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Comprehensive Development of Church Street in Bangalore City as per

Tender SURE Guidelines.

TENDER REFERENCE : EE/RI(Spl)/TEND/ 09 /2016-17,

DATED: 14.09.2016

PERIOD OF SALE OF TENDER DOCUMENT : View e-procurement Portal



RECEIPT OF TENDERS : View e-procurement Portal

TIME AND DATE OF OPENING OF TENDERS : will be intimated to the qualified






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Contents of Tender Document

Section Description

1. Invitation for tenderers (IFT)

2. Instructions to Tenderers (ITT)

3. Qualification Information

4. Forms of Tender, Letter of Acceptance, Notice to Proceed with the Work, and
Agreement Form

5. Conditions of Contract

6. Contract Data

7. Specifications


1. General
2. Geotechnical Information
3. Availability of Site
4. Contractor’s General Obligation
5. Programming and Planning
6. Design Requirements
7. Safety & Environmental Considerations
8. Traffic Control and Road Safety at Work Zone
9. Utility Services
10. Drains
11. Maintenance
12. Constructions
13. As Built Drawings
14. Electrical Specifications
15. Sequence of Activities

9. Bill of Quantities


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No: EE/RI(Spl)/TEND/ 09 /2016-17 Office of the Executive Engineer
Road Infrastructure- Special Division,
N.R.Square, Bengaluru – 560002
Dated : 14.09.2016.
(Short Term Tender Notification – 2nd CALL)
(Through GOK e–Procurement Portal only)
1. The Government of Karnataka vide G.O.No. UDD/199/SFC/2016,
Bengaluru, Dated : 21.06.2016 has accorded in Principle approval and
sanctioned budget under Nagarothana Scheme for the year 2016-17 for
taking up of the works listed below.

2. The Executive Engineer, Road Infrastructure-Special Division, invites

tenders on behalf of the Commissioner, BBMP, Bengaluru from eligible
Tenderers for the construction of works detailed in the table below. The
tenderers may submit tenders for works given in the table through e-
procurement portal of the Government of Karnataka (viz
https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in).The Tenderers are advised to note the
minimum qualification criteria specified in Clause 3 of the Instructions to
Tenderers to qualify for award of the contract.

3. Tender documents may be downloaded from the e-procurement portal of the

Government of Karnataka from 16.09.2016

4. Tenders must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit specified for the

work in the table below. Earnest money deposit will have to be in any one of
the forms as specified in the Tender document and shall have to be valid for
90 days beyond the validity of the tender.

5. Tenders must be submitted online through e-procurement portal on or before

16.00 hours on 19.10.2016 and the opening of tenders will be as per the e-
procurement portal guidelines.

6. Other details can be seen in the tender documents.

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Appx. Cost of Tender
Amount form in Rs.
Period of
Sl. put to EMD (Non-
Name of the package Complet
No. tender (Rs.in Lakhs) Refundable)
(Rs. in inclusive of
lakhs) VAT
Rs. 7.30
(Rs. 1.00 Lakh
Development of Church As per e-
through e- 6
1 Street in Bangalore City 730.00 Procurement
procurement Months
as per Tender SURE Portal
and Rs. 6.30
Lakhs through

1. Pre bid meeting will be held on 23.09.2016 at 16.00 hours in the office of
the Chief Engineer (Road Infrastructure) to clarify the issue and to answer
questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage as stated in
“Instructions to Bidders” of the bidding document.
2. Technical Bids will be opened on the website
https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in in the office of the Executive Engineer -
Special Division on 21.10.2016 at 16.30 hours.
3. Aspiring Bidders/Contractors who have not registered in e-procurement
should register before participating through the website
4. Before submission of online bids, bidders must ensure that scanned copies
of all the necessary documents have been attached with bid.
5. All the required information required for Bids must be filled and submit
6. For details, registration and e-payment visit GOK e-Procurement website
https://eproc.karnataka.gov.in or contact e-Procurement Helpdesk at 080 –
7. This tender notice can also be seen on the BBMP website

Executive Engineer
Road Infrastructure – Special Division
Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike

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Copy Submitted to the:
1. Personnel Secretary to Worshipful Mayor to bring into the kind notice of
the Worshipful Mayor.
2. Personnel assistant to Deputy mayor to bring into the notice of Deputy
3. Hon’ble Commissioner for kind information.
4. Special Commissioner (Projects)/ Additional Commissioner(Projects)
for kind information.
5. Engineer – in – Chief for kind information.
6. Council Secretary to bring into notice of the Standing Committee (Major
7. Chief Engineer (Road Infrastructure)/Environment/Markets/ South zone/
West zone/ North zone/Rajarajeshwari Nagar zone / Bommanahalli
zone/ Dasarahalli zone/ East zone/ Byatarayanapura zone/ (SWD) for
kind information.
8. Superintending Engineer (Road Infrastructure) /Rajarajeshwari Nagar /
Bommanahalli / Dasarahalli /East / Byatarayanapura for kind
9. The State Tender Bulletin officer and The Joint Director for Planning,
UDD, Govt. of Karnataka for kind information with a request to publish
in the State Tender Bulletin.
10. The District Tender Bulletin Officer and the Deputy Commissioner,
Bengaluru Urban District with a Request to publish the same in the
District Tender Bulletin.
11. CAO / Chief Auditor for kind information.
12. I. T. Advisor with a Request to publish the same in the BBMP Website.
13. All Executive Engineers with a Request to publish the same in the
Display /Notice Boards.
14. ACF (RI) / Accounts Superintendent / Cashier for information for
necessary action.
15. Public Relation Officer, BBMP for information and to publish in two
leading National Newspapers in Kannada and English.
16. Notice board
17. Office Copy.

Executive Engineer
Road Infrastructure – Special Division
Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike

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1. Scope of Tender
2. Eligible Tenderers
3. Qualification of the Tenderer
4. One Tender per Tenderer
5. Cost of Tendering
6. Site Visit

7. Content of Tender documents
8. Clarification of Tender Document
9. Amendment of Tender documents

10. Documents comprising the Tender
11. Tender prices
12. Tender validity
13. Earnest money deposit
14. Format and signing of Tender

15. Sealing and marking of Tenders
16. Deadline for submission of Tenders
17. Late Tenders
18. Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders


19. Opening of First Cover of all Tenders and evaluation to determine Qualified Tenderers
20. Opening of Second Cover Tenders of qualified Tenders and evaluation
21. Process to be confidential
22. Clarification of Tenders
23. Examination of Tenders and determination of responsiveness
24. Correction of errors
25. Evaluation and comparison of Tenders

26. Award criteria
27. Employer’s right to accept any Tender and to reject any or all Tenders
28. Notification of award and signing of Agreement
29. Security deposit
30. Advance payment and Security
31. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practice

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A. General
1. Scope of Tender
1.1 The Executive Engineer (RI- Special Division), on behalf of the Commissioner BBMP (Referred
to as
Employer in these documents) invites ITEM RATE tenders following Two Cover tender
procedure, from eligible Tenderers, for the works of “Comprehensive Development of
Church Street in Bangalore City as per Tender SURE Guidelines” detailed in
the Table given in the Invitation for Tenders (IFT). The Tenderers may submit tenders for any or
all of the works detailed in the table given in IFT.

2. Eligible Tenderers

2.1 Tenderers shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent
practices issued by the Government of Karnataka.

2.2 Tenderer shall be any individual, firm, agency registered with BBMP, BDA, NH, PWD,
CPWD, or other Central/State agencies with qualifications as set forth in Clause 3 below.

2.3 Tenders from joint ventures shall not be acceptable.

3. Qualification of the Tenderer

3.1 All Tenderers shall provide the requested information accurately and as required and set
out in sufficient detail in Section 3: Qualification information.
3.2 To qualify for award of this contract, the Tenderer shall demonstrate that he has the
following in his name, in the last five financial years (i.e.2011-2012 to 2015-16):
a) Achieved a minimum financial turnover (in all classes of civil engineering
construction works only) of Rs. 1460.00 lakhs in at least two financial years.

b) Satisfactorily Completed as prime contractor, at least one similar work such as of

value not less than Rs. 365.00 Lakhs.
For Water supply & Sewerage works the tenderer should have executed similar
(Subcontracting is allowed only for specialized works related to water &
sewer and electrical works. Subcontractor identified for these specialized
works must be a registered contractor with Bangalore Water Supply and
Sewerage Board and BESCOM respectively, who has carried out works of
similar nature in last 2 year.)

c) Executed in any one year, the following minimum quantities of work such as:
1. Granular Sub Base : 786.00 Cum
2. Dry Lean Cement Concrete : 572.00 Cum
3. Providing and Laying White Topping Concrete of minimum grade of M-35
: 602.00 Cum
4. Reinforced Cement Concrete (M20/M25/M30) : 310.00 Cum
5. Granite slab Works : 2860.00 Sqm
6. Reinforce Cement Concrete NP-3 / Spun Pipes : 2254.00 Rmt
7. HDPE Pipes : 7080.00 Rmt.
8. ERW M S Pipes : 1144.00 Rmt.

3.3. Each Tenderer should further demonstrate:


a) Availability by owning at least 50% of the required/specified key &

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critical equipment for this work & the remaining 50% can be deployed
on lease/hire basis for all works provided, the relevant documents
(commitment agreement etc.,) for availability for this work are furnished:

Sl Machinery Numbers Evidence of Ownership to be furnished.

1 Vibratory Roller 2 Registration certificate with fitness certificate
2 Road Marking Machine 1 Ownership/ Lease certificate

3 Milling Machine 1 Ownership/Lease certificate

4 Tippers 8 Registration certificate with fitness certificate

&T.C., issued by R.T.O
5 Vibratory Compactor 2 Registration certificate with fitness certificate
6 Concrete Paver machine 1 Ownership/Lease certificate

7 Vibrators 6 Ownership/Lease certificate

8 JCB 2 Registration certificate with fitness certificate

&T.C., issued by R.T.O
9 Pockline machine 1 Ownership/Lease certificate

9 Water Tanker 4 Registration certificate with fitness certificate

&T.C., issued by R.T.O
10 Crane 1 Ownership/ Lease certificate

b) That the Tenderer has Liquid assets and/or availability of credit facilities of
not less than Rs.219.00 Lakhs (Credit lines/letter of credit/certificates from
banks for meeting the fund requirement etc.,

3.4 Tenderer shall:

a) Be registered with BBMP /BDA/ NHAI/ PWD/ CPWD or other Central/State agency,
as required by law to perform his obligations under this contract;

b) Conduct a reasonable background check of the personnel employed by the Tenderer to

execute the Works; and

c) Personnel employed by the Tenderer for the Works shall have requisite technical,
financial or managerial qualifications along with necessary professional licenses.

3.4 To qualify for a package of contracts made up of more than one item of the Works set out
in the table in IFT, the Tenderer must also demonstrate having experience and resources
to meet the aggregate of the qualifying criteria or have MoU with original Manufacturers
having the requisite qualification for the individual contracts.

3.5 Experience and resources of sub-contractors of Tenderer shall not be taken into account
in determining the Tenderer’s compliance with the qualifying criteria except for other
allied technical work such as electrical works and plumbing works. In such a case, sub-
contractors shall comply with Clause 3.2 (b) and Clause 3.3 of ITT.

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3.6 Tenderers who meet the above specified minimum qualifying criteria, will only be
qualified, if the available tender capacity is more than the total tender value. The available
tender capacity will be calculated as under:

Assessed available tender capacity = (A*N*1.5 - B)

A = Maximum value of works executed in any one year during the last five years taking
into account the completed as well as works in progress (updated to FY 2011-2012 price
N =Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which tenders are invited.
B = Value, at FY 2011-2012 price level, of existing commitments and on-going works to
be completed during the next 12months (period of completion of the works for which
tenders are invited - excluding monsoon period)

Note: - The statements showing the value of existing commitment and ongoing works as
well as the stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works listed should
be countersigned by the respective employer in charge, not below the rank of an
Executive Engineer or equivalent.

3.7 Tenderers shall be immediately disqualified if they are found to have any or all of the
 made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments
submitted in proof of the qualification requirements;
 record of poor performance such as, but not limited to, abandoning the works, not
properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion;
 litigation history;
 financial failures;
 participated in the previous Tender for the same work and had quoted unreasonably
high tender prices and could not furnish rational justification.

4. One Tender per Tenderer

4.1 Each Tenderer shall submit only one tender for one package. A Tenderer who submits or
participates in more than one Tender (other than as a sub-contractor or in cases of
alternatives that have been permitted by the employer) will cause all the proposals with
the Tenderer’s participation to be disqualified.

5. Cost of Tendering

5.1 The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his
tender, and the Employer will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs.

6. Site visit

6.1 The Tenderer or a representative of the Tenderer, at the expense, risk and responsibility of
the Tenderer, must make a physical visit to and examine the Site of Works and its
surroundings, and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Tender
and entering into a contract for construction of the Works.

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B. Tender documents

7. Content of Tender documents

7.1 Tender documents shall have all the Sections given under ‘Contents of Tender Document’
in this document.

8. Clarification of Tender Documents

8.1 A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification with respect to the tender documents
may notify the Employer in writing or by cable (hereinafter “Cable” includes telex and
facsimile) at the Employer’s address indicated in the invitation to tender. The Employer
will respond to any request for clarification that he receives 15 days prior to the deadline
for submission of tenders. Copies of the Employer’s response will be forwarded to all
purchasers of the tender documents, including a description of the enquiry but without
identifying its source.

8.2 Pre-tender meeting:

8.2.1 The Tenderer or his authorized representative is invited to attend a pre-tender meeting
that will take place at the office of the Employer at a date and time as mentioned in the e-
procurement portal.

8.2.2 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter
that may be raised at that stage

8.2.3 The Tenderer is requested to submit any questions in writing or by written electronic
communication to reach the Employer not later than one week before the meeting.

8.2.4 Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions raised (without identifying the
source of enquiry) and the responses given will be transmitted without delay to all
purchasers of the tender documents. Any modification of the tender documents listed in
sub-clause 7.1 which may become necessary as a result of the pre-tender meeting shall be
made by the Employer exclusively through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to Clause
9 and not through the minutes of the pre-tender meeting.

8.2.5 Non-attendance at the pre-tender meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a

9. Amendment of Tender documents

9.1 Before the deadline for submission of tenders, the Employer may modify the tender
documents by issuing addenda and notifying the same to all purchasers of the tender

9.2 Any addendum thus issued shall be part of the tender documents and shall be posted
online in the e-procurement portal that Tenderers should download.
9.3 To give prospective Tenderers reasonable time in which to take an addendum into
account in preparing their tenders, the Employer shall extend as necessary the deadline

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for submission of tenders on-line through e-procurement portal, in accordance with sub-
clause 16.2 below.

10. Documents comprising the Tender

10.1 The tender submitted by the Tenderer shall be in two covers/folders and shall contain the
documents as follows:

10.1.1 First Cover:/Folder (Only online)

a) EMD; on-line payment through e-Procurement platform;
b) Qualification Information as per formats given in Section 3;
c) Tender transaction fee. Online payment through e-Procurement platform;
d) General eligibility criteria;
e) Document / evidence required from the tenderer.

10.1.2 Second Cover: (Only online)

a) The Tender (in the format indicated in Section 4(I))
b) Priced Bill of Quantities (as per formats given in Section 9); online through e-
procurement portal; and
c) Any other materials required to be submitted by Tenderers in accordance with these
instructions. The documents listed under Sections 3, 4(I), 6 and 9 shall be filled in
without exception.

10.2 Tenderers submitting tenders together with other contracts stated in the IFT to form a
package will so indicate in the tender together with any discounts offered for the award of
more than one contract.

11. Tender prices

11.1 The contract shall be for the whole Works as described in sub-clause 1.1, based on the
priced Bill of Quantities submitted by the Tenderer.

11.2 The Tenderer shall fill in rates and prices and line item total (both in figures and words)
for all items of the Works described in the Bill of Quantities along with total tender price
(both in figures and words). Items for which no rate or price is entered by the Tenderer
will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by the
other rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities. Corrections, if any, shall be made online
only before the submission of the tender

11.3 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor under the contract, or for any
other cause, shall be included in the rates, prices and total Tender Price submitted by the

11.4 The rates and prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be subject to adjustment during the
performance of the Contract in accordance with the provisions of Clause40 of the
Conditions of Contract.

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11.5 The price submitted by the Tenderer shall include the cost of maintenance of the road
surface, and all assets including the landscaping, for a period of three years.

12. Tender validity

12.1 Tenders shall remain valid for a period not less than 180 days after the deadline date for
tender submission specified in Clause 16. Any tender valid for a shorter period shall be
rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.

12.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Employer may
request that the Tenderers may extend the period of validity for a specified additional
period. The request and the Tenderer's response shall be made in writing or by written
electronic communication. A Tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting his
EMD. A Tenderer agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify his
tender, but will be required to extend the validity of his EMD for the period of the
extension, and in compliance with Clause 13 in all respects.

13. Earnest Money Deposit

13.1 The Tenderer shall furnish, as part of his tender, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the
amount as mentioned in IFT for this particular Work. Further, out of the total EMD
Amount only Rs. 1.00 Lakh (Rupees One Lakh only) shall be paid in the e – procurement
portal using any of the following modes and the Balance Amount shall be in the form of
Bank Guarantee from any Nationalised Bank.
 Credit Card.
 Direct Debit.
 National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT).
 Over the Counter (OTC).

NEFT Payment Procedure

If a Tenderer chooses to make Payment of EMD / Tender Processing Fee using Reserve Bank
of India's (RBI) National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) System, the Tenderer will need to
log into e – Procurement System, access the Tender for which Bid is being created and then
select the NEFT Option under the Payment Section and print the Challan shown in that
Section. The Printed Challan will have the Unique Bid Reference Number, Account Details of
Government of Karnataka and the Amount to be remitted. The Tenderer shall submit the
Printed Challan to its Bank Branch (NEFT enabled) and request for an Account – to –
Account Transfer, wherein the money will get transferred from the Tenderer’s Bank Account
to GOK’s Bank Account. The Tenderer shall ensure that NEFT Transfer Instructions are
executed and the Funds are wired to the Government of Karnataka's Principal Account before
the Last Date for Bid Submission and preferably 24 hours before the Last Date for Bid
Submission. If the Tenderer’s Bank transfers / wires the money after the Last Date for Bid
Submission, the Tenderer’s Bid will be liable for rejection. Upon executing the Transfer, the
Tenderer's Bank will provide a Reference Number generated by NEFT Software as
Confirmation of Transfer, which has to be input by the Tenderer in the Payment Section of its
Bid as Payment Confirmation before the Bid is submitted i.e. as a pre requisite for Bid
Submission. The Account Number from which the Funds were transferred shall be input in
the e – Procurement System as part of its Bid also.

OTC Payment Procedure

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If a Tenderer chooses to make Payment of EMD / Tender Processing Fees Over The Counter
(OTC) in any of the designated Axis Bank Branches listed in the e – Procurement Website
(www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in), the Tenderer will need to log into e – Procurement System,
access the Tender for which Bid is being created and then select the OTC Option under the
Payment Section and print the Challan shown in that Section. The Printed Challan will have
the Unique Bid Reference Number and the Amount to be remitted along with the Challan.
The Tenderer can choose to make the Payment either in the form of Cash or in the form of
Demand Draft. Cheque Payments will not be accepted. The Tenderer is requested to
specifically inform the Bank Officer to input the Unique Bid Reference Number printed in the
Challan in the Banking Software. Upon successful Receipt of the Payment, the Bank will
provide a 16 Digit Reference Number acknowledging the Receipt of Payment. This 16 Digit
Reference Number has to be input by the Tenderer in the Payment Section of its Bid as
Payment Confirmation before the Bid is submitted i.e. as a pre requisite for Bid Submission.

13.2 EMD Amount shall be submitted by the Tenderer taking into account of the following
a. EMD for Rs. 1.00 Lakh shall be accepted only in the form of Electronic Cash (and
not through Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee) and will be maintained in the
Government’s Central Pooling Account at ICICI Bank until the Work is awarded and
EMD for the Balance Amount shall be in the Form of Bank Guarantee from any
Nationalized Bank valid for a period of not less than two hundred and ten (210) days
after the Deadline Date for Tender Submission specified in Clause 16. Further, the
Original Bank Guarantee shall be submitted to the Office of the Executive Engineer
(Road Infrastructure – Traffic Engineering Cell), Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike,
N. R. Square, Bangalore – 560 002 before the opening of Technical Bids.
b. The Tenderer’s Bid will be evaluated only on Confirmation of Receipt of the Payment of
EMD as indicated in Sub Clauses 13.1 and 13.2.
13.3 Any Tender not accompanied by an acceptable EMD and not secured as indicated in Sub
Clauses 13.1 and 13.2 above shall be rejected by the Employer as Non Responsive.
13.4 The Earnest Money Deposit of the Unsuccessful Tenderers will be returned within 30 days of
the end of the Tender Validity Period as specified in Sub Clause 12.1.
13.5 The Earnest Money Deposit of the Successful Tenderer will be discharged only when the
Tenderer has signed the Agreement and furnished the required Performance Security.
13.6 The Earnest Money Deposit may be forfeited
a. If the Tenderer withdraws the Tender after Tender Opening during the Period of Tender
b. If the Tenderer does not accept the Correction of the Tender Price, pursuant to Clause 24;
c. In the case of a successful Tenderer, if the Tenderer fails within the specified time limit to
i. Sign the Agreement; or
ii. Furnish the required Performance Security.

14. Format and signing of Tender

Tenderer shall submit the Bid electronically before the submission date and time published in
e-procurement portal.


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15. Sealing and Marking of Tenders

Tenderer shall submit the Tender document electronically before the submission date and
time published. The document for submission shall be uploaded in PDF format and submitted
in the order mentioned below.

1. Content sheet with name of folder / file, No of pages in each folder / file and size of the
2. As per Section 3 - Qualification information
a. Qualification information summary sheets
b. Affidavit as per the format attached in qualification information.
c. Brief description of tenderer with the details of contact person for communication
with BBMP
d. Attested copy of Registration certificate of the contractor
e. EMD as specified in the Table of I TT in the document.
f. Power of attorney for signing the tender as per the format attached in qualification
g. Work performed & quantity executed as per Table 1 & 2 with supporting certificates
from client for the claims mentioned in tables 1 & 2 of qualification information.
h. Tables 3 A & 3 B of qualification information with supporting certificate from client
&calculation sheet for available tender capacity.
i. Availability of machinery as per Table 4 of qualification information.
j. Experience & qualification of key persons as per Table 5 of qualification information.
k. Financial statement for past five F.Y, contains balance sheet, profit & loss,
statement on cash on hand, liquid assets etc from Charted Accountant.
l. Line of credit and details of tenderer’s bank with reference as per format attached in
qualification information.
m. Experience of subcontractors with supporting document from client as per Table 6
of qualification information.
n. Litigation history as per Table 7. of qualification information.
o. Method adopted for construction program, bar chart, quality assurance program as per
clause 1.13 of qualification information
p. Undertaking for the tender is valid for 120 days as per clause 1.14 of qualification


a. Form of tender as per section 4 (I) of tender document.
b. Priced Bill of Quantity.
c. Any other materials required to be completed and submitted by Tenderers in
accordance with ITT.

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16. Deadline for submission of the Tenders

16.1 Tenders must be submitted on-line in the e-Procurement portal of the Employer before
the notified date and time.

16.2 The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of tenders by issuing an
amendment in accordance with Clause 9, in which case all rights and obligations of the
Employer and the Tenderers previously subject to the original deadline will then be
subject to the new deadline.

17. Late Tenders

17.1 In online e-Procurement system, you shall not be able to submit the Tender after the
Tender submission time and date as the icon or the task in the e-procurement portal will
not be available.

18. Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders

18.1 Tenderer has all the time to modify and correct or upload any relevant document in the
portal till tender submission date and time, as published in the e-Procurement portal. In e-
procurement portal the Contractor has the option of withdrawing the Tender by digitally
signing to withdraw/cancel Tender before the Tender submission time/date.


19. Opening of First Cover/folder (Technical Part) of all Tenders and evaluation to
determine qualified Tenderers:

19.1 The Employer will open online the First Covers of all the Tenders received through e-
procurement portal, in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who choose
to attend on the date and the place specified in the e-procurement portal. In the event of
the specified date of Tender opening being declared a holiday for the Employer, the
Tenders will be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day.
19.2 The Tenderers’ names, the presence or absence of EMD (amount, format and validity),
the submission of qualification information and such other information as the Employer
may consider appropriate will be announced by the Employer at the opening.
19.3 The Employer shall prepare minutes of the Tender opening, including the information
disclosed to those present in accordance with sub-clause 19.2.
19.4 The Employer will evaluate and determine whether each tender
(a) meets the eligibility criteria defined in ITT Clause 2;
(b) is accompanied by the required EMD as per stipulations in ITT Clause; and
(c) meets the minimum qualification criteria stipulated in ITT Clause 3. The Employer
will draw out a list of qualified Tenderers.

20. Opening of Second Cover/folder (Financial Part) of qualified Tenderers and


20.1 The Employer will inform all the Qualified Tenderers the time, date and venue fixed for
the opening of the Second Cover containing the priced Tenders. The Employer will open

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online the Second Covers of qualified Tenderers at the appointed time and date (as
indicated in the e-procurement portal) in the presence of the Tenderers or their
representatives who choose to attend. In the event of the specified date of Second Cover
opening being declared a holiday for the Employer, the Second Covers will be opened at
the appointed time and location on the next working day.

20.2 The Employer shall prepare minutes of the Second Cover Tender opening.

21. Process to be confidential

21 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of

Tenders and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to
Tenderers or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award
to the successful Tenderer has been announced. Any effort by a Tenderer to influence the
Employer's processing of Tenders or award decisions may, at the sole discretion of the
Employer, result in the rejection of his Tender and/or the Employer may take such other
actions as it may deem fit and necessary.

22 Clarification of Tenders

22.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Tenders, the Employer may,
at his discretion, ask any Tenderer for clarification of his Tender, including breakdown of
unit rates. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by cable,
but no change in the price or substance of the Tender shall be sought, offered, or

22.2 Subject to sub-clause 22.1, no Tenderer shall contact the Employer on any matter relating
to its Tender from the time of the Tender opening to the time the contract is awarded. If
the Tenderer wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Employer, it
should do so in writing, through the e-procurement portal.

22.3 Any effort by the Tenderer to influence the Employer in the Employer’s Tender
evaluation, Tender comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of
the Tenderers’ Tender.

23. Examination of Tenders and determination of responsiveness

23.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation of Tenders, the Employer will determine whether each
(a) has been digitally signed;
(b) is substantially responsive to the requirements of the Tender documents.

23.2 A substantially responsive Tender is one that conforms to all the terms, conditions, and
specifications of the Tender documents, without material deviation or reservation. A
material deviation or reservation is one
(a) which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Works;
(b)which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Tender documents, the
Employer's rights or the Tenderer's obligations under the Contract; or
(c) whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position of other Tenderers
presenting substantially responsive Tenders.

23.3 If a Tender is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Employer only after
duly recorded and filed reasons for the rejection, that does not reflect any discretion or

SD/- SD/-
bias, and is formally communicated to the Tenderer. The Tender may not subsequently be
made responsive by correction or withdrawal of the nonconforming deviation or

24. Correction of errors

24.1 The Tenderer may modify the tender only before the last date for submission of the
tender, as indicated on the e-procurement portal.

25. Evaluation and comparison of Tenders

25.1 The Employer will evaluate and compare only the Tenders determined to be substantially
responsive in accordance with Clause 23.
25.2 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any variation, deviation, or alternative
offer. Variations, deviations, and alternative offers and other factors which are in excess
of the requirements of the Tender documents or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits
for the Employer shall not be taken into account in Tender evaluation.
25.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment conditions under Clause 40 of the Conditions
of Contract, Section 5, during the implementation of the Contract, will not be taken into
account in tender Evaluation
25.4 If the tender of the successful Tenderer is seriously unbalanced in relation to the
Employer’s estimate of the cost of the work to be performed under the contract, the
Employer may require the Tenderer to produce detailed price analysis for any or all items
of the Bill of Quantities, to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the
construction methods and schedule proposed. After evaluation of the price analyses, the
Employer may require that the amount of the Performance Security set forth in Clause 29
be increased at the expense of the successful Tenderer to a level sufficient to protect the
Employer against financial loss in the event of default of the successful Tenderer under
the contract and/or effect pro rata deductions in the running bills so as to cover such
amount that would be required to have the remaining work completed should the tenderer
fail to complete the work due to acceptance of unbalanced tender .

26. Award criteria

26.1 Subject to Clause 27, the Employer will award the Contract to the Tenderer whose Tender
has been determined to be substantially responsive to the Tender documents and who has
offered the lowest evaluated Tender price, provided that such Tenderer has been
determined to be
(a) eligible in accordance with the provisions of Clause 2 of Section 2, and
(b) qualified in accordance with the provisions of Clause 3 of Section 2.

27. Employer's right to accept any Tender and to reject any or all Tenders

27.1 Notwithstanding Clause 26, the Employer reserves the right to cancel the Tender process
and reject all Tenders, at any time prior to the award of Contract, without thereby
incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers with an adequate explanation
justifying such action.

28. Notification of award and signing of Agreement

SD/- SD/-
28.1 The Tenderer whose Tender has been accepted will be notified of the award by the
Employer prior to expiration of the Tender validity period by, e-mail or facsimile or e-
procurement portal or through letter. This letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of
Contract called the "Letter of Acceptance") will state the sum that the Employer will pay
the Contractor in consideration of the execution, completion, and maintenance of the
Works by the Contractor as prescribed under the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract
called the "Contract Price").
28.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract, subject only to the
furnishing of Security Deposit in accordance with the provisions of Clause 29.
28.3 The Agreement will incorporate all agreements between the Employer and the successful
Tenderer. It will be kept ready for signature of the successful Tenderer in the office of
Employer within 30 days following the notification of award along with the Letter of
Acceptance. Within 20 days of receipt, the successful Tenderer is required to sign the
Agreement and deliver it to the Employer.
28.4 Upon the furnishing by the successful Tenderer of the Security Deposit, the Employer
will promptly notify the other Tenderers that their Tenders have been unsuccessful.

29. Security Deposit

29.1 Within 20 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the successful Tenderer shall
deliver to the Employer a Security Deposit in any of the forms given below for an amount
equivalent to 5% of the Contract price plus additional security for unbalanced tenders in
accordance with Clause 25.5 of ITT and Clause 43 of the Conditions of Contract for the
- Cash
- Banker’s cheque/Demand draft/Pay Order in favour of The Commissioner , BBMP,
Bengaluru payable at Bengaluru
- The Bank guarantee in the form given in Section 10.
- Specified small savings instruments pledged to ………………
29.2 If the Security Deposit is provided by the successful Tenderer in the form of Bank
guarantee, it shall be issued either by nationalized / scheduled Bank.
29.3 The Security Deposit if furnished in cash or demand draft can, if requested, be converted
to interest bearing securities at the cost of the successful Tenderer (“contractor”).
29.4 Failure of the successful Tenderer to comply with the requirements of Clause 29.1 shall
constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award and forfeiture of the EMD.

30 Advance Payment

30.1 The Employer will provide an advance payment on the contract price as stipulated in
Clause 41 of the Conditions of Contract, subject to the maximum amount as stated in the
Section 6, Contract Data.

31. Corrupt or Fraudulent practices

31.1 The Government of Karnataka (GOK) requires that the Tenderers/Suppliers/Contractors,

observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such
contracts. In pursuance of this policy, GOK:
(a) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Tenderer recommended for
award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in
(b) will declare any organization as ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of
time, to be awarded a GOK contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged
in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a GOK contract.
31.2 Furthermore, Tenderers shall be aware of the Termination provision stated in Clause 50
of the Conditions of Contract.

SD/- SD/-


The information to be filled in by the Tenderer hereunder will be used for purposes of computing
Tender capacity as provided for in Clause 3 of the Instructions to Tenderers. This information will not
be incorporated in the Contract.

1.1 a. Constitution or legal status of Tenderer [copy attached (Yes/No)

b. Place of Registration copy attached (Yes/No)


c. Principal place of business:


d. Brief description of the Company including details of its main lines of business with
details of individual(s) who will serve as the point of contact/ communication for BBMP:

e. Power of Attorney for signing the tender [ Copy attached (Yes/No)]

1.2 Total value of civil and footpath works executed

and payments received in the last five years (in Rs. Lakhs) 2011-12___________
(Certified copy from CA is attached(Yes/No)

1.3 Work performed (in the same organization name) on works of similar nature over during the
five years specified in 1.2 above. (Separate sheet should be added as per the table below with
supporting experience certificate from the client)
(Attached (Yes/No)

Table 1
Project Name Descrip- Contract Value of Date of Stipulated Actual date Remarks
Name of the tion of No. Contract( issue of period of of explaining
Emplo- work Rs crore) work completion completion* reasons for
yer* order
delay & work

* Attach certificate(s) from the Engineer(s)-in-Charge

SD/- SD/-
1.4 Quantities of work executed as prime Contractor (in the same organization name) during the
last five years specified in 1.2 above:
(Separate sheet should be added as per the table below with supporting experience certificate
from the client)
(Attached (Yes/No)
Table 2

Year Name Name of Quantity of work performed units Remarks (Indicate

of Employer contract reference)
Civil and Footpath works


1.5 Information on works for which Tenders have been submitted and works which are yet to be
completed as on the date of this Tender.
TABLE 3. (A)
A) Existing commitments and on-going works: (Separate sheet should be added
as per the table below with supporting certificate from the client)

(Attached (Yes/ No)

Description of works Place &State Contract Name Value Stipulated Value of Anticipated
No. &Address of Period of works* date of
of Contract Completion remaining completion
Employer (Rs Cr) to be
(Rs Cr)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

*Attach certificate(s) from the Engineer(s)-in-Charge

(B) Works for which tenders already submitted:
(Separate sheet should be added as per the table below with supporting
certificate if any )

(Attached (Yes/No)

SD/- SD/-
Description Place & Name & Estimated value Stipulated Date when Remarks,
of works State Address of of works (Rs period of decision is if any
Employer Cr) completion expected
1 2 3 4 6 6 7



1.6 The following items of equipment are considered essential for successfully carrying out the
works. The Tenderer should furnish all the information listed below. (Separate sheet should be added
as per the table below)
(Attached (Yes/No)
Item of work Requirement Owned Owned & Available Remarks
No Capacity Number/ Age/Condition

1.7 Reports on the financial standing of the Tenderer, such as profit and loss statements and
auditor’s reports for the last five years; (Certified copy from CA is attached (Yes/No)

1.8 Qualification and experience of the key technical and management personnel in permanent
employment with the Tenderer and those that are proposed to be deployed on this contract
project, if awarded.

(Separate sheet should be added as per the table below)

(Attached (Yes/No)

Position Name Qualification Year of Years of Nos required
Experience experience in the
(General) proposed

Project Manager B.E (Civil) 10Yrs 1

SD/- SD/-
Site Engineer , B.E 3 Yrs ( in 3
Civil, MEP respective

Planning Engineer B.E (Civil) 5 YrsExp 1

Plant Engineer B.E (Mech) or 3 Yrs 1

Dip (Mech.)

Quality B.E (Civil) 3 YrsExp 1

controlling Engr or
Dip (Civil.)
Quantity Surveyor B.E (Civil) 3 YrsExp 2
Dip (Civil.)
Total 9 NOS

1.9 Name, address, and telephone, telex, and fax numbers of the Tenderers' bankers who may
provide references if contacted by the Employer.

1.10 Evidence of access to financial resources to meet the qualification requirement specified in
Section 2. ITT sub-clause3.3 (b): Cash in hand, Letter of Credit etc. List them below and
attach certificate from the Banker in the suggested format as under:

1.11 Proposals for subcontracting components of works amounting to more than 20% of the
contract price.

(Separate sheet should be added as per the table below)

(Attached (Yes/No)
Item of works Value of Sub-contract Sub-contractor Experience in similar work
(Name & Address) *

*Attach certificate(s) from the respective employer

1.12 Information on litigations in which the Tenderer is involved:

(Separate sheet should be added as per the table below)
(Attached (Yes/No)

SD/- SD/-

Other Party (ies) Employer Cause of Dispute Amount involved Remarks showing
Present Status

1.13 The proposed methodology and program of construction, backed with equipment planning
and deployment, duly supported with broad calculations and quality control procedures
proposed to be adopted, justifying their capability of execution and completion of the work as
per technical specifications within the stipulated period of completion as per milestones.
(Separate sheets should be added)
(Attached (Yes/No)

1.14 Additional Requirements

Tenderer should provide any additional information required to fulfill the requirements of
Clause 3.1 of the Instructions to the tenderers, if applicable.

