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DFA stands for deterministic finite automaton. Basically, it is a directed graph where each
node has edges coming out of it labeled with the letters from a fixed finite alphabet Σ. One
node is designated as the start node, and a set of nodes are designated as final nodes. If
|Σ| = k, then each node has k distinctly labeled outgoing edges, one for each letter in Σ.
The strings accepted by a DFA are the ones corresponding to walks from the start state to
a final state following the correctly labeled edges.

DFA Exercises
1. Give a DFA for Σ = {0, 1} and strings that have an odd number of 1’s and any number
of 0’s.

2. Give a DFA for Σ = {a, b, c} that accepts any string with aab as a substring.

3. Give a DFA for Σ = {a, b} that accepts any string with aababb as a substring.

4. Suppose you are given many texts (strings) T1 , . . . , Tn and one pattern string P . You
want to determine which texts have the pattern P as a substring. What is the total
runtime of doing this using DFAs?


0 0


b, c c a a, b, c

a a b

b, c


b a a, b
a a b a b b

4. Once the DFA is built, the total runtime is O( Ti ). The question is how long does it
take to construct the DFA? We will see a particularly efficient way in the next section
giving an O(|P |) runtime for DFA construction.

DFAs and Substring Matching

As we saw above, once we have a DFA, we can quickly determine whether a given pattern
P is a substring of a text T . The issue is building the DFA. We now present an algorithm
(Knuth-Morris-Pratt) for quickly building and compactly storing the required DFA, and then
an algorithm (actually the same algorithm) for simulating our compactly stored DFA.
The idea is to build an array whose entries correspond to each entry of our DFA. Each
array entry points back to an earlier index in the array. Recall from the above exercises that
each state of the DFA corresponds to how much progress we have made toward matching
the pattern P . When we get a letter that doesn’t make further progress, we must determine
which state we land on. Going back to our array, assume each array entry corresponds to
some prefix z of our pattern string (i.e., the prefix of the pattern we matched thus far). Then
the array entry will refer to the index of the longest pattern prefix which is a proper suffix
of z. Using DP we will build this array in |P | time. Using this array we can simulate the
DFA on a text T in O(|T |) time. This gives us an O(|T |) substring detection algorithm with
O(|P |) preprocessing time.

KMP Exercises
1. For the last DFA (aababb) in the previous group of exercises, construct the correspond-
ing KMP table.
2. Build the corresponding KMP table for the string abcaabc.
3. Show how to build the above array in O(|P |) time.
4. Show how to simulate the corresponding DFA in O(|T |) time.
5. Show how to find all occurrences of a pattern P in a text T using the KMP algorithm.

6. Given a string z find the shortest string x such that z = xk for some k > 0. That is, z
is x repeated k times.

1. The table is

index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
value 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

2. The table is

index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
value 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 3

public s t a t i c int [ ] buildKMPTable ( S t r i n g p a t t e r n )
int [ ] t a b l e = new int [ p a t t e r n . l e n g t h ( ) + 1 ] ;
f o r ( int i = 2 ; i < t a b l e . l e n g t h ; ++i )
int j = t a b l e [ i − 1 ] ;
i f ( p a t t e r n . charAt ( j ) == p a t t e r n . charAt ( i −1) )
{ t a b l e [ i ] = j +1; break ; }
else j = table [ j ] ;
} while ( j != 0 ) ;
return t a b l e ;

public s t a t i c int s i m u l a t e ( int [ ] t a b l e , S t r i n g p a t t e r n , S t r i n g
text )
int s t a t e = 0 ;
f o r ( int i = 0 ; i < p a t t e r n . l e n g t h ( ) ; ++i )
while ( true )
i f ( p a t t e r n . charAt ( i ) == t e x t . charAt ( s t a t e ) )
s t a t e ++;

break ;
e l s e i f ( s t a t e == 0 ) break ;
state = table [ state ] ;
return s t a t e ;

5. Look for the pattern P $ in the string T and determine how many times you arrive at
the next-to-last state.

6. Using KMP you can find the suffixes of P that are also prefixes. Suppose P = vw and
P = wx where v, w, x are strings. That is, w is both a suffix and a prefix of P . If |v|
divides |P | then P = v |P |/|v| . Looping through the KMP table, find the shortest such

