Ihk Papsmear
Ihk Papsmear
Ihk Papsmear
Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most common female cancers and is caused by human papillomavirus
(HPV). Viral infection leads to cell cycle deregulation by inactivating p53 and retinoblastoma protein by viral
oncoproteins E6 and E7, respectively. Then, nuclear proteins such as DNA topoisomerase type IIa (TOP2A) and
Ki-67 show increased expression because of increased cell division. These molecules are used as biomarkers
for immunohistochemistry analysis of cervical tissue.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we recruited 110 women receiving regular gynecological surveillance
at public health centers in Olinda – PE, Brazil. Cervicovaginal cells were collected to determine the presence
of cytological abnormalities and HPV infection. Pap smear slides were used to evaluate the expression of
TOP2A and Ki-67 using immunocytochemistry techniques.
Results: Of the 110 women, 75.4 % showed HPV-DNA+ infection (83/110) and 29.1 % showed cellular abnormalities
(32/110). Two atypical cells of undetermined significance, one low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, and
one high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion samples showed no HPV-DNA. TOP2A was positive in 71.9 % of
samples, while Ki-67 was positive in 81.2 %. Immunocytochemistry results were positive in 4 of 5 atypical cells of
undetermined significance samples. In HPV-DNA+ samples with cytological abnormalities, immunocytochemistry
results were positive 96.4 % of samples (p < 0.0001; odds ratio = 28.0). Among the samples infected with HR-HPV,
TOP2A+ was effective in 71 % samples, while and Ki-67+ was 77.4 %. Ki-67 and TOP2A were positive for all
samples infected with HPV6, HPV11, and HPV18. Ki-67 was also positive for all HPV16 samples, except for one
negative sample in cytopathology analysis.
Conclusions: TOP2A and Ki-67 antibodies may be used in combination for cervical cancer screening in
immunocytochemistry assays.
Keywords: Cervical cytopathology, Human papillomavirus, Ki-67 antigen, DNA Topoisomerases type IIa,
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Laboratory of Immunopathology Keizo Asami (LIKA), Federal University of
Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil
Faculdade ASCES/Associação Caruaruense de Ensino Superior, Caruaru – PE,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2016 Peres et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Peres et al. Journal of Biomedical Science (2016) 23:42 Page 2 of 8
of denaturation at 95 °C for 1 min, (iii) annealing at at 400× magnification. Two slides well-known to be
45 °C (for GP5+/6+) or 55 °C (for MY09/11) or 60 °C (for immunoreactive for Ki-67 and TOP2A were used as
β-actin) for 1 min; and (iv) extension at 72 °C for 1 min. A positive controls in each batch: (1) a slide containing a
final extension was performed at 72 °C for 5 min. A plas- tissue section from cervical cancer biopsy and (2) a
mid containing the HPV16 complete genome was used as slide containing cytological samples from invasive squa-
a positive control. Ultrapure water was used as a negative mous cell carcinoma. PBS, pH 7.2, was used as a negative
control. Amplicons were observed on a 1 % agarose gel control. Slides were assumed to be positive for TOP2A or
stained with ethidium bromide (0.5 mg/mL final concen- Ki-67 when at least one cell showed a dark brown nucleus
tration). All samples were analyzed twice for each primer (Fig. 1a–d). Immunocytochemistry results were catego-
pair in independent experiments. HPV-positive results rized into four groups: Ki-67+; TOP2A+; Ki-67+/TOP2A+
were assumed for samples with at least two positive (positive for both markers); and Ki-67+ and/or TOP2A+
results in HPV amplification. (positive for at least one marker on the same slide), desig-
nated as ICC+. Two independent cytopathologists (A.L.P.