(i) Affidavit as per the format given in qualification information (Attached (Yes/No)

(ii) Undertaking as per the format given qualification information. (Attached (Yes/No)

SD/- SD/-
(Refer Clause 1.10 of qualification Information)

This is to certify that M/s. ………………………….. is a reputed company with a good financial
standing. If the contract for this work, namely “Comprehensive Development of Church
Street in Bangalore City as per Tender SURE Guidelines” is awarded to the above
firm, we shall be able to provide overdraft/credit facilities to the extent of Rs. _________ lakhs to
meet the working capital requirements for executing the above contract.

Name of the Bank,
Senior Bank Manger

Address: ……………………………….

SD/- SD/-
Power of Attorney for signing of Application
(Refer Clause 1.1e of qualification Information)

Know all men by these presents, We .................................................................................. (name of the

firm and address of the registered office) do hereby irrevocably constitute, nominate, appoint and
authorise Mr/ Ms (name),
............................................................................................................................................ son/daughter/
wife of .............................................................................................................................. and
presently residing at ……….. ........................................................................................... , who is
presently employed with us and holding the position of..................................................... , as our true
and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the "Attorney") to do in our name and on our behalf, all
such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection with or incidental to submission
of our application for Qualification and submission of our tender for the ***** Project proposed or
being developed by the ***** (the "Authority") including but not limited to signing and submission
of all applications, tenders and other documents and writings, participate in Pre-Applications and
other conferences and providing information/ responses to the Authority, representing us in all matters
before the Authority, signing and execution of all contracts including the Concession Agreement and
undertakings consequent to acceptance of our tender, and generally dealing with the Authority in all
matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our tender for the said Project and/ or upon
award thereof to us and/or till the entering into of the Concession Agreement with the Authority.

AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and
things done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers
conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in
exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE, ............................................. , THE ABOVE NAMED

DAY OF ..................2 ......


(Signature, name, designation and address)




(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)

SD/- SD/-

■ The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if
any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is
so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required

■ Wherever required, the Applicant should submit for verification the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as a board or shareholders' resolution/ power of attorney in
favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on
behalf of the Applicant.

■ For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalised
by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being
issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Applicants from countries that have signed
the Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to be legalised by the Indian Embassy if
it carries a conforming Appostille certificate.

SD/- SD/-
(Refer Clause 1.14 of qualification Information)

1. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that all the statements made in the required attachments
are true and correct.
2. The undersigned also hereby certifies that n e i t h e r our firm
M/s ___ _____________________________________________________ have abandoned
any work on National Highways in India nor any contract awarded to us for such works have
been rescinded, during last five years prior to the date of this tender
3. The undersigned hereby authorise (s) and request(s) any bank, person, firm or corporation to
furnish pertinent information deemed necessary and requested by the Department to verify this
statement or regarding my (our) competence and general reputation.
4. The undersigned understand and agrees that further qualifying information may be requested,
and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the Department/ Project
implementing agency.

(Signed by an Authorised Officer of the Firm)

Title of Officer

Name of Firm


SD/- SD/-
(Refer Clause 1.14 of qualification Information)

I, the undersigned do hereby undertake that our firm M/s

________________________________________ agree to abide by this tender for a period 120days
for the date fixed for receiving the same and it shall be binding on us and may be accepted at any time
before the expiration of that period.

(Signed by an Authorized Officer of the Firm)

Title of Officer

Name of Firm


SD/- SD/-


Description of the Works: “Comprehensive Development of Church Street in

Bangalore City as per Tender SURE Guidelines”


To : ____________________________________________
Address : ____________________________________________

Dear Madam/Sir(s),

We offer to execute the Works described above in accordance with the Conditions of Contract
accompanying this Tender for the Contract Price of........................................................................ (in

.......................................................................................................................................... (in words).

This Tender and your written acceptance of it shall constitute a binding contract between us. We
understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest of Tenders or any Tender you receive.

The advance payment required is Rs. ........................................................................... Lakhs

We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above contract,
we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely “Prevention of
Corruption Act 1988”.

We hereby confirm that this Tender complies with the Tender validity and EMD required by the
Tender documents.

We attach herewith our current income-tax clearance certificate.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature:

Name & Title of Signatory:


Name of Tenderer ____________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

SD/- SD/-
(on the Letterhead of the Employer)
________________________ [date]
—————————————— (name and address of the Contractor)

Dear Madam/Sir(s),

This is to notify you that your Tender dated ____________ for execution of “Comprehensive
Development of Church Street in Bangalore City as per Tender SURE
Guidelines”. [Name of the contract and identification number, as given in the Instructions to
Tenderers] for the Contract Price of Rupees____________________________ (_____________)
[amount in words and figures], as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to
Tenderers is hereby accepted by our Agency.

You are hereby requested to furnish Security Deposit plus additional security for unbalanced tenders
in terms of Clause 25.5 of ITT, in the form detailed in Clause 29.1 of ITT for an amount of Rs.-
___________ within 20 days of the receipt of this letter of acceptance, which shall be valid up to 30
days from the date of expiry of Defects Liability Period i.e. up to ________and sign the contract,
failing which action as stated in Para 29.4 of ITT will be taken.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature

Name and Title of Signatory

Name of Agency

SD/- SD/-
(on the Letterhead of the Employer)
________________________ [date]


—————————————— (name and address of the Contractor)



Dear Madam/Sir(s),

Pursuant to your furnishing the requisite Security Deposit as stipulated in ITT Clause 29.1 and
signing of the contract agreement for the construction of
..................................................................................... ......................................at Tender Price of Rs.—
—————, you are hereby instructed to proceed with the execution of the said works in accordance
with the contract documents.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature

Name and Title of Signatory

Name of Agency

SD/- SD/-
This agreement, made on the ___________________day of ______________20_______, between
______ ______________________________ (hereinafter called “the Employer”) of the one part and
_______________ [name and address of contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other
part (together shall be referred to hereinafter as Parties).

Whereas the Employer is desirous that the Contractor execute _____________________

_______________________________________________(hereinafter called “the Works”) and the
Employer has accepted the Tender by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works
and the remedying of any defects therein at a contract price of

1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to, and they shall be
deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement.
2. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter
mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete the
Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all aspects with the Conditions of
3. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and
completion of the Works and remedying the defects there in, the Contract Price or such other
sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Conditions of Contract at the times
and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
4. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this
Agreement, viz:
i) Letter of Acceptance;
ii) Notice to proceed with the works;
iii) Contractor’s Tender;
iv) Contract Data;
v) Conditions of contract (including Special Conditions of Contract);
vi) Specifications;
vii) Drawings;
viii) Bill of Quantities; and
ix) Any other document listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the contract.

In witness whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year
first before written.

The Common Seal of ________________________________________________________________

was hereunto affixed in the presence of:

Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said_________________________________________________


in the presence of:

Binding Signature of Employer ________________________________________________

Binding Signature of Contractor _____________________________________________________

SD/- SD/-

A. General
1. Definitions
2. Interpretation
3. Law governing contract
4. Employers decisions
5. Delegation
6. Communications
7. Subcontracting
8. Other Contractors
9. Personnel
10. Employer’s and Contractor’s risks
11. Employer’s risks
12 Contractor’s risks
13. Insurance
14. Site Investigation Report
15 Query about Contract Data
16 Contractor to construct the Works
17. The Works to be completed by Intended Completion Date
18 Approvals by the Employer
19. Safety
20. Discoveries
21. Possession of the Site
22. Access to the Site
23. Instructions
24. Procedure for resolution of disputes

B. Time Control

25. Program
26. Extension of the Intended Completion Date
27. Delays ordered by the Employer
28. Management meetings

C. Quality Control

29. Identifying defects

30. Tests
31. Correction of defects
32. Uncorrected defects

D. Cost Control

33 Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

34 Variations
35. Payment for Variations
36. Submission of bills for payment
37 Payments
38. Compensation events
39. Tax
40 Price Adjustment
41. Liquidated damages
42. Advance Payments

SD/- SD/-
43. Security Deposit
44. Cost of repairs

E. Finishing of Contract

45. Completion
46. Taking Over
47. Final account
48. As-built drawings
49. Operating and Maintenance Manuals
50. Termination
51 Payment upon termination
52. Property
53. Release from performance

F. Special Conditions of Contract

SD/- SD/-
A. General

1. Definitions

1.1 Terms which are defined in the Contract Data are not also defined in the Conditions of
Contract but keep their defined meanings. Bold letters are used to identify defined terms.

Bill of Quantities means the priced and completed Bill of Quantities forming part of the

Compensation events are those defined in Clause 38 hereunder.

The Completion Date is the date of completion of the Works, as certified by the
Employer in accordance with Sub Clause 46.1.

The Contract is the contract between the Employer and the Contractor to execute,
complete and maintain the Works. It consists of the documents listed in Clause 2.2 below.

The Contract Data defines the documents and other information which comprise the

The Contractor is a person or corporate body (who’s) whose Tender to carry out the
Works has been accepted by the Employer.

The Contractor's Tender is the completed Tender document submitted by the

Contractor to the Employer.

The Contract Price is the price stated in the Letter of Acceptance and thereafter as
adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

Corrupt practice means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value
to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract

Days are calendar days; months are calendar months.

A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the specifications of
the Employer set out in the Contract or such specifications communicated to the
Contractor from time to time.

The Defects Liability Period is the period named in the Contract Data and calculated
from the Completion Date which is 24 months for this tender.

The Employer is the party who will employ the Contractor to carry out the Works.

Engineer shall mean a qualified civil engineer appointed by the Employer for the
purposes of the Contract and named in Section 6, Contract Data or notified by the
Employer from time to time.

Engineer-in-chargeis a representative of the Employer (from the department of

engineering) who is of an appropriate seniority and who will be responsible for
supervising and administering the contract.

Equipment is the Contractor's machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site to
construct the Works.

SD/- SD/-
Fraudulent practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a
procurement process or the execution of a contract to the unjust benefit or advantage of
the Contractor, and includes collusive practice among Tenderers (prior to or after Tender
submission) designed to establish Tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to
deprive the Employer and the public of the benefits of free and open competition.

The Initial Contract Price is the Contract Price listed in the Employer's Letter of

The Intended Completion Date is the date on which it is intended that the Contractor
shall complete the Works. The Intended Completion Date is specified in the Contract
Data. The Intended Completion Date may be revised only by the Employer by issuing an
extension of time.

Maintenance Period is the period named in the Contract Data, during which Contractor
shall maintain the works completed by him for a period of 36 months effective from last
day of Defect Liability Period

Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for
incorporation in the Works.

Operations and Maintenance Manual are documents containing instructions for

operation, maintenance of the Works

Plant is a place where construction material is stored

Program of Construction is a sequenced scheduling of the Works under the contract

The Site is the area defined as such in the Contract Data.

Specification means the Specification of the Works included in the Contract and any
modification or addition made or approved by the Employer. The specifications include
supplemental specifications, special provisions, and all written or printed agreements and
instructions pertaining to the method and manner of performing the work or to the
quantities and qualities of the materials to be furnished under the contract.

The Start Date is given in the Contract Data. It is the date when the Contractor shall
commence execution of the works. It does not necessarily coincide with any of the Site
Possession Dates, but shall be the same as or a date after the site possession date.

A Subcontractor is a person or corporate body who has a Contract with the Contractor to
carry out a part of the work in the Contract which includes work on the Site.

“Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind required in or about the
execution, completion or maintenance of he works and includes all temporary
constructions such as, scaffolding, ladders, timbering, site offices, cement and other
platforms and bins for stacking building materials, gantries, temporary tracks and roads,
temporary culverts and, mixing platforms.

A Variation is an instruction given by the Employer which varies the Works.

The Works are documents prepared by the Employer and are what the Contract requires
the Contractor to construct, install, and turn over to the Employer, as defined in the
Contract Data. The Works shall contain name of the work, brief summary, estimated cost,
locality and precise extents of the site.

SD/- SD/-
2. Interpretation

2.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also means
female or neuter, and the other way around. Headings have no significance. Words have
their normal meaning under the language of the Contract unless specifically defined. The
Employer will provide instructions clarifying queries about the Conditions of Contract.
2.2 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted intoto:
(1) Agreement
(2) Letter of Acceptance, notice to proceed with the works
(3) Contractor’s Tender
(4) Contract Data
(5) Conditions of Contract
(6) Specifications (including annexure)
(7) Drawings
(8) Bill of Quantities and
(9) Any other document listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the Contract.

3. Law governing contract

3.1 The law governing the Contract is the Laws of India read along with the local laws of the
State of Karnataka.

4. Employer's decisions

4.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Employer will decide contractual matters
between the Employer and the Contractor after consulting with the Contractor.

5. Delegation

5.1 The Employer may delegate any of its duties and responsibilities to agencies to perform
specific tasks with respect to the Works, after notifying the Contractor and may cancel
any such delegation after notifying the Contractor.

6. Communications

6.1 Communications between parties which are referred to in the conditions are effective only
when in writing. A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered.

7. Subcontracting

7.1 Subcontracting is allowed only works related to water, sewer & electric.

8. Other Contractors

8.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other Contractors, public
authorities, utilities, and the Employer.

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9. Personnel

9.1 The Contractor shall employ such technical personnel (of number and qualifications) as
set out in the contract Data, subject to conformance with the qualification requirements
set out in Clause 3.3 of Section 2. The technical staff so employed shall be available at
site as may be stipulated by the Employer.

9.2 If the Employer asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of the
Contractor’s staff or his work force stating the reasons, the Contractor shall ensure that
the person leaves the Site within seven days and has no further connection with the Work.

10. Employer’s and Contractor's risks

10.1 The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are Employer’s risks, and the
Contractor carries the risks which this Contract states are Contractor’s risks.

11. Employer's risks

11.1 The Employer is responsible for the following risks:

a) Rebellion, riot, commotion or disorder unless solely restricted to employees of the
Contractor or his Sub-Contractors arising from the conduct of the Works; or
b) A cause due solely to the design of the Works, other than the Contractor’s design; or
c) Any operation of the forces of nature (in so far as it occurs on the Site) which an
experienced contractor:
i. could not have reasonably foreseen; or
ii. could reasonably have foreseen, but against which he could not reasonably
have taken at least one of the following measures;
1. prevent loss or damage to physical property from occurring by taking
appropriate measures or
2. insure against such loss or damage

12. Contractor’s risks

12.1 All risks of loss of or damage to physical property and of personal injury and death which
arise during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract, other than the
excepted risks set forth above, are the responsibility of the Contractor.

13. Insurance:

13.1 The Contractor shall, prior to commencing the works, effect and thereafter maintain
insurances , in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor, (cover from the first
working day after the Start Date to the end of Defects Liability Period), in the amounts
stated in the Contract Data :
a) for loss of or damage to the Works, Plants and Materials and the Contractor’s
b) for loss, damage, death and injury to third parties or their property arising out of the
Contractor’s performance of the Contract including the Contractor’s liability for
damage to the Employer’s property other than the Works and
c) For death and injury to the Contractor’s personnel except to the extent that liability
arises from the negligence of the Employer, any Employer’s representative or its
13.2 Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the
Employer for his approval before the Start Date. All such insurance shall provide for
compensation to be payable to rectify the loss or damage incurred. All payments received
from insurers relating to loss or damage shall be held jointly by the Parties and used for

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the repair of the loss or damage, or as compensation for loss or damage that is not to be
13.3 If the Contractor fails to effect or keep in force any of the insurances referred to in the
previous sub-Clauses or fails to provide satisfactory evidence, policies or receipts, the
Employer may without prejudice to any other right or remedy, effect insurance relevant to
such default and pay the premiums due and recover the same as a deduction from any
other monies due to the Contractor. If no payment is due, the payment of the premiums
shall be a debt due by the Contractor to the Employer.
13.4 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the approval of the
13.5 Both Parties shall comply with conditions of the insurance policies as per respective
obligations specified in such policies and/or laws applicable thereto.

14. Site Investigation Reports:

14.1 The Employer shall make available to the Contractor the following documents as part of
site investigation reports:
a) Location maps in GIS/CAD format
b) Detailed total station survey and drawings of existing conditions
c) Geo-technical investigation reports
d) Preliminary assessment report
e) Prefeasibility report
f) Detailed project report
14.2 The Contractor, in preparing the tender, shall rely on any site investigation reports
referred to in the Contract data, supplemented by any information available to the

15. Queries about the Contract Data

15.1 The Employer will clarify queries on the Contract Data within ___ days from receipt of
such query.

16. Contractor to construct the Works

16.1 The Contractor shall construct the Works in accordance with the Specification and

17. The Works to be completed by the Intended Completion Date

17.1 The Contractor will commence execution of the Works on the Start Date and shall carry
out the Works in accordance with the program submitted by the Contractor, as updated
with the approval of the Employer, and complete them by the Intended Completion Date.

18. Approval by the Employer

18.1 The Contractor shall submit Specification and Drawings showing the proposed
Temporary Works to the Employer, who is to approve them if they comply with the
Specifications and Drawings.
18.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of Temporary Works
18.3 The Employer’s approval shall not alter the Contractor’s responsibility for design of the
Temporary Works.
18.4 The Contractor shall obtain approval of third parties to the design of the temporary Works
where required.
18.5 All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the temporary or permanent
Works, are subject to prior approval by the Employer before their use.

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19. Safety

19.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site.

20. Discoveries

20.1 Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly discovered on

the Site is the property of the Employer. The Contractor is to notify the Employer of such
discoveries and carry out the Employer's instructions for dealing with them.

21. Possession of the Site

21.1 The Employer shall give possession of all parts of the Site to the Contractor. If possession
of a part is not given by the date stated in the Contract Data the Employer is deemed to
have delayed the start of the relevant activities and the same may be considered as a
compensation Event.

22. Access to the Site

22.1 The Contractor shall allow the Employer and any person authorized by the Employer
access to the Site, to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being
carried out or is intended to be carried out and to any place where Materials or Plant are
being manufactured/ fabricated/assembled for the Works.

23. Instructions

23.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Employer which are in accordance
with this Contract and which comply with the applicable laws.

24. Procedure for resolution of Disputes:

24.1 If the Contractor is not satisfied with the decision taken by the Employer, the dispute shall
be referred by either party to Arbitration within 30 days of the notification of the
Employer’s decision.
24.2 If neither party refers the dispute to Arbitration within the above 30 days, the Employer’s
decision will be final and binding.
24.3 The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration procedure stated in
the Special Conditions of Contract.

25. Program

25.1 Within the time stated in the Contract Data the Contractor shall submit to the Employer
for approval a Program showing the general methods, arrangements, order, and timing for
all the activities in the Works. The Contractor understands that time is the essence of this
Contract and in the event the Contractor is unable to complete the Contract within the
stipulated time, the Employer shall be entitled to terminate this Contract under Clause 50
here in under.

25.2 In the event of Employer’s disapproval of the Program, the Contractor shall revise the
Program as per the requirements of the Employer and re-submit the same to the Employer
for approval. The Employer may require the Contractor, in case there are any Variations

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or Compensation Events, to revise the Program in order to reflect such Variations or
Compensation Events.

26. Extension of the Intended Completion Date

26.1 The Employer shall extend the Intended Completion Date if a Compensation Event
occurs or a Variation is issued which makes it impossible for Completion to be achieved
by the original Intended Completion Date.

26.2 The Employer shall determine the terms of revision of the Program or the Intended
Completion Date, within 21 days of the Contractor asking the Employer for a decision
upon the effect of a Compensation Event or Variation and submitting complete
supporting information thereto.

27. Delays ordered by the Employer

27.1 The Employer may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress of any activity
within the Works.

28. Management meetings

28.1 The Employer may require the Contractor to attend a management meeting. The business
of a management meeting shall be to review the progress achieved and the plans for
completion of the remaining work.

28.2 The responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken is to be decided by the Employer
either at the management meeting or after the management meeting and stated in writing
to be distributed to all who attended the meeting.

29. Identifying Defects

29.1 The Employer shall, from time to time and upon completion of the Works, check the
Contractor's work and notify the Contractor of any Defects that are found. The Employer
may instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and to uncover and test any work that
the Employer considers may have a Defect and instruct the Contractor to rectify such
Defect in terms hereof. Such tests and rectification shall not affect the Contractor’s on-
going responsibilities under this Contract and shall not be deemed to extend the intended
Completion Date.

29.2 The Employer may appoint, mandate, outsource quality control to an independent agency
or constitute a Committee of __ members on Quality Control (CQC). The CQC shall
perform its duties as stated by the Employer at the time of appointment / formation.

30. Tests

30.1 If the Employer instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified in the
Specifications, to check whether any work has a Defect and in the event such test shows
that there is a Defect, the Contractor shall bear all costs with respect to such test. If there
is no Defect, the test shall be considered as a Compensation Event.

30.2 The tests stated in Tender SURE may be used as per the project work and type.

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31. Correction of Defects

31.1 The Employer shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before the end of the
Defects Liability Period, which begins on the date of Completion and is defined in the
Contract Data. The Defects Liability Period may be extended for a reasonable period of
time beyond which the defect shall be deemed an Uncorrected Defect under Clause 32.

31.2 Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified Defect
within the length of time specified in such notice by the Employer.

32. Uncorrected Defects

32.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect within the time specified in the Employer’s
notice, the Employer may assess the cost of having the Defect corrected and require the
Contractor to pay such amount, notwithstanding any other remedies that the Employer
may seek against the Contractor for correction of such Defect.


33. Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

33.1 The BOQ shall contain items for the construction, installation, testing, and
commissioning of the Works.

33.2 The BOQ is used to calculate the Contract Price. The Contractor is paid for the quantity
of the work done at the rate in the BOQ for each item

34. Variations

34.1 The Employer shall have power to order the Contractor to do any or all of the following
as considered necessary or advisable during the progress of the Works
a) Increase or decrease any item of work included in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ);
b) Omit any item of work;
c) Change the character or quality or kind of any item of work;
d) Change the levels, lines, positions and dimensions of any part of the work;
e) Execute additional items of work of any kind necessary for the completion of the
works; and/ or
f) Change any specified sequence, methods or timing of construction of any part of the

34.2 The Contractor shall be bound to carry out the Works in accordance with any instructions
in this connection, which may be given to him in writing by the Employer and such
alteration shall not vitiate or invalidate the Contract.

34.3 Variations shall not be made by the Contractor without an order in writing by the
Employer, provided that no order in writing shall be required for increase or decrease in
the quantity of an item appearing in the BOQ so long as the work executed conforms to
the approved drawings.

34.4 The Contractor shall promptly request in writing to the employer to confirm verbal orders
and the officer issuing oral instructions shall confirm it in writing within 30 (thirty)
working days, failing which the work shall be carried out as though there is no variation.
In case variation is approved it shall be accompanied by BOQ failing which the
Contractor shall be responsible for deviation if any. Further, Employer’s approval must be
obtained for any variation exceeding 5%.

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35. Payments for Variations

35.1 Changes in material specification may be made by Employer at any time before the
Contractor purchases the material under consideration for change, or executes the work,
as long as the new material specification is equal or less to the unit cost of the original
specification. Any difference in excess or reduction, will be adjusted in dues to the
Contractor in writing, approved and signed by the Employer. Payment for increase in the
quantities of an item in the BOQ up to 25% of that provided in the Bill of Quantities shall
be made at the rates quoted by the Contractor.
35.2 For quantities in excess of 25% of the tendered quantity of an item as given in the BOQ,
the Contractor shall be paid at the rate entered in or derived from the Schedule of Rates
(applicable for the area of the work and current at the time of award of contract) plus or
minus the overall percentage of the original tendered rates over the current Schedule of
Rates prevalent at the time of award of Contract.
35.3 If there is no rate for the additional, substituted or altered item of the work in the BOQ,
efforts would be made to derive the rates from those given in the BOQ or the Schedule of
Rates (applicable for the area of the work and current at the time of award of contract)
and if found feasible the payment would be made at the derived rate for the item plus or
minus the overall percentage of the original tendered rates over the current Schedule of
Rates prevalent at the time of award of Contract
35.4 If the rates for additional, substituted or altered item of work cannot be determined either
as at 35.1 or 35.2 or 35.3 above, the Contractor shall be requested to submit his quotation
for the items supported by analysis of the rate or rates claimed, within 7 days.
35.5 If the Contractor's quotation is determined unreasonable, the Employer may order the
Variation and make a change to the Contract Price which shall be based on Employer’s
own forecast of the effects of the Variation on the Contractor's costs.
35.6 If the Employer decides that the urgency of varying the work would prevent a quotation
being given and considered without delaying the work, no quotation shall be given and
the Variation shall be treated as a Compensation Event.
35.7 Under no circumstances shall the Contractor suspend the work on the plea of non-
settlement of rates for items falling under this Clause.

36. Submission of bills for payment

36.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Employer bills of the value of the work completed as
per following stages less the cumulative amount paid previously.
(i) Earthwork Excavation and sub-grade preparation (or approx20% of total cost)
(ii)Below-grade Utility works and BM/BC (or approx35% of total cost)
(iii)Above-grade works (or approx 35% of total cost)
36.2 The Employer shall check the Contractor's bill and determine the value of the work
executed which shall comprise of:
(i) value of the quantities of the items in the BOQ completed and
(ii) valuation of Variations and Compensation Events.
36.3 The Employer may exclude any item paid in a previous bill or reduce the proportion of
any item previously paid in the light of later information.

37. Payments

37.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments, other than recoveries in
terms of the Contract and taxes at source, as applicable under the law. The Employer shall
pay the Contractor within 30 (thirty) working days of submission of certified bill. The
Contractors shall be liable to pay liquidated damages for shortfall in progress. For
progress beyond the agreed Program, payment is subject to availability of an incentive, at
the discretion of the Employer as per the terms stipulated by the Employer.

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37.2 If the Employer fails to pay the bills within 30 days of submission of bill, the Employer
shall be liable to pay an interest on the amount payable at PLR of the designated bankers
of the Employer during the execution of the contract for the delay, which interest shall be
applicable from the due date of payment until the actual payment date.

38. Compensation events

38.1 The following are Compensation events, unless they are attributable to the Contractor:
a) The Employer does not provide access to a part of the Site by the Site Possession
Date stated in the Contract Data.
b) The Employer orders a delay or does not certify or release drawings, specifications or
instructions required for execution of works on time.
c) The Employer instructs the Contractor to uncover or to carry out tests upon work
which is found to have no Defects upon completion of such tests.
d) The Employer provides instructions to deal with an unforeseen condition, caused by
the Employer, or additional work required for safety or other reasons.
e) The effect on the Contractor of any of the Employer’s Risks.
f) The Employer delays issuing a Certificate of Completion without just cause.
g) Other Compensation Events that may be listed in the Contract Data or mentioned in
the Contract.
38.2 If a Compensation Event would cause additional cost or would prevent the work being
completed by the Intended Completion Date, the Contract Price shall be increased and/or
the Intended Completion Date extended, as required. The Employer shall decide whether
and by how much the Contract Price shall be increased and whether and by how much the
Intended Completion Date shall be extended.
38.3 As soon as information demonstrating the effect of each Compensation event upon the
Contractor's forecast cost has been provided by the Contractor, it is to be assessed by the
Employer and the Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly. If the Contractor's
forecast is deemed unreasonable, the Employer shall adjust the Contract Price based on
Employer’s own forecast made in consultation with the Contractor. The Employer will
assume that the Contractor will react competently and promptly to the event.
38.4 The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation in the event the Contractor does not
report the change in circumstances within a reasonable time or in the event non co-
operation by the Contractor with the Employer has adversely affected the Employer’s

39. Tax

39.1 The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of the sales and other
taxes that the Contractor will have to pay for the performance of this Contract. The
Employer will perform such duties in regard to the deduction of such taxes at source as
per applicable law.

40. Price Adjustment (As per appended Govt. Order No. FD 59 PRO CELL 2004,
dated: 26- 11-2004) - DELETED-

41. Liquidated damages

41.1 The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the Employer at the rate per day stated in
the Contract Data for each day that the Completion Date is later than the Intended
Completion Date. The total amount of liquidated damages shall not exceed the amount
defined in the Contract Data. The Employer may deduct liquidated damages from
payments due to the Contractor. Payment of liquidated damages does not affect the
Contractor's liabilities herein.

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41.2 If the Intended Completion Date is extended after liquidated damages have been paid, the
Employer shall correct any overpayment of liquidated damages by the Contractor by
adjusting the next payment of bill.

42. Advance Payments

42.1 The Employer shall make payment to the Contractor of the amounts stated in the Contract
Data by the date stated in the Contract Data, against provision by the Contractor of an
unconditional bank guarantee in a form acceptable to the Employer issued by a
Nationalized/Scheduled Bank in amounts equal to the advance payment. The guarantee
shall remain effective until the advance payment has been repaid, but the amount of the
guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amounts repaid by the Contractor.
Interest will not be charged on the advance payment.

42.2 The Contractor is to use the advance payment only to pay for Mobilization expenses
required specifically for execution of the Works. The Contractor shall demonstrate that
advance payment has been used in this way by supplying copies of invoices or other
relevant documents to the Employer.

42.3 The advance payment shall be repaid by deducting proportionate amounts from payments
otherwise due to the Contractor, following the schedule of completed percentages of the
Works on a payment basis. No account shall be taken of the advance payment or its
repayment in assessing valuation of the work done, variations, price adjustments,
compensation events or liquidated damages.

43. Security Deposit

43.1 The Security Deposit (including additional security for unbalanced tenders) shall be
provided to the Employer no later than the date specified in the Letter of Acceptance and
shall be issued in an amount and form and type of instrument acceptable to the Employer.
The Security Deposit shall be valid until a date 90days from the date of expiry of Defects
Liability Period and the additional security for unbalanced tenders shall be valid until a
date 30 days from the date of issue of the certificate of completion. A 50% of Security
Deposit is repaid to the Contractor after completion of DLP (24 months)to the satisfaction
of Employer and another 50% of Security Deposit is repaid after completion of
Maintenance Period of three years to the satisfaction of Employer.

44. Cost of Repairs

44.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the Works between the
Start Date and the end of the Defects Liability Period shall be remedied by the Contractor
at the Contractor's cost if the loss or damage arises from the Contractor's acts or


45. Completion

45.1 The Contractor shall request the Employer to issue a Certificate of Completion of the
Works and the Employer will do so upon deciding that the Works are completed in
accordance with the Contract.

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46. Taking over

46.1 The Employer shall take over the Site and the Works within seven days of issuing a
Certificate of Completion.

47. Final account

47.1 The Contractor shall supply to the Employer a detailed account of the total amount that
the Contractor considers payable under the Contract before the end of the Defects
Liability Period (that is 24 months). The Employer shall issue a Defect Liability
Certificate and certify any final payment that is due to the Contractor within 90 days of
receiving the Contractor's account if it is correct and complete. If it is not, the Employer
shall issue within 90 days a schedule that states the scope of the corrections or additions
that are necessary. If the Final Account is still not in terms of this Contract, after it has
been resubmitted, the Employer shall decide on the amount payable to the Contractor
based on the terms of this Contract and make such payment within 60 days of receiving
the Contractor’s revised account.

48. As-built drawings

48.1 The Contractor shall supply as-built drawings by the dates stated in the Contract Data.

48.2 If the Contractor does not supply the as-built Drawings by the dates stated in the Contract
Data, or the Employer rejects the same, the Employer shall withhold the amount stated in
the Contract Data from payments due to the Contractor. In case of rejection, the amounts
shall be withheld until such drawings are amended and resubmitted for Employer’s

49. Operating and Maintenance Manuals

49.1 The Contractor shall supply Operating and Maintenance Manuals for the Works by the
dates stated in the Contract Data.

48.2 If the Contactor does not supply the Operating and Maintenance Manuals by the dates
stated in the Contract Data, or the Employer rejects the same, the Employer shall
withhold the amount stated in the Contract Data from payments due to the Contractor. In
case of rejection, the amounts shall be withheld until such manuals are amended and
resubmitted for Employer’s approval

50. Termination

50.1 The Employer may terminate the Contract if the Contractor causes a fundamental breach
of the Contract.
50.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract include, but shall not be limited to the following:
a) the Contractor stops work for 45 days continuously when no stoppage of work is
shown on the current Program and the stoppage has not been authorized by the
b) the Contractor becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for a
reconstruction or amalgamation, in which case, the new entity so formed shall be
liable and responsible for all obligations of the Contractor under this agreement;
c) the Employer gives Notice to correct a particular Defect and the Contractor fails to
correct it within a reasonable period of time determined by the Employer;
d) the Contractor does not maintain security, as required by the Employer and stipulated

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e) the Contractor has delayed the completion of Works by the number of days for which
the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid as defined in the Contract
f) if the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in the executing the Contract.
g) the Contractor has delayed the completion of works by the number of days for which
the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid as defined in the Contract
data; and
h) if the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in the executing the Contract.
For the purpose of this paragraph : “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving,
receiving or soliciting of any thing of value to influence the action of a public official
in the procurement process or in contract execution. “Fraudulent practice” means a
misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the
execution of a contract to the detriment of the Borrower, and includes collusive
practice among Tenderers (prior to or after Tender submission) designed to establish
Tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Borrower of the
benefits of free and open competition.”

50.3 The Contractor may terminate the Contract if the Employer causes a fundamental breach
of the Contract. Fundamental breach on the part of the Employer shall mean:
a) the Employer instructs the Contractor to delay the progress of the Works and the
instruction is not withdrawn within (30) days;
b) a payment due to the Contractor is not paid by the Employer within 90 days of the
date of the submission of the Bill by Contractor;

50.4 The Employer may terminate the Contract for legitimate reasons, such as new
requirement in the larger public interest, court or government orders, poor quality of work
by Contractor based on third-party assessment, etc.

50.5 If the Contract is terminated the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site
safe and secure and vacate the site with immediate effect by handing over possession to
the Employer.

51. Payment upon Termination

51.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the

Contractor, the Employer shall prepare bill for the value of the work done less advance
payments received up to the date of the bill, less other recoveries due in terms of the
Contract, less taxes due to be deducted at source as per applicable law and less the
percentage to apply to the work not completed as indicated in the Contract Data.
Additional Liquidated Damages shall not apply. If the total amount due to the Employer
exceeds any payment due to the Contractor the difference shall be a debt payable by the
Contractor to the Employer.
51.2 If the Contract is terminated at the Employer's convenience or because of a fundamental
breach of Contract by the Employer, the Employer shall prepare bill for the value of the
work done, the reasonable cost of removal of Equipment, repatriation of the Contractor's
personnel employed solely on the Works, and the Contractor's costs of protecting and
securing the Works and less advance payments received up to the date of the certificate,
less other recoveries due in terms of the contract, and less taxes due to be deducted at
source as per applicable law and make payment accordingly.

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52. Property

52 All materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works and Works are deemed to
be the property of the Employer, if the Contract is terminated because of a Contractor’s

52. Release from performance

52.1 If the Contract is frustrated by any event entirely outside the control of either the
Employer or the Contractor, the Employer shall certify that the Contract has been
frustrated. The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop work immediately after
receiving a certificate to this effect and shall be paid for all work carried out before the
issuance of such certificate.


1. Labour:

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for and bear and pay all costs and
expenses with respect to the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for
their payment, housing, feeding and transport.

The Contractor shall, if required by the Employer, deliver to the Employer a return in
detail, in such form and at such intervals as the Employer may prescribe, showing the
staff and the numbers of the several classes of labour from time to time employed by the
Contractor on the Site and such other information as the Employer may require.

2. Compliance with labour regulations:

During continuance of the Contract, the Contractor at all times, by all existing labour
enactments and rules made thereunder, regulations, notifications and bye laws of the State
or Central Government or local authority and any other labour law (including rules),
regulations, bye laws that may be passed or notification that may be issued under any
labour law in future either by the State or the Central Government or the local authority.
The Contractor shall keep the Employer indemnified in case any action is taken against
the Employer by the competent authority on account of contravention of any of the
provisions of any Act or rules made thereunder, regulations or notifications including
amendments. If the Employer is caused to pay or reimburse, such amounts as may be
necessary to cause or observe, or for non-observance of the provisions stipulated in the
notifications/bye laws/Acts/Rules/regulations including amendments, if any, on the part
of the Contractor, Employer shall have the right to deduct any money due to the
Contractor including his amount of Security Deposit. The Employer shall also have right
to recover from the Contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making
good the loss or damage suffered by the Employer.

The employees of the Contractor and the Sub-Contractor in no case shall be treated as the
employees of the Employer at any point of time.

