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Leipzig'. F. A. B R O C K H A U S .
A . E. H . L O V E , M . A . , D.Sc., F.R.S.
F O R M E R L Y F E L L O W O F S T J O H N ' S C O L L E G E , C A M B R I D G E
H O N O R A R Y F E L L O W O F Q U E E N ' S C O L L E G E , O X F O R D
at the University Press
Scope of History. Galileo's enquiry. Enunciation of Hooke's Law. Mariotte's in
vestigations. The problem of the elastica. Euler's theory of the stability of
struts. [Researches of Coulomb and Young. Euler's theory of the vibrations of
bars. Attempted theory of the vibrations of bells and plates. Value of the
researches made before 1820. Navier's investigation of the general equations.
Impulse given to the theory by Fresnel. Cauchy's first memoir. Cauchy and
Poisson's investigations of the general equations by means of the " molecular "
hypothesis. Green's introduction of the strain-energy-function. Kelvin's appli
cation of the laws of Thermodynamics. Stokes's criticism of Poisson's theory.
The controversy concerning the number of the " elastic constants." Methods
of solution of the general problem of equilibrium. Vibrations of solid bodies.
Propagation of waves. Technical problems. Saint-Venant's theories of torsion
and flexure. Equipollent loads. Simplifications and extensions of Saint-Venant's
theories. Jouravski's treatment of shearing stress in beams. Continuous beams.
Kirchhoff's theory of springs. Criticisms and applications of Kirchhoff's theory.
Vibrations of bars. Impact. Dynamical resistance. The problem of plates.
The Kirchhoff-Gehring theory. Clebsch's modification of this theory. Later
researches in the theory of plates. The problem of shells. Elastic stability.
1. Extension 32
2. Pure Shear 33
3. Simple Shear 33
4. Displacement 35
5. Displacement in simple extension and simple shear 35
6. Homogeneous strain . * 36
7. Relative displacement . 37
8. Analysis of the relative displacement .38
9. Strain corresponding with small displacement 39
10. Components of strain 40
11. The strain quadric 41
12. Transformation of the components of strain 42
23. Introductory . . . . . 57
24. Strain corresponding with any displacement .57
25. Cubical dilatation . . . 59
26. Reciprocal strain ellipsoid 60
27. Angle between two curves altered by strain 60
28. Strain ellipsoid 61
29. Alteration of direction by the strain 62
30. Application to cartography 63
31. Conditions satisfied by the displacement . . . . . . . .63
32. Finite homogeneous strain . .64
33. Homogeneous pure strain 65
34. Analysis of any homogeneous strain into a pure strain and a rotation . . .67
35. Rotation .67
36. Simple extension 68
37. Simple shear 68
38. Additional results relating to shear 69
39. Composition of strains 69
40. Additional results relating to the composition of strains 70
52. Resolution of any stress-system into uniform tension and shearing stress . .81
53. Additional results . 8 1
54. The stress-equations of motion and of equilibrium 82
55. Uniform stress and uniformly varying stress . 84
56. Observations concerning the stress-equations . . . . . . . 85
57. Graphic representation of stress 86
58. Stress-equations referred to curvilinear orthogonal coordinates . . . . 87
59. Special cases of stress-equations referred to curvilinear orthogonal coordinates . 89
60. Introductory 90
61. Work and energy 90
62. Existence of the strain-energy-function . . 92
63. Indirectness of experimental results 94
64. Hooke'sLaw 95
65. Form of the strain-energy-function 96
66. Elastic constants 97
67. Methods of determining the stress in a body 98
68. Form of the strain-energy-function for isotropic solids 99
69. Elastic constants and moduluses of isotropic solids 100
70. Observations concerning the stress-strain relations in isotropic solids . . 101
71. Magnitude of elastic constants and moduluses of some isotropic solids . . 103
72. Elastic constants in general 103
73. Moduluses of elasticity 104
74. Thermo-elastic equations . . . . . . . , . . .106
75. Initial stress 107
p. 10, footnote 37. Add " Reprinted in Stokes's Math. andPhys. Papers, vol. i. (Cambridge
1880), p. 75."
p. 27, line 1. For "M. Phillips" read "E. Phillips."
p. 65, line 16. Insert "square of the" before "central radius vector."
p. 112, lines 3 and 4 from foot. Delete "In particular, there is no yield-point under thrust."
For some examples of the determination of the yield-point under thrust (Quetsch-
grenze) see Bauschinger, Mittheilungen, xin.
p. 133. The equation numbered " (29 bis)" should be numbered " (30 bis)."
p. 273. After equation (39) add " The displacement has, in general, both transverse and
radial components, but the rotation has no radial component."
p. 402, line 5. For " R (yi - y) " read " R (yi - y)."
line 20. For " d^/ds " and " d$/ds " read " d^/ds " and " dcfr/ds."
p. 428. Fig. 64 suggests that the displacement is determined so that the ends of the rod
move along the line of action of the forces R. To secure the satisfaction of this
condition an additional displacement, which would be possible in a rigid body, must be
superposed upon the displacement given in the text. I am indebted for this correction
to Mr G. C. Calliphronas.
p. 470, line 2. For " M. Barthelemy " read " A. Barthelemy."
3 3
Exercices de mathematique, 1828, * Sur l'equilibre et le mouvement d'un systeme de points
materiels sollicites par des forces d'attraction ou de repulsion mutuelle.' This memoir follows
immediately after that last quoted and immediately precedes that next quoted.
Exercices de mathematique, 1828, ' De la pression ou tension dans un systeme de points
3 5
* Ueber die Veranderungen, welche in den bisher gebrauchlichen Formeln fur das Gleichge-
wicht und die Bewegung elastischer fester Korper durch neuere Beobachtungen nothwendig
geworden sind,' Ann. Phys. Ghem. (Poggendorff), Bd. 76 (1849).
meaning of his work. Clausius criticized the restrictive conditions which
Cauchy imposed upon t h e arrangement of his material points, b u t he argued
t h a t these conditions are not necessary for the deduction of Cauchy's equations.
The first memoir by Poisson relating to t h e same subject was read
before t h e Paris Academy in April, 1828. The memoir is very remarkable
for its numerous applications of t h e general theory to special problems. I n
his investigation of the general equations Poisson, like Cauchy, first obtains
t h e equations of equilibrium in t e r m s of stress-components, and t h e n estimates
t h e traction across any plane resulting from t h e " intermolecular" forces.
T h e expressions for the stresses in terms of t h e strains involve summations
with respect to all t h e "molecules," situated within t h e region of "molecular"
activity of a given one. Poisson decides against replacing all the summations
by integrations, b u t he assumes t h a t this can be done for the summations
with respect to angular space about t h e given " molecule," b u t not for t h e
summations with respect to distance from this " molecule." The equations of
equilibrium and motion of isotropic elastic solids which were t h u s obtained
are identical with Navier's. The principle, on which summations may be
replaced by integrations, has been explained as follows by C a u c h y : — T h e
n u m b e r of molecules in any volume, which contains a very large n u m b e r of
molecules, and whose dimensions are at t h e same time small compared with
t h e radius of t h e sphere of sensible molecular activity, may be t a k e n to be
proportional to t h e volume. If, then, we make abstraction of the molecules
in the immediate neighbourhood of the one considered, t h e actions of all t h e
others, contained in any one of t h e small volumes referred to, will be equiva
lent to a force, acting in a line through t h e centroid of this volume, which
will be proportional to t h e volume and to a function of the distance of t h e
particular molecule from t h e centroid of t h e volume. The action of t h e
remoter molecules is said to be " regular," and the action of t h e nearer ones;
" i r r e g u l a r " ; and t h u s Poisson assumed t h a t t h e irregular action of t h e
nearer molecules may be neglected, in comparison with t h e action of t h e
remoter ones, which is regular. This assumption is the t e x t upon which
S t o k e s afterwards founded his criticism of Poisson. As we have seen,
Cauchy arrived at Poisson's results by t h e aid of a different assumption .
Clausius held t h a t both Poisson's and Cauchy's methods could be presented
in unexceptionable forms.
3 6
'Memoire sur l'equilibre et le mouvement des corps elastiques,' Mem. Paris Acad., t. 8
3 7
'On the Theories of the...Equilibrium and Motion of Elastic Solids,' Cambridge Phil.
Soc. Trans, vol. 8 (1845).
3 8
In a later memoir presented to the Academy in 1829 and published in J. de VEcole poly-
technique, t. 13 (1831), Poisson adopted a method quite similar to that of Cauchy (footnote 34).
Poisson extended his theory to aeolotropic bodies in his ' Memoire sur l'equilibre et le mouve
ment des corps cristallisees,' read to the Paris Academy in 1839 and published after his death in
Mem. de VAcad. t. 18 (1842).
The theory of elasticity established by Poisson and Cauchy on t h e t h e n
accepted basis of material points and central forces was applied by t h e m
and also by L a m e and Clapeyron to numerous problems of vibrations and
of statical elasticity, and t h u s means were provided for testing its con
sequences experimentally, b u t it was a long time before adequate experi
ments were made to test it. Poisson used it to investigate t h e propagation
of waves t h r o u g h an isotropic elastic solid medium. H e found two types of
waves which, at great distances from t h e sources of disturbance, are practically
" longitudinal" and " transverse," and it was a consequence of his theory t h a t
40 41
t h e ratio of the velocities of waves of the two types is \ / 3 : l . C a u c h y
applied his equations to t h e question of t h e propagation of light in crystalline
as well as in isotropic media. The theory was challenged first in its application
42 37
to optics by Green , and afterwards on its statical side by Stokes . Green
was dissatisfied with t h e hypothesis on which t h e theory was based, and
he sought a new foundation; Stokes's criticisms were directed rather against
t h e process of deduction and some of the particular results.
The revolution which Green effected in t h e elements of the theory is
comparable in importance with t h a t produced by Navier's discovery of the
general equations. S t a r t i n g from what is now called the Principle of the
Conservation of Energy he propounded a new method of obtaining these
equations. H e himself stated his principle and method in the following
" I n whatever way the elements of any material system may act upon
" each other, if all the internal forces exerted be multiplied by t h e elements
" of their respective directions, the total sum for any assigned portion of the
" m a s s will always be t h e exact differential of some function. B u t this
" function being known, we can immediately apply t h e general method
" g i v e n in t h e Mecanique Analytique, and which appears to be more especially
" applicable to problems t h a t relate to the motions of systems composed
" of an immense n u m b e r of particles mutually acting upon each other. One
"of the advantages of this method, of great importance, is t h a t we are
" necessarily led by t h e mere process of t h e calculation, and with little care
" on our part, to all the equations and conditions which are requisite and
''sufficient for t h e complete solution of any problem to which it may be
" applied."
3 9
'Memoire sur l'equilibre interieur des corps solides homogenes,' Paris, Mem. par divers
savants, t. 4 (1833). The memoir was published also in J. f. Math. (Grelle), Bd. 7 (1831); it
had been presented to the Paris Academy, and the report on it by Poinsot and Navier is dated
1828. In regard to the general theory the method adopted was that of Navier.
4 0
See the addition, of date November 1828, to the memoir quoted in footnote 36. Cauchy
recorded the same result in the Exercices de mathematique, 1830.
4 1
Exercices de Mathematique, 1830.
4 2
' On the laws of reflexion and refraction of light at the common surface of two non-
crystallized media,' Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans, vol. 7 (1839). The date of the memoir is 1837.
It is reprinted in Mathematical Papers of the late George Green, London, 1871, p. 245.
The function here spoken of, with its sign changed, is the potential
energy of the strained elastic body per unit of volume, expressed in t e r m s
of the components of s t r a i n ; and t h e differential coefficients of t h e function,
with respect to t h e components of strain, are t h e components of stress.
Green supposed t h e function to be capable of being expanded in powers and
products of t h e components of strain. H e therefore arranged it as a sum of
homogeneous functions of these quantities of t h e first, second and higher
degrees. Of these terms, t h e first m u s t be absent, as the potential energy
must be a true minimum when t h e body is u n s t r a i n e d ; and, as t h e strains
are all small, t h e second t e r m alone will be of importance. From this
principle Green deduced the equations of Elasticity, containing in the general
case 21 constants. I n t h e case of isotropy there are two constants, and t h e
equations are the same as those of Cauchy's first memoir .
Lord K e l v i n has based t h e a r g u m e n t for t h e existence of Green's strain-
energy-function on t h e First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. From
these laws he deduced t h e result that, when a solid body is strained without
alteration of temperature, t h e components of stress are t h e differential
coefficients of a function of the components of strain with respect to these
components severally. T h e same result can be proved to hold when the strain
is effected so quickly t h a t no h e a t is gained or lost by any part of t h e body.
Poisson's theory leads to t h e conclusions t h a t t h e resistance of a body to
compression by pressure uniform all round it is two-thirds of t h e Young's
modulus of t h e material, and t h a t t h e resistance to ahearing is two-fifths
of t h e Young's modulus. H e noted a result equivalent to t h e first of these ,
and t h e second is virtually contained in his theory of t h e torsional vibrations
of a bar . The observation t h a t resistance to compression and resistance to
shearing are t h e two fundamental kinds of elastic resistance in isotropic
bodies was made by Stokes , and he introduced definitely the two principal
moduluses of elasticity by which these resistances are expressed—the
" modulus of compression " and the " rigidity," as they are now called. From
Hooke's Law and from considerations of symmetry he concluded t h a t pressure
equal in all directions round a point is attended by a proportional compression
without shear, and t h a t shearing stress is attended by a corresponding
proportional shearing strain. As an experimental basis for Hooke's Law
he cited t h e fact t h a t bodies admit of being thrown into states of isochronous
vibration. By a method analogous to t h a t of Cauchy's first memoir , b u t
resting on the above-stated experimental basis, he deduced the equations
4 3
Sir W. Thomson, Quart. J. of Math. vol. 5 (1855), reprinted in Phil. Mag. (Ser. 5), vol. 5
(1878), and also in Mathematical and Physical Papers by Sir William Thomson, vol. 1, Cambridge,
1882, p. 291.
4 4
Annates de Chimie et de Physique, t. 36 (1827).
4 5
This theory is given in the memoir cited in footnote 36.
4 6
See footnote 37. The distinction between the two kinds of elasticity had been noted by
Poncelet, Introduction a la Mecanique industrielle, physique et experimental, Metz, 1839.
with two constants which had been given by Cauchy and Green. H a v i n g
regard to the varying degrees in which different classes of bodies—liquids,
soft solids, hard, solids—resist compression and distortion, he refused to
accept t h e conclusion from Poisson's theory t h a t t h e modulus of compression
has to t h e rigidity t h e ratio 5 : 3. H e pointed out that, if the ratio of these
moduluses could be regarded as infinite, the ratio of the velocities of " longi
tudinal " and " t r a n s v e r s e " waves would also be infinite, and then, as Green
had already shown, t h e application of t h e theory to optics would be facilitated.
The methods of Navier, of Poisson, and of Cauchy's later memoirs lead to
equations of motion containing fewer constants t h a n occur in t h e equations
obtained by t h e methods of Green, of Stokes, and of Cauchy's first memoir.
The importance of t h e discrepancy was first emphasized by Stokes. The
questions in dispute are these—Is elastic seolotropy to be characterized
by 21 constants or by 15, and is elastic isotropy to be characterized by two
constants or one? T h e two theories are styled by Pearson t h e "multi-con
s t a n t " theory and t h e " rari-constant" theory respectively, and the controversy
concerning t h e m has lasted almost down to the present time. I t is to be
understood t h a t t h e rari-constant equations can be included in t h e multi-
constant ones by equating certain pairs of the coefficients, b u t t h a t t h e
rari-constant equations rest upon a particular hypothesis concerning t h e
constitution of matter, while the adoption of multi-constancy has been
held to imply denial of this hypothesis. Discrepancies between t h e results
of t h e two theories can be submitted to the test of experiment, and it
might be t h o u g h t t h a t the verdict would be final, b u t t h e difficulty of being
certain t h a t t h e tested material is isotropic has diminished the credit of many
experimental investigations, and the tendency of the multi-constant elasticians
to rely on experiments on such bodies as cork, jelly and india-rubber has
weakened their arguments. Much of the discussion has turned upon t h e value
of the ratio of lateral contraction to longitudinal extension of a bar under
terminal tractive load. This ratio is often called " Poisson's ratio." Poisson
deduced from his theory the result t h a t this ratio must be \ . The experi
ments of W e r t h e i m on glass and brass did not support this result, and
Wertheim proposed to t a k e t h e ratio to be -J—a value which has no
theoretical foundation. The experimental evidence led Lame in his t r e a t i s e
to adopt t h e multi-constant equations, and after t h e publication of this
book they were generally employed. Saint-Venant, though a firm believer
in rari-constancy, expressed t h e results of his researches on torsion and
flexure and on t h e distribution of elasticities round a p o i n t in terms of t h e
4 7
Todhunter and Pearson, History of the Theory of Elasticity, vol. 1, Cambridge, 1886, p. 496.
Annates de Chimie, t. 23 (1848).
Legons sur la theorie mathematique de V'elasticity des corps solides, Paris, 1852.
5 0
The memoir on torsion is in Mem. des Savants etrangers, t. 14 (1855), that on flexure is in
J. de Math. (Liouville), (Ser. 2), t. 1 (1856), and that on the distribution of elasticities is in J. de
Math. (Liouville), (Ser. 2), t. 8 (1863).
multi-constant theory. Kirchhoff adopted t h e same theory in his in
vestigations of thin rods and plates, and supported it by experiments on
52 53
t h e torsion and flexure of steel b a r s ; and Clebsch in his t r e a t i s e used t h e
language of bi-constant isotropy. Kelvin and T a i t dismissed the controversy
in a few words and adopted the views of Stokes. The best modern experi
ments support t h e conclusion t h a t Poisson's ratio can differ sensibly from t h e
value J in materials which may without cavil be treated as isotropic and
homogeneous. B u t perhaps t h e most striking experimental evidence is t h a t
which Voigt has derived from his study of t h e elasticity of crystals. The
absence of guarantees for the isotropy of t h e tested materials ceased to be a
difficulty when he had t h e courage to undertake experiments on materials
which have known kinds of a3olotropy . The point to be settled is, however,
more remote. According to Green there exist, for a material of t h e most
generally asolotropic character, 21 independent elastic constants. The mole
cular hypothesis, as worked out by Cauchy and supported by Saint-Venant,
leads to 15 constants, so that, if the rari-constant theory is correct, there m u s t
be 6 independent relations among Green's 21 coefficients. These relations
I call Cauchy's relations . Now Voigt's experiments were made on t h e
torsion and flexure of prisms of various crystals, for most of which Saint-
Venant's formulae for seolotropic rods hold good, for t h e others he supplied
t h e required formula?. I n t h e cases of beryl and rocksalt only were Cauchy's
relations even approximately verified; in t h e seven other kinds of crystals
examined there were very considerable differences between t h e coefficients
which these relations would require to be equal.
Independently of the experimental evidence t h e rari-constant theory has
lost ground through the widening of our views concerning the constitution
of matter. The hypothesis of material points and central forces does n o t
now hold the field. This change in the tendency of physical speculation is
due to many causes, among which t h e disagreement of the rari-constant
theory of elasticity with the results of experiment holds a rather subordinate
position. Of much greater importance have been t h e development of t h e
atomic theory in Chemistry and of statistical molecular theories in Physics,
the growth of t h e doctrine of energy, t h e discovery of electric radiation.
I t is now recognized t h a t a theory of atoms m u s t be part of a theory of t h e
aether, and t h a t t h e confidence which was once felt in t h e hypothesis of central
J. f. Math. (Grelle), Bd. 40 (1850), and Bd. 56 (1859).
Ann. Phys. Ghem. (Poggendorff), Bd. 108 (1859).
Theorie der Elasticitdt fester Korper, Leipzig, 1862.
5 4
Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, 1st edition Oxford 1867, 2nd edition Cambridge
5 5
W. Voigt, Ann. Phys. Ghem. {Wiedemann), Bde 31 (1887), 34 and 35 (1888), 38 (1889).
5 6
A certain assumption, first made by F. E . Neumann, is involved in the statement that
the asolotropy of a crystal as regards elasticity is known from the crystallographic form.
5 7
They appear to have been first stated explicitly by Saint-Venant in the memoir on
torsion of 1855. (See footnote 50.)
forces between material points was premature. To determine the laws of
the elasticity of solid bodies without knowing t h e n a t u r e of t h e a3thereal
medium or t h e n a t u r e of the atoms, we can only invoke t h e known laws of
energy as was done by Green and Lord Kelvin; and we may place the
theory on a firm basis if Ave appeal to experiment to support t h e statement
that, within a certain range of strain, t h e strain-energy-function is a quad
ratic function of t h e components of strain, instead of relying, as Green did,
upon an expansion of t h e function in series.
The problem of determining t h e state of stress and strain within a
solid body which is subjected to given forces acting through its volume
and to given tractions across its surface, or is held by surface tractions so
t h a t its surface is deformed into a prescribed figure, is reducible to t h e
analytical problem of finding functions to represent t h e components of dis
placement. These functions must satisfy t h e differential equations of equi
librium at all points within t h e surface of t h e body and must also satisfy
certain special condition's at this surface. The methods which have been
devised for integrating the equations fall into two classes. In one class of
methods a special solution is sought and t h e boundary conditions are satisfied
by a solution in t h e form of a series, which may be infinite, of special solu
tions. The special solutions are generally expressible in terms of harmonic
functions. This class of solutions may be regarded as constituting an
extension of the methods of expansion in spherical harmonics and in
trigonometrical series. I n t h e other class of methods t h e quantities to be
determined are expressed by definite integrals, t h e elements of the integrals
representing t h e effects of singularities distributed over the surface or
through t h e volume. This class of solutions constitutes an extension of t h e
methods introduced by Green in the Theory of t h e Potential. A t t h e
time of the discovery of t h e general equations of Elasticity t h e method of
series had already been applied to astronomical problems, to acoustical
problems and to problems of t h e conduction of h e a t ; t h e method of singu
larities had not been invented . T h e application of t h e method of series to
problems of equilibrium of elastic solid bodies was initiated by L a m e and
Clapeyron . They considered t h e case of a body bounded by an unlimited
plane to which pressure is applied according to an arbitrary law. L a m e
later considered t h e problem of a body bounded by a spherical surface and
deformed by given surface tractions. The problem of t h e plane is essentially
t h a t of t h e transmission into a solid body of force applied locally to a
small part of its surface. The problem of t h e sphere has been developed
5 8
See Burkhardt, 'Entwickelungen nach oscillirenden Eunctionen,' Jahresbericht der Deutscheu
Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Bd. 10, Heft 2.
5 9
It was invented by Green, An Essay on the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the
Theories of Electricity and Magnetism, Nottingham, 1828. Reprinted in Mathematical Papers
of the late George Green, London, 1871.
J. de Math. (Liouville), t. 19 (1854).
b y Lord Kelvin , who sought to utilize it for t h e purpose of investigating
t h e rigidity of t h e E a r t h , and by G. H. Darwin in connexion with other
problems of cosmical physics . The serial solutions employed are expressed
in terms of spherical harmonics. Solutions of the equations in cylindrical
coordinates can be expressed in terms of Bessel's functions , but, except for
spheres and cylinders, the method of series has not been employed very
successfully. The method of singularities was first applied to t h e theory of
Elasticity by E. B e t t i , who set out from a certain reciprocal theorem of the
t y p e t h a t is now familiar in many branches of mathematical physics. From
this theorem he deduced incidentally a formula for determining t h e average
strain of any t y p e t h a t is produced in a body by given forces. The method
of singularities has been developed chiefly by the elasticians of t h e Italian
school. I t has proved more effective t h a n t h e method of series in t h e
solution of the problem of transmission of force. The fundamental particular
solution which expresses t h e displacement due to force at a point in an in
definitely extended solid was given by Lord Kelvin . I t was found at a
later date by J. Boussinesq along with other particular solutions, which can,
as a matter of fact, be derived by synthesis from it. Boussinesq's results
led him to a solution of the problem of t h e plane, and to a theory of " local
perturbations," according to which t h e effect of force applied in t h e neigh
bourhood of any point of a body falls off very rapidly as t h e distance from
t h e point increases, and t h e application of an equilibrating system of forces
to a small part of a body produces an effect which is negligible at a con
siderable distance from the part. To estimate the effect produced at a
distance by forces applied near a point, it is not necessary to take into
account t h e mode of application of the forces b u t only t h e statical resultant
and moment. T h e direct method of integration founded upon Betti's reciprocal
theorem was applied to t h e problem of the plane by V. Cerruti . Some
of t h e results were found independently by Hertz, and led in his hands to a
theory of impact and a theory of hardness .
A different method for determining t h e state of stress in a body has
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, vol. 153 (1863). See also Math, and Phys. Papers, vol. 3 (Cambridge,
1890), p. 351, and Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil., Part 2.
6 2
Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1876, Math, and Phys. Papers, vol. 3, p. 312.
6 3
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, vol. 170 (1879), and vol. 173 (1882).
6 4
L. Pochhammer, J.f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 81 (1876), p. 33.
II Nuovo Gimento (Ser. 2), tt. 6—10 (1872 et seq.).
6 6
Sir W. Thomson, Cambridge and Dublin Math. J., 1848, reprinted in Math, and Phys.
Pavers, vol. 1, p. 97.
6 7
For Boussinesq's earlier researches in regard to simple solutions, see Paris, G. R., tt. 86—88
(1878—1879) and tt. 93—96 (1881—1883). A more complete account is given in his book, Appli
cations des potentiels d Vetude de Vequilibre et du mouvement des solides elastiques, Paris, 1885.
Rome, Acc. Lincei, Mem.Jis. mat., 1882.
J. f. Math. {Grelle), Bd. 92 (1882), and Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Befdrderung
des Geioerbefleisses, Berlin, 1882. The memoirs are reprinted in Ges. Werke von Heinrich
Hertz, Bd. 1, Leipzig, 1895, pp. 155 and 174.
been developed from a result noted by G. B. Airy . H e observed t h a t ,
in t h e case of two dimensions, t h e equations of equilibrium of a body
deformed by surface tractions show t h a t t h e stress-components can be
expressed as partial differential coefficients of t h e second order of a single
function. Maxwell extended t h e result to three dimensions, in which case
three such "stress-functions" are required. I t appeared later t h a t these
functions are connected by a r a t h e r complicated system of differential
equations . T h e stress-components must in fact be connected with t h e
strain-components by t h e stress-strain relations, and the strain-components
are not i n d e p e n d e n t ; b u t t h e second differential coefficients^of t h e strain-
components with respect to t h e coordinates are connected by a system of
linear equations, which are the conditions necessary to secure t h a t t h e strain-
components shall correspond with a displacement, in accordance with t h e
ordinary formulae connecting strain and displacement . I t is possible by
taking account of these relations to obtain a complete system of equations
which must be satisfied by stress-components, and t h u s the way is open
for a direct determination of stress without t h e intermediate steps of forming
and solving differential equations to determine t h e components of displace
m e n t . In the case of two dimensions the resulting equations are of a simple
-character, and many interesting solutions can be obtained.
The theory of the free vibrations of solid bodies requires t h e integration
of t h e equations of vibratory motion in accordance with prescribed boundary
conditions of stress or displacement. Poisson gave t h e solution of the
problem of free radial vibrations of a solid sphere, and Clebsch founded t h e
general theory on t h e model of Poisson's solution. This theory included t h e
•extension of t h e notion of "principal coordinates" to systems with an infinite
n u m b e r of degrees of freedom, t h e introduction of t h e corresponding " normal
functions," and t h e proof of those properties of these functions upon which
the expansions of arbitrary functions depend. T h e discussions which had
t a k e n place before and during t h e time of Poisson concerning t h e vibrations
of strings, bars, membranes and plates had prepared t h e way for Glebsch's
generalizations. Before t h e publication of Clebsch's treatise a different theory
had been propounded by L a m e . Acquainted with Poisson's discovery of two
types of waves, he concluded t h a t t h e vibrations of any solid body must fall
i n t o two corresponding classes, and he investigated t h e vibrations of various
bodies on this assumption. The fact t h a t his solutions do not satisfy the
•conditions which hold at t h e boundaries of bodies free from surface traction
Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862, and Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, vol. 153 (1863), p. 49.
Edinburgh Roy. Soc. Trans., vol. 26 (1870) = Scientific Papers, vol. 2, p. 161.
7 2
W. J. Ibbetson, An Elementary Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of perfectly Elastic
Solids, London, 1887.
7 3
Saint-Venant gave the identical relations between strain-components in his edition of
JSfavier's Resume des Legons sur Vapplication de la Mecanique, Paris, 1864, 'Appendice 3.'
7 4
J. H. Michell, London Math. Soc Proc, vol. 31 (1900), p. 100.
L. E. 2
is a sufficient disproof of his t h e o r y ; b u t it was finally disposed of when
all t h e modes of free vibration of a homogeneous isotropic sphere were deter
mined, and it was proved t h a t the classes into which they fall do not verify
Lame's supposition. The analysis of the general problem of the vibrations
of a sphere was first completely given by P. Jaerisch , who showed t h a t t h e
solution could be expressed by means of spherical harmonics and certain
functions of the distance from t h e centre of the sphere, which are practically
Bessel's functions of order integer+ 1%. This result was obtained indepen
dently by H . L a m b , who gave an account of t h e simpler modes of vibration
and of t h e n a t u r e of t h e nodal division of the sphere which occurs when any
normal vibration is executed. H e also calculated t h e more important roots
of the frequency equation. L. P o c h h a m m e r has applied t h e method of
normal functions to t h e vibrations of cylinders, and has found modes of
vibration analogous to the known types of vibration of bars.
The problem of tracing, by means of t h e equations of vibratory motion,
t h e propagation of waves through an elastic solid medium requires investi
gations of a different character from those concerned with normal modes of
78 79
vibration. I n t h e case of an isotropic medium Poisson and Ostrogradsky
adopted methods which involve a synthesis of solutions of simple harmonic
type, and obtained a solution expressing t h e displacement at any time in
terms of t h e initial distribution of displacement and velocity. T h e investi
gation was afterwards conducted in a different fashion by Stokes , who
showed t h a t Poisson's two waves are waves of irrotational dilatation and
waves of equivoluminal distortion, t h e latter involving rotation of t h e
41 81
elements of t h e medium. Cauchy and G r e e n discussed the propagation
of plane waves through a crystalline medium, and obtained equations for
t h e velocity of propagation in terms of t h e direction of t h e normal to t h e
wave-front. I n general t h e wave-surface has three s h e e t s ; when t h e m e d i u m
is isotropic all t h e sheets are spheres, and two of t h e m are coincident.
B l a n c h e t extended Poisson's results to t h e case of a crystalline medium.
Christoffel discussed the advance through t h e medium of a surface of
discontinuity. At any instant, t h e surface separates two portions of t h e
medium in which t h e displacements are expressed by different formulae;
and Ohristoffel showed t h a t t h e surface moves normally to itself with a
J.f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 88 (1880).
London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 13 (1882).
J.f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 81 (1876), p. 324.
Paris, Mem. de VAcad., t. 10 (1831).
St Petersburg, Mem. de VAcad., t. 1 (1831).
8 0
* On the Dynamical Theory of Diffraction,' Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., vol. 9 (1849).
Reprinted in Stokes's Math, and Phys. Papers, vol. 2 (Cambridge, 1883).
Cambridge Phil. Soc. Titans., vol. 7 (1839). Reprinted in Green's Mathematical Papers^
p. 293.
J. de Math. (Liouville), t. 5 (1840), t. 7 (1842).
Ann. di Mat. (Ser. 2), t. 8 (1877).
velocity which is determined, at any point, by t h e direction of the normal to
t h e surface, according to t h e same law as holds for plane waves propagated
in t h a t direction. Besides t h e waves of dilatation and distortion which can
be propagated t h r o u g h an isotropic solid body Lord Rayleigh has investi
gated a third type which can be propagated over t h e surface. T h e velocity
of waves of this type is less t h a n t h a t of either of t h e other two.
Before the discovery of t h e general equations there existed theories of
the torsion and flexure of beams starting from Galileo's enquiry and a
suggestion of Coulomb's. The problems t h u s proposed are among the most
important for practical applications, as most problems t h a t have to be dealt
with by engineers can, at any r a t e for the purpose of a rough approximation,
be reduced to questions of the resistance of beams. Cauchy was the first
to a t t e m p t to apply t h e general equations to this class of problems, and his
investigation of t h e torsion of a rectangular prism , though not correct, is
historically important, as he recognized t h a t t h e normal sections do not
remain plane. His result had little influence on practice. The practical
treatises of t h e earlier half of t h e last century contain a theory of torsion
with a result t h a t we have already a t t r i b u t e d to Coulomb, viz., t h a t the
resistance to torsion is t h e product of an elastic constant, t h e amount of
t h e twist, and t h e moment of inertia of t h e cross-section. Again, in regard
to flexure, t h e practical treatises of t h e t i m e followed t h e Bernoulli-
Eulerian (really Coulomb's) theory, a t t r i b u t i n g t h e resistance to flexure
entirely to extension and contraction of longitudinal filaments. To
Saint-Venant belongs the credit of bringing t h e problems of the torsion
and flexure of beams under t h e general theory. Seeing t h e difficulty of
obtaining general solutions, the pressing need for practical purposes of some
theory t h a t could be applied to t h e strength of structures, and t h e im
probability of t h e precise mode of application of t h e load to t h e parts of any
apparatus being known, he was led to reflect on t h e methods used for t h e
solution of special problems before t h e formulation of the general equations.
These reflexions led him to t h e invention of t h e semi-inverse method of
solution which bears his name. Some of t h e habitual assumptions, or some
of t h e results commonly deduced from them, may be true, at least in a large
majority of cases; and it may be possible by retaining some of these
assumptions or results to simplify the equations, and t h u s to obtain solutions
—not indeed such as satisfy arbitrary surface conditions, b u t such as satisfy
practically important types of surface conditions.
The first problem to which S a i n t - V e n a n t applied his method was t h a t
of the torsion of prisms, the theory of which he gave in t h e famous memoir
on torsion of 1855 . For this application he assumed t h e state of strain
to consist of a simple twist about the axis of t h e prism, such as is implied
London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 17 {1887) = Scientific Papers, vol. 2, Cambridge, 1900, p. 441.
8 5
Exercices de mathematiques, 4me Annee, 1829.
in Coulomb's theory, combined with t h e kind of strain t h a t is implied by a
longitudinal displacement variable over the cross-section of t h e prism. The
effect of t h e latter displacement is manifested in a distortion of the sections
into curved surfaces. H e showed t h a t a state of strain having this character
can be maintained in the prism by forces applied a t its ends only, and t h a t
t h e forces which m u s t be applied to t h e ends are statically equivalent to
a couple about the axis of t h e prism. The magnitude of t h e couple can
be expressed as t h e product of t h e twist, t h e rigidity of t h e material, the
square of t h e area of t h e cross-section and a numerical factor which depends
upon t h e shape of t h e cross-section. F o r a large class of sections this
numerical factor is very nearly proportional to t h e ratio of t h e area of t h e
section to the square of its radius of gyration about t h e axis of t h e prism.
Subsequent investigations have shown t h a t t h e analysis of the problem is
identical with t h a t of two distinct problems in hydrodynamics, viz., the flow
of viscous liquid in a narrow pipe of t h e same form as t h e prism , and t h e
motion produced in frictionless liquid filling a vessel of the same form as t h e
prism when t h e vessel is rotated about its axis . These hydrodynamical
analogies have resulted in a considerable simplification of t h e analysis of
t h e problem.
T h e old theories of flexure involved two contradictory assumptions:
(1) t h a t t h e strain consists of extensions and contractions of longitudinal
filaments, (2) t h a t t h e stress consists of tension in t h e extended fila
ments (on t h e side remote from the centre of curvature) and pressure
along the contracted filaments (on t h e side nearer t h e centre of curvature).
If t h e stress is correctly given by t h e second assumption there m u s t be
lateral contractions accompanying t h e longitudinal extensions and also
lateral extensions accompanying t h e longitudinal contractions. Again, t h e
resultant of t h e tractions across any normal section of t h e bent beam, as
given by t h e old theories, vanishes, and these tractions are statically equi
valent to a couple about an axis at r i g h t angles to the plane of bending.
Hence t h e theories are inapplicable to any case of bending by a transverse
load. S a i n t - V e n a n t adopted from t h e older theories two assumptions. H e
assumed t h a t t h e extensions and contractions of t h e longitudinal filaments
are proportional to their distances from t h e plane which is drawn t h r o u g h
t h e line of centroids of t h e normal sections (the " c e n t r a l - l i n e " ) and at right
angles to the plane of bending. H e assumed also t h a t there is no normal
traction across any plane drawn parallel to t h e central-line. The states of
stress and strain which satisfy these conditions in a prismatic body can be
maintained by forces and couples applied at t h e ends only, and include two
cases. One case is t h a t of uniform bending of a bar by couples applied at its
8 6
J. Botissinesq, J. de Math. (Liouville), (Ser. 2), t. 16 (1871).
8 7
Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil, Part 2, p. 242.
8 8
See the memoirs of 1855 and 1856 cited in footnote 50.
ends. I n this case t h e stress is correctly given by t h e older theories and t h e
curvature of t h e central-line is proportional to t h e bending couple, as in those
theories; b u t the lateral contractions and extensions have t h e effect of
distorting those longitudinal sections which are at right angles to t h e plane
of bending into anticlastic surfaces. The second case of bending which is
included in Saint-Venant's theory is t h a t of a cantilever, or beam fixed in a
horizontal position at one end, and bent by a vertical load applied at the
other end. I n this case the stress given by the older theories requires to
be corrected by the addition of shearing stresses. The normal tractions
across any normal section are statically equivalent to a couple, which is
proportional to t h e curvature of the central-line at t h e section, as in t h e
theory of simple bending. T h e tangential tractions across any normal section
are statically equivalent to t h e terminal load, b u t t h e magnitude and
direction of t h e tangential traction at any point are entirely determinate and
follow rather complex laws.. The strain given by t h e older theories requires
to be corrected by t h e addition of lateral contractions and extensions, as in
t h e theory of simple bending, and also by shearing strains corresponding
with the shearing stresses.
I n Saint-Venant's theories of torsion and flexure t h e couples and forces
applied to produce twisting and bending are the resultants of tractions
exerted across the terminal sections, and these tractions are distributed in
perfectly definite ways. T h e forces and couples t h a t are applied to actual
structures are seldom distributed in these ways. The application of t h e
theories to practical problems rests upon a principle introduced by Saint-
Venant which has been called t h e " principle of t h e elastic equivalence of
statically equipollent systems of load." According to this principle the
effects produced by deviations from the assigned laws of loading are un
important except near t h e ends of t h e bent beam or t w i s t e d b a r ^ a n d near
t h e ends they produce merely "local perturbations." The condition f o r -
t h e validity of t h e results in practice is t h a t t h e length of t h e beam should
be a considerable multiple of t h e greatest diameter of its cross-section.
53 89
Later researches by A. Clebsch and W. V o i g t have resulted in con
siderable simplifications of Saint-Venant's analysis. Clebsch showed t h a t
t h e single assumption t h a t t h e r e is no normal traction across any plane
parallel to t h e central-line leads to four cases of equilibrium of a prismatic
body, viz., (1) simple extension under terminal tractive load, (2) simple
bending, by couples, (3) torsion, (4) bending of a cantilever by terminal
transverse load. Voigt showed t h a t t h e single assumption t h a t t h e stress
at any point is independent of t h e coordinate measured along t h e bar led
to t h e first three cases, and t h a t t h e assumption t h a t t h e stress is a linear
function of t h a t coordinate leads to the fourth case. W h e n a quadratic
function is taken instead of a linear one, t h e case of a beam supported at
8 9
* Theoretische Studien iiber die Elasticitatsverhaltmsse der Krystalle,' Gdttingen Abhand-
lungen, Bd. 34 (1887).
t h e ends and bent by a load which is distributed uniformly along its length
can be included . The case where t h e load is not uniform b u t is applied
by means of surface tractions which, so far as they depend on the coordinate
measured along t h e beam, are rational integral functions, can be reduced to
the case where the load is uniform . I t appears from these theories that,
when lateral forces are applied to t h e beam, the relation of proportionality
between the curvature of the central-line and t h e bending moment, verified
in Saint-Venant's theory, is no longer exact . Unless the conditions of
loading are rather unusual, the modification t h a t ought to be made in this
relation is, however, of little practical importance.
Saint-Venant's theories of torsion and of simple bending have found
their way into technical treatises, b u t in most current books on applied
Mechanics t h e theory of bending by transverse load is treated by a method
93 94
invented by J o u r a v s k i and R a n k i n e , and subsequently developed by
Grashof . The components of stress determined by this method do not
satisfy the conditions which are necessary to secure t h a t they shall cor
respond with any possible displacement . T h e distribution of stress t h a t is
found by this method is, however, approximately correct in t h e case of a
beam of which the breadth is b u t a small fraction of t h e d e p t h .
The most important practical application of t h e theory of flexure is t h a t
which was made by N a v i e r to t h e bending of a beam resting on supports.
T h e load may consist of t h e weight of t h e beam and of weights attached to
t h e beam. Young's modulus is usually determined by observing the deflexion
of a bar supported at its ends and loaded at the middle. All such applications
of the theory depend upon t h e proportionality of t h e curvature to t h e
bending moment. The problem of a continuous beam resting on several
supports was at first very difficult, as a solution had to be obtained for each
span by, Navier's method, and t h e solutions compared in order to determine
T h e constants of integration. The analytical complexity was very much
diminished when Clapeyron noticed t h a t the bending moments at t h r e e
consecutive supports are connected by an invariable relation, b u t in many
particular cases the analysis is still formidable. A method of graphical
9 0
J. H. Michell, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 32 (1901).
9 1
E . Almansi, Rome, Acc. Lincei Rend. (Ser. 6), t. 10 (1901), pp. 333, 400. In the second of
these papers a solution of the problem of bending by uniform load is obtained by a method which
differs from that used by Michell in the paper just cited.
9 2
This result was first noted by K, Pearson, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 24 (1889), in con
nexion with a particular law for the distribution of the load over the cross-section.
0 3
Ann. des ponts et chaussees, 1856.
Applied Mechanics, 1st edition, London, 1858. The method has been retained in later
Elasticitdt und Festigkeit, 2nd edition, Berlin, 1878. Grashof gives Saint-Venant's
theory as well.
9 6
Saint-Venant noted this result in his edition of Navier's Legons, p. 394.
9 7
In the second edition of his Legons (1833).
9 8
Paris, C. R., t. 45 (1857). The history of Clapeyron's theorem is given by J. M. Heppel,
Proc. Roy. Soc, London, vol. 19 (1871).
solution has, however, been invented by Mohr", and it has, to a great
extent, superseded t h e calculations t h a t were formerly conducted by means of
Clapeyron's " Theorem of Three Moments." Many other applications of t h e
theory of flexure to problems of frameworks will be found in such books as
Muller-Breslau's Die Neueren Methoden der Festigkeitslehre (Leipzig, 1886),
Weyrauch's Theorie Elastischer Korper (Leipzig, 1884), E i t t e r s Anwend-
wig en der graphischen Statik (Zurich, 1888). A considerable literature has
sprung up in this subject, b u t the use made of t h e Theory of Elasticity is
The theory of t h e bending and twisting of thin rods and wires—in
cluding the theory of spiral springs—was for a long time developed,
independently of the general equations of Elasticity, by methods akin to
those employed by Euler. A t first it was supposed t h a t t h e flexural couple
must be in the osculating plane of t h e curve formed by the central-line;
and, when t h e equation of moments about the t a n g e n t was introduced
100 101
by Binet , Poisson concluded from it t h a t t h e moment of torsion was
constant. I t was only by slow degrees t h a t t h e notion of two flexural
couples in t h e two principal planes sprang up, and t h a t the measure of
twist came to be understood. W h e n these elements of t h e theory were made
out it could be seen t h a t a knowledge of t h e expressions for the flexural and
torsional couples in terms of t h e curvature and t w i s t would be sufficient,
when combined with the ordinary conditions of equilibrium, to determine
the form of the curve assumed by t h e central-line, the twist of the wire
around t h a t line, and the tension and shearing forces across any section. T h e
flexural and torsional couples, as well as the resultant forces across a section,
must arise from tractions exerted across t h e elements of the section, and
t h e correct expressions for t h e m m u s t be sought by means of t h e general
theory. B u t here a difficulty arises from the fact t h a t t h e general equations
are applicable to small displacements only, while t h e displacements in such
a body as a spiral spring are by no means small. Kirchhoff was the first
to face this difficulty. H e pointed out t h a t t h e general equations are strictly
applicable to any small portion of a t h i n rod if all t h e linear dimensions of
t h e portion are of t h e same order of m a g n i t u d e as t h e diameters of t h e cross-
sections. H e held t h a t the equations of equilibrium or motion of such a
9 9
'Beitrag zur Theorie des Fachwerks,' Zeitschrift des Architekten- und Ingenieur-Verelns
zu Hannover, 1874. This is the reference given by Miiller-Breslau. Levy gives an account of the
method in his Statique Graphique, t. 2, and attributes it to Mohr. A slightly different account
is given by Canevazzi in Memorie delV Accademia di Bologna (Ser. 4), t. 1 (1880). The method
has been extended by Culman, Die graphische Statik, Bd. 1, Zurich, 1875. See also Ritter, Die
elastische Linie und ihre Anxoendung auf den continuirlichen Balken, Zurich, 1883.
J. de VEcole poly technique, t. 10 (1815).
101 Gorrespondance sur VEcole poly technique, t. 3 (1816).
1 0 2
They are due to Saint-Venant, Paris, G. R., tt. 17, 19 (1843, 1844).
1 0 3
'Uber das Gleichgewicht und die Bewegung eines unendlich diinnen elastischen Stabes,'
J. f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 56 (1859). The theory is also given in Kirchhoff's Vorlesungen uber math.
Physik, Mechanik (3rd edition, Leipzig, 1883).
portion could be simplified, for a first approximation, by t h e omission of
kinetic reactions and forces distributed t h r o u g h t h e volume. The process
by which Kirchhoff developed his theory was, to a great extent, k i n e -
matical. W h e n a t h i n rod is bent and twisted, every element of it
undergoes a strain analogous to t h a t in one of Saint-Venant's prisms, b u t
neighbouring elements m u s t continue to fit. To express this kind of con
t i n u i t y certain conditions are necessary, and these conditions take t h e form
of differential equations connecting t h e relative displacements of points
within a small portion of t h e rod with the relative coordinates of t h e points,
and with t h e quantities t h a t define the position of t h e portion relative to t h e
rod as a whole. From these differential equations Kirchhoff deduced an
approximate account of t h e strain in an element of the rod, and thence
an expression for t h e potential energy per u n i t of length, in terms of t h e
extension, t h e components of curvature and t h e twist. H e obtained t h e
equations of equilibrium and vibration by varying t h e energy-function. In
t h e case of a t h i n rod subjected to terminal forces only he showed t h a t t h e
equations by which t h e form of t h e central-line is determined are identical
with t h e equations of motion of a heavy rigid body about a fixed point. This
theorem is known as " Kirchhoff's kinetic analogue."
Kirchhoff's theory has given rise to much discussion. Clebsch proposed
to replace t h a t part of it by which t h e flexural and torsional couples can be
evaluated by an appeal to t h e results of Saint-Venant's theories of flexure
and torsion. Kelvin and T a i t proposed to establish Kirchhoff's formula
for t h e potential energy by general reasoning. J. Boussinesq proposed to
obtain by t h e same kind of reasoning Kirchhoff's approximate expression
for t h e extension of a longitudinal filament. Clebsch gave t h e modified
formulaB for t h e flexural and torsional couples when t h e central-line of t h e
rod in the unstressed state is curved, and his results have been confirmed
by later independent investigations. The discussions which have taken
place have cleared up many difficulties, and t h e results of t h e theory, as
distinguished from the methods by which t h e y were obtained, have been
confirmed by the later writers .
The applications of Kirchhoff's theory of thin rods include t h e theory
of t h e elastica which has been investigated in detail by means of t h e theorem
of the kinetic analogue , the theory of spiral springs worked out in detail b y
Kelvin and Tait , and various problems of elastic stability. Among t h e
latter we may mention t h e problem of the buckling of an elastic ring sub
jected to pressure directed radially inwards and the same at all points of t h e
circumference .
J. de Math. (Liouville), (Ser. 2), t. 16 (1871).
1 0 5
See, for example, A. B. Basset, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 23 (1892), and Amer. J. of
Math., vol. 17 (1895), and J. H. Michell, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 31 (1900), p. 130.
1 0 6
W. Hess, Math. Ann., Bde. 23 (1884) and 25 (1885).
1 0 7
This problem appears to have been discussed first by iresse, Gours de mecanique appliquee,
Premiere partie, Paris, 1859.
The theory of t h e vibrations of t h i n rods was brought under t h e general
equations of vibratory motion of elastic solid bodies by Poisson . He
regarded t h e rod as a circular cylinder of small section, and expanded all
t h e quantities t h a t occur in powers of t h e distance of a particle from t h e
axis of the cylinder. W h e n t e r m s above a certain order (the fourth power
of t h e radius) are neglected, t h e equations for flexural vibrations are
identical with Euler's equations of lateral vibration. T h e equation found
for t h e longitudinal vibrations had been obtained by Navier . The equation
for the torsional vibrations was obtained first by Poisson . The chief point
of novelty in Poisson's results in regard to t h e vibrations of rods is t h a t the
coefficients on which t h e frequencies depend are expressed in terms of t h e
constants t h a t occur in t h e general e q u a t i o n s ; b u t the deduction of the
generally admitted special differential equations, by which these modes of
vibration are governed, from t h e general equations of Elasticity constituted
an advance in method. Reference has already been made to L. Pochhammer's
more complete investigation . Poisson's theory is verified as an approxi
m a t e theory by an application of Kirchhoff's results. This application has
been extended to t h e vibrations of curved bars, t h e first problem to be
solved being t h a t of t h e flexural vibrations of a circular ring which vibrates
in its own plane .
A n important problem arising in connexion with t h e theory of longitudinal
vibrations is the problem of impact. W h e n two bodies collide each is thrown
into a state of internal vibration, and it appears to have been hoped t h a t
a solution of the problem of t h e vibrations set u p in two bars which impinge
longitudinally would throw light on the laws of impact. Poisson was t h e
first to a t t e m p t a solution of t h e problem from this point of view. H i s
method of integration in trigonometric series vastly increases t h e difficulty
of deducing general results, and, by an unfortunate error in t h e analysis, h e
arrived at the paradoxical conclusion t h a t , when t h e bars are of t h e same
material and section, they never separate unless t h e y are equal in length.
S a i n t - V e n a n t treated t h e problem by means of t h e solution of t h e equation
of vibration in terms of arbitrary functions, and arrived at certain results,
of which t h e most important relate to t h e duration of impact, and to the
existence of an apparent " coefficient of r e s t i t u t i o n " for perfectly elastic
bodies . This theory is not confirmed by experiment. A correction sug
gested by Voigt , when worked out, led to little better agreement, and it
Bulletin des Sciences a la Societe philomathique, 1824.
!<>9 R. Hoppe, J.f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 73 (1871).
1 1 0
In his Traite de Mecanique, 1833.
1 1 1
' Sur le choc longitudinal de deux barres elastiques...,' J. de Math. (Liouville), (Ser. 2), t. 12
1 1 2
Cf. Hopkinson, Messenger of Mathematics, vol. 4, 1874.
1 1 3
Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann), Bd. 19 (1882). See also Hausmaninger in the same
Annalen, Bd. 25 (1885).
t h u s appears t h a t t h e a t t e m p t to trace t h e phenomena of impact to vibra
tions m u s t be abandoned. Much more successful was t h e theory of H e r t z ,
obtained from a solution of t h e problem which we have named t h e problem
of the transmission of force. Hertz made an independent investigation of
a particular case of this p r o b l e m — t h a t of two bodies pressed together. H e
proposed to regard t h e strain produced in each by impact as a local statical
effect, produced gradually and subsiding gradually; and he found means to
determine t h e duration of impact and t h e size and shape of the parts t h a t come
into contact. The theory yielded a satisfactory comparison with experiment.
The theory of vibrations can be applied to problems concerning various
kinds of shocks and t h e effects of moving loads. T h e inertia as well as
t h e elastic reactions of bodies come into play in the resistances to strain
under rapidly changing conditions, and t h e resistances called into action
are sometimes described as " dynamical resistances." The special problem
of t h e longitudinal impact of a massive body upon one end of a rod was
115 116
discussed by Sebert and H u g o n i o t and by Boussinesq . The conclusions
which they arrived at are tabulated and illustrated graphically by Saint-
V e n a n t . B u t problems of dynamical resistance under impulses t h a t tend
to produce flexure are perhaps practically of more importance. W h e n a
body strikes a rod perpendicularly t h e rod will be thrown into vibration,
and, if t h e body moves with t h e rod, the ordinary solution in terms of
t h e normal functions for the vibrations of t h e rod becomes inapplicable.
Solutions of several problems of this kind, expressed in terms of the normal
functions for t h e compound system consisting of t h e rod and t h e striking
body, were given by Saint-Venant .
Among problems of dynamical resistance we must note especially Willis's
problem of t h e travelling load. W h e n a train crosses a bridge, the strain is
not identical with t h e statical strain which is produced when t h e same train
is standing on t h e bridge. To illustrate t h e problem t h u s presented Willis
proposed to consider the bridge as a straight wire and t h e train as a heavy
particle deflecting it. Neglecting the inertia of t h e wire he obtained a
certain differential equation, which was subsequently solved by Stokes .
Later writers have shown t h a t t h e effects of t h e neglected inertia are very
1 1 4
'Ueber die Beriihrung fester elastischer Korper,' J. f. Math. {Crelle), Bd. 92 (1882).
Paris, C. R., t. 95 (1882).
Applications des Potentiels..., Paris, 1885. The results were given in a note in Paris C. R.,
i. 97 (1883).
1 1 7
In papers in Paris, C. R., t. 97 (1883), reprinted as an appendix to his Translation
of Clebsch's Treatise (Paris, 1883).
1 1 8
In the 'Annotated Clebsch' just cited, Note du § 61. Cf. Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound,
Chapter VIII.
1 1 9
Appendix to the Report of the enquire into the Application of Iron to
Railway Structures (1849).
Cambridge, Phil. Soc. Trans., vol. 8 (1849) = Stokes, Math, and Phys. Papers, vol. 2
(Cambridge, 1883), p. 178.
Important. A more complete solution has been obtained by M. Phillips
and Saint-Venant , and an admirable precis of their results may be read in
t h e second volume of Todhunter and Pearson's History (Articles 373 et seq.).
We have seen already how problems of the equilibrium and vibrations of
plane plates and curved shells were a t t e m p t e d before t h e discovery of t h e
general equations of Elasticity, and how these problems were among those
which led to t h e investigation of such equations. After the equations had
been formulated little advance seems to have been made in the t r e a t m e n t
of t h e problem of shells for many years, b u t t h e more special problem of
123 124
plates attracted much attention. Poisson and C a u c h y both treated this
problem, proceeding from t h e general equations of Elasticity, and supposing
t h a t all the quantities which occur can be expanded in powers of t h e
distance from the middle-surface. T h e equations of equilibrium and free
vibration which hold when the displacement is directed at right angles to
t h e plane of t h e plate were deduced. Much controversy has arisen con
cerning Poisson's boundary conditions. These expressed t h a t t h e resultant
forces and couples applied at t h e edge must be equal to t h e forces and
•couples arising from the strain. I n a famous memoir Kirchhoff showed
t h a t these conditions are too numerous and cannot in general be satisfied.
H i s method rests on two assumptions: (1) t h a t linear filaments of the plate
initially normal to t h e middle-surface remain straight and normal to t h e
middle-surface after strain, and (2) t h a t all the elements of t h e middle-
surface remain unstretched. These assumptions enabled him to express t h e
potential energy of t h e bent plate in terms of the curvatures produced in its
middle-surface. The equations of motion and boundary conditions were then
deduced by the principle of virtual work, and they were applied to the
problem of the flexural vibrations of a circular plate.
The problem of plates can be attacked by means of considerations of t h e
.same kind as those which were used by Kirchhoff in his theory of t h i n rods.
An investigation of the problem by this method was made by G e h r i n g and
was afterwards adopted in an improved form by Kirchhoff . The work is
very similar in detail to t h a t in Kirchhoff's theory of t h i n rods, and it leads to
an expression for t h e potential energy per unit of area of the middle-surface
Paris, Ann. des Mines, t. 7 (1855).
1 2 2 4
In the Annotated Clebsch,' Note du § 61.
1 2 3
In the memoir of 1828. A large part of the investigation is reproduced in Todhunter
rand Pearson's History.
1 2 4
In an Article 'Sur l'equilibre et le mouvement d'une plaque solide' in the Exercices de
mathemutiques, vol. 3 (1828). Most of this Article also is reproduced by Todhunter and Pearson.
J. f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 40 (1850).
1 2 6
'De iEquationibus differentialibus quibus aequilibrium et motus laminae crystalline
• definiuntur' (Diss.), Berlin, 1860. The analysis may be read in Kirchhoff's Vorlesungen Uber
math. Phys., Mechanik, and parts of it also in Clebsch's Treatise.
127 Vorlesungen uber math. Phys., Mechanik.
of the plate. This expression consists of two parts : one a quadratic function
of the quantities defining the extension of t h e middle-surface with a coefficient
proportional to t h e thickness of t h e plate, and t h e other a quadratic function
of the quantities defining t h e flexure of t h e middle-surface with a coefficient
proportional to t h e cube of t h e thickness. The equations of small motion
are deduced by an application of t h e principle of virtual work. W h e n t h e
displacement of a point on the middle-surface is very small t h e flexure
depends only on displacements directed at r i g h t angles to t h e plane of t h e
plate, and t h e extension only on displacements directed parallel to t h e plane
of t h e plate, and t h e equations fall into two sets. T h e equation of normal
vibration and t h e boundary conditions are those previously found and dis
cussed by Kirchhoff .
As in t h e theory of rods, so also in t h a t of plates, attention is directed
r a t h e r to tensions, shearing forces and flexural couples, reckoned across
t h e whole thickness, t h a n to t h e tractions across elements of area which
give rise to such forces and couples. To fix ideas we may think of the plate
as horizontal, and consider t h e actions exerted across an imagined vertical
dividing plane, and on this plane we may mark out a small area by two
vertical lines near together. The distance between these lines may be called
t h e " breadth " of the area. The tractions across t h e elements of this area
are statically equivalent to a force at t h e centroid of t h e area and a couple.
W h e n t h e " breadth " is very small, t h e magnitudes of t h e force and couple
are proportional to t h e breadth, and we estimate t h e m as so much per unit
of length of t h e line in which our vertical dividing plane cuts t h e middle
plane of t h e plate. The components of t h e force and couple t h u s estimated
we call t h e "stress-resultants" and t h e "stress-couples." The stress-resultants
consist of a tension at r i g h t angles to the plane of t h e area, a horizontal
shearing force and a vertical shearing force. The stress-couples have a
component about t h e normal to t h e dividing plane which we shall call t h e
" torsional couple/' and a component in t h e vertical plane containing this
normal which we shall call t h e " flexural couple." The stress-resultants and
stress-couples depend upon the direction of t h e dividing plane, b u t they
are known for all such directions when they are known for two of t h e m .
Clebsch adopted from the Kirchhoff-Gehring theory t h e approximate account
of t h e strain and stress in a small portion of t h e plate bounded by vertical
dividing planes, and he formed equations of equilibrium of t h e plate in t e r m s
of stress-resultants and stress-couples. H i s equations fall into two sets, one
set involving t h e tensions and horizontal shearing forces, and t h e other set
involving t h e stress-couples and t h e vertical shearing forces. The latter
set of equations are those which relate to t h e bending of t h e plate, and they
have such forms t h a t , when t h e expressions for t h e stress-couples are known
in t e r m s of t h e deformation of t h e middle plane, t h e vertical shearing forces
can be determined, and an equation can be formed for t h e deflexion of t h e
plate. The expressions for t h e couples can be obtained from Kirchhoff's
theory. Clebsch solved his equation for t h e deflexion of a circular plate
clamped at t h e edge and loaded in an arbitrary manner.
All t h e theory of t h e equations of equilibrium in terms of stress-resultants
and stress-couples was placed beyond t h e reach of criticism by Kelvin and
T a i t . These authors noticed also, that, in t h e case of uniform bending,
the expressions for t h e stress-couples could be deduced from Saint-Venant's
theory of t h e anticlastic flexure of a b a r ; and t h e y explained t h e union of
two of Poisson's boundary conditions in one of Kirchhoff's as an example
of t h e principle of t h e elastic equivalence of statically equipollent systems of
load. More recent researches have assisted in removing the difficulties which
had been felt in respect of Kirchhoff's theory . One obstacle to progress
has been t h e lack of exact solutions of problems of t h e bending of plates
analogous to those found by Saint-Venant for beams. T h e few solutions
of this kind which have been o b t a i n e d tend to confirm the main result
of t h e theory which has not been proved rigorously, viz. t h e approximate
expression of t h e stress-couples in t e r m s of t h e curvature of t h e middle-
The problem of curved plates or shells was first attacked from t h e point
of view of t h e general equations of Elasticity by H . Aron . H e expressed
t h e geometry of t h e middle-surface by means of two parameters after t h e
manner of Gauss, and he adapted to t h e problem t h e method which Clebsch
had used for plates. H e arrived at an expression for t h e potential energy of
t h e strained shell which is of t h e same form as t h a t obtained by Kirchhoff
for plates, b u t t h e quantities t h a t define t h e curvature of t h e middle-surface
were replaced by t h e differences of their values in t h e strained and unstrained
states. E. M a t h i e u adapted to t h e problem t h e method which Poisson had
used for plates. H e observed t h a t t h e modes of vibration possible to a shell
do not fall into classes characterized respectively by normal and tangential
displacements, and he adopted equations of motion t h a t could be deduced
from Aron's formula for t h e potential energy by retaining the terms t h a t
depend on t h e stretching of t h e middle-surface only. Lord Rayleigh
proposed a different theory. H e concluded from physical reasoning t h a t
t h e middle-surface of a vibrating shell remains unstretched, and determined
the character of t h e displacement of a point of t h e middle-surface in accord
ance with this condition. T h e direct application of t h e Kirchhoff-Gehring
1 2 8
See, for example, J. Boussinesq, J. de Math. (Liouville), (Se*r. 2), t. 16 (1871) and
(Ser. 3), t. 5 ( 1 8 7 9 ) ; H. Lamb, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 21 (1890); J. H. Michell, London
Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 31 (1900), p. 121 ; J. Hadamard, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, vol. 3 (1902).
1 2 9
Some solutions were given by Saint-Venant in the 'Annotated Clebsch,' pp. 337 et seq.
Others will be found in Chapter XXII of this book.
™ J.f Math. (Crelle), Bd. 78 (1874).
J. de VEcole poly technique, t. 51 (1883).
1 3 2
London Math. Soc Proc, vol. 13 (1882).
method led to a formula for t h e potential energy of t h e same form as
Aron's and to equations of motion and boundary conditions which were
difficult to reconcile with Lord Rayleigh's theory. Later investigations have
shown t h a t t h e extensional strain which was t h u s proved to be a necessary
concomitant of the vibrations may be practically confined to a narrow region
near t h e edge of t h e shell, b u t t h a t , in this region, it may be so adjusted as
to secure t h e satisfaction of t h e boundary conditions while t h e greater p a r t
of the shell vibrates according to Lord Rayleigh's type.
Whenever very thin rods or plates are employed in constructions it
becomes necessary to consider t h e possibility of buckling, and thus t h e r e
arises the general problem of elastic stability. We have already seen t h a t
t h e first investigations of problems of this kind were made by Euler a n d
Lagrange. A number of isolated problems have been solved. In all of t h e m
two modes of equilibrium with t h e same type of external forces are possible,
and t h e ordinary proof of t h e determinacy of the solution of t h e equations
of Elasticity is defective. A general theory of elastic stability has been
proposed by G. H . Bryan . H e arrived at t h e result t h a t the theorem of
determinacy cannot fail except in cases where large relative displacements
can be accompanied by very small strains, as in thin rods and plates, and in
cases where displacements differing b u t slightly from such as are possible
in a rigid body can take place, as when a sphere is compressed within a
circular ring of slightly smaller diameter. I n all cases where two modes of
equilibrium are possible t h e criterion for determining t h e mode t h a t will be
adopted is given by t h e condition t h a t t h e energy m u s t be a minimum.
T h e history of t h e mathematical theory of Elasticity shows clearly t h a t
t h e development of the theory has not been guided exclusively by con
siderations of its utility for technical Mechanics. Most of t h e men by whose
researches it has been founded and shaped have been more interested in
N a t u r a l Philosophy t h a n in material progress, in trying to understand t h e
world t h a n in trying to m a k e it more comfortable. From this a t t i t u d e of
mind it may possibly have resulted t h a t the theory has contributed less t o
t h e material advance of mankind than it m i g h t otherwise have done. Be
this as it may, t h e intellectual gain which has accrued from t h e work of these
men m u s t be estimated very highly. The discussions t h a t have taken place
concerning t h e n u m b e r and meaning of the elastic constants have thrown
light on most recondite questions concerning t h e n a t u r e of molecules and
t h e mode of their interaction. The efforts t h a t have been made to explain
optical phenomena by means of t h e hypothesis of a medium having t h e same
physical character as an elastic solid body led, in t h e first instance, to t h e
understanding of a concrete example of a medium which can t r a n s m i t
1 3 3
A. E . H. Love, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (Ser. A), vol. 179 (1888).
1 3 4
Kirchhofi, Vorlesungen uber math. Phys., Mechanik.
Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, vol. 6 (1889), p. 199.
transverse vibrations, and, at a later stage, to t h e definite conclusion t h a t
t h e luminiferous m e d i u m has not t h e physical character assumed in t h e
hypothesis. They have t h u s issued in an essential widening of our ideas
concerning t h e n a t u r e of t h e aether and t h e n a t u r e of luminous vibrations.
The methods t h a t have been devised for solving t h e equations of equilibrium
of an isotropic solid body form part of an analytical theory which is of great
importance in pure mathematics. T h e application of these methods to t h e
problem of t h e internal constitution of t h e E a r t h has led to results which
must influence profoundly t h e course of speculative t h o u g h t both in Geology
and in cosmical Physics. Even in t h e more technical problems, such as t h e
transmission of force and t h e resistance of bars and plates, attention has been
directed, for the most part, rather to theoretical than to practical aspects of
the questions. To get insight into what goes on in impact, to bring t h e
theory of the behaviour of thin bars and plates into accord with t h e general
equations—these and such-like aims have been more attractive to most of
the men to whom we owe t h e theory t h a n endeavours to devise means for
effecting economies in engineering constructions or to ascertain t h e conditions
in which structures become unsafe. The fact t h a t much material progress is
t h e indirect outcome of work done in this spirit is not without significance.
The equally significant fact t h a t most great advances in Natural Philosophy
have been made by men who had a first-hand acquaintance with practical
needs and experimental methods has often been emphasized; and, although
t h e names of Green, Poisson, Cauchy show t h a t t h e rule is not without
important exceptions, yet it is exemplified well in t h e history of our science.
1. Extension.
* See, for example, Ewing, Strength of Materials (Cambridge, 1899), pp. 73 et seq.
along the length of t h e bar. A n y particle of t h e bar which has the co
ordinates x, y, z when t h e weight is not attached will move after the
a t t a c h m e n t of t h e weight into a new position. L e t the particle which was
at the origin move t h r o u g h a distance z , t h e n the particle which was a t 0
The state of strain is not very simple. If lateral forces could be applied
to the bar to prevent t h e lateral contraction t h e state of strain would be
very much simplified. I t would then be described as a " s i m p l e extension/'
2. Pure shear.
As a second example of strain let us suppose t h a t lateral forces are
applied to t h e bar so as to produce extension of amount e of lines parallel t
3. S i m p l e shear.
As a third example of strain let us suppose t h a t t h e bar after being
distorted by p u r e shear is t u r n e d bodily about its axis. W e suppose t h a t
t h e axis of x is t h e direction in which contraction takes place, and we p u t
e — e = 2 t a n a.
2 x
1 + e — sec a — t a n
1 a, 1 + e — sec 2 a + t a n a.
B y t h e pure shear, t h e particle w h i c h w a s a t y) is m o v e d t o (x Xi y)
x y where
x —x (sec a— t a n a ) ,
x y =^/ (seca+tana);
x = x cos a+y s i n
2 x t a, y^—~ \ s i n a+3/100s a;
L. E. 3
so that we have x ~x
2 + t&n a { — x cos a+y (1 -f sin a)},
# 2 + tan a { - x (1 — sin a) +y cos a}.
Now, writing /3 for J7J- — a, we have
x —x+2 tan a cos J/3 ( —#sin J/3+# cos J/3),
and that
# cos J/3+3/ sin Jj3 = # cos J 0 + 3 / sin J/3 4- 2 tana( - #sin J/3+3/ cos J/3).
2 2
X = X+2 tana.F,
2 F = F. 2
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 shows a square A BCD distorted by pure shear into a rhombus
A'BCD' of t h e same area, which is then rotated into t h e position A"B"C"D".
T h e angle of t h e shear is A'OA", and t h e angle A OX is half t h e complement
of this angle. The lines AA", BB", OC", DD" are parallel to OX and propor
tional to their distances from it.
W e shall find t h a t all kinds of strain can be described in terms of
simple extension and simple shear, b u t for t h e discussion of complex states
of strain and for t h e expression of them by means of simpler strains we
require a general kinematical theory*.
4. Displacement.
W e have, in every case, to distinguish two states of a body—a first
state, and a second state. T h e particles of the body pass from their
positions in the first state to their positions in t h e second state by a displace
ment The displacement may be such t h a t t h e line joining any two particles
of the body has t h e same length in t h e second state as it has in t h e first;
the displacement is then one which would be possible in a rigid body.
If the displacement alters the length of any line, the second state of t h e
body is described as a " strained state," and t h e n the first state is described
as t h e " unstrained state."
5. D i s p l a c e m e n t i n simple e x t e n s i o n a n d s i m p l e shear.
The displacement in a simple extension parallel to the axis of x is given by the
u = ex, v = 0, w = 0,
where e is the amount of the extension. If e is negative there is contraction.
The displacement in a simple shear of amount s ( = 2 tan a), by which lines parallel to
the axis of x slide along themselves, and particles in any plane parallel to the plane of
{so, y) remain in that plane, is given by the equations
u = sy, v — 0, w = 0.
* The greater part of the theory is due to Cauchy (See Introduction). Some improvements
were made by Clebsch in his treatise of 1862, and others were made by Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil.
Part I.
In Fig. 2, AB is a segment of a line parallel to the axis of which subtends an angle
2a at 0 and is bisected by Oy. By the simple shear particles lying on the line OA are
displaced so as to lie on OB. The particle at any point P o n i S is displaced to Q on AB
so that PQ = AB, and the particles on OP are displaced to points on OQ. A parallelogram
such as OP JVM becomes a parallelogram such as OQKM.
Fig. 2.
6. H o m o g e n e o u s strain.
In t h e cases of simple extension and simple shear, t h e component dis
placements are expressed as linear functions of t h e coordinates. I n general,
if a body is strained so t h a t t h e component displacements can be expressed
in this way, t h e strain is said to be homogeneous.
L e t t h e displacement corresponding with a homogeneous strain be given
by t h e equations
u = a x + a y + a z,
u 12 vs v = a x + a y + a z,
21 22 23 w = a x + a y + a z.
31 32 3S
7. Relative displacement.
Proceeding now to the general case, in which t h e strain is not necessarily
homogeneous, we take (x + x, y + y, z -f z) to be a point near to (x> y> z),
and + y + v, w + w) to be t h e corresponding displacement. There
will be expressions for t h e components u , v, w of t h e relative displacement
as series in powers of x, y, z, viz. we have
du du du
u dx
dv dv dv
V + z f •(1)
dx dy aT
dw dwdw
w + Y4-z — +
y r dz
where t h e terms t h a t are not written contain powers of x, y, z above t h e
first. W h e n x y, z are sufficiently small, t h e latter terms may be neglected.
rw dv du dw dv du
dw dv du dw dv du \
v = \e x xy + ey
yy + \e z
yz - ™ z + zr x x z } I (3)
™ = \e x. + \e y + ^ z - ^ x + ^ y J
xz yz
in a rigid bod}', viz. a small rotation of amount \Z(VT 4- vr 4- tsr/) about an axis X y
in direction : isr : ^ ).
y z For this reason t h e displacement corresponding
with a pure strain is often described as " irrotational."
du du i, dv ov dv
Z 1 + 14-
dy dz dy
(-.dw dw dw\^
14- .(6)
( dx ay dz)
When t h e relative displacements are very small, and squares and products of
du . •
such quantities as , ... can be neglected, this formula passes over into
n = R [ l + e l 4-
4- e II
4- e mnyz 4 e nl + e lm],
zx xy (7)
* In the applications of the theory to strains in elastic solid bodies, the displacements that
have to be considered are in general so small that squares and products of first differential
coefficients of u, v, w with respect to x, y, z can be neglected in comparison with their first powers.
The more general theory in which this simplification is not made will be discussed in the Appendix
to this Chapter.
10. C o m p o n e n t s of strain*.
By the formula (7) we know the length r of a line which, in t h e un x
element which, in the unstrained state, has the direction (I, m, n), and let e
be the corresponding extension, and let t h e same letters with accents refer
to a second linear element and its extension. From t h e formulae (5) it
appears t h a t
+ e {mm! + mn) + e
yz zx {nV + n'l) 4- e xy (lm 4- I'm) .(9)
If the two lines in the unstrained state are trie axes of x and y t h e cosine
of the angle between the corresponding lines in t h e strained state is e . In xy
these simple shears planes of t h e material which are at right angles to the
* When the relative displacement is not small the strain is not specified completely by the
quantities e , ... e ,
xx ys This matter is considered in the Appendix to this Chapter. Lord Kelvin
has called attention to the unsymmetrical character of the strain-components here specified.
Three of them, in fact, are extensions and the remaining three are shearing strains. He has
worked out a symmetrical system of strain-components which would be the extensions of lines
parallel to the edges of a tetrahedron. See Edinburgh, Proc. Boy. Soc, vol. 24 (1902), and
Phil, Mag. (Ser. 6), vol. 3 (1902), pp. 95 and 444.
axis of x slide in the direction of the axis of y, while in t h e other these axes
are interchanged. T h e strain denoted by e will be called t h e " s h e a r i n g
strain corresponding with the directions of t h e axes of x and y.