HPV-DNA genotyping and N.T.P.F) assessed all slides in a double-blinded man-
Cervical samples assumed as positive for HPV-DNA ner; contradictory findings resolved through discussion.
or presenting cytological abnormalities were evaluated
using the PapilloCheck® Test Kit (Greiner Bio-One Statistical analysis
GmbH, Frickenhausen, Germany), according to the manu- Statistical analysis was performed using Prism software
facturer’s instructions. This chip-based assay identifies 18 v6.0 (GraphPad, Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA). The associ-
HPV genotypes classified as high-risk (HR) or probable ation between groups according to cytopathology, im-
HR-HPV (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, munocytochemistry, and PCR results were performed by
66, 68, 70, 73, 82) and 6 low-risk (LR) HPV (HPV6, 11, 40, Chi-square test or Fischer exact test with 95 % confi-
42, 43, 44/55). The test cannot distinguish between dence intervals (95 % CI) and odds ratio (OR). Statistics
HPV-55 and HPV-44 because of a cross-reaction, and were significant when p < 0.05. The concordance be-
the manufacturer instructions do not differentiate HR- tween Ki-67 and TOP2A results were analyzed using
HPV from probable HR-HPV. Slide scanning was per- Kappa statistics (κ) with 95 % CI in BioEstat software
formed using a Greiner Bio-One CheckScanner™. Data (Version 5.3).
analysis was performed using CheckReport™ Software.
Since PapilloCheck® requires highly pure and concen- Results
trated DNA (400–800 ng input), all samples that did Sample characterization
not fulfill the criteria were excluded from the study. Among the 110 patients, the median age was 30 years,
77.8 % declared household incomes up to two minimum
Immunocytochemistry procedures wages, and 95.4 % had no more than a high school
Immunocytochemistry (ICC) was performed on the Pap education level (Table 1). Most women were married
smear slides by removing coverslips in xylene and rehy- (53.7 %), reported the first sexual intercourse after
drating the samples in decreasing concentration of 16 years old (59.4 %), and had fewer than three sex-
ethyl alcohol [15]. To test two antibodies (anti-TOP2A ual partners (51.4 %). Multiparous women represented
and anti-Ki-67) on the same slide, a hydrophobic bar- 56.4 % of the patients, varying from 2 to 11 children
rier was introduced using the Dako Pen S2002 (Dako, each. Abortion was reported by 33.6 % of the patients,
Carpinteria, CA, USA) to prevent mixing of the anti- including two nulliparous women. Only 1.8 % of the
body solutions. The design of the separation line oc- patients reported the use of oral contraceptive methods. A
curred after careful observation of the slide to ensure total of 28.2 % of women reported tubal ligation, a factor
the presence of cells with morphological abnormalities for HPV infection in this group (p = 0.0013; OR = 4.779).
on both sides of the barrier. Counterstain using Harry’s The youngest patient to report tubal ligation was 26 years,
hematoxylin was performed before slide assembly. Im- she used no other contraceptive method, had her first
munostaining was performed with antibodies against pregnancy at 19 years, and had 5 children. Smoking habits
Ki-67 (Clone MIB-1, Dako) and TOP2A (Clone Ki-S1, and alcohol consumption were reported by 34.5 and
Dako) at 1:50 and 1:100 dilutions, respectively. Both 54.5 % of patients, respectively.
antibody solutions were prepared in PBS, pH 7.2, con- Of the 110 women, 75.4 % showed HPV-DNA+ infec-
taining 1 % bovine serum albumin (Thermo Fischer tion (83/110) and 29.1 % showed cellular abnormalities
Scientific). Starr Trek Universal HRP Detection System (32/110). Twenty-eight samples were positive for both
(BIOCARE MEDICAL, Concord, CA, USA) was used tests, cytopathology, and HPV-DNA (87.5 %). Two
according to manufacturer’s instructions. Slides were ASC-US, one LSIL, and one HSIL sample showed no
evaluated using an Olympus microscope (Tokyo, Japan) HPV-DNA (Table 2).