3. Protection of Environment:

The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment, in the
performance of this Contract, on and off the Site and to avoid damage or nuisance to
persons or to property of the public or others resulting from pollution, noise or other
causes arising as a consequence of his methods of operation. During continuance of the
Contract, the Contractor and his Sub-Contractors shall abide, at all times, by all existing

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enactments on environmental protection and rules made there under, regulations,
notifications and bye-laws of the State or Central Government, or local authorities and
any other law, bye-law, regulations that may be passed or notification that may be issued
in this respect in future by the State or Central Government or the local authority.

4. Arbitration (Clause 24)

4.1 The procedure for arbitration shall be as follows:

(a) In case of dispute or difference arising between the Employer and the Contractor
relating to any matter arising out of or connected with this agreement it shall be settled in
accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996. The disputes or differences
shall be referred to a 3-member panel of Arbitrators. The Arbitrator panel shall be
appointed by the Indian Council of Arbitration one from the Indian Road Congress or
National Highways Authority of India and an expert in civil engineering.

(b) Arbitration proceedings shall be held at Bangalore, Karnataka, India

(c) The cost and expenses of arbitration proceedings will be paid as determined by the
panel of Arbitrators. However the expenses incurred by each party in connection with the
preparation, presentation, etc., shall be borne by each party itself.

(d) Performance under the contract shall continue during the arbitration proceedings and
payments due to the Contractor by the Employer shall not be withheld, unless they are the
subject matter of the arbitration proceedings.

G. Additional Clause :
In the case of the death of a contractor after executing the agreement/ commencement of the
work, his legal heir, if an eligible registered contractor and willing, can execute and complete the
work at the accepted tender rates irrespective of the cost of the work.

As per the Government Order No: UDD 507 SFC 2015 Dated: 22.12.2015, the successful
tenderer shall deploy all resources and materials required to complete the work satisfactorily
and should do the work in full Two Shifts. Two shift work is mandatory and shall be considered
while submitting the bids.

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1. Indian Council of Arbitration, New Delhi.

2. International Centre for Alternative Disputes Resolution (India).
3. Indian Roads Congress.
4. Indian Building Congress.
5. Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers.
6. Indian Institute of Public Health Engineers.
7. Institute of Water Works.

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Items marked "N/A" do not apply in this Contract. Clause Reference

The Employer is:


Address: BBMP
Name of authorized Representative: EXECUTIVE ENGINEER

The name and identification number of the Contract is No: EE/RI(Spl)/TEND/ 09 /2016-17,
Dated: 14.09.2016

The Works consists of: ROAD WORK

“Comprehensive Development of Church Street in Bangalore City as per
Tender SURE Guidelines”

Tender Reference: No: EE/RI(Spl)/TEND/ 09 /2016-17, Dated 14.09.2016

The start date shall be the date of issue of notice to proceed with the work. [1.1]

The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works is 06 Months with the following
milestones - [17, 26]

Milestone dates:
Physical works to be completed

Period from the date of issue of

Notice to proceed with the work

Milestone 1 i.e……….. 25% of the work in 2 Months
Milestone 2 i.e.,……….45% of the work in 2 Months
Milestone 3 i.e.,……….Balance 30% Full work in 2 Months.

The Site Possession Date is: Immediately after issuing of work order [21]
The Site is located at “Comprehensive Development of Church Street in
Bangalore City as per Tender SURE Guidelines” and is defined in drawing enclosed.

The Defects Liability Period of 2 Years. [31]

Insurance requirements are as under: [13]

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Type of Cover Minimum cover for Insurance1
(i) Works and of Plant and materials The sum stated in the Agreement plus
(ii) Loss or damage to equipment Full replacement cost
(iii) Loss or damage to property of Third Party Full replacement cost
(iv) Personal injury or death insurance
(a) for Third Party2
(b) for Contractor’s employees or labour In accordance with the statutory
requirements applicable to Karnataka

The liquidated damages for the whole of the works is ten percent of final contract price and that
for the milestones are as under:

For Milestone 1: Rs 18250.00 per day

For Milestone 2: Rs 36500.00 per day
For Milestone 3: Rs 54750.00 per day

The maximum amount of liquidated damages for the whole of the works [41]
is ten percent of final contract price i.e.

The Advance Payments are:-

The amounts of the advance payment are: [42]

Nature of Advance Amount (Rs.) Conditions to be fulfilled

1. Mobilization 5% of the Contract price On submission of un-
conditional Bank Guarantee.
(to be drawn before end of
20% of Contract period)
(The advance payment will be paid to the Contractor no later than 30 days after fulfillment of the
above conditions).

Repayment of advance payment for mobilization : [42]

The advance loan shall be repaid with percentage deductions from the interim payments certified by
the Engineer under the Contract. Deductions shall commence in the next Interim Payment
Certificate following that in which the total of all such payments to the Contractor has reached
not less than 15 percent of the Contract Price or 6 months from the date of payment of first
installment of advance, whichever period concludes earlier, and shall be made at the rate of
7.5% percent of the amounts of all Interim Payment Certificates until such time as the loan has
been repaid, always provided that the loan shall be completely repaid prior to the expiry of the
original time for completion pursuant to Clauses 17 and 26.

“The date by which operating & maintenance manuals are required is within 30 days of issue of
certificate of completion of whole or section of the work as the case may be [48]

The amount to be withheld for failing to supply “as built” drawings or supply of Operation and
Maintenance Manuals by the date required is [48]

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The following events shall also be fundamental breach of the contract: [49.2]

1. The contractor has contravened Sub-clause 7.1 and Clause 9 of CC.

The percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed representing the Employer’s
Additional cost for completing the Works shall be 30 percent. [50.1]

Price Adjustment Formula; ((As per appended Govt. Order No. FD 59 PRO CELL 2004,
dated: 26-11-2004)) – DELETED-

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1 Preamble

This section contains the specifications for proposed work and shall be read in conjunction
with the various other sections forming the Contract namely Notification Inviting
Applications, Instructions to Tenderers, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Bill of
Quantities, Drawings and other related documents mentioned in this Tender Document
together with any Addendum issued thereto.

2. General Specifications

2.1 This shall comprise of Tender S.U.R.E along with the Specification Annexure and
MORTH specifications for Road and Bridge Works (most recent Revision) published by
Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi latest reprinted version and shall be deemed to be bound
into this document.

3. Supplementary Specifications

3.1 This shall comprise various Supplements enclosed separately in Annexure 1 to 13(as listed
1. General
2. Geotechnical Information
3. Availability of Site
4. Contractor’s General Obligation
5. Programming and Planning
6. Design Requirements
7. Safety & Environmental Considerations
8. Traffic Control and Road Safety at Work Zone
9. Utility Services
10. Drains
11. Maintenance
12. Constructions
13. As-Built Drawings
14. Electrical specifications

3.2 Words like ‘Contract’, ‘Contractor’, ‘Drawings’, ‘Works’, ‘Site’, ‘Provisional Sum’ used in
the above mentioned specification shall be deemed to have the same meaning as understood
from the definition of these terms in and as included in the Special Conditions of Contract.

3.3 In the absence of any definite provisions on any particular issue in the aforesaid
specification, reference may be made to the latest MoRTH and I.S Specifications in that
order. Where even these are silent, the construction and completion of the works shall
conform to sound engineering practice and, in case of any dispute arising out of the
interpretation of the above, the decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding
on the Contractor.

4. Specifications for materials, plant and machinery

4.1 Material

All materials to be provided by the Contractors shall be in conformity to the specifications

laid down in the Contract and the Contractor shall if required by the Engineer-in-Charge
furnish proof about their suitability and fitness to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-

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4.2 Storage of Materials

All materials brought and kept at site of work by the Contractor or by his orders for the
purpose of forming part of the works are to be considered to be the property of the office of
… and the same shall not to be removed or taken away by the Contractor or any other
person without the permission of the Engineer-in-Charge. But the Engineer-in-Charge shall
not be responsible for any loss or damage which may occur to or in respect of any such work
or materials either by the same being lost or stolen or damaged by weather or otherwise
including natural calamities (flood, earthquake, rains, riots, fire, etc.).

i. Materials required for the works shall be stored by the Contractor only at places, in standard
profiles and in the manner as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Storage and safe custody
of all materials shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Special care should be
taken as per relevant specification for storage of bitumen etc.

ii. The Contractors shall construct suitable go-down at the site of work for storing the material
safe against damage due to sun, rain, dampness, fire, theft etc. He shall also employ
necessary security measures for the purpose and no extra claim whatsoever shall be
entertained on this account.

iii. From commencement till completion, all materials and works shall be under the safe
custody of Contractor. The Contractor is solely responsible for and to make good all
injuries, damages and repairs accrued to or rendered necessary to the same by fire, storm,
rain, traffic or other causes and to hold the Engineer-in-Charge indemnified from any claim
for injuries to person or for structural damage to property occurring from only neglect,
default, want of proper care or misconduct on the part of the Contractor.

iv. The Contractor shall produce samples of all materials to be procured by him sufficiently in
advance to obtain approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Subsequently the materials to be
used in the actual execution of the work shall strictly conform to the quality of samples
approved. In case of variation in quality such materials shall be liable for rejection. The
rejected materials shall be removed from the site within 48 hours of their rejection, also the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be authorised to remove the same at the risk and cost of the

4.3 Quality control and Testing of Materials

i. The Contractor at his own expense shall make arrangements with necessary equipment to
carryout tests such as grading of aggregate, fineness modulus of sand, bulking of sand, silt
content in sand, tests on cement and concrete etc., at the site of work. The Contractor shall
be required to provide appliances at site such as weighing scale, graduated cylinder,
standard sieves, three wooden / metal board of size 0.5 x 0.5 mtr = 0.25 sqm area, one
digital contact thermometer, two screw drivers, one measuring scale, camber board, depth
gauge, three meter long wooden or aluminum beam or straight edge, one graduated scale bit
or wedge scale, etc., in order to enable the Engineer-In-Charge to conduct field tests,
whenever required by him to ensure that the quality is consistent with the prescribed
specification. Similarly well-equipped laboratory for testing of concrete, aggregates
including earth work shall be provided by the Contractor at site of work.

ii. Materials including but not limited to water, sand, cement and aggregate to be used in the
works such as concrete, masonry, road work, amongst others shall comply with Annexure 9
of Tender SURE and shall pass all the tests and analysis required.

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iii. All the necessary tests shall be conducted in the laboratory established at site by the
Contractor or in any recognized laboratory approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
samples shall be taken for carrying out all or any of the tests stipulated in the particular
specifications or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge or his authorized Representative.
The Contractor shall at his risk and cost make all arrangements and shall provide all such
facilities as the Engineer-in-Charge may require for collecting, preparing, forwarding the
required number of samples for test and for analysis as per the frequency of test stipulated
in the Contract specifications or as considered necessary by the Engineer-in-Charge.

iv. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding type of tests, their frequency, suitability
of any of the materials to be used in the work shall be final and binding on the Contract or
notwithstanding any other provision elsewhere in the tender Documents.

v. The Contractor or his authorised Representative shall co-operate in collection, preparation,

forwarding and testing of such samples. Even if he, or his authorised Representative is not
present, the result of such tests and consequences thereon shall be binding on the Contractor
provided the Contractor has been provided with prior intimation of such tests. The
Contractor or his authorised Representative shall remain in contact with the Engineer-in-
Charge or his authorised Representative for the conduct of all such operations.

vi. The Contractor shall give not less than 3 days’ notice of all tests in order that the Engineer-
in-Charge or his authorised Representative may be present. The Contractor shall supply two
copies of all test certificates to the Engineer -in - Charge for approval, immediately after the
completion of the tests. Test certificates shall invariably be supplied to the Engineer - in
Charge before the material or components are used in the works, unless the Engineer-in-
Charge directs otherwise.

vii. All materials, which are specified to be tested, at the place of manufacture, shall
satisfactorily pass the test before being used in works.

viii. Other Materials

Any material, for which there is no relevant Indian Standard, shall be the best of their kind
and to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Contractor shall at his own expense, submit
to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval, samples of any of the materials and components to
be used. The quality of materials and components subsequently used in the works shall not
be inferior to the approved samples.

4.4 Construction Equipment

i. The methodology and equipment to be used on the project shall be furnished by the
Contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge well in advance of commencement of work and
approval obtained prior to its adoption and use.

ii. The Contractor shall give a trial run of the equipment for establishing the capability to
achieve the laid down specification and tolerance to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-
Charge before commencement of work.

iii. All equipment provided shall be of proven efficiency and shall be operated and maintained
at all times in a good working condition.

iv. No equipment or personnel shall be removed from the site without prior permission of the

v. No tools and plants will be supplied by the department and the Contractor will have to make
his own arrangements at his expense.

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All construction tools, plant and machineries provided by the Contractor shall, when
brought to the site, be deemed to be exclusively intended for the construction and
completion of this work and the Contractor shall not remove the same or any part thereof
(save for the purpose of moving it from one part of the site to another) without the written
permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Other specifications listed shall be referred to as necessary:-

1. Karnataka Building specification
2. Karnataka Standard rate analysis for building.
3. Karnataka roads and bridges specifications.
4. Karnataka standard rates analysis for roads and bridges.
5. MOST specification
6. National building code and BIS Specification.
7. For water supply and sanitary works – Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage
Board (BWSSB) - Technical Specification.




1. General
2. Geotechnical Information (deleted)
3. Availability of Site
4. Contractor’s General Obligation
5. Programming and Planning
6. Design Requirements
7. Safety & Environmental Considerations
8. Traffic Control and Road Safety at Work Zone
9. Utility Services
10. Drains
11. Maintenance
12. Constructions
13. As built drawings.
14. Electrical Specifications
15. Sequence of Activities

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The works under Contract comprises the construction of proposed improvement of seven roads in
Central Business District as per Tender SURE standards, Junction, drainage works, re
cambering/resurfacing of the existing and adjacent roads, construction of new carriageway,
construction of utility ducts, cross drains, culverts, foot path, cycle track, development of parking
areas & bus bays, landscaping, Electrification of the road and all other structures required for the
completion of the Works.


The duration of the Contract shall continue for 11 calendar months from the Contract
Commencement Date stated in the Letter of Acceptance.


1.3.1 This contract involves the design (wherever required, including submission and obtaining of
all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities), construction and completion of the

a) Site clearance, demolition works, earthworks, temporary works, Traffic

diversion, Barricading the construction site, Utility shifting and all
ancillary works as shown on the Drawings and deemed necessary for the
carrying out of temporary and permanent construction works;

b) Widening/re-cambering/raising/milling down and overlaying of existing

carriageways, flexible/rigid pavement at at-grade road intersections and
accesses to adjoining developments;

c) Trees cutting (if any) as indicated in the Drawings;

d) Excavation of trenches;

e) Construction of Utility ducts, cross drains as per the drawing.;

f) Construction of footpath, cycle track, kerbs, railings, vehicular impact

guardrails, and other road-related facilities;

g) Formation of slopes, berm and embankments;

h) Close turfing to all slopes, berm, embankments and all other areas as
indicated in the Drawings;

i) Supply and install new traffic signage, directional signage, street name
signs and re-sitting of such existing signs and other road signs to be
retained, inclusive of support and foundations by Manufacturer of Retro
Reflective ASTM Type XI sheet or their Indian subsidiary;

j) Supply and installation of new Electric poles and light fittings as shown
in the Drawings;

k) Temporary and permanent diversion and restoration of footpath, drains,

roads and street furniture including the supply and painting of road/lane
markings for all temporary and permanent carriageway in accordance
with the Employer’s requirements and to the satisfaction of the Engineer;

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l) Re-sitting/reconstruction of existing fencing, posts, gates, footpaths,
signages, boundary walls, guardrails, railings, parapet walls, bollards,
and all others affected by the Works. The boundary wall/fencing affected
shall be reconstructed to a standard equal to or better than the existing
condition of the boundary wall/fencing, abutting the road reserve line and
to its current exposed height with new foundation after raising of the road
level to the proposed level;

m) All other works and services ancillary or related to the full completion of
the Works in accordance with the Employer’s requirements.

1.3.2 The Contractor shall ascertain, determine and verify the locations of all utility services
(whether or not indicated on the Drawings), in the vicinity of the Works, and co-ordinate
with utility agencies for the diversion of affected services and the laying of new services.
The Contractor shall support and protect services that need not be diverted or pending
diversion and remove all abandoned services.

1.3.3 The Contractor’s responsibility for the design and build works includes the submissions to
relevant government authorities / technical departments for obtaining all necessary

1.3.4 The Contractor shall co-ordinate and interfaces his works with that of all other contractors,
subcontractors, utility services, statutory authorities, etc. and achieve the completion of the
Works to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.3.5 The Contractor shall verify the proposed road reserve, cadastral boundary and contract
boundary and all dimensions on Site prior to submission of Tender. The Contractor is
responsible for clarifying any discrepancy between the Drawings and actual condition on

1.3.6 The Contractor shall make good all works including road surfaces, drains, concrete slabs,
gratings, kerbs, pavements, turfing, railing, fence, boundary wall, etc. affected or damaged
during the course of construction, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The costs of making
good all these defects shall be borne solely by the Contractor and deemed included in his
Contract Sum.

1.3.7 All works specified in this clause shall include the provision of all labour, tools, equipment,
material, traffic control, transport and everything else necessary for the satisfactory
completion of the Work by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.3.8 The Contractor shall provide all electrical works as outlined in the Drawings and
Specifications for the Works, including provision of a comprehensive plan/section layout
indicating the proposed locations of conduits, lightning tape, junction boxes etc. obscured
and concealed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.3.9 A description of the Works involved in this Contract is given in the Specifications for the
guidance of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely and fully responsible for
investigating and ensuring the actual extent and nature of the Works comprised in this
Contract prior to submission of his Tender.

1.3.10 Construction, management and quality of the Works shall comply with the Drawings and


Exclusion will be only on approval from any other departments. However, liaisoning with
other departments is included in the scope of work.

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1.4.1 The term ‘the Specifications’ used throughout the Contract shall be deemed to include:-
i. Particular Specification with Appendices;
ii. Material and Workmanship Specification for Civil and Structural Works;
iii. Civil Design Criteria for Road and Transit Systems;
iv. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone, (including all other subsequent
v. Code of Practice for Road Signs, IRC: 67-2012
vi. Code of Practice for Works on Public Streets including all other subsequent
amendments; and
vii. Road Inventory Specifications;
inclusive and all shall be deemed to form part of the Contract and shall be supplementary to one

1.4.2 The Particular Specification is to be read in conjunction with all other specifications listed
above which sets out generally the Employer’s Requirements with regards to quality of
materials and workmanship.

1.4.3 Where specific provision is made in the Particular Specification for any workmanship or
materials, such provision shall have precedence over all other specifications listed above.


1.5.1 The term ‘the Drawings’ used throughout the Contract shall be deemed to include:-
a. Drawings with specification notes as per Tender SURE standards
suggested/mandated by the Employer; and
b. MoUD/MoSRT&H/IRC Standard Details of Road Elements, and all other
subsequent amendments on details of road elements; and
c. Supplementary drawings which are issued together with Engineer’s
instructions from time to time by the Engineer.

1.5.2 In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the Drawings in 1.5.1 of Particular
Specification and the Standard Details of Road Elements forming part of the Contract, the
Drawings in 1.5.1.a. shall take precedence.


1.6.1 The term ’the Authority’ used throughout the document shall mean the Employer.

1.6.2 The term ‘the Engineer’ used throughout the document shall mean the representative of
Tender Inviting Agency/Authority.

1.6.3 The term ‘Qualified Person (QP)’ used throughout the document shall mean the Employer/
Executive Engineer BBMP (TEC) or his authorized representatives.


1.6.5 The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Preliminaries and all other requirements
as specified in the Contract.

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1.7.1 The Contractor shall be deemed to have read and agreed to the use of the rates contained in
the Fixed Schedule of Rates as the basis for deriving the cost of any variation authorised by
the Engineer.

1.7.2 Where there is discrepancy between the rate for the same item of work in the section on
Provisional Quantities and the Fixed Schedule of Rates, the rate inserted in the section on
Provisional Quantities shall prevail.

1.7.3 The term ‘Schedule of Rates’ used throughout the Contract shall mean Fixed Schedule of


1.8.1 Where no price, “NA”, “N.A”, "NIL", "-", "INC", "INCL", "INCLD", "]", “included” and
blank "is entered against items in the pricing column under the Contractor’s Submissions,
then it shall be deemed that the cost of the said items are covered by other rates and prices and
have been included in the total sum of the relevant bills. The Contractor shall reallocate the
sum to reflect the actual cost upon award of contract for payment purposes.

1.8.2 The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed in his Contract Sum the Employer's
requirements and all other obligations under the Contract, whether expressly stated in or
which may be reasonably implied from the Specifications.



1.10.1 The extent of the Contract limit is as indicated in the Employer’s Drawings.

1.10.2 Notwithstanding the Contract limits shown in the Employer’s Drawings, the Contractor shall
note the full extent of the Works which include road markings, relocation, reconstruction,
reconfiguration of driveways, site accesses, temporary and permanent drains, pipe conduits
and necessary connections for public lighting and traffic lighting, earth works, turfing,
environmental assessments, necessary safety measures and protection works, sewer lines etc.
which may extend beyond the Contract limits for the necessary completion of the Works. The
Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed this in his Contract Sum and his Baseline
Programme as no claim on account of this provision will be entertained by the Employer.







3.5 SITE office DELETED

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3.1.1 The Contractor shall note that other contractors may be working along ______ and its
vicinity at the commencement of the contract. The Contractor shall liaise closely with these
contractors on the interfacing work and proper handling over of the site. He shall schedule
his baseline programme to ensure that the whole project can be completed within the
contract period.


3.2.1 The Contractor shall be deemed to have acquainted himself with the actual location and
conditions of the Site and allow for any contingency with regard to the means of access and
any special site restrictions including making good all works disturbed or damaged to match
the existing.

3.2.2 The Contractor shall ensure that all approved accesses shall not impose any constraints and
hazard to existing establishments, other works by other contractors, or adjoining contracts.
If such accesses are required to be relocated, deleted or closed as may be directed by the
Engineer, the Contractor shall do so at no costs and loss of time to the Works.

3.2.3 Creation of any access shall not be permitted without approval from the authorities (Bruhat
Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP), Bangalore Development Authority (BDA), Public
Works Department (PWD), BWSSB, BESCOM, other relevant authorities) and the
Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for seeking such approvals if he wishes to
secure such accesses and comply with all conditions and requirements including all
necessary protection to existing drainage facilities, landscaping, services etc. that may be

3.2.4 In cases where the Contractor requires land outside his contract boundary to carry out
construction works such as construction of temporary site access, etc. the Contractor shall
liaise with the owners of the properties for the temporary use of the land. He shall comply
with all requirements of the landowners, pay all necessary charges, reinstate and return the
land to the respective owners at the end of the stipulated period of usage. Any additional
tree felling needed due to the above works shall only be carried out with the prior approval
from the Engineer and the relevant authorities.

3.2.5 The Contractor shall provide proper access to the work site for Engineer’s inspection of the
works and make his own arrangements, subject to the Engineer’s approval, for provision of
all necessary temporary footbridge/footpaths, crossing over the existing Drainage Reserves
and any protection measures during the course of the Works.


3.3.1 The Contractor and his sub-contractors shall provide all personnel with distinctive badges
showing the Contractor’s name and the employee’s name or number. Each employee of the
Contractor shall display his badge in a prominent manner while on the site. The Contractor
shall establish a system of badge control acceptable to the Engineer.


3.4.1 The Contractor shall carry out his own investigation and shall pay attention to the site
constraints within the work area. He shall note that in general, restraints would be imposed

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on the working hours, noise levels produced, environmental pollution and access
requirements etc.

3.4.2 The Contractor shall be deemed to have visited the site, have familiarized himself with site
conditions and have understood local conditions and the full extent and character of the
works, the supply of and conditions affecting labour and probable adverse effects of the
weather on the general execution of the Contract before tendering, as no claim would be
entertained for delays or designs or methods of constructions because of unforeseen
circumstance arising out of the Contractor’s lack of knowledge of these conditions.

3.4.3 The Contractor is advised that there may be other contractors, government or statutory bodies
working in the same area. He shall ensure that there is no interference with the works of
such other contractors, government or statutory bodies and shall maintain close liaison with
them and allow this in his work programme such that his own works can progress in a
smooth and satisfactory manner. The Employer will entertain no claim on account of this

3.4.4 The Contractor shall note that no vehicles, equipment and any temporary staging works are
allowed to station at/occupy the drainage reserve unless prior written approval has been
given by BWSSB and Storm Water Drain Department of ULB respectively.

3.4.5 The Works must be carried out with minimum noise and no nuisance in any form will be
tolerated. No inconvenience should be caused to the occupants residing in the vicinity. The
Contractor shall maintain all existing local access. All entrances and exit to and from
existing properties shall be kept open at all times throughout the duration of the Contract.
The Contractor shall also provide alternative/additional access if required.

3.4.6 The Contractor shall note the pedestrian flow on site and make his own arrangements, for
provision of any alternative/additional temporary footpaths, crossings, protection, etc.
during the course of the Works, subject to the approval of the Engineer.

3.4.7 All Works must be carried out with utmost care and caution. No damage shall be caused to
any existing wires, cables, service pipes and any part of the existing property. Any damage
to such shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense.


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4.1.1 The Contractor shall submit, within 15 days after the Date of Commencement of the
Contract, a site responsibility chart to show the functions and responsibilities of
various personnel from the Project Manager to the workmen responsible for
executing the Works, as well as the functions and responsibilities of the sub-
contractors involved.
4.1.2 The key representatives (Project Manager, Design Co-ordinator, Construction
Managers, Safety and Health Officer, Environmental Control Officer, site engineers
and site supervisors, etc.) proposed by the Contractor shall possess similar work
experiences in construction works as required for this Contract. The Contractor shall
submit curriculum vitae (CV) and particulars of the project team including name,
designation, appointment, qualification, relevant experience and responsibilities, etc.
to the Engineer for approval.
4.1.3 The Contractor shall submit an Organisation chart including but not limited to the
following project team members, all full-time on site unless otherwise specified, to
manage the Works:
a) Project Manager with at least 10 years relevant experience and a Degree in Civil
b) Site Engineers in Civil &MEP with at least three (3) years relevant experience in
respective branches and a Degree in Engineering in respective branches;
c) Planning engineer with at least five (5) years relevant experience with a Degree
in Civil Engineering.;
d) Plant Engineer with Degree /Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with three or
seven (3/7) years of relevant experience respectively;

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e) Quality controlling Engineer with Degree /Diploma in Civil Engineering with
three or seven (3/7) years of relevant experience respectively;
f) Quantity Surveyor Degree /Diploma in Civil Engineering with three or seven
(3/7) years of relevant experience respectively;
g) Land Surveyor (part-time);
h) Safety and Health Supervisor;
i) Site Supervisor/Foreman with relevant experience in road construction and traffic
control with certificate in Pavement Construction and Maintenance awarded
by ________ (Authority);
j) Qualified Supervisor for Temporary Traffic Control;
k) Licensed Cable Detection Worker, whenever required; and
l) Lifting Supervisors with certificate in Lifting Operations awarded by Building
________ (Authority).
The Contractor shall note that the number of personnel specified above is the
minimum required for the Contract. The actual number of personnel shall be
increased by the Contractor where situations arise in relation to the Works which
require more supervision effort.


4.2.1 The Contractor shall take levels and set out for the whole of the Works including
other surveying works throughout the construction and Defects Liability Period as
and when required by the Engineer.
4.2.2 The Contractor shall determine and mark out on site the minimum clearance where
the proposed structures cross over the existing carriageways and shall inform the
Engineer within a month of award of the Contract.
4.2.3 The information on existing levels as shown on the Drawings is provided in good
faith for the general guidance of the Contractor. The Contractor is to note that
accuracy of information shown on the Drawings is not guaranteed. The Contractor
shall visit the site and carry out field surveys if he considers it necessary to ascertain
the full extent of the Works.
4.2.4 Within one week after the commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall submit
to the Engineer for his verification and endorsement, records of levels of the existing
site condition. Similarly, the Contractor shall submit the as-constructed levels of the
site to the Engineer upon completion of the Works. Such records shall be certified
and endorsed by a Registered Surveyor engaged by the Contractor at his own cost.


4.3.1 The Contractor shall provide all facilities at the site for the purpose of conducting
joint site meetings between the Contractor and the Engineer (or his representatives),
as well as ensure notice of meetings and participation by all relevant department
agencies – BWSSB, BESCOM, Traffic POLICE - to monitor the progress of the
4.3.2 Site progress meetings shall be convened at a minimum of once a month as well as
when arranged by the Engineer. A full progress review will be conducted by the
Contractor at these meetings and minutes recorded and sent to all Agencies. All sub-
contracotor representatives shall also be present at these project review meetings

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4.3.3 The Contractor’s key representatives (Project Manager, Construction Managers,
Safety and Health Officer, Environmental Control Officer and site engineers, etc.) are
required to attend daily pre-work meeting punctually prior to commencement of site
activities and submit daily and weekly works programme to the Engineer (or his
4.3.4 The Contractor will be required to attend meeting as and when notified and he shall
make available a responsible person with authority to accept and make decisions and
to act on his behalf. All site meetings shall be properly minuted and recorded by the
Contractor and a copy of the minutes for each meeting shall be submitted to the
Engineer for record purpose.


4.4.1 The Contractor shall provide at all times during the execution of the Works and the
Defects Liability Period proper means of access with ladders, gangways, etc., and
necessary attendance to move and adapt the same as directed, for the inspection or
measurement of the Works by the Engineer or his representatives.
4.4.2 The Contractor shall provide all assistance, supply and maintain necessary facilities
such as digital camera with adequate flash, close-up and zoom lenses, torch,
measuring staff, etc. to enable the Engineer or his representatives to check and record
the progress of Works.


4.5.1 The Contractor must clear all obstacles which may cause obstruction to the Works. In
the case of a parked vehicle, he shall, at the direction of the Engineer's
representatives, serve notice to inform the driver to move it from site.
4.5.2 All construction plant and equipment shall not be parked on main roads and shall be
moved from site as soon as work completes. In cases where the construction plant and
equipment are left on site for the purpose of works on the next day, then, subject to
the Engineer’s approval, the Contractor shall ensure that such items are properly
parked and that there is no obstruction to traffic flow.


4.6.1 The Contractor shall maintain noise levels for construction premises as stipulated
under the Environmental Pollution Control (Control of Noise at Construction Site
Regulations) (Amended) Regulations latest and subsidiary legislation and any
amendments and/or re-enactment thereto.
4.6.2 All vehicles and mechanical construction plants used for the purpose of the Works
shall be fitted with effective exhaust silencers and shall be maintained in good and
efficient working order.
4.6.3 All compressors shall be sound reduced models fitted with properly lined and sealed
acoustic covers which shall be kept closed whenever the machines are in use, and all
ancillary pneumatic percussive tools shall be fitted with mufflers or silencers of the
type recommended by the manufacturer.
4.6.4 All construction plants shall, where appropriate, be muffled and the Engineer shall
have the authority to instruct the Contractor to shut down any which is not adequately
muffled and to remove it from the Site.
4.6.5 All machines in intermittent use shall be shut down or throttled down to a minimum
in the intervening periods between works. Noise emitting equipment running
continuously shall be housed in a suitable acoustic enclosure.

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4.6.6 Constructional plant shall be maintained in good and workmanlike condition so that
extraneous noises from mechanical vibration, creaking and squeaking are reduced to
an acceptable minimum.
4.6.7 Percussive methods will not be permitted for breaking concrete. Equipment which
breaks concrete or used for bending or such other equipment as is approved by the
Engineer shall be used.
4.6.8 All pile driving, demolition works etc shall be carried out by a recognised noise
reducing system. Rotary drills and busters actuated by hydraulic or electrical power
shall, where practicable, be used for excavating hard material. Noisy constructional
plant shall be sited as far away as possible from occupied buildings. The use of
barriers (noise barriers, site huts, acoustic sheds, screens or partitions) to absorb and
or deflect noise away from occupied buildings shall be employed wherever possible.
4.6.9 Care shall be taken when loading or unloading vehicles, dismantling scaffolding or
moving materials to reduce impact noise. Access to the working areas shall be such as
to ensure minimum disturbance to persons in occupied buildings. The Contractor
shall not execute any of the works or carry out maintenance of construction plants in
such a manner as to cause nuisance unless the work is absolutely necessary to save
life or property or for the safety of the works in which case the Contractor shall
immediately advise the Engineer.
4.6.10 The Contractor shall provide all that is necessary, including competent and qualified
personnel and suitable equipment for all the measurements and recordings of the
noise levels as and when requested by the Engineer during the Contract duration and
submit a detailed report including analysis within two days after the day of
measurements to the Engineer.
4.6.11 The Contractor shall provide and use construction plant and equipment, which have
been specifically designed or modified to reduce the noise of normal operation.
4.6.12 All night work after 6pm shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
4.7.1 The Employer will engage an independent consultant to act as the Qualified Person
(PMC) as required under the ________ including any subsequent amendments and
subsidiary legislation.
4.7.2 The Qualified Person (PMC) will supervise, review, evaluate and assess the
Contractor’s proposal for Permanent Works, Temporary Works, risk analysis report,
instrumentation monitoring strategy and other submissions from the Contractor in
relation to this Contract.
4.7.3 The Contractor shall provide necessary information and co-operation to the appointed
Qualified Person (PMC) so as to enable him to discharge his statutory duties under
the __________satisfactorily.

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5.1.1 Within 15 days after the award of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit six (6)
hardcopies and one (1) softcopy of a Baseline Programme to the Engineer for his
acceptance. The Contractor’s project manager shall make a presentation of his
proposed programme to the Engineer to demonstrate his understanding of the contract
requirements, planning, control, monitoring of works programme and resources of the
Works. Upon acceptance of the Baseline Programme by the Engineer, the Contractor
shall adhere to it strictly. The Contractor shall ensure that preparation, updating and
revision of programme of works are carried out by experienced and qualified

5.1.2 The Baseline Programme shall be developed by the computerised Critical Path
Method (CPM) using the Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM). The
programming software shall be Primavera Project Planner or Microsoft Project or
Open Plan, subject to the Engineer’s approval.

5.1.3 Programme Details

The level of programme development, information and detail shall be sufficient to

accurately define the Contractor’s intentions and sequence of works. The programme
shall show every significant activity required for the completion of the Contract that
include but not limited to the following:

a. key dates, milestones, interface and handover dates, phased completion and
completion of Whole of the Works;

b. Contractor’s design (where applicable) including dates for submission to and

acceptance by the Engineer;

c. submission and acceptance of road diversion plan, utilities diversion plan,

Temporary Works and other works requiring approvals from authorities;

d. procurement of major equipment and material, in particular long lead items

and the delivery to site;

e. all on-site works, including preliminary and Temporary Works by the

Contractor, his sub-contractors and suppliers;

f. any off-site work such as the production and/or fabrication of any

components or materials;

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g. the different stages of traffic diversion and specific requirements with regard
to traffic aspects as given in this Specification;

h. interface with Utility Agencies and work done by Utility Agencies or the
Contractor for diversion;

i. interface with other contracts/contractors; and

j. any outside influence which will or may affect the progress of Works.

5.1.4 Programme Methodology

The format and content of the CPM network shall adhere to the following

a. Activities shall be logically linked in accordance with planned sequence of

works. Lag time when used shall be clearly explained.

b. Programme constraints shall not be imposed except specifically accepted by

the Engineer. Full explanations shall be provided to substantiate the need of
these constraints. Where the use of constraints is appropriate, constraint types
such as “Start No Earlier Than” and “Finish No Later Than” shall be used.
Mandatory and zero total float constraints shall not be used.

c. Activity shall be planned with float time except for activities which are
subject to constraints beyond the control of the Contractor and where
additional resources by the Contractor cannot reduce the duration required for
the task. Such activities shall be highlighted and substantiated for the
Engineer’s acceptance in the programme submissions.

d. Activity description shall be sufficiently detailed to clearly convey the

specific geographical location, nature and scope of the work included.

e. Each activity in the network shall be coded such that activities can be
summarised and grouped based on phase, geographic locations and major
items of works.

f. Each activity shall be cost and resource loaded. The cost attached to each
activity shall be agreed with the Engineer.


5.2.1 Monthly Contractor’s Report

Not later than the fifth day of each month, the Contractor shall prepare and deliver to
the Engineer four (4) copies of the Contractor's monthly report with progress
photographs (hereafter referred to as the "Contractor's Report") on the execution of
the Works in the preceding month. One softcopy of the updated Baseline Programme
shall also be submitted.