The change of volume of any small portion of the body can be expressed
in terms of t h e components of strain. T h e ratio of corresponding very small
volumes in the strained and unstrained states is expressed by the functional
^ du du du
dx dy' dz
dv ^ dv dv
dx' dy' dz
dw dw ^ ^ dw
dx' dy ' : dz
and, when squares and products of du/dx,... are neglected, this becomes
+ o r s a
* ^o^x o^y~^^z' y 1+ T h e quantity A which is defined by t h e
A . dii dv dw ....
\ xye e —e yy 2 yz K
\ xze e
\ yz e z-e
these roots are real, and they are the values of the principal extensions e e 19 2i e.
X y z
x' h m 1
if h m 2 n 2
z' h m 3 n 3
I t follows t h a t
e 'x> = e k + e m? + e n? + e m n
X xx + e^n^ + e^l^ yy zz yz x Y
e 'z> = 2e l l + 2e m m
y -J- 2e n n -f e (m n + m n )
xx 2 3 f yy 2 3 zz 2 s yz 2 3 3 2 (H)
+ e x (nj>* + nA) + e (l m + l m )>
Z xy 2 3 3 2
du ,
7 9 „ dv • dw ,
9 (dw dv\ , 7 /du dw\ 7 /dv du\
= l + M + m + n + 1 +
* dx * Ty^ d i ^ \dy + 5 ) ^ [di d^p ^ \di dy) '
T h i s m e t h o d m a y be applied to t h e transformation of w Xi w, y m. z W e s h o u l d find for
m^ — l^x + m^y + n^gf (12)
and w e m i g h t h e n c e infer t h e vectorial character of (m , w , w ). T h e s a m e inference x y z
2 2 2
(ii) e x x w + e yy my + e zz w + e yz WyVj 3 + e zx -w z mx + e xy wx wy ;
and the direct verification may serve as an exercise for the student. These invariants
could be inferred from the fact that uf sr , sr are cogredient with x, y , z. x1 y g
(e) It may be shown also that the following quantities are invariants* :—
..... /dw dv dw dv\ /du dw du dw\ /dv du dv du
\dy dz dz dy) \dz dx dx dz) \dx dy dy ~dx t
2 2 2 2 2
(iv) e x +e yy + ej + J (e * + ej + e ) + 2 (sr + m + sr/).
v x x
( / ) It may be shown f also that, in the notation of Article 7, the invariant (iv) is
equal to
jjj(VL + 2
v +w )dxdydz 2
/ / / < (x + y +z )dxdy 2 2 2
where t h e integrations a r a t a k e n t h r o u g h a very small sphere with i t s centre a t t h e p o i n t
to y,*). •:.
(g) T h e following result is of s o m e i m p o r t a n c e t:—If t h e strain can b e expressed b y
shears e xzi eyz only, t h e remaining c o m p o n e n t s being zero, t h e n t h e strain is a shearing
strain e >; zx a n d t h e m a g n i t u d e of t h i s shear, a n d t h e direction of t h e axis x' i n t h e p l a n e
of x, y, are t o b e found from e xz and e yz b y treating t h e s e q u a n t i t i e s as t h e projections of a
vector on t h e a x e s of x and y.
14. T y p e s of strain.
(a) Uniform dilatation.
W h e n t h e strain q u a d r i e i s a sphere, t h e principal axes of the strain are i n d e t e r m i n a t e ,
a n d t h e e x t e n s i o n (or contraction) of all linear e l e m e n t s i s s u i n g from a p o i n t is t h e s a m e ;
or w e h a v e
&xx Gyy ~ &zz ~ 3" A, &yz ~ @zx &xy ~ 0> = =
tions of the axes of x and ?/." We have already observed that it is equal to the cosine of
the angle, in the strained state, between two linear elements which, in the unstrained
state, are parallel to these axes, and that it is equivalent to two simple shears, consisting
of the relative sliding, parallel to each of these directions, of planes at right angles to the
other. The " shearing strain " is measured by the sum of the two simple shears and is inde
pendent of their ratio. The change in the length of any line and the change in the angle
between any two lines depend upon the sum of the two simple shears and not on the ratio
of their amounts.
The components of a strain, which is a shearing strain corresponding with the direc
tions of the axes of x' and y', are given by the equations
e ^sl l ,
xx x 2 e = sm m ,
yy 1 2 e = sn n ,
zz x 2
e =s (m^
yz + m^), e = s (V2.+Vi)>
zx ^ = 5 (^ m + ? m ),
1 2 2 1
where s is the amount of the shearing strain. The strain involves no cubical dilatation.
If we take the axes of x' and y' to be in the plane of x, y, and suppose that the axes of
x, y, z are parallel to the principal axes of the strain, we find that e vanishes, or there is zz
no extension at right angles to the plane of the two directions concerned. In this case we
2 2
have the form sx'y' equivalent to the form e x + e y . It follows that e = -e = ±^s,
xx yy xx yy
and that the principal axes of the strain bisect the angles between the two directions
concerned. In other words equal extension and contraction of two linear elements at
right angles to each other are equivalent to shearing strain, which is numerically equal to
twice the extension or contraction, and corresponds with directions bisecting the angles
between the elements.
We may enquire how to choose two directions so that the shearing strain corresponding
with them may be as great as possible. It may be shown that the greatest shearing strain
is equal to the difference between the algebraically greatest and least principal extensions,
and that the corresponding directions bisect the angles between those principal axes of
the strain for which the extensions are the maximum and minimum extensions*.
(d) Plane strain.
A more general type, which includes simple extension and shearing strain as particular
cases, is obtained by assuming that one of the principal extensions is zero. If the corre
sponding principal axis is the axis of z, the strain quadrie becomes a cylinder, standing
on a conic in the plane of x, y, which may be called the strain conic; and its equation can
be written
2 2
e^x +e y yy+ e xy = const.; xy
so that the shearing strains e and e vanish, as well as the extension e . In the
yz zx zz
particular case of simple extension, the conic consists of two parallel lines; in the case of
shearing strain, it is a rectangular hyperbola. If it is a circle, there is extension or con
traction, of the same amount, of all linear elements issuing from the point (x, y, z) in
directions at right angles to the axis of z.
* The theorem here stated is due to W. Hopkins, Cambridge Phil, Soc. Trans., vol. 8 (1849).
The relative displacement corresponding with plane strain is parallel to the plane
of the strain; or we have w = const., while u and v are functions of x and y only.
The axis of the resultant rotation is normal to the plane of the strain. The cubical
dilatation, A, and the rotation, SER, are connected with the displacement by the equations
A—^ u
2w — ^ ^
dx dy dx dy'
We can have states of plane strain for which both A and w vanish ; the strain is pure
shear, i.e. shearing strain combined with such a rotation that the principal axes of the
strain retain their primitive directions. In any such state the displacement components
v u are conjugate functions of x and y , or v+iu is a function of the complex variable x + vy.
dx dy dz '
A scalar quantity derived from a vector by means of this formula is described as the
divergence of the vector. We write
A = div. (u, v, w) (14)
This relation is independent of coordinates, and may be expressed as follows:—Let any
closed surface S be drawn in the field of the vector, and let N denote the projection of the
vector on the normal drawn outwards at any point on S, also let dr denote any element of
volume within S, then
jJ JVdS= JJj Adr, (15)
the integration on the right-hand side being taken through the volume within S and that 9
dw dv du dw dv du
2 c r =
* fy-&> ^^dw'dy-
A vector quantity derived from another vector by the process here indicated is described
as the curl of the other vector. We write
2 (ttTaj, TXTy, G 7 s ) = CUrl (u, V, w). (16)
This relation is independent of coordinates f, and may be expressed as follows :—Let
any closed curve s be drawn in the field of the vector, and let any surface S be described
so as to have the curve s for an edge; let T be the resolved part of the vector (u, v, w)
along the tangent at any point of s, and let 2TU be the projection of the vector 2(zir w , w )
V Xi y 2
* The result is a particular case of the theorem known as «Green's theorem.' See Eney. d.
math. Wiss. n. A 2, Nos. 45—47.
t It is assumed that the axes of x, y, z form a right-handed system. If a transformation to
a left-handed system is admitted a convention must be made as to the sign of the curl of a vector.
t h e integration on t h e right b e i n g t a k e n over t h e surface $ , a n d t h a t on t h e left b e i n g
t a k e n along t h e curve »*.
I n t h e case of displacement in a body this resolution must be valid a t all
points within t h e surface bounding t h e body.
There are many different ways of effecting this resolution of (u, v,w)\.
* The result is generally attributed to Stokes. Cf. Ency. d. math. Wiss. n. A 2, No. 46. It
implies that there is a certain relation between the sense in which the integration along ds is
taken and that in which the normal v is drawn. This relation is the same as the relation of
rotation to translation in a right-handed screw.
X See, e.g., E. Betti, II Nuovo Cimento (Ser. 2), t. 7 (1872), or P. Duhem, J. de Math.
(Lioiwille), (Ser. 5), t. 6 (1900). The resolution was first effected by Stokes in his memoir on
Diffraction. (See Introduction, footnote 80.)
W e observe t h a t if it is effected the dilatation and rotation will be expressed
in t h e forms
2 a 2
A = V <£, 2z* = -V*F,
x 2tsrj, = -V (?, 2 ^ = -V ff, (21)
t h e last three holding good because dF/dx + dGjdy + dH/dz = 0 . Now solu
tions of ( 2 1 ) can be written in t h e forms
= + +
^ - /// ® % j£) \
in t h e equivalent form
= U + W V
^ ~~ 47T \ \ \ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^
l 1 1
1 [[[{ dr~ d)— dr" )
+ v w dx dy dz
ill f ' w + ' w +. ' w\ ' ' ''
and omit t h e surface-integral when $ is infinitely distant. I n t h e same
case we may p u t
or, since dr^jdx' = — d?'~ /dx, . . . w e have
k {l HI * * * * } ' - 1 \l /// % }
with similar forms for G and H. F r o m these forms it is clear t h a t
div (F, G H) = } 0.
dv V
dv * \
'~^y— ' I dx'dy'dz',
u ^ w'dx'dy'dz,
4tt dz
H =
47T I' dx dy
dx dy dz 4tt JjJ V Y
\®xy Q — 2 xy e
+ ™z\
dy' X
de x X
1 de xy dix z
* These relations were given by Saint-Venant in his edition of Navier's Legons, Appendix i n .
The proof there indicated was developed by Kirchhoff, Mechanik, Vorlesung 27. The proof in the
;ext is due to Beltrami, Paris, C. R., t. 108 (1889), cf. Koenigs, Legons de Cinematique, Paris
L897, p. 411.
Li E. 4
equations t h a t contain vr we can see at once how to obtain t h e conditions
dx dy dz
dy dy dz
2 = 2 ^ _
dz dy dz
and from t h e set of nine equations of this t y p e we can eliminate vr , vr , ^r x y z
and obtain the six identical relations between the components of strain.
They are
2 2 2 2
de de _ de
yy d e _ d ( de
zz de^ yz de^ xx yz
' | ^ ^zz ^ ^yz o ^ _ I ^^yz • —<^ ,
~~W dy " dydz' dydz'dx \ dx dy dz
2 e d
o%z ^e de
xx = xz 2^ w = ( L..(25)
2 2
dx dz dzdx' 9^3^ 8y \ 9# 9y dz
2 2
de xx de yy 2 = 9 / de^ + de _de y
zx X
2 2
dy dx dxdy' dxdy dz \ dx dy dz J ')
« = 0, » = 0, w = 0, G = 0, | = 0, |Uo, (28)
t h e expression for t h e displacement with given strains will be unique. T h e
particular set of equations (28) indicate t h a t one point of t h e body (the
origin), one linear element of the body ( t h a t along t h e axis of z issuing
from the origin) and one plane-element of t h e body ( t h a t in t h e plane of z, x
containing t h e origin) retain their positions after t h e strain. I t is mani
festly possible, after straining a body in any way, to bring it back by trans
lation and rotation so t h a t a given point, a given linear element t h r o u g h
t h e point and a given plane-element through t h e line shall recover their
primitive positions.
da = ^ dx + dy 4- — dz = ~ dx -f — dy + ^ dz.
ox dy dz dx dy dz
If we have three independent families of surfaces given by t h e equations
f, (x, y, z) = a, f (x, y, z) = /3,
2 f (x, y, z)
s = 7,
;so t h a t in general one surface of each family passes through a chosen point,
t h e n a point m a y be determined by t h e values of a, /3, 7 which belong
to the surfaces t h a t pass through itf, and a neighbouring point will be
* The theory is due to Lame. See his Legons sur les coordonnees curvilignes, Paris, 1859.
f The determination of the point may not be free from ambiguity, e.g., in elliptic coordinates,
a n ellipsoid and two confocal hyperboloids pass through any point, and they meet in seven other
points. The ambiguity is removed if the region of space considered is suitably limited, e.g., in
the case of elliptic coordinates, if it is an octant bounded by principal planes.
determined by the neighbouring values a + da, ft + d/3, y + dy. Such quan
tities as a, ft, y are called " curvilinear coordinates " of t h e point.
T h e most convenient systems of curvilinear coordinates for applications
to t h e theory of Elasticity are determined by families of surfaces which cut
each other everywhere at right angles. I n such a case we have a triply-
orthogonal family of surfaces. I t is well known t h a t there exists an infinite
n u m b e r of sets of such surfaces, and, according to a celebrated theorem due
to Dupin, t h e line of intersection of two surfaces belonging to different
families of such a set is a line of curvature on each*. I n what follows we
shall take a, ft, 7 to be t h e parameters of such a set of surfaces, so t h a t t h e
following relations h o l d :
dj_d^ d^dy + dftdy + ==()
dx dx dy dy dz dz . '
dy da dy da dy da ^
dx dx dy dy dz dz '
^dft d^dft dadft
+ + ==()
dx dx dy dy dz dz
The length of t h e normal, dn to a surface of t h e family a intercepted
h-t dx Kdy' hidz'
where h is expressed by the first of equations (31) below. For, by projecting
The distance between two neighbouring points being (dn^ + dn +dnffi, we 2
have the expression for t h e " line-element," ds, i.e. the distance between t h e
points (a, ft, 7) and (a + da, /3 + 7 + dy), in t h e form
(ds) = (dajKfA- (d/3/h y + (dyjh^
2 (32)
I n general h1} h , h are regarded as functions of a, ft, 7.
2 3
{ hjiia + da~
(hjUa) + dft
^ (hyUa) + dy ^
and similar changes are made in t h e ft- and 7-coordinates (ft + dft and
y + dy). Again, t h e values of h ... at a displaced particle differ from those
d ) d d ~~
d a 1 + lUa
' da (^ )
d f l 3 /I
t h e form
2 2 2
e — e l + e^m + e n + ep mn + e nl + e p lm,
aa .. .(35) yy y ya a
h2 d . hi IL (A %),
A 2 37
A -9 3 / 7 • Aj 9 / 7 x
_ _ ( A a ) + _ _ ( A i U v ) ,
Ai 9 7 . A 2 9 ,
a r e s x
The quantities e , • •• 0/3y,
aa the ^ components of strain referred t o
t h e orthogonal coordinates. I n fact e is the extension of a linear element aa
To obtain the expression for A we form the surface integral of the normal component of
the displacement* over the surface of an element of the body bounded by the three pairs of
surfaces (a, a+da), (ft, (3+dft), (y, y + dy), the normal being drawn away from the interior
of the element. The contributions of the faces of the element can be put down in such
forms as
dft dy
contribution of a= — u k a
h '
2 3
dy \h h ± %
This result is the same as would be found by adding the expressions for <w, <
in (36).
* This method is due to Lord Kelvin. (Sir W. Thomson, Math, and Phys. Papers, Vol. 1,
p. 25. The date of the investigation is 1843.)
- To obtain the expression for 2sr we form the line integral of the tangential component
of the displacement along the edge of the element in the face y + dy. The contributions
of the four portions of the edge can be written down by help of Fig. 3 as follows :—
contribution of RP— u T~ ?
Fig. 3.
This must be the same as 2GT dadftjh-^h^ and we have thus an expression for w which
y y
is given in the third of equations (38); the other equations of this set can be obtained in
the same way. The formulae* are
«-.- (£)-!(©})
* The formulae (38), as also (36) and (37), are due t o . L a m e . The method here used to
obtain (38), and used also in a slightly more analytical form by Cesaro, Introduzione alia teoria
matematica della Elasticity, (Turin, 1894), p. 193, is familiar in Electrodynamics. Cf. H. Lamb,
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, vol. 178 (1888), p. 150, or J. .T. Thomson, Recent Researches in Electricity
and Magnetism, Oxford, 1893, p. 367. The underlying physical notion is, of course, identical
with the relation of * circulation' to * vortex strength' brought to light in Lord Kelvin's memoir
' On Vortex Motion,' Edinburgh, Roy. Soc. Trails., vol. 25 (1869).
22. Cylindrical a n d polar coordinates.
In the case of cylindrical coordinates r, z we have the line-element
{(drf+r*{dey + (dzff,
and the displacements u , u , u .
r e z The general formulae take the following forms :—
(1) for the strains
du r 1 du$ u r dug
e e + 6zz
rr = -fo ' M=r ~d6 7 ' "Tz '
1 du z due du r du 2 __due tie 1 du r
00 or
0 13 1 du r
2 w f l ( r M 8 i I l f l )
= f i ? f e - ^ * } '
The verification of these formulae may serve as exercises for the student.
* Reference may be made to Cauchy, Exercices de mathematiques, Annee 1827, the Article
* Sur la condensation et la dilatation des corps s o l i d e s ' ; Green's memoir on the reflexion of
light quoted in the Introduction (footnote 42) ; Saint-Venant, ' Memoire sur l'equilibre des corps
solides...quand les sont pas tres petits,' Paris, G. R.,t. 24 (1847) ; Kelvin and
Tait, Nat. Phil, Part i. pp. 115—144 ; Todhunter and Pearson, History, vol. 1, Articles 1619—
1622 ; J. Hadamard, Legons sur la propagation des ondes, Paris 1903, Chapter vi.
curve in t h e second state, t h e direction-cosines of t h e t a n g e n t to this
d(x + u) d(y + v) d(z + w) . , L T T £
curve are — ^ , —-~ , — -, . Herein, tor example, 1
as aSi
1 ds,
dx _ dy dz
1= m "ds*
ds' ds'
, d (x + u) d(y + v) d (z + w)
h= :r— ',
ds, m
" V1
1 = d '
ds, 9
where the positive values of the square roots are taken. W e thus obtain an
interpretation of t h e quantities e e e. W e shall presently obtain an
XXy yyy zz
strained state, between linear elements, which, in the unstrained state, are
parallel to t h e axes of coordinates. In t h e meantime, we observe t h a t t h e
strain at any point is entirely determined by t h e six quantities e € e XXy yyy ZZy
e z> € , € .
y zx These quantities will be called the components of strain.
xy The
quantities e ... which were called " c o m p o n e n t s of s t r a i n " in previous
or it is
^ du du du
dx ' dy ' dz
dv ^ dv dv
3 >
dx dy dz
dw dw dw
dx' dy' dz
This will be denoted by 1 + A. T h e n A is t h e increment of volume per
unit volume at a point, or it is t h e cubical dilatation. The quantity
e + e + e is a sufficiently exact equivalent of A when the displacement
xx yy zz
is small.
W e may express A in t e r m s of t h e components of strain. W e find by
the process of squaring t h e d e t e r m i n a n t t h a t
(1 + A) = (1 + 2e ) xx (1 + 2e ) yy (1 + 2e ) zz + 2e € e
yz zx xy - (1 + 2e ) xx e?
* Lord Kelvin's method (Article 10, footnote) is applicable, as he points out, to strains of
unrestricted magnitude.
26. Reciprocal strain ellipsoid.
T h e ratio ds \ds on which t h e extension of a linear element issuing
1 i
XZ y €yz y 1 "1" ^ zz e
{(1 + 2 6 ^ ) 1 + } V + {€ l+
xy (1 + 2e ) m + e ii} m
yy yz
, . , , du du dw
where a,, ... depend only on .
T h e ellipsoid represented by t h e equation
(a,x -f b,y + c,zf -f (a x + b y + c z) + (a x + b y + c zf = const,
2 2 2 3 s z
-of t h e three principal axes, and let t h e line (I, m, n) be any chosen line in
the unstrained state.
W e have to equate ds'/ds,' in t u r n to (1 + e ) - \ (1 4- € )-\ (1 + e ) , and we 2 2 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
(X, fM, v) = [(1 + e,) 1 + (1 4- e ) m + (1 + e ) n ]-i 2 B {(1 + ) I, (1 + e ) m, (1 +
€l 2
By solving these for I, m, n we find
X /Li V
1 + €!' 1 + e 2 1+ e {
3 0 . Application to cartography.
The methods of this Chapter would admit of application to the problem of constructing
maps. The surface to be mapped and the plane map of it are the analogues of a body in
the unstrained and strained states. The theorem that the strain about any point is
sensibly homogeneous is the theorem that any small portion of the map is similar to one
of the orthographic projections of the corresponding portion of the original surface. The
analogue of the properties of the strain-ellipsoid is found in the theorem that with any
small circle on the original surface there corresponds a small ellipse on the map; the
dimensions and orientation of the ellipse, with its centre at any point, being known, the
scale of the map near the point, and all distortions of length, area and angle are deter
minate. These theorems form the foundation of the theory of cartography. [Cf. Tissot,
Memoire sur la representation des surfaces et les projections des cartes geographiques, Paris,
32. F i n i t e h o m o g e n e o u s strain.
W e shall t a k e t h e equations by which t h e coordinates in t h e strained
state are connected with the coordinates in the unstrained state to be
xx = ( 1 4- O N ) x 4- a y + a z, 12 13
3/i = ax +
21 ( 1 4- a ) y + a ,z, L
22 2 (13)
Zi = ajfl# 4 a&y + ( 1 + Bs) z< ^
The corresponding components of strain are given by the equations
2 2 2
£xx = flu 4- i ( a n + a 21 4- « ),
The quantities e , denned in Article 8, do not lose their importance
when t h e displacements are not small. The notation used here may be
identified with t h a t of Article 8 by writing, for t h e expressions
^22> ^33 > ^23 ~t~ ^32 > ^31 ~f~ ^13 J ^12 "f" Q>21> ^32 ~~ ^23? &13 — ^31? ^21 — $32 5
x ~ y
_a x sl + a y + (1 + dm) z
If each of these quantities is p u t equal to X, t h e n X is a root of t h e cubic
1 + a - X a n a 12 rs
a 21 1 + a. — X 22 ct 23
- 0 (19)
a 31 a 32 1+ a —X 33
L. E. 5
The cubic has always one real root, so t h a t there is always one line of which
t h e direction is unaltered by t h e strain, and if t h e root is positive t h e sense
of t h e line also is unaltered. W h e n there are three such lines, they are not
necessarily orthogonal; but, if they are orthogonal, they are by definition the
principal axes of t h e strain. I n this case t h e strain is said to be pure. It
is worth while to give a formal definition, as follows :—Pure strain is such
t h a t t h e set of three orthogonal lines which remain orthogonal retain their
directions and senses.
W e ma}^ prove t h a t t h e sufficient and necessary conditions t h a t t h e strain
corresponding with t h e equations ( 1 3 ) , may be pure, are (i) t h a t t h e quad
ratic form on t h e left-hand side of ( 2 0 ) below is definite and positive, (ii) t h a t
vanish. T h a t these conditions are sufficient may be proved as
follows:—When zr m , vr vanish, or a = a ,
X} y z t h e equation ( 1 9 ) is t h e
23 32
t h e left-hand member being positive, t h e cubic has three real positive roots,
which determine three real directions according to equations ( 1 8 ) ; and these
directions are orthogonal for they are t h e directions of t h e principal axes of
the surface ( 2 0 ) . F u r t h e r they are t h e principal axes of t h e elongation quadrie
2 2 2
n +ay 22 + a z + 2a yz + 2<z zx + 2a xy = const.,
33 23 31 12 (21)
for this surface and ( 2 0 ) have their principal axes in t h e same directions.
The vanishing of m m and m are necessary conditions in order t h a t t h e
Xi y z
V h m 2 n 2
C h n 3
T h e n we have
+ (1 + e ) s k (l x + m y + n z).
3 3 3
Hence a = (1 +
l2 km, + ( 1 + e ) l m 2 2 2 + (1 + € ) 3 lm.
3 3
W e should find the same expression for a , and in t h e same way we should
35. Rotation*.
When the components of strain vanish, the displacement expressed by (13) of Article
32 is a rotation about an axis passing through the
origin. We shall take 6 to be the angle of rotation
and shall suppose the direction-cosines I, m, n of
the axis to be taken so that the rotation is right-
handed. Any point P, or (x, y, z\ moves on a circle
having its centre (C) on the axis, and comes into a
position P or (x\, y , z ). Let X, /x, v be the direc
ly x x
* Cf. Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil. Part i. p. 69, and Minchin, Statics, Third E d u . , Oxford
1886, vol. 2, p. 103.
f The coordinate axes are taken to be a right-handed system.
The coordinates of P, are obtained by equating the projection of CP, on any coordinate
axis to the sums of the projections of ON and NP,. Projecting on the axis of x we find,
taking p for the length of CP or CP,,
X p=Xpcos0 +(mi/— nfx) p sin6,
and it appears, on calculation, that the components of strain vanish, as they ought to do.
36. S i m p l e extension.
In the example of simple extension given by the equations
x = (l+e)x,
1 y,=y, z,=z,
the components of strain, with the exception of e vanish, and xx
The invariant property of the reciprocal strain ellipsoid may be applied to find the
components of a strain which is a simple extension of amount e and direction I, m,
We should find
2 z
I 2mn
The same property may be applied to determine the conditions that a strain specified by
six components may be a simple extension. These conditions are that the invariants
€ € e e € € € € —
xx yy zz~^~& { yz zx xy~~ x x \ z ~ ••• •••)
vanish. The amount of the extension is expressed in terms of the remaining invariant
by the formula J {1 + 2 (€ + € +€ )} — 1, the positive value of the square root being taken.
xx yy sz
Two roots of the cubic in K, (7) of Article 26, are equal to unity, and the third is equal
to 1 + 2 ( 6 ^ + ^ + 6^). The direction of the extension is the direction (I, m, n) that is
given by the equations
2 633/ + € m + e n
xy xz e l + 2cyym+c n
xy yil € J, + € m + 2e n
x yz 2Z
37. S i m p l e shear.
In the example of simple shear given by the equations
x, = x + sy, y, = y, z, = z y
By putting s = 2 tana we may prove that the two principal extensions which are not zero
are given, as in Article 3, by the equations
1 + 6 = seca - tana,
1 1 -j- e = sec a + tan a .
We may prove that the area of afigurein the plane of y is unaltered by the shear and
that the difference of the two principal extensions is equal to the amount of the shear.
Further we may show that the directions of the principal axes of the strain are the
bisectors of the angle AOx in Fig. 2 of Article 5, and that the angle through which the
principal axes are turned is the angle a. So that the simple shear is equivalent to a " pure
shear " followed by a rotation through an angle a, as was explained before.
By using the invariants noted in Article 26, we may prove that the conditions that
a strain with given components c , ... may be a shearing strain are
2 ( xx "i" 7jy
€ €
+ 4 ( yy zz"f" *zz xx ~f" xx yy)
~h zz)
€ €
€ € € € €
( \z ~f~ ^zx "f" *xy)
€ €
~ 0?
4exx yy zz 4" *yz *zx xy ~~ xx \ z ~~ yy *zx
€ € e € € € €< €
~ zz ^xy e =
and that the amount of the shear is / {2 fasB + fyi,+ N
to, Jfe, # ) = ( 1 +
2 C N CM c 1 8 )(SD, y, Z), (27)
C21 1 "f" C 2 2 C23
#31 C32 1 + C33
where c = 6 + ^ 4- & N O N
lx n + & I 2 ^ I + ba,
l3 31
c =612 12
the transformation (26) is a rotation about an axis, [so that its coefficients are those given
in Article 35], the coefficients of the resultant strain are given by such equations as
l+c = (l+ ){l-(l-P)(l-co 0)},
n f l S
i 2 ~ ( i
+ e
2 ) { -
^ s m
0+ (1 -cos0)},
The quantities w , m corresponding with this strain are not components of rotation,
x y)
We may deduce the result that, if the components of strain corresponding with the
transformation (27) vanish, and the condition (iii) of Article 31 is satisfied, the rotation
expressed by (27) is of amount 6 about an axis (£, m, n) determined by the equations
32 ~ 23 _ 13 ~ °31 _ ° 2 \ ~ V2 __ C C
% s m Q
I m 7i
We may show that the transformation expressed by the equations
x x
1== -w y-\-'UjyZ^
z y = y - - u j z + 'UJ x,
l x z z = z— m
l y %+ 'uT y
represents a homogeneous strain compounded of uniform extension of all lines which are
at right angles to the direction (iu : TZy : zu ) and rotation about a line in this direction.
x z
The amount of the extension is A / ( 1 + ra^ + S 7 + o r / ) 1 , and the tangent of the angle of 2
In the general case of the composition of strains, we may seek expressions for the
resultant strain-components in terms of the strain-components of the constituent strains
and the coefficients of the transformations. If we denote the components of strain
corresponding with (25), (26), (27) respectively by (e ) ... e , ... (€ ) , ..., we find such xx (n XlXl xx e
formulse as
€ € 2 a2 a 2 €
( xx)c — ( xx)a + (1 + ^n) ^xiXi + 21 + 31 z\zi
(e )c
yt = (cv»)a + 2<h.2 13*xWL + a 2 1
i + 2i) 23 ym a a €
+ ( 2 1 a
+ 3s) «32**m
a a a a a a l a
+ {(l+a ) 22 (1 + % ) + 23 32} *y,ei + {(l + 3s) l2 + M lz)*z&x
3 + { ( + 2 2 ) #13 + ^12%*} €
x l V l -
* For a discussion of the notion of stress from the point of view of Rational Mechanics,
see Note B. at the end of this book.
+ The theory of the specification of stress was given by Cauchy in the Article ' De la pression
ou tension dans un corps solide' in the volume for 1827 of the Exercices de mathematiques.
the point 0 always within it, t h e force R and t h e couple G tend towards zero
limits, and t h e direction of t h e force tends to a limiting direction (I, m, n).
We assume t h a t t h e n u m b e r obtained by dividing t h e n u m b e r of units of
force in t h e force R by t h e n u m b e r of units of area in t h e area S (say R/S)
tends to a limit F which is not zero, and t h a t on t h e other hand G/S tends
jfx dS,
v fJY dS,
v ffz dS,
z z
jjjp(yfz *" fv) dxdydz = jjjp (y ~ zY) dxdydz + jj(yZ v - zY ) dS;
and, in accordance with t h e theorem f of t h e independence of t h e motion of
the centre of mass and t h e motion relative to t h e centre of mass, t h e origin
of t h e coordinates x, y, z may be t a k e n to be a t t h e centre of mass of t h e
The above equations (1) and (2) are t h e types of t h e general equations of
motion of all bodies for which t h e notion of stress is valid.
* The equation (1) is the form assumed by the equations of the type 2ra# = 2X, of my
Theoretical Mechanics, Chapter V I . ; and the equation (2) is the form assumed by the equations
of the type 2 m (yz - zy)=2 (yZ - zY) of the same Chapter.
t Theoretical Mechanics, Chapter VI.
45. Equilibrium.
W h e n a b o d y is at rest u n d e r t h e a c t i o n of body forces and surface tractions, t h e s e are
subject to t h e c o n d i t i o n s of equilibrium, w h i c h are o b t a i n e d from e q u a t i o n s (1) a n d (2) b y
omission of t h e t e r m s c o n t a i n i n g f , x f,
y f.
z W e h a v e t h u s six e q u a t i o n s , v i z . : three
of t h e t y p e
jj j Xdxdydz
P + j jx dS=0,v (3)
and three of t h e t y p e
j j X dS=0,
v a n d j j (yZ - zY ) v v dS=0.
lim. l-*ffX dS v = 0.
Again, if we t a k e t h e origin within t h e volume of integration, we obtain by a
similar process from (2) t h e equation
lim. l- JJ(yZ - zY ) dS = 0. v v
The equations of which these are types can be interpreted in the s t a t e m e n t :
The tractions on the elements of area of the surface of any portion of a body,
which is very small in all its dimensions, are ultimately, to a first approxima
tion, a system of forces in equilibrium.
notation for t h e tractions across planes y = const, and z — const. The capital
letters show t h e directions of t h e component tractions, and t h e suffixes the
planes across which they act. The sense is such t h a t X is positive when it x
— AY , —AZ
X Xi for the opposite face, A being t h e area of any face. Similar
expressions hold for t h e other faces. The value of Jj(yZ — zY ) dS for t h e u v
cube can be taken to be IA (Z — Y ), where I is t h e length of any edge. By
y z
the process of t h e last Article we obtain the first of equations (6), and t h e
other equations of this set are obtained by similar processes; we t h u s find
the three equations
Zy X? = Z • X x
v .(6)
Fig. 6.
Y, Z, X.
z x y These six quantities are called the components of stress* at t h e
The six components of stress are sometimes written xx, yy,zz, yz, zx, xy.
A notation of this k i n d is especially convenient when use is made of t h e
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates of Article 19. T h e six components of
stress referred to t h e normals to t h e surfaces a, /3, 7 a t a point will hereafter
be denoted by aa, /3/3, 77, fiy, 7a, a/3.
4 8 . Measure of stress.
The state of stress within a body is determined when we know t h e values
a t each point of t h e six components of stress. Each of these stress-components
is a traction of t h e kind described in Article 42, so t h a t it is measured as a
force per unit area. The dimension symbol of any stress-component is ML^T .
* A symmetrical method of specifying the stress is worked out by Lord Kelvin (Article 10 foot
note). The method is equivalent to taking as the six components of stress at a point the tensions
per unit of area across six planes which are perpendicular respectively to the six edges of a
chosen tetrahedron.
A stress may accordingly be measured as so m a n y " tons per square inch,"
or so many " dynes per square centimetre," or more generally, as so many
units of force per unit of area. [One ton per square inch = 1*5 45 x 10 dynes
per square centimetre.]
For example, the pressure of t h e atmosphere is about 10 dynes per square
centimetre. As exemplifying t h e stresses which have to be allowed for by
engineers we may note t h e s t a t e m e n t of W. C. U n w i n * t h a t the Conway
bridge is daily subjected to stresses reaching 7 tons per square inch.
X y z
x' h n
y' h m 2 n 2
z' h m 3 n s
X' > = IJ X
y 2 X + mmY
1 2 y + n,n Z 2 z + {m n + m n^) Y x 2 2 z \ (9)
+ (nJ + n l )Z 2 2 1 x + (l in + l m )X .
1 2 2 1 y )
The quadrie surface (10) is called the stress quadrie. I t has t h e property
t h a t t h e normal stress across any plane t h r o u g h its centre is inversely pro
portional to t h e square of t h a t radius vector of t h e quadrie which is normal
to t h e plane. If the quadrie were referred to its principal axes, the tangential
tractions across the coordinate planes would vanish. The normal tractions
across these planes are called principal stresses. W e learn t h a t there exist,
at any point of a body, three orthogonal planes, across each of which
the traction is purely normal. These are called t h e principal planes of
stress. We also learn t h a t to specify completely t h e state of stress at any
point of a body we require to know the directions of the principal planes of
stress, and t h e magnitudes of t h e principal stresses; and t h a t we may then
obtain t h e six components of stress, referred to any set of orthogonal
planes, by t h e process of transforming t h e equation of a quadrie surface from
one set of axes to another. T h e stress at a point may be regarded as a
single quantity related to directions; this quantity is not a vector, b u t has
six components in much t h e same way as a strain*.
5 1 . T y p e s of stress.
(a) Purely normal stress.
I f t h e traction across e v e r y p l a n e at a p o i n t is n o r m a l t o t h e plane, t h e t e r m s c o n t a i n
i n g products yz, zx, xy are a l w a y s a b s e n t from t h e e q u a t i o n of t h e stress quadrie, however
t h e rectangular axes of coordinates m a y b e chosen. I n t h i s case a n y set of orthogonal
lines passing t h r o u g h t h e p o i n t can b e t a k e n to b e t h e principal a x e s of t h e quadrie. It
follows t h a t t h e quadrie is a sphere, a n d t h e n c e t h a t t h e normal s t r e s s - c o m p o n e n t s are all
equal i n m a g n i t u d e a n d h a v e t h e s a m e s i g n . If t h e y are p o s i t i v e t h e stress is a t e n s i o n ,
t h e s a m e in all d i r e c t i o n s round t h e p o i n t . If t h e y are n e g a t i v e t h e s t r e s s is pressure,
w i t h t h e like property of e q u a l i t y i n all d i r e c t i o n s t .
(6) Simple tension or pressure.
A s i m p l e t e n s i o n or pressure is a s t a t e of stress at a point, w h i c h is s u c h t h a t t h e
traction across one p l a n e t h r o u g h t h e p o i n t i s normal t o t h e plane, a n d t h e traction across
a n y perpendicular p l a n e v a n i s h e s . T h e e q u a t i o n of t h e stress quadrie referred t o i t s
principal axes w o u l d be of t h e form
X' ,x'
x —const.
so t h a t t h e quadrie c o n s i s t s of a pair of p l a n e s n o r m a l t o t h e direction of t h e t e n s i o n ,
or pressure. T h e c o m p o n e n t s of s t r e s s referred t o arbitrary a x e s of x, y, z w o u l d be
f 2 2
X = X' ,l\
x x Fy = X >m , x Z =X' ,n ,
z x Y = X' ,mn,
z x Z =X' ml,
x x X = X' dm,
y x
that there is tangential traction parallel to the axis x' on a plane y' — const., and equal
tangential traction parallel to the axis y' on a plane x' — const. Let the axes of x, y, z be
the principal axes of the stress. The form %X' >x'y' is the same as
and we find that the shearing stress is equivalent to tension across one of the planes, that
bisect the angles between the two perpendicular planes concerned, and pressure across the
other of these planes. The tension and the pressure are equal in absolute magnitude, and
each of them is equal to either tangential traction of the shearing stress.
The diagram (Fig. 7), illustrates the equivalence of the shearing stress and the principal
stresses. Shearing stress equivalent to such principal stresses as those shown in the
left-hand figure may be expected to produce shearing strains in which planes of the material
that are perpendicular to the axis of y' before the application of the stress slide in a
direction parallel to the axis of x\ and planes perpendicular to the axis of x' slide in a
direction parallel to the axis of y'. Thus shearing stress of the type X may be expected
and the shearing stresses Z and Y are zero, as well as the tension Z . In the particular
x z z
case of simple tension the stress conic consists of a pair of parallel lines, in the case of
shearing stress it is a rectangular hyperbola. If it is a circle there is tension or pressure
the same in all directions in the plane of the circle.
2 2 2
Xx Y Z -\-2 Y Z X
y z z x y - X Y — YZ
x y x — ZX z y
This is Lame's stress-ellipsoid. The reciprocal surface was discussed by Cauchy; its
central radius vector in any direction is inversely proportional to the traction across the
plane at right angles to that direction.
2 2 2
(iii) The quadrie surface x IX +y /Y + z /Z =const, (in which X , ... are principal
x y z x
stresses), called Lame's stress-director quadrie, is the reciprocal of the stress quadrie with
respect to its centre; the radius vector from the centre to any point of the surface is in the
direction of the traction across a plane parallel to the tangent plane at the point.
(iv) The planes across which there is no normal traction at a point envelope a cone of
the second degree which is the reciprocal of the asymptotic cone of the stress quadrie at
the point. The former cone is Lame's cone of shearing stress. When it is real, it separates
the planes across which the normal traction is tension from those across which it is pressure;
when it is imaginary the normal traction across all planes is tension or pressure according
as the mean tension J (X + Y + Z ) is positive or negative.
x y s
(v) If any two lines x and x' are drawn from any point of a body in a state of stress,
and planes at right angles to them are drawn at the point, the component parallel to x' of
the traction across the plane perpendicular to x is equal to the component parallel to x of
the traction across the plane perpendicular to x'.
This theorem, which may be expressed by the equation x =x <, is a generalization of x x
~4TT dy dz '
, __1_ dVdV
*~47r dz dx'
, _ 1_ dV d_V
~~4,jv dx dy'
It may be shown, by taking the axis of x to be parallel to the normal at (x, y, z) to the
equipotential surface at the point, that one principal plane of the stress at any point is the
tangent plane to the equipotential surface at the point, and that the traction across this
plane is tension of amount R /8ir, while the traction across any perpendicular plane is
pressure of the same amount, R being the resultant electric force at the point so that
(vii) If u, v, w are the components of any vector quantity, and X ,... are the components x
are the components of a vector, i.e. they are transformed from one set of rectangular axes
to another by the same substitution as u, v, w.
jjjpf dxdydz
x = JJ (pXdxdydz
+ + + o i 2
K " ' f ' ^ ^ ^ / - ) " ^ = < >
r .(14)
dx dy dz
^Z x dYz + dZ^ + pZ =0
dx dy dz
wherein Y , Z X have been written for the equivalent Z X Y .
z Xy y yy z> x
dZ dY dZ z
+ + PZ
dx dy
* The transformation is that expressed by the equation
j J { £ c o s (x v) + 7ioos(y
i 1 v) + £cos(z, v)}dS = j j j(^ + ^ + %) dxdydz.
Other forms of equations of equilibrium and of motion, containing fewer
unknown quantities, will be given hereafter. W e distinguish the above
forms (14) and (15) as t h e stress-equations.
where p is the pressure, supposed to be the same at all points and in all directions round
each point. The surface tractions are equal to the components of a pressure p exerted
across the surface of the body, whatever the shape of the body may be. We may conclude
that, when a body is subjected to constant pressure p, the same at all points of its surface,
and is free from the action of body forces, the state of stress in the interior can be a state
of mean pressure, equal to p at each point, unaccompanied by any shearing stress.
(b) Simple tension. Let T be the amount of the tension, and the axis of x its direction.
Then we have X = T, and the remaining stress-components vanish. We take T to be the
same at all points. The surface traction at any point is directed parallel to the axis of x,
and its amount is ^cos(^, v). If the body is in the shape of a° cylinder or prism, of any
form of section, with its length in the direction of the axis of x, there will be tensions on
its ends of amount T per unit area, and there will be no tractions across its cylindrical
surface. We may conclude that when a bar is subjected to equal and opposite uniform
normal tensions over its ends, and is free from the action of any other forces, the state of
stress in the interior can be a state of tension across the normal sections, of the same
amount at all points.
Uniform traction across a plane area is statically equivalent to a force at the centroid
of the area. The force has the same direction as the traction, and its magnitude is
measured by the product of the measures of the area and of the magnitude of the traction.
If the traction across an area is uniform as regards direction and, as regards magnitude,
is proportional to distance, measured in a definite sense, from a definite line in the plane
of the area, we have an example of uniformly varying stress. The traction across the area
is statically equivalent to a single force acting at a certain point of the plane, which is
identical with the " centre of pressure " investigated in treatises on Hydrostatics. There
Is an exceptional case, in which the line of zero traction passes through the centroid of the
area; the traction across the area is then statically equivalent to a couple. When the line
of zero traction does not intersect the boundary of the area, the traction has the same sign
at all points of the area ; and the centre of pressure must then lie within a certain curve
surrounding the centroid. If the area is of rectangular shape, and the line of zero traction
is parallel to one side, the greatest distance of the centre of pressure from the centroid
is ^-th of that side. This result is the engineers' " rule of the middle third*."
* Ewing, Strength of Materials, p. 104.
56. Observations c o n c e r n i n g the stress-equations.
(a) The equations of type (13) may be obtained by applying the equations of type (1)
[Article 44] to a small parallelepiped bounded by planes parallel to the coordinate planes.
The contributions of the faces x and x+dx to j j X dS can be taken to be ~X dydz and v x
{X + (dX /dx)dx} dydz, and similar expressions for the contributions of the remaining
x x
(dz dz dz \ fdr dr dr
x x z
by substituting for f , ... from the equations of type (13), and for Y , Z from (5). By
x v v
and thus the equations of moments are satisfied identically in virtue of equations (6). It
will be observed that, equations (6) might be proved by the above analysis instead of that
in Article 47.
(c) When the equations (14) are satisfied at all points of a body, the conditions of
equilibrium of the body as a whole (Article 45) are necessarily satisfied, and the resultant
of all the body forces, acting upon elements of volume of the body, is balanced by the
resultant of all the tractions, acting upon elements of its surface. The like statement is
true of the resultant moments of the body forces and surface tractions.
(d) An example of the application of this remark is afforded by Maxwell's stress-system
described in (vi) of Article 53. We should find for example
dX dX dZ 1 dV . x v x 9Tr
dx dy dz 4?r dx '
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
where v stands for d /dx + d \dy + d /dz . It follows that, in any region throughout which
V F = 0 , this stress-system is self-equilibrating, and that, in general, this stress-system is
in equilibrium with body force specified by - v V •> ^ 5 per unit volume.
Hence the tractions over any closed surface, which would be deduced from the formulse for
1 fdV dV dV\ 2
x are statically equivalent to body forces, specified by — v V , , j per
unit volume of the volume within the surface.
(e) Stress-functions.
In the development of the theory we shall be much occupied with bodies in equilibrium
under forces applied over their surfaces only. In this case there are no body forces and
no accelerations, and the equations of equilibrium are
dx dx dz x dx, dr, dr. dz dr dz,
+ + = 0 + + = 0 + + 0 ( 1 6 )
-^ %T ^ ' dV ~dJ ^ ' ^ "37 ^ - '
while the surface tractions are equal to the values of (X , Y , Z ) at the surface of the body. v v v
The differential equations (16) are three independent relations between the six components
of stress at any point; by means of them we might express these six quantities in terms of
three independent functions of position. Such functions would be called "stress-functions."
So long as we have no information about the state of the body, besides that contained in
equations (16), such functions are arbitrary functions.
One way of expressing the stress-components in terms of stress-functions is to assume*
l z x
X - - ^ *
~ dydz' ~ dzdx' ~ dxdy'
and then it is clear that the equations (16) are satisfied if
a 9 2 2
v A J l x * r- -!*i + ^ ^_ X2,9 xi
x 2 + 2 v 2 2 z 2 2
~ dy dz ' ~ dz dx ' ~ 'dx "*~ dy '
Another way is to assumed
_ _ 3
v 2
)z' * dzdx' " dxdy'
l z + x +
~ 2dx\ dx ty* dz )> ~ 2dy\dx dy dz)'
~ Zdz\dx*~dy dz)'
These formulae may be readily verified. It will be observed that the relations between
the x functions and the \fr functions are the same as those between the quantities e , ... xx
xJ^L x F - ^ 2 R - - ^ -
ly 2
v A }
* dy ' ~dx ' , ~ dxdy' * '
the plane of the stress being the plane of y, and % being a function of x, y, z. If the
3v dy
'curves ~— const, and ~ = const, are traced for the same value of z and for equidifferent
ox oy -
values of the constants, then the tractions at any point, across planes parallel to the planes
of (x, z) and (y, z\ are directed respectively along the tangents to the curves = const, and
^ — const, which pass through the point, and their magnitudes are proportional to the
closeness of consecutive curves of the respective families.
* Maxwell, Edinburgh Roy. Soc. Trans, vol. 26 (1870), = Scientific Papers, vol. 2, p. 161.
The particular case of plane stress was discussed by Gr. B. Airy, Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1862.
f G. Morera, Rome, Acc. Lincei Rend. (Ser. 5), t. 1 (1892). The relations between the two
systems of stress-functions were discussed by Beltrami and Morera in the same volume.
X J. H . Michell, London Math. Soc, Proc, vol. 32 (1901).
Partial representations by graphic means have sometimes been used in. cases where a
complete representation cannot be obtained. Of this kind are tracings or models of the
"lines of stress." These lines are such that the tangent to any one of them at any point
is normal to a principal plane of stress at the point. Through any point there pass three
such lines, cutting each other at right angles. These lines may determine a triply orthogonal
set of surfaces, but in general no such set exists. When such surfaces exist they are
described as "isostatic surfaces*" and from a knowledge of them the directions of the
principal stresses at any point can be inferred.
Distributions of stress may also be studied by the aid of polarized light. The
method f is based on the experimental fact that an isotropic transparent body, when
stressed, becomes doubly refracting, with its optical principal axes at any point in the
directions of the principal axes of stress at the point.
and cos (x, v) = cos (a, v) cos (x, a) + cos (ft, z>).cos (x, ft) + cos (y, v) cos (x, y ) ,
so t h a t X = \X
v X cos (x, a) -f X y cos (y, a) + X cos (z, a)} cos (a, v)
* These surfaces were first discussed by Lame, J. de Math. (Liouville), t. 6 (1841), and Lecons
suf les coordonnees curvilignes. The fact that they do not in general exist was pointed out by
Boussinesq, Paris C:R:, t. 74 (1872). Cf. Weingarten, J.f. Math. [Crelle), Bd. 90 (1881).
f. The method originated with D. Brewster, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1816. It was de
veloped by F. E . Neumann, Berlin Abh. 1841, and by Maxwell, Edinburgh Roy. Soc. Trans.,
vol. 20 (1853) = Scientific Papers, vol. 1, p. 30. For a more recent experimental investigation, see
J. Kerr, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 5), vol. 26 (1888). Reference may also be made to M. E . Maseart,
Traite d'Optique, t. 2 (Paris 1891), pp. 229 et seq.
X Other methods of obtaining these equations will be given in Chapter VII. and in the Note
on the applications of moving axes at the end of this book.
point, and this projection is dftdy/h h . 2 3 Hence
jjX dS v = jj{aL0i cos (a, x) + aft cos (ft, x) + ya cos (7, x)}
7 < a
4- JJ{a/3 cos (a, x)+ /3/3 cos (/3, x) + £ y cos (7, #)} ^ ^
da d/3
+ JJ [ya cos (a, #) + £ y cos (/3, x) + 77 cos (7, x)}
W h e n we apply Green's transformation to this expression we find
X dS=
v \\\dadftdy\~ j ~ r [oiOL cos (a, x) + a/3 cos (ft, x) + ya cos (7, x))
+ d/3 —y- {a/3 cos (a, # ) + ft ft cos (/3, a?) -J- (3y cos (7, a?)}
+ dy j^Y {ya cos (a, a?) + /3y cos (/3, a?) + 77 cos (7, x)}
and, since (AiA A ) dad/3 dy is t h e element of volume, we deduce from (1)
2 3
t h e equation
pf = pX +
x h h h l^-
1 2 8 r ^ r cos (a, #) + aft cos (/3, a?) -f 7a cos (7, #)}
7 - 7 - {a/3 cos (a, x) +ftft cos (/3, #) + fty cos (7, a?)}
+ dft
a c o s + c o s x c o s
97 o r ^ ^ ° ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
T h e angles denoted by (a, x), ... are variable with a, & 7 because the
normals to the surfaces a = const., ... vary from point to point. I t may be
shown* t h a t for any fixed direction of x t h e differential coefficients of
cos(a, ... are given by nine equations of t h e type
cos (a,
a, x)
x) = - L ~ f^-
da dt3[hJ- ^> - %{hJ- t' > C08 x) f, COs(r x)
C 0 S ( a x ) h C 0 S (/3 x) 0 0 8 ( a X) = h C0S (7
3/3 ' = L £) • ' ' Jy ' k £) • '
W e now t a k e t h e direction of t h e axis of x to be t h a t of t h e normal to
the surface a = const, which passes through t h e point (a, ft., 7). After t h e
differentiations have been performed we p u t
cos (a, x) = l, cos (ft, x) — 0, cos (7, x) — 0.
W e take f a for t h e component acceleration along t h e normal to t h e surface
* See the Note on applications of moving axes at the end of this book. In the special case of
cylindrical coordinates the corresponding equations can be proved directly without any difficulty.
a = const., and F for t h e component of body force in t h e same direction.
( l 9 )
66 2
r r
~ 2 2
r d6 +d> r r ~dr ' dr \r dB,
(iii) I n t h e case of polar coordinates r, 6, <p t h e s t r e s s - e q u a t i o n s are
oa p 1 3 p 1 2
* For the validity of the analysis of the energy into molar kinetic energy and intrinsic energy
it is necessary that the dimensions of the parts in question should be large compared with
molecular dimensions.
where t h e integration is t a k e n over t h e surface of t h e body in t h e unstrained
state. This expression may be transformed into an integral t a k e n t h r o u g h
t h e volume of t h e body, by t h e use of Green's transformation and of t h e
formula? of t h e type
X*= X x cos (x, v) + X y cos (y, v) + X cos (z, v), z
7 x,
' dt
dt + / t z
j(X Se
x xx + Tyheyy + Z Se z zz + Y Sez yz +Z Se x zx + X Se ) y xy dxdydz,.. .(6)
where Se ,...
xx represent t h e increments of t h e components of strain in t h e
interval of t i m e St H e n c e w e have
65. F o r m of t h e strain-energy-function.
T h e experiments which lead to t h e enunciation of Hooke's Law do not
constitute a proof of t h e t r u t h of t h e law. The law formulates in abstract
terms t h e results of many observations and experiments, b u t it is much
more precise t h a n these results. T h e mathematical consequences which can
be deduced by assuming t h e law to be true are sometimes capable of
experimental verification; and, whenever this verification can be made, fresh
evidence of t h e t r u t h of t h e law is obtained. W e shall be occupied in sub
sequent chapters with t h e deduction of these consequences; here we note
some results which can be deduced immediately.
W h e n a body is slightly strained by gradual application of a load, and
t h e t e m p e r a t u r e remains constant, t h e stress-components are linear functions
of t h e strain-components, and t h e y are also partial differential coefficients of
a function (W) of t h e strain-components. T h e strain-energy-function, W,
is therefore a homogeneous quadratic function of t h e strain-components.
The known theory of sound waves* leads us to expect t h a t , when a body
is executing small vibrations, t h e motion takes place too quickly for any
portion of t h e body to lose or gain any sensible q u a n t i t y of heat. I n this
case also t h e r e is a strain-energy-function; and, if we assume t h a t Hooke's
Law holds, t h e function is a homogeneous quadratic function of the strain-
components. W h e n t h e stress-components are eliminated from t h e equations
of motion (15) of Article 54, these equations become linear equations for t h e
determination of t h e displacement. T h e linearity of them, and the way
in which t h e time enters into t h e m , m a k e it possible for t h e m to possess
solutions which represent isochronous vibrations. T h e fact t h a t all solid
bodies admit of being thrown into states of isochronous vibration has been
emphasized by Stokesf as a peremptory proof of the t r u t h of Hooke's Law for
the very small strains involved.
The proof of t h e existence of W given in Article 62 points to different
coefficients for t h e terms of IT expressed as a quadratic function of strain-com
ponents, in t h e two cases of isothermal and adiabatic changes of state. These
coefficients are the " elastic constants," and discrepancies have actually been
c = c,
rs sr (r, 5 = 1, 2, ... 6), (11)
* The discrepancies appear to have been noticed first by P. Lagerhjelm in 1827, see Todhunter
and Pearson's History, vol. 1, p. 189. They were made the subject of extensive experiments by
G-. Wertheim, Ann. de Chimie, t. 12 (1844). Information concerning the results of more recent
experimental researches is given by Lord Kelvin (Sir W. Thomson) in the Article * Elasticity' in
Ency. Brit., 9th edition, reprinted in Math, and Phys. Papers, vol. 3. See also W. Voigt, Ann.
Phys. Ghem. (Wiedemann), Bd. 52 (1894).
f Kirchhoff, Vorlesungen uber...Mechanik, Vorlesung 27. For a discussion of the theory of
stability reference may be made to a paper by R. Lipschitz, J.f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 78 (1874).
J Reference may be made, in particular, to W. Voigt, Ann. Phys. Chem. (Wiedemann), Bd. 52,
1894, p. 536 and Berlin Berichte, 1901.
L. E. 7
We write t h e expression for 2 W in t h e form
Climax 4~ %Ci2 xx yy e e
4~ G
^ i3^xx zz e
4" 2 ^ 4 6 ^ 6 ^
&XX&ZX 4~ ^i6^xx^xy
4- c 2 6 2/y
2 + 2c 23 4" 2 c 24 ^2/2; 4~ 2 c 5 6 ^ 3a& 4* 2 c 6 ^ 6 ^
2 26
4" C $e 3 zz 4" %C 6zz6yz
M 4" ^IO^ZZ&ZX 4" 2 c 6 e 3 6 z z x y
4" Cm&xy
T h e theory of Elasticity has sometimes been based on t h a t hypothesis;
concerning t h e constitution of matter, according to which bodies are regarded
as made u p of material points, a n d these points are supposed to act on each
other a t a distance, t h e law of force between a pair of points being t h a t t h e
force is a function of t h e distance between t h e points, and acts in t h e line
joining t h e points. I t is a consequence of this hypothesis* t h a t t h e co
efficients in t h e function W are connected b y six additional relations, whereby
their n u m b e r is reduced to 15. These relations are
c = c , C31 = C55, c = c , I
23 44 (13) 12 66
dx dy dz r •(14>
dZ x dY z dZ z _ _
~~d& dy "dydz'
and three of t h e t y p e
dydz dx \ dx dy dz J'
W h e n account is t a k e n of these relations, there are sufficient equations to
determine t h e stress.
Whenever t h e forces are such t h a t t h e stress-components are either
constants or linear functions of t h e coordinates, the same is t r u e of t h e
strain-components, and t h e equations of compatibility are satisfied identically.
W e shall consider such cases in the sequel.
I n t h e general case, t h e problem may in various ways be reduced to t h a t
of solving certain systems of differential equations. One way is to form, by
t h e method described above, a system of equations for t h e stress-components
in which account is t a k e n of t h e identical relations between strain-components.
Another way is to eliminate t h e stress-components and express the strain-
components in terms of displacements by using t h e formulae
_ du dv _ dw
€ x x =
dx } eyy=
dy> 6zz==
dz' . I
_dw dv __du dw _ dv du *(^)
6yz + ezx 6xy +
~dy ~dz> ~dz^dx' ~dx dy'
Both these methods will be illustrated in t h e sequel.
If t h e displacement can be obtained, t h e strain-components can be found
by differentiation, and the stress-components can be deduced. If, on t h e
other hand, the stress can be determined, the strains can be deduced, and t h e
displacement can be found by t h e method indicated in Article 18.
I t will be proved in Chapter VII. t h a t t h e solution of any problem of
the kind considered here is effectively unique. We shall assume for t h e
present t h a t any solution, which satisfies all the conditions, is the solution.
linear equations. These may be solved for t h e X' >, ... and the result will be x
t h a t t h e X' >,... are expressed as linear functions of e^, ... with coefficients,
which depend on t h e coefficients c , ... in the formula (12), and also on the
2 2
+ ft (&yz ~f~ e + e y zx X 4*e eyy zz ^e e zz xx ^c e ),
xx yy (1^)
t h e stress-components are given by t h e equations
X = \A + 2fie ,
x xx Yy = \k + 2/uLeyy, Z = \& + 2fie z i
Y = fi€yz
z > Z = fie x zx , Xy—[ie xy
( 8 X + V )
W e write E = , (20)
X + ft
X .(21)
2 ( \ + ft)
Then E is t h e q u a n t i t y obtained by dividing the measure of a simple
longitudinal tension by t h e measure of the extension produced by it. I t is
known as Young s modulus. T h e n u m b e r cr is t h e ratio of lateral contraction
to longitudinal extension of a bar under terminal tension. I t is known as
Poisson s ratio.
Whatever t h e stress-system may be, t h e extensions in t h e directions of t h e
axes and t h e normal tractions across planes at right angles to t h e axes are
connected by t h e equations
e =E->{X -<r{Yy+Z %
xx x \ z
X- ;v ^ - T . M= :r—~ r, k =— r (24)
(6) If <T were >\, h would be negative, or the material would expand under pressure.
If a were < — 1, jx would be negative, and the function IF would not be a positive quadratic
function. We may show that this would also be the case if k were negative*. Negative
values for a are not excluded by the condition of stability, but such values have not been
found for any isotropic material.
(c) The constant k is usually determined by experiments on compression, the
constant E sometimes directly by experiments on stretching, and sometimes by experi
ments on bending, the constant /x usually by experiments on torsion. The value of the
constant a is usually inferred from a knowledge of two among the quantities E, k,
(d) If Cauchy's relations ( 1 3 ) of Article 6 6 are true, X = JU and o- = J .
(e) Instead of assuming the form of the strain-energy-function, we might assume
some of the relations between stress-components and strain-components and deduce the
relations (18). For example J we may assume (i) that the mean tension and the cubical
dilatation are connected by the equation ^(X +Y + Z ) = kA, (ii) that the relation x y z
X' '~pe t
V xly holds for all pairs of rectangular axes of af and y'. From the second assumption
we should find, by taking the axes of x, y, z to be the principal axes of strain, that the
principal planes of stress are at right angles to these axes. With the same choice of axes
we should then find, by means of the formulee of transformation of Articles 1 2 and 4 9 ,
that the relation
x x 2 Yym^ + Z^n^fi (2e J l
x 1 2 + 2e m m
yy 1 2 + 2e n n )
Z2 1 2
Then the first assumption shows that each of these quantities is equal to (£-§/x) A. The
relations (18) are thus found to hold for principal axes of strain, and, by a fresh application
of the formulae of transformation, we may prove that they hold for any axes.
( / ) Instead of making the assumptions just described we might assume that the
principal planes of stress are at right angles to the principal axes of strain and that the
relations ( 2 2 ) hold for principal axes, and we might deduce the relations (18) for any axes.
The working out of this assumption may serve as an exercise for the student.
(g) We may show that, in the problem of the compression of a body by pressure
uniform over its surface which was associated with the definition of Tc, the displacement is
expressed by the equations §
u v w p
x y z 3k'
(h) We may show that, in the problem of the bar stretched by simple tension T
which was associated with the definitions of E and a-, the displacement is expressed by the
u__v_ o-T_ XT ™ _T _ (\+fi) T
x~ y~ E~ 2/x(3X + 2 ^ ) ' z ~ E~~ fi (3X + 2/x)*
* 2W may be written
(X + fa) (exx +e yy + ef
zz + |/t {(e yy - ef
zz + (e„ - e)
+ {exx - e f} yy + /i {e > + ej
yz + 2
e ).
f Experiments for the direct determination of Poisson's ratio have been made by P. Cardani,
Phys. Zeitschr. Bd. 4, 1 9 0 3 , and J. Morrow, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 6), vol. 6 (1903). M. A. Oornu,
Paris, C.R., t. 6 9 (1869), and A. Mallock, Proc. Roy. Soc, vol. 2 9 (1879) determined <j by
experiments on bending.
X This is the method of Stokes. See Introduction, footnote 3 7 .
§ A displacement which would be possible in a rigid body may be superposed on that given in
the text. A like remark applies to the Observation (h). Cf. Article 18, supra.
7 1 . Magnitude of elastic constants and m o d u l u s e s of s o m e isotropic
To give an idea of t h e order of m a g n i t u d e of the elastic constants and
moduluses of some of the materials in everyday use a few of t h e results of
experiments are tabulated here. The table gives t h e density (p) of t h e
material as well as t h e elastic constants, t h e constants being expressed as
multiples of an unit stress of one dyne per square centimetre. Poissons
ratio is also given. The results marked " E " are t a k e n from J. D. Everett's
Illustrations of the C.G.S. system of units, London, 1891, where the authorities
for t h e m will be found. Those marked " A " are reduced from results of more
recent researches recorded in a paper by A m a g a t in t h e Journal de Physique
(Ser. 2), t. 8 (1889). I t m u s t be understood t h a t considerable differences are
found in t h e elastic constants of different samples of nominally t h e same
substance, and t h a t such a designation as " steel," for example, is far from
being precise.
Material P E k a Keference
?) 6-77 xlO 1 1
4-54 xlO 1 1
•245 A
C 4 1 C 4 2
C43 C45
#63 C
64 65
c , so t h a t
t h e equations t h a t give t h e strain-components in terms of t h e stress-
components can be w r i t t e n
expressed in t e r m s of stress-components.
73. M o d u l u s e s of elasticity.
We may in various ways define types of stress and types of strain.
F o r example, simple tension [ X J , shearing stress [ F J , m e a n tension
(X + Y + Z )] are types of stress. T h e corresponding types of strain are
x y z
If the shearing stress is related to the two orthogonal directions (I, m, n) and (l\ m', n'\
the rigidity can be shown to be expressed by
f f 2
n+(C , G ,... G , ...)(2lV, 2mm', 2nn', mn'+m'n, nl' + n'l, lm + l m) , ...(29)
u 22 12
where the denominator is a complete quadratic function of the six arguments 2lV, ... with
coefficients G , G , .... u 22
In the same case the Poisson's ratio of the contraction in the direction of the axis of y
to the extension in the direction of the axis of x is — C /G . The value of Poisson's ratio 12 u
depends on the direction of the contracted transverse linear elements as well as on that of
the extended longitudinal ones.
In the general case we may take the stress to be tension X' > across the planes x' = const., x
Y =mnX'' >,
z x Z =nlX' >,
x x X — lmX' i,
y x
If (V, m , n') is any direction at right angles to x', the contraction, -e > >, y y in this
direction is given by the equation
e 2
xxl' + tyy^ + V ' + e m'n'+e n'V + e l'm',
y'v> = 2 2
yz zx xy
- S ^ + « ' * ' ^ + - ^ + ^ A ^ ] . - W
where <fi is the above-mentioned quadratic function of the arguments I , ..., and the
differential coefficients are formed as if these arguments were independent. It may be
observed that o-/E is related symmetrically to the two directions in which the corresponding
contraction and extension occur.
If we construct the surface of the fourth order of which the equation is
2 2 2 2
(G , G , ... G , ...) (x , y , z , yz, zx, ^ ) = const.,
n 22 12 (32)
then the radius vector of this surface in any direction is proportional to the positive
fourth root of the Young's modulus of the material corresponding with that direction*.
, Zx , Xyt \
in which X ,...
x are expressed in terms of displacements by t h e formulae (18)
of Article 69. T h e equations are adequate to determine the displacements
when 0 is given. W h e n 6 is not given an additional equation is required,
and this equation may be deduced from the theory of conduction of heat, as
was done by D u h a m e l and N e u m a n n .
The theory t h u s arrived at has not been very much developed. Attention
has been directed especially to t h e fact t h a t a plate of glass strained by
unequal heating becomes doubly refracting, and to the explanation of this
effect by t h e inequality of the stresses in different directions. The reader who
wishes to pursue the subject is referred to t h e following memoirs in addition
to those already c i t e d : — C . W. Borchardt, Berlin Monatsberichte, 1873;
X x +X ',....X I n like manner we may specify the density in the initial
state by p and t h a t in t h e strained state by p + p , and we may specify t h e
0 0
+ p„X„ = 0 (35)
dx dy - dz
= X„ — X { C O S (x, v) — C O S (x,
x VQ)}
- Xy® {cos (y, v) - cos (y, v )} 0
If t h e initial stress is not known the equations (35) and conditions (36)
are not sufficient to determine it, and no progress can be made. If t h e
initial stress is known t h e determination of the additional stress (X \ ...) x
+ + +
(5-|-5) «.-| * - 5 '-"
* Reference may be made to a paper by F. H . Cilley, Amer. J. of Science (Silliman), (Ser. 4),
vol. 11 (1901).
t See Introduction and cf. Note B at the end of this book.
where (u, v, w) is t h e displacement reckoned from t h e initial state, and
{X ,
x ...) is a stress-system related to this displacement by t h e same
equations as would hold if t h e r e were no initial stress. I n t h e case of
isotropy these equations would be (18) of Article 69 with X p u t equal to /JL.
I t may be observed t h a t t h e terms of X , ... t h a t contain X , ... arise from
x x
Fig. 8. Fig. 9.
L. E. 8
T h e following t a b l e * gives some examples of t h e limit of linear elasticity
and t h e yield-point for some kinds of iron. The results, given in atmospheres,
are in each case those for a single specimen not previously tested.
JJ 2660 2960
Steel (Bessemer) 1780 2650
* Extracted from results given by Bauschinger, Mittheilungen, XIII. We may take 1000
atmospheres =6*56 tons per square inch =1-0136 x 10 C . G . S . units of stress.
t De ftli JBombycini vi Elastica. Gottingen, 1841. An off-print of a paper communicated to
the Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, 1835, and practically translated in
Ann. Phys. Ghem. (Poggendorff), Bde. 34 (1835) and 54 (1841).
t Note sur Vallongement progressif du fil defer soumis d diverses tensions. Annales des ponts
et chaussees, ler semestre, 1834.
§ Paris, Memoires...par divers savans, tt. 18 (1868), and 20 (1872). An account of some of
Tresca's experiments is given by Unwin, loc. cit. pp. 46 et seq.
of solids to flow under great stress is called plasticity, A solid is said to be
" hard " when the force required to produce considerable set is great, " soft "
or " plastic " when it is small. A substance must be termed " fluid " if con
siderable set can be produced by any force, however small, provided it is
applied for a sufficient time.
I n experiments on extension some plasticity of t h e material is shown
as soon as the limit of linear elasticity is exceeded*. If the load exceeding
this limit is removed some set can be observed, b u t this set diminishes at
a rate which itself diminishes. If t h e load is maintained t h e strain gradually
increases and reaches a constant value after t h e lapse of some time. If the
load is removed and reapplied several times, both t h e set and the elastic
strain increase. None of these effects are observed when t h e load is below
the limit of linear elasticity. The possibility of these plastic effects tends
to complicate the results of testing, for if two like specimens are loaded at
different rates, t h e one which is loaded more rapidly will show a greater
breaking stress and a smaller ultimate extension t h a n t h e other. Such
differences have in fact been observedf, b u t it has been shown^: t h a t
under ordinary conditions of testing t h e variations in the rate of loading
do not affect t h e results appreciably.
* Ueber Festigkeitsversuche mit Eisen und Stahl, Berlin, 1870. An account of Wohler's
experiments is given by Unwin, loc. cit., pp. 356 et seq.
t A different explanation has been proposed by K. Pearson, Messenger of Math. vol. 20 (1890).
X Mittheilungen, xx. (1891) and xxv. (1897) edited by Foppl.
§ Loc. cit., Math, and Phys. Papers, vol. 3, p. 22.
|| See e.g. the memoir of Lame and Clapeyron, quoted in the Introduction (footnote 39).
IF See Todhunter and Pearson's History, vol. 1, art. 995.
** See especially the Historique Abrege in Saint-Venant's edition of the Legons de Navier,
pp. cxcix—ccv.
of safe loading*. Again, Tresca followed by G. H. Darwinf* makes t h e
maximum difference of the greatest and least principal stresses t h e measure
of tendency to r u p t u r e , and not a very different limit would be found by
following Coulomb'st suggestion, t h a t the greatest shear produced in t h e
material is a measure of this tendency. An interesting modification of this
view has been suggested and worked out geometrically by 0 . Mohr§. I t
would enable us to take account of t h e possible dependence of t h e condition
of safety upon the n a t u r e of the load, i.e. upon t h e kind of stress which
is developed within t h e body. The manner and frequency of application of
t h e load are matters which ought also to be t a k e n into account. The con
ditions of r u p t u r e are b u t vaguely understood, and may depend largely on
these and other accidental circumstances. A t the same time t h e question is
very important, as a satisfactory answer to it might suggest in many cases
causes of weakness previously unsuspected, and, in others, methods of econo
mizing material t h a t would be consistent with safety.
T<T /&,
0 S<T I<!>
0 9 e<T /^E
* For examples see Todhunter and Pearson's History, vol. 1, p. 550 footnote.
f ' On the stresses produced in the interior of the Earth by the weight of Continents and
Mountains,' Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, vol. 173 (1882). The same measure is adopted in the account
of Prof. Darwin's work in Kelvin and Tait's Nat. Phil. Part n. art. 832'.
X 'Essai sur une application des regies de Maximis &c.,' Mem. par divers Savans, 1776,
§ Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ingenieure, Bd. 44 (1900). A discussion by Voigt of the views of
Mohr and other writers will be found in Ann. Phys. (Ser. 4), Bd. 4 (1901).
Most English and American engineers adopt the first of these hypotheses,
b u t take to depend on t h e kind of strain to which t h e body is likely to be u
subjected in use. A factor 6 is allowed for boilers, 10 for pillars, 6 for axles,
6 to 10 for railway-bridges, and 12 for screw-propeller-shafts and parts of
other machines subjected to sudden reversals of load. I n France and
Germany the greatest extension hypothesis is often adopted.
Eecently a t t e m p t s have been made to determine which of these hypo
theses best represents t h e results of experiments. The fact t h a t short pillars
can be crushed by longitudinal pressure excludes t h e greatest tension hypo
thesis. If it were proposed to replace this by a greatest stress hypothesis,
according to which r u p t u r e would occur when any principal stress (tension
or pressure) exceeds a certain limit, then t h e experiments of A. F o p p l * on
bodies subjected to very great pressures uniform over their surfaces would be
very important, as it appeared t h a t r u p t u r e is not produced by such pressures
as he could apply. These experiments would also forbid us to replace t h e
greatest extension hypothesis by a greatest strain hypothesis. There remain
for examination t h e greatest extension hypothesis and the stress-difference
hypothesis. Wehage's e x p e r i m e n t s f on specimens of wrought iron subjected
to equal tensions (or pressures) in two directions at right angles to each
other have thrown doubt on t h e greatest extension hypothesis. From
experiments on metal tubes subjected to various systems of combined stress
J. J. Guest J has concluded t h a t t h e stress-difference hypothesis is t h e one
which accords best with observed results. The general tendency of modern
technical writings seems to be to attach more importance to the limits
of linear elasticity and t h e yield-point t h a n to t h e limits of perfect elasticity
and the breaking stress, and to emphasize the importance of dynamical tests
in addition to the usual statical tests of tensile and bending strength.
* This point appears to have been first expressly noted by Poncelet in his Introduction a
la Mecanique industrielle, physique et experimentale of 1839, see Todhunter and Pearson's
History, vol. 1, art. 988.
+ Cf. C. Chree, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 6), vol. 2 (1901).
distant when the effects produced in the length of a standard by different
modes of support will have to be taken into account. Another example
is afforded by t h e result t h a t t h e cubic capacity of a vessel intended to
contain liquid is increased when the liquid is p u t into it in consequence
of the excess of pressure in the parts of t h e liquid near t h e bottom of t h e
vessel. Again, t h e bending of the deflexion-bars of magnetometers affects
the measurement of magnetic force. Many of t h e simpler results of t h e
mathematical theory are likely to find important applications in connexion
with t h e improvement of measuring apparatus.
of coordinates. The traction across the plane that is normal to v is expressed in terms of
the tractions across planes that are normal to the axes of coordinates by the equations
Z =Z cos
v X v) -VZ cos (y, v) + Z cos (z, v).
y z
In these equations p is the density and (X, Y Z) the body force per unit of mass.