Peres et al. Journal of Biomedical Science (2016) 23:42 Page 4 of 8
Fig. 1 a Papanicolaou staining of cervical cells showing syncytial arrangement with dyskaryosis characterizing HSIL (magnification: 400×).
b TOP2A-positive immunocytochemistry of cervical cells at similar syncytial arrangement (magnification: 400×). c Papanicolaou staining of
cervical cells showing syncytial arrangement with dyskaryosis, (magnification: 400×). d Ki-67-positive immunocytochemistry of cervical cells
with similar syncytial arrangement (400×)
Table 1 Socio-demographic profile and clinical status of Table 1 Socio-demographic profile and clinical status of
110 patients enrolled in the study 110 patients enrolled in the study (Continued)
HPV infection Alcohol consumption 0.0754
Characteristics N N (%) p value Yes 60 41 68.3
Total samples 110 83 75.4 0.3907
No 50 42 84.0
Age, years a
Minimum wage = R$ 622.00; b2 patients did not answer the question;
< 16 7 6 85.7 4 patients did not answer; d5 patients did not answer; eexcluding 25
patients that never were pregnant
16–30 49 34 69.4
> 30 54 43 79.6
Household income, minimum wage (R$)a 0.5369 and TOP2A were positive for all samples infected with
<2 84 65 77.4 HPV6, HPV11, and HPV18. Ki-67 was also positive for
2–5 25 17 68.0
all HPV16 samples, except for one negative sample in
cytopathology analysis. Twenty-seven samples (37.2 %)
>5 1 1 100.0
showed negative results for the Papillocheck test, includ-
Educational level 0.4321 ing one HSIL (ICC+), two LSIL samples, and one ASC-US
High school or less 105 79 75.2 (HPV-DNA+ and ICC+). Genotyping tests failed in 15
Incomplete college 3 3 100.0 samples, including two LSIL (ICC+). Of the 37 NILM
College graduate 2 1 50.0 samples evaluated, 13 samples were infected with HR-
Matrimonial statusb 0.4050
HPV and one sample was infected with LR-HPV.
Single 38 27 71.0
Married 58 46 79.3 Our findings showed a high positive rate for the ICC+
Divorced 8 5 62.5 test in samples with cytological abnormalities. TOP2A
Widow 4 4 100.0 was more effective for HSIL samples, while Ki-67 was
Age of first sexual intercourse, years c
0.2414 more effective for ASC-US and LSIL. A combination of
< 16 43 36 83.7
markers is necessary for cervical cancer screening systems
when the concordance between markers shows only mod-
≥ 16 63 46 73.0
erate agreement. TOP2A and Ki-67 were also useful for
Sexual partnersd 0.3956 identifying samples infected with HR-HPV, an important
<3 54 39 72.2 result the potential of these markers for commercial
3–7 46 34 73.9 application.
>7 5 5 100.0 HPV-DNA tests exhibit high sensitivity but low speci-
Parity 0.6964
ficity and generally cannot distinguish clinically relevant
lesions from transient infections [16]. Thus, comple-
Nulliparous 27 19 70.4
mentary biomarkers are needed to allow for such dis-
Primiparous 21 17 80.9 crimination [17]. ICC may improve the management of
Multiparous (2–11) 62 47 75.8 cervical intraepithelial lesions following identification
Abortione 0.6082 of protein expression deregulation [18, 19]. Careful in-
Yes (1–5) 37 27 72.9 terpretation of immunostaining results and morpho-
No 48 38 79.2
logical characteristics in conventional Pap smears can
be a very useful as laboratory approach. This approach
Oral contraceptive 1.00
is also simple, reliable, and easily applicable in diagnos-
Yes 2 2 100.0 tic routines [6, 19].
No 108 81 75 Application of the Ki-67 marker has been investigated
Tubal ligation 0.0013 in cervical cytology using classic Pap smears as a diag-
Yes 31 24 77.4 nostic adjunct for reducing the need for tissue biopsies
No 79 33 41.8
[18, 20–22]. Ki-67 immunocytochemistry shows good
accuracy for HSIL diagnosis and is used as an adjunct to
Smoking habit 0.6439
cytology [6, 23]. In the present study, Ki-67 was positive
Yes 38 30 78.9 in 81.2 % samples with cellular abnormalities, which is
No 72 53 73.6 comparable to the results of previous studies [19, 24].