5.2.2 The Report shall be typed, printed and bound. It shall be supported by graphics and
photographs. Unless the Engineer directs otherwise, the Contractor's Report shall

a. Introduction;

b. Monthly Progress Report;

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c. Performance Report;

d. Status Report; and

e. Narrative Report.

5.2.3 Monthly/Weekly/Daily Progress

a. The Contractor shall keep a record of monthly progress of Works on site in
the form of colour photographs with appropriate annotations and dates stated;
b. The Contractor shall deliver daily to the Engineer’s representative a report as
to the number of workmen employed on the works in each trade, etc. and
records of delivery notes of all goods and materials delivered to the site;
c. Not later than 8.30 a.m. on each Saturday, the Contractor shall deliver to the
Engineer a programme of the works he intends to execute in the following
week. The programme shall of a format as agreed with the Engineer and shall
clearly show the nature of those works, their locations any significant
manpower, material and plant resource required therefore. The programme
shall identify the Contractor's personnel who will be responsible for the
supervision of the various activities; and
d. Not later than 8.30 a.m. on each working day, the Contractor shall deliver to
the Engineer a programme of the works he intends to execute on that day.
The programme shall be of a format as agreed with the Engineer and its
requirements shall be as those for the weekly programme of works.






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6.1.1 The Employer will provide additional detailed drawings as needed and developed during
the course of the Project implementation, to guide the works details. The Contractor
shall supply suggested details and construction drawings and technical literatures
(specifications, brochures, material data), proposed material samples of items as required
in the working drawings to demonstrate full compliance of the Employer’s requirements
and specifications, or as required to supplement the working drawings.

6.1.2 All construction drawings, technical literatures and proposed material samples shall be
submitted for the Employer’s approval prior to commencement of the Works and before
any orders or bulk delivery of the said materials to the site is made. All samples which
are approved will indicate the standard to be maintained in the execution of the Works
and shall be Engineer marked and retained by the Engineer until the completion of the
Works. In the case of rejection, further samples shall be submitted until they are
approved. The Engineer may reject any material or workmanship which in his opinion, is
not up to the approved standard. All samples submitted shall be deemed included in the
Contract Sum.

6.1.3 Where reference is made to trade names or manufacturer's catalogue numbers, the
Contractor may use any article or material similar and equal to those described only
when specifically approved by the Engineer. No claim due to neglect in this respect shall
be entertained.


6.2.1 The Contractor shall provide all signage, road furniture (including supports and
foundations) and road markings in accordance with the details and locations shown on
the Employer’s Drawings and as specified in the Materials and Workmanship
Specification. Thermoplastic materials as per section MoRTH & IRC shall be used for
all road markings.

6.2.2 The Contractor shall provide additional signage if deem necessary in his design or as
instructed by the Engineer.

6.2.3 The Engineer’s acceptance shall be obtained before any installation on site.


6.3.1 The Contractor shall carry out instrumentation and monitoring works. The Contractor
shall comply with the minimum instrumentation given in the Design Criteria. Upon
award of the Contract, the Contractor shall, in addition to the above, propose additional
instrumentations to suit his construction method / temporary works scheme, and to
ensure the safety and control of the Works subject to the approval of the SO.

6.3.2 The Contractor shall carry out installation of instruments and monitoring of the Works in
a timely and safe manner.

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7.1.1 The Contractor shall throughout the progress of the works have full regard for the
safety, health and welfare of all persons entitled to be upon the site and shall keep the
site and works in an orderly state, appropriate to the avoidance of danger to such
persons and shall maintain at his own cost all ventilation, lights, security personnel,
fences, warning signs, watching, etc. When and where necessary or required by the
engineer or by any statutory or other agency for the protection of the works or for the
safety and convenience of the public or other.

7.1.2 The Contractor is advised to take note under the conditions of contract which
stipulates the demerit points and administrative charges for safety and housekeeping



7.2.1 The Employer aims to set a standard of Occupational Safety and Health environment
consistent with the best international practices for the management of its project.



8.1.1 The Contractor shall comply strictly with the specifications given in the code of
practice for traffic control at work zone which sets out the requirements, standards
and procedures and provides guidance to implement traffic control plan necessary for
carrying out work activities on the road so as to protect the public, equipment and

8.1.2 The Contractor shall submit detailed construction sequence and detailed traffic
diversion schemes including scaled cross-sectional drawings and layout plans to the
Employer for Tender evaluation. All construction sequences proposed by the
Contractor shall have primary considerations for the safety of road users. Protective
measures shall be presented to the Employer for evaluation and approval before
award of Tender.

8.1.3 The Contractor shall note the traffic conditions at the Site and his proposed traffic
diversion schemes shall be based on his investigation and appreciation of the Site for
the completion of the whole of the Works.

8.1.4 The Contractor shall note that the construction methods and schedule of his Works
proposed shall not cause any disruption to traffic flow. All accesses to premises
affected shall be maintained at all times. Unless authorised in writing by the
Engineer, the Contractor shall not be allowed to close off any traffic lane along any
existing roads. He shall not be allowed to place, or cause obstruction near or on the
carriageway in a manner which would cause a reduction in the traffic capacity of the

8.1.5 Closure of any traffic lane or any carriageway required shall be implemented in
accordance with the approved traffic diversion scheme for all affected traffic

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8.1.6 All temporary traffic diversion schemes proposed for the Works shall be provided
with a one-to-one replacement of all affected traffic lanes, footpath, pedestrian
crossing, bus-stop and other road related facilities. Alternative pedestrian crossing
facilities shall be provided prior to the dismantling of existing facilities.

8.1.7 The Contractor shall adhere to the minimum provisions of work zone safety as per
IRC SP55. The Contractor’s qualified engineer shall submit all detailed temporary
traffic diversion schemes for the Works to the Engineer and relevant authorities
including the Traffic Police, and etc. for approval. These proposed traffic diversion
schemes shall be submitted in properly scaled engineering drawings and shall be
supported with traffic analysis report. Such drawings shall include traffic layout plans
showing all traffic signs, lane-markings, advance warning and directional signs etc.,
longitudinal section drawings and all other drawings necessary for the
implementation of the schemes. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of
all relevant authorities in his implementation of the temporary traffic diversion

8.1.8 The temporary diversion road pavement shall be Asphalted or equivalent.

8.1.9 The Contractor shall also liase, co-ordinate with and assist the Employer in scheming
and designing the provision of adequate street lighting along the diversion route.
Foundations for lamp-posts and all ancillary works shall be provided by the

8.1.10 For traffic diversion schemes which are to be implemented for a period of more than
3 months, all lane-markings shall be done in thermoplastic material. Lane-markings
for each stage of the traffic diversion shall be maintained and, if necessary, replaced
and repainted in good condition at all times to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All
existing lane markings affected by the temporary diversion of traffic are to be
properly grinded off. Diverted lane/arrow markings must be properly painted and
must not be confused with the existing markings.

8.1.11 The Contractor shall note that all vehicular impact guardrails or kerbs removed
during the construction stage shall be replaced with water filled safety barriers
complete with safety reflective discs.




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9.1.1 Prior to commencement of any part of the works under the contract, the Contractor shall
locate (by cutting trial trenches, using cable detector, etc.), the exact positions of all existing sewer
mains, gas mains, water mains, electrical cables, telecommunication cables and other utility services.
The Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to prevent damage to the services and minimize
all inconvenience to residents, during the cutting of trial trenches.

9.1.2 Where utility services which are in the way of the works are not diverted or not to be diverted,
they must be supported and protected during the construction of the works. The Contractor shall
submit to the engineer and the relevant utility services authorities, calculations and detailed drawings,
endorsed by an independent professional engineer, for the necessary support and protection of these
services. Any requirement that may be imposed by the utility services authorities in this connection
shall be met fully and without compromise. Approval of the contractor’s proposals must be obtained
from the respective utility services authorities prior to commencement of works affecting these utility

9.1.3 The Contractor shall note that the employer will not be responsible for any damage of the
existing services caused by the construction works, etc. The Contractor will be liable for any damage
to the existing services and carry out the repair works to the satisfaction of the engineer and the
appropriate utility services authorities at his own expense.

9.1.4 All relevant utility services authorities shall be kept informed of any changes affecting their



Upon award of the contract and prior to the commencement of the works, the contractor shall submit
to the engineer his proposal for the diversion and maintenance of existing drains for the whole period
of construction to the engineer and respective authority for approval. The contractor shall be
responsible for the maintenance of the free flow of the drains at all times. At no time shall the
contractor obstruct or reduce the free flow area of the existing canal / drain without the prior approval
of the engineer and respective authority.

If, in the opinion of the engineer, the contractor has not carried out or is unable to carry out such
maintenance of temporary drain diversion to his satisfaction, the engineer reserves the right to employ
others to carry out such works and deduct the cost of all such works from any money due to or to
become due to the contractor.

The contractor shall remove all temporary works as soon as these are no longer required and reinstate
the site to its original condition to the satisfaction of the engineer and respective authority.

The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any damage to the existing culverts and

Existing drains/culverts/sumps etc. Made redundant when the new drains / culverts / sumps are
completed shall be completely removed and filled with suitable materials to the satisfactory of the

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11.1 MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION.....................................................................

11.2 MAINTENANCE DURING DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD ..............................................


11.4 PROVISION OF WASHBAY..................................................................................................


11.1 MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION: During construction, the contractor

shall maintain, keep tidy and make good all carriageways/pavement structures, kerbs, footpaths, lane
markings and turfing within the contract limit to a standard equivalent to existing condition and to the
satisfaction of the engineer. The contractor shall ensure that free drainage of road carriageways is
maintained at all times. Adequate side-outlets including scuppers, drop -inlet chambers, etc., shall be
provided and maintained to facilitate the outflow of the carriageway water. Existing scuppers,
road-side drains and other carriage-drainage facilities shall be kept in unobstructed and serviceable
condition in the interim till the works are effectively drained by the new carriage-drainage facilities
such as drop-inlet chambers, etc. To be constructed under this contract. Additional temporary drop
inlet chambers, scuppers to prevent any ponding of water on any part of the carriageway shall be
installed where necessary. Construction materials and debris shall have to be suitably placed away
from the roadside drains, scuppers and other road-drainage facilities to avoid obstruction to these
drainage channels. The contractor shall ensure that the existing structures not affected by the works
are properly protected to the satisfaction of the engineer. He shall provide a system of monitoring the
stability and structural integrity of the existing structures and ensure that these are fully integrated in
his construction methods for the works.
The Contractor shall regularly maintain all Works in a tidy and satisfactory condition and shall make
good any defect which may appear during the Defects Liability Period (DLP). For painted items of
structures and roadside furniture, the Contractor shall provide everything necessary and repaint all
such items with 2 coats of approved paints at the end of the Defects Liability Period (DLP). All
defects such as rust, chipped or dented surfaces, etc. shall be satisfactorily attended to prior to
repainting. In this respect, the Contractor shall arrange a joint site meeting with the Engineer before
any remedial works is carried out, and he shall comply with all requirements pertaining to the
Engineer. Repainting of road lines, lanes and arrow markings shall not be required during or after the
The maintenance of trees, plants and grass shall include watering, weeding, fertilising and cutting
twice per month as specified and maintaining its growth in a tidy and satisfactory state.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer prior to commencement and on completion of each trimming
of trees, shrubs, turfing etc. in order that a joint site inspection can be made.

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Post DLP, Maintenance clause is applicable for 36months as per BBMP’s circular No.A/P.S.R/G-
5317/12-13 issued dated 24/09/2012. During this period, the Contractor shall maintain drains,
landscaping and other works to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the employer.


During the DLP of 24 months post construction, the Contractor shall carry out monthly inspection of
the Works for any defects. He is required to immediately rectify all defects determined during the
inspection or when informed by the Engineer and complete the rectification works within the
timeframe stipulated by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall also attend monthly meetings conducted by the Engineer to monitor the status of
rectification works and to clear any outstanding matters regarding the Contract. All meetings shall be
properly minuted and recorded.

Three (3) months before the end of the DLP, the Contractor shall arrange and conduct a joint site
inspection with his pertinent subcontractors and suppliers to determine any defective works.
Rectification work for all the defects identified shall be completed within a month.

At the end of the DLP, the Contractor shall take all necessary action to ensure that all the Works are
free from any defects and in a good and satisfactory condition for handing over to the relevant
authorities for maintenance. The Engineer and the relevant authorities shall ascertain the acceptability
of the Works to move into the “Maintenance”. Phase of the contract

The Contractor shall provide properly designated area as washbay at all entrances/exits to the Site and
ensure that all vehicles, plant or equipment leaving the Site are properly cleaned before travelling on
public roads. The location of the washbays shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.



12.1 METHOD STATEMENTS......................................






12.6 TEMPORARY WORKS..........................................

12.7 EARTHWORKS ......................................................


12.9 PLATE LOADING TEST(DELETED) ...................

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12.13 MILL AND PATCH ..............................................

12.14 K2 KERBS AND FOUNDATIONS ......................

12.15 DRAIN WORKS ...................................................

12.16 PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES .................................

12.17 TRAFFIC FACILITIES .........................................







12.24 FORMWORK ........................................................

12.25 OTHER ITEMS .....................................................


Note: With reference to the drawings provided


12.1.1 The contractor shall submit comprehensive method statements for all temporary works before
the start of any works to the engineer’s approval. Submission of this method statement shall
be sufficiently (minimum 3 weeks) in advance of the construction of the works to allow
adequate time for review, resubmission as necessary and future review. The statement shall
clearly identify in details, the contractor’s proposed methods (including machinery/equipment
material and other resource needed), sequence of working with necessary plans, drawings and

12.1.2 Designs and drawings for Temporary Works shall be submitted for the acceptance of the
Engineer and relevant authorities.

12.1.3 All Temporary Works shall be removed after use and approval must be sought from the
Engineer with justification if otherwise.

12.1.4 Bentonite slurry waste shall not be discharged into the public sewerage and drainage systems.

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12.2.1 The Contractor shall clear site of shrubs, bushes and all other forms of vegetation with the
prior permission of the Engineer including grubbing up roots, etc. The Contractor shall note
that felling of trees without the written consent of the Engineer is strictly prohibited.

12.2.2 The Contractor shall demolish and remove with the prior permission of the Engineer all
existing structures, obstructions and fixtures made redundant by the Works which are within
the overall road reserve or Contract Limit and/or related with the proposed Works.

12.2.3 The Contractor shall break up and remove (or seal up if directed by the Engineer) existing
redundant pavement, scupper drains, pipes, and backfill with approved materials to the
required level unless otherwise indicated.

12.2.4 The Contractor shall break up existing redundant road kerbs and foundations, cart away
debris and backfill with approved materials to the required level unless otherwise indicated.

12.2.5 The Contractor shall remove debris and surplus earth from Site to the Engineer suggested

12.2.6 The Contractor shall raise all other items e.g. boundary walls, fixtures, fences, etc. affected by
road raising but not specifically mentioned herein including making good all works affected
on completion.

12.2.7 The Contractor shall reinstate all damaged roads, drains, kerbs, fencing, boundary walls,
fixtures and all other works disturbed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

12.2.8 The Contractor shall liaise with Utility Services Departments, telecommunications operators
such as BSNL, Airtel, etc. for the location and relocation of all pipes, cables, main ducts,
posts, manholes, boxes along or beneath the road reserve or in any part of the work in order to
ensure that all service requirements are met before commencement of the work.


12.3.1 The Contractor shall visit the Site to ascertain himself, prior to tender submission, all work
items affected by the Works which require raising, demolition, reconstruction, extension or
relocation including fence, boundary wall, entrance, gate, driveway, compound drains, posts,
lights, sign boards, fixtures, services such as cabling, sanitary, plumbing, sewers, water pipes,
landscaping features such as turfing, plants, trees, flower troughs belonging to statutory or
private properties, etc.

12.3.2 The Contractor shall liaise closely with the owners of the private houses and shop houses and
owners of other private properties on any reconstruction, reinstatement and relocation works.
The Contractor shall plan his construction works so as to cause minimum obstruction and
inconvenience to the owners and the public. The Contractor shall take note of the existing
facilities such as tiling, fencing, automatic gate, boundary walls, fixtures, etc. of these houses.
At the end of any construction work, these facilities shall be reinstated to match existing to
the satisfaction of the private property owners. The Contractor shall liaise with these owners
before carrying out his work.

12.3.3 The Contractor shall seek approval from the Engineer before any work can be carried out.

12.3.4 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the suitability, adequacy, integrity, durability and
practicality of the design as set out in the Drawings, Specifications, manuals, calculations and
other information submitted for the acceptance of the Engineer, including any subsequent
amendments of such design.

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12.3.5 The Contractor shall not proceed with the execution of any reinstatement works until he has
submitted to the Engineer, work method statements, design calculations, specifications, and
other information as shall be necessary to demonstrate the suitability, adequacy, integrity,
durability and practicality of such design and the Engineer has issued his acceptance in
writing of such design. Acceptance by the Engineer of such submission shall not relieve or in
any way limit the responsibility of the Contractor. All such submissions shall be duly
endorsed by the Contractor’s PE.

12.3.6 Such submission shall be made well in advance to enable the Engineer sufficient time to
check, study and comment on the Contractor’s proposal without affecting the progress of the

12.3.7 The Contractor may in the course of his works be required to execute works beyond the
contract boundary encroaching into other’s properties. The Contractor shall exercise strict
control over his workmen not to use or trespass into, any of the properties without prior
written permission of the property owners. Any fence or fence walls dismantled should be
replaced immediately or other equivalent to ensure the security of affected properties.

12.3.8 In cases where the Contractor need to enter private land to execute works where prior
permission have not been obtained, the Contractor must obtain the necessary permission from
the owners before entering the lands. The Contractor shall complete the works in the private
land within the shortest period and shall not store any material, equipment and plant within
the private lands.

12.3.9 The Contractor shall take precautions to avoid damaging the existing signboards during
resiting. Should the signboards be damaged during the course of the works, the Contractor
shall replace the signboard with a new one to match the existing.

12.3.10 In executing any of the relocation works, the Contractor shall make good any deficiency in
length, height, amount of materials (e.g. fence, fence walls, boundary walls, etc.) with new
materials. The Contractor shall also replace all damaged or corroded works or works that
cannot be relocated satisfactorily (e.g. foundations, walls, cables etc.) to the Engineer’s

12.3.11 The Contractor is required to reinstate all landscaping areas including turfing, any plants or
trees affected by the works. The costs of the reinstatement works shall be deemed to be
included in the Contract Sum.


12.4.1 The Contractor shall provide all the necessary labour, plant, tools, instruments and materials
for carrying out all tests at the Site including the provision of all necessary transport for the
transportation of test materials, samples and the Engineer, etc. to and from an approved
laboratory as and when directed by the Engineer or his appointed site representative.

12.4.2 The Contractor shall provide penetrometer on Site. The Contractor shall maintain this
instrument in good condition at all times throughout the Contract Period. The instrument must
be approved by the Engineer before it is used.

12.4.3 The following control tests on road sub-grade and sub-base shall be carried out by the
Contractor in the presence of the Engineer:

a. Minimum three numbers in-situ dry density tests with a Volumenometer at every
50m intervals per carriageway;

b. Minimum three number in-situ test with a cone penetrometer at 25m intervals per
carriageway; and

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c. Any other tests that the Engineer may carry out from time to time during the
Contract period.

12.4.4 If settlement plates and/or markers are required, the Contractor shall maintain, protect and
monitor the settlement plates and/or markers until the expiry of the Defects Liability Period.

12.4.5 The Contractor shall provide at all times, electronic detectors of an approved brand to be used
on Site to help in locating utilities services. It is to be noted that the deployment of the
electronic device will not absolve the Contractor his responsibility in locating the exact
locations of all existing services and all readings of electronic device are to be confined by
cutting trial trenches.

12.4.6 Field Laboratory

The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequately equipped Field Laboratory as required
for Site Control on the Quality of Material and the Works. It shall have a minimum of 40 Sqm
Area. The Field Laboratory shall be located as directed by the Employer or his approved
Representative. It shall be provided with Amenities like Water Supply, Electric Supply, etc.
The Laboratory will have all Services, Furniture, Equipments, etc. Minimum of the following
Items shall be provided in the Field Laboratory. Any Additional Items as required for Testing
/ Evaluation in line with the Standard Procedures and Codal Provisions shall also be provided. Equipments required – General

i. Oven – Electricity Operated, Thermostatically Controlled,

Range upto 2000C, Sensitivity 10C 1 No.

ii. Plat form balance 300 kg capacity 1 No.

iii. Balance 20 kg Capacity – Self Indicating Type 1 No.

iv. Electronic Balance 5kg Capacity – accuracy 0.5 gm 1 No.

v. Water Bath – Electrically Operated and Thermostatically

Controlled with Adjustable Shelves, Sensitivity 100C 1 No.

vi. Thermometers 4 Nos. each

a. Mercury – in – Glass Thermometer ranges 0 to 2500C
b. Mercury – in – Steel Thermometer with 30 cm Stem, ranges up to 3000C

vii. Glass Wares, Spatulas, Wire Gauzes, Steel Scales, Measuring Tape,
Casseroles, Pans, Enameled Trays of Assorted Sizes, Pestle Mortar
Porcelain Dishes, Gunny Bags, Plastic Bags, Chemicals, Digging Tools
like Pickaxes, Shovels, etc. As Required

viii. Set of IS Sieves with Lid and Pans 450mm Diameter with Sizes of
63 mm, 53mm, 37.5mm 26.5mm, 13.2mm, 9.5mm 6.7mm and 4.75mm
200 mm Diameter of Sizes 2.36 mm, 2mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron,
425 micron, 300 micron, 150 micron and 75 micron 1 Set

ix. Water Testing Kit for pH, SO3 and Cl 1 Set

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x. First Aid Box 1 Set Equipments required – Soil & Aggregate

i. Atterberg’s Limits (Liquid and Plastic Limits) Determination

Apparatus 1 Set

ii. Compaction Test Equipment both 2.5 kg and

4.5 kg Rammers (Light and Heavy Compact Efforts) 1 Set

iii. Dry Bulk Density Test Apparatus (Sand Pouring Cylinder,

Tray, Can, etc.)complete 1 Set

iv. Speedy Moisture Meter complete with Chemicals 1 Set

v. Pothole Auger with Extensions 1 Set

vi. Core Cutter Apparatus complete with Dolly, Rammer, etc. 1 Set

vii. Flakiness and Elongation Test Gauges 1 Set

viii. Standard Measures of 30, 15 and 3 litres Capacity along with

Standard Tamping Rod 1 Set Equipments required – Cement & Cement Concrete

i. Slump Test Apparatus 1 Set

ii. Compression and Flexural Strength Testing Machine of 200T
Capacity with Additional Diameter for Flexural Testing 1 Set

iii. Cube Moulds for Concrete Tests 40 Nos.

iv. Surface Moisture and Density Meter for Soil,

Aggregate and Concrete 1 No.



12.5.1 The Contractor shall provide and implement an programme to monitor the effect of
excavation, demolition and compaction works or existing structures, including supply,
installation, monitoring, maintenance of all submissions of all results by a professional
engineering consultant, etc. all in accordance with the Materials a Workmanship

12.5.2 The Contractor shall submit his detailed instrumentation programme and locations for the
adjoining properties/structures, proposed structures and surrounding ground to the Engineer
and the relevant authorities for approval prior to commencement of works.

12.5.3 The duration of the instrumentation period shall be the Contract period including any
extension of time and the whole of Defects Liability Period.

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12.5.4 Survey bench marks and datum readings of all instruments must be taken before
commencement of any works. No excavation works, demolition works and compaction works
shall commence until the instrumentation programme has been approved and all necessary
instrumentation are properly installed, calibrated and functioning.

12.5.5 Provisional Quantities have been set aside for the type of instruments and monitoring
requirements. The Contractor shall price his rates against the Provisional Quantities items. If
the Contractor requires any additional instrument other than those specified in the Provisional
Quantities, the Contractor shall include all costs and the required number of such instruments
in the item under the Breakdown of Costs. The Contractor is deemed to have included all
costs and number of any additional instruments in his Contract Sum. No claim on account of
this clause will be entertained by the Employer.

12.5.6 The monitoring system must include its own independent power supply and no reliance
should be placed on obtaining power supplies from the surrounding buildings or other public
facilities and utilities.

12.5.7 The Contractor shall be required to carry out additional monitoring in critical situations where
the Engineer deems that the safety of the surrounding structures, adjoining properties,
proposed structures and public is at risk. Under such circumstances, the Contractor shall out
the monitoring work at a frequency of twice a day or as requested by Engineer and to
mobilise additional suitable equipment and trained personnel within 24 hours of receiving
instruction from the Engineer. No claims for extra cost or time incurred by the Contractor as a
result of such additional monitoring work shall be allowed.

12.5.8 The Engineer reserves the right to increase the frequency of monitoring of some or all the
instruments as he deems necessary. The Contractor is deemed to have made all due allowance
in his Tender in compliance with this requirement.

12.5.9 The Contractor shall monitor all readings taken and submit a detailed assessment report duly
endorsed by his PE for the Engineer’s approval. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer
the raw readings within 24 hours after the readings are taken. The detailed assessment report
shall be submitted within 3 days after the readings are taken. Readings taken from instruments
found disturbed or damaged will not be accepted by Engineer and no payment shall be made
for such defective works. All costs associated therewith shall be deemed to be included in the
Contract Sum.

12.5.10 The minimum frequency of readings to be taken for the instrumentation programme during
the construction period is as follows:


Inclinometer Twice a week

Tiltmeter Twice a week

Crackmeter Twice a week

Ground settlement points Daily

Building settlement points Daily

Vibration sensors To be decided by engineer based on activities

12.5.11 For the avoidance of doubt, construction period shall mean period from the commencement
date stated in the Letter of Acceptance up to the Date of Substantial Completion.

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12.5.12 The minimum frequency of readings to be taken for the instrumentation programme during
Defects Liability Period shall be once a month, subjected to the approval from the Engineer.

12.5.13 The Contractor shall provide, install and protect all instrumentation equipment installed and
in use during the Contract period including removal upon completion. Any instrumentation
equipment found not in working condition shall be replaced by the Contractor immediately
upon detection and all replacement cost shall be deemed included in the Contract Sum.

12.5.14 The appointment of the geotechnical instrumentation specialist by the Contractor shall be
subject to the Engineer’s approval.

12.5.15 The Contractor shall submit four (4) sets of weekly interpretive monitoring report analysed
and interpreted by the Professional Engineer (PE) for Temporary Works. The PE for
Temporary Works shall also prepare a report duly endorsed by him and make
recommendations, if any, regarding prevention of damage to surrounding structures and
services and the safety of the Works. The Contractor shall carry out the PE’s recommendation
immediately at his own cost.


12.6.1 The Contractor shall employ a Professional Engineer (PE) to design the Temporary Works.
The PE responsible for the design of Temporary Works shall be an independent
person/consultant, not under direct employment of the Contractor’s firm. The PE must be
registered with the City Corporation or Technical Body like, Indian Institute of Engineers, etc.
He shall be responsible for submission to the relevant authorities for approval of the
Temporary Works for construction. The PE shall inspect all Temporary Works and ensure
compliance with requirements in the design and as stipulated by the relevant authorities. He is
also responsible for recommending and implementing any modification and rectification of
the Temporary Works as necessary, subject to the Engineer’s approval.

12.6.2 Six (6) copies of the design submissions shall be given well in advance of the date indicated
on the construction programme for the commencement of the activity. The Contractor shall
allow for sufficient lead time in obtaining the necessary approvals from relevant authorities
and clearance by Qualified Person (Supervision) engaged by the Employer. The Contractor
shall make all amendments or corrections which the Engineer may require and re-submit the
amended or corrected submissions until the drawings and/or calculations are finally accepted
and approved by the relevant authorities.

12.6.3 The Contractor shall submit his PE Certificate stating that the Temporary Works have been
constructed according to the design for all stages of Works. The PE must comply with the
conditions as in the Contract Document. The PE shall ensure adequacies in the structural
elements at all stages prior to proceeding to the next stage of Works and to conduct regular
inspections on all Temporary Works.

12.6.4 Works shall not commence without the prior acceptance of the Engineer. If in the opinion of
the Engineer and/or Qualified Person (Supervision) engaged by the Employer, any such
temporary support proposed by the Contractor is deemed to be insufficient, the Engineer may
order the provision of additional supports entirely at the Contractor’s own expense. Any such
instructions and/ or acceptance of the Contractor’s design proposal for the Temporary Works
given by the Engineer and/or Qualified Person (Supervision) engaged by the Employer shall
not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the proper design and safe execution of the
Temporary Works and for the safety of all personnel.

12.6.5 The design of all Temporary Works shall comply with the requirements of the Design Criteria
and Materials and Workmanship Specification for Civil & Structural Works. All Temporary
Works shall be designed to the similar standards as the Permanent Works unless otherwise
accepted by the Engineer in writing.

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12.6.6 The Contractor shall note that all existing traffic movement at all existing roads shall be
maintained during the period of construction. The Contractor shall note that no temporary /
false work shall be erected on the roadway, including the centre median.

12.6.7 Monitoring of the movement of utility services shall be proposed for the acceptance of the
Engineer and the relevant utility agencies.

12.6.8 Whilst the Engineer will attempt to respond to such submissions speedily, the Contractor shall
in no case assume that it can be undertaken in less than twenty-one (21) working days.

12.6.9 The Contractor shall inspect the Temporary Works, supervise the loading of the Temporary
Works and ensure the design criteria are not invalidated.

12.6.10 The Contractor shall ensure that the removal of the Temporary Works do not cause adverse
effects on the completed structures, adjacent structures, roads and other properties and that
full compliance with the dismantling proposals recommended by the PE and approved by the
Engineer are met.


12.7.1 The Contractor shall carry out earthworks to the required lines and levels, forming verge and
embankments, including grading, levelling, trimming, ramming and consolidating all as
specified and as shown on the Drawings.

12.7.2 The Contractor shall note that all levels stated in the Drawings are for information only. The
Contractor is advised to verify the actual level on Site. He shall be deemed to have priced his
tender based on the actual level on Site.

12.7.3 Fill shall be of approved earth material obtained from Contractor’s own sources. The
Contractor shall obtain Engineer’s approval prior to using his earth filling materials for the

12.7.4 The Contractor shall remove all surplus excavated materials from Site to the Contractor’s own

12.7.5 The Contractor shall be deemed to have taken into consideration difficulties due to the soil
conditions affecting piling, concreting, etc. for the Works. The Contractor shall make his own
arrangement such as providing temporary sheet piling, water pumps, temporary drains and
temporary soil stabilising necessary to overcome the problem of water and vibration during
the construction.

12.7.6 The Contractor shall note that certain parts of the existing areas within the Contract Limit (i.e.
the low lying areas) would need to be backfilled up to the appropriate level before
constructing the road works. Earth filling shall be with approved earth obtained from the
Contractor’s own source. Earth filling shall be placed and compacted in layers to the required
levels. The Contractor shall seek the approval of the Engineer on the extent of area to be
backfilled. He shall ensure that the backfill materials, method of backfilling and workmanship
are to comply strictly with Materials and Workmanship Specification for Civil & Structural

12.7.7 Where excavation works are to be executed under existing carriageways, for instance,
construction of box culvert, the Contractor shall design and erect steel decking fit for the
purpose subject to Engineer’s approval. The design of the steel decking shall be endorsed by a
PE and the installation supervised and checked by the PE at the Contractor’s own costs.

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12.7.8 Where cutting of ground is to be executed next to existing structure, the Contractor shall
submit method statement including stability check, protective measures and monitoring
details to be duly endorsed by a PE prior to commencement of excavation. The Contractor
shall monitor all readings taken and submit a detailed assessment report duly endorsed by his
PE for Engineer’s approval. All costs associated therewith shall be deemed to be included in
the Contract Sum.


12.8.1 The Contractor shall ensure proper safety measures are taken during the whole period of
excavation works or related works.

12.8.2 The Contractor shall fully indemnify the Authority at all times against all liabilities of
whatever nature and description which may be suffered by the Employer arising from the
slope cutting work in State land.

12.8.3 The Contractor shall make good all works affected to the satisfaction of the respective
developers or landowners after slope cutting work in State land.

12.8.4 The Contractor shall be responsible to reconstruct all boundary walls, fencings, fixtures,
access roads, entrances/exits, footpaths, open drains and other facilities at the affected area
after slope cutting work.

12.8.5 Reinstatement works shall be done in regular sections and in good workmanship to match the
surrounding areas.

12.8.6 The Contractor shall liaise with the respective landowners or authorities for site inspection
before commencement of work and after the completion of the reinstatement works.

12.8.7 The Defects Liability Period of 24 months shall commence upon the successful handing over
of the above works to the respective owners.

12.8.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for the design and construction of all excavation systems.
The Contractor shall engage a Professional Engineer who is experienced in Geotechnical
Engineering to design and supervise and check on the excavation systems. It is the
Contractor’s responsibility and duty to conduct site investigation at his own expense to satisfy
himself of the soil conditions of the site for the purpose of design and construction of the
excavation systems. The Contractor shall engage a qualified engineer to provide standing
supervision of all excavation works at Site.

12.8.9 The design of the excavation system shall take into consideration the use of suitable methods
of installation of wall element and bracing system to minimise ground settlement, vibration of
the surrounding structures and particularly heaving of the area. The methods and sequence of
construction shall be clearly indicated.

12.8.10 The Contractor shall take every precaution during excavation to prevent base heave and
piping. Any damages to completed works and surrounding structures caused by bases heave
or piping shall be made good at the Contractor’s expense and to the satisfaction of the

12.8.11 Excavation shall be carried out in stages strictly in accordance to the proposed excavation
method. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be permitted to over excavate at any
location of the excavation. Any over excavation shall be immediately backfilled with
approved materials to the required level..

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12.8.12 The Contractor shall immediately provide additional support or bracing to the wall if there is
any sign of movement approaching the allowable limit and review the design. All such
provisions shall be made at the Contractor’s expense.

12.8.13 The Contractor shall note that all work programme and construction method are also subject
to the approval of the other relevant authorities. He shall fully comply with all requirements,
rules, regulations and Bye-Laws. The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for the time
required for authorities’ clearances in his programme and shall pay any dues as need for any
license or other concessions granted.

12.8.14 The Contractor shall allow in his tender for any extra costs and expenses that may be incurred
due to inconvenience, idling of plants, labour or machinery arising from site, difficulties or
obstructions of any form or nature and/or arising from compliance with any Rules,
Regulations, Bye-Laws and Requirements of the relevant authorities.



12.9.2 The Contractor shall clean and sweep road surface and apply tack coat at the rate of 0.54


12.9.4 Recambering shall be carried out in accordance with the details of recambering for various
thicknesses. Where thickness of recambering is less than 50mm, the existing carriageway
shall be milled off and replaced.

12.9.5 RAISING

a. The Contractor shall supply and lay asphalt hot-mix base course and hot-mix
wearing course to the required levels.

b. Where it is not possible to lay the entire thickness of premix required in a single
operation, the road surface shall be cleaned and swept and tack coat applied again before
laying another layer of asphaltic concrete on the subsequent occasion.


12.10.1 The existing carriageway shall be milled off and replaced, wherever necessary, as per the
design and drawings issued to the contractor.


12.11.1 In milling and patching over at-grade roads, the Contractor shall check for existing services
and conduits before proceeding with the works. Care shall be exercised by the Contractor to
ensure that no existing features are damaged in any way during the works. The Contractor
shall submit method statements on how he intends to carry out the works for the Engineer’s

12.11.2 The milling shall be carried out using mechanical means and the Contractor shall determine
the thickness of the premix to be milled off before proceeding with the works.

12.11.3 The premixing shall be carried out to the levels as indicated in the longitudinal sections.

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12.12.1 The Contractor shall construct precast concrete kerb as per designs and laid jointed with
cement mortar (1:3) to correct line and levels and proper connection to existing, including
mass concrete foundation, painting, all as specified and shown on the Drawings.


As per the structural drawing issued to the contractor.

12.13.1 The Contractor shall construct precast concrete composite channel drain including forming
cascade, excavating, laying of sand base and jointing with cement mortar (1:3) to proper line
and gradient and close turf on 50mm topsoil to all exposed adjacent slopes of drain.

12.13.2 The Contractor shall construct R.C. circular drains inclusive of precast concrete weather flow
channel, concrete benching, hardcore packing, weep holes and aluminum rung to the required
lines and gradients including proper connections to drains etc. and all ancillary works.

12.13.3 The Contractor shall construct precast/cast in-situ concrete box culvert inclusive of precast
concrete weather flow channel, concrete benching, hardcore packing, weep holes complete
with concrete base, quarry dust backfill, parapet and head wall, etc. and proper connection to
drains, sumps at inlet and outlet ends to the required lines and levels and all ancillary works.

