionel Robbins once said that Economics is the science which studies

human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternate uses.

This definition is loaded as Economics is said to be a science about human behaviour

which is hard to predict because human beings are said to be capricious, volatile, mercurial,

kaleidoscopic and unpredictable in their behaviour. Science is any organised body of

knowledge which is logical, internally and externally consistent and has predictive ability and

explanatory powers to explain phenomena through simplified models.

Ends in Economics refer to human wants and needs though wants are luxuries and

needs are necessities of life. Human needs are unlimited relative to the means for satisfying

them so the issue of choice arises by having a scale of preference which is a list of our

immediate needs ordered according to rank order of importance. Once a choice is made, some

other alternate choice has to be sacrificed or foregone.

The foregone alternative is known as the real cost or opportunity cost. This is

different from the money or nominal cost of the item chosen. The real cost or opportunity

cost refers to the real alternative choice foregone. Let us say Maria has 10 dollars which can

buy either a novel or a meal but not both and Maria chooses to eat a meal, then she cannot

afford to have the novel. The opportunity or real cost of the meal she chose to have is the

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novel she gave up for the meal. This choice and scarcity issue confronts every economic

entity be they individuals, firms, nations, MNCs and Conglomerates.

Meaning of Demand

In Economics, demand is revealed preference of our needs given an array of

prices for a given commodity. Hayes (n.d.) stated that demand is how much quantity of a

product or service that consumers or buyers are willing and able to buy at a given price at a

given time. In Economics, demand means effective demand or demand backed by ability to

purchase and not a mere desire or wish.

The demand schedule shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded

which is inverse or a negative relationship expressed by the equation:

QD = a-bP where

QD is quantity demanded,

a is the intercept or constant,

b is the slope or propensity to demand,

P is price

The market demand schedule is a horizontal summation of all individual schedules

and the law of demand holds true for both individuals and the market demand schedules as

both schedules when plotted with price on the Y- axis and quantity on the X-axis, show

inverse or negative or indirect relationship between price and quantity demanded.

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The law of demand states that ceteris paribus (all things being equal), the lower the

price the greater the quantity demanded and the higher the price, the lower the quantity

demanded because when the price rises, consumers’ opportunity cost is greater as their utility

area falls affecting their welfare. Note that a change in own price of a good brings about a

movement along the same demand curve called a change in quantity demanded. On the other

hand, a whole bodily shift of the entire demand curve either outwards to the right or inward to

the left is called a shift in demand and are caused by factors other than own price change.

The abnormal demand curve which behaves like a supply curve is caused by

speculation or fear of future rise in price (inflation), lack of consumer knowledge and belief

that higher price connotes superior quality, effect of adverts, Veblen effect or snob appeal or

conspicuous consumption, keeping up with the Joneses or being on the band wagon, and

consumer ignorance, among other factors.

Meaning of Supply

Supply in Economics means the quantity of goods and services that suppliers and

producers are willing and able to supply to the market at a given price in time. Suppliers are

profit and revenue maximizers as the higher the price offered, the higher the quantity

supplied. When prices rise, producer surplus increases while consumer surplus reduces. It is a

zero sum game between suppliers and consumers.

The supply schedule produces a curve or graph which is upward sloping from left to

right, meaning that there is a positive and direct relationship between price and quantity

supplied. QS = a + bP

where QS represents quantity supplied,

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a is a constant or intercept on the Y-axis,

b represents propensity to supply,

and P represents price.

A change in quantity supplied reflects a movement along the same supply curve

actuated by a change in own price. For example, when the price of fuel goes up, all things

being equal, producers will have the incentive to produce and supply more to sell.

Unfortunately, the oil market is not a good example of an efficient and perfect market as it is

an oligopolistic market controlled by cartels and syndicates such as OPEC (Organisation of

Petroleum Exporting Countries with headquarters in Vienna, Austria). However, the law of

supply holds true for many goods and services. It is however, important to note that both the

laws of demand and supply should take cognizance of the effects of elasticities of demand

and supply as in extreme scenarios of perfectly elastic and perfectly inelastic demand and

supply, the laws are ineffectual.