Tries, Suffix Tries, and Suffix Trees

A trie is a tree data structure for holding strings. You can sort of think of it as a particular
type of DFA for a set of strings, with certain edges omitted. To find a word, you traverse the
edges corresponding to it. The word is in the trie if you can traverse the edges corresponding
to the word and end on a final state. Each node of the trie correponds to a prefix of one of
the stored words.
A suffix trie for a string x is a trie made from all possible suffixes of x. Usually, we want
every leaf to correspond to a different suffix, so we append an extra character $ to the end
that is not used in the string. Each node of the suffix trie corresponds to a prefix of a suffix,
i.e., a substring.
A suffix trie is a nice data structure, but it is too big (O(|x|2 )). The problem is that
many nodes in the tree may have 1 child. To deal with this, we compress the suffix trie into
a suffix tree by allowing edges to have strings as labels instead of just letters. The label of
each edge is denoted by an interval of indices referring to the original string. We use this to
create a tree where every internal (non-leaf) node has at least 2 children.
As we will see, a suffix tree is an incredibly useful data structure allowing us to solve
many useful (particularly in bioinformatics) problems in linear time. The real challenge is
constructing a suffix tree. Knuth conjectured that constructing a suffix tree in linear time
would be impossible as it would allow the longest common substring problem to be solved
in linear time. He was later proved incorrect by Weiner who gave the first linear suffix tree
algorithm in 1973. The code I will be giving out uses Ukkonen’s algorithm.
It is also possible to build a data structure called a generalized suffix tree for a set of strings
{x1 , . . . , xn }. To do this we build a suffix tree for the concatenated string x1 $1 x2 $2 · · · xn $n ,
where the $i are all distinct and do not occur in any of the xi . The prefix corresponding
to any internal node of the suffix tree cannot have a $i in it, as a $i uniquely determines

your position in the string, and hence could not lead to a node with at least 2 children.
To determine what suffix a leaf node corresponds to, simply find the first $i that occurs in
thePedge that leads to it, and ignore all characters following it. The resulting tree has size
O( |xi |).

Suffix Tree Exercises

1. Suppose you have a tree T where every non-leaf node has at least 2 children. If there
are n leaves give an upper bound on the total size of the tree.

2. Draw the suffix tree for the string “aababb$”.

3. Given a suffix tree for the text T $ and a pattern string P , show how to find all
occurrences of P in O(|P | + occ) time.

4. Given a suffix tree for the string x$ and an integer k, show how to find all maximum
length substrings s that occur at least k times in x

(a) If overlapping is allowed.

(b) (?) If overlapping is not allowed.

5. Given a suffix tree for the string x$, find the smallest string z such that x = z k for
some k ≥ 1.

6. Given a generalized suffix tree for the strings x1 , . . . , xn , find all substrings of maximum
length that are common to every string.

7. Given a list of strings x1 , . . . , xn , compute for every k the length of the longest string
common to k of the xi .

1. There are O(|n|) nodes in the tree (a complete binary tree is the worst case).


a b

ababb$ b abb$ $

abb$ b$

3. Travel edges according to the letters in P . You will either not be able to (0 occurrences),
you will end at a node, or you will end in the middle of an edge. The number of leaves
below your position in the tree is the number of occurrences. This can be counted with
a DFS.

4. (a) First do a DFS and compute the length of the maximum length substring that
occurs at least k times. To do this, consider all nodes with at least k leaves below
them, and take the maximum length of all prefixes that lead to them. Then do a
second DFS, and output all of the prefixes that have this computed length.
(b) Do a DFS. At each node, you then have access to all of the leaves that lie below
it. Each leaf gives you an index range of the corresponding suffix. This allows you
to compute the index ranges of all occurrences of the substring x corresponding
to the node. Sort these index ranges, and greedily choose a maximum disjoint set
of intervals. These give you the number of non-overlapping substrings. Use this
to find the answer, as in the previous part.

5. As before, this reduces to finding all suffixes that are prefixes. To do this, simply
traverse the path of the suffix tree corresponding to the string itself. If at any point
you reach a node that has a $ edge coming out of it, that marks the end of a suffix.
Hence you have found a prefix that is a suffix.

6. Build the generalized suffix tree. For each node, determine how many leaves below it
correspond to distinct xi s. Consider every node that has n distinct leaves below it.

7. The same as above, but only look for k distinct leaves.

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