The components of stress also satisfy certain equations at the surface of the body.
If v denotes the direction of the normal drawn outwards from the body at any point
of its surface and {X Y , Z ) denotes the surface traction at the point, the values of the
Vy v v
components of stress at the point must satisfy the equations (1), in which X , ... are v
written for X , —
(c) Displacement. Under the action of the forces the body is displaced from the
configuration that it would have if the stress-components were zero throughout. If
y, z) denotes the position of a point of the body in the unstressed state, and +
y+v z+w) denotes the position of the same point of the body when under the action
of the forces, (u, v, w) denotes the displacement, and the components of displacement
u, v, w are functions of y, z.
(d) Strain. The strain at a point is determined when the extension of every linear
element issuing from the point is known. If the relative displacement is small, the
extension of a linear element in direction (I, m, n) is
2 2 2
^x l +e y7n +e n -{-ey mn + e nl-\-e ylm,
X y 22 2 zx X (4)
where e , ... denote the following :—
du dv dw \
6 x x = e y v = 6zz=
dx> dy> dz> I *
_dw dv _du dw _dv du j
eyz + esx + exv +
~ty dz' ~d~z dx~> ~dx d^'J
The quantities e , ... e are the "components of strain."
xx yz
^ dw dv du dw _ dv du . s
2 w = 2 r o = ( 6 )
* ^ - & ' " aJ-^' ^^Tx-Ty
are the components of a vector quantity, the "rotation." The quantity A determined
by the equation
du dv div /H .
A = + 7 )
s + ^ ¥ <
is the " dilatation."
(e) Stress-strain relations. In an elastic solid slightly strained from the unstressed
state the components of stress are linear functions of the components of strain. When the
material is isotropic we have
X X = \ A + 2FXE XX9 Y = \A-{-2^e ,
y yy Z Z = \ A + 2fjLe zi
, .(8)
Yz~ftVyzy Z ~\xc ,
x zx X = fj,e y ;
y X
(3X4-2^) ^X
( 1 0 )
^ — T + 7 ~ ' " - 2 1 x ^ 1 )
The quantity E is " Young's modulus," the number o- is " Poisson's ratio," the quantity
/x is the "rigidity," the quantity
X + § / L I , =K, is the "modulus of compression."
due to gravity.
The stress-equations of equilibrium (3) are satisfied if X = 0 , F—0, Z— —g. Hence this
state of stress can be maintained in a body of any form by its own weight provided that
suitable tractions are applied at its surface. The traction applied at the surface must be
of amount gpz cos v\ and it must be directed vertically upwards. If the body is a
cylinder or prism of any form of cross-section, and the origin is at the lower end, the cylinder
is supported by tension uniformly distributed over its upper end. If I is the length of the
cylinder this tension is gpl, and the resultant tension is equal to the weight of the cylinder.
The lower end and the curved surface are free from traction.
The strain is given by the equations
&xx ~ yy6
~ 5 &zz ~ > &yz ~ &zx " xy ~ e
dy dx ' dxdy
The equations containing w can be satisfied only by an equation of the form
where a , j3', y are constants. The equations containing u v show that u is a function 0i 0 0
of y, say F (y\ and v is a function of x, say F (x\ and that these functions satisfy the
± 0 2
dy dx '
and this equation requires that dF ($)\dy and dF (x)jdx should be constants, y and — y say.
x 2
Hence we have
•*i(y) = yV + a» F (x)=-y'x
2 + (3,
u= --^-zx-a'z+yy + a,
v = - ^ z y - $ z - i x + $ ,
Any cross-section of the cylinder is distorted into a paraboloid of revolution about the
vertical axis of the cylinder, and the sections shrink laterally by amounts proportional to
their distances from the free (lower) end.
This state of stress can be maintained in a cylinder or prism of any form of length 21
suspended in fluid of density p' so as to have its axis vertical and the highest point (0, 0, I)
of its axis fixed ; then p is the pressure of the fluid at the level of the centre of gravity
of the cylinder.
The displacement may be shown to be given by the equations
+ g^W-(l-«r)p'}-
(c) By putting
X =Y =Z =-p+gpz,
x y s Y =Z =X =0,
z x y
we obtain the state of stress in a body of any form immersed in liquid of the same density,
p being the pressure at the level of the origint. The displacement may be shown to
be given by the equations
! I" (13)
c 2 2
3\ + 2fjL-pz+igp(z -x -y%
T h e resultant traction over any cross-section is of amount jjz dxdy z ; and this
vanishes if the axis of z coincides with the line of centroids of the normal
sections in the unstressed state. W e take this to be t h e case. Then the bar
is held in t h e specified state of stress by tractions over its terminal sections
only, and t h e traction across any section is statically equivalent to a couple.
The component of t h e couple about t h e axis of z vanishes. The
moment of inertia of the section about an axis through its centroid parallel
to the axis of y. The component of the couple about the axis of x is
dy dz dz dx dx dy '
* The theory was given by Saint-Venant in his memoir on Torsion of 1855. See Introduction,
footnote 50 and p. 20.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 12.
1 l
R" in the plane of {x, z) and <rR~ in the plane of (x, y), so t h a t t h e shape
of t h e bent bar is of t h e kind illustrated in Figure 12, in which t h e front
face is parallel to the plane of bending (x, z).
T h e distortion of t h e b o u n d i n g surfaces x — ± a i n t o anticlastic surfaces, a d m i t s of
v e r y e x a c t verification b y m e a n s of t h e interference fringes w h i c h are produced b y l i g h t
t r a n s m i t t e d t h r o u g h a plate of glass h e l d parallel a n d very close t o t h e s e surfaces of t h e
bent bar. C o r n u * h a s u s e d t h i s m e t h o d for a n e x p e r i m e n t a l d e t e r m i n a t i o n of Poisson's
ratio for glass b y m e a n s of t h e b e n d i n g of glass bars. T h e v a l u e obtained w a s a l m o s t
exactly J.
. * Paris, C. R., t. 69 (1869). The method has been used for several materials by Mallock.
See Article 70 (c), footnote.
I t i s w o r t h w h i l e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e p o t e n t i a l energy of strain. T h e value of t h e strain-
e n e r g y - f u n c t i o n a t a n y p o i n t i s easily found t o be \Ex \B?. T h e p o t e n t i a l e n e r g y of strain
of t h e p a r t of t h e bar b e t w e e n t w o normal s e c t i o n s d i s t a n t I apart i s ^(EIjE ) I, s o t h a t
t h e p o t e n t i a l e n e r g y p e r u n i t of l e n g t h is \EIjR .
radii of curvature so t h a t
2 2
1 dw a 1 dw
+ + ( 1 8 )
t h e n a
*-I^(i 5 ) '
The state of curvature expressed by i2 and R is maintained by couples 2 2
IJ« > x dz
w h l c h 1 8
- 3 r-"^ U BJ• +
T h e v a l u e of t h e strain-energy-function a t a n y p o i n t c a n b e s h o w n w i t h o u t difficulty
to be
I t is n o t e w o r t h y t h a t t h i s expression c o n t a i n s t h e s u m a n d t h e p r o d u c t of t h e principal
A + ( V W ) + P ( Z 7 = ( 2 0 )
( K +
^ ' ly' I ) ^ *' ' ' ' ^ °
If we introduce t h e rotation
(OTa, ,OT )= J curl (w,
2 w),
__ 1 /3w 9fl 3M dw dv du\
~2\dy~dz' dz~dx ' dx"' dy)
and m a k e use of t h e identity
( 3
d \
A - 2 curl «,),
/ d 3 3\ 3
(X + 2fi) L-_, , g-J A - 2ya curl ( ^ , -sr.,, w ) + p (X, Y, Z) = p ^ (u, v, w). 2
T h e traction (X„, Y , Z ) across a plane of which t h e normal is in t h e
v v
{du c o s
or X v = AA cos (x, v) + 2/JL ™y (*> ^) + cos (y, , ... (24)
du , .du , \du
t ' , .du
— = cos v)^ + cos (y, v) ^ + cos ( 5 , * ) ^ .
If v is the normal to t h e bounding surface drawn outwards from t h e body,
and t h e values of A, dujdx, . . . are calculated a t a point on t h e surface, t h e
right-hand m e m b e r s of ( 2 3 ) and t h e similar expressions represent t h e com
ponent tractions per unit area exerted upon t h e body across t h e surface.
X + A
.< *>(!' ly' | ) + ^(ft«,«)-0 (25)
= ( 3 \ + 2fi) A ; . . . . . . (29)
t h u s © is an h a r m o n i c function a t all points within t h e body.
F u r t h e r we find*
I n like m a n n e r we find
Similar formulae can. be obtained for V F , V % , V Z , V X . a 2
• 2
« The
y X y
(v) As an example of the application of these formulae, we may observe that Maxwell's
'ess-system, described in (vi) of Article 53, cannot occur in an isotropic solid body free
>m the action of body forces and slightly strained from a state of no stress*. This
pears at once on observing that X -\-Y -\-Z , as given for that system, is not an
x y z
jrmonic function.
dy dx dz '
dz dx dy '
dy dz ox \oz dy J dy* dz
2 2 2
_ dX dY x y dZ z
2 2 2
~ dx dy dz
iYe have therefore
dydz dx \ dx dy dz
(ii) It may be shown £ that the stress-functions % X3 °f Article 56 satisfy three v
v + ' ^ + i P h w - * —<»>
and three equations of the type
0' 2
r ,[(i+<r)V *i-e]=o, (33)
where 9 is written for
V (X1 + X2+X3) FAT D Z 2 W
t h r e e e q u a t i o n s of t h e t y p e
( l - > ^ + 3 = 0, 05)
and three e q u a t i o n s of t h e t y p e
where 0 is w r i t t e n for
D2 D D2
±L + LH + ±3 ( 3 7 )
A N D V 2 Y + = p p ( 3 9 )
° T ^ W * ~ t y ~ ^
T h e e q u a t i o n s of t h e s e t w o t y p e s w i t h t h e e q u a t i o n s (3) are a c o m p l e t e s y s t e m of
e q u a t i o n s satisfied b y t h e s t r e s s - c o m p o n e n t s .
9 4 . Plane strain and plane stress.
S t a t e s of plane strain and of plane stress can be maintained in bodies
of cylindrical form by suitable forces. W e take t h e generators of t h e cylin
drical bounding surface to be parallel to t h e axis of z, and suppose t h a t t h e
terminal sections are at right angles to this axis. T h e body forces, if any,
m u s t be at right angles to this axis. W h e n t h e lengths of t h e generators
are small in comparison with the linear dimensions of t h e cross-section t h e
body becomes a plate and t h e terminal sections are its faces.
I n a state of plane strain, the displacements u, v are functions of OC, y only
and t h e displacement w vanishes (Article 15). All t h e components of strain
and of stress are independent of z\ the stress-components Z , Y vanish, and x z
Z , = (X + ^ ) | + x ( | + e ), F , = 0,
1 h
u=(2h)- f udz. ; (41)
J - h
W e integrate both members of t h e equations of equilibrium over t h e thick
ness of t h e plate, and observe t h a t Z and Y vanish at t h e faces. We t h u s x z
X , Yy satisfy t h e equations
dx dy ' dx dy
Since Z vanishes equations (40) hold, and it follows t h a t t h e average dis
by t h e equations
Y _ (du dv\ du
A x + +
- \ ^ { f a dy) ^dx>
X + 2/JL \dx ayJ dy
(dv du\
Kdy dx)'
S t a t e s of stress such as are here described will be termed states of "generalized
plane stress."
* Cf. L. N. G. Filon, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (Ser. A), vol. 201 (1903).
95. B e n d i n g of narrow rectangular b e a m by terminal load.
A simple example of the generalized type of plane stress, described in
Article 94, is afforded by a beam of rectangular section and small breadth (2h),
bent by forces which act in directions parallel to t h e plane containing t h e
length and t h e depth. W e shall take the plane of (a?, y) to be t h e mid-plane
of t h e beam (parallel to length and d e p t h ) ; and, to fix ideas, we shall regard
t h e beam as horizontal in t h e unstressed state. The top and bottom surfaces
of t h e beam will be given by y — + c, so t h a t 2c is t h e depth of t h e beam, and
we shall denote t h e length of t h e beam by I. W e shall take t h e origin at one
end, and consider t h a t end to be fixed.
From t h e investigation in Article 87, we know a state of stress in t h e
beam, given by X — — EyjR; x and we know t h a t t h e beam can be held in
this state by terminal couples of moment ±hc E/R about axes parallel to t h e
axis of z. T h e central-line of t h e beam is bent into an arc of a circle of
radius R. The traction across any section of t h e beam is t h e n statically
equivalent to a couple, t h e same for all sections, and equal to t h e terminal
couple, or bending moment.
w L e t us now suppose t h a t the beam
is bejit by a load W applied at the
end x = I as in Fig. 13. This force
cannot be balanced by a couple at any
section, b u t t h e traction across any
section is equivalent to a force W
and a couple of m o m e n t W (I — x).
T h e stress-system is therefore not so
simple as in t h e case of bending
YV by couples. T h e couple of moment
W (I — x) could be balanced by
tractions X , given by t h e equation
Fig. 13.
the following:—
(i) Xy m u s t satisfy t h e equations of equilibrium
dX . dXy dX,
= 0, y =—0,
dx dy dx
(ii) X y m u s t vanish when y= ± c,
X y - ^ W ^ - f ) (45)
^ . V (46)
Since these are deduced from known stress-components a displacement possible in a rigid
body might be added, so as to satisfy conditions of fixity at the origin.
These conclusions may be compared with those found in the case of bending by couples
(Article 88). We note the following results :—
(i) The tension per unit area across the normal sections (X ) is connected with the
S t h a t W G l i a V G t h e e ( u a t i o n
(ii) The curvature 2 2
{D VJDX ) ^ Y is ' ° l
curvature = (bending moment)/^/).
(iii) The surface of particles which, in the unstressed state, is a normal section does
not continue to cut at right angles the line of particles which, in the same state, is the line
of centroids of normal sections. The cosine of the angle at which they cut when the beam
is bent is (dvldx + du/dy) , and this is 3 Wl8fxhc.
(iv) The normal sections do not remain plane, but are distorted into curved surfaces.
A line of particles which, in the unstressed state, is vertical becomes a curved line, of
\ central tangent
Fig. 14.
2 2
; V A = 0, V ( r a ) = 0; r
but that some solutions of these equations correspond with states of stress that would
require body force for their maintenance*.
98. Radial displacementf.
The simplest applications of polar coordinates relate to problems involving purely radial
displacements. We suppose that the displacements ue, u$ vanish, and we write U in place
of u . Then we find from the formulae of Articles 22 and 96 the following results :—
,x u)'# »f-{;j
+ + when r—r-L,
where p is the pressure at the external boundary (r = r ), and p is the pressure at the
0 0 x
P O 3 3
' ~ 2 ~ R * R - R '
In caser p =3 0 , the greatest tension is the superficial tension at the inner surface, of amount
iPi (Q 0
r 3 r s r 3
+ ^ i )/( o ~ i )'•> d the greatest extension is the extension at right angles to the
a R
(vii) If in the general equation of (iv) R = — gr/r where g is constant, the surface r=r 0i (]
is free from traction, and the sphere is complete up to the centre, we find
1 gpr r / 5 \ + 6FX
U=- 0
10 X + 2FJI \ 3 \ + 2FI R -,
This corresponds with the problem of a sphere held strained by the mutual gravitation
of its parts. It is noteworthy that the radial strain is contraction within the surface
^ = r / { ( 3 - a - ) / ( 3 + 3cr)}, but it is extension outside this surface.
0 X
The application of this result to the case of the Earth is beset by the serious difficulty
which has been pointed out in Article 75.
u = 0, du /d0 = du /d0 = 0.
Q r z
r ' .(50)
6 r z
_du dw +
e = e&z re = 0.
~ dz
T h e cubical dilatation
dU U
A== +
and dw
t h e rotation dU
are expressed
dw by t h e equations
dr r dz ' ^ ^z~~dr ' '«r*=0 ...(51)
2 6== } v
( * + 2 / * ) - ^ + 2 / . ^ + p#. = p/„
(X + 2 ,)f -^l(r^) + pF = pf ;
f z z z
drz dzz rz ^ ~
dr dz r
I n case w = ez, where e is constant, and d U/dz = 0, we have a state of plane
strain, with an uniform longitudinal extension superposed. I n this case
rz — 0. I n case zz, rz, F vanish, we have a state of plane stress.
r 2 r
P^ ~ P* » , ° V
(7(7 = :
- -y - - - 1
~ —
, w
r — r — r-c r
— JX_ Pfl^zlfl . (3X + 2fi) ft
0 0
2 2 1
fi r - r
" X + ' X + fi •
and for t h e constants A. and B in (55)
2 V ;
^ ~ 2 (X + » (r 0
- r, ) 2
2 ( \ + /a)' 2/, (r » - n
0 )
The constant e may be adjusted so t h a t the length is maintained c o n s t a n t ;
then e — 0, and there is longitudinal tension zz of amount
2 2
X p^ - pr 0
X + jut, r — r 0
2 2
fi (3X + 2/JL) (r 0 -r )'
W h e n p vanishes, and e is not too great, t h e greatest tension is the circum
2 2 2 2
p (r +r )l(r -r ).
1 pjr^-p^l
2 v
SX + 2/j, rj-r
If we assume t h a t t h e ends of t h e vessel are plane, and neglect t h e alteration
of their shape under pressure, t h e volume of t h e vessel will be increased by
n-r l (er + 2U ), where Z denotes t h e length of t h e inside of t h e cylinder,
1 1 1 1 x
2 2
' 3 _ _ p^r - p r 0 0 1 (ffi-ffo)r/
2 2 2 2
S\ + 2fi r - r fji r - r
and neglect the change of volume of the ends, t h e volume within t h e external
boundary of t h e vessel will be increased by
SX + 2fi r 2
T h e quantity l differs from l by t h e sum of t h e thicknesses of t h e ends.
0 x
result j", which can be proved for a closed vessel of any form under internal
a n d external pressure, viz. if V and V are t h e internal and external volumes in
1 0
* The problem has been discussed by numerous writers including Lame, loc. cit. ante p. 139.
It is important in the theory of the piezometer. Cf. Poynting and Thomson, Properties of Matter,
London 1902, p. 116. The fact that e depends on k( = \ + %fi) and not on any other elastic
constant has been utilized for the determination of k by A. Mallock, Proc. Roij. Soc. London,
vol. 74 (1904).
f See Chapter v n . infra.
T h e d i m i n u t i o n of t h e h o o p t e n s i o n 66 a t t h e i n n e r surface r—r x m a y be t a k e n as a n
i n d e x of t h e increased s t r e n g t h of t h e c o m p o u n d tube.
(X + 2 + + V
^ dr 17 + 7 Tz) ^dz\dz~ - Trr "° '
J X 7
\ (61)
, A N fiU & M ^ (dU dw\ (dU dw\ I
(X + 2fx) + + =
dz K¥r -r- dJ)-^ U 7 ~ dr) ^ \~dJ ~ dr) °> i
w i t h t h e conditions
rr=rz=0 when r—a or r — a',
rz = zz = 0 w h e n z= ±1,
* A. G. Greenhill, Nature, vol. 42 (1890). Cf. Boltzmann, Wien Berichte, Bd. 59 (1870).
t See papers by C. Chree in Cambridge Phil. Soc.lProc., vol. 7 (1891, 1892), pp. 201, 283.
The problem had been discussed previously by several writers among whom Maxwell (loc. cit.
Article 57), and Hopkinson, Mess, of Math. (Ser. 2), vol. 2 (1871) may be mentioned.
/ zzrdr—O ;
and then the solution represents the state of the shaft with sufficient exactness over the
greater part of the length, but is defective near the ends. [Cf. Article 89.]
We shall state the results in terms of E and cr. We should find
W s s e z 6 2
— ' > ( \
p (a4 - 2
2R )
Instead of making the resultant longitudinal tension vanish, we might suppose that
the tension is adjusted so that the length is maintained constant. Then we should have
6 = = 0 , ^ffiP-arKi+'TKi-ar). ....(65)
olL 1 — cr
the first two of equations (64) would still hold, and the longitudinal tension would be
given by the equation
: ? : 5 2 r
: ^ - " - - r " - ^ , ' fee)
4 1 - o- v ;
makes j rrdz vanish at r = a, so that the resultant radial tension on any portion of
the rim between the two plane faces vanishes*; and it represents the state of the disk-
in the parts that are not too near the edge.
2 ;
a* " 4 M ( x + M ) ^
is equal to dU/dz — dw/dr, also vanishes there. We should then find that U w are given by f
the equations
v = ( 1 _ { ( 3 + < r )
w a ) a
* ~ ( 1 + ( r ) r 2 } +
° m 1 7 ( 1 + < 7 ) ( P _ 3 ? 2 )
1- (70)
»=- <r « 3 + <r) a*- 2 (1 + o-) ^ } _ i ± f (P. - *»);
from these equations we should deduce the following expressions for the stress-com
ponents :—
When there is a circular axle-hole of radius a' we have the additional condition that
i ^ m
rr dz = 0 when r — a', but now the displacement may involve terms which would be
infinite at the axis. We should obtain the complete solution by adding to the above
expressions for U and w terms U' and w\ given by the equations
™ ' = - ^ F <R(3 + <R)«' , J
and these displacements correspond with additional stresses given by the equations
S-!£(3 + «r) ^ = ^ ( 3 + , ) ( ^ + ^ ' 2
) ; (73)
these are to be added to the expressions given in (71) for rr and 06.
L. E .
103. S y m m e t r y of structure.
The dependence of t h e stress-strain relations (25) of Article 72 upon t h e
directions of the axes of reference has been pointed out in Article 68. The
relations are simplified when t h e material exhibits certain kinds of symmetry,
and t h e axes of reference are suitably chosen. I t is necessary to explain
the geometrical characters of t h e kinds of symmetry t h a t are observed in
various materials. T h e n a t u r e of the seolotropy of t h e material is not
completely determined by its elastic behaviour alone. The material may
be asolotropic in regard to other physical actions, e.g. t h e refraction of light.
If, in an seolotropic body, two lines can be found, relatively to which all t h e
physical characters of t h e material are the same, such lines are said to be
" equivalent." Different materials may be distinguished by t h e distributions
in them of equivalent lines. For t h e present, we shall confine our attention
to t h e case of homogeneous materials, for which parallel lines in like senses
are equivalent; and we have t h e n to consider t h e distribution of equivalent
lines meeting in a point. For some purposes it is important to observe t h a t
oppositely directed lines are not always equivalent. W h e n certain crystals
are undergoing changes of temperature, opposite ends of particular axes
become oppositely electrified; this is t h e phenomenon of pyro-electricity.
W h e n certain crystals are compressed between parallel planes, which are
at right angles to particular axes, opposite ends of these axes become
oppositely electrified; this is the phenomenon of piezo-electricity*. We
accordingly consider t h e properties of a material relative to rays or directions
of lines going out from a p o i n t ; and we determine t h e n a t u r e of the
symmetry of a material by t h e distribution in it of equivalent directions.
A figure made u p of a set of equivalent directions is a geometrical figure
exhibiting some kind of symmetry.
* For an outline of the main facts in regard to pyro- and piezo-electricity the reader may
consult Mascart, Legons sur Velectricite et le magnetisme, t. 1, Paris, 1896, or Liebisch,
Physikalische Krystallographie, Leipzig, 1891.
103, 104] SYMMETRY 147
104. Geometrical s y m m e t r y * .
W h e n a surface of revolution is turned through any angle about the axis
of revolution, t h e position of every point, which is on t h e surface b u t not
•on t h e axis, is c h a n g e d ; b u t t h e position of t h e figure as a whole is un
changed. I n other words, t h e surface can be made to coincide with itself,
after an operation which changes t h e positions of some of its points. Any
geometrical figure which can be brought to coincidence with itself, by an
operation which changes t h e position of any of its points, is said to possess
"symmetry." T h e operations in question are known as "covering operations";
.and a figure, which is brought to coincidence with itself by any such operation,
is said to " a l l o w " t h e operation. T h e possible covering operations include
{1) rotation, either through a definite angle or through any angle whatever,
about an axis, (2) reflexion in a plane. A figure, which allows a rotation
about an axis, is said to possess an " axis of s y m m e t r y " ; a figure, which
allows reflexion in a plane, is said to possess a " plane of symmetry."
I t can be shown t h a t every covering operation, which is neither a rotation
about an axis nor a reflexion in a plane, is equivalent to a combination
of such operations. Of such combinations one is specially important. I t
consists of a rotation about an axis combined with a reflexion in t h e
perpendicular plane. As an example, consider an ellipsoid of semiaxes
<a b, c; and suppose t h a t it is cut in half along t h e plane (a, b), and
thereafter let one half be rotated, relatively to t h e other, through ^TT about
t h e axis (c). T h e ellipsoid allows a rotation of amount ir about each
principal axis, and also allows a reflexion in each principal p l a n e ; t h e solid
formed from t h e ellipsoid in the m a n n e r explained allows a rotation of
amount \ir about t h e c axis, combined with a reflexion in t h e perpendicular
plane, b u t does not allow either t h e rotation alone or the reflexion alone.
A figure which allows t h e operation of rotation about an axis combined with
reflexion in a perpendicular plane is said to possess an " axis of alternating
A special case of t h e operation j u s t described arises when t h e angle
of rotation about t h e axis of alternating symmetry is IT. The effect of the
operation, consisting of this rotation and reflexion in a perpendicular plane,
i s to replace every ray going out from a point by t h e opposite ray. This
•operation is known as " c e n t r a l perversion," and the direction of the cor
responding axis of alternating symmetry is arbitrary; a figure which allows
.this operation is said to possess a " centre of symmetry."
I t can be shown t h a t t h e effect of any two, or more, covering operations,
-performed successively, in any order, is either t h e same as t h e effect of
* The facts are stated in greater detail and the necessary proofs are given by Schoenflies,
Krystallsysteme und Krystallstructur, Leipzig, 1891. Reference may also be made to H. Hilton.
Mathematical Crystallography and the Theory of Groups of Movements, Oxford, 1903.
a single covering operation, or else the first and last positions of every point
of t h e figure are identical. We include the latter case in the former by
introducing t h e identical operation" as a covering operation; it is t h e
operation of not moving any point. W i t h this convention the above state
ment may be expressed in the form :—the covering operations allowed by any
symmetrical figure form a group.
With every covering operation there corresponds an orthogonal linear
transformation of coordinates. W h e n t h e operation is a rotation about an
axis, the determinant of t h e transformation is + 1 ; for any other covering
operation, t h e determinant is — 1. All the transformations, t h a t correspond
with covering operations allowed by t h e same figure, form a group of linear
x y
x' h m 1 %
y' h m. 2 n 2
z' h m 3
+ e (l m + l m ).)
xy 2 3 d 2
in the form c e ^ + their values in terms of e ,
n x and equating the xx
coefficients of t h e several terms to their coefficients in t h e form c e + — u xx
2 2
e > > = e sin 0 + e cos 0 — e sin 0 cos 0,
y y xx yy xy
e Q
z'z' — zz> \ ^
c o s
Cy'z' &yz 0 — &zx
= &> y i n
= e sin 0 + e cos 0,
e 'x'
Z yz zx
2 2
e y = — 2e sin 0 cos 0 + 2e
x xx yy sin 0 cos 0 + e xy (cos 0 — sin 0}. '
The algebraic work required to determine the conditions that the strain-energy-function
may be unaltered by this substitution is more complicated than in the cases of central
perversion and reflexion in a plane. The equations fall into sets connecting a small
number of coefficients, and the relations between the coefficients involved in a set of
equations can be obtained without much difficulty. We proceed to sketch the process.
We have the set of equations
C C C O s 4 2c s m 2 C O S 2 C S m 4 - 4c C O s B S m 4c S m 3 C 0 S 4c s m 2 C O s 2
ll = ll ^ + 12 0 ^ + 22 ^ l6 0 # ~ 26 0 0 + 66 ^
c = C s m 4 2c s m 2 c o s 2 c c o s 4 3 3 2 2
22 n ^ + i2 ' ^ ^ + 22 ^ + 4c sin (9 cos 0 -f- 4c cos 0 sin 0 + 4c sin 0 cos 0,
16 26 66
C = C S M 2 C O S 2 C C O s 4 s m C S m 2 C O s 2 2 C C S M C 0 S C O S 2 _ S M 2
12 ll ^ 0 + 12 ( $+ * ^) + 22 $ ^ + ( 16 ~ 2G) ^ 0( ^ 0)
2 2
— 4<? sin 0 cos 0,66
C = C S m 2 C 0 S 2 2c S m 2 C O s 2 C S m 2 C O s 2 2 6 _ C S m C 0 S C O s 2 S m 2
66 ll ^ ^ — l2 ^ # + 22 ^ # + ( 'l6 26) # ^( #" ^)
2 2 2
+ c (cos 0 - sin 0) , 66
3 2 2 3 2 2
c = c cos 0 sin 0 — c sin 0 cos 0 (cos 0 — sin 0) — c sin 0 cos 0 + c cos 0 (cos 0 - 3 sin^ 0)
16 n 12 22 16
2 2 2 2 2
+ c sin 0 (3 cos 0 - sin 8) - 2c sin 0 cos 0 (cos 0 - sin 0),
26 66
3 2 2 3 2 2 2
c = c sin 0 cos 0 + c sin 0 cos 0 (cos 0 — sin 0) - c cos 0 sin 0 + c sin 0 (3 cos 0 — sin 0)
2Q n 12 22 16
2 2 2 2 2
+ c cos 0 (cos 0—3 sin 0)-f-2c sin 0 cos 0 (cos 0 — sin 0).
26 GQ
The equations in this set are not independent, as is seen by adding the first four. We
form the following combinations :—
C C C S m 4 4
1Q + 26 = ~ 22) # COS 0 + (C + %) (COS 0 - sill 0), 16
C C = C COs4 S m 4 — c C S m C 0 S
l l - 22 ~ 22) ( ^ ~~ ^) 4 ( 16 + 2e) ^ A
from which it follows that, unless sin 0 = 0, we must have
C = C C €
11 22) 2Q— ~ 16'
When we use these results in any of the first four equations of the set of six we find
c c
( n ~ i 2 ~ % m) ^ ^ + i6 ^ ^( ^ ~~ ^ ) ^5 c
s m 2 c o s 2 2 c s m
C O S C O S 2 S M 2 =
and when we use them in either of the last two equations of the same set we find
2 2 2 2
- 8c sin 6 cos 6 + (c — c - 2c ) sin 6 cos 6 (cos 0 — sin 0) = 0 ;
16 u 12 66
and it follows that, if neither sin 0 nor cos 0 vanishes, we must have
= c
6G i ( n ~~ ^12)? 16 0* C C =
C C S m 2 C C O s 2 _ 2c S m C 0 S
55 = 44 ^ + 55 ^ 45 ^ ^»
C _ C C S m C 0 S C COs2 S m 2
45 = ( 44 ~ 55) ^ ^ + 45 ( #~ ^) 5
from which it follows that, unless sin 0 = 0, we must have
_ C S m C C 0 S
%= 34 0 + 35 ^5
from which it follows, since cos 6^1, that we must have
C = C =
34 35 ^-
c = c c o s 2 G 3 s m 2 2 2
ib ~ u ^ sin # + i5 cos ^ - % s m 3
^ + 25 c
# cos 0 + 2c sin 0 cos 6 - 2c cos 6 sin 0, 46 66
s m 2 3 3 2 2 2
2 4 = i4 c
<9 cos 0 -f c sin 6 + c cos 0 + c cos 0 sin 6 +
15 M 25 26' 46 cos <9 sin 6 + 2c sin 56 6 cos 0,
c 2 3 2 2
25 ~ u
# cos <9 - c cos (9 sin 6 + c cos (9 - 2c sin S cos 6 -f- 2c cos 0 sin (9,
s i n 3
# +
i5sin 2
2i 25 46 66
c o s 2 2 2 2
46 — i4 c
# sin 0 + c sin 0 cos 6 - c cos 6 sin 0 - c sin S cos 0 15 24 25
2 2
+ (c cos 0 + c sin 6) (cos 0 - sin 6), 46 56
2 2 2 2
c — — c sin 6 cos 0 -f- c cos (9 sin 6 + c sin 0 cos 6 - c cos 6 sin 0
m u 15 24 25
2 2
- (c sin 6 - c cos 6) (cos 0 - sin 6). 46 m
i6 + % = ~ ( i4 + %) sin 6 + (c + c ) cos 0; c c
15 25
( 15 + 4 ) = ( 14 - 5 ) C
S i n
0+ C
( 15 + % > ) C 0 S
# 5
from which it follows that
C = C C = — C
14 56> 1 5 46'
Assuming these results, we express all the coefficients in the above set of equations in terms
of c and c , and the equations are equivalent to tw o:—
46 m
3 2 2 3
c (1 - cos 6 + 3 sin 6 cos 6) - c (3 cos 6 sin 0 - sin 6) = 0,
46 56
2 3 3 2
c (3 cos 6 sin 0 - sin 6) + c (1 - cos <9 + 3 sin 6 cos <9) = 0.
46 56
The condition that these may be compatible is found to reduce to (1 - cos &) (1 + 2 cos #) = 0;
so that, unless cos 6 = — we must have
= =
46 = = C
56 0-
= = =
^14 ~ ^24 ~ ^56 > ^15 ^25 ^46*
107. S y m m e t r y of crystals.
A m o n g aeolotropic materials, some of t h e most important are recognized
as crystalline. The structural symmetries of crystalline materials have been
studied chiefly by examining t h e shapes of t h e crystals. This examination
has led to t h e construction, in each case, of a figure, bounded b y planes,
and having t h e same symmetry as is possessed in common by t h e figures
of all crystals, formed naturally in t h e crystallization of a material. T h e
figure in question is t h e " crystallographic form" corresponding with t h e
F . N e u m a n n * propounded a fundamental principle in regard t o t h e
physical behaviour of crystalline materials. I t may be stated as follows:—
Any kind of symmetry, which is possessed by t h e crystallographic form
of a material, is possessed by t h e material i n respect of every physical
* See his Vorlesungen uber die Theorie der Elasticitat, Leipzig, 1885.
quality. In other words we may say t h a t a figure consisting of a system
of rays, going out from a point, and having t h e same symmetry as t h e
crystallographic form, is a set of equivalent rays for the material. The law
is an induction from experience, and the evidence for it consists partly in
a posteriori verifications.
It is to be noted that a crystal may, and generally does, possess, in respect of some
physical qualities, kinds of symmetry which are not possessed by the crystallographic
form. For example, cubic crystals are optically isotropic. Other examples are afforded
by results obtained in Article 105.
The laws of the symmetry of crystals are laws which have been observed to be obeyed
by crystallographic forms. They may be expressed most simply in terms of equivalent
rays, as follows:—
(1) The number of rays, equivalent to a chosen ray, is finite.
(2) The number of rays, equivalent to a chosen ray, is, in general, the same for all
positions of the chosen ray. We take this number to be N— 1, so that there is a set of N
equivalent rays. For special positions, e.g. when one of the rays is an axis of symmetry,
the number of rays in a set of equivalent rays can be less than N.
(3) A figure, formed of N equivalent rays, is a symmetrical figure, allowing all the
covering operations of a certain group. By these operations, the N equivalent rays are
interchanged, so that each ray comes at least once into the position of any equivalent ray.
Any figure formed of equivalent rays allows all the covering operations of the same group.
(4) When a figure, formed of N equivalent rays, possesses an axis of symmetry, or an
axis of alternating symmetry, the corresponding angle of rotation is one of the angles
It can be shown that there are 32 groups of covering operations, and no more, which
obey the laws of the symmetry of crystals. With each of these groups there corresponds
a class of crystals. The strain-energy-function corresponding with each class may be
written down by making use of the results of Article 105; but each of the forms which
the function can take corresponds with more than one class of crystals. It is necessary
to describe briefly the symmetries of the classes. For this purpose we shall now introduce
a few definitions and geometrical theorems relating to axes of symmetry:—
The angle of rotation about an axis of symmetry, or of alternating symmetry, is 2>rr/n,
where n is one of the numbers : 2, 3, 4, 6. The axis is described as " w-gonal." For
7i = 2, 3, 4, 6 respectively, the axis is described as "digonal," "trigonal," "tetragonal,"
"hexagonal." Unless otherwise stated it is to be understood that the agonal axis is an
axis of symmetry, not of alternating symmetry.
The existence of a digonal axis, at right angles to an %-gonal axis, implies the existence
of n such axes; e.g. if the axis z is tetragonal, and the axis x digonal, then the axis y and
the lines that bisect the angles between the axes of x and y also are digonal axes.
The existence of a plane of symmetry, passing through an n-gonal axis, implies the
existence of n such planes; e.g. if the axis z is digonal, and the plane x — 0 is a plane of
symmetry, then the plane y = 0 also is a plane of symmetry.
If the w-gonal axis is an axis of alternating symmetry, the two results just stated still
hold if n is uneven ; but, if n is even, the number of axes or planes implied is \n.
* The restriction to these angles is the expression of the " l a w of rational indices."
108. Classification of crystals.
The symmetries of the classes of crystals may now be described by reference to the
groups of covering operations which correspond with them severally:—
One group consists of the identical operation alone; the corresponding figure has no
symmetry; it will be described as "asymmetric. ' The identical operation is one of the
operations contained in all the groups. A second group contains, besides the identical
operation, the operation of central perversion only; the symmetry of the corresponding
figure will be described as "central." A third group contains, besides the identical
operation, the operation of reflexion in a plane only; the symmetry of the corresponding
figure will be described as "equatorial." Besides these three groups, there are 24 groups-
for which there is a " principal axis"; that is to say, every axis of symmetry, other than
the principal axis, is at right angles to the principal axis; and every plane of symmetry
either passes through the principal axis or is at right angles to that axis. The five
remaining groups are characterised by the presence of four axes of trigonal symmetry
equally inclined to one another, like the diagonals of a cube.
When there is an ^-gonal principal axis, and no plane of symmetry through it, the
symmetry is described as "^-gonal"; in case there are digonal axes at right angles to the
principal axis, the symmetry is further described as "holoaxial"; in case there is a plane
of symmetry at right angles to the principal axis, the symmetry is further described as.
"equatorial"; when the symmetry is neither holoaxial nor equatorial it is further
described as "polar." When there is a plane of symmetry through the agonal principal
axis, the symmetry is described as "di-n-gonal"; it is further described as "equatorial"'
or "polar," according as there is, or is not, a plane of symmetry at right angles to the
principal axis.
When the principal axis is an axis of alternating symmetry, the symmetry is described
as "di-^-gonal alternating," or "ft-gonal alternating," according as there is, or is not, a-
plane of symmetry through the principal axis.
The appended table shows the names* of the classes of crystals so far described, the
symbols + of the corresponding groups of covering operations, and the numbers of the
classes as given by VoigtJ. It shows also the grouping of the classes in systems and
the names of the classes as given by Lewis §.
The remaining groups, for which there is not a principal axis, may be described by
reference to a cube: and the corresponding crystals are frequently called "cubic," or
"tesseral," crystals. All such crystals possess, at any point, axes of symmetry which are
distributed like the diagonals of a cube, having its centre at the point, and others, which
are parallel to the edges of the cube. The latter may be called the "cubic axes." The
symmetry about the diagonals is trigonal, so that the cubic axes are equivalent. The
symmetry with respect to the cubic axes is of one of the types previously named. There
are five classes of cubic crystals, which may be distinguished by their symmetries with
respect to these axes. The table shows the names of the classes (Miers, Lewis), the
symbols of the corresponding groups (Schoenflies), the numbers of the classes (Voigt), and
the character of the symmetry with respect to the cubic axes.
-f" \C 2fL&yy ~f" C23@yy@zz "f" C^yy^yz C25&yy@zx ~r* C ^G y6 y
2 y X
+ \c^e zz "1" c e € ?A zz yz + c^e e zz zx -f c^e e zz xy
~l~ ^c e x 55 2 ~f~ 0 6 6y
5Q zx X
"f* \Cm$xy
Groups S, G C —(13) 2> 2 constants)
G 2
2 ii6 xx "f" c Q 6yy 12 xx 4- c e e 13 xx 2Z + Ci e 6 y
Q xx X
H~ ^c^e^yy 4- c e ye 2S y zz + c eyye 26 xy
C^Cyz ~T C^Gyz^ZX
V h
Groups V, C , V —(9 2 constants)
"sT^n&XX "1" Gi 6 6yy 2 xx + Cis6 x x e z z
+ c
2 3s zz e2
+ ^c e y 44
Z + -%c e 55
zx + \c e .
G e e e
+ ^[Css&zz + i 44 %z ~~ i 5 y z x y
2 2
4- \G^G ZX + c e u z x 6 y X 4- ^ ( c n — c ) 6 ^. 12
e e
^ u ^ x x "f" Ci20%% yy "T" Ci3@xx zz 4" Ci e 6zx5 xx
Groups C * D , C , D , tf * C^, D * — ( 0 constants)
s 8 6 6 6 6
Groups 0 , $ , 0 —(7 constants)
4 4 4
"i -
"2^336^2 + ^c e^y u Z -f- \c^o zx 4~2"C e ^ y.
Groups D , 0 / , >SV, A * — ( 6 constants)
A d
Groups T, 0, 3F , T , 0^—(3 constants)
i^n (^"aa; H" ^2/2/ ~f" ^ggr) H" # 1 2 ($yy®zz H" &zz@xx ~T" ^xxVyy) ~f" "2"C 44
(# ?/2: ~f~ &"xy)'
@xx &yy
+ L(e% + e% ) + Ne\ (16) z x y
Bodies which show this kind of symmetry may b e described as " transversely
isotropic/' I t is to be noted t h a t cubic crystals are not transversely isotropic.
For a cubic crystal A=B=C, F= G = H, L = M=N, b u t t h e relation
H=A-2N does not hold.
(3) The material may possess symmetry of one of the kinds already
discussed, or of some other kind, b u t t h e axes of symmetry may be directed
differently at different points*. I n such cases we may be able to choose
a system of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates so t h a t t h e normals to t h e
orthogonal surfaces at a point become lines with reference to which t h e
strain-energy-function is simplified. For example, formula (15) might hold
for axes of x, y, z directed along t h e normals to the surfaces of reference
at a point, or t h e material might be transversely isotropic with reference
to the normals and t a n g e n t planes of a family of surfaces. This kind of
symmetry of structure may be possessed by curved plates of metal. W h e n
a body possesses symmetry in this way it is said to possess " curvilinear
+ H A V E N O T A 1 1 T H E S A M E 8 I G N
i - f) 3 (i - t ) ( f 3 fJ -
I n t h e n o t a t i o n of t h i s A r t i c l e t h e rigidity for directions m , n ) and (l , m , n )
2 2 3 3 3 is
t h e reciprocal of t h e expression
2 2 2 2
SIMf mm 2 n n (2 1\ /2 1\ , / 2 1 \ "I 7 7 7 7
4 + + m 2 m + 71 1 1 + 1 1
L^T ^ "V U " L) ^ { F - M) n* * * * [f " n) * *™*"*J
2 3
2 2 2
(m n +m n ) 2 3 3 2 {n l + n l )
2 3 (l m + l m )
3 2 2 3 3 2
+ + + ( 1 9 )
* This kind of seolotropy was noted by Saint-Venant, J. de Math. (Liouville), (Ser. 2), t. 10
(1865), who worked out some examples of its application. The case of a cylindrical distribution
has been discussed by Voigt, Gottingen Nachrichten, 1886.
f See the ' Annotated Clebsch,' pp. 95, et seq.
The rigidities for the pairs of axes at right angles to the planes of symmetry are
L, M, N.
With the same notation we could show that the Poisson's ratios for contractions parallel
to the axes of y and z respectively, when the stress is tension across the planes x = const., are
fory, E (1/2N-1/F ),
1 and for z, E (ll2M-l/F )
3 (20) 1 2
The values for other pairs of directions can be written down without difficulty (Article 73).
With the same notation we may show that the modulus of compression is the reciprocal of
A* A JL A A A _ I _ A _ 1 m \
+ + + + + ( }
W E E 7\
± ¥ F
2 L M N 3 2 3
In the case of cubic crystals we may show that the value of E, Young's modulus for
tension in direction (I, m, n), is given by the equation*
A _ ;
_L + jl _ 2 ( )
y " ° ' | (m ^ + ^ ^ + ^m ) 2 2 2 2 2
Provided that the coefficient of the second term is positive, E is a maximum in the
directions of the principal axes, and a minimum in the directions of lines equally inclined
to the three principal axes; further it is stationary without being a maximum or a
minimum in the directions of lines bisecting the angles between two principal axes, and
remains constant for all lines given by l±m±n = 0.
is constant, and E is the Young's modulus of the material corresponding with tension Z . z
tension Z , and o- is the corresponding ratio for contraction parallel to the axis of y.
z 2
* A figure showing the variation of 1\E with direction is drawn by Liebisch, Physikalische
Krystallographie (Leipzig, 1891), p. 564.
113. Elastic constants of crystals. Results of experiments.
The elastic constants of a number of minerals have been determined by W. Voigt* by
experiments on the twisting and bending of rods. Some of his principal results are
stated here. The constants are expressed in terms of an unit stress of 10 grammes' weight
per square centimetre.
For Pyrites (cubic), the constants are
c = 3680,
n c = 1075,
44 c =-483,
and we have
Principal Young's modulus, .#=3530,
Principal Rigidity, c = p = 1075 :
Material E C
12 c 44
verified, and the differences are much greater than could be accounted for by assuming
experimental errors.
Beryl is a.hexagonal crystal of the class specified by the group D for which the G
constants are
c = 2746, c = 2409, c = 980, c = 674, c =666.
u 33 12 13 44
For a bar whose axis is in the direction of the principal axis of symmetry #=2100.
For a bar whose axis is in the direction of a secondary axis of symmetry E= 2300. The
first of these is about the same as that for steel, and the second is rather greater. The
principal rigidities are 666 and 980, of which the first is. less and the second considerably
greater than the rigidity of steel. Cauchy's relations are approximately verified.
Quartz is a rhombohedral crystal of the class specified by the group D . 3 The
constants are
c = 8 6 8 , c =1074, c = 1 4 3 , c = 70, c = 582,
u 33 1 3 12 44 c = 15 -171,
M = rA-+For
J^+&e, .(25)
zz = Ae + F-^- + H-,
or r
where H is written for A - 2N. The displacement U is given by the equation
G ^ + C J U _ A J J + { F - H U ( 2 6 )
A z
or r or r r
of which the complete primitive is
n n F— H
U=ar +l3r- + .—-^er, (27)
A— 0
n being written for J (A/C), and a and £ being arbitrary constants. The constants can be
adjusted so that rr has the value — p at the outer surface r=r , and -p at the inner
0 0 t
surface r = r . The constant e can be adjusted ' so as to make the resultant of the
2 r 2 o n
longitudinal tension zz over the annulus r >r>r balance the pressure TT (p^i - Po o )
0 x
o%+?%-w-»%«, m
n n
so that U = ar -i + fir- ~i,
where <n? = ± jl + 8 ,
which agrees with the result obtained in (vi) of Article 98 in the case of isotropy.
The cubical dilatation of the spherical cavity is the value of 3U/r when r=r , and x
this is
This result has been applied by Saint-Venant to the theory of piezometer experiments,
in which a discrepancy appears to have been observed between the results obtained and
the dilatation that should theoretically be found to occur if the material were isotropic.
The solution in (30) contains 3 independent constants and Saint-Venant held that these
could be adjusted so as to explain the experiments in question.
W e may carry out t h e variation of I Tdt. W e have
and therefore
Again, b W is r — be xx + r — be w + ... + z — - oe , xy
+ ... + ...] dS
c^dW c^dJV ...(4) 3_3Fu dxdydz.
•a.9# 3 ^ 3y de dz de J xy zx
2 P
P dt dx de xx dy de xy dz de '
zx ^ '
and t h e surface conditions are of the type
dw ( .\dw ,dw , ,
( v ,. a
s n o w e
Every term of j j j 8W ^^hh^ * ^° ^ transformed by the aid of the formulae of
the type
and the integral will then be transformed into the sum of a surface integral and a volume
integral, in such a way that no differential coefficients of bu , dup, du occur. We may a y
collect, for example, the terms containing 8u in the volume integral. They are a
N o w
n n o con
and therefore the terms of the type 2\i ~ f^^f) ^ ^ ^° ^ tribute anything to
the volume integral in the transformed expression for Jjj dW'dxdydz. Hence the
equations of motion or of equilibrium can be obtained by forming the variation of
instead of the variation of J j j Wdxdydz. The equations (21) and the second forms of
equations (22) of Article 91 are the equations that would be obtained by this process.
The result here found is that the differential equations of vibration, or of equilibrium,
of an isotropic solid are the same as those of a body possessing potential energy of deforma
tion per unit of volume expressed by the formula
2 2 2
1 (X + 2jx) A + 2fx (w + w + w ). 2
The surface conditions are different in the two cases. In MacCullagh's theory of optics* it
was shown that, if the luminiferous sether is incompressible and possesses potential energy
according to the formula 2/z (sr^-r-s^+sj's ), the observed facts about reflexion and re
fraction of light are accounted for; the surface conditions which are required to hold for
the purposes of the optical theory are precisely those which arise from the variation of the
volume integral of this expression. Larmorf has described a medium, which possesses
potential energy in the required manner, as " rotationally elastic." The equations of
motion of a rotationally elastic medium are formally identical with those which govern
the propagation of electric waves in free 8Gther.
* Dublin, Trans. R. Irish Acad. vol. 21 (1839) = Collected Works of James MacCullagh, Dublin,
1880, p. 145.
t Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (Ser. A), vol. 185 (1894).
of such terms as ^ - ( = — j by Green's transformation, we find t h e equation
OX \06%x'
jj (yZ v - zY ) dS + jjj
v p(yZ- zY) dxdydz = 0 (9)
118. U n i q u e n e s s of s o l u t i o n * .
We shall prove the following t h e o r e m : — I f either the surface displace
ments or the surface tractions are given the solution of t h e problem of
equilibrium is unique, in t h e sense t h a t t h e state of stress (and strain) is
determinate without ambiguity.
We observe in t h e first place t h a t the function W, being a homogeneous
quadratic function which is always positive for real values of its arguments,
cannot vanish unless all its arguments vanish. These arguments are t h e
six components of s t r a i n ; and, when they vanish, t h e displacement is one
which would be possible in a rigid body. Thus, if W vanishes, t h e body is
only moved as a whole.
Now, if possible, let u\ v\ w and u", v", w" be two systems of displace
ments which satisfy t h e equations of type (7), and also satisfy t h e given
conditions at t h e surface S of t h e body. T h e n u! — u!\ v — v'\ w—w is a
system of displacements which satisfies t h e equations of t h e type
+ +
dx {de ) dy (fo^) dz {de ) ® xx za
throughout t h e body, and also satisfies conditions at t h e surface. Denote
this displacement by (u, v, w). Then we can write down t h e equation
dxdydz = 0.
{ ) u
uv x x Wyy W z z W y z ^zx &xy
119. T h e o r e m of m i n i m u m energy.
The theorem of uniqueness of solution is associated with a theorem of
minimum potential energy. W e consider the case where there are no body
forces, and t h e surface displacements are given. The potential energy of
deformation of the body is the volume integral of t h e strain-energy-function
taken through t h e volume of t h e body. W e may state t h e theorem in the
The displacement.which satisfies the differential equations of equilibrium,
as well as the conditions at t h e bounding surface, yields a smaller value for
t h e potential energy of deformation t h a n any other displacement, which
satisfies t h e same conditions at the bounding surface.
L e t (u, v, w) be t h e displacement which satisfies t h e equations of
equilibrium throughout t h e body and t h e conditions at the bounding surface,
and let any other displacement which satisfies t h e conditions at t h e surface
be denoted by (u + u', v + v\ w -f w ). The quantities u\ v\ w' vanish at t h e
surface. W e denote collectively by e t h e strain-components calculated from
u v, w and by e' the strain-components calculated from u\ v, w'\ we denote
y y
W e have
Vt-V^ffjlfie+e') -f(e)} dxdydz
and this is the same as
V^V^jjjfie) dxdydz,
The converse of this theorem has been employed to prove that there exists a solution
of the equations of equilibrium which yields given values for the displacements at the
boundary*. If we knew independently that among all the sets of functions u, v, w, which
take the given values on the boundary, there must be one which gives a smaller value to
/// Wdxdydz than any other gives, we could infer the truth of this converse theorem.
The same difficulty occurs in the proof of the existence-theorem in the Theory of
Potentialt. In that theory it has been attempted to turn the difficulty by devising an
explicit process for constructing the required function |. In the case of two-dimensional
potential functions the existence of a minimum for the integral concerned has been proved
by Hilbert§.
* Lord Kelvin (Sir W. Thomson), Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. vol. 153 ( 1 8 6 3 ) - M a t h , and Phys.
Papers, vol. 3, p. 351.
f The difficulty appears to have been pointed out first by Weierstrass in his lectures on the
Calculus of Variations. See the Article * Variation of an integral' in Ency. Brit. Supplement,
[Ency. Brit., 10th ed., vol. 33 (1902)].
X See, e.g., C. Neumann, Untersuchungen uber das logarithmische und Neioton'sche Potential,
Leipzig, 1877.
§ ' Ueber das Dirichlet'sche Princip,' (Festschrift zur Feier des 150 jahrigen Bestehens d. Konigl.
Ges. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen), Berlin, 1901.
120. T h e o r e m concerning the potential energy of deformation*.
The potential energy of deformation of a body, which is in equilibrium
under given load, is equal to half t h e work done by t h e external forces,
acting through t h e displacements from t h e unstressed state to t h e s t a t e
of equilibrium.
The work in question is
dx \de )xx dy \de ) xy dz \de ) zx ~ df '
* In some books the potential energy of deformation is called the '' resilience " of the body.
t The theorem is due to E . Betti, II nuovo Cimento (Ser. 2), tt. 7 and 8 (1872). It is a
special case of a more general theorem given by Lord Rayleigh, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 4
(1873) = Scientific Papers, vol. 1, p. 179. For a general discussion of reciprocal theorems
in Dynamics reference may be made to a paper by H. Lamb, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 19
(1889), p. 144.
T h e displacement u, v, w is one t h a t could be produced by these body forces
and surface tractions.
Now let (u, v, w), (u, v', w') be two sets of displacements, (X, Y, Z) and
(X', Y', Z') the corresponding body forces, (X , Y , Z ) and (X' , Y' , Z' ) v v v v v v
+ JJ (X u' v + Y v + ZjuT) dS
U + + d x d d z
\\ {dx {de ) xx dy {de ) xy dz {de J} z y
jjj{e X'
xx x + eyyY'y + e Z' zz z + e Y'
yz z + e Z'
zx x + e X'y) xy dxdydz
t h e average value of e is yz
P ( Y z + Z y ) Y
WV jjj d%dydz + ^yjf p( ^ + ^y)dS; (14)
t h e average value of A is
If possible, let there be two sets of displacements (u\ v\ w') and (u'\ v", w")
which both satisfy t h e equations of type (16) and the conditions of type (17),
and, at a certain instant, t — t , let (u\ v\ w') = (u" v \ w") and
Q y
dv { ffv
dv d fdW\ dd_/dj_
/dW\ d fdW\)
r 2
dt dt dx *xy/ dy \de J yy dz \de J j yz
dw { dw d_ fdW\ _ d_ fdW\ d fdW\\
+ p
dxdydz = 0,.. (18)
dt\ W dx\de ) zx dy\de , yz dz {de ) zz
a n d this is t h e value of jjj W dxdydz at time t, for W vanishes at the instant
T=jjj 2
±o(u + v + w ) dxdydz, 2 2
=jjj Wdxdydz,
in which the dots denote differentiation with respect to t, and the integration extends
through the volume within 8. We have at once
d / m ~rr\ [ [ [ ( , • ...x dWdii dWdv dWdw
Lvo J ' J { xx ^ yy & vVgz u&
+ + + + + + dxdydz (20)
^X^ ^) ^ ^) ^A^ w\ - -
The right-hand member may be transformed into a volume integral and a surface integral.
The terms of the volume integral which contain u are
\ dxde
. /
dzde„J r
.. 8 dw d dw d dw\ . . .
xx xy
and the terms of the surface integral which contain u are
W , dW , N dW %
COS (#,!/) + «— cos (y, v) + ^— cos (z, v) j- c?>^.
JJ {oe xx
j (T+V)
t = j j(uX +vY v v + wZy)dS (21)
This equation may be expressed in words in the form:—The rate of increase of the energy
within & is equal to the rate at which work is done by the tractions across S.
According to the theorem (vii) of Article 5 3 the expression —(uX +vY + wZ ) is the v v v
normal component of a vector quantity, of which the components parallel to the axes are
- (uX + vX + wZ \ - (uXy + v Yy + w Y \ - (uZ +vY +wZ,).
x y x 9 x e
would become in the same case. The equations of motion under no body
forces take such forms as
3 + !+ +
# f t *»'=^ <»>
and t h e boundary conditions, when t h e surface is free from traction, t a k e
such forms as
cos (x, v) X' + cos (y, v) X' + cos (z, v) Z' = 0
x (24) y x
u — Au r r cos (p t + e ), v = A v
r r r r cos (p t + e ), w = A w
r r r r cos (p t + e ),.. .(25)
r r
ii 8W dxdydz
u v
+jjjp & + $ + ^ dxdydz = 0...(27)
let Uy v, w have t h e forms u cj) , v cf) , w <j> , and let 8u 8v, 8w have t h e forms r r r r r r y
^s</>s> Vs<t>s, u>s4>s> where </> and <j> stand for A cos (p t + e ) and cos (p t +
r 8 r r r s e ),
J jJ 2 e}j dxdydz = p r jjj p (u u r s + vv + ww)
r s r s dxdydz.
The left-hand member is unaltered when e and e are interchanged, i.e. when r s
Uy v, w are t a k e n to have t h e forms u <p y... and 8u, 8v 8w are taken to have s S }
2 2
t h e forms u <j) y... and then the right-hand member contains p instead of p .
r r s r
p (u u r s + v v + w w ) dxdydz
r 8 r s = 0 (28)
(ii) W e may write cf) in t h e forms A cosp t -j- B sin p ty and then r r r r r the
conjugate property of t h e normal functions enables us to determine the
constants A , B in terms of the initial displacement and velocity.
r r We
assume t h a t t h e displacement a t any time can be represented in the
form (26). Then initially we have
u = TA u ,
0 r r v = LA v ,
0 r r w —^A w y
Q r Y (29)
u = HB p ii ,
0 r r r v = %B p v ,
0 r r r w = XB p w ,
0 r r r (30)
where (u v w ) is t h e initial displacement and (u , v w ) is the initial
0> Qy 0 0 0i Q
L. E. 12
to show t h a t t h e frequency-equation cannot have imaginary roots. If there
2 2
were a root p of t h e form a + tyS, there would also be a root p of t h e form
r 8
jjjp (u u r s -I- v v 4- w w ) dxdydz
r s r s —0
+ + + +
- * JJJ h h r -ar) - - j
where X ,... are what X , ... become when u , v , w are substituted for
x x r r r
2 C 0 S ( r ) r )
-Pr~ JJ [ > r { ^ ) ^ + C O s ( y , l / ) Z ^ +COS(^, ^ ) ^ < } + ... + . . . ]
y dS
+ p ~ jjj%W
r r dxdydz,
( ; v + / a ) A + / i V 2 ( w v w x Y 2
(4' h l) ' > ~)+p( > > ^)=°> -< >
and t h e most general solution of these equations will be obtained by adding
to any particular solution of t h e m t h e general solution of equations (1). T h e
effects of t h e body forces are represented by t h e particular solution. W e
seek such a solution in t h e case where (X, Y, Z) are different from zero
within a finite volume T and vanish outside T. T h e volume T may be t h a t
of t h e body or t h a t of a part of t h e body. For t h e purpose in hand we may
t h i n k of t h e body as extended indefinitely in all directions and t h e volume T
as a part of it. W e pass to a limit by diminishing T indefinitely.
* The results obtained in this Article are due to Lord Kelvin. See Introduction, footnote 66.
W e express t h e displacement by means of a scalar potential cj> and a
vector potential (F, G, H) (cf. Article 16) by means of formulae of t h e type
dx dy dz ' •(3)
( V ) i v . * \dy
i+ , ( » v ^dz- » vJ. ) \dx, e+ dy| ? - »dzUJo , . . . ( 5 ,
'3a? T r r + e +
l ,
7 dr~\
-) dx'dy'dz',
\? dy ^ dz
"-) dx'dy'dz',
-X dixfdy dz\
p jjjX'dx'dy'dz'=X , 0 ....(8)
_ X 0 dr n - - ^ - d
- T T - - ^ - — ^o^
9 9 K }
Sir (\ +2^) da ^ ^~ 8irp~dz' SiTfidy' '"
The corresponding forms for u, v, w are
(\+fi)X 0 dr X,
8 T T ^ ( X + 2//,) 47r^r'
(X 4- ji) X dr 0
V= • 9
8TT{JL ( X + 2/JL) dxdy
+ ^)X dr (X 0
w = ———— --
Sirfju (X + 2//,) dxdz'
More generally, the displacement due to force ( X , Y , Z ) acting at t h e 0 0 0
W h e n t h e forces X, Y, Z act through a volume T of finite size, particular
integrals of t h e equations ( 2 ) can be expressed in such forms as
X + fj>
u = 87TfJL ( X + 2/Jb)
/ (w
r , * rv - a f )J * > r<y tn+z'(< +
r 6 d , d y W , ...(13)
HI[X+fi r '~ ~ r
+ P { x
It may be verified immediately that these constitute a solution of equations (1) in all space
except at the origin. We suppose that the origin is in a cavity within a body, and calculate
the traction across the surface of the cavity. The tractions corresponding with (15) over
any surfaces bounding a body are a system of forces in statical equilibrium when the origin
is not a point of the body [cf. Article 117]. It follows that, in the case of the body
* The solution expressed in equations (15) has received this title at the hands of Boussinesq,
Applications des Potentiels
with the cavity, the resultant and resultant moment of these tractions at the outer
boundary of the body are equal and opposite to the resultant and resultant moment of
the tractions at the surface of the cavity. The values of these tractions at the outer
boundary do not depend upon the shape or size of the cavity, and they may therefore be
calculated by taking the cavity to be spherical and passing to a limit by diminishing the
radius of the sphere indefinitely. In this way we may verify that the displacement
expressed by (15) is produced by a single force of magnitude 8ttju(X + 2u) -4/(X-i-u) applied
at the origin in the direction of the axis of z.
We write equations (15) in the form
d^r 2
'd r _ X + 2/x
u= — Adxdz • —A w= - A 1 .(16)
2u dr~
The cubical dilatation A corresponding with the displacement (16) is A , and
the stress-components can be calculated readily in the forms
O A to"
X x
X + u.
T =2pA
dr- 1
H X+/x dx
dr dr dr*
\ \dzj
Z = 2^A
toy } Xy = 6flA
dz) +
X+ J' M
dx dy dz
The tractions across any plane (of which the normal is in direction v) are given by the
m 1
fi fi dr'
r r a > dr -1
__ , N dr- ) 1
dx dz dv X+/x ( dx
_ dr dr dr~ , a
dr— 1
dr ) -1
s~ ^ + ~—- ^cos
dy dz dv X + ju
dr' (
3 ( +
| ) X + ja
and, when v is the inwards drawn normal to a spherical surface with its centre at the
origin, these are
6/jiAxz v _6fxAyz 7 _2fiA
3-,+ .(IV)
Whatever the radius of the cavity may be, this system of tractions is statically equivalent
to a single force, applied at the origin, directed along the axis of z in the positive sense,
and of magnitude Stt^iA (X-f 2/z)/(X + /*).
Some additional results in regard to the state of stress set up in a body by the applica
tion of force at a point will be given in Article 140 infra.
(Z ^+ Yu +Zu,
0 0 2 0 3 J r * i + Y0v2 + Z0v39
0 Xw+ 0 x Y w +Z w ),
0 2 0 3
so that for example (u v w ) is the displacement obtained by replacing X by unity in
ly ly x 0
•(b) We may suppose a force h—P to act at the origin in the positive direction of the
axis of x, and an equal and opposite force to act at the point (0, A, 0), and we may pass to
a limit as before. The resulting displacement is
p fdu x dvt dw \ t
We may describe the singularity as a "double force with moment." The forces applied to
the body in the neighbourhood of this point are statically equivalent to a couple of moment
P about the axis of z. The singularity is related to this axis and also to the direction of
the forces, in this case the axis of x.
(b') We may combine two double forces with moment, the moments being about the
same axis and of the same sign, and the directions of the forces being at right angles to
each other. We take the forces to be h—P and — h—P parallel to the axes of x and y at
the origin, - h—P parallel to the axis of x at the point (0, A, 0), and h—P parallel to the
axis of y at the point (A, 0, 0), and we pass to a limit as before. The resulting displace
ment is
_ du^\ (b\ _ d%\ fdv^ _ dw^\
(\dy dx)' \dy dx)' \dy dx)
or it is
£ ^ v ¥ ' ) '
* In most of these the leading steps only of the analysis are given. The results (a') and (b )
are due to J. Dougall, Edinburgh Math. Soc. Proc. vol. 16 (1898).
We may describe the singularity as a "centre of rotation about the axis of z" The forces
applied to the body in the neighbourhood of this point are statically equivalent to a
couple of moment 2P about the axis of z; the singularity is not related to the directions
of the forces. In like manner we may have singularities which are centres of rotation
about the axes of x and y, for which the displacements have the forms
( 2 2 )
^ ) >
(c) We suppose that centres of dilatation are distributed uniformly along a semi-
infinite line. The line may be taken to be the portion of the axis of z on which z is
negative. The displacement is given by equations of the form
2 2 2 2
where B is a constant, and B =x +y + (z-\-z') .
r(r + z)''
and the displacement is given by the equations
These displacements constitute the "simple solutions of the second type*." The result
may be expressed in the form
(u v, W) = B ( ^ -
9 1 A %\\ g(z + r)
0 (25)
A singularity of the type here described might be called a "line of dilatation," and B
might be called its "strength." If B is negative, the singularity might be called a "line of
(d) A line of dilatation may be terminated at both ends, and its strength may be
variable. If its extremities are the origin and the point (0, 0, - k), and its strength is
proportional to the distance from the origin, we have
n , p z'dz' p z'dz' f * (z + z') z'dz'
2 2 2
where R = a?+y + (z+k) .
1 The integral
The integral remains
remains finite
finite whe
when h is increased indefinitely,
and we have
r°°0W_i 0_ / z\__ i
3 2 2
0 r r —z\ r)~ z + i
Again we have
R*(z + z')z', k k . z + K + R,
/ dz = - —• + — = - — + log 1
3 5
Jo B Bi Jo B Ri z+r
* Boussinesq, loc. cit.
This does not tend to a limit when h is increased indefinitely. Let C (U, V, W) denote
the displacement (26); and, in addition to the line of dilatation which gives rise to the
displacement (U, V, TP), let there be a line of compression, with the same law of strength,
extending from the point (A, 0, 0) to the point (A, 0, — k). "We pass to a limit by taking
h to diminish indefinitely and C to increase indefinitely, in such a way that G'h has a
finite limit, G say. The displacement is given by the equations
dU n dV dW n
dx ox ox
dW hx x x
0 W ==z + 5
'dx~ R} R (z+k + RJ ~ rjz + r) 1
and this has a finite limit when k is increased indefinitely, viz. -x/r(z+r). The dis
placement due to such a semi-infinite double line of singularities as we have described here
is expressed by the equations
u—0. v =
where D is a constant, and the axes of the centres of rotation are parallel to the axis of x.
This gives
u=0, w=D—^-— (30)
' r r (z + r)
In like manner we may have
u=- , v = 0, w=-D- f x , (31)
or, as they may be written,
(u, v, «) = / > ( ! , 0, - ^ ) { l o g ( « + r)}. (32)
Other formulae of the same kind might be obtained by taking the line of singularities
in directions other than the axis of z.
The reader will observe that, in all the examples of this Article, except (a) and (6), the
components of displacement are harmonic functions, and the cubical dilatation vanishes.
The only strains involved are shearing strains, and the displacements are independent of
the ratio of elastic constants X : ji.
u = Bd\og(z + r) v = B d J o g p ^ ) w = j ? 3 1 o g ( * + *-).
dx dy dz
I t may be verified immediately t h a t these expressions are solutions of t h e
equations (1) at all points except t h e origin and points on t h e axis of z
at which z is negative. There is no dilatation, and t h e stress-components
are given by t h e equations
X + yu, r 3
X + fju r
and by tractions over t h e hemispherical boundary, which are expressed by
t h e equations (17). T h e resultant of t h e latter for t h e hemispherical surface
is a force in t h e positive direction of t h e axis of z of amount
^TT/JLA (X + 2fi)/(X + fi).
X = -2^B~,
t r, = - 2 / . 5 j , Z, = 0, (34)
v = p
y* y
4<7rfjL r 4-7T (X + fju) r (z + r)'
P z P(X + 2a) 1
w= — H — — ,
47i>6 r 3
AiTfji (X -h fi) r'
A t all points not too near to t h e origin, these equations express the displace
m e n t due to a pressure of magnitude P applied at the origin.
For the discussion of this solution, it is convenient to regard the plane boundary as
horizontal, and the body as supporting a weight P at the origin. We observe that the
tractions across a horizontal plane are
X z 2 z r
~ 2TT ' ~~ '2TT t*' ~ 27rr >'
so that the resultant traction per unit area exerted from the upper side across the plane
at any point is a force directed along the radius vector drawn from the origin and of
magnitude § { P ] i r r ) cos 0 , where 6 is the angle which the radius vector drawn from the
origin makes with the vertical drawn downwards. The tractions across horizontal planes
are the same at all points of any sphere which touches the bounding plane at the origin,
and their magnitude is % P \ i r D where D is the diameter of the sphere. These expressions
for the tractions across horizontal planes are independent of the elastic constants.
The displacement may be resolved into a horizontal component and a vertical com
ponent. The former is
Psinflr fi 1 1
C b
V L° X + fi (1 4- cos 6) J '
it is directed towards or away from the line of action of the weight according as the
radius vector is without or within the cone which is given by the equation
(X + ft) cos 6 ( 1 + c o s 6) = fi.
When Poisson's ratio for the material is J the angle of the cone is about 68° 32'. At any
point on the bounding plane the horizontal displacement is directed towards the axis and
is of amount ^P/nr (X 4- /x). The vertical displacement at any point is
P /X + 2u
r 2
7 — . , + cos (9
V * = 0,
x = 2 g = 2 jjy dx'dy' = 2 * , say, (37)
where <f> is t h e ordinary or inverse potential of t h e distribution P ' . We
observe also t h a t ^ = . #
T h e displacement at any point of t h e body produced by t h e distributed
pressure P ' is expressed by t h e equations
1 D
U = - X _ J _
4 7 T (X -f /JL) dx 4}7T/JL dxdz'
fl-,* - (38)
z = A x* + B y* + 2H xy,
2 2 2 2 J
* These formulae are due to Hertz, J.f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 92 (1881).
f A number of special cases are worked out by Boussinesq, loc. cit.
X The theory is due to Hertz, loc. cit.
t h e axes of z and z being directed along t h e normals drawn towards t h e
Y 2
in whatever way the axes of x and y are chosen, and we may choose these
axes so t h a t H + H vanishes. Then A + A and B± + B m u s t be positive.
L 2 ± 2 2
A + A = A,
1 % B + B = B,
± 2 H^-H*, (41)
for the body (1), and R , R those for t h e body (2), and if these have
2 2
A + +2 cos2a (48)
« -*r-(k-M (k-M ik-^ik-i) - -
The angle {<o') between t h e (x, z) plane, chosen so t h a t H = — H and t h e 2 u
If we introduce an angle T by t h e equation
C 0 S T = } ( 4 5 )
B +A ~ ~ \
so t h a t 2A c o s e c ^ = 2B s e c ^ r = I/JS1+ 1/J2/+ l/R* + l/B*', (46)
2 2
the shape of t h e " relative indicatrix/' Ax + By = const., depends on the
angle r only.
W h e n the bodies are pressed together there will be displacement of both.
W e take the displacement of t h e body (1) to be ( u v Wj) relative to t h e 1 } l t
2 2
^o = ^ ^ ( « - ^ - % ) (51)
This result suggests the next step in the solution of the problem. T h e
functions denoted by fa and fa are t h e potentials, on t h e two sides of t h e
plane z = 0 , of a superficial distribution of density P ' within t h e compressed
area, and t h e potential at a point of this area is a quadratic function of t h e
coordinates of the point. W e recall t h e result t h a t t h e potential of a homo
geneous ellipsoid a t an internal point is a quadratic function of the coordinates
* If the points (x y19 ltof the body (1) and (x , y , z ) of the body (2) come into contact, we 2 2 2
must have
x + u = x + u,
1 1 y + v = y + v,
2 2 z + w = -(z + w ) + a;
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
and in equation (47) we identify (x lt y{) with (x , y ). 2 2 We may show that, without making this
identification, we should have
w + w = a - Ax* - By* - 2
1 2 - u) + By 2 2 x (Vl - v ) + H {x^
2 2 - v) +
2 V l (u x ~u )}].
In the result we shall find for io + w an expression of the order Aa , where a is the greatest
1 2
diameter of the compressed area, and w u ... will be of the same order in a as w + iv ; thus the
1? 2 1 2
terms neglected are of a higher order of small quantities than those retained. If the bodies are
of the same material we have Uj = n and v =v when ^ = x and y =y ,
2 and thus the identification
1 2 2 1 2
2 2
and ^ + (a - Ax - By )
l & p r U - J * ( 53)
4 2 2 2 2 { D V
Jo V a + f b + ^J {(a + f)(b + ^ ) ^
A = f P (% + % )
(A + 2
^{(6 2
+ ^r) f}^
P = f P (% + %)
2 h
{b TW\i<^WH ' i
L. E.
T h e second and third of these equations determine a and b, and t h e first
of them determines a when a and b are known. If we express t h e results in
t e r m s of t h e eccentricity (e) of t h e ellipse, e will be determined by t h e
ds _ r W
L (i n= ^ A
i, -(55)
3 .(56)
J.a = SP(^ + ^ ) o ( 1 + 2
t h e potential, at external points in this plane, due to t h e distribution P over
t h e compressed area. I t follows from (49) t h a t at points on t h e surfaces of
the bodies, outside t h e compressed area and not far from it, we m a y write,
with sufficient approximation
2 2
3 P /""A, x y \ dyfr
1- 2 2 1 2
4 } v V a + ^r b + ^J {(a + ty)(b + ^)y\r)i>
Now, when lies between 0 and v, t h e point (x, y), which is on t h e ellipse
2 2 2 2
(58), is outside t h e ellipse x /(a -f yjr) + y j{b + yfr) — 1, and therefore t h e
expression on t h e right-hand side of equation (59) is positive. The condition
of inequality (48) is therefore satisfied.