Since Ki-67 is highly expressed epithelial cells during
proliferation, its positive staining can indicate an active
Peres et al. Journal of Biomedical Science (2016) 23:42 Page 6 of 8
Table 2 Immunocytochemistry profile of TOP2A and Ki-67 antibodies related to cytopathology classification of cervical smears
Cytopathology N HPV+ (%) Immunocytochemistry
TOP2A+ (%) Ki-67+ (%) TOP2A+/Ki-67+ (%) ICC+ (%)
, , ,
Positive 32* ** *** **** 28 (87.5) 23* (71.9) 26** (81.2) 19*** (59.4) 30**** (93.7)
ASC-US 5 3 (60) 2 (40) 3 (60) 1 (20) 4 (80)
LSIL 19 18 (94.7) 13 (68) 16 (84) 11 (57.9) 18 (94.7)
HSIL 8 7 (87.5) 8 (100) 7 (87.5) 7 (87.5) 8 (100)
NILM 78 55 (70.5) 28 (36) 21 (27) 18 (23) 31 (39.7)
Total 110 83 51 47 37 61
*p < 0.0007 (OR = 4.563; 95 % CI: 1.857–11.21); **p < 0.0001 (OR = 11.76; 95 % CI: 4.245–32.59); ***p < 0.0007 (OR = 4.872; 95 % CI: 2.019–11.75); ****p < 0.0001
(OR = 22.74; 95 % CI 5.065–102.1)
HPV infection [8, 25]. Studies of cellular biomarkers in This observation is in agreement with studies using
this field have described Ki-67 as a marker in cervical SurePath preparation, in which ICC with p16 and Ki-67
ASC-US. Ki-67 tests may help to reduce the rate of ASC- could identify high protein expression even in HPV-
US, leading to differentiation of dysplasia from mimics negative ASC-US [10, 32] and ASC-H samples [5, 9].
such as atypical metaplasia or atrophy in diagnostically HPV-DNA is normally positive in transient infections,
problematic cases [9, 26], although it is relatively nonspe- accounting for the majority of infected cases. However,
cific for detecting cervical squamous dysplasia [23, 27]. TOP2A staining as a maker of cell-cycle deregulation
TOP2A and Ki-67 were previously tested together and Ki-67 for uncontrolled proliferation are expected to
for immunohistochemistry in carcinoma and high-grade be positive only in dysplastic cells undergoing HPV-
cervical neoplasia (CIN2/3), revealing no relationship be- mediated transformation. A negative result for ICC in
tween stained nuclei counting and survival [28]. However, HPV+ samples indicates a low risk of cervical lesion de-
another report showed that only TOP2A matched to all velopment in these patients, although HPV is present.
HSIL samples, with better results than for Ki-67 [27, 29], The association of p16/Ki-67 staining increased sensi-
which agree with our ICC results. Studies also observed tivity and specificity for identifying women at high-risk
Ki-67 and TOP2A in the vulvar epithelium, showing good for developing high-grade precancerous disease in a group
correlation for characterizing benign, intraepithelial, and of HPV-positive patients with negative liquid-based Pap
invasive neoplastic epithelial changes [30]. cytology [6, 33]. Singh et al. (2012) also applied dual stain-
In our study, using both markers enabled identification ing for p16INK4a/Ki-67 ICC and showed increased speci-
of cellular abnormalities in four of five ASC-US samples, ficity and remarkable sensitivity for diagnosing CIN2/3 or
corroborating the results of previous studies focused on glandular lesions compared with PCR-based testing for
atypical squamous cell cytology [5, 8, 27, 31]. We also HR-HPV [34]. Finally, CINtec® PLUS, a commercial assay
identified structural modifications in samples with cyto- for p16/Ki-67 determination, was strongly related to the
logical abnormalities without HPV-DNA identification. presence of CIN2+ lesions and was associated with
Table 4 Frequency of HPV genotypes in 34 positive samples, according to cytopathology and immunocytochemistry tests
HPV genotype No. (%) Cytopathology Immunocytochemistry
LR-HPV genotypes
6 2 (5.9) – 2 – 2 2 2 2
11 2 (5.9) – 1 – 2 2 2 2
42 2 (5.9) – 1 – 2 2 2 2
43 1 (2.9) – – – – – – –
HR-HPV genotypes