12.13.4 The Contractor shall design and construct temporary support to uphold and maintain the sides
of earthwork by whatever means considered necessary. He shall be fully responsible for the
suitability, adequacy, integrity, durability and practicality of the temporary support. The
Contractor shall not proceed with the work until he has submitted the design of the temporary
supports to the Engineer for approval. The design shall be duly endorsed and installation
supervised and checked by the Contractor’s PE.

12.13.5 The Contractor shall construct _____mm diameter UPVC scupper pipes at ___m intervals
along both sides of the normal crossfall carriageway at sidetables to the required lines and
gradients including forming proper connections to precast concrete drop inlet chambers and
ancillary works.

12.13.6 All existing scupper drains/pipes made redundant by the project shall also be demolished and
removed and the ground backfilled with approved materials to the required levels.

12.13.7 Where new drains, culverts and sumps are to connect to existing culverts and drains, the
Contractor shall submit the connection details to the Engineer for approval before
commencement of work.

12.13.8 Modification of existing sumps for inlet/outlet connections of drain, culverts etc. to the
required levels shall include all ancillary works.

12.13.9 The Contractor shall construct precast concrete drop inlet chambers of reinforced concrete,
complete with mild steel gratings coated with epoxy primer including forming connections to
scupper pipe and installation on Site and all ancillary works.


As per the drawings issued to the contractor

12.14.1 The Contractor shall note that the notes, specifications, testing, submission of warranties and
any other requirements indicated in the Standard Details of Road Elements shall be strictly
complied with, for all aluminium alloy railings to be installed on Site.

12.14.2 The Contractor shall construct footpath with interlocking paver blocks as per the tender

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12.14.3 The Contractor shall construct footpath as per the tender drawings.

12.14.4 All intersections shall be appropriately raised to meet the kerb-stone for pedestrian crossings.
Strom water drains shall be located at the finish of the intersection slope on all arms, to ensure
there is proper fall of rainwater into the drains

12.14.5 The Contractor shall design and construct pre-cast reinforced concrete circular drain, with
supply and install scupper pipes to replace existing ones, and hot dipped galvanised grating
with chequer plates.

12.14.6 The Contractor shall install tactile warning indicators as specified in the Standard Details of
Road Elements for footpath ramps. The tiles used shall be homogenous tactile tiles.

12.14.7 The Contractor shall make good all works disturbed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


12.15.1 The Contractor shall paint road markings, arrows, etc. with thermoplastic paint.

12.15.2 The Contractor shall supply and erect directional signs, traffic signs, plastic bollards, raised
pavement markers etc. inclusive of support and mass concrete foundations and all ancillary
works as shown on the Drawings. All traffic signs and directional signs shall be of retro-
reflective sheeting or approved equivalent.

12.15.3 The Contractor shall paint road kerbs as shown on Drawings.

12.15.4 The Contractor shall re-site existing gantry sign, cantilever signs, information signs,
directional signs and traffic signs affected, including cleaning the existing signs and erect at
the new positions, inclusive of mass concrete foundation and all ancillary works as shown on
the Drawings. The Contractor shall make or replace any damaged signs to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

12.15.5 The Contractor shall price for the removal/relocation of existing street lightings, sign boards,
street furniture and/or other road facilities which belongs to the private owners that fall
outside the road reserve subject to the approval of the respective land owner.


12.16.1 The Contractor shall comply with specifications for reflective sheeting and raised pavement
marker in the Materials and Workmanship Specification.

12.16.2 The Contractor shall supply and erect directional signs, traffic signs, plastic bollards, raised
pavement markers, delineators, median markers etc. inclusive of support and mass concrete
foundations and all ancillary works as shown on the Drawings. All traffic signs and
directional signs shall be of retro-reflective sheeting or approved equivalent as per IRC:67-
2012 supplied and installed by the manufacturer of Retro Reflective ASTM Type XI sheet or
their Indian Subsidiary.



12.17.1 The Contractor shall comply with specifications for reflective sheeting and raised pavement
marker and other road furniture such as Delineators, Median Markers in the Materials and
Workmanship Specification.

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12.18.1 The Contractor shall construct all vehicular impact guard rail including foundation to
complete details as shown in the Drawings.


12.19.1 The Contractor shall supply and lay 1 no. of 100mm diameter Heavy Duty UPVC pipes along
the side tables and 2 nos. 110mm Heavy Duty U[PVC pipes at depth below road level across
junction, with fish-wire going through it and both ends of pipe to be temporary sealed and
reinstate trenches.

12.19.2 The Contractor shall supply and lay cable warning slab over UPVC pipes as shown in the

12.19.3 Notwithstanding the other provisions under the Contract, the Contractor shall be required to
raise or lower all existing manholes (except telecom manholes), sumps affected by the Works
to the final level where necessary. The Contractor shall engage a licensed plumber to carry out
the works and liaise with the relevant authorities for all necessary submission and approval.
The Contractor is deemed to have included in his tender for all costs arising out of the
aforesaid works.


12.20.1 The Engineer reserves the right to instruct the Contractor to modify and improve the mix
design from time to time during the progress of work as and when he considers necessary to
meet the requirements for design mixes. This shall not entitle the Contractor to any extra


12.21.1 The Contractor shall allow in his Contract Sum the provision of materials for tests and
delivery to approved Empanelled and accredited laboratories. Testing fees shall also be borne
by the Contractor.


12.22.1 Notwithstanding the acceptance by the Engineer, the strength and adequacy of the formwork
shall remain the responsibility of the Contractor and/or his PE.


12.23.1 The Contractor shall paint all exposed metal parts with two coats of primer, one undercoat
and two finishing coats of synthetic enamel paint unless otherwise stated.

12.23.2 The Contractor shall allow for all other items referred to in the Specifications and Drawings
but not specifically covered under items mentioned above and items not specifically
mentioned in the documents but otherwise necessary for the completion of the Works.

For detailed specification KBS/KRBS/ MoRT&H can be referred.

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13.1 The Contractor shall within three (3) months after the completion of the Works
provide the following documentation:
a) As-constructed Site Plan / As-built Topographical Survey, inclusive of
retained topographic features within the contract boundary (1:500 scale);
b) As-constructed Longitudinal Section Plan (1:1000 scale for horizontal
alignment and 1:100 for vertical alignment);
c) Setting Out Plan (1:1000 scale);
d) As-constructed Traffic Plan (1:1000 scale);
e) As-constructed Civil and Structural Plans of all structures, these shall be
submitted progressively upon completion of the structures;
f) As-constructed drains submission.
13.2 The As-constructed Drawings shall be prepared in accordance with the Employer’s
Drawing and CAD Standards (ACAD) to be issued to the Contractor upon award of
the Contract.
13.3 The above plans shall be prepared in either Two-Dimensional or Three-Dimensional
(3D) CAD format (DWG File). The As-constructed Site Plan and Setting Out Plan
shall be endorsed by a Registered Surveyor and other plans endorsed by a PE.
13.4 All drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer within three (3) months after
completion of Works in the following format:
a) Master Transparency;
b) Two (2) sets of paper prints in A1/A0 size and 2 sets of paper prints reduced
to A3 size. All the A3 size drawings should be properly ring binded with
plastic sheet cover;
c) One set of the softcopy in Compact Disc (CD)/ pendrive.
d) Three (3) sets of A1 size paper prints marked up structural drawings that
indicate clearly the actual as-constructed details for all structural elements.
These drawings shall include that of vehicular bridge, box culvert, pile and
pile cap, etc. The marked up drawings shall be clear, accurate and legible to
the SO’s satisfaction.

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14.1 SCOPE

Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of energy efficient street lighting

with LED fixtures having die cast aluminum body, IP66 tightness, each up
to 115W with extra clear glass & hot dip galvanized octagonal poles
complete with other accessories & components.

14.1.1 Successful Contractor shall s u b m i t co m p u t e r cal cul at ed l u x l e v e l s

g i v i n g t h e maximum possible uniform illumination achieved for the area with
specified light fittings.

All pedestrian lanes & cycle track shall preferably have average illuminance not less
than 5 lux with overall uniformity not less than 0.2.
Maintenance factor for IP66 LED fixtures to be considered should be 0.8 .

14.1.2 MATERIALS : The contractor shall submit samples of each type of fitting/ pole/item
and obtain the approval of Consultant/ Engineer in charge in writing for all the
materials / equipments etc to be used by him prior to supply and
installation. Equipments / material damaged in course of handling, installation or
testing shall be replaced by the contractor without any additional charges and
subject to approval of Engineer in charge.

14.2 Fixture Specifications

14.2.1 High power LED street light luminaire equipped with photometric engine which
offers a high-performance photometry. The luminaire shall have 48 LEDs driven at
700mA. The average power consumption shall be 113W. The LED’s will be of
neutral white. The luminaire shall have a minimal nominal flux of 9600 lumens &
shall have IP 66 optical compartment sealed by an extra-clear toughened glass
protector for an optimal luminous flux. The control gear/driver compartment shall
have IP 66 tightness level. The luminaire shall be made of sustainable and recyclable
aluminium die cast materials. The glass protector should have IK 08 impact
resistance. 90% lifetime residual flux @ 60,000 hours. at Performance Temperature
of 25 degree C. Luminaire should function normally up to ambient temperature of 40
Degree C .
Other features include:
a. Direct access to gear and electronic compartment
b. Surge protection up to 10kV
c. Universal modular Mounting: Inclination adjustment system on-site. Side-entry or
vertical mounting.
d. LED Fixtures shall be guaranteed for 5 years against any manufacturing defect and

14.2.2 The LED luminaire should offer the following advantages:

• Long LED service life and reduced maintenance costs
• Recyclable and durable materials, such as glass and aluminium
• Compliance with “Green Light” label.

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14.2.3 The fitting shall have colour: AKZO light grey 150 sand-blasted or as required

14.2.4 Tightness of Electronic & optical compartment: IP 66 . Driver & optical compartments
should be thermally separated for better thermal management.

14.2.5 Protector: Extra Clear Glass

14.2.6 Impact resistance (glass): IK 08

14.2.7 Rated voltage: 230 V - 50 Hz & wattage per luminaire should be within 113W

14.2.8 Electrical class: I or II

14.3 POWER SUPPLY of LED Luminaire

14.3.1 The luminaire shall be equipped with constant current power supplies. They ensure
an efficiency of 90% and fulfill the SELV regulations (Safety Extra Low Voltage).
14.3.2 The supply current shall be limited to 700mA for optimal LED efficacy and
maximum life time of the equipment.
14.3.3 Driver compartment should also be equipped with surge protector up to 10KV
Against unpredictable power surges.

14.4 Poles
Supply of Octagonal Poles 7 or 8m Height above the ground shall be fabricated
out of HT steel , single hot dip galvanized as per BS EN 10025, S-355 or the
applicable Indian standards . Bottom diameter Of pole shall be 135mm A/F, top
dia.70mm A/F, thickness-3mm & Base Plate 225X225X16mm thick along
provision for pole top mounting of luminaires.
PCC foundation for the poles shall be inclusive of excavation, pcc, centering
shuttering, cable lead in and lead out pipes, grouting bolts as required,
making good etc as required complete.


14.5.1 Standards:- Cables shall conform to the following standards except where
specifically stated otherwise.The following list records those Indian Standards in
force, which are acceptable as good practice and accepted standards.
SP 30: 1984 : National Electrical code

SP 7 (Group 4) : 2005 : National Building code

IS 1255: 1983 : Code of practice of Installation and

Maintenance of armoured cable up to

33 kV

IS 3961: Part 2: 1967 : Recommended current ratings of PVC


IS 1554: Part 1: 1988 : PVC insulated (Heavy duty) Electric

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cables: Part 1 for working voltages up to
and including 1100 Volts.
IS 1554 : Part 2 : 1998 : PVC insulated (Heavy duty ) Electric
cables: Part 1 for working voltages up to
and including 3.3 kV to 11 kV
IS 10810: Part 63: 1993 : Method for Test of cables, part 63 smoke
density of electric cables under fire

14.5.2 The cables shall be reputed company from approved supplier. If there is any doubt
about the authenticity of the cables supplied, the Engineer in Charge will send
a sample of the cable to a Government approved laboratory for testing and all
expenses incurred for this purpose will have to be borne by the contractor. The
Engineer in Charge may also send for verification a sample of the cable along with
the test certificates and excise duty gate passes, to the Company claimed to have
manufactured the cable.

14.5.3 The cables shall be supplied , inspected , laid, tested and commissioned in
accordance with drawings, specifications , relevant standard specifications and
cable manufacturer’s instructions.

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1.1 Scope of Work.
The scope of work under this Contract includes the following:
1.1.1 Laying of various dia MS pipeline including providing MS pipes of specified thickness with
cement lining and Corrosion resistance tape wrapping
1.1.2 Manufacturing, providing, transporting, testing & commissioning of various dia MS specials
as per site requirement.

1.1.3 Fixing and connecting all pipelines fixtures like valves, bends, tees and other specials as
specified in the construction drawings, construction all appurtenant structures such as pipe
supports, valve chambers, thrust blocks, etc.,
1.1.4 Testing and commissioning of the pipe line after laying.
1.1.5 Maintenance of all the pipelines for 24 months after commissioning. During this period, the
contractor has to set right the defect of any kind in the manufacture, laying and jointing of all
the pipelines and in the other works in this scope of tender.
1.1.6 All work shall be done as per the specifications. The works shall include providing all
materials, equipments, labour, tools, plants, transport etc., and all other services necessary for
the complete construction including necessary sub-soil investigations.
1.1.7 The alignment of the pipeline and other typical details of pipe bedding, valve chambers, thrust
blocks, pipe supports, and the general arrangement of reservoir are furnished in Drawings.
Further details shall be furnished in the construction drawings during the construction stage if
found necessary.

1.2 Royalties
1.2.1 The Employer shall deduct Royalties on materials used in the Works from the progress
payments to the Contractor at the rates specified in the most recent “Amendment to the
Karnataka Minor Minerals Concession Rules - 1969” as published by the Commerce and
Industries Department (Mines) and as illustrated in Annexure-1, attached.

1.3 Site Order Book

1.3.1 The Contractor shall maintain an identical pair of Site Order Books (one marked original and
the other marked duplicate), at the Site at all times during the execution of the Works for the
use of the Engineer and the Contractor. All instructions issued by the Engineer to the
Contractor shall be recorded in both sets of the Site Order Book and shall be signed by the
issuer and countersigned by the Contractor. After compliance with the instruction, the
Contractor shall record the same in both sets of the Site Order Book duly signed and
countersigned by the Engineer. Acceptance of any part of the work executed by the Contractor
shall be subject to verification with respect to compliance of respective instructions of the
Engineer through the Site Order Book. The Engineer shall retain the original copy of the Site
Order Book, while the Contractor shall retain the duplicate one.

1.4 Quarry Materials

1.4.1 The Contractor shall be wholly responsible to identify the suitable sources for quarry materials
required for the Works, such as earth, sand, stone, muram, etc., and to make his own
arrangements for collection and transportation of the materials irrespective of the leads and
lifts required. The quarry thus identified by the Contractor should have proper license from the

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Government of Karnataka. All materials supplied by the Contractor shall satisfy the
requirements set forth in the Specifications and shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer. The Contractor shall take this into account while offering his rates and no claims
whatsoever shall be entertained for extra costs on this account.

1.5 Inspection and testing

1.5.1 Inspection of Material to be procured

Inspection and certification of all materials used on the works such as MS Plates / Pipes and
Specials , Valves, Cement, Size Stones, Sand aggregate, Lead, Rubber gaskets etc., for
conformity with specifications of BIS. If insisted, inspection of materials at the manufacture
place shall be arranged by the contractor at his cost including the travelling and
accommodation of the inspecting officer.
1.5.2 Inspection and certification of the various components of works.
Construction of MS pipeline with all fixtures, construction of Valve Chamber including back
filling of trench in layers with compaction as specified to ensure that all components of works
are carried out as per specification and to required standards.
Inspection & Certification of Hydraulic Test on Completed pipe line in reaches as specified.

1.6 Technical Specifications

1.6.1 Engineer shall have the right to modify/alter the Particular Specifications and/or Standard
Specifications at any time which promise to confer equal or better quality than the standard
specified in the tender document. Such modification or alteration shall be acceptable to the
Contractor subject to no additional financial burden to either the Contractor or the Employer.

1.7 Storage of Materials and Plant

1.7.1 The Contractor shall provide appropriate storage facilities for materials like cement, steel,
aggregates, consumable supplies, equipment, mechanical and electrical items, etc., and shall
take all safety and security measures against theft and deterioration in quality, at his own cost.

1.8 Procurement of Materials:

1.8.1 CEMENT:
The Contractor shall use only 43 grade cement conforming to IS 8112 / 89 with latest
amendments with ISI mark. The Contractor should furnish the manufacturer test certificate for
the above brand of cement for having manufactured the cement as per relevant BIS and
guarantee certificate before using the cement.
1.8.2 STEEL:
The Contractor shall procure the steel from VISL / SAIL / VSP / TISCO and manufacturers’
test certificate is to be produced.


Sl.No. Description Make
1 Sluice Valves Conforming KIRLOSKAR, IVI, FOURESS, DURGA, JASH,
2 Butterfly valves – Conforming KIRLOSKAR, FOURESS, IVI, DURGA , L & T,
to IS 13095 / 1991 JASH

3 MS plate/HR coil to Manufacture SAIL, TISCO,ESSAR STEEL, ISPAT Industries,

MS pipes Conforming to IS: 2062

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5 Kinetic Air Valves KIRLOSKAR, IVI, BSJ, SHAU, DURGA,
6 Double Ball Kinetic Air Valves KIRLOSKAR, IVI, BSJ, SHAU, DURGA
7 Bolts, Nuts and Washers GKW, TEXSO MAKE, T.V.S. UNBRAKO

(Any other reputed make as may be approved by BWSSB at a later date by producing the credentials.)
The above branded makes are preferred. In the bid the bidder should specify the make for
which the rate is quoted without which the Board can specify any make among the above

1.9 Equivalency of Standards and be procured, and work performed or tested, the provisions of
the latest current edition or revision of the relevant standards and codes in effect shall apply,
unless otherwise stated in the Contract. Where such standards and codes are national, or relate
to a particular country or region, other authoritative standards which ensure an equal or higher
quality than the standards and codes specified will be acceptable subject to the Engineer’s prior
review and written approval. Differences between the standards specified and the proposed
alternative standards must be fully described in writing by the Contractor and submitted to the
Engineer at least 28 days prior to the date when the Contractor desires the Engineer’s approval.
In the event the Engineer determines that such proposed deviations do not ensure equal or
higher quality, the Contractor shall comply with the standards specified in the documents.

1.10 Sign Board

1.10.1 The Contractor shall provide a sign board at the site of the Works of approved size and design
which provides (i) the name of the Project (ii) the names and addresses of the Employer, the
Contractor and the Consultant; (iii) the name and short description of the Project, (iv) the
amount of the Contract Price ; and (v) the starting and completion dates.
1.11 Samples and Tests
1.11.1 The Contractor shall be responsible to develop a quality control program and to provide all
necessary materials, apparatus, instruments, equipment, facilities and qualified staff for
sampling, testing and quality control of the materials and the works under the Contract. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall either (i) establish a testing
laboratory at the site of Works which is adequately equipped and staffed to carry out all
sampling and testing in accordance with the requirement set out in the General Specifications
and/or these Special Specifications and provide all field equipment and apparatus as necessary
to conduct all specified in-situ tests and/or any Tests on Completion, provided the correctness of
the equipments are ensured or (ii) arrange for routine sampling, testing and reporting, as
required, through a certified independent testing laboratory acceptable to the Engineer. All costs
of such sampling, testing and reporting of test results will be borne by the Contractor, and the
Contractor shall include sufficient provisions in his tendered rates to allow for independent
sampling and laboratory testing under the direction of the Engineer up to 5% of the required
tests at no additional cost. The Contractor shall furnish certified copies of all test reports to the
Engineer within 3 days of completion of the specified tests.
1.11.2 The Contractor shall, within 14 days after the date of the Letter of Acceptance, submit to the
Engineer for his consent a detailed description of the arrangements for conducting the quality
control programme during execution of the Works, including details of his testing laboratory,
equipment, staff and general procedures. If following submission, or at any time during the
progress of Works, it appears to the Engineer that the Contractor’s quality control programme is
not adequate to ensure the quality of the Works, the Contractor shall produce a revised
programme which will be adequate to ensure satisfactory quality control.

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2.5.1 The Contractor is responsible for proper protection of excavations made by him from any slips
and slides. All slides and caving shall be handled, removed or corrected by the Contractor
without any extra compensation at whatever time and under whatever circumstances they may
occur. The excavations shall be made good and brought to necessary depth, width and levels
without any extra cost.

2.6 Safety measures

The Contractor shall provide adequate safety measures during excavation. They shall include:
1. Barricading all sides of the open trenches.
2. Red danger lights which can be easily visible from dusk to dawn placed at an interval of 20
3. Traffic signals and display boards giving direction for diversion of traffic at the appropriate
places as may be directed by the Engineer.
4. Adequate safe wooden plank / board or steel plate over the trenches to facilitate crossing by
the public residing on either side of the trench.
5. Round the clock watch and ward maintaining all safety regulations at the site of work and
protecting the site from unauthorised intrusions.

2.7 Progress of Excavation of pipe trenches

The Contractor shall adjust excavation of trenches in such lengths that the pipes can be laid in
such exposed portion of the trench within 2 days.

2.8 Shoring and Bracing

The Contractor shall supply, fix and maintain necessary sheathing, shoring and bracing etc., in
steel or wood, as may be required to support the sides of the excavation, to protect workmen
in the trench and to prevent any trench movement which might any way injure or delay the
work, change the required width of the trench, make unsafe condition for adjacent pavements,
utilities, buildings or other structures above or below ground.
Sheathing, shoring and bracing shall be withdrawn and removed as the backfilling is being
done, except when the Engineer may agree that such sheathing, shoring and bracing be left in
place, at the Contractor’s request. In any case, the Contractor shall cut off any such sheathing
at least 600 mm below the surface and shall remove the cut off material from the trench.
All sheathing, shoring and bracing which are left in place under the foregoing provisions shall
be removed in a manner so as to not endanger the completed work or other structures, utilities
or property, whether public or private.

2.9 Works Included in Excavation

The following works as per specifications are also included in excavation and the term
‘Excavation’ shall construe to mean all such items of work. The quoted rates should include
the same:
1. Provision of side space or additional space in the trench/pit for working and/or
accommodating sheathing, shoring, bracing, etc.
2. Supply, installation and removal after the work, all sheathing, shoring and bracing
required to protect the excavation where required or where such work is recommended by
the Engineer.
3. Protection of excavations.
4. Providing adequate safety measures.
5. Additional work in connection with overhead wires and poles.
6. Excavation for Socket hallows.

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7. Supplying and fixing of sight rails and boning rods in the trench to facilitate measurement
of work.

3.1. Bedding for the pipe
Bedding shall be provided all along the stretch of the pipe line, which differs based on the area
through which the pipe line passes. However, the type of bedding to be provided shall be as
decided by the Engineer.

3.2 Earth Bedding

The pipes shall be placed on the natural, undisturbed earth bedding, which has been carefully
shaped to fit the lower part of the pipe for a width of at least 50 % of its external diameter. The
trench shall be excavated to an extra breadth and depth, wherever weld joints are coming.
Filling and removing earth or similar materials beneath the pipe to adjust with the grade will
not be permitted except filling with compacted granular bedding material or murrum.

3.3 Gravel Bedding

Wherever rock is met with, it shall be removed up to 150 mm below the bottom level of the
pipe to a minimum width equal to the width of the trench and the resulting space shall be filled
up with good quality compacted gravel. The granular material shall be filled in the trench up
to the level of ¼ the outer diameter of the pipe line, above the bottom of trench and well
compacted. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, rock excavation shall progress at least
20 m in advance of the pipe length proposed to be laid.

3.4 Measurement for bedding:

The Contractor shall include the cost of earth bedding required for the pipeline in the tendered
rate for pipe laying, for providing gravel bedding. The surplus quantity of excavated earth
shall be disposed off. The quantity shall be measured in cubic meter correct to two decimal
4.1 General
The Contractor shall use selected surplus spoils from excavated materials for backfilling. All
fill material shall be subject to Engineer’s approval. The excavated materials suitable for
backfilling shall be stored not closer than 600 mm from the edge of the trench and shall not
obstruct any public utilities or interfere with travel by local inhabitants or general public.
Handling and storage of excavated materials must meet with the regulations of the Local
Government Authorities. The detailed specifications for backfilling shall be as per Clause 8 of
IS: 3114-1994 and Clause 4.11 of IS 12288-1987.

4.2 Method of Backfilling

Trenches and excavated pits for structures shall be backfilled to original ground level or to
such other levels, as the Engineer may direct. All backfilling shall be carried out in orderly
manner expeditiously and consistent with good workmanship.
4.2.1 Backfill material put into the trenches/pits for backfilling, shall unless otherwise specified be
compacted and built up as to minimise future settlement as much as is reasonably possible.
For this, care shall be exercised in selecting backfill material free from large hard clay lumps,
especially in cramped areas directly adjoining the walls of structures.
4.2.2 Backfilling in trenches shall be done as pipe laying progresses, with the permission of the
Engineer, after the pipe or conduit is properly bedded, jointed and inspected and all

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measurements for the location of Y-Junctions, tees, etc., are properly recorded by the Engineer
and sufficient time is allowed for the joint materials or cement concrete or mortar to set.
However the joints shall be left open for inspection during testing, which shall be backfilled
after successful completion of testing, after obtaining permission from the Engineer.
Backfilling around and over the pipe, conduit, or structure shall be taken up uniformly on all
sides and in the sequence and manner specified hereinafter, with care to avoid the
displacement or damage to the pipe, conduit or structure. For the purpose of backfilling, the
depth of trench shall be divided into the following three zones measured from bottom to top of
trench, as follows:
i. Zone A : From bottom of trench to the centre line of pipe,
ii. Zone B : From the level of centre line of pipe to a level of 300 mm above the top of
iii. Zone C : From a level of 300 mm above the top of pipe to the top of trench.
4.2.3 Backfilling in the trenches and around structures shall be carried out in horizontal layers of
uniform thickness of not more than 150 mm when measured loose. As may be necessary to
attain maximum compaction, the backfill material shall be moistened by sprinkling with
water. After placing each layer of backfill material, the layer shall be thoroughly and
uniformly compacted by means of mechanical or hand tampers. The compacting equipment
and the manner of its use shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
4.2.4 After the backfill material is placed in Zone A and Zone B as specified above, the remaining
portion i.e., Zone C of the trench may be machine backfilled. Even in this case the backfill
material shall be placed in uniform horizontal layers of not more than 150 mm thickness.
Small pebbles of size less than 50 mm, if any, shall be so distributed throughout the mass, that
all interstices are solidly filled with fine material. The backfill material shall be tamped with
mechanical tamping equipment, after moistening the backfill by sprinkling with water to
obtain maximum compaction (min 95% proctor density).
4.2.5 Machine backfill shall be so conducted that the material deposited in the trench shall not fall
directly on top of the pipe from such a height as might result in damage to the pipe joints or
4.2.6 If the trench is subjected to conditions which might cause flotation of the pipe before
sufficient backfill has been placed, the Contractor shall take the necessary precautions to
prevent floatation of the pipe, conduit or structure.
4.2.7 Before final acceptance of the work, additional tamped earth shall be added to restore the
settled trench surface to the required level of the adjacent earth surface or to the base of
crushed rock wearing surface or to the finished earth base.
4.2.8 If from the excavated soil, enough backfill material is not available, imported, selected and
approved backfill material from the borrow pits is required to be placed for backfill, on
approval of the Engineer backfilling of trenches where the excavation is in the rock shall be
with the surplus soft soil, with all lead and lift.
4.3 Disposal of Surplus Excavated Material
The excavated material which is in surplus to the requirements after backfilling shall be
removed and spread at places shown by the Engineer, with all lead and lift from the site of work, for
which payment shall be made as per the quoted rates. No surplus or excess material shall be disposed
in a stream / channel or in any place where the pre-construction surface drainage may have to be
provided, without written permission of the Engineer.

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5.1 Scope
This specification covers the general requirements for fabrication, laying, testing and
commissioning of longitudinal & circumferential welded mild steel SAW pipes above /below
ground, including associated civil works required for the same.

5.2 Standards
The following specifications, standards, and codes are part of this specification. All standards,
specifications and codes of practice referred herein shall be the latest edition including all
applicable official amendments and revisions.
In case of discrepancy between this specification and those referred to herein, this
specification shall govern,

IS 2062 Steel for general structural purposes

IS 808 Dimensions for hot rolled steel beam, column channel and angle
IS 814 Covered Electrodes for manual metal arc welding for carbon and
carbon manganese steel
BS 5155 Specifications for butterfly valves
AWSS-5.1 Specification for mild steel covered arc welding electrodes
IS 3613 Acceptance tests for wire flux combination for submerged arc
AWS: A-5.17 Specification for Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for
submerged arc welding
IS1367 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners.
IS2016 Plain washers
IS2074 Ready mixed paint, air dying, red oxide zinc chrome. Priming
IS1786 High yield strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete
IS432 (Part-1) Mild steel & Medium Tensile bars and hard drawn steel wire for
concrete reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel
IS432 (Part 2) Mild steel and Medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel wire
for concrete reinforcement: Part 2 Hard drawn steel wire
IS 269 33 grade ordinary Portland cement
IS8112 Specification for 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement
IS8041 Specification for Rapid hardening Portland cement
IS383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural source
IS12330 Specification for Sulphate Resisting Portland cement

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IS 4353 Submerged arc welding of mild steel and low alloy steels
IS456 Code for practice for plain and reinforced concrete
IS800 Code of practice for general construction in steel
IS816 Code of practice for use of Metal arc Welding for General
IS817 Code of practice for Training and Testing of Metal Arc Welders
IS1182 Recommended practice for Radiographic examination of Fusion
Welded Butt joints in steel plates
IS2595 Code of Practice for Radiographic Testing
IS3658 Code of practice for Liquid Penetrant Flew Detection
IS5334 Code of practice for Magnetic Particle Flaw Detection of welds
ASTM E 94 Recommended Practice for Radiographic Testing
ASTM E 109 Dry powder Magnetic Particle Inspection
ASTM E 138 Wet magnetic Particle Inspection
ASTM E 165 Liquid Penetrant Inspection
IS 3600 Methods of testing of Fusion Welded joints and Weld metal in steel
IS 483 Recommended practice for Radiographic inspection of fusion welded
butt joints in steel pipes
IS 3589 Specification for seamless or Electrically welded pipes for water, Gas
and Sewage
IS 6631 Steel pipes for Hydraulic purposes
IS 7343 Code of practice for ultrasonic testing for ferrous Welded Pipes and
Tubular Products
IS 2598 Safety code for Industrial Radiographic Practice
IS 5822 Code of Practice for laying of electrically welded steel pipes for
water supply
IS 1566 Hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement
IS 6419 Welding rods and bare electrodes for glass shielded are welding of
structural steel
IS 1974 Bare wire electrodes for submerged arc welding
IS 7307 Approval tests for welding procedures
IS 7310 Approval tests for welders working to approved welding procedures
IS 2720 Methods of test for soils
IS 780 Specification for Sluice valves for water work purposes. (50 to
300mm size)
IS 2906 Specification for sluice valves for water work purposes (350 to
1200mm size)

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IS 1916 Steel cylinder pipe with concrete lining and coating
IS 7322 Specials for steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes
IS 11906 Recommended for cement mortar lining for cast iron, mild steel and
ductile iron pipes and fittings for transportation of water.

5.3 Materials
Steel plates – The steel plates for pipes fittings, specials and stiffeners shall be of mild steel
conforming to IS2062 Grade B, with no negative tolerances on the plate thickness
Cement – Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 269.

Aggregate – The aggregate shall confirm to IS 383

Water – The water used in preparation of concrete mix shall conform to the requirements of
mixing water specified in IS : 456

Welding consumables – such as electrodes, filler rods and wires shall conform to IS 814, IS
3613, IS 6419 and IS 7280

When requested by the Engineers, the contractor shall provide test sample of the materials to
be used in the works for testing. The cost of such tests shall be borne by the contractor and
shall be included in his item rates.

5.4 Inspection
All works and material under specification will be rigidly inspected during all phases of
manufacture and testing and such inspection shall not relieve the contractor of his
responsibility to furnish materials and performed work in accordance with this specification.
The contractor will notify the engineer, in advance of the procurement of materials and
fabrication thereof, in order that the employer may arrange for mill and shop inspection. The
engineer may reject any or all materials or work that does not meet with any of the
requirements of this specification. The contractor shall rectify or replace such rejected
material/performed work at his own cost, to the satisfaction of the engineer.

The Engineer shall have free access to those parts of all plants or any other premises and sites
that are concerned with the furnishing of materials or the performance of the work under this
The contractor shall supply free of cost required specimen of materials for testing by the
employer at any time during the progress of work and shall bear the cost of all such tests or
retests to the satisfaction of engineer.

The contractor shall provide 2(two) sets of accurate “GO” and ‘No Go’ ring gauges to
measure the diameter of pipes, specials and fitting for the use of the Engineer at no extra cost.

5.5 Manufactures of Pipes and Specials

5.5.1 General
The pipes shall be truly cylindrical, and straight in axis. The ends shall be accurately cut and
prepared for field welding the external circumference of the pipe pieces which are to be fixed
adjacent to the flange adapter with fixed outer diameter shall not deviate from theoretical one

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by more than 2mm. to obtain this accuracy the pipe shall be rolled several times, if necessary,
as pipe pieces should be truly cylindrical. The external longitudinal welding of this pipe shall
be ground smooth flush with surface to the satisfaction of the Engineer, for a length of 200
mm from the ends of the pipe. No extra cost shall be charged by the contractor for this
grinding work.
Minor repair by welding or otherwise shall be permitted at the discretion of the engineer, but
such repairs shall be done only after obtaining the prior permission from the Engineer. Any
pipe or part thereof, which develops injurious defects during welding or other operations,
shall be rejected.

5.5.2 Fabrication Yard

This fabrication yard meant for fabrication of pipes, specials etc shall also be equipped with
facilities for testing, painting, lining, etc. For completing the work under the present contract
within the contract period, the fabrication yard shall be equipped with adequate numbers of
equipment and plant including:
 Plate bending machine for rolling of pipe drums

 Automatic welding machines (suitable for circumferential as well as longitudinal


 Hydraulic welding machines

 Traveling gantry or crane of capacity 10 tons or above

 Mobile cranes for loading/unloading of plates, pipes etc. 15 tons capacity each

 Lathe for machining of the flange rings, plates etc.

 Equipment for sand blasting, cement mortar lining, and facilities for bitumen

The fabrication yard shall have adequate area, and shall also have stacking areas for the
stacking of plates, pipes and fittings. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for any
area required.

5.5.3 Demonstration

Contractor shall demonstrate the works in this contract at fabrication yard before
commencement of works and during the works at intervals specified and as directed by the
Engineer. No payment shall be made in this regard.

The works under demonstration shall include but not limited to the following:
 Manufacture of pipe and specials

 Machine and manual welding to qualify ‘Welding Procedures’

 Hydraulic testing

 Pipe handling procedures

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5.5.4 Cutting plates to size
The plate provided shall be utilized so as to minimize wastage and so as to make the pipe as
far as possible with one longitudinal joint. Plate sizes shall generally suitable for fabrication
of 1.5 m long shells (minimum), to be made up to pipes of 6.0 m to 12 m lengths to suit
contractor’s proposed working methods.
Before cutting, all the edges of the plates shall be cleaned by brushing/grinding both the sides.
After the plates are cut, the edges shall be made smooth and even by polishing with an
electrical or pneumatic grinder to remove all inequalities. Care shall be taken to see that the
cut edges of the plate are perfectly straight. Jigs to be used for this purpose shall depend upon
the types of cutting machine used. The plates cut to the required shapes shall be checked for
the correctness before they are rolled into pipe drums. If any correction is required, the
contractor shall do the same by re-cutting, if necessary. If any plate or flat is found to be
warped, to have corrugations, the defects shall be removed by putting the plate or flat into a
roller press and rectified. Laminated or heavily corroded plate shall not be used in
manufacturing of the pipe.
The ends of the finished pipe in the factory shall necessarily have bevel ends conforming to
IS 3589 to facilitate field welded joints.

5.5.5 Rolling of Plates

The plates cut to the exact size shall be put into a rolling machine to form a pipe of the
required diameter. The contractor shall adjust the rolling machine so as to give a uniform
curvature to the pipe throughout its circumference. The curvature obtained shall be checked
by the contractor’s foremen during the process of rolling and if proper curvature is not
obtained at any place including the ends, the rolling operation shall be repeated at this stage or
even after the longitudinal welding of the drum where directed. Heating of plates to obtain the
desired curvatures shall not be permitted.