The assumptions t h a t the compressed area is bounded by an ellipse
2 2 2 2
x \a + y /b = 1, where a and b are determined by the second and third of
equations (54), and t h a t t h e pressure P' over this area is expressed by t h e
formula (52), satisfy all t h e conditions of t h e problem. W h e n P' is known
t h e functions %, 12 for each of t h e bodies can be calculated, and hence
we may determine t h e displacement and t h e distribution of stress in
each body.
Hertz * has drawn the lines of principal stress in the z) plane for the case in which
X=2FX (Poisson's ratio = J). Near the centre of the compressed area the principal planes
of stress are nearly parallel to the coordinate planes, and both tractions are pressures.
As we go from the centre of the compressed area along the axis of the component
traction that is nearly parallel to the surface falls to zero, changes to tension and increases
to a maximum near the edge of the compressed area; it then diminishes more gradually
without changing sign again. The other component is pressure, which continually
diminishes as we go into the interior of the body along a line of stress starting near the
Fig. 15.
* Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Beforderung des Getverbefleisses, 1882 = Ges. Werke, Bd. 1,
p . 174.
f Hertz, J.f. Math. {Crelle), Bd. 92 (1881).
as subsiding completely by reversal of t h e process by which it is produced.
T h e local compression is t h u s regarded as a statical effect. I n order t h a t
such a theory may hold it is necessary t h a t the duration of the impact should
be a large multiple of the gravest period of free vibration of either body
which involves compression at t h e place in question. A formula for the
duration of t h e impact, which satisfies this requirement when the bodies
impinge on each other with moderate velocities, has been given by Hertz,
and the result has been verified experimentally*.
A t any instant d u r i n g t h e impact, t h e q u a n t i t y a is the relative displace
ment of the centres of mass of t h e two bodies, estimated from their relative
positions at t h e instant when t h e impact commences, and resolved in the
direction of t h e common normal. T h e pressure P between the bodies is the
rate of destruction of t h e m o m e n t u m of either. W e therefore have t h e equation
where d stands for dajdt, and m m are t h e masses of the bodies. Now P is
ly 2
Jo {£(1 + ?) ( l - * + t ) P J
e J„ ( T + £)*{?(!-*•+£")}*'
Equation (60) may now be written
a = -fc fc a*1 2 (63)
where k — (m + m )/'m vi2.
1 1 2 1 This equation may be integrated in t h e form
% (&* - vfy= - ^k^a*, (64)
where v is the initial value of d, i.e. the velocity of approach of t h e bodies
before impact. T h e value of a at the instant of greatest compression is
5 M /v\i
^ / ; ^ , or U**£§y or ( 2 - 9 4 3 2 . . . ) 5 .
* Schneebeli, Arch, des sci. phys., Geneva, t. 15 (1885). Investigations of the duration of
impact in the case of high velocities were made by Tait, Edinburgh Roy. Soc. Trans., vols. 26, 2?
(1890, 1892).
139, 140] OF IMPACT 197
«i = 1 - ...(67)
4 (m, + m ) 4 T T { V,% (1 - 2a-,)
2 V.?p (1 - 2<r )
2 2
i" 2
( 1 + £)» + £)}*' , {?(l + 0 ( l - e + ? ) j i j
I t appears t h a t t h e duration of t h e impact varies inversely as t h e fifth root
of t h e relative velocity of approach before impact. T h e order of magnitude
of t h e gravest period of free vibration t h a t would involve compression is
l/A V
x ly and t h u s t h e duration of impact bears to this period a ratio of which
t h e order of m a g n i t u d e is (Vj/v)^.
140. I m p a c t of spheres.
When the bodies are spheres of radii r r , we have l5 2
a=£(3 +4 )i ; 1 a
16(m + m ) 1 2
Hence the duration of the impact and the radius of the (circular) compressed area are
In the particular case of equal spheres of the same material the duration of the
impact is
(257R_2 ( l - o - ) * ! *
(l-2<r)«J viyt>
where r is the radius of either sphere, o- is the Poisson's ratio of the material, and V is the
velocity of propagation of waves of compression. The radii of the circular patches that
come into contact are each equal to
ytpTT (i- y '
v) Lie i-2(r
r { ja c o s 4 2 2J
where A, B, G, D are arbitrary constants; and then we may show that
= r x+3^ d (_^A \ cos / I ^ *\
tanM cottl
rsm6 [ 2/JL d6\cosn(j)J \ 2 2/
+ 0tan»|+#cot»|},
V Force
Fig. 16.
* J. H. Michell, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 32 (1900), p. 23.
( a ) The first type of simple solutions, corresponding with a force F parallel to the
axis of z, is expressed by the equations
F cos 0 X + 3/x F sin<9
4TT/X r ' 2 ( X + 2/x) 47171, r *
i2 ;T A M ^ sin 0
The meridian planes (0 = const.) are principal planes of stress; and the lines of principal
stress, which are in any meridian plane, make with the radius vector at any point angles
\js determined by the equation
tan 2yjs=- {2/i/(3X + 5/x)} tan 6.
These lines have been traced by Michell, for the case where X = /x, with the result shown in
Fig. 16, in which the central point is the point of application of the force.
((3) When the line of action of the force F' is parallel to the axis of x, the displace
ment is expressed by the equations
F' sin 6 cos X-f3fi _F^_ cos 6 cos qb _ X + 3/x F' sin # m
U r = U U ;
4 ^ r ' ° ~ 2~(X + 2/1) 4 ^ r ' * ~ 2 (X + 2ju) 47r/x "
R I2 2
' ^ X + 2/A 4TT ? X-f2/z47r r
C 0 S a
-2C^ t -f-2.Z)sin a + - — ^ ^ , sin a (1 + cos a) = 0,
7 V J
sma 4TT(X + 2/X) '
. . „ F' (1+COS a) „ F' (1+COS a)
g l v m g 1
^ - M W - ^ - ^ ( x W
The resultant force at the vertex is in the positive direction of the axis of when F' is
positive, and is of magnitude
F' ( 2 + cosa)X + 2 x / / 1 N2 2
~T ' ^ 7 o ~ (1 - COS a) .
v 1
4 X + 2/x
By combining the results of problems (i) and (ii) we may obtain the solution for force
acting in a given direction at the vertex of a cone; and by putting a — \ir we may obtain
the solution for force acting in a given direction at a point of a plane boundary.
* Michell, loc. cit.
x -<?x V Jhc x -- lx d
x 2 y 2 { )
^ ~dy ' ~dx > d x d y
The identical relation between strain-components (Article 17)
2 2
dy dx dxdy
takes the form
2 2 2 2 2
W e shall denote the operator d /dx + d /dy by V , and t h e n this equation is x
4 = 2
^ i % 0- I* shows t h a t V ^ is a plane harmonic function.
T h e equations of equilibrium in terms of dilatation and rotation are
K - » r * <* v, ! vg=o + + <«)•
From these we deduce t h a t A a n d w are plane harmonic functions, a n d
t h a t (X + 2fi) A -+ L2{1'GT is a function of t h e complex variable x -f ly. T h e
plane harmonic function is equal to 2 (X + A. W e introduce a new
function £ + crj of # + ^ by means of t h e equation
i 5
f + "7 = 2 A
+ /*) + / ^ l <> + fc 2 d
v\ ()
so t h a t
^ = ^ = (X 2^)A = + 2 - ^ ) V 1 ^ .(6)
% 2
>^dx~dy* 2(X + M) a*
„ = Af y v
\ a. 1 ^ 4 - 7 /
V = l ( — J £ l (^Utf
2/x ^ 2 ^ ( \ + 2^) 9y 8^'
v (y)
77 X+ H drj df
V = y +
2 (X 4- 2/7) *" 2/A ( \ + 2 / A ) dy dy\
W e m a y s h o w w i t h o u t difficulty t h a t t h e corresponding form of x is
dx dy dz '
t h e stress-components also satisfy six equations of t h e types
2 2
1 3© 1 3©
2 x J
1 + cr dx 1 + a oyoz
Since X Zi Y , Z are zero, dS/dz
z z is a constant, /3 say, and we have
© = © + /3^ 0 (13)
where © is a function of x and y, which m u s t be a plane harmonic function
V^x = + (15)
The first of equations (12) gives us
df 1 + a dx" '
or, in virtue of (14) and (15),
2 2
d" / 9 v „ \ 1 9 6„ „
I n like manner t h e remaining equations of ( 1 2 ) are
^ . = 6,, V/ % 1 = /3 .(17)
c a n D e
and then t h e most general forms for % and Xi 0 written
%o = % i = ^ ( ^ + 2 / ) + ^ (19)
where / and F are plane harmonic functions. The general form for % being
known, formulae for the stress can be found, and t h e displacement can be
The displacement (u, v, w) must satisfy the equations
dw dv _ du dw _ dv du _ 2 (1 + a) Y
+ 5 +
ty dz~ ' dz + dx~
There is no difficulty in obtaining the formulae*
1 /„ n - 0 d@ \ 0 1 + cr 3 , ,
1 / , o a © 0 \ 1 + ^ 3 ,
W = - ^ {1/3 + + ^ 2 ) + ^ @ o } + % i .
y + +
.-*(» £) *V>- m
^ (du dd
X +
^ ^ [ d y dx,
lop: r + X + fJL A V
2fi (X + 2/JL)A - + u,
A X + /j, xy
V = - y.2
2(X+2{M) 2 p ( \ + 2 f i )
2jn (X + 2fi)
2X + :3/C6 2 x +
x - a - (\ X + 2{JL- ( X +^ 2{M
) yl)
rJ 2
X ( fji !
2 ( \ + /*)y .(29)
I X+2^ X+2yC6
J/ f /a 2 (X + /x) a? s
U-f-2//, X + 2^ W
The origin must be in a cavity within t h e body; and the statical resultant
of t h e tractions at t h e surface of t h e cavity is independent of t h e shape of
t h e cavity. T h e resultant may be found by taking t h e cavity to be bounded
(in t h e plane) by a circle with its centre at t h e origin. The component in
the direction of the axis of x is expressed by t h e integral
J 0
which is equal to — 2Air. The component in t h e direction of t h e axis of y
vanishes, and t h e m o m e n t of the tractions about t h e centre of the cavity also
vanishes. I t follows t h a t t h e state of stress expressed by (29) is that
produced by a single force, of m a g n i t u d e 2irA, acting at t h e origin in the
positive sense of t h e axis of x.
The effect of force at a point of a plate may be deduced by writing
X' in place of X and replacing u, X ... by u, X , .... x> x
Eig. 17.
V _ 2
(X +
A 2(X + v) ary .(30)
~ y
X + 2p * r 4
X + 2fju
I n polar coordinates t h e same stress-system is expressed by the equations
^ 2 (X + a) . cos 0
rr = — A . 00 = 0, W? = 0 (31)
\+2fi r
This distribution of stress is described by Michell* as a " simple radial
distribution." Such a distribution about a point cannot exist if the point
is within t h e body. W h e n t h e origin is a point on the boundary, the state of
stress expressed by (31) is t h a t due to a single force at t h e point. W e
calculate t h e resultant traction across a semicircle with its centre at the
origin. The .^-component of the resultant is
-s — 7T + 0.
rr. cos 0. rd0,
w = - * F — ~ ~ 9
TT r
and these quantities are of course averages t a k e n through t h e thickness
of t h e plate.
F f -ir\
A F xy '
2TT (X + f t ) \ 2 / 27TjLt r '
F(\' + 2u) . F x
V= OQ' T —
, 8
2 r/x(X + )
7 M Zirpr*'
This solution* is the two-dimensional analogue of the solution of the problem of
Boussinesq (Article 135). Since w, v do not tend to zero at infinite distances, there is
some difficulty in the application of the result to an infinite plate; but it may be regarded
as giving correctly the local effect of force applied at a point of the boundary.
the axis of x for initial line and the extremities of the part subject to pressure for origins.
It may be shown that the lines of stress are confocal conies having these points as focit.
(iii) Force at an angle.
The results obtained in Article 149 may be generalized by supposing that the boundary
is made up of two straight edges meeting at the origin. Working, as before, with the case
of plane strain, we have to replace the limit — it + a of integration in the calculation of
* Flamant, Paris, C. R., t. 114, 1892. For the verification by means of polarized light see
Mesnager in Rapports presentes au congres international de physique, t. 1, Paris 1900, p. 348.
Cf. Carus Wilson, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 5), vol. 32 (1891), where an equivalent result obtained by
Boussinesq is recorded.
f Michell, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 34 (1902), p. 134.
the force by - y + a, where y is the angle between the two straight edges. We find for the
^-component of force at the origin the expression
and, for the ^-component of force at the origin, we find the expression
The direction of maximum radial stress is not, in this case, that of the resultant force. The
former of these is the initial line, making
angles a and y - a with the edges; the latter
makes with the same edges angles and
y — <£, where
y sin a — sin y sin (a — y)
y cos a + sin y cos ( a — y)'
It follows that the angle a is given by the
s i n ( s m s i n
tan a = y f r - y (?-<£).
y cos <fi — sin y cos (y — <fi)'
When a given force F is applied in a given
direction, <fi will be known, and a can be initial line
found from this equation; and the constant
Fig. 18.
A can be determined in terms of the re-
sultant force F. The conditions that the radial stress may be pressure everywhere are
a < ^ r , y — a<^ ; and, in the extreme case a = ^, we should have
y—sm y COS y
tan d> =
The solution is due to Michell *, who remarks that for values of y not exceeding - , the last
result is nearly equivalent to a "rule of the middle third," that is to say, the extreme
value of <fi is nearly equal to | y . If the line of action of the applied force lies within the
middle third of the angle, the radial stress is one-signed.
The stress is given by (32) so that the laws of transmission of stress from an angle are
(i) that the stress is purely radial, (ii) that it is inversely proportional to the distance
from the angle, (iii) that it is proportional to the cosine of the angle made by the radius
vector with a certain line in the plane of the angle.
;+ J
2 X(\
L + 2 X)
L dy ^2 x(X + 2x) \dy
/ / dx ) '
( l o g r
*'*>-d^(s' | ) ^
This displacement is expressible in polar coordinates by the formulae
B 1
U e = 0 ; ( 3 6 )
it involves no dilatation or rotation. The stress is expressed by the formulae
0 ( 3 7 )
- ^ - x T S ^ ' ^ = '
so that the origin is a point of pressure. If the origin is in a circular cavity there is
uniform pressure of amount 2/ui?r~ /(X-f2/z) over the cavity.
(6) Again we may obtain a different type of singular point by supposing that the
following forces are applied near the origin:—
parallel to the axis of x, 2 A n at the origin, -2An at the point (0, h),
parallel to the axis of y, —2An at the origin, 2An at the point (h, 0);
and we may pass to a limit as in case (a). We thus obtain the following displacement:—
(i g
~ ~ B
^ (X+ 27) dy ° T)
2^ (X + 2/x) \dy r~* +
g ;+
2 M (X + 2/x) 8^ U
2/x (X + 2/x) r 2
9y ^ / ' 2
l 0 g r ( 3 8 )
^*>=f ("4' d l ) •
This displacement is expressible in polar coordinates by the formulae
^, = 0, U9 = Bliir; (39)
it involves no dilatation or rotation. The stress is expressed by the formulae
^=^=0, rO=-2Br- , (40)
so that the state of stress is that produced by a couple of magnitude knB applied at the
(c) We may take (X + 2/x) A + i2/xizr = C\og(x+iy). Since m is not one-valued in a
region containing the origin, we shall suppose the origin to be on the boundary. Equation
(5) becomes
g + ir) = C(xlogr -y6-x) + iC (ylogr+xB-y),
and the displacement may be taken to be given by the formulae
We may take 7r ^0^0, the axis of# to be the boundary, and the axis of y to be drawn into
the body. Then the traction on the boundary is tangential traction on the part of the bound
ary for which x is negative; and the traction is of amount Grr (X + /*)/(X + 2ft), and it acts
towards the origin if G is positive, and away from the origin if G is negative. The most
important parts of v, near the origin, are the term containing logr and and if x is
negative both these have the opposite sign to G, so that they are positive when G is
negative. We learn from this example that tangential traction over a portion of a surface
tends to depress "the material on the side towards which it acts*.
independent variables from x, y to x\ 'yf, where x' and y' are conjugate
functions of x and y, t h e form of t h e equation is not conserved, and t h u s t h e
form of the stress-function in the (V, y) region cannot be inferred from
its form in the (x, y) region.
* Cf. L. N. G. Filon, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (Ser. A), vol. 198 (1902).
154. Inversion*.
The transformation of inversion, x'+ iy — (x 4- iy)' , constitutes an excep
tion to t h e statement at the end of Article 153. I t will be more convenient
in this case to avoid complex variables, and to change t h e independent
variables by means of t h e equations
2 2 2 2
x = k x /r , y — ky / r,
2 2 2
in which k is the constant of inversion, and r stands for x 4- y . W e write
2 2
inl ike manner r' for x' + y'\ Expressed in polar coordinates the equation
= 0 becomes
i d
2 2 = 0; .(41)
r dr \ dr) T +
30 ] 2
r dr \ drj r d6
and, when t h e variables are changed from r, 0 to r, 0, this equation may be
shown to become
r —, (r" X)\ 2
+2 2 (r 2%) = 0 ; ( 4 8 )
tf>^ aW ) ' -
and therefore r' X is a stress-function in the plane of (x, y').
T h e stress-components derived from r' % are given by the equations j -
2 2
r'r' = \ ^ (r' )
2 2 +~ (r ),
r dd X f X
d i d
where 0' is t h e same as 0; and we find
f 2
r r = r . rr + 2 ( x —r
fe>= rM+ 2
2(x-r Z , d
7o'=-r .7o,
where rr, 00, r0 are t h e stress-components derived from expressed in
terms of r, 0. Thus the stress in t h e (r, 9') system differs from t h a t in
t h e (r, 0) system by t h e factor r , by t h e reversal of the shearing stress
r0, and by t h e superposition of a normal traction 2 - r (3%/9r)}, the
same in all directions round a point. I t follows t h a t lines of stress are
^ ( ^ - ) p - c o s ( 2 / , , ) | | = 0 )
ds X
[' dr) ds V dx y ds ds dx ds dy
I t follows t h a t a boundary free from traction in t h e (r, 6) system is trans
formed into a boundary subject to normal tension in the ff) system.
This tension has t h e same value at all points of the transformed boundary,
and its effect is known and can be allowed for.
i^ig. 19.
* The results of (i) and (ii) are due to Hertz, Zeit.f. Math. u. Physik, Bd. 28 (1883) or Ges.
Werke, Bd. 1, p. 283, and Michell, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 32 (1900), p. 35, and vol. 34,
(1902), p. 134.
Let 0' be a point of a fixed straight line O'A (Fig. 19). If O'A were the boundary of
the section of a body in which there was plane strain produced by a force F directed along
-1 f
00'X, the stress-function at P would be — T J - ^ ^ sin where r stands for 0 P; and this
may be written -ir~ FBy, where y is the ordinate of P referred to O'X. When we invert
the system with respect to 0, taking Tc—00\ P is transformed to P', and the new stress-
1 2 2 f 2
function is - 7r~ r F(B + B yk y /r 1where B and ir-B are the angles X 0 P \ X0'P\ and
1 2 1 J x 2
we have written T for OP', and y' for the ordinate of P' referred to OX. Further the line
O'A is transformed into a circle through (9, 0\ and the angle 2a which 0 0 ' subtends at the
centre is equal to twice the angle A O'X. Hence the function - n ~ F'y' (B + B ) is the x 2
stress-function corresponding with equal and opposite isolated forces, each of magnitude
F', acting as thrust in the line 0 0 ' , together with a certain constant normal tension round
the bounding circle.
To find the magnitude of this tension, we observe that, when P' is on the circle,
T cosec B —r cosec B =h cosec (B + B ) = 2R, X z 2 x x 2
where R is the radius of the circle. Further, the formulae (1) of Article 144 give for the
3 3 2 2
2F' /cos B cos 6> \ __2F^ /cos B sin B ^ cos<9 sin #
x | 2 Y x x 2 2
ZF' / c o s 6 sin 6 l 1
Also the angle (<fi in the figure) which the central radius vector (R) to P' makes with
the axis of x, when P' is on the circle, is \n — a + 26 or \IT + B — B . Hence the normal XL X 2
centre and from 0 to any point on the circumference is ^ it — B . The stress-system referred 2
^=-(2/ cos(9 )/( rr ), 1 7 1 B^B = 0,X r\B = 0; X
and therefore, when referred to (r, B), it is given, at any point of the boundary, by the
2 2
Q_ 2F' cos B sin B ^_ 2F' cos B cos B ^ _ 2 ^ cos 6 cos B sin B
X 2 X 2 X 2 2
or we have at the boundary
F' cos B sin B
X 2 ^~A_P' #I $2
TT — 7> ~ 5 r
" — In J
7T It TT It
and this is the same as
C 0 S a F
— i^sina. F' . ^2 ^ ' , ' /a a\
where a, = 0 + 6 , is the acute angle subtended at a point on the circumference by the
3 2
chord 00'. Hence the traction across the boundary can be regarded as compounded of
(i) uniform tension — -J- (F' sin a) jrrR in the direction of the normal,
(ii) uniform tangential traction J {F' cos a)/7rR,
(iii) uniform traction -\F'\TTR in the direction 00'.
Let any number of forces be applied to various points of the boundary. If they would
keep a rigid body in equilibrium they satisfy the condition 7,F' cos a = 0 , for 2F'R cos a is
the sum of their moments about the centre. Also the uniform tractions corresponding
with (iii) in the above solution would have a zero resultant at every point of the rim.
Hence the result of superposing the stress-systems of type (32) belonging to each of the
forces would be to give us the state of stress in the plate under the actual forces and a
normal tension of amount - 2 (F' sin O)/2TTR at all points of the rim. The terms i^'sin a
of this summation are equal to the normal (inward) components of the applied forces.
Mean tension, equal at all points to 2 (F' sin a)!%TrR, could be superposed upon this distri
bution of stress, and then the plate would be subject to the action of the forces F' only.
Fig. 20.
2 1
(ii) 7r=-2ivR r- cos6, 66 = 0, r6 = 0.
The traction across any horizontal section is pressure directed radially from A, and is
1 2 2 2
of amount Iwr- (4R cos 6-r ); the traction across any section drawn through A is
horizontal tension of amount
\w(2Rcos 6-r).
* The solution is due to Michell, loc. cit. p. 207. Figures showing the distribution of stress
in this case and in several other cases, some of which have been discussed in this Chapter, are
drawn by Michell.
156. E x a m p l e s of transformation.
(i) The direct method of Article 153 will lead, by the substitution x + iy=k /(x'' + iy')
in the formula
(X + 2^)A + 2ixliju = A (% + iy-k)-\ (46)
to a stress-system in the plane of (#', y'), in which simple radial stress at the point (k, 0)
is superposed upon a constant simple tension (X ) in the direction of the axis x'. If the x
boundary in the (#, y) plane is given by the equation y = (x — k) tan a, the boundary in the
(x\ y') plane will be a circle, and the results given in (i) and (ii) of Article 155 can be.
(ii) By the transformation x + iy = (x' -f- iy') the wedge-shaped region between y'=0
and y'/x'= tan rr/n is conformally represented on the half plane y > 0 . If we substitute
for x+iy in (46) we shall obtain a state of stress in the wedge-shaped region bounded by
the above two lines in the plane of (x\ y'), which would be due to a single force applied at
(k , 0), and certain tractions distributed jover the boundaries. When n = 2 the traction
over y = 0 vanishes and that on x ' = 0 becomes tension of amount proportional to
2 2
l/(y' + k) .
z z
(iii) By the transformation z=(e ' - l)/(e ' +1), where 'z=x + iy and z'=x'-\-iy', the
strip between y — 0 and y' = Tr is conformally represented upon the half plane y>0, so
that the origins in the two planes are corresponding points, and the points (±1, 0) in the
plane of (x, y) correspond with the infinitely distant points of the strip. Let a single
force F act at the origin in the (x y) plane in the positive direction of the axis of y.
This solution represents the effect of a single force 2 F , acting at the origin in the positive
direction of the axis of y\ and purely normal pressure of amount F/(l + coshx') per unit
of length, acting on the edge y = 7r of the strip, together with certain tangential tractions
on the edges of the strip. The latter can be annulled by superposing a displacement
(u\ v') upon the displacement
$ X + fx ,9| r) X+n ,9?7
+ Y y
f 2 x(Xl + 2FI) dy" 2(X + 2/x) 2^ (X + 2/x) dy'
provided that
and this additional displacement does not affect the normal tractions on the boundary.
(X + ^ ) ~ + / x V ^ = 0, + ^ + ^ = 0, ( X + / . ) | ^ + 6 V ^ = 0, ...(1)
i A da dv dw
where A = ^ +— + — , (2)
ox dy dz
and which also satisfy certain conditions at t h e boundary. W h e n t h e surface
displacements are given, the values of u, v, w at t h e boundary are prescribed.
W e know t h a t t h e solution of t h e problem is unique if fx and 3X + 2//, are
positive. W h e n t h e surface tractions are given t h e values taken at the
surface by the three expressions of t h e type
_ « / x [du du , . dv , dw x , ] x / n N
XA cos (x, v) -f fi + ^ cos (x, v) + ^ cos (y, v) + ^ cos (z, v)> ...(3)
t h e equation
lS S dSn =Q
m (5)
The function U which satisfies equation (4) within a sphere r = a, and takes
on t h e sphere t h e values of an arbitrary function, is expressible in t h e form
oo j.n
U =• 2 An—^Sn.
If t h e surface integral of t h e arbitrary function over t h e sphere vanishes
there is no term of degree zero (constant t e r m ) in t h e expansion. The
function U which satisfies equation (4) when r < a, and is such t h a t 3 Ujdv has
assigned values on t h e sphere r = <x, is expressed by an equation of t h e form
oo n T
U=XA -^ S . n =i n
* A function which has these properties is said to be " harmonic " in the region within the
given boundary.
T h e application of t h e method of series to t h e theory of Elasticity will be
considered in the next Chapter.
The method of singularities depends essentially upon t h e reciprocal
theorem, known as Green's equation, viz.:
\UV*V- V^U) dxdydz = jj^U~-V ~^J dS, (6)
in which V and V are any two functions which satisfy the usual conditions
of continuity in a region of space ; t h e volume-integration is taken through
this region (or part of it), and the surface-integration is taken over t h e
boundary of t h e region (or the part). The normal v is drawn away from the
region (or t h e part). The method depends also on t h e existence of a solution
of (4) having a simple infinity (pole) at an assigned p o i n t ; such a solution is
1/r, where r denotes distance from the point. By t a k i n g for V the function
1/r, and, for t h e region of space, t h a t bounded externally by a given surface S
and internally by a sphere 2 with its centre at t h e origin of r, and by
passing to a limit when t h e radius of 2 is indefinitely diminished, we obtain
from (6) the equation
so t h a t JJ is expressed explicitly in terms of t h e surface values of JJ and
dU/dv. The t e r m t h a t contains dJJjdv explicitly is t h e potential of a "simple
sheet," and t h a t which contains JJ explicitly is t h e potential of a "double
sheet." I n general the surface values of JJ and dU/dv cannot both be pre
scribed, and the next step is to eliminate either JJ or dJJjdv—the one t h a t is
not given. This is effected by the introduction of certain functions known
as " Green's functions." L e t a function G be defined by t h e following con
ditions:—(1) the condition of being harmonic at all points within S except
t h e origin of r, (2) the possession of a simple pole at this point with residue
unity, (3) t h e condition of vanishing at all points of S. The function G may be
called "Green's function for t h e surface and the point." T h e function G — 1/r
is harmonic within S and equal to — 1/r at all points on S, and we have t h e
dv \ r j \ r) dv ^
Since G vanishes at all points on S we find t h a t (7) may be written
* See e.g. Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd edition, Oxford 1881, and W. M. Hicks,
Phil. Trans. Boy. Soc, vol. 171 (1880).
f See e.g. Poincare, Theorie du potentiel Newtonien, Paris 1899.
X See Introduction, footnote 65.
so that, when A and ^ , VT , ^ are found, the surface values of du/dv, dvjdv,
are the corresponding surface tractions, and also (u\ v, w ) is a second dis
placement and XJ, Y ', Z ' are t h e corresponding surface tractions. Further,
v v
( K 0 , V 0 , W 0 ) = ( ^ , W , -gjrj, (13)
dx dy. r \ dy, dz dy
~x (du dw dw dv dw' dr~
+ - XA + 2fi
r ^ \dz dx dy dz dz Jz
which is
"A _ (X* du y, dv
_ _ z*dw\
4 4 rf2
\ r dx r dy r dz J
t h e value of A at t h e origin of r.
{0} {0) {0)
Again, since t h e values of X , v T , Z
v v are expressed by formulae of
t h e type
cos (x, v)^ + cos (y, v) ^ + cos (s, v) ~ y
t h e contribution of 2 to t h e right-hand side of (12) is
^ ux + vy + wz ^
- (14)
T h e formula (14) is t h e analogue of (7) in regard to t h e dilatation.
This formula has been obtained here by a strictly analytical process, b u t
it m a y also be arrived at synthetically* by an interpretation of t h e displace
m e n t (u , V , W ) . This displacement' could be produced in a body (held by
0 0 0
* J. Dougall, Edinburgh Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 16 (1898). Betti's reciprocal theorem shows
that the work done by the tractions X ... on the surface S, acting through the displacement
(u , v , w ), is equal to the work done by certain forces applied at, and near to, the origin,
0 0 0
acting through the displacement (u, v, w), together with the work done by the tractions X„(°), ...
on the surface S, acting through the same displacement.
t h e above system of forces, applied at, and near to, t h e origin, acting through
t h e displacement (u, v, w) is — 47r ( X + 2/m) ( A ) . 0
( 0 ) ( 0 ) {0)
sponding surface tractions be denoted b y X / , F / , Z ' . Then we m a y v
\{X 'Wu
v + Y '«»v + Z,'®w)d8
v = JJ(X,u '+ 0 + dS
displacements u — u , ... and they are therefore t h e tractions required to
0 0
hold t h e surface fixed when there is a " centre of compression " a t t h e origin
of r. To find t h e dilatation a t any point we must therefore calculate t h e
surface tractions required to hold t h e surface fixed when there is a centre of
compression at t h e p o i n t ; and for this we m u s t find a displacement which
(1) satisfies t h e usual conditions of continuity and t h e equations of equili
brium everywhere except a t t h e point, (2) in t h e neighbourhood of t h e point
tends to become infinite, as if there were a centre of compression a t t h e point,
(3) vanishes at t h e surface. T h e latter displacement is analogous to Green's
(b) W h e n t h e surface tractions are given, we begin by observing t h a t
(0) (0) (0)
X„ , F„ , Z are a system of surface tractions which satisfy t h e conditions
8 7 r / x ( * O = j j {(Xviii+
0 Y Vtv + Z w )-(XvWu+
u i Y Wv + Z Ww)}
v v dS, (18)
which is analogous to (7). The same result may be arrived at by observing that (w , v , w ) 4 4 4
is the displacement due to forces 47r/x/A applied at the origin in the positive and negative
directions of the axes of y and z respectively, and to equal and opposite forces applied
respectively at the points (0, 0, h) and (0, k, 0), in the limiting condition when h is
diminished indefinitely. It is clear that the work done by these forces acting over the
displacement (u, v, w) is in the limit equal to 4 ^ / ^ ^—- - ^ . Formulae of the same type
as (18) for vsy and ar can be written down.
Z '&) the corresponding surface tractions. Then equation (18) can be written
in which the quantities X 'W — X W, ... are the surface tractions required to hold the
surface fixed when a couple of moment 8irfi about the axis of x is applied at the origin in
such a way that this point becomes "a centre of rotation" about the axis of x . The
corresponding displacement (u±-u tf '-s> , w ' — w ) is an analogue of Green's function.
iy 4 4 A A
* This notation i s adopted in accordance with the notation ( w , v , W j ) , ... of Article 132 for x x
where r denotes distance from A. Let X "W, YJ'$\ Z "W denote the surface tractions
calculated from the displacement (u±-u£ ), v^-v^ ), w - w ^ ) ) . The conditions of rigid 4
body equilibrium are satisfied by these tractions. Let v ", w±") be the displacement 4
which, besides satisfying the usual conditions of continuity and the equations of equi
librium, gives rise to the surface tractions X "(% .... Then, denoting by ('UJ )A the value of
v X
at the point A, we fkid by the process already used to obtain (18) the equation
+Z (wi-w£ )-w{')}dS. (21) v
The quantities u±-u^ )~ul', ... are the components of displacement produced in the
body by equal and opposite centres of rotation about the axis of x at the origin of r and
a parallel axis at the point A when the surface is free from traction. This displacement
is an analogue of the second Green's function.
The rotation can be determined if such a displacement as (w ", # ", w±) can be found. 4 4
the additive constant (ar )^ is of the kind already noted in Article 15*7.
t h e equations
1 2
dR' . X + fju d R~' \ rt
n = -+2
dx \ + Sfi dxdz '
+ 2^ r z- J y .(22)
dy X + 3/^ dydz '
1 2
dR- a X + fi d R^
dz X + 3fi dz '
(0 {0 {0)
T h e surface tractions X \ Y \ Z on t h e plane z=0 calculated from
v v v
d r 1 d'R-
X (0)
= 2 ' " - 2/J, y
dzdx dzdx
d'r- _ d'R- 1
J. V — .(23)
^ dzdy dzdy
d 2 -l r
d'R- 1
Z (0)
= 2 =
dz dz ' 2
and t h e surface tractions X , ... on t h e plane z = 0 calculated from t h e v
2 x
T'(o) (duo dWo\ o \ + fi d R~
* If in fact we assume for u ', v ' 0 0 t io ' such forms as the following :—
1 l
, dR- , , 3J2-i , , dJR~
u =-^- + zu,
0 v =-^-
0 + zv, 10Q '=--^-- ZW', +
we find for u\ v', io the equations
3 _1
, d (du! +dv' +dw'\
(x+M) +Wi.) +(x+ .dw'
) - ow'
+2 .„ \ 9 jR
=2(x+/t) ,
M ^(^ w &J 1 '' &; ^ ^^
x 0 /% rt
3 1
. d (du' , 31;' d«A 0 /I . . 3w/ rt 9v' rt /A , S ^"'
( + + + w V + X+ + 2 A = 2 ( X + M)
M dy \te dy~ Tz) [ ( *> W 9? '
U . \ 3 /3it' 3v' 9wA „ ,) . (du! dv' 9io'\
rt _ 3z</ _ /x N 3
+ + vtc +(X+M)
* f ">ai ¥ ^) " l
X+ 3a;3^ ' X + 3^ dydz ' X + 3/i dz '
for these functions are harmonic and are such that ~ + + ^ - = 0.
( 0 ) ( 0 ) {0)
W e observe t h a t X / , F / , Z ' are equal respectively to t h e products v
A = M + t , + w ( 2 5 )
- R^^ //(£
7 ) |^ ^ )^'
the integration extending over t h e plane of (x, y ) . W h e n t h e surface tractions
are given t h e value of A a t t h e point (V, y ' , z) is
+ z
=- wh* \\{ ^ > ^ - w) x +Y (26)
d (d
A = -
7r(\ + SfJb)dz {dx'JJr
L d d V
= jj^ ® y> M=jj -dxdy, F = jj™dxdy,
, _ dL • d_M dN
fJr +
V~dx dy' dz"
LIT oz Air dz
linv — ^— ^ .
= + 0 T h e value of A at (x\ y ' , z) is ^ ^ , and t h e
2 T T dz'
2 X + /J,
V' Z
2TT (X -f Sfi) dx\
X + fju ,3f
v— .(29)
2TT (X + 3fi) Z
X + fM , dcji
w— 2TT (X + Sfi) dz^
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
where V' = d /dx + d /dy + d \dz' .
The three functions such as
u - {(X + / A ) / 2 T T ( X + Sfi)} z (dob/dx')
ire harmonic in t h e region z > 0, and, a t t h e plane / = 0, they t a k e t h e values
— frr-iQL/dJ), which are themselves harmonic in t h e same region. It
follows t h a t t h e values of u, v, w at ( Y , y', z') are given by t h e equations*
___}_dL 1 X + fJL dJ> f
U + Z
~ 2irdz' 2>jr\ + 3fjL dx'''
l_d_M 1
V : .(30)
2TT dz' +
2TT X + S/JL Z
1 dN 1 X + /JL ,d<j>
= -2TTW + 2TT X + Sjub
The simplest example of these formulae is afforded by the case in which u and v vanish
at all points of the surface, and w vanishes at all points except those in a very small area
near the origin. In this case the only points y, z) that are included in the integration
are close to the origin, and $ is the potential of a mass at the origin. We may suppress
the accents on a/, y, z' and obtain the solution
which was considered in Article 131. In the problem of the plane this solution gives the
displacement due to pressure of amount — 47r/x A exerted at the origin when the
plane z = 0 is held fixed at all points that are not quite close to the origin.
1 6 6 . B o d y b o u n d e d by p l a n e — G i v e n surface t r a c t i o n s f.
I t is unnecessary to go t h r o u g h t h e work of calculating the rotations by
t h e general method.
T h e formula (26) for A can be expressed in t h e form
A = ^
If therefore we write
F=jjx xda;dy,
v 0 = ^Y^dxdy, H = j^Zv%dxdy, ^
, d_Fd_G
= dH
V dx' dy'*'dz"
* The results are due to Boussinesq. See Introduction, footnote 67.
t The results are due to Cerruti. See Introduction, footnote 68.
t h e value of A at (x\ y\ z) is given by t h e equation
A — 1 ^ .(34)
2w dz'*' l i n v ~ + o 2-rrdz'^ z
'- + 0
~ 2TT dz'° •
Now t h e third of t h e equations of equilibrium is
= 0,
dw 1 dH2
or dz' ^irjJb dz' 2
4<7r}i (X + fjb) dz' '
Hence at z' — 0
d_ f JL_ dH . 1
A L + J _ = - J— ~ +
3/ ( 47TyC6 3s'j 3/ (47T/^ 3/ 47T (X + fJb)
I t follows t h a t w is given by t h e equation
, 1 ,d±
• (35)
1 dH + . 1
4>iTfidz' 47r(X, + ^ ) r
Again t h e first of t h e equations of equilibrium is
1 ,d±
= 0,
4>TTfM doe' _
(du dw
+ 1 = X
-^3T' 3 ^ *
Hence at z = 0
d_ ^ z , d ± 1 2
dF 1 dH 2
dz' 4*TT/JL dx
27TAt 3^ /2
47r^ dx'dz 4<7r/Ji (X + fi) dx
dz ~~ dz' ~ *
If we write
*£-F, £ = G, d
= H, ^ = * f± T
dz dz dz dz
I n t h e same way as we found u we may find v in t h e form
1 dG 1 dH X 8^ 1 y3 f
2irfi dz 4<7r[i dy' 4TT/^ (X + fi) dy' 4 T T ^ dy'
In the special case of a pressure P applied at the origin, the tractions X , Y vanish v v
everywhere, and Z vanishes except in a small area containing the origin, but J jz
v v dxdy—P.
In this case F and G vanish, and
dII P =
^ dz' r '
where r denotes the distance of (%', y', z') from the origin. Also F and G vanish and x ±
fa = = P log (z' + r). Suppressing the accents we obtain the formula3 (35) of Article 135.
167. Historical N o t e .
The problem of the plane—sometimes also called the "problem of Boussinesq and
Cerruti"—has been the object of numerous researches. In addition to those mentioned
in the Introduction pp. 15,16 we may cite the following :—J. Boussinesq, Paris G. R., 1.106
(1888), gave the solutions for a more general type of boundary conditions, viz.: the normal
traction and tangential displacements or normal displacement and tangential tractions are
given. These solutions were obtained by other methods by V. Cerruti Rome Acc. Lincei
Rend. (Ser. 4), t. 4 (1888) and by J. H. Michell, London Math. Soc. Proc., vol. 31 (1900),
p. 183. The theory was extended by J. H. Michell, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 32
(1901), p. 247, to seolotropic solid bodies which are transversely isotropic in planes parallel
to the boundary. The solutions given in Articles 165 and 166 were obtained by a new
method by C. Somigliana in II Nuovo Gimento (Ser. 3), tt. 17—20 (1885—1886), and this
was followed up by G. Lauricella in R Nuovo Gimento (Ser. 3), t. 36 (1894). Other
methods of arriving at these solutions have been given by H. Weber, Part. Diff.-Gleichungen
d. math. Physik, Bd. 2, Brunswick 1901, by H. Lamb, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 34
(1902), by O. Tedone, Ann. di mat. (Ser. 3), t. 8 (1903), and by K. Marcolongo, Teoria
matematica dello equilibrio dei cor pi elastici, Milan 1904. The extension of the theory to
the case of a body bounded by two parallel planes has been discussed briefly by H. Lamb,
loc. cit., and more fully by J. Dougall, Edinburgh Roy. Soc. Trans., vol. 41 (1904), and also
by O. Tedone, Rend. d. Gircolo mat. di Palermo, t. 18 (1904).
168. B o d y b o u n d e d by p l a n e — A d d i t i o n a l results.
(a) In the calculation of the rotations when the surface tractions are given we may
take the point A of Article 163 (6) to be at an infinite distance, and omit u^ \ ... altogether.
We should find for w ", v±", w± the forms
xdydz X + /x dxdy'
8 2
7 ?
// = o„ 8 3
d 2
, x 2
3?/ 30 X-H/xSy ~*~30 '
4 2
dydz X + fidydz dydz'
and we may deduce the formula
* " " 4 7 r / * L^ + ft 3 / 3 ^ \dx' dy')_ '
(b) As an example of mixed boundary conditions we may take the case where
u, v, Z are given at z = 0. To calculate A we require a displacement (to, v', w') which at
where (X ', Y ', Z ' ) is the surface traction calculated from (u' v', w'). Then we may
v v V }
2 ,)dz'\dz' ^[dx'^dy'Jj'
* - 2 7 r ( \ + fJ
and we may deduce the value of (u, v, w) at (x', y', z') in the form
1 dL X+/x , 3 fdH a fdL , dMX\
"~ 2TT dz' 47r/x(X + 2/i) '* w \ w - * r { t e +
1 dM X+/x , d_ fdH
~ 2TT dz 4TT/X (X + 2/x)
To calculate A we require a displacement (u" v", w") which at z = 0 shall satisfy the 9
X " = X (% Y " = Y (% u/' = w , V V V V 0
where X " , Y ", Z " denote the surface tractions calculated from (u", v", w"). We can prove
V v v
and that
1 1 1
dR' „ dR- „ dR-
u V B S W = = ;
" - ^ ' ~^T
and then we can find for A the formula
1 d (dF dG a diT
2TT (X + 2fi) dz' \dx' ^ dy' ^
and for (u, v, w) the formulae
_J_dF l_dff \+fi d (dF x dG _ 1 '
~2ir^ dz' 2TT dx' 47r/x(X + 2^) dx' \dx' ^' dy' ^
X+ M , d (dF , dG 9
- W\
d l Y
Z +
' 4 ^ (X + 2/x) dx' \dx' dy'
"27T/X 9s' ^ 2TT dy' " 4TT/* (X + 2/x) 3y ^ /
X + /x
47T/*(X + 2 Lt) ' By' \ 3 a / i 3y 3/ / '
1 3iV X+ ^ ,±(dF dG dN\
~ 2TT dz' 47T/. (X + 2/*) dz' \dx' +
a y ^ 32' J '
and let Xfl), Y V), Z 0) be the surface tractions calculated from (u v w^). We apply
V v l9 19
the reciprocal theorem to the displacements (u, v, w) and (u ' v w^, with a boundary 19 19
consisting of the surface S of the body and of the surface 2 of a small sphere surrounding
(x\ y\ z'), and we proceed to a limit as before. The contribution of 2 can be evaluated as
before by finding the work done by the unit force, acting over the displacement (u, v, w),
and the same result would be arrived at analytically. If the body is subjected to body
forces (X, Y Z) as well as surface tractions X Y , Z , we find the formulse*
9 V9 v v
* The formula? of this type are due to C. Somigliana, II Nuovo Gimento (Ser. 3), tt. 17—20
(1885, 1886) and Ann. di mat. (Ser. 2), t. 17 (1889).
where the volume integration is to be taken (in the sense of a convergent integral)
throughout the volume within S. We should find in the same way
(v) —
0 j j jp (Xu 2 -f Yv + Zw ) dx dy dz
2 2
+ j J[(X^+F^ + £ ^ 2
+ jf [(X u + Y v +Z w )
v 3 v 3 v 3 - Y Wv+ZJ®v>y} dS.
A method of integration similar to that of Betti has been founded upon these formula*.
It should be noted that no displacement exists which, besides satisfying the usual con
ditions of continuity and the equations of equilibrium (1), gives rise to surface tractions
equal to XJ^\ Y 0), Zfi\ or to the similar systems of tractions X $\ ... and X ( ),
p for v v
unit force parallel to x at (#', y, z') and the balancing system of force and couple at A>
and let XJ^\ Y 'W, Z ) be the surface tractions calculated from (u{, v{, w{). Also let
V v
(%", w-l') be the displacement which, besides satisfying the usual conditions of
continuity and the equations of equilibrium (1), gives rise to surface tractions equal to
l 1 l
X '( ), Yyi ), Z '( ). We make the displacement precise by supposing that it and the corre
v v
be the displacement produced in the body by surface tractions equal to those calculated
e n e v a m e
from the displacement ^ » ^x) ' ^ ^ °f (du/dxi) at the point (x\ y', z')
is given by the formula
x +r
(£)o-///K & S^S)^
( 4 5 )
Again, let us apply forces of magnitude A" in the positive directions of the axes of
y and z at the origin of r, and equal forces in the negative directions of these axes at the
points (V, y', z' + h) and (#', y + k, z') respectively, and proceed to a limit as before. This
system of forces satisfies the conditions of rigid-body-equilibrium, and the displacement
due to it is
fdu z du 2dv 3 dv dw 2 3 dw \
In like manner formulae may be obtained for dujdz + divjdx and dv/dx+dujdy.
170. Outlines of various m e t h o d s of integration.
One method which has been adopted sets out from the observation that, when there
are no body forces, & sr , Tzr , as well as A, are harmonic functions within the surface of
Xi y z
the body, and that the vector (sr , sr , w ) satisfies the circuital condition
a y 2
dx dy dz
From this condition it appears that ro^, E 7 , w should be expressible in terms of two in
Y z
v JrZ X
™ ~dy Tx~ W
a r e
where <fi and x harmonic functions.
The equations of equilibrium, when there are no body forces, can be written in such
forms as
ow 2 00 2 2 Z
"^ dy dz dx^ (dy ^~ dz ) ^ dxdy dxdz
If now these functions can be adjusted so that the boundary conditions are satisfied
A and ( w , TJCTY, Esr) will be determined. This method has been applied successfully to the
x s
the form
A / , du du x x
^ dx dx dx)'
where I, on, n are written for cos (x, v), cos (y, v), cos (z, v). The surface tractions
2 s
X ( ), X ( ) can be written down by putting v and w respectively everywhere instead of u
v v
in the expression for X Q). It follows that (X W, X W, X„( )) is the displacement produced
1 2
by certain double forces. In like manner (TV ), YJ®, Y W) and (Z V), Z ( \ ZJ®) areV V v
systems of displacements which satisfy the equations (1) everywhere except at the origin
of r%. On this result has been founded a method (analogous to that of C. Neumann|| in
the theory of Potential) for solving the problem of given surface displacements by means
of series.
f • § ) +^ ( w ) = o , (1)
*4:4M »
subject to the conditions t h a t u, v, iv have no singularities in t h e neighbour
hood of t h e origin.
Since A is an harmonic function, we may express it as a sum of spherical
solid harmonics of positive degrees, which may be infinite in number. Let
A be a spherical solid harmonic of degree n, t h a t is to say a rational integral
* See Introduction, footnote 61. References will be given in the course of the Chapter to
other solutions of the problem of the sphere, and additional references are given by R. Marcolongo,
Teoria matematica dello equilibrio dei corpi elastici (Milan, 1904), pp. 280, 281.
V . ( r ^ ) = 2 ( 2 „ + 1 ) ^ .
p 2 ( 2 n + l ) dx '
and more general integrals can be obtained by a d d i n g to these expressions
for u , . . . any functions which satisfy Laplace's equation in t h e neighbourhood
of t h e origin, provided t h a t t h e complete expressions for i t , ... yield t h e right
value for A. T h e equations (1) and (2) are accordingly integrated in t h e forms
A = 2A„ 1
Introduce t h e notation
dll n+1 dV n+1 dW n+1
= + + ( o )
+» ^te- -dj- -dT>
t h e n -v/r is a spherical solid harmonic of degree n, and equation (4) requires
_ (2w + l ) / t
( 6 )
^-nX + idn + l ) ^
T h e harmonic function A is t h u s expressed in terms of t h e comple
M _I X +
f* /o\
M n } w
" 2 ( n - l ) \ + (Sn-2)fji
and - fan-! is a spherical solid harmonic of degree n — 1 expressed by t h e
It may be observed that equations (7) also give us a solution of the equations of equi
librium when n is negative, but such a solution is, of course, valid only in regions of space
which exclude the origin. As an example, we may put n= - 1 , and take
U =0, V = 0, W = ljr. n n n
We should thus obtain the solution which was discussed in Article 131.
n n n
Then r A , n rB, n rC n are given spherical solid harmonics of degree n.
Now select from (7) t h e terms t h a t contain spherical surface harmonics
of degree n. W e see t h a t when r = a t h e following equations h o l d : —
— JL
A — —M
M a —^—h un , \\
t H 8
- n n+2
„ 2 ^ w i TT
r u
77 _ A , M „2 Yn+i
a/' ' dx '
(«, v, w) = 2 £ (A , B , C )+ %M ^ n n n n+ - r ) • • -(13)
in which
M _I + /*
g / n+2
r \ g / n+2
r \ 9 /?
? [ ( w + l ) X + (3n + 4 ) , . ] ^ l l + 1 ,
and that the corresponding dilatation is — 2(n + l) yjsn + 1 . We observe that, if X and fx
could be connected by an equation of the form
( w + l ) X + ( 3 w + 4 ) * = 0, A (15)
the sphere could be held in the displaced configuration indicated by equation (14) without
any body forces, and there would be no displacement of the surface. This result is in
apparent contradiction with the theorem of Article 118 ; but it is impossible for X and p
to be connected by such an equation as (15) for any positive integral value of n, since the
strain-energy-function would not then be positive for all values of the strains.
(iii) The results just obtained have suggested the following generalization t:—Denote
(X+ /*)//* by r. Then the equations of equilibrium are of the form
We may suppose that, answering to any given bounding surface, there exists a sequence
of numbers, say r r ,
1) which are such that the system of equations of the type
T K + + v u 2
d x \ - d x - - w ^ z ~ r * = ° > ( K ^ — )
* C. Chree, Quart. J. of Math. vol. 23 (1888). A number of other applications of the method
were made by Chree in this paper and in an earlier paper in the same Journal, vol. 22 (1886).
f E . and E. Cosserat, Paris C. R., tt. 126 (1898), 133 (1901). The generalization here
indicated is connected with researches on the problem of the sphere by E . Almansi, Rome Acc.
Lincei Rend. (Ser. 5), t. 6 (1897), and on the general equations by Gr. Lauricella, Ann. di mat.
(Ser. 2), t. 23 (1895), and II Nuovo Gimento (Ser. 4), tt. 9, 10 (1899).
possess solutions which vanish at the surface. Denote dU /da; + dV fdy + dW ldz hj A . K K K K
when the integration is extended through the volume within the bounding surface. We
may suppose accordingly that the harmonic functions A are such that an arbitrary K
harmonic function may be expressed, within the given surface, in the form of a series
of the functions A* with constant coefficients, as is the case with the functions yjf n+1
should have the following method of solving the equations of equilibrium with prescribed
displacements at the surface of the body :—Let functions u , v w be determined so as to 0 0i 0
be harmonic within the given surface and to take, at that surface, the values of the given
components of displacement. The function u , for example, would be the analogue of 0
The conjugate property (16) of the functions A enables us to express the constants A by K
the formula
A Jjj
K (A*) dxdydz— j J J A A dxdydz, 0 K (18)
the integrations being extended through the volume of the body. The problem is there
fore solved when the functions TJ ... having the assumed properties are found*.
the type
* E . and F. Cosserat, Paris C. R., t. 126 (1898), have shown how to determine the functions
i n question when the surface is an ellipsoid. Some solutions of problems relating to ellipsoidal
boundaries have been found by C. Chree, loc. cit. p. 239, and by D . Edwardes, Quart. J. of Math.
vols. 26 and 27 (1893, 1894).
and these are equivalent to formulae of t h e type
rX X dt du
= -xA
r K
+ ~+r~ u, .(20)
fju fju doc dr
in which
%=ux + vy + ivz, .. .(21)
2 dfan-i .(22)
A - + M a M,
n n + 2
W e have at once
2 2
O S (xA n + yB + zC ) — + M a (n
n n n+2 + l)fa +in - Mr n (n - l)^_ x
n n
The terms such as xA r /a are products of solid harmonics, and we
Hence we have
2n +
+ M n+i o» (» + 1) f n + 1 - M r* (n - 1) f
L. E. 16
in which t h e expression under t h e sign of summation is homogeneous of
degree n+1 in x, y, z, a n d we find
M n+2 a (n + l) <f>-n-
dx 2n + 1 dx \a 2n+1
2 1
2r f 1 „ \d+ -i
n r " ' - 8 (a**-* ,
+ .(27)
Again we have
A = x M 2 n - l )
A +
and therefore
Also we have
--u =^z (n-l)]A ~+a M , n
dx dx
. ...(30)
( n - l ) ^ + 2 » l f ^ a « ^
2n + ldx W n + 1
X + yC6
(2^-l)(2n + l) +
<"- >if.
M \r^l(^
dx \r ''2
X+ j
The coefficient of r^d^^jdx in this expression is — 2 ( n — 2)M , and n
t h a t of r - » J - ia M« + 2 ) - A » ( » - 8 ) H e n c e d e n o t i n
ftrVr—y™ (2» + l ) { X ( » - l ) . ( 3 » - 2 ) } - > S + /
n in rX j fi in t h e form
(» - l)A ^
n n + 2nM a* n+2 ^ - 2 (n - 2) ikf„.- ^
9 /r
^ ) - ^ | ( ^ ) , . . . ( 3 1 )
2 n + 1 dx \a
1 X (n 4- 2 ) - ^ (n - 3 )
where (32)
2ra + 1 \ ( n - 1) + n (3n - 2)
From t h e sum of all t h e t e r m s in t h e expression for rX /fjb we select r
(» - 1) A - - E r^
n n - \—. j . _ _ - = ^ , ...(3o)
d fr n
\ d fr n
\ d frn
^ =
dx U Xn
J +
dy W Y
V +
dz W Z n
+ 1 + +
^' ~n 2
~ dx V ^ n
) dy [r^ *) n
dz \— * n
By equations (35) and (36) fan-! and (j>- - are expressed as the products n 2
For any positive integral value of n, the subject of integration in the second of these
integrals is the product of a power of r (which is equal to a) and a spherical surface
harmonic, and the integral therefore vanishes, and the like statement holds concerning
the first integral except in the case n = l. In this case we must have three such equa
tions as
and these equations show that rX rY , rZ are the partial differential coefficients with
u x x
respect to x, y, z of a homogeneous quadratic function of these variables. Let XJ ), ...
be the stress-components that correspond with the surface tractions X .... Then we l9
It thus appears that XJ* ), ... are constants, and the corresponding solution of the
equations of equilibrium represents the displacement in the sphere when the material is
in a state of uniform stress.
n +1
rX _l r 1 [~ d fr 2 \ 2n + 5 a / n + 2
r a yi
a + n +1 + + Mn+1
^ ~ fi 2n + 3\_ dx\a" i J a^ 3 x\r" * d JJ'
The right-hand member of this equation must therefore be the same as the left-hand
member of equation (33), or it must be the same as
[(» + 1 ) + ( ra + 2 )( » 2 + 5 ) ^ +2 ]^ =^ | g ^ )
+1 ^tl,
2 n / \2» + 3
r n + 1 AAn+lff
a n d ;
(a) *—«=ra(a) ir
and then we can easily find the ^i's, i?'s and (7 s. In the case where 2R reduces to a n
single term R n + U the only A 8, ... which occur have suffixes n and n + and we may show
2fxn(2n + 3)
71+ 2
ii (2n + Z) [( +l) + (n + 2) (2n + 6)
^ ]L^V
W+ 2
harmonics of positive integral degree n, we can write down a solution of the equations of
equilibrium in the form
where * [I ( + I ( ,I (J^\l
and k n
^ A + /z —
The function \js is a spherical solid harmonic of degree n + l, and the dilatation
calculated from the above expression for the displacement is given by the formula
2(2M + 3)/*, + n + 1
The solution expressed by a sum of particular solutions of the above type can be
adapted to satisfy conditions of displacement or traction at the surface of a cavity r — a.
An example of some interest is afforded by a body in which there is a distribution of
shearing strain f. At a great distance from the cavity we may take the displacement to
be given by the equation
(u, v, w) = (sy, 0, 0),
where s is constant. In this example we may show that, if the cavity is free from traction,
the displacement at any point is expressed by equations of the form
« - ^ s ( ? ) + < ( ? ) - H *
dz \ r J dz \r°
where A, B, C are constants, and we may find the following values for A, B, C:—
rX r _ p - v C n
+ 2
! 0
( 2 F \
n + + K n j
\ + 2 ^ [,u ( 2 ( 2 7 i + 3) 2(2>2 + 3)j to^"
" - - - • - dx\r
m + 5 d_ (fn+ \ 1 1_
+ 2 m+ m+1
" dx \ r V 2n + \dx \a
In this case the equations by which A ... are to be determined are the same as those m
which were used in Article 177, provided that, in the latter, (rla) R is replaced by n + l
n + 1
force derived from a potential V is the same as that produced by purely normal
n+ 1
The value of f at r = a is
2 3
7*4-3 _p 2 l 7 , a /ry^+ ^
n + 1
" 2 (2ft + 5 ) X 4- 2 ^ a V n + 1 +
2™ + 5 ^ ~2n + l W
a n
and, since FAN+I d 4>-N-2 are multiples of t h e radial displacement
at t h e surface of t h e sphere is a multiple of V /r , and it is found, after a n+1
* The ellipticity of an ellipse is the ratio of the excess of the axis major above the axis minor
to the axis major.
t Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil., Part n . p. 433.
strains*. One way of evading this difficulty is to treat t h e material of
which the E a r t h is composed as homogeneous and incompressible.
When the homogeneous incompressible sphere is at rest under t h e
m u t u a l gravitation of its parts t h e state of stress existing in it may be
taken to be of t h e n a t u r e of hydrostatic pressure f; and, if p is t h e 0
Po=kgp(a*-r*)/a (44)
W h e n t h e sphere is strained by the action of external forces we may
measure t h e strain from t h e initial state as " u n s t r a i n e d " state, and we
may suppose t h a t the strain at any point is accompanied by additional stress
superposed upon t h e initial stress p . W e may assume further t h a t t h e
We may p u t
lim. \ A = — p,
and then p +p Q is t h e mean pressure at any point of t h e body in the
strained state.
L e t V be t h e potential of t h e disturbing forces. The equations of
equilibrium are of the form
3 / -rr x dX v dZ x x dV
_ § P + / T V » + P f £ - 0 .
dx dx
The equations of equilibrium of t h e homogeneous incompressible sphere,
deformed from the state of initial stress expressed by (44) by t h e action of
external forces, are of t h e same form as t h e ordinary equations of equilibrium
of a sphere subjected to disturbing forces, provided that, in t h e latter equa
tions, \ A is replaced by — p and puA is neglected. T h e existence of t h e
* The difficulty has been emphasized by Chree, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 5), vol. 32 (1891).
t Cf. J. Larmor * On the period of the Earth's free Eulerian precession,' Cambridge Phil. Soc.
Proc, vol. 9 (1898), especially § 13.
initial stress p has no influence on these equations, b u t it has an influence
replace V, m', n' by xja, yja, zja, for t h e t r u e values differ from these values
by quantities of the order €; b u t we m u s t calculate t h e value of the t e r m
— l'p at t h e surface r = a -f e$ correctly to t h e order e. This is easily done
o r 2
to be eS ^|~) > — gpeS- Neglecting e , we may write
* This result is often assumed without proof. It appears to involve implicitly some such
argument as that given in the text.
where <y is the constant of gravitation. W h e n t h e potential of all t h e
disturbing forces is expressed, as in Article 179, in t h e form %V , we n
6g r ~ w
.(46) n
zn + l a
in which iirrypa has been replaced by t h e equivalent expression Sg.
The displacement within t h e sphere is expressed by formulas of the type
• 1
—P—P * 1 ( *V ) r
y n
2(2n + S)\+2fi dx >
+ 2 .(47)
where A , ... are unknown surface harmonics, and M and fan-! are expressed
n n
1 -fan
rn 2n 2
'+ 2n+5 ^ (2n + l)a +
2n + 1 [dx \a dx \r n
2 n n n n+1
P< (2n + l) \dx\a J a dx\r ,
[M ~* 2n + 1 dx dx m+1
\r J
O ^"an ( - . l ) ( 2 n + l)
n dx \ f ' 2
3 / 7
2n+1\ </>-n- .(50)
2n +ldx \a
which holds at the surface r = a. W h e n we select from this equation the
terms that contain surface harmonics of order n we find t h e equation
n+1 2
gpa* 2n 18 fr „a \\ cjp
2 (n - 2) ^ r ^- d_ (S^
(2n + 3) fi 2n + 3 71+1
dx \a n+1 71+1
J (2n-l)fi 2n - 1
n - 1
a ' dx V r
71 1 n
pa- 1 dWN+I q P
pb 2n + 3 dx p, 2n — 1 dx \ r ~-
8_ (yfrn-i
dx\r -\
2n+1 = 0, .(51)
2n+\dx \a
in which t h e left-hand member is a solid harmonic of order n. Since this
harmonic function vanishes at the surface r = a, it vanishes for all values of
x, y> z. There are two similar equations, which are obtained by considering
t h e tractions in t h e directions of y and z.
W e differentiate the left-hand members of the three equations of type (51)
with respect to x, y, z respectively and add t h e results. We t h u s obtain the
gp 2(n-2)n(2n+l) r 1
Y pn(2n + l)
/7 (2n - I ) 2 6 n _ 1
pi zn — 1
n (n + 2)
+ ( ^ - l ) ^ n - i + = 0.
This equation holds for all values of n. W h e n we replace n by n .+• 2 it
gp 2n (n+ 2) (2n + 5) r p (?i + 2)(2?i + 5)
^ " (2w + 3) ^ + i * n + i - ~ 2 ^ 3
2 (rc + 2) + 1
yfr n 0. .(52)
w+ 1
Again we multiply t h e left-hand members of t h e three equations of
type (51) by x, y, z respectively and add the results. W e t h u s obtain
t h e equation
2 n+1 2n+d
gpa 2n(n + 1) r q pa? n + 1
_ w 2n r
a 6 n + 1 1 n + 1 W n + 1
~pT (2n + 3) a^ p, 2n + 3
~ ' 2n + 1
..(63) ;
The equations (48), (52), (53) determine S , fa +i, <j>-n-2 in terms n+1 n
of W . n+1 Hence all t h e functions denoted by S, fa, <fi with various suffixes
are determined, and t h e equations of type (51) determine t h e functions
A , .... W h e n the potential of the external forces reduces to t h e single
a n
term W , fa +i n+1d 4>-n-2 are the only functions of t h e types fa and </>
values of fa and $ _ _ are given by putting zero for W in equations (52) and (53),
+1 n 2 n+1
and the harmonic functions such as A and A are determined by equations of the type
n n + 2
of (51) from which the Tf s are omitted.
G. H. Darwin has applied analysis of this kind, without, however, restricting it to the
case of incompressible material, to the problem of determining the stresses induced in the
interior of the Earth by the weight of continents*. Apart from the difficulty concerning
the initial stress in a gravitating body of the size of the Earth—a difficulty which we
seem unable to avoid without treating the material as incompressible—there is another
difficulty in the application of such an analysis to problems concerning compressible
gravitating bodies. In the analysis we take account of the attraction of the inequality at
the surface, but we neglect the inequalities of the internal attraction wdiich arise from the
changes of density in the interior; yet these inequalities of attraction are of the same
order of magnitude as the attraction of the surface inequality. To illustrate this matter
it will be sufficient to consider the case where the density p in the initial state is uniform. 0
In the strained state the density is expressed by p (1 — A) correctly to the first order in 0
the strains. The body force, apart from the attraction of the surface inequalities and
other disturbing forces, has components per unit of mass equal to gx/a, gy/a, gzja. Hence
the expressions for pX, ... in the equations of equilibrium ought to contain such terms as
gp^oca' (1 — A), and the terms of type-gp xA/a are of the same order as the attractions
1 8 4 . Rotating sphere.
I n the case of t h e E a r t h t h e most interesting problems are those of t h e
ellipticity of figure due to t h e diurnal rotation and of the tidal deformation
* Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, vol. 173 (1882). Darwin's results have been discussed critically
by Chree, Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., vol. 14 (1889), and Phil. Mag. (Ser. 5), vol. 32 (1891).
f See a paper by J. H. Jeans, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (Ser. A), vol. 201 (1903).
produced by t h e attractions of the Sun and Moon. T h e effect of the rotation
can be represented as due to body force of m a g n i t u d e c o ( x , y, 0), where
co is t h e angular velocity, and the force at any point may be derived from a
2 2 2
potential of magnitude J co (x + y ). This potential may be arranged as the
sum of two terms
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Jo) (x + y 4- z ) - \<* (2z - x - y%
2 2 2
of which the former, equal to ±oo r , gives rise to a radial force §co r. This
term can be included in t h e term — gpr/a of equation (43) by writing
2 co a\
1 — - — J instead of g. Since, in t h e case of t h e E a r t h co a/g is a small
w e m a r
fraction, equal to about y > f ° t h e present purpose, disregard
2 2 2 2
this alteration of g. T h e t e r m — ^ c o (2z — x — y ) when expressed in polar
2 2 2 2
coordinates is — J c o r (§ cos # — -|), so t h a t it contains as factors r and a
spherical surface harmonic of degree 2. W e may determine t h e effect of the
rotation from the results of Article 182 by p u t t i n g n = 1 and using this
expression — 4-&rV(f eos # — •£•) for W . 2
2 T 2
2 v y
2 #r / V 2 #pa/
I t follows t h a t t h e inequality is less for a solid incompressible sphere of
rigidity pu t h a n it would be for a sphere of incompressible fluid in the ratio
19 Lb
1 : 1 -f ~ET • If t h e sphere has the same size and mass as the Earth, this
2 gpa
ratio is approximately equal to ^ when the rigidity is the same as t h a t of steel,
and approximately equal to § when the rigidity is t h e same as t h a t of glass.
The ellipticity of t h e figure of t h e E a r t h is about The ellipticity*
of a nearly spherical spheroid of the same size and mass as t h e Earth, con
sisting of homogeneous incompressible fluid, and rotating uniformly at the
r a t e of one revolution in 24 hours, is about The ellipticity which would
be obtained by replacing t h e homogeneous incompressible fluid by homogeneous
* An equation of the form
r = a { l - f e ( f cos <9-i)},
represents, when e is small, a nearly spherical spheroid of ellipticity e.
incompressible solid material of the rigidity of glass, to say nothing of steel,
is too small; in t h e case of glass it would be nearly. The result t h a t a
solid of considerable rigidity takes, under t h e joint influence of rotation and
its own gravitation, an oblate spheroidal figure appropriate to t h e rate of
rotation, and having an ellipticity not incomparably less t h a n if it were fluid,
is important. I t is difficult, however, to base an estimate of the rigidity of t h e
E a r t h upon t h e above numerical results because t h e deformation of a sphere
by rotation is very greatly affected by heterogeneity of the material. I n
the case of the E a r t h t h e average density of surface rock is about half the
Earth's mean density. I t is not difficult to see that, in the case of an
incompressible solid stratified in nearly spherical layers of equal density,
deficiency of density in t h e layers nearest the surface may tend to increase
t h e ellipticity of figure due to rotation*. I n our equations we have taken
the density to be uniform, b u t we may t a k e account of variations of density,
in a roughly approximate fashion, by observing t h a t t h e weight of t h e
inequality, and t h e potential of it at internal points, m u s t be proportional
to t h e mean density of the surface layer. Let p denote this density. T h e
rough approximation referred to would be made by writing p for p in the first
two lines of equation (50). The result would be that, instead of the expression
19 Lb
1 4- — in the denominator of the right-hand member of (54) we should
*u CfpQj
p 19 Lb
have — + —- .
If p were the numbers which were i for steel and
p 2 gpa r 2 ^ 3
I for glass would become f for steel and f for glass, and t h e ellipticity of t h e
figure would, if this rough approximation could be trusted, be increased
* This result was noted by Chree, Phil. Blag. (Ser. 5), vol. 32 (1891), p. 249. In the case of
& fluid, deficiency of density in the outer layers may tend to diminish the ellipticity of figure due
to the rotation. In Laplace's " l a w of density in the interior of the E a r t h " the pressure and
density are assumed to be connected by a certain law, and the density of the heterogeneous fluid
is adjusted so as to make the ellipticity the same as that observed in the case of the Earth.
See Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil., Part 11. p. 403.
long periods the heights of the tides on oceans of such depths as actually
exist would be less t h a n half of t h e equilibrium heights. The friction of the
ocean bed would tend to m a k e a tide follow t h e equilibrium law more closely
t h e longer the period. We m u s t therefore confine our attention to tides of
long period. Of these the annual and semi-annual tides are entirely masked
by the fluctuations of ocean level t h a t are due to the melting of ice in t h e
polar regions. The nineteen-yearly tide is too m i n u t e to be detected with
certainty. From observations of t h e fortnightly tides which were carried out
in t h e Indian Ocean * it appeared t h a t t h e heights of these tides are little,
if anything, less t h a n two-thirds of t h e t r u e equilibrium heights. If the
fortnightly tide followed t h e equilibrium law we could infer that the tidal
effective rigidity of t h e Earth is about equal to the rigidity of steel. T h e
friction of the ocean bed is not likely, however, to be great enough to render
valid t h e application of the equilibrium theory to the fortnightly tides.
The fact t h a t there are observable tides at all, and the above cited
results in regard to the fortnightly tides in the Indian ocean, have been held
by Lord Kelvin to disprove the geological hypothesis t h a t the E a r t h has a
molten interior upon which there rests a relatively thin solid c r u s t ; and,
on this and other independent grounds, he has contended t h a t the E a r t h
is to be regarded as consisting mainly of solid material of a high degree
of rigidity. The evidence from tidal phenomena seems not to be absolutely
conclusive in favour of this viewf.
coefficients of r in such expressions. W e may show t h a t t h e analogue of t h e
solution (13) of Article 173 is
X + 1 d
(u v)-X(A - B Hi ^ S ^ " ^ ^ -^) (55)
in which A and B are functions of t h e type a cos n6 + /3 sin n6, and the
n n n n
functions yfr are plane harmonic functions expressed by equations of the form
A + B (56)
+~-U -S) %{ *£)
The equations (55) would give t h e displacement in a circular cylinder
* Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil., Part. I I . pp. 442—460 (contributed by G. H. Darwin),
t The question has been discussed from a different standpoint by J. Larmor, loc. cit. p. 249.
t Cf. Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil, Part n . pp. 298—300. The problem of plane stress in a
circular cylinder was solved by Clebsch, Elasticitdt, § 42.
L. E. 17
due to given displacements at t h e curved surface, when t h e tractions t h a t
maintain these displacements are adjusted so t h a t t h e r e is no longitudinal
When t h e tractions applied to t h e surface are given, we may take %X , n
exerted across the surface r = a, the functions X , Y being again of the form n n
*-.-4(^iKK:) w
and we introduce functions MV-i and <I>_ _i by t h e equations n
1 = Z n + F n ,
^ £( ^) ^( ^) 1 , x
y (58)
(n — WA - - ( - 4- — — r- • , —
K 2 1
' " a " -2(n-l)U X + 3/J Mr
<t> n 1 = 1 Xn
~2ndas \ ^ -~) f ^ '"
from which we get
Y 1
^ 2»(\ + / . ) . " - ' A
4 a [X + ^
M * l V J
) ' 2//a X + /z ^
(iii) X =acos4(9,
w F =0.w In this case we find
i^ 1 6 4
(* - *y+y )-(**-y*)+»»(**-y )}. i
f 2 2 2 3
^2 5-fe(- -y )+(- +/-« )}-
* The solutions in these special cases will be useful in a subsequent investigation (Chap. XVI).
187. Applications of curvilinear coordinates.
We give here some indications concerning various researches that have been made
by starting from the equations of equilibrium expressed in terms of curvilinear co
(a) Polar coordinates. Lame's original solution of the problem of the sphere and
spherical shell by means of series was obtained by using the equations expressed in terms
of polar coordinates*. The same equations were afterwards employed by C. W. Borchardt t,
who obtained a solution of the problem of the sphere in terms of definite integrals, and
by C. Chree J who also extended the method to problems relating to approximately
spherical boundaries §, obtaining solutions in the form of series. The solutions in series
can be built up by means of solid spherical harmonics (V ) expressed in terms of polarn
coordinates, and related functions (U) which satisfy equations of the form V U= V . n
Laplace's equation. It is not difficult to deduce suitable forms for the displacements
u , u , U . The case in which u vanishes and u and u are independent of 6 will occupy
r Q Z Q r z
us presently (Article 188). In the case of plane strain, when u vanishes and u and u z r 0
are independent of z, use may be made of the stress-function (cf. Article 144 supra).
The general form of this function expressed as a series proceeding by sines and cosines of
multiples of 6 has been given by J. H . Michell IT.