16 9 (26.5) – 5 2 8 6 6 8
18 3 (8.8) – – 2 3 3 3 3
31 1 (2.9) – – 1 1 1 1 1
35 2 (5.9) – 1 – 2 2 2 2
39 1 (2.9) – – – – – – –
45 1 (2.9) – 1 – 1 – – 1
51 4 (11.8) – 1 – 2 3 2 3
52 4 (11.8) 1 1 1 4 3 3 4
53 4 (11.8) – 1 – 2 2 2 2
56 6 (17.4) – 3 1 5 4 3 6
59 1 (2.9) – – – 1 1 1 1
66 3 (8.8) 1 1 – 3 1 1 3
68 2 (5.9) – – 1 1 2 1 2
70 1 (2.9) – – – – – – –
73 1 (2.9) – 1 – 1 – – 1
82 3 (8.8) 1 2 – 3 2 2 3
HR-HPV infection and an increasing grade of cervical papillomavirus; HSIL: high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion;
lesions [7, 17]. In our study, TOP2A+ and Ki-67+ showed ICC: immunocytochemistry; LSIL: low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion;
MCM2: minichromosome maintenance protein; NILM: negative for
higher positive rates in samples infected with HR-HPV intraepithelial lesion or malignancy; OR: odds ratio; p16 INK4a: protein;
compared to in biopsied paraffin blocks analyzed for PBS: phosphate-buffered saline; PCNA: proliferating cell nuclear antigen;
HPV16, 18, and 31 [35]. PCR: polymerase chain reaction; pRb: protein retinoblastoma; ProExC™: kit
antibody (anti-protein: TOP2A and MCM2 - minichromosome maintenance
This is the first study investigating a combination of protein 2); RR: relative risk; TOP2A: DNA topoisomerase II alpha.
TOP2A and Ki-67 as markers for ICC in HR-HPV infec-
tion. The present study has some limitations, including Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
the relatively small number of selected cases and the
use of material collected during routine gynecological Authors’ contributions
inspection of women under surveillance at public health AP: designed and developed the study, wrote the manuscript, analyzing
centers in Brazil. the data; KS: contributed in the molecular and immunocytochemical
activities; RA: revised the manuscript; JLF: scientific collaborator for this
project; MMJ: revised the manuscript; DM: coordinator in molecular
Conclusions biology for the identification of HPV in samples and analyzing the data;
TOP2A and Ki-67 may be a useful antibody combination NPF: coordination and guidance on activities related to pathology. All the
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
for cervical cancer screening in health services currently
using only conventional cytology. Further analyses are Acknowledgments
required before considering these markers for clinical The authors thank Ph.D. Carlos Eduardo de Queiroz Lima and MSc. Juliana
Lúcia de Albuquerque Vasconcelos for their assistance and contributions to
follow-up in immunohistochemistry. Their performance the experimental analyses.
must also be compared with those of commercial assays.
Author details
Abbreviations Laboratory of Immunopathology Keizo Asami (LIKA), Federal University of
ASC-US: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; BSA: bovine Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil. 2Molecular Prospection and Bioinformatics
serum albumin; CI: confidence intervals; CIN: neoplasia intraepithelial cervical; Group - Laboratory of Immunopathology Keizo Asami (LIKA), Federal
DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA-HPV: genome of HPV; HPV: human University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil. 3Department of Biochemistry,
Peres et al. Journal of Biomedical Science (2016) 23:42 Page 8 of 8
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– PE, Brazil. 5Department of Pathology, Healthy Science Centre, Federal Suppl. 2005;38:17–23.
University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil. 22. Zeng Z, Del Priore G, Cohen JM, Mittal K. MIB-1 expression in cervical
Papanicolaou tests correlates with dysplasia in subsequent cervical biopsies.
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