5.5.6 Tracking the Drums

The rolled drums shall be kept on an assembly platform for tracking, care being taken to
ensure that the tacked drums have either faces at right angles to the axis of the pipe. A gap of
2 mm to 4 mm shall be maintained while tacking the drum, where the manual arc welding, is
permitted. However, where the welding is to be done by automatic welding machine, there is
no need to maintain such gap. To achieve this objective, clamp spiders, tightening rings and
or any other approved gadgets shall be used. Each drum, before being taken to the assembly
platform, shall be numbered on the inside with oil paint, stating the plate thickness as well.

5.5.7 Assembly of Drums into Pipes

The tacked drums shall then be transported to an assembly platform where they shall be
welded together to form suitable pipe-lengths. Plate shall be bent in the maximum possible
width to reduce the number of circumferential joints. The number of longitudinal joints shall
be as per IS 3589.
The longitudinal joints shall be staggered at 90 degrees. The drums shall be tacked together as
above. The assembly shall be truly cylindrical and without any kinks. The faces shall be at
right angles to the axis of the cylinder. A suitable arrangement for testing the correctness of
the pipe shall be provided by the contractor at the assembly platform.

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5.5.8 Specials
Specials shall be fabricated to the dimensions shown on drawings. Specials, such as tees, Y-
pieces, bends, tapers, etc. shall necessarily be in steel and shall be in accordance with IS
7322/BS 534/AWWA C208 and ASME standards and tested and laid in the same manner as
the pipes.
Standard fittings shall be used wherever possible in preference to fabricated fittings. Standard
fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with standards above. Where fabricated fittings
are supplied with approval of Engineers they shall be fully workshop fabricated and tested in
accordance with above standards.
Tee and branches on steel pipelines must be reinforced by welding collars around the base of
the branch and in the case of large diameter branches, increasing the main pipe wall thickness
or making use of crotch plates. Unless shown otherwise on the drawings branches shall
comply with the requirement of the following table:
Fitting Description Main Pipe wall Branch Pipe Wall Collar Details (mm)
Pipe work O.D. Thickness Thickness (mm)
(mm) (mm)
324 off 1320 10 5.0 150 Wide x 14 to 25 Thick
324 off 1320
324 off 1999- Level 14/12 5.0 150 Wide x 14 to 25 Thick
Invert Tee
324 off 1647 14/12 5.0 150 Wide x 14 to 25 Thick
324 off 1241 11/12 5.0 150 Wide x 14 to 25 Thick
8/10 5.0 150 Wide x 14 to 25 Thick

The fittings shall be designed and, if considered necessary by the Engineer, fabricated by a
specialist contractor and the design calculations and drawings shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval. For oval shaped collars the width given in the above table shall be at
the narrowest point. All other fittings, tees, branches, crosses and bends are to be designed by
the fabricator.
Steel specials shall have the same chemical and mechanical properties and shall be
compatible in all respects with the pipes with which they are to be used. The marking of pipes
and fittings shall be as specified.

5.5.9 Electrodes
The contractors shall use appropriate type and size of electrodes with suitable flux covering
depending on the thickness of plate and the type of joint. They shall also use standard current
and voltage required for the machine in use as per manufacturers directions. Welding
electrodes shall conform to IS 814 and IS 4353. Electrodes from reputed manufacturers like
Advani Oerlikon, D& H, Philips etc. shall be used with the approval of Engineer. India made
or equivalent foreign made electrodes of the approved quality shall be used. The contractor
shall provide suitable equipment and ovens to keep the electrodes dry at the desired baking

5.5.10 Welding

Upon receipt of the order and prior to the start of fabrication, the contractor shall submit to
the Engineer for his approval the ‘Welding Procedure Method Statement’ he intends to use in
the shop work. At the same time the procedure for the field welding must be submitted to the
Engineer for his approval.

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All components of pipe shell, either straight or bent etc shall be welded by use of automatic
arc welding machine by submerged arc process with alternating current. The strength of the
joint shall be at least equal to that of the parent material. Manual welding shall be adopted
only when machine welding is not possible.
The contractor shall use electrodes of approved make and size, the size depending on the
thickness of the plate and the type of joint. Standard current and arc voltage required for the
machine shall be used with necessary modifications as may be found necessary after
experimental welding. For this purpose, samples of welded joints shall be prepared and tested
in the presence of the Engineer for qualifying the welded procedure Method statement. Only
approved welding procedures of the Engineer shall be obtained.
All the shop and the field welding conform to IS 4353, IS 9595, IS 816.
All longitudinal and circumferential joints shall be Single-V or Double-V butt joints with or
without backing plates. After completing the welding joints of pipes or plates from one side,
and before the welding on the other side, the joints shall be back chipped/ gouged and ground
to remove irregular penetration till the even surface is exposed. Gouging shall be restored to
when the plate thickness is above 6mm.
All circumference welds involving plates of unequal thickness shall be so kept that the inside
surface of plates match to provide stream lined joints without alteration in the internal
The welding shall be the best workmanship free from weld defects. In order to maintain a
good standard in welding, welders shall be tested by the contractor before they are entrusted
with the job. Qualification standard for welding procedures, welders and welding operators
shall confirm IS 7307 and IS : 7310 (latest). Only those who pass the test shall be allowed to
work on the job. Periodical tests as regards their competence shall also be taken at suitable
intervals and those found incompetent shall be removed from the job. If an incomplete
welder has already welded some pipes, all welding done by him previously shall be fully
checked by X-ray in addition to the regular X-ray inspections. The defects if any, shall be
rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All such check tests and rectification of defects
shall be entirely at the cost of the contractor. No pipes or steel sections shall be erected unless
the work of the welders concerned has been proved to be satisfactory and qualified. Site
welds shall be done by welders qualified for the various welding positions as per applicable
IS codes and standards.
A record shall be maintained showing the names of welders and operators who have worked
in each individual joint. Manual arc welding shall preferably be carried out by a pair of
welders so that by, observing proper sequence, distortion can be avoided. A joint entrusted to
a particular individual or a pair shall be as far as possible, completed by them in all respects,
including sealing run. No helper or other unauthorized person shall be permitted to do any
welding whatsoever.
The weldment should not become brittle or sensitive to blows and there should be no loss of
toughness due to welding or heat treatment. The material after welding and heat treatment
shall match with the base metal properties including original ductility. The weld should in no
point be less than the nominal thickness of plate a slight reinforcement as per IS code shall be
maintained on all weld joints. Final welding of closure gaps should be carried out within a
temperature range of average air temperature ± 8o C.
Where required by the Contractors working methods the pipes shall have cable holes /entries
installed in the fabrication shop; they shall comprise a hole in the pipe with a reinforcing plate

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welded to the pipe with a tapped hole in it large enough to allow the passage of the cables and
other paraphernalia necessary for welding the pipes. A screwed plug shall be provided to
close the hole.

5.5.11 Testing of Weld Coupons

Test pieces shall be provided by the contractors for both longitudinal and circumferential
welded and joins at the positions pointed out by the Engineer the sample so taken out shall
then be cut to the exact shape and dimensions and machined as described in relevant
standards before testing for chemicals and mechanical properties.
The entire cost of the tests including provision of test samples, machining the test pieces,
transport to and from the laboratory and testing them in a laboratory, payment of all testing
fees, cleaning and painting etc. shall be borne by the contractors. The tests shall be carried out
in a government or semi government institute approved by the Engineer. This shall be
arranged by the contractor with the approval of Engineer. the testing laboratory shall have
instruments/ equipments which are having calibration requirements traceable to National or
International standards.
The following tests shall be carried out:
Mechanical Tests
The test plates shall be subjected to all mechanical tests as per the approved method
statement, or as otherwise reasonably directed by the Engineer. Test shall be carried out in
the accordance with relevant standards. The tests shall include determination of yield
strength, tensile strength, elongation and bend tests. Tensile test shall be carried out in
accordance with IS 1894. One test plate shall be provided for from each lot of 100 lengths.
If a test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws not associated with welding,
it may be discarded and another specimen submitted. The welded joint shall exhibit
mechanical properties not lower than those specified for highest 2062 Grade B.
Guided bend test shall be in accordance with IS 3589/IS 3600. One bend test shall be carried
out from each lot of 50 lengths. The test shall comply with the requirements specified in IS
3589/ IS 3600.
Field Joints
The field welded joints shall be tested in accordance with the proce3dure laid down in
IS3600. One test plate shall be taken for every 10 joints and shall be subjected to mechanical
and chemical tests as specified above.

5.5.12 Re-tests
If the results of tests of any lot do not conform to the requirements specified, retests of two
additional specimens from the same lot shall be made,. Each of which conform to the
required specifications, in case of failure of one or both, gouging and repairing shall be
carried out to the particular lot of joints from which the samples have been taken as directed
by Engineer before the lot can be accepted. The rectification process shall also have adequate
tests plates and they shall be tested for complaints with the IS codes/standards.
In case both the samples yield satisfactory results in the retest described above, gouging and
repairing will be required to the carried out on the joint which has failed in the initial test

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All charges in connection with retesting of the welded sample including machine, testing etc.
shall be borne by the contractor.

5.5.13 Radiograph of Welded Joints

As soon as practicable, after welding is done, every longitudinal and circumferential welded
length minimum 10% (ten percent) length of the weld at random for each pipe shall be radio
graphed, to detect welding defects as per the requirement of IS4853 and as directed by
Engineers. This 10% sampling will be at random but ensured 100% coverage of junctions of
longitudinal and circumferential joints. If the results of such radiography fail to conform to
the requirements, the contractor shall carry out 100% radiography test for the pipe as directed
at the contractors cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The weld repels or welds surface irregularities and slag etc., on both inside and outside shall
be removed by any suitable mechanical process to a degree such that result in radiographic
contact due to any remaining irregularities cannot mark or be confused with that of
objectionable defect. The radiograph shall be made in strict accordance with the latest
requirements and as per the latest and most efficient technique either with X-Ray or gamma
ray equipment. The safety requirement during radiography shall be in accordance with IS
The radiographs are to be marked in such a way that the corresponding portion of the welded
seam and the welder can be readily identified. All radiographs will be reviewed by the
Engineers to identify the defects and determine those, which requires rectification. Defects
that are not acceptable shall be removed by chipping; grinding or flame gouging to sound
metal and resulting cavities shall be welded. After rectification, the joint is to be radio
graphed again to prove the quality of the repair. The radiograph will be judged as acceptable
or un acceptable by the Engineer based on the latest standards prescribed by the relevant
Indian standard specification.
All X-rays shall be taken with equipment and by personal of the Contractor. Films shall be
developed within 24 hours of exposure and be ready in accessible at all times for inspection
by the Engineer. the contractor shall provide for the use of the Engineer suitable X-Ray
viewing equipment. X-Ray films shall be properly maintained by the contractor. A complete
set of radio graphs and records as described in IS : 2595, for each job shall be retained by the
contractor and shall be handed over to the BWSSB on completion of the Contract. All films
shall be identified by the number and chart prepared indicating location of any work
associated with the pipe erection and such inspection shall be performed by the radiographer
at the discretion of the Engineer.
Radio graphic inspection of welded joints:
All welded joints to be radio graphed shall be examined in accordance with

IS 2595 - Code of practice for Radiographic Testing

IS4853 - Recommended Practice for Radiographic examination of fusion
welded Butt-joints in steel pipe
IS1182 - Recommended Practice for Radiographic examination of fusion
welded Butt-joints in steel pipe
IS2598 - Safety Code for Industrial Radiographic Practice
Radiographer performing radiographs shall be qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A .
Supplement and appendices “Recommended Practice for Non-destructive Testing Personal

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Qualification and Certification” published by the American Society for Non-Destructive
testing as applicable for technique and methods used.
Final acceptance of Radiographs shall be based on the ability to see the prescribed
pentrameter image and the specified hole.
Sections of welds that are shown by Radiography to have any of the following types of
imperfections shall be judged un-acceptable and shall be repaired.
 Any type of crack, or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration

 Any elongated slag inclusion which has length greater than 6 mm

 Any group of slag inclusion in line that have an aggregate length greater than
thickness in a length of 12 times thickness, except when the distance between the
successive imperfection exceeds 6 L where L is the length of the longest imperfection
in the group.

 Rounded indication in excess of that specified by the acceptance standards given


5.5.14 Tolerances
Tolerances of the plate thickness shall be ± 3%. Minimum width of the plate shall be 1.5m.
A tolerance for straight pipes shall be in accordance with IS 3589 or as amended below.
Finished pipe sections shall be truly straight with walls parallel to the axis of the pipe and
shall not be out of the alignment by more than 0.2% of the total length.
The outside circumference of the pipe shall not vary by more than 0.5 per cent.
Outside diameter of the pipe shall not vary by more than plus or minus 0.5 per cent.
The permissible tolerance for specials for diameter, arm length and angular deviation shall be
in accordance with IS 7322/BS 534.
Whenever any dent, i.e., a significant alteration of the curvature of the pipe shell is noticed,
the depth of the dent shall be measured between the lowest point of the dent and the pipe shell
curvature line. All dents exceeding 2 per cent of the outer diameter of the pipe shall be
removed by cutting out a cylindrical portion of the pipe and replacing the same by an
undamaged piece of the pipe. the Engineer may permit insert patching if the diameter of the
patch is less than 25 percent of the nominal diameter of the pipe. Repairs by hammering with
or without heating shall not be permitted. Any damage to the coating shall also be carefully
examined and rectified.

5.5.15 Pipe Testing in Fabrication Yard

A hydraulic test shall be carried out at the fabrication shop for each pipe length fabricated, in
the presence of and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All pipes and specials shall be
subjected to hydraulic test at the fabrication yard after fabrication, but before application of
protective coatings.
Prior to testing, the pipe shall be inspected thoroughly and all the apparent defects in welding
such as slag, prosperity etc. shall be repaired by gouging and re-welding.

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Each pipe shall be filled with water slowly and the pressure increased uniformly until the
required test pressure is reached. The test pressure shall be 18 bars for pipes and specials with
10mm thick MS plate.
The pipe tested shall be given a serial number which shall be painted with details such as pipe
number, shell thickness, diameter, length etc. as directed by Engineer. It shall be entered in
the register to be maintained by the contractor. The register shall be maintained in suitable
format giving the following information for each shell tested:
 Serial No.

 Pipe No.

 Date of test

 Specification and thickness of steel

 Weight of pipe shell tested

 Maximum test pressure

 Details of test performance

 Details of radiographic examination of welds

 Name of Engineer’s representative witnessing tests.

 A copy of these details shall be furnished to the Engineer.

For indicating the pressure inside the pipe an accurate pressure gauge of approved make duly
tested and calibrated for the accuracy of readings shall be mounted on one of the closures
which close the pipe ends.
The pressure shall be applied gradually by approved means and shall be maintained foe at
least 10 minutes or till the inspection of all welded joints is done during which time the pipe
shall be hammered throughout its length with sharp blows, by means of a 1 kg hand hammer.
The pipe shall withstand the test without showing any sign of weakness, leakage, oozing or
sweating. If any leakage or sweating is observed in the welded joints, the same shall be
repaired by gouging and re-welding after dewatering the pipe. The repaired shall be re-tested
to conform to the specified pressure.
If any leak or sweating is observed in pipe shell the pipe under test shall be rejected
temporarily. The Contractor shall stack such rejected pipes separately in his yard. The
Engineer shall inspect the same as shall determine the nature of repairs to be carried thereon
and shall then decide as to how and where they shall be used. No payment shall be made of
handling or carrying out repairs, but, payment for, fabrication and shop hydraulic testing of
the pipe shall be released only after acceptance of the pipe with necessary repairs and
subsequent testing etc. are carried out by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Engineer shall be supplied with two copies of the results of all the tests carried out.
No pipe shall be transported out of the fabrication yard to the site unless they have
hydraulically tested except permitted by the Engineer in writing to do so.

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5.5.16 Marking
All pipes and specials shall bear the following markings. The marking shall be on the side
which will be the inside of the pipe after bending. The marking operation shall be conducted
with full size rulers and templates. Only blunt nose punches should be used.
The plates used for fabrication of pipes shall be laid out in such a way that when the shells are
completed one set of original identification markings for the material will be plainly visible.
In case these markings are unavoidably cut out, they shall be accurately transferred by the
contractor to a location where these markings will be visible on the completed work.
After the hydraulic tests on the specials the direction of the flow shall be stamped in a
prominent manner.
 Outside Diameter (mm)

 Length of pipe/angle of the bend (m/degrees)

 Plate thickness (mm)

 Approximate of weight of the pipe/special (tons)

5.6 Joints

(i) General
Unless detailed otherwise, all pipes and fittings shall have welded joints as detailed in
Drawings. Where shown on the Drawings, flanged joints or collar sleeve joints shall be
(ii) Welded Joints
The use of butt welded joints for joining pipes shall be in accordance with clause 6.6.10 and
end preparation shall be in accordance with IS 3589
(iii) Sleeve collar joints
The use of sleeve collars shall generally be limited to the jointing of pipes at tie-ins. The
thickness of the external steel sleeve collar shall be not less than that of the pipe itself and the
length a minimum of 300 mm. the sleeve shall be joined to the pipe with an internal full depth
structural weld and external sealing welds to allow the joint to be gas tested. A gas testing
hole shall be made at each end of the sleeve and for the purpose of gas testing joints.
(iv) Flanged Joints
Flanged shall comply with IS 7322/BS4504. The nominal pressure rating shall be at least
equal to the highest pressure rating of the pipes of fittings to which they are attached, but with
a minimum PN 16. The contractor shall fabricate flanges meeting the requirements of the
pipe sizes under this contract or otherwise to suit the abutting valves or other connections, if
they are not readily available. Flanges shall be provided with all necessary nuts, bolts,
washers and gaskets, as specified herein. The Contractor shall also supply in suitable
containers sufficient graphite grease for application to the bolt threads when joints are made.
(v) Slip of Type Couplings
Slip on Type Couplings shall include the following coupling:
 Straight flexible couplings

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 Stepped flexible couplings

 Flange adopters

 Dismantling joints
Slip on Type Couplings shall be from the Viking Johnson System manufactured by the
Victaulic Company or form approved suppliers whose fittings meet the same Specifications.
The preparation of pipe ends for slip-on Type Couplings shall be in accordance with the
requirements of and the tolerances specified by the joint manufacturer. Couplings shall be
installed fully in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Slip on Type Couplings shall be protected if buried with Densomastic and Densotape
wrapping or similar approved material applied in accordance with the manufacturers
recommendations. Flexible joints shall be harnessed or tied where shown on the Drawings.
Flexible couplings and flange adaptors shall be supplied with transit protection.
5.7 Storage
Pipes and fittings shall be stored raised off the ground and shall be carefully supported,
cushioned and wedged. Special care shall be taken to ensure the steel pipe is cradle and
supported in a manner that prevents any distortion of the pipes.
All gaskets, nuts and bolts flange adaptors and other similar items shall be stored in the dry
conditions, raised off the ground in sheds or covered areas.
Where items required special storage requirements, the method of storage shall be to the
approval of Engineer and in accordance with manufactures requirements.
Storage areas shall be set out to facilitate unloading, loading and checking off materials.
All pipe materials shall be inspected when deposited in the storage area any defects or
damage shall be noted and reported to the Engineer. the pipe material shall only be repaired or
replace with the Engineers approval.
End covers and other protection shall not be removed until in corporation of the pipes or
fitting into the works.

5.8 Transportation and Handling

All pipes and specials fabricated in the yard and temporarily stacked in the factory shall be
transported carefully to the site of laying after internal cleaning.
Any vehicles on which pipes are transported shall have a body of such length that the pipes do
not overhang. Last pipes shall be placed on cradles and the loads properly secured during
Additional precautions shall be taken to avoid deformation of flexible pipes. To maintain their
circular cross-section internal struts shall be fitted in the pipes. Details of the proposed
strutting system shall be submitted to the Engineer to the approval and if required by the
Engineer, the method of strutting shall be demonstrated and tested on site.
The pipes and specials shall be handled in such a manner as not to distort their circularity or
cause any damage to their coating. Wide non-abrasive or other approved slings shall be used
and all hooks and other metal devices shall be well padded. Hooks engaged on the corner
wall surface at pipe ends shall not be used. Steadying ropes shall be employed.

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The positions of lifting slings shall ensure that stresses and tendency towards deformation in
the pipes are kept to a minimum.
Pipe handling equipment shall be maintained in good condition and any equipment, which is
in the opinion of the Engineer, may cause damage to the pipes shall be discarded.
Under no circumstances shall pipes be dropped, be allowed to strike one another, be rolled
freely or dragged along the ground.
No valves shall be lifted by the spindle.
Fabricated materials such as man-hole covers, appurtenances, bolts, nuts, flanges, saddles,
collars, bypass arrangements etc., shall be transported to the site of laying from the fabrication
yard according to needs of the laying operations only.

5.9 Pipeline Construction

5.9.1 General
Laying/Erection of fabricated pipe lengths shall be carried out by the Contractor who shall
equip himself, at his cost with all necessary tools, machinery, labour etc., required for the
purpose. The pipeline shall be constructed in lengths with a separate full time gang working
on each length.

Except for routine welding of joints, no other work shall be done in the absence of Engineer.

The components of the sections of the pipeline such as plates, and pedestals have been so
designed that the centers of the plates and pedestals shall coincide at the mean temperature of
the locality. For this reason, all works such as fixing flanges, plates etc. in true alignment, and
in correct position and tack welding pipes shall be done at the mean temperature. For
ascertaining the temperature, the contractor shall provide mercury cups and fix them to the
pipe shell from outside and shall also provide thermometers of the required type and range.
No extra payment shall be made for this.

5.9.2 Laying Programme

The contractor shall submit a detailed bar chart for manufacturing and laying of the pipeline,
which shall be subject to the Engineer’s approval. In preparing this bar chart, the contractor
shall plan his activities such that the laying of pipes shall closely follow the manufacturing
schedule and no pipes shall remain in factory or at site for a period more than two months.
Together with the chart he shall submit a methodology describing how he will carry out this
work within the contractual period and the required resources in terms of construction
equipment and other facilities that he shall utilize to complete the works.

5.9.3 Contractor to Resurvey the Pipeline Route

While setting up the site the contractor shall undertake survey of the pipeline route and
compare this with the survey supplied at the time of tender and a joint record. Levels are to
be taken at 30 m intervals and at any sharp changes in level. Where practical the chainage
points shall coincide with those original surveys. Not less than 14 days before
commencement of pipe laying the Contractor shall supply the Engineer, any discrepancies, if
observed, with two hard copies and one computer disk copy of the survey.
The format of the survey shall be identical to the longitudinal sections which formed part of
the tender documents. The Engineer shall supply the contractor a copy of the longitudinal

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section and the contractor is to use this to produce new drawing. Details of all the benchmarks
which were used in the original survey of that length of pipeline shall be supplied to the
contractor by the Engineer.
The Engineer shall resolve any problem arising from discrepancies between the two surveys
and supply the contractor with any revised Drawings that may be required.

5.10 External Coating with Corrosion resistant tapes

Unless otherwise specified or stated on the drawings the pipeline to be laid underground and
the exposed pipeline supported on saddles shall be coated with the corrosion resistant tapes
confirming to IS: 10221-1982 Appendix B.

5.10.1 Material
(i) Primer: Primer shall be a coal tar / asphalt or suitable resin product. It shall be a liquid
that can be applied without heating and shall produce an effective bond between the surface to
be protected and the subsequent coating of coal tar / asphalt tape. Primer shall contain no
benzol and shall not settle in the container to form a cake that cannot be mixed easily by hand
stirring. Primer shall have good sparing and / or brushing properties and an minimum
tendency to produce bubble during application.
(ii) Tapes: Tapes shall be comprised of coal tar / asphalt component supported on fabric of
organic or inorganic fibers. The coal tar / asphalt component shall comply with quality
provisions as in 4.1.2 & table 13 of IS: 10221-1982. The fabric shall be thoroughly coated
and completely covered on both sides with coal tar / asphalt component. Tape shall be
furnished in standard width as recommended by the manufacturer. Rolls shall be warmed on
hallow course having a minimum inside diameter of 37mm. Tape shall have sufficient
pliability at a temperature of 25o to unwind from the roll without disbanding the coal tar /
asphalt component from the fabric.
 Length: the standard length of tape on one roll shall be 9, 15 or 23m

 Thickness: the variation in the thickness of the tape shall not exceed ± 0.125mm from the
thickness specified. In no case shall thickness of the tape be less than 4.00mm.

 General requirement: when heated to a condition permitting conformation to the

surface to be coated, the tape shall withstand, without tearing, the tensile force necessary
to obtain a tightly wrapped coating free of voids. The tape shall provide a minimum
thickness of 15 mils of coating between the steel surface and the inner face of the fabric
when applied under tension necessary to provide a void free warp. Should the tape have
plastic film separator of the type that is not removed prior to application, the thickness of
the separator shall not adversely affect the bond between overlapped sections of tape.

5.10.2 Application of Wrapping tapes:

(i) Cleaning: Pipe surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried before the primer is
applied, and shall be free of dirt, grease, oil rust, scale or other foreign matter. The pipe shall
be cleaned by any one of the following mutually agreed methods.

 Grit / shot blasting

 Sand blasting &

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 Mechanical cleaning.
Primer shall be applied by brush, glove or spray so as to give a coating thickness i.e., between
two & four mills when wet. The primer shall be allowed to dry to the touch prior to tape
application. Primer & tape shall be furnished by the same manufacturer.
If the application is done in cold whether, the surface of the pipe shall be pre-heated until it is
warm to the touch and until traces of moisture are removed, and than the primer shall be
applied allowed to dry.

6.10.3 Field Application of Tape:

The tape shall be wrapped in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations in a
manner that shall meet the adhesion and holiday detection requirements of IS: 10221-1982.
In any event, there shall be a minimum of 12mm overlap per single wrap. Earlier single or
double wraps shall be specified by the purchaser. In application, care shall be taken that there
are no air pockets or bubbles beneath the tape and shall be in intimate contact with the primed
steel surface. The manufacturer shall provide assistance in demonstrating the proper method
of application if requested by the contractor.

6.10.4 Field Adhesion Test:

Adhesion tests shall be made to determine the proper bond between the coal tar/ asphalt
component of the tape and the properly primed pipe. The number of adhesive tests required
to determine quality of application is at the inspector’s option, but, desirably, no more than
one test per special section, connection, or fittings should be performed to avoid extensive
repair unless defects are found in the first test.
The temperature of the tape and pipe to be tested shall be between 10oC and 27o. If the
temperature is outside this range, hot or cold water shall be poured over the test area until this
temperature range is attained. A test area shall be selected by the inspector where the tape is
smooth for 15cms in the longitudinal direction of the tape. Two knife cuts that are 15cm long
and 5cms apart shall be made through the tape. A flat blade shall be used to pry up 5cm of
the fabric. This 5cm flap of fabric shall be grasped firmly in one hand and shall be pulled a
quick motion in the direction of the remaining 10 cm of the 15cm knife cut.
The adhesive is satisfactory if the tape tears at the point of stripping or the or the fabric strips
from the under laying coal tar component, leaving exposed not more than 10 percent of the
primer or metal.

6.11 Buried Pipelines

6.11.1 Trenching
Trenching includes all excavation which is carried out either by hand or by machine and shall
be carried out in accordance with all general requirements of Part-5. In addition to those
general requirements, the following requirements shall apply to pipelines:
The width of the trench shall be kept to a minimum consistent with the working space
required and having regard to the safety of the trench, the method of laying and jointing the
pipe and the need to avoid damage to pipe coating and so as to provide the minimum
horizontal clearance as stated in the table below. The bottom of the trench shall be properly
trimmed to permit even bedding of the pipeline.

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The portion of the trench which extends from the formation level to not less than 300 mm
above the crown of the when laid in its correct position, shall unless otherwise specified or
ordered by the Engineer, be formed with vertical sides. The clearance between the sides and
the bottom of the trench and the barrel of the pipe shall not exceed the following, inclusive of
any allowances required for temporary trench supports:
Pipe Nominal Bore Site Clearance
Bottom Clearance (mm)
(mm) (mm)
600 to 1000 250 400
1050 to 2500 300 500

The clearance at joints may be increased to allow the joints to be made and inspected, any
proposed increased shall be approved by the Engineer.
All trenches deeper than 1.2m shall have the trench walls battered or supported to ensure the
safety of all persons working in the trench of required. The contractor is to provide details of
these arrangements for approval by the Engineer prior to any work being undertaken in such a
No excavations with battered sites shall be made in roads, footpaths, private gardens, or
within 10m of any buildings or other structures.
The contractor shall erect temporary fencing around all open excavations and post warning
science in English and the local languages. All fencing shall be at least 1 m tall, rigid in
nature and strong enough to prevent people falling into the trench. The contractor shall also
take all other necessary measures to ensure the safety of the public and others.
The maximum length of excavation which may be left open in any length is 500 m. the
opening of two lengths within 500 m of each other shall require the approval of the Engineer.
The excavation shall be kept free of water to allow: placing of bedding, laying of pipes,
welding of pipes, inspection and testing of joints, coating of joints, placing of backfill and
other activities within the pipe trench, to be carried out in a satisfactory manner.

5.11.2 Bedding
The depth and type of bedding shall be as shown in the Drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. Where rock or boulders are encountered, the trench shall be transmitted to a depth
of at least 300 mm below the level at which the bottom of the barrel of the pipe is to be laid
and filled to a like depth with sand as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The class of bed and surround to be used are indicated below:
Class of bed and surround Brief description of bedding

Class N Well Graded Sand

Class S Granular material

Class S bed and surround shall be used on all pipes unless otherwise specified or shown on
the Drawings.
Class N bed material shall only be used where the pipe trench is founded in hard rock or
otherwise directed by the Engineer. the sand shall be clean and well graded and free from
topsoil, clay or vegetable matter and to the approval of the Engineer. if the sand supplied is

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unclean it shall be washed. In no case shall sand containing more than 3.5% by dry volume or
5% by wet volume of clay, loam or silt be accepted. Tests specified for determining silt in
sand and organic impurities as described in IS 383 shall apply.
The graded granular bed material for use in Class S bedding and surround shall consist of
durable gravel, crushed stone or disintegrated rock. Selected material excavated from the pipe
trench may be used, provided it contains no topsoil, clay or vegetable matter and is to the
approval of the Engineer and shall be supplied with the certification which gives details of its
content of the granular material shall not exceed 0.5% and 0.06% by weight respectively.
Graded Material.
The Contractor’s method of grading the excavated material shall be to the approval of the
Engineer. All Class S graded material shall pass through test sieves to IS 460 (Part 1) in the
following proportions by mass :

Aperture Size Percentage passing

50 mm 100%

37.5 mm 90 - 100%

20.0 mm 35 – 70%

14.0 mm 25 – 55%

10.0 mm 10 – 40%

5.0 mm 0 - 5%

5.11.3 Construction of Class S bed and Surrounds

Class S pipe bed and surround shall be constructed as indicated on the Drawings.
The granular material shall be evenly spread over the full width of the formation and lightly
compacted to a level slightly higher than level corresponding to the underside of the pipe
barrel to allow for settlement of the pipe to the correct level.
Following placement and jointing of the pipe further granular material shall be placed in the
trench, special care being taken to fill under the sides of the pipes to ensure full contact with
the barrel of the pipe.
Field joints which have not been tested shall be left exposed for a minimum length of 150 mm
each side of the joint. The granular material shall then be placed and compacted evenly on
both sides of the pipe to a depth of 300 mm above crown of the pipe.
Trench supports shall be withdrawn gradually in accordance with the progress of the fill with
the provisions that such withdrawal shall not prejudice the safety of the works.
The contractor shall ensure that the material to the sides of the pipe is adequately compacted
in layers having a maximum thickness of 150 mm and that the method of compaction used
shall achieve not less than 95 % of the maximum dry density as determined from IS 2720:
Part 7
After each section of the pipeline has passed the hydraulic test, the exposed joints shall be
backfilled and compacted to the above specification.

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The same general requirements shall apply to Class N bedding.

5.11.4 Pipe Laying

Pipe shall be laid in accordance with IS 5822 unless otherwise specified herein.
The pipeline shall be constructed in lengths with a separate full time gang working on each
length. The work on lengths may proceed concurrently. The programme for pipe laying shall
be submitted to and be approved by the Engineer at the start of the contract. Any subsequent
changes to the programme shall be submitted and approved by the Engineer before work to a
different programme is started.. excavation for the pipeline in any one length shall not at any
time proceed more than 2 km beyond the end of a hydraulically tested, completed and
backfilled length of pipe, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The exposed joints
between tested sections shall be disregarded in the above definition.
No metal tools or heavy objects shall be permitted to come into contact with the pipes or
fittings. External coated pipe shall be handled at all times with wide non- abrasive canvas,
rubber or leather straps or other equipment to prevent damage to the coating. The use of
chains, wire slings, or any other handling equipment found to be injurious to the coating shall
not be permitted. The timber or skids used to support the coated pipe prior to lowering into
the trench shall not be properly padded with sufficient bags stuffed with sand or straw for
protecting the coating. Alternatively, the pipe may be supported alongside the trench on
mounds of sand. Any injury to the protective coating from any cause must be repaired before
the pipes or fittings placed in the trench. During laying operations, no debris, tools cloth or
other material shall be placed in the pipe. Pipes and fittings shall be lowered into the trench
with equipment suitable for the weight of the pipes and fittings, and they shall be carefully
cleaned before jointing.
Pipe shall be laid accurately to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings, within a tolerance
of +- 10 mm.
Pipe alignments shall be straight between bends or curves. Length laid to curves shall only be
allowed where shown on Drawings or in accordance with detailed proposals approved by the
Properly painted sight rails shall be supplied and erected, with boning rods of predetermined
measurement for the boning of individual pipes to the correct gradient. The sight rails shall be
situated vertically above the line of the pipe or immediately adjacent thereto, and there shall
at no time be less than three sight rails in the position on each length of the pipe under
construction to any one gradient.
The contractor may submit to the Engineer for his approval an alternative method of the
control of pipe laying to the correct levels and alignment.
The joining of pipes shall be made in accordance with the\e requirements of this specification.
The Contractor shall obtain from manufactures all special information regarding the handling
of the pipes, joints, and other fittings and he will be deemed to have made him thoroughly
conversant with all phases of pipe laying before commencing the works.
A “badger” or “bung” about 10mm smaller than the internal diameter of the pipe shall be
kept in the pipe at all times, pulled forward as the work progress. When pipe laying is not in
progress, including overnight, the open ends of the pipeline shall be blanked off with a
temporary watertight fitting approved by the Engineer. The pipe shall be suitably held down
so that the pipe does not become buoyant in the event of the trench becoming flooded.

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To restrict the flow of rain runoff along the trench the contractor shall be plug the trench with
backfill material at distances not exceeding 250 m until the pipeline can be filled in. the plugs
shall be removed when trench filling is taking place. In granular bedding areas the plugs shall
be of clay and shall be left in.

5.11.5 Level Control

The criterion for the level to which transmission main shall be laid such that the cover above
the crown of the pipe to ground level shall be as specified in the drawings but in no case shall
be less than 1200 mm unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

5.11.6 Laying to Curves

Where pipes are to be laid to curves, the deflection at each joint shall not exceed one degree.
For sharper curves specifically made bends shall be provided.

5.11.7 Lowering and Jointing

The pipe shall be lowered into the trenches such that no part of any shoring is disturbed or
damaged and if necessary, additional temporary struts may be fixed during the lowering
operations. Care shall be taken to ensure that the longitudinal joints of two consecutive pipes
at each circumferential joint are staggered by 90 degree. While assembling the pipes, the ends
shall have to be brought close enough to leave a uniform gap not exceeding 4 mm. there shall
be no lateral displacement between the pipe faces to be joined. If necessary, spiders from
inside and tightening rings from outside or other suitable equipment shall be used to bring the
two ends in perfect contact and alignment. In no case shall hammering or longitudinal slitting
be permitted. Jacking may be permitted for this purpose in particular circumstances and
approval by the Engineer.
When the pipe is properly assembled firmly supported on wooden beams and wedges or by
other approved means it shall be checked for correct line and level and tack welded. The tack
welded circumferential joints shall then be welded fully.
On completion of the pipe jointing the external portion shall be coated with M15 concrete and
the trench and the welding pits shall be cleaned. The welding pit shall be filled with approved

5.11.8 Floatation
The contractor shall take proper precautions against the risks of floatation and the flooding of
the excavated works and shall make due allowances in his programme for any closure he
considers necessary on account of monsoon.
Should any section of the pipeline be affected by floating in the course of works the entire
work shall be removed and then reinstalled to the satisfaction of Engineer. The entire cost of
laying it again to the correct line and level shall be to account of the Contractor.