(c) Plane strain in non-circular cylinders. When the boundaries are curves of the
family a = const., and a is the real part of a function of the complex variable x+vy, we
know from Article 144 that the dilatation A and the rotation m are such functions of x
and y that (A.+ 2/*) A + t2/xsr is a function of x+iy, and therefore also of a + t/3, where (3 is
the function conjugate to a. For example, let the elastic solid medium be bounded
internally by an elliptic cylinder. We take
x-\-ty — c cosh (a +1/3),
so that the curves a = const, are confocal ellipses, and 2c is the distance between the foci.
Then the appropriate forms of A and wr are given by the equation
n a
(X + 2fx) A + t2/nsr=2e " (A cos n/3 + B sin n$).
n n
If we denote by h the absolute value of the complex quantity d (a + i,fi)jd (x-\-iy), then
the displacements u anda are connected with A and or by the equations
2 +
A ~aaV/*; 8/3V^/' W da\h) d^\h)'
In the case of elliptic cylinders u jh and u^jh can be expressed as series in cos^/3 and
* J. de Math. (Liouville), t. 19 (1854). See also Legons sur les coordonnees curvilignes, Paris,
f Berlin Monatsberichte, 1873.
X Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trails., vol. 14 (1889).
§ Amer. J. of Math., vol. 16 (1894).
|| L. Pochhammer, J. f. Math. [Crelle), Bd. 81 (1876), p. 33, and C. Chree, Cambridge Phil.
Soc. Trans., vol. 14 (1889).
IT London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 31 (1900), p. 100.
As an example* we may take the case where an elliptic cylinder of semi-axes a and b is
turned about the line of centres of its normal sections through a small angle (£>. In this
case it can be shown that the displacement produced outside the cylinders is expressed by
the equations
da V 3« / 90 \ 3 j 3 J f d6* '
where J denotes the absolute value of d(z + ir)/d(a + i(S). If we can find solutions of this
equation in the cases where V is independent of 6, or is proportional to sin nd or cos nd,
we can obtain expressions for the dilatation and the components of rotation as series.
Wangerinf has shown how from these solutions expressions for the displacements can
be deduced. The appropriate solutions of the above equation for V are known in the case
of a number of solids of revolution, including ellipsoids, cones and tores.
1 8 8 . Symmetrical strain i n a solid, of revolution.
W h e n a solid of revolution is strained symmetrically, so t h a t the dis
placement is t h e same in all planes through t h e axis of revolution, we may
express all the quantities t h a t occur in terms of a single function, and reduce
the equations of equilibrium of t h e body strained by surface tractions only
to a single partial differential equation. Taking r, 0, z to be cylindrical
coordinates, we have t h e stress-equations of equilibrium in the forms
* The problem was proposed by R. R. Webb. For a different method of obtaining the solution
see D. Edwardes, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 26 (1893), p. 270.
t Archiv f. Math. (Grunert), vol. 55 (1873). The theory has been developed further by
P. Jaerisch, J.f. Math. (Grelle), Bd. 104 (1889). The solution for an ellipsoid of revolution with
given surface displacements has been expressed in terms of series of spheroidal harmonics by
0 . Tedone, Rome Ace. Lincei Rend. (Ser. 5), t. 14 (1905).
no arbitrary function of r need be added for any such function can be included in <£.
We observe that e,
e =^(re ),
rr ee and write down the equivalent equation in terms of stress-
components, viz.:
rr— a W-<rzz
66 — crzz=-^
= {(66 - orrr — azz) r} 3
dr dr
and we may put
66 = o-v ob-R,
2 2 2 1 2 2
where v denotes d /dr + r~ d/dr + d /dz , the subjects of operation being independent of 6.
No arbitrary function of z need be added because any such function can be included
in <p. All the stress-components have now been expressed in terms of two functions and
R. The sum e of the principal stresses is expressed in terms of by the equation
0 =5T + 66 + ZZ = (1 + or) v 4>,
and, since 0 is an harmonic function, we must have v <£ = 0.
The functions cb and R are not independent of each other. To obtain the relations
between them we may proceed as follows:—The equation Ujr=e can be written ee
U=r(66-a-rr-a-'zz)l£J i
or U=-(l + o-)rRIE;
and then the equation rz—FIE RG can be written
dw = 2 ( 1 + 0-) d gb l + o - dR
+ r
dr ~ E drdz E dz '
Also the equation e =(zz — orrr — o- 66) jE can be written
2 a
dz E \dr r dr ^ '
The equations giving dwjdr and dw/dz are compatible if
J 9 J d*6 dR 2
we have
— = (l-o-)v 4>,
1 -2a- ^ I-2a 2
and A — —^r-
~E~ 9 = — ^ - (l+«r) Vtf>.
2 2 2
It follows that, besides satisfying the equation 8 12/9^ = (1 -<r) v<£, the function 12 also
satisfies the equation V12 = 0.
Instead of using the two functions <j> and 12 we may express the stress-components in
terms of a single function. To this end we introduce a new function ^ by the equation
^=<£-f 12. Then we have
2 2 2 2 2
—_9 4> 190 1 312_ _9 ^_9 12_9 12_ _9 ^ 2 / 2 /
r r 2 + + V 2 2 2 V 2
~ 9s r dr r dr " * 9r 9* 9r ~ ° " ^ 9?< '
and we have also
^=„VV-^. S = (2-<r)v^-|J-
The first of equations (61) would enable us at once to express rz in terms of a function x
such that \j/=dx/dz. We therefore drop all the subsidiary functions and retain x only.
I n accordance with t h e above detailed work we assume
ZZ •• | { ( 2 - . ) V s x - ^ (63)
r r V d d
-™=- °i *X +r ^ +^-l f , r (64)
* A method of expressing all the quantities in terms of a single function, which satisfies a
partial differential equation of the fourth order different from (65), has been given by J. H.
Michell, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 31 (1900), pp. 144—146.
T h e corresponding displacements are easily found from t h e stress-strain
relations in t h e forms
17=- —
U w = ?^\(l-2o)V*y
l } X
+^ + l -Z\ 2
E drdz' E | dr ^rdr)""
, A du dv dw / o x
w h e r e A
= ^ +
^ ^
W h e n u, v, w are proportional to cos(_p£ + e ) we obtain t h e equations
( X + / t ) + / V 2 ( M V w 2
(^' ^) * ' ' ) + ^ («. v, W ) = 0 (4)
•* Reference may be made to P. Jaerisch, J. f. Math. (Crelle), Bd. 88 (1880); H. Lamb, London
Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 13 (1882); C. Chree, Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., vol. 14 (1889).
1 (dA
/dA dA dA\
2 2 2
(V + K) 2
u = 0,
2 (V + K) 2
v = 0, 2 (V + K) 2
w = 0,
2 (8)
du 2 dv 2 dw 2 / Q v
A N D + + = 0 ( 9 )
^ ^ 9 7
W h e n these functions are determined t h e displacement can be written in
t h e form
(u, v, w) = A (uj + u 2) v +vl 2i W! + w ) cos (pt
2 + e) (10)
191. S o l u t i o n b y m e a n s of spherical h a r m o n i c s .
2 2
A solution of t h e equation (V -f h ) A — 0 can be obtained by supposing
2 2 2 2
t h a t A is of t h e form f(r).S , where r = x + y + z , and S is a spherical
n n
t h e equation
1 2 )
5 ) " ( ^ ) <
The function y\r (x) is expressible as a power series, viz.:
n 2
(— ) f x x^ }
1 + 1 1 3 )
fn W = 1 3 5 2 ^ D { "2(2n
( + + S) 2 . 4 . (2^ + 3) (2w + 5)" "^
which is convergent for all finite values of x. It is an "integral function." It may be
expressed in terms of a Bessel's function by the formula
The functions ^ (#) for consecutive values of n are connected by the equations
x d ^ ( x ) = ^ { x ) = _ ^ { x ) _ ( 2 w _ !) (JB) ( 1 6 )
which has a pole of order 2w +1 at the origin, and is expressible by means of a Bessel's
function of order — (T& + J), satisfies equations (15) and (16).
I n like manner solutions of equations ( 8 ) and (9) which are free from sin
gularities in t h e neighbourhood of t h e origin can be expressed in t h e forms
U = Un^n («r),
2 V = V fn
2 n (xr) t W = W ty2 n n (w), (17)
where TJ . V , W are spherical solid harmonics of degree n, provided t h a t
n n n
g+ + (9 bis)
One way of satisfying this equation is to take U , V , W n n n to have t h e forms
where % is a spherical solid harmonic of degree n; for with these forms
we have
d +d + d = 0 a n d
~Jx ^ ~W ®U + yV + n n zW =0. n
If we t a k e u \ v w to be given by t h e equations
2 2y 2
z z x y 9
{u ,
2 v,
2 w )-fa {KV)\y
2 n d z d y > d x dz ' * dy dx)
1 } Y n + 1 { T ) K T
dy dz " 2n + 1 ^ dx . 2n + 1 dx \r™+\
of which each term is of t h e form U fa (tcr). n n I n like manner t h e other
components of curl (u , v , w ) 2 2 2 can be formed.
Hence, taking and <J> to be any two solid harmonics of degrees N+1
tn{«r)[y ^ z + d x )
n+2 dx\r^)_
The corresponding forms of v and w are obtained from this by cyclical 2 2
interchange of t h e letters x, y, z.
t h e type
rX X d , r du A ... x /rk
=- xA + ^ (ux +vy + wz) + r --u (21) y v 7
FJU fi ox ° dv
I n this formula A has t h e form given in (11), viz.: ^w fa (hr) n n y and u, v, w
have such forms as
•1^+2 \lr ( l ^ ( v d X n
Z d X n
1 D L T > N + 1
dx \r
191, 192] VIBRATING SPHERE 269
W e find
r 9A
ux + vy -f- wz — ^— — + 2 (^ + 1) [ty (fcr) + n
2 2
K r y}r n+2 (xr)} ob ,n+1
ux + vy + wz ==X - \^n(hr)+hr^ \hr)}(o -(n+l)(2n
n n
This formula gives us an expression for t h e radial displacement
(ux + vy + wz)/r.
d du
In forming t h e typical terms of xA, ^(ux + vy + wz), r^—u we m a k e
( 2 4 )
which reduce to
- K <**•>w +
* ^} 25
The function $ n contributes to d (ux + vy + wz)/dx t h e terms
and it contributes to r = u t h e terms
dco n
f n (Ar) + ^ Ar*/ (A,) j ^ - ^ A r * / (Ar) <L
+ ( l ^ . ^ ' ( A r ) + A ^ ( A r ) } ^ | ;
which reduce to
_ 1
{(n - 2) fa -i
n («r) + tcrfa -i n
1 30
K» - 1 ) (*»•)+(*»•)} {^S -^) <)
Complete expressions for t h e tractions X , Y , Z can now be written r r r
2 n + 1
J dx dx \ r
2 2
found from t h e above analysis. W h e n we write /c /h — 2 for X/fi, and use t h e
equations satisfied by t h e fa functions, we find t h e following expressions for
the constants
Pn = (n - 1) fan (KO) + KCtfan (KO), \
1 2 2
2 1
{fc a fa (ha) + 2 (n - 1) fa _, (ha)},
n n
, 1 (UV 2 ( n + 2)
2 2
c = /e a -v/^ (jca) + 2 (n - 1)
n (/ca), .
d — fc
n y{r n (m) + — - fan (/ca)
n+1 Ka
T h e r e are two additional equations of t h e type (31) which are to be obtained
from t h e one written down by cyclical interchange of t h e letters x y, z. }
in which du/dx + dv/dy + dw/dz=0. Wefindat once that n must be an harmonic function,
and we may put
n= —fi2<o , n
functions of t with period %7r/p, the equations of motion become three equations of the
2 2 1
(V + K )u- jL- dUldx=0, f
rX r xU d , . , du
— = h ^ - (ux+vy + wz)+r =— u
fx /x dx x a
' dr '
2 2n +
r 2(n-I)\ dco nn r
r- 2
+ *
dd ( con \
2n + 1
2n + l dx 2n+ldx\r J'
a r e
while the terms contributed by <f> and Xn n the same as before. The result of assuming
2 an( n
incompressibility of the material is therefore to change a into ^n-\-\ ~ ^ ^ n ^ * ^
into — + \ > without altering the remaining coefficients in the left-hand member of (31).
»{'%-'%)-<>• *(•£-§?)-»•
I t follows t h a t t h e vibrations fall into two classes. I n t h e first class
co and <j> vanish and t h e frequency is given by t h e equation
n n
pn = 0, (35)
where p is given by t h e first of (32). I n t h e second class % vanishes
n n
ad n n - b c = 0,
n n .(36)
and cj) are connected with each other by t h e compatible equations (33)
and (34).
When the vibration is of the first class the displacement is of the form
where 2
K = P P/FJI; 2
and the possible values of P are determined by the equation
(n-L)\J/ (Ka)-\-KA\JRN
n (<a) = 0 (38)
The dilatation vanishes. The radial displacement also vanishes, so that the displacement
at any point is directed at right angles to the radius drawn from the centre of the sphere.
It is also directed at right angles to the normal to that surface of the family Xn=const,
which passes through the point. The spherical surfaces determined by the equation
Y^ ( r)7= 0 are "nodal," that is to say the displacement vanishes at these surfaces. The
n K
in which K is a root of (38), are " anti-nodal," that is to say there is no traction across
these surfaces. If K K , ... are the values of K in ascending order which satisfy (38), the
1 5 2
anti-nodal surfaces corresponding with the vibration of frequency (Qir)' Y/(fijp) K have S
so that every spherical surface concentric with the boundary turns round the axis of z
2 3
through a small angle proportional to ^ (<r), or to (Acr)~ cos K.r — (icr)"~ sin K.r. The
possible values of K are the roots of the equation fa' (KO) = 0, or
2 2
tan ICA = 3K&/(3 — K a ).
* The results stated in this Article and the following are due to H. Lamb, loc. cit. p. 265.
t Modes of vibration analogous to the rotatory vibrations of the sphere have been found
for any solid of revolution by P. Jaerisch, J.f. Math. {Crelle), Bd. 104 (1889).
194-196] OF A SPHERE 273
The number 'rr/ica is the ratio of the period of oscillation to the time taken by a wave of
distortion* to travel over a distance equal to the diameter of the sphere. The nodal
surfaces are given by the equation tan KT — KV, of which the roots are
«-7*o'(fc-), * = f f o ' ( ^ ) , w = Z
- ^ ( J i r ) , (40)
ha ha a 0 4n
+o( ) + ^ i'o(k ) => (
which is
tan ha _ 1
There are, of course, no radial vibrations when the material is incompressible. When
K/ / i = 3 , the six lowest jroots of the frequency equation are given by
2 2
The number irjha is the ratio of the period of oscillation to the time taken by a wave of
dilatation t to travel over a distance equal to the diameter of the sphere.
Spheroidal vibrations.
When n = 2 and G> and $ are zonal harmonics we have what may be called spheroidal
2 2
or r or r*
and that the radial traction rr across a sphere of radius r is
(^ + 2 ^ ) ^ + 2 X ^ = 0 .
and the condition that the traction rr vanishes at a spherical surface of radius r is
2 2
[(X 4- 2/x) {(2 - h r ) sin hr - 2hr cos hr} + 2A (hr cos hr - sin kr)] A
2 2
+ [(X 4- 2/x) {(2 - h r ) cos hr + 2hr sin hr} - 2X (hr sin hr + cos hr)]B=0.
When the sphere is complete up to the centre we must put B = 0, and the condition for the
vanishing of the traction at r=a is the frequency equation which we found before. In
the case of a spherical shell the frequency equation is found by eliminating the ratio
A : B from the conditions which express the vanishing of rr at r = a and at r = b. We
2 2
4h /* = v,
\ / ( j l + <r)-
dt 2
dz dr
du z /•v , <n \ 2ix d , x 2LL d^r
} 2
in which
^ 1 d(ru ) r 1 due du z
r dr r dd dz
1 du du
z e
2<nr r =
r W "dz~
so t h a t i3r , r 'UTz satisfy t h e identical relation
1 3 (r^y ) r 1 d&TQ dtp-,
dr r dU dz
* The theory is effectively due to L. Pochhammer, J. f. Math, (Grelle), Bd. 81 (1876), p. 324.
It has been discussed also, by C. Chree, loc. cit. p. 265.
be of t h e forms
1 ( + l{ z+ i{ z+
^ = Ue ^ ^ , u = Ve y ^\
e u = We y M,
z (47)
da\ a ' j
One solution of t h e equation is 0, and t h e corresponding form of V given
by equation (48) is V— Br, where £ is a constant.
W e have therefore found a simple harmonic wave-motion of t h e type
^ = 0, u = Br&^*W\
B u =0,
z (49)
2 2
in which y — p p\jx. Such waves are waves of torsion, and they are propa
gated along t h e cylinder with velocity p)*.
The traction across a normal section z = const, vanishes if du /dz vanishes; e
- = C 0 S j i i B 0 0 S ^ y ^ - + 6J, (OO)
dr r dr ^ ^ ^'
2 2 6
dr r dr r '
2 2 2 2 2
yhere h! =p p/(\ + 2fi) -y , K = p*p/fi- y (52)
v dr ' r
we have to take U and W to be of t h e forms
W = Aty J„(h'r) {rJ x ( 'r)},
3 J„ (h'a) c P
<ZAy + o( lf-^ ) J (/e'o) = 0.
3a V '
On eliminating the ratio A : (7 we obtain t h e frequency equation.
W h e n t h e radius of t h e cylinder is small we may approximate to t h e
frequency by expanding t h e BesseFs functions in series. On p u t t i n g
2 2
J 0 (h'a) = 1 - \li a + Jih'W, 1
J (K a) = K a -
j- fc a.
t h e frequency equation becomes
-2y ) K'CL 1 - h' (l 3
•fa A' )'- 2
8 (Jb X + 2yC6
2 2 2 2
+ 2 V (1 - f a V ) a/i' (1 - i a h' )
7 = 0.
I t is easily seen t h a t no wave-motion of t h e type in question can be found by
p u t t i n g K — 0. O m i t t i n g t h e factor t e a and t h e terms of order a , we find a
first approximation to t h e value of p in t e r m s of 7 in the form
p = y^(E/p), (55)
where E, = fi ( 3 \ 4- 2p)j{\ + u), is Young's modulus. The waves thus found
are " longitudinal" and t h e velocity with which they are propagated along
t h e cylinder is \J(Ejp) approximately*.
W h e n we retain t e r m s in a' , we find a second approximation f to the
velocity in t h e form
where cr, = \\/(X + pu), is Poisson's ratio.
* Cf. Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, Chapter VII.
t The result is due to L. Pochhammer, loc. cit. p. 275. It was found independently by
C. Chree, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 21 (1886), and extended by him, Quart. J. of Math,,
vol. 24 (1890), to cases in which the normal section of the cylinder is not circular and the
2 2 2
material is not isotropic ; in these cases the term ^a y a of the above expression (56) is replaced
2 2 2
by ^(r' y K , where K is the radius of gyration of the cylinder about the line of centres of the
normal sections.
and these sections are free from traction, zz and zr must vanish at z = 0 and
at z — I. W e find for the values of zz and zr at any section t h e expressions
zz = • A [p p
A= cos0e^ ^ ( ^ + - +- + iyW
\or r r
< W
2<ur = - sin 0r e Ky*+P*> ( — + tyV
where A is a constant.
Again, we m a y form t h e equation
pp 1 3 / dvT \ z vr z 3 (1 3 / N 1 di*r 0
r 9r\ 3r 7 r 3# [r or r dv
2 2
or r dr r
where tc' is given b y t h e second of equations (52). I t follows t h a t 2VT can Z
be written in t h e form
2<v = K^OJJ (KV) sin 0 e*(y«+^, z .(63)
where G is a constant.
We m a y form also t h e equation
Pp _ *T r 2 1_ _3 / d^j\ _ d_ cteTz
7 r 2
" 7 " ^ - " " ^ ~ ^ " r 3 r V d6) dr dz '
which, in virtue of (45), is t h e same as
11 \r I - £ + - t ^ r + \ *f~. = 0 (64)
I n this equation 2TH has t h e value given in (63), and i t follows t h a t 2ta can
Z r
u = = j^dJ^h'r) | B dJ^r) ^ {J J (ic r)
dr dr r
V = = AJI(h'r) B J^KV) c dJ (fc r)1
} (66)
r r dr
W = iA7 J Qir) ± - IBK' 2
J (*V).
If ix , -sty,
x vanish, so t h a t {u, v, w) is t h e gradient of a potential (f>, we may
p u t V <£ for A, and then we have
9A 3A 3A\
Tx' dy> ^ ) = ^{u,v, ). W
^ = c V ^ ; .....(6)
2 t
for A, c has the value (X + 2fjb)jp; for sr ... it has t h e value pulp. Xi The
equation (6) will be called the " characteristic equation."
If 0 is a f u n c t i o n of t a n d of one coordinate only, s a y of t h e e q u a t i o n (6) b e c o m e s
2 c
dt ~ w
w h i c h m a y be i n t e g r a t e d i n t h e form
<j>=f{x-ct)+F(x + ct),
f and F d e n o t i n g arbitrary functions, a n d t h e s o l u t i o n r e p r e s e n t s p l a n e w a v e s propagated
w i t h v e l o c i t y c. If 0 i s a f u n c t i o n of t and r only, r d e n o t i n g t h e radius vector from a
fixed point, t h e e q u a t i o n t a k e s t h e form
2 2 W
dt ~ r dr '
w h i c h can be i n t e g r a t e d in t h e form
. J i r - c t ) F(r + et)
r r
and again t h e s o l u t i o n r e p r e s e n t s w a v e s propagated w i t h v e l o c i t y c. A function of t h e
form r~ f(r — ct) represents spherical w a v e s diverging from a source a t t h e origin of r.
* Lord Kelvin, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 5), vol. 47 (1899). The result that in an isotropic solid there
are two types of waves propagated with different velocities is due to Poisson. The recognition of
the irrotational and equivoluminal characters of the two types of waves is due to Stokes. See
If plane waves of any type are propagated through t h e medium with any
velocity c we may take u, v, w to be functions of
Ix + my -\-nz + ct,
in which I, m, n are t h e direction cosines of t h e normal to the plane of t h e
waves. The equations of motion then give rise to three equations of
t h e type
2 2 2 2
pc u" =(\ + u)l (lu" + mv" + niv") + p, (I + m + n )u",
where the accents denote differentiation of the functions with respect to their
argument. On elimination of u", v'\ w" we obtain an equation for c, viz.:
2 2 2
(\ + 2p,-pc )(p,-pc ) = 0, (7)
showing t h a t all plane waves travel with one or other of t h e velocities found
cos s) cos v) + cos (y, s) cos (y, v) + cos (z, s) cos (z, v) = 0.
I t follows that, at all points of S,
du/dx _ du/dy _ du/dz __ du
cos (x, v) cos (y, v) cos(z,v) dv'
Again u = 0 is an equation which holds at t h e moving surface 8, and this
equation must be satisfied to t h e first order in St when for x, y, z, t we
x + c cos (x, v) St, y + c cos (y, v) St, z + c cos (z, v) St, t + St.
I t follows t h a t at every point of S we must have
du x du du du du du
2 x 2 x 2
dx dx dy dy _ dz dz _du x du _ 2 1 ldu x du \ 2
pG { V 1 / 5 V I V Z Z V )
\dt dt' dt dt' dt dt J ' " '
du v 7 du /,du , du , du
f^ dv dv 7
dv\ , f^,dw
/ dw 7 dw
dz dx dz f
These equations hold at the surface S, at which also we have nine equations
of t h e type
du 1 ,du
d i - — * ' ^
so that, for example,
I to_ m dv_ Imdv
dy dx c dt'
On substituting for du/dx,... from (14) in (12), we obtain the equation
from which we should find t h a t pc = \ 4- 2//,; and, when t h e dilatation
vanishes, we have three equations of t h e type
+ n ) d l m l n
^Ir ^{^ * £- wt- f t
from which we should find t h a t pc — /x.
These results show t h a t t h e surface of discontinuity advances with a
velocity which is either {(X + 2p>)/p}* or (fi/p)*, and that, if there is no
rotation, t h e velocity is necessarily {(A, + 2/^)/p}i, and, if there is no dilatation,
the velocity is necessarily (f^/p)^
jU v _ w
&xx —' ? &yy — m - , e — u — ,
c c c
( w v\ ( u w\ 7 ( V
1 u
e = -{m-
yz + n-), e = - [n - + I-) , e =-\l-
zx xy + m-
" i - w < 1 9 )
X , 13 X ,
2 3 ^33 PC 2
Since ??, f are connected with e ... by a real linear substitution, t h e XXy
The above investigation is effectively due to E. B. Christoffelt, who has given the
following method for the formation of the function N:—Let the six components of strain
00 a n e
e , e , ... e be denoted by x , x , ••• § > d l t c denote the form
xx yy xy x 2 x
X^ 4 C 2 X2 4 ••• 4 XQ J
in which c , c , ... have no quantitative meaning, but c is to be replaced by c , c c by c
x 2 x n x 2 12
and so on, c , c , ... being the coefficients in the strain-energy-function. Then we may
n 12
and therefore the coefficients X , ... in the function N are to be obtained by squaring the N
c 2 2 2
^ i 2 = i 6 ^ + % m + c ^ 4 ( c 4 c ) mn + (c + c ) nl + (c + c ) bn, 4 5 4 6 2 5 u m 12 m
209. Wave-surfaces.
The envelope of the plane lx+my+ nz = c (22)
in which c is the velocity of propagation of waves in the direction (I, m, n) is the " wave-
surface" belonging to the medium. It is the surface bounding the disturbed portion of
the medium after the lapse of one unit of time, beginning at an instant when the dis
turbance is confined to the immediate neighbourhood of the origin. In the case of
isotropy, c is independent of I, m, n, and is given by the equation ( 7 ) ; in the case of
* For a general discussion of the three types of waves we may refer to Lord Kelvin, Baltimore
Lectures, London 1904.
t Ann. di Mat. (Ser. 2), t. 8 (1877).
seolotropy c is a function of I, m, n given by the equation (21). In the general case the
wave-surface is clearly a surface of three sheets, corresponding with the three values of c
which are roots of (21). In the case of isotropy two of the sheets are coincident, and
all the sheets are concentric spheres.
Green * observed that, in the general case of seolotropy, the three possible directions
of displacement, answering to the three velocities of propagation of plane waves with a
given wave-normal, are parallel to the principal axes of a certain ellipsoid, and are, therefore,
at right angles to each other. The ellipsoid would be expressed in our notation by the
equation (X , X , ... X )
n 22 y, z) = const. He showed that, when W has the form
2 2 2 2
\A (e + e + e ) +±L (e - 4e e )+\M
xx yy Z2 y yy zz (e - z 4e e )+\N(e Z2 xx xy - 4e e ),
xx yy (23)
the wave-surface is made up of a sphere, corresponding with the propagation of waves of
irrotational dilatation, and Fresnel's wave-surface, viz.: the envelope of the plane (22)
subject to the condition
2 2 2
I m n
2 + +
c -L/p W^Mfp 'cJ^Njp'
The two sheets of this surface correspond with the propagation of waves of equivoluminal
distortion. Green arrived at the above expression for W as the most general which would
allow of the propagation of purely transverse plane waves, i. e. of waves with displacement
parallel to the wave-fronts.
Green's formula (23) for W is included in the formula (15) of Article 110, viz.:
2 2 2
2W=(A, B, C, F, G, H)(e , e , e ) + Le + MeJ+Ne , xx yy zz y x
which characterizes elastic solid media having three orthogonal planes of symmetry.
To obtain Green's formula we have to put
A=B = C, F=A-2L, 0=A-2M H=A-2K y
it is the first negative pedal of Fresnel's wave-surface with respect to its centre.
* 'On the propagation of light in crystallized media,' Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., vol. 7
(1839), or Mathematical Papers, London 1871, p. 293.
t ' A n essay towards a dynamical theory of crystalline reflexion and refraction,' Dublin,
Trans. R. Irish Acad., vol. 21 (1839), or Collected Works of James MacCullagh, Dublin 1880,
p. 145.
t On Double Refraction,' Phil. Mag. (Ser. 4), vol. 41 (1871), or Scientific Papers, vol. 1,
Cambridge 1899.
The case where the energy-function of the medium is a function of the components of
rotation as well as of the strain-components, so that it is a homogeneous quadratic func
tion of the nine quantities g^, has been discussed by H. M. Macdonald*.
The most general form which is admissible if transverse waves are to be propagated
independently of waves of dilatation is shown to lead to Fresnel's wave-surface for the
transverse waves.
The still more general case in which there is seolotropy of inertia as well as of elastic
quality has been investigated by T. J. I'A. Bromwichf. It appears that, in this case, the
requirement that two of the waves shall be purely transverse does not lead to the same
result as the requirement that they shall be purely rotational, although the two require
ments do lead to the same result when the seolotropy does not affect the inertia. The
wave-surface for the rotational waves is derived from Fresnel's wave-surface by a homo
geneous strain.
values of cf> and d<j>/dt. W i t h any point (x, y, z) as centre describe a sphere of
radius ct, and let <j> and <£ denote the mean values of <p and <£ on this sphere.
0 0 0 0
* = | + (28)
dS, (29)
dv cr dv dt
Kirchhoff's formula (29) may be obtained very simply J, by substituting t-rjc for t in
tjb (oo, y, z, t), where r now denotes the distance of (x, y, z) from the origin. Denoting the
function (%, y, z, t — rjc) by \j/ (oo, y, z, t), we may show that when (x, y, z, t) satisfies
the characteristic equation (6), \JA satisfies the equation
V + 2 + 2 + 2 .(30)
r ^ c \dx C dt) dy (f dt) dz C at)]""°*
If this equation holds throughout the region within a closed surface S which does not
contain the origin, we integrate the left-hand member of this equation through the
volume within S and transform the volume integral into a surface integral, thus obtaining
the equation
" "' dr- ldyfr 2 dr ftfA
^ " a ^ - ~ ^ - ^ 7 )dS=0.
dv r dv cr dv dt '
I f n o w [0],... d e n o t e t h e v a l u e s of <£, . . . a t t h e i n s t a n t t-r/c, t h i s e q u a t i o n is t h e
.same a s
* Cf. Stokes, ' Dynamical theory of diffraction,' Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., vol. 9 (1849),
or Math, and Phys. Papers, vol. 2, p. 243.
t Ann. Phys. Chem. {Wiedemann), Bd. 18 (1883). See also Kirchhoff, Vorlesungen uber math
Fhysik, Optik, Leipzig, 1891.
t Cf. Beltrami, Rome, Acc. Lincei Rend. (Ser. 5), t. 4 (1895).
and instant. The formula holds for a region of space bounded internally or externally by
a closed surface S> provided that, at all instants which come into consideration, and its
first derivatives are continuous, and its second derivatives are finite and are connected by
equation (6), at all points of the region*. In case the region is outside S, <fi must tend to
zero at infinite distances in the order r~ at least. These conditions may be expressed by
saying that all the sources of disturbance are on the side of S remote from y, z).
Kirchhoff's formula (29) can be shown to include Poisson's f. The formula may also be
written in the form
point (oc, y> z), and let q denote t h e initial displacement at (V, y', z'), and q
0 0
t h e initial velocity at t h e same point, each projected upon the radius vector
* For the case where there is a moving surface of discontinuity outside S, see a paper by the
Author, London Math. Soc. Proc. (Ser. 2), vol. 1 (1904), p. 37.
+ See my paper just cited.
X Cf. J. Larmor, London Math. Soc. Proc. (Ser. 2), vol. 1 (1904).
§ For references see Introduction, p. 18. Reference may also be made to a paper by the
Author in London Math. Soc. Proc. (Ser. 2), vol. 1 (1904), p. 291.
r, supposed drawn from (x, y, z). Then the displacement u at (x, y, z) at t h e
instant t can be written
and similar expressions for v and w can be written down. The surface-
integrations extend over t h e parts of S and S t h a t are within T.
x 2
The dilatation and the rotation can be calculated from these formulae,
and it can be shown t h a t the dilatation is entirely confined to a wave of
dilatation propagated with velocity a, and the rotation to a wave of rotation
propagated with velocity b. If r and r are t h e greatest and least distances
2 2
The problem of the integration of the equations of small motion of an isotropic elastic
solid has been the subject of very numerous researches. Eeference may be made to the
following memoirs in addition to those already cited:—V. Cerruti, 'Sulle vibrazioni de
corpi elastici isotropi,' Rome, Acc. Lincei, Mem. fis. mat., 1880; V. Volterra, 'Sur les vibra
tions des corps elastiques isotropes,' Acta Math., t. 18 (1894); G. Lauricella, 'Sulle
equazioni del moto dei corpi elastici,' Torino Mem. (Ser. 2), t. 45 (1895); 0. Tedone, 'Sulle
vibrazioni dei corpi solidi omogenei ed isotropi,' Torino Mem. (Ser. 2), t. 47 (1897): J. Coulon,
' Sur integration des equations aux derivees partielles du second ordre par la methode des
caracteristiques,' Paris {These) 1902. Hadamard's treatise, Lecons sur la propagation des
ondes, Paris 1903, also may be consulted.
lift* K>'^'
^ ^ l l l ^ i ^ i ) ^ ' ^
*(«-9-^x(.- o^.*-(.-0-^ (.-9f!,._
I x
where R denotes the distance of (of, y', z) from t h e origin. W e may partition
space around the point (x, y, z) into t h i n sheets by means of spherical surfaces
having t h a t point as centre, and thus we may express t h e integrations in (33)
in such forms as
where dS denotes an element of surface of a sphere'with centre at (x, y, z)
and radius equal to r. Now jj^R^jdx') dS is equal to zero when the origin
is inside S, and to Wr (dr^jdx) when t h e origin is outside S, r denoting t h e 0
1 fi -ir frjb
X l t - T U
I 2 -i
D r Mb 1 8r3rfl / r\ 1 / r\)
1 /•>•/* 1 3r3rfl /
(ii) The expressions (36) reduce to (11) of Article 130 when x(t) is replaced by a
(iii) The tractions over a spherical cavity required to maintain the displacement
expressed by (36) are statically equivalent to a single force parallel to the axis of x.
When the radius of the cavity is diminished indefinitely, the magnitude of the force
is (t).
(iv) As in Article 132, we may find the effects of various nuclei of strain t. In the
case of a "centre of compression" we have, omitting a constant factor,
^ V « ) - ( £ . | . ^ ) ^ x ( ^ ) } , (33)
"S-°){F ('-5)}* x ( 3 9 )
F = = L D DYD
4^]j] —R~ * *'-
where j ' j ^ +
dr — dr ~ ^\ i
dy dz j
p. 441.
2 2
so t h a t 2ir\sj(f + g ) is t h e wave-length. A s i n Article 190, we denote
2 2 2 2
p pl(X + 2p) by A and p pjp> by K . T h e dilatation A satisfies t h e equation
2 2
(V + h ) A = 0, and since i t is proportional to & ^f sy) e must have x+
A = Pe- (f*+ffv+pt\ (42)
where P is a constant, and
r*=f*+g -h* (43)
A particular integral ( u l y v l f wj) of t h e equations of motion is t h e n
expressed b y t h e equations
rz+ x+ + t
Oi, v lf w ) = (- if - ig, r) hr^Pe- ^f ^ P >
± y i (44)
8 Z
(u , 2 v , w) 2 2 = {A, B, C) e ~ ^ W*+9v+Pt\ (45)
2 p p 2 s C
{ i - ) - 4 - = ° >
K'> = **/(/» + g% h* = h?l(p + g% (48)
we find
/2 L 2 2 2 2
~2h s ' f~~g~ 2h' (1 - /c' ) (f + g) '
and, on substituting in (46), we obtain t h e equation
2 2 2
- 2) = 4 r s / ( / + g ), (49)
which becomes, on elimination of r and s by means of (43) and (47),
8 6 4 2 2 2
K' - 8K' + 24/e' - 16 (1 + A' ) K' + 16h' = 0 (50)
2 2 2
W h e n t h e material is incompressible, or h' //c' =0, t h e equation for K
6 4 2
becomes a cubic /c' — 8/e' + 24/e' — 16 = 0, which h a s a real positive root
2 2 2
•91275... and two complex roots (3'5436...) ± i(22301,..). Since K j(f + 9)
is finite and JI /K = 0, equation (43) shows t h a t r is real. Equation (49)
2 2
216. T h e torsion p r o b l e m * .
W e shall take t h e generators of t h e surface of t h e prism to be parallel t o
t h e axis of z and shall suppose t h a t t h e material is isotropic. The discussion
e T e T + x (2
* ° = ^ - y ) > ^ ^ ) >
The stress-components t h a t do not vanish are X z and Y z> and they are given
by the equations
*->"<&-')• <»>
The equations of equilibrium, when there are no body forces, are satisfied if
t h e equation
holds at all points of the bounding curve of any cross-section. The com
patibility of t h e boundary condition (5) with t h e differential equation (4) is
shown by integrating the left-hand and right-hand members of (5) round t h e
boundary, and transforming t h e line-integrals into surface-integrals t a k e n
over the area of t h e cross-section. The integral of the left-hand member of
(5) taken round t h e boundary is equivalent to t h e integral of t h e left-hand
m e m b e r of (4) taken over t h e area of the cross-section; it therefore vanishes.
T h e integral of the right-hand member of (5) t a k e n round t h e boundary also
x y + + dxdy
^ i " )} h {" (fy *)}] '
by the help of t h e differential equation (4). T h e expression last written may
be transformed into ah integral taken round t h e bounding curve, viz.
jjx dxdy
z — 0, and in a similar way we may prove t h a t j'JY dxdy z = 0. It
are expressed by (3). The practical utility of the solution is not confined to the case where
the couple is applied in this way, When the length of the prism is great compared with
the linear dimensions of its cross-section, the solution will represent the state of the
prism everywhere except in comparatively small parts near the ends, whether the twisting
couple is applied in the specified way or not. [Cf. Article 89.]
The potential energy per unit of length of the twisted prism is
,+ +
*^//{®-') ® ' ) } ^
and this is equal to
cos v x c o s v
— J 4> {y ) ~~ )}
It follows that the potential energy per unit of length is JCV .
217. M e t h o d of solution of the torsion problem.
Since <F> is a plane harmonic function, there exists a conjugate function YJR
which is such t h a t CF> + ITY is a function of t h e complex variable X + IY; and,
if -YJR can be found, <F> can be written down by means of the equations
Fig. 21.
218. Analogies w i t h H y d r o d y n a m i c s .
(a) The functions </> and are mathematically identical with the
velocity-potential and stream-function of a certain irrotational motion of
incompressible frictionless fluid, contained in a vessel of t h e same shape as
t h e prismf. This motion is t h a t which would be set u p by rotating the
vessel about its axis with angular velocity equal to — 1.
2 2
(b) The function — \ ix + y ) is mathematically identical with the
velocity in a certain laminar motion of viscous fluid. The fluid flows under
pressure t h r o u g h a pipe, and the section of the pipe is t h e same as t h a t
of the prism j .
2 2
(c) T h e function ^ — \ (x + y ) is also mathematically identical with the
stream-function of a motion of incompressible frictionless fluid circulating
with uniform spin, equal to unity, in a fixed cylindrical vessel of t h e same
shape as t h e prism§. T h e moment of momentum of the liquid is equal to
t h e quotient of t h e torsional rigidity of t h e prism by the rigidity of the
material. The velocity of t h e fluid at any point is mathematically identical
with t h e shearing strain of t h e material of t h e prism at t h e point.
I n t h e a n a l o g y (a) t h e vessel r o t a t e s as s t a t e d relatively t o s o m e frame regarded as
fixed, and t h e a x e s of x and y rotate w i t h t h e vessel. T h e v e l o c i t y of a particle of t h e
fluid relative t o t h e fixed frame i s resolved i n t o c o m p o n e n t s parallel t o t h e i n s t a n t a n e o u s
p o s i t i o n s of t h e a x e s of x a n d y. T h e s e c o m p o n e n t s are dqb/dx a n d dqb/dy. T h e v e l o c i t y of
t h e fluid relative t o t h e vessel is utilized i n t h e analogy (c).
W e m a y u s e t h e analogy i n t h e form (a) to d e t e r m i n e t h e effect of t w i s t i n g t h e p r i s m
a b o u t a n axis w h e n t h e effect of t w i s t i n g a b o u t a n y parallel axis i s k n o w n . L e t ob be t h e
* The functions are determined for a number of forms of boundary in Articles 221, 222 infra.
f Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil. Part n., pp. 242 et seq.
J J. Boussinesq, J. de math. (Liouville), (Ser. 2), t. 16 (1871).
§ A. G. Greenhill, Article * Hydromechanics,' Ency. Brit., 9th edition.
3 2
f-i0 + 2/ ) = ^> (9)
t h e direction of the tangential traction (X Y ) across t h e normal section at
Zy z
2 2
a form A (x — y ), we find t h e equation
2 2
(±-A)a = (i + A)b .
I t follows t h a t we m u s t have
2 2
f la'-ft", 2 x
2 , a -b , .
= ( 1 2 )
* 2 ^ < * - t f > '
I t is clear t h a t this solution is applicable to t h e case of a boundary
consisting of two concentric similar and similarly situated ellipses. T h e
prism is t h e n a hollow elliptic tube.
'(c) The rectangle*.
T h e boundaries are given by t h e equations x = + a, y—±b. The function
2 2
^ differs by a constant from J (y + a ) when x — ±a and b >y > — b; it
2 2
differs by t h e same constant from \ (x -f b ) when y = ±b and a > x > — a.
W e introduce a new function by means of t h e equation
* The corresponding hydrodynamical problem was solved by Stokes, Cambridge Phil. Soc.
Trans., vol. 8 (1843) = Math. and Phys. Papers, vol. 1, p. 16.
L. E. 20
t h e boundaries y = ± 6 require t h a t m should be £ (2n + 1) 77-/6, where n is an
2 2
integer. If we assume that, when b > y > — b, t h e function y — b can be
expanded in a series according to t h e form
2 2
is y — b . W e cannot at once conclude t h a t this result is proved by Fourier's
theorem*, because a Fourier's series of cosines of multiples of Try/2b represents
a function in an interval given by t h e inequalities 26 > y > — 2b, and t h e
2 2
value y — b of t h e function to be expanded is given only in t h e interval
b > y > — b. If t h e Fourier's series of cosines contains uneven multiples of
Try/2b only, t h e sign of every t e r m of it is changed when for y we p u t 2b — y \
it follows that, if t h e series (13) is a Fourier's series of which t h e sum is
2 2 2 2
y — b when b > y > 0, t h e sum of t h e series when 26 > y > b is b — (26 — y ) .
Now we may show t h a t t h e Fourier's series for an even function of y , which
2 2 2 2
has t h e value y — b when 6 > y > 0, and t h e value 6 — (26 — y ) when
26 > y > 6, is in fact t h e series (13). W e may conclude t h a t t h e form
of y}r is
, (2n + 1) TTX
pfyO h _ -
* Observe, for example, that the Fourier's series of cosines of multiples of iryfeb which has
2 2
the sum y - b throughout the interval 2b>y > — 26 is
TT 2
n==1 n 2b
t The expression for <p must be unaltered when x and y, a and &, are interchanged. For an
account of the identities which arise from this observation the reader is referred to a paper by
F . Purser, Messenger of Math., vol. 11 (1882).
2 2
from the equation yj/ -±(x +y ) = const. As an example of this method we may take \\r to
3 2
be A (x -3xy ); if we put A — -l/6a, the boundary can be the equilateral triangle* of
altitude 3a, of which the sides are given by the equation
(x - a) (x -y v/3 + 2a) (x +y ^ 3 + 2a) = 0.
Other examples of this method have been discussed by Saint-Venant.
Another method is to use conjugate functions rj such that £ + irj is a function of
x+iy. If these functions can be chosen so that the boundary is made up of curves along
which either £ or -q has a constant value, then \\t is the real part of a function of £ + in,
which has a given value at the boundary; and the problem is of the same kind as the
torsion problem for the rectangle. We give some examples of this method :—
(i) A sector of a circlet, boundaries given by r — 0, r — a, 8— ±3.—We find
% + 1
where ^ n + i=( - )
_(2w + l ) n - - 4 j 3 (2% + 1 ) T T (2^ + 1 ) T T + 4 / 3 .
If we write re^ — ax, then
^-^=j [i^- -(, i) i (^ > )io i±g. t + + e + 2 g
(ii) For a curvilinear rectangle bounded by two concentric circular arcs and two radii,
we use conjugate functions a and (3, which are given by the equation
x+Ly = ce ;
a a
we take the outer radius, a to be ce ° and the inner, b to be ce~ ° (so that c is the geome
trical mean of the radii), and we take the bounding radii to be given by the equations
j8=±0o- We find
> = - J abe^ 5£f£-
+ 2*a W S A *»,
COS ^0
. , ( 2 ^ + 1 ) TT a. , (2^ + 1 ) ^
sinn — cosh
where 3> — J cosh 2 a 0 —-~ H sinh 2a,
cosh ' ~y ° sinh
i w 1) 7ra (
n ( 2 ^ + 1) TTjS
( - ) sin
and A n —-
"{(2^+l)7T-4/3 } ( 2 f l + l ) TT {(2^+1)77 + 4 ^
(iv) When the boundaries are confocal ellipses and hyperbolas we may use the conju
gate functions £, rj determined by the equation
a+iy=c cosh +
In the case of a hollow tube, of which the section is bounded by two confocal ellipses.
£ and £ we may prove t that
0 13
Fig. 22.
cases the cross-section is divided into a number of compartments, 4 in Fig. 22, 6 in
Fig. 23, and changes sign as we pass from any compartment to an adjacent com
partment, but the forms of the curves cj>=const, are unaltered. If we think of the axis
of the prism as vertical, then the curved surface into which any cross-section is strained
lies above its initial position in one compartment and below it in the adjacent compart
ments. Saint-Venant showed that the sections of a square prism are divided in this way
into 8 compartments by the diagonals and the lines drawn parallel to the sides through
the centroid. When the prism is a rectangle, of which one pair of opposite sides is much
longer than the other pair, there are only 4 compartments separated by the lines drawn
parallel to the sides through the centroid. The limiting case between rectangles which
are divided into 4 compartments and others which are divided into 8 compartments
* H. M. Macdonald, Cambridge Phil, Soc. Proc, vol. 8 (1893).
+ Cf. A. G. Greenhill, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 16 (1879). Other examples of elliptic and
hyperbolic boundaries are worked out by Filon, loc. cit. p. 304.
222, 223] OF A TWISTED PRISM 309
occurs when the ratio of adjacent sides is 1-4513. The study of the figures has promoted
comprehension of the result that the cross-sections of a twisted prism, of non-circular
section, do not remain plane.
Fig. 23.
(b) Lines of shearing stress.
The distribution of tangential traction on the cross-sections of a twisted prism can be
represented graphically by means of the lines of shearing stress. These lines are deter
mined by the equation
They have the property that the tangential traction on the cross-section is directed at any
point along the tangent to that curve of the family which passes through the point. If
the curves are traced for equidifferent values of c, the tangential traction at any point is
measured by the closeness of consecutive curves.
In the case of the prism of elliptic section
2 2 2 2 2 2
^ - J {x +f) = -(x b +fa )/(a + b ),
and the lines of shearing stress are therefore concentric similar and similarly situated
ellipses. In the case of the equilateral triangle
2 2 1 3 2 2 2
^ - J (x +y ) = - J a ~ 0 - Zxy + Sax +Zay \
and the lines of shearing stress are of the forms shown in Fig. 24.
Fig. 24.
= j jvdxdy,
d ^r 92\J>
since ^ vanishes at the edge and ^ + 3^2 + = 0 . It follows that the volume in question
is (pl4fiT)G.
225. T w i s t i n g couple.
T h e couple can be evaluated from (6) of Article 216 when t h e function (f>
is known. W e shall record t h e results in certain cases.
(a) The circle.
If a is the radius of t h e circle t h e twisting couple is
^ f i n r a (15)
2 2 2 2 2
fir§ab (a + b ) - fir^ab (a - b ) + V r & (^J jj^x ^ - y dxdy,
* The analogy here described was pointed out by L. Prandtl, Phys. Zeitschr., Bd. 4 (1903),
it affords a means of exhibiting to the eye the distribution of stress in a twisted prism.
224, 225] RIGIDITY OF A PRISM 311
n% (2n + If (2w+l)7ra
c o g h
/ / { . s i n h ^ ^ c o s ^ ^ ^
(2w + l ) cosh {(2n + 1 ) 7ra/26} 26
, (2^ + 1 ) ™ . (2n + l W y ] 7 7
d 2 / ! ( 1 }
5 26 -(2 W + l) r' 7 '
f „, c i n (2» + l)7ry _ 86-
y s m
J_ 6 26 d y
(2 +
1) TT^ I H
(2w + l) 4
- ^ ( V W) 1o ( 2 ^T+ ^l ) t
% =
a n h ^ 2
^ ^ .
- 4 4
Since 2 (2?i+ l ) is 7r /96, we may write down t h e value of the twisting
couple in t h e form
^ . ^ . ( ^ i ^ - L ^ e ^ ( M )
The series in (17) has been evaluated by Saint-Venant for numerous values of the
ratio a : b. When a > 3b it is very nearly constant, and the value of the twisting couple
is nearly equal to fxrab - ^ (3*361)J. For a square the couple is (4*4985) p,ra\
The twisting couple was also calculated by Saint-Venant for a number of other forms
of section. He found that the resistance of a prism to torsion is often very well expressed
by replacing the section of the prism by an ellipse of the same area and the same moment
of inertia*. The formula for the twisting couple in the case of an ellipse of area A and
moment of inertia / is /xr A^/ATT !.
the stress-components that do not vanish are X and Y , and these are given by the z z
x =t c +c + Y T +c
* [ «(M-y) «(| *)]' -= [°«+*) «@- •
The equations of equilibrium are equivalent to the equation
2 2 2
d^ d (f> 8 <£
c 2+C 2+2c J
^dx ^dy ^dxTy'°
which must hold over the area of the cross-section ; and the condition that the bounding
surface may be free from traction is satisfied if the equation
C O S C x c o s
= c& V 4 4 (y» v) - c 45 {x cos (x, v)-y cos (y, i,)}
holds at all points of the bounding curve. Exactly in the same way as in the case
of isotropy, we may prove that the differential equation and the boundary condition
are compatible, and that the tractions across a normal section are equivalent to a
couple of moment
and, if./(a?, y) = 0 is the equation of the bounding curve, the boundary condition may
be written
ox ox dy oy * ox dy
We change the variables by putting
/L+M , /L+M . L+M
F ( x \ y ' ) ^ f ( x ' y ^ ) ,
8 0 t h a t 9
' dx'~dx V L+M dy'~dy V L+M'
dx' dx' dy' dy' ^ dx' dy''
if dv is the element of the normal to the transformed boundary. Thus oj can be found for
any boundary if <fi' can be found for an orthographic projection of that boundary; and
the problem of finding ft is the simple torsion problem which we considered before.
As an example we may take a rectangular prism with boundaries given by x— ±a,
y—±b. We should find that the formula for <f> is
tension = — Mxjl,
* The theory is due to Saint-Venant. See Introduction, footnote 50, and p. 20.
Fig. 25.
and Y.
of equilibrium becomes
dx dy I
The condition t h a t the cylindrical bounding surface is free from traction is
X cos (x, v) + Y cos (y, v) = 0
z z (3)
The problem before us is to determine X and Y as functions of x and y
z z
X =Y
x y =X y = 0, Z = -W(l-z)x/I
z i ^ = ^ = 0,
2 2
dz dy dydz
are satisfied identically, as also is t h e equation
2 d z* 2g
= _9_ f<teyz + _ de xy
dxdy dz \ dx dy dz
T h e remaining equations of compatibility of this t y p e become
d_ (deyz _ de \ _ zx Q d_ (de yz _ de ^ _ zx 2aW
dx\dx dy) ' dy\dx dy J EI
From these equations we deduce t h e equation
de yz de zx = 0 2oW
dx dy EI >
where 2r is a constant of i n t e g r a t i o n ; and from this equation it follows t h a t
e and e can be expressed in t h e forms
yz zx
%*=™+^> ^ = - ^ + | + i rw
y. !
where <£ is a function of x and y.
takes t h e form
frft, 2(l + <r)W
+ U
da? dif EI '
and condition ( 3 ) takes t h e form
= T {y cos (x, v)-x cos (y, v)} - y cos (x, v).
at all points of a cross-section, and t h e condition
| £ = - { 1 ax + ( 1 - £ < r ) 2/} cos (a?, i/) - ( 2 + cr) ay cos (y, z/)
W^VI g - * | + (
a - ( 2 + i * ) *y] dxdy.
* They are of the same form as the tractions in the torsion problem.
'couple. W e show t h a t the force is of magnitude W and is directed parallel
to the axis of x, and t h a t t h e couple is of moment W(l — z) and has its axis
parallel to the axis of y. These statements are equivalent to t h e equations
jx dxdy
z = W, jjY dxdy
z = Q, jjz dxdy z = 0 ) (9)
jjyZ dxdy
z = 0, jj-xZ dxdyz = W(l-z), jf(xY -yX )dxdy
z z = 0. ...(10)
= Tf.
second of equations (9). The third of these equations and the first two of
equations (10) follow at once from the formula (1) for Z and t h e constant r Z)
w = -^jXZ + --^XZ + (j), (11)
du _
a X
wi w
dx~ EI ~ ' EI >
y y
dz EI 2 El ^EI ^dx dx
of w h i c h t h e second is obtained from (11) and t h e second of (4). T h e s e t w o e q u a t i o n s are
c o m p a t i b l e if
Again, we have the equations
wi w
dy~ EI * EI™'
dz ~~ dy dy '
and these are compatible if
S (0o-0') _W
J —x(
= 0.
r(T u
y* ^ EI r
du di)
Further, by differentiating the left-hand member of the equation ^ + ^ = 0 with respect
to z, we obtain the equation
The three equations for c/> - <fi' show that we must have
(j)' = c/> + cr -gj- (J*? + \ x i f ) -fix + ay+y',
where a, ft y' are constants. When we substitute for c/) from (5) we find the following 0
The displacement w is now determined. When we substitute for c/>' in the equations for
du/dz and dv/dz, we obtain the equations
f = -ry+~{h-\z>-
z i<r (*» - f)} + ft
dv W
From the equations for dujdx and du/dz we obtain the following form for u:—
where F (y) is an unknown function of y. In like manner we find the following form
for v\—
v = Tzxi-jgj o-(l-z)xy — az + F (#), 2
qj = TZX + JTJ cr{l — z)xy + yx — az + /3\
2 2
w = r(j>--gj[x(lz-\z ) + x + ocy ] -/3x + ay + y',
2 2 2 2
^ = - a cos 0 {i<7 cos 0 + ( 1 - £ t r ) sin 0) - a sin 6 {(2 + a) sin 6 cos 6],
2 2
or ^ = - (f + \a) a cos 6 + f a cos 30.
t h a t of t h e inner, w e m a y p r o v e t h a t ^ i s of t h e form
x = - ( | + i ) J (a + of) r + - ^ r 4
(r 0
COS 6+Jr 3
cos 3 0 + c o n s t (14)
I n t h i s case w e c a n n o t a d j u s t t h e a d d i t i v e c o n s t a n t so as t o m a k e ^ v a n i s h a t t h e origin,
but t h e origin is i n t h e c a v i t y of t h e tube.
^ = — b cos 7] {| era cos rj + (1 — \ cr) b sin 77} — a sin 77 (2 -f- cr) ab sin ?? cos rj;
2 2 2 2
0 2 6 6 S c o s 2 s
gf = - K i +1 ") « + (i - ] v + K f + i*) «& + (i - 6 ] cos 3 . V
Hence we m u s t have
+ m +4*) + (i - 4<r) 6 ] s
cos 3 , ,
where f denotes the value of £ at t h e boundary, so t h a t
2 2 2 2
(a - & )* cosh f o = a, (a - 6 )* sinh f = 6. 0
Now we have
2 2
(x + tyY = (a - b f \ {cosh 3 (f + ^77) + 3 cosh (f + wy)},
Also we have sinh 3 | = 4 sinh £ + 3 sinh £ . 0 0 0
Hence we find
X — [(l + 8»)tf + (i-i»>'']*
+ 1 K t + j „ «• + ( 1 - 5 ,> n *j£^sM^i),
r 1 1 5
° * = - - 3 a 2 + 6 , * + g - W • • - < >
L. E. 21
I n t h e above analysis we have proceeded as if a were greater t h a n b, b u t
it is easy to verify t h a t t h e final result holds also when b > a. I n case b = a
it reduces to t h e result already found for the circle.
id) Confocal ellipses.
2 2
boundaries, a n d w r i t i n g c for ( a - 6 ) ^ , w e m a y s h o w t h a t
x =c cos 7? [(i - | C R ) cosh £ - ( | +\cr) {cosh £ cosh & cosh ( F + Q cosh £
0 0
- s i n h £ s i n h ^ s i n h (£ +
0 0 s i n h £}]
+ C a cos a, [ f t cosh ^-{^)^^ i^;^^^-^\- (16)
| ^ _ ( l + < r)o» + o y .
Now when b > y > — b t h e function y can be expanded in a Fourier's series
as follows:—
2 2
b 46 »( - ) » niry 0
3 7T „ w 6 2
= 1
% = ' {-(l + 0
-)a + icr6 }^ 2
+ cr^ i Lcos^p, ...(18)
2 2
dz ~ dz dx' dz dz dy '
or they may be calculated from equations (12). W e find
d U__ W(l-Z)
2 2
dz ~ EI ' dz " '
I t follows t h a t t h e plane of t h e curve into which t h e central-line is bent is
t h e plane of (x, z), and t h a t its radius of curvature B a t any point is equal
to EI/W(l — z). T h e denominator of this expression is t h e bending moment,
by s . T h e n we have
8 o = -(WIEI)(dxldx\, (22)
where t h e suffix 0 indicates t h a t zero is to be substituted for x and y after
t h e differentiation has been performed.
T h e quantity s is a small constant, so t h a t all t h e strained cross-sections
2 2 2 2
W h e n t h e b o u n d i n g curve i s t h e ellipse % /a +y /b — l, w e find
2 2
_ 4:W 2 a ( l + o-) + 5
S 2 2
°~E7rab Za + b '
I f i n (21) t h e s h e a r i n g s t r e s s a t t h e centroid were replaced b y t h e average shearing stress
( W/nab), t h e e s t i m a t e d v a l u e of s 0 w o u l d b e t o o small, i n a ratio v a r y i n g from f, w h e n a is
large c o m p a r e d w i t h b, t o § w h e n b i s large compared w i t h a t .
~ i ~ 7 2 3 + - ^ 2 .(23)
4Eab ?r cosh —7
value of •676 •849 •907 •94 •962 •971 •983 •989 •993
(d) Deflexion.
The deflexion of t h e beam is t h e displacement of a point on t h e central-
line in t h e direction of the load ; it is t h e value of u when x = y = 0. If we
denote it by £ we have
w w 2
W = T(j)-~^jX(lz- 2
\z ) -/3x + EI
S X-^j. dx + xy
or ^ + (2 + <r)^}^-|g + ^ + ( l - i - ) / j % = 0.
o 2
As an example we may consider the case of the elliptic boundary. The differential
equation is
and this may be expressed in the form
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2x ^ {(1 + a) a + crb } - ^ {2 (1 + a) a + b } + j {2 (1 + cr) a + b } - y (1 - 2cr) a =0.
2 2
2(l+o-)a + &
This equation has an integrating factor y (i+^a^+ab , 2
and the complete primitive may be
expressed in the form
2 2 2q+g)q»+6«
where C is an arbitrary constant. Since <r<J all the curves of the family touch the
elliptic boundary at the highest and lowest points (±e&, 0). The case of a circular
boundary is included, and the lines of shearing stress are in this case given by the
equation 3+2cr
Some of these curves are traced in Fig. 30, o- being taken to be
v (d<$> \ W (d x
+ (2 +
2(1+0-)/' \dx
> - l " \ t y > - J 2 (l + cr)
2 g
where / ' denotes the integral j jy dxdy taken over the area of the cross-section, and x i
a plane harmonic function which satisfies the boundary condition
= - ( 2 + o-)tfycos(ff, i/)-{^ +(l-io-)a; }cos(y, v).
2 2
The constant r is adjusted, as before, so that the tractions on a cross-section may not yield
any couple about the axis of z. Apart from a displacement which would be possible in a
rigid body, the displacement is given by the equations
W \
u=- yz
r + -gj, a(l-z) xy,
+ W, w {Hi-z)<r(y -* )+¥z -i2 },
2 2 2 3
When the direction of the load is not that of one of the principal axes of the cross-
sections at their centroids, we may resolve the load, P say, into components W and W
parallel to the axes of x and y. The solution is to be obtained by combining the solutions
given in Articles 229, 230 with that given here. Omitting displacements which would
be possible in a rigid body we deduce from the expressions (12) and (30) the equations of
the strained central-line in the form
As regards the strength of a beam to resist bending we may remark that, when the
linear dimensions of the cross-section are small compared with the length, the most
important of the stress-components is the longitudinal tension, and the most important
of the strain-components is the longitudinal extension, and the greatest values are found
in each case in the sections at which the bending greatest, and at the points
of these sections which are furthest from the neutral plane. The condition of safety for
a bent beam can be expressed in the form:—The maximum bending moment must not
exceed a certain limiting value.
The condition of safety of a twisted prism was considered in Article 220. The quantity
which must not, in this case, exceed a certain limiting value is the shear; and this is
generally greatest at those points of the boundary which are nearest to the central-line.
When the beam is at the same time bent and twisted, the components of stress which are
different from zero are the longitudinal tension Z due to bending and the shearing stresses
X and Y . If the length of the beam is great compared with the linear dimensions of the
z z
cross-section the values of Z near the section z = 0 and the terms of X and Y that
z 3 z
depend upon twisting can be comparable with each other, and they are large compared
strength we might omit the shearing stresses and shearing strains that are due to bending,
and take account of those only which are due to twisting.
In any case in which the stress-components X , Y , Z are different from zero and 2 2 z
and therefore one principal plane of stress at any point is the plane drawn parallel to the
central-line to contain the direction of the resultant, at the point, of the tangential tractions
on the cross-section. The normal traction on this plane vanishes, and the values of the
two principal stresses which do not vanish are
KZ.±\\Z*+4.{X*+Y*$ (31)
We denote the Young's modulus of the material for tension in the direction of the axis
of z by E, and we denote the Poisson's ratios which correspond respectively with con
tractions parallel to the axes of x and y and tension in the direction of the axis of z, by
and o- . We assume a stress-system restricted by the equations
where <fi and x © solutions of the same partial differential equation
M 2 + L 2
dx dy ) °' x
d 2 E M 2L 2
cos (x, v) M £ + cos (y, v) L ^ = - cos (x, v) M ^ x +~ °^~ °y
— cos (y, v) (E—Mar-j) xy.
Further we may show that the displacement corresponding with the stress-system expressed
by (33) and (34) necessarily has the form:
U = - T y g + — [ 1 (I - ) ( - # 2 _ ^ 2 ) 1 ^ 2 _ 1^3] _
z 0 1 + + fa + a^
v — rzx +jgj(l — z) v^xy + yx — az-\-(3\ y (35)
independent of y. Conditions (i) and (ii) of Article 228, combined with these assumptions,
lead to the following stress-system:—
x =r =x =r =o,
x y y z ^ = J ( s ^ 2
) , z.= -^(i-z)x, (36)
in which <o is the area of the cross-section, and / is the moment of inertia previously so
denoted. The resultant traction j jX dxdy z is equal to W.
If this stress-system could be correct, there would exist functions u, v, w which would
be such that
dv __o-W . du divW / I A dw dv_dv du_
ty-~m ~ > Z)X
dz dx:~^J\ ^~ P dy^dz~dx^d~y-^ 3 X
to give correctly the direction of the tangential traction on the cross-sections, for it makes
this traction everywhere vertical, whereas near the top and bottom bounding lines it is
nearly horizontal.
* See for example the treatises of Rankine and Grashof quoted in the Introduction footnotes
94 and 95, and those of Ewing, Bach and Foppl quoted in the footnote on p. 110.
(6) In the extension of this method to sections which are not rectangular it is
recognized* that the component Y of shearing stress must exist as well as X . The case
z z
selected for discussion is that in which the cross-section is symmetrical with respect to a
vertical axis. The following assumptions are made:—
(i) X is independent of y, (ii) the resultants of X
z s
z s .(37)
rj dx '
Equation (2) then becomes
3Z 18, Wx
point (x— — a) is
7]X =
Z Y J Xrjdx,
j 7_ Wx(l-z)
X ^Yy=Xy=0,
x X =-—jrJ
z xrjdx, Y = • 'jV dx'J _
2 a ^ A - - —-j— ;
it satisfies the equations of equilibrium and the boundary condition, and it gives the right
value W for the resultant of the tangential tractions on the section. But, in general, it is
not a possible stress-system, for the same reason as in the case of the rectangle, viz. the
conditions of compatibility of strain-components cannot be satisfied.
(c) These conditions may be shown easily to lead to the following equation :—
d (1 d-q
dx \rj dx
which determines 7 7 as a function of x, and therewith determines those forms of section for
which the stress-system (38) is a possible one. To integrate (39) we put
xrj dx — . .(40)
dx P £7 1 + 0-'
2 2
where £" mean dg/dx, d ^dx . The complete primitive can be shown to be
-x) '(x + a) '\
* See, in particular, the treatise of Grashof already cited.
where (7, a and d are arbitrary constants. On eliminating £ by means of the relation (40)
we see that the equation of the bounding curve must have the form
2 a 2 a
n /I r ~ii+<r
a x ) a + a { x + a ) a + a ( 4 1 )
^ic\} '- ' \
The constants a and a' express the height of the highest point of the curve, and the depth
of its lowest point, measured from the centroid.
Unless the bounding curve of the section has one of the forms included in equation (41)
the stress is not correctly given by (38). It may be observed that, if the section is
symmetrical with respect to the axis of y, so that a' —a, the equation (41) is of the
1,(r 2 2
form (r}/b) +% la = l. We saw in Article 231 (/) that the problem of flexure could be
solved for this section, and the curve was traced in Fig. 26 for the case where o~ = J and
a = 2b.
id) We may observe that in the case of the elliptic (or circular) boundary this
method would make the lines of shearing stress ellipses, having their axes in the same
direction as those of the bounding curve and touching this curve at the highest and lowest
points. Fig. 30 shows that the correct curves are flatter than these ellipses in the
neighbourhood of these points. In regard to the obliquity of the strained cross-sections,
the method would give for s the value &W (l-\-o)lZEirab, which is nearly correct when the
breadth is small, or b is small compared with a, but is too small by about 5 per cent, in
the case of the circle, and by nearly 20 per cent, when b is large compared with a.
(e) The existence of a term of the form /3z in the expression for the deflexion
[Article 232 (d)] has been recognized by writers of technical treatises. The term was
named by Rankine (loc. cit.) "the additional deflexion due to shearing." In view of the
discussion at the end of Article 230 concerning the meaning of the constant /3, the name
seems not to be a good one.
(/) The theorem of Article 120 is sometimes used to determine the additional
deflexion*. The theorem yields the equation
% J J (X u+Y v
z z + Z w) da;dy-%
z z==l j j (X u + z Y v+Z w) dxdy
s e z==0
2 2 2 2 2
=*/// [{X +Y +Z --2a(Y Z +...)}/E+(X +Y
x y y z + X^ ...(42)
When the tractions over the ends are assigned in a special manner in accordance with
the formulae (1) and (8), so that the displacement is given by (12), the first term of the
2 s
left-hand member of (42) becomes ^W l /EI+^ Wfil, and the second term becomes
-iW&-i f j P # + W - . - ( ^ / / ) W - W ( + x,f)IEI}}dxdy, x
where the expression under the sign of integration is independent of /3. The right-hand
of /3. Thus, in this case, equation (42) fails to determine the additional deflexion. When
the tractions over the ends are not distributed exactly in accordance with (1) and (8), the
displacement is practically of the form given by (12) in the greater part of the beam, but
must be subject to local irregularity near the ends. The left-hand member of (42) is
approximately equal to J Wd, where B is the deflexion at the loaded end, and the right-
2 3
hand member is approximately equal to W l /EI; but, for a closer approximation we
should require a knowledge not only of X and Y in the greater part of the beam, but also
z z
* See e.g. W. J. M. Rankine, loc. cit., or J. Perry, Applied Mechanics (London, 1899), p. 461.
dx dy dx dy dx ay
and the conditions which hold at t h e cylindrical boundary are
cos O , v) Xx + cos (y, v) X y = 0, cos (x, v) X y + cos (y, v)Y y = 0,
cos (x, v) X + cos (y, v) Y — 0. .. .(2)
z z
s( l?-tH l@r-t)-° (1>
e = € — fcx — /cy
zz (6)
where e, K, K are constants. Whenever this is t h e case equations (1) and
conditions (2) lead to t h e conclusion t h a t X , Y , X vanish. To prove this x y y
J[{Xx cos (x, v) + X y cos (y, v)} u + {X y cos (x, v) + Y cos (y, v)) v'] ds y
(ii) n = x , v' — 0, we find jj xX dxdy x = 0,
(iii) v! = xy, v' = — ^x , we find J j yX dxdy x = 0;
jj Y dxdy
y = 0, jj xY dxdy y = 0, Jj yYydxdy = 0.
jj X e dxdy
x zz = 0, J j Y e dxdy y zz = 0.
B u t we have
2 2
x xx + Y eyy = -*(X +
y x Y) e + y zz (1 + a) {(1 - a) (X x + Y) -
y 2*X Y }.
x y
2 2
(1 — a) {X -\- Y ) — 2<rX Y is definite and positive, since o - < J ; also we
x y x y
have X e = fju^Xy .
y xy Hence t h e expression X e 2
+ Ye + Xe is x xx y yy y xy
necessarily positive, a n d equation (8) cannot be satisfied unless X , x Y,y Xy
vanish identically.
I t follows t h a t we m u s t have
= = 7 = 2
&xx ~ &yy °"&zz> @xy ~ ^ (^)
forms for e , e a r e
zx yz
= = T y e = T + x ( 1 0 )
*» (l£- )' »* ^ )' •
where r is a constant of integration, a n d c£ is t h e torsion function for t h e
cross-section (Article 216).
T h e strain is expressed by equations (6), (9), (10), and i t follows t h a t t h e
most general state of strain which is consistent with t h e conditions (i) t h a t
t h e stress is uniform along t h e beam, (ii) t h a t no forces are applied to t h e
beam except a t t h e ends, consists of t h e strain associated with simple
longitudinal tension (cf. Article 69), two simple flexures involving curvatures
K a n d K in t h e planes of (x, z) and (y, z) [cf. Article 87], and torsion r as in
Chapter x i v .
T h e t h e o r e m proved i n t h i s A r t i c l e for isotropic solids, viz., t h a t , if e zz i s linear i n
x a n d y, a n d if there are n o b o d y forces a n d n o surface t r a c t i o n s o n t h e cylindrical
boundary, t h e stress-components X , x Y, y X y m u s t v a n i s h , i s true also for seolotropic
materials, provided t h a t t h e p l a n e of (x, y) i s a p l a n e of s y m m e t r y * .
1 2 )
z {cos {x, v) X ® x + cos (y, v) X„«} + cos (x, v) X ® + cos (y, v) X / > =
x 0 . . . .(13)
which vanishes by the first two of equations (13). Also we have by (17)
{1) {1) 2
?Y Z - yX ] z dxdy = fiTjjj\x 2
+y +x —y ^ | dxdy,
L. E. 22
where t h e integral on the right is the coefficient of fi in t h e expression for t h e
torsional rigidity of t h e beam. I t follows t h a t r must vanish*, and hence x
t h a t X ® and Y ^ vanish.
9 z
+ £ , « = <>
dx dy
and the boundary condition
X / > cos (x, v) + F / > cos (y, v) = 0,
which are inconsistent unless
Z^dxdy = 0.
Since Z ^ = E(e z 1 y), this equation requires € to vanish. 1
vanish and t h a t e is a linear function of x and y. W e may therefore p u t
e zz
= € - K X - «o'y,
0 Q ^ ( o ) = e^w = - <rej>\ e^
xy = 0, (19)
V » 0
= T . + *) + * {|j + (2 + o-) « y | + j|£ + W + (1 - *<r) a?
where ^ and %' are the flexure functions for t h e cross-section, corresponding
with bending in the planes of (x, z) and (y, z), and T is a constant. 0
* This conclusion is otherwise evident; for if r did not vanish we should have twist of ±
variable amount r z maintained by tractions at the ends. The torsional couples at different
dx 2
dz ~ ' dz ~ ' dx dy dz ~ '
a n d i t follows from t h e s e t h a t X z and Y z are i n d e p e n d e n t of z and t h a t Z z i s a linear func
t i o n of z. T h u s t h e c o n d i t i o n t h a t t h e stress varies u n i f o r m l y along t h e b e a m is t h e s a m e
a s t h e conditions t h a t X , x Y,
y X y vanish*.
where J=jjx^dxdy and I ' = jj y dxdy; and t h e resultant couple at any
d 2
d d
+ w'jj^x ^-y ^-(2+±a)xy* + (l-±a) f\ dxdy.
X =
x X ®*x +X x M z + X®
x t e x x = e x x ® z * + e x x ^ z + e x x ® (21)
* For the importance of these results in connexion with the historical development of the
theory, see Introduction, p. 21.
f The theory is due to J. H. Michell, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 32 (1901).
W e shall suppose also t h a t there is body force, specified by components X, Y
parallel to t h e axes of x, y, and surface traction on t h e cylindrical boundary,
specified similarly by X Y , these quantities being independent of z. T h e n
vy v
w w
@XiC•«'--* w
WU = - «~ ~ZZ
* ,
7 ~'JOU e ®=0,
xy \ (22)
( 2 )
'd<b \ dcj>
e x Z =T,(^-y , } v y z
> dy + ^>
where e , 2 tc2y tc r 2 2 are constants, and cj> is t h e torsion function for t h e section.
=^ (id
-y)+2*. i^ +a - 2
f \ + w r)xy
dx (dx \%+(2+
= Tl + +
(fy X
) 2
* {dy 2 + ( 2 + a ) Wy
) + 2
*"' ^ +
^ + ( 1
~ i < T )
where e /e 1? r are constants, and % and ^ ' are t h e two flexure functions
ly a
for t h e section.