However, for a commodity such as wheat, producers will produce more wheat to sell

if the price goes up and vice versa. However, for supply, response cannot be immediate as it

takes time to organise the farm inputs such as land, labour, capital, seedlings, fertilizers, and

machinery, among others. Supply is therefore inelastic in the short run and fairly elastic in the

long-run. However, the market or medium term supply curve has an elasticity of 1(one) or

unity so far as it passes through the origin of the Cartesian plane.

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Key Non-Price Factors that Influence Demand and Supply

Non-price factors which affect demand and supply are legion. However, the main

variables are according to the PESTEL model political, economic, social, technological,

ethical, environmental and legal. Demand for goods are affected by taste, fashion, adverts,

size of family, educational attainment, lifestyle, social class, geographical location, marital

status, culture, religion, ethnicity, propensity to save, conspicuous consumption, weather and

seasons, availability of substitutes, prices of related goods, government policy such as taxes

and subsidies, embargoes and sanctions, disposable income or net pay, previous wealth, and

previous consumption levels, among other variables.

There are many theories on consumption which explain both the price and non-price

factors of demand such as Keynes Absolute Income Hypothesis, Permanent Income

Hypothesis, Relative Income Hypothesis of Arthur Duesenberry, Milton Friedman, Andi &

Modigliani (Life Cycle Hypothesis), and Tobin & Smithies consumption theory. All these

theories posit that demand or consumption is influenced and affected by past, current, and

expected income levels, habits, expectations, and non-income factors.

Apart from own price of the good, supply is influenced greatly by time horizon,

weather patterns, prices of producer inputs, the level of technology available, number of

producers or suppliers of the good, supply-chain bottlenecks in distribution, market structure

with regard to information asymmetry, market transactions cost, number of intermediaries,

incomplete contracts, market structure according to Herfindahl Index (measured between

zero (0) for perfect market, and ten thousand (10,000) for imperfect market.

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Focus on Price while Holding other Factors Constant

Marginal analysis in economics is a mathematical method in calculus which

examines small changes at the margin using the techniques of calculus. Other factors are held

constant with the proviso that other things being equal (ceteris paribus), to first reflect the

omnipotence of price as a deciding factor in the market, and also to show the power of money

over human affairs.

The word ‘money’ is derived from the name of the Greek goddess, Hera Monetera.

Discriminant analysis in statistics shows that about ninety per cent of market decisions are

price-related. Price is both cardinal to the consumer who wants to maximize utility or

satisfaction on the one hand, and the producer who wants to maximise profit on the other

hand (utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mills recommended the pro bono

publicio or the greatest good to the greatest number of people (somum bonum) and Pareto

optimality recommends a decision as being Pareto efficient if a change will make at least one

person better off and none worse off)

The free market economy or capitalism or the price mechanism is the only production

and distribution organisation or arrangement that meets the criteria of a perfect and efficient

market. Thus price is paramount as a means of signalling, allocation, rationing, and bringing

about distributive justice (functions of the price mechanism). However, in the real world,

perfect market as an ideal is constrained in its attainment by missing markets for public and

merit/demerit goods, existence of monopolies, information asymmetry, existence of

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externalities, non-existence or extension of property rights, and undue government


Comparison between Comparative Statics Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis

According to Watkins (n.d) comparative analysis in Microeconomics deals with

examining a change brought about by a change in the endogenous variables as a result of

exogenous variables to the model undergoing changes. Thus it deals with how one market

equilibrium position changes to another equilibrium when some exogenous variable such as

price changes. Thus Comparative static Analysis is, on the one hand, theoretical and not


On the other hand, Sensitivity Analysis according to (online) is a

simulation whereby in a model, effects of changes in independent variables are examined in

relationship to their impact on the dependent variable outcome. For example, a model can

examine the impact of changes in interest rates on sales volume, given a set of assumptions. It

is a what-if simulation analysis of cause and effect. This can be statistically inferred from

multiple regression analysis or factor analysis, correlation and other significance testing

techniques using statistical methods. No matter what, models are not hundred per cent self-

explanatory as there are unexplained and residual factors to account for.