5.11.9 Steel Props

In order to effectively provide cement mortar lining to the inside of the pipes and to avoid
difficulties during the work, it is necessary that the roundness of the pipes is maintained
circular till the lining work is taken up. To achieve the same, steel adjustable screw type props
of screw or similar approved type consisting of minimum six legs(three props) shall be fixed
inside the pipe and the diameter correctly set.

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The design and drawings of the props that the contractor intends to use should be approved by
the Engineer before starting the work. These props shall be fixed vertically at intervals as
directed by the Engineer. The props should be kept in position at least for three days after the
encasing of the pipe in that section is completed or until refilling is done to the full height of
fill over the pipe in case the pipes are not encased. The props shall be removed only after
obtaining permission from the Engineer.

5.12 Internal Cement Mortar Lining

All pipes and fittings shall be internally lined with cement mortar in accordance with
IS:11906/AWWA C602. Cement mortar in lining shall be applied in-situ after pipe laying
and after sectional hydraulic testing.
Cement shall be Portland cement in accordance with IS 8112
Sand used for lining shall be tested with standard sieves as per IS 460 and requirements
specified in IS 11906
The minimum cement content shall be 100 kg/m3 and the water : cement ratio by mass shall
be between 0.3 and 0.45:1
The mortar shall stop 100 mm back from the faces of any joints. The end face shall be

5.12.1 Surface Preparation

The interior surface of the pipe to be lined shall be cleaned to remove all rust, chemical or
other deposits, oil, grease and all accumulations of water, dirt, and debris. The cleaning of the
surface shall be carried out by the use of suitable chemical or mechanical means to the
approval of the Engineer. The extent of cleaning shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
All loose mill scale, dirt, rust, and accumulation of construction debris shall be removed
from the interior of the steel pipeline. The pipeline shall be cleaned by use of a power-driven
cleaner incorporating revolving brushes on rotating arms.
Immediately prior to the travel of the lining machine through the pipeline, all foreign material
shall be removed. This includes small sand and loose mortar that might have accumulated
since the work of preparation of surfaces was completed.

5.12.2 Mix Proportion

Proportion of sand to cement shall not be more than 1.5 parts sand to 1 part by volume.
Mortar composing of cement, sand and water shall be well mixed and of proper consistency
to obtain a dense, homogeneous lining that will adhere firmly to the pipe surface. The cement
mortar mix shall comply with strength and density requirements specified in IS
11906/AWWA C602. No admixtures shall be permitted unless approved by the Engineer.

5.12.3 Thickness of Lining

The lining shall be placed by centrifugal method in one course by a machine traveling through
the pipe and discharging the mortar at a high velocity over all pipe sections and long radius
bends. The discharge shall be from the rear of the machine so that the freshly applied mortar
will not be marked. The rate of travel of the machine and the rate of mortar discharge shall be
mechanically regulated so as to produce uniform thickness throughout. The mortar must be
densely packed and shall adhere to the pipe wherever applied.

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5.12.4 Surface Finish
Mortar lining shall be mechanically trowel led except for the places where hand toweling is
expressly permitted by the Engineer.
The lining shall be provided with attachments for mechanically trowel ling the mortar. Both
the application and toweling of the mortar shall take place at the rear of the machine so that
the freshly placed and trowel ling of the mortar will not be damaged. The trowel attachment
shall be such that the pressure applied to the pipe will be uniform and produce a lining of
uniform thickness with a smooth and even finished surface free of spiral shoulders. The
finished surface of machine placed and trowel led linings in pipe shall be examined according
to the following procedure.
Thickness of lining shall be ascertained frequently during placing of mortar and trowel ling
using an approved non-destructive method.
In the stretch of pipe that has been lined and trowel led in each day’s run, ten places shall be
selected in straight sections of the pipe by the Engineer. In each of the ten places the thickness
of the lining shall be re measured by non-destructive means as directed by the Engineers.
Defects in lining including but not restricted to sand pockets, voids, over sanded areas,
blisters, cracked and dummy areas, and thin spots shall be removed, and the area shall be
repaired to the full required thickness of the mortar lining. Defective areas encompassing the
full diameter to the pipe shall be replaced by machine. Defective lining rejected at the time of
lining shall be removed before initial set of the mortar. Defective lining rejected after initial
set shall be replaced or repaired by the most practical method as determined by the Engineer.
Hair cracks or cracks up to 0.25 mm width and not over 300 mm in length in finished linings
may be considered acceptable at the discretion of the Engineer but larger cracks shall be
repaired or removed and redone all as directed by the Engineer.

5.12.5 Hand application

Cement mortar lining of bends, specials, areas closely adjacent to valves and other such
places where machine placing may not be practical shall be performed by hand. The Engineer
may order the correction for any defect by hand application.
Cement mortar for hand work shall be of the same materials as the mortar for machine placed
The areas to be lined shall be thoroughly cleaned as specified earlier and, if necessary, shall
be moistened with water immediately prior to placing the hand- applied mortar.
Steel finishing trowels shall be used for the hand application of cement mortar, except at
bends the outer edges of hand trowel led areas may be brushed in odder to reduce the abutting
All hand finishing work in a section of the pipeline shall be completed within 24 hours after
completion of the machine application of mortar lining that section. If necessary, application
of mortar lining by machine shall be delayed or stopped to assure compliance with this
Hand placed mortar shall have a uniform and smooth surface with smooth transitions to
adjacent machine placed linings.

5.12.6 Curing

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Curing shall commence immediately after completion of the mortar lining and hand finishing
of a section of pipeline. This shall, not be later than 8-hours after mixing of mortar. The lining
shall be kept continuously in moist condition for a period of 14 days. During the operation of
lining, finishing and curing, exterior surface of the pipe exposed to sunlight shall be sprinkled
with enough water to keep the pipe cool. Open ends of pipes shall be suitably closed so as to
maintain a moist atmosphere and prevent draught. Curing of mortar lining and simultaneous
cooling of the pipeline externally shall be continued even beyond the period of 14 days if so
directed by the Engineer.

5.12.7 Tests
Test blocks of the same material as used for the lining shall be made in 150 mm cube moulds
and subjected to cube crushing tests. Each block shall be removed from its mould as soon as
practicable and cured under the conditions of temperature and humidity identical with those in
which the lining of the pipe is cured. The number of tests shall be at least 4 cubes for each age
and water cement ratio for each days work. The work cube strength of the test cube shall not
be less than 300 kg/cm2 after 28 days of curing or 170 kg/cm2 of 7 days of curing. The density
of the test cube shall not be less than 2300 kg/m3

5.13 Valves

5.13.1 General
Valves shall be as per IS recognized standards. Flanges shall be machined on faces and edges
to ISO 7005, IS 6392 or BS 4504.
Valves shall be double-flanged type and the face shall be parallel to each other and flange
face should be at right angles to the value centerline. Backside of value flanges shall be
machined or spot faced for proper seating of the head and nut.
Valve buried or installed in underground chamber, where access to a hand wheel would be
impractical, shall be operated by means of extension spindle and/or keys.
Valves of diameter 450 mm and above shall be provided with lifting eyes and shall have
detachable bolted covers for inspection, cleaning and servicing.
Valves shall be suitable for frequent operation as well as operation after long periods of
idleness in either open or closed position
The valve stem, thrust washers, screw, nuts and all other components exposed to water shall
be of a corrosion resistant grade of stainless steel.
Valves shall be free from sharp projections.
Butterfly and non-return values shall be provided with bypass arrangement. This may be
integral with value or connected between pipes.

5.13.2 Butterfly Valves

Metal seated butterfly value shall be as per IS 13095/ BS 5155. Valve shall be suitable for
mounting in any position.
The valve seat shall be of integrally cast or replaceable design. When the value is fully closed,
the seal shall seat firmly so as to prevent leakage. The seat surface shall be machined smooth
to provide a long life for the seal.

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All fasteners shall be set flush so as to offer the least resistance possible to the flow through
the valve.
All valve, spindles and hand wheels shall be positioned and vice versa shall be limited to
about 5 minutes. The valve shall be suitable for controlling flows by throttling.
Valves shall be provided with enclosed gear arrangement for ease of operation. The operation
gear shall be such that they can be opened and closed by one man against an unbalanced head
15% in excess of the maximum specified rating. Valve and any gearing shall be such as to
permit manual operation on a reasonable time and not exceed a required rim pull of 400 N.
All hand wheels shall be arranged to turn in a clockwise direction to close the valve, the
direction of rotation for opening and closing being indicated on the hand wheels. Hand wheel
shall be provided with an integral locking device to prevent operation by unauthorized person.
Material of Construction:

Body: Cast steel (Conforming to ASTM A216 Gr WCB)

Disc: Cast steel (Conforming to ASTM A216 Gr WCB)
Shaft: Stainless Steel (BS 970 431 S29)
Seat Ring: Stainless Steel: ASTM A 743 CF8
Bearing: Teflon
Size of valves and pressure rating as per Bill of Quantities. Location of valves shall be as per
contract drawings.
The contractor shall provide test certificates for materials, strength and leakage shall in
accordance with BS5155 or relevant international standards.

5.13.3 Sluice Valves

Sluice valve shall conform to IS 780 and IS 2906 or relevant internationally recognized
They shall be of non-rising spindle type. The valve shall be furnished with a bushing
arrangement for replacement of packing without leakage. They shall also have renewable
channel and shoe linings. The gap between the shoe and channel shall be limited to 1.5 mm
The gate face rings shall be screwed into the gate or alternatively securely pegged over the
full circumference.
All valves, spindles and hand wheels shall be positioned to give good access for operational
All hand wheels shall be arranged to turn in a clockwise direction to close the valve, the
direction of rotation for opening and closing being indicated on the hand wheels.
Materials of Construction:

Body of gate Cast iron to IS: 210 Gr FG 200

Spindle Stainless steel BS 970 gr 431 S29
Seat Rings Stainless steel ASTMA 743 CF8
Back Seat Bush Bronze; IS 318 Gr LTB2
Shoe & Channel Lining Bronze; IS 318 Gr LTB2

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Size of valves and pressure rating as per Bill of Quantities. Location of valves shall be as per
contract drawings. The contractor shall provide test certificates for materials, strength and
leakage shall be in accordance with BS 5150/ IS 750.
The design and locations of washouts are shown in drawings. Exact positioning shall be
determined by the Engineer with regard to topography. With regard to washouts at least 3 m
of the washout pipe work, inclusive of the isolating valve, measured from the center line of
the pipeline shall be laid at the same time as the pipeline and suitably capped to prevent
ingress of foreign material. The minimum gradient for the washout pipe work shall be 1 in
100, if not shown in Drawings.

5.13.4 Air valves

The air valve shall be capable of exhausting air form pipe work automatically when being
filled. The air being released at a sufficiently high rate to prevent the restriction of the inflow
rate. Similarly the valve shall be capable of ventilating pipe work automatically when being
emptied, the air inflow rate being sufficiently high to prevent the development of a vacuum in
the pipelines. The valve shall also automatically release air accumulating in pipe work during
normal working conditions.
Air valve shall be of the double orifice type with a large orifice for air entry into the pipeline
and smaller orifice for automatic release of air under normal working pressure. The valve
shall be suitable for the maximum working pressure in the systems. All air valves shall be
provided with isolating valve and flanged end connections.
Air valve shall be designed to prevent premature closure prior to all air having been
discharged from the line. The orifice shall be positively sealed in the closed position but the
float (ball) shall only be raised by the liquid and not by a mixture of air and liquid spray.
The seating shall be designed to prevent the floats sticking after long periods in the closed
Air valve shall comprise of cast iron body having faced and drilled flange at inlet and with
two chambers each housing a ball. One chamber shall have small orifice and other a large
orifice. Balls shall be of injection moulded plastic with high impact strength or any other
suitable approved material.
Materials of Construction:

Body/cover Cast Iron (IS 210 Gr FG 220)

Seat ring Gun metal (IS 318 Gr II)
Float/Balls Vulcanite
Valves shall be DN 200 and shall be PN16 pressure rating. Location of valves shall be as per
contract drawings.
The contractor shall provide test certificates for materials and properties shall be in
accordance with relevant standards.
Before carrying out pipeline pressure testing the contractor shall verify with the supplier of
the air valves that the valves have the capacity to sustain the pipeline test pressures. In the
event that they do not sustain the pressure the valves shall be removed and the stubs off the
pipeline shall be blanked off before pressure testing the pipeline.

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5.13.5 Stubs
Stubs for air valves, scour valves and pressure relief valves of required dimensions as
specified in the drawings shall be fabricated by the contractor and shall be fixed to the

5.13.6 Nuts, Bolts and Washers

Unless otherwise specified, nuts, bolts and washers shall be galavanished and/or zinc
electroplated conform to the requirements of IS 1364. Bolts shall be of sufficient length that
at least one thread but not more than three threads shall show through the nut when in the
fully tightened condition.

5.14.1 Anchor Blocks

Anchor blocks shall be provided at horizontal bends, vertical bends/ and at intervals on
pipelines with gradients in excess of 1 in 6 as noted on the drawings, and at other locations
ordered by the Engineer. The anchorages shall be made from concrete and constructed to the
dimensions shown on the drawings. Where faces of anchor blocks are shown to bear against
undisturbed ground, the contractor shall take all necessary measures to ensure that such
bearing is given over the full dimensions shown.
Curves formed by welded bends and pipe lengths will not require anchoring unless
specifically shown in the drawings.
Welded pipelines shown on the drawings as having tied couplings an flanges shall require
anchor blocks only at the positions specifically noted on the drawings.

5.14.2 Vertical Thrust Blocks

Vertical thrust blocks shall be located wherever there is a transition between above ground
and buried pipelines. All vertical thrust blocks shall have flexible joints at either end to allow
for small amounts of settlement to occur. The contractor shall undertake the construction of
the thrust blocks as early in of settlement to occur. The contractor shall undertake the
construction of the thrust blocks as early in the programme of work as is practical and at least
six months prior to the installation of the above ground pipeline, in order to reduce the risk
settlement of imposing additional loads on the pipeline supports.
Where possible the base of the thrust block shall be cast against solid rock in order to prevent
any settlement. Any material overlaying the rock shall be excavated and replaced with class
M15 mass concrete. In the event of no rock being encountered the base of the thrust block
shall be cast against undisturbed ground. Any ground which in the Engineer’s opinion is
unsuitable shall be excavated and replaced with class M15 mass concrete.

5.15 Internal Cleaning of Pipeline

Pipeline shall be cleaned of all dirt, debris, dust or other deposits by repeated hosing of
copious quantities of water on the pipe surface and simultaneously rubbing the surface with
gunny cloth to the satisfaction of Engineer. Cleaning with metal cleaning solution, acid, wire
brushes, scrappers or sand paper shall not be permitted.
The section of the pipeline once cleaned shall not be entered into for any purpose later.
Sufficient precaution shall be taken to prevent the ingress of any dirt, debris, or dust inside the
section. Failing this the section shall be cleaned again at the discretion of the Engineer.

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In the case of above ground pipeline, the length of the section to be taken up for cleaning shall
be decided in consultation with the engineer from the point of view of ventilation etc.
In case of buried pipeline a section shall be taken up for cleaning after the work of back
filling around and over the pipeline is completed and the spiders have been removed from
inside with approval of Engineer.
During the pipeline operation in the adjoining section, the contractor shall take all the
precaution to prevent ingress of water, debris, dirt, etc in the cleaned section, failing which
the section shall be cleaned again at the discretion of the Engineer. When deemed necessary
by the Engineer suitable closures shall be provided at the open end or the ends of the cleaned
No separate payment will be made for the work of cleaning and providing closures. The rates
coated for the laying of pipes shall include the cost of cleaning also.

5.16 Hydraulic Testing Pipeline

Pipelines and fittings shall be subjected to hydraulic pressure test in the presence of the
Engineer which shall comply with IS 5822 unless otherwise specified.
Testing shall be carried out in two stages:
Test of section as construction proceed before internal cement mortar lining
A test of the hole of the pipeline on completion
The contractor shall equip with all plants, equipment, fittings and water necessary for the
hydraulic tests. The contractor shall submit to the Engineer, well in advance of the time of
test, details of proposals, including the supply of water either by tankers or bore holes. No
connections from the existing pipelines will be allowed, nor will any connection to the
pipeline and pipe work which would involve cutting, tapping or altering the permanent works
be allowed.
Test gauges shall be of approved manufactures having dials at least 200 mm diameter,
graduated such that the test pressure is at least 75% of the full-scale reading shall be used. If
necessary different gauges shall be supplied for different pipeline section. Two gauges shall
be provided for the sole use of the Engineer and shall remain in the engineer possession for
the duration of the contract. All gauges shall be dead weight tested and calibrated at the
commencement of work and at regular intervals as require by the Engineers.
The contractor’s arrangements for testing shall include a suitable means of quick installation
and removal of the Engineers gauges during testing.

5.16.1 Testing Procedure

The sectional hydraulic test shall be carried out after the pipeline section to be tested as been
laid, jointed and back filled to a depth sufficient to prevent flotation, but leaving the joints
exposed which have not been tested. The sections to be tested shall be to the approval to the
Engineer and shall be not longer than 2000m or 500 m when either pipeline is laid adjacent to
or underneath the carriage way or when section includes an air valve chamber. The joints
between each tested section shall be left exposed until the pipeline has passed the test on

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This test shall be undertaken within one month of the contractor commencing the laying of
the pipes. Should the pipeline fail the test or the contractor fail to undertake the test, all laying
and welding work shall come to a halt until that section of pipeline passes a hydraulic test.
Each length of the pipeline to be tested shall be capped or blanked off at each end and
securely strutted or restrained to withstand the forces which will be exerted when the test
pressure is applied. Testing against closed valves will not be permitted. Washout valves shall
be fitted with blank flanges and these together with in-line valves shall be left open. Air
valves already fitted shall be permitted to function during the test.
Proposals for testing where thrusts on structures are involved, even where thrust flanges on
the piping are installed, shall be submitted, with the calculations of the forces to be carried, to
the Engineer for approval.
The method of filling the pipeline with water shall be approved by the Engineer. The length
under test shall be filled making certain that all air is displaced through an air valve installed
at the top of the blank flange situated at the high end of the line. The length shall then remain
under constant moderate pressure, 10 to 20m head of water, for a period of several hours until
the pressure can be maintained without additional pumping.
The pressure shall then by slowly increased at a maximum rate of 1 bar per minute to the full
test pressure and pumping discontinued for 3 hours or until the pressure has dropped by 10 m,
whichever occurs earlier. Thereafter pumping shall be resumed and continued until the test
pressure has been restored. The quantity of water pumped to restore the pressure shall be the
measure of leakage from discontinuation of pumping until its resumption.
The pipe length shall passes the test if the leakage is not more than 0.33 liters per mm
diameter per kilometer per 24 hours for each 100m head of pressure applied.
Notwithstanding the satisfactory completion of the hydraulic test, if there is any discernible
leakage of water from any pipe or joint and repeat the hydraulic test.
No pipeline shall be accepted until the leakage on any length is not more than the rate of
leakage specified above and all sources of leakage have been rectified.
The test on completion shall be carried out after all the pipeline sections have been
satisfactorily tested and the joints between each section completed to provide a continuous
test length between pipelines shall be tested as above except where the Engineer issues such
instructions as are necessary for testing parts of the works that have been designed for stresses
limited by considerations other than those applying to the pipeline systems.

5.16.2 Test Pressures

Test pressures are to be measured in bars at the center of the blank flange situated at the
lowest end of the pipeline under test. Unless otherwise specified or shown on the drawings
pipeline test pressure shall be in accordance with the following:
Steel pip and fittings 8, 10 and 11 mm wall thickness 18 bar
Test pressure for sections of pipeline containing air valve chambers shall be such that the
pressure at the chamber does not exceed valve design pressure as specified by manufacturer.
When undertaking a Test on completion of the pipeline length may contain pipes of different
wall thickness in such cases the lower of the different test pressures shall be used.

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5.17 Pipeline Disinfections
Upon completion of a newly laid main, the main shall be cleaned, disinfected and dewatered
as directed by the Engineer.
The internal surface of pipelines, specials, appearances shall be disinfected using chlorine
solution in accordance with procedure specified in IS 5822. Alternative methods may be
adopted with the approval of the Engineer. The chlorinated water shall stand in pipeline for a
minimum period of 24 hours and all valves in the system shall be operated twice during this
The chlorinated water shall be neutralized and disposed off as directed by the Engineer.
After final flushing and before the pipeline is placed into service, water samples shall be
collected and tested for bacteriological quality and shall not indicate the presence of
califorms. If the initial disinfections fail to produce satisfactory results, disinfections shall be
repeated until satisfactory samples are obtained.
The contractor is expected to carry out the cleaning, disinfecting and dewatering work as a
part of laying the pipes and his rates for laying the pipes should include the cost of cleaning
and other related works.

5.18 Markings
Details like valves type, size, and cistern number shall be painted on the valve chambers as
directed by Engineer.
5.19 Measurement and Payment
The measurement of the pipes for items specified in Bill of Quantities shall be on running
meters of net length along the centerline of the pipe excluding the length of specials and
Specials shall be paid separately on the basis of provision made in the Bill of Quantities. For
the payment purpose, flanges shall be either included in or excluded as described in the Bill of
Quantities. However materials such as nuts, bolts, and washers, etc., shall be included in the
respective terms.
Valves shall be paid on number basis as mentioned in the Contract Data.
Payment for fabrication of pipes and specials shall be made after successful testing and
delivery to work site. Payment for laying the pipes and specials shall be made as mentioned
in the Contract Data.
Lining and coating shall be measured by surface area coated or lined in square meters. For
coating the outer diameter (before coating) of pipe barrel shall be considered and for lining
internal diameter (before lining) of pipe barrel shall be considered.


6.1 The Contractor shall build Valve Chambers & Thrust Blocks/Anchor blocks and such other
miscellaneous structures that may be required at the locations shown by the Engineer and as
shown in the drawings or as may be otherwise specified or directed. Unless otherwise specified
in this Chapter or advised by the Engineer based on the site conditions.

SD/- SD/-
The various structures shall be built as the pipe laying progresses and the Engineer at his
discretion, may stop work entirely on the laying of pipe or construction of other structures,
until the construction of the structures already approved by the Engineer are completed by the
6.2 Thrust Blocks
Thrust blocks shall be provided for both horizontal and vertical bends as suggested, for
effective transfer the hydrostatic thrust developed during the operation of the rising main. They
shall be constructed at the locations shown in the alignment drawings, and are of the respective
dimensions shown therein. The surrounding virgin land of the thrust blocks shall not be
disturbed, to effectively transfer the thrust developed in the main.

6.3 Valve Chambers

RCC valve chambers shall be provided for all valves. These valve chambers are of different
sizes suitable for air valves, scour valves & Control valves with RCC pre-cast slabs covering.

6.4 Structures for Crossing Canal/ Nallahs and Other Miscellaneous Structures
Structures for crossing the pipeline over canals/Nallahs and other miscellaneous structures not
listed in these specifications but may be required to be built shall be as per construction
drawings and as described in Bill of quantities. The materials of construction of workmanship
for those structures shall conform to the relevant Standard Specifications. The measurement of
quantities involved in these structures for payment shall be done as per dimensions of the
respective drawings.

6.5 Grade of concrete

6.5.1 Ordinary Concrete

In case of ordinary concrete, mix is not required to be designed by preliminary tests and
proportions of cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates are specified by volume. The
ordinary concrete shall be in four grades designated as M 7.5, M 10, M 15 and M 20. It can
also be specified by volumetric mix as given in Table-4 below. For cement which normally
comes in bags and is used by weight, volume shall be worked out taking 50 kg of cement as
0.035 cubic meters in volume. Shaking, ramming or hammering shall not be done.
Proportioning of sand shall be as per its dry volume and in case it is damp, allowance for
‘bulkage’ shall be made as per IS: 2386 (Part III).
Ingredients required for ordinary concrete containing one bag of cement for different
proportions of mix shall be as given in Table-4 below.

Ingredients Required for Ordinary Concrete

Grade of Nominal Mix by Total quantity of dry in kg (max) Quantity of water in

Concrete* volume Cement: by mass per 50 kg of cement (to liters (max) per
Fine Aggregate: be taken as the individual masses 50 kg of cement***
Coarse Aggregate** of fine and coarse aggregates)
M 7.5 1:4:8 625 45
M 10 1:3:6 480 34
M 15 1:2:4 350 32
M 20 1:1.5:3 250 30
* In the designation of a concrete mix, letter ‘M’ refers to the mix and the number refers to the
specified 28 days’ works compressive strength of that mix on 150 mm cubes, expressed in N/ sq.

SD/- SD/-
** The proportions of the aggregate shall be adjusted from upper limit to lower limit progressively as
the grading of the fine aggregates becomes finer and the maximum size of coarse aggregate
becomes larger.
*** The amount of water should be kept minimum required for proper workability. The quantity given
in the column is not to be exceeded.

6.6 Strength Requirement of Concrete

Where Ordinary Portland Cement conforming to IS.269 or Portland Blast Furnace Cement
conforming to IS:455 is used, the compressive strength requirements for various grades of
concrete controlled as well as ordinary shall be as given in Table-5. Where rapid hardening
Portland cement is used, the 28 days compressive strength requirements specified in Table-5
shall be met at 7 days.
For controlled concrete, the mix shall be so designed as to attain in preliminary tests a strength
at least 33 per cent higher than that required on work tests for concrete up to and including M
25, and 25 per cent higher for higher grades. Preliminary tests need not be made in case of
‘ordinary concrete’.
Strength Requirements
Grade of Concrete Compressive test Strength on 150 mm cubes after testing in
accordance with IS: 516 (N/sq.mm)
Minimum at 7 days Minimum at 28 days
M 10 7 10
M 15 10 15
M 20 13.5 20
M 25 17 25
In all cases, the 28 days compressive strength specified in Table-5 shall alone be the criterion
for acceptance or rejection of the concrete.
Where the strength of a concrete mix, as indicated by tests, lies in between the strength for any
two grades specified in Table-5, such concrete shall be classified for all purposes as a concrete
belonging to the lower of the two grades between which its strength lies.

6.7 Use of Plums in Ordinary Concrete

Stone Plums shall not be used unless specified in the drawings. When stone plums are used,
the size may be from 150 to 300 mm. The maximum dimension of these stones or plums shall
not exceed 1/3rd the least dimension of the members.
All plums shall be hard, durable, clean and free from soft materials or loose pieces or
deleterious substances in them and shall not have sharp corners.
During concreting the first layer of concrete of the specified mix shall be laid to a thickness of
at least two and a half times the thickness of the maximum size of plums to be used. The plums
shall then be laid while the top portion of this concrete is still green but sufficiently stiff to
prevent complete submergence of the plums under their own weight. These plums shall be
about half embedded in the concrete and the remaining part exposed so as to form a key with
the next layer of concrete. No plums shall be used for concrete-laid under water.
While placing the plums, care shall be taken to see that the clear distance between any two
plums is not less than either the width or thickness of either of the plums. The distance from
plums to the outer surface or from any steel reinforcement shall be equal to greatest width of
the plum.
If plums of stratified stone are used, they shall be laid on their natural bed. Stones with
concave faces shall be laid with the concave portion upwards. The thickness of the next and
successive layers of concrete shall be at least twice that of the largest plums. The total volume
of plums shall not exceed 15% of the volume of the finished concrete.

SD/- SD/-

Sequencing of Activities

I. Water Supply & UGD Works

1. Dismantling
2. Excavation
3. NP 3 for Sewer
4. MS pipes for Water supply
5. Manholes
6. Cross connections to individual dwellings
II. Civil Works
7. Excavation
8. Compaction
9. Utility Ducts
III. Electrical Works
10. HT/LT lines
11. Relocation of Feeder Pillar boxes
12. Connections to Transformers
IV. Civil Works
13. Storm water drains
14. Inspection Chambers
15. Back filling
16. Gratings
17. Kerb stones
18. Interlocking pavers
19. Signs and signage
20. Street lights
21. Landscaping
22. Asphalting works
23. Road marking
24. Road markers

SD/- SD/-

8.1 Any deviation in the execution of works from the drawings, due to unexpected conditions or
otherwise, must be brought to the notice of the Employer, with suggested alternatives.

8.2 The Employer may continue to provide details for construction and design, and the Contractor
may request for same as desired, at any time during the project execution phase




Sl. Rate in Rs. Amount

Description of the Item Est Qty Unit
No In Rs
In Figures In Words
KSRRB M200-12.1. Dismantling of
existing structures like culverts,bridges,
retaining walls and other structure
comprising of masonry,cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P
and scaffolding wherever necessary,
Rupees One
sorting the dismantled material, disposal
Thousand One
of unserviceable material and stacking the
1 serviceable material with all lifts complete 214.50 Cum 1177.42 252555.73
as per specifications.111) KSRRB M200-
12.3. –do– C. Prestressed / Reinforced
FourtyTwo Only
cement concrete grade M-20 &
above.MORTH specification No.202
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Removing B.S. slab of Drain and stacking Rupees

Complete as per specifications including SixtyThree
2 all lead and lifts as per the direction of 858.00 Sqm 63.72 Paise 54671.76
Engineer in charge SeventyTwo

SD/- SD/-
KSRRB M200-15.1. Dismantling of
existing structures like culverts,bridges,
retaining walls and other structure
comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P
Rupees Three
and scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material, disposal
3 of unserviceable material and stacking the 617.76 Cum 385.78 238316.98
serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications. KSRRB M200- 15.2.
–do– B. Rubble stone masonry in cement
mortar. Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Dismantling cement concrete flooring or

plain cement concrete work including
removing and conveying the debris to
distance upto 200m (within average
4 1716.00 Sqm 55.08 FiftyFive Paise 94517.28
thickness of 15 cms). Complete as per
Eight Only
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

KSRRB M200-26. Dismantling Kerb

stone by manual means and disposal of
dismantled materials with all lifts and Rupees Nine
complete as per specifications.MORTH Paise
5 900.00 Sqm 9.72 8748.00
Specification No. 202 Complete as per SeventyTwo
specifications including all lead and lifts Only
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

KSRRB 300-1. Earthwork excavation by

manual means in ordinary soil involving
an average horizontal throw upto 2 meters
and an average lift upto 0.5 m, excavated
surface leveled and sides neatly dressed, Rupees Two
the disposed earth to be leveled neatly Hundred Five
6 2162.88 Cum 205.63 444751.99
after breaking of clods complete as per Paise
specifications. MORTH / Chapter 3 SixtyThree Only
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

KSRRB M300-59.2. Loosening, levelling

and compacting origial ground supporting
embankment to facilitate placement of first
layer of embankment, scarified to a depth
of 150mm, mixed with water at OMC and
then compacted by rolling so as to achieve Rupees
7 minimum dry density as given in Table 2162.88 Cum 27.00 TwentySeven 58397.63
300-2 for embankment construction. Only
complete as per specifications. Case-II:
Compacting original ground supporting
embankment. (which includes watering
charges & compaction by vibratory roller)
MORTH Specification No. 305.3.4

SD/- SD/-
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

KSRRB M400-7. Construction of granular

sub-base by providing Coarse graded
material, speading in uniform layers with
motor grader on prepared surface, mixing
Rupees One
by mix in place method with rotavator at
Thousand Five
OMC, and compacting with vibratory
8 983.13 Cum 1568.16 Hundred 1541697.30
roller to achieve the desired density,
SixtyEight Paise
complete as per specifications. For
Sixteen Only
Grading III Material Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Construciton of Dry Lean Cement

Concrete (M10) Subbase over a prepared
Surface with Coarse and Fine Aggregate
Conforming to IS:383, the size of Coarse
Aggregate not Exceeding 25 mm,
Aggregate Cement Ratio not to exceed
15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to
be as per Table 600-1 of MORT&H,
cement content not to be less than 150
Rupees Three
kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be
Thousand Nine
9 deterimined during trial length 715.00 Cum 3900.96 2789186.40
Hundred Paise
construction, concrete strength not to be
NinetySix Only
less than 10 MPa at 7days, mixed,
tranported to site, laid and compacted
using vibratory roller, finishing and
curing, with all leads and lifts as per IRC -
49-1998 and IRC-15-2002. This item to be
executed Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Providing and laying White Topping as

per IRC:SP76-2008 over bituminous
surface (Existing bituminous surface
preparation to be done if necessary either
by milling or levelling course with
BM/OBM to correct surface profile and to
be paid separately) with unreinforced M- Rupees Seven
40 grade pavement quality concrete Thousand Six
(PQC)using polymeric synthetic fibre as Hundred
10 per ASTM (1116) such as polyester / 753.50 Cum 7692.84 NinetyTwo 5796554.94
polyethylene / polypropylene at 1.20 Paise
kg/cum, mixed in batching and mixing EightyFour
plant or weigh batcher as per approved Only
mix design to achieve minimum flexural
strength or modulus of rupture of concrete
4.50 MPa at 28 days limiting maximum
water cement ratio to 0.40, transported to
site, laid with mechanical paver finisher,
spread, vibrated, compacted and finished

SD/- SD/-
in a continuous operation to the lines and
grades as per drawing, texture finishing of
surface, spraying two layers of curing
compound, curing with water sprayed on
hessian cloth coverd over concrete surface,
groove cutting to a depth of 1/3 of the
slab depth and of width 3-5 mm as per
design (grove cutting to be paid
separately). For Thin white Topping and
ultra thin white topping the groove cutting
shall be 1.25mm x 1.25m grid) including
cost of all materal, side from work, labour
and HOM of machineries etc. complete as
per specifications. with unreinforced M40
grade pavement quality concrete using 43
grade OPC @ 420 kg/cum, coarse
aggregate, fine aggregate and Admixture
confirming to IS 9130-1999 (R-2004)
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Providing groove cutting for width of

4mm -6mm and 1/3rd depth of PQC
Whitetopping within 8-10 hrs of
placing/finishing of PQC including cost of
cutting machine, generators, HOM of
machinery, blades, coolant etc., including
cleaning of groove and providing sand and
Rupees One
hot bituminous or equivalent approved
11 1370.00 m 108.00 Hundred Eight 147960.00
sealant filling etc., including cost of
conveyance of all materials, labour, lead
and lift charges and all other incidental
charges as per drawing and as per
specifications. Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying and fixing of granite cobble

stones of size 100mm x 100mm x 50mm -
75mm edge cut surface flammed in CM Rupees Five
12 165.00 Sqm 5000.00 825000.00
1:3 as per the drawings provided and Thousand Only
samples approved by Engineer Incharge

KSRRB M800-13.Road Marking with Hot

Applied Thermoplastic Compound with
Reflectrising Glass Beads on Bituminous
Surface:- Providing and laying of hot
applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm Rupees Four
thick including reflectorising glass beads Hundred
13 355.50 Sqm 473.04 168165.72
at 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 SeventyThree
mm is exclusive of surface applied glass Paise Four Only
beads as per IRC:35. The finished surface
to be level, uniform and free from streaks
and holes complete as per specifications.
with all lead, lift, loading and unloading

SD/- SD/-
complete as per the direction of Engineer
incharge. MORTH Specification No. 803
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Specification for Raised Pavement Marker

(Road Studs): Providing and fixing of
Reflective Raised Pavement marker
(RPM’s) / Cat eyes / Road studs
confirming to ASTM D4280 type H,
having reflective panels made of prismatic
lens of total internal reflection, the
prismatic lens should be electronically
fixed (welded) to the body made of
polycarbonate mould, with a height of
20mm, size of 130mm X 105mm and
reflecting area of 13Sqcm with the slope
of retro reflective surface within the limit
of 35+ 5 degree to the base on either side.
The marker shape ll display an initial
minimum luminous intensity of 279
Rupees Three
mcd/lux at an entrance angle of zero
14 degree and observation angle of 0.2degree. 714.00 Nos 324.00 231336.00
The corresponding values for 20 degree
entrance and 0.2 degree observation angle
shall be 112 mcd/lux with color
multiplying factor on either cases for
white, yellow and red markers being 1.0,
0.6 and 0.25 respectively” The RPM’s
should be fixed by using two numbers of
polymer shanks using appropriate
adhesive as recommended and certified by
the RPM manufacturer. The raised
pavement marker should support a
sufficient minimum load 13635 Kg in
accordance with ministry specification.
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