For t h e determination of X , x ... we have t h e equations of equilibrium
(0) 0)
dX dX <
3X<°) 3r,«»
dx dy
and t h e boundary conditions
X / ) cos (a?, i,) + X ® cos (y, x/) - X = 0 / y v
dp <°) dp &
dxdy dx dy
d fde ® yz
dx \ dx dy
J + 2 ™ / = 0, .(27)
A (deyj® de ®
dy\ dx dy
2o-Kl = 0,
and 2 2
dy dx dxdy
Equations (26) give us the form of e , zz viz.:
(0) 2
Z = e - W
0 - K^y + 2* ( 2 % + xy ) + 2 * / (%' + aty) + ; . . .(29)
wherein e , /e , K ', T are constants, and <£, %,
0 0 0 0 are t h e functions previously
{0) (0)
I t remains to determine X ^\ Y , X from t h e first two of (24), t h e
x y y
first two of (25), the appropriate stress-strain relations and t h e equation (28).
This determination requires in effect t h e solution of a problem of plane
strain. If we p u t
0 ) 0 )
X*® = W + X\ x Y® = W y + Y ',
y (31)
t h e n the equations of t h e problem of plane strain are
PX + X / ' + X = 0,
dx dy dx
PY+Y m z + \ = 0,
dx dy dy _
t o g e t h e r with equation (28), t h e equations
XJ = Xe '°» + (X + 2fi) ej®,
ro Y ' = Xe <°> + (X + 2») e ^,
y ra vy X° =
y pe ®,
and t h e boundary conditions
X ' cos (x, v) + X ® cos (y, v) = [X
x y v - Xe ® cos (x, p)],)
r (34)
X ® cos (x, v) + Yy cos (y, v) = [ Y - \e ®
y v zz cos (y, v)\ )
T h e expressions in square brackets in (32) and (34) may be regarded as
T h e t h e o r y here e x p l a i n e d a d m i t s of e x t e n s i o n t o a n y case i n w h i c h t h e forces applied t o
t h e b e a m a l o n g i t s l e n g t h h a v e l o n g i t u d i n a l c o m p o n e n t s a s well a s transverse c o m p o n e n t s ,
provided t h a t all t h e s e c o m p o n e n t s are i n d e p e n d e n t of z*. T h i s restriction m a y be
removed, a n d t h e t h e o r y e x t e n d e d further t o a n y case i n w h i c h all t h e forces applied t o t h e
b e a m along i t s l e n g t h are represented b y rational integral f u n c t i o n s of zf.
240. T h e c o n s t a n t s of t h e solution.
L e t W, W denote t h e components parallel to t h e axes of x and y of t h e
uniform load, so t h a t we have
W = fj Xdxdy P + J X dSv
= Jx [X cos (x, v) + Y cos (y, v)} ds + JJx {Z ® + 2zZ }
z z z z dxdy
= -EI(/e 1 + 2z/e ), 2
2EIK 2 = TT, 2EFK2 =W (36)
If t h e body forces and t h e surface tractions on t h e cylindrical bounding
surface give rise to a couple about t h e axis of z, t h e moment of t h i s
couple is
and from equations (32) and (34) we find t h a t this expression is equal to
{1) (1
given in (23) for e and e \ we have an equation to determine Tj. W h e n
zx yz
evaluated at t h e end of Article 238. The remaining constants e , ... are then 0
expressed in terms of t h e load per unit of length and the terminal forces and
W h e n t h e functions <£, %, are known and the problem of plane strain is
solved, we know t h e state of stress and strain in the beam b e n t by uniform
load, distributed in any assigned way, and by terminal forces and couples.
As in Chapters xiv. and xv., t h e terminal forces and couples may be of any
assigned amounts, b u t t h e tractions of which they are t h e statical equivalents
m u s t be distributed in certain definite ways.
e« = ( T O + nz) - y^j + («, + 2K Z) 2 + \<rx + (1 - J«r) f
ez =
V (TO + T , * ) & +1 a ) + (*, + 1 1
2K,Z) | * + (2 + a ) xy
\dy "7 > {dy
+ ( « / + 2« V> 2 + (1 - *<r) x + ^f\. }
twist of t h e beam.
To interpret t h e constants denoted by K 0 > we observe t h a t the
2 2
curvature of t h e central-line in t h e plane of (x, z) is t h e value of d u/dz when
co = y — 0. Now we have
x {X ® cos (x, v) 4- X ® cos (y> v)}ds+
x y x (Xz + pX) dxdy.
T h e integral Jj Y ® dxdy may be transformed in t h e same way, and hence
JJ Z dxdy
z = JJ [Ee ®+<rx(X u+pX)
zz z +cry (Y ^+ Y)]
z P dxdy
M = -JJx(Z w
z + 2zZ ®)dxdy z = EI (K, + 2ZK ).
is expressible in t h e form
ET (KQ -f K-[Z + K Z ) 2 + const.
x(X ®x +Y w)dxdy
^ {i (of - f) X ® + xyX ®} x y + ~ - f) X / > + xyY ®\y
( x + + X + L
• - ^ { ^ ^ ) y { - d a r ^ y -
2 2 2
= / [i - 2/ ) X + « * r , ] < * » + / / [ * (* ~2/ ) 0 > * + W + «y ( p F + F , W ) ] d a % .
i 2
= - j j Ex {e /> + « «) dxdy - <r [\_\{x - j/ ) X + xyY }
z 0 v v ds
- ° fj\h(x>-f)(pX + X w) + xy(pY+
z Y W)]dxdy
z (45)
w h i c h c a n b e m a i n t a i n e d b y surface tractions of a m o u n t s
Ea {x cos (x, v) — y cos (y, v)}, Ea {x cos (y, v) — y cos v)}
parallel t o t h e a x e s of x a n d y. T h e s e t r a c t i o n s are self-equilibrating o n every section,
* The result was obtained first by K. Pearson. See Introduction, footnote 92. The formula
(45) is due to J. H. Michell, loc. cit. p. 339. The amount of the extra curvature in some special
cases is calculated in Article 244.
and there is no bending moment. The corresponding displacement is given by the
u= a (1 -<r)x - J (3 + o-) + 0-2 }, v = a(l — cr) xy,
w—-Za<jXZ, 2
there is one, does not contain the central-line. In general the locus of the points at which
e vanishes, or there is no longitudinal extension, might be called the " neutral-surface."
dxdy' j
where a must be adjusted so that the equation of compatibility (28) is satisfied. We may
show that this equation leads to the following equation for O : —
V a = 2/AK (2 + a) x x
2 (47)
If we take the particular solution
Q = ^ H ( ^ ) x { x t + f ) s ( 4 g )
Q, g i v e n i n (48), a n d t h i s s o l u t i o n m u s t b e a d j u s t e d s o t h a t t h e b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s are
(b) Solution of the problem of plane strain for a beam of circular section bent by its
2 2 2
own weight. W h e n t h e b o u n d a r y i s a circle x +y — a , w e h a v e
X=-(l + i ^ ) ^ + ¥ ( ^ - ^ ) ; (49)
X '=fXK
x 2 (x + 3xy ) - \ej°) - JJUCTK (X
3 2
- 3^ ), 2
v =P*2 ^ + 3^) _ xejfi) +^ (I + |o-) a x
+ £PRK (x* - 3xy ), \ 2
K c a n e a n n u e (
T h e surface t r a c t i o n s arising from t h e t e r m s i n M 2 ^4°" ^ ^ l ^y superposing
the stress-system*
XT- 1 2-\-cr „ T r , 2 + 0" o v n 2 + cr „ / K 1 *
T h e surface t r a c t i o n s arising from t h e t e r m i n jjLK a x c a n be a n n u l l e d b y s u p e r p o s i n g t h e2
X ' = 0,
x r '=-/XK (l+fo> #,
Y 2
X »=0 y (52)
3 2
T h e surface tractions arising from t h e t e r m s in fxo-K 2 (x -3xy ) c a n be a n n u l l e d b y super
posing t h e stress-system
X = fia-K x (Ix - F y + 2%a ),
2 2 2
Y = fxo-K x(-
y 2 fax 2
+ %y + F A ), 2
2 2 %
V = .onc y{-T^ + A ( y - « ) } .
/ a (63)
The stress-components X , x Y,
y X (°) are therefore d e t e r m i n e d , a n d t h u s t h e p r o b l e m of
and that
* Some of the solutions of the problem of plane strain in a circular cylinder which are
required here were given i n Article 186.
f Solutions of the problem of the bending of a circular or elliptic cylinder by loads dis
tributed i n certain special ways have been given by Pearson, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 24 (1889),
and by Pearson and Filon, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 31 (1899).
{d) Narrow rectangular beam loaded along the top.
The theory may be illustrated further by the case of a beam of rectangular section
and small breadth loaded uniformly along its upper surface. We shall treat the problem
as one of generalized plane stress*, and we shall neglect the weight of the beam. Let 2a
be the depth of the beam, 26 the breadth, and I the length. Take the axis of z along the
horizontal central-line, and the axis of x vertically downwards at the fixed end, 0=0. Let
If denote the load per unit of length. The average stress-components X , Z , X can be x z z
'46 .(55)
• EAx + %EK^ -B(K Z + K Z ) x, 1 2
•i 0(a»-*»)(« + 2K,*), J 1
which is equal to
8 - M [(«-^-(f^)« ].
The term containing (f + cr) a gives the correction of the curvature that would be calculated
by the ordinary rule.
The extension of the central-line can be shown to be cr W/4bE; it is just half as great
as the extension of the beam when free at the ends, supported along the base, and
carrying the same load along the top. The neutral surface is given by the equation
; 3 ( 3 2
[ -^+ (t+°-)-( +^5]=^«-
At a considerable distance from the free end the depth of this surface below the central-
3 2
line is nearly equal to laa /(l — z) . The result that the neutral surface is on the side of
the central-line towards the centres of curvature has been verified experimentally+.
(e) Doubly supported beam. If we superpose on the stress-system found in (55)
that due to a load — \Wl at the end s = £, we shall obtain the solution for a narrow rect
angular beam bent by uniform load W per unit of length and supported at both ends.
The additional stress-system is given, in accordance with the results of Article 95, by
the equations
3 Wl„ , = 3 Wl.
X = % ^SaFb - Z X =-~ (a -x \
{l 3
2 2
16 a b
x 2
X- z
* The problem h a s been discussed by J. H. Michell, Quart. J. of Math., vol. 31 (1900), and
also by L. N. G. Filon, Phil. Trans. Boy. Soc. (Ser. A), vol. 201 (1903), and Proc. Roy. Soc,
vol. 72 (1904).
t See a paper by E . G. Coker, Edinburgh Roy. Soc. Trans., vol. 41 (1904), p. 229.
c B
u O
Fig. 32.
_ F / 4 __3a 6W/a 1
horizontal tension, X r
~ b W
b + • b* \b
Fig. 33.
* Phil. Trans. Boy. Soc. (Ser. A), vol. 201 (1903). Reference may also be made to a thesis
by C. Ribiere, Sur divers cas de la flexion des prismes rectangles, Bordeaux, 1888.
245, 246] CONTINUOUS BEAMS 353
The correction of the central deflexion which would be obtained in this way would be
.equivalent, in the case of a narrow rectangular beam, to increasing it by the fraction
45d /16l of itself, where I is the length of the span, and d is the depth of the beam. The
* The theory was initiated by Navier. See Introduction, p. 22. Special cases have been
discussed by many writers, among whom we may mention Weyrauch, Aufgaben zur Theorie
elastischer Korper, Leipzig 1885.
L. E. 23
G = B 2 •(2)
dx '
where B is the product of Young's modulus for the material and t h e moment
of inertia of a normal section about an axis t h r o u g h its centroid at r i g h t
angles to t h e plane of (x, y ) * . The senses of the force and couple, estimated
as above, are indicated in Fig. 34. Except in estimating B no account is
taken of the breadth or d e p t h of t h e beam.
Fig. 35.
A and B. The forces Y must be equal and opposite, and, when the senses
are those indicated in Fig. 35, they must be expressible in terms of M 1
IY=M -M . 0 1
+ M
r > v
A | wl
Fig. 36.
\wx(l — x).
' dx
Fig. 37.
in BQ B (l-x).
dec* I
Fig. 38.
To the values of By given in (5) and (6) we have to add the value of B y given
in (3), and determine the constants M and M by the conditions that dy/dx vanishes
0 x
In like manner there is an inflexion at P in BQ where 2
The point where the central-line is horizontal is given by dy/dx = 0. If such a point
is in AQ it must be at a distance from A equal to twice AP , and for this to happen 1
Y= 0 F { * (3£ + f P i = W e (« + 3|0/P.
A, Bi
Fig. 39.
* The theorem is due to Clapeyron. See Introduction, p. 22. Generalizations have been
given by various writers among whom may be mentioned M. Ldvy, Statique graphique, t. 2,
Paris 1886, who treats the case where the supports are not all in the same level; R. R. Webb,
Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, vol. 6 (1886), who treats the case of variable flexural rigidity;
K. Pearson, Messenger of Math., vol. 19 (1890), who treats the case in which the supports
are slightly compressible.
by t h e same method. T h e condition of continuity of direction of the central-
line at B becomes t h e n a relation connecting t h e bending moments at A, B, C.
A similar relation holds for any three consecutive supports. This relation
is t h e theorem of three moments. By means of this relation, combined with
t h e special conditions which hold at t h e first and last supports, t h e bending
moments at all t h e supports can be calculated.
To express this theory analytically, we t a k e an origin anywhere in t h e
line of the supports, and draw t h e axis of x horizontally to t h e right, and t h e
axis of y vertically downwards. W e take t h e points of support to be at
x=a, b, c,... The lengths of the spans, b — a, c — b,... will be denoted by
l , l c>'-
AB B We investigate a series of cases.
(a) Uniform load.
Let w be the load per unit of length. T h e deflexion in AB is given,
in accordance with the results of Article 247 (a) and (6), by the equation
% = 2¥ ( - ) (P - ) [Q> - Y + (a? - a) ( 6 — x)}
-%(x-a){b-x) {M (b + x - 2a) + M
B A (26 - x - a)}/(b - a).
A similar equation may be written down for t h e deflexion in BC. The
condition t h a t t h e two values of dy/dx at x = b are equal is
~^w(b-af + ±(2M B + M ) (b-a) A = i w(c-by-i(2M
J B + M )(c-b),
B l - \wl
x BC B - M + M = 0.
The constants A and B are to be determined from the values of M at the first and last
(c) Uniform load on each span.
Let w denote the load per unit of length on the span AB, and w that on BC. Then
we find, in the same way as in case {a), the equation of three moments in the form
LB {MA + 2M ) + l B BC (2M +M ) B C =Iw AB l *+i w
AB BC l *.
(d) Concentrated load on one span.
Let a load W be concentrated at a point Q in BG given by x — £. T h e
deflexion in AB is given, in accordance with t h e results of Article 247 (a)>
by t h e equation
By = -±(x-a)(b-x) {M (2b-x-a)
A + M (& + a ? - 2 a ) } / ( & - a ) ,
and t h a t in BQ is given by
By = i W [(£ - 6) (c - £) (2c - 6 - £) (* - 6) - (c - f) (0 - 6) ]/(c - 6)
-£{x-b)(c-x) [M (2c-x-b)
B + M (c + 0 x-2b)}/(c-b).
The condition of continuity of dy/dx at x = b is
i ( J f „ + 2 J Q (6 -a) = i TF (£ - 6) (c - £)(2c - 6 - f )/(c - b)-^M +M ){c-b)
B c t
M J F * + 2 J f ) + l > (2M + M ) = Wl l
c CJ C D BQ QC (1 + l jl ) BQ BG (9)
Ay G 7 / 7 .dy 1
x — ax, (I — x) ^ + y — • (I — x) — dx,
dx ^ ~ J 0 ~ B
uniform load on t h e span is equal to —\wx{l — x), as in Article 247 (6), and
it may be represented by t h e ordinates of a parabola as in Fig. 4 1 . T h e
bending moment due to a concentrated load is equal to — Wx (I — when
£ > x > 0, and to — W (I — x) when I > x > as in Article 247 (d); and it
may be represented by t h e ordinate of a broken line as in Fig. 42. T h e
bending moment due to the load on the span may be represented in a
general way by t h e ordinate of t h e thick line in Fig. 43.
denote t h e equivalent system of forces for the first span A A and so on.
0 ly
ratio </>/ : <£ is known. Similarly t h e ratio <£ ' * </>3 is known, and so on.
2 2
If t h e forces (/>, (/>', as well as F, were known for any span, we could
construct a funicular polygon for t h e m of which t h e extreme sides could be
made to pass through the ends of the span Since the direction of t h e
central-line of t h e beam is continuous at the points of support, t h e extreme
sides of t h e funiculars which pass through t h e common extremity of two
consecutive spans are in t h e same straight line. T h e various funicular
polygons belonging to t h e different spans form therefore a single funicular
polygon for t h e system of forces consisting of all the forces <f>, F.
Fig. 44.
line of action of the resultant of </>/ and </>; b u t this line is the vertical2
t h r o u g h the point a where a g = A g and a g = A g , for cf> : <p = A^g :
ly x 2 x x x x Ag. x 2 x 2 x x 2
t h e stated conditions.
t h e force F .x
* The sketch of the graphic method given in the text is not intended to be complete. For
further details the reader is referred to M. Levy, loc. cit. p. 358. A paper by Perry and Ayrton
i n Proc. Roy. Soc, vol. 29 (1879), may also be consulted. The memoir by Canevazzi cited in the
Introduction, footnote 99, contains a very luminous account of the theory.
t h e lines 5 and 7 lies passes t h r o u g h t h e point a , where a g = A g and 2 2 3 2 2
ag — Ag.
2 2 The fixed point G , t h r o u g h which t h e side 5 passes, is on t h e
2 3 B
funicular, since t h e force <j) ', like <j> is zero. T h e side (Sn — 2) meets t h e
n 1}
product of M and A^A also on a constant scale. Hence A S /A A
1 2 repre 1 1 l 2
system. The system of axes constructed as above for any point on the strained
central-line will be called the " principal torsion-flexure axes " of the rod at
the point.
Let P' be a point of the central-line near to P , and let P / be the displaced
position of P', The length hs of the arc P P( of the strained central-line
x X
may differ slightly from the length ds of P P ' , If e is the extension of the
central-line at P we have
lim ( S V o V l - a + e) (1)
The extension e may be zero. For any application of the mathematical
theory of Elasticity to be possible, it must be a small quantity of the order of
the strains contemplated in the theory.
Suppose the origin of a frame of three orthogonal axes of x, y , z to move
along the strained central-line of the rod with unit velocity, and the three
axes to be directed always along the principal torsion-flexure axes of the rod
at the origin of the frame. We may resolve the angular velocity with which
the frame rotates into components directed along the instantaneous positions
of the axes. We shall denote these components by K, K, r. Then K and tc'
are the components of curvature of the strained central-line at P and r is the
Fig. 45.
X H m x N
y H m 2 n 2
z H m 3
dlif ds± — 1 T — I K,
2 Z dl /dsi 2 = 1 K — liT,
3 dl / ds = 1 K — 1 K,
B 1 1 2 ]
dmi/ds 1 = m r— m K,
2 Z dm /ds 2 ± — m^ic—m r, Y dm^/ds =m K 1 L — m ic\...(5)
d?i /ds
1 1 = n T— n /c',
2 s dn /ds 2 1 = n fc — n-^r,
s dn /ds
s 1 = n K — n /c,
1 2 )
k 1 + m z : J r n
d s d i " ds *
too j U/OI LI A I
ds ds ~ds'
, , dL dm* dn s
7 dL dm, dm
t h e angle which the axis of z at P makes with the fixed axis of z, y\r the
angle which a plane parallel to these axes makes with t h e fixed plane of (x, z),
t h e angle which t h e principal plane (x, z) of t h e rod at P makes with t h e 2
Fig. 46.
L. E. 24
T h e relations connecting dO/ds, dyfr/ds, d^/ds with K, K , T are obtained at
once from Fig. 46 by observing t h a t tc, K, T are t h e projections on t h e
principal torsion-flexure axes at P of a vector which is equivalent to vectors
d6 . , dylr . , A
, dd c o s
, d\lr . ~ . ,
s m s i n
K = , sin 9 — sm u cos 9, ~~r 9 + " 9>
as as as as
T = ^ + * ± C O S 0 ( 8 )
as ds
254. E q u a t i o n s of equilibrium.
W h e n the rod is deformed the action of t h e part of it t h a t is on one side
of a cross-section upon the part on t h e other side is expressed, in t h e usual
way, by means of tractions estimated per unit of area of the section. These
tractions are statically equivalent to a force acting at t h e centroid of t h e
section and a couple. The axis of z being directed along t h e t a n g e n t to t h e
central-line at this centroid, t h e tractions on the section are denoted by
X, Y, Z.
z z T h e components parallel to the axes of x, y, z of the force- and
N =fjx dxdy, z A = jJY dxdy, z T= jjZ dxdy,
= r
& jjyZzdxdy, G =jj — xZ dxdy,
z H=jj(xY z — yX ) z dxdy,
t h e integrations being t a k e n over t h e area of the section. The forces N, N
are "shearing-forces/' the force T is t h e " t e n s i o n / ' the couples G, G' are
"flexural couples," the couple H is t h e "torsional couple/' The forces
N, N', T will be called t h e stress-residtants, and the couples G, G', H t h e
T h e forces applied to t h e rod are estimated by means of their force- and
couple-resultants per unit of length of the central-line, and, in t h u s estimating
them, we may disregard t h e extension of this line. Let t h e forces applied to
t h e portion of t h e rod between t h e cross-sections drawn through P and P / 1
axes, x', y', z' those of any point on t h e central-line between P and P / . x
and 8(kG + l G' + l H) + 8y {faN + n N' + n T) + 8 (^N + n N + n T)}
2 3 2 3 2 3
-8z {(m JSr + m N + m T) + 8 (m.N +m N' + m T)}
1 2 s 2 3
+J { ( / - y) ( i n x
+ n* T + n Z) - (z' - z) ( m X + m Y+ m Z)}
3 2 2 3 ds
+ (l K+l K'
1 2 + l ®)ds 3 = Q.
J s
(8s)- J 1
(y' - y) (n X x + n Y+n Z)
2 3 ds
are zero. W e have, therefore, t h e following forms for t h e equations of
dW \
^ - - T K + NT+Y^O, y oo)
±-N '+N' +Z=0,
/c K .
ds I
* The equations werejgiven by Clebsch, Elasticitdt, § 50, but they were effectively contained in
the work of Kirchhoff, loc. cit. p. 365.
+ +0 = 0.
I n addition to these equations t h e r e will in general be certain special
conditions which hold at t h e ends of t h e rod. These may be conditions of
fixity, or t h e forces and couples applied at t h e ends may be given. I n t h e
latter case t h e terminal values of t h e stress-resultants and stress-couples are
prescribed. These special conditions may be used to determine t h e constants
t h a t are introduced in t h e process of integrating t h e equations of equilibrium.
y rm m 1 + m^y i z + n^oc + n y,
where l ...
1} are t h e direction cosines defined by the scheme (4).
A n y state of the rod, which involves t h e right extension and curvature
of t h e central-line and t h e r i g h t twist, may be derived from t h e state j u s t
described by a displacement which, in t h e case of a t h i n rod, must be small,
for one point in each cross-section and one plane element drawn through each
t a n g e n t of t h e central-line are not displaced. Let f, r), % be t h e components
of this additional displacement for t h e point Q, referred to the axes of x, y, z
a t t h e point P . x The coordinates, referred to the fixed axes, of t h e final
position of Q are
x + £i(#+f) + Z (y-^)-M £2 3 y + m^x + ^ + mziy + ri + m^,
z + »i (* + ?) + (y + *7) +flaf (13)
involve r correctly to the first order, b u t powers of r above the first may be
neglected. To obtain the expressions for t h e coordinates of t h e final position
of Q' we note t h e changes t h a t must be made in the several terms of (13).
The quantities x, j , z, l ... are functions of s only, b u t the quantities £, n, £
k by k + |r nr, ...
x by x + IT, y by y + mr,
m T UT}
* ^ * dx cty os ""
F u r t h e r t h e quantities 9x/9s,... are given by t h e equations
-=(l+eH, ^ = (l + e)m , - = (1 + ) w, 3 € 8
ds = (1 + e) (1 T — 2 l fc'),...
( 1 + e ) ^ + ^ 1 +j|) Z + g | m + ? | w | + (l + 6)(i T-^ )w(^ + f) a
z+ m +(1+e)( U)wi:
+ ^{i | +i4 ^"" •
256] B E N T A N D TWISTED ROD 375
dx, ds
+ r « + (l + g ) m + g n + (l + 6 ) n { T ( * + £ ) - * £ }
-f- r 2
I + ~ m•+ ^ + (1 + e) w {1 + * + rj) - + £)} , -..(14)
and this is r^. W e have therefore expressed r in t h e form of a homogeneous 2
quadratic function of I, m, n.
Now, t h e strains being small, r is nearly equal to r, and we can write 2
2 2
n = r (1 + 2e),
where 6 is t h e extension in t h e direction I, m, n. F u r t h e r we shall have
2 2 2
e = e l + e m -f e^w •+ ^ m w + fe^Z + ^ Z m ,
xx yy
: | + | + ( l + e) WS-T(f, + v)},
e = e — tc'x-\-tcy + ^ —
zz + ten.
* ^ ( i + g-) (1 - 2<r) ^ ^ ^ ~~ ^ * * } ' 6 x x + & y y ) + e
in the formulae (15) and (18) by putting | = T? = 0 ; and his formulae for bending by terminal
load are included by putting
2 2 2 2
£ = - <jKxy + i<TK (x -y ), y — GK'xy + | O T C
(x -y ).
In each case ^rnust be determined appropriately.
* The result, so far as dg/ds and drj/ds are concerned, is exemplified by Saint-Venant's formulae
just cited. In Saint-Venant's solutions £ is
where % and %' are the flexure functions, and cf> is the torsion function, for the cross-section.
a r e 2
The functions % and x' small of the order a x, where a is an appropriate linear dimension
of the cross-section. In this case £ is actually independent of s.
t These are Kirchhoff's formulae.
where E is Young's modulus and a is Poisson's ratio for t h e material, t h e
expression for this stress-component cannot be obtained without finding t h e
lateral extensions e e given by t h e formulae (15), as well as t h e longi
xx> yyy
Z =/tT =/ T +
' (l£-y)' **(J^ 7
4 Z = z -EWx- y),...{22)
dimension of the cross-sections, and the order of KX is therefore that of (Eco)' (G/a). 1
W e suppose the origin of this triad of axes to move along t h e curve with u n i t
* The theory is substantially due to Clebsch, Elasticitat, § 55. It had been indicated in
outline by Kirchhoff, loc. cit. p. 365.
velocity. T h e components of the angular velocity of t h e moving triad of axes,
referred to the instantaneous positions of t h e axes, will be denoted by
tfn, fc \ Tn. Then KQ , KQ are t h e components of t h e initial curvature, and r is
n 0
W h e n the rod is further bent and twisted, we may construct at each point
on t h e strained central-line a system of " principal torsion-flexure axes/' in t h e
same way as in Article 252, so t h a t t h e axis of z is t h e t a n g e n t of t h e strained
central-line a t t h e point, and t h e plane of (x, z) contains t h e linear element
which, in t h e unstressed state, issues from t h e point and lies along t h e axis
of x . 0 By means of this system of axes we determine, in t h e same way as
before, the components of curvature of the strained central-line and t h e twist
of t h e rod. W e shall denote t h e components of curvature by ic K \ and t h e ly X
twist by 7V
- N'T, + TKI + X = 0,
— TK L + NT X + F=0, .(26)
, r,
^ - G t ,
T 1 + JET/B -JV + Z ' = 0 , *
- H Kl + G TL + N + K = 0, \ .(27)
- GK{ + G' + KL © = 0.
The rod could be held straight and prismatic by suitable forces, and,
according to the ordinary approximation (Article 255), the stress-couples at
any cross-section would be — A/c , —B/c ', — Cr . T h e straight prismatic rod
0 0 0
given by t h e formulae *
It is clear from the discussion in Article 258 that these formulae can be used with
greater certainty if the rod is subjected to terminal forces and couples only than if forces
are applied to it along its length.
It may be noted that, even when the cross-section of the rod has kinetic symmetry
so that A — B, the flexural couples are not equivalent to a single couple about thebinormal
K /= K K
of the strained central-line unless Ki7 o i/ o- When this condition is satisfied the
flexural couple is of amount B (l/p -llp ), where p and p are the radii of curvature of
1 0 x 0
r X
or bx—r[l-{-n~^—), by—r [m — n ° ' ^o — J^L
'l+W "1+yJ'
V ,A ,^ \
7 , n ffy , ( &i dr)\) , (l + c)n , f , , , fl7
Prom these we could deduce the formulae (28) in the same way as (12) are deduced
from (19), and they would be subject to the same limitations.
* These formulas, due to Clebsch, were obtained also, by a totally different process, by
A. B . Basset, Amer. J. of Math., vol. 17 (1895).
^ - j y ' + 2 V = 0,
T 7^ + ^ = 0 , ^ - i W + i T * = 0, ...(1)
as ds ds
which express t h e constancy, as regards magnitude and direction, of the
resultant of N N\ Y T \ and, in fact, this resultant has the same magnitude,
direction and sense as t h e force applied to t h a t end of t h e rod towards which
s is measured. We denote this force by R .
Equations (11) of Article 254 become, on substitution from (12) of
Article 255, and omission of K, K\ ©,
A ^-(B-C) 'T
K = N\ B ^-(C-A)r c
l = -N, C^-(A - B) KK'= 0.
T h e terms on the right-hand side are equal to t h e moments about the axes
•of x, y, z of a force equal and opposite to R applied at the point (0, 0,1). W e
m a y therefore interpret equations (2) as the equations of motion of a top,
t h a t is to say of a heavy rigid body turning about a fixed point. I n this
analogy t h e line of action of the force R (applied a t t h a t end of the rod
towards which s is measured) represents the vertical drawn upwards, s repre
sents t h e time, t h e magnitude of R represents t h e weight of the body, A,B, G
represent t h e moments of inertia of the body about principal axes at t h e fixed
point, (K, K\ T ) represents t h e angular velocity of t h e body referred to t h e
* G. Kirchhoff, loc. cit. p. 365.
^ + A KJ + BK' ^ + {A - B) TICK' = 0,
2 2 2
J {T+±(AK
S + BK' +CT )} = 0,
giving t h e equation
2 2 2
T+\ (AK + BK' + GT ) = const (3)
This equation is equivalent to t h e energy-integral of t h e equations of
motion of t h e kinetic analogue.
defined as in Article 259, are constants. This is the case if, in the unstressed state, the
rod is straight but not prismatic, in such a way that homologous transverse lines in
different cross-sections lie on a right helicoid ; or if the central-line is an arc of a circle,
and the rod free from twist; or if the central-line is a portion of a helix, and the rod has
such an initial twist that, if simply unbent, it would be prismatic.
When the rod is bent and twisted by forces and couples applied at its ends only, so that
the components of curvature and the twist, as defined in Article 259, become * K / , r the L5 l5
A -£-B D
( / - ')
K Ko T l + C(r - r ) K{ = N\
x 0 ^
} (5)
~ d i ~ A
( i~ o)K
KI' + -B(KI'-KO')ȣI=0.
— AK = M,
0 —BKQ- -km, - CT0 — hn. .(6)
T h e angular v e l o c i t y of t h e rigid b o d y referred t o principal a x e s a t t h e fixed p o i n t is
K / , r ) a n d t h e i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of t h e r e m a i n i n g s y m b o l s i s t h e s a m e as before.
* The problem of the elastica was first solved by Euler. See Introduction, p. 3. The
systematic application of the theorem of the kinetic analogue to the problem was worked out by
W. Hess, Math. Ann., Bd. 25 (1885). Numerous special cases were discussed by L. Saalschutz,
Der belastete Stab, Leipzig, 1880.
Equation (7) can be obtained very simply by means of t h e equations of
equilibrium. These equations can be expressed in t h e forms
T=-Rcos0, N=-Rwi0, ^ + # = 0 ,
from which, by p u t t i n g Q' = — B (dd/ds), we obtain t h e equation
B(d 0/ds*) + Rsm0 = O, (8)
and equation (7) is t h e first integral of this equation.
The shape of t h e curve, called t h e elastica, into which t h e central-line is
bent, is to be determined by means of equation (7). T h e results take different
forms according as there are, or are not, inflexions. A t an inflexion d0/ds
vanishes, and the flexural couple vanishes, so t h a t the rod can be held in t h e
form of an inflexional elastica by terminal force alone, without couple. The
end points are t h e n inflexions, and it is clear t h a t all t h e inflexions lie on t h e
line of action of the terminal force R—the line of thrust. The kinetic analogue
of an inflexional elastica is an oscillating pendulum. Since t h e interval of
t i m e between two instants when t h e pendulum is momentarily at rest is a
constant, equal to half t h e period of oscillation, t h e inflexions are spaced
equally along t h e central-line of t h e rod. To hold t h e rod with its central-
line in t h e form of a non-inflexional elastica terminal couples are required as
well as terminal forces. The kinetic analogue is a revolving pendulum. In
t h e particular case where there are no terminal forces t h e rod is b e n t into an
arc of a circle. The kinetic analogue in this case is a rigid body revolving
about a horizontal axis which passes through its centre of gravity.
If the central-line of the rod, in the unstressed state, is a circle, and there is no initial
twist, the kinetic analogue (Article 261) is a pendulum on the axis of which a flywheel is
symmetrically mounted. The motion of the pendulum is independent of that of the fly
wheel, and in like manner the possible figures of the central-line of the rod when further
bent by terminal forces and couples are the same as for a naturally straight rod. The
magnitude of the terminal couple alone is altered owing to the initial curvature.
where K is the real quarter period of the elliptic functions. To determine the shape of the
L. E. 25
curve, let x, y be the coordinates of a point referred to fixed axes, of which the axis of x
coincides with the line of thrust. Then we have the equations
dx/ds — cos 6, dj/ds = sin 6,
and these equations give
I (12)
y=-2* /Qcn(tH-tf),
v J
where E&mu denotes the elliptic integral of the second kind expressed by the formula
E&mu= j dn udu,
and the constants of integration have been determined so that x and y may vanish with s.
The inflexions are given by cos 8 = cos a, or sn (u+K) — l, and therefore the arc between
two consecutive inflexions is 2*J(B/R). K, and the inflexions are spaced equally along the
axis of x at intervals
2^{B\R) ( 2 ^ 1 - 1 ) .
The points at which the tangents are parallel to the line of thrust are given by sin 0 = 0,
or sn (u + K) dn (u+K) = 0 so that u is an uneven multiple of K. It follows that the curve
forms a series of bays, separated by points of inflexion and divided into equal half-bays by
the points at which the tangents are parallel to the line of thrust.
The change of the form of the curve as the angle a increases is shown by Figs. 48—55.
When a> ^TT, X is negative for small values of u, and has its numerically greatest negative
2 r
value when u has the smallest positive value which satisfies the equation dn (^-f-A )=J.
Let u denote this value. The value of u for which x vanishes is given by the equation
u = 2 {i?am (u+K) — Earn. K). When u exceeds this value, x is positive, and x has a maximum
value when u = 2K—u . Figs. 50—52 illustrate cases in which x^ is respectively greater than,
equal to, and less than | x |. Fig. 53 shows the case in which x # = 0 or 2EomK=K.
This happens when a—130° approximately. In this case all the double points and inflexions
coincide at the origin, and the curve may consist of several exactly equal and similar
pieces lying one over another. Fig. 54 shows a case in which 2i?amif <AT, or x # < 0 ; the
curve proceeds in the negative direction of the axis of x. The limiting case of this, when
a = TT, is shown in Fig. 55, in which the rod (of infinite length) forms a single loop, and the
pendulum of the kinetic analogue starts close to the position of unstable equilibrium and
just makes one complete revolution.
=£cos0 + i ^ l + 2 - ^ ) , (13)
where h is less than unity, and we introduce Jacobian elliptic functions of modulus h and
argument u, where
u = k- sJ(R/B) (14)
We measure s from a point at which 6 vanishes. Then we have
Fig. 55.
a n d t h e coordinates x and y are expressed i n t e r m s of u b y t h e e q u a t i o n s
Fig. 56.
a b c
Fig. 57.
If the ends of t h e rod are constrained to remain in the same straight line,
t h e length is twice t h a t between consecutive inflexions, and t h e inequality (18)
These three cases are illustrated in Fig. 57,
Any of these results can be obtained very easily without having recourse to the general
theory of the elastica. We take the second case, and suppose that a long thin rod is set up
vertically and loaded at the top with a weight R, while the lower end is constrained to
remain vertical*. Let the axes of x and y be the vertical line drawn upwards through the
lowest point and a horizontal line drawn through the same point in the plane of bending,
as shown in Fig. 57 b. If the rod is very slightly bent, the equation of equilibrium of the
portion between any section and the loaded end is, with sufficient approximation,
- 5 ^ + S ( y - y ) = 0,
J J 1
where y is the displacement of the loaded end. The solution of this equation which
satisfies the conditions that y vanishes with x, and that y = V j when x=l isy
and this solution makes dy/dx vanish with x if cos {I s/(R/B)}=0. Hence the least value
of I by which the conditions can be satisfied is \TT ^(B/R).
From the above we conclude that, in t h e case represented by Fig. 57 6, if
t h e length is slightly greater t h a n ^7r\/(B/R), or the load is slightly greater
2 2
t h a n \-n B\l , t h e rod bends under t h e load, so t h a t t h e central-line assumes
t h e form of one half-bay of a curve of sines of small amplitude. If t h e length
of t h e rod is less t h a n t h e critical length it simply contracts under t h e load.
If t h e length is greater t h a n t h e critical length, and t h e load is truly central
while the rod is truly cylindrical, t h e rod may simply contract; b u t t h e equi
librium of t h e rod t h u s contracted is unstable. To verify this it is merely
necessary to show t h a t t h e potential energy of t h e system in t h e bent state is
less t h a n t h a t in t h e contracted state.
* We neglect the weight of the rod. The problem of the bending of a vertical rod under its
own weight will be considered in Article 276.
or R j (cos 6 - cos a) ds. The tension T at any section is JEW, where e is the extension of
the central-line, and it is also — R cos 6, and therefore the potential energy of contraction
2 2 2
is \E<* j (R cos 6/EM) ds or J (R /Eco) {I - J sin 6 ds}. Hence the loss of potential energy
in the passage from the unstressed state to the bent state is
2 2
R{l(l + cos a ) - 2 J cos 0ds}-±(R /Ea>) {I- j sin 0ds}.
The excess of the potential energy in the contracted state above that in the bent state
is therefore
2 2 2
R{l(l+cosa)-2 j cos 6 ds} + i(R /Ea>) j sin 6 ds - lR /Eco (21)
Now we have
C 1
cos e ds=sJ(B/R) (2Eam K-K) = l (2/f- ^am K-1),
and therefore
ZK^E&mK-l^-Jc -^-....
and therefore Jc = 4(l/l — 1) nearly, so that
4 2
P - R/Eco = 4 (l/l - 1 ) 0 - R/Eco,
and this is positive if
or l>l +i7r^(B/Ew).
The quantity i5 is the product of Eco and the square of the radius of gyration of the
cross-section about an axis drawn through its centroid at right angles to the plane of
bending. Denoting this radius of gyration by c, we find that the potential energy in the
contracted state is certainly greater than that in the bent state if
l>l 0 + i7rc (23)
The term %TTC constitutes a correction of the formula for the critical length as ordinarily
calculated; it is, of course, immaterial in any case to which the theory of thin rods could
be applicable. Another correction of the same order of importance would result from
taking account of the special state of the parts of the rod that are near the ends. If the
forces applied to hold the lower end are so distributed that the theory of thin rods gives
an adequate account of the strain near this end, then the terminal section is not fixed as a
whole, and some work is done by the tractions at this end [cf. Article 235 (/)]. If, on the
other hand, it is kept fixed, then there are " local perturbations" near the end, and the
additional energy that depends upon them has not been taken into account. There will
be similar local perturbations near the loaded end.
266. Resistance to buckling.
T h e strains developed in the rod, whether it is short and simply contracts
or is long and bends, are supposed to be elastic strains, t h a t is to say such as
265, 266] UNDER THRUST 391
disappear on the removal of the load. For Euler's theory of the buckling of
a long thin strut, explained in Article 264, to have any practical bearing, it is
of course necessary t h a t t h e load required, in accordance with inequalities
such as (19), to produce bending should be less than t h a t which would
produce set by crushing. This condition is not satisfied unless t h e length
of the strut is great compared with t h e linear dimensions of t h e cross-section.
I n view of t h e lack of precise information as to t h e conditions of safety in
general (Chapter I V . ) and of failure by crushing (Article 189), a precise
estimate of the smallest ratio of length to diameter for which this condition
would be satisfied is not to be expected.
* ' Mem. sur la flexion du bois,' Ann. des travaux publics de Belgique, t. 4 (1846).
t Todhunter and Pearson's History, vol. 1, pp. 678 et sea.
% Reference may be made to the writings of J. Kiibler, C. J. Kriemler, L. Prandtl in Zeitschr.
d. Deutschen Ingenieure, Bd. 44 (1900), of Kiibler and Kriemler in Zeitschr. f. Math. u. Phys.
Bde. 45-47 (1900-1902), and the dissertation by Kriemler, ' Labile u. stabile Gleichgewichts-
figuren...auf Biegung beanspruchter Stabe... ' (Karlsruhe, 1902).
267. Elastic stability.
The possibility of a straight form and a bent form with t h e same terminal
load is not in conflict with the theorem of Article 118, because t h e t h i n rod
can, without undergoing strains greater than are contemplated in t h e m a t h e
matical theory of Elasticity, be deformed in such a way t h a t t h e relative
displacements of its parts are not small*.
The theory of the stability of elastic systems, exemplified in t h e discussion
in Articles 264, 265, may be brought into connexion with Poincares theory of
" equilibrium of bifurcation f." The form of the rod is determined by t h e
extension e at t h e loaded end and t h e total curvature a; and these quantities
depend upon the load R, the length I and flexural rigidity B being regarded
as constants. W e might represent the state of the rod by a point, determined
by t h e coordinates e and a, and, as R varies, the point would describe a curve.
W h e n R is smaller t h a n the critical load, a vanishes, and the equilibrium
state, defined by e as a function of R, is stable. W h e n R exceeds the critical
value, a possible state of equilibrium would still be given by a = 0 ; b u t there
is another possible state of equilibrium in which a does not vanish, and in
this state a and e are determinate functions of R, so t h a t the equilibrium
states for varying values of R are represented by points of a certain curve.
This curve issues from t h a t point of t h e line a = 0 which represents t h e
extension, or rather contraction, under the critical load. Poincare describes
such a point as a " point of bifurcation/' and he shows that, in general, there
is an " exchange of stabilities " at such a point, t h a t is to say, in the present
example, the states represented by points on t h e line a = 0, at which e numeri
cally exceeds the extension under the critical load, are unstable, and the sta
bility is transferred to states represented by points on the curve in which a ^ 0.
Fig. 58.
where E is written for E&mK , and the suffix r indicates the number (r+1) of inflexions.
r r
We compare the potential energies of the forms with r + 1 and s + 1 inflexions, s being
greater than r. Since
(2r+l)K r = (2s + l)K , s (28)
the potential energy in the form with s + 1 inflexions is the greater if
2 2
(2s+ 1) (2E + K k ) > (2r +1) (2E + K h ).
a 3 8 r r
In the case illustrated in Fig. 58 the three possible forms are (a) the unstable straight
form, (b) the slightly bent form with two inflexions, (c) the bent form with one inflexion.
The angle a for the form (c) is given by K=%TT, and it lies between 175° and 176°.
It may be observed that the conclusion that the stable form is that with a single
inflexion is not in conflict with Poincare's theory of the exchange of stabilities at a point
of bifurcation, because the loci in the domain of e and a which represent forms with two or
more inflexions do not issue from the locus which represents forms with one inflexion but
from the locus a = 0 which represents straight forms.
The instability of forms of the elastica with more than the smallest possible number of
inflexions between the ends is well known as an experimental fact. Any particular case
can be investigated in the same way as the special case discussed above, in which the
tangent at one end is, owing to constraint, parallel to the line of thrust. An investigation
of this kind cannot, however, decide the question wdiether any particular form is stable or
unstable for displacements in which the central-line is moved out of its plane. This
question has not been solved completely. One special case of it will be considered in
Article 272 (e).
K = 0,
0 KQ = cos a/r, 2
T = sin a cos a/r
0 (38)
* Cf. Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil. Part n. pp. 139 et seq.
where r a are t h e radius and angle of a new helix.
1} x The stress-couples a t
any section are then given by t h e equations
C s 2 A I C s 2 a> S n a i C 0 S ttl S n a C 0 S a
Q. _ o G' — B ( ° ° l H — G ^* * '
^ cos aj /sin oti cos a 2 siu a cos a\ ^ sin a cos a /cos aa a
x cos a' 2
All the equations of Article 259 are satisfied. The new configuration can
be maintained by a wrench of which t h e axis is the axis of t h e helix, and t h e
force R and couple K are given by t h e equations
\ r '
x r J n V ^i r
2 2
~r-w- „ . /sinaiCosai sin a cos a\ ^ -/cos a,. cos of
K^GsmccA + B cos aJ
V r*! r J \ r x r
The theory of spiral springs is founded on this result. We take the spring-
in t h e unstressed state to be determined by t h e equations (38), so t h a t t h e
central-line is a helix of angle a traced on a cylinder of radius r, and t h e
principal normals and binormals in the various cross-sections are homologous
lines of these sections. W e t a k e I to be t h e length of t h e spring, and h to be
t h e length of its projection on t h e axis of t h e helix, then the cylindrical
coordinates r, 6, z of one end being r, 0, 0, those of t h e other end are r, h,
% = (lcosa)/r, /i = £ s i n a (41)
W e suppose the spring to be deformed by a wrench about t h e axis of t h e
helix, and t a k e t h e force R and couple K of the wrench to be given. W e
shall suppose t h a t t h e central-line of the strained spring becomes a helix of
angle a on a cylinder of radius i\, and t h a t the principal normals and
Bh . By
= cos a y - + sm a ,
Ir I
^ cos a _ hr . $a n
and o 2
= — cos a — — 2 sm a cos a —
cos a . sm a 0 7
• Sx - ~r— oh.
I Ir
2 2
R = l- [ ( 0 cos a + B sin a)
2 + (C - J5) sin a cos a. r8 l x '
2 2
= r [((7 - 5 ) sin a cos a. Sh + (Csin a + 5 cos a) rS%].
M = W ( ^
+ ™#5)R,
a x= ^sinacosa^-iV.
If the cross-section of the spring is a circle of radius a, 1/G—l/B is 4 O - / J E W , where a- 4
is Poisson's ratio and E is Young's modulus for the material. Hence both 8h and 6^ are
positive. In the same case dr is negative, so that the spring is coiled more closely as it
t a n / = - K'/K,
* The results for this ease were found by Saint-Venant, Paris G. R., t. 17 (1843). A
number of special cases are worked out by Kelvin and Tait, loc. cit., and also by J. Perry,
Applied Mechanics (London, 1899). The theory has been verified experimentally by J. W. Miller,
Phys. Rev. vol. 14 (1902). The vibrations of a spiral spring supporting a weight so great that
the inertia of the spring may be neglected have been worked out in accordance with the above
theory by L. R. Wilberforce, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 5), vol. 38 (1894).
t Math. Ann. Bd. 23 (1884).
section has kinetic symmetry so that A = B, the rod can be held bent so that its central-line
has the form of a helix (a, r\ and twisted so that the twist is r by a wrench about the axis
of the helix; and the force R and couple K of the wrench are found by writing r — r for rx 0
p 2
\dsd?~'ds ds ) '
and therefore the components of the flexural couple at any
section about axes parallel to the axes of x and y can be
expressed with sufficient approximation in the forms Fig. 60.
2 2
-nd y Ttdx
For the equilibrium of the part of the rod contained between this section and one end
we take moments about axes drawn through the centroid of the section parallel to the axes
of x and y, and we thus obtain the equations
ds* as
The complete primitives are
x = Z sin (q s + e )+ L sin (q s -f e ),
1 1 1 2 2 2
where L ,L ,
X 2 e e are arbitrary constants, and q , q are the roots of the equation
l5 2 x 2
Bq +Kq-R*=0.
The terminal conditions are (i) that the coordinates x and y vanish at the ends s = 0 and
s = l, (ii) that the axis of the terminal couple coincides with the axis of z. The equations
(43) show that the second set of conditions are satisfied if the first set are satisfied. We
have therefore the equations
L sin e + L sin e = 0,
x ± 2 2 L cos e + L cos e = 0,
± x 2 2
L sin (q l + e ) + L sin (q l + c )= 0,
x 1 1 2 2 2 L cos (q l + e ) + L cos (q l + e ) = 0.
x l 1 2 2 2
On substituting for L cos e and L sin e from the first pair in the second pair, we find the
2 2 2 2
L {sin (q l + ej- sin (q 1 + € )} = 0, L {cos (q I + e ) - cos (q 1 + ej} = 0,
x x 2 1 x t x 2
or TT _ Z 2
2 2 +
J ~4B B'
The rod subjected to thrust R and twisting couple K is therefore unstable if
TT 2
_Z ^
2 { }
Z 2
4B B
This condition* includes that obtained above for the case where there is no thrust, and
also that obtained in (18) of Article 264 for the case where there is no couple. If the rod
is subjected to tension instead of thrust, R is negative, and thus a sufficient tension will
render the straight form stable in spite of a large twisting couple.
(e) Stability of flat blade bent in its planed.
Let the section of the rod be such that the flexural rigidity B, for bending in one
principal plane, is large compared with either the flexural rigidity A, for bending in the
perpendicular plane, or with the torsional rigidity G. This would be the case if, for
example, the cross-section were a rectangle of which one pair of sides is much longer than
the other pair. Let the rod, built in at one end so as to be horizontal, be bent by a vertical
transverse load R applied at the other end in the plane of greatest flexural rigidity. We
* The result is due to A. G. Greenhill, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engineers, 1883.
+ Cf. A. G. M. Michell, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 5), vol. 48 (1899), a n d L . Prandtl, ' Kipperscheinungen'
(Diss.), Niirnberg 1899.
shall use the notation of Article 253, and suppose, as in Article 270, that the line of action
of the load R has the direction and sense of the line P z, and we shall take the plane of x
(z, x) to be parallel to the vertical plane containing the central-line in the unstressed state.
If the length I, or the load R, is not too great, while the flexural rigidity B is large, the rod
will be slightly bent in this plane, in the manner discussed in Chapter xv. But, when the
length, or load, exceed certain limits, the rod can be held by the terminal force, directed as
above stated, in a form in which the central-line is bent out of the plane (x, z), and then
the rod will also be twisted. It will appear that the defect of torsional rigidity is quite as
influential as that of flexural rigidity in rendering possible this kind of buckling.
Fig. 61.
Let s be measured from the fixed end of the central-line, and let x y be the l5 l5
coordinates of the loaded end of this line. Let x, y, z be the coordinates of any point P x
on the strained central-line. For the equilibrium of the part of the rod contained between
the section drawn through P, and the loaded end we take moments about axes drawn
through P parallel to the fixed axes. Using the direction cosines defined by the scheme (4)
-(AKm + BK m -\-Crm )-(x -x)R=0,
1 2 3 1 I (45)
AKn + BK.'n + Crn
1 2 3 —0. J
When we substitute for K, K', r from equations (8) of Article 253, and for l ... from 19
2 2
= [(A sin qb + B cos qb) cos yjs + (A-B) sin qb cos qb sin yjs cos 6] ~ + C sin 6 sin ^ ^
2 2
— [(A cos qb + B sin qb) sin \j/ sin 6 cos 6 + (A — B) sin qb cosqb cos \^sin 6 — Csin -v/^sin 6 cos 6] >
AKU-L+BIC'^ -f- Cm 3
2 2 2 2 2
= -(A-B) sin qb cos qb sin 6 ^ -f G cos 6 ^ + (A sin 6 cos qb + B sin 6 sin qb + 0 cos 0) ..
L. E. 26
In equations (45) we now approximate by taking A and C to be small compared with
B, and 6 to be nearly equal to \ir, while <j> and ^ are small, and also by taking x to be x
equal to I and x to be equal to s. We reject all the obviously unimportant terms in the
expressions for (AKI + ...),.... We thus find the equations
* % - * « - ) , < ^ f = o .
Since dy/ds = m =sin # sin ^ = \/r nearly, we deduce from the first and second equations of
and from the second and third equations of the same set we deduce the equation
A^± = R{l~s)<l>;
and, on eliminating d\j//ds between the two equations last written, we find the equation
+ J (*-«)'* = 0 (46)
vanishes. This condition requires that A' should vanish. Further, <fi vanishes when s = 0,
and thus the critical length is given by the equation J~_ (£) = 0 at £=il R/\/(AC), or
K } n n
2.6 AC 2.4...(2TI).6.14...(8^-2) A C ^"'
The lowest root of this equation for R l^jAC is 16 nearly, and we infer that the rod bent
by terminal transverse load in the plane of greatest flexural rigidity is unstable if
l>y (ACft/R^, where y is a number very nearly equal to 2.
The result has been verified experimentally by A. G. M. Michell and L. Prandtl. It
should be observed that the rod, if of such a length as that found, will be bent a good deal
by the load R, unless B is large compared with A and (7, and thus the above method is not
applicable to the general problem of the stability of the elastica for displacements out of
its plane.
As an example* of the application of these remarks we may take the case of a rod
which in the unstressed state forms a circular hoop of radius r , with one principal axis of 0
each cross-section inclined to the plane of the hoop at an angle f , the same for all cross- 0
sections. We denote by B the flexural rigidity corresponding with this axis. The initial
state is expressed by the equations
K 0 K '=V" /o> TO=0.
= - ^ O ~ 1 C O S
/ O > 0
Let the rod be bent into a circular hoop of radius r with one principal axis of each ly
oross-section inclined to the plane of the hoop at an angle/ the same for all cross-sections. 15
* Cf. Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil, Part I I . , pp. 166 et seq.
I t follows t h a t t h e origin 0 can be chosen so t h a t we have
F = -yX, x F = xX; y
any two points of t h e strained central-line, and let F and F be the result 1 2
P , the senses of F and F being such t h a t these forces arise from t h e action
2 1 2
Fig. 62.
as as
Hence we have G' = J X r + const.
I n the particular case where t h e central-line in the unstressed state is a
straight line or a circle, t h e curvature 1/p of the curve into which it is bent is
given by t h e equation
B/p = \Xr + const (49)
The possible forms of the central-line can be determined from this
equation f.
* In the right-hand figure OP P is shown .as a force-polygon. The theory is due to M. Levy,.
1 2
where 1/u and S are the polar coordinates of a point on the central-line referred to 0 as
origin, and c is a constant. The value of u differs very little from I/a, and we may there
fore put u=l/a + £, where £ is small, and obtain the approximate equation
Hence £ is of the form £ cos (^9-f-y), where £ and y are constants, and % is given by
0 0
the equation
™ = 1 + Xa*/B.
Now the function £ must be periodic in 6 with period 2TT, for, otherwise, the rod would
not continue to form a complete ring. Hence n must be an integer. If n were 1, the circle
would be displaced without deformation. The least value of the pressure X by which any
deformation of the circular form can be produced is obtained by putting n — 2. We infer
that, if X<3B/a , the ring simply contracts under the pressure, but the ring tends to
collapse if
X>3B/a* (50)*
2 7 6 . Height consistent w i t h stabilityf.
As a further example of the equilibrium of a rod under forces applied
along its length, we consider t h e problem of a vertical column,
of uniform material and cross-section, bent by its own weight.
L e t a long thin rod be set u p in a vertical plane so t h a t t h e
lower end is constrained to remain vertical, and suppose the
length to be so great t h a t the rod bends. Take t h e origin of
fixed axes of x and y at t h e lower end, draw t h e axis of x
vertically upwards and the axis of y horizontally in the plane
of bending. (See Fig. 63.) For the equilibrium of t h e portion
of t h e rod contained between any section and the free end, we
resolve along the normal to the central-line, and then, since Fig. 63.
t h e central-line is nearly coincident with t h e axis of x, we
find t h e equation
where p is written for dyjdx. The terminal conditions are t h a t dp/dx vanishes
at x = I, and y and p vanish at x = 0.
* The result is due to M. Levy, loc. cit.
t The theory is due to A. G. Greenhill, Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, vol. 4 (1881). It has
been discussed critically by C. Chree, Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, vol. 7 (1892).
E q u a t i o n (51) can be transformed into Bessel's equation by t h e sub
= ( - X ) L
£ I\/(5) * ' P^vil-x)* (52)
I t becomes
d 7j 1 dv 1 \ A
278. E x t e n s i o n a l vibrations.
Let w be t h e displacement, parallel to t h e central-line, of t h e centroid of
t h a t cross-section which, in t h e equilibrium state, is at a distance s from
some chosen point of t h e line. T h e n t h e extension is div/ds, and t h e tension
is Eco (dw/ds), where E is Young's modulus, and co t h e area of a cross-
section. T h e kinetic reaction, estimated per unit of length of t h e rod, is
poo (dhv/dt ), where p is t h e density of t h e material. T h e equation of motion,
formed in t h e same way as t h e equations of equilibrium in Article 254, is
2 2
dw -r,d w / n x
2 2 2
fd w d 8w 8% \ < ^ * N 3 (d w ddw 3 % '
2 2 2 + 2
\dsdtdsdt ds dt J" ds\dsdt dt dsdt •) dt\dsdt ds ds dt
* Theory of Sound, Chapters v n . and v m .
f The lateral strain is already taken into account when the tension is expressed as the product
of E and w {div/ds). If the longitudinal strain alone were considered the constant that enters into
the expression for the tension would not be E but X + 2/i.
and, on integrating by parts, and equating to zero the coefficient of dw under the sign of
double integration, we obtain the equation
2 2
• v
By retaining the term po-K dHv/ds dt we should obtain the correction of the velocity
of wave-propagation which was found by Pochhammer and Chree (Article 201), or the
correction of the frequency of free vibration which was calculated by Lord Rayleigh*
•• <»
T h e condition to be satisfied at a free end is d^rjds — 0 ; at a fixed end
When we apply the energy-method, we may take account of the inertia of the motion
by which the cross-sections are deformed into curved surfaces. Let be the torsion
function for the section (Article 216). Then the longitudinal displacement is <p (3^/8s),
and the kinetic energy of the rod per unit of length is
The potential energy is (dyjr/ds) , and the equation of vibration, formed as before, is
By inserting in this equation the values of G and ffidco that belong to the section, we
could obtain an equation of motion of the same form as (2) and could work out a
correction for the velocity of wave-propagation and the frequency of any mode of vibration.
In the case of a circular cylinder there is no correction and the velocity of propagation is
that found in Article 200.
a r - P - ^ , ^ ^ + ^ = p ^ 2 _ , ( 4 )
and, on eliminating JV, w e have t h e equation of vibration
2 3
and t h e shearing force N at any section is — Ewk' dht/ds . A t a free end
2 2 3 s
d u/ds and d u/ds vanish, at a clamped end u and du/ds vanish, at a
2 2
" s u p p o r t e d " end u and d u/ds vanish.
By retaining the term representing the effect of rotatory inertia we could obtain
a correction of the velocity of wave-propagation, or of the frequency of vibration, of the
same kind as those previously mentioned*. Another correction, which may be of the
same degree of importance as this when the section of the rod does not possess kinetic
symmetry, may be obtained by the energy-method, by taking account of the inertia of the
motion by which the cross-sections are distorted in their own planes f. The components
of displacement parallel to axes of x and y in the plane of the cross-section, the axis
of x being in the plane of bending, are
and the kinetic energy per unit of length is expressed correctly to terms of the fourth
order in the linear dimensions of the cross-section by the formula
where k is the radius of gyration of the cross-section about an axis through its centroid
2 2
drawn in the plane of bending. The term in o- ik' - k ) depends on the inertia of the
motion by which the cross-sections are distorted in their planes, and the term in k'
depends on the rotatory inertia. The potential energy is expressed by the formula
ddu 3% du <Hu 3% _ d_ f. 3j% du d bu\ 3_ / _3% _ dbudhi
2 +
2 +
dt ds dt dt ds dt 2 +
• dWw ~ ~dt V 3s3*
dt ds ) ds \ dsdt ds dt 2 + 2 2
as well as identities of the types used in Article 278. The resulting equation of motion is
P [5
- & (i -.)+*M gS-j=-^iJ (7)
Corrections of the energy such as that considered here will, of course, affect the
terminal conditions at a free, or supported end, as well as the differential equation of
vibration. Since they rest on the assumption that the internal strain in any small
portion of the vibrating rod contained between neighbouring cross-sections is the same as
in a prism in which the right extension, or twist, or curvature is produced by forces
applied at the ends and holding the prism in equilibrium, they cannot be regarded as very
rigorously established. Lord Rayleigh (loc. cit.) calls attention to the increase of im
portance of such corrections with the frequency of the vibration. We have already
remarked that the validity of the fundamental assumption diminishes as the frequency
2 8 1 . Rod fixed at one end and struck longitudinally at the other*.
W e shall illustrate t h e application of t h e theory of vibrations to problems
of dynamical resistance by solving some problems in which a long thin rod is
thrown into extensional vibration by shocks or moving loads.
W e take first t h e problem of a rod fixed at one end and struck at t h e
other by a massive body moving in t h e direction of t h e length of t h e rod.
W e measure t from t h e instant of impact and s from t h e fixed end, and
we denote by I t h e length of t h e rod, by m t h e ratio of t h e mass of t h e
striking body to t h a t of t h e rod, by V the velocity of the body at t h e instant
of impact, by w t h e longitudinal displacement, and by a t h e velocity of
propagation of extensional waves in t h e rod.
The differential equation of extensional vibration is
2 2
dw 9 dw / f t v
= a ( 8 )
w ' ^
< 9
* Cf. J. Boussinesq, Applications des potentiels..., pp. 508 et seq., or Saint-Venant in the
Annotated Clebsch,' Note finale du § 60 and Changements. et additions.
since t h e pressure at the end is, in t h e notation of Article 278, — EGO (dw/ds),
and Eco/a is equal to t h e mass of t h e rod per u n i t of length. The initial
condition is that, when t — 0, w = 0 for all values of s between 0 and I,
b u t at s = I
lim (dw/dt) = - F , (10)
and we may, therefore, write the solution of equation (8) in the form
w = f(at - s) -f(at + s) (12)
The third step is to use t h e initial conditions to determine t h e function /
in a certain interval. We t h i n k of / as a function of an a r g u m e n t f, which
may be p u t equal to at — s or at + s when required. Since dw/ds and dw/dt
vanish with t for all values of s between 0 and I we have,
giving G = ~ | e 1 / m
+ ^1 - ^ e 3 / m
+ e j. Hence, when 7Z > f > 51,
\ ...(19)
when 7l>t >hl,)
which vanishes when 2at/ml=4/m+2 + e'~^ , and this equation can have a root in the
2lm 2 m
interval 41 > at > 21 if 2 + e~ <4/m. Now the equation 2 + e~ l =4/m has a root
lying between m=l and m— 2, viz.: m = 1*73.... Hence, if m < 1*73, the impact ceases at
an instant in the interval 4l/a>t>2lja, and this instant is given by the equation
t = L {2 + m + \vne-^ ).
problem were treated as a statical problem by neglecting the inertia of the rod, the
greatest compression would be Jm (V/a). For further details in regard to this problem
reference may be made to the authorities cited on p. 411.
^(f) = - l ? { l _ - ( ^ ) / ^ }
m e ;
a .(25)
= - m*P fc-* - 1 + e ~ W
x ml
F u r t h e r the equations by which <£'(£) are determined in this problem
can be identified with those by which f(£) was determined in Article 281 by
writing — gja for V. T h e solution is not restricted to t h e range of values of
t within which t h e tension at the lower end remains one-signed.
282, 2 8 3 ] ROD LOADED S U D D E N L Y 417
Taking m~\, so that the attached mass is equal to the mass of the rod, we find from
(16) that/'(a£) does not vanish before t — Sl/a, but from (17) that it vanishes between
t=3l/a and t = bl/a if the equation
l+e {l-2(f-3Z)/Z}=0
has a root in the interval 5l>£>3l. The root is £= Z{3+J (1 -f-l/e )}, or f=2 (3*568),
which is in this interval. The greatest extension at the fixed end is
2 668
& {1 +2e- ' [ - 1 +e {l +2 (0*568)}]},
2 0,568 2
or (Igla ) (1 +4e~ ), or (3*27) lg/a . The statical strain at the fixed end, when the rod
supports the attached mass in equilibrium, is 2lg\a , and the ratio of the maximum
dynamical strain to this is 1*63 : 1. This strain occurs at the instant £=(3*568) l/a.
Taking m—2, so that the attached mass is twice the mass of the rod, we find from (16)
that / ' (at) does not vanish before t = 3lja, but from (1.7) that it vanishes between t—M/a
and t—bl/a if the equation
1 +e {1-(<T-30/0 = 0
has a root in the interval 5l>£>3l. The root is £=l (4+1/e), or (=1 (4*368), which is
in this interval. The greatest extension at the fixed end is
| {1 +46-1(3*368) [ - 1 + (1 + 1-368) e]},
2 m 2 2
or lg/a (I+8e~°' ) or (5*04)lg/a . The statical strain in this case is Slg/a , and.the
ratio of the maximum dynamical strain to the statical strain is 1*68:1. This strain
occurs at the instant £=(4*368) l\a.
Taking m — 4, so that the attached mass is four times the mass of the rod, we find
that f (at) does not vanish before t — hl/a, but from (18) that it vanishes between t — hl/a
and t = llja if the equation
1 - H(C - 5 W «*+[1 - (f - + UC- 5 W ] e = 0
has a root in the interval 71>£>51. The smaller root is £=£(6*183), which is in this
interval. The greatest extension at the fixed end is
2 2
which is found to be (9*18) (lg/a ). The statical strain in this case is 5 (lg/a ), and the
ratio of the maximum dynamical strain to the statical strain is 1*84 nearly. This strain
occurs at the instant £==(6*183) l/a.
The noteworthy result is that, even when the attached mass is not a large multiple of
the mass of the rod, the greatest strain due to sudden loading does not fall far short
of the theoretical limit, viz. twice the statical strain. (Cf. Article 84.)
L. E. 27
284. Longitudinal impact of rods.
The problem of t h e longitudinal impact of two rods or bars has been
solved by means of analysis of t h e same kind as t h a t in Article 281 *. I t is
slightly more complicated, because different undetermined functions are
required to express t h e states of t h e two b a r s ; b u t it is simpler because
these functions are themselves simple. T h e problem can be solved also by
considering the propagation of waves along t h e two rods+. The extension e
and velocity v at t h e front of an extensional wave travelling along a rod are
connected by t h e equation e = — v/a. (Cf. Article 205.) The same relation
holds at any point of a wave of compression travelling entirely in one
direction, as is obvious from t h e formula w=f(at — s) which characterizes
such a wave. W h e n a wave of compression travelling along the rod reaches
a free end, it is reflected ; and t h e n a t u r e of t h e motion and strain in t h e
reflected wave is most simply investigated by regarding the rod as produced
indefinitely, and supposing a wave to travel in t h e opposite direction along
the continuation of t h e rod in such a way that, when t h e two waves are
superposed, there is no compression at the end section. I t is clear t h a t t h e
velocity propagated with t h e " image " wave in t h e continuation of t h e rod
must be t h e same as t h a t propagated with the original wave, and t h a t t h e
extension propagated with t h e " image " wave must be equal numerically to
t h e compression in t h e original wavej.
Now let I, V be t h e lengths of t h e rods, supposed to be of the same
material and cross-section§, and let V, V be their velocities, supposed to be
i n t h e same sense. W e shall take I > V. W h e n t h e rods come into contact
t h e ends at t h e junction t a k e a common velocity, which is determined by the
condition t h a t t h e system consisting of two very small contiguous portions of
t h e rods, which have their motions changed in t h e same very short time, does
not, in t h a t time, lose or gain momentum. The common velocity m u s t
therefore be %(V + V). Waves set out from the junction and travel along
both rods, and the velocity of each element of either rod, relative to t h e rod
as a whole, when t h e wave reaches it, is \ (V«* V), so t h a t t h e waves are
waves of compression, and the compression is ^ (V~ V')/a.
To trace t h e subsequent state of t h e shorter rod V, we think of this rod as
continued indefinitely beyond the free end, and we reduce it to rest by
impressing on t h e whole system a velocity equal and opposite to V. At the
instant of impact a positive wave|| starts from t h e junction and travels
along t h e rod ; the velocity and compression in this wave are -J- ( V~ V) and
* Saint-Venant, J. de math. {Liouville), (Ser. 2), t. 12 (1867).
t Cf. Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil., Part I, pp. 280, 281.
t Cf. Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, vol. 2, § 257.
§ Saint-Venant, loc. cit., discusses the case of different materials or sections as well.
|| An extensional wave is " p o s i t i v e " or " n e g a t i v e " according as the velocity of the material
is in the same sense as the velocity of propagation or in the opposite sense.
i (V~V')/a. A t t h e same instant a negative " image " wave starts from t h e
section distant 2V from t h e junction in t h e fictitious continuation of t h e r o d ;
t h e velocity and extension in this " image " wave are \ (V~ V) and ^(V~V')ja.
After a time V/a from the instant of impact both these waves reach t h e free
end, and they are t h e n superposed. Any part of t h e actual rod in which
they are superposed becomes unstrained and takes the velocity V~ V.
W h e n the reflected wave reaches the junction, t h a t is to say after a time
21'ja from the instant of impact, t h e whole of t h e rod V is moving with t h e
velocity V~ V, and is unstrained. Hence, superposing t h e original velocity
V, we have the result that, after t h e t i m e t a k e n by an extensional wave to
travel over twice t h e length of t h e shorter rod, this rod is unstrained and is
moving with t h e velocity V originally possessed by t h e longer rod.
pg-pQHi- (26)
and t h e solution of this equation m u s t be adjusted to satisfy appropriate
* H. Cox, Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans., vol. 9 (1850). Cf. Todhunter and Pearson's History,
vol. 1, Article 1435.
t See Introduction, p. 26. J Theory of Sound, vol. 1, § 182.
§ C. A. B. Garrett, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 6), vol. 8 (1904), and C. Chree, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 6), vol. 9
|| J. Morrow, Phil. Mag. (Ser. 6), vol. 10 (1905). Some special cases of the vibrations of a
rod of variable section, in which the exact forms of the normal functions can be determined
in terms of Bessel's functions, were discussed by Kirchhofx, Berlin Monatsberichte, 1879, or Ges.
Abhandlungen, p. 339.
IT A. Davidoglou, ' Sur l'equation des vibrations transversales des verges elastiques,' Paris
{These), 1900.
** Cf. A. G. Greenhill, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engineers, 1883.
conditions at t h e ends of the shaft. We shall consider the case in which t h e
2 2
ends s = 0 and s = I are " supported." If the rod rotates steadily d u/dt
vanishes, and t h e equation is the same as t h a t for a rod executing simple
harmonic vibrations of period 2 7 r / H . I n order t h a t the equation
2 2
may have a solution which makes u and d u/ds vanish at s = 0 and at 8 = 1,
the speed of rotation 12 must be such t h a t I2/27T is equal to the frequency of
a normal mode of flexural vibration of the doubly-supported shaft. T h u s the
lowest speed at which whirling takes place is such t h a t X2/27T is equal to the
frequency of t h e gravest mode of flexural vibration of such a shaft. If we
2 4
pWjEk' = m ,
t h e possible values of m are given by the equation sin ml = 0, and the
smallest value of £1 for which whirling can t a k e place is
The whirling of unloaded shafts rotating under various terminal conditions has been
dealt with by A. G. Greenhill (loc. cit.). The important technical problem of a shaft
carrying loads, pulleys for example, has been discussed theoretically and experimentally by
S. Dunkerley*. He found that the direct application of the method of normal functions,
illustrated above, led to very complicated results, and proposed to fall back on an
empirical assumption. The subject has been discussed further by 0. Chree t, by the aid
of Lord Rayleigh's statical method of determining frequencies (Article 285).
central-line with unit velocity, the axis of z being always directed along t h e
tangent to this line, and t h e axes of x and y being directed along the
0 0
ponents of initial curvature and the initial twist. W e have the formula
Ko//<:0 = - tan/ . 0
* The theory was partially worked out by Saint-Venant in a series of papers in Paris C. R.,
t. 17 (1843), and more fully by J. H. Michell, Messenger of Math., vol. 19 (1890). The latter has
also obtained some exact solutions of the equations of equilibrium of an elastic solid body bounded
by an incomplete tore, and these solutions are confirmatory of the theory when the tore is thin.
See London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 31 (1900), p. 130.
in which s denotes the arc of the central-line measured from some chosen
point of it.
When t h e rod is slightly deformed, any particle of t h e central-line under
goes a small displacement, t h e components of which, referred to the axes of
#o> 1/Q J #o> with origin at t h e unstrained position P of t h e particle, will be
denoted by u, v, w. The rod will receive a new curvature and twist, denned,
as in Articles 252 and 259, by means of a moving system of "principal
torsion-flexure axes." We recall t h e conventions t h a t t h e axis of z in this
system is directed along the t a n g e n t of t h e strained central-line at t h e point
P to which P is displaced, and t h a t t h e plane of (x, z) is t h e tangent plane
i > Ki > W h e n t h e displacement (u, v, w) of any point of the central-line is
known, t h e t a n g e n t of t h e strained central-line at any point is known, and it
is clear t h a t one additional q u a n t i t y will suffice to determine the orientation
of t h e axes of (x, y, z) at P relative to t h e axes of (x , y , z ) at P. W e shall
x 0 0 0
#0 20
X M x
y Li Mt
z ^ 3
placement of P ' referred to t h e axes of x , y , z a t P', and (U, V, W) t h e 0 0 0
are du/ds,... and we have t h e usual formulas connected with moving axes in
such forms as
V —— Uj
u u _du
T du , ux- dv , T dw , / o x
VT WK = WfC + T 3 =
ds ~~ ° °' ds~~ ° ^ °' + VKQ. ...(2)
2 2 2
T h e equation £ + lf 4- iV = 1 leads, when we neglect squares and products
3 3 3
of u, v, w, to t h e equation
^ — UK 0
+ VK 0 = 0, (3)
a a r e
®o> Vo, #o ^ P, determined by t h e conditions t h a t t h e plane of (x,z) makes
a small angle /3 with t h e plane of (x , z ), a n d t h a t t h e scheme of transforma Q 0
L = -/3,
2 M =l, 2 N = -M . 1
2 3
t h e differential coefficients such as dLJds. L e t t h e fixed axes of reference
for l . . . be t h e axes of x y , z a t P , and let ^ + 8^, ... denote t h e direction
ly 0} 0 0
7*1 = T + - T - + tf iy + K M ,
0 0 3 0 3
The displacement u is directed along the radius drawn inwards, and the
displacement w is directed along t h e tangent of t h e circle in the sense in
which 8 increases. W e shall suppose t h a t the plane of the circle is a
principal plane of the rod at any point, and t h a t the flexural rigidity for
bending in this plane is B. Then v, /3 and 1/S vanish, and t h e condition
t h a t t h e central-line is unextended is
Let the rod be bent by forces having components X , Z per unit of length
Wa ...(17)
v = —jj- {(0 — sin 6) — sin a (1 — cos 0)}
W e may prove also t h a t u and w are small of t h e order v .