Rationing Function of Price

Price has the function of rationing goods among those who demand them, including

derived demand for factor inputs and for consumer goods. Human beings have unlimited

wants as against limited means. Price set by the interaction of market forces of demand and

supply enable those who are willing and able to pay for goods to get them at an affordable

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price. If goods were not priced or were to have zero price then there would not be enough of

them to go round everyone who desired or wished to have them for free.

Thus price acts as a rationing mechanism or device to make goods available to only

those who have the means to effectively demand for them at the prevailing market price. The

social, moral, and ethical question to pose at this juncture is: What happens to those who

cannot fulfil their needs due to their inability to pay for goods? These people are priced out of

the market and therefore they become social misfits and desperadoes who may benefit from

government largesse in a welfare state where subsidies are given to support the poor.

This is where the Welfare State and the Mixed Economies step in to fill the vacuum.

Advocates of the Free Market do not play God nor do they succumb to the ideal of being their

brother’s keeper. The Good News Bible (2007) in Leviticus 23: 22 states,

When you harvest your fields, do not cut the corn at the edges of the fields, and do not go
back to cut the ears of corn that were left; leave them for poor people and foreigners. The
Lord is your God

(Leviticus 23:22)

Advocates of the free market philosophy will advise non-support for destitutes or

destitute people as such people are deemed lazy and undesirable in the free market system.

This is in contradiction to the biblical injunction quoted above from Leviticus

admonishing the creation of pro-poor space by not clearing the whole field during the harvest

but leaving the crops at the margins for the sake of the poor destitutes and hungry passers-by

who may be strangers.

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However, moral philosophy teaches that not providing for the needs of such needy

people may spur economic, social, and political instabilities, hence the need for introducing

interventions such as resort to either eleemosynary economics or the welfare state.

At the equilibrium or market clearing price, quantity demanded equals quantity

supplied and buyers and sellers are all satisfied. This economic equilibrium may be

unrealistic or illusive as there is also need for achieving an all-inclusive global social and

political equilibrium in all spheres and sectors, whereby Economic Equilibrium = Social

Equilibrium = Political Equilibrium.

i.e. EE = SE = PE. (ESP Equilibrium)

Guiding or Allocative Function of Price

In a market economy, price helps to allocate productive resources to their best

optimum or efficient use. The price mechanism helps factors of production to be put to their

optimum use based upon Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand of market forces. Factors of

production have derived demand as their demand is dependent on the demand for the finished

goods they help to produce.

For example, Mr Danny has a four bedroom house which can be used as a Lodge, a

School, or a Restaurant. Mr Danny will weigh all three options and settle for the user who

will be able to meet his rent bill. If Mr Danny succeeds in his venture by renting out to a

restaurateur, then other landlords and landladies in the area may also follow suit.

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Short-run and Long-run Perspectives of Producers and Consumers

There is an expensive joke in Economics that in the long run we are all dead. The

short run in Economics is such a short time that certain conditions cannot be varied. For

example, when the price of tomatoes shoot up suddenly, tomato growers bcannot

immediately react or respond quickly to the demand for more tomatoes. They need time to

organise resources before increasing acreage under tomato.

However, there is the phenomenon of the Hog Cycle or abnormal Cobweb Theorem

in Economics whereby in the next growing cycle, farmers may overshoot supply and there

will be a market glut or surfeit or over-supply. To even out such abnormal spurts, there could

be government policy of farm subsidies and Buffer Stock schemes to buy up over-supplied

stock. However, this is market intervention and not sustainable in the long-run as shown by

the Butter Mountains and Wine Lakes in the EU in the 70s due to the Common Agriculture

Policy (CAP) then. That led to price ceilings, price floors or maximum and minimum price



Demand and supply are at the core of Economics therefore an understanding

of them enhances the study of the intricate nature of Economics as a Discipline for study. The

writer concludes that despite economic equilibrium of demand equalling supply, the

underlying socio-politico implications of such sub-optimal and artificial economic

equilibrium should not lead to complacency as in the long run, such economic equilibrium

may not be sustainable, in view of the frequent bubble bursts, economic recessions and

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depressions, financial crunches, and market failures. The Efficient Market Hypothesis needs

redefining and revisiting.

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