KSRRB MSOO-2. Retro-Reflectorised

Traffic Signs - Providing and fixing of
retro- refJectorised cautionary, mandatory
and informatory sign as per revised IRC
:67- 2012 made of high intensity grade
sheeting vide clause SOO.1 .3, fixed over
Rupees Four
Aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick
Thousand One
15 supported on a mild steel angle iron post 10.00 Nos 4185.00 41850.00
75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to
EightyFive Only
the ground by means of properly designed
foundation with M 15 grade cement
concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm
below ground level as per approved
drawing complete as per specifications.
MaRTH Specification No.S01 90cm

SD/- SD/-
equilateral triangle Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

KSRRB MSOO-2. Retro-Reflectorised

Traffic Signs - Providing and fixing of
retro- refJectorised cautionary, mandatory
and informatory sign as per revised IRC
:67- 2012 made of high intensity grade
sheeting vide clause SOO.1 .3, fixed over
Aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick
supported on a mild steel angle iron post Rupees Three
75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to Thousand Five
16 the ground by means of properly designed 15.00 Nos 3518.64 Hundred 52779.60
foundation with M 15 grade cement Eighteen Paise
concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm SixtyFour Only
below ground level as per approved
drawing complete as per specifications.
MaRTH Specification No.S01 60cm
Circular Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

KSRRB MSOO-3. Direction and Place

Identification Signs upto 0.9 sqm Size
Board - Providing and erecting direction
and place identification retro-refJectorised
sign as per revised IRC:67 -2012 made of
high intenSity grade sheeting vide clause
SOO.1.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting,
2 mm thick with area not exceeding 0.9
Rupees Eight
sqm supported on a mild steel single angle
Thousand Three
iron post 75 x 75 x 6 mm firmly fixed to
17 10.00 Nos 8317.08 Hundred 83170.80
the ground by means of properly designed
Seventeen Paise
foundation with M-15 grade 'eement
Eight Only
concrete 45 x 45 x 60 em, 60 cm below
ground level as per approved drawing
complete as per specifications. MaRTH
Specification No.S01 Type XI sheeting
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Manufacturing, Supply and Fixing of

Retro Reflective Road Name Sign Board
Single Arrow of size 1.2 x 0.6m made out
of Wide Angle Cube Corner Micro Rupees
prismatic grade sheeting conforming to FourtyTwo
IRC-67: 2010 & Type XI standards of Thousand Eight
18 ASTM D 4956 –09 specifications and 2.00 Nos 42848.19 Hundred 85696.38
fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet & FourtyEight
back support frame of 25x25x3mm MS Paise Nineteen
Angle. Frame supported by 38 OD Only
Stainless Steel pipe Grade 304 AISI with
wall thickness of 1.5mm all around and 50
OD Pipe Vertical post with wall thickness

SD/- SD/-
of 2mm firmly fixed to the ground by
means of properly designed foundation
with M15 grade cement concrete 30 cm X
30 cm X 45 cm etc complete. The
information message shall be made out of
cut out letters in Blue 1.00 Each 37422
color transparent overlay film as per IRC
67-2010 Guidelines. 7 years Warranty for
Retro Reflective Sheeting from the
original sheeting manufacturer & certified
copy of three years outdoor exposure
report from an independent test lab for the
product offered shall be submitted by the
contractor. Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying and Fixing of Garbage bins

rectangular with permanent structure
series without arch 100litre capacity
approved by Engineer Incharge. Complete Rupees Ten
19 30.00 Nos 10000.00 300000.00
as per specifications including all lead and Thousand Only
lifts as per the direction of Engineer in

Providing and fixing Granite kerb stones

with top and bottom width 100 mm and
150 mm respectively, 300mm high and
450mm in length including loading, Rupees Three
unloading, lead and lift, transportation etc., Thousand Two
20 2400.00 Nos 3250.00 7800000.00
complete., to be laid edge of the travel Hundred Fifty
lane Complete as per specifications Only
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Providing and fixing pre cast solid cement

concrete kerb stones (Curved Corner
Block Type-Type J) made out of M20
with top width 100mm and bottom width
150mm respectively, 300mm high with
CM 1:3 plastering and finishing cutting,
including formwork, curing, including cost
of all materials, labour, hire charges of Rupees Eight
machinery, loading, unloading, lead and Hundred
21 90.00 Nos 844.00 75960.00
lift, transportation etc., complete., to be FourtyFour
laid Cycle Track and Footpath, with all Only
lead, lift, loading and unloading complete
as per the direction of Engineer incharge
(Form Finish Concrete and no painting to
be done) Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge
Supplying and fixing of granite slab of Rupees One
size 500mm x 300mm x 40mm surface Thousand Six
22 3575.00 Sqm 1620.00 5791500.00
flamed edge cut as per the drawings Hundred
provided and samples approved by Twenty Only

SD/- SD/-
Engineer Incharge Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Providing vitrified tiles 30 x 30cms of

approved make, shade and size for
flooring laid on bed of 12mm thick cement
mortar 1:3 mix,flush pointing with white Rupees One
cement using colour pigment ,including Thousand One
23 cost of materials,labours,curing complete 720.00 Sqm 1155.60 Hundred 832032.00
as per specification. (Tactile Tiles) FiftyFive Paise
Complete as per specifications including Sixty Only
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Providing and fixing Mild Steel Angle

Iron 50x50x6mm at the top of Manhole
embedded in Concrete to aid fixing of Rupees Four
24 Manhole Cover Complete as per 660.00 Rmt 459.00 Hundred 302940.00
specifications including all lead and lifts FiftyNine Only
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supply ,Fabrication, Painting and Fixing

of Mild steel items such as Horizontal and
Vertical gratings,Flower baskets , Cycle
stands,Tree guards,Edge Rupees One
angles,Bollards,etc and any other items as Hundred
25 11587.50 Kg 162.91 1887719.63
specified in drawings or as approved by SixtyTwo Paise
Engineer Incharge. Complete as per NinetyOne Only
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge
KSRB 4.2.2: Providing and laying in
position reinforced cement concrete of
design mix M20 with ope cement @
320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.B78cum and fine aggregtes @
0.459cum, with uperplastisiser @3lts
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-
200B, machine mixed, concrete laid in
layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,
Rupees Six
vibrated for all works in foundation plinth
Thousand One
and ground floor level for roof slabs,
26 staircase, lintles, retaining walls, return 157.80 Cum 6198.12 978063.34
walls, walls ( any thickness) including
Paise Twelve
attached pilasters, columns, piers,
abutments, pillars, posts, struts, buttresses,
string or lacing courses, parapets, coping,
bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window
cills, fillets etc., including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
curing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6 Complete
as per specifications including all lead and
lifts as per the direction of Engineer in

SD/- SD/-
KSRB 14.6-1: Providing and laying heavy
duty cobble stones 75mm thick interlock
pavers, using cement and course sand for
manufacture of blocks of approved size,
shape and colour with a minimum
compressive strength of 281 kg per sqm
over SOmm thick sand bed (average
thickness) and compacting with plate
Rupees One
vibrator having 3 tons compaction force
27 thereby forcing part of sand underneath to 517.50 Sqm 1014.12 524807.10
Fourteen Paise
come up in between jOints, final
Twelve Only
compaction of paver surface joints into its
final level, including cost of materials,
labour and HOM of machineries complete
as per specifications. Specification No.
KBS Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

KSRRB 300-3. Earthwork excavation and

forming in embankment by manual means
in ordinary soil (When earth is taken from
bank cutting or from borrow pits)
including breaking of clods, spreading to
Rupees Two
required line and level, forming, and cost
of all labour complete as per
28 15015.00 Cum 294.11 NinetyFour 4415995.58
specifications. ( excluding watering and
Paise Eleven
compaction of earth) (with all lead and
lift) MORTH I Chapter 3 in Hard Soil
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Removal of telephone/ electric poles

including excavation and dismantling of
foundation concrete and lines under the
Rupees One
supervision of concrerned department,
dispsal, with all lifts and stacking the
29 50.00 Nos 143.64 FourtyThree 7182.00
serviceable material seperately complete
Paise SixtyFour
as per specification Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

KSRRB 300-58. Compaction of original

ground with maximum of 6 passes of 8 to
10 tonnes power roller including filling in
depression occuring during rolling
including cost of all labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications Rupees Four
30 including lead, lift, loading & unloading 4290.00 Sqm 4.86 Paise EightySix 20849.40
complete as per the direction of engineer Only
incharge..MORTH Chapter 3 Complete as
per specifications including all lead and
lifts as per the direction of Engineer in

SD/- SD/-
Providing and laying reinforced cement
concrete pipe NP3 for culverts including
pointing ends, and fixing collars with
cement mortar 1:2 including cost of all
materials, labour, curing complete as per
specifications.Specifications including Rupees Four
lead, lift, loading & unloading complete as Thousand
31 1430.00 Rmt 4018.68 5746712.40
per the direction of engineer incharge.. Eighteen Paise
No. KSRB 1000, 2300 MOST SixtyEight Only
Specification No.1000 / 2300 (600mm dia)
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Supplying HDPE pipes conforming to IS

4984:1995 with latest amendments and
conveying to work site including loading
and unloading at both destination and
rolling, lowering into trenches, laying true
to line and jointing of pipes and specials
(excluding cost of specials) giving
hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all
lead and lift including encasing the pipe
alround to a depth of not less than 15cms
with soft gravel or selected earth available
Rupees Three
from the excavation, testing and
32 2860.00 m 365.00 Hundred 1043900.00
commissioning. The rate is exclusive of
SixtyFive Only
required specials and fittings wherever
necessary like saddle Tee, Stub ends,
flanged sets, bends, reducers etc.,
complete (contractor will make his own
arrangements for procuring water for
testing) PE -80 PN 6 Class 2*100mm dia
for OFC/Telecom/Surveillance Complete
as per specifications including all lead and
lifts as per the direction of Engineer in

Supplying HDPE pipes conforming to IS

4984:1995 with latest amendments and
conveying to work site including loading
and unloading at both destination and
rolling, lowering into trenches, laying true
to line and jointing of pipes and specials
(excluding cost of specials) giving
hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all Rupees One
lead and lift including encasing the pipe Thousand
33 2860.00 m 1093.00 3125980.00
alround to a depth of not less than 15cms NinetyThree
with soft gravel or selected earth available Only
from the excavation, testing and
commissioning. The rate is exclusive of
required specials and fittings wherever
necessary like saddle Tee, Stub ends,
flanged sets, bends, reducers etc.,
complete (contractor will make his own
arrangements for procuring water for

SD/- SD/-
testing) PE -80 PN 6 Class 2 * 200mm dia
for Power Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying HDPE pipes conforming to IS

4984:1995 with latest amendments and
conveying to work site including loading
and unloading at both destination and
rolling, lowering into trenches, laying true
to line and jointing of pipes and specials
(excluding cost of specials) giving
hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all
lead and lift including encasing the pipe
alround to a depth of not less than 15cms
with soft gravel or selected earth available Rupees Three
34 from the excavation, testing and 1430.00 m 365.00 Hundred 521950.00
commissioning. The rate is exclusive of SixtyFive Only
required specials and fittings wherever
necessary like saddle Tee, Stub ends,
flanged sets, bends, reducers etc.,
complete (contractor will make his own
arrangements for procuring water for
testing) PE -80 PN 6 Class HDPE Ducts
for Gas 100mm Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying HDPE pipes conforming to IS

4984:1995 with latest amendments and
conveying to work site including loading
and unloading at both destination and
rolling, lowering into trenches, laying true
to line and jointing of pipes and specials
(excluding cost of specials) giving
hydraulic test as per relevant ISS with all
lead and lift including encasing the pipe
alround to a depth of not less than 15cms
with soft gravel or selected earth available Rupees One
from the excavation, testing and Hundred
35 1430.00 m 126.50 180895.00
commissioning. The rate is exclusive of TwentySix Paise
required specials and fittings wherever Fifty Only
necessary like saddle Tee, Stub ends,
flanged sets, bends, reducers etc.,
complete (contractor will make his own
arrangements for procuring water for
testing) PE -80 PN 6 Class Double walled
Corrugated HDPE ducts for street lights
50mm Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Filling available excavated earth ( Rupees One

excluding rock ) in sides of foundations Hundred
36 12870.00 Cum 129.60 1667952.00
upto plinth in layers not exceeding 20 cms. TwentyNine
in depth, compacting each deposited layer Paise Sixty Only

SD/- SD/-
by ramming after watering with lead upto
50 m. and lift upto 1.5 m. including cost of
all labour complete as per specifications.
Complete including all lead and lifts and
as per the directyions of engineer in charge
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Providing and stone dust in foundation

upto plinth to required depth for sub soil
treatment including watering ramming
with all lead and lift complete as per Rupees One
specifications.Stone Dust. Complete Thousand Two
37 including all lead and lifts and as per the 1072.50 Cum 1232.06 Hundred 1321384.35
directions of engineer in charge Complete ThirtyTwo Paise
as per specifications including all lead and Six Only
lifts as per the direction of Engineer in

Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and

floor unplasticised PVC pipes 10.00
kgf/sq.cm working pressure chemp plast I
Rupees Five
Wavin or equivalent make with pipe
Thousand Eight
fittings, wall clips, making good the wall,
ceiling and floor,including cost of all
38 30.00 Rmt 5889.24 EightyNine 176677.20
materials, labour charges, HOM of
equipments and testing complete as per
specifications. with 315mm outer dia
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge
KSRB 4-6.1 : Providing and removing
centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for
foundations, footings, bases of columns
Rupees Two
for mass concrete including cost of all
39 materials, labour complete as per 83.20 Sqm 244.08 20307.46
specificaitons.Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
Paise Eight Only
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

KSRB 4-6.4: Providing and removing

centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for vertical
surface such as walls at any thickness, Rupees Three
including attached pilasters, buttresses, Hundred Six
40 plinth and string courses cost of all 199.00 Sqm 306.72 Paise 61037.28
materials, labour complete as per SeventyTwo
specificaitons. Specification No. KBS Only
4.6.2 Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

SD/- SD/-
KSRB 4.2.1: Providing and laying in
position reinforced cement concrete of
design mix M25 with ope cement @
340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.70cum
and fine aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with
superplastisiser @3lts confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-200S, machine
mixed, concrete laid in layers not
exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated for all
Rupees Six
works in foundation plinth and ground
Thousand Four
floor level for roof slabs, staircase, lintles,
Hundred Ten
41 retaining walls, return walls, walls ( any 164.45 Cum 6410.88 1054269.22
thickness) including attached pilasters,
columns, piers, butments, pillars, posts,
struts, buttresses, string or lacing ourses,
parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor
blocks, plain window cills, fillets etc.,
including cost of all materials, labour,
HOM of machinery, curing, complete as
per specifications. Specification No. KBS
4.1, 4.6 Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

KSRB 4.9.1 : Providing T.M.T Steel

Reinforcement for RCC Work including
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking,
placing in position, lapping and / or
welding wherever required, tying with
binding wire and anchoring to the Rupees
adjoining members wherever necessary SixtyOne
complete as per design (laps, hooks and Thousand Six
42 14.45 Tonne 61651.80 890560.25
wastage shall not be measured and paid) Hundred
cost of materials, labour, HOM of FiftyOne Paise
machinery complete as per Eighty Only
specifications.Specification No. KBS 4.6.3
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Providing and laying cement concrete

using 20mm and down size granite coarse
aggregates and fine aggregates of ready
mixed concrete for RCC works laid in 15
cm thick layers and well compacted Rupees Six
including vibrating curing etc., including Thousand Seven
smooth finish in CM 1 :3, with all lead and Hundred
43 64.35 Cum 6725.16 432764.05
lift etc., complete. (exculsive of cost of TwentyFive
steel and fabrication charges) - do - Ready Paise Sixteen
mixed Cement concrete for Beams, Only
Columns, Staircase and Roof with M-30
(Cement-360 Kg/cum) Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

SD/- SD/-
Supply ,Fabrication and Fixing of Cast
Iron items such as Recess manhole covers
, Bollards, Manhole covers with
gratings,etc as per approved Drawing & Rupees
44 confirming to BS-EN-124-B-124 25970.00 Kg 98.10 NinetyEight 2547657.00
Standards. Complete as per specifications Paise Ten Only
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Manufacturing providing, transporting,

rolling, lowering , laying and jointing,
testing, commissioning of ERW( Electric
Resistant Welded)/SAW (Sub-merged Arc
Welded) MS pipes(Fe-410 Grade)
Rupees Four
confirming to IS 3589-2001 with latest
Thousand Eight
ammendments including perfe 323.9 mm
45 1430.00 Rmt 4889.00 Hundred 6991270.00
Dia (7.1mm Thick),with all lead, lift,
loading and unloading complete as per the
direction of Engineer incharge Complete
as per specifications including all lead and
lifts as per the direction of Engineer in

Manufacturing, providing, transporting,

lowering, laying and jointing, testing and
commissioning of MS specials confirming
to IS 7322:1985 with latest amendments,
perfect linking and welding of joints to Rupees One
46 correct position including cost and 100.00 Kg 110.00 Hundred Ten 11000.00
conveyance of 323.9 mm Dia (7.1mm Only
Thick), with all lead, lift, loading and
unloading complete as per the direction of
Engineer incharge

Providing House connection with

excavation in all types of soils without
damaging the other utilities and supplying
and laying of 25mm ODMDPE pipe
(PE80) manufactured in accordance with
ISO 4427 / 1996 with minimum required
strength of 8 Mpa. Hydraulic de... these
fixtures should be standard quality Rupees Two
confirming to IS)and compression fittings Thousand Two
47 200.00 Rmt 2291.00 458200.00
for MDPE pipes confirming to ISO 14236 Hundred
and its latest versions the excavated trench NinetyOne Only
should be refilled with soft selected earth
and the dismantled masonry of the drain
For a length of Minimum 2.0 Mtrs. with
all lead, lift, loading and unloading
complete as per the direction of Engineer

Providing, supplying, & fixing CI valves Rupees Six

of sizes this includes jointing of tail pieces Thousand Five
48 15.00 Nos 6542.55 98138.25
etc., (rubber insertions and bolt & nuts to Hundred
be supplied by the contractor approved by FourtyTwo

SD/- SD/-
board) and fixing in pipeline etc. including Paise FiftyFive
construction new RCC valve chambers of Only
1.2mts x 1.5mts as per the available depth.
with all lead, lift, loading and unloading
complete as per the direction of Engineer
incharge 100mm Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Providing, supplying, & fixing CI valves

of sizes this includes jointing of tail pieces
etc., (rubber insertions and bolt & nuts to
be supplied by the contractor approved by
Rupees Fifteen
board) and fixing in pipeline etc. including
Thousand Eight
construction new RCC valve chambers of
49 1.2mts x 1.5mts as per the available depth. 10.00 Nos 15838.20 158382.00
with all lead, lift, loading and unloading
Paise Twenty
complete as per the direction of Engineer
incharge 200mm Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Providing, supplying, & fixing CI valves

of sizes this includes jointing of tail pieces
etc., (rubber insertions and bolt & nuts to
be supplied by the contractor approved by Rupees
board) and fixing in pipeline etc. including ThirtyTwo
construction new RCC valve chambers of Thousand Nine
50 1.2mts x 1.5mts as per the available depth. 5.00 Nos 32923.80 Hundred 164619.00
with all lead, lift, loading and unloading TwentyThree
complete as per the direction of Engineer Paise Eighty
incharge 300mm Complete as per Only
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying S&S RCC spun pipe/Vibrated

Cast pipes (Reinforced) of NP-3 class
conforming to IS 458: 1988 with latest
amendments using ordinary port land
cenet, and conveying to worksite, rolling
and lowering into trenches, laying true to
line and level including loading and
unloading at both destinations and jointing
of pipes and specials (excluding cost of
Rupees One
specials) including perfect linking of joints
Thousand Five
51 with jack to correct position including cost 1386.80 Rmt 1555.00 2156474.00
of jointing materials ie., rubber rings
FiftyFive Only
confirming to IS for S&S RCC pipes with
all lead & lift & as directed as giving
necessary hydraulic test to the required
pressure as per ISS and testing &
commissioning (contractor will make his
own arrangements for procuring water for
testing) Before execution of the work
contractor shall carry out the survey and
will be paid extraas per the separate item

SD/- SD/-
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Supplying HDPE pipes PE-80, PN-16

class of dia 200mm conforming to IS
4984:1995 with latest amendments and
conveying to worksite including loading
and unloading at both destination and
rolling, lowering into trenches, laying true
to line and jointing of pipes and specials
(excluding cost of specials) giving
hydraulic test as per relevant ISS to the all
need & lift including encasing the pipe
alround to a depth of not less than 15cms
Rupees Two
with soft gravel or selected earth available
Thousand Three
52 from the excavation, testing and 270.00 Rmt 2330.00 629100.00
Hundred Thirty
commisioning. the rate is exclusive of
requiredd specials & fittings wherever
necessary like saddle T stub ends flanged
sets, bends, reducers et., complete(
contractor will make his own
arrangements for procuring water for
testing),with all lead, lift, loading and
unloading complete as per the direction of
Engineer incharge Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

KSRB 12-8.1 : Constructing brick

masonry inspection chamber 450x450mm,
and 450mm depth, (clear inside
dimension) for single pipeline, using table
moulded non-modular bricks of class
designation 50 in cement mortar 1 :5, C.I
cover withframe (light duty) 455x61 Omm
internal dimensions, total weight of cover
with frame to be not less than 38 kg
Rupees Four
(weight of cover 23kg and weight of frame
Thousand Eight
15 kg) R.C.C. top slab with cement
Hundred Twelve
53 concrete M 15 with 20mm and downsize 90.00 Nos 4812.48 433123.20
granite metal, foundation concrete M 5
with 40mm and downsize granite metal
inside plastering 12mm thick with cement
mortar 1 :3, finish smooth with a floating
coat of cement on walls and bed concrete
complete as per standard desi gn including
cost of materials, labour charges, curing
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge
Construction of RCC Manholes chambers Rupees
of 1:1.5:3 proportion or approved type SixtyThree
54 15.00 Nos 63868.00 958020.00
pre-cast RCC manhole chambers, Thousand Eight
constructed using form vibrators of Hundred

SD/- SD/-
stnadard type, with barricadding, danger SixtyEight Only
lighting and using of sight rails and boring
rods wherever necessary, shoring and
strutting wherever required using ordinary
portland cement using 1:1.5:3 proportion
RCC with 20mm and down graded jelly,
well graded sand and steel of approved
quality 200mm thick top concrete slab
having wall thickness and raft thickness as
in approved drawings and with an offset in
raft alround the chamber as in approved
drawing benching with 1:6 slope towards
the central drain finished smooth including
fixing and grouting of pipes including
conveying to work spot supply and fixing
SFRC manhole cover and frame (Heavy
Duty) confirming to IS 12592 with latest
amendments on a bed of CC 1:2:4
supplying and fixing of minimum 3mm
thick encapsulated plastic footsteps (as per
IS 10910) on 12 mm dia. Garde Fe-415
steel bar (as per IS 1786) staggered at
300mmm apart as detailed in Technical
Specifications including sand bedding
wherever required disposal of surplus
earth watering curing engraving manhole
number with flow direction on the inner
cylindrical surface etc., complete
including cost of reinforcement steel and
fabrication charges and also cost and
conveyance of all materials labour with all
lead and lifts for various diameters and
depths noted below as per specification,
drawing and as directed by the engineer.
1.20 m dia manholes for 3.00 m depth @
20m interval Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Construction of RCC Manholes chambers

of 1:1.5:3 proportion or approved type
pre-cast RCC manhole chambers,
constructed using form vibrators of
stnadard type, with barricadding, danger
lighting and using of sight rails and boring
rods wherever necessary, shoring and Rupees Fifty
strutting wherever required using ordinary Thousand One
55 portland cement using 1:1.5:3 proportion 24.00 Nos 50127.00 Hundred 1203048.00
RCC with 20mm and down graded jelly, TwentySeven
well graded sand and steel of approved Only
quality 200mm thick top concrete slab
having wall thickness and raft thickness as
in approved drawings and with an offset in
raft alround the chamber as in approved
drawing benching with 1:6 slope towards
the central drain finished smooth including

SD/- SD/-
fixing and grouting of pipes including
conveying to work spot supply and fixing
SFRC manhole cover and frame (Heavy
Duty) confirming to IS 12592 with latest
amendments on a bed of CC 1:2:4
supplying and fixing of minimum 3mm
thick encapsulated plastic footsteps (as per
IS 10910) on 12 mm dia. Garde Fe-415
steel bar (as per IS 1786) staggered at
300mmm apart as detailed in Technical
Specifications including sand bedding
wherever required disposal of surplus
earth watering curing engraving manhole
number with flow direction on the inner
cylindrical surface etc., complete
including cost of reinforcement steel and
fabrication charges and also cost and
conveyance of all materials labour with all
lead and lifts for various diameters and
depths noted below as per specification,
drawing and as directed by the engineer.
1.20 m dia manholes for 2.00 m depth @
20m interval Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Construction of RCC Manholes chambers

of 1:1.5:3 proportion or approved type
pre-cast RCC manhole chambers,
constructed using form vibrators of
stnadard type, with barricadding, danger
lighting and using of sight rails and boring
rods wherever necessary, shoring and
strutting wherever required using ordinary
portland cement using 1:1.5:3 proportion
RCC with 20mm and down graded jelly,
well graded sand and steel of approved
quality 200mm thick top concrete slab
having wall thickness and raft thickness as
in approved drawings and with an offset in
raft alround the chamber as in approved
56 33.00 Nos 43140.00 Thousand One 1423620.00
drawing benching with 1:6 slope towards
Hundred Fourty
the central drain finished smooth including
fixing and grouting of pipes including
conveying to work spot supply and fixing
SFRC manhole cover and frame (Heavy
Duty) confirming to IS 12592 with latest
amendments on a bed of CC 1:2:4
supplying and fixing of minimum 3mm
thick encapsulated plastic footsteps (as per
IS 10910) on 12 mm dia. Garde Fe-415
steel bar (as per IS 1786) staggered at
300mmm apart as detailed in Technical
Specifications including sand bedding
wherever required disposal of surplus
earth watering curing engraving manhole

SD/- SD/-
number with flow direction on the inner
cylindrical surface etc., complete
including cost of reinforcement steel and
fabrication charges and also cost and
conveyance of all materials labour with all
lead and lifts for various diameters and
depths noted below as per specification,
drawing and as directed by the engineer.
1.20 m dia manholes for 1.50 m depth @
20m interval Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supply and Installation of LED Street

Lights. The fixture shall be supplied with
and installed on suitable pole of 8m
height. The pole shall be supplied with
base plate and must be made of mid steel,
Thousand Four
57 galvanised, primed and PU painted. The 40.00 Nos 74425.00 2977000.00
pole shall be equipped with lockable flush
door strengthened at cut out. Complete
including all lead and lifts and as per the
directyions of engineer in charge.....

Supplying and fixing Microprocessor

based Electronic timer (without contactor,
Din Mounting using necessary bolts, nuts Rupees Two
and washers etc.,.) 3-120sec setting. Thousand One
58 2.00 Each 2186.00 4372.00
Complete as per specifications including Hundred
all lead and lifts as per the direction of EightySix Only
Engineer in charge

Supplying and fixing miniature circuit

breakers on existing MCB distribution
boards using necessary fixing materials
and ‘C’ type curve, indicator ON/OFF, Rupees Eight
energy cross-3 with short circuit breaking Hundred
59 capacity of 10K and Complete wiring as 6.00 Each 849.00 5094.00
required confirming IEC 60898. 3) 5- Only
32Amps DP Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge
Supplying and fixing miniature circuit
breakers on existing MCB distribution
boards using necessary fixing materials
and ‘C’ type curve, indicator ON/OFF, Rupees One
energy cross-3 with short circuit breaking Thousand Nine
60 2.00 Each 1936.00 3872.00
capacity of 10K and Complete wiring as Hundred
required confirming IEC 60898. 40- ThirtySix Only
63Amps TPN Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge
Supplying and fixing miniature circuit
Rupees Four
breakers on existing MCB distribution
61 50.00 Each 418.00 Hundred 20900.00
boards using necessary fixing materials
Eighteen Only
and ‘C’ type curve, indicator ON/OFF,

SD/- SD/-
energy cross-3 with short circuit breaking
capacity of 10K and Complete wiring as
required confirming IEC 60898. 1) 5-
32Amps SP Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Fabricating supplying and mounting MS

box made out… SWG suitable for
floor/wall mounting, fully weather proof
with provision for better heat dissipation,
provided with hinged front cover,
equipped with tamper proof locking
arrangements, with suitable size clamps
with necessary cable entry pipe with gland Paise
62 and box should be finished with 2 coats of 80000.00 Sqcm 0.37 ThirtySeven 29600.00
red oxide primer pain and finally finished Only
with 2 coats of red oxide primer paint and
finally finished with approved colour
enameled metal paint etc., complete. a)
14 SWG Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying and drawing Flexible Multicore

Cable manufactured with electrolytic
grade flexible copper with low conductor
confirming to table 3 class 5 of IS:8130-
1984 and (Virgin) PVC insulation and Rupees
sheathed suitable for working voltage upto Per
63 650.00 51.90 FiftyOne Paise 33735.00
1100Volts as per IS-694:1990 & Mtr
Ninety Only
confirming to GTP of GROUP-A.
2) 3C X 1.5Sq.mm Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge
Supplying and fixing angle iron frame
work fabricated out of M.S angle iron…
and M.S. flat… with bolts, washers etc., Rupees Three
and painted with 2 coats of red oxide and Hundred
64 then two coats of approved paint.. 16.00 Each 338.00 5408.00
2) 50x50x6mm Complete as per Only
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge
Supplying and running of Gl/Copper strips
for grounding connections, using
necdessary fixing materials as required.
65 10.00 P/mtr 77.00 SeventySeven 770.00
Gl strip 1). 25x3mm Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge
Supplying and fixing of LED type panel
board indicating lamp with required colour
Rupees Four
suitable for 220v A.C.50 Hz 12/24v D.C.
66 6.00 Each 442.00 Hundred 2652.00
Complete as per specifications including
FourtyTwo Only
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

SD/- SD/-
Supplying, fixing and wiring electronic 10
to 40 Amps three phase 4 wire class-1
Rupees Four
Accuracy Energy Meter. Complete as per
67 2.00 Each 4900.00 Thousand Nine 9800.00
specifications including all lead and lifts
Hundred Only
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying…….amps rated 3 phase with

neutral bus bar using requirement capacity
electrolytic aluminium strips covered with
heat shrinkable coloured PVC sleeve,
mounted on phenolic/FRP/DMC insulator
which are mounted on powder coated
40x6 mm M.S.flat frame work in existing Rupees Two
panel board. The bus bar shall have Thousand One
68 1.00 P/Mtr 2135.00 2135.00
suitable holes for termination of incoming Hundred
and outgoing cables as per IS specification ThirtyFive Only
with necessary bolts, nuts and washers
etc., complete. 1) 100Amps 4x30x6mm
Alluminium Strips Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying, fixing and wiring Earth

Leakage Miniature Circuit Breaker
[ELMCB]240/450V up to 300mA Rupees Two
sensitivity on existing wood/panel board. Thousand Nine
69 2.00 Each 2936.00 5872.00
3) 32-40 Amps 4 pole Complete as per Hundred
specifications including all lead and lifts ThirtySix Only
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Wiring for lighting/power circuit using

one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade,
multistrand copper with low conductor
resistance single core wire in open or Rupees Sixty
consealed system of wiring with specified Per Three and
70 10.00 63.80 638.00
IS-694: 1990 & confirming to GTP of Mtr Eighty Paise
Group A 5) 6 sqmm Complete as per Only
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying, fixing, wiring, earth electrode

for grounding conduits, I.C. cutouts and
other equipments on the meter board using
40mm dia 2.90 thick Gl pipe 2.5 mtr long
buried in a pit … The pit should be filled
with equal proprotion of salt and charcoal
Rupees Two
150mm alround the pipe to complete
Thousand Seven
depth. the connection form the pipe to the
71 2.00 Each 2727.00 Hundred 5454.00
conduit etc, is to be established through Gl
wire of size as oer ISI specification 7.3.3.
of IS 732 using 12mm dia bolts, nuts,
washers and checknuts etc, the pipe shall
have 16 through holes of 122mm dia.
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

SD/- SD/-
Supplying & fixing of Porcelain fuse
channel with cut out on existing
wooden/panel using necessary nuts, bolts Rupees One
72 and washers. 2) 32 Amps Complete as per 6.00 Each 180.00 Hundred Eighty 1080.00
specifications including all lead and lifts Only
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying of 1.1 kV LT UG cable having

aluminium conductor PVC insulated,
extruded inner sheathed, galvanized, steel
strip( except 2C x 10 Sq mm wire
armoured) confirming to IS 3975:1990
Rupees One
(No of strip indicated in GTP) & etruded
Hundred Fourty
73 PVC outer sheathed armoured cable with 1800.00 Mtr 140.40 252720.00
Paise Fourty
specifed IS-1554 part 1:1988 &
confirming to GTP of Group A, 4) 4 Core
16 sqmm Complete as per specifications
including all lead and lifts as per the
direction of Engineer in charge

Labour charges for laying of 1.1 KV class

UG cable in existing trench GI pipe/
stoneware pipe/ on wall/ on pole as
Rupees Ten
required. I. In exixting trench/duct. 1) 6
74 1800.00 Rmt 10.80 Paise Eighty 19440.00
sqmm to 16 sqmm Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supply and laying double walled

corrugated (DWC) HDPE pipe with
necessary connecting
Sockets/Couplings/Tees/Bends of same
materials in exisiting trench as per IS Rupees Two
75 14930 part -II suitable for drawing under 200.00 Mtr 206.00 Hundred Six 41200.00
ground cables. 3) 63mm OD/ 50mm ID Only
Complete as per specifications including
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Supplying and fixing hylum brand hand

plastic sheet 3mm thick with necessary
nitches for fixing switches, regulators etc.,
and fixing on existing wood or metal box
76 20000.00 Sqcm 0.22 TwentyTwo 4400.00
using N.F.screws. Complete as per
specifications including all lead and lifts
as per the direction of Engineer in charge

Supplying and fixing of heavy duty cable

glands suitable for UG Cable of 1.1 kV
Rupees One
class (metal only) b) 32 mm dia Complete
77 as per specifications including all lead and 8.00 Each 122.00 976.00
lifts as per the direction of Engineer in

SD/- SD/-
Supplying tinned copper lugs and
crimping and wiring to terminal point for
Rupees One
wire of the following sizes 6) 16 sqmm
78 Complete as per specifications including 340.00 Each 122.00 41480.00
all lead and lifts as per the direction of
Engineer in charge

Total Amount 72798044/-

Rupees Seven Crore Twenty Seven Lakhs Ninety Eight Thousand Forty Four Only.

(1) Item for which no rate or price has been entered in will not be paid for by the Employer
when executed and shall be deemed covered by the other rates and prices in the Bill of
Quantities (refer: ITB Clause 11.2 and CC Clause 37.2).
(2) Unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the Tenderer in Indian Rupees.
(3) Where there is a discrepancy between the rate in figures and words, the lower of the
two will govern. [ITT Clause 24.1(a)]
(4) Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from
multiplying the unit rate by quantity, the unit rate quoted shall govern [ITT Clause 24.1
(5) The cost for the three year Maintenance clause included in the contract is to be added
separately based on the considerations of the following guidelines

a. KSRRB M3000-6:Filling of cracks using slow-curing bitumen emulsion and

applying crusher dust in case crack are wider than 3mm complete as per
specifications. MORTH specification No.3004.3.3

b. KSRRB M3000-Filling pot holes with patch repairs with bituminous

concrete,40mm KSRRB M3000-5 Removal of all failed material, Trimming of
completed excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning of surface,
painting of tack coat on the sides and base of excavation as per clause
500.3,back filling the pot holes with hot bituminous material as per clause
500.4,compacting,trimming and finishing the surface to form a smooth
continuous surface, all as per clause 3004.2

c. KSRRB M300 - 8.2. B) Maintenance of flowering plants and shrubs

(6) Maintenance costs estimations may be provided at 0.4% / annum of the cost of PART
A of the BoQ

SD/- SD/-

The Executive Engineer,
Road Infrastructure- Special Division,
BBMP, Bangalore.

WHEREAS _________________________ [name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter

called "the Contractor") has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. _____ dated
________________ to execute __________________________ [name of Contract and brief
description of Works] (hereinafter called "the Contract");

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for
compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on
behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of Rs.____________________ [amount of guarantee]
Rupees__________________________________________________[in words], and we undertake to
pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the
limits of ____________________ [amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to prove
or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract or of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which may
be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this
guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This guarantee shall be valid until 30 days from the date of expiry of the Defects Liability

Signature and seal of the guarantor _____________________________

Name of Bank ____________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
Date ___________________________________________

SD/- SD/-

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