N a = m + W
de + i * w \ m
de ' dv
in which m is the mass of the ring per unit of length, and
2 4 2
d v\ „, , „ c ,d < & (dv 8/3
H- +a
d * ~ a'Kdffi +
dej' de W,
E being t h e Young's modulus and fi t h e rigidity of t h e material of t h e ring.
T h e above equations with the condition
=U .(8 Ms)
d~0 '
yield t h e equations of motion.
I t is clear t h a t t h e above system of equations falls into two sets. I n t h e
first set v and /3 vanish, and t h e motion is specified by t h e displacement u or
w, these variables being connected by equation ( 8 ) ; in this case we have
flexural vibrations of t h e ring in its plane. I n t h e second set u and w vanish,
and t h e motion is specified by v or /3, so t h a t we have flexural vibrations
involving both displacement at right angles to t h e plane of t h e ring and twist.
I t may be shown in t h e same way t h a t t h e vibrations of a curved rod fall
into two such classes whenever t h e central-line of t h e unstressed rod is a
plane curve, and its plane is a principal plane of t h e rod a t each point. I n
case t h e central-line is a curve of double curvature there is no such separa
tion of t h e modes of vibration into two classes, and t h e problem becomes
extremely complicated*.
2 4 4
d0* d6 V Eire J ^ Eire
2 2 2 2 4 2 4
n (n - l ) = (n + 1) (4<ma p /Eire ).
* The vibrations of a rod of which the natural form is helical have been investigated by
J. H. Michell, loc. cit. p. 423, and also by the present writer, Cambridge Phil. Soc. Trans.,
vol. 18 (1899).
t The result is due to R. Hoppe, J. f. Math. (Grelle), Bd. 73 (1871).
W h e n t h e ring is incomplete t h e frequency equation is to be obtained by
forming t h e conditions t h a t N, T, Gr vanish at the ends. The result is diffi
cult to interpret except in the case where t h e initial curvature is very slight,
or t h e radius of t h e central-line is large compared with its length. The pitch
is t h e n slightly lower t h a n for a straight bar of t h e same length, material
and cross-section*.
(b) Flexural vibrations at right angles to the plane of the ring.
W e shall simplify t h e problem by neglecting t h e " rotatory inertia/' t h a t
is to say we shall omit t h e right-hand members of t h e first and third of
equations ( 1 9 ) ; we shall also suppose t h a t the ring is complete. W e may
t h e n write
i) = V cos (nd + a) cos (pt -He), ft = F cos (nd + a) cos (pt + e),
where V, B\ a, e are constants, and n is an integer. From t h e first and third
of equations ( 1 9 ) and t h e second of equations ( 1 8 ) we find t h e equations
2 f 2 2 f
n (aB + n V)+^n (aB + 7 ) = 7,
2 2
^ n (aF + 7 ) + (aF + n V) = 0,
F 4 2 9 v J
4<ma n + 1 + a
where cr is Poisson's ratio for t h e material, and we have used t h e relation
E = 2fi ( 1 + cr). I t is noteworthy that, even in t h e gravest mode (n = 2 ) , t h e
frequency differs extremely little from t h a t given by equation ( 2 1 ) for t h e
corresponding mode involving flexure in t h e plane of the ring.
(c) Torsional and extensional vibrations.
A curved rod p o s s e s s e s also m o d e s of free vibration analogous t o t h e torsional and
e x t e n s i o n a l vibrations of a straight rod. F o r t h e torsional vibrations of a circular ring w e
t a k e u a n d w t o v a n i s h , and s u p p o s e t h a t v is s m a l l in comparison w i t h a(3, t h e n t h e
second of e q u a t i o n s (18) and t h e first of e q u a t i o n s (19) are satisfied approximately, and t h e
third of e q u a t i o n s (19) b e c o m e s a p p r o x i m a t e l y
Frrc* 2
d (a$)
2a dB 2
4a P~ a
2 m c
p •d
p 2 = / ^ ( 1 + 0 . + w 2 ) (23)
L m a 2 \ I \ I
* The question has been discussed very fully by H. Lamb, loc. cit. p. 428.
t The result is due to J. H. Michell, loc. cit. p. 423.
circular cross-section of the circular ring is turned in its own plane through the same
small angle ft about the central-line, while this line is not displaced*.
For the extensional modes of vibration of a circular ring we take v and ft to vanish,
and suppose that equation (8) does not hold. Then the extension of the central-line is
- 1 2 1
c t (dw/dd-u), and the tension T is Eire or (dw/dd -u). The couples G, If and the
shearing force N' vanish. The expressions for the couple G' and the shearing force N
4 2
contain c as a factor, while the expression for T contains c as a factor. We may, there
fore, for an approximation, omit G' and iV, and neglect the rotatory inertia which gives
rise to the right-hand member of the second of equations (19). The equations to be
satisfied by u and w are then the first and third of equations (18), viz. :
2 2 2 2 2
du Eire {dw \ dw Errc fd w du\
ma 2 u ma 2
W ~-oT\Te- )> W =^KW-de)'
The displacement in free vibrations of frequency p/Zrr is given by equations of the form
u = (A sin nd + B cos nd) cos (pt + e),
w=n (A cos nB — B sin nd) cos (pt+e),
2 2
where p = (1 + n ) (24)
r 2
ma '
When n — 0, %o vanishes and u is independent of 0, and the equations of motion are
satisfied exactly. The ring vibrates radially, so that the central-line forms a circle of
periodically variable radius, and the cross-sections move without rotation.
The modes of vibration considered in (c) of this Article are of much higher pitch than
those considered in (a) and (b), and they would probably be difficult to excite.
* The result that the modes of vibration involving displacements v and ft are of two types
was recognized by A. B. Basset, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 23 (1892), and the frequency of the
torsional vibrations was found by him.
Fig. 68.
h h h
T=f X' >dz,
x S=f X' dz yf } N=[ X' >dz,
J -h J -h J -h
k k
H=f -zX'ydz, G=f zX'^dz;
J-h , J-h
and, in the two particular cases in which v is parallel respectively to the axes
of x and y, these formulas become
rh rh rh \
T,= X dz, S,= X dz,
x N ^ l X dz, y z
J -h J -h J -h
rh rh •a)
H = I — zX dz, Gi =
l zX dz, y x
J -h J-h '
rh rh rh \
and S =\
2 -Xydz, T =\ Y dz, N =\ Y dz,
2 y 2 z
J -h J -h J -h •(2)
G =j 2 zYydz, zXydz.
of Article 49 by putting
^ == cos 6, m — sin1 0, l = — sin
2 0, ra = cos 6, n — n = l = m = 0, n = l.
2 1 2 i z &
* It is assumed that the plate is but slightly bent. Cf. Article 328 in Chapter xxiv.
2 2
W e find T=T 1 cos 0 + T sin 0 + 8 sin 2(9, \
2 1
296. E q u a t i o n s of equilibrium.
Let G denote, as before, a cylindrical surface c u t t i n g the middle plane a t
right angles in a curve s, which we take to be a simple closed contour. T h e
external forces applied to t h e portion of t h e plate within G may consist of
body forces and of surface tractions on t h e faces (z = h and z = — h) of t h e
plate. These external forces are statically equivalent to a single force, acting
at t h e centroid P of t h e volume within G, and a couple. L e t [X'\ [ F ' ] , [Z'~\
denote t h e components of t h e force parallel to t h e axes of x, y, z, and
[27], \_M'\ [N'] t h e components of t h e couple about t h e same axes. W h e n
t h e area oo within the curve s is diminished indefinitely by contracting s
towards P, the limits of [X'] ... [ 2 / ] , ... are zero and t h e limit of \_JSf\jco also
J -h
J -h
Z' = f pZdz + (Z,\_ h - (Z \ _ , 2 = h
J -h J
295-297] OF A PLATE 437
J -h
W = f zpXdz + h {(X )^ z h + (X %^ \.
z h
J -h '
W e equate to zero t h e force- and couple-resultants of all t h e forces acting
on t h e portion of t h e plate within t h e cylindrical surface G. From t h e
formulas (5) we have t h e equations
j{(Hj cos 0-G 2 sin 0) + y (N cos 0+N x 2 sin 0)) ds +jj (If + yZ') dxdy = 0,'
j{(G cos 0-Hi
Y sin 0 ) - x (N, cos (9 + A sin (9)} efo + jj 2 (M' - xZ') dxdy = 0,
' ^ + ?$L + X' = 0 ^ | - + f = 0 Mi + ^ + ^ = o. ...(11)
dx dy ' dx dy ' dx dy
W e transform t h e equations ( 1 0 ) in t h e same way and simplify t h e results
by using equations ( 1 1 ) . T h e third equation is identically satisfied. We
t h u s find two equations which hold a t every point of t h e middle plane, viz.
ox oy ox oy
Equations ( 1 1 ) and ( 1 2 ) are t h e equations of equilibrium of t h e plate.
2 9 7 . B o u n d a r y conditions.
I n a thick plate subjected to given forces t h e tractions specified b y
X , Y Z , where v denotes t h e normal to t h e edge, have prescribed values a t
v vy v
T=T, S = S, . F = N , ff = H , G = G.
* See Introduction, footnote 36. Poisson's solutions of special problems are not invalidated,
because in all of them H vanishes,
t See Introduction, footnote 125.
X Nat. Phil, first edition, 1867. The same explanation was given by J. Boussinesq in 1871.
See Introduction, footnote 128.
The theorem is proved at once by forming the force- and couple-resultants of the line-
distribution of force -dH/ds. The axis of z being at right angles to the plane of the
curve, the force at any point is directed parallel to the axis of z, and the force-resultant is
--^-ds taken round the closed curve. This integral vanishes.
The components of the couple-resultant about the axes of x and y are expressed by the
dH c dH
-y -^ds and \x~^ds taken round the curve. If v denotes the direction of
the normal to the curve, we have
j IT cos (y, v)ds are the values of the components of the couple-resultant of the line-
distribution of couple H.
The theorem may be illustrated by a figure. We may think of the curve s as a polygon
of a large number of sides. The couple lids, H-5H H H+5H
belonging to any side of length ds, is statically A A ^
equivalent to two forces each of magnitude H,
directed at right angles to the plane of the curve
in opposite senses, and acting at the ends of the
side. The couples belonging to the adjacent sides
may similarly be replaced by pairs of forces of
magnitude H+ dH or H- dH as shown in Fig. 69, V
where dH means (dH/ds) ds. In the end we are ~ 5 H H H
+ ^H
left with a force - dH at one end of any side of Fig. 69.
length ds, or, in the limit, with a line-distribution of force -dH/ds.
F r o m this theorem it follows t h a t , for t h e purpose of forming t h e equations
of equilibrium of any portion of the p l a t e contained within a cylindrical
surface G, which cuts t h e middle surface at right angles in a curve s, t h e
torsional couple H may be omitted, provided t h a t t h e shearing stress-resultant
N is replaced by N-dH/ds*. Now the boundary conditions are limiting
forms of the equations of equilibrium for certain short narrow strips of t h e
p l a t e ; the contour in which the boundary of any one of these strips cuts t h e
middle plane consists of a short arc of t h e edge-line, the two normals to this
curve at the ends of t h e arc, and t h e arc of a curve parallel to t h e edge-line
intercepted between these normals. The limit is taken by first bringing t h e
parallel curve to coincidence with t h e edge-line, and then diminishing t h e
length of the arc of the edge-line indefinitely. I n accordance with t h e above
* This result might be used in forming the equations of equilibrium (11) and (12). The line-
integrals in the third of equations (9) and thefirsttwo of equations (10) would be written
and these can be transformed easily into the forms given in (9) and (10).
theorem we are to form these equations by omitting H and H , and replacing
N and N by W-dHjds and N - 3 H / 3 s . T h e boundary conditions are t h u s
found to be
T=T, S = S, F-dE/d8 = N-dH/ds, G = G.
These four equations are equivalent to t h e boundary conditions adopted
by Kirchhoff.
In investigating the boundary conditions by the process just sketched we observe that
the terms contributed to the equations of equilibrium by the body forces and the tractions
on the faces of the plate do not merely vanish in the limit, but the quotients of them by
the length of the short arc of the edge-line which is part of the contour of the strip also
vanish in the limit when this length is diminished indefinitely. If this arc is denoted by
ds we have such equations as
the integration being taken over the area within the contour of the strip. The equations
of equilibrium of the strip lead therefore to the equations
1 1
lim (ds)- [(Tcosd-Smn6)ds = 0, lim (ds)- [(Tain 0 + 6)ds = 0,\
Ss=0 J 8s=0 J
Um , 1 GlBintf (13)
s =o * ~V(' ~^)* ' . 4i=0(*)" /{- +y (^-^)}*-°» [
(s ) y =0
^. W^/{ffO0Btf-,(^-^)}&-0,
in which the integrations are taken all round the contour of the strip, and T, ... denote
the force- and couple-resultants of the tractions on the edges of the strip, estimated in
accordance with the conventions laid down in Article 294. We evaluate the contributions
made to the various line-integrals by the-four lines in which the edges of the strip cut
the middle plane. Since the parallel curve is brought to coincidence with the edge-line,
the contributions of the short lengths of the two normals to this curve have zero limits ;
and we have to evaluate the contributions of the arcs of the edge-line and of the parallel
curve. Let v denote the direction of the normal to the edge-line drawn outwards. The
v 8M
and j —Gcos(y, o) + # ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ | JGcos(#, V ) - X 0 ~ ^
In evaluating the contributions of the arc of the parallel curve, we observe that the con
ventions, in accordance with which the T, ... belonging to this curve are estimated,
require the normal to the curve to be drawn in the opposite sense to v , and the curve to 0
be described in the opposite sense to the edge-line, but the arc of the curve over which
we integrate has the same length ds as the arc of the edge-line. In the limit when the
parallel curve is brought to coincidence with the edge-line we have, in accordance with
these conventions,
T=T, S=S, JV=-F, G=G, 1 1 = 3 , dR/ds= -dH/ds,'
and cos 6— - cos (x, v ),
0 sin 6 — — cos (y, v ).0
Hence the contributions of the arc of the parallel curve may be estimated as
v - c o s - +
and j#cos(#, o) + .y j ^ (#» ^ o ) ^ ( ~ ^ ^ ) } ^*
On adding the contributions of the two arcs, dividing by ds, and equating the resulting
expressions to zero, we have the boundary conditions in the forms previously stated.
I n general we shall omit t h e bars over t h e letters I , . . . , and write t h e
boundary conditions at an edge to which given forces are applied in t h e form
T = T, S = S,
i ^ - ^ ^ N - ^ , G= Q (14)
qs ds
A t a free edge T, S, N — dH/ds, G vanish. A t a " s u p p o r t e d " edge t h e
displacement w of a point on t h e middle plane at r i g h t angles to this plane
vanishes, and T, S, G also vanish. A t a clamped edge, where t h e inclination
of t h e middle plane is not permitted to vary, t h e displacement (u, v, w) of a
point on the middle plane vanishes, and dw/dv also vanishes, v denoting t h e
direction of t h e normal to t h e edge-line.
The effect of the mode of application of the torsional couple may be illustrated
further by an exact solution of the equations of equilibrium of isotropic solids*. Let
the edge-line be the rectangle given by x=±a, y=±b. The plate is then an extreme
example of a flat rectangular bar. When such a bar is twisted by opposing couples about
the axis of x, so that the twist produced is r, we know from Article 221 (c) that the dis
placement is given by
2 n + 1 2 n + 1
sinh ( ^^ ( )™ s i n
provided that the tractions by which the torsional couple is produced are expressed by
the formulae
2* A „ (_)» cosh 2 A an ^
a 1
o 4 A s i n h [)»y c o s ( »+ >»«
2A 4
oo (_)n 2A 2h
^ ^ n l o ( 2 ^ + L ) , (2n + L M
c o s n
There are no tractions on the faces z — ±h or on the edges y — ±b. The total torsional
couple on the edge x=a is
4 5 1
re uf \ S I, < > + !)*-&
V ^ - ^ A 4
(-) ^ — — T+ A N L I I - ^ — 5
and of this one-half is contributed by the tractions X directed parallel to the middle y
plane, and the other half by the tractions X directed at right angles to the middle z
* Kelvin and Tait, Nat. Phil., Part 2, pp. 267 et seq.
When the plate is very thin the total torsional couple is approximately equal to
^pr/fib, so that the average torsional couple per unit of length of the edge-lines x= ±a
is approximately equal to § /xrA . At any point which is not near an edge y = ± b, the state
edges y=±b, and the traction X is very small at all such points. The distribution of
traction on the edge x — a is very nearly equivalent to a constant torsional couple such as
would be denoted by H , of amount j^rk , combined with shearing stress-resultants such
as would be denoted by N having values which differ appreciably from zero only near
the corners (x=a, y= ±b), and equivalent to forces at the corners of amount f jirh . At
a distance from the free edges y—±b which exceeds three or four times the thickness,
the stress is practically expressed by giving the value - 2FXRZ to the stress-component X y
and zero values to the remaining stress-components. The greater part of the plate is in
practically the same state as it would be if there were torsional couples, specified by
ir^^iirh at all points of the edges x= ±a, and H = - | / x r A at all points of the edges
y=±b. Thus the forces at the corners may be replaced by a statically equivalent distri
bution of torsional couple on the free edges, without sensibly altering the state of the plate,
except in a narrow region near these edges.
Within this region the value of the torsional couple H , belonging to any line y = const.,
which would be calculated from the exact solution, diminishes rapidly, from -|/xrA to
zero, as the edge is approached. The rapid diminution of H is accompanied, as we should
across the region, that is to say, if we form the integral jN-^dy, taken over a length, equal
to three or four times the thickness, along any line drawn at right angles to an edge
y = b or y—-b and terminated at that edge, we find the value of the integral to be very
nearly equal to ±|-/xrA .3
G = -D(l/R
1 1 + <r/B ) 2 9 G^-Dil/R. + a/R.l (15)
where, with t h e usual notation for elastic constants,
D = J M / ( 1 - <x ) = f ph* ( X + fi)/(\ + 2fi)
8 2
The constant D will be called t h e " flexural rigidity " of t h e plate.
Now let the direction s make angles <j) and \ i r — cf> with the axes of x 1
2 2
G, cos 0 + G 2 sin <f> - H sin 1 2cj> = - D (l/R 1 + er/iy,
2 2
Gx sin c/> + G 2 cos <f> + H ± sin 2cf> = - D (1/R 2 + a/R^
£ (Oi ~ ft) sin 2(f) + H, cos 2 0 = 0,
from which we find
"cos <p ^ sin <f> ^ 2 2
/sin cf> 2
cos <f>\ 2
G 1 = - D
R ± R 2 \ Ri R 2
2 2 2 2
sin </> c o s 0 ^ ('/cos <£ ^ sin <&
-I T\
1- cr I — . 1 a
Ri R 2 \ R l R,
Kl K T { U )
~dx*> *~dtf> ~ ^ b y
T h e n t h e indicatrix of t h e surface into which t h e middle plane is b e n t is
given, with sufficient approximation, by t h e equation
2 2
K\X + K y + 2rxy = const.; 2
and, when the form on the left is transformed to coordinates i), of which
t h e axes coincide in direction with t h e lines s s it becomes l t 2i
H e n c e we have t h e equations
2 2 2 2
cos 6 sin 6 sin <b cos 6 a . ^, / 1 1
iX x Xl 2 ^ 1 XL 2 xt 2
as dy ox dv ox oy dv os p
where p' i s t h e radius of curvature of t h e curve in question. W e find
« ~ » { ^ ° ^ m - '-»<>-"£© <»)
T h e s e e q u a t i o n s h o l d w h e n e v e r t h e stress-couples are expressed b y t h e formulae (18).
? ^ + < ^ + ^ z = 0 3
< ^ + ^S + ^ = o ^ + ^ * + —*==0 (22)
dx dy dz dx dy dz 'doc dy dz '
we have t h e two sets of equations
2 2 2
1 d® 1 d® 1 B(B)
2 2 2
3@ 1 1 d© 1 8(B)
1 + a dydz 1 + a dzdx 1 + a dxdy
where Q = X a + Yy + Z z (25)
I t was shown also t h a t t h e function © is harmonic, so t h a t V 0 = 0 , and t h a t
each of t h e stress-components satisfies the equation V / = 0 .
We shall suppose in t h e first place t h a t t h e plate is held by forces applied
a t its edge. only. Then t h e faces z = ± h are free from traction, or we have
X = Y = Z — 0 when z— ± h. I t follows from t h e third of equations ( 2 2 )
z z Z
V i ^ = 0 and t h e conditions Z — 0 , dZ jdz = 0 at z — ± h. If t h e plate had z z
2 2 1 2
V ® = 0 , V Z = - ( 1 + c r ) - d <d/dz\ t h a t © is of t h e form ® + z® where ©<>
Z 0 l9
+ z z
dx dy ' l + o- dm' 1+ ady'
and t h e conditions t h a t X z = Y = 0 at z — ± h.
z A particular solution is
given by t h e equations
3 0 0 . Plane stress.
W h e n X Y , Z vanish throughout the plate there is a state of plane
z> z z
l S a
where © plane harmonic function of x and y, and /3 is a constant. T h e
Y __ y _ *X d
Y - *X f9A\
A Ay
*-dy> ~~dx~dy'
n a s r m
and x the f °
1 2
©o, .(29)
where V* = © , Xo 0 V 2 % 1 = /3 (30)
If we introduce a pair of conjugate functions £, TJ of x and y which are
such t h a t
dx dy °' dy dx'
the most general forms for X o and ^ can be written
Xo = M +/> Xi = i / 3 («" + j f ) + F , (32)
where / and J? are plane harmonic functions. The displacement (u, v, w) is
then expressed by t h e formulas
1 8 @
f t •O ^ 1 2 0 \ \ + <T d , , '
3© \ 0 1+ a d
v = -j= [r +pyz + \<yz - 2
E dy (%o + *X>)>
; 1
dy J
2 2
™= " 4 (* + 2/ + <^ ) + « © o } + 4 2
^ %i•
3y/ E dy
where % is of the form \x% +/, @ and / are plane harmonic functions, and
0 0
21 + 0-
1 cr .(35)
» dx' 21 + 0-
X,. = —
dxdy X
{" 21 + 0-
1 <T
3 1 + cr
2% VA
dxdy \~' ° 31+ a
T h e stress-resultants N N , and the stress-couples G G , -ffi vanish. The
1} 2 1} 2
T = (cos 01dy- + B i n * * - 2 sin 0 cos 0 ^ ) ( 2 % - \ ^ ,
! d \
S = -Ism 0 cos 0 2 2
fix dy ) dxdy] 31+07
A <H) 0
ds p dv, 3 1 + cr
= 'dv\ds{^ 31 + G-
These expressions are sufficiently general to represent the effects of any forces
applied to the edge in the plane of t h e plate*. If t h e forces are applied by
means of tractions specified in accordance with equations ( 3 5 ) , the solution
expressed by equations ( 3 4 ) is e x a c t ; but, if t h e applied tractions at t h e
edge are distributed in any other way, without ceasing to be equivalent to
* The case of a circular plate was worked out in detail by Clebsch, Elasticitdt, § 42.
resultants of t h e types T, 8, t h e solution represents t h e state of t h e plate
with sufficient approximation at all points which are not close to t h e edge.
It may be observed that the stress-resultants and the potential energy per unit of area
can be expressed in terms of the extension and shearing strain of the middle plane. If we
write u, v, for the values of u and v when z = 0, and put
u v
8u _dv (_ _^ _|_^
€l 62 9
~dx' dy dy dx"*
E dxdy'
and then we have
2Eh Eh*<r d \ .
Ti = YZT^2 ( « i + 2 ) - i Yzr^ a y 2 (<i+
m 2Ek . . 1 Eh** d ,
^ = 1 3 ^ 2 + <r*0 - 3 ^ («! + € ), 2
a Eh , . ^AV 8 ,
S + i { e i +
^ T ^ T ^ d ^ d y ^'
The potential energy per unit of area can be shown to be
+ * i ? - 2 (1 - «r) ( , - i w») ] v
e i 2 ( f 1 + f 2 ) + f 2 2 ( e i + e s ) + w ( E I + F 2 )
+ * |_ S~ % d^y J
z u
1 - or 1 - cr 1_ [ d^? 2
J [ 9y 2
J [ d#9y J J
Some special examples of the general theory will be useful to us presently.
(i) If we put e = 0, xo is plane harmonic function, and the state of the plate is one
E dx ' E dy' •
and 2 \ = * —
= e 2 2
(ii) If e is constant we have g = e x, -q — Q y, and we may put xo i o(^' +3/ )j and
0 0 0
then we have
1 1 cr 1 cr cr _
v> = i-jg-®oX, v = i—^-e y, w=--^e z 0 0 y
and 7 = ^ = e A , #! = 0. 1 2 0
This is the solution for uniform tension e A all round the edge. 0
2 2
(iii) If Q —ax, where a is constant, we have £ = \a (x — y ), r) = axy, and we may put
X = i # , and then we have
0 a
a, , 92 29 2 a era
u> = hfl(<rz -o-x -y \ 9
v^^xy, w=--^xz,
and 7\ = 0, T =2hax,
2 ^=0.
A more general solution can be obtained by adding the displacement given in (i).
c o m p o n e n t s t h a t do n o t v a n i s h t h e expressions
X = JB{*i + cre )/(l-a*)
x 2 9 Y = E(e
y 2 + 0 ^ / ( 1 - er»), X = ± En/(1 + c~\
a n d for t h e d i s p l a c e m e n t t h e expressions
u = e x + ^my,
1 v = € y + ^'&x,
2 w= - o-z^ + ^ji}.-a).
i l+ o- di X
[ (38)
+f +
w =
~ &* ( 2
^ 2 an(
where %i has t h e form Xi = i@ (# + 2/ ) + F> ^ F is a plane harmonic function.
T h e stress is expressed by t h e equations
x Z y Z y
^ " d f * ~ dx*> dxdy'
The stress-resultants vanish, and t h e stress-couples are given by t h e
1 3
1 x 1
~* h
dy*' ^ ~ a*»' " ^ '
T h e equations ( 1 1 ) and ( 1 2 ) , in which X\ Y\ Z\ L\ M' vanish, are obviously
satisfied by these forms.
T h e normal displacement w of t h e middle plane is given by t h e equation
K l 2 2 2
~ E E dx ' * ~~ E E dy ' E dxdy'
F r o m these equations and t h e equation V j ^ = /3, we find
so t h a t t h e formulae ( 1 8 ) hold.
T h e stress-couples a t t h e edge are expressible in t h e forms
*-*»k$) <»>
L. E. 29
and we may take it to be homogeneous of this degree without altering the expressions for
the stress-components. In this case w also is homogeneous of the second degree in no and y,
and «j, K , r are constants. The value of ^i is
w K
Xi = -iiZT^2[("a + * + ( i + <™a) f ~ 2 (1 - tr)rxy\
and the stress-components which do not vanish are given by the equations
(iv) This case includes that discussed in Article 90, and becomes, in fact, identical
with it when the axes of % and y are chosen so that r vanishes, that is to say so as to be
parallel to the lines which become lines of curvature of the surface into which the middle
plane is bent. Another special sub-case would be found by taking the plate to be rectangular,
and the axes of x and y parallel to its edges, and supposing that KI and * vanish, while r 2
The stress-resultants and the flexural couples G G vanish, and the torsional couples H
1} 2 x
a r
and H e equal to ±D(l ~ a) T. The result is that a rectangular plate can be held in the
form of an anticlastic surface w —rnoy by torsional couples of amount D(l— <r)r per unit
of length applied to its edges in proper senses, or by two pairs of forces directed normally
to the plate and applied at its corners* The two forces of a pair are applied in like senses
at the ends of a diagonal, and those applied at the ends of the two diagonals have opposite
senses. The magnitude of each force is %D (1 - cr) r.
stress depending upon © has been determined in Article 300, and we shall
9 1
^ + ^ ^ ^ _ ^ = = 0 ^ + ^ i - - ^ - ^ = 0 ^
dx dy 1 + a dx ' dx dy 1 -j- cr dy
^ + 1 4 - ^ = ° > W ' + T i r ^ - 0
' ^ f r - i n r - ^
2 y 2 y
1 + cr dx 1 + cr dy 1 + cr dxdy
z 8 + r ,=«e .
1 1
33/ 2
a w\ 3
a ^y 2
_ 2 - * \_ d i ( d ^ c _ ^ @ \
a / a y _ 2 - 0 -
5©! = 0 .
a#ay v dz 1 + cr
d d
dx c
lljjh = ® J} = J^ll (46)
8# 3y dy dx'
we m a y express %i in t h e form
+ ( 4 7 )
* ' - - 2 ^ ) * * ' -
where is a plane harmonic function. Thus t h e form of a n d therewith
also t h a t of X , Y X , is completely determined.
x y> y
V— .(48)
w= -[(l + ^ ' + ^ - i ^ e j .
304. Plate bent to a state of generalized p l a n e s t r e s s .
T h e normal displacement w of the middle plane is given by t h e equation
W = ^|^© 1 + ( l + «7) '}, Xl .(49)
e __£_-v,„, , -
I= x = r |_ w + «Lv,„ .(51)
Ez d E E 2
The stress-components
V^w-f are givenzwby-f-t h e equations
I - a 2
dy I + o- 1 — <r 2
Ez d 2
" E E
V 1
W + zw +
1-cr 2
dx 2
1— a
F„ = - d 2
" E E
Xy zw +
dxdy _1 + <T 1— a
1 EQ?-*) d 1 E{h?-z>) d
2 l-<
The stress-resultants and stress-couples are given by the equations
^ = ^ = ^ = 0,
2 2 2
~ „ /9 w 9 w\ 8 + <r _ , „ 3 „ ,
e D ra v w .(53)
'— is?+» *?) TO- +
v ' ' y
7 f
Equations (11) and (12) in which X , Y', Z', L\ M vanish are obviously
satisfied by these forms.
T = Sf = 0,
> N = -D~V *w, 1
t h e state of the plate with sufficient approximation a t all points which are
not close to t h e edge.
The p o t e n t i a l energy p e r u n i t of area c a n b e s h o w n t o b e
4fl w
w9 Vi w
2(12 2 2 2
a w3 V! w ^ 2 2 2
8 w ffyfoH
2 i g
2 2 2 2
10 [_dx dx dy dy dxdy dxdy J
2 2 2 2 2 2
272 + 64a- + 5o- r 3 V w d V^w _
1 fd ^fw\ l
2 2 ( }
420(l-a-) I dx dy \dxdy J ]
T h e results here obtained include those found in Article 302 b y p u t t i n g
©! = /3. Equations (53) show t h a t t h e stress-couples are not expressed by
t h e formulae (18) unless t h e sum of t h e principal curvatures is a constant or
a linear function of x and y. I n like m a n n e r t h e formula (21) is not verified
unless t h e sum of t h e principal curvatures is c o n s t a n t ; b u t these formulae
yield approximate expressions for t h e stress-couples and t h e potential energy
when h is small.
The theory which has been given in Art. 301 and in this Article consists
rather in t h e specification of forms of exact solutions of t h e equations of
equilibrium t h a n in t h e determination of complete solutions of these equations.
T h e forms contain a n u m b e r of unknown functions, and t h e complete solutions
are to be obtained by adjusting these functions so as to satisfy certain
differential equations such as (50) and certain boundary conditions. These
forms can represent t h e state of strain t h a t would be produced in a plate
of any shape by any forces applied to t h e edge, in so far as these forces are
expressed adequately by a line-distribution of force, specified b y components,
T, S, N — dH/ds, and a line-distribution of flexural couple G.
305. Circular plate loaded at its centre*.
The problem of the circular plate supported or clamped at the edge and loaded at the
centre may serve as an example of the theory just given. If a is the radius of the plate,
and r denotes the distance of any point from the centre, we may take w to be a function
of r only, and to be given by the equation
/a , 1 d\
W . a . , . Ka
where B and G are constants of integration. If the plate is complete up to the centre,
G must vanish, and we take therefore the solution
W = = r2 l 0 g + r 2 Af R
8^ ( ~r )+ i *+
The flexural couple O at any circle r = a is given by the equation
We may now determine the constants A and B. If the plate is supported at the edge,
so that w and G vanish at r=a, we find
If the plate is clamped at the edge, so that w and dw/dr vanish at r — a, we have
w= g ^ [ > l o g ^ - i (58)
and the central deflexion is Wa^/VoirB. If the plate is very thin the central deflexion is
greater when it is supported at the edge than when it is clamped at the edge in the ratio
(3 + 0-) : (1 + cr), which is 13 : 5 when o- = J.
306. Plate i n a state of stress w h i c h is uniform, or varies uniformly,
over its plane.
When the stress in a plate is the same at all points of any plane parallel to the faces
of the plate the stress-components are independent of x and y, and the stress-equations of
equilibrium become
dz ' dz ~ ' dz '
If the faces of the plate are free from traction it follows that X , Y , Z vanish, or the plate
z z z
is in a state of plane stress. The most general state of stress, independent of x and y,
which can be maintained in a cylindrical or prismatic body by tractions over its curved
surface can be obtained by adding the solutions given in (iv) of Article 301 and (iii) of
* Results equivalent to those ohtained here were given "by Saint-Venant in the * Annotated
Clebsch,' Note du § 45.
Article 302. In these cases the stress is uniform over the cross-sections of the cylinder or
When the stress-components are linear functions of x and y the stress varies uniformly
over the cross-sections of the cylinder or prism. We may determine the most general
possible states of stress in a prism when the ends are free from traction, there are no
body forces, and the stress-components are linear functions of x and y. For this purpose
we should express all the stress-components in such forms as
X =X 'x + X ''y + XJf»,
x 9 x
where X \ X \ X (°) are functions of z. When we introduce these forms into the various
x x x
equations which the stress-components have to satisfy, the terms of these equations which
contain x, or and the terms which are independent of x and y must separately satisfy
the equations.
We take first the stress-equations of equilibrium. The equation
dX x ^ dX y dX g = Q
dx dy dz '
combined with the conditions that X vanishes at z = ±h, gives us the equations
z;=o, x/'=o, H^+x +x "=o, x y
and in like manner we have the equations
F;=O, F;'=O, ^ + i ; + r ; = o .
It follows that X and Y are independent of x and y. The third of the stress-equations
z z
becomes therefore dZ jdz — 0, and, since Z vanishes at the faces of the plate (z—
z z it
vanishes everywhere.
Again 0 is of the form xe'+yQ" + G(°\ where 0', 0", e(°) are functions of z, and,
since 0 is an harmonic function, they must be linear functions of z. The equation
1 d0 2 2
V X = - — - „ - takes the form d XJdz =constant, so that &XJdz*=0. Since X satisfies
1 y 1
l + o-dxdz z
2 2
this equation and vanishes at z=±h, it must contain z -h as a factor, and since it is
2 2
independent of x and y it must be of the form A(z -h ), where A is constant. Like
statements hold concerning Y . z
It follows that, if a cylindrical body with its generators parallel to the axis of z is free
from body forces and from traction on the plane ends, the most general type of stress which
satisfies the condition that the stress-components are linear functions of x and y is included
under the generalized plane stress discussed in Article 303 by taking 0 and 0 to be linear O X
functions of x and y and restricting the auxiliary plane harmonic functions / and F x
introduced in equations (32) and (47) to be of degree not higher than the third.
It may be shown that, in all the states of stress in a plate which are included in this
category, the stress-components are expressible in terms of the quantities E e sr, which L5 2i
define the stretching of the middle plane, and k K , T , which define the curvature of the u 2
^Y i =
2 { 2-R-O-EI-(K + 0"KIM> 2
1 — cr
^ l + ^ & s * - ^ } , I (59)
Z =0.
T h e s t r e s s - r e s u l t a n t s a n d stress-couples are expressed b y t h e formulse
2Eh 2Eh Eh
e f
11 = J 3 ^ 2 ( l + °" 2), e 1
2 = f ^ 2 A 2 + O-fi), b = X ™->
d d .(60)
G = -D(KI
x + <TK2), G= -Z>(K2 2 + O-KI), HI = D(1-O)T,
Eh [(^i + ^ ) - 2 ( l - c r ) ( e e - i ^ ) ] 2
1 2
+ ±D[( KI + K2 )*-2(1-O-)(K K -T )] 1 2
Dh d(K +K )) 2
|3(y« )j j 2
1 2 { 2 t
everywhere, dZ jdz = 0 a t z = A a n d z = — h, Z = — p a t z = A, Z — 0 a t
z z z
z = — h. A particular solution is
2 2 3
^ = lhr*p (z + A) (z - 2A) = lhr*p {f - 3h z - 2A ), (62)
and we t a k e this t o b e t h e value of Z . z To determine © we have t h e
2 2 2 3
V © = 0, . d ®jdz = - | ( l +^hr pz,
of which t h e most general solution has t h e form
3 s z 2 2
© = - 1 ( l + a-) hr pz + | ( l + o-) hr pz (x + y ) + z® + © , x 0
^ . d Y . S p 2 2
s V
.h ) = 0 V X = - ^ V 2
7 = - § ^
dx ^ dy 4/i
3 3
dx dy 4A ' dx dy 4A '
2 2 2
VX X = V Y = - f hr*pz,y VX y = 0,
3 2 9 3
X x + 7 = Ihr+p [ - (2 + o) s + 3* { i ( l + <r) («* + 2/ ) + A } + 2A ].
To satisfy the first two of these equations we take X Xy Y,
y X y to have
t h e forms
A {X y ) + Yy X + y ) + A y
*~8h* + dy*' ^Sh^ dx*> ~ dxdy'
where x must satisfy t h e equation
v 2 2 2
f^ + i X + f § * ( * + 2/ )
must be a linear function of x and y. As in previous Articles, this function
may be taken to be zero without altering X , Y or X , and therefore x must x y y
s z
2 + o-pz* 2 + <rpz /<} _x , pz , 2 | „ . ,,
where %/' and x " are functions of x and y which satisfy t h e equations
2 2 6 6
VV=-l(i-^)fs(* + 2/ ) + l f > W = f c > ; ( >
t n e
and we may t a k e for x" particular solutions
Xl " = -1 (1 - a) | + yj + (* + f)\ 2
2 2
%o'' = ^ < > + < / ) . '
u =
~ T m [ ( 2
" a ) z %
~ m
" z
" m
~ 1 ( 1
~ a ) z { a ? + f ) l
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
w= -r^r,[(l+o-)^-6^ -8A^+3(/i -o-^)(* +2/ )-|(l-^)(* +2/ ) ]-
I t is noteworthy t h a t when the displacement is expressed by these formulse
the middle plane is slightly stretched. W e have, in fact, when z = 0
du dv , / 1 , x p dv du n
T = %ph,
x T = iph,
2 ^ = 0,
ft = ^ { ( 3 + c r ) ^ + ( l + 3ir)y-} + ^ ^ , .(70)
3-o- 2
0 = ^ { ( l + 3 i r ) ^ + ( 3 + ( r ) 2/ } +
l v 1 y v J
16 20
H =
1 -$(l-<r)pxy.
These forms obviously satisfy equations ( 1 1 ) and ( 1 2 ) in which X', Y\ L\ M'
vanish and Z' is replaced by — p.
+ 0- + CT' 2
ph ,
20 (1 - a)-
= D ( 1 — cr) r .
y (72)
and thence we obtain, in t h e same way as before, t h e formulae
X 2 2
* =f £ [12^ - (6 + <r) ^ + H 5 + <r) * + f (1 + a) f],
Yy = l 8 h
°" ( + 3') 2 z %
+ f i d + 5<r)a? + f (1 + <r)y }*], 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
+ s ( 5 # + 2/ ) ( a + 2/ ) + § ^ A - (Sx + y ) z*
E 4A3 2A ^3/ H 3
— (# + 2
y) 2
j ~ xyz z
y (74)
1 + cr £>„ 2 2
x (* + yj + \{x* + 3xy*) A
4 J j
T h e middle plane is slightly stretched in a direction at right angles to
t h a t along which t h e pressure varies. W e have, in fact, when z — 0
du • dv - .p x dv du f 0
= 0 = i { 1 + a ) + =
^ > dy ^ ' dx dy °-
T h e stress-resultants and stress-couples are given by t h e formulae
1\ = 0 , T =p hx,
2 0 5 = 0, X \
w = - IjjOC
Po <k(x +y ) i 2 2 2
(x + Sy ) 2
= - JJ (K + a-Ki) + 2 p h x,
1 — cr
H =
1 D ( l - * ) r - ^ p h ' y . t
and and it may be adjusted to yield constant values for w and G at r — a by putting
X i i 0 ( # + # ) + y> where y is a constant. These values are
= 2 2
fa , l + o- r j ;
If we put
Zp / 3 + o- , 3 - < r \ 3 ( l - o - ) ^ / 5 + <ro» 8 + 0- + 0-2
^ ~ A 3 \~l6-a +
-W )> h
y~ 2h* VlT^64 + 2
1 - e r 40,
the values of w and G at r=a, as given by the solutions in Article 302 and in Article 307,
become identical.
We may now combine the three solutions so as to satisfy the conditions (77) at r—a.
We find the following expressions for the components of displacement
' E
where U is the radial displacement, and £7 , UI, U are given by the formulae
0 3
TT i pr
8 + 9 2 )
^I—£[(»+')A-')S-A-^S-< '-' £]'
TT — Pr
2 + o - —cr 2
These lines are of the same form as those found in Article 95 for the deformed shapes of
the initially vertical filaments of a narrow rectangular beam bent by a vertical load. The
tangents to these lines cut the surface into which the middle plane is bent at an angle
dx dy ' dy dx'
s n e
and Xo i °f ^ form \x% + / , where / is a plane harmonic function. T h e
functions © and / must be adjusted so t h a t u and v vanish at t h e edge-
If we p u t
1 + 1 1+5 , L + < 7
PX, IT) = - A -L py,
L-o- 2
- < R J
we shall have j1 + C T
v O + y'); 2
and then we have to show that there is only one way of choosing e , £, rj, xo which will 0
make U and V take given values at a given boundary. This is the same thing as showing
that if U and V vanish at the boundary they vanish everywhere. Since V! xo=0O)
we have
9 | = ^ = _ 1 fdU .dV\
dx dy 1- dx dy
and we have also
dx 2
~ \dx dy
Since V 1
|=0, we have
I—crdx \dx dy J dy \dx dy J '
and we have also
1 — crdy \dx dy J dx \dx dy J
It follows that
jj\_ u
d~x GJ l£) - * ^ (a£ ~ ^)}
• dy \dx dy J dx \dx dy J dxdy = 0, 2
the integration being extended over any part of the middle plane. When it is extended
over the area within the edge-line, and U and V vanish at the edge-line, the integral can
be transformed into
- /" / f J — fiE J \ 1 f I _ _ E \ ^ dxdy, d 2
d d
3 1- 2
l + o- 2 2 (81)
E (1 + o) i X + - y - j T - P (* + f f + TS P (* + 3/ )
V w =
and Xi is given by (81).
As an example we may take the case of a circular plate of radius a. The deflexion w
is given by the equation
1 2 2 2
'w=-e 4|(« -^ ) , • -(83)
where r denotes distance from the centre. The central deflexion is one quarter of that
which would be produced by the same total load concentrated at the centre (Article 305).
Another example is afforded by an elliptic plate* of which the boundary is given by
2 2 2 2
the equation x \a -\-y \b —\. It may be shown easily that
8 2 2 2 2 .(84)
D\ ct b) / b^ a b )'
In the case of the circular plate equations (82) and (83) show that e is constant, and x
it is therefore convenient to use the solution in the form given in Article 302 instead of
Article 303. We have
where Vi xi=/3. On comparing this form with (82) we see that
The complete expressions for the components of displacement are then given by the
A 2
•^ )+A l - o -
1 w -1 .(85)
' D [A(«
+16 a 8
~ W +
Bl^l-cr l-o- l-<r ¥
(l-cr)2 *(i-<r)* J'
where w is given by (83). In this case the middle plane is bent without extension. Linear
elements of the plate which, in the unstressed state, are normal to the middle plane do
not remain straight, nor do they cut at right angles the surface into which the middle plane
is bent.
311. Plate bent b y -uniformly varying pressure and c l a m p e d at
t h e edge.
W e seek to satisfy t h e conditions (80) at t h e edge-line by a synthesis of
t h e solutions in Articles 3 0 1 , 303 and 308. For u and v we have t h e forms
V =
in which the unknown functions must be chosen so t h a t u and v vanish at
t h e edge-line. W e may show in t h e same way as in Article 310 t h a t these
conditions cannot be satisfied in more t h a n one way. T h e unknown functions
depend upon t h e shape of t h e edge-line.
a i P l 7 l
~ 6-2o- ' ~4(6-2<r)' ~ 6-2cr '
(r 2 2
and thence u = - °'P~~t ^ ^ (a - f ) , v = 0 .
o — Jicr Mi
2 2 2 2
For an ellipse given by the equation x /a -r-y /b =l we should find
i 2 2 2
Q. + <r)(a* + 2V )p 0 {qg(l+3cr)4-26 (l + cr)}yo- cr (I + cr)p a b
G l 2 2 2 2 y i 2 2
~ 2 a ( l - o - ) + 46 ' ^ 4{2a (l-o-)+46 } ' 2a (1 -o-) + 4& >
2 2 2 2
, ,, 1 o-(l + cr) p a b 0 fx j \ .
u 1 V =
and t h e n c e °giJ(l- ) r + 4}» W + g - ) ' °-
In these cases the middle plane is slightly extended.
2 2 2
w = i [(1 + <r) % 1 ' + A'®J - j ^ (* + y ) - i ^ + 3y'- .(86)
so t h a t w satisfies t h e equation
and t h e conditions
w = 0, dw/dv = 0,
a t t h e edge-line. These conditions determine w. W h e n w is known, © x is
given by t h e equation
1 w .(87)
E D 1 -cr
and Xi is given by (86).
G =-V 2 (K + o-*!) + —
2 3 Q ^ ^ #/^ ,
J5r = D ( 1 - <r) r.
ox oy ox oy ox oy
By eliminating Nj and A from these we obtain t h e equation
2 2
3 ffi j - y g , 2d H, ) Z,__ Q
2 2
dx dy dxdy
and by substituting from ( 1 7 ) and ( 1 8 ) in this equation we find t h e equation
DV *w = £ '
a ..(92)
* For authorities in regard to the approximate theory, see Introduction, pp. 27—29. A general
justification on the same lines as that of the corresponding theory for rods (Article 258) will be
found in Article 329 of Chapter xxiv. A very elaborate investigation of exact solutions for
various distributions of load has been given by J. Dougall, Edinburgh B. Soc. Trans., vol. 41
(1904). In this investigation the correctness of the approximate theory is verified for all cases-
of practical importance.
L. E. 30
T h e stress-couples G, H at t h e edge are given in accordance with (17) and
(18) by t h e formulas
To find an expression for the shearing force N in the direction of the normal
to the plane of the plate we observe that
V^w. (93)
To determine the normal displacement w of the middle plane we have
t h e differential equation (92) and t h e boundary conditions which hold at t h e
edge of t h e plate. A t a clamped edge w and dw/dv vanish, at a supported
edge w and G vanish, at an edge to which given forces are applied N—dH/ds
and G have given values.
The same differential equation and the same boundary conditions would
be obtained by t h e energy method by assuming t h e formula (21) for t h e
potential energy estimated per u n i t of area of t h e middle plane*.
I n all t h e solutions which we have found the differential equation (92) is
correct whether the formulae (18) and (21) are exactly or only approximately
correctf. The solutions t h a t would be obtained by the approximate method
described in this Article differ from t h e exact solutions t h a t would be
obtained by t h e methods described in previous Articles only by very small
amounts depending on t h e small corrections t h a t ought to be made in t h e
formulae (18) for the stress-couples. I n general t h e form of t h e b e n t plate is
determined with sufficient approximation by t h e method of this Article.
r or L or [r or \ or / J_
* The process of variation is worked out by Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, § 215.
t A more general form which includes (92) in the special cases previously discussed is given
by J. H. Michell, loc. cit. p. 444.
X The general form of the solution and the special solutions (i)—(iv) were given by Poisson
in his memoir of 1828. See Introduction, footnote 36. Solutions equivalent to those in (v) and
(vi) were given by Saint-Venant in the 'Annotated Clebsch,' Note du § 45.
(i) When the total load W is distributed uniformly and the plate is supported at
the edge
W 2 2
- (a - r ) i*^-— ~ ) • x
a % r 2
> \ l + cr /
(ii) When the total load W is distributed uniformly and the plate is clamped at
the edge
U>rra D (a -r ) . 2 2 2
(iii) When the load W is concentrated at the centre and the plate is supported at
the edge _
W "".[-HlogJ+igf^-f-)].
(iv) When the load W is concentrated at the centre and the plate is clamped at
the edge
(v) When the total load W is distributed uniformly round a circle of radius b and
the plate is supported at the edge, w takes different forms according as r > or < b.
We find
2(l + <0«*
a 2 2
W V /9,i9M , t 9 i9\ , (3 + °") « - (1 - cr) b o 2 ~|
^<»°S^L~ ^ + y ) l 0 8
g + ( f ) + ( a T )
W 2
T a , (3 + < R ) « * - ( L - < R ) 6 , ' 2 .1
W & = ( + ] g + ( a r )
-> 8^>L" r 2 ( l + a)«» J-
(vi) When the total load W is distributed uniformly round a circle of radius b and
the plate is clamped at the edge, we find
Wr<» = 8 ^ [ - ( « * + » ' ) l 0 g f + ( f - f t » ) + i ( L + ^ ) ( « » - » * ) ] ,
2 2 2
[-(rH& )log" + i ( L + ^ ) ( a - r ) ] .
apply the method of inversion explained in Article 154. Let 0' be any point in the plane
of the plate, P any point of the plate, P' the point inverse to P when 0' is the centre of
inversion, x\ y' the coordinates of P\ R' the distance of P' from 0\ w' the function
of x', y' into which w is transformed by the inversion. Then R' w' satisfies the
4 4 4
3 8 8
4 2 4
equation V / (R' w') = 0, where V / denotes the operator 7 ^ + ^ + 2 A , „ , . 0 0
4 4 2 2
dx cy dx dy
2 2
It is clear that, if w and dw/dv vanish at any bounding curve, R' w' and d (R' w')/dp
vanish at the transformed boundary, v' denoting the direction of the normal to this
* J. H. Michell, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 34 (1902), p. 223.
We apply this method to the problem of a circular plate clamped at the edge and
loaded at one point 0. Let 0' be the
inverse point of 0 with respect to the
circle, G the centre of the circle, and a
its radius, also let c be the distance of
0 from G. The solution for the plate
clamped at the edge and supporting a
load W at C is
^[-^log^J(a -^)], 2
Wa± r
STTC J)\_'
It follows that the displacement w of a circular plate of radius a clamped at the edge
and supporting a load W at a point G distant c from the centre is given by the equation
+ 2 52 (94)
'= 8S[-^ °S K^' - )]' l0
where R denotes the distance of any point of the plate from 0, and R! denotes the distance
of the same point from the point inverse to 0 with respect to the circle.
We may pass to a limit by increasing a indefinitely. Then the plate is clamped along
a straight edge and is loaded at a point G. If G' is the optical image of G in the straight
edge, the displacement in the direction of the load is given by the equation
w= _jB21og 2 2
8S[ f+i^' -^ )]> •••• 0»)
where R> R' denote the distances of any point of the plate from the points G and G'.
The contour lines in these two cases are drawn by Michell {loc. cit.).
w =Sl sin
2 m — ,
2 2
d*Y m mV d Y m my*
4 2 2 + 4 r V
d# 2a c&/ 16a ™~ >
and the complete primitive is of the form
where A B , A ', B ' are undetermined constants. These constants can be adjusted so
mi m m m
2 2 2 V ;
dx* dy* dx dy ~ I) dt ' *
When the plate vibrates in a normal mode w is of the form W cos (pt + e\ where W is
a function of x and y which satisfies the equation
4 4 4 2 2
8W 3 W 3W __S (l-a )p P
+ + 2 2 2 ;
dx* dy* dx dy ~ Eh
and the possible values of p are to be determined by adapting the solution of this
equation to satisfy the boundary conditions. From the form of the coefficient of W in
the right-hand member of this equation it appears that the frequencies are proportional
to the thickness, and inversely proportional to the square of the linear dimension of the
area within the edge-line.
The theory of those modes of transverse vibration of a circular plate in which the
displacement W is a function of distance from the centre was made out by Poissonf, and
the numerical determination of the frequencies of the graver modes of vibration was
effected by him. In this case the boundary conditions which he adopted become identical
with KirchhofPs boundary conditions because the torsional couple H belonging to any
circle concentric with the edge-line vanishes. The general theory of the transverse
vibrations of a circular plate was obtained subsequently by Kirchhoff §, who gave a full
numerical discussion of the results. The problem has also been discussed very fully by
Lord Rayleigh||. The free vibrations of a square or rectangular plate have not, so far,
or the potential energy per unit of area of the middle plane to be given by the formula
Eh r / 3 u dvy _ 2 _ (du dw _ /du.
1 dyyr
1 — cr 2
[\dx dy) ^ ' [dx dy ^ \dy dx) ) _
The equations of motion are
d2a 8 ! 2 2
^m i ' p(l-o- ) 9 u
' y T n T
'ai%" E dp>
2 2 2 2 2
... 3 v , 3 v , i/-, . 9 u p(l-<r )3 v
2 ( 1 - ^ ) ^ + ^2+2(1 +
^ ) 9 ^ = - - ^ ^ —^ 2 -
At a free edge the stress-resultants denoted by T, S vanish. The form of the equations
shows that there is a complete separation of modes of vibration involving transverse
displacement, or flexure, from those involving displacement in the plane of the plate, or
extension, and that the frequencies of the latter modes are independent of the thickness,
while those of the former are proportional to the thickness.
The theory of the vibrations of plates has here been treated in a provisional manner.
Detailed discussion of the modes and frequencies of transverse vibration appears to be
unnecessary, since they have been investigated minutely by the writers already cited.
Some special results in regard to extensional vibrations will be found in a Note at the end
of this book. A more detailed investigation of the theory on which the equations of
vibration are founded will be given in Chapter xxiv. See especially Article 333.
normal at the point which contains the tangent at the point to a curve
of the family ft (along which a is variable). W hen the shell is strained
without extension of the middle surface, the curves a = const, and ft = const,
become two families of curves drawn on t h e strained middle surface, which
cut at right angles, but are not in general lines of curvature of t h e deformed
surface. The curvature of this surface can be determined by its principal
radii of curvature, and by t h e angles at which its lines of curvature cut t h e
curves a and ft. Let -i- + S -i- and - i + S - i - be the new principal curvatures
Mi Mi M 2 M 2
+ 8 Ri)
4 - ^\R 4 - + ^ - 2 R1
2 R1R2'
1 1
or, correctly to the first order in 8 -JY and 8 ,
M ± M 2
+ 0 (i)
IT 2 ITI J^L ^2
The indicatrix of the surface, referred to axes of x and y which coincide with
these tangents, is given by the equation
x Y 2
( 1 2
1 \
X y
~R~I +
W + t a n 2
^ \ R ? ~ 57/ ° 0 T 1 S t
Referred to axes of £ and 77 which coincide with t h e tangents to the lines
of curvature, the equation of the indicatrix is
+ s + + 8 c o n
^(i i) ^(i i)= ^
* The theorem is due to Gauss, 'Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curvas,' Gottingen
Comm. Rec, t. 6 (1828), or WerTce, Bd. 4, p. 217. Cf. Salmon, Geometry of three dimensions,
4th edition, p. 355.
and therefore we have
+ 1 _ i _|_ 2 + § 1
+ g i_
Ri R2 Ri R2 -Ri '
R±R 2 ^ ^ (jB/ i? ') 2 (-Ki - B i ) (-R2 ^0 -BiJ?2' >
R R ± R 2 '
7? ^ 1 * T) —
2f T> ^ T> ~ yJ
, 1 £ 1 £ 1
^-w = - o ^ = 8 - ^ say,
JL1 1 L I 2 JAJ
or there is no change of curvature in normal sections containing the generators, has been
noted by Lord Rayleigh as "the principle upon which metal is corrugated." He has also
applied the result expressed here as K.I/R + K /RI = 0 to the explanation of the behaviour of
2 2
Bourdon's gauge*.
VR irJ/T o r
' pp™
a a t e ]
y, - ^ ( ^ - s j -
L e t t h e t a n g e n t to s at P cut t h e curve ft a t P a t an angle co. T h e
direction of t h e corresponding curve on t h e parallel surface is nearly t h e
s a m e ; and t h e extension of t h e element of arc of this curve can be ex
pressed as
e xx cos co + e
yy sin co + e 2
xy sin co cos co.
E q u a t i n g t h e two expressions for this extension, and using (4), we find
e x cos co + e
yy sin co + e
xy sin co cos CO = — Z(K COS CO 4- K sin co + 2r sin co cos co),
may compound any strain by which the linear elements initially normal
to t h e unstrained middle surface become extended, or curved, or inclined
to t h e strained middle surface. The most important case is t h a t in which
there is no traction on any surface parallel to the middle surface. I n this
case t h e stress-components denoted by X , Y , Z vanish, and t h e strain- Z Z Z
Z = 0, e = 0,
yz e = - [a1(1 - <r)} (e
zz xx + e\
where cr is Poisson's ratio for the material, supposed isotropic. I n this state
of strain the linear elements initially normal to t h e unstrained middle surface
remain straight, become normal to the strained middle surface, and suffer
a certain extension specified by t h e value of e written above. I t is clear zz
t h a t this extension can have very little effect* in modifying the expressions
for e , e , e , and we may therefore take as approximate expressions for t h e
xx yy xy
6** = — ^ ! , e yy = — ZK 2) e=
zz ^ £(/ci + /g )> xy — — 2 T ^ , e = e ^0.
2 zx yz ...(5)
X Y = — > X =Y
Z Z = Z = 0,
3 2 2 3
In t h e case of a sphere it becomes f ^ ( % + T ) , or f fih (s -jj^ , where fx is
t h e rigidity of t h e material*)-.
* It will be seen in the more complete investigation of Article 327 below that such effects are
not entirely negligible.
t These are the expressions used by Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, 2nd edition, Chapter x A .
318. Method of calculating the changes of curvature.
T h e conditions which must be satisfied by t h e displacement in order
t h a t t h e middle surface may suffer no extension may be found by a straight
forward method. L e t A8a be t h e element of arc of a curve ft = const, between
two curves a and a 4- 8a, B8ft t h e element of arc of a curve a — const, between
two curves ft and ft 4- 8/3; also let x', y\ z' be the coordinates of a point on
t h e strained middle surface referred to any suitable axes. W e form expres
sions for x, y', z in terms of t h e coordinates of t h e point before strain and
of any suitable components of displacement. Since curves on the middle
surface retain their lengths, and cut at t h e same angles after strain as before
strain, we must have
A COL) \da) \da
*-i l ds) +
AB\doLdft dadftj'
and t h e ambiguous sign can always be determined. T h e equations of t h e
normal are
x — x' __y — y' _ z — z\
I m n '
and, if y, z) is a centre of principal curvature, we have
x = x' + lp, y = y' -t-mp', z — z r np\
where p is t h e corresponding principal radius of c u r v a t u r e ; p is estimated as
positive when t h e normal (I, m, ri) is drawn from (V, y', z') towards (x, y, z).
If (a 4- 8a, ft + 8ft) is a point on t h e surface near to (#', y' z') on t h a t line of
dx dx dy dy' dz dz'
dx dcp dx deft dx d<f>
* London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 21 (1891), p. 119.
f Theory of Sound, 2nd edition, vol. 1, Chapter X A .
t London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 13 (1882), or Scientific Papers, vol. 1, p. 551, and the
paper cited on p. 474 supra. See also Theory of Sound, 2nd edition, vol. 1, Chapter x A .
On writing down t h e equations
u w
^ ^ cos 6 — ^ sin <f> — ^ sin 6 + — cos 6
dx~~ dx' dx dx ^ dx ^' dx dx ^ dx ^'
dx du dy' [dw \ , ( dv\ . ±
dz I dv\ (dw \ .
= la — w -f ) cos cp — l^-r + v) sm c/>, r
3</> V dcpj \d<j) j
we see t h a t these conditions are, to t h e first order in u, v, w,
du dv dv 1 du ^
— = 0, w = ^-r, ^ - + - ^ 7 = 0 (7)
dx dcp dx a dcp
These equations show t h a t u is independent of x, and v and w are linear
functions of x.
If t h e edge-line consists of two circles x = const., u, v, w must be periodic
in cp with period 2TT, and t h e most general possible forms are
u = — 2 ^ B sin (ncp + /3 ),
n n v—2 cos (ncp + a ) + B x cos n n -f |
where A , B , a , $
n n n n are constants, and t h e summations refer to different
integral values of n.
of aB^/Sx is tan-xjr, and tan 2^ = — 2ar. W e can now write down t h e above
equations for p and hxjhc\> in t h e forms (correct to t h e first order in u, v, w)
(1 + dw\ C0S
^J ^
' . , 1 / dw\ . 1 /S w 2
. . ,
= 0,
tan 2yjr 2 +
di\ d4>)>
__ 1 3 / 3w\
a 3# \ 30/
K = 2
2 [4 W sin (w</> + a ) + n sin (ncj> + /3 )], %
T = - 2 5 ^ cos (w<£ + £»).
a sin 0 V3<£/ V3<ft/ \36,
f f
dx' dx dy dy dz' dz _
+ +
d0d^ d0 30 30 30
W e write down t h e equations
(a-w 4- ^ cos 0 - ^ 4- M ) sin 0 cos — ^ sin 9,
• dv
a—w• sm 0 4 cos <p,
dz' I du\ . n (dw \ a
&»' 3v' 3^ ^ dw . n
(a — W)$VCL0 + U cos sin 0 4- ^ • C O S P - V - r r S i n ^ cos <£,
3<j!> =
dy_ dv' 3w ^ 3w . A
(a — w) sin 0 4- w cos 0 4-30_ C O S ( £ 4- 7T-7 cos 0 — v — TTT sm 0 sin cf>,
3<£" 3<p ocp
dz' du . A dw n
The last two of these equations show that w/sin 6 and w/sin 6 are conjugate
functions of log (tan 0 ) and cp.
in cp with period 27r, and the most general possible forms for them are
e n e
u = sin 8 2 A n tan - cos (ncp -f- a ) + 5 n n c o t - cos (ncp + fi ) n
6 n
6 1
v = sin 6 2 A n t a n g sin (??(£ + a*) - B cot* - sin (n</> + j3 ) n n
w = 2 (n + cos 6) A tan - cos (ncp + a ) n 9l
— - cos 6) B cot - cos (ncp + /3 )
n n
where A , B , a , fi
n n n n are constants, and the summations refer to different
integral values of n.
If in the formulae (12) we put n=0 we find displacements of the type
s m s R a = c o s c o s a
u=A sin 6 cos a> «*=-4o 0 i > ^ -^o
0 0 >
the terms in 5 being of the same type. The components of this displacement in the
directions of x\ y\ z' are
— A sin a sin 6 sin </>,
0 sin ct sin <9 cos <^>, — ^4 cosa, 0
1 idy'dz' dz'dy\
~ a s i n 0 [dcp 30
3</> 30 J '
and for this purpose we first write down t h e expressions for dx'jdO,... simplified
by means of equations (12). We have
da/ , n (dw \ . dv .
^ = a cos 0 cos cp — ( + uj sm 0 cos 9 — ^ sm cp,
9y' /i • /9w \ • /i • 3#
^ = a cos 0 sm cp — f ^ + w 1 sm 0 sm 0 -f cos c/>,
3/ . . /9w \ .
— = — a sm 0 — y 7 ^ + cos 0,
3y . . (du
n c o s
' dw . A . ,
^ = a sm 0cos 9 + ^ 7 p - ^ - ^ s m t / 81116,
09 \d<p dcp J
dz' du . A div a
. . . . 1 /3w \ „ . , 1 / 1 9w\
m = — sm 0 sm d> ^ + ^ cos 0 sin 6 7
[v+ -—^ ^rr cos cp, T
^ a\d0 / a\ s m 0 3c£/
n = - cos 0 + + - f^
sin 0.
a V30 /
Exactly as in t h e case of t h e cylinder, t h e principal curvatures and t h e
directions of t h e lines of curvature are determined by t h e compatible
* The result is in accordance with the theorem that a closed surface cannot be bent without
stretching. This theorem is due to J. H. Jellett, Dublin Trans. R. Irish Acad., vol. 22 (1855).
and we therefore write down the following equations, in which we put for
shortness X = - ( ^ + u], Y = - (v +
a \dv J a\ sin 0 dcf>,
dl dX\ n , -rr • n , 3Y . ,
1 + 7^- J cos 0 cos 0 -f X sm 0 cos 0 + 30 sm 9,
dm - dX\ /, • . -rr • /i • , 3F
a G 0 S 6 + a s m 6 X C 0 S C 0 S 5
30 " 30 ) ST0 [ 30 - ° ~ 30 )
, tan ^ f idX
^ cos 0 —1> — ^ sin 0 U sin 0 = 0 .
30 30
Now we have
dv_ 3 7 _ _ ^ / 1 dw\
a ;
30 30 " 30 U n 0 3 0 /
_ cos ^ _ « - _ sm 0 ] = sm * cos ^ ^ - j,
afsintfg-Xcostf ^ j = sir
cW +
d0 • COS
^30 J--30-sin-0 30
\ dv 1 2
1 3% , ^ dw
= sm < + w - 2 2
sm 0 30 30
where, in t h e last line, use has been made of t h e equations (12). But, since
w — du/d6, and u satisfies t h e equation obtained by eliminating v from t h e
second and third of (12), viz.
2 2
du . _ du A . A du A
+ sm0
dfi dffl - SIN 0 COS 0 ^ + ^ = 0,
it follows t h a t
2 2
1 dw , dw 1 3 / . „du , .
A du \ „dw , n A n
"30^ - w.
Hence t h e equation for tan becomes
3 / 1 dw\ l(d w
= 1+ 8+X tan-^raZ 1 /8w
+ C0t ^ S M A )
^ ^init^-al^ ^j}
a \d6* ) a 80 0 deb)
1 /3 w "\
= 1 +
2 2
— - = ^ cos i/r + # sin i/r + T sin 2^/r 2
_ « w — m J . t a n -0 cos (ncp + or ) — 5 w n
c o t ^ cos (ncp -f y8 )
n w n n
2 _ Z
' " ^ I n ^
W — '/I 0
0 n
2 2
A n t a n - sin (ncp + « ) + J9 c o t ^ sin (w</> + n n fi )
a sin 0
3 2 1 . Inextensional vibrations.
If we assume t h a t t h e state of strain in a vibrating shell is t h a t which
has been described in Article 3 1 7 as the typical flexural strain, we may
calculate the frequency of vibration by forming expressions for the kinetic
and potential energies*. W e illustrate this method in t h e cases of cylindrical
and spherical shells.
(i) Cylindrical shell.
The kinetic energy, estimated per unit of area of t h e middle surface, is
* The theory of inextensional vibrations is due to Lord Rayleigh, London Math. Soc. Proc,
vol. 13 (1881), or Scientific Papers, vol. 1, p. 551, and Proc. R. Soc, vol. 45 (1889), p. 105, or
Scientific Papers, vol. 3, p. 217. See also Theory of Sound, second edition, Chapter x A . A
discussion of the conditions for the existence of practically inextensional modes of vibration will
be given in Chapter xxiv. infra.
T h e vibrations in which all the A's and all b u t one of t h e B's vanish are
three-dimensional. The type is expressed by t h e equations
2 a
dA \ C 0
T = 7rpa hX 2
j^j J sin 0 [2 sin 0 + (cos 0 + nf) tan " | d0 2 2
w = A (n + cos 0) tan - cos
= F -~ n4
2 2 2
(n - 1 ) Q^tan " | 2
^g)Y/( J sin(9{2 s i n 0 + (cos0 + n ) } t a n ^ ^ < 9 ^ .
a 2 2 2
* When the edge-line consists of two circles of latitude, so that the coefficients B occur as well
as the coefficients A, the A's and B's are not principal coordinates, for terms containing such
products as (dAJdt). (dBJdt) occur in the expression for T. See Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound,
second edition, Chapter x A.
321] OF A THIN SHELL 487
t a n 2«-2^ j= tan «2 + 2
2sm <9 8 + 2- - +
71 n+1 J'
a 2 2 2w (2-x)
( sin 6 {2 sin 6 + (cos (9 + ^) } tan %d0=f- 2 2
[(n-l) -f-2 (n + 1) so — x ] dx,
Jo * J:1 + C O S a X N
and the second of these can be evaluated for any integral value of n. In the case of a
hemisphere (a—^ir) Lord Rayleigh (loc. cit.) finds the frequencies p , Pz> P± n=2, 3, 4 2
to be given by
In the case of a very small aperture in a nearly complete sphere (a—IT nearly) the
frequency calculated from the above formula* is given approximately by
2 2 2
_A 8/xrc (T* -1)
4 4
"a 3/i (7r-a) *
A + B C O a B S m
dt d t * d t K °'
parallel to the instantaneous positions of the axes of x y z. y y T h e components
* When the curves a = const, and (3=const, cut at right angles we suppose that the parameters
a and /3, and the positive sense of the normal to the surface, are so chosen that the directions in
which a and (3 increase and this normal are the directions of a right-handed system of axes.
The quantities ... are connected with each other and with A, B, % by
t h e systems of equations (2) and (3) below. These results may be obtained
as follows:—
Let x, y, z denote the coordinates of a fixed point referred to the moving axes. Then
x, y, z are functions of a and /3, and the conditions that the point remains fixed while the
axes move are the three equations
dx da dx d(3 . da. t d(3\ , / da , d(3\
dadi d8di' + A
d t + £
d t c o a
x = 0
dx dz
• -Bco8 +r y-q2Z,
X 2 - B sin x+^-^x, ^s=q ^-p2y. 2
The conditions of compatibility of these equations are three equations of the form
d fdx\ 3 /dx\
(g-j = g- f gjg ) 9 d j in forming the differential coefficients, we may use the above
expressions for dx/da,.... The results must hold for all values of x, y, z.
T h e process j u s t sketched leads to t h e equations*
3/3 da
df dr.
and OX
da B sin ^ \dB
COSX dB .(3)
J . sinpj; \ 3 a
+ i s l n C0S
5 r^" X = if %-
* The sets of equations (2) and (3) were obtained by D. Codazzi, Paris Mem. par divers savants,
t. 27 (1882).-
and t h a t t h e principal radii of curvature are t h e roots of t h e equation
R 2
(PiV* -PzQi) - B [Ap - B (p cos x + qi sin %)} + AB sin % = 0. .. .(5)
2 1
1 /dr\ _ dj\
AB sin x \W fa • ) •
and t h e roots of equation (5) are — Ajq x and B/p . 2 W e shall write
i_ = _2i j _l £? = j ( ) 8
Rx A R 2 B'
so t h a t R R are t h e radii of curvature of normal sections of t h e surface
l3 2
drawn through those tangent lines which are axes of x, y at any point. W e
have also
____idA i a B =
n y T
~ B dft * A da '
r (9) v }
AB d (\ dB\ d / l dA\
R,R da\A da) dft
2 \BdftJ
1 dA v dB e dA
2 A d €l \
The indicatrix of the strained middle surface is given, to the same order
of approximation, by t h e formula
^(l-e )x 1 +^ ( l - e 2 ) - f ^ f + 2 ^ ( l - e 1 ) x y = const.
middle surface drawn through t h e axes of x and y at any point, and i/r the
angle which one of the lines of curvature of this surface drawn through the
point makes with t h e axis of x at t h e point, we have, to t h e same order,
tan2^=-^(l-e )y 1
I t is clear from these formulae that, when t h e extension is known, the state
of t h e strained middle surface as regards curvature is defined by t h e quantities
K = P
W e shall write — ~ — ~- — i, ~" y> r = T (13)
A. JrC JJ JX 1 A 2
and shall refer to Ki, K2, T as the " changes of curvature." I n t h e particular
cases of a plane plate which becomes slightly bent, and a shell which under
goes a small inextensional displacement, these quantities become identical
with those which were denoted by t h e same letters in Chapters x x n . and
AB VS/3 doc
of x, y, z. L e t t h e scheme be
324, 325] OF A THIN SHELL 493
X h m1 n x
y h m 2 n 2
z h m 3 n 3
ds. AY
B {(1 + e ) l + <wl } =dB
2 2 B{(1 + e ) m + wmj =dB'
x 3 2
-B{(l + e ) WS + OTHJ} = 2 .(16)
The direction cosines l ra , w of the normal to the strained middle surface
S) 3 3
8/3; +
__JL(9x9x 3y3y 3z3z)
m + +
~ J 5 \da d0 da d@ da d@j * )
Again, since the line whose direction cosines referred to the moving axes
are l l , l t h a t is the axis of x, is fixed relatively to t h e fixed axes, t h e
l9 2 3i
+ 1 +r + t s q i + q 2
dadt d/3 dt H dt * dt) [ dt di)-°>
and, by expressing t h e fixity of the axes of y and z, we obtain two other such
sets of equations. From these we find t h e formulae
dL drrio dn. dL dm» dn*
T h e formulae (18) enable us to calculate e 1 ? e , OT, and t h e formulae (19)
Let P(a, ft be the chosen point on the unstrained middle surface, P' (a + 8a, /3 + 8ft
a neighbouring point on this surface. The lines of reference for u, v, w are a triad of
moving axes, and the position of these axes when the origin is at P' is to be obtained
from the position when the origin is at P by a small translation and a small rotation.
The components of the translation, referred to the axes at P, are Aba, Bt)j3, 0. The
components of the rotation, referred to the same axes, are given by the results in
Article 323 in the forms
P8/3 Aba _dA da dB 8/3
R2 ' Rt ' dpB Ja ~A'
When P is displaced to P and P' to P{, the x, y, z of P are the same as the u> v, w
x x
of P; the x, y, z of Pi are
x + (dx/da) da + (dx/dp) 8ft ...,
and the u, v, w of P' are
u + (du/da) da + (du/dp) 8ft ....
These quantities are connected by the ordinary formulse relating to moving axes, viz.:
1 dn v dA w 1 dw u dB w
B d$ AB da
_ 1 dv 1 du u dA v dB
™~Ada Bdp~ABdp ABda'
in the forms
j 1 dv u dA 1 dw u
1,-1, ™i--Jda~ABdp == +
AdoL R ' 1
• 1 dv u dA _ 1 dw v
m n2 + .(22)
~Afa +
ABdp 2
~Bd/3 R>
1 dw u 1 dw v
Ada" Bdfi'
These are not t h e general expressions for l ... at any point. They are
u V
X h
y M 2
z M 3
T h e n we have t h e values
T M _ 1 dv _ v, dA „ _ 1 dw u
Jyi +
Mi—jfc ABd$' ~Adcc B'
°~ Ada +
ABdfi' 2
' *~Bd/3 R ' 2
1 dw
and these hold for all points. W e apply the method of moving axes to
deduce expressions for dljda, and t h e n we form t h e expressions for p ^ , . . .
in accordance with (19).
The direction cosines of the axes of x, y, z at a neighbouring point P{, referred to the
lines of reference for v, w at P', would be denoted by L + (dL /da) da-\-(dLi/dp) 8/3,...; 1 1
the direction cosines of the axes of x, y, z at P{, referred to the fixed axes, which are the
lines of reference for u, v> w at P, would be denoted by l + (dli/da) da + (dli/dp) 80,.... Since x
we have the ordinary formulse connected with moving axes in the forms
dh dh dL x
da dp h
n - M
\ ' T ^ T a i Y N
A - - ^ ) ^
dA da dB dp\
o a
da dp
with similar formulae in which the suffix 1 attached to I, m, n and M N is replaced y
dm _ d (1 dv
l u d_A\ _ B_ (}_dw u\ 1^ dB
+ +
dp ~ dp \A da AB dp) B \Ada R ) 2 1 Ada'
dni d /I dw u\ A
dn _d (\ dw u\
x B /I dv u dA\
+ +
dp ~dp\A da Ri) R \A
2 da'ABdp)'
1 dv u dA I A d
'1 dw v
da '' A da +
ABdB R \Bdp
~R 2t
B dp
ch d_ I dv u dA
dp" "dp A da AB J +
A1 dB
dm 2
1 dA (dv u dA
da ~~
'AB d(3 \da 'BdB
dm 2
^\_±dB/dv_u dA
R \dp
2 ^ RJ 2 A da\da B
dn 2
dw v 1 u dA
da da \B d(3 + -R ) 1
2 BdB
dn 2 1 div
dp\Bdp + R J 2 R2
'_ d fl dw u\ 1 dB fl dw v B dv u dA
q 2
~ ~ W \ A f a +
R j A f a \ B W +
Bi AR 2 da' Bdp
1 dB d fl dv u dA B^ 1 dw u
Ada^dB \A da AB dB Ri Ada R 1
We can now write down the formulae for the changes of curvature in t h e
'1 dw
1 d 11 u\ . 1 dA 1 dw v
dw . u\
Kl =
A~da KKda R~J + Zl? 9/3 Bd$ R +
_1 9 fl dw v i dB 1 dw u
+ AB + .(26>
~BdS KBdp + R , dx Ada~ S ;
_ 1 9 fl dw v\ !_A4 9w 1_ dv
T +
~Afa\B~W Rj~A*Bd0du' AR.dal
L. E. 32
The above formulas admit of various verifications:
(i) In the case of a plane plate, when a and /3 are Cartesian coordinates, we have
2 2 2
_d w __d w _ dw
K l =
a^' ^ 3 * w T =
coefficient, and 6 is the co-latitude. The sum and product of the principal curvatures
of the deformed surface can be shown, by means of the formulas of this Article and those
of Article 324, to be
~+~(n- l)(n + 2)P (co*0)
n and 1 + * ( - l ) ( w w + 2 ) P ( c o s B\
(Xi (X tli it
(25), equations (11) are satisfied identically, squares and products of u v w and their y y
8 A = m ( 2 8 )
^(L-,/E )' 1 *fi-B{l™.lRj> * "
I n calculating the coordinates of t h e final position of Q' we have in (27)
to replace
k by l + k (qiSa + q^'B8) - k
s (piSa+pt'88),
z by z -f hz.
W e use also the formulae (15) and (16) for dx/da, ... and t h e formulas (28) for
8a, 8/3, 8*.
Let r denote t h e distance between the final positions of Q and Q'. W e
+f |(4r/-%/)^ L ^ + ( W - « (L i}
, mr
+(z+o {ft?/ -tooj ^ ^ r - ) + - w iy(1 :; /i?2)
Iv 3f
+ k + ^ ?ir
8a 4 (1 - zjR ) +
^d/3B(l- x zjR ) ^ dz
3? IT K mr / d%\ \
+ h + m
da A(l- zjR,) ~^dftB(i- z/R ) 2 V dz) '] '
The differences of the y- and z-coordinates can be written down by sub
stituting m m , TYI and n n , n successively for l l l . Since the scheme
1} 2 S lf 2 s lt 2y 3
ri q' „ x 1 dn d£
+1 - z / R ,
I P i
+ r F (Z + + 1 + m
l-,,BA- i ^ A ^
+r 2
r I
B* +
B v +
1 -zjR,
1 -z\R 2
2 i
— TZ
1-zjR, l-z/R. + \-z\R, B^ A
1 1 /3f
+l l-z/R B\dl3 ...(30)
- z ^ A \doc 2
1 /3£
°~dz*l- - zjR, A \da
1 d
!( l-
~dz^l z/R 2 B \d/3
I n these expressions £, ??, f are functions of a, /3, # which vanish with z for all
values of a, /3.
W e observe t h a t t h e values found in Article 317 for e e , e would be XXi yy xy
and let the sense of description of s be such t h a t the directions of the normal
v, the tangent to s, and t h e normal to t h e surface at P in t h e sense already 1 }
be the radius of curvature of the normal section of the surface drawn through
the tangent to s at P we have the formulae lf
T x 1 d N= x dz
-L '<( -i) '> S Z
-/L V(I-2?)*. iM -i) '
T i i 1 z l
>-LM -i) °- ""LH -^*'-L -{ -i)*-)
H, - f_^ - t X , ( l - -£,) it, 6, = j zX, (l - it,
1 dz 82= Xy 1 dz
T %
=/1 i ~i) > S\~ { ~i) > ° /I *i
7 y N = Y 1 dz
-u7) '
H zX l dz T 1 dt
^L A ~i) ' *-L' '{ -£) '
in which it!/ and R ' denote, as in Article 324, the radii of curvature of
normal sections of the strained middle surface drawn through the axes of x
and y.
W e observe t h a t t h e relations S + S = 0 and H + = 0, which hold in 1 2 Y
which we found in Article 295 for a plane plate slightly deformed, are also
disturbed by the presence of an appreciable curvature.
1 - z/R, by 6j and ZK . X By these processes we obtain t h e approximate
formulae *
E € ZIC e €
XX — i ~~ \I yy — 2 ~~ ZK ,
2 e xy — vr — 2zr, e zx — ^ , e yz —^ , ezz —^ . .. .(33)
* Equivalent formulae in the case of a plane plate were given by Kirchhoff, Vorlesungen iiber
math. Physik, Mechanik, Vorlesung 30.
From these results we may deduce approximate formulae for t h e stress-
resultants and stress-couples. For this purpose we omit from t h e formulse
( 3 1 ) and ( 3 2 ) t h e factors ( 1 - z/R ') and ( 1 — z\Rl). We should obtain zero
values for A , N , while T ... and G ... would be given by t h e formulae
3 2 ly lt
T, = - - (e + <re ),
1 2 T = 2 - ( e + creO,
2 - S = JS = —— *r, .. .(o6)
2 X
fl^-D^ + e™,), G ^ - D O r , * ^ ) , -H^H^Dil-*)^ ...(37)
+ | D [(*, + * ) - 2 2
(1 - a) (*,*, - 2
T )]. .. . ( 3 8 )
of Article 3 0 6 by t h e formulae
These values for JY JS could be found also from ( 1 2 ) of Article 2 9 6 by
lt 2
* , - i > < l - „ ) ( r + > £ ) , fl,.-I,(l-.)( T + l ° ) . I-' "'
G = -D(/e
1 + <r/c ), Q = -D(/e + CTK,),
1 2 - H = H = D (1 - a) r, .. .(37 Ms)
2 2 2 x
strains ZK ZK , &r. We shall suppose that this is the case. In calculating the strains
LY 2
e ,... from (30) instead of (33) we observe that the term ei (1 - z/Ri)' may still be replaced
by ej, and that the term -ZK (1 -z\Ri)~ may be replaced by — ZK -Z K /R .
X The values 1
1 1
and these values may be substituted in the first three of (30). Further, in the terms of
(30) that contain £, rj, f we may replace pi,... by the corresponding quantities relating
to the unstrained shell, that is to say we may put<p{— q — 0, p /B=l/R , — qi jA — l l R±. 2 2 2
We reject all terms of the types € Zj'R e^z, K^Z . We thus obtain the equations
1 li
_ 2 AC! 1 a 2 <I + K 2
e -eyy 2 ZK z ^2 R 2 1 _ ( r z ^ ,
e =wxy - 2rz - rz (1/JKx + l/R ). 2
From the formula for e we can calculate S and S by means of (31) and (32) of
xy ± 2
Article 328, and in this calculation we may replace l/R\ and l/R by IjRi and ljR . 2 2
We find
In calculating a second approximation to T and T we may not assume that Z x 2 z
vanishes. As in the case of the plane plate, we take the shell to be free from the action
of body forces and of tractions on its faces. We observe that the axes of x, y, z specified
in Article 323 are parallel to the normals to three surfaces of a triply orthogonal family.
This is the family considered in Article 327, and the parameters of the surfaces are a, /3, z.
We write temporarily y in place of z, and use the notation of Articles 19 and 58. The
values of h h , k are given by the equations
l9 2 3
We write down an equation of the type of (19) in Article 5 8 by resolving along the normal
to the surface y. This equation is
* London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 20 (1889), p. 372, or Scientific Papers, vol. 3, p. 280.
Returning to our previous notation, we write this equation
To obtain an approximation to Z , we substitute in this equation for X ,... the values
z x
given by the first approximation, and integrate with respect to z. We determine the
constant of integration so that Z may vanish at z = h and z= -h. We must omit the
terms containing X and Y and use the approximate values given in (35) for X and Y .
z z x y
Further we may omit the factors 1 — zjR, and l — zjR and such terms as eiz/R,. We thus 2
Now we have
X =^ ^
x 2 (EXX + o-E ) 4- YZT^.
YY ^ Z
> ^V
i _ 2 ( YV +
xz)+J^ Z r ZJ
and hence, by means of the formulae for E XXI E Y Y I Z , we calculate approximate values for
1 — tr \ /J '
The formulae for the stress-couples are not affected by the second approximation, so far
at any rate as terms of the order DK, are concerned.
331. E q u a t i o n s of equilibrium.
The equations of equilibrium are formed by equating to zero t h e resultant
and resultant moment of all t h e forces applied to a portion of t h e plate
or shell. W e consider a portion bounded by t h e faces and by t h e surfaces
formed by t h e aggregates of t h e normals drawn to the strained middle surface
a t points of a curvilinear quadrilateral, which is made u p of two neighbour
ing arcs of each of t h e families of curves a and ft. Since t h e extension of
t h e middle surface is small, we m a y neglect t h e extensions of t h e sides of t h e
quadrilateral, and we may regard it as a curvilinear rectangle. W e denote
t h e bounding curves of t h e curvilinear rectangle by a, a + 8a, ft, ft + 8ft, and
resolve t h e stress-resultants on t h e sides in t h e directions of fixed axes of
those found by a different process by A. B. Basset, loc. cit. p. 505, in the cases of cylindrical and
spherical shells to which he restricts his discussion. His forms contain some additional terms
which are of the order here neglected.
Fig. 74.
I n like manner we write down t h e forces acting across the sides ft and
ft + 8ft. For £ we have
S A8a,
2 -T A8a, 2 -F A8a; 2
- S A8a - 8/3 ^
2 (Sf ^8a) - T A8a.
2 2 r 8ft + N A8a.
2 2 q '8/3,
T A8a
2 + 8ft^ (T A8a)
2 - N A8a.
2 p 'S/3 - S A8a.
2 2 r 'S/3,
Again the moments of t h e forces and t h e couples acting across the sides
of the rectangle can be written down. For the side a w e have t h e component
-H.BSft, -ft.BS/3, 0,
and for the side a + Sa we have the component couples
H.BSft + 8a ( M S / 3 ) - G BS/3. 1 r/Sa,
G BS/3
1 + Sa 1- (GiBSft) + H B8ft.
x r/Sa,
- . g/Sa + Q BSj3.piSa;
for t h e side /3 we have the component couples
G A8a,
2 -H A8a,
2 0,
a n d for the side /3 4 S/3 we have the component couples
- G A8a - S/3 ^
2 (G A8a)
2 - H A8a.
2 r/S/3,
j y ^ S a + S/3 ^ (H A8a)
2 - G A8a. 2 r.'Sft
G A8a.
2 g 'S/3 + H A8a
2 2 .p '8/3.
1 +
^ ^ W ~ G
^ - ~ M^AB- 0, ^
are each equal to 8s, these operations leave us with a force of a certain
m a g n i t u d e direction and sense a t t h e typical point P . The forces at P and
P", arising from the couple on t h e arc PP", are each equal to H, and their
lines of action are parallel to t h e normal a t P, t h e force a t P being in t h e
negative sense of this normal. T h e forces at P' and P arising from t h e couple
on the arc P'P are each equal to H—8H, and their lines of action are parallel
to t h e normal at P', t h e force at P being in t h e positive sense of this normal.
Now let R 2 be the principal radii of curvature of t h e strained middle
surface a t P, so t h a t the equation of this surface referred to axes of £, rj, z
which coincide with t h e principal t a n g e n t s at P and t h e normal is approxi
. 4 W + ^ » ) = o.
(1) {1)
P'P has components HBs cos <£/JRI , HBs sin 4>/R , H — 8H parallel to t h e 2
axes of £, rj, z. Hence the force a t P arising from t h e couples on P'P and
PP" has components parallel to t h e normal to s drawn on t h e surface, t h e
t a n g e n t to s and t h e normal to the surface, which are
* The result that, in this case, H contributes to S as well as to N was noted by A. B. Basset,
loc. cit. p. 505. See also the paper by H. Lamb cited on p. 477.
+ & + 8 = 0; %
Bi i? 2
2 U - 2ph
AB\ da ' dp +
^d/3 da irr -dt»
1 djS.B) d(T A) 2 dA dB I!*= dv 2
2ph ..(49)
AB da 9/3 "9/3 da d¥ y
R 2
1 jdj^B)
d{N A) T, T dw 2 2
_| i _| 1 :2ph
} 2
Ri R ~dt ' 2
T h e equations (49), some of t h e quantities in which are connected by t h e
relations (48), are t h e equations of vibration.
These equations are to be transformed into a system of partial differential
equations for t h e determination of u, v, w, by expressing t h e various quantities
involved in them in terms of u, v, w and their differential coefficients. This
transformation may be effected by means of t h e theory given in preceding
Articles of this Chapter. Equations (37) of Article 329 express G G ,H H in ly 2 ly 2
in equations (42) and (44) of Article 3 3 0 ; and they are there expressed in
terms of K K , T as well as e e OT; SO t h a t they can still be expressed in
LY 2 ly 2y
2 2 2 2
into two sets. One set contains d u/dt , d v/dt and t h e stress-resultants of t h e
2 2
type T, S; t h e other set contains d wjdt , t h e stress-resultants of type N, and
t h e stress-couples. Now, in this case, t h e stress-resultants of type T, S a r e
expressible in terms of e e by t h e formulae (36) of Article 329, a n d
ly 2y
€ e,
ly 2 are expressible in terms of u, v by t h e formulae
du dv dv . du
da [
d$ "8a 8/3'
a and ft being ordinary Cartesian coordinates. Hence one of the two sets of
equations into which (48) and (49) fall becomes identical w i t h - t h e equations
of extensional vibration given in Article 314 (e). Further, the stress-couples
are expressible in terms of K , K , T by the formulas (37) of Article 329, and
1 2
2 2
_ dw dw d?w_
Kl a T
~dtf' * ~3/P' ~dadft'
while N-t and N are expressible in terms of t h e stress-couples by t h e
W — i ^2 AT — ^1 _ ^Ml
1 _ + 2
da dft ' ~ dft da '
The second of the two sets of equations into which (48) and (49) fall is equi
valent to the equation of transverse vibration given in Article 314 (d).
I n applying the results of Articles 329 and 330 to vibrations we make
a certain assumption. A similar assumption is, as we noted in Article 277,
made habitually in the theory of t h e vibrations of thin rods. W e assume in
fact t h a t t h e state of strain within a thin plate or shell, when vibrating, is
of a type which has been determined by using the equations of equilibrium.
For example, in t h e case of a plane plate vibrating transversely, we assume
t h a t the internal strain in a small portion of the plate is very nearly the
same as t h a t which would be produced in the portion if it were held in
equilibrium, with t h e middle plane bent to the same curvature. Consider a
little more closely the state of a cylindrical or prismatic portion of a plane
plate, such as would fit into a fine hole drilled transversely through it. We
are assuming that, when t h e plate vibrates, any such prismatic portion is
practically adjusted to equilibrium at each instant during a period. This
being so, the most important components of strain in the portion, when t h e
plate vibrates transversely, are given by
= — eyy = — ZK 2I e x y = - 2ZT, ezz = { c r / ( l — cr)} z (K +
X K ),
is plane, Z —0 to a second approximation ; when there is equilibrium and the middle surface
illustrated by a discussion, based on the general equations of vibration of elastic solid bodies,
of the vibrations of an infinite plate of finite thickness. Such a discussion has been given
by Lord Rayleigh t; and from his results it can be shown that, in this case, there are classes
of vibrations in which Z vanishes throughout the plate, and that, in the remaining classes,
the expression for Z can be expanded in rising powers of h and z, and the expansion
of h, and the remaining terms contain h as a factor. W e should expect to
get an approximately correct solution by omitting t h e terms in h . W h e n
this is done two of t h e boundary conditions at a free edge, viz.: those of t h e
type 6r = 0, N — dH/ds = 0, disappear; and t h e system of equations is of a
sufficiently high order to admit of the satisfaction of the remaining boundary
conditions. Since h has disappeared from t h e equations and conditions, t h e
* The argument is clearly applicable with some modifications of detail to the theory of the
vibrations of thin rods.
t London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 20 (1889), p. 225, or Scientific Papers, vol. 3, p. 249.
frequency is independent of t h e thickness. The extension of the middle
surface is the most important feature of t h e deformation, b u t it is necessarily
accompanied by bending. The theory of such extensional vibrations may be
obtained very simply by the energy method, as was noted in Article 329.
The extensional modes of vibration of a thin shell are analogous to t h e
extensional vibrations of a thin plane plate, to which reference has already been
made in this Article and in (e) of Article 314. The consideration of the case
of a slightly curved middle surface shows at once t h a t an open shell must
also possess modes of vibration analogous to t h e transverse vibrations of a
plane plate, and having frequencies which are much less than those of the
extensional vibrations. The existence of such modes of vibration may be
established by the following a r g u m e n t : —
A superior limit for t h e frequency of the gravest tone can be found by
assuming any convenient type of vibration; for, in any vibrating system,
t h e frequency obtained by assuming the type cannot be less t h a n the least
frequency of natural vibration*. If we assume as the type of vibration one
in which no line on the middle surface is altered in length, we may calculate
t h e frequency by means of the formulas for the kinetic energy and the potential
energy of bending, as in Article 321. Since t h e kinetic energy contains h as
a factor, and the potential energy h , the frequency is proportional to h. The
frequency of such inextensional vibrations of a shell of given form can be
lowered indefinitely in comparison with t h a t of any mode of extensional
vibration by diminishing h. I t follows t h a t the gravest mode of vibration
cannot, in general, be of extensional typef.
If we assume t h a t t h e vibration is of strictly inextensional type the forms
of t h e components of displacement as functions of a, /3 are, as we saw in
Articles 319, 320, and 326, very narrowly restricted. If displacements which
satisfy the conditions of no extension are substituted in the expressions for
the stress-resultants and stress-couples, t h e equations of motion and t h e
boundary conditions cannot, in general, be satisfied^. I t is clear, therefore,
t h a t the vibrations must involve some extension. To constrain t h e shell to
vibrate in an inextensional mode forces would have to be applied at its edges
and over its faces. When these forces are not applied, the displacement
must differ from any which satisfies t h e conditions of no extension. But, in
any of t h e graver modes of vibration, the difference must be slight; for,
otherwise, the mode of vibration would be practically an extensional one, and
t h e frequency could not be nearly small enough. From the form of the
equations of vibration we may conclude t h a t t h e requisite extension must
be very small over the greater part of the surface; b u t near the edge it
must be of sufficient importance to secure the satisfaction of the boundary
The displacement being periodic in c/> with period 27T, and the shell being
supposed to vibrate in a normal mode with frequency p/27r, we shall take
u, v, w to be proportional to sines, or cosines, of multiples of </>, and to a simple
harmonic function of t with period 27r/p. The equations of vibration then
become a system of linear equations with constant coefficients for the
determination of u, v w as functions of x. W e shall presently form these
* The difficulty arising from the fact that inextensional displacements do not admit of the
satisfaction of the boundary conditions is that to which I called attention in my paper of 1888
(see Introduction, footnote 133). The explanation that the extension, proved to be necessary,
may be practically confined to a narrow region near the edge, and yet may be sufficiently
important at the edge to secure the satisfaction of the boundary conditions, was given simul
taneously by A. B. Basset and H. Lamb in the papers cited on pp. 505 and 477. These authors
illustrated the possibility of this explanation by means of the solution of certain statical
(a) General equations.
In accordance with what has been said above, we take
u~ 27sinw0cos (pt + c), v— Vcosncjy cos (pt + e), w= JFsin ncj) cos (pt + e), ...(50)
€ = s i n w c o s e
l 7 7 7 9 ( + e
)> e
2— s m
^ c o s
\Pt + )>
fdV u \
W n C 0 S C 0 S e
~\~dx~^ ~a) ^ (-^~*~ ''
n< c o s €
l~ s m
^ c o s
+ )' e K
2~ 2 s i n
r + )>
T lJr n C S C 0 S
~a\cfv^ ^ ^ ° ^
1== c o s n c o s e n
* > \ -dx- + J= -^-
The first two of equations (48) become
1 2
3a? a d(j> ' a d(j> dx '
and we have
xr n • A. / . . fePW 1 / „dW dV\\
^=-i> m^cos(^ e){^--^^^- »^|, S +
We have also
r =i)^^+- )-2
2 1 I T ^- ) - - -J,
where *i,... have the values given above. The equations of vibration are
+ Z p h p + + + + W U
8* a 80 dx a 80 a ^ 8* a 80 a + ^ '
or, in terms of JJ, F, IF,
A |jfo?\flfo7. a J 2 a\dx a Jj ^
D T2 — 2o~ — 3a" 2
IF l + 2o- 2
/ r , A
a a deb
and all the left-hand members can be expressed as linear functions of U F, W and their
dU W+nV dV nU
Since h does not occur in the differential equations or the boundary conditions, the
frequencies are independent of h.
In the case of symmetrical vibrations, in which u, v, w are independent of <£, we take
U = Ucos (pt + e), v = Fcos (pt + e), w = W COS (p£ + e),
and we find the equations
_^(<VU_ dW\ Z E dW
dx a ' dx
There are two classes of symmetrical vibrations. In the first class U and W vanish,
so that the displacement is tangential to the circular sections of the cylinder. In this
class of vibrations we have
2 2
mrx „ E n 7r
F ^ c o e - p , p«= - 2 7 T - _ -^-,
j )
l p(l-o- ) 2 2
I _p 2
p ( l - o - ) la U
P 2 2 Q 2 V
l p(l-o- )a J p(l-cr ) la*~ '
The equation for p is
F P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
P (l-a ) \a ^ I ) ^ p (l-* )a l
If the length is great compared with the diameter, so that ajl is small, the two types of
vibration are (i) almost purely radial, with a frequency {E/p (1 - o- )}^jlira, and (ii) almost
purely longitudinal, with a frequency n (E/p)^/2l. The latter are of the same kind as the
extensional vibrations of a thin rod (Article 278).
A more detailed investigation of the extensional vibrations of cylindrical shells with
edges will be found in my paper cited in the Introduction, footnote 133. For a shell of
infinite length the radial vibrations have been discussed by A. B. Basset, London Math.
Soc. Proc, vol. 21 (1891), p. 53, and the various modes of vibration have been investigated
very fully by Lord Rayleigh, Proc. R, Soc, vol. 45 (1889), p. 443, or Scientific Papers, vol. 3,
p. 244. See also Theory of Sound, 2nd edition, vol. 1, Chapter x A.
( c ) Inextensional vibrations*.
The displacement in a principal mode of vibration is either two-dimensional and given
by the formulse
tt=0, v=A co&
n (p t+€ ) coa (rKl> +
n n a\ n w= -nA coB(p t+€ )8m(nqy-\-a ),
n n n n
u=-^B cos
n (p 't + O s i n (n0 +ftj,
n v=xB cos n (£>'tf + e ') c o s 0 0
n w
2 2 2 2 2 2
result with the second of the formulae (44). Taking the two-dimensional vibration specified
by A , we have the equation
r r n
a dx a o<p
3 2 2
Bn (n — l) (^ n —1
""^ + l 2 A sin (TI0 + a ) cos (p t + e )
n n n n
5 2
2JDn (n -l) . . . . , . , + , .
T n S m + 0S +
" ~\ rf^V)W ^ ° ^ ^'
but we have also
2-f-o- i>K 2
2(l-cr) a
2 + o~ i ) ^ ( 7 I - l )
A sin (n0 + a ) cos (p * + * ).
n n n w
2(l-o-) a
The two values of T are different, and the equations of motion are not satisfied by the
x unless A =0.
n When the vibration is three-dimensional, N± and H are independent of x
x, and JVx — a~ 3^T /30 cannot vanish at any particular value of x unless B =0.
1 Thus the n
dx ' d<j> ' dx* a '
and t h e boundary conditions a t x = + I are
Ti = 0, JVi = 0, ^ = 0.
W e seek to satisfy these equations and conditions approximately by t h e
assumption t h a t t h e extensional strains e e are of t h e same order as t h e lt 2
flexural strains hfc , hfc . W h e n this is t h e case T± and T are given with
x 2 2
2 2
m u s t p u t Ti = 0, or ^ = - ae , and t h e n we have T = 3 D (1 — <x ) e /A . The
2 2 2
* This is the problem solved for this purpose by H. Lamb, loc. cit. p. 477. The same point
i n the theory was illustrated by A. B. Basset, loc. cit. p. 505, by means of a different statical
q = (a/2h) x/{3 (1 - <r%
(TO sinh (ql/a) cos (ql/a) — cosh (ql/a) sin (ql/a)
sinh (2ql/a) + sin (2ql/a)
ere sinh (gZ/g) cos (gZ/a) + cosh (ql/a) sin (ql/a)
<f sinh (2ql/a) + sin (2ql/a)
a r e
The form of t h e solution shows t h a t near the boundaries e e , ^*a> ^ 2 alll 5 2
If n exceeds unity there are two modes of vibration of the second class,
* For further details in regard to this problem the reader is referred to the paper by
H. Lamb already cited.
+ London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 14 (1883), p. 50.
and t h e gravest tone belongs to t h e slower of those two modes of vibration
of this class for which n = 2. I t s frequency p/2ir is given by
p = V(Wf>)a (1-176),
if Poisson's ratio for t h e material is taken to be | . T h e frequencies of all
these modes are independent of t h e thickness.
I n the limiting case of a plane plate t h e modes of vibration fall into two
main classes, one inextensional, with displacement normal to the plane of the
plate, and t h e other extensional, with displacement parallel to t h e plane of
the plate. [See Articles 314 (d) and (e) and 333 and N o t e F at t h e end of
t h e book.] The case of an infinite plate of finite thickness has been discussed
by Lord Rayleigh *, starting from the general equations of vibration of elastic
solids, and using methods akin to those described in Article 214 supra. There
is a class of extensional vibrations involving displacement parallel to t h e
plane of t h e p l a t e ; and t h e modes of this class fall into two sub-classes,
in one of which there is no displacement of the middle plane. The other
of these two sub-classes appears to be the analogue of t h e tangential vibra
tions of a complete thin spherical shell. There is a second class of extensional
vibrations involving a component of displacement normal to t h e plane of the
plate as well as a tangential component, and, when t h e plate is thin, t h e
normal component is small compared with t h e tangential component. T h e
normal component of displacement vanishes at t h e middle plane, and t h e
normal component of the rotation vanishes everywhere; so t h a t t h e vibrations
of this class are analogous to the vibrations of t h e second class of a complete
t h i n spherical shell. There is also a class of flexural vibrations involving a
displacement normal to the plane of t h e plate, and a tangential component
of displacement which is small compared with t h e normal component when
the plate is thin. The tangential component vanishes at t h e middle plane,
so t h a t the displacement is approximately inextensional. I n these vibrations
t h e linear elements which are initially normal to the middle plane remain
straight and normal to the middle plane throughout the motion, and t h e
frequency is approximately proportional to t h e thickness. There are no
inextensional vibrations of a complete thin spherical shell.
The case of an open spherical shell or bowl stands between these extreme
cases. W h e n the aperture is very small, or the spherical surface is nearly
complete, t h e vibrations must approximate to those of a complete spherical
shell. W h e n the angular radius of t h e aperture, measured from the included
pole, is small, and t h e radius of t h e sphere is large, t h e vibrations must
approximate to those of a plane plate. I n intermediate cases there must be
vibrations of practically inextensional type and also vibrations of extensional
* London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 20 (1889), p. 225, or Scientific Papers, vol. 3, p. 249.
Purely inextensional vibrations of a thin spherical shell, of which the
edge-line is a circle, have been discussed in detail by Lord Rayleigh* by t h e
methods described in Article 321 supra. I n the case of a hemispherical
shell t h e frequency pj2nr of t h e gravest tone is given by
p=j(jilp)(hla*) (4-279).
When the angular radius a of t h e aperture is nearly equal to 7r, or the spherical
surface is nearly complete, t h e frequency P/2TT of the gravest mode of
inextensional vibration is given by p = V(/Vp) [hja (TT — a) } (5*657). By
2 2
* London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 13 (1881), or Scientific Papers, vol. 1, p. 551. See also
Theory of Sound, 2nd edition, vol. 1, Chapter x A .
t The equations were formed and solved by E . Mathieu, J. de VEcole poly technique, t. 51
(1883). The extensional vibrations of spherical shells are also discussed in the paper by the
present writer cited in the Introduction, footnote 133.
with no radial component of rotation is specified is connected with t h e
frequency by equation (55), in which ft is written for n. The two degrees
a and ft are connected by a transcendental equation, which is t h e frequency
equation. The vibrations do not generally fall into classes in t h e same way
as those of a complete shell; but, as the open shell approaches completeness,
its modes of extensional vibration tend to pass over into those of the com
plete shell.
The existence of modes of vibration which are practically inextensional is
clearly bound up with t h e fact that, when t h e vibrations are assumed to be
extensional, the order of t h e system of differential equations of vibration is
reduced from 8 to 4. As in the case of the cylindrical shell, it may be shown
t h a t t h e vibrations cannot be strictly inextensional, and t h a t the correction
of the displacement required to satisfy the boundary conditions is more
important t h a n t h a t required to satisfy the differential equations. W e may
conclude that, near the free edge, the extensional strains are comparable with
the flexural strains, b u t t h a t the extension is practically confined to a narrow
region near the edge.
u=sin3 2 A tau -
cosn<f>, v=sin# 2 A tan - n
sin ?2</>,
w— 2 (?i + c o s # ) J t a n - c o sn
The potential energy of bending V is given according to Article 321 (b) by the equation
= §^^2«(n2-l)( ^_ j 2. 2 1 ) n
* Elasticitat, § 70.
336] OF A THIN SHELL 527
Hence we have
. o Fa l-f-cosft7r
N 4 3 2 2
7TT/A (?I -1)(2^ -1)'
so that A vanishes when n is odd, and, when n is even,
F a ? 1
A -* n 2 2
~*irfik* (n -l)(2n -l)'
The inextensional displacement is now determined*.
In this solution the necessity of satisfying boundary conditions at the edge is left out
of account, and it is on account of these conditions that the second step in the complete
solution, viz.: that of determining a subsidiary extensional displacement, acquires so much
theoretical importance. From the first part of the solution we could calculate the flexural
couple and the radial stress-resultant at the edge. In the case of small displacements the
equations of equilibrium under no forces except at the edge are formed by omitting the
kinetic reactions in the equations of vibration. We thus have the forms of these equations,
and we know that they are of a sufficiently high order to admit of the satisfaction of the
conditions (i) the tension and shearing force at the edge vanish, (ii) the flexural couple and
the radial stress-resultant at the edge have given values. If we take these given values to
be those calculated from the first part of the solution with reversed signs, the displacement
which satisfies the equations of equilibrium and the boundary conditions is the required
subsidiary displacement. As in the case of vibrations the subsidiary displacement
diminishes rapidly as the distance from the edge increases, and becomes very small as
soon as the distance from the edge is a considerable multiple of the mean proportional
between the radius and the thickness. The method of determining the subsidiary
displacement in the case of a cylindrical shell was illustrated in Article 334 (e), where the
inextensional displacement was u=0, v = c<f>, w=c.
There are cases in which t h e first part of t h e solution may be omitted.
For example, no inextensional displacement can be produced in a spherical
bowl by forces which are symmetrically distributed round t h e axis. T h e
bowl is very stiff, b u t not, of course, infinitely stiff, to resist such forces. T h e
method of solution in such cases may be illustrated by t h e problem of a
hemispherical bowl resting with its edge on a smooth horizontal plane and
deformed by its own weight.
Specifying the displacement by components u, v, w as in Article 320, and using the
results of Article 326, we find
I (du \ 1 (dv , , . A 1 fdv I du , a
^ + (<S ->S )cotd+J^||=0,
1 2 Tt+Tz+fypha cos 6=0.
* The method and this example of its application are due to Lord Rayleigh, London Math.
Soc. Proc, vol. 13 (1881), or Scientific Papers, vol. 1, p. 551, or Theory of Sound, Chapter X A .
Now, the forces being independent of cf), the displacements are also independent of G/>,
and thus these equations become
( 2 )
|_ _ ) w + < r { u C o t 6 - » ) ] + (l -o-)cot 6 ( g - « cat *) + ^ ^ a i n 0 = 0, '
|(|- cot*) V + 2 c o u ( g - » c o u ) = 0,
^+«cotfl-2 + W ' 2 , - ' o o < ? = 0.- r)
2|I [ 1 + (T J
2 2 2 2 2
, , dw , dw , dw , dv , dv
R I =
P l
~ ' ^ - d ^ / > q i =
~ ~ & > p
* ~ d f > A^. r
^ m y -
Also we have
2 2 2 2 2
r i ._. (d w d w\ „ _ /d w d w\ T1 Tr . d io
J E I = = I > ( 1 < R )
^ - n
{ w > +
" w ) ' a
^ - D
W + < r
^ ) ' - ^ - A ^ -
Omitting products of differential coefficients of u, v, w> we find from equations (46) of
Article 331
2 2 2 2
a a d (d w d w\ , 3 (d w d w\ XT 7
2 T 2 z 2 2
dx \dx dy )' ~~ dy\dx ^ dy J '
The first two of equations (45) of the same Article are satisfied approximately, when
X\ Y\ Z' vanish, by putting T and T equal to constants and JS and JS equal to zero. x 2 1 2
We take
T =^-P T =-P x u 2 2i
where P and P are the thrusts at the edges x — const, and y — const., each estimated per
x 2
unit of length of the corresponding edge. The third of equations (45) becomes.
1 2 1 2 + 2 2
\& dy dx^dy ) dx dy
If the plate is "supported" at the edges x— ±a and y — ±b, we must have w = 0 and
6^=0 at x= ±a, and w = 0 and G = 0 at y= ± b. We have a solution of the form
T j r . m7r(x + a) . mrty + b)
iv— If sin ^ -sm — ~ — - ,
2a 2b
where m and n are integers and W is a constant, provided that
2 2 2 2 2
, ~, / m 0 n\ „ m ^ n
This equation gives the critical thrusts. For example, if Pi=P , 2 the critical value of
2 2 2
Pj and P is ^Dn (l/a + l/& )*
According to the formulae (24) and (25) of Article 326, all the quantities pi ... 9 vanish
except p which is l + a* . We shall write
2y 2
p =a/R,
2 R=a — a K 2
2 + ...)
where R is the radius of curvature of the deformed cross-section of the middle surface.
The ordinary approximation to the stress-couples + gives
-B(TK , 2 G =-DK ,2 2 TI = 2 -Ilj^O;
a ocj)
The second and third of equations (45) give
a dcj) R ' a 8<£ R
Eliminating T from these, we find
1 ^(RdN \ pJ_R 2
* The problem is strictly analogous to that of the doubly pivoted strut considered in Article
264. The above solution is due to Gr. H. Bryan, London Math. Soc. Proc, vol. 22 (1891), p. 54,
who discusses a number of special cases.
t It is assumed that the existence of pressure on the outer surface of the tube does not
seriously affect the first approximation to the strain. The second approximation is not required
for the calculation of the stress-couples.
L. K 34
Hence the least value of p for which there can be a form other than circular is 3D/a .
We infer that the circular cylinder is unstable if the external pressure exceeds 3Z)/a *
The result just obtained admits of application to the problem of the collapse of boiler
flues. The pressure of steam in a boiler is much in excess of the pressure of the air
in the flues, and it is found that long flues tend to collapse under the pressure. To obviate
this weakness it is usual to construct the flues in several detached pieces with massive
flanged joints, thus shortening the effective length of the flue to the distance between
consecutive joints. Our result is that a flue of infinite length will not collapse unless the
2 3
pressure exceeds [22£/(I — cr )] (h/a) , where 2? and cr denote Young's modulus and Poisson's
ratio for the material, and k/a is the ratio of the thickness to the diameter. The portion
of the flue between two joints is effectively a thin cylindrical shell with fixed ends, and the
fixity of the ends has the consequence that the middle surface cannot be bent without
stretching. If, however, the pressure exceeds the critical pressure, and the length is
sufficiently great, the extension may be practically confined to a narrow region near the
ends, while the greater part of the surface bends almost without extension.
The most interesting question to be settled concerns the critical length, or the least
length for which collapse is possible under the critical pressure. An exact numerical
value cannot be obtained, but an indication of the relations between the various dimensions
of the flue can be gathered from the principles explained in Article 334 (e). For collapse
to be possible, the effective length, or the distance between the joints, must be great enough
for the inextensional configuration to be established over the greater part of the length, in
other words, it must be great enough to secure that the subsidiary extensional displacement
required to satisfy the terminal conditions shall diminish to a negligible quantity between
.an end and the middle of the flue. From the method of solution adopted in Article 334 (E)
we can see at once that the distance required must be a large multiple of the mean
proportional between the thickness and the diameter. It would appear therefore that, in
flues of different sizes, the rule for spacing the joints, by which the flues are protected
against collapse, ought to be: The distance between the joints should be proportional to
the geometric mean between the thickness and the diameter.
* The result is due to G. H. Bryan, Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc, vol. 6 (1888), p. 287. The
analogous result for a ring is given in Article 275 supra.
8 3
Text 6
Kelvin and T a i t 7
Kirchhoff Saint-Venant 9
T e x t and 3
Kelvin and T a i t 7
Lame 11
Saint-Venant 9
Kirchhoff s
Y Z , Z , Xy
S, T, U tyzy ^zxt %xy yz, zx, xy
Cambridge and Dublin Math. J., vol. 6 (1851), p. 47, or Miscellaneous Scientific Papers,
p. 6 7 ; also Phil. Trans. R. Soc, vol. 146 (1856), or Miscellaneous Scientific Papers, p. 119.
I n the first of these memoirs the word " s t r a i n " was appropriated to express relative displacement,
and in the second the word " s t r e s s " was appropriated to express internal actions between the
parts of a body. The memoir of 1856 also contains Rankine's nomenclature for elastic constants
of seolotropic solid bodies.
Baltimore Lectures on Molecular Dynamics, Cambridge, 1904.
Todhunter and Pearson's History, vol. 1, Note B.
London Math. Soc Proc, vol. 21 (1891), p. 73.
Rapports presentes au Congres International de Physique, t. 1, Paris, 1900.
For the definitions see Article 8.
Natural Philosophy, Part 2.
Vorlesungen uber math. Physik, Mechanik.
Theorie de Velasticity des corps solides de Clebsch, Paris, 1883, frequently referred to as the
* Annotated Clebsch.'
1 0
For the definitions see Article 47.
Legons sur la theorie mathematique de Velasticity des corps solides.
Kelvin and Tait's notation for strain-components and stress-components has been
adopted by Lord Rayleigh and J. H. Michell, among others, and it was used in the first
edition of this book. KirchhofFs notation for stress-components has met with very general
acceptance, but there seems to be no equally suggestive and convenient notation for
strain-components. The notation X , Y , Z for the components of traction across a
v v v
plane, the normal to which is in the direction v, is supported by Voigt .
The word "shear" has been used in the sense attached to it in the text by Kelvin and
Tait. Rankine proposed to use it for what has here been called "tangential traction."
The word "traction" has been used in the sense attached to it in the text by Kelvin and
Tait. Pearson uses "traction" in the sense here attached to "tension." The strains
which have here been called "extension" and "shearing strain" have been called by him
"stretch" and "slide." It appears to be desirable to maintain a distinction between " simple
shear," or "pure shear," and "shearing strain," and also between "tangential traction" and
"shearing stress."
The "stress equations" of equilibrium or motion (Article 54) are called by Pearson
"body-stress-equations," and the equations of equilibrium or motion in terms of displace
ments (Article 91) are called by him "body-shift-equations." The terms "Young's
modulus," "rigidity," "modulus of compression" (Articles 69, 73) are adopted from Kelvin
7 3
and Tait ; these quantities are called by Pearson the "stretch-modulus," the "slide-
modulus," and the "dilatation-modulus." The number here called "Poisson's ratio" is
called by Pearson the "stretch-squeeze ratio."
For isotropic solids Lame introduced the two constants X and of Article 69; \i is
the rigidity and X + f/x is the modulus of compression. Kelvin and Tait and Lord Rayleigh
have used the letter n to denote the rigidity. Saint-Venant used the letter G. Many
writers, including Clebsch and Kelvin and Tait, have used the letter E, as it is used in this
book, to denote Young's modulus; in Lord Rayleigh's Theory of Sound the letter q is used.
Poisson's ratio, here denoted by cr, has been denoted so by Kelvin and Tait, Clebsch and
Lord Rayleigh have denoted it by fx, Saint-Venant and Pearson by rj. In many of the
writings of Italian elasticians the constants (\ + 2jj)/p and /x/p are used, and denoted by
2 8
i2 and oo ; Q, and co are the velocities of irrotational and equivoluminal waves, Kirchhoff
used two constants which he denoted by K and 6; K is the rigidity, and 6 is the number
0-/(1 — 2<r), where a is Poisson's ratio. Kelvin and Tait used two constants m, n connected
with Lamp's X and p by the equations m = X-f-/x, n=[x.
In the case of seolotropic solids there are comparatively few competing notations.
Pearson has suggested the following notation for the elastic constants which we have
denoted after Voigt by c ...:— ll9
The rule is that any suffix 1, 2 or 3 is to be replaced by xx, yy or zz, and any suffix
4, 5 or 6 is to be replaced by yz, zx or xy. The two first letters in any symbol refer to a
component of stress, as X , and the two last letters to a component of strain as e . The
x xx
letters in either of these pairs can be interchanged without altering the meaning of the
symbol. The conditions (c = c ), expressing that there is a strain-energy-function, are
sr rs
represented by the statement that the two pairs of letters in a symbol are interchangeable.
Cauchy's relations (Article 66) amount to the statement that the order of the letters is
The constants by which the strain is expressed in terms of the stress, denoted in
Articles 72 and 73 by Cn/JJ,are denoted by Voigt by s , a n d this usage has been n
Applied Mechanics.
13 5
followed by Liebisch . Voigt has proposed the name "modulus" for these coefficients,
but this proposal seems to run counter to the usage implied in such phrases as "Young's
modulus." Names for the coefficients c ,... and <7n/n,... were proposed by Rankine , and
accounts of his terminology will be found in Lord Kelvin's Baltimore Lectures and in
Todhunter and Pearson's History, vol. 2.
1 3
Physikalische Krystallo graphic, Leipzig, 1891.
Nat. Phil., Part 1, p. 220.
Berlin Hist, de VAcad., t. U (1755).
Exercices de mathematiques, t. 2 (1827), p. 42. Cauchy's work dates from 1822, see
Introduction, footnote 32.
1 7
The fluctuation of scientific opinion in this matter has been sketched by Maxwell in a
lecture on ' Action at a distance,' Scientific Papers, vol. 2, p. 311.
1 8
Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd edition (Oxford 1881), vol. 1, Part 1, Chapter v. Cf.
Article 53 (vi) supra.
1 9
' De la pression ou tension dans un systeme de points materiels,' Exercices de mathematiques,
t. 3 (1828), p. 213.
A third way is found in an application of the theory of energy. Let us suppose that a
strain-energy-function exists, and that the equations of equilibrium or vibration of a solid
body are investigated by the method of Article 115, and let the energy of that portion
of the body which is contained within any closed surface S be increased by increasing the
displacement. Part of the increment of this energy is expressed as a surface integral
of the form
[ [ridW dW dW ) 1
jJLfc**' " ) +
A^ C O S ( Y
' v ) +
o \ x
c o
^ ")}«*+-"+-.J^
Now in the formulation of Mechanics by means of the theory of energy, "forces" intervene
as the coefficients of increments of the displacement in the expression for the increment
of the energy. The above expression at once suggests the existence of forces which act at
the surface bounding any portion of the body, and are to be estimated as so much per unit
of area of the surface. In this view the notion of stress becomes a secondary or derived
notion, the fundamental notions being energy, the distinction of various kinds of energy,
and the localization of energy in the medium. This method appears to be restricted
at present to cases in which a strain-energy-function exists.
Cauehy's investigation of stress-strain relations i n a crystalline body.
The body is supposed to be made up of a large number of material points, or particles,
which act upon one another at a distance by means of forces directed along the lines
joining them in pairs. The force between two particles of masses m, m' at a distance r
a n
apart is taken to be an attraction of amount mm'x (f)> d the function ^ (r) is supposed
to vanish when r exceeds a certain finite value R, called by Cauchy the "radius of the
sphere of molecular activity." The particles are supposed to form, when in equilibrium
under no external forces, a "homogeneous assemblage." By this it is meant that all of
them have the same mass, and that, if three of them are situated at points P, P', Q, and a
line QQ' is drawn from Q, equal and parallel to PP' and in the sense from P to P', there is
a particle at Q'.
Let x, y z be the coordinates, and M the mass, of any particle P. We draw a closed
curve s round P in the plane (p) which passes through P and is parallel to the plane of
(y, z\ so that all the radii vectores drawn from P to s exceed R. Let S be the area within
this curve. We shall suppose that all the linear dimensions of S are small compared with
ordinary standards. The statical resultant of all the forces whose lines of action cross p
within s is a force, of which the components parallel to the axes are denoted by
X S,X Y S,
where m$ denotes the mass of a particle situated on that side of the plane for which x is
greater than the x of P, m/ denotes the mass of a particle situated on the other side of the
plane, denotes the distance between these particles, A^-, py, denote the direction
cosines of the line drawn from m/ to m^ The summation extends to all pairs so situated
that the line joining them crosses p within s and the distance r - does not exceed R. i3
From the assumed homogeneity of the assemblage it follows that there is a particle
Q of mass m (equal to M or m - or m/), so situated that the line PQ is of length r equal to
r and is parallel to the direction (X#, ft^-, vy). Thus the terms of the above sums may
be replaced by
Mmx {r) X, Mmx (r) Mm\ (r) v,
where r is the distance of a particle m from M, and X, /x, v are the direction cosines of the
line drawn from M to m. The summation may be effected by first summing for all the
pairs of particles (m^ m/) which have the same r, X, v and are so situated that the line
joining them crosses p within s, then summing for all the directions (X, p., v) on which such
pairs of particles occur, and lastly summing for all the pairs of particles on any such line
whose distances do not exceed R. The first summation is effected by multiplying the
expressions such as Mmx (r) X by the number of particles contained in a cylinder of base
S and height rX. This number is pSrkjM, where p is the density, or mass per unit of
volume, of the system of particles. Thus we require the sums of such quantities as
If the summation is extended to all directions (X, tt, v) round P in which particles occur,
any term will be counted twice, and therefore the required expressions for the component
tractions X ... are
2 r
X =ip2mr\
x x M, Y =ip2mr\p
x X ( ), Z ^\p2mr\vx(r\
in which the summations extend to all particles whose distance from P does not exceed i?.
If there is no initial stress the six sums of these types vanish, or we have
2mr\ x (r) — 0,..., 2mrX/x x (f) = 0,...;
but, when there is initial stress, the values of the six components of it at any point are
X,( ),..., where
X (0) = ip2mr\ x(r),X/)=ip2mrX/* (r),....
x x
The stress-strain relations are obtained by investigating the small changes which are
made in the above expressions when the system undergoes a small relative displacement.
As in Article 7, we may take the unstrained position of M to be given by coordinates
y, z, and its strained position by coordinates a + u, y+v, z + w. At the same time m is
displaced from (# + x, y + y , z + z) to (x+x+u + u,...), where u,... are given with sufficient
approximation by such formulse as
~ dx ^ dy dz'
so that r\ becomes rk + $ (rX), where
ft / ^ v A du du du\
and we have similar formulse for § (rp,), $ (rv). Also r becomes r (1 where
«=EXX X + e p? + e v +e p.v+e v\
u y zz yz 2X +e xy X/x,
X = J p's \m
y { (r) + er ' (r)} {r\ + d (rX)} {rp + d (rp)}
x x
When there is no initial stress, these equations give us the stress-strain relations in such
forms as
2 2 2 2
X = Jp2 [mr {r ' (r) - 0)} X {e k + e^p + e v + e p,v + e v\ + e \p)],
x x x xx zz yz zx xy
X 32 m r r r r 2 2 2
y=i/ l { X ( ) ~ X ( )} X/A feX + <%/i + e v + 2Z + e v\ + ^ V } ] 5
and the elastic constants CN,... are expressed by sums of the types
4 2
c =$ p2 [mr {r ' (r) - ( r ) } X ] ,
n x x c = c =JpS [mr { r ' ( r ) - (r)} X V ] ,
12 m x x
C i 4 = c 5 6 = i p 2 [mr {r (r) - (r)} \*pv],
x x c = 4 p 2 [«ir
16 {r ' x (r) - x (r)} 3
X p].
There are 15 of these, Green's 21 coefficients being connected by the 6 relations which
have been called Cauchy's relations (Article 66).
When there is initial stress we have to add to the above expressions for X and X x y
the terms
and ^ + jyo) ^ + r / ) ~ + ^ ( ° ) ^+-r (o) ( i -
xjfi) y 3 x y
dx^* dy dz^" dz "dz
N O T E C.
figure. The components of the velocity of the moving point which is passing through the
point (x, y, z) at the instant t are then
-y<og+ZCDY, -zco + xco , x 2 -xco +yco .
y x
Let a triad of orthogonal axes of (#', y', z'), having its origin at the origin of the fixed
axes of (x, y, z), and such that they can be derived from the axes of (x, y, z) by a rotation,
rotate with the figure; and let the directions of the moving axes at the instant t be
specified by the scheme of nine direction cosines.
X y z
x' h m l Ml
y' h m 2 n2
h m3 %
Let B 0 j # 3 denote the components of the angular velocity of the rotating figure parallel
ly 2
and let a point (x\ y\ z') move so as to be invariably connected with the figure. The
coordinates of this point referred to the fixed axes are, at the instant t, l x'' + l y'' + l z' x 2 3
and we may equate two expressions for the components of velocity of the point. We thus
obtain three equations of the type
•j (hrf + l y' -f htf) = - (mix' + why' + m^) (nxBx+n B + M 3 )
t 2 2 2
Since the axes of (x\ y', z') can be derived from those of (x, y, z) by a rotation, we have
such equations as
mn —mn = l. 1 2 2 1 3
The above equations hold for all values of x , y\ z\ and therefore, x', y\ z' being
independent of the time, we have the nine equations
dm x A A dm 2 A A dm 3•
-~=m B -m B ,
2 3 3 2 - r ==m 6i'-m e^
o t z 1 =m e -m 6 }•
1 2 2 u (1)
dn x A A dn 2 A A dn 3 '
^j==n B -n B ,2 3 3 2 -^ = n B -n B , 3 1 1 3 -^-=M2-Mi.
Now let u, v, w be the projections on the fixed axes of any vector, u\ v\ w' the projections
of the same vector on the moving axes at time t. We have such equations as
=h (^ ve^w'0^i
r 2 (^-w'd^u'e^j+k (^-u e +v% 2 •(2)
Hence the projections on the moving axes of that vector whose projections on the fixed
axes are
du dv dw
di* di' ~dt
are -^-v B 3 + wB ,
2 -^-wBx + u'B^ -u'B +vB
2 1 (3)
We may abandon the condition that the origin of the moving axes coincides with that
of the fixed axes. The formulse (1) are unaltered, and the formulse (2) also are unaltered
unless 11, v, w are the coordinates of a point. Let # , y z be the coordinates of the origin 0 0i 0
of the moving axes referred to the fixed axes, x, y, z and x\ y\ z' those of any moving point
referred respectively to the fixed axes and the moving axes. We have such formulse as
x=x + l x' + l y' + k z\
0 x 2
and therefore
Let UQ, VQ WQ be the projections of the velocity of the origin of (V, y\ z') on the
of the point referred to fixed axes. Then x, y, z also are functions of a, ft y, and we
wish to calculate the values of dx/da,.... When a, ft y , . . . are altered the origin of the
variable axes undergoes a displacement and the axes undergo a rotation, and we may
regard this displacement and rotation as being effected continuously with certain velocities.
Thus we have a velocity of the origin and an angular velocity of the triad of axes. This
velocity and angular velocity being denoted, as before, by their components uj, v ', w ' and 0 0
#2 > # 3 referred to the instantaneous positions of the variable axes, the quantities
u \...,
0 are linear functions of dajdt, dfijdt,..., and the coefficients of dajdt,... in
these functions are known functions of a, ft y, Thus we have such equations as
K a *% § + • • - * {<<£ i % £+-) - W
+*{"+d*+IS+-)-'*W 1
, 7 t , , (dz' da , dz d8 \ ,, , ,. \
We may equate the coefficients of dajdt, dfi/dt,... on the two sides of these equations, the
quantities UQ, being expressed as linear functions of dajdt,....
In like manner, if u, v, w and u', v', w' denote the projections of any vector on the fixed
and variable axes, equations (2) give us formulae for calculating du/da,.... In applications
of the method it is generally most convenient to take the fixed axes to coincide with the
positions of the variable axes that are determined by particular values a, ft y , . . . of the
parameters, then in equations (2) we may put £ = m = ? i 3 = l and l =...=0. When this
1 2 2
is done the values of dto/da,... belonging to these particular values of a,... are given by
formulae of the type
duda t dudft dudy fdv! da du! dB du! dy \ f/%
+ + + + + v 6 + w 6 ( 5 )
T a m w t i ^ d t " - = \ ^ m W d i ^ d t + - - T * *
The above process has been used repeatedly in Chapters xvin., xxi., xxiv. As a
further illustration we take some questions concerning curvilinear orthogonal coordinates.
The coordinates being a, ft y, the expression for the linear element being
{(da/h^ + idp/ktf+idyjh^,
and the variable axes being the normals to the surfaces, we have
,_1 da ,_ 1 d{3 ,_\dy
Uo W
~hdt' ^-hzdt' °-h dt'
Article 19. It follows from this theorem that the tangents drawn on a surface y, at
points of its intersection with a surface ft to the curves in which the surface is cut by two
neighbouring surfaces of the family a, say a and a + da, ultimately intersect when da is
diminished indefinitely, and the point of ultimate intersection T is a centre of principal
curvature of the surface ft In Fig. 75 the point P is (a, ft y), P is (a + 6\z, ft y), P is 1 2
(a, /3 + oft y), § is (a + oa, y3 + S/3, y). The length of the arc PP can be taken to be da/h 1 u
Fig. 75.
and the excess of the length P Q above PP\ is, to the second order, 8(3 ^
2 . We may
regard the tangents to P P at P and PiQ at P as intersecting in
2 x and take the length
of PP to be 673/^2 • Then the angle PTP
2 X is - A ^ 2 5a. Hence the coefficient of
dajdt in 0 is - A ^ ^ ) • In like manner the coefficient of dj3/dt in 0 is ^ ^-
3 2 3 .
We can now write down the formulas
_ 3 ZlWy 8 /1WJ3
^ " ^ ^ 8 \hj 1t~^dy \h ) dt' 2
. d [l\da
a d f l \ dy h
6 2 = k3
fy\kjdt~ da hl
\hjdt> .(6)
e M h2 1
^ T a \h )dt- dp
2 \hj dt'
The above argument shows that the principal curvatures of the surface y, belonging to
its lines of intersection with surfaces a and ft are respectively
We have similar formulae for the principal curvatures of the surfaces a and ft
Let M, N be the direction cosines of a fixed line referred to the normals to the
surfaces at a particular point (a, ft y), and let L\ M\ N' be the direction cosines of the
same line referred to the variable axes at any point. Then L\ M\ N' are functions of
a, ft y, but X, M, N are independent of a, (3, y. We may use the formulae (5), and in them
we may replace w by Z, M, N and u\ v', w' by L\ M\ N\ We find
dL' ,,,, d /1\ d fl\ dL' 3 /1\ 82/
dM'_ ,,
T d i\ dM' ,,
Tt A /i\ r / I A /i\ AJP A / r
da dy \hi
These formulae were used in Article 58.
To investigate expressions for the components of strain and rotation we take (vf, v', w')
to be the displacement {u , up, WY), and (u, % w) to be the displacement referred to fixed
axes of no, Y, z which coincide with the normals to the surfaces A,FT,Y at the point (a,FT,Y).
Then we have, for example, at (a,FT,Y)
du du8?* ^_T, ^
ay ??' A^-^V
Now using the formulas (5) and (6) we have
du da dudft du dy _ du da du dft du dy a a a
+ + + +
c^& o^di fydi^lfodi dp& lfydi
+% As Ai
du , (du a , 7 3 /1YI
The formulse (36) of Article 20 and (38) of Article 21 can now be written down.
To investigate the stress-equations we take the same system offixedaxes, and consider
the resultants of the tractions on the faces of a curvilinear parallelepiped bounded by
surfaces A, a + Sa, FT, FT+BFT, Y, Y + DY. (Cf. Fig. 3 in Article 21.) We may take the areas
of the faces a,FT,Y to be A , A , A , where x 2 3
A ^ D F T D Y / H ^ , A 2 = DYDA/H H ,
S 1 A = 6 a673/iM -
3 2
The tractions per unit of area across the surface A can be expressed by X , Y , Z a A A
or by aa, AFT, ya, and the resultant tractions across the face A can be expressed as x
X A ,
A Y A ,
X Za&i or as aaA a/3Ai, yaAi. In the formulse (5) X AI,
A X Y A l5Z A can A A U A X
take the places of u, v, w, and aaA^ AFTAI, yaAi, the places of u', v', w'. Similarly
X$A ,2 Y P A , Z P A can take the places of u, v, w, and AFTA , FTFTA , (3yA those of 2/', v', vf,
2 2 2 2 2
and so on. Now the equations of motion can be expressed in such forms as
where the notation is the same as in Article 58. We have the equations
+ Q a 2 ) d +
=1 i I i h
= | - ( ^ A ) J + | ( ^ A ) f + 1 ( ^ A ) J-^A ^+^A ^,
3 3 S 3 3
where 6 , 0 are given by (6). Equation (19) in Article 58 can be written down at once.
2 3
Cf. E. R. Webb, Messenger of Math., vol. 11 (1882), p. 146.
Dr A. Timpe has called rny attention to the fact that the form of the lines of stress in
Fig. 15, p. 195, appears to indicate the existence of points at which more than two lines of
stress, in the plane of the figure, meet. If there are such points the stress at either of them
must be a simple tension or pressure at right angles to the plane of the figure, and two
principal stresses vanish. The existence of such points has not been proved; for the
positions of the lines were computed by Hertz, loc. cit. p. 195, for the parts of the figure
near to A'OA and to the line drawn through 0 at right angles to A'OA, and the rest of the
figure was drawn conjecturally.
2 2 2
Xz = fx(Kl + 2K z) [ - (i + icr) (a - x ) + ( | - icr)y ],
2 Y =/x(
z Kl + 2K Z)
2 (J + cr)xy,
2 2 2 2
2 - E(K 0 + K z+ X 2
K Z )X- xK x[i(9 f 2 + l3o' + 4o- )a -(l+±cr)(x +y )].
The constant K is given by the equation
K2=gp/na (l + <r).
When the beam, of length I, is fixed horizontally at z = 0, and the end z = lis unloaded,
o 7 Yn 2 7 + 12o- + 4o-2-|
k 2 2
* 1 = - 2K Z, 2 *0 = 2 | J - « 6(l+cr) J '
When the beam, of length 21, is supported at the ends z=l and z= - I, these ends being at
the same level,
A T72, 7 + 12(r + 4o- "l 2
Extensional vibrations of a plane plate .
The equations of vibration are equations (97) of Article 314 (e). They may be expressed
very simply in terms of the areal dilatation A' and the rotation w, these quantities being
defined analytically by the equations
A'=— + — 2s7 = — - — (1)
The equations take the forms
[L } +{l (r) ( }
dx dy- E W ~d^ ~ 'dx'- E W
In this form they are readily transformed to any suitable curvilinear coordinates.
2 1
Equations equivalent to (97) of Article 314 (e) were obtained by Poisson and Cauchy, see
Introduction, footnotes 36 and 124. Poisson investigated also the symmetrical radial vibrations
of a circular plate, obtaining a frequency equation equivalent to (10) of this Note, and evaluating
the frequencies of the graver modes of this type.
Consider more particularly the case of a plate with a circular edge-line. It is
appropriate to use plane polar coordinates r, B with origin at. the centre of the circle.
Let U, V be the projections of the displacement of a point on the middle plane upon the
radius vector and a line at right angles to the radius vector. Then we have
u=UcosB- VsinB, v=l sm6+ VcosB, (3) r
, dU U IdV dV V ldU 0
and = —+- — 2m = ^ + ^ , (4)
or r r oB or r r oB
and the stress-resultants belonging to any circle r=const, are T, JS, where
2Eh VdU m (U , 1 dV\~] „ Eh \~dV VI dUl
T = + S= + ( 5 )
t t l W *\-r'+rl3)]> T+~o-l-¥--r r d B ]
The equations of vibration give
_ p(l-,r»)8»A' 2p(l + , r ) A ^
We put
U== U cos nB cos pt, V— V sin nB cos pt, n (7) n
2 2 2 F2 2
K = (l-cr )p /E, K = 2p(l + cr)p /E.P (8)
Then A' is of the form ^'^(KT^COST^COS^, and w is of the form B'J (KV) smnB cos pt, N
where A' and B ' are constants, and J denotes Bessel's function of order n. The forms of N
a being the radius of the edge-line. We can also have free vibrations in which U vanishes
and V is independent of B; the frequency equation is
da a ^ '
These two modes of symmetrical vibration appear to be the homologues of certain
modes of vibration of a complete thin spherical shell (cf. Article 335). The mode in which
JJ vanishes and V is independent of B is the homologue of the modes in which there is no
displacement parallel to the radius of the sphere. The mode in which V vanishes and U is
independent of B seems to be the homologue of the quicker modes of symmetrical vibration
of a sphere in which there is no rotation about the radius of the sphere.
In the remaining modes of extensional vibration of the plate the motion is compounded
of two: one characterized by the absence of areal dilatation, and the other by the absence
of rotation about the normal to the plane of the plate. The frequency equation is to be
formed by eliminating the ratio A : B between the equations
, r i - cr dJ (<a) ( 1 — <j \ , . ~\
n 0. ri dJJK a) 1 -r / , vl
. I"! dJ (ica)
n 1 , ,
+ B
„ T 2 dJJiz'a) f 2n \ J T , , l
N .
- [a <tr ~ a^ U la ^ o " + ^j = °-
These modes of vibration seem not to be of sufficient physical importance to make it worth
while to attempt to calculate the roots numerically.
Abraham, M., 44. Chree, C , 120, 125, 143, 172, 239, 240, 247,
Airy, G-. B., 17, 86. 249, 253, 255, 259, 263, 265, 274, 275,
Alibrandi, P., 107. 277, 405, 409, 421, 422.
Almansi, E . , 22, 107, 239, 342. Christoffel, E . B., 18, 287.
Amagat, E . H., 103. Cilley, F . H., 108.
Aron, H., 29. Clapeyron, B . P. E . , 22, 358.
Clausius, B., 9, 10.
Bach, C , 110, 331. Clebsch, A., 14, 17, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29, 35,
Barthelemy, A., 470. 176, 177, 204, 257, 371, 372, 379, 381, 447,
Basset, A. B., 24, 381, 433, 505, 507, 511, 526.
516, 519, 521. Codazzi, D . , 489.
Bauschinger, J., 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115. Coker, E . G., 349.
Beltrami, E . , 49, 86, 132, 290. Cornu, M. A., 102, 128.
Bernoulli, Daniel, 3, 4, 5. Cosserat, E . and F., 125, 239, 240.
Bernoulli, James, 3. Coulomb, C. A., 3, 4, 118.
Bernoulli, James (the Younger), 5. Coulon, J., 292.
Betti, E., 16, 44, 47, 170, 171, 220. Cox, H., 421.
Binet, J., 23. Culman, K., 23.
Blanchet, P. H., 18.
Boltzmann, L., 116, 143. Darwin, G. H., 16, 118, 253, 256, 257.
Borchardt, C. W., 53, 106, 235, 259. Davidoglou, A., 421.
Boscovich, B. J., 6. Dougall, J., 184, 222, 225, 230, 233, 465.
Boussinesq, J., 16, 20, 24, 26, 29, 87, 182, Duhamel, J. M. C , 106.
185, 187, 190, 208, 228, 230, 302, 304, Duhem, P., 47.
336, 411, 415, 420, 438. Dunkerley, S., 422.
Braun, F., 116.
Bresse, M., 24, 427. Eddy, H. T., 427.
Brewster, D., 87. Edwardes, D., 240, 260.
Bromwich, T. J. I'A., 274, 289, 297. Estanave, E . , 469.
Bryan, G. H., 30, 392, 463, 464, 529, 530. Euler, L., 3, 4, 5, 384, 388, 533.
Burkhardt, H., 7, 15. Everett, J. D., 103.
Butcher, J. G., 116. Ewing, J. A., 32, 84, 110, 111, 112, 113, 331.
Ewing and Bosenhain, 110.
Calliphronas, G. C , 541.
Canevazzi, S., 23, 363. Fabre, 347.
Cardani, P., 102. Filon, L. N. G., 135, 211, 263, 304, 348,
Cauchy, A. L., 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 349, 352.
27, 35, 57, 72, 79, 81, 105, 108, 376, 533, Flamant, 110, 208.
541. Foppl, A., 110, 117, 119, 331.
Cerruti, V., 16, 225, 228, 230, 235, 292. Fourier, J. B. J., 420.
Cesaro, E., 55. Fresnel, A., 7.
Chladni, E . F. F., 5. Fuss, P. H., 3.
Galileo, 2. Lame-, G., 13, 15, 17, 51, 55, 81, 87, 89,
Garrett, C. A. B., 421. 117, 139, 142, 259, 531.
Gauss, C. F., 472. Lame and Clapeyron, 11, 15.
Gehring, F., 27. Laplace, P. S., 6.
Germain, Sophie, 5. Larmor, J., 164, 166, 249, 257, 291, 304,
Goldschmidt, V., 154. 383, 392.
Grashof, F., 22, 323, 331, 332. Lauricella, G., 230, 233, 235, 239, 292.
Green, G., 11, 15, 18, 57, 83, 109, 288. Levy, M., 23, 358, 363, 404, 405, 469.
Greenhill, A. G., 143, 302, 307, 308, 400, Lewis, W. J., 154.
404, 405, 406, 421, 422. Liebisch, Th., 146, 159, 533.
Guest, J. J., 119. Liouville, J., 289.
Lipschitz, B., 97.
Hadamard, J., 29, 57, 292. Lorenz, L., 293.
Halphen, G.-H., 404.
Hamburger, M., 197. MacCullagh, J., 166, 288.
Harnack, A., 63. Macdonald, H. M., 289, 308.
Hausmaninger, V., 25. Mallock, H. B. A., 102, 128, 142.
Heppel, J. M., 22. Marcolongo, B., 230, 236.
Hertz, H., 16, 26, 190, 195, 213, 295, 541. Mariotte, E . , 2.
Hess, W., 24, 384, 398. Mascart, M. E . , 87, 146.
Hicks, W. M., 220. Mathieu, E., 29, 470, 524.
Hilbert, D., 169. Maxwell, J. C , 17, 82, 86, 87, 106, 116,
Hilton, H., 147. 143, 220, 533.
Hooke, B., 2. Mesnager, A., 208.
Hopkins, W., 45. Meyer, O. E . , 116.
Hopkinson, J., 25, 107, 143. Michell, A. G. M., 400, 402.
Hoppe, B., 25, 431. Michell, J. H., 17, 22, 24, 29, 86, 89, 133,
134, 139, 198, 200, 207, 208, 209, 212,
Ibbetson, W. J., 17, 133. 213, 215, 230, 259, 262, 339, 342, 346,
349, 423, 431, 432, 444, 445, 466, 467.
Jaerisch, P., 18, 265, 272. Miers, H. A., 154.
Jeans, J. H . , 253, 274. Miller, J. W., 398.
Jellett, J. H., 482. Minchin, G. M., 67, 133.
Jouravski, 22. Mohr, O., 23, 118, 119, 360.
Morera, G., 86.
Kelvin, Lord, 12, 16, 40, 54, 55, 59, 77, 93, Morrow, J., 102, 421.
97, 106, 107, 109, 115, 116, 117, 169, 180, Miiller-Breslau, H. F . B., 23.
236, 245, 256, 257, 282, 287, 295, 531.
Kelvin and Tait, 14, 20, 24, 29, 35, 57, 67, Navier, 7, 22, 25, 353.
69, 118, 129, 187, 248, 255, 257, 302, 365, Neumann, C., 169, 235.
396, 403, 418, 438, 441, 531, 532, 533. Neumann, F., 14, 87, 106, 152, 173.
Kerr, J., 87. Newton, I., 6, 195.
Kirchhoff, G., 14, 23, 27, 28, 30, 49, 50,
97, 163, 167, 290, 365, 371, 372, 377, 379, Ostrogradsky, M., 18.
382, 395, 421, 438, 469, 503, 531.
Klein and Sommerfeld, 395. Pearson, K., 13, 22, 117, 346, 348, 358, 531.
Konig, W., 295. See also Todhunter and Pearson.
Kohlrausch, B., 107. Perry, J., 333, 398.
Kriemler, C. J., 391. Perry and Ayrton, 363.
Kubler, J., 391. Peschka, G. A. V., 429.
Phillips, E.,. 27.
Lagerhjelm, P., 97. Pochhammer, L., 16, 18, 25, 259, 275, 277,
Lagrange, J. L., 3. 350, 409.
Lamarle, E . , 391. Pbincare, H., 220, 235, 392.
Lamb, H., 18, 29, 55, 79, 170, 230, 234, Poisson, S. D . , 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 25,
265, 272, 274, 297, 428, 432, 442, 450, 27, 274, 282, 289, 438, 466, 469, 541.
477, 487, 511, 516, 521, 522, 525, 531. Poncelet, J. V., 12, 117, 120.
Poynting and Thomson, 142. Timpe, A., 541.
Prandtl, L., 310, 391, 400, 402. Tissot, M.* A., 63.
Purser, F . , 144, 306. Todhunter and Pearson, 7, 27, 57, 97, 109,
117, 118, 120, 391, 421, 427.
Eankine, W. J. M., 22, 110, 288, 331, 333, Tresca, H., 114.
531, 532. Tutton, A. E . H., 469.
Rayleigh, Lord, 19, 26, 29, 96, 107, 170, 176,
276, 277, 280, 288, 289, 293, 295, 408, 409, Unwin, W. C., 78, 110, 111, 115, 116, 117.
410, 411, 418, 420, 421, 444, 466, 469,
474, 475, 477, 485, 486, 506, 514, 515, Verdet, E., 7.
519, 523, 525, 527. Vicat, L. J., 114.
Resal, H., 429. Voigt, W., 14, 21, 25, 44, 79, 97, 116, 118,
Ribiere, C , 352. 154, 156, 158, 160, 313, 334, 531, 532,
Ritter, A., 23. 536.
Routh, E . J., 367. Volterra, V., 233, 292.
Voss, A., 471.
Saalschiitz, L., 384, 392.
Saint-Venant, B., 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, Wangerin, A., 260.
23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 49, 57, 109, 117, 120, Warburg, E . G., 116.
126, 129, 158, 161, 299, 305, 307, 311, Webb, R. R., 69, 260, 358, 540.
314, 324, 325, 329, 368, 376, 377, 398, Weber, H., 230.
411, 418, 420, 423, 428, 429, 454, 466, Weber, W., 114.
469, 531. Wehage, H., 119.
Salmon, G., 43, 52, 472. Weierstrass, K., 169.
Schneebeli, H., 196, 197. Weingarten, J., 87.
Schoenflies, A., 147, 154. Wertheim, G., 13, 97, 107.
Sebert and Hugoniot, 26. Weyrauch, J. J., 23, 353.
Somigliana, C , 230, 232, 233, 235. Whittaker, E . T., 395.
Stokes, G. G., 10, 11, 12, 18, 26, 38, 47, 96, Wilberforce, L. R., 398.
102, 290, 292, 294, 305, 351, 421. Willis, R., 26, 421.
Wilson, Cams, 208, 351.
Tait, P. G., 196. Winkler, E . , 427.
Tedone, O., 230, 260, 292. Wohler, A., 117.
Thomson, J. J., 55.
Thomson, Sir W., see Kelvin, Lord. Young, T., 4, 7.
L. E. 35